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cedarboy1 Member Since September 26, 2011

The Tropical Island

sexyboy22 on Incest Stories

    "Look, Daddy, there's another island!" thirteen-year-old Mia said.

    Robert put down his paper and looked out the plane's window. "Yes, yes. Another beautiful island, sweetie."

    "We should go live there. It's so beautiful"

    "Maybe we will someday," Rober

Our Dog

itsonlyfun on Animal Stories

No refusal excepted. - My mind was made up, our dogs getting a fuck on her tonight! [My wife that is] Oh yeah... Day after day she lets me watch the mutt lick her into an orgasmic stupor, but then refuses to kneel down for the poor fucker [With a hardon like a babies arm] to get it into her.

I'm not prepared to let the mutt suffer any longer, he gets her tonight regardless of her wants.