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A Boy and His Flashlight Chapter 16

dandalk on Mind Control Stories

The incident with the last girl he picked up took put a damper on his enthusiasm for going after the Japanese locals with his penlight. So he concentrated on screwing Yvonne, Ryoko and Aolani after enjoying the various historical sites in Japan during the day.. Ryoko continued to play informal tour guide to help her non-Japanese compatriots negotiate their way around her native country.

In mid-August, their final day in Japan came. "So how do you feel about going back to California?" Evan inquired of Ryoko. "I like California better, but it was really great you allowed me to revisit Japan. I definitely feel a need to come back every now and then." "Yeah, I noticed all the manga you bought." "Yeah," she giggled. "I don't think it will be that long before we'll be back, sweetheart," he pointedly informed her. Ryoko's eyes fluttered quizzically. "Did he just tell me he's going to propose to me?" she wondered.

That  night, as he held Yvonne in bed, he said, "thanks for coming with us, babe. There's just no way I would have enjoyed it as much as I did without you here." "It's going to be weird going from Japan, though, right on to a college campus just a few days later, honey, just when we've gotten used to being here," she chuckled. "No shit, huh?" he rejoindered.

The flight back went off as smoothly as those things do these days. They were definitely glad to be back in their own beds, Evan sandwiched by Yvonne and Ryoko. He hugged them both hard before he finally slipped into dreamland while they comforted themselves with his warmth and love before they, too, nodded off peacefully.

Less than a week later, Evan and Yvonne were on the campus of their university as freshmen. He was immediately delighted by the much improved quality of the women he saw both walking around the grounds and in his classes.

That Friday, though, Evan told Yvonne he needed to talk to her about something serious. "How would you feel if I married Ryoko?" he interrogated. "I would be totally jealous of her, but not hate her," she explained. "Does that mean you intend to have kids with her, too?" "Yeah. She and you would be great mothers to our kids. Nothing, hopefully will change in my relationship with you. You'll still be in my bed every night unless, of course, you find someone else you want to do that with." "No, that's not going to happen Evan. I might find someone to have children with, but I want you to raise them. It just sucks so much, though, that you can't be the one to impregnate me." "You're telling me, Yvonne. It makes me so horny to think of implanting my seed inside you and watching your belly grow."

"Why did you decide you want to marry Ryoko?" Yvonne cross examined. "Well, for one thing, I'm not sure that when she turns 18 she'll be able to go to college at in state tuition rates or even if she'll have to return to Japan since she will be considered an adult and able to act on her own and not as a dependent. Secondly, I love her, she loves me and she also loves you and, especially, Aolani." "So what are you going to have you guys' kids call me?" she wanted to know. "They'll call you 'mommy Yvonne' and Ryoko will just be 'mom' or 'mommy,'" he predicted.

"I guess this was inevitable," Yvonne reasoned discontentedly but nonetheless in a resigned manner. "The important thing you need to remember, Yvonne, is that you're still first in my life, always will  be and I'm hoping that all of us can act as a support system for each other so that you're protected if I do something really stupid and I'm not here anymore." "I know you don't mean anything bad by this, Evan. It's just that in my heart of hearts I want you all to myself." "I know what you mean," he replied. "That's why I gave you that ring. To me, you and I will always be spiritually married even if we can't do it legally. I will love you with all my heart, Yvonne, until I draw my last breath. Let's just try to make a larger circle of love for you, me, Ryoko and Aolani and whatever kids we might have." "Okay, honey. I'll keep treating Ryoko and Aolani like my little sisters." "You do that, Yvonne. You're like my first wife, Ryoko is wife 1.5 and Aolani is wife number two," he propounded. Yvonne embraced Evan and they shared several warm, soft kisses.

 The next day, which was a Saturday, while Ryoko was over at Sophia's, Evan went to a jewelry store and bought an engagement ring for his Japanese girlfriend. Sunday, he took her to her favorite Japanese restaurant and proposed to her and, at age 16, the young beauty officially had a fiance. They were going to wait until she was 18 before actually becoming man and wife so that her parents wouldn't freak out and try to rescind the guardianship they had allowed Evan's parents to have over their daughter. They were also afraid that the State Department wouldn't recognize a fiance visa for a minor. Therefore, they wouldn't notify her parents until a relatively short period before the wedding.

"Welcome to our family for real," Yvonne laughed when Evan and Ryoko came home. She hugged her beloved brother's betrothed and Ryoko returned, "thank you sis. You're lucky to have such a great brother."  When they all went to bed that night, Evan had Ryoko cuddle Yvonne while he held Ryoko. It was a tacit message that said, "I'll protect you, but you have to protect my twin sister."

A bit over two weeks later, Yvonne reported to Evan that she may have found her sperm donor. It was a Taiwanese student named Robert Feng, who was in her biology class. "He's cute, really smart, tall, I think about 6'1", super nice and has a dorky but endearing sense of humor," she bubbled. "So have you started hitting on him?" Evan asked. "Not really. Because I've always had you, I never really developed that sense of how to flirt with guys." Evan then lectured her on how to get close to a boy.

She started making sure she would sit next to or near him and talk to him. The thing was that she would never be interested in marrying him. She only wanted him to eventually knock her up, Simple enough on its face, but she would have to keep him around for four years at least before she would choose to get pregnant and then she would have to dump him so that Evan could, in effect, be the child's father. It was all very complicated. For example, what if Robert asked her to marry him over that time? Or he just got tired of her and wanted to move on? She hoped that them still being in school would prevent that from happening. But then again, married college students were hardly unknown.

She rearranged "her" bedroom so that it would look neater and less of a glorified walk in closet for her and Ryoko for when she took him into it, if she got the opportunity. In a way, though, even if she couldn't keep Robert around that long it would give her experience in relating intimately to men other than Evan. That could eventually turn into something even better.

For Robert, what he liked about Yvonne was her gentle manner and even temperment. He would eventually tell her that she was "a Chinese girl trapped in a white chick's body.," which cracked Yvonne up. Evan told his sister to take Robert to dinner after school, her treat, so that they could get to know each other better.

She did that Monday and  Robert accepted. They went to a halfway decent chain restaurant across the street  from their campus and spent the ensuing couple of hours eating, talking and joking around. If Robert wasn't certain before if Yvonne liked him in a more than strictly classmates way he knew now. She hugged him goodbye and then called Evan to come pick her up.

Tuesday, Robert saw Yvonne and Evan having lunch al fresco just outside the school cafeteria. He knew that she had a twin brother, so he scoped it out for a few minutes to make sure it was a guy who looked like a male version of her and not another suitor. He then went up to them to say hi. Yvonne asked him to have a seat and Evan made an excuse to get lost. "Thanks for taking me out yesterday," he said. "It was fun sweety," she asserted. "You're a great dinner companion," she giggled. "Hey, I know a good Chinese restaurant. You wanna check it out with me?" he implored. "I love Chinese food!" she enthused. "Sweet!" he reacted.

They made plans for later that day and he eventually picked her up at seven. It was a little place in a strip mall owned by Chinese emigres. "They serve the real thing here," he lectured her. They started out with some Dim sum and it progressed from there. "Oh my God Robert, the food here is outstanding!" she praised. "If you want real Chinese food you have to go with a Chinese!" he smiled. "Jesus, this guy is really nice n both senses of the word!" she thought to herself. She had a really good time and invited him to kiss her when he dropped her off.

As she lay in the arms of a slumbering Evan, Yvonne imagined how Robert's cock might feel inside of her since the only one she had experienced to that point was her twin's. She wondered how emotionally different it was going to be sleeping with her new beau as opposed to with Evan. She held her sibling's hands even tighter against her while she mulled everything over.

Wednesday, Evan and Yvonne conspired to create an opportunity to get Robert into her bed Friday. Thursday, she asked Robert over to her house after they finished their classes Friday. "It's kinda early for me to meet your parents, don't you think?" he challenged. "Don't worry, sweety. They don't care. You and I are adults, so they expect me to bring a boyfriend home occasionally." "Okay," he tentatively agreed.

Friday, Evan and Ryoko picked Robert and Yvonne up in his van and took them home. Robert thought it odd that there was only a mattress and pillows in the back and not seats. Yvonne snuggled up to him as they headed to her house, which made the mattress very comfortable indeed. Robert's heart leapt into his throat when Evan pulled into his family's driveway. In Taiwan, meeting the parents of your girlfriend is a huge deal. They all stepped through the threshold and right up the stairs to Evan's room. They chitchatted for a bit. Ryoko was becoming increasingly affectionate with Evan, so Yvonne suggested that they go to her room in order to lend the two lovebirds some privacy. "Your parents really don't care?" he questioned again. "No, it's not any of their business," Yvonne pointedly rejoindered.

She sat on the bed crosslegged and bid Robert to join her. She had him lay his head in her lap. She tenderly stroked his cheeks while they conversed. Robert asked about the mattress in the van. "During school, sometimes we like to nap during lunch or if we have long intervals between classes," she stated. "Or we'll kick it and listen to the radio while doing homework." That was factual, but it was only a half truth. She bent her head down and applied her lips to his. They kissed this way for a few minutes before she laid down on the bed "to get more comfortable. She slid a pillow under his head and one under hers. He rotated his body so that he was on top of her and began resumed kissing her. He eventually started undoing the buttons on her light blue blouse and then reached behind her back to unhook her bra. Yvonne sat up and shed both items, exposing her lovely little tits to him. They kept on kissing while he fondled her jugs and she popped the buttons on his goldish yellow shirt before running her soft hands over his chest.

Yvonne was feeling hot and wet between her legs and her nipples ached at full erection. She pushed his head down and then felt his warm breath surrounding her milk ducts, followed by the sensation of them being gently pulled on via his suction. "Oh my God, Robert," she said softly, the sentence aborted by a sensuous moan. She slowly brushed his short black hair with her fingers as he built her fire. He unsnapped her jeans and his palm snaked down her stomach and under her trousers and then her white cotton panties, encountering the moisture at the entrance of her  jade hall. He gingerly rubbed her vulva, Yvonne loving the friction that created against her clit.

Yvonne grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her snatch and then rolled him over on to his back. She repositioned herself between his legs and unhooked his belt and opened it. She pulled the snap of his pants apart and yanked his zipper down. But first, she had to get his shoes out of the way and untied them and jerked them off his feet. She reached inside the waistband of his jeans and peeled them off of him, followed by his underwear. His 6.5 inch uncircumcised cock came into view and she smiled at him as she enclosed it in her lefthand. She stroked it a few times and it was already stiff and precum was dribbling out of his fountainhead. She sandwiched his prong with her lips and then eased them up and down his engorged shaft, his slightly salty precum flowing over her tongue and ultimately into her stomach. He sighed and panted as the sensations piled up in his brain, the feel of her soft, wet tongue on his sensitive dick agonizingly pleasurable to him.

Her head bobbed up and down more and more vigorously and his ardor escalated as his meat stick became more sensitive until he relieved the pressure in his balls inside of her yapper. She quickly gulped the salty, snotty cream down and then gave him a quick peck on the lips with a giggle. He plunged his tongue between her thighs and tasted her wetness, eagerly lapping it up. He rubbed the hood of the clit with it, alternating that with just the right amount of suction to get her really going. She smiled subconsciously as those familiar feelings accumulated inside of her and loosened her hold on her breathing and her senses. "Ohhhhh God Robert, oh my God," she puffed, as hhe continued his oral ministrations. He inserted a finger into her and felt for the ridges on her upper wall. The synergistic effect of the digital and oral stimulation heightened the build up and he was able to goose her into convulsions of ecstasy, which caused her to lubricate even more and the taste of that provided him an incentive to keep his assault on her little man on the boat going. The more he made her orgasm the more juices filled her love canal and it also increased her need for dick.

With his jaw beginning to wear out, he mounted her. She sighed as the comforting feeling of his pole scraping against her moist vaginal walls reached her brain. She rested her legs on his hips while he hoed her furrow with his implement, another enjoyable session of intercourse now underway. He felt the sweet vice of her vaginal muscles congregating around his invading weapon and buried it deep inside of her over and over for both of their pleasure. "Oh yes Robert, oh my God, that's good," she gasped. He smiled at the compliment as the nerve endings on his erect shaft and cockhead registered the pressure her velvety hole exerted on them. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhh," she moaned as she realized she was approaching her melting  point, her breathing jumpier and raspier. "God, fuck me hard!" she desperately demanded and his pubic bone rebounded hard off of her ass with each in stroke, dispatching her to nirvana. He continued to deliver the goods to her hallowed hall and it wasn't long before her strangled, gasping voice demonstrated the intensity with which she was cumming. He was just about there himself and poured his swimmers.into her pool.

"Oh my God Robert, oh God," she said, as she attempted to get her breath back while hugging him. He'd been with a couple of Chinese girls back home, but this was his first white one. She held herself against his lean body after having sealed their union as boyfriend and girlfriend.



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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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