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A Boy and His Flashlight Chapter 8

dandalk on Mind Control Stories

"Yo!" Evan answered when he heard Casey's ringtone on his cellphone. "Hey man," Casey drawled. "What are you doing right now?" "Not much. Just sittin' here watching tv, dude. Why?" "Dude, you've been the master of the hookup. Do you think you can do anything for Sophia?" "Dude, what am I? A yenta?" "She's just been doing a lot of moaning lately about not having a boyfriend and it's getting really annoying. When you hooked up with Ryoko it just reminded her that she doesn't have anyone and she's feelin' pretty down because of it." "Why does she need me to find someone for her? She's hardly ugly. I've heard guys talking about her." "Yeah, dude, but she's kinda picky." "Is there anybody in particular she has in mind?" "Yeah, she has a thing for Matt Gould." "Matt Gould? Hey listen dude, this isn't intended to be an insult to her, but he's out of her league. He has hot and cold running pussy all day long, man. Half the girls in school are warm for his form." "Yeah, I know, every high school girl falls in love with the quarterback, pretty lame." "So then you're asking me to hook  her up with Matt Gould? Wouldn't he just fuck her and then move on to the next piece of ass that comes along?" "Probably." "So then what will she do when she finds out that her dream man looks at her as just another hole to drill?" "I tried to warn her, dude, but you know how chicks are." "Ugh. Yeah. The douchier the better huh?" "Yeah, ha ha."

"Look Casey, you and I have been friends since we were little kids, but I have no idea how to even get close to Matt much less find a way to talk to him. Can't she just reduce her expectations to a more reasonable level?" "Dude, she's a chick, remember?" "*Facepalms* Good point, dude. Fuck. You're sure she won't want to go out with Ryan Sawyer? That dude is totally into her." "Nah man. She shot him down a while ago." "Well, that's bullshit. Ryan's a really good guy." "Yeah, but that's probably part of the problem." "No shit, huh? Fuck, chicks. Jesus. What the fuck? Thank God Yvonne doesn't think like that. I'd tear my hair out." "Yeah." "Listen Case, if she ratchets her expectations down, let me know. But Matt Gould just is not going to happen. He'll probably marry some supermodel after he gets his first NFL contract, if he gets that far.  Your sister is really cute, but she isn't the next Gisele Bundchen." "Well, thanks anyway, man. I didn't mean to be a pain in the ass." "Seriously, dude, if she goes down the ladder a little she'll find someone who'll treat her well and not just as another piece of meat." "Yeah. Anyway, later." "Later."

Yvonne was being cuddled by Evan when Casey called and therefore was listening to the conversation. "Sophia wants to date Matt Gould?" Yvonne giggled. "And I want to be queen of England. What is she thinking?" "Babe, I honestly don't know. Unfortunately, this is pretty typical shit for too many chicks." "Maybe because Pam got hooked up with her brother that gave her hope that she could find someone on that level too?" "Yeah, maybe. Talk about unintended consequences!" "How is his relationship with Pam going, by the way?" "I haven't heard him complaining about it, so pretty cool, I guess." "I hope so." "You and me both, babe."

The thing was that turning Matt into a slave for Sophia appealed to Evan's sense of humor in the same way that giving Pam to Casey and Kim to Bill did. But he had never had Matt in any of his classes or met him elsewhere. He could always enslave Sophia to Ryan. The problem with that was that he actually cared about Sophia, especially since she was Ryoko's best friend, while Pam and Kim were more or less bitches he felt needed to be brought back to reality.

The next day, after thinking things over, he decided that he would talk to Sophia and make some minor changes to her character so that she would have a more rational outlook on who she should date. The quandary was how far he should take things. This was REALLY tricky and he didn't want to set her up in a way that would backfire on her. He definitely needed to get her off of being one of those chicks who wants to bask in the reflected glory of her mate or go out with the handsomest boy in school merely because it would give her a kind of victory over her fellow female competitors. Nobody hates women like a woman does because too many of them are egregious attention whores. On the other hand, he didn't want to frame things for her in such a way that she would choose to stay with a nice guy who proves not to be fulfilling for her (especially in the bedroom).

"Hi Evan. What's up, bro?" "Hey Casey. Is your sister going to be home tonight?" "Probably. Why?" "I decided I wanted to talk to her about the guys she decides to date." "Well, good luck with that one, dude. You know how chicks are." "Yeah, I hear ya. But you gotta take the shot, you know?" "Yeah. So you're going to try to hook her up with Ryan?" "Dude, she's got to make that decision for herself. And I think that ship sank ages ago anyway." "Yeah, probably." "Anyway, I'll be over about eight if that's cool with you and your family." "Yeah, no prob, dude. See ya  then." "Later, man."

Later that night, Evan showed up on Casey's doorstep. He took him upstairs to Sophia's room. He knocked and was allowed in. "Hiya Soph." "Hi Evan." "How ya feelin' tonight? I'm doin' okay, I guess." Evan flipped off the light switch in her room and shined his penlight into her face, paralyzing her. "You will choose your boyfriends based on who would love and care for you the best and, when you do choose to make somebody your boyfriend you will love him up bigtime," he started. When she came out of the stupor the flashlight induced, he hit her with it again. "You will not stay with guys who are bad in bed or who screw around on you. You also will love the taste of cum and be willing to give your boyfriend a blowjob anytime he wants one."

He turned the room light back on as her senses found their footing again. "So I hear you're having a little personal crisis because you don't have a boyfriend right now, " he opened. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." "Someone told me that you wanted to get with Matt Gould?" 'Yeah, but thinking about it now, he probably wouldn't be right for me." "Yeah, I agree, Sophia." "How are things with Ryoko?" "Really Good. Thanks for introducing her to me." "You're welcome." "Well look Sophia, just relax and take things one day at a time. You still have a long time on this earth and everybody goes through dry patches. Just keep your eyes open for good guys to go out with and you'll be okay." "Thanks Evan. It was nice of you to come over to cheer me up." "No problem, babe. Yvonne, Ryoko and I all like you, so hang loose." Thanks." "Bye babe."

That little crisis appeared to be averted for the moment. It was going to be interesting to see who she would go for once school went back into session only about a month hence.

The following Monday was registration day for the new semester and for the first time ever Yvonne and Evan were able to get all of their classes together except for gym, which they had the same period but the classes were segregated by sex. Since Ryoko was two years younger and had different requirements, they couldn't get any of the same classes, but her and Sophia did. Of course, Casey and Bill were there, but their girlfriends had already graduated and were preparing to head off to college the following week. So after the high schoolers did what they had to do, Evan swung by Pam's and Kim's places to pick them up and take everybody to the beach.

While amusing themselves oceanside, Evan buttonholed the two now former cheerleaders separately and told them that while they were at college they would not date anyone else unless Casey and Bill broke up with them. Even though they had been going out with Evan's friends, they were still programmed to obey Evan's orders. Pam got a lot of wolf whistles and guys just outright peeping her hardcore as she swung her hips while walking on the shore and engendered some incredulous looks when they saw who her boyfriend was. This made Evan laugh knowing that the wannabe Lotharios were being ignored in favor of a geek.

The summer sun deepened Yvonne's and Ryoko's tan lines, further frustrating Evan since he still had almost two more weeks to wait before he could conquer Ryoko due to her birth control pills becoming effective then. Fortunately, he was able to use that pent up desire to ream the shit out of Yvonne's cunt once they got home, which was shortly before dinner time.

Once dinner was eaten, Evan initiated a full on assault of Ryoko's clit so that she wouldn't feel left out and the endorphins that were created by the half dozen or so orgasms he generated within her surely went a ways to mollify any lingering feelings of alienation.

Finally, finally, it was the last Friday of August and Evan was poised to be Ryoko's first time. First, he took just her to the beach and spent a nice mellow day there. Ryoko was now quite dark since she had been supplementing the beach trips with laying out in the backyard. They then went home and he had a masseuse come over to give her a professional massage to REALLY relax her. They took a shower together and the white of the shower stall's surfaces highlighted even more starkly how brown she now was.

They got dressed and went out to a very pricy french restaurant for dinner and spent a relaxing couple of hours working their taste buds out. They couldn't order any wine, though, since they were minors. So Evan had his mom buy a bottle and it and two wine glasses were on his dresser when they got home. They shed their clothes and he poured the red liquid into the glasses and they sipped it while exchanging kisses for the next half an hour. She, of course, knew what this was leading up to, but it was all very romantic and relaxing and so when they put the glasses aside and really went into some hardcore tongue wrestling, she was in a happy but yet also somewhat nervous mood.

The first orgasm that hit her after he had been rubbing her clit while simultaneously sucking her nipples caused endorphins to flood her system and the fear was becoming a more and  more distant memory, especially as he was taking a lot of time stimulating her arousal as high as he could. But before he began to eat her, he tickled her until she was breathless to help siphon off any nervous energy and just to use laughter as a way to make her even happier and her brain even more inundated with endorphins.

He then returned to her nipples for a few minutes before kissing her all over her body, endeavoring to convey his love of all of her as much as possible with his lips before they skated over her pubic hair covered mound and into her steaming jungle, where he alternately sucked her clit and licked up and down her slit while also nuzzling it with his fingertips. He never penetrated her pussy with his digits because he wanted to save the sensation of his transgressing her gates for his penis. He licked, sucked, snaked his tongue and rolled her clit hood and she responded euphorically, the alcohol helping to nudge the intensity of the mood up just that much further. Her moans, gasps, sighs and orgasmic screams provided the soundtrack for the encounter.

He  finally raised his head from between her legs and scooted forward, his body over hers. He gently caressed both of her cheeks with his hands and peppered her lips and eyelids with soft kisses, his stiff cock now ready to do the deed. "I love you, Ryoko," he testified and then leaned his cockhead at her pink door and barged through it. The further his cock got into her, the more stinging she felt,  but he had created such a relaxed atmosphere that the pain was rather dull. He felt something resisting the further incursion of his manhood and held it there for a minute while tenderly kissing her once more. As he kissed her, he punched his flesh spear forward, renting her hymen asunder and causing small spots of blood to litter the bed sheet under her. She yelped and writhed and drew air through her teeth while he cleared a path deeper into her until he was in to the hilt. She felt like someone was dotting the walls of her vagina with fire tipped darts. He swaddled her in his arms and held her while his hips remained dead still. She held on to him so tightly with her legs and arms they were literally wrapped up in each other as her blood continued to leak out.

He began to thrust quite slowly and was disturbed at seeing her feeling such discomfort, but it would have been more marked if he hadn't gotten her so relaxed. He had done everything he could and she appreciated every minute of it and understood that her pain had to happen. He kissed and nibbled her ears while his train rode through her tunnel over and over. The hurt was now waning and she was grateful for it. She suddenly produced a pronounced moan and he was able to step up his march through her sacred land. "Oooohhhhhh," she whimpered. "God oh God, Evan, oh that feels so good," she relayed to him and his mood brightened since she was now able to enjoy it. "Oh yes Evan, God, I want this sensation to go on forever," she prayed. Bit by bit, he amped up the vigor with which he was coring her and she was leaving ruts in his back with her fingernails as her climax began to approach. When her pants came hotter,  harder and quicker, he stroked himself in and out of her like he was trying to ravage her. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh my God yes, oh God Evan, ohhh yessss," she hastily breathed and muttered. The accumulation of pleasure attained its apogee and she suddenly burst out in a series of hard, furious pants as the heat within her was dynamited all over her body, her legs closing tighter around his back wanting more of this and deeper, too. "Oh God yes, oh yes, fuck me fuck me!" she demanded trying to extend the period that her orgasm lasted. She let out a long sigh when it subsided as he jackhammered her ceaselessly. He was about to reach his own summit of pleasure and his grunts told her to ready herself for her first injection of semen. He slimed her cervix with his thick white cream packets and she was now a woman.

They were both somewhat out of breath when it was over and he pulled her into him and kissed her hard before they broke it to recover, her head resting on his shoulder. "Thank you Evan. You really made me feel loved today. I'm so glad it was you who was my first." "You deserved it Ryoko. You're an amazing girl and I'm lucky to be with you."

Evan pulled out some tissues from a box on the nightstand and cleaned up the cum and blood that had smeared her vulva and thighs before chucking the soiled wad into his waste basket. "You're probably going to be sore, babe. Yvonne was. So don't be scared if you feel it. It's
normal." "I know, sweety. I already talked about it with Yvonne and Sophia. He threw his boxers on, got up to use the bathroom and then brought glasses of water to bed on the return trip and handed her one. They drank the water down and kissed her softly. Then he refilled the wine glasses about a quarter full, toasted their relationship and slugged it down. He cuddled her and, 15 minutes later, they were asleep.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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