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Ruth's rape

ruthie069 on Forced Stories

Ruth's Rape.

It was already dark outside, and cold. Ruth hugged herself as she walked. She shivered as she felt the cold winter air on the newly-exposed skin around her neck and ears, telling herself that she was now going to pay the penalty for the ultra-short haircut she now sported. She had come into town that day especially to get a new cut and color, and her blonde hair was shorter and blonder than she had ever been before, cropped to little more than an inch on top, and the nape and the sides barbers-shop-clippered using #3 and #4 guards before tapering into the spiked hair on the crown. She smiled ruefully: she had been excited by the idea of having it cut so short, but now wondered whether it had been a good idea. Apart from worrying that it made her look too like a man, she wished she had thought about the cold winter evenings!

The road seemed a lot darker than she remembered and her smile disappeared as she glanced around nervously. Usually, she drove everywhere, but today her car was being serviced and she had taken the bus into town for the first time in years. In the early afternoon, when she had set off to keep her appointment at the hair salon, it had seemed almost an adventure, but she had forgotten how quickly it became dark in the winter months.

For some reason, most of the street lights were out along the street, but even if they had been on, this bus stop would still have seemed quiet and isolated in late evening. She stepped into the bus shelter that was illuminated by just a weak, flickering fluorescent tube, put her bag on the seat and zipped up the black bomber jacket she wore. She hated cold. She hoped the bus wouldn’t drive by and miss her.

A man emerged from a dark alleyway that she had not noticed before, a narrow passage running between the two warehouse buildings behind the bus shelter. She eyed him warily. It was after dark, after all, and there was nothing around her except the empty warehouses behind her. She didn’t like his appearance, and she breathed a sigh of relief when he passed by the entrance of the bus shelter. Then her heart lurched as he stopped. He looked straight at her, coldly, appraisingly. Then he sauntered into the shelter. She stepped closer to the other side of the shelter, giving him lots of room. He was a big man and needed it.

She felt him looking at her still, and her pulse grew more rapid. She cursed herself for being paranoid, then looked at her watch, wishing the stupid bus would arrive quickly.


Her heart lurched again and she looked at him apprehensively. She wasn’t sure what to do. Ignoring him would be rude and insulting, but he looked so rough and dirty... “Hi,” she said, smiling and as friendly as she could manage so as not to give offence.

“What’s your name?”

“Ruth,” she replied. Immediately, she wished she had lied - she didn’t want him knowing anything about her.

“That's a good haircut, Ruthie. And I love that blonde hair.” She forced a smile, pretending to accept the compliment, but inwardly infuriated by his brazen nerve.

He moved closer to her. She shuffled backwards a bit, going deeper into the shelter, but he moved too. She pressed back into the corner, cornered, afraid of antagonising him and too frightened to speak. Then, to her complete shock, he reached out and slid his fingers into her hair. “My, you do have it cut real short, don’t you?” he grinned. And she knew then that she was in trouble.

“Y-yes,” she stammered, too taken aback to protest. She recovered herself: “Please, don’t do that,” she said.

He completely ignored her. “Wow, just an inch long on top,” he said, almost to himself, grasping a snip of her hair between his fingers, inspecting it as though he had every right to do so. She was frozen in fear, humiliated by his groping fingers but too afraid to resist. “And even shorter at the sides!” he said, brushing his fingers against the stubble above her ears, then twisting her head unceremoniously to inspect each side. “Oh yeah, I just love these shaved sideburns!” He moved even closer, his fingers riffling up the nape of her neck. “Mmmm, real nice!” he said, stroking the soft, downy stubble, all that was left since that #3 guard had shorn its way up her neck. “Always loved real short hair,” he mused, “sexy. Especially on blondes. It’s not natural though, is it?”

She didn’t answer, hoping now that ignoring him would discourage him.

“Hey, I asked is it natural?” he poked her shoulder, hard, with his finger. His raw strength frightened her: even that apparently simple blow made her stagger. He was well over six feet tall and must weigh more than twice what she did. What damage might he do if she angered him and he really went to hit her?

She turned, glaring up at him in a desperate show of defiance. “No! Okay?” she snapped.

“Don’t get bitchy, Ruthie. Just wondered is all. Most tarts like you dye their hair these days. A guy’s gotta check your pussy to make sure nowadays.”

She turned away again, ‘tart’ and ‘pussy’ burning into her.

He spoke again. “You’re real pretty. You know that?”

“Thanks,” she gulped, swallowing her pride, praying now that the bus or somebody would come along. The street was ominously empty….

“You got a nice juicy ass too. You know that?” Her heart was pounding furiously now, her body tense as her fear grew. Her pulse was hammering in her throat and she was breathing in shallow little pants. “Real nice big ass,” he sighed. “Nice body, in fact. Hard to see what your tits are like with that jacket closed though. Why don’t you open it and let me see?”

“Please, leave me alone,” she said, her voice small.

“Leave you alone? I ain’t hurtin’ you, baby. I ain’t even touching you. I just asked is all. I wanted to see if you got nice tits like you got a nice ass. What's wrong with that?”

She turned away again, ignoring him, her skin tingling, light-headed with terror now.

“Hey, I bet a guy my size would really squash you down, huh? I bet you prefer fucking on top.”

Her eyes widened in horror. This really was happening to her! Here in the heart of her own city, this pervert was doing and saying whatever he wanted and she was completely powerless. It was unreal - but it was happening! Again she didn’t answer.

“Or maybe you like it doggie style, huh? You like it on all fours, that round, juicy ass in the air. That it? Huh? Huh? Hey Ruthie, I asked you a question.”

“Please, leave me alone!” she cried, turning and trying to dart past him. He backed up into the entrance, completely blocking it as he leered down at her. “Let me out,” she demanded, her voice quavering.

“Why? The bus ain’t here yet. Hey, I bet you got one really tight little snatch there.” He reached towards her and she jumped back, almost falling down in her haste to evade his touch. He sniggered and folded his arms across his chest.

“Real, real tight,” he said, his eyes sliding up and down her body. “Tell me what your favourite position is, Ruthie.”

“Please leave me alone,” she whispered, hovering on the edge of tears.

“I ain’t hurting you, Ruthie. I just wanted to know what your favourite position is. You ain’t a lezzie, are you? You like licking pussy, sucking on clitties, sucking tits? Huh?”

She turned away, looking in all directions for any signs of anybody.

“I do. You know, I wouldn’t blame you if you did like that. Nothing better than sucking on a nice titty I always say. Hey. Tell me, you got big brown nipples, or nice little pink ones? I bet you got nice little pink nipples, don’t you?”

“Oh, please go away,” she begged, her voice breaking now as she fought to hold back tears; “please leave me alone.”

“Hey. I’m only waiting for the bus, baby.” He moved forward and she cringed back into the far corner, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

“You ever deep throated? You know guys really love deep throating. I could show you how if you want.”

She trembled and began to weep. He grinned, his hand coming out and touching her hair again, stroking the bristles on her neck. “Real nice haircut,” he said, “so short and sexy.” His fingers slid through her hair with growing possessiveness, his body blocking her back into the corner. She was sniffling and trembling and looking down at the ground, when he gripped the zipper of her bomber jacket with his other hand and began to slowly ease it down.

“NO!” she cried grasping his hand with hers. “ You can’t - Aaaahh!” She cried out in pain as his huge paw slipped down below her hairline, the fingers of just one hand almost encircling her neck. Apparently without effort he had squeezed, a vice-like grip that immediately made her eyes bulge and her face redden as the blood supply was cut.

“Never ever say 'you can't' to me!" he said menacingly. "No one says that to me. Now, take your hands away Ruthie.” He gripped her neck even tighter and effortlessly twisted her head upwards to force her to stare into his eyes. “Put them down by your side,” he whispered, his voice quiet but unspeakably menacing. Slowly, despairingly, she let her hands drop to her side, and felt his grip on her neck release enough for her to rasp in a breath.

Grinning, defying her to resist him again, he stared into her eyes as he deliberately and slowly slid the zipper down until her jacket was open, apart from the press stud at the bottom. “Undo that bottom button, Ruthie,” he said evenly, his eyes not wavering from hers. She hesitated. "Do it!" Her trembling fingers obeyed. “Good. Now, pull open your jacket for me.” Numbly, she complied.

He held her back from him, hand still clasped around her neck, and looked appraisingly at her body. She was wearing a white, buttoned shirt. He looked at it for a few moments.

“Looks like you got nice big titties in there, Ruthie. Hey. Could I see them? Huh? I’d really like to see them.”

She was silent, but the tears now ran down her cheeks.

“I bet that shirt would tear in pieces without me half trying. So how about you just open your shirt and let me have a see huh? Come on. Open it. Just unbutton the shirt for me, baby. That’s all. Come on.” He was grinning, but the hand on her neck began to tighten, and she felt her breathing being constricted again. “Do it!” he commanded.

Her fingers moved, trembling and shaking, to the buttons. Her mind was blasted with waves of terror and fear and humiliation and she couldn’t think straight. One by one she unbuttoned them until she reached the belt at her waist.

“Pull your shirt out of your pants and open it up,” he said, his voice impatient. She did as he told her, shaking and whimpering, dazed and fearful. Underneath she wore a white lace bra.

“Nice bra, but I want to see what kind of nipples you got. Show me, Ruthie. Let’s see those nipples.”

She reached behind her and unclipped the bra. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now and her eyes were blurred by them as she cringed miserably in his clasp.

“Let’s see them,” he demanded.

She slowly, tremblingly, took the bra in her fingers and lifted it up, exposing her breasts to him and pleading with her eyes for him to stop now. She stood, body quivering.

“They’re nice and pink, ain’t they? But hey, they ain't little! Lovely big pink nipples! Do they get even bigger when your husband sucks them? Or is it your girlfriend? Huh? Huh? Hey, play with them, Ruthie. Pinch them and roll them in your fingers. I want to see them hard.”

Dazedly, she did what he ordered, her hands going to her breasts, squeezing her nipples as he watched ravenously.

“Why don’t you take off that shirt? Just let your shirt and jacket slide down to the ground, baby. I want to see how nice you look without them." His hands pushed her shirt and jacket off her shoulders, along with her bra. They all slid down her arms and dropped off onto the floor, leaving her naked from the waist up.

“Now, time for your pants.”

“Oh, please,” she moaned.


“Please. Please don’t,” she wept.

“The pants, you slut. You're loving it. You know you want to: take off the pants.” His voice and presence were so menacing she thought she might faint.

“Please,” she whimpered again, “someone might come past any second. Someone could see us.”

He thought for a moment. “Maybe you’re right bitch. We wouldn’t want to be interrupted, would we? Would be a shame to spoil our fun! What say we carry on in that alley back there?” and, grasping her tightly, he dragged her from the shelter, across the sidewalk and into the shadows of the narrow alley. “Now baby, we won’t be interrupted will we? So get those pants down! Do it. Now!”

She whimpered in shock, but her trembling hands moved to her belt, released the clasp, and eased down the zipper. She let the trousers slid down off her hips to her knees.

“Now your panties. Push them right down, whore.”

She pushed them down, sobbing loudly now, gut wrenching sobs that made the tears drop down onto her naked breasts.

“Whore. And just look at that pussy. You keep it shaved! You slut! That’s so you can please your husband is it. Is it, huh Slut? Whore??” She shook her head, regretting that before she had left the house that morning, she had trimmed her pubic hair as she did each week, using the razor to leave a neat triangle of hair on her mound.

“Take your pants off completely, and the shoes and tights.”

She almost fell but got her pants and shoes off and huddled in the semi-darkness, stark naked now.

He leered down at her. “Nice body. Real tight I bet. You ever suck a cock?” Answer me!”

“No.” she gulped.

“You lying slut. I know you have. Ever take a cock down your throat?”

“Noooo,” she wept.

“You’re going to, baby,” he snickered, leaning closer. “Ever get a big thick one up the asshole? Huh? You ever get fucked in the ass?”

“Nooo,” she whimpered, sobbing loudly again.

“You’re gonna,” He laughed. He took her hand, pulling it against him, rubbing it against his crotch, up and down. She could feel his hard erection inside his jeans and tried to pull away. He held her wrist there against him, grinning down at her. “Let me see you stick your finger up your cunt. Go on. Do it - or I will! Push your finger right up your cunt hole.”

She looked around as if in a daze.

“Which is it to be Ruthie? My fingers or yours? Do it!” he roared. She jerked as if struck, then her hand, her free hand, slipped down to her groin and she eased a trembling finger inside her pubic lips, wincing as she screwed it up into her tight, dry vagina.

“Deeper. Bury it up your snatch, whore. Yeah, that’s it. Jerk off on it. Beat your little pussy, slut. Spread your legs more, Ruthie. Wider. Now bend back, arch your back. I want to see those hard little nipples sticking out. Yeah. Lookit them. Look how hard they are, all stiff and wantin’ to be sucked.”

Her nipples were hard, for she was freezing, her naked body covered in goose bumps, trembling and shaking in the cold night air.

“Bitch,” he snickered. “Stupid little slut. I bet you want this, don’t you?” he squeezed her hand down harder against his erection. “Don’t you? Bet you want it up that tight, wet little gash of yours, huh? Or maybe you want it up your ass? Let me hear you beg for it.”

She wept and said nothing.

“Beg for it,” he snarled. “Beg me to fuck you. Beg for it!”

“Oh dear god, please, don’t….I can’t…”

“Do it!”

“No, please - oh my god, no!!” From his pocket he had produced a small craft knife, which he held up in front of her face.

What’s it to be, Ruthie?” he whispered. “Like to lose your nipples, would you? I can soon slice them off for you. Like that, would you?” He moved menacingly closer.

“No, no, please….”

“Then do as I say. Beg me to fuck you. NOW!”

“Oh my god!……Alright, no, please don’t hurt me! I’ll do it! .P.... p... pleeeasse... p.. pleease f... f... fuck me,” she stuttered, her voice strangled and weak.

“Shit, that’s no good! Say it like you mean it slut.”

“P.. p... please... f... f.. fuck me,” she gasped.

“Not good enough. Again.”

“Please... f.. f... fuck m... me.”

“Beg me, whore! Beg me to fuck your asshole.”

She moaned and sniffled and shook her head.

“Beg for it!” he hissed.

“P... p.. please fuck... fuck my... my... ass...asshole,” she whimpered.

“Well, I dunno. I bet its tight there, tight and dirty. Course I fucked tight asses before. Tell you what, you turn around and bend over so I can check it. Spread your legs and grab hold of your ankles, and I’ll consider it."

“P... pleeease,” she whimpered.

“You don’t have to beg any more, whore. Go on. Do it.”

She turned her back on him, trembling and shaking, slowly bending over and spreading her legs. She shook and almost fell, then bent way over and pawed at her bare ankles, taking several attempts to grip them.

“Straighten your legs. I want to see that juicy ass sticking up,” he ordered.

“Beg for it again,” he said. “Beg for it, slut.”

“P... p... please... f... fuck... me,”

“Get on all fours, slut. Get down on all fours like the bitch dog you are. Yeah, go on. He shoved his foot against her ass and she dropped to her hands and knees. “Raise that little ass, and spread your legs. That’s it. You’ve done this plenty of time before.”

She trembled violently, almost throwing up as her guts churned. She waited for him to get down behind her, to use her, rape her.

“Reach back between your legs, slut, and play with yourself. I want you to get all warmed up for me.”

She closed her eyes in new humiliation.

“Jerk off for me. I want to see those fingers jerking off that tight little cunt box.”

She reached back with one hand, her trembling fingers touching her vaginal entrance, rubbing in jerky movements.

“Harder, slut!” he snarled. “Rub that little snatch.”

She rubbed harder as he watched.

“Stick your finger up your asshole!”

The words struck her like a blow.

“Do it, you whore!”

She eased her fingers higher, up against her asshole, then slowly pressed one finger against her crinkled little anal opening. She felt her hand gripped tightly, his fingers pressing her finger straight and jamming it into her asshole hard. He pumped her own finger in and out of her asshole as she whimpered and moaned and sobbed.

“Dirty little whore,” he sneered.

She heard his zipper and her whimpers turned to tears again. She closed her eyes and waited, trembling violently, then sensed his movement behind her. She felt his hands on her behind, rubbing, squeezing. A hand cupped her shaven pubic mound then and began squeezing that.

“Nice and smooth!” he said.

She felt pressure against her pussy, the pressure growing greater. She felt his cock sliding into her, forcing its way into her tight, dry vagina. She winced, gritting her teeth against the pain, praying for it to be over. “UUUUHhhhhhgggg!” she cried, as he thrust forward. His cock stabbed into her with savage force, ramming deep into her. He gripped her hips hard, beginning to jerk and twist his prick inside her, ignoring her whimpers and cries, heedless of the pain he was causing her.

He threw his hips forward hard thrusting his cock into the center of her belly, burying his thick, bloated prong inside her. “Yeaaahhhh. How’s it feel, whore? How’s it feel with a big cock in your belly? Bet you love it. Don’t you, slut? Huh? Love it, don’t you? Huh?” He slapped the side of her head. “Don’t you?” he demanded.

“Yes,” she sobbed.

“I knew it. I knew you were a cheap slut when I saw you.” He fucked her with hard, brutal strokes, the pain almost unbearable to her. She felt like she was being disembowelled, ripped open from the crotch inward. She swayed and shook and bit her tongue as he rutted into her with cruel strokes.

“Uh, yeahhhh!” he grunted and snorting, thrusting harder still and then giving a series of hard, sharp thrusts into her. “Oooh babyyy,” he gasped. “You got it now. Got my juice up inside you. Got my cum in your cunt box.”

She felt nauseous at the thought, yet also tremendously gratified that he had finished. She hoped against hope he would soon leave. She felt his cock pump a few more times but she could tell it was softening. He pulled it out and she closed her eyes in relief.

He grinned. “Don’t go thinking its all over, cunt!” he said. “We’ve only just started! There’s plenty of good fucking left in me yet. Now,suck it hard again, whore.” He held his cock in one hand and her head in the other. He pressed his cock, oily and wet, against her lips. She kept them tightly closed, staring at it in horror. “Suck it, slut!” he hissed. “Open your mouth or I’ll break your fucking teeth.” She did as he ordered and he pushed his wet, dirty dick into her mouth. Again she almost threw up but feared he’d kill her. “You’re gonna suck me hard and then I’m gonna fuck you right up your tight, buttery little asshole,” he sniggered.

“Oh please noo!” she sobbed, trying to pull away, tearing her mouth free of his cock briefly.

“Do it”! he snarled.

He gripped her tufts of hair and pulled her face in against his crotch. He pushed his cockhead against her lips and she reluctantly opened them, taking it in. He grinned down as she sucked his cock, taking the whole thing into her mouth. That was easy enough, it being soft, but as she worked it over with her tongue and sucked on it, the long snake began to thicken and harden.

Just then, a bus pulled up at the shelter, the light from its windows casting a yellow glow into the alley, illuminating her naked body as she knelt, sucking on his cock. She tried to move her head but he held her tightly until the bus drove on. She heard footsteps, teenage giggling as they spotted her there then more giggling as they moved past. Safely distant, one called out, “Fucking whore!” Laughter, then “What’s she charge you for that Mister?” and the footsteps faded away. Hope gone.

“Guess they know what you are, hey, slut?” he grinned. “Come on keep at it, it’s gettin’ hard for you. It’s getting long and thick, bitch. Soon it’s gonna be up your asshole. You’ll like that, won’t you, whore. Won’t you!”

Her muffled moans and soft whimpering contradicted him and he snickered in glee. He began to pump his cock in her mouth, sighing in pleasure as his prong turned to steel against her tongue. Finally he pulled it free, rubbing it across her face as he chuckled. “Okay, whore. It’s ready. Turn around and get on all fours like the bitch dog you are. Go on.”

“Please! Please don’t!” she begged.

“Shut up and do it!”

“Please. It’s sick! It’s horrible. Can’t you... can’t you just... just fuck me in the cunt again?”

“I’ll do whatever I want to you, slut!” He pushed her to all fours and knelt behind her, his cock sliding along her slit, sawing against the tight slit. “So you don’t want it up the asshole, huh, baby? Okay, beg for it then. Beg me to fuck your dirty cunt again.”

“Yes,please fuck me there,” she gasped, relieved that she had at least avoided the worst. “Please fuck my cunt. Fuck my dirty cunt!”

“Your twat? Your pussy? Your fuck hole? Your slit? Your slash?”

“Yes! Yes! Fuck my twat! Fuck my slit!”

“With my big cock?”

“Yes! Fuck my slit! With your big cock!”

“Call me... call me ‘master’.”


“Now beg your master to fuck you.”

“Please fuck me master!” she whimpered.

“What’s your name, whore?”

“Ruthie, Master!”

“Does little Ruthie want a hot cock up her cunt pipe?”

“Yes, Master! Please fuck me up my cunt pipe, Master!”

“You got it, whore. Reach back and pry your dirty little cunt lips open for me. Go on. Pull them open.”

She reached back behind her and pulled her cunt open, shaking with cold and fear.

“Wider! Wider!”

She moaned with pain as she opened herself wide apart for him. He grinned in pleasure. “Now grab my cock and put it in, then back onto it.”

She used the fingers of one hand to hold her cunt lips as wide as she could, then reached between her legs and gripped his thick prong, pressing it against her opening. She shuffled her knees backwards in the dirt as she slid her velvet sheath over his prick and jammed herself back onto his shaft. She drove herself back onto the thing, impaling herself until she had the whole thing inside her belly.

“Now fuck me, bitch. Work that ass on my cock.”

She sobbed as she began to hump back against him. Under his lashing tongue she was soon grinding her hips and slapping her ass back against him with vigorous motions, jamming herself again and again on his hard cock.

Suddenly he pulled out, holding her in place. “So I’ve fucked you like you asked. I said I would, right? I fucked your cunt. Now I want that asshole.”

“Pleeeeeassssee!” she sobbed.

“Reach back and pull your ass cheeks apart.”

“Please, Master! Please Master!”

“Do it,” he snarled.

Shaking, trembling, Ruthie reached back and pulled her ass cheeks apart, whining and groaning in anxiety and fear. She gave a short cry as she felt his cockhead pressing against her anus, then gritted her teeth and gasped in pain as he put more and more pressure against her sphincter. His cockhead slowly forced her asshole open and sank down into her. She groaned and moaned and mewled in pain as his log sank deeper and deeper into her rectum. Her ass stung and ached as his giant cock slid further inside.

“Yeahhhh,” he sighed. “Nice little ass meat.”

He gripped her hips and thrust hard, drawing a cry of pain from the tormented girl as his cock drove deep. He drew back then thrust again, burying his cock in her tight anal tube. With hardly any hesitation, with no time to let her ass become accustomed to his girth, he began to pump, tearing his cock up and down inside her. Soon he was pounding his cock with savage force and speed, sodomising her, ignoring her pain. His cock skewered her with terrible violence, ripping in and out of her tight, aching tunnel. His cockhead pumped like a butter churn in her anus as his hips rocked her backwards and forwards again and again.

Then he came, forcing thick, white loads of jism down her asshole, sighing in pleasure as he felt the sperm shooting into her trembling, spasming guts....

And that’s were he left her, bunched up in the fetal position, cold, hurt and alone, terrified by his threats, alone in the dark alley. For several minutes she crouched there, shivering and desperate before finally pulling on her panties and her jeans, then darting, breasts bare, across to the bus shelter where her shirt, bra and jacket still lay, crumpled in one corner……



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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As if stealing someone's story and trying to pass it off as your own wasn't bad enough, the few changes that you did make managed to disrespect the REAL author even further by making the story worse. While the original was a very creative and entertaining story, your one real change was to give the girl in it a stupid fucking dyke hair cut for some reason. So next time if your gonna plagerize, at least have the courtesy to leave the story alone without adding your worthless "flare" to it. Fucking Horrible.

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