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sakoro Member Since April 27, 2010

The Rape and Brutalization of a Young High School Catholic Cheerleader (Part 10)

pj084527 on Forced Stories

Author's Notes: I am very glad that you guys are enjoying the story. If you want the photos of the girl that this story was based on then please first leave a comment and add to the ratings first before sending me an email with your request. Thanks. Please enjoy this next part.

Harrison awoke and looked at his watch. It was 2:00 AM.

He arose from the bed feeling invigorated and re-charged,

Samantha Chapter 1

Morgen on Lesbian Stories

It was a warm and sunny morning. In fact, Samantha Reynolds thought, it was probably going to be a real scorcher. Sam did not look forward to the day's heat and humidity, as she was to graduate from college later that day. While upstate New York was generally cool and comfortable, today's forecast called for a temperature and humidity both in the high 90s.