Story Details

Buckle, has me all to himself.

Pretty_Princess on Animal Stories

Its been quite a while since I shared my last encounted with you all, I wasn't going to write anymore stories for a number of reasons, firstly being that I wanted to focus on taking things further with my cousin, which is technically incest, but then its not like I'm a person bothered by sexual boundaries, also, in my last story, I noted that I never really trusted Elly, and I have good reason, because she ended up telling "one person" about our experience, then that person told another person, and, well, you get the idea, I denied the whole thing, but now I'm a public "horse fucker" to most people, I just made up a story that me and Elly had a fight, and she was just being "spiteful", but if I'm perfectly honest, everytime someone asked me about it, I just wanted to tell them the truth and get it out in the open, and it sort of is out in the open, and I suppose I feel alot better about it, although my family look at me slightly differently now, they accepted the lie that Elly was just being spiteful, but I'm sure they still put some thought into it, ah well, who cares, I almost found it funny! Lets just hope none of my family read this eh? I probably should have used fake names..

One of my main reasons for deciding to write another story, is the amount of replies and support I've recieved from this forum, I've recieved many e-mails and requests to write a follow up story, and I'm so glad that I get the feeling the majority of you believe me when I say I'm telling the truth, if everyone posted up that it wasn't true, I would have felt my stories were unappreciated, and wouldn't bother to write anymore, so, thank you all for your support.

Even though I wasn't going to write anything else, because of the situation about it all being out in the open, I don't suppose it really matters now, I'll get to the story shortly, I'll just tell you how things got to how they are now, after our last encounter, me and Elly got really serious, but privately, she didn't want to tell anyone about our relationship, I suppose she was worried about what everyone would think, which surprises me, as she normally doesn't care what anyone thinks, but I suppose sleeping with a family member is a little different, we met almost every day, no one questioned it, as we'd always been close, what they didn't know was that we were fucking each other everytime we met, to my surprise, I almost lost interest in her after a while, the excitement seemed to fade away, which upset me, as I really wanted to be with her, so, I thought about what brought us together in the first place, and what caused my attraction to her, and of course, I came back to Buckle, I never told Elly I was losing interest, so I just mentioned to her that I wanted both of us to "play" with Buckle again, but she wasn't interested, this made me really sad, because I thought that we'd drift apart and then she'd also lose interest in me, and although I was losing interest in her, I most certainly didn't want her to lose interest in me, if you follow.. anyways, I begged and pleaded and whined but she refused, it got to a point where I could tell she was getting annoyed with me, so I let it drop, but to my surprise, just begging her to allow herself to be plowed by a cock the size of my arm turned me on alot, and it refreshed my interest in her, albeit her declining my request, but I wasn't about to let her spoil my fun, so after trying so hard to convince her, I decided, I would do it without her, just like the first time, I would let Buckle fuck me, and just me, after I thought about it, he didn't seem too interested the second time, I think having too many people around him made him nervous, and he wasn't focused, so I thought if it was just me, that he might show some enthusiasm, I didn't tell Elly that I was going to do it, not because I was worried about what she'd say, but because a part of me wanted Buckle all to myself, I wanted his gigantic inside me, and only me, I wanted him to use ME, I wanted to be his again, I didn't want him to share, and I wasn't about to share either, so like the first time, I waited until I had a clear window in which to have my fun, I wasn't about to get caught actually fucking a horse, after denying it so many times, I don't think they'd believe I didn't do it if I was laying on my back with 12 inches of Buckles cock inside.. one of my holes.

So, now you know background story line, I'll get onto the actual story, as I said, I had decided to go ahead and let Buckle pound me, alone, I wanted to be physically pounded by him, although I knew this in reality, this would either kill me, or do me serious internal injuries, I'd hate to have to explain that one in the emergency room, I ended up having to wait a few weeks before I knew for certain I would be alone in the house, I would never do this if I thought there was a chance I'd get caught, having a rumour float about that I was fucked by a horse is hard enough to deal with, having someone actually catch me, very bad, so, it was a satuday, and I had been itching to get on with it, having been told a week or so previously that I would be alone this weekend, I was like a child waiting for a birthday, my Brother isn't even in the country, so he's no problem, my Mother and Aunty were going to a "half million pound wedding", so they'd be gone till sunday, and my Dad is in China on a business trip, I couldn't have asked for a better window in which to the put my much desired plan into action, stupidly, I went out clubbing with Elly on the friday night, and got a little drunk, not totally hammered, but I was most definately drunk, but still sober enough to know what I had planned tomorrow, so I ended up leaving early, I knew if I stayed out all night I would end up at some after party and wouldn't get home till lately afternoon the next day, or I would end up staying with Elly, or she would end up staying with me, both ruined my plans, so, I got a taxi home, I was a little dazed in the cab, I have a really long drive way, and felt like a strole, so I got the taxi to drop me off outside the gates, and then walked the rest of the way, the lights along the driveway were on, and it was a peaceful walk to the house, but before the house, comes the barn, I managed to slip in the side door, which can't be seen from the house, so no one would know I'd be in there, the barn is really rather large for one horse, and he must get terribly lonely in there, I walked up to him, he was facing towards the pen gate, and came over to me when I approached him, he bobbed his head a little as if he was pleased to see me, well, he probably was considering all I'd done for him, I was so tempted to go at him right there and now, but I was pretty drunk, and not fully in control of myself, so I decided not to fuck him at that point, but, I couldn't just walk away from him, it was probably a combination of the alcohol, and the fact that I'd wanted this so badly for almost three weeks, I opened the pin on his gate and opened it a little, enough for me to slide in, closing it behind me, there are two long fluorescent lights at the top of the barn, the one closest to Buckle is kept on half light at night, so he can see what he's doing, but it still doesn't illuminte his pen very much, so I knew no one would see me unless they were looking for me, and, well, who would be? I had already taken off my heals to walk down the gravel path, so along with my purse, I placed them on the ground in the hay, and then dropped down to my knees, as I lowered myself down, my head spun and I realised I was still a little drunk, but this only added to the excitement, aswell the risk of being caught, Buckle isn't harnessed at night, so he was free to move around, but being drunk, this totally slipped my mind, I had been out drinking, so I already looked like a slut, I pulled up my skirt and spread my legs so that I could shuffle closer to Buckle, Buckle is a dark brown colour, with almost black mane and tail, so it was rather dark underneath him, I managed to shuffle closer without falling over, I was so horny it was unreal, but even though I wanted to fuck him, the only thing I had in my mind right now, was cum, his cum, I wanted to suck his cock until he shot, right down my throat, I wanted to swallow every last drop of it, looking back now, I underestimated just how much cum Buckle was willing to share with me, so with my task set in mind, I was determined to see it through, I reached up and gently pressed my hands to Buckles tummy, rubbed it a little so that he'd feel at ease, then slowly I worked my way down to his cock, my hands grasped against it, it felt gigantic, alot bigger than I remembered, I gripped it lightly with one hand, and started to slowly slide my hand back and fourth along its length, I let my other hand slide backwards and grasp his balls in my hand, they were so large I couldn't even get my hand around them, but then I do have tiny hands, they were warm to the touch, Buckle shuffled slightly as I wrapped my fingers around them, I rubbed them gently with my fingers, after a while of doing this, and rubbing at his length, I started to feel his cock grow against my left hand, and I knew it was working, slowly, but surely, Buckles cock started to extended, I watched as the gigantic head poked out, the head itself was a dark colour, but along the length was an almost light pink layer of skin, I watch as his cock hung lower and lower the longer it got, I didn't even wait for it to fully extend before I moved my hands to his length, it wasn't even fully hard, I wrapped both my hands around his bare cock and rubbed at it slowly, he got hard very quickly, I hadn't seen this for almost two months, I couldn't believe how glad I was to be touching it again, without much hesitation, I pressed my lips to his length, I sucked against his warm cock whilst continuing to rub at it, making sure he didn't go limp on me, I pressed my tongue against his shaft and started to lick along the length, his cock was now fully erect and solid, I release my hands and repositioned myself directly under him, and facing directly towards his cock, I reached my hands back up and placed them just behind the head and held tightly, I moved my head in closer and started to suck on the oddly shaped head of his cock, it was soft and warm, I must have licked every inch of the head, I tried to get it into my mouth, having to angle it so I got one side in first, then push the other side in with my fingers, my tongue licked clean his cock as I sucked on it, as my tongue licked every inch of his huge cock, there was a slight "dip" in the middle, obviously the tube the good stuff cums out of, as I inspected it with my tongue, I slowly squeezed my tongue down its shaft and wiggled it about a little, this obviously went down very well with Buckle, he bucked a little, forcing his cock further into my mouth than I wanted, but I kept his cock inside my mouth, I don't know how long it was, but I just sat and licked and sucked at his cock, rubbing his length with my hands, then Buckles feet kicked a little, and he shuddered lightly, I'd seen this before, I knew what this was, I kept on forcing my tongue down the length of his tube and literally forcing his cock into my mouth with my hands, he bucked once more, then I felt his cock become even harder, and almost in an instant, my tongue was forced out of Buckles sperm tube, as he filled my entire mouth with cum, before I had a chance to pull back, he forced his cum down my throat, I choked and pulled my head away, then I swallowed and regained myself, Buckle was still cumming, I didn't even taste it, I just wrapped my lips back around the head of his cock and I swallowed as much as I could, there was so much that it poured from the corner of my mouth, down my chin and covered my clothes, soaked through to my boobs, I was so engrossed in swallowing his cum, I didn't even realise that he'd stopped, until his cock started to retract from my hands, I didn't move, I just let it go, and then his cock went limp and hung down, I was completely plasted in cum, my mouth, my cheeks, my neck, my forearms, my chest, and my clothes, I licked my lips, and only then did I actually taste what I had just swallowed, and honestly, it was digusting, it was thick, warm, and tasted like.. cum, but nasty cum, but the feeling of it being pumped down my throat, was well worth the taste left in my throat, I used my finger to clean the rest of the cum from my face, it tasted horrible, but I just couldn't stop, I hoped my Mum was asleep, or I'd have to explain what I was covered in, apon leaving, like I normally do, I gave Buckle a quick kiss on the nose, I picked up my shoes and purse, and snuck out the same door I came in, and then went round the far side of the house, went through the basement, I snuck in the back of the house to the spiral stairway that is closet to my room, I managed to get in without running into my Mother, I got in my room, locked the door, and took a shower, I got myself off a dosen times going over what just happened in my head, I got cleaned up, and headed to bed, I must have fallen asleep pretty quickly.

I woke up the next morning at 11:35am, much later than I had planned to get up, I went downstairs and my Mum had already left, she left me a note about food and things I had to do around the house, so as it turned out, sleeping in late, actually worked in my favor, as everyone was already gone, I went back upstairs and I found a tight fitting push up bra, I had this image in my head of Buckle cumming on my chest and a puddle of cum forming in my clevage, that I could suck up with a straw, thats when I really thought I was disgusting! I put on a pair of jean-shorts that I could take off quickly, but were ok to walk across the driveway in, not that anyone would see me, it just made me feel a little easier, I was so happy, I almost skipped across to the barn, I had the biggest smile on my face, and I was even happier I didn't have a hang over, as that would have probably made the experience less amazing, the main barn door was already open, my Mum opens it when she gets up around 6:30am, not sure why, she doesn't go in there, I suppose she just cares about Buckle, but, not in the same way I do, I stepped into the barn and my eyes adjusted to the different light conditions, Buckle was in exactly the same place as he was last night, there was a tingle over my whole body I was so excited, I did consider leaving Buckle unharnessed, but I had read up on horse beastiality, and that leaving a horse free whilst doing this sort of this was highly unrecommended, I had to look around for his harness, it was on the bench I used the first two times to push under Buckle, so I took his harness, and placed it on him, without any fuss, best, horse, ever! I had some trouble remember how it went on, but it went on, took his reigns and tied them to the same thick wooden post I did the other times, tying it in a knot so that the harder he pulled, the tighter it got, my brother is in the army, he showed me cool stuff like that, I got kind of giddy, like I was embarassed to do what I was about to do, which was silly, as I'd done it before, I walked back out of the pen and pushed that fucking heavy ass bench back into the pen, Buckle hates the noise it makes on the floor, he always tries to get as far away from it as possible, so its not the easiest to get it directly under him, but today I was smart, first I pushed the bench into place, then, moved to the other side of Buckle, and pushed him over it, not easy trying to move a horse when you're my size, so I moved back to the other side of him, and then tried to remember everything I did last time, lubricant, I forgot it, but I wasn't about to go and get some, I was already soaking wet from being so excited, I unbuttoned my tiny little jean-shorts and pushed them down, kicking them to the side, I got down on my knees once again, and moved right up close to Buckles sheathed cock, I extended an arm and, not gently, grabbed at his balls, squeezing them with a firm grip, Buckle seemed unphased, I just wanted to get his cock out and inside me as quickly as possible, I started to rub at his sheath, I moved my head round and stuck my tongue in the opening of his cock, I could just about feeling the harder surface of his cock on the tip of my tongue, with both of my hands, and my tongue, it took about half the time to get Buckles cock extending out of the sheath, that it did last night, once it was out, I rubbed at it hard, trying to get it harden quickly, not as quick as I wanted, but it got there in the end, I let go of his huge cock and climbed up onto the bench, I forgot how tight it was between me and Buckles tummy, I spread my legs out to the side and rested them on the sides of the bench, I couldn't reach down directly, Buckle was in the way, so I had to sort of lean to the side and sit up, then reach down and grab his cock, once I had it in my hands, I laid back down, I played with the head a little, squeezing it in my hands, before placing it up against the soaking wet entrance of my tiny little hole, well, tiny for now, I nudged myself down against the giant head, and remembered just how big it was, my pussy was truly soaked and I rubbed my pussy all over his cock, making it just as wet, finally, I shuffled downwards on the bench, and gripped at the shaft, and held it in place, as I slowly started to force myself against his monsterous cock, I had to keep pressing, then releasing, then pressing again, as it was too big to take in one go, after a few minutes of this, I felt like I could fit him inside me, I took a firm grip off his cock and then slowly forced myself against the huge throbbing head, I felt him start to stretch me open as his rod slowly entered me, I gritted my teeth as it hurt, quite alot, but I didn't stop pushing, I just went really slow, so that I stretched out around him with minimal pain, I felt the head finally push inside me, but it wasn't in yet, I was waiting for that "pop" as it finally rested inside me, but it didn't seem to come, he couldn't have filled me already, I wasn't having this, I started to nudge myself against his cock, until suddently, I felt, and heard the pop, instantly I let go of his shaft and just laid there, it felt so good to be filled with so much inside my pussy, I could feel just how big he was, and just how much he had filled my tight little cunt, I lowered my arms down to the bench, and then slowly started to rock myself back and fourth against his cock, at first it didn't seem to move inside me, just stay put, and his actual cock moved, which caused me no pleasure, but as I wiggled my hips and became more and more wet, I could feel his cock move less and less, and my pussy start to slide around his shaft more, it felt fucking amazing, I could feel his thick cock stay stationary as I slid myself up and down on his pole, after a while there was no pain and just a feeling I've never felt before, not even the first two times, I was pushing down so hard I could feel his cock start to bend inside me, I must have already cum ten times, I completely soaked both of us, I looked down to view his length, and to my surprise, each time I forced myself down against him, forcing him deeper inside my, a little bulge appeared on my tummy, I couldn't take my eyes off of it, it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen, I don't know how much of his cock I took, but it felt like alot, I started pushing down harder in order to make the bulge bigger, I started to pick up speed aswell, using my arms to force myself down against his giant shaft, I was in a total daze, my own little world, I pulled an arm up to place under my head, so I could continue to watch as the bulge grew higher and higher, it also shifted about in my pussy, popping up in slightly different places on my tummy, although it wasn't technically in my tummy, thats where it popped up, I pulled my other arm up and placed my hand over it, I felt it with my fingers as it forced up from inside me, I closed my eyes and I rubbed my fingers over it, Buckle was now chewing at the wooden post he was tied to, I could hear him, he kicked at the floor with his hoofs, I knew what was coming, so I forced myself down against his length, then pulled back an inch or so, then just wiggled my hips against his length, rocking it back and fourth, in and out my pussy, his rear end bucked a little, sending his cock drilling into me, I let out a scream, not from pain, but from surprise, it excited me, I grinded myself down against him once again, only to feel a warm sensation fill me from the inside, I could literally feel it as the luke warm cum left his cock and made its way from the depths of my pussy, to the entrance, I refused to let him go, I reached down and held his cock in place, forcing him to cum inside me, I wiggled my hips against his cock as the cum squeezed out from around his cock, seeping down his length, and the back of my thighs to my asshole, I must have cum three or four times just from this, I held him inside me until his cock retracted from my grip and fell free, I've had guys cum inside me before, but this was different, I could feel it inside me, I could feel it slosh around inside my pussy, I reached down with my hand, my pussy still gaping from his monsterous cock, I pushed two fingers inside myself and I could actually feel the cum inside me, I swirled my fingers around in it, then pulled them up to my mouth and sucked them clean, I sat up awkwardly and to the side, as I sat up, I felt the cum inside my pussy trickle out of my still gaping hole, I watched as it trickled down the side of the bench, I reach down with my hand and held it under the dripping cum, as it slowed to a few drops, I pulled my hand up and swallowed what was in my hand, I could taste a very faint scent of my own cum in there, it was delicious, I licked my hand clean and shuffled down off of the bench, I got down in my knees and reached up to Buckles cock, proceeding to lick it clean, it didn't fully retract, but it hung low, and reduced in thickness, although I had got what I wanted, I got so much, that I wanted more.

I knew from my limited experience, that Buckle needed to recharge, but whilst he was doing so, he cock was rather limp, and alot thinner than when he's fully erect, I couldn't help but sucking at his cock and forcing it down my throat, I rubbed my tongue at the under side of his shaft, before gagging and pulling it out, a thick line of saliva connected the head of his cock to my bottom lip, I spat it off and it fell into the hay, I continued to suck at his cock until quite a while later, in my mouth, it began to grow again, thicker, and longer, I kept it in my mouth, but unlike before, this time, Buckles cock was throbbing heavily, I kept it in my mouth until my jaw started to ache, I pulled it out and jammed my tongue down his sperm tube, I could still taste his cum, his cock grew much faster than I had ever seen, and it seemed harder than it ever had before, I wanted to act quickly before this wore off, so I got back on the bench, and decided to lay on my back again, again I sat up and to the side and reached down for his cock, pulling it towards me, I also shuffled myself down closer to him, with my free hand, I reached down between my legs and pushed a finger into my asshole, surprisingly, it slipped straight in, I tried two, again, they slipped straight in, then three, it was a little tight, but I had no trouble, the cum that had run down to my asshole was really helping me out, I pulled my fingers out, and forced four fingers into my ass, it was tight, and it hurt, but I forced them in, already covered in cum, my fingers quickly moved freely in and out of my asshole, I knew that this was going to be painful, and might not even work, with my hand wrapped around Buckles shaft, I lowered it down to my asshole and nudged myself against the head, it didn't feel right, like it would never fit, but it had before, I pressed myself against it, like before, pacing myself, pressing against it, then pulling away, then came the time to really push, I had made good progress and as I held the giant head in place, I really forced myself hard against it, it wasn't so much painful, it was just physically hard, and I'm pretty weak, it didn't seem to want to go in, but I kept the pressure on and I felt it reach a point where I felt it would go, so I eased off the pressure, and the rest of the way, I slowly edged myself down against it, it reached a point where I could release the shaft, I pushed and rocked my hips really slowly until I felt my asshole consume the head, almost suck it inside me as if it was desperate to have it inside me, I just lay there for a minute, the feeling was strange, like I needed the toilet really bad, but I started to work my body against it slowly, grinding myself, using my hips to work it inside me, it was odd, but it was like I could feel every lump, every vein, every throb of his cock, it felt amazing, I started to roll my hips, up then down, on the up, I positioned the head inside me, on the down, I would use my weight to force the giant shaft deeper up my ass, after a while of grinding and rolling my hip, the head felt "loose" inside my ass, like I had room to work with, I started to lift my body up and down the bench, unlike when in my pussy, Buckles cock was really solid as a rock, and didn't move and inch, instead, it was me moving, I could feel my asshole glide up and down around his thick shaft, it felt like I was taking a decent amount of him from the length I was impaled on, after a while of easing myself in, I started to ride myself against his cock faster, but I realised I couldn't get enough movement on my back, so I turn over onto my side, I pulled my legs up onto the bench, and tucked them into a slot on the side, I could now use my legs as a spring action, laying on my side, I started to use my legs to really slide back and fourth, moaning deeply to myself as I could feel his thick, rock hard shaft slide up my ass until it wouldn't go any further, pulling myself off of his length felt any better, leaving a suction effect inside my body, I wanted to go faster, but the feeling of my asshole stretched around his huge cock, sliding up and down as he penetrated me, was one of the most amazing things I had ever felt, I knew I was taking a decent amount of him now, about half way down his cock, his sperm tube became slightly larger than the forward section of his cock, I could now feel this "larger" part of his tube pressing up against my asshole, it wasn't long before this part was going into my ass, with the rest of his cock, I was cumming every minute, I was soaked with sweat, my pussy had a constant tickle, it almost felt like my orgasm never really stopped before the next one hit, I must have stayed like that for half an hour, just rocking myself back and fourth slowly, taking as much of his monster cock up my ass as I could humanly take, the full length was probably around the nine or ten inch mark, and if you don't believe me, as any girl who's ever fucked her own ass, they will tell you, you can get alot in there I also know this because I checked his cock afterwards, and his cock was soaked about nine or ten inches down, I used my fingers to measure, I'm a clever girl, I was in total heaven as I just laid there and pummled my own ass with his cock, I almost thought as long as I go this slow, Buckle wouldn't cum, but unfortunately, I was wrong, laying on my side I reached down and grabbed Buckles length as he showed his usual signs of pleasure just before he came, it took him a little longer than before, but I wasn't exactly complaining, I just laid there and let him fill me with his second load, I squirmed my hips to try and milk even more out of him, he Bucked a few times, sending his cock painfully deep up my ass, the feeling of him filling my ass with warm cum was even better than him filling my pussy, I just laid there as he pumped load after load into me, I could feel it fill me and then trickle out of my asshole, eventually, his cock retracted from my ass and became limp, I just laid there for a minute or so, then sat up in the "to the side" fashion again, my asshole was still gaping from taking such a pounding, as I sat up, I orgasmed instantly, as I felt the cum start to trickle out of me, it was such an amazing feeling, I hopped down off of the bench, my legs were shakey and felt really light, with cum literally dripping down them, I was tired, really tired, but my enite body was tingling, almost like a "small constant orgasm", I was completely drenched with sweat, it was literally running off of my body, I never got to fill my bra with cum, but I wasn't exactly disappointed with my experience, even though I was tired, I had to be more careful now in covering my tracks, now that people "knew" what I had done, I felt so weak, it took me ages to put the bench and harness back, the hay under Buckle was just a sticky ball of cum, so I cleaned this and put down fresh down, all was the way it had been before I entered the barn, and unless Buckle was gonna tell on me, I think my secret was safe once more, I gave him a kiss on the nose, and left the barn, I didn't even put my jean-shorts back on to walk back to the house, I walked into the kitchen, and got a glass of water, went up to my room, I planned to take a shower, but I knew no one would be home until tomorrow, I laid on my bed, feeling more satisfied, than any guy, or girl had ever made me feel sexually, I guess you just can't beat a trusty steed.

I know this story isn't as long as the others, but the more I write, the more I remember, little details that I go back and enter into the story as they come to mind, I hope I got everything right, I think this was my favorite time with Buckle, even more so than when Elly was there, I'm sad she refused to join in, but I'm also really glad she did, I had so much fun with Buckle this time, I ended up telling Elly about my time with Buckle, it was strange, but she seemed a little jealous, she asked me why I kept fucking him, almost like she thought it was sick or weird, even though she'd done it herself, maybe she thought once was for fun, more than once was weird, but I held my ground and said if she didn't like it, that was her problem, we talked about it alot, and I finally managed to "persuede" her into trying it with Buckle again, I'm not sure why she agreed to do it, as she seemed to have no interest in it, and although she said she would, she kept putting it off, but I'm not a stupid person, and I finally managed to corner her at my house, with no one else around, but thats another story.

Hope you liked, Pretty Princess. xXx



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I gotta say, i used to hate reading stories for some reason, esp. once about animals and such, but i came across your first story involving buckle and i got hooked, ive read all three of your stories and enjoyed all of them very much. In fact the only reason i made this account was to let you know how much i enjoyed your stories, not only because i find them arousing, but you are simply an amazing writer, keep up the good work and i hope to hear more stories from you =)

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