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wild77er Member Since January 30, 2012

The Idea

kornslayer 1307 days ago on Incest Stories

"Damn it, sis," he whined, coming towards me. "Do you know what all these are?"

"My clothes, Owen."

"Yes, Alicia, including your bra and underwear too. Do you know how uncomfortable it makes me seeing your dirty undergarments on the bathroom floor? I love you to death, but you're driving me nuts, though."

"Okay," I said, getting up with him. "Just to be clear, when Veronica, Cindy, and Kristen all did that, did you rip their heads off, Owen? No, you didn't, why, because you were having sex with all of them. It's a double standard and its bullshit."

"Maybe it is, but it's not like you hated any of them."

"I did actually, they were all bitchy, maybe that was because they had big tits, don't you think, bro? I'm your sister, but you're not exactly hiding even some intimate stuf

Banged by Buster 2/2

pasego on Animal Stories

   The next morning was Sunday and Bri bounced out of bed, naked tits bobbing as she raced for the bathroom. She wanted to get a fresh start on the day. After all, she thought, it was bound to end dirty. In the shower she rubbed soap up and down her body, circling her breasts and pinching the erect nipples. She moaned softly and one hand trailed its way to her swollen clit. She only flicked it once, but it was enough to send her to the edge of orgasm. Even though she wanted to be there so bad, something told her she should wait, that prolonging her pleasure would lead to an even bigger reward.

   Pouting a little, she hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Buster was outside doing his business  in the yard and Bri watched him from her window. L

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ittle did Buster know the plans she had for today. Bri threw on a nightie and went downstairs to bring her MUCH beloved dog in.

"Buster! Come in Buster and you'll get a treat!" Buster turned around and trotted back to the house, giving her his usual doggie grin. When safely behind closed doors, Bri stripped off her nightie. The musk of her aching, dripping pussy caught his attention right away, and Buster made a bee line to her, tongue lolling out of his head.

"Uh Oh," she thought. She had meant to lead Buster upstairs for more deranged animal fucking, but it appeared he wanted to start right here in the living room. Her indecision soon left her as Buster's tongue found her clit and started to swirl around it. She sank down onto the couch, her pussy lips bulged out at perfect level. Buster was licking her furiously now, his tongue twirled and dug into her cunt hole, going so hard it hurt a little.

   Finally able to take it no more, she pulled his head back up to her clit and held him there as he willingly started up on that area again. Bri felt the now familiar heat start up in her clit and start to spread throughout her body. She shuddered and pushed the dog's head even further into her, his nose was now literally buried in her cunt. Bri came, bucking hard and shouting Buster's name over and over again.

   Buster, seeing that this was now a routine, stood up and looked at her expectanly, his pink and black speckled cock already hard. Bri obediently got on her knees, but to Buster's surprise she leaned over and took his penis in her mouth. She was instantly surprised by how big it was. She knew that it had been a tight fit in her pussy, but for some reason it felt even bigger in her virgin mouth. He tasted like some sort of salt, and Bri found she didn't mind this at all. As for Buster, he was whining deep in his throat and looking down at his mistress with a mixture of confusion and lust in his eyes.

   Quickly she licked his pole up and down, wanting it as wet as possible for her last hole. Bri figured she was already going to hell for sure, so why not enjoy this to the fullest? She wanted to feel Buster's hot smooth cock in her virgin ass hole, and she wanted it NOW. She stopped tounging him and got back on her knees, this time with her elbows on the seat of the couch. She stuck her ass in the air and tried to make her puckered opening the most available one for Buster. Buster hopped on and started humping her furiously, but only succeeded in finding her dripping pussy. He rammed into her and she moaned.

  "Oh Buster, Buster! Fuck me you naughty dog! Fuck me hard Buster, ohhhhhhhh!!!"

  Bri and Buster both could have continued in this wonderful position for quite some time, but Bri finally remembered her original goal. She pushed Buster off the best she could, and he popped out of her with a wet squelching sound. He looked very annoyed about his delayed pleasure. Bri kissed him on the nose and whispered "Don't worry, I'll be right back."

   She ran up to her bathroom and grabbed her favorite brush. It had a short handle that was rubber with ridges all down the sides. She had always thought it felt nice to hold in her hand, but now she had an even better idea for it. She ran back downstairs to a panting Buster and went to her original position knealing in front of the couch. Before Buster could remount, she shoved the brush handle into her hole. It wasn't quite as big as Buster's cock, but the ridges tickled her insides and hit her G-spot in a really nice way.

   She savored the feeling for a minute, then beckoned Buster over with one hand. He jumped back on his mistress and started to pound away. He tried to find her hole, but it was now blocked by some object. Buster quickly made use of her tighter one, and Bri tried to relax as she felt him pound at her tiny butt hole. Finally he got the head of his dick in and Bri let out a quiet scream as it burst past her spinchter. She couldn't believe this, her dog was actually fucking her asshole! She had gone from an innocent little girl into a teenager with a brush handle in her cunt and a dog in her poop hole.

   Buster had now managed to push half his length in, and Bri was in a new kind of pain. It suddenly occurred to her that this would be even worse when the knot grew. She thought about making Buster get off, but when he pushed his remaining length in and started to slowly hump her back, she knew she was in it for the long haul.

   The pain in her ass was incredible, every stroke of Buster's penis brought a small cry from Bri's lips. You need to forget about the pain and focus on the pleasure, she told herself. She reached down with one hand and began to pump the hair brush in and out of her pussy. It felt incredible and she continued to fuck herself silly, matching the pace Buster now had in her bleeding asshole. There was still some pain, but now Bri mostly relished in the pleasure of feeling so filled. She took her other hand and found her aching clit. Slowly she circled it with one finger while Buster panted in her ear. It was too much for her and Bri started shouting unintelligbly. "Oh, oh, god, oh, fuck... me..., oh jesus, oh... fuck... Buster...cock...ass...fuck...shit...ohhhhh!

  Bri exploded into an enormous orgasm, not even minding the way Buster's cock had grown painfully inside her. She felt his cum soak her inner walls and moaned at the fruitless end. It was crazy, but she knew that after this she could never like a human guy again. Her fantasies would all involve one black and pink speckled cock and one very large tongue. And oh yeah... a special hairbrush!  

So concludes Bri's story. All feedback is appreciated!

powers 1&2

hornylittlegirl03 on Mind Control Stories

a teenager gets superpowers. you can guess what he does with them.

i am a girl but i wanted to try a first person male perspective.

this is mostly coming from my erotic fantasies so it will get kinda weird in the coming chapters.

my first shot at erotic fiction. enjoy

In 1975 ww3 started. The whole world got a good dose of radiation poisoning. As it happened that didn’t really turn out to be such a bad thing but that sorta’ depends on who you ask. Since about 1/1000th of the people born since 1980 has had super powers I, the twenty year old in 2015, think it’s pretty cool, but y’know if ya ask someone born in the sixties, with no hair and boils all over their face I doubt they think it’s so cool, but hey, fuck’um. Not my problem.

Anyway back to the powers. The scien

Daddy Gets Whatever He Wants

kimfinlan on BDSM Stories

She was on her knees before him, hands not bound, but behind her back, just as he liked her. Long blonde hair did not cascade down her back as it normally would have. No, now it was tied up tight and high in a bun, stray strands flying loose around her face from where his fingers had taken hold of her head. Her lips were parted, mouth open and waiting. Her eyes, a gentle blue hue with yellow flecks, looked up at him. Her face was flush, cheeks pink, as she regained her breath, her Master was giving her a moment's reprieve while he stared down at her.

"Have you been a good girl today?" His rich, baritone voice rumbled from his chest. It was the first thing he said since he walked into the room, as she had already been in position when he entered. Chest bare, only a black lacy thong cov

Kneeling down ( being shared)

riyajoseph on Oral Stories

That peach glow on my skin , I inherited it from my mother. If I were to travel back in time to my mothers youth , I would find in her the same toned belly, broad hips and tightly shaped breasts that I so openly flaunted in all my social media pictures.
I threw on a beautiful top, I had purchased from zara on my first date with Faizan. I met Faizan on a chatting website after I broke up with Sean . Faizan helped me through my emotional rollercoaster and soon our conversations progressed on to explicit content, like role playing. I got good at it and Faizan was smitten with me. Then he insisted on taking me out shopping and I readily agreed. He turned out to be the same handsome lad he claimed to be. He spent a lot over me and I thought he deserved something in return, so I took him to

Where they only dreams

Riyven on Forced Stories

Andrea woke up with a start. She was covered in sweat and sore all over. She hated these dreams she had been having for the past month. They had the same theme to them every time. She would be in her bed and get woken up by three men tying her up and raping her, and she always wakes up just as they start to use her rougher. She knew it was only a dream as nothing was left in her room, and she always woke up in the middle. At least she was pretty sure it was a dream. It was bothering her quite a bit, and she had spoken to a doctor about it. He had told her it was a sign of her inner self wanting to feel the raw excitement of sex she had not been getting for over a year, since she had broken up with her boyfriend. She knew she was pretty, not in a model kind of way, but very attractive none
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the less. Her red hair touched her ass, her breasts were small b cup at best, but she had very long and sensitive nipples. She kept herself in very good shape, with a slender figure that wasn't thin. She was very pale skinned with bright green eyes. She knew she should get a new boyfriend, that would help get rid of her dreams. She always loved the attention she got when she had worn her lace and silk bra and panties for her old boyfriend. Well no help for it, she did have to get back to writing her book. Her eyes adjust just as they grab her. She tries to scream as she feels the first cock being forced into her mouth. She feels her arms pulled up as her bra and panties are pulled off. Her body is thrashing as she tries to fight, but the three of them are so strong. She starts to gag as his cock slowly pushes into her throat. she doesn't hear much sound as her ears start roaring. she wants to get away from these monsters, but the only hold her tighter. Then she hears the first words, the tone deep and dark. You remember how we like it don't you. Her mind freezes in fear as the sound of the voice chills her. Her legs are drawn apart. She feels the touch of a tongue slipping into her as her head is lifted and slid slowly up and down the cock. Her body starts to respond as her oversensitive nipples are touched and teased. Her mind gets fuzzy as her vision darkens some. Andrea jumps up from her bed, eyes wide as she shakes in reaction. God what is wrong with me, why can't I fight these dreams. She once again searches her bed for any signs of reality to her dreams. Anything other than the evidence of her tossing and turning and rubbing herself. Her sore body showing some redness from where she had rubbed herself. Oh please god, make these dreams go away. I know I need someone, but I can't keep doing this. She begins to cry once more as she gets in the shower and starts her day yet again. She goes to her computer and adds this latest dream to her book. Her doctor told her to write it down and see if that helped her work through it. At first she had started writing to make her feel better, now she was determined to make it an erotic book that showed how a woman could beat any odds. She had quite a few chapters already written. She knew she could beat this, as she had beaten every other challenge in her life. It was a hot night and she had gone to bed naked, trying to beat the heat. She tries to stretch as she wakes up and realizes her hands are tied behind her and she is being lifted up. Her eyes fly open just as she is lowered down onto one of the three men. She cries out a little as his thick cock slowly pushes all the way into her small pussy. She groans out in pain and pleasure as her body reacts to the feeling she has craved. she starts bucking some as she tries to move away from him. her head is lifted as a cock is pushed slowly into her mouth. Her eyes filling with tears as she orgasms hard for the first time in a year. She feels so ashamed and dirty. She feels the third man sliding in behind her, spreading her ass cheeks and slowly pushing into her anally. Crying out as he slips his arms around her, playing with her nipples. Her mind overloading at the feeling of being taken and raped in all her holes by the three men. She tries to fight the feeling in her ass as she orgasms again, even harder than the first time. She can't help but want that more than anything. She had done anal once, and had craved it like an addiction ever since. Her eyes fly open, grabbing a pillow she throws it in anger. She is upset that the dream stopped this time. It was filling her secret fetish of being taken anally. Then she breaks down and cries, realizing that she was wanting the rape dreams. What was wrong with her, was she losing her mind. Getting up, she gets her shower and gets dressed. Getting into her car, she drives off to her doctors for her appointment. She goes into the room and sits nervously as the doctor looks over his notes. Well Andrea, I think we can say that your dreams are not subsiding and are only getting stronger. The only thing I can think to try at this point would be a mild hypnosis therapy. After that I am afraid we may have to go to a regiment of narcotics that will let you sleep, but keep your mind in a state that you don't dream. It is not the healthiest option, but if the hypnosis fails, we will have no choice. Thanking him, she heads back to her car. Happy for the first time in a while, now that the doctor says there is at least one thing that will work on her dreams she heads home. Unlocking her door, Andrea stares at the TV. She didn't remember leaving it on. Walking over to it, she sees a note. picking it up, she reads it. "Thanks for all the fun toy. Can't wait till tonight for to enjoy your again." She drops the note as she realizes the movie playing is of her being raped by the three men. Dropping to her knees, she stares at the last one. Her crying as she is raped in all three holes at once. But...but...but... it was only a dream. Sitting there, she stares at the hand picking up the remote and shutting it off. Then she hears the deep voice again. I said we couldn't wait for tonight. Her head turns as all three pick her up and her vision goes dark once again.

cornut1 on Teen Stories

Well, it all started one summer when she was 15. It was a hot summer in California. Rachelle decided to work on her tan when she was not at school. So there I was, working in the living room when she walks by in one of her new bikinis. A white two piece, cut high on the hips. Up until now she always wore loose baggy clothing until I mentioned to her one day that she didn't look very good in them. She then began to wear nice jeans and tight tops and the more I complemented her, the nicer her clothes would look. Then she started to wear shirts that were oversize, socks and panties. Rachelle really looked great showing off her slim waist, flat tummy and long tanned legs. She would not wear these when her mom was home, just when her mom was gone on one of her business trips w

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hich was a couple a times a month from 3 to 7 days. I broke the ice that day and asked her what type of panties she liked best or which were more comfortable. She shocked me by saying that she really liked the silk thong bikini panties but didn't have any because the ones she liked were too expensive at Victoria's Secret. So she wore inexpensive satin imitation bikini panties. The more lace the better she said. Wow, the thoughts that was racing in my head at that moment. She then asked if I liked her new bikini and I said of course! I seized the opportunity to ogle full on at her assets as she turned and posed without appearing too obvious. She looked great. Long tan legs and her long flowing hair cascading down her back was a nice contrast against her tan and her white bikini. I suggested in passing that if she wanted I would be glad to buy her the panties that she wanted but she had to promise not to tell her mother. She smiled and happily agreed. Then she was off to work on her tan. Once she was settled in I went to the kitchen window and watched her as she positioned that lovely tan body on the towel. I instantly became hard as she stretched out on her stomach and began to read her book. Just looking at her ass and legs and the mound of white fabric which held those juicy pussy lips really got me hard. I pulled out my 9" cock from shorts and began to masturbate as I envisioned what it would be like to be slamming my cock in and out of that tight 15 year old pussy and ass, filling them up my cum.
Once again she lay on her stomach and asked that I rub the lotion on her legs and back. I kneeled down beside her and began to gently, but firmly, rub that tight little body of hers. I began at her calves and slowly moved up those gorgeous legs to her nice round ass. I then rubbed her back and shoulders. At this point she put the book down and laid her head down and gave a little moan now and again as I rubbed her down. Next as I moved my hands over her soft supple skin, I went back to her legs and concentrated on her inner legs and calves. As I moved up towards that great ass, the closer I got, the more she parted her legs. My cock was straining to get out of my shorts at this point. As I worked her inner thighs I now had a great view of her mound and could clearly see the outline of her pussy lips through the fabric of the bikini. As I rubbed her inner thighs, I would occasionally brush against her mound. I could feel the sparks each time I did this. Rachelle only parted her legs more each time. Then suddenly, she startled me by turning over and laying on her back. I immediately went to work on the front of her legs and then her stomach and then her shoulders. I asked if she needed any more lotion and she said not now and thanked me for the assistance. Damn little tease! Well, on this day it was hot and she asked me again to assist her with the lotion. We did our usual routine of brushing against her pussy and her parting her legs. Only today she seemed really into it so I decided to be bold. When she let out a little moan and parted her legs, I just asked her, "Does that feel good?" She replied, "Mmmm, yes, yes it does". I then moved my hand to her mound and cupped it in my hand and asked her if she wanted me to stop. She answered first by pushing her ass back against my hand and said, "Unghh, No...No don't stop". I then reached down and moved the bikini fabric to one side and got my first view of her pouty pussy lips and her glistening wet pussy. I slid first one finger and then two into her hot snatch, which eagerly sucked them into her and held them tight. Then I began to finger fuck her tight little cunt and she responded by pushing back and moaning in a low voice, "Please... Mmm... unnhh... don't stop!" I held onto her ass with my one hand and probed her very wet pussy with the other as she rode my fingers. My cock was now straining for relief as I watched my fingers slide in and out of her pussy which were coated with her sweet smelling juices. After about 10 minutes of this, my tempo increased and so did her breathing, I knew that she was close to orgasm. As she rocked back on my fingers I watched her hands desperately grabbing the towel in preparation of her orgasm. She then clamped her legs shut, grabbing my hand to hold it in place and moaned as her body went stiff and her orgasm flowed through her. I gently caressed her ass and back as she enjoyed the moment and hoped that this would not be a one-time event. After a couple of minutes, Rachelle sat up and mumbled "That was fantastic! Now, let me take care of you." She leaned over and gently kissed me on the lips and then pushed her tongue into my mouth. We played tonsil hockey for a few minutes as I savored the softness of her lips and the passion at which I was being kissed. My body was tingling with excitement, not to mention that my cock was standing at full attention. As Rachelle kissed me, I felt her hand reach down to my shorts as she felt my cock through the material. I thought I would pass out as her fingers encircled my cock and began to tighten and then release and tighten again. At this point I thought she was only going to jack me off. She then leaned down, pulled my shorts down to my knees and pulled my cock from my shorts then I felt her hot breath on me as she opened her mouth and slid my 8" cock into her warm, wet, mouth. She was good! No, she was GREAT! I've never been given head so good as she sucked my cock and ran her nimble little tongue first over the head of my cock, then down it's entire length and finally as she withdrew, encircling my cock. I was on the verge of cumming when she stopped and reminded me that her brother would be there today so we had to watch the time. Then she went back to sucking my cock for all it was worth. I was really excited as I looked at that great body. She was on her knees in front of me and I had a great view of her back down to that gorgeous ass with her bikini riding down the crack of her ass. I reached down and gently held the sides of her head as she bobbed up and down on my cock, watching her mouth sliding over the entire length coating it with her saliva. I asked her if she wanted me to cum in her mouth? She didn't miss a beat and nodded a "Yes". At that point I began to push my hips into her face in response to her oral gratification and grabbed the back of her head and fucked her sweet mouth. A minute later I said, "Oh...Rachelle... I'm... I'm cumming Unghh!" and then proceeded to coat her tonsils with my cum which she eagerly swallowed. She then licked my cock until it was clean and tongue kissed me again with the taste of my cum on her tongue and mouth. I asked her what kind of sex she enjoyed and she shocked me by saying that she was Bi and really enjoyed sex with other girls and she had only fucked two other guys. Once when she was 13 with a boy her age and the other was one of her old girlfriend's dad. She said that she only had sex with her boyfriend once and had sex with her friend's father several times until he moved away. That is when she began to fantasize about having sex with me. I asked her if she wanted to have sex now. She smiled and said, "Yes, that she was still wet and needed some relief." I stood up and held my hand out which she took and I pulled her up to me and kissed her hard. Holding that young tight body against me really made my head spin. I held her hand and pulled her into my bedroom. I took off my shirt and shoes and then turned to Rachelle as she slipped out of her bikini. I then pulled her to me and took her right nipple into my mouth and began to bite it and flick it with my tongue. I then took the other nipple in my left hand between my thumb and finger and began rolling and pinching it driving her crazy. She began moaning and melting in my arms. With my other hand I roamed all over that tight ass, hips, back waist, tummy, legs and then to her wet pussy. I slid a finger along her pussy lips, which were drenched with her juices. Next I leaned her back on the bed and spread her legs to get my first good look at her open pussy. She looked so sexy with her legs apart as well as her pussy lips. She looked at me with a dreamy look in her eyes and asked me to go down on her. She didn't have to ask me twice! I leaned down and kissed the inside of her thighs and moved down to her sweet bush waiting to be eaten. I ran my tongue lightly over her pussy lips then down them to her ass. I did this several times and then went down and rimmed her. She let out a gasp as I ran my tongue over, around and then into her ass. I noticed that her legs spread even wider when I did this. I then moved back to her wet pussy and began eating her and licking up her juices. This went on for about 10 minutes and then she grabbed my head and wrapped her legs around my neck. She then pushed her pelvis into my face as she used it to grind her way to an intense orgasm. He breathing became quick and heavy as she approached cumming all over my face. After about 3 minutes she relaxed and I moved up between those tan legs and positioned my cock on top of her pussy lips. I looked down at her and asked her to guide my cock into her. She reached down and I watched as she pulled my cock to her pussy, rubbed the head of my cock up and down the lips of her pussy and then parted them by pulling me into her hot, wet pussy. As I entered her pussy for the first time, I felt her pussy warmly accept me and tighten around me as went in deeper and deeper. Once I was all the way in, my balls up against her ass, I could feel her tight pussy pulsing around my cock. I then began sliding in and out of her, her hips began to push up and meet my thrusts. She wrapped her arms around my back as we began fucking each other. I fucked her pussy hard and she responded. After a few minutes I slowed down to prolong my climax. I think this only teased her and made her even hotter. She then rolled me over and began to fuck me. She slid up to the tip of my cock and then slammed her cunt down hard on me. She did this for a few minutes and then began doing it faster and faster. I reached up and fondled her tits and then grabbed her hips and assisted her in slamming her cunt down on my cock. She placed her hands on my chest as she focused now on what was going to be a big climax. I looked her in the eye and said, "Cum now... Unghh... Unghh... I' m.... cumming!! Unghh" and then my cock shot my hot cum in her waiting pussy. She moaned as I began filling her pussy and shoved herself down on my cock one last time as I felt her pussy tighten and quiver around my cock as we orgasmed together. She then collapsed on my chest pressing her tits and hard nipples into me. After a few minutes I asked her if she wanted to try anal sex. She looked somewhat hesitant until I agreed to be gentle and take no for an answer if she chickened out. I got up and went to the bathroom and pulled out the baby oil. As I walked back in my cock instantly became hard again as I viewed Rachelle on her knees with her ass toward me and she was looking over her shoulder at me. She smiled and said, "Mmmm... You want some of this? Cum and get it..." Wow, this little girl was turning into a hot little slut! I got behind her and slid my cock into her wet pussy. Man she was tight! I grabbed her hips and began to really fuck her cunt. It was great pounding that sweet tight pussy from behind, watching her ass slap against my crotch. I then reached for the baby oil and coated her ass with it and followed up by sliding my finger easily into her ass. Rachelle let out a moan that would cause any man to instantly cum. I asked her "How does that feel baby?" She looked over her shoulder at me and said, "Mmmm... it feels great... I want you to slide your cock in my ass... fuck my ass... fuck it hard... fuck it like you fucked my mom's ass." I slid my cock out of her pussy and coated my cock with baby oil. I positioned the head of my cock at her virgin ass opening and slowly began to ease my cock into her. As I pushed it in she moaned as the head of my cock slid past her tight opening. God she was tight! I then began to ease the length of my cock into her ass grabbing her hips and driving my cock deeper and deeper into her ass until I was buried pubic hair deep into her. She started to wiggle her ass while I was buried deep into her, moaning all the time, "Mmm... Yes... Ungh... Ohh... Yes... Mmmm... Ohh... Mmm... Yesss." I then told her to finger her pussy while I fucked her ass. I felt her hand go between her legs and begin to finger her clit. I began to slide in and out of that great ass picking up the rhythm as I went. I finally grabbed her hips and began to slam my cock into her ass as hard as I could. She responded by sliding a finger in her pussy to feel my cock in her ass as I fucked her from behind. After a few minutes she said that she was getting ready to cum and not to stop. I responded by fucking her ass even harder. I then noticed that her legs began to quiver and she dropped her head down to the bed and clutched the sheets. I kept it up for a few more minutes and then erupted deep in her ass. I collapsed on top of her back and we both lay there for a few minutes..............More to cum!!!

The Pool Party Pt. 2

steviecom on Sex Stories


Laura was standing at the table straightening the sandwiches when she saw Tyrone getting out of the pool. His corn rolled hair wet, his tattooed body, black as coal, on a 6' frame, he pulled his tight speedo up tight and Laura blushed as she saw the huge bulbous cock head.

Tyrone smiled as he noticed her nipples poking through her bathing suit. He felt a twitch in his cock, fuck I might nail this bitch, she's going for it. She can't keep her eyes off my dick he thought.

"Mrs. James me's just wants to thank you for having me to your party"....Tyrone said......"We are happy you could come and I hope your having a good time".....Laura replied trying to gain her composher..... "Befoe's anybody tells you's I's been in prison for the las

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t 2 years, I's just wanted to thanks you, you be one fine looking whore, oh's I'm sorry, lady, I's mean, just prison talk, sorry.

Laura let his wrong word go by not wanting to cause a scene.."thank you Tyrone "....Laura replied, feeling oddly warm being called a whore. The dirty word had an odd and surprising affect on her.

Suddenly from the pool came yells....Come on Mrs. James get in the pool"..."yeah Mom, jump in, cmon, hey Tyrone get mom and throw her in the pool" , as laughter came from all the kids. Tyrone put his arm around Mrs. James and let it slid down and squeeze her ass cheek. Laura tried to get away, the kids were laughing and egging Tyrone on.

"No please"...Laura yelled half laughing. Tyrone picked her up and walked over and together they jumped in the pool to the laughter and jeers of the kids. Splashing and laughing and spitting up water, Laura felt Tyrone dunk her and her daughter jumped in laughing, splashing. Suddenly she felt her hand being put on Tyrone's huge cock. Splashing and spitting up water she couldn't believe she was squeezing a black boy's dick. She just had to feel it. She looked up and saw Tyrone looking at her, she turned crimson with embarrassment.

Tyrone noticed that she didn't immediately remove her hand. He knew then he was going to fuck this beautiful white mom. After splashing and spitting up water Mrs. James swam over and her nipples were poking out her suit. "Susan, I'll be back in a little while, I'm going to change and dry off".....Laura said walking in the house." Okay Mom take your time"....she replied.

Tyrone waited and ask Susan ...."where's the bathroom." Down the hall off the kitchen to the left"....Susan replied. Tyrone saw Mrs. James walking in the bedroom entrance wrapping a towel around her wet hair.

Tyrone came up behind her just as she turned."WHAT are you doing?"....Laura yelled, scared, as she was put head first into the bedroom wall..

Tyrone standing behind her kissed her neck."Fuck you have me so turned on, Goddamn I just have to feel that hot body, kissing her neck again, I know you want to feel my dick, you been looking at it all day."....Tyrone whispered.

"NO< NO, Please don't Tyrone, Please, I'm married,Please stop, No, No".....Laura struggled. Tyrone reached around and tweaked her nipples with his thumb and forefinger continuing to kiss her neck.

Please stop, No, No, I love my husband, Please, quit, stop, stop it, Oh god please".....Laura pleaded but her nipples were on fire. Suddenly she was spun around and Tyrones thick black lips found hers his hot tongue entered her mouth searching for her tongue. She had never felt a passion or lust filled kiss like this. As she accepted his tongue and kissed him back.

A moan escaped her lips as Tyrone took her hand and put it in his speedo trunks, Oh God she thought, God it's grown since the pool, she squeezed it, God it was growing in her hand. Her pleas softened,"please, god, no, no, please my husband".... another moan escaped her lips as she felt his thick black finger enter her sacred love treasure. Soaking wet she realized and was ashamed her body had betrayed her.

Suddenly Tyrone stepped back and tore the shoulder strap's from her suit over her arms and her heavy full breast's fell into his black hands."Goddamn look at the size of these fucking tits"....Tyrone moaned as he attacked them, licking and biting first one and then the other. Mrs. James was ashamed her nipples responded and became hard yearning for his mouth. He mauled her huge breasts.

Oh My God she hadn't realized she still held his huge black cock and was jacking him off. Suddenly Tyrone was kissing her neck again."Fuck I want to fuck you so bad, your pussy is so hot, fuck, and these big giant titties, goddamn  you one fine bitch."

Suddenly Laura was naked on her and her husbands bed her legs spread as she felt a hot black tongue licking the inner edges of her cherished love channel. Her fingers were in his corn rolled hair suddenly her clitoris unsheathed itself from its protective hood and a wave of pleasure overtook her body as she screamed her 1st orgasm riddled her body.

"Oh God, Oh God, feels so good, oh god, aaaahhhh"...another orgasm ripped thru her body. "Oh don't stop, don't stop, please".....She pleaded. Tyrone drew close to her,"Mrs. James we be long ways from stopping, not till this nigger dick get some of that sweet white pussy." She was stunned that the dirty language turned her on.

Tyrone stood up....."Get down here on your knees and pull my pants down."On her knees Tyrone lifted his foot and kicked his suit aside. "God look how big it is"....Laura whispered, she had only been with 1 man other that her husband."Play with it, kiss it'....Tyrone ordered.

Kissing the bulbous cock head it was soft like velvet, there were thick veins filling with blood running thru his thick shaft."Put it in your mouth and suck it"....Tyrone whispered. hhaaahhhh mmmm,uuggg,"MMMM "that's it suck that black dick you whore, damn your nothing but a dirty cocksucking slut"....Tyrone gasp. Another orgasm racked her body at his dirty language.

Laughing,"Fuck look at you cummin while sucking my dick, you tramp, you fucking slut, your my fucking whore now huh, huh, you my bitch you slut."

 Another orgasm ripped thru her, YES,YES, I'm your slut, oh god YES".....Laura moaned her self respect all gone. Tyrone took his dick from her and lifted it "lick my black balls, get um good and wet, mmm that's it lick my nuts you white slut."

"Fuck your a natural born cocksucker, get up on the bed, I'm going to give you a nigger fucking like you never had before"....He ordered. He lined up his huge dick head with her labia lips. 'I'ts so big, please I need to stop, No, No, please, Oh God !!!"....she groaned as Tyrone entered her pussy.

"Fuck you got a tight pussy, damn, like a little girl pussy,"....Tyrone lifted up and 3 more inches entered the wet love canal. "OH, OH stop god it hurts , it hurts, oh god, NO,NO, please, NO"....She moaned. Tyrone lifted up till only his dickhead was in her and pumped down harder this time all but 2 " of his foot long bamboo rod was in her wet pussy.

"AAAAhhhh OOOOhhhhh NNNoooo"........Laura wailed, his dick had awaked a feeling building in her that she had never felt before.  She had never felt anything like this before. Kissing her giant tits he raised again and thrust the other 2 inches in her wet treasure. His 12" dick had passed her cervix wall and entered her womb.

HHHHHeee, OOhhh AAhhhhh, oh god, oh god, oh god"...She cried. She was meeting his every thrust.

"Damn you sure are a hot bitch, fuck me you cunt"...Moaning.

Susan got her towel and walked inside to go to the bathroom when she heard a noise. It sounded like it came from down the hall, she heard it again. "Mom, Mom,you alright she said quietly walking to the half open door of her mom and dad's bedroom. Her eyes widened, she couldn't breathe, the young 16 year old saw something she could not believe. Her Mom's long trim legs wrapped around the young black kid from prison. Her Mom's face was contorted in lust. Susan stood there still unable to move.

Susan heard....You my bitch now ain't ya bitch" "Oh god YES please Oh god" You fucking whore, you are one horny fucking slut""Fuck you got nice tits" Oh God, Oh God I'MMM cummming oh god I'm cummmming oh Fuck, Oh shit" "That's it you whore fuck you got a sweet pussy"."You like that nigger dick, huh you like it".."Oh god Oh I love it Oh shit it feels so good, Oh shit"You my whore bitch, I own your pussy now whore, right baby."Oh god yes Oh please Harder.

Susan had never heard her mom talk like that, shame mixed with excitement washed over her. Her beautiful Mother, Sunday School Teacher, PTA Mom was becoming a whore for a nigger boy. As she turned to leave she heard her mom crying out in another orgasm and the black boy moan that he was cumming in her sweet pussy.

"Hey, Hey, you alright, you okay"....Tyrone ask tapping her cheek lightly.Opening her eyes she saw the black boy, "What happened?"...she ask. Laughing he looked down...."damn, you are a hot fuck, you passed out when you reached that last orgasm, Ha Ha damn what a whore you are" Ha Ha.

Shame washed over her at the thought of how she acted but the buzz she felt in her pussy like she had to pee and the warmth permeated her body. She sighed her body weak from the intense orgasms that rocked her body. She got on an elbow and saw the black boys thick cumm oozing out of her pussy onto the bed.

"Get down here and lick my dick clean,bitch"....Tyrone ordered.Mrs. James had never tasted her pussy juice before and the salty taste of a man's semen. It shocked her as she cleaned his huge black dick..

"Listen I'll be here Monday for some more fucking, I want you to shave that pussy, I like it bare as a baby's butt. And get yourself all prettied up for me, dress up for me real sexy, Okay?"

"Tyrone, I'm married, have 2 daughters, this was a mistake, I can't, I just can't, your just a boy....Laura said.

Tyrone ignored her, "finish licking my cock clean,that's it get my nuts to.""You got a bikini, You got a string bikini? 'Yes, why?"...she ask. He picked her up and kissed her deep her arms flung around his shoulders."You my whore now, I like my Hoes in bikini's."When you come outside have a bikini on with some high heels, and let dem white boys look at dem big giant titties."

Susan's mouth dropped as her mom came back outside. Suddenly it became quiet, splashing stopped in the pool, suddenly Mrs. James was walking to the table wearing a tiny pink bikini that barely covered her aroelas and exposed her full heavy 32 D breasts. The high heels made her shapely legs go forever.

Tyrone sat in his chair drinking a coke, that be one fine looking Hoe he thought. He ignored her.  Everybody but Tyrone said she looked beautiful, her feelings slightly hurt he didn't acknowledge her. She felt the boys admiring her heavy firm breasts, she saw little hardon's on the young boys, a chill ran through her.

Levone walked over to Tyrone," you were gone awhile, where did you go?" Even though Tyrone wasn't that good looking Levone knew he had a way with girls. She didn't notice any girls had left.

"Wow I've never seen Mrs. James dressed like that, she is beautiful, don't you think?" So where's you go?" Looking at Mrs. James, Tyrone said nothing. Suddenly Levone gasp...."YOU didn't, no way, she teaches Sunday School, tell me you didn't".....She whispered.

"She's going teach Sunday School and Monday she's my Hoe, she a slut in bed, she was so easy"....Tyrone looking at his sister......"Oh My God, Mrs. James a slut, HA HA LOL....Levone whispered. Let's go.

Susan was saying goodbye to Levone and Tyrone, suddenly Mrs. James felt guilty that Levone knew. Well she will end it on Monday, It was all one big mistake. Susan didn't know what to do, should she tell her sister? What about Dad? Oh God the image of her Mom was still in her head.

Walking in the house Mrs. James couldn't wait till Monday to make this mistake right.