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Depraved Accident Leads To More

saberman on Incest Stories

Depraved Accident Leads To More




It was very early Saturday morning; the sun was yet to rise. Graham was feeling especially pleased with life at the moment. It was only another week before Graham, his wife Linda and his daughter Jessic

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a moved into their new home. Until it was finished however the threesome all had to share one bed. They were staying at Linda’s parents one roomed lodge, situated at the edge of lake in the mountains. The views were fantastic, half opening one eye into the almost pitch black room; Graham once again lamented the fact there was no electricity. Attempting once again to sleep Graham rolled over to face his wife who had her back to him. It was impossible to make out any further details, other than the fact that beyond his wife’s sleeping form was the vague outline of his daughter’s body. The Lindemans were a happy family often doing things together despite the fact that their daughter was at the difficult age of sixteen. Graham and Linda had allowed her a certain amount of freedom, which along with a good upbringing had made Jessica into a loving thoughtful teenager. Jessica had changed a lot over the last two years, loosing the spots, greasy skin and hair and gaining breasts and the womanly curves that come with maturity. Picturing Jessica’s young supple body had an effect on Graham, knowing his mind should not be wandering in this direction did little to stop it though.


Recalling a scene from the day before with his daughter beside the lake, wandering round and sunbathing in her white bikini. Although the bikini itself was not outrageous, Jessica’s tight firm body made it incredibly sexy.


Graham’s thoughts were beginning to have an effect on his own body, his manhood beginning to stiffen as he snuggled closer to his wife warm form.

Closing his eyes, Graham drank in his wife’s scent; it seemed somehow different, lighter and fresher.


He gave it little more thought as his minds eye wandered. Jessica was now paddling around to shore edge, Graham’s eyes tracking her as she did so. He recalled every bounce of her barely supported breasts, every sway of her smooth hips. Letting his imagination wander on its own Jessica’s bikini slowly started to melt into her unblemished skin. First the strap around her neck, shortly followed by the one around her back. In Grahams minds eye there was now only two triangles of material holding Jessica’s breasts in place.

As she turned to face the lake the material covering her behind slowly melted into her skin. Graham heart started beating faster, his minds eyes following his daughters flowing golden hair over her shoulders then down to her shoulder blades. His eyes roved across her skin to her waist as it pinched in before flowing out once again over her almost womanly hips, revealing a wonderfully tight hourglass figure. Grahams eyes then sank to the real treasure, the gorgeously tight, round, peach shaped ass. His mind picturing Jessica standing there innocently swaying her hips to the delight of Graham. Unable to tare his eyes away he continued to stare.


Graham manhood was getting increasingly hard as the images of his sexy daughter burned themselves into his mind. His penis now nestled nicely against his wife’s buttocks, Graham began to ever so slowly grind his hips. Not wanting to wake his wife just yet, Graham gently placed his hand on Linda’s knee, slowly moving it up to her waist then back down again.


Luckily for Graham both his wife and daughter were very heavy sleepers, many was the time that he had trouble getting his wife or daughter up and alive for work or school. This in mind Graham was not surprised that his wife did not wake up as he began moving her nightdress further up her leg with each stroke.


The image of Jessica once again became clear in his mind, she was now turning towards him a devilish smile on her face, her hands cupping her breasts she began to walk towards Graham. His mind slowed time as Jessica slowly removed her hands from her naked breasts. Graham’s jaw dropped at the sight, there ever so slowly bouncing as she moved were his daughters breasts. The image burned itself into his mind, the hard pink nipples surrounded by slightly darker areoles. Graham drew back his focus to encompass Jessica’s entire beasts, although a little smaller than his wife’s “C” cup Jessica’s stood almost straight out from her body. They were perfect; while there was no sag underneath the breast they had a very real bounce to them, giggling with every step Jessica took. After several moments of simply staring at her breasts, Graham forced his eyes down her body. There was the stomach he had seen before, although tight with slight definition at the sides and underneath the belly, there was no six-pack. Graham considered this the perfect female stomach. As his gaze slowly drifted down to Jessica’s hips, there was a definite widening to these with the bone of her hip ever so slightly visible at the tops of Jessica’s leg. Graham gave a whimper of excitement as he realized that the material covering his daughter’s lips was disappearing. He rushed his gaze down and was rewarded with a magnificent sight. There standing in front of him was everything Graham had ever imagined. A small triangle of light blond fuzz pointed down towards the lips themselves. These had been waxed and were free from blemishes. The crack itself began with a tiny circular eye at the top then proceeding to split the puffy peach coloured lips that clearly stood out from the body itself. As Jessica made the last few steps towards him, he marvelled at what he considered to be –the- perfect female form.


Graham’s manhood was now at full mast; the pyjama bottoms that were restraining it were begging to get very uncomfortable. Very carefully he removed them and threw them over the edge of the bed. Having managed to move his wife’s nightdress over her hip, graham now moved his naked groin against his wife’s buttocks, once again gently grinding his hips. Graham gave a little smile as his wife ever so slightly pushed back in her sleep. Graham considered this the green light, but still not wanting to wake her he ever so gently lifted her leg moved his between hers before lowering it again. Now this was a competition, Graham wanted to see how far he could get before his wife awoke.

Having lifted her leg his cock was now free all the way to her pussy. Holding the bottom of his shaft he glided his dick towards Linda’s pussy. As his head touched her lips Graham was slightly surprised by the light downy hair he could feel, for as long as he could remember his wife had shaved her lips, at Grahams request.


“I’ll have to tell her off about this laps later.” Graham said to himself as he proceeded to ever so gently rub the tip of his head along his wife’s slit. 


His imagination came back into focus with Jessica clutching Graham’s hand leading her father back towards the cabin without saying a word, that same devilish look played across her face. Graham stared at her mesmerized as they walked into the cabin, Jessica leading him to the bed, realizing only now that he also was naked. Real life reflected imagination as he and his daughter settled into the same position, Jessica lying on her side with graham behind her, his leg between hers, his cock-head poised at her entrance.


His heart racing with the forbidden erotic images that were flowing through his mind it was will power alone that prevented Graham from violently shoving his manhood into his wife’s slit. Not wanting to wake her and spoil the fantasy Graham resisted, sliding his cock ever so gently along her slit. After several minutes he knew his rubbing was having an effect, it was no longer his pre-cum alone that was lubricating the slit. Encouraged by this Graham slowly parted the soft pussy lips with his cock-head, cringing as a soft moan escaped her lips. Graham stopped for a moment letting her get used to the feeling, once he was satisfied that she still slept soundly he once again continued his rubbing, this time between her parted lips. If he had thought she was wet before it had not prepared him for what he now felt. The heat coming from her hole was breathtaking, never had Graham felt a pussy so warm and ready. After only a few minutes Graham decided she was ready, he rested his manhood just at the entrance to her hole giving her a few moments to become accustomed to him. Poised ready to push Graham was not prepared for what happened, still asleep but with obvious thoughts of her own she pushed down on his cock, enveloping the head inside her silky, fiery folds. Once again Graham stopped all movement, grinning to himself that he had gotten this far.


Unknown to Linda or Graham, Jessica was having her own erotic experience. Jessica knew she was sleeping, she was never able to explain it, but she could some how be asleep and dream, knowing she was dreaming. To Jessica this was an extraordinarily good dream. A stranger was fucking her, she didn’t know his name, nor could she see his face. The stranger was shrouded in shadow, making the fantasy all the more erotic for Jessica. She could feel the heat between her legs as the stranger began pushing his huge member into Jessica’s barely used pussy. The head was barely in and already she felt stretched beyond her limits. While there was a little pain from being spread so wide, there was also a huge amount of pleasure. Jessica had only ever slept with one guy, and then only twice. Although she had enjoyed the experience, it was not all she had imagined sex to be. Her ex’s dick must have been tiny compared to the imaginary one that was now invading her.


“God am I wet!” thought Jessica feeling some of her juices roll down her leg, unsure if it was for real or just a dream, she felt the imaginary massive member push ever so slightly further into her pussy and forgot all about it.


Graham’s mind was full of images of his sexy daughters body, even as he inched his member just a little further into his wife’s pussy.


“Linda you are so damn tight and wet!” Graham thought to himself, never before had Linda felt like this. He was sure he was going to repeat this exercise; he put it down to the position and the fact that she was asleep. He inched his cock further and further into her pussy, still unable to believe how tight it felt or that she was still sleeping. Eventually Graham had about half his cock inside her tight wet pussy, now he ever so slowly began pulling it out again. Graham repeated this process, each time getting a little faster and going a little deeper. After about five minutes Graham had his entire length slowly reaming her steaming tight wet pussy. Although still having to slow himself down, Graham could keep up a good rhythm. The erotic experience was beginning to have an effect on Graham though; he could feel the familiar tightening in his balls, the slight dull ache telling him he was almost ready to cum.


Jessica was amazed how real her dream felt, she was imagining that she could feel even the veins from the monster invader. She imagined herself pushing back onto the massive cock, filling her tight pussy even further. She could feel the strangers cock stretching her out, Jessica no longer felt any pain, it was pure pleasure she was feeling now. The dark cloud of the stranger slowly began to fade, the features slowly, ever so slowly becoming clearer. The shadow behind her now had arms and legs, the body of an older man, still handsome but past its youthful best. A smile crept to Jessica’s lips, she had always had a thing for older men, this one was different however, familiar somehow. The strangers thrusts started getting harder and quicker. She was getting close, just a little longer and Jessica was going to have the best orgasm ever.


Graham could feel his wife returning his thrusts now, any moment now Graham was sure she would wake up. Graham increased the tempo; the pressure in his balls was increasing with every thrust. Linda let out a little moan, followed by another. His wife’s pussy began clamping down on his cock with every thrust, her tight pussy becoming almost unbearable. Graham decided to hold off for as long as he could, he hoped she would hurry and wake up.


Just a little longer and Jessica would be there, revelling in the new feeling that was radiating from her pussy. The smell from the stranger crept over her, familiar, almost like her father after a run. The stranger suddenly had a face! It was her father!


“Oh my God” she thought, “I’m having the best imaginary sex of my life and its with my Dad!” This was the first time Jessica had thought about her Dad this way.


She realized “I should be feeling ashamed with myself”, “God only knows I’m anything but!”


Somehow the thought of her own father fucking her turned her on even more. Jessica’s pussy then took over all rational thought. She was cumming! She awoke to the most fantastic experience of her short life, her pussy contracted and relaxed sending wave after wave of pleasure through her entire body. She couldn’t help but let out audible groans, even as she realized that it was not a dream, there really was a huge cock stuffed inside her tiny little pussy!


The feeling of Linda’s pussy clamping down, milking his cock was too much for Graham, in the midst of his wife’s orgasm he let go with what was probably the most powerful orgasm her had ever had. Jet after jet of sticky white cum streamed forth out of his pulsating manhood.


“OH FUCK! Oh Fuck!” Gasped Jessica, the words spewing out of her mouth unbidden as she writhed in the throes of her orgasm.


The realization hit him like a freight train, “Jessica…. No!”


The voice that coming from beside him was Jessica’s, not that of his wife. Unable to comprehend what had happened Graham’s hips still moved with a live of their own, his cock spurting copious amounts of sticky cum into what he now knew for certain was his daughter’s pussy.


Linda awoke to what were undoubtedly the smell of sex and the groans of pleasure. She sat bolt upright glancing down at the bed to where the noises came from, it was only then Linda realized the room was pitch black. Still trying to comprehend what was happening Linda began fumbling with the gaslight situated at her bedside table. Hearing the groans of pleasure from her daughter and the shouts of alarm from her husband only things more confusing for Linda.


Graham’s mind went blank, he could not think, it was not until his balls had finally emptied themselves that he pulled his cock out of his daughter.


With an audible wet “plop” Jessica’s father removed the invading member from her still convulsing pussy. Jessica on a come down after her orgasm just lay there on her side with a grin on her face.


Eventually Linda managed to get the lamp lit, brightness suddenly filling the room. The three family members all closed their eyes, giving them a moment to adjust to the now well-lit room. What Linda saw made her stop dead in her tracks, her jaw dropping open. Scrambling out the bed was her husband, as he pulled the covers back Linda’s eyes locked onto her husband’s rock hard penis, still slowly dribbling what could only be cum. She glanced at the bed at her now uncovered daughter, lying there her nightgown bunched above her hips, naked below the waist, her eyes closed with a highly contented look on her face.


Graham grabbed his pyjama bottoms sticking his legs through in a rush.


“Jessica I’m so, so sorry” panted Graham, eyes wide still in shock staring at Jessica. “I…I thought you were Linda”


 “What have you done?” Asked Linda, glaring at her husband.


The calmness in her voice surprised her. Linda had a good idea what had happened, every time it was suggested Linda’s mind refused to think that her husband of 22 years had just fucked their only daughter. She slowly began walking round the bed towards her husband, not knowing what she was going to do when she got there.


“You always sleep in the middle of the bed Linda! I thought it was you” Graham mumbled.


Seeing the menace in his wife’s eyes Graham began to back-pedal. He did not get very far, soon bumping against the wall of the small room. With nowhere else to run Graham feel to his knees


“I’m so, so sorry Linda I didn’t know!” pleaded Graham on his knees hands clenched in front of him.


“Did you just have sex with her?” accused Linda, throwing a finger towards Jessica.


With a weak defeated look on his face Graham gave a slight nod, hands at his sides not looking at Linda as she took the last few steps and rounded on her husband.


“THWAK” the sound of Linda’s slap hitting Graham’s face almost echoing round the small room.


“How the fuck could you be so stupid?” Growled Linda, eyes burning with rage.


“I thought she was you, you always sleep in the middle.” Repeated Graham, blank defeated eyes now staring up at his wife.


Unseen by her parents Jessica had finally pulled herself together. While her mother was rounding on Graham, Jessica had climbed out of the bed on the other side. Feeling something trickling down between her legs, the full realization of what had just happened flooded over Jessica. Putting a hand down under her nightdress scooping some of the liquid. Jessica thought back to the last few moments before all hell broke loose, she remembered feeling jets of red-hot liquid filling her pussy, increasing her already overpowering orgasm. At the time Jessica had only thought about how good it felt, now as she brought her cum covered finger before her eyes she was stunned. 


“You fucking idiot I…” Linda began screaming at her husband only to be interrupted by the quiet voice of her daughter.


“Did you cum in me?” interrupted Jessica.


Both Linda and Graham turned to Jessica and stared blankly who was standing there, her fathers cum slowly dribbling out of her overfilled pussy.


“Oh my God!” Exclaimed Linda, both hands covering her mouth. “Are you on the pill?” she asked, desperately hoping she was.


Jessica slowly shook her head and answered simply “No”


“I’m so, so sorry honey!” Graham’s voice pleaded for forgiveness.


“GET THE HELL OUT” Linda screamed at her husband, spittle flying from her mouth.


Graham did not have to be told twice, flying for the door only grabbing yesterdays clothes and the car keys in his rapid exit.


With the exit of her husband Linda quickly calmed down and began to think rationally.


“Jessica, you need to get as much out of you as you can” Linda said as she led her daughter to the curtain that cornered off bathroom, Grahams truck tyres skidding in the gravel outside.


Jessica simply nodded and allowed her mother to place her on the toilet. She watched blankly as her mother drew the curtain giving her a drawn smile. Jessica heard her mother scrabbling round in the main room, unsure what to do.


“I will be back in a few hours, you need to take the morning after pill” Was all Linda said as she hurried out the door.


Jessica was alone; sitting on the toilet her unprotected pussy filled with her fathers own sperm. She looked down upon hearing a small splash examining the mess between her legs. Her fathers cum was everywhere, she could still feel yet more sloshing around inside her pussy. Some had dribbled out and was now coating her inner thighs in a sticky mess. Yet more was clinging the blond downy hair that lightly covered her lips. Jessica was amazed at how red and swollen her lips seemed. Standing proud above all else though was her clit, just as red and swollen as her lips.


“I know its wrong but God that felt good!” Jessica mumbled to the empty cabin.


Jessica’s stomach flipped with nervous excitement she thought back to how it felt to have her fathers cock buried deep inside her little pussy. Before she realized what she was doing Jessica had a finger from her left hand buried in her pussy, her fathers cum leaking out around it.


“Oh Daddy you feel so good inside your daughters little pussy” Exclaimed Jessica as she began playing with her protruding clit.






Linda had taken the second car and was speeding down the dirt track heading for the nearest pharmacy when she slammed on the brakes. The car came skidding to a halt a few meters further, gravel clicking off the wheel arches. She put her head in her hands trying to stop her mind spinning.


“What am I going to do?” She whispered to herself.


For the last 16 year Linda had been a member of a “pro-life” group, ever since the doctors told her that she could no longer have children. There had been complications during Jessica’s birth, which had left Linda infertile. She and Graham had always wanted a large family, unwilling to adopt they put that dream aside and focused on raising Jessica. Although the morning after pill was essentially a contraceptive Linda still considered it the termination of life.


“Can I let my daughter have her fathers child?” That was the question floating around Linda’s mind.


Trying to force down the feeling of excitement that was rising inside her, Linda put her foot back on the accelerator and slowly trundled down the dirt track. As the trees flashed by the window a pleasant thought crossed Linda’s mind.


“I could be a grandma!” With a smile Linda made up her mind what she was going to do.


Graham drove down to the nearest coffee house, sat down and mumbled his order to the waitress. He sat there barely touching his breakfast stewing over what had happened. He was deeply ashamed, not only by what had happened but also because of the fact that he wanted more. Jessica had been the best fuck of his life, he was not certain he would be able to contain the lust he now felt for his daughter. Before she had been his gorgeous daughter, now though all had changed! As he thought back to what had happened, about how good Jessica’s pussy felt, he couldn’t help but begin to feel aroused. Placing the napkin over the growing bulge in his trousers Graham quickly polished off the rest of his breakfast.


Linda parked outside the pharmacy took a deep breath to steady her nerves then headed inside.


“Morning, can I have a PCP please?” Linda asked at the counter.


The pharmacist searched behind the counter for a few moments and producing a small package.


“Here you are madam, the Post-coital pill is a singular…” Began the man behind the counter only to be interrupted by Linda’s upraised hand.


“That’s fine thank you, how much?” Linda said with a smile reaching into her purse.


After purchasing the pill the second part to Linda’s plan began. She glanced down at the weight of the pill, noting it Linda went into the vitamin section of the store and began searching.


Jessica had two mind-blowing orgasms before she heard a car slowly winding its way up the track towards the cabin. Hurrying to dress herself, her fathers cum still leaking out of her unwashed pussy, Jessica could get the thoughts of her father out of her head.


“Hello sweetheart, everything alright?” Asked Linda as she entered to cabin, giving her daughter a hug.


Jessica only nodded and looked at the floor. Linda noted the red flush to her cheeks but put that down to embarrassment. She gave her daughter a hug and passed her the small package.


“Its just one pill” Said Linda with a reassuring smile.


As Jessica unboxed the pill Linda poured a glass of water and handed it to her daughter. Linda watched as her daughter swallowed the multi vitamin pill


Smiling Linda thought, “That’s certainly not kill my potential grandchild, if anything it will help her conceive.”


Jessica noticed the smile on her mother lips, she wondered if it would be there if her mother knew that Jessica had just masturbated herself to orgasm thinking of her father. As they sat down on the edge of the bed her mother began a long lecture about how she should not feel bad and it not being her fault. Jessica barely heard a word only nodding when she thought appropriate. She was deep in her own sin filled world dreaming about her father’s marvellous tool.


When Graham eventually returned to the cabin that evening he expected to see his case outside the front door. Instead as he opened the front door he found his wife and daughter just finishing up with dinner.


“I think we all need to have a talk about this morning” Stated Linda as she saw her husband sheepishly walk in the front door.


Nothing was said as the table was laid for dinner, once everyone had sat down Jessica began.


“Daddy, we know you didn’t mean for this morning to happen” Began Jessica, her voice only breaking slightly. Looking at her Mother, who gave her a reassuring smile and nod Jessica continued.


“We know you thought it was Mum and that you would not have done anything had you thought it really was me.” She tried to give her father a smile.


“We all wish this had not happened, but it has. So now we have to deal with it.”  Continued Linda, Taking off where her daughter started.


The lecture continued for perhaps half an hour as they all eat dinner. Graham was amazed that he was actually being forgiven. Nothing could have pleased him more at this point than the forgiveness of his loving family; little knowing that each had their own agenda. That night Graham slept at the foot of the bed on a collection of pillows. Although uncomfortable Graham was not displeased, it gave him a little privacy to relieve the ache in his balls.


“Oh this is so wrong!” thought Graham as he wrapped a hand around his stiffening manhood. Images of that morning, fucking his own daughter’s tight pussy flashed through his mind. “But why does it feel so good!”


The next day they got a message that the Lindamans new home would not be completed on time. There was to be a delay of two weeks, perhaps more.


“Well looks like we shall have to stay here for another few weeks then” Said graham, handing the message to his wife.


Linda glanced over the brief note saying, “looks that way” Turning to Jessica she asked, “As it looks like you are going to have some more free time Jessica, would you like to join me in doing some work for the trust?”


Jessica knew her mother was referring to the anti-abortion trust to which her mother volunteered. “Sure why not” She replied, secretly she would have preferred to have more time alone, or with her father but wanted to keep her mother happy.


Things on the surface seemed to return to normal over the next few days. When Linda managed to get some time to think she would often deliberate on her decision with the morning after pill.


Linda kept telling herself, “A child is a child, and it doesn’t matter who the father is!”


Walking along one of the lakeside tracks one morning thinking about her daughters potential pregnancy Linda realized she was feeling another emotion, something she had not expected. Linda sat down on a nearby tree stump, at once horrified and amazed that the thought of her husband impregnating her daughter was turning her on! The more she thought about the, more wetter her pussy she became. Linda unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pushed a hand down inside her panties.


As Linda’s finger reached her slit she whispered to herself  “Jesus I’m wet!”


Linda could feel her juices already begin to slide out of her pussy and down through her ass crack. Slipping a finger into her channel Linda let out a little moan. As images of her husband fucking her sixteen-year-old daughter filled Linda’s mind a second finger joined the first burying them to the knuckle, Linda’s other hand joined in the fun, her middle finger quickly finding her clit.


 “My God I’m depraved” Said a little voice in the back of Linda’s mind.


The little voice was quickly squashed however as images of Graham’s cock erupting in Jessica’s tiny pussy filled Linda’s imagination. Image after image flashed through her mind as two fingers became three inside Linda’s pussy, her left hand making ever quicker circles over her protruding clit. Linda barely lasted two minutes before she came.


“That’s right cum in your daughter, give her your babies for me!” Shouted Linda to the trees as her orgasm ripped through her body.


Never before had Linda managed to bring herself to such a powerful orgasm. Quickly covering herself up Linda continued on her walk, unsteady at first after her earth shaking orgasm, hoping that no one had heard her shouts.


Over the next week Jessica’s father spent most of his time travelling between the new house and the cabin trying to sort out the problems. Jessica longed to spend more time with him, but her mother was keeping her busy enough with chores for the trust. To Jessica during these chores it seemed to that her mother was lecturing her about the wrongs of abortion. Having never really thought about it before Jessica felt herself feeling very sympathetic towards some of these women. She made herself a promise, if she ever again slept with a man and became pregnant, she would not have it aborted, no matter what. Little did she know that the chances were high that there already was a small foetus growing inside her. Still Jessica wished that she could spend more time with her father, alone.


“Not that I want sex with Daddy again, no that’s icky and wrong. It’s just so long since I spent some time with him.” Jessica told herself on many an occasion whilst trying to figure out a way to make it happen.


“It looks like I’m going to have to spend some time here over the next few days, going over these plans” Said Graham at dinner one night.


Jessica’s heart skipped a beat knowing that this could be her chance to talk to her father. Right then and there she formulated a plan to get her father alone. She decided to take a walk in the woods and somehow “twist her ankle”. As soon as the remnants of dinner were tidied away Jessica let her parents know she was going for a walk. On her return as Jessica came within hearing distance to the cabin she let out a pain filled scream.


“Oww it hurts!” Shouted Jessica as Linda applied ice to her daughter’s ankle.


 “Well looks like you will have some company for the next day or two Graham” said Linda while looking at Jessica’s ankle.


Graham only nodded, trying to hide his smile. He marvelled at his stroke of luck, idea’s racing through his head. He doubted he would get any work done. The next day could not come quick enough for Graham. The thought of having his daughter all alone kept him awake almost all the night wondering if he could seduce his daughter.


The next morning saw Linda going off early to do some chores promising not to be too late. Both Jessica and Graham waving her off. Most of the morning was spent sitting around the cabin making small talk trying to think of things to say to the other when suddenly Graham realized something.


“Your ankle, its better!” said Graham with a start noticing his daughter wandering around normally.


Jessica looked down at her leg a redness rushing to her cheeks. “Oh…. Yeah …I…” She stammered trying to think of something fast.


Jessica sat down and with a sigh said, “Look the truth is I never hurt my ankle Daddy.” She paused for a moment trying to think eventually saying “I just wanted to spend some time alone with you”


Graham stared at his daughter trying to restrain the hormones flying to his crotch. He realized he had to say something and stammered out, “Me too sweetheart”


Jessica smiled getting encouraged by her father’s positive response. “How did you not realize it was me? I mean…” Jessica stumbled over her words.


“It was dark, your mother and you are of a similar build and your mother always used to sleep in the middle.” “I didn’t know!” Answered Graham, failing to stop the images of that one night from flooding into his head.


Jessica stood up and crossed the distance to her father, sitting close to him. “But didn’t –It- feel different?”


Graham closed his eyes deadly afraid, yet secretly wanting Jessica to see the growing bulge in his trousers. “Well yes it did.” He answered, looking across at his daughter, his gaze drifting down to her cleavage.


Jessica’s eyes widening at the sight of the bulge in her fathers trousers as she stole glances at his crotch. “Was it better?” Jessica asked not knowing where she was going with her questions.


Heart racing Graham answered after a pause “Yes, you are tighter and…” struggling with the word “wetter.” Turing the tables and feeling more confident Graham asked knowing the answer “Had you done it before?”


Jessica only nodded, feeling the heat rising to her cheeks.


“Did you like it?” the question flying out of his mouth before Graham realized.


Jessica took a long time to answer, the room falling silent. “Well with my ex-boyfriend it was nothing special, but with you it was different, it felt really good.”


Grahams draw dropped, his manhood was now at full mast unable to hide itself any longer.


Seeing her father’s surprised reaction she said, “I know it was wrong though and it should never have happened.” Unable to drag her gaze away from the bulge in her father’s trousers Jessica felt herself becoming aroused.


Graham took note of his daughter’s lust filled gaze and decided to get braver, putting an arm around his daughter. “As long as no one finds out, there is no harm done then?”


Still unable to drag her gaze away Jessica allowed the arm to slip behind her back. “No I guess not.”


“You know we have all day to ourselves, Mum will not be back for hours” Stated Graham, referring to Linda as he ever so gently pulled Jessica towards closer.


Jessica continued to stare at her fathers bulging crotch, wanting desperately to see it but knowing it was wrong and she shouldn’t.


The room was once again filled with silence, Graham psyching himself up to ask a forbidden question. “Would you like to see it?” His voice barely a whisper


The next few moments where a blur, her father stood as Jessica dived for his zipper violently ripping his trousers off followed by his t-shirt then finally pulling his underwear down, revealing the object Jessica had longed to see. Her fathers cock stood a good eight inches out from his body, Jessica stood there studying carefully every vein and wrinkle. Her gaze tracked upwards, over the contours of his slightly muscular stomach, over his manly chest with barely any hair, along his straight muscular shoulders to his eyes. Those eyes could have bored holes through solid concrete and were now roving all over Jessica’s clothed body.


“Now its your turn.” Stated Graham the calm in his voice surprising himself.


“No daddy, we shouldn’t its wrong” Jessica’s half-hearted plea was ignored.


His daughter put up no resistance as Graham slowly removed Jessica’s clothing. His heart racing faster with every extra inch of her forbidden flesh he exposed until his daughter stood naked before him.


“Even better than I had imagined” Whispered Graham, drinking in the sight.


Letting his gaze drift out to encompass Jessica’s entire petite frame. Barely topping 5ft 4inches Jessica was the epitome of how a young women should look. She had a blond hair that reached the blades of her gorgeous rounded shoulders. Jessica’s stomach was flat with a slight amount of definition. She had the perfect hourglass figure starting at the shoulders, curving in at the waist only to once again curve outwards following the contours of her hips. Her legs were toned but with little definition, neither long nor short.

Her breasts were almost exactly as he had pictured them in his head, a little smaller than his wife’s “C” cup Jessica’s stood almost straight out from her body. The hard pink nipples were surrounded by slightly darker areoles. They were perfect; while there was no sag underneath the breast they had a very real bounce to them. He quickly rushed his gaze to the most forbidden of fruits, Jessica’s lips. Graham could already make out some dew like moisture on the fussy blond hair that sparsely covered his daughter’s pussy. He had always thought he preferred women to shave their lips, but seeing Jessica’s light blond hair simply covered the lips and waxed into a small triangular shape just above the top of her slit Graham changed his mind, this was perfection.


“You are exactly what women should be! Perfect!” Graham said meaning every word.


Jessica’s only answer was a giggle as she allowed her father to lead her towards the bed.


Sitting at the end of the bed next to her father staring at his cock Jessica thought to herself, “How did I ever get that thing inside my little hole? It’s massive!”


Noting Jessica’s gaze Graham asked, “Would you like to touch it sweetheart?” Already moving Jessica’s hand towards his cock.


“No we shouldn’t Daddy” Jessica again resisting with her words.


As Graham placed Jessica’s tiny hand on his manhood he sat back and watched as his only daughter began sliding her tiny hand up and down his shaft.


“Oh Daddy its so hard!” Jessica exclaimed


She could feel every bump and vein in her fathers manhood, Jessica watched enthralled as with every down stroke the foreskin pulled back from her fathers cock revealing its huge purple head. The room feel silent for a time as both father and daughter began to really enjoy themselves.


“Oh sweetheart that feels so good!” Said Graham as his daughter lifted her lust filled gaze to meet his.


Jessica could not help herself, she knew what she was doing was wrong, and she should stop. However Jessica was so turned on by her forbidden feelings racing through her body that she could not stop herself. She slowly lent forward and did something that she had never done before.


“Oh my fucking God!” Graham shouted as Jessica’s soft velvety lips engulfed his cock-head.


Not wanting to spoil the moment Graham said nothing as he watched the back of Jessica’s head bob up and down on his cock “Holy crap, she is really sucking my cock, my own daughter is really sucking my dick!” Said the voice inside Graham’s scull.


“Do you like that Daddy?” Asked Jessica as she moved round to kneel on the floor between Graham’s knees.


Her father simply nodded, his eyes glazed over as Jessica once again engulfed as much of her fathers cock in her mouth as she could, her right hand joining the fun at the base of his monster. The silence was only broken by the soft moans coming from her father and the sucking, squelching noise of Jessica’s mouth and hand as they worked on Grahams shaft. It was not until her father’s hands clutched the sides of her head, encouraging her up, that Jessica’s mouth left Grahams cock.


“It’s your turn now” Graham said as he moved his daughter to lie at the head of the bed.


As Graham lay down between Jessica’s milky thighs he got his first close up look at his daughters pussy. The smell was intoxicating, pure sex mixed with lust. Lightly kissing along Jessica’s thighs he quickly reached the prize. Graham brushed his tongue along her slit, tasting his daughter’s wetness for the first time. His tongue becoming ever more forceful it pushed its way between Jessica’s outer lips and into her wet slit. Graham could hear moans of pleasure coming from his daughter these encouraged him further. He pushed his tongue as far as he could up his daughter’s hole, flicking around before removing it. Graham then buried his nose in Jessica’s light downy hair as his tongue found her love button. It was easy to find, it had already shrugged off its hood and was stranding proud ready for him.


“Oh-fuck-Jesus!” Exclaimed Jessica falling flat back on the bed.


Never before had anyone done this to Jessica. It felt great, not as good as the night her father had been inside her, but she knew she was not ready for him yet. “What are you thinking, you can’t let your father fuck you!” the voice inside her head said. Ignoring the voice Jessica concentrated on the feeling in her loins as her father pushed a thick finger inside her velvety folds, while his tongue worked on her clit. Jessica was already close, “How could that be?” She wondered, her father barely having touched her. There was no mistaking it though the muscles inside her pussy where already tingling.


“Oh God Daddy you are going to make me cum!” Panted Jessica.


Jessica managed to hold of for a short time longer, but as her father pushed a second thick inside her dripping pussy she blew.


“OH FUCK, OH FUCK!” Screamed Jessica as the pressure built inside her. “Oh Daddy I’m cumming”


Graham grinned as his daughter’s tight pussy clamped down on the fingers buried inside her pussy. He kept gently flicking her clit with his tongue as Jessica’s juices began running over his engorged hand.


Jessica knew she let out many groans and expletives as she came but didn’t care, there was no one round to hear. The feeling was just too intense; here she was getting eaten out by her own father. This was the most erotic experience of her young life. Gradually her orgasm faded, glancing down between her legs Jessica saw her father standing in front of her, dick in hand with a large grin on his face. As he began to move himself forward Jessica realized what he was about to do.


“NO DADDY! We can’t, not without protection…” The words stopped as the monster began forcing its way inside Jessica’s lips.


Graham knew he shouldn’t, he knew it was wrong to fuck his own daughter. The small part rational part of him was not in control though. Graham let out a grunt as Jessica’s wet; red-hot velvety folds engulfed his cock-head. Closing his eyes he thought to himself “Oh God this is just as I remember.”


“Oh YES Daddy put your big fat dick inside your daughters hot tight wet pussy!” Jessica amazed herself as the words spilled out of her lips.


Graham need no further encouragement, with one light shove her had a third of his manhood inside his daughter.


“Jesus Christ your pussy feels good sweetheart!” Gasped Graham


Slowly he began pulling out, with gasps and moans from Jessica as he slowly pushed his cock inside his daughter. Graham was almost half way in before her slowly pulled back, this time he pulled his cock all the way out with a soft wet “pop”. Admiring the hole he left before Jessica’s angry red pussy closed itself back to its original size.


“Put it back Daddy, it feels so good” Jessica desperately gasped.


“Ok princess” Muttered Graham as he lined himself up again.


This time Her father was less gentle, she felt him lightly push the head of his cock past her lips, only then to suddenly bury the entire length of his monster inside Jessica’s hole.


“FUCK! Take it out TAKE IT OUT!” Screamed Jessica as she felt her pussy stretching trying to accommodate her father’s size.


Graham waited a few moments for Jessica’s pussy to accommodate his size before slowly starting to pump his length in and out of his daughter’s slippery cunt, Jessica’s breasts giggling with every thrust. The moans of pleasure Jessica was making every time he topped out sent a tingle along his spine.


“Oh God Daddy, harder! Fuck your daughters tiny little pussy!” Encouraged Jessica eventually really enjoying the feeling that was now emanating from her slit.


Spurred on from his daughters dirty talk Graham really started to unleash his pent up frustration. Faster and faster he mercilessly pumped his cock in and out of Jessica’s once tiny hole. The harder he fucked her, the dirtier Jessica’s tongue became. Graham was not surprised that within minutes he began feeling the familiar tingle inside his balls.


“Fuck me, push your big fat Daddy cock in me! Jesus I can feel you getting harder! Oh God Daddy you are stretching my pussy Daddy!

Oh FUCK that feels good!” The torrent of words just flew out of Jessica’s mouth.


Jessica was unconsciously meeting her father’s every thrust, her body moving on its own. As her father’s cock stretched Jessica’s little pussy to its limit she felt the now familiar tingling once again beginning inside the folds of her pussy. Automatically Jessica felt her pussy muscles contract onto her father’s cock, heightening the sensitivity and bringing her closer to the edge.


“Oh Daddy I’m almost there, just a little more FUCK ME DADDY” The words once again tumbled out of Jessica’s mouth.   


“Me too sweetheart!” Grunted Graham.


Graham felt her clamp down ever tighter on his cock; he knew he could not last much longer. The experience was too dirty, too wrong, too forbidden with one last thrust he buried himself as deep as he could and began to spurt hoping his daughter would follow. She did!


“Holy shit Daddy I can feel you’re cum” Jessica panted eyes wide “Oh God here it comes! I’m cumming TOO!”


Jessica’s screams and Graham’s groans were one as father and daughter exploded in mutual orgasm. Jessica’s pussy began sucking Graham’s manhood as he sent jet after jet of hot sticky cum into his daughter’s pussy. Jessica arched her back, her whole body shaking. His daughter’s pussy felt like nothing on earth, it seemed to be sucking every drop of cum out of Graham’s manhood. Graham’s orgasm almost reduced him to tears. He looked down to see his own cum bubbling out of Jessica’s swollen red pussy lips. There must have been gallons, he pulled out only to still squirt more of his cream onto Jessica’s light blond mound. The sight was a wonder, Jessica still lay on the bed twitching, still feeling the effects or her orgasm, her abused, red swollen pussy gaped open in memory of her father cock, that moments before had filled the hole. Graham’s cum was slowly trickling out of the tiny overfilled pussy, down onto the bedclothes.


“Christ Daddy that was amazing, even better than the last time!” Said Jessica breathlessly.


“Wow, just wow!” was all Graham could think to say, still admiring his work. 


“We have to do that again. And again!” Mumbled Jessica


“You got that right!” Noticing that his cock was yet to soften Graham asked with a grin “what about now?”


A new voice came from the corner of the room “I’m glad you both enjoyed yourselves” said Linda folding her arms and walking towards the bed.






It had been a slow morning at the trust and Linda decided to take an early, long lunch. As both her husband and daughter were at the cabin Linda decided to join them. She quietly pulled the car into the driveway and stepped out. As she neared the door Linda could swear she could hear the bed squeak and moans of pleasure coming from the cabin. Her heart a flutter she made a detour towards the window. What she saw as she peered through the window took Linda’s breath away.


“Oh my god they are fucking each other!” Linda gasped moving her hands in front of her face.


There lying naked on the bed was Jessica, Linda’s only daughter, kneeling between her parted legs was the unmistakable frame of her husband his hips slowly moving back and forth. By the groans of pleasure both were clearly enjoying themselves. Linda was amazed that the sight did not disgust her, quite the opposite in fact. As Linda stared through the window, hand moving to the waistband of her trousers, a plan began to formulate inside her head. 


“Jessica could be the mother of the children I have always wanted!” Linda whispered to herself.


Linda knew what she was thinking was depraved and down right wrong, not to mention illegal. She could not help herself however, the thought of her daughter having her husbands babies stimulating Linda like nothing she had experienced before. She began masturbating her eyes glued to the sight of father fucking his own daughter.


“That’s right, fuck her little pussy and give her your red hot spunk!” Linda whispered to the pair behind the windowpane.


Linda’s fingers quickly became a blur as they brutally flicked over her distended clit, juices flowing from her lips into her panties. Linda could not keep up the pace for long, taking less than a minute before cumming in her trousers. Without thinking Linda began to creep carefully towards the door. She wanted a closer look; she had to know if they were using protection.


As Linda silently entered the cabin the smell of pure sex assailed her nostrils. Jessica was screaming for her father to fuck her harder, while Graham was obviously tensed holding back his seed. Linda her legs shaking through nerves and her recent orgasm went to sit in darkest part of the room, waiting for them to finish. 


Grinning as her husband came inside her daughter Linda stood up and strode towards them, not knowing what she was going to say.


“I’m glad you both enjoyed yourselves.” Linda stated walking towards them with her arms folded.


Both father and daughter jumped, Graham spinning round to face his wife, while Jessica lifted her head off the bed her legs still wide open. Linda gazed towards Jessica’s crotch and was rewarded with what she had hoped to see. Her daughters pussy was red raw Jessica’s clit was still hard and poking out of its hood. Matting the light covering of downy blond hair together, yet still trickling out the pink folds of her daughters open cunt was Graham’s cum.


Noticing that Graham was about to speak “Get on the bed and lie on your back!” She commanded her husband; turning to Jessica she added, “Don’t move”


Graham crawled on his back onto the bed staring flabbergasted as his wife began to strip off her clothing. As his wife reached her underwear Graham couldn’t help but notice the large wet patch at the crotch of Linda’s panties. “She is as turned on as we are!” Graham realized looking down his cock showed no sign of loosing its stiffness.


Linda had never felt so turned on in her life, her pussy physically dripping as she climbed onto the bed. She could hardly believe what was happening herself as she mounted her husband, his large cum covered manhood sliding straight up between her pussy lips. Linda’s eyes never left her daughters cum filled pussy for one moment.


“You have a great body mum.” Jessica gasped, watching her mother mount her father.


Jessica had always thought her mother was a little frumpy, too prim and proper. Now seeing her mount the man who had just left his seed in her pussy, Jessica could not help but see her in another light. Her mother was more or less the same body shape as Jessica although a slightly shorter with a little more weight. Jessica realized the slight sag in her mother’s breasts and giggles of her belly were exceptionally good for Linda’s forty-two years of age. Linda’s breasts were slightly larger than Jessica’s, her nipples and areolas were also somewhat more mature. But to Jessica her mother could pass for someone ten years younger. Jessica watched as her mother quickened the pace, lifting her hips up and down, Graham’s gliding in and out Linda’s shaven cunt lips. Jessica had never seen someone else fucking for real before; she could do nothing as her own fingers began reaching for her cum covered pussy.


“That’s right finger fuck yourself.” Thought Linda as she watched two of her daughter’s fingers bury themselves, yet more of Graham’s cum leaking out past Jessica fingers. The sight of her masturbating daughter sent Linda over the edge. Linda kept fucking her husband at the same furious rate even as her pussy juices leaked out past her lips, over Graham’s cock soaking the bedclothes. Linda continued to fuck her husband, watching out the corner of her eye as Graham’s gaze flittered between Linda bouncing up and down on his cock and his daughter who was lying at his side masturbating. Not even in Linda’s wildest dreams had she imagined the scene that was now playing in front of her. The whole room was heavy with the smell of sex, wet squelching noises and pleasurable groans as all three family members. Linda felt her heart continue to flutter the utter wrongness of all that had happened only serving to heighten the experience as she kept impaling herself on her husbands cock.


Jessica watched intently for several minutes as her fathers cock disappeared inside her mother’s folds only to reappear seconds later. Jessica glanced at her own crotch her eyes bulging amazed at the mess her pussy was in. Her father’s cum was everywhere “He did it again!” The thought suddenly jumped into her mind. Her father had once again spent his seed inside her unprotected pussy. Jessica thought back to all the talks she had with her mother about pregnancy and abortion and now here she was with her own father’s potent seed still leaking out of her young accommodating pussy. “I could be pregnant with my fathers child!” the thought that should have repulsed her only caused Jessica to stuff a third tiny finger inside her sensitive, well lubricated pussy.


Linda watched her daughter add another finger with a smile, still bouncing on her husbands cock. “She will not be able to last much longer.” Linda thought with certainty. Linda continued to watch as Jessica’s legs began to shake, followed by her arms then the inevitable happened.


“Jesus, Fuck I’m cumming” Shouted Jessica, three fingers shoved deep inside herself, the fingers on her other hand attacking her clit.


Linda watched as her daughter arched her back, lifting her ass off the bed. Linda continued to gaze in amazement as her daughter, letting out a scream sent a stream of clear fluid jetting out of her cunt, past her engorged fingers and perhaps a foot onto the bed.


“Oh My God!” cried Linda as she ground down even harder on her husband’s cock.


As a second jet of her daughter’s cum followed the first Linda could feel her third orgasm of the afternoon begin to build.


“Oh my I’m close too!” Exclaimed Linda, her eyes never leaving her daughter as she writhed in pleasure upon the bed.


Linda lifted herself clear off Grahams cock, only to impale herself once again moments later. She ferociously pounded her husband’s cock into her pussy. Lasting less than a minute after her daughter Linda eventually gave into the demanding sensation in her loins.


 “Oh God Mommy’s cumming too!” Linda cried out as wave after wave of pleasure issued forth from her cunt.


Graham was in heaven, he could hardly believe his luck here he was his beautiful wife cumming all over his cock, lying next to his stunning daughter who had just cum all over the bed, his own cum leaking out of her pussy. During the throes of her orgasm Linda had stopped fucking his cock, remedying the situation Graham grabbed hold of her hips and slowly began to bounce her up and down on his cock. Slowly as his wife came back to her senses he picked up the pace. Within minutes he was once again driving his manhood as far as he could into his wife.


“Ugh I’m getting close!” Promised Graham, looking up into his wife’s eyes.


Jessica still coming down after her orgasm barely noticed as her mother climbed off her husbands cock, despite his protests. She only grasped what was happening when her mother pulled her into a sitting position then encouraged her to mount her father. Jessica did so happily, despite the slight raw rubbing sensation she felt as her own father’s cock head once again split her pussy lips. The discomfort was soon forgotten as once again waves of pleasure swept over Jessica as her father’s entire girth filled her willing pussy.


“OH yes Daddy that’s what I needed!” gasped Jessica as she began to impale herself.


“Oh God sweetheart your pussy feels so good!” muttered Graham as he watched his daughters small breasts bounce in front of his face.


“Daddy your big hard cock feels so good inside my pussy!” once again Jessica began to get carried away “That’s it, fuck your own daughter, fill her unprotected cunt with your baby making seed!” Grunted Jessica


“Oh god here it comes” Moaned Graham his balls tightening for the second time that day.


“Give it to me Daddy, I want your hot seed filling my delicate pussy!”


Graham was anything but delicate as with one last almighty shove pushing his cock as far as it would go. With a load grunt Graham finally let go.


“I’m cumming!” cried Graham as he pumped yet more of his sticky seed into his daughter’s young hungry pussy.


“That’s it Graham fill your daughter with your baby making spunk!” uttered Linda


Mesmerised Linda watched as Graham came inside Jessica’s little pussy. After his seed was spent Linda ogled as Jessica climbed off her fathers shrinking penis. Once again there was far too much to be held inside Jessica tiny hole, instantly rivulets of cum cascaded out of Jessica’s pussy through the blond pussy hair, down her ass crack and onto the bed.


“My God that was amazing” Muttered Jessica she examined her own crotch. “I love it when you cum in me daddy.” Lifting cum covered fingers to her face


“In that case we need to get you on the pill” Said Linda breathlessly.


An hour or so later Graham was left alone to make something to eat, his wife and daughter having disappeared to sort out some “women things”. Graham didn’t ask, didn’t care, he was beyond happy. From now on he would get to fuck both his beautiful wife and amazing daughter; that was all that mattered to Graham.


Linda dropped Jessica off at the doctors, telling her to get a prescription for the pill, she told Jessica to wait in the car, saying she would go to the pharmacy and collect the morning after pill along with her prescription. Putting her plan into action Linda once again substituted the PCP for a multi vitamin, and then went searching for something that would like a lot like the packaging of her daughter’s pill. Linda knew now beyond doubt that she would make sure her daughter became pregnant with her fathers child, without the two of them knowing.



The three continued their forbidden relationship after they moved into their new home, mother, father and daughter sharing the same bed.


It all went as Linda planned, less than a month later Jessica missed her period and the doctor confirmed that Jessica was pregnant, all three family members agreeing against Jessica having an abortion, despite the circumstances. Jessica and Graham were amazed wondering how it could have happened, while Linda kept her terrible secret


Eight months after the later Jessica gave birth to her fathers daughter/grandchild.


Despite taking precautions, Less than a year after the birth of Jessica’s first child once again became pregnant with her fathers child. Still Linda kept her awful secret.


In total Jessica mothered three of her father’s children all conceived by what seemed fate. Linda eventually got the large family she had always hoped for.

Mom competes with Dad Part 1

valsprofeet on Incest Stories

Mom competes with Dad Part 1.

This is a long story. I am placing parts 1 and 2 now. The rest will follow it I get good reviews. If you don’t like it there is obviously no point in telling the rest.....

Carla and I are in the same grade although she is almost a full year older than me. They live four houses down the street from us and my mom and hers work at the same hospital a

Florida Incest: Chapter II

SilentSpirit on Incest Stories

I kneeled down and started to lick her bald pussy. I slid my tongue over her pussy and caressed my hands on her ass and thighs. She started to moan and her legs got weak and she started to twitch. She ran her hands through my hair. The aroma of her female parts was intoxicating. I slid my tongue between her juicy lips as far as I could and pulled it out with juice stringing off my tongue and her pussy. I stood up and looked at her, awaiting her orders.

"What now?" I asked?

"Want to try something super naughty?" She asked me, licking her glossed lips.


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y? What kind of naughty stuff?" She walked to the ATV and took a rope out of the back. "What are you gunna do? Tie me up?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist. She guided me to the ATV. I bent over against the seat and spread my legs. Jennifer rubbed her hands over my smooth ass, giving it a little grasp. "No escape." She told me laughing. She got the rope and tied my hands down to the ATV.

She pressed her thigh against my butt and caressed her hands up the side of my body. My clitoris was burning. It was so swelled and wet.

Then unexpectedly she gave my ass a soft tap on my right cheek. Then she did it again much harder. My ass was burning from the pain, yet it turned me on so much.

"This doesn't hurt too much does it? If this is a little too much for you, go ahead and tell me and I will stop."

"No, no! It feels good." My legs were weak and I could barely stand. With each smack on the ass the more aroused I got. She started to slap my ass extremely hard; I'm sure leaving a bright red hand print. She then ran her hand over my pussy.

"My god, you’re soaking! This must really be turning you on."

"Hell yeah, it feels great. I love this." She kneeled down and started to lick my pussy and anus, then started to suck on my pussy.

"Maybe I should untie you. I have a new idea."

"Oh, ok. Whatever you find best I guess." We were both very out of breath. She untied my hands from the ATV and sat on the ATV.

"Here, suck on my breast." I did as I was ordered and placed my lips on her erect nipple and swirled my tongue around. Then I started to nurse on her nipple like a baby. She ran her hands through my hair, moaning. I started licking all over her body, from her stomach to her pussy. Her juicy pink pussy all dripping with pre-cum. "Finger me! Make me cum!" She screamed, and moaned. I did as I was told once again and started to finger my Index finger and middle into her slit, harder and faster. I took out my finger and sexily licked off the juices. We looked into each others eyes for a second, she looked so hot. I dove for her mouth giving her a long, hard passionate kiss on the lips.

I rolled my tongue in her mouth and sucked on her neck. She was barely able to stand from the excitement. We were both sweating and panting with erotic passion. I cupped her breasts in my hand and rubbed my fingers over her nipples. Twisting and pulling on them. She did the same with me.

Then she rubbed her hand on my vagina and slid her finger into my slit as far as it would reach. "Oh, god! Oh my god! OHHh!" I moaned. "Say my name bitch! Say my name! OH GOD OHHH!" She slid her finger in and out of my slit. The unbelievably great sensation overwhelmed me.

"Melissa! MELISSSSSA!" She moaned. My vagina started to have convulsions as a thick stream of watery cum poured out of my pussy like a fountain. I was screaming and moaning! My legs went so weak that I fell down. She lay on top of me and kissed me softly on the lips and neck.

"My god! We have to do this more often. That was fantastic."


Behind the closed doors – 3

butli on Incest Stories

It was like for 3 months now that I have been fucking my step-mom. After the hooker incident I was pretty much excited about 3 some orgy but somehow we never got to do it again. In the mean time mom thought she wouldn’t depend on her dad’s money anymore and got a job for herself. She got the job by fucking a managing director of the company and was now in pretty much a high position. Every now and then she used bring in the managing director and fuck his brains out. I was ok with that and things were running smooth. We shifted to a new house, it was an apartment and we lived on the 31st floor and everything could be seen from there, the whole city. I had started working as a DJ in a local club and it was one day while working there I saw my gra

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nd mother with a middle aged man. Grand Ma was around 53 years old and she was married at 18 and had my step mom when she was 20. Anyways she was this very hot brunette who maintained her figure like her daughter and she could be called around 43 years old easily because of her figure. Since I know my people around the club I told a guy to take photos of her and had a huge game planned in mind. I paid off the guy and he didn’t tell anyone about it. I also noticed their dance moves and it seemed that she was a getting turned on by him. I saw him caressing her breasts and squeezing her ass and kissing her very frequently. She was one horny slut.

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When they left I was doing my job and the photographer printed out the photos and gave it to me in an envelope that I kept inside the pockets of my jacket. I got off pretty late and was tired. I drove back home quickly and upon entering the house I got a noises coming from mom’s room.  I ignored it and went to bed. The next day I had already scanned the documents and opened an email account in an anonymous name and sent my grandma the photos. I knew about Internet tracing and everything so I sent it from a cyber café and not from home. I also told her that if she doesn’t reply in 24 hours, these would be sent to her husband. I checked my mail after 6 hours and there was reply. I told her to meet me at a mall and then we could discuss the matter from there. When I reached the shopping mall I already saw her sitting tensed at the table I had asked her to. She was equally shocked and surprised to see me. I told her all about it. She was like, ‘why cant you mind your own business and give me those photos back’. I said ‘because I want to fuck you and I want it today otherwise those pictures are going to your hubby’. She agreed because she was very scared of grandpa. We checked into a motel and as soon as we got inside the room I started to kiss her sucking her tongue and also in all places. She protested at first but later started to enjoy it. She was moaning as I undressed her. I told her to suck my cock and she started doing as I asked. I pulled her hair and made her suck my cock like a whore I could tell that she was enjoying it. I was very hard and excited and shouted out, ‘you like my cock in your mouth slut, huh, huh?’ She nodded. Then I stopped her from sucking me and pulled her up and pushed her on the bed I plunged my cock into her and she moaned out loudly I started to fuck her very fast as I was very much excited. I kept on fucking her until here came a time when I couldn’t take it anymore and had to cum. I took out my cock and put it inside her mouth again. After giving me two or more licker with her tongue I exploded in her mouth and didn’t take out my cock until she drank all my cum. ‘Fuck off bitch’ I said and came out of the motel after washing myself leaving her gasping on the bed. It was sure a good fuck. When I reached home I was horny again. Mom opened the door and said that she was going out. ‘You don’t have to go out, all you have to do is fuck me’ I said and closed the door and pushed her to side of the room. She kissed me and rubbed my cock for a while and said that it was very urgent and she went out. I jerked off later on and took a shower and was back to normal. Mom returned home with her assistant and she introduced me to her. She was a woman in her early 20s and had awesome tits and a huge ass. She introduced herself as Linda. She noticed that I was admiring her and mom left us both to get changed. As soon as mom left she said, ‘Your mom said that you like 3 some sex.’ I was totally surprised. But I said yes and she instantly came to me and started to kiss my tongue and bite my lips. She was one wild whore. She began to moan in a way that made my cock straighten up. She began to rub my cock very hard and then she pulled down my pants and started sucking my cock as wildly ad ever. I felt the greatest pleasure of all time. I squeezed her breasts while she was sucking my cock and it was awesome, they were all soft and juicy. I never noticed all this time that mom was watching us with a seductive smile on her face and a sexy nightdress with red bras and panties on. I looked at mom and indicated her to join in. she came and shoved her pussy right into my mouth and I started sucking it as well. I had no control over my self and they were treating me like somewhat like their slave. After a while of pussy eating she came down and started to suck my tongue. Linda was done by that time and she made me eat her pussy while she kissed my mom and sucked her breasts. Mom made me finger her and I was almost gonna explode and compalained that they were wayyy to wild for me. ‘Shut the fuck up and do what we say son’ shouted mom. ‘Your son’s good Benny’ moaned Linda. He’s too good. Suddenly they stopped and stepped back from me. She began to suck my cock after pushing me on the couch and 2 sides of the cock was being sucked by 2 people. I couldn’t take it and exploded right there and they drank all my cum. They must have realized that I needed rest as I drifted off to sleep in that position and when I woke up I saw that it was late and that mom left a note, ‘Linda and I are moving away to another city forever, you were not good enough for us so we are leaving you behind, GO TO HELL.’ I smiled. I was going to have to find someone new now. 

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Youngstuff on Incest Stories

Maria spent the morning with her Uncle Pierre and his kids. He had told Maria that his cousin Carlos, who was fifty-four, was coming-by about to pick her up. Her uncle told her also that he had talked to her mom and that although it was ok for her to go with Carlos she needed to be home by because she had school tomorrow.

"Maria, I'm pretty sure Carlos is planning on getting somewhat more than a

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little conversation from you, so you need to look nice for him, ok?" Pierre told her.

"Well what if I don't want to have sex with him?" Maria fired back.

Pierre frowned, "Now Maria, you know you would bring dishonor on your mother if you turn down any man who wants to have sex with you don't you? How would you feel if your mom had to live with you shaming her like that?"

"So I have to make love with any man who wants to do it with me?" Maria asked, standing there rather awkwardly, idly playing with a lock of hair.

Pierre grinned and replied, "Yes Maria baby. Any man in our family from twenty-one to having one foot in the grave who wants to screw you, has that basic right now. You must spread for them darling and do it exactly the way they want you to do it. You'll get used to entertaining men and you'll learn to love them wanting you all the time. Sex will become a passion with you sweetheart, a real passion, believe me."

Maria and her uncle stood in the kitchen and French-kissed while the kids played outside in the back yard.
Pierre even managed to slide his hand down the young girl’s shorts, well inside her panties, where a few minutes of wanton finger-fucking had her gasping in pleasure. He didn’t find it that unpleasurable a chore himself.

At the point he felt her shuddering with almost uninhibited pleasure, he gave her a pat on her cute little bottom and told her to go and get herself ready for Carlos. Frowning at the cessation of his touch she muttered “Alright then” and Pierre watched as Maria's beautiful young ass jiggled its way out of sight through the doorway. He knew exactly how much Carlos was going to enjoy fucking Maria if his own experiences of the previous night were anything to go by. God really had gone overboard with that hot little ass!

Carlos arrived while Maria was still getting ready. He and Pierre sat in the back yard watching the kids play while they talked. Carlos made known his sincere gratitude for the opportunity to partake of the sexual favors of a rampantly hot twelve-year old girl.
Pierre however cautioned Carlos not to let Maria know of the set-up, but rather to let her think that he had merely called-by inquiring about his niece instead.

“After all Carlos, I’m sure I owe you a favor or two.”  Pierre grinned.

Carlos couldn’t help but ask,

“How is she in bed, my friend?”

 Pierre told him she was still very inexperienced but her tight pussy, flat belly and hot sexy little breasts more than made up for it.

“Damn it Carlos, you’re gonna kill yourself fucking her sexy body!”  Pierre warned.

Right then, Maria walked-out in her tight, low-rise blue corduroy pants that showed off her youthful and awesomely curvy little ass to perfection, not to mention the hot white midriff top that plainly displayed her budding breasts and her hard nipples as well as her sexy belly. Her glitter-blue, tight bikini-panty line could be seen clearly through the tight material as well as their top edge peeking well out at the rear. Carlos nigh-on came in his pants at the sight. Both  their dicks were by now struggling for the nearest exit but only Carlos’ was scheduled for active duty in the coming hours.
Pierre would have to seek out an alternate panacea while Carlo’s dog was delighting in a sample of the fox.

Carlos led Maria to his car, his calloused hand on the top of her creamy exposed hips. Such was his anticipation of the coming pleasures, he was finding it difficult to walk properly. Opening the passenger door for her, he could but admire that flat belly and tight little “V” up between her legs as she climbed in. Truly, she had been endowed even at her age with the sacred family treasures. He put Maria's overnight bag in the trunk and closed it. Carlos returned to Pierre who had been watching abstractly from the top of the steps. Not content with shaking his hand, he hugged
Pierre in genuine gratitude of what had been set-up for him.

“Enjoy her,” Pierre told him, “What say next Friday night we have a little fun with her together?  Some hot little party where we can both fuck her for hours – maybe set up a video and run out the whole enchilada? Get her hot enough, I’m sure she’ll let us both fuck her at the same time. Come to that, we should keep in mind maybe a real orgy, with  a few friends invited. You like that idea Carlos?”

They laughed at the concept and Carlos remarked, "Well the other girl, Hayley, needs a party to retire with, since she won't be the family whore any more. It could be a going-out party for her and a (cumming in) party for Maria as our new whore."

They decided they would talk about it by the middle of the week and still have time to line men up if they wanted to have the two girls furnishing sex on tap.

Carlos got in the car and started it. He then directed Maria to move over and sit against him. He slid his hand down her inner thigh and told her how damn sexy she was. Maria smiled innocently at this man, forty years her elder. She laid her head on his shoulder as he drove and wondered how he was going to make love to her. They drove for about fifteen minutes without speaking a word, just Carlos playing with Maria's legs. He then turned suddenly into a dirt road up on the left and killed the motor.

Maria was still sitting tight up against him, her perfume intoxicating in the extreme. Carlos put his arm around Maria's waist and pulled her to him. Her head fell against his shoulder. She looked up at him, not sure of what exactly he was wanting right now, and here, where was it was rather too public. She sat there, content to let this fifty-year old man caress her thighs and bare belly, with the knowledge that her acceptance of this behavior indicated her complicity in whatever sexual activities he had planned for her.

Carlos leaned towards Maria's lips and they kissed softly at first, then more passionately. The girl accepted his probing into her mouth and their tongues entwined and the kissing became more prolonged. He slowly unfastened Maria's belt then worked his hand down the inside of her panties stretched there, so low on her hips. She offered no resistance to him. With but the sparsest of pubic hair framing her moist and delicate labia, he located her young clitoris but inches further down. She let out a gasp as he began to rub her there gently.

Maria moaned beneath his touch. Carlos broke-off their kissing to whisper in her ear "You’re going to favor Carlos with some of your charms aren't you Maria?"

Maria looked into his eyes and softly answered with a smile,  "Maybe senor."

He sank his middle digit well between those soft lips at that instant, causing Maria to let out a small cry and to lay back on his shoulder, her eyes closed but her mouth open in acute pleasure.

He asked her again, "Are you going to give me some of your tight young pussy Maria?"

Carlos was now slowly stroking his finger in and out of her rapidly flooding canal as Maria moaned her reply, "Yes, ohhhhh…. yes. I'll give you whatever you want. I will make it soo good for you Carlos."

Maria's fate was sealed.  She knew she would soon be satisfying another lover with her hot pre-adolescent body.

Carlos began to kiss the soft creamy flesh at the nape of her neck as he worked another finger inside her. Maria was beginning to lose control and was frustrated for a moment by the constraints her corduroy pants were imposing, so far as spreading her legs were concerned at least. Carlos was fingering her harder, deeper, his own breathing fast and irregular now as he sought to make contact with every square inch of the girls inner vaginal walls.

It may have been hot outside but the interior of that old Ford was hotter.

“Let me see your tits Maria,” he grunted, flecks of dribble forming at the corners of his mouth.

Wriggling now as the rude assault on her young body was taking its toll on her few remaining inhibitions, she wrenched her midriff top upwards, displaying to Carlos’ lustful though undeniably appreciative eyes, the flimsiest of crop-top type bras.

“Pull it up for me girl,” he ordered.

As her two tiny breasts were exposed, he could hardly fail to see the effect the fingering of her pussy was having on her. Both nipples were prominent and fully engorged. He would be attending to those little sentinels with quite some relish tonight, he made a mental note. Thrusting her hips up as she held her top up for him, Maria was on the edge, one massive orgasm about to invade and definitely with a “take no prisoners” policy!

Carlos pulled his fingers out, withdrawing his hand totally from her panties.

Maria looked horrified.

“W…what are doing? Don’t stop…pleeaaase,” she moaned in uncontrolled panic. “You’ve got me so hot now, I need you to fuck me.” She was wriggling about in an agony of disappointment.

“C’mon, let me take my pants off. You can fuck me here.” Not even bothering to cover her cute little breasts, she began struggling with her hipsters, even as he withdrew his hand totally and laid his wet and dripping fingers against the girl’s mouth.

Sucking desperately on her own juices she pleaded with him.

“Oh Carlos, you can’t leave me like this, I need it…you have to fuck me!”

He responded by starting the car’s engine.

"Why can't we do it here now,” she whimpered. “I want it so much Carlos, I’ll do anything you say, you can fuck me anyway you want. I don't care if somebody catches us or sees me having sex with an old man. You can strip me completely, just fuck me pleeaase!  Her pleas were almost heart-rending!

He smiled, knowing the power now that he had over her.

"You’re gonna have plenty of sex with Carlos tonight baby. I'm going to tease you to death then rip that hot little pussy of yours wide open. First though, I'm going to let my wife have a lot of fun with you before we take you somewhere you have never been. Your hot, sexy body is going to please me and my wife tonight Maria."

If anything could have sobered her up quick-smart, those words did.

Looking totally alarmed if not shocked, she replied. "Your wife?? What? what am I supposed to do with your wife? I don't know anything about this, I don't want to do that, please!"

"It doesn't matter what you want any more Maria. Your obligation is to please and satisfy the men of this family. I want to watch my wife seduce you before we take you to our bed where we will both make love to you all night. My wife has always had a fantasy about being with a young girl and tonight Maria, you will be her slave…..our slave!”

Carlos was continuing.

"I want you to do this with her for me, while I watch you. I want you to softly resist her, but then give-in and let her undress you. Then, you are going to let her do anything she wants to your sexy body, while I enjoy seeing her having her way with a foxy young babe like you. You must be responsive and give yourself to her fully - if you want to please me that is! If she wants to eat you, finger-fuck you, you will let her – you understand?” Maria sat there open-mouthed and unmoving.

“You will make sure she enjoys every moment with you,” he added, “acting the total submissive little girl. Then and only then will Carlos start fucking your tight pussy and making you moan like you never thought you could."

"I'm scared though" Maria shivered. “I have never done anything with a woman.”

Carlos replied, "Look, when we get there, you will go in, and I will introduce you to her. You will hug her and let her take you as she pleases. I'm sure she will have you on the couch before too long and she will be working to seduce you. Remembering what I told you, you will slowly give in to her lust. I know your sexy little body will know what to do and what it really wants.”

“You will make me happy, won’t you Maria?”

She thought for a moment. " I will try," she responded softly.

They pulled up inside the garage at Carlos' home and he let Maria out with instructions to ‘wiggle her hot little ass a lot’ and to make sure she hugged his wife ‘up close and personal.’

At the top of the pebblecrete driveway, the front door opened and Maria saw a woman –considerably younger than Carlos it appeared, step out from the shadows of the portico. Tanned and well-dressed, Maria noticed immediately that she had kept herself in trim and was, if the truth be known, a fine looking lady. Considerably more up-market than her paunchy husband. With long dark hair swept-up and held in place by two clasps, the dark-blue dress hid little of its owner’s charms. Tastefully low cut, Maria was permitted a view down an impressive cleavage which had her only too well aware of her own juvenile development to date.


Catching up to her, Carlos introduced them.

"Maria this is my wife Nina. Nina this is our guest for the evening, Maria".


In those first brief seconds, so much passed that was unspoken. Appreciation noted, approval granted and commitment assured.

Nina held her arms out to Maria who stepped up and hugged her firmly. She could feel Carlos eying her performance….and her taut little rear end. Nina turned Maria's head up to hers and kissed her, allowing her tongue to penetrate the girl’s mouth. Any questions either may have had were answered in that instant. Their French kiss lasted perhaps a couple of minutes. Maria felt the older woman’s hands moving experimentally over her ass cheeks, smoothing over the delicate curves approvingly.

The kiss broke as she pulled playfully on Maria's bottom lip with her teeth.

"You are more beautiful and sexy than I was told Maria. You will pleasure me much tonight.” Nina said. “We have two daughters ourselves, one is older than you and the other is your age, in fact she is friends with you at school as you know. She talks about you all the time." She added.

Carlos quickly let Maria know that they did not have sex with their children and that their girls would never know that Maria had spent the night with them in sexual pursuits. Their daughters were away for the night so their secret would be safe.

Maria tried to explain..."I've never, you know.....".

Nina looked compassionate in her understanding of the girl’s plight and taking her by the hand, led her to the living room where a warm fire glowed to brighten the dark room. She had Maria sit on the couch against her as she began to kiss Maria again. Maria's  sexy legs were crossed as she allowed her head to fall back on to Nina's shoulder, accepting her tongue into mouth once more. Nina's lips pressed ever more passionately up against those of Maria, lips she suspected, that would be ideal for sucking big fat erections such that her husband would currently be contending with she imagined.

The older woman began to caress the girl’s small but blossoming breasts through her top. Remembering her instructions, Maria offered some semblance of token resistance to the breast fondling which lasted all during a good fifteen minutes of kissing.

Maria's top and bra were then pulled up and over her head. Twice she attempted to pull her clothes back down in an attempt to stave off being topless. Then however, she heard Carlos grunt from the chair opposite, "Let her take them off."  Maria knew it was time and raising her arms compliantly, she let the woman remove her top and bra and toss them on the floor near the couch. She shivered as Nina’s hands began to caress the small mounds, her fingers telegraphing the woman’s lust as they began pulling gently on the nipples as she sat there helpless and exposed. Carlos entranced by his wife’s lustful progress was taking care of his own business with commendable concealment.

What was happening in front of him, in his own living room was better than any porno including “Debbie Does Dallas” or Taboo I or II”. What he was watching was live and in technicolor as this young and foxy pussy was unknowingly heading for the fucking of her young life.

"I want to eat your pussy and fuck your sexy body Maria,” Nina cooed in the girl’s ear.

"Nooo, I could never do that, I'm sorry,” Maria looked up at her desperately. “I’m only twelve (built like 18) and we shouldn’t be doing stuff like that.”

Paying little heed to the girl’s words, Nina then inclined her head and encircling with her lips, her right barely-formed breast, she sucked it into her mouth as Maria moaned outright at the shocked pleasure of being sucked so tenderly by another woman. Nina knew she had to work slowly at getting the girl to a level where she was comfortable and willing then to voluntarily progress in the game. After all, it was the girl’s hot and moist pussy that was the ultimate prize for her and her husband.

Even as she sucked the young girl, alternating breasts at regular intervals, she could plainly see the marks of passion left by her uncle the previous night. How she would enjoy watching her husband adding his own attentive souvenirs. Knowing how much she liked her own breasts being caressed, she tried to give Maria's the same soft, delicate attention she enjoyed but retaining still a prolonged and stirring tongue action around the nipples. Nina worked her breasts methodically as Maria relaxed and held her head high as she sucked.

When Nina knew she had her totally relaxed, she began to trace her fingers around the top edge of Maria's jeans just enough to tease and tantalize the precious treasure they enclosed. This had Maria beginning to moan softly as Nina traced her fingers from hip bone to hip bone and back pausing each time in the front to just caress Maria's pussy mound.

Nina let Maria's small breasts slip free of her mouth, red and slightly swollen from her constant breast-feeding. She began to kiss Maria's neck and nibble her earlobes then sharing a tender kiss, all in constant rotation.

Pausing at the girl’s ear now and  whispering so that only Maria could hear her, Nina said, “Unfasten your pants for me baby."

The young girl looked into the older woman’s face reading her lip movements as she told her to “open your pants for me NOW!”

Barely pausing, Maria unfastened her belt then laid her head back as she unbuttoned the front of her jeans. The sexy senorita had just unknowingly invited the sly fox into her hen-house and would never stop her lust for young pussy now no matter how hard she might try or how many times she said NO, she would now be eaten and fucked by this lesbian. Nina smiled at Maria's compliance then dipped her head down to breast-feed some more while her fingers worked their way down the outside of the girl’s panties where she began to rub her young lover hard. Maria commenced gasping and moaning quite audibly, holding the woman’s head to her breast as she sucked her so tenderly again.

Carlos by now was making no pretense at his condition and was stroking his cock with long dexterous strokes at the sight of Maria being taken by his wife.

“Get her naked Nina,” he urgently directed his wife, “Let’s see her pussy!”

Maria turned to see Carlos pumping his huge cock as she felt Nina slip her hand now inside her panties.

Trying to fight-off this latest development, Maria pulled the woman’s hand from her panties…”Nooo, not inside, I’m too young for that and I don’t know you that well.”

Nina kissed her for a moment then tried to slip her hand back into Maria's panties but again the girl pushed her hand away while telling her "no."

Kissing her tenderly, Nina tried for a third victory-charge but was again denied entry to the promised land. With options thin on the ground now, she delivered a hard, stinging slap to the girl’s face.

The shock of this rude assault kerbed any further resistance and slipping her hand inside the young girl’s pants that were now fully exposed, with the belt loosened and the buttons undone, Nina discovered a total freedom to play in Maria's panties for as long and as much as she pleased.

Maria was temporarily stunned by the slap to her face but clearly understood it meant she was being disobedient. She knew she was wrong to have fought against Nina’s attentions but she still felt some trepidation with being another woman’s plaything. True, she had experienced sex with her uncle after letting him perform all manner of indecent acts upon her (then) virginal body. But this was a woman seducing her now, It just didn't feel right. She remembered that her mom and Pierre had told her to become the servant and please others.

To one as young as sweet Maria, it was difficult to rationalize all of this but she was no ordinary girl. She was an extremely intelligent and foxy “goddess in waiting”. Nina had not slapped her with such force out of anger or spite she now knew but rather it was a desparate need for the pleasures of her body. She understood she had been wrong to tell Nina no and deny her desire to play in her pants, to dabble and explore in her pretty panties for as long as she wanted.

Her mother telling her to honor herself and her family, to give herself to Pierre and others, satisfy them Maria……was ringing I her ears. She was trying very hard to be a foxy lady in public while learning to be an easy slut when her sexual gifts were requested for private use.

She knew that Carlos wanted to see his wife have sex with her so she had to try to relax and come to terms with this confrontingly new situation. She would relax and let Nina finish seducing her and then permit Carlos the enjoyment of seeing a young girl being fucked by his wife.

All she wanted right now was to have Carlos sink his cock into her and make love to her, but she knew that would come later if she was obedient now. She had to let Nina have her unobstructed way with her, whatever that might entail. Being sucked, stripped, fingered – her full sexual complicity no less.

Carlos sat back in his chair, continuing to enjoy the unfolding drama on the couch. The slap across the girl’s face had been especially arousing he was thinking! Never had his cock been so hard, his desire so complete.

Nina kissed Maria's neck as her hand worked its way between the girl’s legs. Memories of her own childhood flooded back as she felt the girlish slit, smooth and soft with so few hairs in attendance as yet. She felt the lust rising and wished now so fervently that her own father had walked her down this road of opportunity when she herself had been twelve. Were it not for the fact she needed both hands to satisfy her craven urges with this child, she would even now be working her own sopping wet pussy deep within her own panties. She would have Maria attend to such needs later.

Gently rubbing, squeezing and pinching Maria’s inflamed clitoris, she had the girl moaning and wriggling uncontrollably on the couch. Continuing to flick her tongue across those pronounced nipples she licked her breasts until both of them were losing any sort of control. Much the same could be said for Carlos of course!

Sinking now two fingers deep inside her, Nina began to hard finger-fuck the young girl who had her legs as wide as those tight little pants permitted. From Maria’s viewpoint, resistance was a thing of the past, all she wanted was satisfaction at this woman’s hand or anyone else’s if the truth be known. She was moaning continuously.

At the point Maria was losing her grip on reality, Nina suddenly withdrew her lips from those ravaged baby breasts and pulling her hand clear of the girl’s panties, she drew her to her feet, clasping the topless body to her. Maria stared uncertainly as she was drawn over towards the fireplace, locked into an embrace that appeared to Carlos almost as if they were dancing.

She felt the woman’s hands on her bottom once more, smoothing, gripping, arousing ……she realised she was panting hard and moving her hips even now, against Nina's expert hand.

They had reached the bearskin rug near the hearth and with tender care, Nina lay the child down in front of the comforting glow of the fire. Taking a hold of the material’s legs, she pulled her jeans off in one fluid movement, leaving her lying there in just her panties, quite evidently wet as they were from Nina’s ministrations. Looking into the girl’s eyes, Nina pulled the skimpy little briefs down but then stopped, asking the girl to do it herself as a token of her obedience and willingness to offer herself freely. Maria did as she was asked, spreadeagled there completely naked now. Far from attempting to cover-up, she spread her legs, relishing her new-found freedom.

This sight of course spurred Carlos on to greater heights. Whether he could hold-out now to take this angelic piece of pussy was a contemplation only time would answer.

Maria looked across at Carlos in his chair, massaging his cock like an experienced farmer milking his tenth cow of the morning. It was so big and fat, Maria wanted it in her so bad she could scream.

"Please, please fuck me, oh please?" Maria softly moaned to Carlos, almost dissociating herself from the pleasures being afforded her lower body.

Carlos responded, "All in good time my child. You will get fucked little girl, soon you will get more fucking than you can handle my pretty little whore".

Maria looked into Nina's eyes as she began to lick both inner thighs with her legs spread open so her pussy could be viewed openly. Maria wanted to fuck, she didn't care who did it or with what, just as long as somebody fucked her soon.

Kneeling there, her face at the apex of those wide-spread legs, Nina's mouth opened wide, her eyes glowing with lust as she sucked Maria's relatively small pussy into her mouth. Thrusting her tongue in between those beautiful lips, she swirled it around almost in the manner of a practised wine-taster. For her part, Maria thrust her hips up to meet this new sensation as her partner’s tongue elicited not an inconsequential amount of natural fluid that fed and satisfied the taste-buds of her mentor.

"Oh my God yes!" shouted Maria.

With the first taste of Maria's still so innocent pussy, Nina was fast becoming possessed with consuming this young girl both in body and in spirit. She wanted to make Maria's naked body dance unchecked at the immediate behest of her mouth, hands and many other implements she was planning to use on this virginal creature.. For now though, she was content to suck, lick and infiltrate that awesomely youthful orifice, if necessary penetrating her to the very depths of her soul.

The sexy senorita was caught much like a fish on a hook. Her tender pussy had been snagged by Nina’s sharpe-hooked tongue and now she felt herself being reeled in so she could be cleaned, dressed for supper, eaten to the hilt before being stuffed with new meat.

Nina gobbled, Carlos wanked and Maria moaned. It was working well for all of them. The orgasm when it came for Maria, was nothing short of devastating. Taking physical toll of every nerve ending between her nipples and clitoris, she moaned her pleasure as the ripple fanned out like a Mexican wave eliciting her own cry of disbelief as she was swept into a brave new world

Whilst still a week shy of her thirteenth birthday, God had seen to it that on a sex quotient, Maria would have toppled most seventeen or eighteen year old girls. No wonder Carlos was grinning.

Nina had not come unprepared. As Maria was coming down off her own little mushroom cloud…..Nina produced from beneath the rug, a mushroom of her own. This twelve inch long piece of plastic fantastic had it all.  Bulging head with simulated blood vessels, twenty degree curve – even a rather crass set of bouncing balls at its base, this was the mother of all dildos. Even came with a three-speed variant. Shame really that Maria, given her sheltered upbringing, had never even heard of such an item.

She never saw it coming. One moment Nina was showering her with kisses, the next thing she new, someone had shoved a throbbing V8 Buick driveshaft up between her legs…..and only on low revs too!

To say she ‘yelped’ would be an understatement.

Nina had first to calm her down before starting-in on lesson one in the ways of the big bad world. Just how big and how bad she had yet to discover.

The young learn fast and as Nina told her, “You have given your body to me sweet Maria, let me now address your needs – Carlos…he can wait a little,”  she looked across at her husband who smiled approvingly, “let me fuck your hot little cunt and bring you such pleasure as you have never imagined. You want me to fuck you, yes?””

Taking but a second to weigh up her options and aroused greatly to hear this woman use that forbidden “c” word when referring to her pussy, she nodded her acquiescence.

“Yes, please fuck me with that thing…I need you to do it to me,” She suspected too that Carlos would be deriving even greater pleasure watching her being physically fucked by another female.

Nina kissed her again, passionately this time as she moved the long dildo against Maria's bare sex, causing her to squirm in excitement. Nina lapped at her pussy and specifically her clitoris, before slipping the dildo well up into her vagina.

More than four inches of vibrating plastic were wreaking their internal pleasures as Nina continued lapping at the girl’s clitoris, even as she fucked her deeper with the pulsating phallus.

Beginning now to lick Maria’s belly as well as her hips and inner thighs, Nina continued sinking the dildo deeper into that warm and needful crevice. Maria began moaning now as the sunken instrument began vibrating an area close to her cervix. It seemed to her that her whole pussy was filled with this wonderful soothing massage and her moans synchronised with this new rhythmic electronic message of  total delight.

Spreading her legs further to facilitate Nina’s descent, so much was now inside her, the base was encroaching on the labia themselves. The mushroom head was working its magic at Ground Zero causing Maria’s hips to buck with automated delight.

So engorged were her nipples once more, Nina had to straddle the girl and suck them into her mouth again. between her legs, the balls were beginning to slap against the girl’s bare flesh and no shred of inhibition or self-doubt remained. Maria was content now to let Nina use her body for whatever purpose she chose.

In this induced state of near Nirvana, Maria’s young body imploded, flooding the mushroom head with a tidal wave of mixed juices, much of which seeped out of her pussy soaking Nina’s fingers. She smiled as the girl shook her head from side to side, pulled at her hair, her big brown eyes wide open, her lips parted with gasps and moans rapidly escaping them, clearly lost in an orgasmic cataclysm.

Wasting little time, Nina flipped the switch to ‘high’ and leaving it buried to the hilt in Maria’s flooded and obscenely exposed pussy, she crossed the room to where Carlos sat equally transfixed in his chair, so utterly absorbed in the awesome scene before him he had for now ceased even to masturbate.

They stared at the rug… a beautiful young girl so utterly transported with pleasure, her eyes glazed with passion as she lay there bucking and squirming at the hips as the throbbing dildo ravaged her pussy to the edge of sanity. She was fucking it now…..forcing it impossibly far inside herself as she cried out uncaring…”Fuck me….that’s it…keep fucking me like that.”

“You’ve done well honey,” Carlos said to his wife, smiling…….

Their now sexually depraved slave was thrashing in spells on the fur rug as her hips bucked in an off and on sequence of four to six violent jerks several times. She was exhausted with beads of sweat trailing down the sides of her belly, chest and face. Her hair was wet from the heat of such magnificent sex with her bisexual, female lover and her toy.

Nina went to her young slave and removed the throbbing toy from her delicious cunt. She had to slowly remove the deeply embedded passion-machine from Maria who’s vaginal muscles still clung to it and squeezed it tightly wanting the sensations to never stop. She looked into her young lover’s face to see her wanting eyes and her lips opening and closing like a dying fish out of water but no sound escaped the lips. The girl was ready for the couple’s bedroom now where new and undreamed of things would happen to her incredible body.

Nina and Carlos both helped their sex slave up from the floor and held her arms as they walked her into their bedroom. She was still so weak at the knees from her love-making with Ms. Nina that she could not walk on her own. They reached the alter where their maiden would be sexually sacrificed and laid her back in the middle of the bed. Each of them took one of the pre-prepared leather straps from opposite corners of the head-posts and secured their strap around the corresponding wrist of Maria. She was tied to their bed now with her arms pulled up over her head before she even knew what was happening. She would now have to submit to every kinky game they had for her creamy, body. A SLAVE IN BONDAGE SHE WAS!

 Carlos hadn’t allowed himself to finish masturbating at the sight of  his little vixen being mauled by his horny wife. He undressed in front of his nude tied-up prize as she watched him. He was hairy like a bear and  hornier than the same animal after a long winter night with no female of the genus to breed. His massive cock stood at full attention having seen what was lying in the middle of it’s radar screen, ready for the taking!

His seven inches of bear meat wouldn’t have been too much for the slave except that it was massive in girth. He had yet to find a woman who could get her hand  even half-way around it’s circumference. Maria came to her senses enough to visually see she was in desperate trouble as Carlos laid her long legs open and slipped his cock to the entrance of heaven. She began a frantic movement of her hips trying to move her young treasure away from the fat predator. Satan wasn’t allowed to visit in heaven but his cock was about to kick down the door and expand the walls of the room somewhat.

The slave cried, “No, No, please no. It’s too big, I can’t take that, please…uugghhh  my GOD!”

Big daddy sank the whole muffalato into his young treat with vigor. It packed her cunt so tightly that it forced some of her own female sex juices to squirt out as it plodded inward. Her tight little cunt was practically hung up on it’s probing intruder. Maria’s labia caved inward with each down stroke of dick into her and folded outward showing her full velvet pinkness when the cock slid nearly out before plunging to her soul again. She couldn’t run although if her constraints were gone she would try. All she could do was move her hips with him and accept his hungry cock into her young pussy.

 “Please, it’s tearing me apart. It’s too big for me, please don’t!” she cried to no avail.


Carlos sternly told Maria, “ Yes you little whore, your going to take every bit of my fat cock and your going to love it too! I’m going to fuck your pussy till you can’t walk straight for a week.”

 “Before I’m done in your pussy, you’ll change your tune bitch, and be begging me to give it to you. You will be begging to spread your legs in my bed every week whore! Most men just won’t satisfy your cunt after I’m done with you baby, you’ll have to come begging to me so you can get off, even at thirteen years old!”


He held the back of each of her soft legs as he crammed her full of rock-hard cock over and over  without mercy. She leaned over to look at Ms. Nina and pleadingly asked her to help her. Her lover of the evening already, just held her hand and told her to just fuck him back real good and she’d learn to love it!

“You’re the new whore in the family, it’s your duty to spread your legs and let anybody have your cunt.”

She could smell the body odor from his sweat filling her nostrils as she tried to turn from the odor but still had to allow his rough hands and prominent belly to roll over her bare flesh. She thought she could even notice his fact cock poking out of her belly between her hips each time he drove through her cunt channel and into her cervix forcing her ribs and lungs to contract thus losing precious air she needed to breathe.

His meat-club was driving into the sexy senorita hard and fast now as the large ball-sac made a slapping sound on her tight little tail with every thrust. She was actually beginning to enjoy how he felt in her and tried to spread her legs a millimeter or two more for him. Her pussy was relaxing and opening wider for her newest lover, the third in two days. She was panting and moaning to the rocking of the old man’s fucking motion on top of her. The bed was squeaking and popping as the young slave received a new lesson in sexual pleasure.

There was no fight left in the girl, only desire growing stronger by the minute. She was pushing her hips to meet every stroke of cock, maoning her delirious pleasure audibly for her horny senor encouraging him to fuck her more. Maria suddenly and uncontrollably jumped into his thrusts with every ounce of muscle she had and ground her cunt into his cock as she felt the waves of girl-cream from inside of her coating his hungry dick. The barrel was low from being fucked so well by his wife but still the girl greased him damn well!

He took delight in how this young pussy was getting off on his fat girl-pleaser cock making her moan her approval over and over. Carlos told Maria that if she intended to make him ever shoot his wad for her, she’d better get to wiggling her tail a little more for him. He motioned for his wife to come with hishead and she knew what he wanted.

Carlos turned Maria to her side, still facing him with his cock still in her. She was stretched now in an awkward manner as Nina moved onto the bed and behind Maria. Nina was kissing and licking the girl’s ass as her husband kept drilling for more oil. She softly bit the young girl’s tail in several spots as she began to heavily tongue it and slide her tongue down between her legs causing hher to overheat even more. They were both after her delicious body at the same time!

Suddenly, little senorita heard the familiar hum of the vibrator again and then felt it’s electric sensations pressing her flesh. It coursed all around her rear, down the backs of her thighs and inbetween her spread legs. It couldn’t be stopped or even slowed down as it massaged her clit as her Carlos packed her cunt with his throbbing cock. It caused Maria’s hips to start running out of control like a high performance engine at its peak with the throttle stuck wide open. Her cunt rammed against its twin tormentors with maximum effort.

Nina then pulled the second cock from its duty spot to oil it with a lubricant that produced an enticing cooling sensation when it contacted flesh. She then squirted some of the preparation gel into and on the slave’s booty hole. Maria turned her head enough to see Nina using her finger to work the lube down into her ass, not realizing what was about to happen, just too young and innocent still to realize the deviant pleasures adults had in store for her sexually.

 The slave girl realized what was happening when she saw Nina’s fingers being placed against her rectum. She began to vehemently protest entrance to that spot. To quiten her outburst, Carlos rammed his cock harder than ever forcing his sexy babe to turn her attention back to him as his wife slipped her middle digit into Maria’s ass. Then it was too late for protests as she began a butt-fucking of their sexy slave while her husband kept on getting him some young pussy. The slave moans and knows she has so been had. It was fiesta time for real now!

Another finger slipped into her asshole and worked that crevice around and around preparing the way for her dildo into Maria. Quickly the fingers were replaced by the long plastic cock vibrating slowly. She tried to beg off but no-one listened, they both wanted to use her body and maul her sex. Her body was very bueno to them. The toy sank deeper into her rear door as she felt, actually felt the in and out motion of the dildo pressing the fat cock buried in her cunt. They pressed each other as they passed on their motion back and forth like two pistons stroking in and out of the engine block each deliviering it’s spark as it penetrated and signalled the other to re-enter.

Nina was fucking her virgin booty and kissing the back of her neck, shoulders and ears while Carlos screwed her pussy so well and fed on her breasts and lips. The senorita had become a sex sandwich for this horny couple who craved her sexy body. Maria’s slim hips pushed forward to meet the downward stroke of cock into her pussy then pushed back to meet the stranger entering the back door each time. It had been a long planned sex-attack on this sweet honey by the devilish couple. It was so awesome to have a young body like this to practice their lustful deeds on.

The sex-sandwich fucking they were delivering to their lil’ senorita was driving the girl wild on the bed. They were balling her in both holes and fucking her like a rag doll as Maria’s creamy body jerked and jumped in orgasmic heaven.

Ms. Nina switched her vibrator to high forcing the slave to drive her pussy hard against her husbands cock which she was impaled on. Carlos grunted like a stuck pig as his man-meat finally responded to the sexy girl he was fucking. His cock swelled inside the already packed cunt and shot wads of thick, gooey sperm into Maria’s deepest pussy cavity. Because it was so packed with his girl-pleaser cock, the sperm was forced to squirt back out around the peripherals of her labia.


Maria was moaning her pleasure in Spanish and other un-intelligable languages as her two lovers withdrew from their hole of choice with her. They left her twisting and pulling against the bonds that held her arms out of their way, making it easier to ravage and maul her hot body. She was one fine sex toy!

She never realized her lovers left her to go claim a snack of crakers and cheese as well as wine to celebrate their conquest of Maria. She only knew had wonderful she felt.

 Carlos returned to the bedroom to see his slave holding her legs together in a vain attempt to keep his sperm locked inside of her cunt. He could see the exposed lips of her pussy now laid open for all to see. She could never pass for a virgin again with her sex showing itself as it now did.     

Maria turned to him and said in her teen voice, “ I enjoyed making love with you Mr. Carlos. I think I need to be heading home now though because I have school tomorrow.”

 “No Maria baby. My wife went over and got your school clothes from your mom before you got here. Your spending the night in our bed baby. We’re both going to get some more of your sweet tail tonight. A hot and sexy babe like you don’t come along too often, so we’re going to wear your young snatch out by the time you go to school in the morning”, Carlos told her.

Carlos untied Maria’s left arm and slipped between her spread legs. Her eyes were still kind of glazed from the intense fucking the couple had put her through already. Carlos took Maria’s long creamy legs and laid them across his shoulders. Her knees were hanging across his shoulders and her feet hung down his back. Pierre had fucked her like this but this was a much fatter cock!

Carlos sank his entire cock into young Maria with one hard stroke. Maria gasped and rose off the bed as the cock-meat filled her womb. His meat-steak fit Maria’s pussy a little easier this time but it was still a lot of cock inside a young girl like this. Carlos began to immediately hump and pump his hard cock into Maria at a fast pace as he enjoyed his tight, young whore again.

 “Oh, Oh, Oh yes, yes”, Maria moaned over and over with an occasional, “Oh baby, oh yes baby, so good yes baby!” Maria now loved the feeling of Carlos’ fat cock filling her.

 “So my whore is cheating on me now I see.”, Nina shouted. Maria turned her head to look at Ms. Nina while her husband was pounding her pussy. “I’m sorrreeee,...jussssst sssooooo ggoooodd, luuuuvv hiimmmm fuckkkk’n ME”, Maria tried to answer.

 “Well am I going to get  another piece of pussy from you baby”, Ms. Nina asked Maria.

 “Yes, yessss oh, OH YES, if you wannnttt soommee I’ll do it with you next....I Promise I will give you some too”, Maria told Ms. Nina.

     Carlos was fast reaching the point where he would flood Maria with his sperm again so he quickly slid off his piece of ass and let his wife pop her dildo into Maria. Nina had wasted no time as she watched her husband fucking their little sex toy. She had strapped on a different dildo around her waist so she could hump young Maria too, just like a man would pile-drive her. She had just purchased it and Maria would be the first to have it used on her. It was a nice eight inches long and had the same large, mushroom head and upward curve as the other toy she had screwed Maria with earlier.

Ms. Nina was quickly between the set of legs she had placed passion marks on earlier, now slamming her vibrating cock into Maria’s hot tail. She held the legs wide apart to pork her young cunt. Every muscle in her delicious body rippled with a massive orgasm as the vibrating cock demolished the last glimmer of innocence in Maria. She had been a somewhat shy but fun-loving, twelve year-old virgin three days ago and now, all she could think about, dream of and desire was to never stop fucking. It was just consuming to her and a passion now. She would fast become the finest family whore in anyone’s memory, even better than her mother had been.

Nina and Carlos just played tag team fuckers on Maria’s tail now as each of them spent about a minute drilling her then the other. Carlos finally finished his second piece of ass and groaned like a dying bear before he again blew globs of his semen into Maria’s love box.

He rolled out and his wife slapped her cock right back into Maria again. She humped her with a passion she never had known before. She had her girl slut’s body grinding against her dildo trying to get all of it she could. The vibrating waves coursed through her slaves body making her body accept the ripples of pleasure through her toes, fingers and brain. Even her heart seemed to beat to the vibrations in her cunt.

This couple, her first to give herself to, had broken her down and showed her, proven to her that she was indeed a cock lover, a young girl that craved sex and what her sex could do for other men, women and couples so their own marriage bonds could be that much stronger. She had been totally dominated tonight and turned into a sex loving slut.

But this was something she would take pride in. Maria had the ability to make men in her family have a desire for sex again that had been maybe lost through years of marriage and the dullness it can sometimes bring. She would serve as a fill in pussy for those men, who for whatever reason, could not screw their wives for a time and for those who had lost their mate due to death or age and Maria would be their pussy now. Most remarkable of all, she would bring so many bedrooms back to life as she brought out desire in both man and woman for sex and by being their “bed fire” she would re-energize their marriages.

Nina humped young Maria until she turned her to pure jelly and into constant spasms. Maria was allowed to rest for a few minutes before they double-fucked her again in the ass and cunt. Carlos got the last piece of ass from Maria for the night before they all fell asleep in each other’s arms around .

While maria dressed for school, although she was late for some weird reason, Carlos and Nina presented Maria with a present. It was a toe ring that was inscribed “Family Sex 2004-2010    “. Nina slid it onto Maria’s right foot beside her big toe. Here they told her, it signified that she was loved and bound to providing herself sexually to her family till she was 18. She would be the only girl to serve this role in her family during this time. She was told there was another girl who was finishing her who time out now and would soon remove her toe-ring. When the ring was removed, she would be free to marry and raise children in her family with great honor for how she had served her family.

Maria accepted the ring with tears of pride for what she was being asked to do for her family. She also had an ankle bracelet that Pierre had put on her right leg that was inscribed:

                                                      “Family Girl”

it had replaced one she had worn most of her life that she had never understood it’s inscription until now.....”Promised”. It had been placed there by her grandfather when she was three and he knew from looking at her that she would one day take this role, one his own daughter and Maria’s mother, had proudly served in.

Maria could barely hold her head up at school that day she was so tired but there was an unmistakable glow about her now that many noticed and commented on. All Maria could think of was sleep, as most teens do and .......who would want her next?

     Maria was now totally ......

 ......CUMMING    OUT..............


replys welcomed at attn: Dustin









































































































































The G-string Effect

punkguy on Anal Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved 

It’s funny the way clothes can have an affect on sexual behavior. Everyone knows that sexy clothes make men horny, but for Tina, it worked just as well for her.

She lived in sunny Florida. The weather was nice today. It was bright outside, somewhat hot, but the wind was blowing enough to balance the temperature to a comfortable level.

Tina wanted to sunbathe today. She never made it. As soon as she felt the string of her bikini slide up her ass,

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she immediately felt tingles stirring within her.

Instead of sunbathing lotion, she put on a pair of sexy, fishnet stocking that matched her bikini perfectly. She left through the back door because it was the quickest route to the upstairs bedroom where Doug, her boyfriend, was resting.

She was walking with an exaggerated switch. She felt like the sexiest woman in the world. Her ass was exposed and there was a part of her that wished someone was out there watching, thus the exaggerated switch.

She made it to the middle deck. She stopped.

She turned towards the acres of hills and trees past there yard. She smiled seductively and cupped her tits.

Then she pulled them out and started squeezing them. With her mouth wide open in a porn star kind of expression, she turned around again and lowered her G-string to the ground little by little as she slowly wiggled her supple ass from side to side.

Then she fingered her asshole, slid her fingers down to her pierced clit, spread her pussy lips open, took her G-string off completely, and started walking up the stairs to the top deck.

It would have seemed strange to any onlookers, but that’s kind of what Tina was hoping for. She was hoping that somewhere out there in those trees and hills there would be someone watching her. The thought turned her on. It made her wetter. She was in an exhibitionism mood today.

She went inside and sat on the white loveseat across from the bed. As expected, Doug was stretched out relaxing his stresses away, but the sight of Tina walking around ass out caught his eye and woke him up completely.

He was a little confused. He couldn’t help but wonder why she wasn’t wearing a bottom, but the look on her face answered the question. When she sat down on the loveseat and licked her fingers like she was sucking a cock, it became clearer.

He realized her tits were exposed. She lay back and spread her legs wide open. She licked her fingers and started fondling her asshole. (Tina had a sensitive ass and she loved anal sex.)

Doug got up without saying a word. He stood over her and watched as she masturbated in front of him.

Tina was a long-haired brunette with big, firm tits and an ass to die for. Sometimes she could pass for a Latina depending on how she made herself up, but today she looked like good-old American beauty.

Her nipples were erect. Her tits jiggled as she pleasured herself. She was breathing heavily and driving Doug crazy with lust.

He wanted her, so after he watched her getting her pussy and asshole greasy with her fingers and dildos, he took off his clothes and joined in.

“Ohh,” moaned Tina as Doug took the dildo and slowly pushed it all the way up her asshole.’

“Yeah, all the way in there,” he said.

The dildo was purplish-blue. It started out small at the tip and got bigger towards the upper end, but not gradually bigger like you might think. It got bulkier at each level, almost like anal beads. It felt really good, which was why Tina always used it for anal stimulation.

She was playing with her pierced clit as she moaned in pleasure from what Doug was doing to her with the dildo. It felt so good having that thing up her ass.

He pulled it out and put it in her mouth. Going from ass to mouth (ATM) was something Tina loved doing. She liked dirty sex the most and this was right up her alley (no pun intended).

“What do you got for me?” she asked as Doug tossed the dildo aside.

He stood. His cock saluted her. It was fully erect and throbbing.

Tina sat up and took hold of it. She pulled him closer.

There were traces of pre-cum dripping all over the head. “It’s already wet for me,” said Tina as she licked it off. Then she took his throbbing member in her mouth.

She sucked it a few times, then pulled it out and spit on it. She used her hand to spread the saliva around. She deep sucked it while she used her hand to stroke to lower portion that wouldn’t fit in her mouth.

“Yeah, yes, yes!” moaned Doug.

He’d grabbed the back of her head and was ramming his cock in her mouth. Tina was slurping and making sounds that made it seem like she was choking even though she wasn’t. Her deep brown eyes looking up and him and her humongous hoop earrings shaking all over the place made it seem more erotic.

“Oh, it’s so big,” Tina moaned as she took a break to catch her breath.

Doug wouldn’t give her long. This time he grabbed her hair—both hands full of it—and guided her face in and out while he humped at her mouth.

“Yes,” he said. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he kept repeating as looked down and enjoyed the view of seeing his big dick disappear down her throat while her perky tits swayed back and forth. All you could hear was choking, slurping, and desperate gasps for air.

“Oh, yeah,” moaned Doug.

She took his dick out of her mouth and looked up at him when he finally let go of her head. She was kneeling with her legs wide open. She was fingering her clit and both the holes a few inches away from it.

“Put it in your ass?” asked Doug.

“Uh-huh,” she responded.

“Lay down,” he said, and she happily obeyed.

She lay on her back and lifted her legs high and wide. She held her head high because she wanted to see it going in.

“Stick it in my ass. OHH!!” she screamed as the huge head pushed into her. “OH, FUCK!!! Oh, god, it’s so big. Yeah, fuck my ass. Yeah, that’s so good. That’s so good.”

He was pushing deep into her every time. Her ass was a lot tighter than her pussy. It felt like a deep tunnel of happiness.

Tina was busy fingering her pussy. This was why she loved anal sex so much. She could get pleasure from two places at one time. She’d been addicted to the sensation ever since the first time she felt a cock in her ass.

Tina liked it so much that she was getting wilder with each passing second. She was sucking air, hissing, moaning, and even growling.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s such a good dick,” she shouted. “Such a good dick!!!”

“Yeah,” said Doug. “Turn around.”

He rolled her over. Like many men, this was his favorite view of a woman’s body—bent over naked with her face down and her ass up.

He knew it was the same orifice, but there was something about entering from this position that made it feel better than the last. He felt tingles racing through his cock as he went in her and started humping her sweet asshole.

Tina was looking over her shoulder at him and holding her ass cheek open with her left hand as she moaned with delight. They made eye contact. He touched her hand and started caressing it as they continued to go at it.

“Oh, yeah, fuck that ass,” she moaned. “Fuck it. Oh yeah, yeah!”

The more she encouraged him, the harder he fucked her. After a while he climbed all the way onto the couch with her, putting him in that jack hammer position that he did so well. He’d rise all the way up and slam his cock down in her so deep that he felt his prick hit the back of her ass.

Tina was caught in the middle of a pleasurable, yet painful, situation. It hurt, but it felt too good to stop. She was still fingering her wet pussy and crying out in ecstasy.

“Oh, yeah, baby! Fuck, yeah! Yeah, right there!”

Doug flipped her onto her back again and continued assaulting her ass. Between the tight fit and all the moaning she was doing, the guy was getting ready to pop his load soon.

Things were getting intense. It was like everything Tina said or did added to his lust.

She licked her fingers and asked, “Is that where the cum’s gonna go?”

“Yeah,” he moaned as a vision of shooting his juices on Tina’s face flashed through his mind and triggered a rush of tingles so intense that it almost made him lose it right there.

“Oh, yeah, I love you fucking my ass.”

Doug’s cock started tingling more.

“Deeper, deeper! Oh, fuck!”

Still more tingles. It was starting to burn like fire.

He grabbed her by the thighs, pulled her closer, and thrust into her for all he was worth. They were both moaning at the tops of their lungs.

“Oh, right there; right there, baby! Fuck it! Fuck it!”

Tina was fingering her clit and pussy. Her juices were dripping all over his cock, making her hole more slippery, juicy, and wet.

He pulled his cock out just as he was about to cum. He didn’t want to cum yet. He wanted her to ride him.

They switched places. Now he was sitting on the loveseat and she was sitting on him with her big, fat tits bouncing in his face as she rode on his cock.

He was already on the verge of cumming so it only took a few minutes of fast anal fucking and shouting dirty words in his ear to bring him over the edge.

“You’re gonna suck the cum out?”


She dismounted him. She got on her knees. She started sucking his dick in a frenzy as she corkscrewed her hand up and down the shaft. She was spitting all over it and choking on it as if her life depended on sucking cum out of his dick.

Doug could feel it coming up fast and strong. His leg tensed as hot jism shoot free of his dick.

It was getting everywhere. A lot of it landed in various places on Tina’s face, like her hair, cheeks, and forehead, but the best part was what landed in her mouth.

Tina loved the taste and feel of cum. Once a sizable portion was on her tongue, she closed her mouth and swallowed it down. Then she opened wide and waited for more.

Once Doug was done, Tina grabbed his dick and sucked hard to get the “leftovers” off—and out—of it. She licked every drop off his fingers and then started wiping it off her face so she could eat that too.

Doug looked her over. She was covered in it.

Cum had spilled to her tits and was dripping all over the floor. It was a big mess to clean up, but they both felt it was worth it.

She looked into his eyes. “It’s all about ass, baby,” she said as she tasted the last drop of cum from her face.

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved

Zalcon on Love Stories


Outside it was a warm clear summer night. There seemed to be no clouds in the sky, and the stars seemed to swim through the milky blue black. The moon hung lazily in the sky and beamed down sliver moonlight on everything below it. The smell of the warm summer air had a magical aroma to it. The smell of charcoal lingered in the air from a barbeque that had long since been over. The fragrance shifted in the wind and twisted with the smell of flowers and although it seemed impossible, it also melded with the idea of mysterious darkness. Magic was in the air.


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As the aromas outside twisted and mixed playing their sensual dance in the bright moonlight, a soft breeze blows the sent of enchantment in through your window. The breeze stops briefly at the windowsill to flirt with the curtains, and then continues into your house. The trespassing magic dances its way through your house and finds it target.


Two bare nipples lay open and bored waiting to be covered by a sleek sexy black night gown. As the soft fabric slowly falls upon your shoulders the light summer breeze twists its way around your nipples, bringing them from a dull boredom to an awakening. The breeze, proud of its work, moves up your body, through your hair and departs as easily and mysteriously as it had come.


The night gown falls into place on your body as you, move toward your computer to check your emails. A single email catches your attention; it is labeled “Sex of the Gods.” Your nipples, being more awake than you are at the moment stand at attention, as they sense the mystery and magic that the email might hold. You find your finger softly clicking on the mouse to open the sensual email. The first few lines confuse you but as you read more and more, your mind clears and you find yourself wide awake.


As your mind clears it wanders and the breeze that you had thought gone, returns, and magically melds with your imagination. As you sit there in your black night gown you feel soft warm fingers on your shoulders. You close your eyes not wanting to know who it is and not wanting to break any magic that might be woven. The fingers move back and forth on your shoulders. Half way down your upper arm, then back up across your shoulders to your neck, and then back down your upper arm and up your shoulders again. Softly, sensations ripple through your body.


The index fingers slowly slide across your shoulders and down to your collar bones. There the soft firm fingers make spirals on your collar bone before softly sliding up under your cheek bones and settling into two new spirals on your cheeks. From the spirals the soft dry warm fingers move in toward your nose and up the bridge of your nose before circling outward and back under your closed eyes.


[You don’t need to close your eyes, but if you want to do this repeatedly while your eyes are closed and then open, be my guest ^^ ]


One of the fingers is retracted and I slowly drag the remaining one from the bridge of your nose up your forehead then left to right in long strokes. Left, right, left, right, down the cheek, under the chin, up the other cheek. Back and forth, left and right, left, and down the cheek, under the chin and up the other cheek. From here I take the index finger on each hand and slowly move your hair back behind your ears softly and gently touching your ears. From there I place my finger gently on the rim of your ear and slid my finger around your ear rim, down your cheek, down the side of your neck to your shoulders.


Upon reaching your shoulders one finger spreads into five on each hand, and my soft firm hands lay on your shoulders. I slowly and softly apply a dough needing technique as I gently massage your soft gentle shoulders and neck. I slowly lean in to your ear and in a deep sexy voice, I whisper “Let go, relax, there is no one on the planet more beautiful than you. You are one of a kind.” And as my warm soft deep voice whispers in your ear the deep harmonics tickle your ear and send chills through your body.


As my hands softly and slowly massage your shoulders and neck, I take the index finger on each hand and trace the soft edges of the night gown from your neck down toward your softly raising and falling breasts. My fingers meet in the V where the first button rests. Slowly and gently I slid my fingers back up the edge of the gown toward your shoulders.


At your shoulders my fingers move the edges of the gown outward toward your arms, slowly exposing more of your soft shoulders. Then my fingers slowly slip their way down toward the V in your gown, softly doing a zig-zag on and off of your sensual black gown. Upon reaching the first button, a button like a gateway toward in a mysterious adventure to an incredible treasure, my fingers circle the button. Slowly I undo the first button.


As I slowly drag my fingers back up your chest they move inward making a sort of heart shape. However instead of stopping the heart my fingers continue to spiral inward on your upper chest, sending sensations rocketing through your body, and turning your nipples into diamonds.


Once my fingers finish their magical spiral they move back out toward the edges of your night gown. My firm dry soft fingers move up the edges of your sleek black night gown, up your chest and toward your shoulders where they push your shoulder straps further toward your arms, as they now softly drape off your shoulder I spin your computer chair around in a swift motion erupting an entire slew of sensations through your body.


As you sit there with your arms limply lying beside you and in you lap, you get the first sight of me in my sexy silk smile face boxers. I move in toward your ear and say “The more you want it, the more you resist your urges, the better it will be. Control yourself.” As I softly whisper this in your ear your eyes roll back from the sensation my warm breath on your ear.


I bring my head back in front of you, just waiting for you to fight through your urge to touch yourself.  As you open your eyes you know my deep blue eyes are looking into you; past you; into your soul. Something deep inside of you knows that I just read everything about you. I know your past, present and future, and the idea scares you. The idea that a single person can look so deeply into your eyes and know you, know everything about you, it scares you and comforts you. And with a simple smile, you melt. You realize everything is and will be ok. Nothing can possibly happen to you here and now, and that you are safer than you have ever been in your life.


The smile moves closer and my wet lips met yours. Softly I kiss you and my tongue breaks the seal on your lips. I lick your lips and kiss you. I slowly softly press my tongue past your lips, and then retract it. As I do so your tongue fills the void. Your tongue slips softly and wetly past my lips. As your tongue rolls and looks for something to play with, my tongue meets yours and they connect. My tongue wraps around yours and yours around mine. Softly and quietly, back and forth your tongue rolls and flips sending shocks through your body. Slowly it retracts back past my wet lips and past yours, until it finds its safe place. As our lips begin to part my tongue leaves your mouth and we find it impossible to determine whose saliva is whose. As I slowly pull back my front teeth softly nip your lower lip, and the sensation takes your breath away.


I slowly back away and move lower, I gently kiss your neck. My warm wet lips touch your skin and your muscles lose control of your neck and your head rolls back limply giving in to the sensations. 

Then the collar bone, my lips softly touch your collar bone, and my warm saliva drips from my wet lips as my tongue does a slow soft circle on your collar bone.

 Then the center of your upper chest, I softly kiss your upper chest, as I slowly but firmly reach my arms around you, and bury my kiss in you. Then an inch lower. And another inch lower and I met the second button.


As arms let go of you my fingers slowly and softly make their way up your back and down your shoulders. My teeth undo your second button, exposing even more of your breasts but not nearly all of them yet.


My fingers tenderly inch their way back up the fabric of your black night gown. Softly they move up your chest and across your shoulders. From there my index finger switches with my middle and slips down your upper arm, along your muscle. Gently I skate my finger across your inner forearm, and suddenly one finger turns into five on each hand. Quickly taking your hand in mine I squeeze tightly but not forcibly, and lower my lips onto your collar bone yet again.


I kiss and suck on your collar bone, as my tongue slowly traces circles, and I take your breath away yet again.


I let go of your hands but only to rearrange your left one, as I bring it close to my lips, I extend your index finger and softly suck on it. I playfully gnaw on it but only so I have something to play with in my mouth. As I slowly pull your wet warm finger from my mouth I suck on it so I can retain the saliva I will need later. I slowly and gently do this to all of your fingers on each hand and trace spirals on your palm with my free hand. Slowly I stick my tongue between your index and middle finger and then retract it.


I slowly move up your right arm, and kiss the middle of your forearm. Then I move a little higher and kiss your [elbow pit? I don’t know what you call it] I slowly move a little higher and kiss the middle of your upper arm. Then collar bone yet again, and then upper chest, then I gently kiss between your breasts, as I undo the third button that completely exposes your rock hard nipples to the now brisk summer air.


I would reach over and take an ice cube, seemingly out of nowhere, and hold it deep in my palm, warming it with my body heat. Suddenly a single ice cold droplet would drop down onto your nipple, sending pleasurable chills through your body. I repeat this on the other nipple as well.


As the ice cold droplet rests on your nipple I softly blow on the droplet. I blow on it until it dribbles off your nipple and down your breast. I do this to both breasts and then add more droplets. Slowly the droplets build up until they create a small river flowing off of your erect nipple. I would then take the melting ice cube and slowly drag it in circles around your areolas. I would then take the ice cube in my mouth and let my warm saliva combine with the cold wetness of the ice cube and lower my lips onto your nipple. I would gently suckle your nipples as my tongue moved the ice cube around your areola. The warm and cold sensations melding together would make the endorphins in your head explode with pleasure.


As my fingers made semi circles under your breasts in a sort of U fashion, I would place another small ice cube between your breasts and slowly drag it down your body until it reached your belly button.. There I would let it melt for a few seconds as my fingers traveled out toward your love handles and my palms gripped them. I would then lower my mouth onto the ice cube and play the same warm cold game, as I tongued your belly button. 


Once the ice cube had completely melted I would kiss you about and inch lower than you belly button, then another inch lower, and another. As my lips played a game of “can you resist” my fingers would travel down your thighs, over your knees, down your calves turn at your ankles and come up the back of your legs, slowly doing zig-zags.


As my fingers slowly find their way up your legs and to your luxurious thighs they turn into my full hand. My hand would slide across your thigh finally toward your screaming vagina. I then take a single finger and run it quickly up and down the crevice of your steaming wet vagina lips; then a second time, up and down. I would then take my finger and slide it up to my first knuckle and run it up and down you wet screaming vagina. Then a second knuckle.


I would then take my finger and slide it all the way inside of you, and then out. With my second hand I would spread your wet pussy lips and use a combination of my thumb and my tongue to stimulate you clit, as I slowly slide two fingers on my other hand in and out of you. Gently in, you pussy, then separate my fingers in a V formation, reach upward and scoop out. Then slowly I would slide my singers back inside of you and slowly make a simple “come here” motion as I pull my fingers out of you. I would switch between these two methods each time I slide my fingers in and out of you.


With my tongue I circle your clit counter clockwise, and slowly rub your clit with my thumb. I would gently nip you clit with my teeth, to stimulate it even further, as I circle and flick your clit with my tongue.


In and out. In and out. My fingers slide deep inside of you wet hot steaming pussy and slowly separate touching and venturing toward every wall in your vagina before slowly sliding out, then back in. I lick you hot sensual pussy lips as I push my fingers deeper and deeper into you; harder and faster; in and out; in and out. I start to twist my fingers as they slide in and out of you, and twist them as I gently pull them out.


In and out with my fingers, in you wet warm pussy.

Around and around, with my tongue, on your erect clit.

In and out. Twist and V. “Come here” and lick.

Lick and flick. Nip and circle.


In and out with my fingers, in you wet warm pussy.

Around and around, with my tongue, on your erect clit.

In and out. Twist and V. “Come here” and lick.

Lick and flick. Nip and circle.


In and out with my fingers, in you wet warm pussy.

Around and around, with my tongue, on your erect clit.

In and out. Twist and V. “Come here” and lick.

Lick and flick. Nip and circle.


Until you moan and your warm soft wet cum is all over my firm fingers.  

And just as the magic came through your window it was gone…

