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Saving her from herself - Chapter 2

TelltaleInsanity on Incest Stories

The heady aroma of charred meat greeted Nate as soon as he climbed out of the car. The mouthwatering scent caused his stomach to loudly grumble a complaint at him. The sweet and sour pork he had eaten at lunch left him wanting something more substantial. He waved his friend on and went inside. The door closed nearly silently behind him.  He could hear the faint sound of conversation coming from the back yard as he ambled through the living room. All of the hunger fueled thoughts of the delicious smelling food melted away the instant he entered the kitchen and caught a glimpse of the devilish girl that haunted his dreams.

There she stood with her hair pulled back in that all too familiar messy ponytail. She did not seem to realize that he was there which was fine with him.  His gaze slowly traveled down her body as he savored her true beauty. He had never realized how much her slight boyish form had filled out over the past few months. His little sister had blossomed into a young woman right under his nose. He ached to touch her, to experience the feel of her body as he languidly explored every inch of it. The urge to touch her soft skin overrode all logic. He could feel his cock quicken in his pants. He took a cautious step toward her as she stood there with her back to him. The sound of the blade hitting the heavy wooden cutting board seemed so distant.

His hand trembled slightly as he lifted it from his side. Just as he was about to reach for her she turned her head a little to the right. That was when he saw it. A solitary tear rolled down her flawless cheek. He stopped dead in his tracks and his hand dropped. In that moment he realized just how badly that bastard had hurt her. She quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand. He finally understood everything about the introduction that she had wrote on the site. He hated himself with each passing second for the thoughts that crossed his mind as he read it the night before.  

From the time they were both quite young he had always had that hard wired need to protect his sister, whether it was from the neighbor’s dog, to the boy that made fun of her in junior high. He had beaten up bullies for her, and taken the fall on those rare occasions when she actually did something wrong and her parents almost caught her. He had always been there to put himself in harm’s way to protect her. It hurt him so deeply now to see her like that. She no longer confided in him like she once did when they were younger.  He felt helpless. When he first read her post and saw the photos of her naked body protecting her was the farthest thing from his mind. He saw her as an easy conquest that was just begging to be used and abused, and he knew that was the same thing that all those other men who were fawning over her were thinking as well. He knew that he had to do something to keep her safe but at that moment he was not sure what his next move would be.

Thankfully his mother entered the kitchen carrying a large platter of grilled steak into the kitchen. The distraction of the freshly prepared food was a welcomed one.  His appetite for Kayla had diminished but not his hunger for food. He wolfed down his food in hopes of escaping her company before his thoughts began to slip once again. Once he was alone again in the sanctuary of his bedroom he tried to figure out what he could do to intervene before one of the deviants got their hooks into her. He thought about calling her out on it, or even telling their parents about her activities but he simply could not bring himself to do either. He soon realized that there was only one viable solution. He had to seduce her and convince her to ignore all of those idiots. It was not going to be an easy task but he had no other choice.

The moment that he sat down at his computer he typed in the address that led him quickly to her profile. Dozens upon dozens of new comments from horny men who wished to exploit her vulnerability appeared on her page. They were desperate to be the one to give her what she had asked for. Some of the replies were degrading. Others were that were purely sexual in nature. Lastly there were those one that dripped with false sincerity. He knew he would have to move swiftly to keep her broken heart from leading her down a very dangerous path that she had decided to embark upon. For that he would need to create an account, one that would be impossible for her to connect to him. It only took him a couple of minutes to type up a heartfelt profile. He was careful with words in case she chose to check it out. For it to work she could never expect that it was him behind the façade. Once everything was in order he began to write a private message.

“Forgive the intrusion into your world but after reading all that you have shared I felt compelled to speak my mind. Physical pain can be an impressive tool to distract one from the emotional pain that has been inflicted upon them. Administered correctly, it can also be quite pleasurable. To see one so young offer herself up on a silver platter to any depraved soul that wished to abuse her is saddens me. I have seen many girls in similar situations never recover from the mistake of offering up any level submission to the masses. It would be a shame to see one so young and beautiful make that mistake. If it simply distraction you crave then I shall offer up my services. I will not make any false professions of love in order to gain your favor nor shall I allow you to be viewed as merely a piece of meat to be used for masturbatory purposes. I feel that you possess the substance to be much more than that. I shall be awaiting your reply.”


The moment he hit send he realized that the tiny green light next to her name was illuminated. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he failed to realize that she was on. His mouth felt instantly dry and the knot in his stomach returned. He knew that she had to be looking through the massive response her profile and words had warranted from the crowd. He nervously waited to see if she would respond to him at all. Time dragged on slowly over the next several minutes as he watched for the tiny pop up box to appear stating that he had a new message but nothing came. He cursed himself for writing her as he did, but no amount of self-loathing could change what was already done.


The agony he felt faded quickly the moment that the small blinking pop up window appeared on his screen. He swallowed hard as he clicked on it to see a reply from her. He knew there was a chance that all it would be was a quickly typed “fuck you” of a response. He feared that his presumptions that she would be too blind to see these creeps for what they were would make him nothing more than a target for her to lash out at. He held his breath as he waited for it to open. When it did all he could do was stare in disbelief.


“It sounds to me like you just want me all to yourself for the same reasons you think all the others do. Prove you’re different and maybe we will talk.”


He sighed heavily. He knew she could be a stubborn little bitch when she wanted and apparently she wanted to at that moment. If he showed any sign of weakness now she would assume he could be walked all over. There was only one way to deal with her.


“You must be such a foolish girl to think that I would jump through hoops for the privilege of your company.  Whores are a dime a dozen on this site and if you think that you can compete with them then feel free to do so because in a day or two when the newness wears off you will be just another forgotten slut that no one longs to play with.”


The words were much harsher than he wanted them to be but he knew if he wasn’t straight with her she would end up getting hurt much worse. He watched the screen for several minutes, reloading it to be sure that she hadn’t replied yet. When he clicked on her profile and found that she had vanished offline he thought it was a small victory. The urge to look at her pictures once more was becoming harder and harder for him to fight. He knew it was wrong to feel that way but he could not help it. There was just something about the thought of her naked and willing that made his cock throb. Just as he was about to click on her gallery the small pop up box came up informing him that he had a message from one of the girls that he had met on the site. He knew it meant only one thing. He fired back a quick reply and was about to be on his way to her place.


As he opened his bedroom door and stepped out into the hall he could hear a strange muffled sound. He crept quietly down the hall only to find his sister’s door was cracked open. A voice inside his head told him to walk away but he couldn’t. He had to see what was going on. He took a cautious step toward her room. As he peered in he realized that the noise was coming from the blue plastic vibrator she held in her hand. Before logical thought could stop him his fingers eased the door open slightly further.


From where he stood he could see his sister’s bed perfectly. Kayla’s long shapely legs were spread wide enough for him to watch her rub the tip of the vibrator over her small pink clit. She let out a gasp so quietly that he almost did not hear it. Her delicate pink flesh was already glistening from her wetness. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she did not realize that he was watching her as she pleasured herself.  


He reached down and adjusted his throbbing bulge as his eyes remained glued to her. He could see her bare breasts rising and falling with each breath she took. Her nipples were already fully standing at attention. He licked his lips as he thought about how badly he wanted to suck one into his mouth at that moment. He watched as she slowly guided the buzzing toy up and down her lips before allowing it to sink in just a little. She gave a quiet moan as she began to push more of it inside her needy pussy while her brother watched from the hall.


Nate would have given anything to be able to walk in there, take the toy from her hand and plunge his tongue in that slick little slit. His cock was aching for attention and relief was waiting across town but he could not pull himself away. He had to stay and see her cum. He loved the idea of her performing such acts for his pleasure before she helped him drain every drop from his balls. A jolt of jealousy filled him as he thought about her allowing those other bastards to watch her violate herself while they stroked their filthy cocks.


A slightly louder moan reached his ears as she began to work the toy in and out slightly faster with her right hand while the left moved to her chest. Her fingers caught her swollen nipple and gave it a tug. He could see her back arch as she bit her lower lip to keep quiet. It didn’t manage to stifle the whole sound as one more moan slipped free. Her hand was moving swiftly as the toy delved deep into her folds. She was writhing against the bed and putting on quite a show just for him, even if she did not know she was being watched.


Nate’s hand squeezed his engorged cock through the fabric. He desperately wanted to pull his cock out and start stroking it but he had to remain in control of himself. He knew that there was a chance he could get caught outside her door not only by her but by their mother as well so he had to be cautious. There was a lilt in her voice as another moan issued forth. Her hand had moved from her breast and clutched at the comforter she lay upon. Her entire body shuddered as she continued to drive the blue vibe into her quivering pussy.


He could tell she was about to explode. Her chest heaved as her hips started to buck into the thrusts. He wanted to fuck her so badly he could taste it. Suddenly, her hand moved to her pillow as her head turned toward it. She let out a loud drawn out cry of pleasure into the pillow as her honey flowed out of her in rivulets. It was impossible to look away as she slowly withdrew the toy and turned it off.  He was mesmerized by what she did next. With her face out of the pillow she brought the shimmering toy to her lips and began to lick her juices from its plastic surface. He thought he was going to cum in his pants as he watched her take several inches into her mouth as she sucked it clean.

He knew at any moment she would get up so he had to move fast. It was hard but he managed to walk down the stairs as quietly as possible to avoid detection.  Once he got to his car he had to sit there for a moment to collect his thoughts and calm down enough to drive over to Claire’s.




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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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