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Luvergyrl Member Since February 17, 2010

Dirty Little Secrets Pt. 1

Luvergyrl on Incest Stories

Ryan arrived at the bus station, expecting to find one of his parents waiting for him. Instead, he found his Haylee and their younger sister Ashley waiting for him. He was amazed to see how his little sisters had both grown in the months it had been since he had seen them last Christmas. It was now the beginning of the spring of his Easter break. He said a quick goodbye to the cute blonde who had

Dog's Bitch--The Park

Rodger-the-Dodger on Animal Stories

Dog's Bitch--The Park

When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a novelty. My favorite. Then two dogs, then got my pretty neighbor involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun...but then I started rating the animals. My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had both our dogs involved, switched dogs--a kind of dog swinging--watched each other with our dogs and then, in a sea change, I went out looking for the "Great Dog." Those two dogs weren't enough for me. I never told my neighbor. What would she think! I didn't search for long though and I wasn't even trying to find another dog.

It happened unexpectedly. I was returning from our loc

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al store one afternoon, walking home with a small bag of things. There is a lake near our house and I detoured to walk beside it. Then sat on a bench and watched some geese come in for a landing. First they were dots in the sky, circling into a glide path, finally honking and landing like small planes on the surface fluttering to a stop, splashing the water with their feet. I was intent on the birds and hadn't noticed an animal had come to my bench. It had a white spash in the middle of his face and on his throat. The rest of him black. His tongue was out as he panted and looked up at me for some doggy treat. I patted his head. "Nice doggy," and he licked my hand. I gave him no thought and watched the geese paddle around but he licked my hand again letting me know he was still there. He had longing eyes so I looked through my groceries for a treat. I broke open some sandwich meat and gave him bits of ham which he gobbled and licked again.

Being a serious dog lover, its licking made my body to respond even though I wasn't interested at all. Nature and my bad habits took over my body. It was a dog and my body ached for dogs, got wet for dogs. It wasn't a conscious thing and, there in the park? Come on. In a public park! You're kidding. But my body wasn't kidding so I crossed my legs to hide my scent from this strange, hungry dog. My ears were filling though and I was instantly wet, as a dog bitch's body is wont to do. At this point in my dog lust days, I couldn't help myself. Common sense had no control. I looked down at him. He was a strapping fellow, a big dog. Being curious I checked how he was hung. I had no interest in a little mutt but this was a fine animal and his dick peeked from its sheath...dripping as he licked at my hand.

I looked around the park on this warm afternoon and saw that, except for the geese and some guy asleep under a tree some distance from me, I was alone. I patted the animal's head and chuckled his mouth. He sniffed and panted, as a dog will, and I could tell he already had me on his radar as he pushed at my hand and his dick protruded more. Dogs are all the same. Like men. They grow lusty with a start. Me, too. A couple licks and I was ready. And his dick kept growing. I reached down to play with it, encouraging it and glanced about again. Still safe.

I uncrossed my legs and the panting was intent now. His nose lifted my dress. His tongue was licking toward me and I felt hot all over. My ears were pulsing and knew I would be raped there in the park by this handsome dog. When he licked my panties I reached and pulled them aside, opening wider for the good stuff and he licked again with more force. God! I wanted to lie on my back but didn't dare. I looked around and saw the sleeping man was gone.

Where had he gone? I didn't know and didn't care. I was here with this animal. Wanted ravishing right there. But I stood up instead, gathered my groceries and walked the short distance to my house. No one was home, we could be private, I could be open and completely lusty. I walked, with the dog following, and got to my door in a few minutes. The dog was hesitant and I got another bit of ham, holding it out at the doorway and he came in and ate it. I was ready to be eaten, put down the package, went to our living room and laid back on the couch. This dog, this stupid damned dog, then sat in the kitchen, looking at me, his dick recoiling into its sleeve. I was terribly horny and the dog had lost the scent.

Now it was my turn to take charge. Patting the couch, the dog came over and we started our seduction anew. Petting his head, working at his dick-sleeve and soon we were back on track. I removed my underwear, lifted my dress and he was at me with that delicious tongue which got me hot and dripping even before the first stroke. I watched him lick my hair and cunt and spread it for him, watching his red dick come out again. I rested my head now. He didn't need to be told. This hairy animal thing was in charge of my body and I let out a groan as the first wave of sensation went through me. I lifted my hips for him. His cold nose gave me shudders and I lost it. The endless desparate licking--he wanted my juices, eating my spend with such eagerness. My breathing was panting in short gasps. A new dog. A new tongue. I was a promiscuous dog's bitch and lifting to each sensational lick.

I was jolted because I heard something else, not the dog or me, there was a loud knocking on our front door. Not now!! Please! Please!! Not just now when I was so close...but another demanding knock and I had to collect myself, push down the dog, push down the dress, calm myself for the fucking door.

I opened it. It was the man in the park! He had that look on his face. Like he knew. My face was flush and he saw it. There was no hiding. No denial. "I saw you and 'him' walking away," he said. I was a dog's bitch in heat and my face told a story. He took my hand, pushing me back, closing the door, leading me into the living room where he, dog and I were now a threesome. He picked my underwear from the floor, tossed it on the couch and smiled. He held me close and kissed my lips. His hands were busy on my wet parts. I was shocked and hot and hadn't come yet because of this...his...loud interruption as his tongue was in my mouth, milking my tongue and his hands were at my body, milking me with long fingers, and his long stiff finger was stroking my clit and dipping into me. I was ready and couldn't stand the tease. Held on his neck to stay upright.

I slippped from his grip to the couch and he was down at my knees, spreading me. The air made me cold where I was dripping wet. I waited for him to take me. "Come on boy," he said. And I felt hairy paws on my hips and a huge stiff dog cock poking at me. "I know what you're about," he said to me. "You're a dog's bitch. One cock's like another to some. Am I right?" he asked. I just nodded. "Except there are cocks and then there are really long, knotted dog cocks. Tell me it's so!" I just nodded again. I was too hot to say anything, wanting more. I needed fucking now and looked at the man with glassy eyes, feeling the tip of dog's cock poking at me, missing, poking again. Then the man took charge, directing that cock into my hole. It was a surging thing, entering me with his guidance, retreating and surging again. Then it kind of stopped and I was spread wide by this slick hot cock as the huge knot tore at me, stretching and it was too big to enter. He took my shoulder, saying: "Hold on!" I grabbed his leg and he held me tight. The knot was too much but the dog and his bitch were both dripping, lubricated and suddenly it forced itself inside. I cried out. Some gutteral, animal-like sound. The man was petting my head, wiping my tears, soothing me .

Momentarily all was still, suspended, me stretched to the breaking, tears on my cheeks and in my mouth, his hand guided the monster, pushing me on it, petting me and my legs. Then my tormented cunt surrendered and relaxed, embraced this thing lodged inside and I felt hairy legs clutch at my sides and the stroking began again. I was wide open, controlled and I could feel the tip of the cock inside, teasing me. Nothing had teased me there before, and the dog rocked and pushed. I released myself completely, crying out again with that animal sound, this time in an ecstacy of pleasure. An aching, arching sound from my mouth as though my whole being was responding to sensations. The man held my shoulder and I reached and grabbed his cock. The dog became frantic. It was his moment and he would take me. I gripped the man's cock hard, holding on. I could feel his warm come on my wrist while the dog fucked me and I stroked the man's cock. We three frantic things. Arching my butt to receive every push and thrust. Legs pawing at my waist to secure the whole cock and knot. Until it was done and I was done.

Then we were not moving. I only a throbbing thing, man and dog cocks throbbing. The tears ran down my cheeks and along my neck. The man was petting my thigh, kissing my salty lips. I moved my mouth aside for air. The dog was panting on my chest. He had worked hard and worked me hard. We all rested there on the couch as I felt the wet on my face and juices oozing from me, down my cheeks. Now I was more cool than hot. Finally his knot released. More fluids down my cheeks with the dog licking up our spend. His tongue on my legs and cunt but I was exhausted and his tongue was only soothing and cleansing. My arousal in decline. I couldn't open my eyes as they both lifted from the couch. The man put a blanket over me. I heard the front door close.

I rembered the geese landing on the waters of our lake, bobbing on the surface, and my own fluids cooling, my body becalmed. I wondered of my next walk home from the market, planning another detour along the lake edge and if there might again be that man resting and the dog. I was dreamy and relaxed now. Surely it had been a dream. Surely. I opened my eyes and there was no dog, no man, but I saw my underwear on the arm of the couch and some green beneath--green?--$100 bill in green! I went and locked the door, leaned against it, smiled to myself, felt warm all over again. And I had a few dollars for more shopping.

Destroying Agatha

Luvergyrl on Incest Stories

From the moment she met Agatha, Zoe made it her sole purpose in life to cut her out of her father's life once and for all. The idea was simple enough. Zoe planned on giving him the one thing she had never tried giving him before. She was convinced once she had him in her bed, he would forget all about her wicked stepmother.

Destroying Agatha - Chapter 2

Luvergyrl on Incest Stories

Morning came to find Robert still tangled in the sheets, and Zoe gone. The alarm clock read quarter past nine. He knew his daughter was never one for getting up early and assumed that she had either went to the bathroom or was checking on Maisey. He rolled over on his side and felt something odd. For some strange reason he felt something oddly tacky around his crotch area. He pulled back the cove

Dirty Little Secrets Pt. 2

Luvergyrl on Incest Stories

Ryan was roused from a deep sleep by the sounds of screaming coming from his sister’s room. Angered about being yanked from such a wonderful dream featuring his newfound internet fantasy, he stumbled out of bed. He headed directly for Haylee’s room. He was still half-asleep when he reached her door. He could finally hear why the two had been fighting. Ryan really did not care about the cause of t

A bad, bad man...

Erianoc on Taboo Stories

I wasn't sure if this was fun or frightening, I was having feelings for my girlfriend's daughter. The feeling of lust, but the point is the same. My heart was pounding, the adrenaline was rushing through my veins, my mind was being taken over by the primal breeding instinct 'the younger they are, the more children they can rear'.

You Better Watch Out

roccodadom44 on Cuckold Stories


By roccodadom44

It wasn't suppose to end like this, but maybe it was. Yeah, I was another of those little dicks who wanted it all. You cant fucking have it all, sometimes you cant have any. Sitting in my furnished apartm

Sleep Sex; son-mother

TickleRelish on Incest Stories

(Side 1)

My mom is pretty hot, but I'm also kind of lame with girls and don't hang out with any so it's not so surprising that when I hit 17 and my sexual madness peaked I started to look at my mom as a possible target.  My mom is really the understanding sort, but asking for sex is way over the boundary though.  I tried to push it from my mind.  But it was always there.

Fortunately (unfortunately?) I'm really smart, know a lot, like sleep cycles, like the early part of sleep where the body loses all physical sensation for a while.  As soon as that idea popped into my head I really got crazy.  I started casing my moms sleep habits.  It's just me and her, so easy.  I was really afrai

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d to actually try it, plus I felt guilty.  I masturbated furiously to the idea though.  And the better job I did of casing her, the more it turned me on.

And one day was just one of those days when your hand won't cut it.  You feel like you'll die of the horniness if you don't get real sex.  I watched my mom go to bed.  In my mind I was simultaneously committing myself to doing it and not let anything stop me and still promising to never do it and purge the sin from my mind.  But horniness was stronger.  I waited the time for the sleep phase to turn, tried to watch when she actually fell asleep to the minute.  I was antsy and nervous, constantly checking my watch, even the seconds, wondering if I was reading her right, wandering how long I'd have to wait to be safe, or if I would really do it, how far I'd really go.  My head was a mess.  My heart rate was crazy, I was all fidgety.  Finally I hit the balance between ought to be safe now and can't possibly wait being this horny anymore.  Besides if I wait too long, I miss the phase.

I snuck in the room, my breathing was up with my heart rate and I was desperate to keep it down, but loud, heavy breathing is the least of what I was going to do to disturb her.  I realized I need to just test touching her shoulders and stuff the first night, that way if she wakes up I pretend I was just trying to wake her.  At the same time I can see how well the phase works and how long it lasts.  But I was too horny for reason.  I didn't have an excuse ready anyway.  As soon as touching her shoulder worked I immediately had my hand on her breasts, both hands, groping passionately like it was my first time because it was.  The only thing that could stop my desperate groping of her breasts was that I wanted to touch her pussy too.  Right away my hand was on her crotch, pressing into her vagina.  No response at all, her body was completely oblivious to what I was doing.  My hand was in her night shorts over her panties, pressing at her mound and opening.  That only lasted ten seconds though because next I was at the foot of the bed pulling off her shorts, still no response.  I thought I would control myself and just play with her pussy a little and quit early.  But I got her panties off and right away my face was in between my mom's legs.  Her pussy stunk just slightly and I felt filthy about it later, but my horniness got me off so much on kissing and licking my mom's nasty pussy.

Next thing you know I was licking it as much as I could because I realized that I had completely given up on holding back and needed to lubricate it to fuck her.  Her deactivated body wouldn't produce any lubrication for me.  Man, that pussy was swimming in saliva.  But I only spent a minute doing it cause I was mounted on her and fucking freely and without caution for waking her.  It was all up now.  I almost wanted her to wake up because I fantasized she would fuck me back.

I probably came in two minutes, but those were the longest and most glorious minutes of my life, first time fucking, my beautiful mother, and the wild abandon of it all.  I rammed my dick into her as I ejaculated, desperate to pump every single microliter into her at the same time as desperate to her hurry so I could escape before the phase passed.  After I allowed an extra minute to squeeze in the last bits of cum (it was safe though, I actually monitored her fertile days by checking for her tampons in the trash as part of casing her) I pulled out slow and then raced to put her panties and shorts back on.  It was ridiculous how I tried to be gentle, but was clumsy with desperate speed.

Still I got her panties on, with a goodbye kiss, and her shorts.  I gave her breasts a good bye grope, felt slightly guilty about not kissing her instead, and just ran out of the room.  I left the door ajar (she always did) and spied on her, desperate to go back to my own room, but I couldn't yet.  It took several minutes, before I saw a change, perfect.  I noted the time on my watch, I could barely remember the time I started, my mind was so blitzed.  I went back to bed, was so excited with it I had to jack off to it before I could fall asleep.  Ahhh

Next morning... no problem.  It all went so well, that same day I bought lubricant and did her again... and again, and again, and again.

(side 2)

I hadn't had sex in years.  So when something came oozing out of my vagina, though I had had cum ooze from my vagine before, I couldn't identify it at all.  I hoped it was a quirk since I didn't see any inflammation, but was of course afraid I had an infection.  Very next day I was oozing again so... off to the gynecologist.  He assured me that nothing was out of order whatsoever and I was perfectly healthy.  He didn't seem to think he needed to tell me that he found cum in my vagina.  I gave him a good talking to later about thoroughness, but couldn't really go into to detail about why he should tell a woman when she has cum in her vagina, y'know, cause she's getting raped... in her her- hold that.

So the doctor tells me I'm fine and for a couple days there's no oozing so great.  Then one night I'm having an amazing sex dream and BAM, I regain consciousness and realize there's someone touching my undressed body.  I immediately freeze in panic.  Then my attacker freezes too and I think maybe I should play possum, confrontation could get me killed.  It's hard to fake sleep to begin with and it's really hard when you're being sexually assaulted out of nowhere.  But I put all of my concentration into having slow, shallow breathing and being still, but not stiff.  Crazy!  Now that the attacker is back to business I want to know who it is.  We keep our house locked at night.  Suddenly my own son springs to mind.  He would never do this, but now it's stuck in my mind as I try to figure out who broke in.  As the attacker mounts me he smells like my son.  And his weight seems right, I think.  And I have to crack my eyes so carefully to be sure.  It's him!  That cheeky bastard!  I have to stop him, but this confrontation is difficult too.  It's so awkward.  I don't want to face it.  So I decide the best thing is to let him finish and I'll confront him in the morning.

Still it's hard to fake sleep while you're getting fucked, esp. by your own son.  But I was so hard up for sex I was really feeling it too.  I decided it would be easier to do some sleepy dream moaning.  It felt great to moan, didn't bother him, and made him fuck me slightly harder.  Hard to limit my reactions though.  I almost orgasmed, good thing the little rat cums kind of early.

Next morning I couldn't do it.  I wasn't mad, it was too weird.  I needed the sex and he needed it too.  I just hoped to god that if I let it go he'd be smart enough not to do me on a fertile day since he wasn't using a damn condom.

The next night he came again.  I woke up after his dick was already deep in me.  This time I ventured to fuck back a little.  And it progressed exactly like that.  Each new time I became more involved, wrapped my legs around him, dug my fingernails in, finally did all kinds of positions you couldn't possibly sleep through.  but we pretended anyway.  So naughty seeing my son in the morning while my pussy is sore from a good fucking and I'm still acting like his mom.

I got nervous as my fertile day approached.  I debated how conspicuous I should be with the hints, just leave a calendar with my periods and hope he knows the math or the math for him and basic leave him a note saying, "Hey, don't cum in your mom this day cause you'll get a borther." Finally I left a calendar conspicuously on my nightstand with my fertile days marked off in big X's.  We had to pretend innocence, but we were only acting for ourselves.  That night he came anyway, groped me all over and stuck his dick in my mouth.  Nothing quite as hot as pretending to deepthroat your son in your sleep.  Cum everywhere, on my pillow, so of course in my hair, and yes, if you must know, down my throat too.  Yes tasty, even delicious.  So we kept good ol' pussy fucking on regular days and then mouth fucking me during heavy period days.

But when my next fertile days came again he was trying to take off my panties.  I was 'sleepily' trying to pin my knees together, what was he thinking!?  But he got my panties off.  I couldn't wake up and stop him, that would ruin our whole fuck system.  Then you know what that cheeky bastard did?  He flipped me over and wedged his dick in my bum, knowing I couldn't protest.  He came prepared too because his well lubed dick raced right through my hard puckered sphincter.  He shagged me as he pleased, pounding my arse without reserve.

I hate getting fucked in the bum.  I don't know, I just feel so stupid, and it's dirty, and uncomfortable even when you're kind of used to it.  But I feel so bad about not being there to satisfy him that on nights when we can't fuck proper I try to go to sleep on my belly so he can get at my arse easy.  Am I not the nicest mother?  Don't you wish your mother would do the same?  Free pussy, free arse, and free cock-suckings, as long as we can pretend it's nothing at all.

Fucking the lufthansa flight attendant (fisting, choking, bj, doggy)

FGRIMMES on Exhibitionist Stories

Fucking the flight attendant


Having just joined the Air Force I couldn’t wait to be stationed overseas at my new assignment. Germany. All I could imagine was flowing beer barrels and blondes as far as the eye could see. I had hit the jackpot. Not many men my age were given this opportunity to serve their country overseas. Having just turned twenty-five and being in the best sh

A night of I was bad

tonyishere on Forced Stories

      Well this is about a weird night that happened recently. I am a typical married guy with a couple of kids. When I say typical, that means not much happening with the wife in the sex department. I am lucky if it happens a couple times a month. Well one Friday, a bunch of people at work decided to go out for a few drinks after work. I had nothing going on that night, so I let the wife know I may be getting home late. We hit a local restaurant that has a good bar area and started socializing. We were all chatting and drinking late into the night.
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ourier New">      During the night I started talking to this girl Mary. She was one of the administrators for the group. She was very friendly at work and always would help if you asked her. She was wearing a nice denim skirt and white blouse that was loose on her. She looked good, but wasn’t dressed sexy where you would turn your head quickly. I asked her if she had any plans for the weekend. She stated no that her husband just took off for a golf weekend with the guys. She was drinking quite alot of wine and feeling good. I asked if she should be drinking as I remember her telling me she was on medicine to get pregnant. She and her husband have been trying to have a kid for years. She got a little depressed when telling me that she is tired of all this medicine and doctor stuff. I asked if her husband felt the same. She replied who knows, as he does not talk about it with her. She thinks he is embarrassed with having a low sperm count. I told her she should just relax and if it is meant to be, it will happen. She thanked me for my concerns and seemed in a better mood.
      I then went over and started chatting with a buddy further down the bar. Well next thing you know, lemon drop shots are being setup up on the bar. I try not to drink too much especially shots as I tend to feel it the next morning. People had some and started ordering more. I hung back and just drank my beer talking to this girl Jenny. She was nice but only wanted to talk about the office politics. When it came time for the bar to close, I went around and started making the rounds saying good-bye to everyone. When I got to Mary, I could tell she drank a little too much. Since I drive by her town on my way home, I offered her a ride. She stumbled and asked about her car. I told her she could call me over weekend and I will give her a ride to pick it up. She agreed and we walked out to my car. As we drove to her place, her head kept bouncing back and she looked ready to pass out. When we go to Mary’s house, I helped her out of the car and to the front door as she could barely walk. She had trouble getting her keys out of her handbag. I took them out and opened the door. I helped her in and she thanked with her slurred words. I asked if there is anything I could do for her before I leave. She nodded and stated to just lead her to the bed so she can crash. As I put my arm around her to help her walk to the bedroom, I got a quick peak of her chest from her loose blouse.
      I never realized she had such nice size breasts as I tried to get a better view. I would say they are about a large C cup. My erection grew as dirty thoughts raced through my head, but I ignored it and helped her to the bed. Her bedroom was just off the living room and had a queen size bed. Mary fell onto the bed face up and made no noise. I said goodbye and realized she was passed out fro the night. As I tried to move her to center of bed, her skirt rose up and I saw a nice pink thong underneath. I was about to walk out, I became interested if she shaved her pussy or not. I moved over to the end of bed and looked closely at her thong. It did not cover much. I moved the thong to the side and found a nicely shaved pussy. The image made my cock grow even more in my pants. As my finger moved the thong to the side to get a better view, I felt some wetness. Here I have a passed out girl in front of me with a nice shaved wet pussy. Why is she wet? What is going through her head?
      This make me want to check out the wetness even further. I take my finger and begin to rub her clit. Mary squirms a little so I quickly pull back. I check on her and she is still out cold laying on her back. I move back to the wet pussy and start rubbing her clit again. I can feel Mary getting wetter. I take a finger and slowly enter her with it. I can feel her warmth and wetness. My cock now is harder than I could imagine and straining in my pants. I move a second finger into her making sure to rub her clit with each movement in and out of her. Mary lets out a soft moan from her mouth but doesn't move much. This is getting to be too much for me. Then I made the choice I still question today. I stood up and dropped my pants and briefs. My cock is at full attention and looking for some action. I move Mary to the end of the bed and spread her legs apart for easier access. I see the moisture around her pussy. I move up between Mary’s legs, move her thong to the side and start rubbing the head of my cock against her bare pussy. I move forward and watch as my cock slides deep into her wet warm opening. Once I am fully inside her, I pause as this feeling is great.
      It has been quite some time since I have had any sex with the wife so this is much needed. Slowly I move in and out of her enjoying this feeling. I feel her pussy massaging my cock with every movement. Another moan comes out of Mary's mouth. I pickup the pace and push a little harder with each thrust. I look down and see Mary's juices all over my cock. I can't believe I am fucking this girl as this is so wrong. I can feel the pressure building as I am about cum. What should I do? Maybe the devil in me did it, but I pushed my cock deep into Mary and erupted. I unloaded a load of sperm into her warm vagina. After a few more squirts, I pulled my drained cock out her and stood there looking down at her beautiful just fucked pussy. Knowing that Mary is trying to get pregnant and on fertility drugs, what did I just do. I rushed to her bathroom and cleaned myself up. I grabbed a face cloth and wet it with warm water. I cleaned Mary up and made sure not leave any visible evidence to what just happened. I fixed her thong and moved her skirt back to cover her up. I positioned Mary back toward the top of the bed and found a blanket to cover her. I looked at Mary and saw that she is still asleep along with a big smile on her face. Once I am sure everything looks back normal, I leave her house and head home.
      The whole ride home I kept going over what just happened. Just when I felt bad, a big smile comes to my face as I remember how good it felt fucking her. I get home and go right to sleep. The next morning I wake up as usual, shower, and head to the kitchen for breakfast. As I am drinking my coffee and reading the newspaper, I hear my wife say something about Mary. I put the newspaper down and ask her to repeat what she said. She told me Mary was on the phone. I pretend to laugh and tell my wife it is a girl from work who needs a ride to get her car. Mary sounds hung over on the phone and we make arrangements to get her car in a couple of hours. When I get to Mary's house, she comes out in sweat pants and a t-shirt. I ask her how she is feeling. She laughs and states she is done drinking for a while. She asked me what happened. I told her she was drunk, we got to her house, she walked to her bed, and then passed out. After I threw a blanket on her, I headed home as it was late. She thanked me and but had this weird look on her face.
      I asked her what was wrong as I started to worry a little. She then told me she felt weird last night and her head was foggy. I told her it might be the alcohol and the fertility drugs reacting the wrong way. She thought about it for a while and agreed with me. She stated she shouldn't have done those shots last night at the bar. She then said good thing her husband is gone for the weekend as she is just going to relax on couch for the rest of the day. I then asked if he would be mad with her getting drunk. She shook her head and said he will not know as she will not tell him. I laughed and said what if he found out. She gave me this look and said nobody will tell him, right? I laughed and said not to worry. We got to her car and I told her I would see her at work on Monday. As she walked to her car, I stared at her ass. The ass that leads to the wonderful pussy I had sex with last night. As she drove away, I drove home wondering. Will last night lead to something happening in nine months? Well time will tell.


Sir James on Forced Stories

Jake and Mari - Part Three

Jake held Mari’s hand as they walked down through the shopping mall. They were on a clothes buying mission. A couple of new short leather skirts had been acquired, and a pair of very high heeled sandal type shoes that featured ankle straps. Jake made joke that they looked like “catch, fuck me” shoes. Mari had to admit they were very sexy, and enhanced her legs.

They sat down at a small table, at a sidewalk coffee shop. Lattes were ordered as they talked about the clothing they had just purchased. This was a happy day. Two lovers, very much in love with their love for each other. Mari’s slavery was progressing a

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nd she was happy in it. She wondered why Jake had not made her his sex slave earlier. While at first she had misgivings, she was now very comfortable with being Jake’s sex slave. A new element was about to be added, however.

Jake turned to Mari, “Babe, unbutton one more button on you blouse. I want to see a little more tit.”

Self conscious, Mari looked around as she did so. There was no question of refusing to do what Jake asked. She looked down and saw that much of the tops of her breasts were now on display. Careful visual examination of the exposed breast top would show faint whip marks on her breasts. She smiled back at Jake as he beamed his smile of approval to her.

“I love you, Sweet Slave”, he replied. “I really love you. You are the most exciting woman alive.”

“Oh, Jake, I love you too”, Mari answered, grasping his hand. He picked up her hand and kissed it.

“I have a surprise for you this evening”, he continued. “I promised that someday I was going to let another man have you, to use and enjoy you like I do. Well, my dear, tonight is the night.”

Mari, surprised, thought about asking for a reprieve, or to not do this, but she knew better. She knew the rules. She had agreed to the rules, so she would submit to Jake.

“O.k…, is…a…there…anything I am supposed to do. I don’t what to say, Jake. I…will…submit, but I don’t know what to do. Help me”, was her answer.

Jake smiled, “Well, it is not very complicated. When we get home, I want you to undress, bathe and redo you make up, to high fashion. Then, put on a pair of black patent leather high heels. You know the ones with the four inch heels. Otherwise, you will be naked. I will handle everything else. All you have to do is submit the best way you know how. I am sure you will be outstanding.”

At home, Mari did as she was told. She undressed, bathed, and saw to her hair and makeup. When she was through, she put on her high heel pumps as directed. She looked at her self in the full length mirror. Mari squeezed her breasts together, and ran her hand over her freshly shaven pussy. She knew she was pretty, and desirable. She knew the strange man being introduced to her sex life would want to fuck her. She hoped she would deal with it in a way that would make Jake proud. When she had completed her duties, she went into the family room where Jake was watching a B&D porn video.

“Wow, you look great. Damn, you do look good. Come here, I need to put some ropes on you. You have been free of restraints much too long”, Jake informed her.

Using strands of rope he had laying beside him n the couch, Jake bound her wrists tightly behind her back. Naturally, the elbow rope came next. Jack loved the effects of the particular rope. If forced her magnificent breasts out from her chest, making them appear much larger than they were. It made her breasts more inviting to be touched, or whipped. He sat her down on the couch beside him. With his arm around her, he was fondling her breasts as he talked to her.

“You know my friend, Charlie. He is the one I have chosen to give you to. He will be here in a couple of minutes. You know what is expected of you, don’t you”, he asked.

“Yes…, yes sir, I do. I will submit. Can I ask what he is going to do to me?”

“Sure”, Jake replied. “He will do the same things I do to you. I am sure he will keep you bound and helpless. The whip will visit you sweet body, other torments might be used, and I am sure he will try to fuck your brains out!”

Mari was quiet, thinking about what Jake had just said. This was new territory for her. It was a little scary.

“All you have to do is submit yourself, and do exactly what you are trained to do, and what ever you are told to do. Do you understand?”

As Mari was about to answer, the door bell rang. Charlie Bradly was here. She was about to meet her rapist and tormentor.

“Just stand over there in the middle of the floor, with your legs slightly spread and a sweet smile on your face”, Jake ordered. “Tits stuck out!”

Mari did as she was told. She heard the front door open, and Jake greeting Charlie Bradly. The two men walked into the family room. Charlie looked like he had just spotted ten million dollars with his name on it.

“Charlie, you know my wife Mari. Well, I want you to meet my sex slave. Mari, welcome Charlie to our home.”

Mari, hesitantly, walked to Charlie, and brushed her body against Charlie’s body, her upraised breasts against his chest. She leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. Charlie returned her kiss.

“Welcome to our home, sir”, Mari greeted Charlie.

Charlie, quick not to miss an opportunity, put his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against his body. He kissed her, and said, “Thank you, slave lady. I am glad to be here.” He kissed her again, squeezing her breasts as he did so. Jake offered Charlie an easy chair. He released Mari, and sat down.

Mari was ordered to parade around in front for Charlie, posing her body and bondage to best advantage. When ordered to do so, she walked to Charlie, and bent over, offering her breasts to Charlie for inspection. Charlie eagerly grasped both her breasts, squeezing and slapping them. He twisted her nipples and tweaked them. When he was finished with her breasts, she stood straight and pushed her pelvis to Charlie, offering examination of her pussy.

Charlie rummaged through her cunt. Before he was through, even as rough as he was, she was aroused by his manipulations. When he finished with her pussy, and stroking the front of her thighs, she turned around so he could examine her bondage and delectable ass. Charlie did so, with relish. He commented on how tight she was tied, and the faint signs of whip marks on her ass.

“Charlie”, Jake started. “To give the evening a proper start, let me say that you can do as you wish with Mari. You can tie and restrain her in any way you wish. You may torment and whip her. Her tits, ass and cunt, as well as her thighs are open for the whip. You may fuck her to you hearts content. The only caveats are; her mouth is reserved for my cock, and her ass has not been trained for fucking, so no ass fucking.”

Charlie smiled, “That’s doesn’t surprise me. I know you don’t like butt fucking. That’s a shame. She has one sweet ass. It begs to be whipped, and fucked!”

“Yeah, I know, but for the time being her mouth and ass are off limits”, Jake replied. I should mention that while I expect you to be strict and harsh with Mari, I don’t want her injured. No broken skin, and no damage to her. Mari is a precious slave, and I love her.”

“Well“, Charlie answered. “When you decide to give her some ass training, let me know. I will be more than glad to help you with that bit of training. I look forward to enjoying her mouth, too In the meantime, I will treat your slave as if she was mine.”

“Yeah, I bet you will”, Jake laughed.

The two men undressed as Mari continued to pose as directed. She looked at both her “masters”. Both men took good care of their bodies. Both men were sporting massive erections. It did appear however, that Jake’s cock was slightly larger than Charlie’s. She loved Jake’s cock, and loved looking at it, especially when it was erect. Now she had two cocks to deal with. Charlie’s cock look good, too. Even though she had reservations about being whipped and fucked by a “stranger”, she had to admit that her predicament was delicious in many ways.

Charlie got off the couch and walked to where Mari was posing, his rigid cock bouncing and swaying as he moved. He walked around her as he slowly stroked his rigid cock. He reached out and cupped her breast. Mari’s breasts were incredible and Charlie was not going to miss an opportunity to touch them. He teased her nipples and let his hand slide down her belly to her pussy. She was warm and moist. He cock ached for release as he fondled her.

“Jake, if you don’t mind, I would really like to whip your slave”, Charlie queried.

Smiling, Jake replied, “Of course. How would you like her tied?”

“Well, I thought I would like her hands tied the way they are, but tie another rope to her wrists, hoisting them well up behind her back. This bends her over at the waist, and would make her sweet ass very vulnerable”, Charlie suggested.

“Sounds good to me. Let’s take her into the bedroom. We can do it there“, Jake replied.

Jake led the way to the bedroom, while Charlie took Mari by the bound forearm, escorting her to the bedroom. He could not believe is good fortune to be able to have unlimited access to a woman as beautiful as Mari. His cock continued to ache as he looked at her.

In the bedroom, Jake walked Mari to the place where the “eye” bolt had been mounted in the ceiling. In a matter of a moment or two, he had attached a long rope to Mari’s bound wrists, threaded the rope through the “eye” bolt, and pulled the rope tightly. Mari was bent sharply at her waist with her arms and wrists pulled high and behind her. Her full breasts hung from her chest, invitingly. They swayed and jiggled as she shifted her position. Charlie walked around her, fondling every exposed part of her body.

Charlie asked for a couple strands of rope. Jake complied. Quickly, yet deliberately, Charlie began to wrap a strand of rope around the base of Mari’s right breasts. The caused the breast to balloon away from her chest, and causing it to be more sensitive, especially the nipples. Her left breast was bound in the same manner. Mari kept quiet, but bit her lip as she endured the bit of torment.

Jake handed Charlie his favorite whip, the medium weight flogger. This whip could exact considerable pain, without tearing and damaging Mari’s skin. Charlie readily accepted the whip.

Charlie brought the whip up an down across Mari silky butt. He was inexperienced in whipping a woman, and was taking it easy until he fully understood the weight of the whip and the power of his strokes. In a minute or two he had hit his stride. Soon the ungagged Mari was moaning and whimpering. She knew better that to beg for mercy. Charlie walked around her, randomly whipping her bound breasts, ass, and of course her pussy. Mari never quite knew what part of her was to be whipped next. There was maddening, yet there was an erotic element to this type of whipping. At one point he seemed concentrate on whipping her thighs. Both the backs and fronts of her thighs were fine targets. When he was whipping the fronts of her thighs, however, the whip seemed to always strike her breasts, especially her tormented nipples.

Mari, sobbing and moaning, bore it. There were moments when she want to cry out, begging for mercy. She knew better and managed to maintain her composure. She had to admit that Charlie had a talent for the whip.

When Charlie finished whipping her, he left her hanging in her bonds, while he walked around her, fondling and massaging the areas he had just whipped. At several locations, especially on her ass and the back of her thighs, he could feel the ridges of the welts left by the whip. Again he let his fingers rummage through Mari’s whipped and inflamed cunt. The pain of the whipping was turning to erotic pleasure as Charlie was expertly arousing her by ministering to her pussy. Finally, he lowered her arms, releasing her from the “eye” bolt, allowing her to stand. Mari whispered a “thank you” to Charlie for this small bit of freedom.

Charlie turned her about, and pulled her body to his, with her back to him. This placed her bound hands at his throbbing cock. He moved his hands around her body, and grasped both her breasts. As he fondled and teased her breast and nipples, she grasped his cock and in spite of her bondage, was attempting to stroke his cock. Charlie liked this. He made her turn her head to him so he could kiss her. This was one hot slave woman.

He lowered his hand so he could rummage through her pussy. It was a caldron of boiling pussy juices. As his fingers invaded her cunt, she lay her head back on his shoulder, closed her eyes, and abandoned herself to what was happening. She opened her eyes for a moment, and could see Jake standing there, with a lustful smile on his face, as he was stroking his raging cock. He was obviously pleased by what was happening. To watch his beautifully submissive wife being put through her paces by another man was a fantasy come true.

“Jake”, Charlie asked, “If you don’t mind, I would really like to fuck your slave.”

“Charlie, you know where the bed is.”

He turned to his wife and said, “Mari, my sweet slave, Charlie wants to fuck you. Make it good, or you will pay for a bad fuck, with you ass.”

Mari nodded her head, indicating that she understood.

Charlie turned back to Jake. “If you don’t mind, I would like to fuck her in the living room, or the family room, wherever there is a couch.”

Jake nodded, and led Charlie and Mari back to the couch in the living room. Charlie sat down on the couch, and ordered Mari to kneel, facing him, on the couch straddling his body and upraised cock. Carefully, because of her bondage, she did as he asked. Soon she was kneeling astride his thighs and hips, poised directly above his cock, facing Charlie. He had his hands on her hips, moving her into position over his cock.

“Mari, settle down on my cock. I want it deep inside you.”

Charlie held his cock as she eased her body down, and onto his cock. She closed her eyes and moaned as she welcomed this new invasion of her cuntal passage. Charlie’s cock did feel good. She never thought she would think in those terms, but her world had changed and now she was being fucked by a “strange” man who had just whipped her and was forcing his cock into her, all with the approval of her husband. Yes, things had changed.

She sat there, arms bound behind her, breasts still tightly bound, and with Charlie’s cock buried deep inside her. Charlie told her to sit still while he removed the ropes from her tits. He unwound the ropes, slowly, savoring the manipulation of her breasts. When the ropes had been removed, he squeezed and rubbed her breasts to restore circulation. Now Charlie was ready for the business at hand.

As he continued to enjoy her breasts, Charlie admonished her. “You are gonna ride my cock, fucking me. You had better give me a good ride, or for that matter, give yourself a good ride, or I will punish you severely. You have permission to cum any time you want.” Charlie reached for her face, and pulling her to his face, kissed her passionately. Mari responded, returning his kiss in the same manner. As she kissed Charlie, she started to move her hips, moving her pussy on his cock. It felt good.

Charlie was moving to match her movements. As he was doing so, he moved his hands from her hips and began slowly fondling and slapping her breasts. Her bondage pushed her large breasts out to Charlie, making it easy for him to abuse them. They shook and swayed with his assault. Her breasts jiggled with her fucking movements in addition to the movements caused by them being slapped and spanked. Jake watch his fantastic wife. This was a fantasy that he had dreamed of all his adult life. Now his dreams were coming true, in grand fashion.

Mari picked up the pace and soon was lost in to moment. After a few minutes, she was cuming. Charlie had not cum yet, and made her continue to hump his cock. Soon another climax was wracking her body. It seemed to merge into one continuous climax. The more she cum, the more Charlie would slap her breasts. Finally, Charlie’s cock exploded. She could feel the white hot cum being thrust into her cunt. Mari and Charlie, both, zoned out. Each in their own world of red hot lust. In a minute or two, they both began to come back down to reality. Mari collapsed on Charlie’s chest. His arms went around her, pulling her tight to him as he was still humping her pussy. At long last, the two lovers stopped, and sat for a very long time with Charlie‘s receding cock still buried deep in her pussy. They were just regaining their sense of where they were and of what had just happened.

Jake helped Mari off Charlie’s lap and receding cock. He released Mari’s wrists and elbows. She moaned deeply as the ropes were removed from her. She had been tied very tightly for the entire evening. It was good to have the ropes removed, at least for a while.

Jake placed her on her knees in front of the couch, while he sat in front of her, next to the exhausted Charlie. Mari was kneeling between her husband’s thighs, a mere inch or two from his rigid cock.

“Sweet Slave”, Jake started. “You were magnificent this evening. I can tell Charlie enjoyed himself, and you. Now you have one more task. I want you to suck my cock, and when I tell you, you are to take you mouth off my cock, and using your hands, you are to make me cum on you face and tits.”

Mari would not refuse this time. She loved her husband, and had learned to obey him. With her right hand, she grasped his heated cock, and with her left hand she cradled his balls. She started to slowly stroke Jake’s cock as she massaged his balls. She slipped her pretty mouth over the head of his cock. She sucked it while her delicate pink tongue lashed the tip. His cock was very sensitive, and throbbed each time her tongue touched it. In a moment or two, she picked up the pace and was stroking his cock fast and hard, as her mouth sucking on the heated head. In another minute, Jake told her to take her mouth from his cock, and to make him cum with her hands.

In just a few more strokes, his cock erupted in her hand. Scalding jets of cum rocketed from his cock, striking her pretty face. Some of the cum dripped down to her breasts. After a few jets striking her face, she lowered the aim of his cock and let the cum spray on her breasts. When he cock was spent, she again took in into her mouth to suck it dry as it receded. When she did released his cock, Mari used her hands to rub her husbands cum into her breasts and on her face. Jake was proud of her.

“Wow”, uttered Charlie. I have never seen anything like that. Mari, you are one hot slave lady. Jake, I believe you are the luckiest man in the world.”

Jake smiled, “Yeah, I’ve gotta believe that.”

Mari was allowed to go to the bathroom and wash her face, but was ordered to leave the cum on her breasts. When she returned to the living room, Charlie had another erection. He ordered her to lay down on the carpeted floor, where he fucked her again. Jake looked down on the pair with an approving smile.

A short time later, Charlie dressed and left for his home. Jake took Mari to the bathroom where they took a shower together. Jake spent a great deal of time washing her body. She did the same for Jake, however, she spent a great deal of time working his cock, until he was fully rigid again. The two adjourned to the bedroom where Jake gave her another sound fucking.

Afterwards, the two lovers were lying on the bed, basking in the sexual after glow of the evening. Jake had his arm around her, hugging her to him, while she was slowly stroking his nearly flaccid cock.

“I love you”, Mari whispered as she kissed him on the cheek.

“You mean you love me, in spite of what I have just put you through”, he queried.

Pausing, Mari replied, “Yes, Jake, I love you. You know that! I agreed to be your sex slave, and I will make you proud. Being tortured and raped by Charlie was not as bad as I feared it would be. In fact, it was kind of exciting. You were right. Being helpless, not being able to control what happens to you, and being at the mercy of another’s sexual whims, is very exciting. I didn’t know it could be like that.”

Kissing her, Jake said, “Well, sweet slave, get used to it. Your slavery is just beginning.”

Jake kissed her again. Mari returned the kiss, very passionately, as her hand was stroking his semi-hard cock. She loved Jake, and was in love with being his sex slave. As she kissed Jake, and held his cock she shivered with excitement at the thought of where he would take her slaver.




Dirty Gang-Banger! (WARNING!: quite hardcore)

Wrulf on Animal Stories

by Wrulf The Cunt-Defiler

(The 'N'-word is not meant as a racial insult to black men)

'O-o-o-h, o-o-o-o-o-h, y-e-e-e-a-a-a-h!' moaned Dee, the hot, big-uddered and

mid-30's tart as she beat-off with 2 fingers assaulting her snatch.

The immoral tart was lucky again, inasmuch as her husband had taken her children

out of town to visit his parents for the weekend - while his porn-hog type o