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My Brother Kyle. Part 5.

Ashley8899 on Incest Stories

My Brother Kyle. Part 5.

I stepped into the house. Kyle was out. I found a note on the fridge door from him. He was

over at one of his friend's place. He wouldn't be gone long. I went up to my bedroom. As

soon as I got in there, I noticed the top cover from my bed was missing. Kyle must have

taken it for some reason. I emptied the two bags of clothes that I purchased today. Laid the

items out across my bed.

Had gone also into my dressers, pulling out some items that I had and kind of hidden away.

Was kind glad that Kyle was out, gave me time to try on different things. Didn't know at

first what combination that I'd go with. I'm quite sure that Kyle would want me to try to

appear a bit older than I am. But also didn't quite know what the plans were for tonight?

I removed my top and skirt. Held up different pieces against myself as I posed and admired

myself wearing them in my wall-mirror. I was just glowing as I stood in front of the mirror.

Tonight I will be going out on my first date. I won't be going out with a boy like some of

my friends have, but a man. This gave my warm feelings inside of me.

Still looking at myself in the mirror, I did ponder on who I could tell. Kyle is my brother.

I know that such relationships aren't actually socially accepted. I almost didn't want to

dwell on it to much. Try to worry about it later when and if it becomes an issue. Turned and

put the items I was posing in back on my bed. Looked back at the mirror, saw myself standing

there in just my light blue panties. My hand moved to and rubbed gently on my belly. I

turned side-ways. My butt always looked good in a side view, I guess a trade off of having

to tits. I tried to push my belly out a bit, gave a bit of roundness to my smooth flat

stomach. I could be pregnant. Carrying Kyle's baby. I knew the this would make our

relationship become an issue that would have to be dealt with.

I heard the phone ring. I quickly made my way to the livingroom. I answered, it was Kyle. He

was curious if I made it home on my own, he hadn't heard from me. I hadn't called him on his

cell phone. He was over at his friend Mike's place. They were just hanging around. He let me

know that he'd wouldn't be long.

"Aren't you going to ask me how my day was at the mall?"

"Talk later, Ash."

"Did you take the top cover off my bed?"

"I put it in the wash for you, Ash."

"That's so nice of you, Kyle. I love you."

"Later, Ok, Ash, please."

"Ok, bye." I hung up the phone. I knew that Kyle wasn't probably going say to much in front

of his friends. He's probably not bragging about his date tonight, or anything else. I knew

that I may have been a bit hard on Kyle for what happened last night. Didn't let him talk

about it, or let him apologize or anything. I realized that I was standing in the

livingroom wearing just panties. The curtains were wide open. oops. I dashed back to my


I looked at the different articles of clothing on my bed. Moved a couple of them around, I

made my choice in what to wear. I wanted to look hot for Kyle. I remembered at times in the

past. A few times when I was out somewhere with Kyle, he had taken offense a little bit if

some one was eyeing his little sister. Especially my ass. One time he almost started to

chase down a couple of boys from my school who made a comment about my butt. They did run

away when Kyle started to move towards them. I always thought that he was just looking out

for me. Even in the past, Jennifer mentioned to me that her brothers wouldn't probably do

anything like that for her. Often she had to put up with crap from them. She always liked how

well Kyle and I got along.

I removed my panties and grabbed my house-coat. Headed to the shower. I had a nice long hot

shower, had a few happy thoughts as the water flowed over my body. Soaped myself all up,

it's a nice feeling to be so smooth and slippery. When I got out and was drying myself off,

I could hear movement in the house. Kyle must be back home. Wearing my house-coat and a

towel wrapped around my head. I went back to my bedroom. I heard kyle call out that he was

back. I responded that I just got out of the shower.

I had closed the door to my room. I turned the radio on, listened to the local pop music

station. Kyle listened more to rock and roll. Heard I light knock at my door. Only opened

the door a bit to show my face to Kyle standing there.


"Well just wanted to see you, talk? Ashley."

"Are you still taking me out tonight?"

"Yes, Ash. It's just that..."

"Don't you think you should get ready? I'm trying too."

Kyle just nodded his head and turned to walk away. I closed my door. I took my time getting

ready. I could hear Kyle start and finish his shower. could hear Kyle moving about his room

for a while. I knew that he wouldn't take long getting ready. Kyle wasn't exactly a suit and

tie type of guy. I continued getting myself ready. It wasn't too hard after I got my hair

dried. I wasn't much into wearing make-up, etc. I didn't bother to apply any, I kind of

needed more practice putting on make-up. Tended to put on too much. I brushed and pulled

back my long blond hair. Used a clip to fasten it into a pony tail.

Couldn't hear Kyle anymore. I guessed that he was probably waiting for me in the livingroom.

I still took my time. I finally finished getting dressed. Splashed a touch of perfume on me.

Stood in front of my mirror, looking myself over. Hoping that Kyle will like this. Almost

wished that I could have had a second opinion from Jennifer. I remembered that I should give

her a quick call before we leave, she's expecting me to call her this evening. What to tell

her? can't really say what I'm really up to tonight.

I took a deep breath, I felt a bit nervous. Wasn't all that sure at the moment why I should

be? I proceeded out to the livingroom. Kyle was sitting watching TV. He was just dressed in

jeans and a pull-over V-neck. He turned to look at me. His mouth opened a bit as if he was

going to say something, but didn't. He gazed at me for a moment or two, his eyes fixed on me

where I stood.

I stood there. In front of Kyle, with my arms pulled back, holding my hands together behind

my back. I felt that I was biting down on my lower lip a little. Waiting to hear what Kyle

had to say.

Kyle saw that I was dressed in a maroon tube top, with thin shoulder straps. It was made of

lycra and fit tightly. Beneath that I wore a short tight tube skirt that was grey in colour.

My legs were covered with a pair of charcoal grey, thigh high stockings. The type with the

line running up the back. A pair of black dress shoes, with low heals finished off my feet.

I also had on a short white dress jacket, which was open. kyle couldn't see the maroon sheer

thong that I was wearing under my skirt. The skirt came down just enough to reach the top of

my stockings. Had on a thin gold chain necklace and wore a pair of maroon loop earrings.

I waited for a response from Kyle. He slowly stood up and didn't take his eyes off of my as

he moved. His mouth was still open a little, it was hard to read anything on his face. Kyle

finally spoke.

"Ashley. I. You're... You look stunning."

I smiled and slowly spun around to so he could get a glance of me from all angles.

"You're gorgeous, Ash."


"Very much so, and then some! Ashley."

I stepped towards Kyle. Got up on my toes and stretched upward and gave Kyle a quick kiss.

Stepped back looking up at him. He still had the same look on his face, looking at me. He

shook it off, and mentioned that maybe we should go. We both moved to the front door. Kyle

grabbed a sports coat that he had laying on a chair.

We proceeded outside and towards Kyle's truck. He opened the passenger door and held my hand

as I stepped up and in. Usually I just got into his truck on my own. He walked around on got

in his side. We backed out of the driveway and drove off. I didn't take my eyes off of Kyle

for a while. It was still daylight. I didn't think or really care if any of our neighbours

saw us leave all dressed up together. I then remembered that I didn't call Jennifer.

We didn't talk a whole lot as we travelled along. The radio was playing Kyle's music, I

didn't mind it. I started to look around, just enjoyed the ride, didn't ask where we were

heading too. I was quite happy.

We wound up driving closer to the city center. Kyle pulled into a parking lot, stopped and

hopped out. Came around to my side of his truck. Offered his hand to help me step out. I had

to straighten out my skirt a bit since it rode up on me while sitting. Kyle locked up his

truck and again held out his hand. We started walking together down the street.

I was quite joyed, walking in public with Kyle. other people were around, etc. Noticed a

couple of guys take a second look at me. Kyle didn't seem to be bothered by it, or didn't


"Where are you taking me, Kyle?"

"Oh, a place that I know of."

We didn't walk far. We arrived at a Chinese restaurant. The place wasn't too busy. Rather

nice. Had both tables and booths. We were led to one of the booths. I walked ahead of Kyle,

I felt his hand brush across my ass at one point. Before we sat, I removed my jacket. My

nipples were quite hard and noticeable through my tight top. Kyle grinned back.

We had a very enjoyable dinner together. Much of our conversation was just the normal stuff

that we usually chatted about as brother and sister. Afterwards, Kyle took me to a movie

theatre the next block over. We decided to watch one of the comedies that was showing. It

wasn't too bad of a movie, we had a few laughs from it. It was a little crowded at the

movie, Kyle and I sat holding hands the whole time.

Both of us knew that different people were taking glances at us, or maybe guys taking looks

at me and my attire. Neither of us were bothered by it, we were together and pretty much no

one around really knew us.

Not far from the theatre, we stopped at a small parkette. It was dimly lit, and empty. Kyle

sat on a bench. I was still standing, moved in from of him. I leading onto him, wrapping my

arms around his neck, started to kiss him. For the last few hours, I just wanted to throw

myself at Kyle and start necking with him. Kyle didn't resist. I felt his hands come around

my and come to rest on my ass. Each hand rubbing and grabbing each side of my butt. I moaned


I felt Kyle's hands move downwards a bit and then come back up under my tube skirt. Finding

the bare cheeks of my ass. I twitched a little and giggled.

"You're hands are cold."

"I've got an idea or two of how I can warm them up. I can feel that you're wearing a thong

there, Ashley."

We continued kissing there. I didn't care that we were in a public setting. Didn't care that

I stood there with both of Kyle's hands up my skirt. We were pretty much alone in the dark.

We were both getting quite warm for each other. Kyle seemed to feel uncomfortable sitting

there, I guess his cock was hard in his jeans.

After a while, kyle wanted to get back to the truck. It was getting a little late now. I

backed away from Kyle, his hands fell away from under my skirt. He got up and had to adjust

himself. We started to walk back to Kyle's truck, we took each other's hand. I felt that the

hem of my skirt was riding a little higher on my ass. My free hand reached back and I felt

the the bottom of my ass cheeks were exposed. I smiled and just left my skirt where it was.

As we walked, we did hear the horn of a car or two beep.

I got up into Kyle's truck. I removed my jacket, as he moved around and hopped into the

driver's side.

"You want to fuck me, Kyle?"

Kyle undid his jeans and pulled them down a bit with his underwear. He sat sideways a bit

towards me. His cock stood straight and hard from his crotch.

"Not right now, Ash. I want my little sis to suck on my cock."

I paused for a moment. I have never given a blow-job before. Heard about such things from

Jennifer telling me. I moved towards Kyle. I felt his hand come up to the side of my head.

"Just lick it. Kiss it. Open your mouth and suck on it. You'll like it Ashley."

I felt a little nervous about doing this. I had moved onto my knees on the seat, was leaning

forward and down to Kyle's cock. In the dim light, I could see his throbing cock, in front

of my face. I heard of doing such things, and did want to try. I closed my eyes and moved

forward. My lips touched the head of Kyle's cock. It felt so soft and smooth. I kissed it

softly, my tongue come out to make contact with his cock. I felt tingles through out my

body, my pussy was aready wet. My lips spread further, I lowered my mouth onto the head of

Kyle's cock.

"Oh, Ash! You're doing good. Suck it..."

I took more of him in my mouth. I got about half of his cock into my mouth, couldn't take

any more or I would have started gagging. I slowly started moving my mouth up and down

Kyle's cock. I wasn't sure if I was doing things right or not. I could hear Kyle moan in

pleasure. I kept doing as I was doing. I was enjoying this myself. I started sucking a bit

faster and harder.

"Yes, Ashley! Oh, yes. I'm going to enjoy cumming in your mouth."

I kept up the pace sucking his cock. Feeling Kyle's cock pulse and twitch in my mouth. I

didn't think about him saying that he was going to cum in my mouth.

"Keep sucking, Ash. I'm going to cum... Swallow it all, sis... Oh..."

I almost wasn't prepered for Kyle to cum in my mouth. I felt his first shot of warm cum. My

head jerked back a bit, but I felt Kyle's hand on the back of my head. A second shot, and

more. I couldn't describe the taste, but didn't mind it. I started to swallow without

thinking. I got more cum in my mouth. Swallowed as much as I could, while still sucking on

his cock. Kyle's hips jerked upward a bit during to last of the cum he shot in my mouth. He

removed his hand from the back of my head.

I raised myself up. I never sucked a cock before. I looked up at Kyle. Felt a bit of his cum

drool from the corner of my mouth. I automatically just wiped it up with my finger and licked

my finger.

"That was great, little sister."

I smiled. I guess that I did ok. I liked it also. My pussy felt like it was on fire.

(To be continued in Part 6. Hope that some are still enjoying this. Feel free to give any feedback.)



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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