Story Details

Life in a wonderfully nudist society

humbert1 on Taboo Stories

Living in a Naturist Society

This is a work of pure fiction, protected under the

First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

The author in no way intends for nor condones any of the

ideas in this story to be taken into the real world, nor to

encourage any behavior which might be in violation of the

social standards of your community.

It was a wonderful time to be alive! In a time when our human society had finally grown up, progressed and matured to the point where nudity - the site of an unclothed body - and people interacting and behaving together as normal human beings, was not alarming or prohibited, like it had been back in the dark ages of the 21st-century. Back in the olden days when everybody had hangups and before they cured all the STDs. Whether it was on the city streets, feeling the hard warm concrete under their bare feet on a sunny summer day, strolling or lounging or making love in the city park or going to visit friends and family, there was no need for clothing. Shopping malls were full of happy people, just being natural and themselves, the women adorning their already lovely bodies perhaps with gold chains about the waste, ankle, or draped about their flawless breasts as a necklace.

Yes, thank goodness that for generations now people had been raised from the earliest ages in what was once called the "Naturist" lifestyle. But now in this advanced time, it wasn't called that, it wasn't called anything. It was just normal, and not something people even ever thought about! It was just the way we all live together. One of the first things which had disappeared from the face of society once people began living the way we were intended, or sex crimes. It was now recognized as common knowledge that the habit of wearing close as they did back in the olden days, and treating the human body and it's normal sexuality as things which should be hidden away, especially from children and thought of as dirty and something to be ashamed of, was the single biggest cause of people growing to adulthood with sick and twisted ideas about their bodies, and an obsession with sex - that for bidden fruit for which they had their hand slapped, and been taught was nasty and filthy. Oh thank goodness now we knew better!

And so it was filled with these thoughts and musings that my wife and I strolled along the cobblestone pathway through the city park, on this bright and clear summer day. We held hands, fingers entwined as we walked, feeling the warm stones and interesting textures beneath our feet. The interesting combination of the smooth stones and soft sand in between them was a wonderfully tactile sensation! My wife's young firm breasts jiggled only slightly with her long graceful strides, and I (as did the other men we passed on our way) took a moment to appreciate their beauty and youth. Her perfectly sized nipples were not the pinkest pink, as she was a girl of fairly dark coloration. However they were the perfect color to complement her skin tone. Yes she was a beautiful girl, not yet to her mid-20s and with a body which was overall perfect, as far as I was concerned. I also liked that she was not one of these girls that completely shaved her delicate, shapely pubic mound, but rather trimmed the nearly black kinky hair to a neat triangle, and kept it closely cropped. As I thought of her body and felt her hand in mine, and looked over at my lover strolling there beside me I felt that familiar tingling in my loins for her, and my manhood began to stir slightly.

The wonderful summer sunshine was warm against her skin and we felt its heat on our backs, bare buttocks and along the backs of our legs. As we approached a children's play area I smiled at the happy giggling children playing in the swings, or sitting at the edge of the sandbox with their toy pails and shovels. Next to the sandbox was a couple relaxed down on the grass, the husband watching their child play in the sand as his companion, perhaps the child's mother, enjoyed his erection with her mouth as she lay on the soft grass with her head in his lap. I couldn't help but imagine the pleasure he was getting from her sucking, and the chili must feel on the rigid shaft of his cock one her mouth was up near the head of it, and the wetness of her sucking evaporated from the sensitive skin of his organ before she plunged her self down upon it again. And all about the area where people, men and women boys and girls, relaxing on blankets or likewise directly on the beautifully kept lawn. As Janet looked over and saw what they were doing she smiled, and gripped my hand more tightly for a moment. Yes it was always nice to see people treating each other kindly and with love, and again my mind reeled thinking about the brutality, and bloody violence which once permeated our movies, television, and the old two-dimensional videogames. Yes indeed I mused it was a wonderful time to be alive!

We been wanting for some time now, and I for one was happy to see we were approaching a shaded area with a water fountain and bench. Janet must've been in the same mind because we both simultaneously and without speaking angle bar stride in that direction. While the sun had felt good our skin I also enjoyed the cool shade of the large maple trees which flourished in the area. I let my lady go first of course, slaking her thirst and taking her satisfaction at the fountain bubbling its crystal clear, cool drinking water. After she stepped aside, I bent down and took my fill. "Want to crash a while?" she asked, and I quickly agreed joining her on the wide comfortable seat of the park bench. Though it was a summer afternoon it was neither oppressively hot, nor muggy since the humidity was always kept low due to the cooling wind in off the Pacific ocean, and so we set close together, my arm across her shoulder hugging her tightly to me. Her long graceful arm was draped across the back of our seat, and so was natural for my dangling hand to find and then softly stroked the side of her firm young breast. She snuggled more tightly against me at the attention, and I saw perfect little nipples stiffen with the pleasure of it, as they sat there atop their shapely mounds. She was sitting with her knees far apart of course, so the wonderful cooling air could get freely in between her legs and give her the enjoyment of that sensation. And as I looked down at Janet's wonderfully manicured personal topiary, again my manhood began to stir.

We sat for a bit just enjoying the day, and each other's company, and noticed that the couple over by the sandbox was now doing the sixty-nine with the man laying flat on his back, on the grass. She had her self positioned perfectly above his face so that he could enjoy her just as she was enjoying him, his tongue busily flicking and lips kissing her sex, and that she briefly raised yourself up on extended arms releasing his cock from her sucking for a moment, she threw her head back in ecstasy and Janet said, "that looks like a lot of fun!". Agreeing, I turned my head from watching the other couple making love together freely thereupon God's earth to look at my bride, and I noticed that her hand which had been extended along the top of the bench was now playing casually between her own legs, as she masturbated gently and slowly as the summer breezes caressed our skin. This was all the final arousal I could take and so sitting there, I grasped my own member as it finished stiffening at the thought of what my wife was doing chores self there beside me. And so the sun moved and are shade slowly began to disappear we sat on the bench hugging one another and moving my hand between her legs and her hand becoming a fist to grip me and begin jacking me off slowly, we sat there once again in the full sunlight enjoying each other's touch as middle-aged couples walked by regarding us, and smiling as perhaps they remembered their own youth.

Being a man and therefore week of sex and will, I climaxed first my spume arcing out impressively as Janet jacked me off expertly. I moaned with the pleasure of it as I watched my product splatter all quite and spent onto the concrete area in front of our bench. The concrete was warm in the sun was full so I had no doubt it would dry quickly, and I hope that would happen before someone stepped in it. Not that people mind stepping and stuff like that providing they know it's there, after all it's just a natural body fluid and so therefore no big deal. But then I stop thinking about that and set my task to working my own expertise on my wife's tender sensitive and beautiful clit, and as the couple across the way who had been sixty-nineing one another changed positions and she began riding his cock in the classic cowgirl, their child still playing in the sandbox and with her ample breasts proffered to his face that he could suckle them inflict them with his tongue, so I succeeded in triggering my young wife's strong, shuddering orgasm.

After we both recovered a bit we got up off the bench, grabbed another drink of water, and headed back for home. We had company coming over tonight, and Janet needed to get some hors d'oeuvres ready and tidy up the house a bit and I needed to get into the garage and drag out the extra blankets and lawn chairs for after dinner when we all wanted to crash in the backyard or just get an orgy going, like what happened at our last big family reunion. But the moment we were standing on a street corner waiting for the light to change so we could cross, and the heat of the day had made the concrete considerably hotter under her bare feet that had been earlier. A motorcyclist slowing to make the right turn as we stood there turned and took in my wife's body and complemented her breasts, she grinned and waved at him and yelled a thank you as he drove away. I thought to myself how I never have women complement the size of my cock! But then in all truth, I was what you would call entirely average down there. Oh well, none of the women I'd ever fucked had ever complained. Certainly not my wife either when we were dating or her since we've been married, nor her sister or friends from work, or either of my best friends daughter's though in truth they didn't have a whole lot of experience with other men to compare me to. Then as the light changed were really struck with the heat as we stepped onto the black asphalt the roadway. We walked quickly to the other side and relished the cooler surface on that side of the street was in the shade of the building.

As we got to the bus stop we only had to wait a couple of minutes until our ride got there, and due to the time of day it was fairly crowded. There was standing room only and we had to crush an little bit of monks are fellow riders but that was okay. It was a good way to get to meet new people as we press the flesh on the way home. And then I got the complement had been waiting for! An elderly woman sitting on the seat next to where I was standing was eyeing my penis, and when she realized I knew she was staring at it she said "your bill just like my late husband was, when he was your age!" so I acknowledged her, smiling, and gave it a shake at her. This made her laugh, and she said her husband had always done the same thing. I guess guys are pretty much all alike when it comes to that sort of thing.

Finally we got back to the house, and gratefully though tiredly climbed the steps to the front porch. Our daughter Jennifer was there, sitting in one of the large comfortable wicker chairs we had placed for just such relaxation. She was reading an e-book, kicked back and comfortable with one leg thrown up over the arm of the chair and the other up with her heel resting on the porch railing. I could tell she'd been out and about, probably messing around with some friends, as the sole of her foot which was up on the hand railing was positively black. Noticing this also, Janet asked her where she'd been all day and the girl replied "oh a bunch of us played basketball for a while at the community center (which partially explained it is that was an asphalt playing surface) and then Rebecca's dad drove us all to the mall for a while. I replied to her, as I opened the screen door to enter the house, "well as long as he had funds sweetheart" to which she assured me they had, as she went back to her e-book. From the sound of the music upstairs our son Rick was at home to. But just then the music shut off in his door opened and he and his girlfriend came bouncing down the stairs giddy with whatever they had just been up to. Rick still had a half-mast boner, and his girlfriend Brittany looked like a fresh fucked fox so I assumed they'd been playing a game of hide the weenie. Although usually she enjoyed giving him a blow job since it was less messy for her deal with on the walk home, and she reportedly did so enjoy the taste of cum. But hey, they were both teenagers and plenty old enough to decide what they wanted to do, so whatever made them happy was good with his mother and me.

The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully, and then gradually our guests for the evening began to arrive. Jennifer was still on the front porch and greeted the mall cordially as they arrived, and told him to go on the mouse. Of course anyone who had been wearing flip-flops (some people had trouble dealing with hot concrete or gravel) kicked them off their own the porch before entering the house. After all, what kind of weirdo would wear shoes in the house?! The kids washed up and joined us for dinner, though Rick's girlfriend had needed to go home to be with her own family, and then afterwards the group migrated to our spacious backyard to make use of the blankets and chairs that I had set out earlier. It was actually very nice with everyone sitting and visiting and being cordial, but of course after a couple of hours when dinner had settled people started getting Randy has people will and do a full-fledged orgy never happened, there were couples and threesomes and even one four-way forced to watch and enjoy. And I was so proud of Jennifer and her brother, without even being asked they both began circulating with a tray of drinks for the thirsty guests.

And as our son Rick went by with some empty glasses heading for the kitchen, Janet and I couldn't help but notice how full and mature his currently fully erect cock had grown. This did not surprise me since only a couple of minutes ago I've seen this sister handling him, and sucking him just for the tease of it. Oh sure that was technically what was still called incest, and was one of the last silly taboos our society had to outgrow - because after all, as long as you work mixing the DNA and creating a baby who cares?! Once you get beyond that, it's just cocks pussy's mouths and fists and really doesn't matter.

His mother said to me, "isn't it amazing how fast they grow up" and I agreed it was true, as I noticed how nicely his sister was budding out. She was one of those girls that chose to shave herself and keep the 'bare floors' look going even though she was well past the onset of puberty. And as I watched our friends have fun as the sun set over the top of the Arborvitae, I thought one more time that day what a great time it was, to be alive.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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