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Aleksandra Member Since October 12, 2010

Taken - Chapter 2 - My First Second Time

Aleksandra on Erotic Novels

I had stayed awake all night, I was afraid to close my eyes, afraid to try to sleep having not fully figured out what had happened, or why it had happened. My mind went over everything that I thought had happened, and what I had to do today at school. The first thing I did was strip my bed and hide my wet sheets; I would wash those later when I got home.

Taken - Chapter 1: So It Begins

Aleksandra on Extreme Stories

Lately some of my friends have started blogging and those that know me know that I’m not a blogger. I prefer to think of my self as a chatter and a tweeter but some of my friends stories have been interesting to read and after being challenged to write out our “first time” I thought I would give it a try so hear goes. If I get good feedback from the first, who knows, I might try writing a second