Story Details

Dee's Story Part Two

Landy on Virgin Stories

I settle back on to the bed next to a some what bemused looking Dan. With my eyes closed I try to relax but my heart is beating so loudly that I an sure he must be able to hear it from the foot of the bed.

The bed shifts as he stands up but I keep my eyes closed. Concentrating on slowing my breathing to calm my wildly beating heart my imagination runs thought the possibilities for the next few minutes but I try to hold it in check. I have placed myself in this position now its up to Dan to do with me what he will.

I open my eyes and there is Dan standing over me, gazing down his eyes moving slowly over my body. His cock rising slowly to attention.

“I have fantasised for so long about how you and you look under your clothes but the reality is so much better than I ever imagined. You are truly gorgeous Dee”

“Now lets get you unwrapped and I can admire you in your natural glory.”

He moves to the end of the bed, kneels and lifts my left foot to his chest, then pulls the boot zip slowly down and draws it gently from my foot.

The sound of my boot hitting the floor is shortly followed by a gentle touch to the arch of my foot as Dan traces a line from my heel down to my toes with a finger. It feels ticklish at first but soon there is a wave of pleasure travelling up my leg going straight to my groin.

I am almost disappointed when my leg is lowered to the bed but then his hand grasps my right leg and lifts the feeling is swiftly replaced with the anticipation of more to come.

Soon the other boot is on the floor and I have learn that my right foot reacts in the some way. No one has ever touched my feet before and it is amazing how good it feels.

These wonderful hands now trace slowly from my ankle to my knee, pausing to graze the inside of the joint.

“Oh my god Dan that’s wonderful.”

“Shush, don’t talk enjoy”

His hands continue their leisurely journey up my right leg to the top of my stocking. My pussy is hit with a jolt of pleasure a one finger skims the bare flesh between the stocking top and my sex.

Now my lace topped hold up is been carefully rolled down my leg to my foot and is soon on the floor.

I feel fingers round my ankle rising my foot then his breath is on my big toe and I can not contain a gasp as it is engulfed in the warmth of his mouth.This feeling is intensified as it is slowly drawn out whilst his teeth scrape the under side of my toe.

The rest of my toes are pleasured by the same wonderful treatment as the line of erotic fire burns its way to my pussy and breasts.

I had not idea that foot play could be so arousing defiantly an avenue to explore later.

My leg is now lowered to the bed I shiver with the anticipation of the same happening with the other leg and I am not disappointed as each toe is sucked and nibbled in turn.

The weight on the bed shifts and Dan’s soft hands are now travelling smoothly over my stomach. I can feel the warmth of his body at my side.

Then his breath is on my cheek.

He inhales deeply then whispers in my ear.

“You are delicious Dee, I want to taste all of you”

Now it is the turn of my ear lobe to be sucked and nipped between his teeth. Another new pleasurable first to add to today's experience.

His lips then follow the line from my ear to my chin with soft kisses.

He brushes my lips with his and we are kissing.

His mouth is as sweet as his words.

Mean while his right hand moves up to the soft valley between my breasts skimming my exposed cleavage.

My nipples feel like they are trying to poke a holes in the deep red fabric off my bra. They must have caught his attention because next thing I know he is gently teasing first the right then the left though the material.

Then his hand is replace by his lips as he gently nips first the right and then the left nipple between them.

I have give up all thoughts of controlling my breathing by now as I gasp and squirm in enjoyment.

“Lets get this off shall we.”

His left hand slides under my back. Before I can sit up I feel the snugness of my bra release as the clasp come undone.

“How did you do that? I struggle with both hands sometimes!”

“Just a little party trick I’ve picked up”

“I would like to go to that sort of party!”

Dan grins wickedly

“Well maybe I will take you to some, but only if you promise to be a bad girl”

What could he mean?

That line of thought was quickly abandoned as Dan slides the bra over my sensitized nipples and it soon hits the floor.

A finger softly traces the edge of the areola bringing a shiver of pleasure with it.

“You have the best tits I have ever seen. Never mind had the privilege to touch”

Then I feel the merest touch on the tip of the nipple. The warmth of his breath just before my right nipple is engulfed in an intense pleasure pain response as it is sucked over his teeth to his warm wet tongue.

A moment ago I was trying to control my breathing suddenly I am struggling to draw a breath.

The sensation of breathlessness gradually subsides as he continues to tease me with is tongue, teeth and lips only to be replaced by the increasing warmth between my legs.

This man is wonderful the boys who had previously been allowed to play with my breasts would just grope and fumble with no finesse.

By now my left breast was aching for the same treatment but I does not have long to wait as Dan’s fingers trace across the soft valley of my cleavage to work his magic on the other side.

As he leans across me to take my pulsing nipple in his mouth his cock slides over my hip and my mind races with the prospect of having it inside me soon.

As he gorges himself on my breasts a hand is drawing slow circles on my abdomen gradually working its way towards my groin and my saturated pussy.

Pulling away from my heaving breasts we kiss again but with a fiercer passion than before.

“I am feeling peckish” he whispers to me, as he moves down the bed and positions himself between my legs.

He lift each leg in turn and gently bends them at the knee so my feet are flat on the bed, my knickers are the only obstacle between him and my sex.

His fingers re-trace the line from my knees to the edge of my underwear and skim the surface of the material.

They increases their pressure on my outer lips on the return journey. Then a finger slides just inside the edge of the elastic.

My clit is throbbing with anticipation as his fingers lift my panties from my pussy.

“Time for these to join the rest on the floor I think”

He starts to ease the top edge of my new but by now very wet shorts over my hips

I lift my bum clear of the bed and then my legs are pulled high in the air as my knickers are whisked along them and away.

Dan suddenly grasps my ankles whilst my feet are still pointing towards the ceiling.

“Oh goodness me what a wonderful sight. Hold it right there!”

So I keep my legs vertical while my most intimate parts are scrutinised. The feeling of vulnerability is a heady mixture of fear and excitement.

“Your pussy is unbelievably sexy framed by your sweet buttocks.”

I had put my self through the ordeal of having my first pussy waxing earlier in the week but I was suddenly worth it.

“Ohhhhh” I exclaim as an unexpected finger slides down my soaking slit from top to bottom before retracing its path up and over my sensitised clit.

Then there’s a pressure on both sides of my sex opening it like a flower.

“Hold you legs behind your knees and pull your legs back”

Dan instructs quietly but firmly.

I comply, thinking this is it now he’s going to fuck me.

But a I tense expecting to feel his cock spearing into me he inhales deeply at my pussy before I feel his wonderful warm wet tongue roll round my anus.

I had never been able to get excited by thoughts about anal play but I was surprised how nice it felt. Another item on my list if thing to explore later

Then Dan made his was up to my vaginal opening, gently probing the folds of my sex easing my outer lips apart.

Then my world exploded as he lapped over my clit. I lost my grip on my legs and lay back quivering but there was no distracting him and the stimulation of my sensitive bud continued.

Alternately licking and sucking my swollen clit until I am completely lost in the delirium of a massive rolling orgasm.

I gradually come back down to earth and look down to see Dan gazing up at me grinning with his mouth and chin dripping with my juices.

“Just as I hoped, the sweetest nectar I have ever tasted”

He climbs up me for a kiss and I taste my own juices from his lips. He is right I do taste sweet in a musky sort of way.

“What you did to my bum hole was nice. I did not think I would like that sort of thing”

“Well we can try some more play down there later if you wish”

“Oh ….OK ….maybe. I am still not sure.”

Dan lifts my chin so I am looking him straight in the eyes.

“I will guarantee you that we will not been doing any thing that you don’t expressly want. This is your idea and in any sex play I will never pressure you to do any thing you don't fancy”

“At any time just say stop and we will stop.”

“I am all yours, if you think we will enjoy something I will give it a try but thank you for your concern.”

“That’s all right. Now where where we?”

He firmly tweaks first my right nipple then the left.

“Your breasts are so wonderful to behold and even better to hold”

He moves back down between my legs, then as he leans forward to cup my breasts again his cock nudges the outer folds of my pussy and I can’t help but to tremble.

“Don’t worry my dear I am not ready complete you ravisment just yet.”

“I am not worried. I am ready for you. Its just that I have been dreaming of this for ages. I am ready for some pain before the pleasure.”

“We shall see if we can make it more pleasure than pain shall we.”

Moving back between my legs he spreads my outer lips again and slides a finger into my inner sanctum. I am producing so much love juice its slips in nicely.

The finger continues it journey until it finds her virgin barrier then he pulls it out and replaces it with what feels like two fingers flexing them to gently tease and stretch my opening,

Moving his head down Dan starts to caress my clitoris with his tongue whilst continuing to work his fingers in my tight vaginal. Soon I can feel another orgasm starting to build.

Just as I think I am going to explode again he sits up and licks his fingers noisily.

His rampant cock starts to slide up and down my slit in long steady strokes bumping over my clit.

Next with a slight change of angle he has eased his tip inside me.

He pauses with just his gland stretching the entrance. Then he starts short slow strokes, easing more and more of his thick cock inside me.

Soon the wonderful feeling of being stretched is being mollified by the flares of pain from my hymen as he bounces of it.

His prick hits my virgin barrier harder and I can not help but wince.

He falters and stops but keeps his cock lodged in me.

I look down to see his engorged manhood being gripped by my pussy lips. It looks larger than ever.

“Just say the word and I will stop an once.”

“No No please don't stop. Do me DO ME NOW!”

But to my disappointment he withdraws and lays down next to me.

“Lets try a different approach. You get on top.”

I sit up and straddle his thighs, positioning my self over his cock which is glistening with my juices.

I can not resist a quick lick, my juices add to the sensation as my head bobs up and down over his firmness.

“That's so good, now ease your self down over it.”

I slide it between my swollen lips before positioning it over my hole.

I push down and at first it slides in quite easily until it reaches that supposedly fragile piece of skin.

“Now you are in control, so you choose the pace and depth.”

That is when it dawns on me. My hymen my be resisting the onslaught but I am achieving my dream.

I am actually fucking Dan!

This thought spurs me on and I pick up the pace. Suddenly with a jolt of pain his cock surges through my virginity and slams deep inside me, nudging against my cervix.

This pain freezes my actions and I try to keep still while taking deep breaths.

“That it my lovely you've done it. Look its all the way in.”

As I look down I am trilled to see that my pale gold pubes are mingling with his dark ones.

“That a wondrous sight.” I pant!

“In your own time we can really start fucking now.”

“Yes we can. Just give me a moment to get used to you in there”

So I steel my self to the ring of pain from my poor torn flesh and start to move my pussy up and down along his impaling cock.

Soon the pain is receding and I pick up the pace. My god this is good.

Dan reaches down and resumes caressing my clit. The combined sensation of his cock thrusting inside me and the attention to my clit soon has another climax building.

Now Dan is slamming his cock in and out faster and faster and my arousal climbs higher and higher, until I can barely stand it.

The waves of pleasure crash over me as I come loud and hard. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over me as his rigid pole punches in and out, in and out. Never faltering.

Suddenly I lose focus and collapse panting on top of him over come with the sensations coursing through me.

As the world comes back into focus he is stroking my back and my tits are squashed into the soft fur of his chest.

I can feel him still lodged deep inside me, throbbing in time with his heartbeat.

“In or out?” he asks

In my confused state I do not understand what he is asking.


He smiles amused.

“Should we wait for your head to clear? Do you want me to come inside you or not”

“Yes, I mean no. Oh hang on. No don't wait and yes inside please.”

“Good OK, lets swap round again then.”

I lift up and as he slips out of me it feels like my vagina is griping his cock trying to hold onto him. I can feel a void slowly closing as he withdraws.

I roll on to my back,then he moves between my legs and lowers his now some what grisly cock towards my equally bloody opening.

It finds its target and enters with a quiet squelch and is more easily admitted this time. He thrusts into me stopping only when our pubic mounds clash.

He starts pumping again with long slow strokes.

His face is a picture of enjoyment and concentration as he gradually picks up speed. I ponder as he sucks and nibbles each of my nipples in turn. I am totally happy with the choice I have made, this has totally meet if not exceeded my hopes and dreams and its not over yet.

Now I am being well and truly fucked, hard and fast.

Dan continues to work his cock inside me and I love it.

Suddenly his rhythm falters as he tenses and he begins to squirts cum deep inside me.

He pulls back until his cock is almost completely out then surges back in up to the hilt as another blast of semen boils from his sack to be hosed deep into my vagina.

Flooding my insides with seed for the first and hopefully not the last time.

He holds himself tight against me as he jets more and more cum into me, before crushing me to the bed with his hot sweaty body.


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