Story Details

Dan's Crazy Little Sister

spectrumx on Forced Stories

Today was Dan’s 17th birthday. Mostly it was like any other day. Dan rolled out of bed at half staff in long need to relieve is aching bladder. He strumbled to his feet and located his glasses on his night stand. He briskly exited his room and headed down the hall towards the bathroom only to find that it was occupied by his younger sister Seara. He heard the shower and knew that it would be a while before he would be able to relieve himself, but there was no time he could feel the pain of sharp needles in his groin as he tried to hold it. He burst through the door and flipped up the seat. A burst pure pleasure coursed through his body as he evacuated the the magma like flow of urine into the now churning sea of toilet water. He looked up towards the ceiling with huge grin on his face. The ecstasy of pleasure now passing as he starts finish. Right at that moment out of the corner of his eye got a glimps of something unexpected. He turned quickly to find his eyes glazing upon his fully exposed sister standing dripping wet in the shower. Their eyes met for a moment and Dan looked her up and down quickly as though he were searching for some kind of imperfection. He found no imperfections only that his sister had grown to be a very beautiful young women. Her shoulder length blond hair sparkled as the light struck the beading water droplets that had formed. Her perfect curves and her perky breasts gave him a slight tingle inside. Though about a foot shorter than himself she still had very tall slender legs. To top it off she had a very clean shaved vagina to which he was not expecting at all. To think his sister spends all this time in the bathroom and that is what she is doing in there. He brought his attention back to his sister face and noticed that she to was giving him the round about as well. After a moment of silence her hand darted for her towel.

“What are you doing” she yelled, as she covered her naked body

Dan quickly pulled his pants up and ran for the door his foot slipped on slippery tiles sending him face first for for the wall knocking him unconscious. When he came to he was lying in his bed. It was all a dream he thought as tried to roll out of bed. He then notice that his wrists had been tied to his head board. He tried desperately to free himself, but had no success. He yelled for help but remembered that his parents were away on their second honey moon leaving him and his sister there all by the selves. His bedroom door creaked open slowly and his sister appeared in front of him wearing only a t-shirt and panties.

“Did you like what you seen?” Seara asked.

Dan was having trouble forming his words he didn’t know what to say. Seara then walk over to the bed and started massaging his cock. It naturally began to rise with excitement. There was nothing he could do to stop it. She slowly remover Dan’s pants and began to gently stroking his hard cock with her bare hands.

“Seara I don’t think you should be doing that you’re my sister”

“Shut up!” She said furiously

She then laid face down in Dan’s groin and stared licking his cock up and down her warm spit ran down his cock and started to form a small puddle on the sheets. Dan’s heart was racing he loved his sister and she was very sexy but he never imagined having a sexual relationship with her.

“This is what you wanted isn’t it Dan?”

She slid he panties off exposing her shaved virgin pussy. She then stood up and straddled  Dan’s face.

“You know what to do!”

“No Seara! You’re my sister!”

She reached back and grabbed hold  of Dan’s balls and gave them hard squeeze. Dan yelled out in pain and knew that he was in trouble. He licked up and down his sisters wet virgin pussy,  knowing if he didn’t he would be in world of pain. Seara moaned with pleasure getting louder with each passing second. She pushed harder and harder into Dan’s face causing him to gasp for air after each thrust of her hips. After what seemed like forever for Dan she climaxed and calpsed on top of him. Shortly after she stood up and began spray a warm shower of urine onto his face.

“How does feel to have someone pee in front of you Dan?!?”

After she was done she positioned herself over Dan’s rock hard cock and began to lowerself down onto to it.

“Seara no! You really don’t want to do...”

But it was to late Seara let out a shriek as Dan’s cock burst through her Hyman. Blood trickled down his shaft, the sight caused him to look away. Seara though in what looked to be in a moderate amount of pain began to pick up some speed thrusting his cock hard and faster into her pussy. She bent over and kissed him gently on lips still thrusting deeper and deeper. Dan could hardly bare it any longer her tight pussy was to much. He was about to explode and his seed would spreed deep within his sister pussy.

“Seara stop I’m going to cum!” Dan yelled

Dan began to squirm trying to get out from under Seara but she just wrapped her legs harder around him thrust even faster and harder.

“Yes, Yes, come inside me Dan!” Seara yelled excitedly

Dan couldn't hold on any longer his limits were tested and exceeded and an eruption of seaman shot out of his body serenading what was once moments ago his sister’s virgin pussy.

“Noooooo!” Dan yelled in disbelief. What have you done?”

Seara was now staring straight up at the ceiling with a huge grin on her face. While still latched together Seara leaned down and kiss Dan gently on the lips and whispers in his ear.

“Next time knock... Oh and happy birthday big brother you’re going to make a good daddy...”



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