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wmitc Member Since October 23, 2009

One stormy night

wildmanchuck on Taboo Stories


My name is Frank, I’m 45 and of average build.  Just over a year ago my wife was killed in a car accident – it was the other drivers fault and as a result I received quite a lot of compensation as well as a big cheque from her life insurance.  I was not mega rich but it meant I could give up work and just do what I fancied.  I had been promising myself a trip round the country – just hitting the road without a map and seeing where I ended up.  And I was finally doing it, I’d been on the road for one week and really enjoying myself.


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>It was a Sunday night and I’d been driving for a few hours.  I had decided that I would check in to the next motel I found.  I was a real bad night, quite cold out and the rain was so heavy you could hardly see.  I was heading along an unlit stretch of road when I saw a shape at the side of the road.  As I got nearer I could see the shape was a person, no, it was two, one slightly smaller than the other.  As I got closer they stuck out their thumbs trying to hitch a lift.  Not much frightens me but there were two of them so I slowed down but kept on past them.  As I passed them I looked at them and I realized they were nothing more than a couple of kids.  I slowed to a stop a few yards ahead of them and pulled into the side of the road.  They must have been as wary as me but they came up to the passenger side of the car and I wound down the window.  The taller one of the two lent in the window, I could hardly see them for the large hood, on their coat, which covered most of their face.


“Where you headed?” I asked


“Nowhere special, just anywhere really.” came a soft voice.  “Me and my sister would sure appreciate a lift as far as you can take us, mister.”


“Well I was only going as far as the next motel but you’re welcome to ride that far.” I replied.


They didn’t need to be asked twice.


Two very wet, very dirty young people climbed into my car.  The sister in the back, and what I took to be her brother in the front.  As we drove along we chatted some and I found out that their parents had died a few years back and since then they had been in a foster home.  The family they stayed with had only been interested in the money they got for having them.  They had had to sleep in an outdoor barn with very little food, every time the local inspector came round the family would show them a room in the house and say that the kids were out playing.  This had gone on for over a year before they decided to run away and that is how I’d found them.


After about half an hour of driving I found a motel.  They got out of the car and thanked me for the lift.


I checked in and went to my room, as I was going in I looked out over the parking lot and the two of them were still at the side of the road.  I hadn’t seen another car on the road all night and it was still raining real heavy.  Once inside the room I unpacked a few things from my bag, toothpaste, soap etc.  I was going to fix myself a drink, vodka and coke was my favourite but I needed ice.  I grabbed a bucket and headed down to the ice machine.  When I came back the two of them were still there, holding each other against the cold and rain.  Well what would you do?  I called over to them but they must not have heard, so I quickly put the ice in my room, grabbed a coat and dashed over to them.


“Hey, why don’t you two come and dry off in my room?  You can grab a lift when the weather clears.”


“Are you sure, mister?  We don’t want to be no trouble.”


“It’ll be no trouble at all.  And I’ll bet you’re hungry?  I have some deli rolls in the room, if you like?”  I think I saw two smiles, but it was hard to tell under all the dirt.


We got into the room and they took off their wet coats.  They were dressed alike underneath – short cropped hair loose t shirts and dirty jeans.  They both sat down and ate the rolls like starving animals.


“How’s about you two get cleaned up and then you can grab some sleep if you want.  After all there are two beds and I can’t use them both.”  I joke with them.


“You don’t mind?” asked the taller one.


“Of course I don’t mind.  Why don’t you let your sister go first and then you can grab one after her?”


“Oh it’s okay, we can share.” Came the reply.


“Share?  Are you sure?”


“Of course, don’t sisters always share baths?”


Sisters?  My god, the one I thought was a boy was in fact a girl.  I was alone in a motel room with two girls, who were about to take a bath together.  I had no idea how old they were but I guess I could be arrested for what I was thinking.  “Okay then, you go ahead and if you need anything just shout.”


“Thanks.  But can we ask you a favour?  When we used to get bathed at the foster home they used to lock us in and make us use cold water.  Can we please use hot water and leave the door open here?”


“Of course you can.  Use as much hot water as you want and I think I have some bubble bath somewhere – go start running the water and I’ll bring it in”


They both skipped into the bathroom and I could hear the water running.  I soon found my bubble bath and walked straight into the bathroom.  The bath was filling up and they had started to undress.  I looked at the two figures before me dressed in matching dirty white pants and bras.  They obviously had not been fed much for they both had underdeveloped bodies, slim hips and small breasts.  In fact the youngest one had virtually no breasts at all, I think she wore a bra because she had nothing else.  I wanted to ask how old they were but was scarred of the answer I might get.


“Here’s the bubble bath” I said handing it over.


The oldest one poured some under the running water and bent over the bath to mix it in.  As she bent over I could not help but stare at her ass as her pants rode up the crack of her ass revealing two perfectly round cheeks.  My dick was starting to move.  She stayed like that for a good few minutes and as she swirled the water her ass moved seductively in front of my eyes.  My dick was starting to get bigger. 


Whilst this was going on the younger one chirped up “Can I get in yet?”


I was surprised as this was the first time she had spoken.  “Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” I said and went into the other room, remembering to leave the door open.


I was desperate to see more of these two angels but didn’t want to scare them.  By the time I found a position where I could see into the bathroom without being seen they had both got into the bath and I’d seen nothing.


After about five minutes and lots of giggling from the bathroom I asked them if everything was okay.


“Yes” was the reply, “but we don’t have any soap”


I had forgotten to leave the soap in the bathroom, “I’ll pass you some in.”


I realised that for them to get the soap one of them would have to come to the door or I would have to go in.  “Is it okay if I come in?” I asked.


“Sure, we don’t mind” they both replied.


As I walked in I was greeted by a wonderful sight.  It was a large corner bath with two levels, they were both in the lower part with bubbles up to their chins.  “Here’s your soap” I said passing it to an outstretched had.


“Thanks” they said.  Then they nearly took my breath away.  “Do you need a bath too?”


“I can get one later,” I replied.


“You can get in with us if you want, there’s lots of room”


“But I’m a man and you’re both girls” I forced out, because in my mind I loved the thought of it.


“We don’t mind.  In the foster home we often had to bath with a boy that lived with us.  Our foster family didn’t want to waste the water.  So we know what boys look like.”


“Well, if I do you have to promise me that it will be our secret, because if people found out I could be in big trouble.”


“Okay we promise”


Here I was, a grown man about to get in a bath with two girls, my dick was moving again.  As I started to undress there were two pairs of eyes studying my every move.  As I slipped my jeans down I turned my back to them and pulled down my pants.  My dick was already semi-hard at the thought of all this.  I turned round to face them and their eyes grew wider at the sight of my cock and the state it was in.  The youngest one leaned into her sister and whispered something in her ear.  And her sister replied “well they do get that big when men get older”.


I climbed into the bath in between the two of them.  I had the oldest one behind me and the youngest pushed up between my legs with her young ass pressed against my cock.  Then she asked if I would wash her. When I said okay she stood up.  AT first her sweet young ass was in my face then she turned round.  At first I was staring right at her smooth young pussy then I looked up at her almost flat chest with only the nipples causing ant contour.  I grabbed the soap and stood up. I started at her neck, rubbing the soap all over.  I worked my way down, covering her in soap until I reached her budding nipples.  I looked at her face and all she did was smile, so I started to rub over her nipples with the palms of my hands.  As I did this two things happened, firstly she purred softly as her nipples grew by over an inch and secondly my cock grew by a lot more than an inch.  I carried on rubbing her nipples with one hand and moved the second slowly over her belly and down to her pussy.  Gently rubbing my hand between her legs, which she opened more for me.  I slid my soapy fingers back and forward from her young clit to her ass hole and back.  I could feel the extra weight as she pushed down on my hand.  The more I rubbed the more her pussy opened to me until one of my fingers lipped inside her.  She let out a small gasp and then a groan.  By now my cock was harder than it had ever been.


“Will you do me too?” came a voice from behind me.


I looked over my shoulder to see the older sister standing behind me.  Her breasts were slightly larger, but still on the small side, and she had tufts of hair on her pussy.  She was feeling her breasts with one hand and her pussy with the other.  I turned to her and placed my hand on one of her breasts and rolled the nipple between my thumb and finger.  She closed her eyes and rubbed her pussy even faster.  I slipped my other hand round her to her ass and started to run my finger up and down the crack, searching out her ass hole.  There was no stopping me now, I didn’t care what might happen.  My finger found it’s goal, her little brown flower was there beneath my probing finger.  I pushed it against her hole and the mixture of soap and her pussy juice made her ass hole slippery enough for my finger to gain entry.  It slid in up to my second knuckle.  I could feel her fingers, inside her pussy push against my finger in her ass.  Just when I thought it could get no better I felt a small body press against my back and a slender hand wrap around my cock.  As I fingered her sisters ass hole the younger one of the two proceeded to pump my cock like a pro.  Seeing what was happening, the older one slipped off my fingers and got down on her knees in front of me.  As her sister continued to pump on it she slipped my cock into her mouth and gave me a blow job from heaven.  Her tongue wrapped round the head and worked its way up and down my shaft, her sister moved her hand to cup my balls and then I felt her other hand start to probe my ass hole.  Oh god yes.  She was pushing her small fingers into my ass.  I couldn’t hold on any longer and shot load after load down the throat of the older sister.


I almost collapsed but they had other ideas.  Still holding my cock they lead me out of the bath and started to dry me and themselves.  “Now we want you to fuck us both” said the younger one.


“But I’ll be breaking the law” I managed to say.


“Oh no you won’t,” she said, “I’m 17 and my sister is 18.  We just look young because we never got much to eat.”


Well I picked them both up and almost ran to the bed…



And the rest is another story.

dirty daddy

xtopdawg386x on Incest Stories

well it all started after i got home from work .i walked threw the door and there she was my 16 yr old little girl Amanda leaning on the bar .know to tell you a little about her she 5ft 8 118 lbs blond hair blue eyes 38 c. i walked over gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek threw my keys on the table and asked her whats for supper she said order pizza so i gave her money and went to take a showe

The Camping Trip

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This is a true story about a camping trip I was on last summer. A big group of us went from school. All of us were college students, out for a good time. Naturally it was mostly guys. But there were 5 of us woman along. Me and a friend Julie were sharing a tent. The other three ladies had boyfriends.

We had a great time that first day. It was hot, sunny out. We did a lot of swimming,

Amelia's surprise weekend: Part One

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This will be a multi -part story. This is part one. It’s a bit long, but there will be more sex in later parts. This part though takes time to explain a few things first. I would appreciate some comments.

Amelia’s surprise weekend: Part One

How is this happening?

That thought spun around in my head as Ian Graham led me into his house. His house was neat and organized an

drunk older sister

oops1966 on Incest Stories

Liz was 17yo, 5'8", c-cup tits and nice wide hips. I was 15yo,5'7", 8" cock , fit from all the sports I played. We got along but did not hang out together. All my horny friends always told me how hot she was but to me she was only sister. One night she went out partying with her girlfriends. While mom and dad were out of town for the weekend. I had acouple of my friends over earilier to drink some beers and smoke some weed. Now I was laying in mom and dads bed jacking off. Man, smoking weed just makes me so fuckin horny. Plus when I am high I can control myself alot better. Right as soon as I was rock solid I hear sister comming into the house. I see her standing at the doorway trying to see if I was there. She is drunk off her ass. She walks in and goes to the bedrooms b

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athroom. I can hear her pissing like a race horse. Keeping my cock hard. I pretend that I am asleep when she comes out.  Has I peep to see what she was doing.I saw she her just standing at the side of the bed. Naked! My friends were right she was hot. Pointy tits with nice dark nipples, flat stomach, small waist leading to her wide hips and a nice trim little brush. She was just standing there. My heart was beating loud I was scared to breath. Then she just attacked me. Like a hungry lion. She was on top of me. Kissing my nesk, her fim tits against my chest, straddling me all at the same time. I just froze. Scared plus all this pleasure at once. I could not think. Her wet kisses and hot heavy breathing on my neck woke me up. I arched up you feel her soft firm tits rub against my chest. I reached down to grab her firm hips. To stop her from hitting my cock. This seemed to piss her off.  She took a bite of my nesk as to hold me still. I did not move. She then lifted her hips up and placed a hand between her legs. Grabbing my swollen cock roughly and placing it to her well soaken pussy. With out warning she slammed herself down on my cock. Hard, it hurt. Not only me but her also. I don't think she knew just how long and thick my cock was. Cause she stopped half way down.  Now I have had a fair amount to pussy but not like this.  Tight, hot , sticky wet it made my head spin. Then she took a bite of my neck again, as she lowered herself onto the rest of my cock. I knew that she never had so much cock in her before. She was just too tight. I streatched her to her limits. I could feel the back of her pussy with the head of my cock. I could feel my cock trobbing against the walls of her pussy as to try and make room. Then she released my neck and bit down on my shoulder as she started slamming up and down on my cock. She was in a world of her own. She rode me hard, no love. Just a hard fuck.  I tried to get my hands under her chest to feel her tits. But she would not let me pressing her tits harder against my chest. I tried to reach around her to feel her ass. But she bite me harder. So I just but my hands to my side. Then she stopped bitting me. She placed her mouth to my ear and started to make little wimpering noises. Man, this turn me on. I could feel her tighten up and knew that she was about to cum. Without warning I was about to shoot my load. I paniced "Sister get off I'm going to cum!" I shouted. But she rode me harder as she tried to beat me to it. I could not take anymore. My nuts release so much cum into her pussy. It sent cold chills trough my body. I must of came for along time cause I don't remember her cumming. Even when I had finished cumming. My cocked was still trying to pump more cum into her. She was spent. She just rolled off of me. And tried to passout. But I was still rock hard. Now I took her beautiful tit and started to suck on it. Squeezing and sucking gentlly. Her nipple tasted good. Now she was trying to push me away. So, I just said fuck it. Lifted her limp legs over my shoulders and slammed my cock back into her. She let out a scream, "Please don't, I have had enough" she told me. I thought who cares as I pushed her knees to her chest. I fucked her hard. She was screaming for me to stop but when I bit down on her neck. She shut-up. I fucked her like she had just fucked me. Caring only for my pleasure. It was over before it started this time. Now as I was emptyimg myself in her I could feel her cumming. Her pussy muscles could sure squeeze. I held still till she was done. When I pulled out her just roolled over and passed out. Leaving me staring at her beautiful ass. It' going to be a wonderful weekend.

MILF to TOYBOY. Come and get it!

itsonlyfun on MILF Stories

Where to start on this extraordinary story;

Well it'll do no harm to give you a general description of myself and my situation. I'm late fifties,widowed for about ten years. Over those years I've watched my limited beauty slowly drift downwards especially my breasts. That's not to say I'm gone to seed,just that age doesn't improve a persons chances of romance. More up beat,my skin is soft and

Welcome Home

phang on Incest Stories

My parents both had jobs that required international travel. Most of the time one of them was home, but occasionally both would be out of the country at the same time and I would stay with my grandfather - a Native American.  I spent most of my summer vacations with him and he taught me how to live with nature instead of trying to make nature change to suit my wants.  

He taught me to live in the wilderness in the old ways - making one's own clothes and weapons.  He taught me how to watch a hametrail for hours without moving.  His best skill was disappearing where there appeared to be no place to hide.  This and the ability to lie motionless for hours were the skills that helped me in the military.   I loved the summers with grandpa.  He died

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when  I was 17 and I was lost without his guidance.

I left home at the age of 18 to attend college.  I entered school
under a ROTC scholarship and became a US Marine officer at graduation.  Because of my survival skills and my marksmanship
with firearms, I was asked to tryout for the SEALS.  I loved it.  It was hard.  Really hard, but I loved it.

On my 25th birthday I was with my SEAL team on a mission and out of touch with the world.  We were gone for two weeks.  When we returned I was summoned to the commanding officer's office where I was informed that my parents had been killed in an airplane rash.  By the time I was notified of their deaths they were already buried.  My enlistment was almost up so I decided leave the corps and go home.  I took leave until the end of my enlistment and went back to my beloved mountains.

When I returned home I found my parents had very large nsurance policies plus they always bought flight insurance.  I was now a millionaire several times over. 

My cousin Susan is a police officer and had been staying at the house with her dog that had been trained as a police dog, but due to the dog's age the department retired him.  Susan kept him in the house during the night but let him have the run of the property during the day.  He did not chase the deer, but lay down and watched them.

Susan and Josh (the dog) slept in the guesthouse and I took over the master bedroom.  I urged her to move into the house, but she liked her privacy.  Susan is 35 years old and in very good shape.  She works out every day with weights and runs every other day with Josh. 

One hot day I was down at the lake and decided to take a swim.  I stripped and waded into the cold water.  It was wonderful.  I swam for about an hour then  lay on some rocks behind a large tree to let the sun dry me.  I dropped off and slept very soundly.

I was awakened by laughter.  I moved around the tree keeping concealed and saw my cousin in the lake with another woman and a teenaged girl.  Josh was wading into the water and back out enjoying himself, also.  He caught my scent and came running to me.  When the women saw me, they  screamed and dropped down into the water to cover themselves.  I crawled toward my clothes when Susan stood and called for me to join them.  The other woman and the teen girl slowly stood facing me, also. 

It had been almost a year since I had been with a woman and it was impossible to stop the erection. 

Susan yelled, "Holy Shit!  Look at the size of that thing.  Get over
here cousin and let's have a closer look."

I went into the water where they were standing about mid-thigh in the lake.  The teen girl was a real knockout.  She was a natural blonde and her hair was so fine she looked like she shaved her pussy.  Her nipples were large and standing out in front of small areoles on beautifully shaped 32 A/B breasts.  Her blue eyes looked like deep water and her smile was a dentist's dream. 

The woman was an older version of the teenager and also had a perfect smile.  Her breasts sagged a little and there were a couple of stretch marks on her abdomen, but otherwise she was perfect.

Then there was Susan - athletically slim.  Hard as a rock.  No fat anywhere.  Her breasts were about the same size as the teenager's. Her stomach was flat and her abs were like a washboard.  She had a bikini cut and her labia protruded as if they were reaching for me.

When I got to them, Susan reached over and took my penis in her hand and stroked me a couple of times.

"My word, cuz, if I had known you had this under your belt I would have been the house the first night."  Turning toward the other woman she said, "Joyce, feel the weight and girth of this monster."

As the woman started to move toward me the teenager grabbed my dick in both hands and dropped to her knees caressing my balls with one hand as she took me into her mouth.  It felt like heaven.

Both women moved to get a better view of the show and Joyce started running her hand up and down my ass and in between my legs as Susan started pinching Joyce's nipples and molding her breasts.  I knew that at this rate I was not going to last long and pushed the girl back.

"Slow down a little.  I haven't even been introduced to these ladies and my dick has been down one of their throats."

"John, this is Joyce, my best friend and her daughter Linda.  Joyce is a dispatcher at headquarters and is also my lover.  We're both bisexual.  Linda just recently had her first sexual experience that we arranged.  We wanted her to learn to enjoy sex instead of a few minutes in the back seat of some boy's car.  She loves giving head and enjoys the taste of semen."

"Look, ladies, I have not been with a woman in almost a year.  I'm not going to last long with any of you, but I would like to have all of you.  Here on the grass, and now.  This hard-on is killing me and I need some relief."

Linda said she got me first and wanted to finish "sucking me off".

I lay down on the grass and she came over and started giving me the best blowjob I had ever experienced.  I tried to move her around so I could eat her out, but she stayed at the side and I could see her tits swinging.  Susan and Joyce were all over each other moaning and enjoying themselves.  I was watching them and enjoying the feeling in my loins when I heard Linda moaning.  She pulled up and said, "NO!  DON'T!"

I looked down just as Josh mounted her and shoved his long pink dick into her.  She tried to get away at first, but stopped and went back to sucking my dick while the dog fucked her.  She was moaning and jumping.  I felt the feeling deep inside me and just as I blew my load she reached her climax, also.  Josh was humping her as hard as he could go and as he blew his load she released my dick and yelled in ecstasy.  Josh started trying to get his knot into her but  Susan pulled Josh away.

All three of the ladies were laughing, so I laughed, also.  Linda was on her knees with my cum leaking down her chin and her ass was still up in the air and Josh's cum was running out of her pussy.  He was just sitting there licking his dick.

Her mother looked at the scene for a minute and went down on her knees and rolled her daughter onto her back.  She started licking the dog's cum off her daughter's pussy and then started to work on on her clit.  Linda arched her back and had another hard orgasm.

As I lay there taking all this in, my erection started back up.  Susan came over and straddled me lowering herself upon my shaft.  When she was all the way down, she started working her vaginal muscles milking me.  She just sat there smiling and grasping me with those wonderful muscles inside her vagina.  I couldn't take it anymore and rolled her over onto her back.  I took her right breast in my mouth and started nibbling on her nipple
while rolling her other nipple between my thumb and forefinger.  She was moving now and I raised myself up and started to thrust.  Long, deep, thrusts and each one harder coming down than the last.  She climaxed and I started really pounding her.  I would pull almost all the way out and plunge down as hard as I could.  Each time she would yell with pleasure, "more - more."

I grabbed her legs under the knees and pulled them over my shoulders and drove down as deep as I could.  Then I came.  From deep inside me I came.  Just as I was finishing, she started squeezing me with those wonderful vaginal muscles.  It was great.

I rolled off my cousin and lay exhausted.  Joyce came over and lay close.

"Get your rest, honey, cause you ain't had me yet and I am going to fuck your brains out."

"Give me a few minutes.  I'm not an 18-year old boy anymore."

We all got up and went into the lake to relax a bit.  The women seemed to enjoy touching me and running their hands over my ass.

"What's these scars on your back from?"

Before I could answer, Susan said, "Those are bullet scars.  I didn't know you had ever been shot.  What happened?"

"All I can tell you is we were sneaking away after completing our mission and a guard we somehow missed was coming back from taking a dump or something.  He let us pass and opened up on us.  Three of us were wounded before we killed the guy.  Thank goodness he was a lousy shot and didn't know how to use the AK-47 he was carrying.  We got into the boat and made it back to the sub.  There was a good medic on board and he got the bleeding stopped.  Later we were transferred to a carrier where they have a full hospital.  I lost part of a lung and now get a disability check from Uncle Sam."

They looked at me strangely.

Joyce asked, "How may people have you killed, John?"

I answered her honestly, "I don't know.  In a direct line of fire or with a knife maybe a couple dozen.  I've placed charges against buildings that I am sure killed people, but I just don't know."

Susan told them I was a SEAL and what I did, where I did it, was all classified and question time is over.

Joyce started rubbing my dick and it did respond.  As she got me hard in the water, she turned around and reaching back between her legs guided me into her.  I grasped her by the hips and started to fuck her.  The water moving back and forth between my legs and around my balls was a very strange, but pleasant sensation.  In no time Joyce reached orgasm. 

"Get out of the water and lay down, John.  This one I want to control."

I got out of the water and lay on my back.  She straddled me and impaled herself upon my manhood.  She told me to lay absolutely still and enjoy the show.  And quite a show it was, too.  Her breasts were bouncing and the inside of her vaginal walls would pull out of her a little each time she raised up.  I could watch my dick go in and out of her as she fucked me.  That view and seeing
her tits bouncing was very nice, indeed.  Linda and Susan were sitting next to us watching.  I reached over and placed a hand between Susan's legs. She repositioned herself giving me access to her clit.  Linda saw this and moved into position on the other side. 

This was really strange.  A woman was fucking me while I was finger-fucking her daughter and her lover (my cousin).  Strange shit, indeed!  Lots of fun, too! 

After a few minutes Linda started to climax, followed shortly by her mother.  That brought me off just as Susan came.  Joyce moved off me and lay on the grass with the rest of us.

"Where do you guys live?" I asked.

"We live in a travel trailer at the RV park just down the road."

"Why do you live in a travel trailer?"

Joyce replied, "My husband left us one night after cleaning out the checking and savings accounts.  We sold the house and everything we could sell and bought the trailer.  I can live on my salary this way.  With a house payment, there is just no way."

"Listen, why don't you check out of the RV park and bring your trailer up to the house.  If you want to stay in the trailer, we have a couple of spots you  can use.  They are plumbed for electric, water, sewer, and satellite TV.  If you can cook as good as you fuck, you can stay for free.  Also, if you and Linda want to work for me, I could use a cook and someone to clean that huge house.  I'll give you a fair wage plus board and lodging.  There are
so-called servant's quarters in the house that has two bedrooms in them.  You are welcome to stay if you take the job."

Linda said, "I'll take the job if I get to fuck the boss at times."

We agreed and Susan moved back into the house.  We have a good time and enjoy each other's company as well as enjoying each other's bodies.

The Storm

phang on Taboo Stories

I live in an old telephone company microwave repeater site that at one time was the office for about 30 technicians. There are both an upstairs and basement, so I have three huge living areas. The best part is all the utilities were designed for a lot of equipment, so I have no problem heating and cooling living spaces. I also have a large generator that can supply all my electrical needs for over two weeks without having to get more fuel. The house is cut into the side of a mountain about 30 road miles from the city, the last 20 miles being very rural and mostly dirt and gravel. I have one neighbor about a mile down the mountain from me. The view from my house is fabulous overlooking a valle

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y and river, so I had one wall changed from concrete blocks to glass.

One night last week we were expecting a severe storm that was a leftover of a hurricane. I stocked up on groceries, paper products, and wine and knew I could ride out almost anything from this building. Sure enough, the storm hit with a vengeance. After the second day of non-stop heavy rain, the generator started due to the electricity going out. I attempted to call the electric company, and the phone was out, also. I am an amateur radio operator, so I knew I could reach someone if necessary.

About dark, my doorbell rang. At my door was a very wet young woman looking for help. She was the daughter of the neighbor down the mountain, and was very frightened due to the lightening and thunder that echoed around the mountains. Her name was Robin. She said there was no power at her house and her parents had not come home since leaving early to go to work in the city. I brought her in and put her in front of the fireplace I had installed in my living room. After getting her parents’ names and where they worked, I fired up the radio and called a friend in the city. Robin’s father worked for the county and her mother was a pastry chef at one of the larger hotel resorts in the area. My friend connected me with the county office where Robin’s father worked and they said they would contact him and get back in touch through my friend and the radio. They also told me that the road to my area was closed due to landslides and two bridges washed away. It might be close to a week before someone could get back up here.

Robin’s father called about 7 pm and talked to me about Robin’s dilemma. I told him I had many large bedrooms, and Robin could have the entire second floor to herself and I would not mind if she stayed here and I would enjoy some company. He agreed and Robin was glad she did not have to stay at her house with no electricity. We drove down to her house and got her clothes and other items she would need, and returned to my house. Robin decided to stay on the main floor guest bedroom and moved right in. She would have a private bathroom and access to the kitchen. Later, she took a shower and came into the living room wearing flannel pajamas and asked if I had any movies on DVD or tape. She chose a movie that was less violent than most and we made some microwave popcorn then watched the movie. After the movie, she leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the cheek to thank me. I could not help noticing her breasts when she leaned over and the pajamas drooped open at the top.

When I awoke in the morning, there was a delightful aroma coming from the kitchen. Robin was making homemade cinnamon rolls. She also had coffee ready. As we sat eating breakfast, I asked about her and her family. She was 17 years old last month and about to start her senior year of high school. She is an only child of a mixed race couple, her father being African American, and her mother Caucasian. She was born in Paris, France, but they moved to the United States when she was only 7 months old. She plans to go to Paris after graduating to attend University and become a chef like her mother.

She asked about me, and I told her I was 28 years old and was a freelance writer and photographer. I had inherited a lot of money about 3 years ago so I did not need to work for the money, but enjoyed it because it kept me outside a lot. She asked why I was not married, and I explained my wife had been killed in a work related accident 3 years ago, and it was then I discovered that my wife was very wealthy, the only heir to a large fortune 500 company and had millions of dollars. Robin asked me if I had any children, and I told her that I had a very bad case of mumps when I was a child, and could not have children. She smiled a little, looked at me strangely and said, “Oh?”

For the rest of the day, I cleaned up around the house while she baked and explored the house. Finally in the afternoon, the rain quit and the clouds started to break up. We went outside and what a mess. The small stream that ran down the mountain was full of mud and huge boulders and trees were down everywhere. I knew I had my work cut out for me with the chainsaw clearing the trees from the drive and roadway, but that would have to wait for tomorrow. For today, we would enjoy some respite from the storm and watch some movies and television.

For dinner she fixed a fabulous roast and I told her I would clean up. She said she would go take a shower and be back and we could watch a movie. She was a good cook, but did she ever make a mess. She was in the living room with a robe around her waiting for me. I came in and she started the movie. IT WAS A PORN MOVIE. I did not think to hide them. Although I was surprised, she said, “Oh, sit down. I have seen porno before, but have some questions I thought you could answer for me.”

“Okay, what questions?”

“Let’s watch the movie and as things come up, you can explain.”

“Come UP?”, I thought?

It was a typical suck and fuck movie, interracial, bi-sexual, a little bit of everything except bestiality.

When the first woman went down on the man, Robin paused the movie. “There”, she said, “The guys dick. Why is she licking the underside but not the sides and top?”

“Some parts of a man’s penis are more sensitive than others, and she is working on the sensitive areas.”

“Show me on yourself.”

“I don’t think that is such a good idea.”


“You are 17 and I am 28.”

“I am not a virgin, but the two guys that fucked me did just that – fucked me like, slam-bam-thank you-ma’am. I have never had an orgasm, and since you told me you could not make me pregnant, I want you to make love to me. Not just fuck, but make love.”

With that statement, two things happened: 1. She got up and dropped her robe and was wearing baby doll pajamas that were see-thru and nothing on under them, and 2. I got an instant, monster, erection (after all, it had been almost 3 years since I had sex – except for masturbation).

Robin came over to me and gave me a kiss that I don’t think I will ever forget. She glued her lips to me, slightly open, and used just a little tongue. She did not press hard, and it made my head swim. She then took my hand and placed it on her breast. Although I knew this was not right, I ceased thinking about that time and let instinct take over.

I massaged her breast and then raised her top over her head. Gorgeous is the only word to describe the breasts on this young woman - about 32B and no sagging at all. Her aureoles were on the smallish size and her nipples were like a couple of pencil erasers. I started kissing her breasts and kneading them to her moans of pleasure. Slowly I worked my way down from her breasts with my hands and pushed down the panties of her pajamas. When I started teasing her labia with my fingers, I found she had a shaved pussy. It was getting better all the time. Finally, I pushed the lips of her pussy apart and moved my finger down the slit. I went down to the moisture and drew it up her slit where I found her clitoris. As I started moving my finger over her clit, she started pushing upward against my hand.

I could wait no longer, and started kissing my way south while I put my thumb into her pussy and my middle finger on her clit and applied pressure from the inside as well as the outside. She had her first ever orgasm. She pushed against me while she shook like she was having a seizure. I released the pressure on her clit and continued to kiss down toward her Venus mound. She put her hands on my head and when I stretched the skin over her clit with my lips and started flicking her clit with my tongue, she pulled my head into her crotch will all her strength and had her second orgasm.

As I let her rest a little, I took off my shirt, kicked off my sandals, as started to remove my shorts. She said, “NO! I want to do it”. She pulled down my shorts leaving my briefs in place and looking at the bulge. She ran her fingernail all around the bulge and ran her fingers back and forth causing me a great deal of pleasure and desire to free this living appendage and let it do the work it was designed for.

Robin then slowly started pulling down my underwear. When my dick sprang from the material, she just stopped and studied it. She said, “I have never seen a penis up close and hard before. It is beautiful. It moves on it’s own when I touch it. What is the liquid at the slit?”

I explained about pre-cum and said it was similar to the wetness between her legs when she is excited. The purpose is lubrication.

“I want you to teach me to give a blowjob like the women in the porn flicks.” Needless to say, I agreed, and she was such a good student. After about 5 minutes of instruction, she proved she could pass the final exam with an A+. Deep throat was something she needed a little more study on, but we decided to get past the gag reflex would take lots and lots of practice.

I told her it was time to examine different sexual positions. Her favorite was being on top where she could control how much pressure was on her clit. I especially liked lying there and watching my dick go into and out of her beautiful shaved pussy. The outstroke pulled her pussy partly wrong side out then she pushed back down putting everything right! It did not take long for the stirring in my loins to demand release, and I had a very strong orgasm. My orgasm brought on another orgasm for Robin and it lasted a long time with her controlling it.

She started to cry. “What’s wrong”, I asked.

“I have never had such a wonderful feeling in my life”

We continued this ritual for three days. On the 4th day, we heard a noise from outside and it was an ATV with a Sheriff’s Deputy riding it. He checked on us and told us the road would be open tomorrow. Now we knew we had to make the night special, knowing it would probably be the last time we would be together.

The next morning I noticed the generator was not running. The electricity was back on. Later, the phone rang and it was Robin’s father saying he was at home. I took Robin home and just before arriving, she kissed me and told me she would never forget me. After graduation, Robin went to Paris to study. About a year later, I went to Paris to see her. We toured France, Switzerland, and Italy and then it was time for her to get back to her studies. I returned home to await her return, since we had such a great honeymoon in Italy.

That was 10 years ago. We still live in the same house and her parents still live down the mountain, and Robin works with her mother, who is the head chef at the resort.

My Sister and Me; A journey in incest:

Daringdad1 on Incest Stories

My Sister and Me; A journey in incest:
Part 2: We became Voyeurs:

     Four weeks after Larry had us licking and sucking on each other, Becky and I found ourselves alone for a while.  We started to talk about what we had done with Larry and we both decided that we enjoyed it and we wanted to try it again.


     I started to take off my pants but Becky stopped me and said that she just wanted to do me today since she couldn’t do anything herself.  I tried but Becky jus

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t wouldn’t tell me any more about her reasoning.  I dropped my pants and Becky immediately started to lick and suck on my cock causing it to grow.  When she took me into her mouth I about lost my load right then.  Becky continued to suck and lick all around my cock until I shot my load into her mouth and she swallowed every drop that came out of me.

     Later that night my mom and dad went to a party of some kind for dads job and left Jane watching us since Larry was gone with his friend’s family for the weekend camping.  Jane sent us to bed early saying that she wasn’t going to lose out just because we needed a babysitter.  We heard the doorbell about fifteen minutes after we went to our rooms and we both came out to see who was arriving.

     Jane’s boyfriend came in the door and she said that they had to wait to make sure that we were asleep so we both ran back to our rooms and pretended to be asleep.  Jane came and looked in on us briefly but she was sure we were asleep so she started back down stairs to be with her boyfriend.

     Becky and I snuck down the back stairs and got in position to watch what was going on in the living room.  Joe, Jane’s boyfriend, started out by kissing Jane.  He quickly moved his hand up to fondle her breast, and then slowly moved down towards her Pussy.  We heard Jane tell him not there I’m on my period right now.  I looked at Becky and she just seemed to drop her head for a second and then lifted it back up as if to say yes that is why I didn’t want you to touch me down there today.  We continued to watch as he slowly removed Jane’s shirt and bra, while Jane undid his pants to let his cock out.

     As Jane stroked Joe’s cock he went to work on her breast rubbing them all over, and then he started to lick on her left nipple and breast.  Jane seemed to get just as much out of this as Becky had when Larry made me lick and suck on her Pussy.  When Jane came down from her orgasm she went down and started to suck on Joe’s cock.  After what seemed like an hour to us Joe shot his load in Jane’s mouth and she swallowed it all.  Joe then got dressed back and left so we quickly went back to our rooms before Jane could get dressed and come to check on us.  I decided then that I wanted to see more of Jane and Becky, so I made it a point to wait for Jane to get in the shower thinking that we were asleep, and I went in to peek at her.  I saw that she had a nicely trimmed red bush above her Pussy, shaped like a little arrow pointing straight down at her slit.

     I quickly went back to bed before she saw me and found Becky waiting for me.  Becky wanted to know how it felt to have her breast rubbed and sucked.  I wasted no time starting in on them and soon I was sucking her right nipple into my mouth and causing her to shake and shiver all over the bed.  We didn’t realize how much noise we were making and didn’t see Jane look into the room.  I had gotten Becky completely naked and was really going to town when I felt a hand on my cock.  I stopped long enough to tell Becky that she could pull it out if she wanted to, only to find that it was Jane who had a hold on my cock.  Becky got scared and tried to pull away but I held on and said that if we were in trouble that Jane wouldn’t have hold of my cock.

     Jane dropped the towel that she had around her and stood there naked looking like a goddess to me, she climbed on the bed with us and said well I guess that you saw Joe and me.  I said yes we did, and we were glad to have something else that we could do since Becky was on her period also.  Jane looked at me and said, “ that is just what I tell him so that he doesn’t try to fuck me.”  Becky moved down and started to suck me off so I moved between Jane’s legs and started to eat her out.  I licked and sucked on Jane’s Pussy just like Larry told me to do to Becky, Jane asked me who taught you how to go down on a girl.  Neither Becky nor I wanted to tell on Larry so we just said that we saw someone else doing it and decided to try it ourselves.  Jane taught us how to properly eat each other and I soon had her cumming as I shot my load into Becky’s mouth.

     When we were all through cumming Jane had us get in the shower together and get cleaned up, we then went back to bed dreaming of t he next time we could get together for some fun, we still had not gone all the way with each other yet but that is another story altogether.    


itsonlyfun on Incest Stories

 Fact? maybe. I"m a woman, after all do we ever admit to anything! Perhaps a definite maybe, sometimes.

 This series is written after my husband let on he had already written some "LIFES SEXUAL PERKS" and wanted to post these,but not behind my back. I agreed providing he let me have a go as well. To say he was aggrieved that I had different things to tell he had no knowledge of till reading my rendering is an understatement.

 Now in our later years,it certainly stiffened Richard up far more than any Viagra type drug could.


 I"ll start way

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back, I was the youngest of 13,when born I already had married brothers with children about my age. I was never a stick insect type like the sister next up to me. The one above that was an identikit of me but taller,well she was nearly eight years older. Back to what this is all about.

 From quite a young age I noticed how men looked and treated my sisters in a sexual manner. I didn"t immitate this and didn"t even know it was sexual,but I did copy little things,like making my dresses rise showing right up to my knickers. I also kept a sharp eye on my tits and pussy because being a large family we girls top to tailed in the same bed and being older they had tits and pussy fur at varying stages of development.

 I had also noted that my brothers depending on age took quite a bit of notice of my knicker displays especially when I let part of my slice peek out. Originally an accident but I soon made this an intended activity. When this happened some of the older ones found a need to sit me on their laps. Although this was casually done, I got to noticing there was always a hardish bump in their trousers that I seemed to land on.

 Sometimes I was bounced up and down on more than one lap and it gave me a funny feeling if the bouncing pushed my knickers into my slice. I loved this attention and came to realise boys and later men were very attracted to me even though I was quite plain in my opinion. So way before even knowing Richard,I had the makings of a cock teaser,whatever that may be in mens minds.

 Yes me and my friends did flirt at the swimming pool,but we didn"t know that was cock teasing then. I kept secrets even then,what girl/woman doesn"t? Although a certain amount of nudity was inevitable with a lot living in one moderate house,with only a tin bath facility. My mother being victorian in more than just her breeding habits managed to arrange bathing of us reasonably private. The bath was in a dimly lit alcove out of site.

 This particular day I was at home with just me and mother. The tub was made ready and I had just stripped and got in. Just into my teens I had big tits for my age and a pussy bush I was very proud of. I was all grown up because my bush was more than my older stick insect sister. So I though anyway. I wasn"t over modest if someone got a look at it either,after all I"d been trying to show it even when it was as bold as a coot.

 I heard the front door go, it was never locked anyway,it would have cost to much for all to have a key I supposed. I took no notice and heard my uncle Rupert heading down the stairs to the basement living room. As he progressed he called out to my mother his sister. Mother was a compulsive gambler of horse racing,(only small bets mind) so uncle asked if she"d done any for todays racing? "No money" came her reply,"Got any picked out" says uncle going on, "I"ll give you ten bob if you want to do them" She was off.

 "Just dapping to the bookies Jackie,I wont be long. Jackies just having a bath Rup,she"ll make a cup of tea when she"s done wont you Jack" OK ma! I had been soaping my breasts for awhile as I liked the way the suds let my hands slip so easily over them and the coldness when they became wet made my nipples stand up. These I was equally proud of like my pubes because even then they were rather larger than my peers at school and I wanted lots of babies so they"d need them. I didn"t realise they had another attraction.

 Uncles head came round the corner just as I stood up to wash my slice. "You alright there?" Yes thank you unc, do you think I"m growing? He took the opportunity to come closer saying "I"ll do your back and bum if you like but don"t tell your mother mind" "Ok,that would be good my backs hard to do" I jumped as he touched me,his hands was freezing,but I became conscious of my oreoles crinkling up very tightly as forcing my nipples even higher. "Wow your hands are freezing. "Sorry let me put them in the bath and I"ll soap you up" His rough hands were like magic,the more he rubbed the bigger my goosebumps got.

 As he done my bum his face was near my ear and his hands were trembling. "Open your legs a bit so I can get right into your bum groove,but for gods sake don"t ever tell your mum. Are you liking me doing it?" Yes its so nice and it was! I suddenly realised one of his hands was now soaping under my tits and down across my belly. He rubbed back up under my tits as I noticed his breathing becoming more laboured. Then the hand was on and over both my tits. I wanted to tell him to stop now,but it felt so nice I said only, "Do you like how big they are?"

 "God yes, they"re bigger than some womens" His hand left my tits and was on my pubes now,going even farther down I felt a finger start to go through my slice while the hand at the back started in from there. The sensation was that I wanted to pee. "Stop,You"re making me want to pee!" Go on then I"ll wash your legs after. "No stop now mum will be back" OK, was it nice? "Yes,but it made my slice go all tingly" Yes it would,thats because you"re getting older,do you always bath about this time on this day? "Usually,why?"

 Oh I thought you might let me do it again for you. "I might,it was very nice with your rough hands" While talking I noticed uncles trouser front was tented and I realised it must be like I felt in my brothers when they bounced me. "I"ll just go out to the lavatory while you get dressed" but he stayed put as I got out and wiped. When I unwittingly bent over to wipe the lower part of my legs and again when I put each leg upon a low stool to wipe my foot, I heard him make a strange noise,like he was being strangled sort of. Immediately by,"Must go to the loo now,cant wait,be back in a minute"

 I dutifully made our cups of tea just as mother reappeared. "Everything alright?" Yeah I"ve just done the tea. Uncle just sat saying nothing, but his bump was gone.

 All for now!

Lusting to Have Him

Liqquid on Incest Stories

“Lusting to have him.”

By Liqquid

Her tongue had begun to swirl left and right upon the glistening head of the throbbing cock. She ever so gently moved her lips back and forth against its delicious flesh to feel ever inch sliding in and out past lips. Her suction grew stronger and the taste was much more divine then she could ever have anticipated.
She felt the pulsing cock quiver, and in her thrilled state she touched her teeth to the top and bottom giving him heightened excitement and danger which was very clear upon his face. Deeper and deeper she plunged his throbbing cock instantaneously feeling her own gush of cum drenching

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her lacey panties.
Pre-cum seeped from the tip of his aching dick while dripping onto her waiting tongue. This brought her mind to the point of pure lust as she felt the thick slime of his sperm coat every inch of her mouth. Tasting the extreme saltiness of his hot, thick cream forced yet another hard gush into her underwear, now soaking through to her bright white short and down her inner thighs.
Her moans of elation told him that she loved sucking on his rock hard prick, feeling his blood filled veins flow and ultimately swallowing that same slippery cum she loved so very much.

“Do you like that honey? Do you like my lips wrapped around your…hard…Mmm, delicious....dick?” Her voice was very deep and raspy as she lowered her head down atop his cock again.

Her mouth slurped and squished around his dick loud enough for anyone in the house to hear, but this didn’t faze her at all, fore what she really wanted was this hard cock to explode deep down her throat.
Soon it would become a reality, and soon she would be able to feel the heat of his sperm dribbling off her red lips down her chin.
Faster and faster she sucked and louder and louder the noises could be heard, her fingers then reach beneath his tight ball sack and squeezed with sexual delight. She cracked the sides of her mouth as she listened to his loud moans erupting from his lungs. She loved the fact that her succulent mouth was giving such fantastic pleasure and reveled in the idea of taking this cock so aggressively.
The throbbing cock shook violently deep in her mouth; his eyes glazed over as he felt the tip of his dick slamming against the back of her throat. His expressions were of complete shock and lustful pleasure; his hands grabbed the sides of her face as he voluntarily began to fuck her face hole harder and harder.
His hips bucked forward then back, forcing his cock to slide in and out of her biting teeth. She grabbed the bass of his dick; gripping it, watching it and licking it with her lapping tongue waiting for his first explosion to strike any second.
She held her lips tightly against his dick and felt the first waves of his scolding sizzling jets fill her mouth. She was in absolute heaven as she started to swallow hard while gagging on the white slimy treasure. She didn’t letting up on her sucking nor her harsh manipulation of his sperm filled balls.

“Give it to me baby, squirt all your hot nasty cum in my mouth!” She did her best to breath between each plunge of her mouth.

Harder and harder she sucked trying to gather as much of his cum as she could. His cock never stopped squirting the tons of cum into her gaping mouth. She moaned in lustful delight knowing she had loved going down on him when she had gotten the chance.
He hollered again and exploded past her lips and down her swallowing throat, his eyes were shut tight, not even the strongest crow bar could open them.
As the last spurt traveled up his shaft and onto her tongue he felt her teeth gently scrape his quivering cockhead; her luscious lips clasping onto the tiny hole, sucking every drop before it would end.
Quickly his body went limp and fell against the bed. Her mouth didn’t leave his cock; her sucking remained devouring his sperm that also spilled along his waist. This forbidden sexual act sent her body into another spinning and explosive orgasm.

“OH…IM…CUMMING…BABY...IM CUMMING!” She screamed as loud as she could.

He thrashed his body back and forth on the bed, pleading for her to release his dick, but she didn’t listen, fore she knew he loved it as much as she did. Her hand was held to the base of his slick cock jerking him off; her mouth popped from his young member while her eyes gazed upon it like it was her own Golden Trophy.
He screamed once more for her to stop her jerking fingers as he begun to grip the bed sheets trying to withstand the extreme pain and ultimate pleasure of having his cock gripped like a vice.
As she squeezed harder into his cock, she forced her grip up his dick to push the remained cum from his shaft and onto her tongue.
She lowered her head back to his aching dick and started eating every last drop. She could feel the veins of his dick shrink with the sides of her lips. The actions of her giving him a strong sexual blowjob made his body jerk and slam atop the bed.
The sheets were soaked with lustful sweat; cum that hung from her gaping lips fell to the sheets in a white slippery puddle. She lowered her tongue to the pool of young cum and licked it up eagerly. As it stretched from her lower lip she smeared it into her supple skin.

“Mmm, baby you taste so good I just cant get enough!” She said as that same nasty sperm slowly dropped down between her heaving breasts.

She purposely moaned excessively loud enveloping his cock; this caused the vibrations of her now husky voice to send shudders of electricity down his cock and through his entire body.
It throbbed and quivered as she then licked the very tip. Her jabbing tongue knew full well that the tip of his cock would be as sensitive as her engorged pussy would be after someone would have sucked on it for as long as she had.
With a lasting pop, she lifted her head up slowly. Her low cut blouse had somehow worked its way open revealing her rather large breasts.
The cleavage was glistening with cum and super hot sweat; her lips were covered with the same as her tongue shot out and swirled around very sexually to capture the last bit of his wonderfully tasting cum.
As he managed to gather himself, he pulled his head up from the bed and opened his eyes. As he brought himself back to reality, he found himself looking directly down into her drooping shirt.
He suddenly felt his loins jerk in excitement as he saw his Mother’s huge tits for the first time. Not wearing a bra his Mothers’ succulent pink nipples were piercing through the extremely thin fabric. She moved away from his small young body not noticing that her barely 14-year-old Son was staring sexually at her heaving cum covered tits.
She smiled at him as she sat up then licked her lips while her fingers immediately began harshly pinching her bullets through her blouse.

“Mmm, you like Mommy’s tits baby?” She moaned with sheer excitement. “Oh baby you have…Mmm… no…Ooooh…idea how I loved it when you used to SUCK on them as a little baby.” Her body shuddered as she felt her Motherly pussy squirt violently again. “You even made Mommy cum one time….ooh…, you sucked my milk so …So… hard…!”

Her nipples were now clearly visible to his eyes as more of her lavender blouse hung freely off her shoulders. She then purposely reached down to her loose fitting white short and thrust her hand passed the waistband.
Her hand bulged in front; the fingers clearly wiggled back and forth inside her shorts to sooth her soaked pussy lips with her jabbing fingers. She licked her lips more and finally stroked the fingers of her free hand from the base of his young dick to the very tip. She began to swipe her Son’s tiny cum hole around and around so she could smear his last bit of cum against her index finger.
He watched his Mothers’ tits sway openly, her blouse elegantly sliding completely off her sweaty skin. He cast his virgin eyes to her other hand buried deep beneath her bright white short, diddling her fingers between her legs noisily sloshing her privates. He was already old enough to know where her hand was and what it was doing.
He said nothing, but listened to this squishing sound; her fingers diving in and out of her Motherly pussy forcing her hot thick juices out from between her engorged folds. She was masturbating in front of him, but she never looked him in the eyes, she only stared at his 14-year-old prick twitching as it lay against his tiny waist dripping with her saliva.

“Oh baby it feels so good when Mommy plays with herself like this!” Her fingers jabbed faster and deeper inside her pussy as her own cum seemed to simply gush from its confines. “OH YEAH,…..ooohh….touch your cock baby. Stroke that little boy dick for Mommy!”

While her hand was furiously fucking her own pussy she watched in amazement her Son slowly reaching for his little dick and gently placing it within his small palm. She opened her mouth and let out the deepest of groans as his fingers slowly wrapped around his shaft and began to stroke upward.
He still said nothing, but only kept his eyes locked upon her tits as they flew from left to right; his Mothers body quivered then shook uncontrollably as yet another orgasm quacked throughout her entire body. The sound of her fingers beneath her white shorts grew louder until such acts began to pour profusely down her tanned legs and onto the bed sheets.

“Jerk that little cock baby boy….OOOH…., jerk it hard for Mommy…JERK IT HARD!” She exploded underneath her shorts, the fabric itself dripped of Motherly cum soaking through in enormous amounts.

She then quickly shifted her very adult body up around his knees, straddling his small child legs and allowed her hot dripping liquid to spill atop his skin. His small hand still jerked his little dick up and down; before her very own eyes his cock began to grow once more only a couple of minutes after he had his first earth shaking orgasm.
She was feeling the ultimate pleasure from her fingers as she fucked herself hard and fast. He stared in admiration as she continued her actions in front of him. His cock started to glisten more as he smeared his cum and his Mother’s spit up and down his very young cock. She was so locked in severe incestuous lust all she could possibly think of at this moment was where she’d love to shove her own Son’s dick. She wanted it, she wanted it bad.
Suddenly she forcefully pulled her eyes away from his dick and then stared into his dark brown eyes. She quickly stopped masturbating and yanked her womanly-cum drenched hand from between her legs. She raised it to hover just above his stroking fingers and then watched her thick hot cream drip upon his bursting red cockhead.

“My Son has the most beautiful cock that I’ve ever seen.” Her breathing grew harder as drip after drip coated every inch of this little boys dick. “Mmm…it looks, feels and tastes even better then your Brothers cock does.” She said deeply as her eyes slowly closed for a moment.

She swung her cream soaked hand to her sore nipples and rubbed her cum into her own skin. Slowly her fingers traveled beneath each of her large breasts then gently trailed between and rested within her cleavage.
She then reached her hand close to his cheek then graced her fingers against the side of his face smearing her liquid around. Slowly she moved her hand down and over to his chin then up to his lower lip. His young hand flew faster and faster upon his young cock as he somehow knew what his Mother was going to do next.
A moment later, his Mother’s fingers touched his lips and slowly pushed inside his gently opened mouth. Quickly she felt his tongue slither in and around her invading digits and tasted the strange pungent liquid for the first time. Suddenly reluctant, he tried to turn away from her fingers, but his Mother then reassured him that it was alright.
This action got her off immediately. For as long as she could possibly remember she had always wanted to let her own Son taste her thick hot com from her fingers.

“Does Mommy’s cum taste good baby?” She said in a very playful voice. “Eat Mommy’s cum baby…lick it off my fingers like a good little boy!”

She finally brought composure to her face and body. Her hand was pulled abruptly from his mouth and then lowered to her side. She slowly lifted her body from her Son’s captured legs and stood atop the bed.
She spread her legs slightly so more of her cum soaked shorts could drip profusely upon him. Also while bending over towards him she wanted to see his eyes glued to her own hanging breasts which were also coated with the same Motherly cum that drenched his legs.
She loved this teasing action, bending over very sexually, tits hanging just above his waiting mouth and cum dripping down her legs had given her the sensation of control and absolute lust for her tiny little boy. She knew what she wanted next and exactly how to get it, weather he wanted to or not.
As she fully stood to her weakened feet, she looked down at her shorts and had begun to swirl her hand around the huge wetness between her beautiful legs. With an even wrier smile, she cleared her throat, since it was coated earlier with her Sons cum, and motioned for him to get up from the bed…his bed. She thought to herself, what better place to give an after school rewards then her own Son’s bed.
He raised his weakened body from between her long beautiful legs and quickly glanced to her thighs and saw her legs were shiny with liquid all the way down to her ankles. Before he got up completely, he looked to his Mother standing atop his small little bed and smiled.

“Now I want you to go and clean yourself up in the bathroom ok?” She told him as she was still breathing rather hard. “You have to hurry; your Father shouldn’t see you like that. He’ll be home soon!”

She said this to him as he walked to the hall. With her white shorts high against her sexually slender hips, she again swirled her hand in hard circles against her aching pussy atop of her cum dripping shorts.
As he turned and dashed straight into the bathroom down the hall, she lifted her head towards the ceiling and took in the deepest of breaths. Looking around quickly she then pushed her hand back into her shorts and started stroking herself once more.
She had feelings running through her mind of how she would love to have his young cock buried deep between her sex; having his dick pound into her from behind while she pinched her own nipples. Wanting to feel of every inch of his throbbing boy dick, squirting his sizzling jizz inside of her sex crazed pussy. She wanted her Son’s nasty sperm to swirl and churn deeply inside of her.
Thoughts like this were extremely immoral, and what she had done to him a few minutes ago had her thinking of worse actions. But she could not escape the fact that her 14-year-old boy had the most delicious cock she had ever tasted.
Feeling her Son’s dick sliding in and out of her mouth made her cum violently and the idea of taking him right there in his own room made her shove three fingers deeply inside of herself. She stood with her legs bent slightly as she fucked herself quickly thinking of him slamming her harder and harder.

“Oh sweetie…Mommy wants your boy cock. Mommy wants it so bad!” She whispered to herself.

Her moans erupted from deep within her lungs and echoed all through the house. She gushed cum all over her fingers and down her legs. The growing puddle on his bed would be difficult to hide if her husband would see, but pushed the thought aside as she felt the waves of pure lust over come her.
Her Son hadn’t come out from the bathroom yet and as she finished fucking her aching pussy she wondered what he could be doing in there for so long. She quickly put on her lavender blouse and fixed her crooked white shorts then turned to the hallway.
Stepping from his room she placed her extremely sticky hand to the doorknob and turned it. She opened it hurriedly and found her Son standing in front of the vanity mirror jerking his young cock hard and fast.
She immediately gasped at what he was doing and quickly stepped inside. He jumped as his mother quickly slammed the door behind her. He still had his cock in his hand and felt the shock of what his Mother had immediately begun to do before his very eyes.
She stepped behind him; staring at his reflection she placed her hands to the bottom of her loose fitting shirt. In one quick movement, she pulled it over her head and allowed her huge heaving breasts to fall against the back of his head.
He held his breath long as he watched her grab her nipples in each hand and pull on them to the point of pleasurable pain. Stepping to his side she then slowly turned her back to him and very gently bent over. She curled her thumbs into the waistband of her white shorts and slowly and quite deliberately yanked them down past her thighs down to her very pretty feet.
The massive amounts of cum that were soaked into her shorts splashed slightly as they hit the floor. His small young hand continued to glide up and down his hardened dick as he locked his eyes to her heart shaped butt.
While being bent over, her swollen pussy lips gushed clear liquid that also dripped to the white tiled floor. His mother remained bent for several second so he could finally see what her pussy looked like.
She felt the overwhelming passion tingle all over, and the thought of what he was doing while viewing her sex, made her pussy drip more of her wetness down her shapely legs.
He grunted loudly as his hand had begun to squeeze hard into his boy cock. He wanted the same pressure as his Mother had applied while she was sucking on it earlier. As he looked over every inch of her butt, he stopped to stare at her asshole and slowly licked his lips.
He had the incredible urge to swipe his tongue across his Mother’s puckered asshole and find out just how delicious it must be, but perished the thought as he then brought his eyes to her luscious pussy.
It dripped profusely; some even dripped directly on her feet and seeped between her red painted toes. He suddenly felt like licking his young tongue between them to clean him Mothers feet from her own delicious cream.
He then brought his virgin eyes to her hand saw her reach behind her and slowly graces two fingers to her sore, pout pussy lips. She then spread them for her Son to see what mouth-watering surprises were hidden deeply inside.
She shoved one finger past her lips, then another, then another, she started to slide her fingers in and out of herself while she remained bent over for her young boy to see and lust over. Not being able to stand much more, she straightened her slim, shapely body and stepped between him and the mirror.
She was greatly taller then him so she gently moved her body back against the bathroom sink to sit slightly atop the marble counter. She then spread her les and curled her wet toes around the back of his knees.
He stepped closer to his Mother as more of her legs began to wrap around him. Her tits were mere inches away from his drooling mouth as she felt the heat from his breath grace upon her sensitive nipples. She then delicately placed her fingers to the back of his neck and pulled him closer until she felt his young body touch the inside of her thighs.

“You want to fuck Mommy’s pussy baby?” She said deeply as her fingers slowly circled into his short dark hair. “Mommy wants that little cock inside of her…will you do that for Mommy?”

In what seemed like an eternity, she looked into his eyes and blew in imaginary kiss to his lips. He didn’t know what to do and his shaking body didn’t help matters any as far as he was concerned. Her hands were now pressed fully to the back of his head and gently pulled him close enough to touch her throbbing nipple against his lips.
His mouth opened slightly and it was at that moment he heard his Mother sigh with fantastic sexual release. The instant his tongue touched her aching nipple he felt her body shake with enormous fury.
She jets her chest forward and plunged her nipple into her Son’s mouth and yelped with delight as she finally felt him begin to suck. The memories of when he was a baby flooded her mind. The one time she exploded years and years ago, with him nursing upon her nipples didn’t compare to the sheer delight of him now, biting, tasting and sucking her nipple like a piece of candy or chocolate.
She threw her head back and screamed for him to bite harder into her throbbing nipple. He did as he was told and also, on his own began to flick that same nipple back and forth with his tongue. He listened to his Mother’s yells and screams of how good and fantastic his tongue felt upon her open breast.
She quickly took one of her hands away from his head and lowered it between both their legs. She was trying desperately to find her Son’s hard throbbing dick so she could then shove it deeply between her extremely wet pussy lips, but couldn’t do so because she was in heaven feeling her 14-year-old boy biting hard into her nipple.
She wrapped her legs fully around his waist and lifted herself higher onto the counter and looked him straight into his eyes.

“Put your dick inside Mommy’s pussy baby….FUCK Mommy please…PLEASE!” Her voice rang of despair and anguish wanting her Son’s cock to finally pierce her gaping hole.

Her thoughts of this young boy’s dick deep inside of her made her crazy with lust. The thought of finally taking this boy would fulfill a dream she had for a long while. Suddenly she felt the tip of this child’s dick touch her pussy. Her mind flipped uncontrollably as more and more of this pleasure enveloped her entire body. It was then that she heard his delectable voice stammer to her ear.


The thought of her Son saying those words to her brought her off in an instant. Tons and tons of her own cum poured from her pussy and drenched his little cock. As her legs pulled hard on to his little body she forced the plunge of his boy dick deeply inside of her. His cock pierced her and instantly filled her aching pussy with is total eruption.

“FUCK ME BABY….FUCK MOMMY’S PUSSY……FUCK…ME!” Her screams or incestuous lust could be heard through out the entire neighborhood.

He quickly grabbed her hips hard in his hands. She reached around and grabbed hard against her Son’s little butt and felt his dick push its way into her aching pussy. She had him, he gasped as his dick squirted gallons upon gallons of his boy sperm deeply into her, she wailed at finally feeling the cock of another male sliding deeply past her lips, and yearning for him to fuck her like she had always wanted him to.
He looked down at his cock, it throbbed more and more as it quickly disappeared into his Mother’s beautiful pussy. He suddenly felt her pussy grab onto him with her muscles and literally suck his young 14-year-old dick deeply inside of her. She could feel her Son’s dick push its way in and out of her; her face was being slammed against his shoulder as she reveled in taking her won Son’s virginity from hi, as any incest crazed Mother should.
She screamed out loud as his small young balls were slapping against her tightly puckered asshole. She quickly reached down and started flicking her clit back and forth, pinching it hard and twisting it up and down. Her boy was fucking her and this feeling, thought and action suddenly made her gush her hot, motherly cum again all over her sons dick.
He forced his dick deeper into his mother as he felt her squirt something all his waist and thighs. He could feel her cream dripping from his ball as he continued to force himself deeper and deeper.
She placed both her hands against the counter and pushed back against him so he could jab more of his young cock in to her gushing pussy. He was coming deeply inside his mother’s pussy and she screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs. His thick hot cum squirted far up into her pussy and she came again as she relished in the forbidden act of being fucked by her own Son.
Her Motherly dream had finally come true and now as she tried her best to calm her body down she can feel her Son’s dick begin to shrink inside her well fucked pussy. It was also then that she could make him fuck her anytime she could ever want.
Fucking her to the point of demanding his little boy cock up her pussy, in her mouth, and later on, sliding in and out of her tight ass. She would have him after elementary school, after Dinner and most of all at night in his own bed.
Oh the thoughts she had for her Son’s dick was absolutely limitless. She would take his sex and do what ever she wanted with it. The thought even crossed her mind about sharing it, sharing it with her own Sister.
The incestuous act of her Son coming hard and deep in his Aunts tight ass forced one last gush of her own hot cum to squirt absolutely every, on the counter, on the floor and most important of all, squirting all over her Son’s body.
She then pressed her heaving tits into his face and told him to bite her nipple hard, then sooth it with his suckling lips. He opened his mouth and bit down hard into his Mother’s nipple.
She shrieked in overwhelming lust and hurriedly ran her hand between her weakened legs and scooped gobs of his own cum. She then reached it to her mouth and placed her fingers past her sucking lips. She left a gob of her Son’s cum on her tongue and then shoved her tongue deeply into his mouth.
She grabbed his body and held him close, and then French kissed her young boy, so he could taste his own thick boy cum from her mouth. She had fucked her boy for the first time and she knew right then it would never be her last.

The End


Cousin Lovin'

Hateshiganai on Incest Stories

The weekend had been planned well in advance. Me, my sister and my mum were going to my grandparents' house, so we could catch up with all our relatives that live in that town. Now, i have secrectly been harbouring a crush on my 13 year-old cousin, Alice. She has tanned skin, long brown hair, brown eyes and a slim, toned body. I'm not sure how big her tits are, but they're probably 34A.

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n">When we arrived, i found to my pleasure that Alice and her two younger sisters were staying with us at my grandparents' house that weekend. I made a mental note to try an get Alice alone as much as possible that weekend - I had seen the way she glanced at me, and i knew she felt the same about me as i felt about her.

Well, later that afternoon, everyone went out for a walk saying that they'd be back in an hour or so. Alice expressed a wish not to go, so i said i would look after her at the house, whilst everyone else went walking. My grandparents agreed with that, complimenting me on my thoughtfulness for the wellbeing of my cousin. Haha, more like thoughtfulness for the pleasurement of my cousin! Anyway, everyone left, and it was just me and Alice sat in my bedroom.

There was one hell of an awkward silence right then, but i thought i'd break the ice, and planted my lips upon Alice's. Momentarily she seemed shocked by that, and withdrew a few millimetres. But right after that she returned the kiss, and it quickly turned into a snog. We embraced tightly, with our hands exploring each other's bodies. My right hand went straight to her bra clip, whilst my left hand made a bee-line for her skirt. Meanwhile, her hands unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers, then slipped them down my legs to my knees, and from there they fell to the floor. As my jeans made their journey south, i unclipped her bra and pulled her panties down to her knees, close to my tented boxers.

Alice unbuttoned my boxers and my erect, 7" cock sprang forth, swaying and twitching in anticipation. I had her panties to the floor now, and her skirt rolled up to her hips - my eyes engorged themselves on the wondrous sight before them; my 13 year old cousin's downy-haired pussy. It was pink and glistening from the cum leaking from within, as was the head of my dick. I laid my cousin out on my bed, and she spread her legs without my having to say so. I positioned myself between her legs, and rested the head of my dick against her opening. Slipping it in a little bit, i bent to her face and whispered "I love you, Alice"

I half-heard her identical reply, as the explosion of warmth eveloped me. I don't remembered much of what happened during the next 15 minutes, only suggestions of movement - the in-out movement one associates with sex, the exclamations of "yes" and "uh" that are so primal and yet so meaningful. I awoke as if from a daze, mid-loving, tender kiss with the cousin i had just had passionate sex with; our arms wrapped around each other as we lay side-by-side in my bed, my slowing softening dick retracting from her glistening, pink pussy.

"I love you, Alice. I want you to be with me always"

"I love you too, James. I want be with you, too"

"But, we cannot tell anyone about us"

"I know, but maybe one day we can"









My Cousin Sama

lifesabeach84 on Incest Stories

My cousin and I were never really close. Now we weren’t first cousins or even second cousins, all I know was that we were cousins somewhere along the line, so it’s not like we were close because of blood or anything. Yet we lived pretty close from each other, only maybe a 10 or 15 minute drive. She was the youngest of four, and I was the youngest of two. Her name was Sama. She had dark brown hair, with slight highlights, big brown eyes, and juicy lips. She was a few inches shorter than me, and was an averaged size girl: slim but not really skinny, with very nice legs. She was also a busty girl, not huge boobs, but nice and round, probably a C-cup. They were definitely her best asset, even though her booty hasn’t half bad as well. She was definitely

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prettier than his sister, who was about the same age as me, but she was only 2 years younger than us, so we all got along fine. Even though she lived pretty close, we went to different schools in high school in different cities, and we saw each other here and there, hanging out and eventually becoming closer as we got older. At the time of this story, she was a freshman in college, while I was a junior. Both of us went to different schools, but they were both within the state so not too far from home.


It all started a few years back. Her mom and dad were divorced, and her brothers and sister were off living on their own or off at college out of state. That left only her grandma and her mom at home, with Sama coming home from school during the weekends. Anyways, her mom had to leave town for a month, so that left her grandma all alone in the house. My parents learned of this and had her grandma stay at our house, because she was old and frail and they didn’t want her spending the weekdays all alone in a big house. She stayed in my sister’s room, since it was the only empty room in the house, and sometimes Sama would come over on the weekends to check up on her grandma. One time in particular, we told Sama to just spend the weekend at our house, and she did. My mom asked if she wanted to sleep with her grandma in my sister’s room or sleep in my room. At first I thought she was going to say my sister’s room, but she said my room. It was cool too, since we then spent the first night talking about our childhood and reminiscing and laughing while I slept on the floor of my room, and she slept on my bed.


The second night, we did pretty much the same thing, talk late into the night about all sorts of stuff. Somewhere along the line she was talking about how she didn’t like nose or something, and I responded that I thought she was very pretty and extremely attractive. She giggled at the thought, thinking I was just being nice, but I reiterated to her that she really was very beautiful, and that I would think she would get all sorts of guys. She then told me about her past relationships, and somewhere along the line, the topic of sex came up. We were whispering now, since we didn’t want my parents overhearing us from upstairs or anything, and we traded back in fourth about what we had done and liked and such. One interesting tidbit I found out was that Sama loved giving head. I jokingly responded that I loved getting head, to which she laughed and said maybe I’ll get lucky. This raised my eyebrow for a second, so I decided to keep this up and told her that if she saw that I had morning wood when she wakes up, to go ahead and take care of it for me. This caused her to laugh out loud, and she quickly covered her mouth after she realized how loud she was. She then responded by saying that she would, winking her eye. We both laughed and continued the conversation, all the while, me thinking we were just fooling around. Eventually we both got tired and fell asleep.


That night I remember having a sexy dream. I think all the talking about sex turned me on and was reflected in my dreams that night. I woke up in the morning, and noticed I was erect like a rock. I was sleeping on my stomach, so I rolled up onto my back, and dozed back to sleep. I think I slept for another hour, even though it only seemed like a moment, and I woke up to a shivering feeling. I was still on my back, so when I woke up, I looked down towards my feet and couldn’t believe the sight in front of me. I knew I felt something when I woke up, and was shocked to see my penis in my cousin’s mouth.


My eyes were wide open, and I just couldn’t believe what was happening. She was sucking away, my dick being covered in saliva. I could feel her tongue pressing against the bottom of my shaft, almost as if she was licking it like an icicle.  She then noticed I was now awake and watching, opened her mouth with my penis still inside and smiled. She then got up a little bit, and began to talk to me. While she rubbed my penis up and down she told me how when she woke up and went to the bathroom, she noticed I was erect in the morning. I told her I thought she was joking last night, to which she responded she was. She then said though that when she saw my boner sticking like a tent pole under my blanket, she couldn’t help herself. She then went back to sucking, and I just couldn’t complain. I laid back and just let it al soak in. She was like a sex machine, sucking furiously and even deep throating it a couple times. She fondled my balls while she blew me, which made me almost squirm, it felt so good. It didn’t take long before I began to climax, and I told her I was about to shoot. She just kept on sucking, and gave me a thumbs up with her right hand. I then let out a big breathe, and began to cum. As my cum gushed into her mouth, she closed her eyes and took it all. She then sucked the tip of my penis, getting ever last drop, and ultimately motioned towards me to watch her swallow it, which she did in one big gulp.


She then crawled closer to me, and asked me if I had a condom. I was now in disbelief. I asked her if she was asking me if I wanted to have sex, and she said she was too horny now and wanted it. I said that I really wanted to now, but my parents were home and I didn’t want to take the risk. She then told me they weren’t home, and that they must have taken her grandma with them. I listened for a few seconds and didn’t hear anything so I believed her. I then went into my underwear drawer and pulled out a Trojan. We then got on the bed, and I told her to wait a little bit so I could get hard again. She said she had no patience, and began to take her clothes off. At the sight of her boobs bouncing out from under her shirt, my penis began to spike up again. They were perfect, her brown nipples all tight and hard from arousal. She then took off her bottoms and I saw her nicely clean shaven pussy, making me even harder. I was now almost erect and ready to go already, but she sped things up by massaging my leg and then my throbbing member. I was now sporting a big boner, and I opened up the condom package and slid it on. She then gently pushed me my chest down, onto my back on my bed and leaned it, telling me to relax and just let her do all the work. I stuttered in agreement and did what I was told.


Sama then sat on her knees above me in my bed. She slowly lowered herself on to my prick, and as soon as I was in, began to grind away. She laid close to my body, towering over me, her breast bouncing and shaking in my face. I put my hands around her waste, and began moving my arms up and down her back; all the while she rode me in rhythm. I then finally got my hands on her jugs, seizing one in each hand, slightly squeezing. I rubbed her nipples and the rest of her boobs, blown away at how soft and smooth they were. I then put my hand on her ass, it was so tight and round. Her whole body was so silky smooth, and I mentioned that as she looked down on me, her hair slightly in her face smiling and slightly moaning. She then began to breathe very heavily, grinding faster and faster, her ass moving like a piston. It was too intense, and before I knew it, I felt like I was going to cum. I tried to resists, trying to concentrate on her tits instead, but I could only prolong it, not stop it. I eventually came, and I think she knew, but she didn’t care. She was really going at it, and continued to ride me like a cowgirl, even though I was beyond sensitive at this point. My penis almost ached, I was so sensitive. She just kept going and going, faster and faster. And then, she orgasmed, her mouth wide open, her body almost frozen. She then let out a deep breathe, tossed her hair back, and grinned from ear to ear. I told her I had cum and I was really sensitive, so she slowly moved up and guided my penis out with her left hand.


She then rolled over and lay beside me. She turned her head towards me, still smiling, and asked if it was good. I was so blown away at how amazing it was, I was near speechless, so I nodded in agreement. She let out a small giggle, as I then pulled off the condom and turned on my stomach again. Her chest was still heaving, as she was slightly out of breathe, which I couldn’t blame her as I would be tired if I did what she just did to me. I then put my left hand and laid it on her stomach, and then slowly hand walked up her body to her right breast, making circles with my index finger around her nipple. I then looked her in the eye, told her she was amazing and that sex was unreal. She thanked me, and then I thanked her. Eventually, we both got up and put our clothes back on, trading naughty glances. After we were all cleaned up and changed, we looked at the clock, it was almost noon. We then quickly went to the kitchen and had cereal so it looked like we had wakened up on time to my parents. Over breakfast, I joked that we should do this again, referring of course to the sex. She smiled and agreed, and we actually did have sex, among other things, more than a handful of more times. But of course, the first time is one of the most memorable.

Married Men 3

margoslips on Cheating Stories

"Hi, Emily. It's Matt."

"Oh! Uh, Hi." I hadn't been with Matt for over a year. I used to babysit for the Rikers and Matt had taken my virginity one night when his wife was away. Our affair went on until I moved away to college. I was in my dorm room when the phone rang and it was him.

"You alone?"

"Yes," I said expecting him to want phone sex or another meeting.

"Look, something came up. I thought of you."


"I have a client who's coming in from England. Big shot with his firm."

"Yes," I mumbled.

"Well he asked me to set him up with a, you know, a date ... well ... not just any date."

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"And I thought of you. You're so smart and so beautiful, I know he would like you. He's tall and judging by the reaction of the girls in the office, very attractive."

I was actually starting to get interested. I wasn't exactly sex starved at school, but it was all so, so ordinary.

"So tell me more about this tall dark stranger."

"Well he isn't all that dark. He's maybe 6'4, fit looking, dark hair, light complexion, blue eyes.  Maybe Dutch; in fact I think he has more of a Scandanavian accent than English. Rich as hell. But he's married, too."

Darn, I thought.

"His name is Sem Dijkstra." He spelled it for me, both names.

I was getting interested all right.


"OK, what?"

"OK, I guess I'll go out with him."

"He's coming in Tuesday; flying out Saturday mid day.  I think he wants to go out on Friday night -- well not just go out." Like I was just expecting dinner, I thought.


"Look, he was expecting something else, but I hope this doesn't bother you -- he expects to pay. I hope you don't take it the wrong way."

I couldn't talk for a while.

Then I thought about the tips I had received from Matt and Eric. As much as $100. When I was honest with myself, I already considered myself a whore. But for them it was also a relationship I wanted without the tips.

"I told him -- I didn't know what to say -- I told him, uh, if you were willing to spend the night with him -- uh -- you would want -- uh -- " He was struggling. "Uh $1000."

How did he get off -- oh my -- oh my -- I could use some extra money.

I tried to say something but my voice failed me.

Finally I croaked, "That's a lot of money."


"But I would have gone out with him anyway."

"But he expects to pay."


Sem called me Tuesday night and we arranged for him to pick me up at 6:00 Friday evening.

I dressed to the nines but on the sexy side. A lacy black bra that showed thru my silky blouse, a black skirt that came just above my knees, black thigh highs, a black garter belt, and red see thru panties that all came from Fredericks of Hollywood. And the neckline of my blouse showed plenty of skin where guys like to see skin.

He was actually stunningly handsome in his silk suit. I think it was Italian but I don't know much about this. I looked up at him and couldn't hold back a huge smile. He was maybe 40.

He took me to a quiet little French restaurant near Hartford -- it was the downstairs half of an Italian place.They accepted my fake ID, and we had cocktails and wine along with the most wonderful appetizers and main course. I wish I could tell you what it all was, but it was all in French so I ordered by the descriptions. Even the water was French. I peeked at the bill; dinner came to over $300. This guy really was rich.

We went to his hotel room -- fancy enough to match his suit and the dinner we just had. I was expecting to get right down to business, if you know what I mean, but he had other ideas. There was a bucket with champagne on ice and he asked me if I wanted to dance. He had a CD in his laptop and some small speakers that sounded really good.

"It's hard to find a place for romantic dancing so I just brought my favorite music."

The music was slow and dreamy and we danced arm in arm, sipping champagne that he had poured. He didn't seem to mind that I only know how to shuffle around and can't do any official dances. Pretty soon we were pressed tightly against each other and then kissing. I wanted this man so badly. I could feel him getting aroused and we had been dancing for 15 or 20 minutes.

Finally he reached up between us and gently touched my breast while we were still dancing. I leaned back a bit and looked up into his eyes and said, "Oh yes."

"You're so very, very lovely," he said, as one by one he undid the buttons on my blouse and helped it slip to the floor.

Then he unzipped my skirt and it too fell to the floor.

I stepped back so he could look at me in my lingerie. "So lovely. So lovely."

I started to undo my bra -- it hooked in front -- but he said, "Let me."

He turned me around and from behind, kissed me on the neck and took my breasts in his hands. Then he undid me and threw my bra over a chair. I turned around again and started taking the studs and cufflinks out of his shirt. I had him down to his silk shorts, which could hardly contain him, when he sat me in a big easy chair and knelt between my legs.

My Fredericks panties were already see thru and being soaked, I'm sure they hid nothing. He started licking my thighs just above my stockings, where the panties had been unable to stop the flow of my juices. Then he did oral sex on me through my panties. They're so thin its like they aren't there. He had my whole pussy in his mouth and was flicking his tongue and sucking on my lips. "You taste so good."

I was starting into my first orgasm when he unsnapped my garter belt and pulled my panties off slowly. With his fingers inside me and his tongue on my clitorus, he brought me to a full orgasm. I love men who know how to do this.

I reached into my purse and pulled out the ribbon of condoms I had packed there. I ripped off his shorts and ripped open a condom. His cock was so beautiful and so large I wanted it right then. But I slipped the condom over the tip and slid it down with my mouth. Then I licked his balls and the shaft and took him in my mouth again. But only for a second.

"Oh Sem Sem, fuck me now." And he led me over to the bed, pulled down the covers and laid me across. His big body covering me, he slid his cock easily into my vagina. I wrapped my legs around him and felt him slam over and over again into my cervix. It wasn't very long before we both came -- me for the second time. He had an amazing ability to keep going after he came, and I did'nt come down from my orgasm until he finally went soft. I slipped the condom off and threw it in the plastic bag the hotel put in the trash can.

I helped him clean up by taking his cum soaked cock in my mouth. He tasted so good, but I wished my taste was there too. Anyway, it wasn't long before he was ready again. I noticed the CD had returned to the first piece. "Do you want to cum in my mouth?"

"No, I want to cum in your pussy again."

We went through the ritual of putting on another condom and he chuckled, "Don't you think you should get undressed?" I was still in mygarter belt and stockings.

He relieved me of those and we crawled under the covers. I made him lie onhis back and started to mount him. But he said, "Come up here," tugging on my fanny. I moved up until my pussy was over his mouth and he brought me to another orgasm  with that wonderful tongue.

When I couldn't wait any longer, I maneuvered myself back down and, holding his cock vertical, slid down on him. This position is wonderful for a girl because you have so much control over the feelings inside you. You decide how fast and vigorously the sex goes. You can slam down hard and feel his cock all the way up in your belly. You can push up toward his tummy and the cock is forced against the roof of your vagina. If you push toward his feet, his shaft is rubbing against the part of your clit that is inside. And with your pubic bone helping put pressure on, no man lasts long this way. I chose not to make Sem cum but I sure did enjoy slamming him up up inside me.

We switched to doggie style, which I love, and without disconnecting rolled over so I was on top facing away. I could tell he was nearing his finish so I swung my leg around and faced him again. I felt him throbbing as he came again in the condom. I must have had three orgasms to his one through all this.

I cleaned him up with my mouth again, but by then the wine, water and champagne had gotten too me. "I need to pee."

He seemed to be thinking. Then, "Can I watch?" It was the only even slightly kinky thing that happened that night, but for what he was paying, I didn't mind.

"Do you want me to stand up?"

"That would be nice." I could tell he had embarrassed himself.

But I went into the tub and stood there with my legs apart and let go. I couldn't read his reaction but after I was done he turned and took a pee himself into the toilet. I had splashed myself so I washed off with a wet washcloth and we returned to the room.

There were robes in the closet and he handed me one and put one on himself. We sat on the sofa and finished off the champagne. He pointed to an envelope on the bureau.

"You were supposed to put that in your purse when you came in."

"Oh. I didn't know. I've never done this before," I admitted, but I did as he said and took the money. It felt like I was crossing into a very cold place, but that lasted only a second.

"Well, you're very good. Can you stay the night?"

"I had planned to."

We talked a bit about his family --  wife and two teenage kids. She's ok in bed but "not like you" -- and about my sex life -- the married men I had been with.

It came out that Matt was one of them. "Oh I figured as much."

I didn't tell them how it had started, with him seducing me when I was a virgin.

Anyway, we crawled into bed and I found he was hard again. I stroked his balls with my fingers and slid down under the covers. He loved it when I licked up and down his shaft and finally took him in my mouth. When he warned me he was cumming, I just kept stroking him until he let go. I love that taste and always will. He had a big grin on his face when I sat up and spit a little out on my fingers and rubbed it on my tits. Then I made it obvious I was swallowing the rest.

I awoke to find he had his morning woodie; I was wet too. I quickly got a condom, threw off the covers, put it on him, reached my leg over him and held him while I slid down over his cock. We both exploded in about five minutes. I was having an incredibly good time with this man. He pushed me over on my back and started eating and fingering my pussy; god he was good; oh oh oh I screamed in delight.

He had to get packed and ready for his flight home. I took a condom into the shower with us. We washed each other off and I turned to hang on to the shower valves. Our last "act" was doggie style in there.

I got dressed and he drove me back to my dorm. We kissed bye and I went in. It was embarrassing walking in in those clothes at 10 AM.

In my room I opened the envelope. There were ten $100 bills. That same chilly feeling washed over me.

I've seen Sem two more times and have gotten calls from other gentlemen who said they were his friends.  You won't find me on any web site or escort service ad. But I have to admit, its nice to have the money and to meet these fine gentlemen.

A Quickie

davidj on Teen Stories

I went over to my friends place to see if he wanted to go for a bike ride. He usually was in his room playing on his computer so I didnt knock I just went up to his room.

When I walked in he wasnt there but his 13 yo sister was and she was nude and sitting in front of the mirror in his cupboard door with her legs right back and looking at her cunt which she was holding open.

She got a real fright when I walked in on her and she let out a yell and tried to cover herself. I said wow that was really cool seeing you do that before she had chance to say anything. I do that when I wank myself and watch my cum spash out. How often do you masturbate and she sat there speechless not knowing what to do. I dont she said - and I said I do would you like to see me do it. I had often look

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ed at her when I visited and she always looked sexy to me. I am only 14 so she is about my size as far as a girl is concerned. I said I like your breasts too they are really starting to look nice. I love your nipples which were now hard and red after she had been playing with herself.

She hardly said a word because I was talking all the time to distract her as she was still nude and I was enjoying looking at her. She was a bit cautious about letting me see anything else but I said do you want to se mine. I wont mind showing it to you. I think by now she had got over the shock of being found out and as I was talking sexy she sort of relaxed. She said is it hard and I said yes because you really turn me on. do I she said and I said you really do every time I come over I get a hard on looking at you and you have clothes on its even harder now seeing you nude. I didnt wait for her to say yes or no and I undid my belt and zip and let my pants fall around my ankles and slipped my underpants down and stood there with my hard on sticking straight out in front of me. There I said see how hard I get looking at you, I think you are fantasticly sexy. How about you stand up and let me see all of you. slowly she stood up and sort of kept a hand over her cunt and I said now come over here and we can look at each other close up. As she slowly came toward me I took off my T shirt and we were both nude except for my runners and sox. Can I touch it she said and I said please do - it really likes you. then she put her hand on my cock and it jumped a bit because the top of it was really sensitive. As it jumped she giggled and said its funny.I said play with it and pull on me if you like. She said I have only seen Toby's (her brother) soft never hard like this, its cute. I said have agood look and feel of it and she got down and asked me what the top was called and why did it have a brown ring around it. I said the top is called the glans and the ring is where I have been circumcised. She said whats that and I explained. She said Toby is not like that and I said I know. She said have you seen Toby's and I said of plenty of times. Now I said can I have a look at yours and she said do you really want to and I said yes, I have never seen a cunt before close up. She said you wont fuck me or anything will you and I said I wont do anything you dont like I promise.

She got up on Toby's bed and opened her legs and I got hold of them and pushed them back so her cunt was right in front of my eyes and she was watching every move I made. I said can you pull it open and she did and I said wow thats the lovliest thing its beautiful. She said you are just saying that and I said no, I really think it is.I got down closer to it to look at it and she said what can you see and I told her about her lips and her vagina and her clitoris. Can you see that she asked, I said I can see where it hides I said can I squeeze it out I wont hurt you and she said how do you know about it and I said I have read about girls cunts and see pictures of it, but yours is so beautiful I could kiss it. She said if you know how you can make it come out and i got it between my fingers and squeezed her clit and the head of it just peeped out from the sheath. Thats wonderful I said I bet that makes you cum good when you play with it and masturbate.She said how do you know I masturbate and I said everybody does.She said how often do you do it and I said nearly every day and now I will do it twice a day thinking about yours. She said what do you think about when you wank yourself and I said you and Sue another of her friends. Do you really I said and I said sure I think about how good it would be to fuck you both. She said go on you dont and I said I do and mostly its you.Then without warning and on an impulse I cant explain I just put my mouth down and kissed her cunt and it tasted really strange but the soft moist skin felt great. She shivered and shook for a moment and said shit what are you doing and I said kissing it, it looks so good I couldnt help it. Oh god she said it really gave me the shivers when you did that and I said did it feel good and she said no, then quickly said well it sent a shiver up my spine so I suppose it did. Can I do it again I asked and she didnt answer so I did and this time I kept my mouth there and kissed and sucked it and licked all around it and she wriggled her hips and I heard her moan and groan as I worked on her. Oh god she said that feels awesome, so I kept going on her and rubbed my tongue up and down on her clit and licked all around her labia lips and rubbed my face and nose in her and really gave her a good work out. I had never done it before so I did what I thought she would like. Her cunt was all wet and I started to swallow the stuff I was licking out of her which tasted strange but not bad and it wasnt like piss. I had only been going on her for a couple of minutes and she gave a cry and began to buck about and I was having trouble keeping everything on her cunt, The more I licked and rubbed her the stronger her shaking and bouncing got and she started to cry out and moan and groan and say oh shit then fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. I gathered she was having an orgasm. I had not seen a girl have one before but it was like I go when I have one.

Then she sort of cried please stop I cant bear it any more you are hurting me. I stopped immediately and stood up and she just lay there. She wasnt saying anything and I wondered if she was alright, and I said are you ok and she just nodded and in a minute said sorry you exhausted me, I couldnt breath or talk, the sensation was so strong when I came I couldnt do anything.

I said I am sorry I didnt know it would be like that and she said no I loved it but it starting to hurt after a bit as my clitoris was so sensitive as you touched it with your tonge.

Then she said I have never felt like that ever before when i came that was unbelievable. Then I said would you like to do it to me. She said do I, and I said no but I think I would like it. She said well just a bit I cant imagine having a cock in my mouth. She got off the bed and got down between my legs and she got close to it and said you wont piss in my mouth or anything and I said no way.

Then she just opened her mouth and put it over my cock and closed it and I could tell she wasnt sure what she should be feeling or tasting. She opened her mouth and said it is alright, its not as bad as I imagined and then she started to really suck on it and I held her head and began to get her to slip her mouth up and down on my cock and then she began to do it herself and pretty soon she was really doing it great. I had never had head before so this was heavenly. As she worked on me I held her ears and played with them as she sucked on me and she stopped for a moment and said do you like it and I said I have never felt anything as good as this, and she said I thought so because I like the way you are feeling my ears and stuff and its making me all sexy inside again. She kept going for a few more minutesd then I felt like I was going to cum and I said quick take it out I am going to cum but she she just sucked harder and she put a hand on my balls and I let fly with the strongest ejaculation ever and my cum shot out into her mouth. I did about 3 or 4 huge spurts then  I started to go soft. She stopped and wondered what was happeneing but swallowed all of my cum and kept sucking. I pulled back and she said waht was that and I said I came and you drank my cum. she said oh hell what will happen now and I said nothing. what does it taste like I dont know. She said its strange its like salty vinegar. I said I am sorry i didnt mean for you to have to drink it and she said its ok, It happened so fast i didnt know what it was but it didnt seem like piss. I said its the stuff that makes babies in a girl. Oh hell she said can I get pregnant from it and i said no only when it goes in your cunt. I believe a lot of girls do it with their mouth rather than get pregnant. Is it as good as fucking she asked and i said I dont know maybe we can find out. She said not if I can have a baby. I said do you have periods yet and she said no, but I must be getting close because the hair is just starting to show and thats a sign I will soon. My mother has told me what happens so I know you start to bleed out of my vagina when it happens. 

I said then if we do it now you cant get pregnant and she said I suppose not. I said well lets do it and see and then we will know and you wont get pregnant. She said will you do that inside me and I said yes, unless I pull it out first then I can wank it out like I do when I masturbate. If you promise not to do it in me I am game. At the moment I would do anything I feel so hot.

She got on the bed and opened her legs and I got between themm and put my hand on my cock and guided it to her cunt. when I was outside and ready to go into her I said are you ready and she said yes and i pushed and my cock slipped into her vagina real easy. As my cock forced its way in she gave a yell of shit she said its hurting so I pulled out. Then she said no put it back in and I did. Oh hell she said that hurt for a moment, it was like you tore something inside me it hurt and then stopped. I looked down as she was all wet and warm and I saw blood. Oh hell I said I have done something, you are all bloody. We got off the bed and we looked inside her cunt which was all bloody. She ran to the bathroom and began to wash her cunt and there was only a little bit of blood and she had stopped bleeding.

She said I dont know what happened and I said I heard the first time you had a fuck that happens. It doesnt happen again I said.

Then I said do you want to do it again and she said yes, I have gone this far I might as well go all the way. So we goy back on the bed and I started to fuck her and it was relaly good. We both talked about what it felt like and I said there are different ways to fuck and she said well one day I might see what they are. i said I hope its with me and she said thats for sure I am not going to let anybody else fuck me that would make me a slut.

I though good oh, she and I will be fucking for years I hoped. We both fucked and fucked and after a while I said I think I am cumming and pulled out and she said no put it in I will take the risk, I want to know what its like. I went back into her and after about a minute I came and it felt great. All my cum came out inside her and made her all sloppy. I pulled my cock out and it was covered in bloody cum and stuff.

We went to the bathroom again and washed ourselves but my cum kept leaking out of her so she put a tissue into her cunt to soak it up.

We both got dressed and kept telling each other it was the best thing ever. I said do you think we could do it again in a day or so and she said she would think about it. When I was ready to go I went over and I kissed her with my tongue and she really went all gooey and said I want you to fuck me again, and we did it right there. It was even better the second time and even though my first lot of cum was in her it still felt great. Then I put some more in. She said I will remember this day and you for ever. I said so will I and we kissed again and she said no more or I will want you to fuck me again. I was even hard again and said look and she said you are a glutton. Come around tomorrow and we can do it some more.

We fucked almost every day for a month often as many as three times, and she got her periods and that stopped us for a while. I had to find out how to get condoms and once I got a packet we started again. This time I came in them which she liked as she didnt get messy. We used to line them up and we had 24 all in a row within two weeks. After that we washed a few out and reused them until I could get some more.

Her brother soon realised what we were doing and got a bit up tight. Then he watched us a couple of times and one night he even asked her and they did it together a few times before she said no more. She helped us find another girl who would do it with her brother and the 4 of us often fucked together. She then would only let her brother fuck her again while I fucked his girl friend.

My Little Sis!

Solidguy on Incest Stories

    I was only 16 at the time and had just got my full license. It was a pretty exciting time in my life, but I was pretty much wrapped up in me, like most other teenagers. I had a girlfriend of about 2 years, but she was very conservative and heavily believed in Religion. I was Christian, but my family hardly ever went to church because we were always busy with some sort of event. I'm fairly well built for my age because I play at the highest level of Rugby and Football for my age group in my province (I live in Canada) and the years of working out in the gym have given me a fairly nicely sculpted body, one many girls have commented on numerous times. Although I have a girlfriend, I do often have sex with other girls at parties

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and on occasion. She knows about this and obliges as she isn't ready for that step, my raging teenage hormones, which im sure years of highly physcial and competitve sports has added to, are more than ready. Because of this, I have slept with a bunch of girls, but the next would certainly be the best.

    I came home late one night from a party, pretty drunk and just passed out on my hallway floor as I usually did. My mother and I were open about our personal lives and therefore were very close. She picked me up, no easy task as I am 6 feet tall and 210 pounds of muscle, and dragged me to bed so that my dad wouldn't wake up and find me passed out on the floor. My sister was just 15, only 9 months younger than me, and I had recently started to notice her behaviour around me as weird. She would randomly just burst into my room after I took a shower or just lie in my bed, often in just a short t-shirt without a bra and panties.

    My sister was very attractive, especially for her age. She had a very beautiful, mature face, one that could win over any boy she wanted, but it suprised me to find out that she had only ever kissed a boy before. Of late, we had been getting closer and I thought this was because she wanted to abuse my new driving privlages, but she rarely asked for rides. She has a nice, round, firm 34D breasts, a smooth stomach and the most perfect round ass. Truely an angel.

    Recently she walked in on my masterbating and instead of immediately closing the door and running, she stayed, almost intrigued at the sight of my 10 inch cock and then reluctantly closed the door. I had always thought about having my little sister, but could she want me too?

   Back to the story, I woke up the next afternoon at 1 to find myself alone in the house as usual, or so I thought. I stripped off my clothes and left my room butt naked on the way to the shower. I decided to first head downstairs for a quick cup of coffee and some advil to help my hangover, only to be greeted by my little sister. As shocking as this was, I just strolled on as if nothing was out of the ordinary, my 10 inch cock bouncing around, fully erect from the previous night. My sister looked at me and immediately responded with 'You could at least put some clothes on!' 'Well you shoulda gone with Mom and Dad if you dont want to deal with it! Its not like its nothing you havent seen before' 'Ya, but those werent my own brothers! Plus I couldnt, Mom and Dad left for a week trip like they said yesterday, you just chose to ignore them. Anyways, you're in charge.'

   I quickly scanned my memory remembering breifly my mother waking me up telling me they were leaving to see my grandparents in Flordia. I simply ignored this and carried on the rest of the day, but continued to stroll around the house naked. I noticed my sister continually looking over at my large cock and just laughed it off most of the time.

   That night I decided to go out with some friends and see a movie. 'Im going out, anything you need while im gone?' 'No im good, dont get piss drunk cause im not carrying you up to your room like mom does!' I just laughed that last comment off and left the house.

   I came back that night to find my little sister awake at 3 am in the morning and told her to get some rest. She headed for the stairs and I followed her up, saying Good night at the top and heading down the hall to my parents room. Whenever they left the house I would take their room because their bed was better for having girls over. Plus the mickey mouse garbage plastered on my room walls since I was a baby didnt exactly turn most girls on. I quickly stripped to the nude and fell asleep, exhausted from a late night of hanging out with friends. About 30 minutes after I closed my eyes I was woken up by my little sister who came in, insisting she couldnt get any sleep. I said she could sleep in the bed.

   She giggled when she got in the bed and realized that I was naked so i quickly jumped out and grabbed some mesh basketball shorts from my room, they didnt exactly hide anything, but they covered me up. I climbed back into bed on the opposite side of my sister when she said she felt scared, so i instinctively pulled her tight to my body and held her to make her feel safe. She just giggled and said 'Wow Josh, you really have gotten more muscular over the past few months, no wonder so many girls want to fuck you!' 'Watch your language young lady, I may not be dad but i still dont want you swearing! And thank you for the compliment, I have been trying to gain some mass.' 'Well its really showing.'

   With that I just went back to trying to sleep, until she turned towards me and faced me, her face was so close I could feel her warm breath, she smelled like vanilla, it was intoxicating. I could now feel her hard nipples through her tight t-shirt and couldnt help but get aroused. My penis just started to grow by itself, here I was in bed with my beautiful little sister, the girl I have jacked off to countless times, was now in my arms and I had full control over her. My erection grew so fast I didnt even have time to hide it, there was no doubt she could feel it now.

   'Wow someone is excited, could that be because of me? Lets see what we have here.' She pulled her hand down and instantly started massaging and stroking my now fully erect cock. 'I've dreamed of your cock for so long, I can't believe im finally touching it.' I couldnt believe she was stroking me! My own little sister was touching my erect cock and willingly too! 'Oh sis, Ive jacked off to thought of you for so long, I cant contain myself anymore!'

   With that she locked my lips in the most amazing kiss I have ever had. Her tounge was swirlling around in my mouth uncontrollably and I just couldnt stop it, I was in hevan! 'Wow sis, musta been all those boys that gave you practice, eh?' 'No silly, Im still a virgin and I've only kissed one boy before.' I couldnt believe what I was hearing! My own sister, a virgin!? I now had only one thought in my head, fucking my sister.

   'Sis, I gotta take you right now and its gonna hurt, but you're gonna love it so much more.' 'Oh I've waited so long for you to say those words to me! Fuck me Josh, Fuck me right now!' At that we started to passionately caress each others tounges, wildly kissing each other as if there was no tomorrow! My shorts were sudenly ripped, litterally ripped, right off and my large cock was fully exposed.

   She moved right down to my huge cock and threw the entire shaft down her throat until she gagged. She move her head up and down furiously, gagging every now and then on my massive cock until I couldnt take it any longer. My cum exploded in the tightness of her throat and she swallowed every last drop of my money shot. 'Mmmm you taste so good.' I didnt need her to say anything to know what to do next. I stripped off her shirt and started to kiss her rock hard nipples as a gently palmed her mound. It was clean shaven which only got me more excited. I quickly moved my lips down her firm stomach until I reached her glorious pussy. I quickly started devouring it while teasing her clit with my finger. She started to shake uncontrollably and scream wildly as her first real orgasm pulsated through her body.

   I then got up and towered over her, my cock now fully erect and ready to fuck my sister. I asked her if she was ready and inserted my cock before she could answer. I first fucked her slowly, moving my hips in and our of her wet cunt as she squinted. Then I inserted my cock further until I reached her hymen, I drove so hard that it broke with ease as she let out a soft cry followed by 'Oh Josh Fuck me now!' I didnt need her to say anything else as I drove my cock furiously in and out of her tight pussy. The sound of my balls slapping on her ass was so arousing I had to focus to keep from shooting my load right in her.

   Then she started to squirt all over my cock and stomach as I felt the muscles in her pussy squeeze around my cock, I had to pull out and shove deep in her ass until I came so hard. I stayed in there for 10 minutes as my semi-hard cock emptied all of its' load into my little sister and then pulled out and collapsed beside her. 'Mmm, Josh you're such an amazing lover, keep that up and I may just have to marry you!' 'Haha, naw, but we will definately always have these special moments.' To that she just rolled on top of me and mumbled, 'Get your rest sexy, you're gonna need your energy for the rest of the week.'

Little sister-in-law pt.3

oops1966 on Incest Stories

   Now revenge was mine. She tasted so good. I ate her out till she was begging for me to stop. Man, wish I could get hard now but couldn't. We washed up and sat in the kitchen and talked till Sandra, her sister .came home.  Sandra wanted to hear all about it, so I went to bed and let Angie tell her. I quickly fell asleep. The apartment was really quiet when I wokeup the next morning.  I went to the livingroom were Angie was sitting on the couch. "Where is Sandra?". She told me that she went out of town with her parents for the day. She must be pissed-off cause she didn't say anything to me. Then I felt my cock come alive. I stripped naked catching Angie off gaurd. I kneeled down between Angies legs and leaned in to kiss her. "I don't think we should
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do it again, cause Sandra seemed alittle upset". She turned her head away so I started kissing and sucking her neck. Her legs wrapped around my naked ass and her hips pressed forward against me. "No, if she was upset she would have sent you with your parents." As I grinded against her pussy. Within seconds I had her naked. I worked her tits squeezing and sucking them. Pinching her nipples. I could smell her pussy all ready to be fucked. I slowly worked my way down her flat abs. I just took my time licking every inch of her little pussy. Licking up all of her juices. I went to work on her clit as I worked 2 fingers into her. Damn she was tight.. She let out alittle "ouch". It did not take her long before she was cumming in my mouth. What a beautiful pussy she had, I pulled up and got a good view of her spread eagle at the edge of the couch, Her small face, big brown eyes full of lust, dark black hair. Her tits were swollen, nipples erect. Her little hairy pussy there for my taking. So, I just took it. This was not lovemaking. It was fucking. I fucked her as hard as I could. Angie took everything I could give her and encouraged me to keep on pounding her. I had her knees over my shoulders and pressed against her shoulders. I was up on my toes in order to get as mush power into each stroke as I could. I would stop with my cockhead in her and have her look down at it. Then slam down up to my balls. What a fuck. I knew it was only because her drained me the night before. Or else I would have came already. I pulled out and lead her to the bedroom. Put her on all fours. The view of her ass just made me want to take a picture. It was perfect. I started to put my cock into her pussy when she said "My ass is sore, so go has fast as you can". Don't have to tell me twice. I just shoved my cock up her ass. No mercy. "AAAHHHHHH shit it hurts" was all she could say for the first couple of minutes. Has I worked my thick cock in and out of her. She began to loosen up. Her asshole was all juicy and hot. Her ass walls were all smooth around my cock. Making me want to cum. I was fucking her hard and deep trying to shot a load. But it would not come out. For several minuted I tried to work that laod out but it would not come out. It was driving me crazy, cause I had to cum. For some strange reason I pulled out of he ass, Then slammed into her pussy. Oh much better.  Angie pushed back onto my cock. The began to ride my cock. I tried to hold her still cause this was too much pleasure for me. She pulled the load right out of me. My balls hurt as she drained the last drop out of them into her tight pussy,I did not want to pull out but did anyways. As we laid in bed Angie kissed me softly on the mouth. "You know that you have a long hard day ahead of you?!?". Lucky me.

My early days.

david555 on Teen Stories

I had been masturbating for about a year. At that time I could not ejaculate as I had not reached puberty. I enjoyed playing with my cock and wanking it and having orgasms – they were fantastic.

One afternoon I was doing it to myself and I actually ejaculated for the first time – I knew what it was as I had seen other guys spurt, and had actually wanked them off and they had wanked me. I had n

Brother and sister's romance

draymen on Incest Stories


After I turned 16 I got my driver's license as soon as possible. It seemed to be required at my high school if anyone wanted to have an actual social life. Of course, that still wasn't enough by itself. Our family had just moved to the state the previous year, and I had yet to really get settled in. My 15 year old sister Jennifer, on the other hand, had moved too quickly.

Dating some older guy she had met at our new high school just three months after we arrived, he had led her on and gotten sexual favors from her all the way up until that day, when she refused him

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sex once and he completely turned on her. I heard about it from a mutual friend at school the next day, and immediately set off through the halls to find her.

What I found surprised even me. Her boyfriend was standing in front of her, saying something aggressively, while she just stood with that look in her eyes like she was going to cry, while his friends and onlookers all stood around them entertained by the soap opera drama that was playing out. I came closer and caught only the end of what he had to say, “...can't be hanging around me all the time like this anymore. I didn't decide to break us up, you decided to be the frigged bitch.”

This guy couldn't be serious. As much of an ass as he was, even this was too much. I kept getting closer and expected to see his friends tear him down, but they stood motionless, like he had finally done the right thing. Jennifer was about to lose it and break down, and I didn't miss a beat. Her boyfriend had barely seen me before I slugged him straight in the face and threw him back onto the ground. Finally his friends reacted, groaning with the appropriate “Ohhh”'s that go along with seeing a brother let loose on someone who was abusing his sister.

No one stepped in, and the dazed boyfriend stayed down on the ground for the moment, recovering his senses. Turning back to my sister, Jennifer ran into my arms and held back her tears. She was so embarrassed already, she couldn't stand to make it worse. We stayed that way until the first period had ended. The rest of the day she stayed with me as much as possible, sometimes crying and sometimes just angry, but not wanting to face anyone else for the time being.

Having lost her boyfriend she had also ended up losing her entire circle of friends. They were really his people to begin with. She would find others, it was only a mater of time. Nice, friendly girls like her don't stay lonely for long. For now though all she wanted was to be in the comfort of her own family, the people she knew from home. We had never been nearly as close as we were in the following weeks. Every night, after we had finished our homework and our parents had gone to bed, Jennifer and I would sit close together on the couch watching a movie. We usually started sitting apart, then she would sling a pillow at me, and I would sling it back, which devolved into a full scale pillow fight. This eventually became a wrestling match, where I would simply try to restrain her from scratching me. When I finally got her pinned down she would be laying in my lap, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, held closely in place by my hands.

One night she had pressured me into watching a romance movie with her, which was even worse than I thought I would be. It featured the cheesiest dialog one could imagine. Jennifer laughed and mimicked, “Oh hold me, Adam.” Which I did, “Kiss me, Adam” Which I did. It didn't seem like anything significant, we had just kissed each other briefly, but it was enough to have broken the ice. I had no plans to do anything with my sister, but I had to admit it was pretty fun. How can one really kiss a 5'6 brunette with long flowing hair and a nice body without feeling at least a pleased happy about it?

Nothing really changed that night. It was on the following nights that when we went to bed, just before we left each other we shared a friendly kiss. I got kind of adventurous after the first week and began putting my hands behind her back to draw her in for the quick kiss goodnight. It felt nice to have that kind of physical contact after being alone for so long, and for her it was reassuring to be kissed by someone who cared about her after how harshly she had been rejected, but we were still nothing more than brother and sister.

We would start hanging out together more, going to parties and movies and such. It was a blast, I couldn't believe how much fun my sister was, and she had been there the entire time. One night, during one of our movie sessions she sat down in front of me, and I had been around enough girls to know what that meant. I began messaging her shoulders, and she laid her head back onto my lap. Moving my hands up I began running them through her silky dark hair. She closed her beautiful brown eyes and moaned with delight. It wasn't until she shifted her head a little bit that I noticed I had gotten an erection. It didn't seem weird, it really wasn't the first time I had gotten one for my sister, but it was the first time she could obviously tell. She didn't seem to mind though and neither of us wanted to ruin the moment by mentioning it. Even after she felt me pressed against her she still let me kiss her goodnight.

But back to my driver's license. I couldn't wait to use my new found driving freedom to visit our drive-in theater. My time spent with my sister had put a huge dent in my efforts to get a girlfriend before the theater started playing anything good. But they were finally playing something I really wanted to see, and I was going to go one way or the other.

“Aww, I want to go too. Just take me with you.” Jennifer pleaded.

“I don't know, it's kind of a date thing. I think I'd rather ask some girl at school to go.” I said, thinking of one in particular I kind of had my eye on.

Our mom, who had been listening to our conversation, cut in at that point, “I'm not sure what you think you're going to be doing in our car, but I really don't like the idea of you going to drive-ins with girls yet. Besides, you should be nice to your sister. Just take her with you this one time. I thought you two were getting close.”

I had no problem with taking my sister to see a movie, but that was about all that had been happening for the past month now. I wanted to at least take some steps towards getting a girl.

“That's fine, I'll even pay. Just let me take one of the local girls next time.”

My mom reluctantly agreed and we went to the movie that night. On our way there we kept talking about the previews we had seen for the movie and it occurred to me why it made so much more sense as a date film. It looked like there were quite a few sexy parts, which can set the mood just right on a real date.

We set ourselves up in the back of the car, with all the necessities. Blanket, snacks, pillows. The pillows may have been a mistake though. We got into a pillow fight before the movie even started, and by the time the previews were rolling I had her pinned down against me. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head against my chest. The movie was captivating, and we had lost all sense of our surroundings until the first sexy scene arrived. A man and woman were having sex on a chair, and her bare breasts were jumping up and down. What really caught our attention though was the car in front of us. The shadow of a head was visible between the seats, and it was bobbing up and down. Someone in the car in front of us was getting a blowjob, and between the two images I couldn't hold myself back at all. My hard-on came all the way up into Jennifer's soft back. This time though, she did say something.

“I'm sorry I've been taking up so much of your time lately. I really appreciate that you've done so much to help me get over my break up.”

“Hey, don't worry about it. I really like spending time with you. You're more fun than any other girl I know.”

“It has been great. But I know you miss being with other girls.”

“Heh, I can't imagine how you could tell. Is it really that obvious?”

“Yeah, it is pretty big.” She explained. “Isn't it uncomfortable?”

“A little bit. You're kind of squishing it.”

“Here, let me move help you.” She offered, raising herself up and sliding down.

She then grabbed my zipper and pulled it down. Reaching in she went through the opening in my boxers and wrapped her warm young hands around my cock. Pulling it out into the open she finally looked at it.

Rolling her hand up and down my shaft just a little she finally said, “It's so sad that you can't get what that guy in the next car is getting. I think I owe you some attention.”

With that my sister raised her head up and let some of her long brown hair fall down over her face. Her mouth lowered onto my cock, and she took me deep inside, so that it bulged out the side of her cheek. My own sister was working on my cock, slowly rolling her head up and down, side to side. I was in absolute heaven. I had been given a blow job before, but never anything so good. Her boyfriend must have taught her everything while they were together.

“Oh, god, Jennifer.” I moaned, moving my hands up and down the length of her body instinctively. She had the most wonderful curves. A dip where her waist was, a well toned stomach, and the softest, firmest B cup breasts I had ever felt. I squeezed her arm and pulled her close into me. She responded by taking my cock even deeper into her head. For the first time in my life I began to feel the back of a girl's throat. My own sisters! It was so tight and warm. I had never felt so cared for in all my life.

I reached under her shirt and began massaging one of her breasts. With my other hand I unhooked her bra, setting her young boobs free. She had the most fantastic nipples. I had fantasized about them for years, and now they were in the palm of my hand. Her head was bobbing faster now, stroking all the way from the head down to nearly the base of my shaft. Her tongue was flickering and slithering around every inch of it all along the way. Caressing down her entire front side I reached into her jeans, where she sucked in her gut to allow my hand inside. Sticking my fingers under her panties I stroked her warm, furry mound. Brushing my hand up and down her slit, her hips began to grind into my hand, bucking back and forth, pressing herself into me grip.

I couldn't take the sensation any more, I felt the pressure swelling up inside my balls, burying me into every inch of throat she would offer. In one instant I felt myself about to explode.

“Jennifer, don't stop honey. I'm cumming.”

She kept her head nearly in place, with my cock buried into the back of her throat, rapidly bobbing up and down only a single inch. I felt my sperm burst out the tip of my cock, splashing against the back of her throat. Streams and streams of my huge load drained into my sister's mouth, which she kept tightly within the seal of her lips. When I was finally finished cumming she sucked all of it up the length of my cock, turned her head over, looked and me, and swallowed.

“Did you like that?” She smiled.

I could barely see. She had almost entirely knocked me out, and I was struggling just to catch my breath, “That felt wonderful. Thank you so much!”

“I thought that was what you needed.” She said, now playing with my exhausted penis. “And it wasn't weird or anything?”

“No! That was just great.”

“Good, cause I was thinking we should try something else after our movie tonight.”

And we did. From then on I eagerly awaited every movie night. And my search for a girlfriend became indefinitely postponed.

My Auntie

mac13263 on Incest Stories

I had been over at my Uncles house most of the day playing with my cousins when it was decided to play  a game of hide and seek. There were five of us playing and we were hiding both in and out of the house. After a few games i decided to hide in the upstairs bathroom which was very big. In the room was a cupboard that was used as storeage for towels and other things so i dived in there and closed the door,

It was only a matter of minutes before i heard someone come into the bthroom. I stayed as quite as possible and held my breath. Then i heard the sound of runnig water, it was the shower. I didnt know what to do. I didnt know who was there so i waited, then after a minute or two i very gently pushed th

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e cupbord door open just a bit and looked out.

It was my aunt, there she was taking off her clothes and getting ready to get into a hot shower. I couldnt believe my eyes, i had looked and wanked at pictures in porn mags but this was the first time that i had seen pussy and tits in real life. My cock was throbbing as i watched. She stripped off the rest of her clothes and stepped into the shower.

I didnt know what to do, but i had a hard on that was getting sore so i opened my flies and took out my 14 year old cock and statred to pump it. Oooh it felt so good lookng at her through the glass of the shower, there she was rubbing her self all over , washing her tits and pussy and i was getting to see it all.

By now my cock was really wet from all the pre-cum and i was close to cumming, i pumped and pumped for all i was worth ... getting ready for the spurt of cum that was close, then ... the water stopped, i froze and watched as she came out of the shower dripping water every where and walked right towards me in the cupboard.

I sat back and waited, she pulled open the door and gasped. There i was, sat on my ass with my cock in my hand looking up at her. She had opened the cupboard to get a towel, she stepped back and looked me up and down. I couldnt look her in the eye ... i waited. Then i heard her say " do you need a hand with that ".

I looked her in the eye and she guestered for me to come out of the cupboard and follow her. I got up and stepped out into the bathroom, my cock starting to shrivell up as i moved. She had sat back down onto the edge of the bath, her long slim legs slightly apart, water still dripping off her. " come over here " she said. I moved forward until i was at arms lenght from her and stopped. She smiled and looked at my now limp cock and reached out her hand and touched it, she grasped it and squeezed it. OOOOhhh it felt soooo good. It then started to grow again, getting firmer as she squeezed and squeezed. While she did this i looked at her pussy, it was getting wet, ozzing juice as she played with my cock, her lips starting to protrude and go that deep red colour.

She spread her legs and started to rub her cunt, letting go of my cock and telling me to wank it fast. I didnt need to be told twice, i grabbed my hard cock and pumped for all i was worth. Her eyes were fixed on my now hard as steel young cock as she pumped two fingers into and out of her sopping wet pussy. Then i felt it, that feeling that tells you the cum is on its way, moving forward two steps i pointed my cock upwards as i wanked as fast as i could, pump ... pump and then it was cumming...my cum shot out of the end of my cock and sprayed all over her stomach and pussy area, ... i wanked and wanked until there was no more to cum.

My aunt had noticed that i was close to cumming and as i moved forward she had spread her legs and held her pussy lips open ready for my load to hit her. As it sprayed her she had orgasmed as well stuffing her fingers into her cunt as far as they would go.

The two of us stared at each other and grinned. She asked if i had done anything like this with a girl before but i told her that i was a virgin ... this had been the first time that i had even seen a pussy in real life. Well ... this was my lucky day. My auntie stood up and pushed me back  ... at the same time making me sit down onto the floor of the bathroom.

" lay down and get your cock hard again " she said. Did i need to be told ... no, i took my cock in my hand and started to wank again. Auntie then moved towards me and stood over me, legs spread wide either side of my body.

The view was so wonderful for a 14 year old boy, i was looking up my aunties cunt, red and wet with her juices running down the insides of her thighs. My cock was hard now and ready to go another round. Then it happened ... auntie bent her legs and lowered her pussy onto the tip of my cock. Oh my god ... i had a 37 year old cunt touching my cock and it was about to swallow it up. It did ... down she sat on my rock hard cock, it went in with so much ease. Her pussy was so hot and wet, i started to raise my ass of the floor to meet her pussy, but she pushed down, taking my cock into her cunt right up to the hilt. She sat there for a minute and then started to ride me, jumping up and down on my cock for all she was worth. I knew that she was'nt going to last to long, she must'nt have had a cock in her for a long time so i tried to keep up with her and time it with her at the same time. Christ it was soooo good to feel my cock go in and out of my aunties cunt,i was close to cumming so i told her and this only meant that she jumped up and down even faster.

Then she groaned and went stiff, that was my cue to start pumping cum into her now very tight pussy. The look on her face was out of this world, she pushed down on my cock, trying to get the last bit of cum out of it, not wanting this moment to finish. I lay there, cum dripping down my cock onto my now empty balls, and my auntie got off and walked into the shower stall. She turned and thanked me and suggested that i get cleaned up and be gone by the time that she finished her shower.

Sexually Frustrated Siblings

SLAPNUTS79 on Incest Stories

There we are hooking up a stereo and out of nowhere My sister asks me. Would you think less of me if I was to cheat on Brian? I told her it was her business. I could give a rats ass. After all your my sis and he's just an in-law.

 So, are you? No No Not at all. I was just thinking about it lately. You see I'm only 34 he's 54 and its just not there. It hasn't been there for 8 months. Do what ya got to do I replied. Yeah, but I don't get out much and the only friends I have are muttual. I don't think I can trust any of them.

 After hearing this I had some unpure thoughts to say the least. My sis is a little chunky. Not fat at all. She's thick. Her ass is hard as a rock and she wasn't wearing a bra so I could tell she had some DD floppy tits. She was also w

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earing some cut off shorts. I asked her to hand me some pliers. When she bent over I could see her pussy! It was real moist and since she has no kids I knew it had to be tight.

 She turned and handed me the pliers. When she did she noticed my raging hardon. I bet you can use that just as good as you can those pliers. You know sis this isn't right. But I'm bored with the married sex and now I know you are to. Since this is so wrong I know we both won't tell a sole. So lets finish later. ANd with that she started rubbing my cock and gave me a kiss.

Within seconds my fly was undone and started licking the head of my dick. I pulledmy pants the rest of the way down and she didn't miss a beat. She stopped while she took her clothes off. then she knelt down and took all 71/2" down her throat! I was impressed to say the laest. I grabbed her hair a started to dribble her head like a basketball. I toldoher how good of a slut she was. She yanked her head up. So I'm a slut? Why don't you throw me over that couch get behind me and fuck me like a whore!

 She got up and bent over the back of the couch. Spread her legs nice and wide. I walked up and paused. Come on Dick stick it in she pleaded. I've had'nt had a cock that long and thick since I was 16. Come fuck your sister whith that fat cock! I was so turned on. I parted her left thigh and jammed my prick in as hard as a I could. She screamed like a banshee. Strictly pleasure. I then started to grabbed her meaty thighs and took it slow to savor the moment. er pussy was a lot tighter than my wives and so very very wet. Every time I thrusted she came back. Oh Oh Oh Oh brother I'm so close.Pick it up baby slap my thick ass. Make that ass jiggle. I then gave her what she wanted. I started fuking her like an animal. Grudge fuking her! I grabbed 2 hands full of hair and started to rape that pussy! YES YES YES YYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! SHE srcreamed! Don't stop motherfucker! Oh goooooodddddd! I was breathing quite heavy and she could't catch her breath. I spanked her so much her big ass was beet red! I gave her about 6 good HARD strokes and it sent her over the edge. YES!YES!OH SHIT OH SHIT MOTHERFUCKER I'M CUMMING! She came for a good minute all the while I'm still pounding that pussy. I kept on pounding and she came 3 more times. I told her I was about to blow. PULL OUT! I want to taste you! I pulled out quickly and as I did that sweet tight pussy farted and her cum started running down her inner thighs. She dropped to the floor and I started fucking her throat just as hard as I was fuking her pussy! Her saliva was flowing and flying as I gagged her. This sent me over the edge. My cock twitched and I rammed her head to my belly. Her chin was flush on my balls and I held it there. I shot 7 Huge loads down her throat. I pulled my dick out and made a big SLURP. I pulled my pants up as I watched my older sister breathing heavy with her spit mixed with my cum running down and covering her huge tits!  

Something New For Jennifer

Palatin on Incest Stories

    Something New For Jennifer.

My semi-rigid cock was still buried deep inside my daughter Jennifer as we lay there getting our breath back and coming down from the nights first fuck, which is always just a straight honest hard missionary job with a lot of kissing and passion.  Jen was fond of saying, “Let's get the fuck over and done with and then we can get serious.” That's my girl, a prim and proper young lady outside the bedroom, the classic butter wouldn't melt etc, but once she was alone with me she went into total slut mode, both mouth and body. I know why in later years her husband never strayed.

As usually happened when we had recovered and Jen felt my cock get back to working condition she gave a couple of little squee
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zes with her puss and let her knees fall sideways flat on the bed so I could start a slow gentle movement inside her warm very wet puss, and just now and then rub her clit with my pubic bone. Having just a while ago blasted a big load of spunk into her I could keep this action going for quite a while. Sometimes we would just fuck in silence, with a lot of deep kissing as the love we felt for each other came out, now and again there would be a deep sigh and a very soft “Oh Dad,” followed by a very long gentle kiss that seemed to go on forever. There was always the little jerk of her hips as some of my spunk leaked out of her and slowly dribbled down over her tight little asshole. Sometimes little Miss Slutmouth would comment, 'Ugrateful cunt, she's spitting it out, hasn't she learned how to swallow yet.” This was usually the signal that after Jen finally decided to let her orgasm go, which could be anything up to an hour later depending on her mood, I was to pull out of her still twitching cunt and plant my cock firmly in her mouth so she could suck me into cumming, and then swallow my spunk. Mind you, by that time it usually didn't take much of her beautiful mouth and tongue for me to give her what she wanted. Fucking my beautiful willing daughter is an incredible feeling, but the look on her face as she sucks my cock in the middle of having an orgasm is truly a sight to behold.

Anyway, this night seemed to be one of the nights she wanted to talk. After she got me gently moving deep inside her she gave me a little kiss and asked, “Dad, do you fuck Mum up the ass?”
“Yes love, now and again when she wants me to.”
“You mean there's times when she won't let you, I thought Mum would let you do anything to her?”
“Well, if a woman is not really in the mood for it she can't relax enough to take a cock up her ass without it being incredibly painful, and I wouldn't intentionally hurt your mother for the world.”
Just then a dribble of spunk must have tickled her hole, “Bitch”she giggled as she gave a little jerk.
Jen carried on with the questioning, “What sort of mood is Mum in when she wants it there?”
I gave a little laugh, “I don't know sweetie, it must be a 'I need to be fucked up the ass kind of mood,' because when she wants it, she really wants it, believe me.”
“C'mon Dad, how does she act so you can tell when she wants it up the ass?”
“No different to you. Until you steer me in the right direction I can never tell whether it's a 'Good hard fuck, lots of slow loving, and finish with another good hard fuck' type of night, or an 'Oh jeezus Dad, shove my panties up my cunt and fuck me with three fingers, bite my nipples and squeeze my tits hard,' type of night. The best thing any woman can do for herself and her man, is to tell him what she wants.”

Jen seemed to think for a minute as I gently carried on rocking my cock in her, then looking me straight in the eyes, she very softly and lovingly said, “Dad, you've taught me some beautiful wonderful things, and I love you more than I can ever tell you, will you teach me how to take your cock up my ass?”
Though I had had a feeling from our conversation that this was what she had been  leading to, I said,”Whoo girl, are you sure that's what you really want? Letting a man fuck her up the ass is just about the most intimate thing a woman can do, you sure you don't want to save it for the special man when he comes along?”All the while hoping she would go through with it, the thought of having my cock as far up my daughters ass as it was up her hot wet cunt at the moment almost made me top up the load she was already carrying inside her.
She grabbed my butt to stop me fucking her, damn, she was just getting to that big puffy stage too.
“Listen to me Dad, you wouldn't have your cock buried in my cunt right now if I didn't love you and trust you, so believe me when I say I want you to fuck my ass, I always like the feeling when you  slide a finger up me, now I want your cock. ”

I didn't say anything as I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her and watched as she reached down to catch the blob of spunk that followed, I thought for a moment that she was going to rub it on her belly like she sometimes does. Not this time, she just waited until I reached over for the hand towel and wiped her hand. Jen held her legs high and wide so I could clean her up, and then gave me a kiss of thanks, always pays to be a gentleman.

After I placed the towel back on the bedside table I opened the toy drawer and took out a fresh tube of K-Y jelly. I grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and Jen lifted her butt so I could slide it under her. “Sweetie I know I'm going to sound like a Sex Ed 101 teacher for a while, but it's very very important that we do this right or the pain you felt when I popped your pussy will seem like nothing by comparison.”
“I know Dad, I've done a bit of reading about it. I don't mind the teacher bit,” she laughed, “I've learned that after one of your lessons there's always a lot of fun.”
With my heart absolutely pounding in my chest I took the cap off the KY and squirted a good lot onto my finger. My little darling lifted her legs and spread them open, supporting them with her hands behind her knees. As many times as I've seen her in this position I still couldn't help but lean down and wrap my mouth round her button, which was sticking out proud and firm. When I started to lick gently she gave out with a giggly laugh and said, “Dad, if you keep doing that you won't get up my ass tonight, I'll cunt fuck your brains out instead.” As I've said before, lovely turn of phrase for a 19 year old.
So still savouring the taste of a young womans juice I placed my jell covered finger on the tight little brown pucker of her hole. She jumped a bit,”Shit thats cold.”
“OK Jen,” I said as I slowly smeared some jell around the knot, “You know how you relax so I can slip my finger up you, well you are going to have to learn how to do that big time.”
I kept slowly rubbing the jell into her ass and increased the pressure a little at a time. It got to the point where I knew that any more pressure would start to hurt her so I just held my finger at her tiny entrance and sure enough about 30 seconds later I could feel her start to relax. Moving my finger ever so gently I pushed into her about half an inch, she seemed OK with that so I fed her a bit more, no problems. “How's it going so far Babe”. “Fine.”she said.
I gently pulled my finger out of her and loaded a big blob of jell onto my fingers and with steady pressure worked it into her, then, a lot easier than before, I pushed my finger into her with a gentle finger fucking motion until she had taken the full 3 inches into her ass. “Feels good Dad.”
“Jen I'm going to slowly pull it out and then push a lot more jell into you, and then see if you can take two fingers, OK?”
“Go for it Dad, I hope two fingers feels twice as good,” she giggled.
I worked a heap more jell into her and, as her ass was starting to feel reasonably loose and relaxed, I started to push at her hole with my two fingers placed one above the other. I watched, with my heart thumping and a cock that would break bricks, as ever so slowly her tight ring opened and allowed my fingers to enter her. I was up just past the first knuckles when Jen gave a little twitch and her ass clamped down on my fingers.
“Sorry, I couldn't help it.”she whispered. By this stage she was starting to go into that funny dreamy  state.
“That's OK babe, you can't controll it, just try and relax. Put your legs up on my shoulders if it's more comfortable for you.”
Jen put her legs on my shoulders and a very short while later I could feel her relax. I didn't have any more trouble slowly finger fucking my way up her ass, and when I had my two fingers up her as far as they would go I built up into the slightly faster rhythm of a finger fuck.
After about a minute my fingers were going in and out of Jennys arse about two inches and she had started meeting the thrusts of my fingers with a little push against them.
“Fucking Jeezussss that feels unreal Dad.”she cried out.
“Like the feel of a little ass fuck eh Jen?”
“Like it? I fucking love it. If you just even touched my button I'd explode.”
“Do you want to go off sweetheart.”
“NO! No fucking way. This feels too good to stop.”
“You're the boss in this sweetheart,  what about I keep doing this for just a bit longer, and then you tell me if you would like to try and take my cock up your ass. As always, the choice is yours, you can stop anytime you want to.”
“Dad, can you give me a kiss without taking your fingers out. I need to kiss you.”
After she took her legs off my shoulders I managed to lean over to her face and still keep fingering her, she gave me one hell of a kiss and reached down between my legs and took hold of my cock which was hard as steel and doing a pretty good dribble job. Not as good as Jenny's cunt though, I knew if I put my face in her box I'd drown.
My beautiful darling daughter broke our kiss, and as she gave my cock a gentle squeeze, whispered, “Now Dad.”

I must admit I was trembling a bit as I leant back and gently pulled my fingers out of her ass. As I reached for the KY, Jenny started to turn over. “Stay on your back Hon.” I said.
“But I thought you fucked  doggie when you went up the ass.”
“Don't believe all the pictures Sweet One, this way I can hold you and kiss you and watch your beautiful face as I go into you and, with a bit of luck, fuck you into a beautiful orgasm.”

I really slathered my cock with jell, and pushed more into Jenny as well. It was going into her pretty easy now, which was a good sign.
I moved forward over her and gave her another kiss, “You sure Babe?” She just nodded.
With my fingers shaking from excitement and sexual tension,I placed the head of my cock on her now not quite so tight ass hole. As the pressure of my cock slowly increased I could just feel her sphincter starting to open up so I pushed into her a little harder and Jen's ass opened a little more. By this time Jen had her eyes firmly fixed on mine and a fine bead of sweat had formed on her face, her mouth was just open a little and she was breathing through her mouth.
After about a minute or so Jen's ass had just about opened enough for the head of my cock to pop into her so I gave a good push and in my cock went. Her ass muscles spasmed tight onto my cock, as I expected them to, and Jenny said, “ Oh fuck Dad, I thought your cock felt huge the first time you rooted me, but I feel like I've got a baseball bat up my ass. Sorry I'm squashing you but I can't help it.”
“That's OK darlin', you'll learn to controll it sooner or later. Everything still good?”
Jen just nodded, so to try and put her at ease a bit, I stretched up and gave her little kisses all over her face. I could feel her easing off the pressure on the head of my cock, and after I had sucked her nipples for a while and, one of her favourites, licked her a few times on the very soft underside of her breasts, she felt totally relaxed once again.
I started to gently fuck her tight little ass, just pulling back a little without sliding, and then forward with some pressure to slide some more of my cock into her. After three or four of these gentle invasions, Jenny started to work with me, meeting my movement with a push of her own which helped progress a hell of a lot. I was feeling off the planet, I mean it's an incredible mind and body sensation when I've looked down at my daughter as I was fucking nine inches of cock into her cunt, and was totally aware that she was willingly and eagerly fucking me right back, but it's another thing entirely to watch your daughter laying under you and helping you get your cock up her ass.

While my mind had been in ga-ga land we had managed to get about seven inches into her, by now, very hot hole. The little darling by now was biting her bottom lip, so I asked, 'OK Babe?” A little nod of her head, as she reached down and felt how much more was still to go into her. “Hurt?”I asked, another little nod. “Want me to stop?” A big shake of the head, “Nice hurt Dad,” she whispered softly, and with that she held me tight and gave a big push that slid the rest of my aching cock into her as far as it would go.
As I leant down to kiss her she whispered, “Hard part's over, go for it darlin'.” Then held me in a deep kiss while I started to deeply fuck her beautiful tight ass. I worked up into a steady rithym of about two inches of movement and Jenny matched me all the way. It wasn't long before she started to pant at each inward thrust of my cock, and a little while later she was signalling that I should really go for it.
I speeded up a bit and settled into a reasonably vigourous fucking and she was still with me, panting and grunting as she rose up the climb to ecstasy. I wasn't sure if she would actually have an orgasm with me fucking her ass, her mother dosen't, even though she really likes the feeling when I fuck her this way. The question was soon settled when she started really getting into her little sqeaky “oo oo oo oh oh oo oo,” sounds which she makes when she gets close to going off.
The next minute she wrapped her arms around me tightly, “DADEEEEEEEEEE,” she wailed as her ass clamped me tight and she bucked like never before. Deep into a long orgasm she was alternately kissing me, gasping for breath, and biting my shoulder and neck. The next second I felt a few hot spurts just above my cock, and when I looked down I realised that my little darling was actually squirting little jets of pee every time the spasms of orgasm racked through her. She was really going off, never before have I seen her do this.
I was past ready to fill her ass with spunk, but she had me squeezed that tight that it was stopping me for cumming. Oh well, it's all about her pleasure this time, I thought, there will be other times I'm sure.
It was a couple of minutes before she stopped cumming and peeing and started to relax. She couldn't speak as she was still gasping to get her breath back. When she finally could speak all she said was, “Wow!” then planted a big kiss on me. It was then she noticed the bites she had given me, “Oh shit Dad, I didn't know I was doing that to you, oh God I'm sorry.”
“Darling one, it was worth every one of them to see you enjoy yourself that much,” I laughed.
“Did you come in me Dad, I was too far out of it to feel you?”
“No sweetie, you had me too tight for me to come.”Smiling as I replied.
“I don't think I can take any more in my ass Dad, but you could pull out and fuck my cunt if you like.” Jen said as she looked sweetly into my eyes.
“This cock is going nowhere near your sweet little puss until it's had a damn good wash young lady, speaking of which, I think it's time we took that pleasure stick out of your little ass.”
I raised myself up a little and gently pulled back, “ Push Jen, it will help me slide out without hurting you.”
“Push how?” she asked.
“Like you were using the bathroom, girly.”
“Oh gross.” she said as she started to push, and my still very erect cock slowly slid out of her.
“OK, let's take a shower and we'll see what we can do with your dick problem Dad.” she said as she sat up and felt the wet bed under her butt. “Fuck, I must have really gone off big time to dribble that much.”
“You didn't dribble darling you peed, squirt, squirt, squirt, every time you twitched during your orgasm.”I laughed.
Jen just giggled and laughed, “Well you did just about fuck my brains out, Stud.”

We finally got off the bed and walked into the bathroom for a shower. We washed and scrubbed each other, and Jen said her ass was a little bit sore. I told her I had some cream that would help, and that I would gently work up into her after we had finished the shower.
Jen put her arms around me, pushed her puss up against my cock and looked into my eyes as she said lovingly, “Dad I haven't got a fuck left in me, but if you lean me back against the wall and slip that big cock of yours right up my cunt, I'll enjoy it while you have one or two.”
I wasn't about to say no to that offer so I placed her against the shower wall, lifted one foot up onto the tile hob at the side, and pushed my hard cock up into her as far as it would go. “Don't worry about me dad, just fuck my cunt until you cum, fill my pussy up with your spunk.” She was using her slutty mouth to help me get going, “Fuck your little girl Dad, root her cunt till spunk runs out her ears.” After what I'd been through with my cock up Jenny's ass, those words were enough to make me blow a big load right up the hot little box between her legs.
“Don't stop Dad, give me another load.” she squealed. So I continued to fuck her beautiful willing young puss until with a groan I started to spurt my spunk up her again, I didn't think I was ever going to stop, and when I looked down I could see my spunk squirt out of her cunt every time my cock jerked more into her.
“Christ I need to give you that, sweetheart.” I gasped when I finally stopped cumming.
“Wow, I dont think you've ever filled me up like that before.”She laughed.
Jenny then got a very serious look on her face and told me,“I'm yours Dad, any time you want me, stop waiting for me to do the asking, I want you to have me whenever you want me. I will never refuse to fuck you Dad, I love you.”

aznrob on Teen Stories

this is my first one so yea


I was sitting there not thinking about the assignment due in class today, looking at my physics teacher. She was tall about 6 foot and skinny good shape for her age, I think she was in her 30’s or so. She had short hair about down to her shoulders, also had nice C- cup breasts. She had the most beautiful smile, and she wore a lot of tight dresses that showed off her ass a lot. I had the pleasure of sitting up front so I was very distracted, all the time matter a fact.

A little about myself, well not going to lie, I have only a four pac

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k right now 17 years old black hair with red high-lights brown dark eyes and for an Asian guy yes I was gifted a 7 inch rod in my hand when fully erect. 

Her name was Mrs. Frink, she was saying something about what gravity was all about I really didn’t care. I just thought about bending her over and fucking the shit out of her.

She dropped her pen that she was holding and bent over. Of course this action caught my eye and I looked and stared at her nice round firm ass. Some one saw my gaze and snickered; Mrs. Frink looked around and caught me off guard and told me to come after school.

 Knowing I was caught and done for probably getting kicked out of school and such. I walked in not even letting her get a word in and spilled my guts telling her that it was a mistake and that it was my hormones acting up. I was hysterical sweating then all of a sudden she got up. Without saying a word she walked over a closed the door. I thought she was going to yell at me, she walked up looked me in the eye grabbed my head and kissed me , full on made out with me, I was speechless but its what I wanted so I forcefully kissed back.

She unbuttoned her shirt still not saying anything she pushed me in her chair. What are you doing we shouldn’t be doing this

Shhh class has begun she cooed.

He breasts were in my face while taking ff my shirt. Unbuttoning my pants and yanking them off. She slowly got out of her skirt, and dropped her red panties. She took my cock in her hand and pumped it to get it semi hard. She un did her bra and place my cock between her breasts. It felt so good she moved her whole upper body on my cock. It felt so good the sensation. I exploded all over her. My limp cock flopped out of her tits. She just took it into her mouth a deep throated it all the way the fist time down. It felt so amazing. Her tongue swiveled around the head of my cock. Now rock hard I blew stream after stream into her mouth.

MOM what are you doing


Jade her 15 yr old daughter walked in

to be continued leave comment