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wolfgoddess25 Member Since April 29, 2010

Camping Trip

wolfgoddess25 on Erotic Novels

It was Labor Day weekend, the last big summer holiday weekend of the year and Emily was excited. She was going out camping by her self and taking the time to enjoy nature and unwind after a busy summer season. She already had everything packed in the back of her truck so all she had to do was get on the road as soon as she left work. Her destination for this particular weekend: a very remote camp

A Party with Melissa

wolfgoddess25 on Short Sex Stories

“You ready to go yet?” Eric shouted through the house at Melissa who was in the bathroom putting on the finishing touches to her make-up. They were getting ready to go over to Mark and Tiffani’s house for a party. Eric and Melissa were excited because it was the first weekend in about a year that they didn’t have the kids and they were finally able to go out and enjoy being adults for a night. Th