Story Details

Mom Gets Hot Part 5

varunpal89 on Incest Stories

Chapter 5

To Jodie's relief, Craig called the next day and invited her and Dane to go for a hike.
"I'd like to meet your son," he said, "and I'd like to make up with you, Jodie. I don't like being without you."
"I'd love to see you, Craig," she told him. "I'll pack lunches for all of us. Come on over."
As long as Craig was around, Dane wouldn't dare come on to her. For today, at least, she wouldn't have to worry about controlling herself. Jodie hummed happily to herself as she prepared the lunches.
"Something good must have happened," Dane said as he came in from mowing the lawn.
Jodie nodded.
"Craig called," she said. "He's coming over in a few minutes, and we're all going on a hike.
Dane's face fell.
"I was hoping you and I could be alone together today, Mom," he said.
"I know you did," Jodie said sternly, "and that's why I'm glad Craig called. I think you can understand that, Dane."
"Yeah," he grumbled, "I understand, all right."
He went off to the living room to get himself together. He knew he had to be patient with his mother. He wasn't going to get anywhere by forcing her into things. So he'd have to be patient today, be nice to Mom's boyfriend, and try to act mature and nice. He couldn't let Craig look better than he did.
But Dane was worried. He'd be competing against a grown man for Jodie's attention and love. The only thing in his favor was Craig's ridiculous old-fashioned moral beliefs. If he really didn't believe in sex before marriage, then Dane's horny mother might just turn to her son for what she needed.
While Dane was pondering the situation, Jodie saw Craig driving up, and she hurried to the front door. He sure looked handsome in his tight jeans and t-shirt, and he had a big smile for her. He lifted her right off the porch and gave her a big, hungry kiss.
"Mmmmmm, nice," Jodie purred, teasingly rubbing her curvy body against him.
"I missed you," he said. "I'm sorry I acted like a jerk."
"I missed you," she said. "Let's just forget that we ever quarreled."
"Right," he agreed. Then he glanced behind her and said, "Here's somebody you ought to introduce me to."
Jodie turned and found her handsome teenage son seething with jealousy. He quickly changed his expression, though, smiling and extending his hand to Craig.
"Hi," he said, "I'm Dane Adams, Jodie's son."
"I'm Craig Russell," Craig said. "Glad to meet you, Dane."
Jodie could tell the feeling wasn't mutual, but at least Dane seemed to be trying to pull himself together and hide his resentment of her boyfriend. They all got in Craig's car and drove some miles out of town to a large, wooded park crisscrossed with pleasant hiking trails.
Off they went, with long-legged Craig leading the way, Jodie in the middle, and Dane last. Jodie could feel his eyes burning into her shapely little ass. She knew she looked great in her body-hugging shorts and skimpy halter.
They'd walked about half an hour when they came to a fork in the trail.
"I can't remember now which is the path to the river," Craig said. "Can you, Jodie?"
"No, honey," Jodie said. "What are we gonna do?"
"You two wait here, and I'll go ahead and look for some familiar landmarks," Craig said. "I'll start with the left trail."
Jodie wanted to protest, but he was already on his way. She didn't want to be left alone with Dane. Her worry was justified, because as soon as Craig was out of sight, Dane pulled her into his arms and tried to kiss her. Jodie turned her face away and pushed at his chest.
"Dane, stop it," she cried.
"Mom, you know I can't keep my hands off you," Dane said "You look so sexy in that outfit!"
He backed her up against a tree and managed to kiss her, his mouth hard and hot against hers. In spite of herself, Jodie felt a sizzling rush of lust. She had a wild vision of her and Dane stripping off their clothes, sinking down on the forest floor, and fucking each other's brains out. God knows she could have used a good hard fucking just then.
But Craig might return at any moment, and she'd die if he found her like this, exchanging a very unmotherly kiss with her teenage son. She struggled, trying to slip out of Dane's embrace, but he was far too strong for her. At last, though, he had to come up for air.
"Dane, please let me go," she cried anxiously. "I can't let Craig see us like this. Give me a break---he's the man I want to marry."
"Okay, Mom," Dane said, relaxing his grip a little, "I'll keep my eye on the trail, and I'll stop the second I see him. But you gotta cooperate and let me do a few things."
Did she have a choice? Dane could blow everything for her if she didn't do as he asked. Keeping her backed up against the tree, he slipped his hands under her halter and cupped her braless tits. Her big tit-globes almost overflowed his hands. He started sensuously squeezing, and Jodie shivered with pleasure.
"Yeah, you like this, don't you, Mom?" he grinned.
Jodie blushed hotly and didn't reply. She was ashamed to admit how much her own kid turned her on and how she enjoyed his love-making. But her body answered for her. Her nipples went rigid with arousal and poked into his hands, and her tits swelled up taut.
She couldn't hide those signs of arousal from him, but at least he didn't know she was creaming right through her shorts. She glanced down at his fly and noticed a big, swelling lump. Her sexy son was getting a hard-on for her, and that meant even more frustration for the horny teacher.
She could look at his mushrooming fly, but she couldn't touch or enjoy. Inches away was the thing she needed most in the world, a steel-stiff cock, but she couldn't have it. It didn't help to know how eager Dane was to fuck her. It would be so easy to get fucked, yet her conscience held her back.
Dane had worked her tits into complete tautness, and he bent down and licked her engorged nipples, making her whimper with frustration. He sucked one throbbing nipple, then the other, and her knees got rubbery. She wished she could just sink down and surrender herself to him.
That would be quite a shock to Craig, though. Jodie imagined him returning to find her fucking up a storm with her own kid. Poor strait-laced Craig would probably faint with shock. If he didn't believe in sex before marriage, he sure as hell didn't believe in incest.
She was distracted from her thoughts of her boyfriend as Dane abandoned her swollen tits and slid a hand down inside her shorts and panties. She gasped and grabbed at his hand, but she was too late. He cupped the searing wet flesh of her pussy and gave it an exciting squeeze.
"Dane, noooo!" she moaned.
He ignored her protest. Leering at her, he said, "Wow, Mom, you're sure hot down there. Wet, too. You must be really horny!"
"Please, Dane, stop," she almost sobbed.
But far from stopping, he began to inch his thick and stiff middle finger into her cunt. He did it slowly, tantalizingly, and Jodie slumped back against the tree and whimpered with rapidly mounting pleasure. She soaked his finger with an uncontrollable flood of steaming cunt-cream.
"Yeah, you want this, all right," Dane chuckled. "You really need something hard in there, don't you, Mom?"
Jodie just made a helpless gurgling noise as he proceeded to fill her starved cunt with his finger. Her greedy cunt throbbed all around his deeply-buried finger and soaked it with rush after rush of cunt-cream. She just couldn't help herself. She was lusty out of her mind.
"Let's see if I can get you off before Clark Kent comes back!" Dane chuckled.
He started finger-fucking her in quick rough thrusts. Jodie clawed the tree and whimpered and panted. She knew how wrong, how outrageous, it was to let her own son do this to her, but she had to come or go out of her mind with need. She closed her eyes and let his jerking finger carry her toward orgasm.
"Unnnnhhhh!" she moaned. "Ohhhhhhh!" It didn't take long for her to reach the brink of climax. It never did these days. She tightened her famished cunt steadily around her son's pumping finger, till she knew that just a few more strokes would bring her off. Dizzily she opened her eyes and saw his leering face.
He looked so triumphant, and no wonder. In spite of her protests, she was letting him stick his finger in her cunt and get her off. She'd told him this morning that they absolutely couldn't be lovers, but here she was getting it on with him again. And a second later he triumphed completely.
Jodie gasped as she felt a hot orgasm welling up from the depths of her boiling cunt and shaking her whole body. Dane's whole hand was drenched with her suddenly spurting come-cream. She had to grab his shoulders and hang on to keep from collapsing as the powerful climax rattled through her.
"Ohhhhhhh, God, unnnnnhhhhhhh!" she groaned.
"Yeah, Mom, I feel you coming!" Dane said excitedly.
Her cunt was in hard spasm around his finger, the same exciting action he'd felt last night around his tongue. He ached to have his cock in her velvety, steaming fuck-tunnel, feeling her cunt suck the jizz right out of his balls. He wouldn't rest till he'd fucked her.
But a glance over her shoulder told him Craig was returning, his head just visible above the tall bushes. Dane reluctantly whipped his soaked finger out of his mother's scorching pussy-hole and whispered urgently to the moaning woman, "Get yourself together---he's back."
Jodie and Dane leaped apart, and she straightened her clothes, hoping her face wasn't red with lust and pleasure. She hadn't even finished coming. She still shivered with the delicious aftershocks of her climax when Craig walked up to them. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice anything strange.
"That was the right path," he announced. "I recognized it after I'd walked a little ways. Let's go."
They continued on to the river. When Dane saw the high, rocky slopes along the river, it brought out the little boy in him, and he just had to go climbing. Jodie and Craig had spread a blanket on the grassy river bank, and they were content to stay there while Dane went off to play.
As soon as the boy disappeared around a bend, Craig pulled Jodie into his arms.
"I'm glad we're finally alone together, honey," he said. "Dane's a nice kid, but we need some privacy for this."
He kissed her and slid his tongue into her mouth. Jodie was astonished. He was deliberately turning her on, something he always avoided. But she responded eagerly, darting her hot little tongue over his, and they kissed till she expected steam to come out their ears.
She just wished Craig was like this all the time, horny and eager for her body. If this was the way he'd be when they were married, she could hardly wait. She pressed her swollen tits against his chest, letting her stiff nipples tease him. He groaned and drew back, his eyes hot with longing for her.
"Jodie, I can't hold out any longer," he told her hoarsely. "It's driving me crazy not being able to go all the way with you. Let's get married right away."
"Oh, Craig, that would be wonderful," Jodie exclaimed. "I can't wait any longer, either, darling."
As they kissed again, she didn't tell him her brand-new reason for being impatient. She just had to marry him and get some regular, good sex---otherwise she'd end up in bed with her own son. She knew she couldn't endure her sexless life much longer, and Dane was just waiting for that moment.
Craig could save her from committing incest. The sooner they got married, the better.
"When?" she asked.
"A week from now," Craig said. "I have to take a short trip, and we can get married as soon as I come back."
Jodie was disappointed. She wanted to get married that very day. She also wondered if she could hold out another week, with Dane in the house always tempting her and coming on to her, and Craig out of town. But it seemed she had no choice.
"All right, honey," she sighed. "Next week, then."
"I can hardly wait," he said with a lusty growl.
He eased her onto her back and slid his hands under her halter. Just as Dane had done half an hour earlier, he cupped her naked tits and started squeezing them, driving her wild with desire. She absolutely sizzled with frustration. Two desirable men had come on to her this afternoon, and she couldn't get fulfillment with either of them.
She couldn't fuck Dane because it was incest, and she couldn't fuck Craig because he was saving it for their wedding night. Jodie could have screamed. Her big, hot tits throbbed under her flance's caresses, and she rubbed her thighs together in a vain attempt to ease the burning need in her cunt.
"Oh, honey, I'm so horny, I could die!" she moaned.
"Oh, yeah?" Craig said shyly. "Well, look at this."
He glanced down at his fly, and Jodie saw an enormous lump. She moaned with longing. She thought how easy it would be just to unzip his pants, slip off her shorts, and fuck. It would be so sexy doing it there in the open air and sunshine, beside the roaring river.
But it wouldn't be so sexy if Dane found them that way. She sighed and contented herself with fondling the hard lump through Craig's clothes. She could feel the heat and throbbing of his cock even through his jeans and shorts. He shivered with desire as she played with his cock-meat.
Then he slipped his hand inside her panties and found the achingly swollen lump of her clit. He started rubbing it with a fingertip, and Jodie sobbed with pleasure and creamed all over his hand. Even if they couldn't fuck, at least he could get her off with his finger.
"Mmmmmmm, yes, baby, don't stop," she moaned.
From a few yards away, Dane watched them, concealed behind a pile of rocks. He'd only pretended to go climbing, wanting to see what his mother and her boyfriend would do if they were left alone together. It looked as if Mom hadn't lied to him about Craig.
Here was the perfect chance for the guy to fuck her. They were alone for a while, she was eager and ready. But Craig wasn't going to do it. He was just going to masturbate her, and he wouldn't even let her jack him off. The guy was nuts.
From this distance, and with the roar of the river, Dane couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could see Jodie's pretty face twisting into a lusty grimace as Craig's massaging finger brought her closer and closer to climax.
"Big deal," Dane muttered scornfully.
He'd already gotten her off that way. Hell, she could get herself off that way. It was obvious that what she really wanted was Craig's cock in her cunt. She was rubbing his cock like crazy through his clothes. Her need couldn't have been more clear. Craig just wasn't giving her what she wanted.
Well, Dane would give it to her. He'd give it to her that very night. He knew just how to get her in the mood, too. It came to him in a flash. If she went home horny and frustrated, she'd be a lot easier to seduce. He had to break up this little party right now, before Craig satisfied her lust.
"Hey, I'm back!" he shouted.
As he started toward them, they jerked apart with guilty expressions. Craig whipped his hand out of Jodie's pants, and she jerked her hand off the big lump at his fly. As Dane grew closer he saw the frustration in her eyes. Good, that was exactly what he wanted to see.
Even nice, mild-mannered Craig looked ready to explode, but he managed a smile for Dane. Dane smiled back. He could afford to smile, because he was going to get the prize they both wanted so badly. If he had anything to say about it, anything to do with it, he was going to be the first one to fuck Jodie.
As for Jodie, she pulled herself together with difficulty and started setting out the lunch things. Her pussy was burning with need, and she knew that if this frustration lasted much longer, she was going to be unable to resist her son.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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