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Doe_Brat Member Since May 21, 2010

First time to the gyno

sexysarahoates on Gyno Stories

My name is Sarah, I just turned 15 and this is my story about the first time I went to a gynecologist instead of my pediatrician. I'm 5'4 about 105lbs, I have green eyes and short reddish brown hair. My breasts are a small b cup and I'm still a virgin.

I went to the new doctor's office around noon with my mom. This time, she stayed in the waiting room as I walked back with th

Gina Learns to Farm

frank422 on Animal Stories

Gina was 19 when she went away to college in Iowa. Until this point in her life she had been living with her grandparents who lived on and ran a hog farm in central Iowa. Gina was glad to get away from the farm, even though she loved her grandparents dearly. She was now on her own and was enjoying college and all it had to offer.

Landlords Dog

Dstories on Animal Stories

Shelly is an average girl with brunette hair and brown eyes who is 30 years old. She works at a bank and lives in an apartment building. It’s owned by a fat 50 year old black man with grayish black hair and beard named Mr. Meaner who looks 60. When Shelly first met him she was intimidated but found him to be nice as well as his rottweiler Buck. They were the only two to live down stairs. There wa

Agony or Ecstasy

SSPAdmins on Animal Stories

Agony or Ecstasy!

By Niteowluk2003

Jemma had a problem; oh not a life threatening problem but still a problem that was causing her heart ache in her everyday life! Every time she saw a dog she instantly became wet between the legs and began fantasising about the dog taking her as its bitch; strange thing was it did not have to be a male dog she saw!

From the age of sixteen she had begun

Used To Knock Up Girl From India

slowfix50 on Impregnation Stories

Hey Gang, It has been really busy around here of late. I wrote while back about my friends from India that have a convenience store over in Carolina and the fun we had including their niece that they wanted to open up. Well, Rahnee, the wife of Suren called me Thursday afternoon and asked if I was busy for the weekend. I checked and was not occupied with anything that could not be canceled or mov