Story Details

Animal Lovers Part 2

WolfGirl20 on Animal Stories

Animal Lovers Part 2

By: WolfGirl20

The drive to work was silent for Avery, her thoughts were going in every direction she didn’t know what to really do but pay attention to where she was driving. Traffic was slow going, not very busy for the middle of the week so it didn’t take long before she was pulling into the parking lot for the Veterinary Hospital in which she works at. Parking her car and turning off the engine, she grabbed her purse and looked around within to make sure she had what she needed before grabbing her keys and getting out.

Closing the door, someone else pulled into the empty space next to her car and she turned, recognizing the dark blue van immediately. Smiling, she waited as the new arrival turned off her car and got out after grabbing her things. She wasn’t very tall, at least a few inches taller then Avery as she was only 5’3”. She had red hair, bright blue eyes and tanned skin. She was very fit and athletic looking body that was all curves; she had a nice small ass and tits that were at least 32B cups. The woman smiled at Avery as she said, “Hey Avery. Ready for tonight?” Avery smiled back as she said, “Yes, indeed I am Natalie. Come on, let’s go inside and get ready for the day.”

Natalie nodded and they walked up to the building together; their arms almost touching that they walked so close to each other. They brushed hands lightly as they went through the door, which caused Avery to blush slightly at the innocent act which in turn caused Natalie to smile. The waiting room was empty except for two receptionists at the counter who greeted them with warm smiles. Returning the smiles warmly, the two women walked around the counter to the back of the building where all the staff go to place their belongings.

When they reached the first hall that opened up to two large rooms for examinations or surgeries as well as other doors along the hallway, they picked up on conversation that was coming from the break room; where they were now headed towards. They knew that today was supposed to be a slow afternoon, as they were on second shift and there were fewer appointments scheduled. Walking down the hallway, they saw a few of the other staff members standing around the doorway talking to each other. Natalie called out to one of them, saying, “Lillian! We’re here. What’s going on?” The woman she called for turned around at the sound of her name.

She was a brunette like Avery but her hair was much shorter and in layers. Her skin was fairer but not quite pale either. Her body was shapely though there was a bit more meat on her then the rest of the women who worked there, she was in good shape. She was Avery’s height of 5’1” with 36D breasts and a small ass that completed her figure. Lillian smiled when she saw them and said, “Hey! Nice to see you two finally showed up. We have a new member to our staff today and you won’t believe it. They hired in another guy to work among us.” She giggled slightly, causing both Avery and Natalie to smile at her antics.

“Good to know that we have a new member. But does he know of the business’ secret though?” Avery asked Lillian curiously. Lillian shook her head in the negative and said in a soft voice, “No, not yet anyways. We prefer to keep that from new employees for at least a few days until we know for sure that they won’t be running off to the police. Just don’t say anything or act out of the ordinary about that. You’ll be fine unless….something happened that you want to tell us?” Avery bit her lip and nodded in affirmative, unsure what to really say.

This time both Natalie and Lillian giggled at Avery’s silence and Natalie said softly, “You can tell us and Hayden in a little bit when we have our break together. When we know for sure that the new guy won’t be able to hear us.” Avery smiled and said, “Alright, that’s fine. Let’s go put our stuff away and meet this new person then.” Natalie and Lillian both nodded and they walked the rest of the way towards the break room just as the staff started to leave to get ready for the afternoon shift. Walking through the door and into a large room that had a pop machine, two vending machines, a table with five chairs, a mini fridge and a counter on the far side of the wall.

Sitting in one of the chairs talking to one of the five doctors’ in the hospital, was the new employee. He turned to them as the doctor stopped talking to him. Avery smiled at her as she said, “Afternoon Doctor Olivia. What’s on the agenda for today?” Doctor Olivia smiled in return as she got up from her chair. “Well Avery, we have a few surgeries today as well as a few appointments in about an hour or two. Plus we have some dogs coming in for day care as well that I need you to watch after for the owners.” Doctor Olivia told her after looking at her watch on her wrist for the time.

Avery nodded with a smile as she said, “Of course Doctor. I’ll be sure to take care of them.” Natalie and Lillian both smiled in response to her words, hearing the double meaning behind them easily. The new employee however just looked on, wondering who they were and everything. Doctor Olivia looked from the three women who had walked into the break room and to the new guy and said, “Girls, I wish to introduce you to our newest member on the animal family, James. James, meet Avery, Natalie and Lillian.”

Olivia pointed out each woman in turn as she said their names and he nodded his head with a polite smile. He was 5’10” with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was fit and dressed similar to what everyone else were wearing; dark blue pants and shirt that were the uniform. His eyes caught Avery’s own hazel ones and she smiled shyly. He returned her smile with one of his own just before Avery, Natalie and Lillian walked in further and placed their things where they needed to be for the day.

“See you around James.” Avery said to him as she walked out of the break room, followed by Lillian and Natalie; who were curious about what had happened to her before she came to work.

James just watched the three leave, wondering what to do now that he had met an attractive woman on the first day on the job. Turning to Doctor Olivia, he asked, “Um, Doctor Olivia? Mind telling me what you want me to start doing first?”

Turning to him just as she was about to walk out into the hall, Doctor Olivia said, “Follow me James. I’ll show you around first so you know where everything is. Then I’ll go over everything I want you to worry about for the next four days first thing.” James nodded and followed her out to the hall.

Showing him where all the rooms in the building were, including the X-ray room, surgery rooms, examination rooms, cat playroom, kennel area, hydro therapy, the barn and then the day care. It was there they found Avery and Lillian playing with the dogs. Avery threw a tire toy for three large dogs, which the dogs themselves chased after eagerly. James and Doctor Olivia watched from the door, behind the gate so they didn’t get jumped on by several toy dogs. Avery laughed, watching as two of the dogs ran into each other in the air as they tried to grab for the tire. They hit the floor and the third dog grabbed the tire and took it back to Avery; his tail wagging as he came to sit in front of her.

Kneeling down to the dogs’ level, Avery scratched the dog’s ear lovingly as she took the tire from his mouth and looked up to the door when the dogs started barking. Smiling, she said, “Having fun looking around James?” Lillian looked over to the door when Avery said his name and waved before taking twelve dogs outside to play in the sun. James waved back to her as he said to Avery, “Yeah, a lot of fun really. A lot going on around here, more then I expected actually.”

Doctor Olivia chuckled as she spoke up saying, “Oh there is always something going on around here. We are an active and open business; taking in animals of all kinds from birds to horses. We are a big practice, so we have a lot going on.” James nodded as he now understood, watching as Avery played with some of the dogs that didn’t go outside. He watched her movements and found her attractive. Turning to Doctor Olivia, he asked, “So what will I be doing for the next few days?”

Without looking away from Avery playing with the dogs, Olivia said, “Well, we’ll have you start out cleaning kennels first and keeping an eye on the dogs as well as the cats. Any other animals we get in you will be trained to look after them by one of the other employee’s here. This is your choice really since all of them were trained in every department.” There was something in her eyes that James noticed, but didn’t know what it was. At least not at the moment and he was going to think it over in his head when he gets the chance too.

“That works for me.” James said, turning his dark blue eyes back to Avery who was letting the dogs in from outside as Lillian came back in. Doctor Olivia turned to him finally and said, “Good. Now, I have some appointments and surgeries to get ready for. I’ll see you around James.” James nodded and watched her leave the day care before turning to watch the two women interact with the dogs. He noticed there was a certain air to the room and with the look he saw in Olivia’s eyes, got him wondering if there was something else going on here then they were letting on.

He knew he would find out eventually one way or another and he had a feeling he would be finding out soon. Turning, he left as well to go to the kennels to get started on what he was assigned to do first. All the while, his thoughts on Avery and everything else.

After James had left, Lillian turned to Avery and asked her, “So, what happened that had you so quiet earlier?” Avery smiled slightly at her question as she threw a toy for the dogs before she said, “Oh nothing besides Luke licked me for the first time after I got back from my run earlier.” Lillian’s eyebrow raised at Avery’s response and said, “I take it, you’re anxious for tonight?” Avery giggled as she said, “Of course. I can not wait for it to come around and you know it.”

Shaking her head as she laughed, Lillian said, “You are one horny woman. You know that right?” Joining in her laughter, Avery said, “Of course I know it. Remember how many times you told me that about three days after working here? I only got worse since.” Lillian smirked at that and said, “Got worse huh? We’ll see how much worse we’ll make you tonight after work.”

Avery smiled and said, “Alrighty then. After work it is.”

Lillian grinned one of her mischievous smiles but said nothing else as they played with the dogs for another hour or so before the owners arrived for their dogs. After all the dogs had left within an hour, Avery and Lillian were called to other parts of the hospital to assist in many things. Such as helping with routine appointments with the doctors and looking after the animals.

As the clock hit eight pm, the time for the hospital to close and for everyone to go home and relax for the evening, the three women met up outside of the break room. Avery, Lillian and Natalie were talking outside the door holding their belongings as they waited for Hayden to get there as well. What they didn’t expect though was for James to arrive for his things before Hayden. “Hey, what are you three still doing here?” James asked curiously, walking into the room to grab his light jacket.

“Just waiting on our friend Hayden to meet up with us. Us four were going to hang out tonight.” Natalie said as she leaned against the wall. Walking out of the break room, James looked to Natalie and said, “Ah, sounds like fun. Mind if I tag along? I have nothing better to do really tonight.” Natalie looked to Avery and Lillian and back to James, saying, “Maybe another time. I’m sorry James but it was kind of sudden and Lillian, Hayden and I had a surprise for Avery tonight. But I promise you can tag along next week sometime when we hang out again.”

It was then that Hayden came down the hall towards them. She was small in every way, only reaching 5’ exactly with black hair that reached that mid of her back. The ends of her hair were dyed red and she had eyes that were electric blue with tanned skin. Her chest and ass seemed to be the only things on her body that stood out the most besides her eyes. Her tits were at least 36C cups while her ass was just the right size for her figure that was fit and curvy. She smiled a radiant smile at the three women and said, “Sorry I’m late. Had last minutes things to take care of out in the barn.”

The three women smiled knowing smiles, already knowing what she had to take care of just by the gleam in her electric blue eyes. Hayden walked into the break room to grab her things and came back out as she said, “Ready to go then?”

Avery and the other two nodded in agreement before Natalie turned to James and said, “I hope you don’t think we don’t like you or anything. It’s just caught us off guard is all. We’ll include you in next time when we decide to hang out. Tonight, it’s just a girl’s night out for us.” James nodded with a smile as he said, “Sure thing. I’ll see you four tomorrow then?”

“Of course you’ll see us tomorrow James. The only times we have off are weekends.” Lillian said jokingly with a smile.

“Alright. See you four tomorrow then. Have a good night.” James told them as the four women started to walk down the hall to leave.

Avery turned around as she walked backwards and called down the hall to him saying, “Don’t worry, we will! Hope you have a good night as well!” The four broke out in fits of giggles at Avery’s words; knowing exactly what they were going to be doing this night.

James shook his head at their antics before he also left to go home.

The four women got into their own cars out in the parking lot and followed Avery back to her house. The roads were almost dead, barely any traffic besides the lights to really stop them from going the speed limit as some people liked to go slow around the area at this time of day though it was still light out.

Pulling up in front of her house, Avery turned off the car as Natalie, Lillian and Hayden also parked their cars where they could before getting out and meeting Avery at the gate. “Ready for a wild night girls?” Natalie asked them, smiling.

“Oh hell yeah Natalie. Lead the way Avery.” Hayden said eagerly.

Avery shook her head, amused before opening the gate and walking up to her front door. She smiled as she unlocked the door; the dogs barking excitedly inside at hearing voices outside. Once she knew the gate was shut, she opened her door and the dogs rushed out to greet everyone eagerly. The males especially started to smell the womens crotches, knowing that they were aroused and eager to get inside.

The four of them laughed as they walked in, the dogs following after them with their tails wagging.

As they settled in for a long, wild night, the dogs were starting to get restless and agitated. The girls got something to eat in the kitchen first and once they were done, went into the living room; moving the furniture around to make more room in the center before they all started to strip naked.

The dogs, Luke especially, watched the four intently; the overwhelming smell of sweet pussy juices filling the room getting them excited alone. Luke started to pant, pacing back and forth in the hallway next to the stairs; the tip of his red cock already beginning to show and getting bigger as well as longer as the minutes passed. Avery noticed how restless Luke seemed to be and said, “Well, let’s get the fun started already!”

Natalie smiled and said, “Be patient Avery. Let the sexual tension grow so that it’ll get Luke fully excited and hard; that way you can jerk him off first and try sucking on his cock as well.” Natalie sat down on the couch next to Hayden, who was drinking a glass of wine. Avery tried to do as Natalie said but couldn’t help but watch Luke impatiently; though her behavior only helped to fuel the sexual atmosphere. Luke laid down in the middle of the floor panting and Natalie stood up.

Walking over to Avery, she reached for Avery’s wrist and pulled her up with ease as she said, “Get on the floor next to him. You are going to listen to every thing I tell you and you are going to do it. Otherwise, there will be punishment.”

Avery nodded, knowing that Natalie was playing her mistress role now since she was the most experienced one there and therefore, she had to comply. Moving slowly as Luke laid his head down as he was on his side, Avery got onto her knees; petting Luke’s side to keep him calm. “Now, move your hand towards his exposed cock Avery. Take it in your hand and gently stroke it like you would a mans cock.” Natalie commanded of her.

Avery did as she was told, moving her hand slowly to Luke’s hard cock that was almost completely out now and took it into her hands carefully and squeezed lightly before stroking him slowly. Luke looked up at her the moment he felt her hand on him before laying his head back down; rolling over onto his back to give her more room. As she slowly stroked Luke’s cock, Hayden and Lillian sat close together on the couch making out; their hands slowly exploring one another’s body as they watched Avery from time to time.

“Take his cock in your mouth Avery. Taste him, deep throat him as well. I want to see your throat swell with his cock buried deep.” Natalie told her, joining the two women on the couch who were now in the 69 position with Hayden on top of Lillian. Their moans soon filled the room, exciting the other two male dogs in the room. Gavin, who was the male husky, walked over to the three women on the couch; his nose twitching at the smell of their pussies overflowing with their juices. Chase, the male great dane walked over to Avery who still knelt on the floor and just now took Luke’s cock into her mouth slowly until she couldn’t deep throat any more.

Chase smelled her naked back and down to her ass, occasionally licking her skin from time to time as his nose searched for the source of her juices. His head moved lower, causing him to lay down behind her as his nose came into contact with her pussy.

The moment his cold nose touch her exposed clit, Avery’s legs opened more to give him access to her pussy; however she was unaware of which dog was behind her. Natalie noticed, but didn’t say anything as Chase was already behind her and wasn’t about to get bit by a dog who was horny as hell and wanting to fuck. Avery paid him no attention, only moaning around Luke’s now thick, big cock in her mouth. She smirked, watching as Avery did as she told her to do and got up after slapping Hayden’s ass and moved to stand next to Avery. Chase pulled away and Avery groaned at the loss of the tongue probing her and pulled away from Luke’s cock when she felt the weight of a furry body on her back.

“Get on all fours slowly Avery. Chase is behind you so you are going to have to move carefully.” Natalie said as she knelt, placing a hand on Avery’s shoulder while the other was underneath her; stroking her pussy slowly. Moving carefully, Avery repositioned herself under Chase as his front legs grabbed around her waist eagerly; already humping away at air. Deciding to help, Natalie stopped stroking Avery’s pussy and her hand moved to Chase’s covered cock; the tip just now showing itself. Grasping it gently in her hand, she rubbed him slightly until about an inch was showing. He started to fuck her hand and so she said, “Move back into him Avery so I can help him get his cock inside you.”

Avery scooted back into Chase as she was told and Natalie gently tugged Chase’s cock towards Avery’s waiting pussy and the tip went in; allowing Chase’s instinct to fuck to take over as he immediately started to pound into her soft body eagerly. Avery squealed at the suddenness of the action and bit her lip to keep herself from screaming at the slight pain it caused. It didn’t take long before pleasure replaced the pain and she was moaning at the intensity of the feelings flowing through her body.

Chase rested his head on her right shoulder panting as he continued to fuck her hard and fast---something that Avery had always liked when it came to rough sex. Natalie pulled away from the two to watch for a few minutes before Luke grabbed her attention. He was still laying on the floor sprawled out with his cock fully hard and laying on his stomach. Smiling, Natalie looked to Hayden and Lillian on the couch and said, “Why don’t you two join me down here? Hayden, join me with sucking Luke’s cock while Lillian takes turns pleasuring us both.” Hayden got off of Lillian and said, “Yes Mistress. Anything for you.” Lillian just nodded at the command and after Hayden got on her knees next to Natalie, she crawled under both of them.

The two women both wrapped a hand around Luke’s cock and together they stroked him slowly but firmly as Lillian’s fingers delved into Natalie’s pussy and her tongue licked at Hayden’s clit before going deeper briefly. Next to them on all fours still was Avery, who had her eyes closed as Chase continued to pound his thick cock into her deeply with every thrust. She pushed back when she could but couldn’t keep up the pace as he was moving too quickly for her to handle.

Avery moaned as Chase continued to fuck her before her hazel eyes opened as she felt something hitting against her pussy lips. Moving carefully, she moved her right hand underneath her body to feel around down between her legs. She found that it was Chase’s knot trying to get inside and she moaned again at the thought of it going in her; stretching her to the limit while at the same time bringing more pleasure. Moving her fingers away from Chase’s cock, they found their way to her clit and she rubbed herself hard as she was about to explode from the pounding she was getting.

Lillian pulled away from Natalie and Hayden and moved out from under them before crawling over to Avery and underneath her that put them into the sixty-nine position. Avery didn’t notice, her foggy mind never registered the light touches on her stomach as Lillian moved about under her body. Avery jumped and came at the same time when Lillian’s wet tongue came into contact with her clit; causing Avery to move her hand to give her more room. Noticing the position Lillian put herself into, Avery relaxed her upper body to lay part way on Lillian so that she could play with her pussy.

Avery’s tongue lightly touched Lillian’s clit, causing her to jump slightly but never enough to pull away. As she continued her gentle torture on Lillian’s clit, Avery’s fingers moved to pull the lips of her pussy apart before moving her tongue down to delve as deep as she could into Lillian’s pussy; causing the woman to moan into Avery’s pussy which lead to Avery moaning as well in response.

Suddenly, the knot she had felt earlier was forced inside her pussy; causing her to yelp at the sudden pain it caused her. Lillian wrapped her arms around Avery’s mid section, her fingers rubbing soothing circles on her lower back to help her relax. Chase continued to pound into Avery, short deep thrusts which Lillian easily saw from where she laid under Avery. It wasn’t long before Chase stilled and he was shooting his hot load into Avery’s pussy; causing her to moan loudly at the feeling.

To Be Continued.

More to come soon. Please let me know what you think.



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. -

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Very well written...perhaps a little too much non sexual content for my personal taste...but as you said in your introduction that you like to set the scenes before hand...will look forward to reading future chapters.

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