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yarnspin Member Since October 19, 2009

"No More Tears"

yarnspin on Taboo Stories

I positioned myself, sitting, right in front of Lara. My

bathing suit material was loose and open but had a liner. Very

quickly, so no one saw my move, I released my cock from the

mesh. It was the only thing inhibiting her from getting a full

view of it . She was crying for some reason. I think she was

being grounded over some chore that was not finished. Her

face, with tears rolling down, was turned towards her mom

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dad sitting to my left. As soon as she turned her head in my

direction her eyes locked onto my dick. Tears instantly stopped like turning off a water faucet. I was looking at her at first. There's no

way I would miss the expressions on her sweet 13 year

old face. It was one of shock, wonderment and arousal all at

once. She forgot the argument with her parents. Transfixed by

the completely exposed sight of my 29 year old, full grown

manhood in full view to her and her only. I just casually

continued as if there was nothing peculiar. I didn't

want her to feel inhibited from enjoying the view. Enjoy it

she did! Lara couldn't get enough. Her eyes were so deeply

focused on my dick. I felt as if she had a physical hold of it.

Time to cut off the show. It was getting pretty obvious

something was consuming her every thought and it was somewhere

near my crotch.

Lara is an average height 13 year old. I could put my elbow

on her head for a headrest. She had pin straight, silky brown

hair. She was thin. No baby fat chubbiness which i find to be

unattractive. Not so much as a bump on her flat, firm chest. Athletic and toned with a cute little ass. She was curious and pretty verbally

uninhibited for her age. She had miniature version

of the features I'm attracted to in women. it was obvious

she was infatuated by me, not just my thick cock.

The opportunity we both were fantasizing about since that

night finally arrived. I was watching her and her brother while her parents had a night out. I wore the same loose swim shorts. I

was nervously anxious to have some more time with this sweet

young girl and give her another chance to enjoy me longer. Yes

much longer!

    I was on the right end of an L shaped couch and she plopped

herself down at the other end. I could just feel her saying,

"show me your cock again please?" It was so obvious and

wonderful that she wanted me to exhibit for her voyeuristic

delight. I had already prepared myself by freeing my cock and balls from the mesh liner to the left side knowing

where she would go. I just threw it at her. Swinging my leg

up on the couch. I was practically spread eagle giving her what

she wanted. the space between my leg and suit was so wide open

that removing them would be the only more revealing option.

She just drank it in. I restrained from looking over at her too often.

knowing she was just staring right at my dick was plenty for

me. It had the affect any one would get by showing a girl her

first cock that wasn't her daddy's or brothers and started to

get hard. I tried to control its growth, not to get to big too

fast, so she could fully enjoy what her gaze was doing to me. I

was fully hard and wanting to look at her mesmerized by her

first hard-on but I played it down and just gave her as long

and as "hard" as she wanted to stare. The glances I

quickly stole revealed she had slid down the couch. from the corner of my eye I could see her already tight jeans

riding up into her crotch pushing against her swollen button.

She must have been so wet. Her little pussy was reacting with

a feeling she was itching to scratch. So many images and

thoughts were spinning in my head. Wanting to watch her play

with herself while I did the same for her. Thinking about

having her hands wrapped around my shaft exploring her first.

rock hard, fully grown dick. It was completely welcomed by Lara.

It was sheer mutual enjoyment. I vividly imagined running my

finger across her tiny moist slit as she played with my prick

enjoying her first time handling one. Whatever Lara

wanted, without fear, was hers for the taking. I would never

put anyone, especially someone so young and trusting of me, in

a situation that wasn't what they were in complete control of.

Her brother came in and they must have talked because he tried

to get a look but that wasn't happening. It was for her eyes


    Later we got settled into some fun

games. I can't remember what they were. Out of nowhere her

little brother tucks his dick back between his legs which

left a very light dusting of pubic hair in sight. He was

pretending to have a pussy. I must admit it was a situation

which I could have taken another step but managed to be the

responsible adult and not parlay this into an intense

exploration into some first sexual experiences for all of us!

I told him to put his pants up and that's not cool. Then to my

astonishment Lara blurts out; "you don't have a big cock".

Holy shit! Did that just come out of this little innocent girls mouth. I was caught between saying don't talk like that and say it again. PLEASE PLEASE say it again. To this day I wish I told her to say it again. Whisper those naughty words in my ear? Bring it to a full groping session. Letting her stroke and explore what she found herself transfixed by earlier. It was the comparison of me and her brothers penis size, I've come to realize, which prompted the blunt comment.

Lara and I did get into a tickling game. She didn't want to

stop. I found myself on top of her. Off to the side but still

having her pinned under me. Almost all my weight was on her.

We were face to face. inches from her sweet tiny mouth. I tried

to keep my composure. I was so absorbed by the closeness.

Flawless skin. her eyes intensely gazing back at mine. She

smelled so yummy, like a freshly washed sheet mixed with a

hint of her arousal. The thought of kissing those lips were

just thoughts but wouldn't go away. I started to raise up and

she very seriously says; "don't get up!" Lara wanted me on

top of her. She wanted to be close to me. WOW! She really

liked me! I wasn't a lame adult to her but a guy who she

definitely found attractive. I gave her something no man had

before. Lara had a glimpse of adulthood. I treated her like a

young woman not a little girl. In return she gave me the gift

of acceptance. The lust we were both bathing in was thick. we

had our own reasons for the pure ecstasy of this moment. Both

of us knew how rare and precious this one small point in our

lives was and forever will be. It makes sense. Her intensity

is now apparent. First her lustful absorption of my purposely

intended exposure. It was what we both wanted and willingly

participated in. I continued to tickle all over her. Her shirt came up

enough to get a quick glimpse and unintentional rub across her

tiny, tiny little spots where her tits will one day be. She

must have known what I just brushed across. There was no

resistance. I left our intimate encounter there. I have a

conscience and it stopped me from going further. It was a

wonderful, mutual experience that I will never forget and look

back on in enjoyment over and over again.

It seems that many young girls get hurt in one of their 1st sexual experiences. I really hope that Lara looks back and sees that I truly saw her and that moment as a gift that she gave to me. She opened

a place and shared with me such a precious part of herself.

The fact that she was accepting of my wants along with her own

is priceless. I get turned on only if I know my partner

is turned on by me. Lara made it very clear that she was. I

wish some of my first sexual experiences were as neutral and

just visual like this was for this sweet wonderful girl. They

weren't forced but definitely coerced. Another time for


keep it real

The Past Is What Shapes Us

yarnspin on Bisexual Stories

Now in my late 30’s I look back and find my life has taken an adventurous, sometimes deviant and dangerous, highway. The last several years have drained my will and drive. I don’t want any ones pity! I’m simply opening your eyes to my current mental state. The economy has stripped me of my company and 20 years life savings. Essentially I’ve lost everything. A flood of repressed sexual desire has resurfaced. It’s here for good. How do I cope with a lifestyle I’ve never had? How do I break my own rules in relationships to satisfy these needs?

We are all products of our environment. Experiences, or nurture, and how they’re perceived makes us who we are. Nature, or what gets passed

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to us genetically, plays a role to varying degrees in each of us. I’m not gay. I don’t feel a predisposition for men. I seriously doubt my dick will ever go into a dudes ass, or one into mine! I’m not big on the shit hole penetration unlike the kids of today. A 13 year old knows more about sex then I did at 21. There is no sexual taboos for them. The Net exposes us to every, explicit, deviant, sexual thought humanly possible. If you crave the need to fuck a tube sock while scuba diving naked you can find others, on line, that have the same fetish. Every child growing up with access to the endless information will be desensitized through exposure. I envy their freedom. To be 15 to 18 again with girls of today.

My first sexual experience was with a with a boy 3 years older then me. He was and is gay. I was too immature to choose participation. He completely understood his actions. We would look at Playboy and held each others erections. He didn’t do anything else which made the experience as sexually positive possible.

My curiosity for sexual contact with boys and girls grew. I passed on my knowledge to many willing participants. I had experienced a lot with boys but was more attracted to and seeking girls for sexual arousal. My appetite for feeling an erect penis has never diminished. I get turned on from giving pleasure. Whether clit or cock I love to watch it swell from my touch. For instance, a boy 2 years younger and his brother my age were recipients of my experiences. There was many others but this had profound implications for my preferences. Both boys were very slim. Very active mostly from swimming. (the boy my age we’ll call Sam and his younger brother Gary) I was physically larger then Sam being an early bloomer in many ways. Gary was very small even for his age. He was also thin and well toned. We set up a tent for a sleepover. My libido was always thinking for me. This was the first opportunity to see how willing Sam and Gary are to my advances. It’s not hard to direct young boys with uncontrollable erections towards the subject. At first it took some convincing for Sam to play along but little Gary was excited. I was lying between them but they wanted me to move before we all took our pants off. I was at their feet . All of us were covered by sleeping bags. I asked them to stand their cocks up. I could see how long they were from the tent. Both boys had small, skinny cocks. Gary’s was my pinky with a head on it. When I stood mine up they both gasped in shock. I’m above average in size but next to their child-like dicks I was huge.

I moved myself, intentionally allowing my hard-on to be visible. I showed them I was comfortable and relaxed by keeping myself exposed. I think Sam was intimidated by my size. Neither of them wanted to touch my cock and I’ve never forced myself on anyone. They had no problem with me touching them. With Gary on the left and Sam to my right, all on our backs as, I passionately enveloped each, warm, pulsing, boys dick . Sam had a waft of, soft, blonde, pubic hair I felt while stroking, exploring and fondling him joyfully. He quickly lost interest and went soft regardless of my attempt to arouse him again. He turned on his stomach but lifted his hips allowing my hand under his body to pet his hairless, pubescent testes. He obviously still enjoyed the sensation and first time being touched other then himself. Sam’s lack of interest came from my focus on Gary and his pinky finger erection. I can’t remember when my own dick was ever that small.

At first I turned towards him with my face near his groin. It was dark and wanted to see what I was feeling. It pointed at a 45 degree angle away from his tummy, permanently hard. Gary was circumcised, skin tight to his shaft, with a perfect, red, rim under the tiny cap. I had never sucked on a dick before and wasn’t interested in doing so at the time. I even managed not to stroke him off. I was content knowing Gary let me be the first person to play with his cock. There was no end to my loving attachment to the erect organ. He wasn’t stopping the advances. He wantonly encouraged them by wiggling his hips and raising his ass in rhythm to my strokes. Eventually I rolled to my back taking Gary in my left hand and my hard-on in the right. He never lost his erection. For hours I aroused him until we both faded off to sleep.

We were both at the ages when sexual curiosity is normal. I’ve never attempted any physical contact with boys, or girls, as a man. These seemingly innocent experiences, at early adolescence, unquestionably affected my preference for certain sexual stimulation. This is only the tip of the Psyche that is me.

3 Little Treats Ch 2

yarnspin on Group Stories



My brain is numb and melting from exhaustion. I’ve been fondled by 3 teens, 1 MILF and her hubby. The dynamics of this situation are centered around me! “Just go with it!” I tell my self, realizing Dev was leaning her head down, pulling herself up by my shaft, then sucked my swollen, friction burned, red cock-head like an ice pop. “UUUHHHHhhmmmmmoooohhh….Deevvyn!” I wantonly moaned, shuddering from the tenderness and sight of Dev’s 13 year old lips suctioned to my mushroom head. “I saw mommy do that to you. Am I doing it right?” asking me eagerly. “It‘s even better then your mommy. You are so amazing.” I pr

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aised while tracing my fingers around her little lips magically sucking away. Looking up with a lustful stare she licks my pee hole then asks, “Will you touch me too?” I leaned in brushing my lips around her ear and asked, “Where do you want me to touch you?” “Down there.” she replied. “Whisper in my ear that you want me to play with your pussy.” Hesitantly, puppy dog eyed, cheeks turning rosy, her brain froze. Reassuringly I let her know, “Naughty” words are used to express sexual feelings. That’s why mommy and daddy don’t want you to say them. You are in complete control. I surrender all of me to you. Ask me for anything you desire. You’ll have all I can freely give, unconditionally. I will never get mad or think badly about what you say, do or ask.” Releasing the hold on my shaft she bounced up throwing her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. My prick, bent downward from the landing, rubbed across her barely covered slit. “I love you Brody.’ was followed by an inexperienced kiss. “I love you to my newest little lover.” I replied.

“OH FUCK!” I blurted. “What?” Dev said jumping off me startled.

I hope your rents fell asleep. It’s been an hour since I came in!” Quickly Settling Devyn in bed, I rushed outside. Lighting smoke I quietly made my way around to their bedroom window. Peering under the shade I’m witnessing a mind boggling, epic event. Trish was passed out face down, naked, with two pillows under her stomach. Her ass propped up in the air with legs spread, waiting for me to fuck her. Then there was Leo, sideways and naked, legs hanging off the bed. His flaccid member in full view. This would be a sight in itself if not for Lara, their oldest daughter, kneeling next to her daddy. Her hand was inching towards Leo’s limp noodle. This is to good to be true! Lara just gave me the key to gates of heaven! A solution to any and all the secrecy, looming over me like a time bomb, rose to defuse my anxiety.

I went back to Devyn’s room. Gently, I wrapped my arms around her kissing and licking her ear lobe. I asked if she was awake. Responding with a groan her body turned. A leg went over my hip. “Do you want to peek some more like you did earlier?” asking as I pulled her against my chest. She found my erection and gyrated instinctually rubbing her clit against it. I intentionally pushed against her virgin lips. She had soaked through the, light blue, cotton g-strings letting the tip of my head slide around even with the panties between us. Her eyes and mouth shot open and she gasped in shock and pleasure. “Come with me. We can spy on your rents together. OK?” I said while lifting her to me. Weighing no more than 100lbs. I held her hard, tiny, ass cheeks. My hands encapsulated the youthful bum holding her pussy lips open allowing my tip to push against the cherry hole. I took the little circular hip motion as a yes and quietly made it back outside.


I kneeled Dev in front of me at the crack in the shade so she had a good view. “NO FUCKIN WAY!” I mouthed out soundless. I have fulfilled 5 lifetimes of sexual fantasies. Nothing can top this night. Devyn and I were both transfixed by the scene. Lara had made daddies dick hard. Now, on the bed, she was sucking on him slowly with obvious intent.

I love being behind a girl to feel her body the way she touches herself. Running my hands down Dev’s arms I lifted them up and around my neck, making her back arch and allowing my arms to simulate her own. “Brody……will you rub you cock on my pussy again?” saying with lustful wanting. “If you ask like that I will do anything you want, my naughty little lady.” I responded while wrapping my arms around her petite pubescent frame. I lifted her shirt over her head behind her neck exposing her incredibly tight stomach. I caressed her, flawless, silky skin. Spreading knees allowed my intensely, throbbing pole to slip between her legs. Running the red, wide, rim of my cock-head across her wet lips and swollen button. I closed her legs around my meat and fucked the tight 13 year old skin. My left hand explored the majesty of her chest. From the ultra sensitive buds to the flatness of her tummy I didn‘t want to miss a square inch of Devyns body. My right hand was slowly caressing the front of her thighs. Running my fingers through the angel soft mound I positioned her ass against my cock. I used my hand, palming her entire pussy, to start a rhythm. She rubbed her rock hard little bum up and down. I have to cum on her ass. As I met her feverish pace I asked, “Do you want to see me orgasm? Your ass feels better then any hand or blow job I’ve ever had.” Out came, “Brody, will you cum on my ass?” As if knowing what I wanted to hear. “I’m about to cum on your ass Dev. How old are you?” I asked, desiring to hear the word cross her lips. As my index finger penetrate her virgin hole she moaned, “I’m 13 and I want you to be the first cock in my pussy.” With that I came on her back. I lifted Dev by her pussy allowing the slick cum on my shaft to lubricate her sphincter.

Turning my attention back to the window Lara was still licking her dads cock. I wrapped my arms around the small frame, turning her face to mine, and asked, “What would you like to do now baby-doll?” She started to kiss me. I pulled my lips away and said, “ You can go back to sleep. I’m gonna go help your sister. You can join us or watch. If your parents see Lara sucking daddies cock then my life with all of you will be acceptable. No secrets. No lying.” “Can I sleep with you?” Dev asked. “Of course. We can all sleep together.” I suggested. Scooping Dev in my arms we went inside. Not wanting to scare Lara when entering the bedroom I made my way in fast and whispered, “Don’t stop! I’m gonna join in if you let me.” She seemed a bit bewildered by my approaching hand. “It’s all good Lara. We all love each other in a special way. If your daddy knows you want to learn sexuality with him none of us need to hide secrets.” I said hopefully. “Your parents opened up a secret tonight about wanting to fuck around with me. I normally don’t think about guys but your daddy stuck his dick between me and your mommies mouths tonight. Do you want to do it too?” I asked while stroking the underside of Leo’s slick pole. “OK!” she eagerly returned. “You need to ask me baby. What do you want me to do?” I asked, reminding her of the control she had and the enjoyment hearing naughty words spoken by my little treats. “Will you suck daddies cock with me Brody?” Lara asked perfectly. I responded with a nod. I laid along side Leo with my limp, spent, member at his face. Lara followed suit as her pussy found his shoulder to rub on.

     Part 3 is the awakening and day after



3 Little Treats PT 1

yarnspin on Group Stories

I watched them grow into young women. The most lovely 3 sisters all within 1 year of each other. Lara, now 15, was deliciously ripe. Gymnastics had given her a slender, tight frame. Her rigid mid A cups were amazing to watch. They performed a quick, tight bounce which kept pace with her bodies movement. Her rock hard ass rode up high from the athletics. It split wide, showing the cup shape curve of her pussy, forming an upside down sunrise between two perfect hills. If you sat right behind her, when in a bikini or tight pants, the view would make your knees buckle. Shayna was 14. We shared an ageless connection that led to some sexual exploration prior to this encounter. I never worried knowing that this mutual lust would die our secret. Lara had pin straight blond hair,

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no bangs, almost mid back length. Shay was a brunette with the same, thin, silky texture, shoulder length with bangs. What an amazing duo they would have been if not for their 13 yr old sister, Devyn. (Deh-vin) Her face was a mix of both her sisters and just starting to develop sexually. Dev had tom boyish short hair, dirty blond in color, which made her a unique little hottie. She is Milla Javovic sexy and hottest of the trio. Their mom, Trish, was still yummy even after 3 kids in 3½ years. Drinking makes her horny. She wanted to fuck around with me as badly as I wanted her. We both knew it. I couldn’t. Leo, her husband, was to trusting and a good friend. Instead, his girls were trusting me with a their sexual awakening. A privilege I can’t find words for. I provoked none of this. Each of them made their own move. No way was I going to deny them, or myself, this dream like situation either!

Lara had her head resting on my right thigh using it as a pillow. Shayna cuddled up to my left side. My arm was behind Shay’s neck and down her left side forming a bucket seat with a headrest as we watched Peter Pan. Devyn was curled up at our feet. She seemed less affectionate then her sisters and liked her space. The movie ended. They all seemed to be asleep so began skimming the channels founding an after hours skin flick. The 2 of them with their budding youthful bodies pressed against mine, along with the fucking taking place on the TV, there was no way to stop my cock from growing. It slid it’s way up the side of Lara’s left cheek. Lifting her head I reached into my shorts pulling my cock upward. Now I could engorge comfortably without poking her face. Shay wasn’t asleep. She watched me pull my shorts open and flip my cock up. I must have stroked it a couple times as well. Her green, youthful eyes were locked onto my bulge. No question, from her pulling in closer, she wanted more. I slid Lara down a bit so that her cheek and ear were off my leg. “What are you thinking” I quietly asked Shay. “Can I see it again” She eagerly spoke in my ear. Her hot breath on my cheek was followed by the smell of her breath. A one two punch aphrodisiac making her irresistible. “Only if you are very sure. Like always, we do only what you want”. I said. With no hesitation Shay reached under my waistband simultaneously pushing my shorts down and wrapped her fingers around it like picking up a new Barbie Doll by the waist to examine it. “Oh sweetheart that feels soooo goood. You‘re soo fuckin hot and sexy.” I moaned into her ear then nibbled the little lobe making her melt. She gave me a dirty, mischievous smile. Her pointer finger traced the rim of my cock head then ran down the entire length of my shaft ending with a palming squeeze of my scrotum. “You are doing that great baby. I love your body.” I told her while running my hands teasingly between her sensitive little breasts. “I have dreams about you.” She said. “Touch me like you do in my dreams. Make me cum Brod.” she asked with moaning desire. “I will if you tell me where you want me to.” I replied. Spreading her legs and looking in my eyes lustfully she says, “Touch my pussy Brody. Touch me everywhere!,” then lowered her face closer to the new toy she was holding. She and I have been close but this was seriously more intense then past encounters. With a feather like touch I brushed across her small A’s. Her high pitched whimpering moan was amazing. She started to move her hand all over my 7 inches like a novice. That made it even more delightful. Licking my pointer finger, I asked her to pick up her ass to free the night shirt from under her. Using the wet tip of my finger slowly circled her areola then blew on it to watch her nipple rise. Shay shivered as the areola shrank but no visible bump for a nipple at it’s end. I will be the one, sucking and playing, to bring them out! What an honor.

Consumed by lustful euphoria I didn’t realize Lara was watching her sister and I! A look of shock, arousal with a hint of pissed off was across her sweet face. I was screwed for sure. How do I make it out if this one alive Then without any warning, Lara looked me in the eyes saying, “Your cock is so much thicker then Lanes is!” grabbed my prick and began jerking me off taking Shayna’s hand along with hers. Shay was getting a lesson in stroking cock, by her big sis, using me as the teaching aid! “Whooo’ss uuhhh’s Ooohh Lane” I managed to stammer. “Just a boy who lives down the street.” she said. “His cock is about the same length but you are so much thicker!” saying with her wide eyes now fixed on my thick, pre cum dripping stick. “Do you like it” I asked to hear her say she did. With gitty enjoyment she replied “MmmOOh yeah Brod! I like it a lot!” and continued to work with her sisters hand trapped under hers up and down my insanely hard pole.

“What have you done with Lane and all your other boyfriends” I had to know and hear her naughty tales. “Umm..” is all that came out. She’s either trying to find the right words or unsure to speak what was in her mind. “I will never tell anyone a thing, ever, about what we say or do. Are you aware of what will happen if we don’t keep this between us I will be labeled a child molester. If your mom and dad don’t kill me first I will be killed by someone after I go to prison” I let them know. “If you don’t want, or don’t like to do these things then it ends now!” I said with a serious look. “NO no” They both proclaimed. Something about “Don’t go…” and “I will never tell….” was spilling from their mouths as they kissed all over my face and neck. “OK my little sexy women” I managed to spit out between mouth kisses.

I began teasing Shay’s pussy. For the first time I went under her panties, dipped my middle finger in up to the first knuckle. Feeling the tight virgin I scooped up some juices on my finger. I wanted to lube her clit making it nice and slick. “UUUHhh……uuuhhhmmm” she let out along with a shocked, spasm like, jump. The penetration, followed by relaxed pleasure, almost made me cum knowing she wanted this pleasure from me FIRST. This level of trust makes life satisfying. I slipped my finger all over her lips and swelling clit. She closed her eyes and fell limp with my gentle frigging.

I leaned back towards Lara while her sis was occupied and softly said “I like hearing you say those naughty things. Hearing “cock” come from your lips is so fuckin hot Lara. Will you Whisper in my ear what things you’ve done with boys and Lane”. “I really like your cock Brody.” came first. Lustfully she said, “I like to watch Lane make his Cock grow. Sometimes I’ll Show him my pussy but won’t let him touch it. I’ve rubbed his cock like I’m doing to you now. It’s really fun making him cum. I let it get all over my hand jerking fast up and down until he freaks out and can’t take anymore.” she giggled. “One time I sucked it out of his hole like a milk shake too.” she added. “You are one hot little woman.” I complimented. Nothing will make a young girl feel better then a man calling her a “woman“. If you are the first to say these words it's like winning a free pass to her heart. If she's curious, and you're not a nasty old perv to her, the sky's the limit. “How old is Lane” I asked. Putting her head down she barely spoke, “13” Frowning. She thought I would say what a peer would. He’s too young or something degrading. I let her in on a secret of mine by saying, “that’s the way it was for me too.” She perked up. “Older girls liked to play like this with me and it made me feel good that they wanted too. You can do whatever you want and I will not think it’s bad or judge you. OK Lara” With a huge grin says, “OK Brody. Thank you. Your so awesome.” still jerking me off with her sisters hand we locked into a kiss. I started to move my tongue and she instinctively parted her lips meeting mine. I must say I’m a good kisser and need a good one back. Lara was a natural. Just the right amount of give and take between lips, sucks, my advanced nibbles, licks and how wide open our mouths were. I ran my hand across her 34A’s which I’ve dreamed about and jerked off to in my dreams. She pushed into me for more. This could have lasted indefinitely but needed to end it before getting caught in a taboo threesome.

“It’s really late and I don’t think any of us want your rents (parents) to see this. Right” “Right!” they both said. “So go get in your beds. After I straighten up, if your rents aren’t back, I will come and tuck each of you in and say good night. OK”. They both then realized my pre cum covered cock was still in their hands. It just hit them both they were doing this together. Lara released her hand which allowed Shay to unclench my shaft. Slowly her fingers, sticky from sweat and the unusually heavy amount of pre cum, were free. They smiled at one another then up at me happily skipping to their own rooms. I scooped up Dev. (Devyn) and carried her to the room she shared with Shay. I had on loose swim shorts and no undies which let the head of my, “hard til I cum”, dick slip out the bottom. Inadvertently I placed my hand on Devyns right pubescent boob from under the armpit as I cradled her. She actually to my accidental touch, grabbing me around the neck with both arms. I gently peeled her from me lowering her onto the bed. I had to roll her over because she was on top of the covers. This made her night shirt ride up exposing a pair of white thong panties. The string had worked its way between the outer labia exposing a perfect view of her, 13 year old, tiny rear. Soft, curly, pubic hair surrounded her small slit. Light brown fluff protruded from under the skimpy string panties. Shay, the naughty girl she is, flipped on a flash light from across the room. A beam landed perfectly between her sisters ass cheeks. Startled, I spun around. Shay spotted the growing erection sticking out my shorts. It grew in the light from her watching and the sneak peak of Dev’s little ass. I went back to finish getting the covers over Dev. I had to hear her moan again. Leaning in to give her a kiss good night I ran my fingers gently over her whole chest letting each finger caress up and over each sensitive mound. She pushed into my hand and accidentally back handed my hard on as she stretched to meet my caress. Half asleep she subconsciously said “I love you Brody.” I leaned into her ear and softly spoke “I love you too Dev. My little woman. Don‘t shave your pussy hair. I like it the way it is”

“You need to brush your teeth Shay.” I reminded her. Swinging her legs open to sit up from bed I could see how wet her panties were. “Did I make your pussy wet my little lover” I said walking behind her towards the bathroom. She reached down and felt her crotch. “OH DAM!” came out, turning and looking at me with shock. “I’m so glad I can make you feel good” I said, then asked, “Do you play with your pussy when your by yourself Shay” With a smile she says “I like playing with my pussy Brody.” “I’m glad you can tell me that you do.” I smiled. “You know what I like to hear don’t you my naughty little girl” “Yup.” she replied and began to play with herself pulling aside her panties so I could watch. I lifted her by the arm pits up on the sink. Pulling her into me I freed the night shirt from under her ass. Her hot, bare, bum hit the cold porcelain making her jump towards me, wrapping her, soft, tan legs around my waist. Shay landed her swollen, wet, clit perfectly on the tip of my cock. We were in a bear hug with her legs getting tighter. “Do you want to rub your pussy on it” I asked purposely avoiding the word “cock”. “Yess!!“ she said with eager excitement. “Then tell me what you want and ask me if you can.” I replied, wanting to hear her mouth speak these things to me. “I want to rub my 14 year old pussy on your cock. Can I please Brody“ she lustfully spoke, already wiggling against it. I slid her down allowing my stick to run up and down her shaved, wet, vagina. I cupped the tiny ass cheeks, using them to move her from my balls to my cock head. She whimpered in my ear and clawed at my back. Beginning to bounce on her own, I held Shay’s whole ass in one hand, moved the other around her back. Lustfully I said, “I’m gonna cum for you. OK” “Cum on my Wet little pussy. Please Cum for me Brody” She said, grinding harder and faster on my rock hard member. “OOOOO myyy fuuuuking god!” I let out as quietly as humanly possible. I leaned Shay back so she could see my cock moving along her, still virgin, slit. I could now see the amazing face and body in front of me, as I climaxed. The 1st shot almost made it to her left tit. My 2nd pump landed in her belly button, letting the rest dribble down her pussy with my cock still pressed against it. Her legs locked. Pushing with purpose and grinding her swollen button, she was reaching her own climax. Staring in my eyes with lust I gazed back smiling, running my thumb from her mons, to tummy, slowly rubbing across the budding lumps. “You are soo sexy and beautiful Shay.” I said with a loss of breath. She then spasmed, pushing my hands harder into her chest, Cuming on my shaft. So much cum released from her young pussy a trickle ran down my scrotum for a solid minute. “I love you Brody. I never felt this way. Will you show me…umm…I want you to..uuhhh…be my first” She revealed. “I Love you too my little woman. When the time is right I will be whatever you want me to be.” I replied. Lowering her off the sink I knelt down in front of her, slowly removing her sex soaked panties. “I’m gonna keep these so your mom doesn’t find them and so I can smell you whenever I want.” With a sleepy smile she said “Ok my lover man”. “Let your pussy hair grow back too. OK” I asked. “Uh, OK Brod. But why”. replying curiously. “Because I like it. Shaved is boring. I want to feel and play with it.” I answered.

I slipped the night shirt over her head. With a wash cloth and warm water I gently wiped her soft, completely nude, body down . It was my pleasure, and hers, to slowly clean away our sex. “uuhhhmmm” she quietly moaned as I cleaned the tender opening and red clit. Leaning in, I fluttered my tongue on her left areola taking the whole mound into my mouth ending with a small suck and tongue flicker. Repeating this for the other, sensitive, still growing boob I noticed it to be slightly smaller. I ran the warm cloth over both, continuing all the way to her cum filled belly button.

As if timed to the minute Trish and Leo stumbled in 30 seconds after Shay was down. I had just leaped on the couch. “Hey Guys.” I said as if bored and tired. Leo ran to the pisser and Trish was standing right in front of me about 5 feet away with a devilish stare. “I hope my girls didn’t see what I see.” saying with seduction. “Huh” I grunted. “This!” she said as she reached across the coffee table gripping my dick, still sticking out my shorts. I could see down her loose top. I loved her small, nursed, mommy tits. Her nipples are dark leathery erasers from three kids feeding on them. “STOP!” I spoke forcefully but low, pulling her hand off as Leo turned the corner. She was still leaning down towards me. I turned to Leo and said, “Trish is a little drunk.” “And horny!” he added. I laughed and said, “Have fun I’m outta here.” “She won’t let you go Brod. She wants to Fuck You and I want to watch you do it.” Leo exclaimed. All I could get out was, “Since When” “We’ve thought about it almost since we became friends. You’re the only guy I would let fuck Trish. We both fantasize about you.” Leo revealed. “OK, but you need to let me move into this slow so I don’t get freaked. I need to see you 2 get into it first. I’ll work my way in when I’m comfortable. “A little shy are we” Trish said with an edge of sarcasm leaning down giving me an open mouth lip lock kiss allowing are tongues to touch for the first time. It was filled with deep lust, aggressively tasting each others mouth. We finally released a mountain of suppressed sexual tension secretly shared for years. I saw Leo’s right hand in his pants pulling down his jeans with the other. He was already hard moving closer to us, stepping out of the 501‘s with nothing under them. Before I could react he pushed his dick between our locked lips. I thought it would make me gag but as his head and shaft ran across my tongue, watching Trish lick down the other side, was beyond arousing. Knowing Trish was into me mouthing her mans cock had me past easing into this and straight to wanting both of them. I looked up at Leo while licking the underside of his cock head and said, “I like the shape of your dick.” then took his cockhead into my mouth probing at his hole with my tongue. “OOhh mmm” He moaned. Trish and I tongue kissed sloppily, Simultaneously we licked Leo’s mushroom cap as our eyes remained glued. she started sucking Leo down to his balls. I pushed her hand back to my pants. She vigorously stroked me as she blew Leo. I had to get to Trish’s’ loose little fun bags. I Have a fetish for small nursed titties and hers are pure perfection. I reached under her t-shirt and slid my hand up her ribs, pushing her tit firmly as I went, mashing it upward. I caught her nipple and tugged on it. She let out a quick yelp of pain but then relaxed in the pleasure that followed.

I glanced towards the girls rooms through the kitchen. Devyn was on the ground peeking out. I had the only line of sight to notice her. She saw me looking back! She didn’t run away scared. Our eyes were now locked. I winked and smiled to let her know I didn’t care. She’s already watching mommy suck on daddies penis so why not me too I stood up next to Leo and instinctively Trish moved her mouth to my stick and started bobbing on it like a pro. Devon’s eyes were wide and in awe of this display. To get a good hard vacuum suck from Trish’s mouth I pulled my cock out fast. I moved my cock head over to Leo’s and rubbed them together coaxing Trish to suck us both. She gripped our shafts licking back and forth between our heads.

“Your cock tastes like pussy. Whose is it” Trish says. “Umm….uuuh…don’t know why.” I stammered “Must be from jerking off before I came over. Spit smells like that a little.” I smiled and pushed my dick back in her mouth along with Leo’s. My mind was in sexual light speed. It was her little girls pussy juice she smelled and tasted. Devon was still watching us. Mommy was giving her a sex ed lesson she’ll never forget. I Wanted to see how hot Devon was getting so suggested that they should go get out of their clothes and I would go check the kids. Trish gave me a bear hug that put my rock hard erection against her inner thigh and clit. Pulling her shirt off she grabbed Leo by his dick leading him towards their bedroom. To buy some time I asked them if I could spy on them first because It’s a fetish of mine. “Would you leave the door cracked and open the window shades a little please” I asked. “Sure will you pervert.” replied Trish.

Devyn definitely heard me and was back to her bed but not pretending to sleep as I expected. Shay was passed out cold from our fun earlier and not waking up. “Hey little woman. Did you like the show” I whispered. She shyly looked at me shaking her head yes. “I liked knowing you were watching.” I said grinning. “You are such a sexy young woman Dev. I love all of you but you’re the prettiest young woman in your family. Don’t tell your sisters I said so or they will get jealous. OK” “Ok Brody.” she replied smiling ear to ear with my compliment. “Brod” she whispers. “What sweetie” I said softly sitting down next to her running my fingers through her soft hair. “Ask me anything.” reassuring her. “Can I see it” “See what” I asked. I put my lips to her ear and asked, “My cock” She eagerly shook her head yes. “OK, but only if you ask me the way I did and you have to take it out. This way I know it’s what you really want.” She whispered, “Brody can I see your cock” Hearing this come from her mouth sent a shiver through my testicles I’ve never felt. “Whenever you want to.” I smiled, moving my left leg up on her bed and bending my knee so she can more easily get to what she wants. “You can say or do anything when your with me Dev. I want you to ask me to say or do what you want. This is for you. Your in control.” I assured her. “Can I touch…..your cock” she said with correction. I smiled with pleasure and praise. “I would love for you to.” I said wantonly. “Have you watched mommy and daddy do that stuff before” I said as she wrapped her hand around the end of my dick then started aimlessly exploring from my pubic hair to pee hole. “When they think were asleep they watch movies that sound like people are hurting each other. They start stripping and doing things like you did with them.” she revealed. A big smile was on my face and then said, “Those people aren’t hurting each other they’re pleasing each other. When we really enjoy the way we touch each other, or ourselves, we show how much it feels good by making those sounds.” I explained. “Want to hear a secret Dev” “YEAH!” eagerly replying. “When I carried you to bed earlier I accidentally touched your chest. You pushed against my hand and moaned like the movie sounds.” “REALLY” she asked. “you did it again after I put you in bed and then told me you loved me.” I said with a loving gaze. She then remembered and said, “I had a dream that we were naked on the beach. You put suntan lotion all over my body. Even between my legs. I woke up when mommy and daddy came back and my panties were really warm and wet.” “WOW Dev! That’s an awesome dream! You got wet from dreaming about me! That is so fukin hot! You have become a really sexy woman Dev.” I said while moving closer to her. “I’ve loved you for so long Brody. I want….. you to be my…..first…… Will you” “I will do whatever you ask me to do. I‘m happy just knowing you trust me to be this open. I’m going to tell you something so you don’t find out the wrong way. Tonight was the first time mommy, daddy and me did those things with each other. Shay is a really horny girl. Interrupting me, Dev asked, “Horny! What’s that” “The feeling your pussy gets when something. or someone, excites you. Like your dream.” I explained. “She feels like that a lot. Now we have the same bond. Lara and Shay were both playing with my cock tonight. Whatever you hear or see me doing, it doesn’t change how I feel about you. OK” I finished. “I get it” She said understandingly. “Holy Shit!” I blurted out a bit too loudly. “What?” Devyn responds. “Every one in your fam has touched my cock tonight! I’m glad I saved the best for last.” I told her. Dev pulled my left hand to her breast. Leaning in, I nibbled on her right, tender, bump of a boob while fondling her left, I kissed my way from neck to chin finishing with a soft one on her mouth. She let out another moan and now understood it’s meaning.

Dirty Dina My Nympho Teen Cousin PT 2

yarnspin on Incest Stories

"Bathroom Grind"

The day was moving along. A real physical lusting made it's way beyond the deviant words exchanged over 1,100 miles of internet connections. I grew up in this house and knew all the nooks and crannies, putting in my hands the covert exchanges we craved. To solidify my mind of her continued desire I found an opportunity, while we passed in the hall, to pull her towards me for a kiss with a tight embrace. DAM! Her tits felt so hard against my chest. This only lasted 10 seconds. Getting caught was not an option! No longer doubtful, Dina was shivering with the same nervous desire as I.

I was spying whenever finding D (Dina) in view. I've mastered the ability to watch people around my yard with

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stealthy care. I love to watch people. I'm a voyeur and I can't get enough! Growing up I enjoyed many summer time pool parties filled with teen girls bouncing around in wet, tight, bikinis and 1 piece suits. One piece swim suits are good for a tight ride on the pussy, revealing the shape and development. D was in a blue bikini with a silky sheen. It must have been from the year before. Her boobs were straining against the blue, triangular, top. They fell out every side exposing the shape and form they had. Even my father couldn't help being drawn into a stare at the soft, youthful, cleavage she knew was arousing. It was obviously intentional. What a fuckin sight to behold. I'm in full hunt mode to find the perfect opportunity for our next encounter.

It was dark out but she was still splashing around swimming with her younger sister Candy. I peered through a space between the shade and window amazed at the innocent, girlish, romp D was enjoying. This girl is built like a woman, hornier and naughtier then any girl I've been with yet retains a child-like naivety. She bounced her way up the ladder, giving me a frontal view from head to toe. Wrapping a towel around her waist, she moved towards the other end of the house, as I followed from inside. Keeping track of everyone’s movements, not only hers, I made assessed the situation and it was perfect. Dina went from her room to the downstairs bathroom. All the parents were getting buzzed poolside with drinks in hand, I quickly made my way down the basement stairs. Wanting to catch her before changing out of her bikini I knocked lightly. "I'm in here!" she clearly said. "It's me. Open up." I whispered with my face and lips pressed against the door and frame. Nervously and wide eyed she opened the door. Before she could protest I said smiling and moving towards her, "It's all good. I'll just lock us in and no one will know. If someone does knock you're getting out of the shower."

Once again her hard breasts pushed against my chest as we locked into a deep tongue fondling that quickly engorged my pulsing cock. It was trapped downward in my board shorts. I reached into them and maneuvered myself upward then pressed my member against D's mons and stomach. She turned her hips up and forward so her clit could rub on my shaft. Little whimpering moans came from her mouth, muffled by the seal our lips made as I poked at her swelling clit with my cockhead. I have a fetish for wanting to be behind a chick so my hands experience the sensation she does from touching herself. We had countless chats that involved taking her from behind. She enjoyed my rough scenarios. Writing out how I would pin her against the wall grinding my cock against her ass, reaching around finger fucking her to orgasm so I could drop my cock in her wet little hole with one good push. Now here she is. No more words. We knew each others sexual desires intimately from chatting.

I needed to feel her body from behind. Realizing my mouth from hers she looked at me with her lusting eyes. I moved towards the sink, slowly turning her around. Lifting her arms and wrapping mine around her waist I nibbled at her ear lobe sending shivers down her spine. The vanity mirror allowed me to watch my hands explore her and enjoy the reactions from the touch. I slid my palms up and across her firm mounds with ease from the silkiness of her bikini top. Taking my pointer fingers I slid one between the skimpy cloth and each of her 15 year old boobs. Slowly I ran the backside of each finger across her tender, ripening tits. Hooking the bottom of each cloth covering, anxiously watching in the mirror, I pulled the tight material quickly to the outside popping free her fresh, growing, treats. Barely a bounce from my tug they responded with a rebounding shiver. Licking my finger I rubbed it on Dina’s undefined, puffy areolas then blew on it. Just a small tightening of the circle and slight outline of her nipple arose. I love watching nipples harden. It's one of my favorite, and arousing, things to make happen or just watch it occur. Nothing is more delicious then a pert little, tear drop boob with a up-turned, half dollar sized, light brown areola that perks up into a tight, pointy eraser shaped nipple when aroused. Yet I can't help but enjoy the endless variety of shapes and sizes of breasts, especially young and hard as D's.

"You gotta ease up a bit." she said due to the vigorous kneading of my two new toys. "Sorry. I could play with them forever." I whispered while licking softly around the edge of her ear. Reaching down. I untied my shorts and slowly pulled open the Velcro fly. She heard it and reacted with a nervous glance back at me. Already shirtless I let my shorts drop to my ankles. With an upward stoke I pushed my cock between her, tight, fifteen year old, ass cheeks. I grabbed her by the hips grinding into her virgin bum. With a little resistance from D I was sliding off her bottoms. "I want to feel my cock on your skin. I won't do anything you don't want. OK baby?" I reassured her. "I'm not going to fuck you." she responded. "I don't want to fuck right now anyway. We have 7 days together to enjoy. You've already given me more then I could ever dream of." Truthfully saying to her. The panties fell to her ankles. To extend the moment I positioned my hot, pulsing, mushroom cap on her asshole, running my entire cock across her sphincter with deliberation. We were the same height. It was effortless to make our bodies rub and stimulate each other. I reached around to her shaved mons using it to push her against my cock while I eased my way to her pussy. She was grabbing my hand but with no force to pull me away. She was shaking from the ecstasy of a dream becoming a reality. With my whole hand I ran 4 fingers between her legs. My middle finger slid between the top of her opening as the rest played with the puffy outer lips. As she fought back the desire to moan My finger was swallowed by her lips. Rubbing D's clit with 3 or 4 strokes I dipped my middle finger straight down and curled it into her hole. "You're pussy is so wet." I groaned with delight. I pushed my rod down and said, "I wont stick it in. I just want to rub across it cuz it's so wet." The top of my dick was actually rubbing her 15 year old pussy lips and she was grinding back. I took her hand and placed it on my shaft, showing her how to push me against her wet lips and clit.

We've been at this for a while and needed to unlock our bodies from the intense, deviant, lust we secretly shared. "I'm gonna go jerk off." I said looking down at my erection. "Don't do it! I want it" She strongly responded. "OK baby. I'll wait." I said. Dina is the best cock sucker I've ever experienced and she's only fifteen! She LOVES to suck dick, anywhere, anytime. That's the preclude for the next chapter.

Feedback. Please.

Dirty Dina My Nympho Teen Cousin PT 1

yarnspin on Incest Stories

Last update: 03/06/2009 Submitted by young, alec

I watched t

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hem grow into young women. The most lovely 3 sisters all within 1 year of each other. Lara, now 15, was deliciously ripe. Gymnastics had given her a slender, tight frame. Her rigid mid A cups were amazing to watch. They performed a quick, tight bounce which kept pace with her bodies movement. Her rock hard ass rode up high from the athletics. It split wide, showing the cup shape curve of her pussy, forming an upside down sunrise between two perfect hills. If you sat right behind her, when in a bikini or tight pants, the view would make your knees buckle. Shayna was 14. We shared an ageless connection that led to some sexual exploration prior to this encounter. I never worried knowing that this mutual lust would die our secret. Lara had pin straight blond hair, no bangs, almost mid back length. Shay was a brunette with the same, thin, silky texture, shoulder length with bangs. What an amazing duo they would have been if not for their 13 yr old sister, Devyn. (Deh-vin) Her face was a mix of both her sisters and just starting to develop sexually. Dev had tom boyish short hair, dirty blond in color, which made her a unique little hottie. She is Milla Javovic sexy and hottest of the trio. Their mom, Trish, was still yummy even after 3 kids in 3½ years. Drinking makes her horny. She wanted to fuck around with me as badly as I wanted her. We both knew it. I couldn’t. Leo, her husband, was to trusting and a good friend. Instead, his girls were trusting me with a their sexual awakening. A privilege I can’t find words for. I provoked none of this. Each of them made their own move. No way was I going to deny them, or myself, this dream like situation either!

Lara had her head resting on my right thigh using it as a pillow. Shayna cuddled up to my left side. My arm was behind Shay’s neck and down her left side forming a bucket seat with a headrest as we watched Peter Pan. Devyn was curled up at our feet. She seemed less affectionate then her sisters and liked her space. The movie ended. They all seemed to be asleep so began skimming the channels founding an after hours skin flick. The 2 of them with their budding youthful bodies pressed against mine, along with the fucking taking place on the TV, there was no way to stop my cock from growing. It slid it’s way up the side of Lara’s left cheek. Lifting her head I reached into my shorts pulling my cock upward. Now I could engorge comfortably without poking her face. Shay wasn’t asleep. She watched me pull my shorts open and flip my cock up. I must have stroked it a couple times as well. Her green, youthful eyes were locked onto my bulge. No question, from her pulling in closer, she wanted more. I slid Lara down a bit so that her cheek and ear were off my leg. “What are you thinking” I quietly asked Shay. “Can I see it again” She eagerly spoke in my ear. Her hot breath on my cheek was followed by the smell of her breath. A one two punch aphrodisiac making her irresistible. “Only if you are very sure. Like always, we do only what you want”. I said. With no hesitation Shay reached under my waistband simultaneously pushing my shorts down and wrapped her fingers around it like picking up a new Barbie Doll by the waist to examine it. “Oh sweetheart that feels soooo goood. You‘re soo fuckin hot and sexy.” I moaned into her ear then nibbled the little lobe making her melt. She gave me a dirty, mischievous smile. Her pointer finger traced the rim of my cock head then ran down the entire length of my shaft ending with a palming squeeze of my scrotum. “You are doing that great baby. I love your body.” I told her while running my hands teasingly between her sensitive little breasts. “I have dreams about you.” She said. “Touch me like you do in my dreams. Make me cum Brod.” she asked with moaning desire. “I will if you tell me where you want me to.” I replied. Spreading her legs and looking in my eyes lustfully she says, “Touch my pussy Brody. Touch me everywhere!,” then lowered her face closer to the new toy she was holding. She and I have been close but this was seriously more intense then past encounters. With a feather like touch I brushed across her small A’s. Her high pitched whimpering moan was amazing. She started to move her hand all over my 7 inches like a novice. That made it even more delightful. Licking my pointer finger, I asked her to pick up her ass to free the night shirt from under her. Using the wet tip of my finger slowly circled her areola then blew on it to watch her nipple rise. Shay shivered as the areola shrank but no visible bump for a nipple at it’s end. I will be the one, sucking and playing, to bring them out! What an honor.

Consumed by lustful euphoria I didn’t realize Lara was watching her sister and I! A look of shock, arousal with a hint of pissed off was across her sweet face. I was screwed for sure. How do I make it out if this one alive Then without any warning, Lara looked me in the eyes saying, “Your cock is so much thicker then Lanes is!” grabbed my prick and began jerking me off taking Shayna’s hand along with hers. Shay was getting a lesson in stroking cock, by her big sis, using me as the teaching aid! “Whooo’ss uuhhh’s Ooohh Lane” I managed to stammer. “Just a boy who lives down the street.” she said. “His cock is about the same length but you are so much thicker!” saying with her wide eyes now fixed on my thick, pre cum dripping stick. “Do you like it” I asked to hear her say she did. With gitty enjoyment she replied “MmmOOh yeah Brod! I like it a lot!” and continued to work with her sisters hand trapped under hers up and down my insanely hard pole.

“What have you done with Lane and all your other boyfriends” I had to know and hear her naughty tales. “Umm..” is all that came out. She’s either trying to find the right words or unsure to speak what was in her mind. “I will never tell anyone a thing, ever, about what we say or do. Are you aware of what will happen if we don’t keep this between us I will be labeled a child molester. If your mom and dad don’t kill me first I will be killed by someone after I go to prison” I let them know. “If you don’t want, or don’t like to do these things then it ends now!” I said with a serious look. “NO no” They both proclaimed. Something about “Don’t go…” and “I will never tell….” was spilling from their mouths as they kissed all over my face and neck. “OK my little sexy women” I managed to spit out between mouth kisses.

I began teasing Shay’s pussy. For the first time I went under her panties, dipped my middle finger in up to the first knuckle. Feeling the tight virgin I scooped up some juices on my finger. I wanted to lube her clit making it nice and slick. “UUUHhh……uuuhhhmmm” she let out along with a shocked, spasm like, jump. The penetration, followed by relaxed pleasure, almost made me cum knowing she wanted this pleasure from me FIRST. This level of trust makes life satisfying. I slipped my finger all over her lips and swelling clit. She closed her eyes and fell limp with my gentle frigging.

I leaned back towards Lara while her sis was occupied and softly said “I like hearing you say those naughty things. Hearing “cock” come from your lips is so fuckin hot Lara. Will you Whisper in my ear what things you’ve done with boys and Lane”. “I really like your cock Brody.” came first. Lustfully she said, “I like to watch Lane make his Cock grow. Sometimes I’ll Show him my pussy but won’t let him touch it. I’ve rubbed his cock like I’m doing to you now. It’s really fun making him cum. I let it get all over my hand jerking fast up and down until he freaks out and can’t take anymore.” she giggled. “One time I sucked it out of his hole like a milk shake too.” she added. “You are one hot little woman.” I complimented. Nothing will make a young girl feel better then a man calling her a “woman“. If you are the first to say these words it's like winning a free pass to her heart. If she's curious, and you're not a nasty old perv to her, the sky's the limit. “How old is Lane” I asked. Putting her head down she barely spoke, “13” Frowning. She thought I would say what a peer would. He’s too young or something degrading. I let her in on a secret of mine by saying, “that’s the way it was for me too.” She perked up. “Older girls liked to play like this with me and it made me feel good that they wanted too. You can do whatever you want and I will not think it’s bad or judge you. OK Lara” With a huge grin says, “OK Brody. Thank you. Your so awesome.” still jerking me off with her sisters hand we locked into a kiss. I started to move my tongue and she instinctively parted her lips meeting mine. I must say I’m a good kisser and need a good one back. Lara was a natural. Just the right amount of give and take between lips, sucks, my advanced nibbles, licks and how wide open our mouths were. I ran my hand across her 34A’s which I’ve dreamed about and jerked off to in my dreams. She pushed into me for more. This could have lasted indefinitely but needed to end it before getting caught in a taboo threesome.

“It’s really late and I don’t think any of us want your rents (parents) to see this. Right” “Right!” they both said. “So go get in your beds. After I straighten up, if your rents aren’t back, I will come and tuck each of you in and say good night. OK”. They both then realized my pre cum covered cock was still in their hands. It just hit them both they were doing this together. Lara released her hand which allowed Shay to unclench my shaft. Slowly her fingers, sticky from sweat and the unusually heavy amount of pre cum, were free. They smiled at one another then up at me happily skipping to their own rooms. I scooped up Dev. (Devyn) and carried her to the room she shared with Shay. I had on loose swim shorts and no undies which let the head of my, “hard til I cum”, dick slip out the bottom. Inadvertently I placed my hand on Devyns right pubescent boob from under the armpit as I cradled her. She actually to my accidental touch, grabbing me around the neck with both arms. I gently peeled her from me lowering her onto the bed. I had to roll her over because she was on top of the covers. This made her night shirt ride up exposing a pair of white thong panties. The string had worked its way between the outer labia exposing a perfect view of her, 13 year old, tiny rear. Soft, curly, pubic hair surrounded her small slit. Light brown fluff protruded from under the skimpy string panties. Shay, the naughty girl she is, flipped on a flash light from across the room. A beam landed perfectly between her sisters ass cheeks. Startled, I spun around. Shay spotted the growing erection sticking out my shorts. It grew in the light from her watching and the sneak peak of Dev’s little ass. I went back to finish getting the covers over Dev. I had to hear her moan again. Leaning in to give her a kiss good night I ran my fingers gently over her whole chest letting each finger caress up and over each sensitive mound. She pushed into my hand and accidentally back handed my hard on as she stretched to meet my caress. Half asleep she subconsciously said “I love you Brody.” I leaned into her ear and softly spoke “I love you too Dev. My little woman. Don‘t shave your pussy hair. I like it the way it is”

“You need to brush your teeth Shay.” I reminded her. Swinging her legs open to sit up from bed I could see how wet her panties were. “Did I make your pussy wet my little lover” I said walking behind her towards the bathroom. She reached down and felt her crotch. “OH DAM!” came out, turning and looking at me with shock. “I’m so glad I can make you feel good” I said, then asked, “Do you play with your pussy when your by yourself Shay” With a smile she says “I like playing with my pussy Brody.” “I’m glad you can tell me that you do.” I smiled. “You know what I like to hear don’t you my naughty little girl” “Yup.” she replied and began to play with herself pulling aside her panties so I could watch. I lifted her by the arm pits up on the sink. Pulling her into me I freed the night shirt from under her ass. Her hot, bare, bum hit the cold porcelain making her jump towards me, wrapping her, soft, tan legs around my waist. Shay landed her swollen, wet, clit perfectly on the tip of my cock. We were in a bear hug with her legs getting tighter. “Do you want to rub your pussy on it” I asked purposely avoiding the word “cock”. “Yess!!“ she said with eager excitement. “Then tell me what you want and ask me if you can.” I replied, wanting to hear her mouth speak these things to me. “I want to rub my 14 year old pussy on your cock. Can I please Brody“ she lustfully spoke, already wiggling against it. I slid her down allowing my stick to run up and down her shaved, wet, vagina. I cupped the tiny ass cheeks, using them to move her from my balls to my cock head. She whimpered in my ear and clawed at my back. Beginning to bounce on her own, I held Shay’s whole ass in one hand, moved the other around her back. Lustfully I said, “I’m gonna cum for you. OK” “Cum on my Wet little pussy. Please Cum for me Brody” She said, grinding harder and faster on my rock hard member. “OOOOO myyy fuuuuking god!” I let out as quietly as humanly possible. I leaned Shay back so she could see my cock moving along her, still virgin, slit. I could now see the amazing face and body in front of me, as I climaxed. The 1st shot almost made it to her left tit. My 2nd pump landed in her belly button, letting the rest dribble down her pussy with my cock still pressed against it. Her legs locked. Pushing with purpose and grinding her swollen button, she was reaching her own climax. Staring in my eyes with lust I gazed back smiling, running my thumb from her mons, to tummy, slowly rubbing across the budding lumps. “You are soo sexy and beautiful Shay.” I said with a loss of breath. She then spasmed, pushing my hands harder into her chest, cumming on my shaft. So much cum realeased from her young pussy a trickle ran down my scrotum for a solid minute. “I love you Brody. I never felt this way. Will you show me…umm…I want you to..uuhhh…be my first” She revealed. “I Love you too my little woman. When the time is right I will be whatever you want me to be.” I replied. Lowering her off the sink I knelt down in front of her, slowly removing her sex soaked panties. “I’m gonna keep these so your mom doesn’t find them and so I can smell you whenever I want.” With a sleepy smile she said “Ok my lover man”. “Let your pussy hair grow back too. OK” I asked. “Uh, OK Brod. But why”. replying curiously. “Because I like it. Shaved is boring. I want to feel and play with it.” I answered.

I slipped the night shirt over her head. With a wash cloth and warm water I gently wiped her soft, completely nude, body down . It was my pleasure, and hers, to slowly clean away our sex. “uuhhhmmm” she quietly moaned as I cleaned the tender opening and red clit. Leaning in, I fluttered my tongue on her left areola taking the whole mound into my mouth ending with a small suck and tongue flicker. Repeating this for the other, sensitive, still growing boob I noticed it to be slightly smaller. I ran the warm cloth over both, continuing all the way to her cum filled belly button.

As if timed to the minute Trish and Leo stumbled in 30 seconds after Shay was down. I had just leaped on the couch. “Hey Guys.” I said as if bored and tired. Leo ran to the pisser and Trish was standing right in front of me about 5 feet away with a devilish stare. “I hope my girls didn’t see what I see.” saying with seduction. “Huh” I grunted. “This!” she said as she reached across the coffee table gripping my dick, still sticking out my shorts. I could see down her loose top. I loved her small, nursed, mommy tits. Her nipples are dark leathery erasers from three kids feeding on them. “STOP!” I spoke forcefully but low, pulling her hand off as Leo turned the corner. She was still leaning down towards me. I turned to Leo and said, “Trish is a little drunk.” “And horny!” he added. I laughed and said, “Have fun I’m outta here.” “She won’t let you go Brod. She wants to Fuck You and I want to watch you do it.” Leo exclaimed. All I could get out was, “Since When” “We’ve thought about it almost since we became friends. You’re the only guy I would let fuck Trish. We both fantasize about you.” Leo revealed. “OK, but you need to let me move into this slow so I don’t get freaked. I need to see you 2 get into it first. I’ll work my way in when I’m comfortable. “A little shy are we” Trish said with an edge of sarcasm leaning down giving me an open mouth lip lock kiss allowing are tongues to touch for the first time. It was filled with deep lust, aggressively tasting each others mouth. We finally released a mountain of suppressed sexual tension secretly shared for years. I saw Leo’s right hand in his pants pulling down his jeans with the other. He was already hard moving closer to us, stepping out of the 501‘s with nothing under them. Before I could react he pushed his dick between our locked lips. I thought it would make me gag but as his head and shaft ran across my tongue, watching Trish lick down the other side, was beyond arousing. Knowing Trish was into me mouthing her mans cock had me past easing into this and straight to wanting both of them. I looked up at Leo while licking the underside of his cock head and said, “I like the shape of your dick.” then took his cockhead into my mouth probing at his hole with my tongue. “OOhh mmm” He moaned. Trish and I toungue kissed sloppily, Simultaneously we licked Leo’s mushroom cap as our eyes remained glued. she started sucking Leo down to his balls. I pushed her hand back to my pants. She vigorously stroked me as she blew Leo. I had to get to Trishs’ loose little fun bags. I Have a fetish for small nursed titties and hers are pure perfection. I reached under her t-shirt and slid my hand up her ribs, pushing her tit firmly as I went, mashing it upward. I caught her nipple and tugged on it. She let out a quick yelp of pain but then relaxed in the pleasure that followed.

I glanced towards the girls rooms through the kitchen. Devyn was on the ground peeking out. I had the only line of sight to notice her. She saw me looking back! She didn’t run away scared. Our eyes were now locked. I winked and smiled to let her know I didn’t care. She’s already watching mommy suck on daddies penis so why not me too I stood up next to Leo and instinctively Trish moved her mouth to my stick and started bobbing on it like a pro. Devon’s eyes were wide and in awe of this display. To get a good hard vacuum suck from Trish’s mouth I pulled my cock out fast. I moved my cock head over to Leo’s and rubbed them together coaxing Trish to suck us both. She gripped our shafts licking back and forth between our heads.

“Your cock tastes like pussy. Whose is it” Trish says. “Umm….uuuh…don’t know why.” I stammered “Must be from jerking off before I came over. Spit smells like that a little.” I smiled and pushed my dick back in her mouth along with Leo’s. My mind was in sexual light speed. It was her little girls pussy juice she smelled and tasted. Devon was still watching us. Mommy was giving her a sex ed lesson she’ll never forget. I Wanted to see how hot Devon was getting so suggested that they should go get out of their clothes and I would go check the kids. Trish gave me a bear hug that put my rock hard erection against her inner thigh and clit. Pulling her shirt off she grabbed Leo by his dick leading him towards their bedroom. To buy some time I asked them if I could spy on them first because It’s a fetish of mine. “Would you leave the door cracked and open the window shades a little please” I asked. “Sure will you pervert.” replied Trish.

Devyn definitely heard me and was back to her bed but not pretending to sleep as I expected. Shay was passed out cold from our fun earlier and not waking up. “Hey little woman. Did you like the show” I whispered. She shyly looked at me shaking her head yes. “I liked knowing you were watching.” I said grinning. “You are such a sexy young woman Dev. I love all of you but you’re the prettiest young woman in your family. Don’t tell your sisters I said so or they will get jealous. OK” “Ok Brody.” she replied smiling ear to ear with my compliment. “Brod” she whispers. “What sweetie” I said softly sitting down next to her running my fingers through her soft hair. “Ask me anything.” reassuring her. “Can I see it” “See what” I asked. I put my lips to her ear and asked, “My cock” She eagerly shook her head yes. “OK, but only if you ask me the way I did and you have to take it out. This way I know it’s what you really want.” She whispered, “Brody can I see your cock” Hearing this come from her mouth sent a shiver through my testicles I’ve never felt. “Whenever you want to.” I smiled, moving my left leg up on her bed and bending my knee so she can more easily get to what she wants. “You can say or do anything when your with me Dev. I want you to ask me to say or do what you want. This is for you. Your in control.” I assured her. “Can I touch…..your cock” she said with correction. I smiled with pleasure and praise. “I would love for you to.” I said wantonly. “Have you watched mommy and daddy do that stuff before” I said as she wrapped her hand around the end of my dick then started aimlessly exploring from my pubic hair to pee hole. “When they think were asleep they watch movies that sound like people are hurting each other. They start stripping and doing things like you did with them.” she revealed. A big smile was on my face and then said, “Those people aren’t hurting each other they’re pleasing each other. When we really enjoy the way we touch each other, or ourselves, we show how much it feels good by making those sounds.” I explained. “Want to hear a secret Dev” “YEAH!” eagerly replying. “When I carried you to bed earlier I accidentally touched your chest. You pushed against my hand and moaned like the movie sounds.” “REALLY” she asked. “you did it again after I put you in bed and then told me you loved me.” I said with a loving gaze. She then remembered and said, “I had a dream that we were naked on the beach. You put suntan lotion all over my body. Even between my legs. I woke up when mommy and daddy came back and my panties were really warm and wet.” “WOW Dev! That’s an awesome dream! You got wet from dreaming about me! That is so fukin hot! You have become a really sexy woman Dev.” I said while moving closer to her. “I’ve loved you for so long Brody. I want….. you to be my…..first…… Will you” “I will do whatever you ask me to do. I‘m happy just knowing you trust me to be this open. I’m going to tell you something so you don’t find out the wrong way. Tonight was the first time mommy, daddy and me did those things with each other. Shay is a really horny girl. Interrupting me, Dev asked, “Horny! What’s that” “The feeling your pussy gets when something. or someone, excites you. Like your dream.” I explained. “She feels like that a lot. Now we have the same bond. Lara and Shay were both playing with my cock tonight. Whatever you hear or see me doing, it doesn’t change how I feel about you. OK” I finished. “I get it” She said understandingly. “Holy Shit!” I blurted out a bit too loudly. “What” Devyn responds. “Every one in your fam has touched my cock tonight! I’m glad I saved the best for last.” I told her. Dev pulled my left hand to her breast. Leaning in, I nibbled on her right, tender, bump of a boob while fondling her left, I kissed my way from neck to chin finishing with a soft one on her mouth. She let out another moan and now understood it’s meaning.

I hope this was stimulating to read. Please give any criticism you may have. I will post chapter 2 If I recieve enough response to do so.