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The Barber 1

druidtx001 on Teen Stories

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The Barber Pt. 1




I heard the anguish in Alexis' voice as she yelled from her bedroom. Not one for drama, I knew immediately something must be wrong.


“What is it, Lex?” I yelled back.


“Come here, please,” she cried. “This is horrible.”


Worried now, I made my way down the hall toward her bedroom. Knocking on the door, I heard her say, “Come in.”


I pushed the door open and stepped gingerly into the room. Alexis stood in the center of the room, wearing the new, light-blue bikini I'd let her talk me into buying her at the mall earlier in the day. At 13, she'd convinced me she was old enough to buy her first “grown up” bathing suit for the upcoming summer swimming season.


“What's the matter, baby girl?” I asked. “Are you all right?”


“No,” she cried, in tears. “This is horrible! We have to take this stupid bathing suit back, right now!”


“Why? You loved it at the store,” I said. “What's the problem?”


“LOOOOOOK!” she yelled, turning around and putting her hands on her hips.


I looked her over. The top was small, but modesty was served. The top supported — and covered —her small, B-cup breasts, high and firm on her slim chest. The problem was, um, lower down.


The panty of the bikini was small, significantly smaller than any previous bathing suit she'd worn. As such, her downy, fiery-red pubic bush stuck out on all sides, making it look as though she were smuggling a kitten in her panty.


I worked very hard, and mostly successfully, to suppress the laugh which was trying to force its way out of my throat. I knew if I did give into the mirth, I would crush her young ego.


I asked why she hadn't thought of this, er, problem before she bought the bikini. Alexis told me, per store policy, she'd tried the bikini panty on over her regular panties. The problem hadn't made itself evident until after we got home and she tried her new bathing suit on au natural.


“I can't go outside looking like this!” she moaned. “It's gross!”


“Um, no, Lex,” I said. “You sure can't. You'll just have to, um, groom yourself a little bit.”


“What do you mean?” she asked.


“You'll have to, um, trim your, er, bikini region,” I said.


I wished, not for the first time, that Alexis' mother hadn't abandoned us 10 years ago. I definitely didn't miss the constant complaining, the infidelity, the outright bitchiness. But I did miss having a female influence in our daughter's life as she grew into her budding womanhood.


I tried to explain what I was talking about, stumbling around as I did so. The further I got into the process, the more shocked my daughter looked.


“I can't do that,” Alexis said. “I'd cut myself. You do it, daddy.”


It was my turn to be shocked. I'd fought very hard all these years, ever since she entered puberty at age 11, to avoid any kind of inappropriate thoughts about my daughter. Up to this point, I'd been successful. But the thought of giving my daughter a bikini trim brought all sorts of thoughts, unbidden, to my mind.


“I can't, baby,” I said. “It wouldn't be right. I'm your father.”


I suggested we find a salon where she could get a bikini wax. Then I had to explain what that meant, and she immediately refused to have the hair on her sensitive pubis yanked out by the roots.


“No, daddy,” she said, firmly. “You trim it.”


I knew that tone all too well. When Alexis made up her mind, it was made up, a trait she inherited from her mother. It was usually easier to give in a this point, unless it was a matter of extreme importance involving her safety, than to argue with her.


“OK,” I said. “Come with me.”


I made my way down the hall, Alexis almost skipping along behind me, and into the bathroom. I instructed her to hop up onto the double vanity while I collected the equipment I'd need for the purpose.


I told her to pull her bikini bottom up as tight as it would go and adjust it how she wanted. My plan was to use an electric trimmer to remove the bulk of the offending hair, then clean it up, minimizing the length of time she had to be bottomless in front of me.


What I didn't figure on was what would happen when she pulled the panty tighter around her young body. The material was thin enough the added pressure created a slight but definite camel toe, outlining the indentation of her virginal pussy.


“Are you sure about this, Lex?” I asked.


“Yes, daddy,” she replied. “Go ahead and do me.”


My breath caught in my throat at what I'm sure was an unintended double entendre. I switched the electric trimmer on, placed my hand on her thigh uncomfortably close — for me, at least — to her adolescent crotch.


“Oh!” she gasped as the buzzing trimmer made first contact with the hair. “That tickles.”


Shit, I thought to myself. I didn't think about this. The vibrations of the trimmer that close to her delicate flesh — specifically, her clitoris — must be sending some new sensations through her nether regions. I might as well be pushing a vibrator against her crotch.


“Just hang on, Lex,” I said, trying to sound detached while the thought that I was sexually stimulating my 13-year-old daughter was having an effect on me, as well.


“That feels funny, daddy,” Alexis said, her voice slightly strained.


“Does it hurt?” I asked, pulling the trimmer away.


“No,” she said, her small voice breathy. “It … feels good.”


Ah, shit, I thought. She's getting turned on. And, so was I.


I went back to trimming the hair which protruded from the sides of her bikini as quickly as I could, wanting to minimize the unintended stimulation. Alexis started moaning as I worked, her hips slightly twitching with each pass of the trimmer, as if she was trying to press harder against it.


With the right side done, I switched the trimmer to the left side of her bikini crotch. I was shocked when I saw a slight darkening of the fabric, right over where the entrance to her virginal vagina had to be under the light blue material.


Alexis was getting wet. I felt my cock twitch in my shorts as I realized my baby girl was getting aroused and I was the cause. Alexis was moaning almost constantly now as I removed the last of the hair from the outside of her bikini.


I put the trimmer down and looked into my daughter's eyes. There was something there I'd never seen before. Arousal. And lust.


“That felt good, daddy,” she said. “But my … pussy feels funny, now.”


“How so, baby?” I asked, dreading her answer.


“It's all … tingly,” she said. “And, um, wet. Almost like I peed myself.”


“That's natural, Lex,” I said, trying to play down what had happened, to distract her from the obviously sexual nature of the feelings.


“Go ahead and take you panty off,” I said, my voice catching as I words I never thought I'd be saying to my daughter. “Let's get this over with.”


“Why are you sweating, daddy?” Alexis asked as she lifted her hips and slid the damp bikini bottom down her legs and off her feet.


“It's, um, hot in here,” I said, trying to avoid staring at Alexis' 13-year-old pussy.


“No, daddy,” she said, dropping the tiny scrap of material on the floor and spreading her legs wide. “It's really not.”


Oh, crap, I thought.


Alexis just laid there, back propped against the mirror and legs wide open, a slight grin on her face.


“You gonna finish my pussy, daddy?” she said, twitching her hips upward slightly. “Use the trimmer again. That felt good.”


I picked up the trimmer in a slightly shaky hand. I flicked it on, the buzzing sound seeming loud in the quiet bathroom, and brought the edge of the blades into position. I had to take a deep breath to still the shaking in my hand, forcing myself to concentrate on what I was doing.


But that didn't exactly help.


I brought the vibrating blades into contact with her skin, right at the junction of her crotch and leg. Alexis moaned, which triggered a sympathetic groan from me. She also twitched her ass, which drove her mons slightly sideways. The rapidly-moving blades of trimmer sheared an inch-wide path through her downy pubes.


“Shit,” I said. “You've got to hold still, baby. I could have cut you.”


“Oh, darn,” Alexis said, looking down at her crotch. “That looks horrible, daddy. Now we'll have to cut it all off, won't we.”


I looked up at her. Alexis stared back at me, her eyes wide and innocent. To this day, I don't know if she did that on purpose or not.


I placed my left on on her stomach, pulling up to stretch the skin of her mons and make it easier to trim. Each time the trimmer passed near her clitoris, Alexis would moan. I could feel her fighting to keep from thrusting her hips again.


With a few deft strokes, I had most of her pubes laying in a small pile on vanity beside her. I took a new grip on her stomach, moving the trimmer in closer to the top of her slit to clean up the last remaining hair there. Alexis was groaning constantly now, and I could see the beginnings of moisture forming between her flowering pussy lips.


As I swiped the last of the hair away, I pulled the trimmer back. Alexis moaned in protest, grabbed my hand and forced the blunt end of the trimmer hard, directly into her clit.


“Oh, god, daddy!” she exclaimed. “Something's happening! I feel like I'm going to pee! What's happening to me!?!”


As I watched, my baby girl was overwhelmed by what was clearly the first orgasm of her life. Her hips thrust openly now, driving her clit up and down against the trimmer, feeding the sensations running through her pussy.


“Oh, god, oh god, oh god!” she moaned as she came. All I could do was watch, the unwitting instrument of her pleasure, my cock hard and throbbing in my shorts.


“Oh, daddy!” Alexis exclaimed as she came back down to earth. “What was that?”


“That was an orgasm, baby,” I said. “And it looked like a good one.”


“I've never felt that good in my life,” she said. “Can I have more?”


This was a conversation I hadn't expected to be having with Alexis for several more years. But, here we were. I already knew all my plans to keep this as clinical a process as possible were out the window. As soon as I had her pussy shaved bald, I was going to ravish my little girl.


“Yes, baby. You can have as many as you'd like,” I said. “But let's finish shaving you, first.”


I ran some hot water and soaked a hand towel which I placed over her pussy to soften the remaining stubble. As I let it soak, I reached up and untied the knot behind her neck holding the top of her bikini. I let the flimsy material drop, exposing her firm young tits.


Alexis grinned at me and reached back to untie the remaining strap. She pulled the bikini top off and dropped it on the floor, leaving her completely naked before me. Her breasts were small, a 32B, perfectly round and topped with diamond-hard, light pink nipples about the size and color of pencil erasers.


I reached up and cupped her right breast, kneading the firm, yet pliable flesh, tweaking her nipple and eliciting a groan from deep in her throat. I explained to her she could do this, too, to make herself feel good.


“Can I do the, um, thing with the trimmer, too?” Alexis asked. “Can I make my pussy get that feeling again?”


“Yes, you can,” I said. “But you have to be careful of the blades.”


As I said this, I was thinking to myself I should probably pay a visit to the local adult store to check out their supply of little girl-sized vibrators.


I pulled the damp towel off her crotch, rubbing my fingers through the downy stubble to be sure it was ready for the next step. I shook the can of shaving cream, sprayed a generous amount directly onto her mons and massaged it into her flesh, paying particular attention to her labia and her clit.


“Ummm, that feels good, daddy,” Alexis moaned. “It's starting to get all tingly again.”


Once I had her fully coated, I rinsed my hand, turned the water to full hot and picked up the razor.


“Here goes nothing, baby,” I said as I drew the damp blade through the remnants of her pubes.


With a few deft swipes, her mons was hairless. I turned my attention to her labia, cautioning Alexis to remain as still as possible. A few more strokes of the razor and my baby girl was a devoid of hair as the day she was born. But there was one last place to check.


I told Alexis to slide down further on the vanity until her firm, round ass was right at the edge. I guided her feet onto my shoulders, spreading her nether regions and examining her tight, pink asshole, where I found a few downy hairs growing.


A small dollop of shaving cream, a brief massage with the tip of my finger — eliciting several deep moans from Alexis — and a couple careful swipes of the razor later Alexis was completely hairless. I rewet the hand towel and wiped her clean.


She started to sit up, but I stopped her. I had other plans in mind.


Without a word, I gripped her thighs, pressing them as far apart as they'd go, and locked my lips onto her pussy. Alexis groaned deep in her throat as my tongue split her virginal pussy lips.


“Oh, god!” she said. “What are you doing, daddy? That's where I pee from! Don't put your mouth there!”


Ignoring her protests, I spread her labia with my fingers, delving deeper into her folds with my tongue. Her weak protests turned from “Stop!” and “Don't!” to “Don't Stop!” I sucked her little clitoris between my lips and flicked the tip of my tongue across the tip. Alexis' hips jerked in response to each swipe of the delicate organ.


“Oh, shit, daddy!” she cried. “God, I'm going to organism again!”


I laughed to myself at her linguistic faux pax, but didn't stop my own lingual assault. My baby girl's muscles lock, her hips flew up off the marble top of the vanity and her legs shot out, her thighs clamping around my head as she rode the waves of her cum on the tip of my tongue.


I just kept licking, driving her through two, then three orgasm. Finally, her body relaxed and she sank slowly back to the vanity surface, begging me to stop.


“I can't take anymore, daddy,” Alexis gasped, struggling to catch her breath. “Please, no more.”


“Oh, yes, baby,” I said. “There's going to be more.”


I lifted her limp, naked body gently from the vanity and carried her down the hall to my bedroom. I laid her carefully on the bed, arranging her so her head was at one end, hanging slightly over the edge of the mattress. I stood over her, pulled my shirt over my head and slid my shorts down my legs, rising naked and rock hard before her.


“Wha' you doin'?” Alexis asked, groggy from her recent introduction to oral sex.


“Now you're going to make me feel as good as I made you feel, baby,” I said. “I won't hurt you, but some of it may hurt, for a short time. Then it will feel good to you, too. I promise.”


I knelt on the edge of the bed, bringing the tip of my 7-inch cock to within millimeters of her face. I rubbed the crown across her lips, leaving a trail of precum across her ruby red lips.


“Taste that, honey,” I whispered. “That's daddy's juice.”


Alexis licked her lips. “Um, salty,” was all she said.


“Open your mouth, Lex,” I said. “I'm going to teach you how to suck a cock, now. OK?”


She just nodded, letting her lips part. I slipped the head inside, cautioned her to keep her teeth away, then pushed forward.


To my amazement, Alexis took almost five inches of my cock before she gagged slightly. I started slowly stroking in and out of her mouth, pressing a little deeper each time. Soon, my 13-year-old daughter was deep throating my cock.


“Oh, that's wonderful, baby girl,” I said, emphasizing for my own mind her age. “God, you're a natural at this. You're my little baby cock sucker.”


As I stroked, I reached down and cupped her newly bald pussy. The skin was silky smooth beneath my finger tips as I dipped one finger into her virginal opening. I probed gently inside, feeling her hips respond, thrusting gently against my digital stimulation.


Alexis moaned deep in her throat, sending vibrations through the shaft of my cock. I continued slowly sliding my cock full length into and out of her throat, watching fascinated as the muscles in her neck bulged each time I bottomed out against her lips.


With my right hand stroking her quivering clitoris and my cock probing her throat, I placed my left hand on her left tit, massaging the youthful orb, tweaking her nipple. I felt the early twinges of a pending orgasm tickling the base of my cock. The thought of dumping a massive load of cum into my daughter's sucking throat only served to magnify the feelings.


“I'm going to cum, baby,” I told Alexis. “When I do, more juice is going to shoot out of the tip of my cock. I'd like you to try to swallow as much of it as you can. It's going to be salty, but it can't hurt you.”


Alexis made a “mmhmm” sound I took to be an affirmative acknowledgement of my plan to flood her throat with cum. As my own orgasm neared, I began thrusting faster and hard until I was seriously fucking her throat. Alexis moaned each time my pubes came into contact with her lips, her hips gyrating in time with my thrusts.


“Oh, baby,” I groaned, slipping my cock out until just the head remained inside her mouth. “Here it comes!”


I gripped the exposed shaft of my cock, stroking like made, until I erupted volley after volley of cum into her mouth. After the first couple, I pressed forward, sinking about two-thirds of my cock back into her throat, firing the rest of my cum directly into stomach. I could feel her throat muscles contracting around my shaft as she struggled to swallow my load.


To my amazement, my cock didn't begin to deflate. After the last spurts dribbled into my daughter's mouth, I pulled free, flipped her around and pulled her legs up over my shoulders again.


“Now for the last part, Lex,” I said. “You've had your pussy shaved and eaten. You've had your first orgasms and sucked your first cock. Now, it's time for you to lose your virginity and have your first fuck.”


“OK, daddy,” my precious baby girl said. “Please, fuck me.”


I gripped my cock shaft, slotting the head into my daughter's damp teen opening. I looked her in the eyes, detecting that same look of arousal, mixed with just a hint of fear.


“Um, some of the girls at school said this really hurts,” Alexis said.


“Don't worry, baby,” I said. “I'll be as gentle as I can but, yes. It might hurt.”


“OK,” she said.


I pressed forward slowly, feeling her pussy flower open around the crown of my cock. I got the head set inside her before I felt her virgin barrier impede further progress.


“Here we go, Lex,” I said. “This is the part that might hurt.”


She just nodded, not saying a word. I pressed forward slowly. Alexis winced as her cherry stretched. She let out a slight groan.


“It's OK, daddy,” she said. “It's OK.”


With slow, steady pressure, I felt my cock further forcing her virginity aside. Alexis' groans were now mixed with a slight whimpering as the pressure and, I'm guessing, the pain increased. I was just about to stop and pull out when she gave a yelp as my cock head tore through her virgin barrier and into her previously untouched depths.


“Oh, god,” Alexis moaned. “Oh, that feels … weird.”


“You all right, Lex?” I asked.


“Yeah, daddy,” she groaned. “Just don't move for a minute. Oh, wow.”


She laid there, panting, as I held myself steady above her. Her chest heaved as she breathed through the pain, her firm, round breasts rising and falling, the rock-hard nipples mesmerizing.


“God, daddy,” Alexis said after a few moments. “God, I feel so full.”


“Does it still hurt, Lex?” I asked.


“A little,” she said, sounding like a little girl again. “Are we fucking yet?”


“No, baby,” I said. “To be fucking, I have to move. Can I move inside you yet?”


“Go ahead and try,” she said.


I pressed forward, sinking the rest of my cock into Lex's deflowered pussy. She groaned, but it didn't sound like there was as much pain as there had been before.


“It's OK,” she said. “It's OK.”


Taking that as a go ahead, I slid slowly out until just the head remained ensconced in her pussy. Alexis keep chanting, “It's OK, it's OK,” like a mantra to help her work through the unaccustomed sensations flooding her body.


Just as slowly, I pressed back into her depths, watching her wince slightly as I again bottomed out inside her. I established a steady, even rhythm, full penetration, slide out to the head, then full penetration again. Alexis' hips finally began moving, meeting me thrust for thrust as I began truly fucking my baby girl.


“It's OK, it's OK,” Alexis moaned. “Oh, god, it's definitely OK.”


“We're fucking now, sweety,” I said. “How does it feel?”


“Great, daddy,” she moaned. “Oh, god, it's great! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”


I was hesitant to take her at her word. But I did increase the frequency of my strokes until I was sliding in and out of her pussy as the muscles relaxed further, adjusting to this new invader.


We were silent for several minutes other than the occasional moans and groans accompanying the wet, rhythmic slap of flesh on teenage flesh. Our eyes were locked on each others as I gave my little girl her first fuck.


Alexis was flexing her body, grinding her hips upwards to match each downward thrust of my hips. Her arms flew around my neck, gripping me tightly, pulling my mouth to hers in a strong, lustful kiss.


“It's happening, daddy,” Alexis moaned. “My organism is happening again!”


Even as she announced it, her body was caught up on its throes. Her pussy clamped tightly around the shaft as she flung her legs up and around my waist, locking her ankles behind my back and pulling me hard inside her.


“OH, OH, OH, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” she cried, her pussy muscles fluttering and gripping my cock shaft, triggering my own orgasm.


I felt the cum torn literally from my balls, surging like a tomahawk missile the length of my shaft and firing into her depths. Alexis could feel it, too. The heat of my sperm coating the walls of her pussy and bouncing off the entrance to her womb drove her higher and higher.


“Shit!” she exclaimed. “Shit, daddy! I can feel you shooting inside me! I feel your sperms shooting inside me!”


We were locked in that position for an indeterminate amount of time — somewhere between seconds and years, I'm not sure. Finally, our passion spent, I collapsed on my side, my spent cock wilting inside my daughter's well-fucked cunt until I finally slipped out.


“Oh, daddy,” she groaned, her pussy vacant again. “I feel so empty now. But I'm full of your sperms, aren't I?”


“Yes, Lex,” I said. “You're full of my sperms.”


We dozed, wrapped in each other's arms, Alexis draped across my body as her pussy dripped a pinkish mixture of my cum and her virginal blood onto my thigh and the bed sheets below us. I was almost asleep when Alexis murmered, “Daddy?”


“What, baby,” I said.


“Am I your girlfriend now?” she said.


“No, baby,” I said. “You're my lover now.”


“Is that better than a girlfriend?” she asked, propping herself up on one elbow.


“Yes, Lex,” I said, reaching out to tweak a nipple. “That's much better than a girlfriend.”


“Good,” she said, lying her head back on my sweaty chest and closing her eyes.


That was Friday afternoon. We awoke a couple times during the night and made love again. Nothing as violent or as intense as that first time, but pleasurable to both of us, never the less.


On Saturday, we woke early and ventured out to the swimming pool, Alexis wearing her brand new bikini in public for the first time. She turned quite a few heads with the brilliant white fabric of the bathing suit shining against her pale skin, contrasting nicely with her deep auburn hair. I noticed more than one adult male adjusting a towel or shifting a leg to hide a burgeoning erection as I coated my baby girl with sun screen.


After about an hour, Alexis disappeared with a couple of her friends, including Raven, a gorgeous little 14-year-old from down the block whose name matched her flowing, coal-black hair. Alexis returned a few minutes later to ask if she could go to the mall with Raven and her parents. I told her to go ahead and grab some money out of my wallet when she went up to the apartment to change and to have a good time.


I stayed by the pool for another hour, watching the hot moms and their hot teen daughters from the complex cavorting in the water. Finally, heat, thirst and hunger drove me back into the coolness of our apartment.


I poured myself an iced tea, showered off the sun screen and sweat and settled down in front of the television to watch a ballgame. After about half an hour, the door burst open to admit Alexis and Raven, who was carrying a couple of small packages.


“Hi daddy,” Alexis said. “Raven bought a new bikini and we're going to go try it on, OK?”


“Sure, baby,” I said, not really thinking about the possible implications of what she'd said.


It wasn't 10 minutes later, though, when I heard a muffled “Oh, no!” coming from behind the closed door of Alexis' bedroom.


“Daddy,” my baby girl cried out. “Raven has a problem with her bikini. Can you help us?”




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