Story Details

Gone To The Dogs

bbwbrenda75 on Animal Stories

I had a summer that I was just laying around doing nothing really. Not much happening in the little town in Alabama that I was staying with my aunt and uncle and it seemed like everyone had left to go somewhere except me. One of our neighbors knew a woman that had 6 dogs of various types at her home and she was leaving and could not take them with her. She was looking for someone to go over for 5 hours everyday and feed and clean up and exercise them so she told Aunt Maggie about it and I went over to meet her and see if she thought I could do the job. I had just gotten my lisence so now I was finally legal and I drove over. It was a nice house with large grounds and a kennal in the back. It was spacious and the dogs had lots of room to run and in fact were free to most of the time. "Call me Candy Hun." the woman said after messing up her last name several times. We walked out back and the dogs heard us coming and were all excited. "These are my boys." she said and greeted them all by name. There were 3 shepards and 4 labs and I noticed, all males. I use them for stud, they all have papers and so it brings me some money in." Candy said as she scratched them as she could. "Come over in the morning at 6 and I can break you in on what to do and make sure you are the one for he job." she said and hugged me and I left. I was there a little before 6 and she came to the dor in a halter top and shorts and was really nice looking, so much so that I began thinking very bad thoughts. I was wearing jeans and a t shirt and we walked out back. They were all excited again to see her and she was introducing me to each one as if they were people. Candy bent down and one tried to mount her and he was ready to go, "Not in front of company." Candy said and pointed her finger at him. He sat instantly. "You have to let them know who is boss cause if you don't they will take advantage of you Hun." she said smiling. I went thru the routine with her and learned what to do for each one and stayed almost the whole day. We ate lunch and she gave me numbers to call to get her if I needed to.

I came over three more days and had most of the routine down plus she left a detailed notebook. "Now off with you so I can say good bye to my boys." she said and slapped my ass. I had taken to wearing a halter and shorts like her's and so my chest giggled a lot (I was a lot biger than her) and she smiled again. "Oh yes, I think you will keep my boys happy Hun, no problems there at all." and I left. I got up the next morning and put on the halter and shorts and shoes and left and got there at 5:45. I opened the house and turned on the front alarms after I got in and out to the back part. I got the food ready for hem and then went out back. They were all jumping and dancing around like before and I made sure to play with them. One knocked me down on my ass after jumping up and hitting my chest with his front paws. Then they were licking me in the face and one found my leg and began humping. I pointed my finger, "Bad boy, bad." but he ignored me and kept on humping. I got up finaly and he followed me around all the time and when I tried to get them to play he stayed right there with me. I was turning to go in for a drink and suddenly I was hit from behind. I fell to the ground and the dogs were all around me, tongues hanging out. I said "BAd boy, shame on you" and he growled and showed his teeth and I repeated in a firmer but scared voice, "Bad dog, no." and he stayed right over me. I began to get up and he grabbed the material of my halter and torn it and it stayed in his teeth and he kept getting a better grip and tearing more. Finally it was in rags and my bra was all that was left and I had on one of my thinest ones. Another grabbed my jean shorts and began pulling like playing and they began to tear. Somehow my bra was undone and I was al over the place trying to keep my shorts together and not show that I was really afraid. My shorts were al gone and all I had were my thong panties that offered no protection. I got up and began to run but was hit again from behind and knocked the air out of me.

The bigest shepard was now on top of me, his teeth holding my shoulder but not biting me. As I tried to get up on all fours to run again he was on top of me, his front paws around my waist and his hips thrusting to find a target. I thoiugh, Damn, he just wants some pussy." and so I moved my thong aside and moved my ass towards him. After a couple tried I guided him to what he wanted and he plunged in. He was really huge and I felt his pre cum already getting me ready. I felt his knot and it hit my pussy lips and then popped inside tying us together. I was heading towards and orgasm and he was humping me hard and deep. The others were now laying around as if waiting heir turns. I felt three orgasm cause quakes all over my body and he filled me up. His knot shrank and he slipped out. Half joking I said, "Who is next, come on, as long as I am down here." and one got up and mounted me. He found the hole with no help and soon was knoted too. He was not as big but he seemed to hit harder inside me. I was now getting worn out and was not sure how long I could do this. Again he finished and I laid on my back and slapped my tummy,"Come on guys, I have a feeling you are all gonna do me." and two came over to me and I began massagging their cocks and they came out of the sheathes. I was now naked and laying on the grass in the back of a house that was realy very nice. I took one and sucked him off and the other I took again on all fours. I kept being bitch for them for a long time and the clock said 1PM when I finally was allowed to get up. They were all laying around in the shade and my legs were rubber and yet I felt great.

I made sure they were all fed and lots of water and tried to get them to run but they just laid around. I grabed a robe that was in the room off the back dor. It had not been there that day before. There was a note pined to it, "Brenda, I did not really tell you everything but if you need this robe then you know that my boys love fucking pussy.Usualy everyother day is good for them but they will not let you go unless they are taken care of. I suggest that you just undress when you go out and they will not have to tear your clothes off. All that had happened I have watched remotely on he security cameras. I wil pay you really well for taking care of them. Candy" and I read it and started laughing. The next day I undressed and only one wanted to "play" and the day after they all did. So right about everyother day I was getting gang banged by 7 wonderful dogs. It was a great job.





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