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Giving It To My Woman In The Sauna And The Pool

kornslayer 1014 days ago on Wife Stories

We were cuddling in the hotel sauna alone. Sweat drenched our bodies as we just wore our bathing suits and had towels around our waists. We endured the intense heat as we just relaxed in silence. Then her body shifted and she got right on top of me.

She kissed me once. "I love you, husband."

"I love you too, wife."

We heard people outside the sauna, yelling and having fun in the pool. Then she lifted herself up off me and her feet met the floor. She left the towel, wandered to the door and looked out there.

Her eyebrows rose up. "Let's have some fun in here," she suggested, looking back at me.

She closed the door and walked back towards me, but stopped about two feet in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

Her hands moved onto her back. "Being spontaneous," she answered, taking off her top.

"Whoa, we can't have sex in here," I whispered loudly, getting up.

She dropped her top. "Come on, there are just adults out there anyway. The worst that'll happen is that we'll get kicked out and we'll have a sexy story from our honeymoon," she explained, leaning down and taking off her bottom too.

I looked at her full six foot figure, with her brown hair, medium sized tits, the small patch of trimmed hair on her slit and the rest of the front of her. Then she killed the gap between us and kissed me. Her hands dropped down, she grabbed the towel and threw it to the side.

Her right went into my swim trunks and found a hard cock. "You are turned on, Mike, so fuck your wife in here and make some memories," she demanded, just before she took her hand out and dropped to her knees.

She grabbed my shorts and yanked them down just for my cock to fling right out at her.

"Watch it, you could put an eye out with that," she giggled.

I stepped out of my shorts and she threw them against the wall. She snatched my hand and brought us both back to the wooden bench that we were just cuddling on. She had me sit down first with my cock standing up at about eight inches.

She stood in front of me, bent down and grasped my cock. "I didn't marry you just for this big package, but you've always managed to satisfy me with it."

She got onto the bench with me and positioned herself onto her knees right over me. She had her boobs right in my face and she pushed them into it for a minute.

"Kiss the boobs you loved so much, that you had to marry them. Do it now, husband."

I kissed them all over numerous times, on the sides of each and right onto both nipples too.

Then she bent down and let my cock slip right inside her pussy. "Oh, there is the hard cock sticking it to me again," she moaned, putting her hands onto the back of my head.

My hands floated down onto her butt and I began thrusting my cock slowly, which caused her begin bouncing up and down slightly. I leaned my head back, but she kept her eyes right on me as she rode me. Already being drenched in sweat, as we began having sex, I felt as if I was being cooked.

"Don't get too hot, Mike, I need you to cum inside me. We are trying to get me knocked up, remember?"

"I know," I replied slowly, leaning my head back towards her.

"I want little red headed kids running around the house and you aren't getting out of that. It wasn't in our vows, but it is mandatory, got it?"

"Yes, bossy, lady."

I had her lean back and I positioned my hands onto her lower back. I held her as I began a thrusting exercise in that position, with small, but frequent thrusts. She leaned her head back completely and had my heart beating very quickly as my face leaned onto her chest.

"Fuck, I almost hope we get caught, this picture is priceless. You really have incredibly smooth skin and amazing breasts. I do love them," I moaned.

"Shut up and give my womb that baby juice. It is craving for your slimy cum right now," she moaned, still bouncing.

Her hands settled onto my knees for extra support, which allowed me to thrust my cock even harder.

"Yes, yes, just like that, Mike," she moaned, closing her eyes. "Don't stop until you cum deep inside me."

Her boobs shook, going up and down repeatedly almost like in a trance. I began to feel a bit queasy, as I felt I could only see her and everything else faded to black.

"Oh, those tits, Maggie, I love them."

She leaned her head up and smiled at me. Her left hand went over onto her slit and I watched her rub it for a few seconds. She brought her fingers to her mouth and her lips parted.

"Suck it all off for me," I moaned, as I felt my cock get even harder.

Her fingers dove into her mouth, remained in there for a minute and we kept eye contact the whole time. I felt sleepy and feared I may pass out.

I stop thrusting. "I gotta take a break," I muttered, out of breath.

I lied back and rested my head on the wall as I went through a heavy breathing process.

With two raised eyebrows, she slowly slid her fingers out of her mouth. "Is this too much for you? We can stop. I'm sorry if I pushed you."

"No, it is all right, sweetie," I laughed slightly. "I just need a break, I'm baking like a pie in here."

After waiting a minute, she leaned forward and let my face feel her tits once again. "Perceive my tits as the loving objects you see them as, you horny bastard," she moaned, rubbing them onto my face.

I grabbed her rib cage and moved to lie down on her back without my cock moving from her pussy. "You know that's not true, mean lady. You know how much I love the whole sexy package," I made clear, beginning to thrust my cock again.

We kissed again and I wrapped my arms around her quite tightly. That didn't prevent me from giving her a ride of a lifetime; I just held her tight as I shoved my cock up into her tight pussy.

"Fuck, I'm burning up too, but keep going, Mike."

Our heads were only a couple feet from the heat source, but we weren't distracted. Our eyes just stayed together, but some sweat did flow off onto her face from mine. Her grip on me became stronger and her boobs became squished. Breathing issues developed for both of us.

"Kiss me again," she demanded, out of breath.

Our lips came together once again and remained there for a few minutes. My head stayed still, but my midsection was still moving at a decent speed. My eyes were closed and sure she kept her eyes closed as well during our make out session.

As I felt myself draining to very low levels, I opened my eyes and took my lips off hers. "Fuck, I feel like I'm being grilled in here. We're both sweating away to nothing," I said, breathing heavily.

"We aren't done until you shoot your load into me and you'll feel so much better."

As much as I was turned on, I began to feel pretty nauseous and she even looked different.

"You are an evil woman," I put on the record, leaning my head up and looking at the door.

There were still some voices and noises going on outside the sauna. My feet moved down onto the ground, my cock slipped out of her and I picked her up with me. I brought her to the door, holding her with her back in one arm and her legs in the other.

"What are you doing?"

I pressed my shoulder onto the door and took a look outside. I saw only two adult couples out there and no one occupied the six feet deep section of the pool. Even as I saw it, I felt slightly better.

"Sweetie, now this is 'spontaneous'," I told her, just before I turned around, opened the door with my back and ran out there holding her.

"Fresh air," we both whispered.

I walked quickly to get there fast, but to also reduce the risk of slipping. We stopped right in the middle of the back twelve foot edge where the six feet deep part was and no one had noticed us yet.

"If this doesn't prove how much I love you, nothing will," I whispered, just before I dropped her in.

She made a splash, but we didn't attract any attention. I jumped in right after, but away from her.

"Fuck, that feels so much better!" I yelled, right after I came back up.

I almost felt as I had a full body orgasm, but I still felt slightly sick in my stomach and head.

Then she grabbed me and kissed me. "You better fuck me hard right now, before they notice we're naked," she whispered, letting go of me and floating back onto the wall.

I swam right to her as I felt to be going from boiling to freezing. My cock didn't go limp though.

Then I stuck it right into her twat. "I'm so fucking cold now, but don't worry, you'll get my seed."

She wrapped her hands around me and I put one of mine around her, while the other hung onto the edge. We put our chins onto each other's shoulders and I began thrusting my cock.

"Two new sensations: fucking you in a sauna and a in cold pool. I think they are both gonna have limits though," I said, shivering.

"Fuck, Mike, this is so kinky, I never thought you'd fuck me in the sauna and now I get it out here too? Also, we do have an audience. I don't know how long they've been watching, but I'm pretty sure they what we are doing."

"I don't care, they just get their own story too," I mentioned, not turning my head.

"Yeah, fuck your woman, man!" we heard one man yell.

A minute later, we both looked over and saw both couples naked and having sex. One man was lying on his back on the side of the pool with his woman riding him. The other was in the hot tub with the woman pressing her stomach onto the ground with her man was pounding her doggie style.

"We've inspired them, so fuck me as hard as you can, Mike."

Our eyes came back to each other and I lowered myself slightly, still shivering. I stayed there just for a moment and I came went back up full force.

"Yes, Mike!" she yelled.

As my head wasn't in the cold water, sweat began flow back down my head. I really pushed her up against the wall and had her sweating up a storm too. I felt her nice tits pressing onto me once again.

"Damn, I'm getting a little drained again."

"I don't care how tired you get, your cock is not getting out of me until the deed is done."

"I understand."

Our heads were right next to each other and no words were spoken from us anyway. I kissed her on her shoulder and neck multiple times as I felt cum coursing through my system down below. I bit both of my lips several times and then my eyes closed.

"Here it comes, Maggie."

"Give it to me," she moaned, squeezing me.

I grabbed onto her too and we both sunk as I shot my load right into her womb. It felt unbelievable doing it under water. It took about twenty seconds before I was done, but after that, we let go of each other. She went back up immediately, but I stayed down for a minute. I just floated in the water as I just enjoyed the sensation and exhaled.

Then I flew back up like a rocket. "Fuck, that was a rush!"

I landed right by her. She wrapped her arms around me and she kissed me all over my face. We looked at the other couples and they were still going at it.

She looked back at me. "Thank you for that, I did find that thrilling and spontaneous, but I think we need some privacy now. In our room I mean."

"I agree," I replied, just before I let go of her and got of out the pool. I walked to the sauna as she got out too.

I got in there and just grabbed our bathing suits. I came back out to see her eyeballing both couples and rubbing her pussy.

I grabbed her arm. "They are making their memories. Let's go make some more of ours now, horny woman," I suggested.

We quickly got dressed and ran back to our room. We made some more memories on our honeymoon, but that one with the sauna and pool topped all the rest. We also had proof of a great honeymoon, as she gave birth to a baby boy nine months later.


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