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A Cure For Insomnia - Part 2 - A good night's sleep makes for a better day

writethis69 on Incest Stories

Please first read "A Cure For Insomnia - Part 1 - An accidental remedy"

We ate breakfast and I asked Dad if he had a lot to do this fine Sunday. He said that he was busy until lunch as he had to search for something that was in the attic and mow the lawn.

I asked him if in the afternoon we could continue my masturbation lessons. He smiled and shook his head asking are you expecting to take an afternoon nap? I replied no but I thought having my Daddy make me come was a real good way to spend the day. He smiled and replied its a deal.

Dad went to do his chores. I cleaned up my room and vacuumed. We completed our work about the same time. We ate lunch then Daddy asked if I wanted to shower with him. I turned and ran to the bath room. By the time Daddy got there I was nude and tweaking my nipples.

We go in the shower and Daddy washed my hair and then soaped me all over. That slipper feel along with his touch had me very hot. Daddy took special slippery cleaning care to my pussy. His caresses took me to a special blissful state.

When it was his turn he got on his knees so I could shampoo his hair and soap his face neck and shoulders. Then he stood up and turned around so I could do his back and butt.

When he turned to face me his cock was thick but not erect. I soaped up his chest, stomach and work my way down to his groin. Now I just had his cock and balls to do and I was excited.

One hand stroked his cock while the other massage his balls. He became very hard and had his eyes closed. After a while Daddy told me to wash him off now as he needed his cum for the afternoon.

We washed off and got out of the shower. Drying each other was also nice as Daddy is so gentle with me. We walked naked out of the bathroom and he took me to his bedroom telling me to get on the bed.

Daddy got something from an old shoe box that I assume was from the attic. It looked like an over sized chapped lips tube with a stubbled end. He unscrewed one end and put a new battery into it.

He came over to the bed and said that he wanted to show me several ways to masturbate some that could only be done with a lover. Just the promise of so much coming made my already stimulated kitty tingle.

Daddy sat up in front of me with one knee between my legs. He put skin oil on the length of his thigh. Then he told me to rub my kitty hard against his thigh. He called it "humping".

I was not sure what he wanted me to do so he took hold of my hips, pressed my pussy against his thigh and then moved my pussy up and down. Soon my pelvis knew what to do and started grinding into Daddy's thigh.

With words of encouragement he let go of my hips and I was grunting and groaning saying Daddy my pussy likes humping as I worked my way to a climax. My pussy juices added to the slickness of Daddy's thigh while he teased and pulled my nipples.

Soon I came and Daddy said sweety that was a nice warm up. Next I need you to make me cum. He laid in the middle of the bed and told me to straddle him. Then pulled my head down to his kissing me all the while his hands stroked my breasts, back and tushy. He started rubbing my kitty and I was panting in his mouth.

Daddy told me to scoot down and pull my pussy lips apart then press my pussy onto his cock and move my body so that my pussy stroked up and down on his cock. I was so wet that it was a slippery slide up and down his shaft. I was really going at it with Daddy playing with nipples and rubbing my clit.

I was possessed rubbing that shaft. I imagined it buried in me and rubbed faster building to a enormous climax. Daddy's shaft was slick with my drippings. His breathing was getting very fast and I knew he was also getting close.

I heard a funny buzz and Daddy removed his thumb from my clit, then the room exploded. I screamed and my body convulsed around a vibration on my clit a feeling like I had never had before. Daddy started shooting cum all the way up to his chest and along his stomach back to the tip of his cock.

He removed that thing from my clit and held me up by the shoulder or I would have fallen onto his chest. I recovered and asked what that was and he said it was my inheritance.

He asked if I wanted to clean up his cum and I nodded my head. I got off of him and started to give his chest, stomach and cock a tongue bath, licking up all his cum. I had acquired quite a taste for Daddy cum.

He moved me to the middle of the bed, propt up pillows so that I could sit up a little then spread my legs. He kissed my inner thighs working his way to my pussy. With his first lick my pelvis automatically smacked into Daddy's tongue. He pushed my pelvis down with his face teased my pussy with tongue, fingers and even slapped my clit a few times.

To say I came was to put it mildly I was in constant spasms, crying out Daddy I am coming, oh yes your little girl feels so good. At some point Daddy turned the vibrating stick on and put it in my hand moving it to my clit and let me experiment. With his hands holding my ass, Daddy started sticking his tongue into my hole and pumping it in and out. He has a very long tongue intruding deep into me.

Together we made me come again and again. I could not take any more pushing Daddy's face from my pussy and dropped the stick. Daddy said he had started to wonder if I had a limit. I pulled my legs together and my clit continued to send orgasmic echos to the rest of my body.

I cuddled up to Daddy and did something I had not done since I was a baby. I slept during the day. When I awoke he was not sleeping with me but I heard him in the kitchen. I got up and went down stairs.

When Daddy saw me he said that I must be trying to make up for three years of insomnia as it was already supper time. He had made hamburgers and I ate twice my usual portions. Coming is like exercise a girl can build up quite an appetite.

When we were doing the dishes he said that tonight I was going to graduate to masturbating on my own. I was disappointed but Daddy said do not worry it will be nice.

Later that evening about the time I would have gone to bed Daddy led me to his room. I was still nude as cloths seemed like an unnecessary bother. Daddy handed me the stick which her called appropriately a "vibrator" and said to use my fingers on my pussy and the vibrator on my clit.

I started to do as asked without much enthusiasm. I would rather Daddy played with me but I wanted to be a good girl. After a bit I was getting hotter but it was slow going. Daddy said this should help and pulled down his shorts and started stroking his cock.

As I watched his cock got harder my own stimulation really kicked in. I was soaking wet with my fingers pushing in and out of my hole. I was watching Daddy stroke faster and his tip got all slick while I increased my own stimulation with the vibrator pushed back and forth over my clit sheath.

Daddy started to breath as hard as me. He took his hand to the back of my head pulled me over to him and said open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Then he put the tip of his cock on my tongue and yelled he was cumming. As soon as I felt the first spurt into my mouth I climaxed and Daddy continued to spurt until there was just a dribble which I sucked from his tip.

I opened my mouth to show him his sperm and then swallowed it. Daddy looked at me and smiled. He said my sweet wonderful daughter you can now masturbate on your own but if you do not mind please help out dear old Dad from time to time.

He turned off the lights, got on the bed and I cuddled up to him. From then on I sleep with Daddy and we mutually masturbate. I learnt to suck his cock while he eats my pussy which we both like a lot.

Despite asking him to fuck me he refused saying that that is an experience I should have with boys my own age and the one I will eventually marry.

Oh one more thing coming before bed time has cured my insomnia.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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