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wyldbrdmn25 Member Since October 19, 2009

Harry potter sex storie (revisited) 13&14

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Christmas Snowballs

Harry, Ron and Hermione started their holidays by sitting down at the kitchen table with Mrs. Weasley, Fleur, Gabrielle and Lupin. Mr. Weasley and Bill were still at work and the twins would be joining them in a couple of days. Percy still was not talking to anyone from the family. Charlie was going to be there on Christmas Eve. It was nine at night but no one felt the least bit tired. They all drank hot apple cider while chatting about Voldemort and his followers and what they were up to. He was now trying to get goblins to follow him but with Bill's pull in that community, from getting them allot of money, they turned him down. Voldemort did not like the idea so a couple of goblins were killed before the order

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arranged some protection for them.

Mrs. Weasley shooed them off to bed after a while and Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione were aloud to sleep with each other. She was not stupid; she knew what was going on almost before they did. Harry's items were in Ginny's room waiting for him so he pulled on his nightclothes and turned to watch Ginny slither out of her Sunday dress she was wearing and pull on a silky gown. They climbed into bed and had a nice night of lovemaking. Harry took it nice and slow giving Ginny a couple orgasms before having his own

In the morning, they all got up and the twins decided to come home early so they all decided to go out side for some fun. Harry, Ginny and Ron were against the twins and Gabrielle in a little game of snowball fight. They each magiked a small fort in which to hide in and magiked snowballs to make them fly at each other. Harry was hit in the head a couple times trying to protect Ginny while she aimed snowballs at Gabrielle. Ron meanwhile tried shooting off two at the same time trying to hit Fred and George at the same time. He failed of course and got pummeled by a group of balls sent by the twins. Harry and Ron worked together, while Ron's snowballs came from in front; Harry's came from behind and nailed them. They then took aim at the fort, sent dozens of nice sized snowballs at their fort, and brought it down.

After a fun filled morning, they all went inside for some lunch, and to warm up, before going out for some Quidditch. Gabrielle was not too bad either but Harry's team had won, as always, they played first to ten goals. The twins had to stop early because they had to go into the village and gather some items for the joke shop, which left Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Gabrielle to play together. They all decided to go inside for some hot cocoa and rest. Ron and Harry played a game of wizard chess while the girls sat and watched, talking to each other in whispers. Ron had won by only a small margin because Harry was learning Ron's every move.

"One of these days ill win." Harry said to himself.

After the game the girls snuck off to Ginny's room, they said they had to do something alone, so Harry and Ron went to see what Molly and Fleur were up to. They were not in the kitchen, basement or living room, considering they just came from there. They took a quick peek outside and did not see them anywhere so they decided to go up to Ron's room and rest. As they passed Bill and Fleur's room they heard some noise coming from inside. The door had been left open a crack so Harry went over to peek in. Fleur was on her back completely naked with Molly in between her legs, naked. Fleur was stretching and pulling on her nipples while her pussy was being eaten. Ron had whispered,

"What’s going on?" but Harry did not hear him as he watched.

Therefore, Ron got down lower than Harry and peeked in. With out realizing it both Harry and Ron had their hands inside their pants slowly stroking their dicks.

"Oh Molly you are so much better than Bill at this." they heard Fleur say but Molly just nodded her head and kept on eating.

Harry noticed her ass staring them straight in the face so he looked between her legs and noticed her pussy lips opened up and dripped liquid from inside.

This gave Harry and idea so he slowly pushed open the door while Ron looked on in shock. Harry released his cock, which had been straining to get out, and got down behind Molly and shoved it into her pussy. Molly stopped in shock to look behind her but when she saw it was Harry she just smiled and turned back to eat Fleur out. Ron figured it was ok by now so he also whipped his cock out and climbed on the bed. Fleur opened her mouth and willingly took it. The four of them started up one nice orgy working in unison.

Molly's pussy was so damn loose around Harry's cock so he decided to pull it out and slide it into her ass. He pumped it into her ass then placed it into her pussy to get it wet some more. Then he planted it back in her ass, he kept this up for a while. Meanwhile Ron had his entire cock planted inside of Fleur's mouth. Ron decided her head movement was not fast enough so he positioned his waist right on top of her face and fucked her mouth up and down as fats as he could. Ron rested his waist down on her face while he released his cum deep into her throat. Harry noticed this and not to be out done he pulled his cock out and gave it a few strokes to make it shoot across Molly's back and up to Fleur's mouth.

Harry and Ron then left to go to Ron's room. They each fell asleep on a different bed and fell right to sleep. Molly opening the door and stating that diner was ready waked them. When they made it down stairs, everyone was home including the twins, Bill and Mr. Weasley. After diner and a quick chat about what else had been happening, the four young ones went up to Ron's room. Harry lay down on his bed and closed his eyes to think. He then felt someone open his pants and pull them down. He just kept his eyes close and enjoyed the mouth making him hard again. The mouth had then released and he was about to open his eyes when he felt someone climb into bed and plunge their pussy down on him.

Harry noticed that it was too tight to be Ginny but before he could look he heard "Fuck me, I need you in me." coming from Gabrielle.

Harry snapped his eyes open and looked up and sure enough, Gabrielle was impaled on him. Harry looked around for Ginny and noticed she was naked on Ron's bed with Ron fucking her brains out. Therefore, Harry grabbed Gabrielle's hips and pulled her up and down on his dick. Gabrielle bent over and put her breasts to Harry's chest. Harry looked over and Ginny was now doing the same thing to Ron.

All of a sudden, Harry felt something move on the bed but Gabrielle was blocking his view. He then felt some thing touch his dick from inside Gabrielle's pussy. Harry looked over and noticed Hermione fucking one of the twins. Harry figured the other twin was on his bed fucking Gabrielle in the ass. Harry just though this was better and picked up his speed. Harry pulled down on her ass to push as far as he could and came deep into her. Harry could feel the twin on him cum to when it dripped down on his cock. Once the other twin was finished they left, and Gabrielle and Ginny switched partners. Hermione just laid there and watched the go at it.

Harry was now with Ginny and Ron was with Gabrielle. Harry was to limp to continue but Ginny wouldn't take no for an answer so she got down between his legs and sucked him hard again. Harry figured Gabrielle had done the same for Ron because he was on top of her fucking her brains out. A couple of times her head had hit the wall and Harry giggled. Once Harry was hard, again Ginny climbed on top and planted herself on him. Harry wanted to be on top so he grabbed her and spun around on top. Harry pushed and pulled as fast as he could getting moans from Ginny telling him he was doing it right. Harry bent over, took her nipple into his mouth, and gave it and little nibble.

After they all finished they went to bed there naked next to each other. The next day the girls woke up and wanted a quickie so Harry and Ron obliged. Afterwards they went outside with the twins for another snowball fight that was cut short when Gabrielle was hit in the eye. The next few days were pretty much the same with a couple more orgies that involved the twins. On Christmas Eve Charlie showed up and told Harry, he could tell Hagrid his dragon was doing well.

On Christmas day, Harry awoke to plenty of presents. He and Ron had gotten sweaters again and some chocolate frogs from Molly and Arthur. Hermione had gotten him a really advanced book on the dark arts. Harry just threw away Kreacher’s gift because of what happened last year. Hagrid's present was tooth-breaking sweets and Dobby gave him a little statue of Harry ridding on a broom. Ron gave him the new copy of play witch and the twins a new Skiving Snack box. Harry looked all around but Ginny had not given him anything, which he though was weird.

They both went down for breakfast after Ginny came and got them. Harry asked her where his present was and she told him she would give it later. After breakfast, they all sat in the living room and had some fun discussions, because Voldemort was never mentioned. Hermione showed up after lunch had finished and joined in a real game of Quidditch because they had enough players. Ginny had to join Fred, Gabrielle, Fleur and Bill while Harry, Ron, Hermione, George and Charlie teamed up. Ron and Bill were keepers, the twins were beaters, Gabrielle/Fleur and Hermione/Charlie were chasers, which left Ginny and Harry to be seekers.

Harry's team had won spectacularly 210 to 70 because Ron was still having problems with his nerves and Harry was quicker than Ginny. Afterward they all went back inside to eat diner. Mrs. Weasley Made a big diner that they needed two rooms, one for the food and one to eat. They all had a merry old time talking and playing at the table. Ron had reached for a turkey leg and went to sit back down, but the twins had their own idea and made his chair disappear. Ron fell and took the tablecloth with him who pulled all the food toward him but Mrs. Weasley caught the food before it hit Ron and the ground and magiked it back to the table. She also gave Fred and George a stern yelling while everyone else laughed.

After diner, Harry followed Ginny back to her room where they got undressed and climbed into bed. Ginny climbed on top of Harry and sat down on top of his cock. Ginny wanted to wait on the sex.

She leaned down, put her lips to his ears, and whispered, "I'm pregnant."

She leaned back and Harry just stared at her. He had no idea what to say to that. He asked if anybody else knew and she told him, her mother did, that is why she allowed them to sleep together. However, no one else had been told before she could tell Harry. Harry grabbed Ginny by the shoulders, pulled her down onto his chest, and embraced her in a tight hug. Harry rolled Ginny onto the bed beside him and felt her stomach.

"Come to think of it," Harry said, "there is a little pooch here."

Then he kissed her on the stomach and laid his head down. He no longer wanted sex, he just wanted to lay there and hold her.

The next morning when everyone was at the breakfast table they told everyone. Hermione was the first to jump up and rub Ginny's stomach. Everyone was excited for them except Ron; he had hoped to beat Harry to at least becoming a father that is why he sent the condoms. The next day they would be going off to school so everyone packed that night so there are no surprises the next day. Harry awoke in the middle of the night because he had to go to the bathroom. He crept out of the bed not to wake Ginny and slid out the door.

He made his way down to the bathroom and did his business. Just as he was shaking off the door had opened. Fleur was standing there, naked, with cum dripping out of her pussy. She seemed half-asleep and went right over to where Harry was sitting on the toilet and sat on his lap. She pissed right between his legs right onto his cock, which had gotten hard right away. Harry felt his cock slowly started entering Fleur’s pussy. She did not even seem to notice she had a cock entering her. She started moving her hips back and forth. This just made Harry harder and he grabbed her hips and moved her up and down. It took a little effort but she obliged him and started ridding his cock.

She was wet and hot inside her pussy. Harry guessed a good deal of cum was still in her from Bill fucking her. Harry reached around and cupped her tits in each hand, which made her lean back on him.

"Oh god yes" was all Harry could her as he pounded her, or rather she pounded him.

Without any warning, Harry just let his sperm fly into her pussy without stopping her. When his dick finally got soft and fell out is when she stopped bouncing and got up and left. Harry just sat there for a second to compose himself and got up to leave. The door had flown open once again but this time Molly stepped in but she looked wide-awake.

Harry's cock was still hanging in the open. She just walked over, dropped to her knees, and started sucking him off. It took a few minutes but Harry was hard again. Once this happened Molly lay on the floor and spread her legs wide open. Harry removed all of his clothes and lay down on top of her sliding her nightgown above her tits. Harry took his cock in hand and slid it slowly into her pussy. It seemed tighter this time for some reason. Harry pushed in as far as he could and pulled out until him cock was about to pop out. He pushed in as fast and as hard as he could. "Fuck my pussy raw. Please" Molly whispered in his ear.

Harry withdrew and pushed harder and faster with each stroke making her slide on the floor a little. Harry bent his head down in mid stroke and bit her nipple, which made her yell out, "yes" Harry gave each nipple the same attention back and forth. Harry then lifted both of her legs up onto his shoulders and started jack hammering into her. Molly started yelling out it was hurting but when Harry tried to stop she told him to keep it up. After a few more strokes, Harry gave her what cum he had left. Harry rolled off and closed his eyes to catch his breath.

Harry must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes the sun was rising. Harry closed his eyes again to will himself to get up when his cock started getting wet again. Harry just laid there enjoying it before they climbed up on him and slid his dick into her. Harry opened his eyes and looked up to see Gabrielle sitting on him. Harry just laid there and let her do all of the work because he was just to tired. He closed his eyes again and grabbed her hips to help guide her. After a couple minutes, she stopped and Harry thought she was done but then he felt a pair of legs on the sides of his head. He tried looking up but all he could see was a pussy coming down. Harry just grabbed the hips (which he recognized as Ginny's right away) and steered her to his face. Harry stuck his tongue deep inside her pussy while Gabrielle started bouncing up and down again.

After a few minutes, Harry felt Ginny tighten up and he felt a warm liquid slide down his throat. Ginny's cum tasted good to Harry, which just made him cum in Gabrielle. After composing themselves they all went to get packed for school. Gabrielle was going back to Beauxbatons and the rest were off to Hogwarts. This time since everyone could apparate to Hogwarts they would get there from Hogsmeade. It was a teary goodbye but they all made it to school unharmed.

Added Security at Hogwarts

Harry spent the next two days with Ginny until classes started up again. The first class Harry, Ron and Hermione had was Transfiguration. Prof. Radcliff was not taking it easy on them either. Since they were taking N.E.W.T.S, they were now up to changing live monkeys so they can change themselves soon. Hermione was actually starting to change her nose because she was more advanced than the rest of the class.

Next, they went to potions with Prof. Slughorn and he started teaching them how to make Polyjuice Potion. Now this one Hermione, Ron and Harry had already known how to make. Their potion started better than everyone else did, but it would take a month to finish. They each earned extra credit for being so far with it.

After lunch, they had DADA, which was Harry's favorite class so far. The teacher always wore nothing or very little under her robes and every time she bent over Harry and all the other boys, and a select few girls, could see right down at her ample tits. Every time Harry thought about just bum rushing her and fucking her right there on the spot. Nevertheless Harry held his urges and earned top grades.

After class, Harry met up with Cho because something was bothering him. When he caught up, she looked beautiful with her hair in a ponytail.

"Hey Cho can I talk to you for a second?" Harry asked her and she said goodbye to her friends. Half way down the hall Harry just came out with, "Why are you still in school? You were a year ahead and you shouldn’t be here."

Cho just stopped and looked at him; she thought for a second before answering, "I failed last year. My potions grade was horrible, transfiguration was non existence and my charms were abysmal. The only class I got an E in was DADA thanks to you, I really learned a lot from you in the Dumbledore's Army classes you taught us in. I really miss those lessons; I wish we could have continued them last year because you were the best teacher." Cho had turned a deep red at these words, and so did Harry.

That night in the room of requirement came back full force in Harry's mind. It had given him a full hard-on, which Harry tried to cover up inconspicuously. Cho had looked over, noticed his hard on, and went even redder, if that was even possible. Harry saw him looking at his cock and smiled. He then looked around at where they were and noticed they were by Myrtle's bathroom. Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her inside without much effort.

As soon as they were inside Harry looked around to make sure it was empty and then pulled Cho into an aggressive embrace. Harry held her arm tightly to her side and pulled her in to kiss her. She met his mouth with he tongue already out so Harry took it in to his mouth. He released her arms and wrapped his arms around her mid section. She, in return, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

Harry rubbed his hands up and down her back getting lower and lower until his hands were resting on her ass. He grabbed her ass cheeks and gave them a squeeze. He then grabbed her robe and pulled it up until her underwear was showing. He grabbed the waistband and pulled them down. When he came back up, he spun her around so her ass was sticking out to him and she was leaning on a sink.

Harry pulled out his cock and moved it up and down her pussy lips barely sticking it in her, which mad her push back against him to try to get it in. Harry positioned the head at the opening of her pussy and grabbed her hips. Harry spread his legs to get more stability and pushed into her as hard as he could. Harry pulled his cock out and rammed it back in a little to hard because she hit her head on the mirror in front of her and she passed out. Harry froze for a second to think about what to do but in the end he figured fuck it, or rather fuck her.

She was still being held up by the sink so Harry pulled out of her and pushed back in. Harry kept up a slow steady stoke enjoying the hot wet pussy he had wrapped around his cock. After a while, Harry started to get bored so as he fucked her he reached up, turned on the cold water, and splashed some of it on her face. After a few hand fulls she woke up and looked confused. She looked behind her, saw Harry had been fucking her, and went along. She did how ever push herself back away from the mirror so she did not hit her head again and gripped the sides of it hard. Harry reached up with both of his hands and cupped her swaying breasts. The fabric was softly stoking her nipples and Harry rubbed them g


Harry stood straight up and started pounding even harder into her pussy and he decided to give her ass a smack occasionally. Cho seemed to really enjoy it when his hand made contact. Harry grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him as he unloaded his cum in her pussy. Harry thanked her for a good fuck and left to meet up with Ginny.

They spent the rest of the afternoon together and went off to diner together. As Harry walked into the great hall, he saw Cho sitting with her normal crowd and he just smiled at her. With Ginny at his side he could not risk her finding out he still had feelings for Cho. Diner was another wonderful meal and when the deserts disappeared, he made to get up when Prof. McGonagall stood up and started to speak.

"I hope the first days of class were enjoyable for everyone and I hope you all learned plenty. I must however inform you that trips to Hogsmeade have been canceled for the remainder of the year." this had gotten a lot of moans and groans but she just kept going, a little loud at first. "We have received word that known death eaters have been spotted there and we can’t risk students getting hurt. I am also informing students to stay clear of the forest just incase some death eaters decide to hide in there."

At this, everyone started talking while getting up and headed to the dorm rooms. When Harry and Ginny showed up everyone seemed wide-awake talking about the threats of the death eaters.

"What if they get inside of Hogwarts? Without Dumbledore around are we safe from YOU-KNOW-WHO?" Harry heard a third year say to a group of girls.

Harry thought she had made a good point to, with out Dumbledore is the school safe with McGonagall in charge. Harry decided to go ask her himself. He made for the portrait hole telling the rest he would be back shortly and made for the Head mistress office. He knew the password because she had used it in front of him when she told him of the will. Harry knock on her door and heard her say enter so he did. She was sitting behind her desk talking to Tonks. Harry asked her what she was doing there and if the rest of the order was there.

"Yes Harry I have asked more members of the order to stand watch at the school." McGonagall told him. "Tonks here and some new and old members have graciously volunteered to watch the school all the time to protect students. We even have a few look outs in Hogsmeade to report if any death eaters show up."

They talked for about half an hour discussing the security and Harry gave hi opinion on what should take place. Harry bode them a good night and went back to the dorm room where he told Ron, Hermione and Ginny about what they talked about. They had their own conversations about what should take place before heading off to bed. They spent the next couple of weeks busy with Quidditch, school work and worrying about Voldemort showing up that they for got about the Horcrux until the last day in making the Polyjuice potion.

Harry had an idea and bent over to Ron to tell him, "We need to pocket some of out potions. That way we can take the form of Slytherins and search their rooms for the Horcrux Draco had."

Harry whispered to Hermione to take some potion also. They met up at the girls’ bathroom to discuss things and decided to get hair from Slytherins during their next class and come back here. They went off to charms and each sat behind some Slytherins and casually picked hair off their robes. Harry sat behind a first year boy he recognized from Quidditch and Hermione sat behind a girl Harry had seen around. Hermione was not taking any chances this time and pulled it right out of her head. Ron n the other hand sat behind a short hair boy Harry had never seen before.

They all meat up at the bathroom and deposited their hairs into their potions. They stood around in a circle watching each other. Harry felt like getting sick but stood there watching Hermione’s hair grow longer and darker and Ron's hair shortened and lightened. To Harry's surprise Hermione's breasts grew bigger and bigger. They looked good to Harry but now was not the time for that. Harry looked over at Ron and stared. Harry laughed so hard he thought he would pass out. When Hermione looked, she started laughing to. Ron had breasts as large as Hermione's.

It was Millicent, the girl Hermione fought the girl for her hair in their second year, and she must have become butch lately. After calming down and everyone feeling on Ron’s new breasts, including Ron, they set off to the Slytherin dorm room. They lucked out because some first year girls were leaving when they arrived and they slid right in.

There were only a few people lingering around so they searched the main room first. They each took a part of the room and looked around without any luck. The three of them then headed up to Malfoy's old room, Hermione found out which it was somehow, and started searching in there. They had only just started when the door opened and some Slytherin boys waked in.

"What are you doing in our room?" the taller of the two said.

Hermione was quick on the uptake, "We were bribed to um give you a show from some friends." Harry and Ron looked at her puzzled and then she started removing her robes.

Her breasts were at least three times bigger than before.

The smaller boy looked at Ron and said, "How about you?" Ron removed his robe with a deep red in his face.

Ron's breasts were slightly smaller than Hermione’s but it even turned Harry on. Ron and Hermione just started dancing, sexually, with each other.

"And you are?" the taller one asked Harry. Harry played it as he was here to make sure there was no touching.

Hermione and Ron pressed their breasts together and rubbed their pussies together. Harry just stood there getting a hard on with the other two boys. Hermione licked her fingers, reached down, and placed them inside Ron's newfound pussy. Ron moaned slightly as he cupped her ass. Ron slid a finger into Hermione's ass and she responded by pushing her fingers into Ron harder.

Harry looked up and they were kissing with tongues, which was erotic for Harry. Suddenly Harry went limp; Ron's hair was growing slightly and turning red. Harry stepped in,

"Ok that’s enough. That’s all that was paid for." he said throwing their robes at them.

They quickly got dressed and left the two boys sitting there stroking their cocks. They ran all the way back to the girl’s bathroom.

When they got in and locked the door Harry told them, "This is the second time almost getting caught, we should stop doing that."

He looked over at Hermione, she dropped her robes and crawled over to Ron’s cock, and before sucking it said, "Shit I'm still horny. Give it to me."

Ron had no problems sticking his cock in her mouth. Harry got instantly hard and started stroking his cock. It was not good enough so he got down behind Hermione and scooted her ass back a little and stuck his cock into her hot awaiting pussy. They were missing a class but Harry did not dare mention it because Hermione might stop. Harry grabbed a handful of hair and started pounding her pussy like there was no tomorrow.

Harry pushed his cock as deep as he could with each stroke and withdrew it almost pulling out. Hermione was moaning into Ron's cock as he fucked her face. Ron grabbed her head, pushed his cock deep into Hermione’s throat, and came as much as he could. As Ron pulled his cock out of her mouth, Harry saw a little cum trickle out of the corner of her mouth.

This just made Harry push harder and faster in and out of her pussy. Harry felt the pressure build up in his balls so he took his cock out, stroked it a few times, and came on her ass cheeks. The three of them leaned up against what they could to rest before getting dressed. By time they reached the dorm room classes were over and Hermione was pissed she missed Ancient ruins and ran off to get her homework. Harry and Ron explained what had happened to Ginny, leaving out the sex in the bathroom. Ginny laughed at Ron as hard as Harry did.

Hermione showed back up just in time for them to set out for diner. Over the next few days they went back to searching the room of requirement although not as much as they should have been doing. Quidditch finale was approaching and they were practicing as much as possible. Harry awoke the day of the match as nevus as ever when it is the last match. He decided to take his mind off the match by searching the room of requirement. Harry opened the door and, "WHAM"

Harry potter sex stories (revisited) 3 & 4

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Party at the Burrow

“I hope you do not mind if we don’t give you a kiss.” said one of the twins.

Mrs. Weasley came walking over to Harry wearing an apron to welcome him. She told them that diner was ready so they all marched up to the house. After washing up they all sat down at the table to eat. Bill, Fleur and Mr. Weasley were at their seats already when Harry arrived. It had been a while since Harry had a good meal so he grabbed a little bit of everything.

Harry asked them about Voldemort, which got a couple of shivers from some people. Ron, Ginny and Hermione were used to Harry using his name. They told Harry that Voldemort was killing all over, young and old he did not

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care. After the fall of Dumbledore, things really got worse. If you were not going to following Voldemort, you died instantly. The order was trying everything they could to stop him but they had been unsuccessful at their attempts.

Harry wanted to know everything but Mrs. Weasley shooed them of to bed. Harry and Ron had the attic like always and the twins had their room. Bill and Fleur took over Percy's room since he was not talking to anyone in the family still. Harry and Ron changed into their pajamas and Ron climbed into bed.

Harry got the sudden urge to take a piss so he told Ron that he would be right back and headed out the door and down the stairs. As he passed Ginny’s room, he heard Ginny and Hermione whispering. Harry saw an extendable ear on the floor and inserted it into his ear. The other part slithered under the door. After a second or two, he could hear Hermione’s voice.

"I promise you this will feel good." Harry's heart sped up as he heard Hermione talk.

“Ok but go slow." he heard Ginny whisper.

“Lie down and relax, I'm going to insert my wand into your pussy. It may feel weird at first but give it a little and you'll enjoy it." Hermione told her.

After what seemed like an hour to Harry, he heard Ginny moaning and panting. Just as Harry was getting into it, he heard a bedroom door open so he yanked on the ear and dropped it where he found it. He then walked casually to the bathroom and Mrs. Weasley came out of her room

"I thought I heard someone out here. Is everything alright Harry dear?" she asked him.

"Yeah just need a bathroom break": he told her while trying to hide his erection from her.

Harry trotted of to the bathroom and felt a relief as he let his pee go. It was a little hard because he was still half-erect. By the time he emptied his bladder he was soft again. After two shakes, he heard three was masturbating, he stowed his cock into his jeans and headed back to bed. Harry reached for the door but it opened up for him.

Behind it, Mrs. Weasley was standing there in a silky, see-through nightgown. She slowly stepped inside of the bathroom and shut the door. As soon as it clicked, Mrs. Weasley dropped her gown. Her breasts were big and soft looking, her pussy was as red as her hair. Harry stepped forward and stuck one of her massive nipples into his mouth.

She grabbed the back of his head and pulled his mouth into her until Harry almost stopped breathing nevertheless he just kept sucking. Harry reached his hand down between her legs and placed his hand on the outside of her pussy. She just opened her legs to let Harry reach back and slide two fingers into her hot, wet, dripping pussy. Harry drove his fingers in and out slowly at first but the he started picking up speed.

Harry removed his lips from her breasts and concentrated on fingering her pussy. She reached down and pulled his hand away so she could lie down on her back. Harry got on his knees and positioned two fingers into her opening. He pushed and pulled them in and out.

“More, add more.” Harry heard Mrs. Weasley tell him.

Harry added another finger into her but it was not enough for her so he just added his entire hand into her pussy. This seemed to satisfy her so Harry picked up as much speed as he could. As Harry rammed his fist in and out of her pussy, he could feel her tightening up. Harry withdrew his has and got a face full of female cum. Harry laid on his back as Mrs. Weasley crawled up and took his cock into her mouth.

She raised and lowered her head on to his cock while playing with his balls. She rolled his balls around in-between her fingers giving them a slight squeeze occasionally. This had been the best blowjob Harry had ever received. He figured experience came with age. Harry knew he was about to cum and yelled it out buy she just worked him harder. When he came in her mouth, she sucked harder to make sure she got every drop.

She then got up, pulled on her robes and made her way back to her room. Harry just lay on the bathroom floor catching his breath before making his own way back to his room. He made a quick sop to listen at Ginny’s room but it was quiet so he continued. When he got to the bedroom, Ron was already asleep so Harry just climbed in bed and fell asleep.

The next morning he awoke to Ginny squeezing into bed with him. It felt so good to feel her body climbing on top of him. Her skin was nice, soft and smelled of vanilla. Harry embraced her into a tight squeeze. Harry ran his finger through her hair slightly brushing it out of her face as he stared into her eye.

"Good morning sunshine" she said and gave him a peck on the cheek before going down stairs.

Harry threw his glasses on as Ron said, “Wish Hermione would wake me up like that."

Ron just shrugged and went down stairs followed closely by Harry. Everyone was sitting down around the table eating their breakfast. Harry sat in between Ginny and Hermione while Ron sat down on the other side of Hermione. Harry felt Ginny put her hand on his knee while they ate their breakfast. They talked about the wedding plans, security and whom they were inviting. After a while, the four of them got up and went outside to play a little Quidditch. Hermione and Ron against Harry and Ginny. It was not real fair since Hermione does not play Quidditch but she knew what she was doing by now after 6 years of watching the game.

Lunch came and went. Afterwards Harry and Ginny decided to go for a walk around the garden patch. They talked about what he, Ron and Hermione was going to do when school started. The plan was to get on the train and head to school and leave from there because no one else knew what they were up to. They could not take the chance of anyone knowing the plan because they might try to stop them. After what seemed like hours, they went inside for diner. Harry enjoyed these sit-down meals with everyone because he did not know when he would be seeing everyone again or when he would get a good meal on the road.

After diner the four of them decided to go up to Ron’s room and talk. When they got there, Harry and Ginny sat on his bed and Hermione sat on Ron’s bed with him. Harry put his arm around Ginny’s waist and started discussing their plans.

"Right after we get to Hogwarts we will spend the night, set out the next day for Hogsmeade and off to Godrics Hallow so I can see my parent’s grave. Then we have to figure out where to go from there." Harry told them.

"Well" Hermione replied, "We could start off by paying Lucius Malfoy a visit in Azkaban. He might know some thing." just then Hermione pulled out a bottle of clear liquid. "This is Veritaserum; I stole it out of Slughorn’s stash at the end of last term."

"Brilliant" Harry told her "that should work."

Therefore, it was set at what they were going to do first. Ginny then said that she was going down to take a bath. She gave Harry a peck on the cheek then left the room. Harry told Ron and Hermione that he was going to go down and grab a snack. He left the room and heard Hermione and Ron start talking before he shut the door.

Harry always carried his invisibility cloak on him in his back pocket, except for sleeping. He took it out, swung it around himself, and headed for the bathroom. He passed by Ginny’s room and noticed she was still in there getting her night cloths together so Harry continued to the bathroom. He got in there and sat in the corner on a stool to wait for her. He heard someone come into the bathroom. It was Fleur; she was wearing a pink bathrobe made of silk. She bent over and turned on the water, the bathtub filled with steaming water very quickly. Fleur dropped her robe and stood in the mirror combing her hair.

She was tall and slender with long silky legs. Her breasts were round and full about the size of large grapefruits. Her pussy was completely bald and Harry could see her slit clearly. Harry started getting hard when Ginny walked in with her purple and blue robe on.

"Oh sorry" Ginny said, "I thought the bath was free. I’ll leave you to it then.”

Harry noticed Ginny was checking her out as she was talking. Fleur grabbed her hand and led her over to the tub. Ginny dropped her robe to the floor. Ginny’s tits were about the size of a couple of oranges but they still looked good and her pussy was as fiery red as her hair. Harry was enjoying watching two women standing there naked.

Fleur grabbed Ginny’s hand and led her to the bathtub. They both sat down in the tub and Harry could only see their breasts so he stood up to get a better view from right beside the tub. Since he was invisible, they would not even know he was there. When he got to the side of the tub, Ginny put her hand in between Fleur’s legs and messaged her pussy lips. Fleur meanwhile leaned forward grabbed a hold of the back of Ginny’s neck and puller close and kissed her. Harry bent over to get a better look and noticed their tongues moving around shooting in and out of their mouths. Fleur reached down and buried a couple fingers inside of Ginny’s pussy.

Ginny rotated her hips around the fingers buried inside her pussy. Ginny leaned back against the tub and grabbed at her nipples. She squeezed and pulled them while moaning. Her mouth fell open slightly as she panted. Ginny stuck one of her fingers into her mouth and sucked on it. Harry saw Ginny tighten up and squeeze her legs together. Ginny just laid there panting.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fleur stand up. She walked along the bathtub wily a foot on each side of Ginny and sat down on her face. Ginny darted her tongue into Fleur’s pussy as she reached up and held onto her hips. Fleur was moving up and down on Ginny’s face as if she was fucking it. Ginny stuck her tongue out as far as she could. Fleur sat down all the way onto Gunny’s tongue and Harry saw some liquid rolling down the sides of her face. After Fleur sat back down in the tub, Harry had enough and set off back to his room.

He went for the doorknob and heard Hermione’s voice “yes fuck me big boy fuck Me.”

Harry got hard again as he opened the door and say Ron and Hermione naked on Ron’s bed. Ron’s dick was jammed up Hermione’s pussy as far as it would go. Harry noticed a small trickle of blood rolling down Ron’s balls and figured he just popped her cherry. There was no way Harry was going to be the only one without sex tonight.

He walked over to then and stated in a fun voice, “is this a private party or can anyone join in?“

Ron looked surprised but Hermione just kept bouncing up and down as if Harry never said anything. Ron shrugged and went back to grabbing Hermione’s waist and pulled her down harder. Harry took off all of his cloths and stood next to the bed and Hermione grabbed his cock and put it into her mouth. She was better than the girl at the park was but not as good as Mrs. Weasley. After Harry’s cock was nice and moist he moved around to the foot of the bed, climbed up behind Hermione, and without pause slid his dick into her ass.

Harry pushed his entire length into her ass. With some work from all three of them, they got a nice rhythm working. They were all panting and sweating with little moans from each of them. Harry reached around and fondled the breast Ron did not have in his mouth. After seeing the sex a little bit ago, Harry could not hold out much longer with the tight ass wrapped around his cock. Harry pushed his cock in as far as her could before making a deposit. Harry, now exhausted, climbed off the bed and squeezed into his own. He fell asleep before they had even finished each other off.

The next few days were uneventful. Much of the time was spent planning the wedding and setting up tents in the lawn for guests. Most of Fleur's family already showed up including Gabrielle (Fleur's sister) whom was a miniature version of Fleur. Gabrielle started following Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny around all day. She kept grabbing Ron and Harry’s hands at which Harry noticed Hermione and Ginny did not like it at all. They just gave her dirty looks but she just seemed to ignore them. People regularly played Quidditch in which Ron and Harry joined in a lot and usually won thanks to Harry's seekers skill.

Three days before the wedding Harry and Ron were lying in bed talking when they heard the door creak open. Harry looked and Gabrielle was standing there. "Can I sleep in here tonight? Fleur and Bill are keeping me up with all that moaning." she said to Harry. He said sure why not and she made herself a little bed on the floor. There was no light in the room nevertheless Harry could make out she was wearing a long teddy. Harry awoke some time later to some noises in the room. He threw on his glasses and sat up to look around.

"Do not worry I used Imobulas on her. She won’t wake up.” and Ron said as he smiled at Harry.

Ron had Gabrielle’s teddy lifted up to her neck exposing her small breasts and pink undies. Harry crawled off the bed to her underwear and removed them to reveal pink peach fuzz. After completely getting rid of them, he dove face first into her snatch. He could feel her pussy juices flowing so he stuck a couple fingers inside her box. She was nice and wet which made Harry’s fingers slide in and out easily. Harry was lost in the moment; it was not until he saw Ron move that he came back to his senses.

Ron moved down to where Harry was and said, "Let's pull a Hermione on her.” followed by a little chuckle.

Ron and Harry worked together to pull Gabrielle on top of Ron. When they had her sitting on Ron’s waist, he grabbed his cock and pointed toward her hole. She was so wet that it slipped right in. Harry positioned himself behind them and lubricated his cock enough so it would slide into her ass. Harry put the head of his dick at the entrance and pushed but he met resistance. He tried pushing repeatedly and was met with a really tight but hole. Harry did not come this far to give up now.

Harry withdrew his wand and starting with the small, skinny part, he inserted it into her ass. He slowly pushed the wand in and as it went it widened the hole. By the time the wand was all the way in Harry figured he ass was now big enough. He withdrew the wand and gave his cock a few strokes to make it as hard as he could. He positioned it at the puckered ass and pushed.

It was a little hard still nevertheless, the head popped in. It was a tight fit and Harry just grabbed hip hips and pushed with all his might. Ron had never lost a beat fucking her pussy. Harry slid all the way in until his balls smacked her pussy. Having done this before they both got a good rhythm down pat.

“Faster, harder you little bitches.” Harry and Ron froze just staring at each other.

Ron looked up into Gabrielle’s eyes and she was looking right back at him. She gave him an innocent smile before Ron just shrugged and pushed into her faster. Harry took this as a good sign and pounded her ass as hard as he could. Harry felt her ass loosen up with each thrust he gave her.

“Oh god, fuck my ass. Make me cum.” was all she could say repeatedly.

Harry just obliged her and rammed his cock home. Harry could tell Ron had already cum because he stopped thrusting. Nevertheless, Harry just kept fucking her as she lay on top of Ron. Harry never missed a beat until he felt his balls about ready to explode. With every thrust, he slammed into her to where Ron had to hold her still.

Harry pushed as far into her ass as he could with one final shove then exploded his contribution into her ass. Harry withdrew his cock with a little popping sound and climbed onto his bed. The others just laid on the floor for another minute or two. Gabrielle climbed off Ron and Harry could see little trickles of cum oozing out of her pussy and ass at the same time. Ron climbed into his bed and they both watched as she got dressed and left out the door.

The Wedding

Harry awoke the next day feeling refreshed and excited. There was no help feeling excited because the house was filled with it. The wedding was in full swing by the time Harry got out of bed, got dressed, grabbed his wand and shoved his cloak into his back pocket. He went down stairs and the scene was the same as if they were setting off to school.

Everyone was running around and stopping shortly just to ask others if they knew where something was. A few people stopped and welcomed Harry before moving on to what ever they were doing. There were doughnuts on the table so Harry grabbed one on his way to look for Ginny. He found her in the bride’s room helping Gabrielle, Molly and Hermione get Fleur's wedding dress on. The dress was a beautiful pure white with laces and a 50-foot train attached.

Harry walked in and Molly attacked him "Harry why aren’t you in your dress robes the wedding starts in half and hour."

She followed him upstarts while trying to comb his hair down which was not working at all. Harry removed his shirt and pulled on his white dress shirt followed by his black dress coat. He then turned his back to Molly and removed his pants and tried to pull on his dress pants but it seams that in the three years since he wore them last he out grew them.

"Mrs. Weasley I think I out grew these pants." Harry told her.

His shirt covered his naked dick so he was not worried about her seeing it. She came over and bent over to look at the pants. Harry looked at her and he noticed he could see right down her dress at her huge breasts. He could see her dark red nipples sitting there.

"Damn, everything is red in this family. I never took notice before.” Harry thought to himself.

"I can fix this," Molly said as she pulled out her wand from what seemed like her cleavage, "now hold still."

She pointed her wand at Harry's pants and muttered something and then grabbed Harry's pants and started pulling them up. When she got to his dick, she stopped and noticed his erection.

"Now we can’t have this can we you'll stick out more than the bride." she told him while grabbing his cock.

She took his cock into her and sucked it like there was no tomorrow. Harry laid his hands on the back of her head and face fucked her. Molly enjoyed being forced to suck cock. Harry could hear slurping sounds throughout the room. Harry Grabbed her head tight and shoved his cock as far down her throat as he could before letting his juices flow. After cleaning up, Harry followed Molly down stairs where someone was waiting.

"What took you two so long.?" someone who Harry did not know asked.

Molly just told her that Harry outgrew his clothes and she had to fix him. Harry caught the “him” part but he did not think the girl did. They all went out into the yard and sat down. Harry sat next to Hermione and Ron. Just then, music came out of nowhere and everyone turned to look down the aisle. The brides maids were first with a best man attached to her arm followed by, Harry's mouth dropped, Ginny and Gabrielle. They both looked beautiful to Harry, which just brought back memories of the past few weeks. Both Ginny and Gabrielle gave Harry a little smile as they walked by.

Hermione pinched Harry and said, "Why was Gabrielle smiling at you?" Harry just told her it was probably because he saved her life. Next followed the ring boys, Fred and George, and then the music changed into the wedding march. Fleur showed up at the end of the aisle with her father on her arm. Harry had met him during the tournament. He led Fleur down the aisle one-step at a time to Bill.

Everyone was crying during the ceremony. It was a long and drawn out ceremony that ended with Bill and Fleur entangled in a long and drawn out kiss. Harry could have sworn he saw tongues darting out of their mouths. Afterwards they walked down the aisle together hand in had as everyone magiked rice on them.

During the ceremony, everyone had to dance with the bride and groom. After dancing with Fleur he switched to Gabrielle, Hermione and then Ginny who was pissed he chose her last. Harry told her he just wanted to get them out of the way so they could have the rest of the party to themselves. After a while, Ginny wanted to sit down at one of the benches that were there. Ron and Hermione came over and sat down next to them holding hands.

Ron whispered to Harry, "She had better not want to get married after this."

They all talked about the wedding and what it would be like to be married. Every chance Harry and Ron got they tried to change the subject but the girls were persistent. It was still light out but the sun was slowly sinking into the sunset leaving a reddish orange glow in the sky.

Everyone seemed to want to meet the “chosen one” and after a while, Harry got sick of it and asked Ginny to walk with him. They walked toward the edge of the woods, away from the crowd of people.

“Harry, I want to sleep with you tonight. I want you to be my first. I think I am ready finally.” Ginny just blurted out which left Harry in shock.

Harry just looked at her with shock and all he could do was nod his head. Ginny gave him a little chuckle before laying her head on his arm as they walked. The sun had mostly set by not and it was getting dark so they decided to head back to the house. As they approached, Harry could see a huge bonfire in the distance and figured everyone was getting a real party started.

As they approached Harry could see people running around, he was to far away to hear anything but they looked like they were having fun. As Harry got closer though he started to hear screams and they started running. Harry reached inside his robes and withdrew his wand as they ran. Harry froze in his steps at the site.

Everyone was running around naked; it looked like a drunken orgy to Harry. All Harry could see though were Fleur’s family. The Weasleys could not be seen anywhere so Harry and Ginny stepped inside the house. The Weasley Family, most of them, was sitting around the table. Hermione and Ron seemed to of already went up stairs so Harry and Ginny bid everyone a goodnight and set off to bed.

As they reached Ginny’s room they looked around to make sure no one was looking and they sneaked inside. Harry sat down on the bed and Ginny sat on his lap facing him with a leg on each side. Harry grabbed hold of her head and brought her into a long deep kiss.

He stroked her hair out of her face and away from her ears bringing it all to the back of her head. Harry slowly moved his hands up underneath her shirt feeling on her pure skin back. Harry grabbed the bottom her shirt to try to pull it off. Ginny broke apart their kiss and removed it herself.

She then pushed Harry down onto the bed in a fierce movement. She then put her hands underneath his shirt and slowly pushed it up as she kissed his body. She started at his stomach in which she slid her tongue into his bellybutton to give it a quick lick. She then liked up his chest and took one of his nipples into her mouth.

Harry really enjoyed this and once the shirt was up to his neck he quickly pulled it up over and off his head. Ginny sat up on Harry’s pelvis and he reached his hands up and took a breast in each palm. Harry gave each of them a squeeze and a pull on the nipples to make them hard.

Ginny laid her chest on Harry so he took each hand and slid them down the back of her jeans feeling on each cheek. Ginny reached down and slid her pants down past her ass. Harry pushed them down as far as he could before getting his feet involved.

Ginny was now lying on top of Harry naked and he was in his pants, which seemed to disappear quickly. Ginny reached down between their bodies and grabbed a hold of his dick. She placed it at the entrance of her hole and slowly slid down toward it.

Ginny was tight being her first time it was not a shock to Harry. His cock slowly entered her pussy half way until Ginny stopped with her eyes squinting. Harry could only guess that he had hit her cherry. She closed her eyes and pushed down as hard and as fast as she could with a little help from Harry.

Ginny lay on Harry’s chest to catch her breath before sitting straight up. Ginny slowly raised and lowered her body. After a few plunges she started getting use to the cock being inside her and she bend forward sticking her hands on Harry’s chest.

Ginny bounced up and down on his cock while giving out little moans and groans. Harry grabbed Ginny and spun her around so she was lying on the bed and Harry was on top. Harry slowly and lovingly slid his cock in and out of her pussy while sucking on her breasts. This was not working for her though and she started bucking her hips.

“Would you fuck my brains out like Gabrielle and Hermione damn it?” Ginny yelled at him.

Harry froze in mid stroke and looked at her in shock. She smiled at him, which he took as she did not mind, and he continued his stoke quickly. He decided to pick up speed before he was yelled at again and he pressed in and out as hard and fast as his hips would allow.

Harry took one last plunge into her and released his juices as deep inside as he could. Ginny came as she felt his hot cum touch her insides. Harry and Ginny fell asleep with his dick still inside of her.

Harry made his way toward the burrow and noticed Fred, George, Ginny, Ron and Hermione was sitting around waiting on Harry to arrive. As Harry got closer, Ginny ran up to him and wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck giving him a deep, long kiss. Everyone else walked up and just welcomed him.

Harry potter sex storie (revisited) 7&8

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Voldemort's Revenge

Harry was standing in a dimly lit room with Voldemort and Malfoy (Drako) standing in front of him. Malfoy was naked against the wall with chains holding his arms into the air. Another two chains on either side spread his feet apart. Harry looked around and noticed he was in a sort of dungeon used for tortures.

"You failed me Drako. If it had not been for Snape," Voldemort nodded at Harry, "Dumbledore would still be alive. Although you did find a way for my death eaters to get into the castle. For that I will not kill you but, I do have to set an example out of you."

Harry realized at once that he was inside of Snape's head. Harry found this odd considering Snape was great at Occlu

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mency. Harry put this out of his mind and paid close attention to Voldemort. Voldemort then seemed to pull a nine-tail whip out of nowhere. He raised it above his head and brought it down across Malfoy's chest. Malfoy looked as though he was going to scream out but he held it in. Voldemort raised the whip again brought it down in the other direction. The two whips left a cross on Malfoy's chest. Harry started felling sorry for him then remembered Malfoy was the main reason Dumbledore was dead.

A third time the whip was brought down, then a fourth. Voldemort then laid down his whip and took out his wand. Harry then saw Malfoy drop to the ground as the chains released him. Voldemort lead Malfoy over to a table in the middle of the room. Malfoy was made to lie on top of it face down. Chains sprang up out of nowhere and held Malfoy into place. There was one around his waist, another around the top of his back and a third one holding his legs down.

Harry/Snape mover around to the front of Malfoy and took his dick out and shoved it into Malfoy's mouth. He opened his mouth willingly because he knew his master was watching him. Voldemort took his wand and shoved it into Malfoy’s ass and left most of it sit inside. Without any words, Harry figured he did it nvbl., the wand started spinning around in his ass. Malfoy sucked harder on the cock in his mouth, probably trying not to scream.

Snape felt a build up in his balls and grabbed the back of Malfoy’s head and shot his load deep into his throat. Voldemort then pulled his wand out of Malfoy’s ass and gave it a real wipe down before releasing him. Malfoy just laid there as Harry and Voldemort walked into the other room talking.

"So is everything set at Hogwarts for my arrival?" Voldemort asked Harry.

Harry Felt himself responds but it was not his words being spoken, "Yes my lord. Your spy had no problems getting in and I am receiving regular reports. Harry Potter showed up but, I have been informed he and his troublesome friends are set to leave tomorrow for Godrics Hallow. So he should not be any trouble for you."

After Voldemort turned and left with a smile on his face, a death eater Harry did not recognize walked in. His cock was still hanging out in the open from earlier and she just dropped to her knees and stuck it in her mouth. He felt the same sensation her felt with Ginny but this was better, much better. She seemed to know what she was doing because his cock grew faster and harder than before.

Harry rocked his hips in and out of her mouth as he grabbed a hold of her head and gently fucked her face. With each stroke he made it deeper and deeper down her throat until he felt her nose come in contact with his hair. She picked up speed and drank his entire cock each time. He reached down and cupped her breasts in his hand careful not to interrupt her. She had nice big round breasts with hard nipples sticking up so he took each on in between his fingers and gave them a gentle squeeze.

She stood up and placed her ass on top of the cool, metal table with a little surprised jump. He walked in between her legs and positioned his cock at the opening. He pushed as hard and fast as he could in and out of her pussy. Her back made a squeaking noise, along with the metal sliding on the stone floor, there was noise bouncing off every wall with echoes. He knew some one could hear him but he did not care so he pushed harder and faster.

He grabbed her hips and slammed into her as hard as he could spilling his cum into her womb. He pulled out and walked away leaving her there like nothing had happened. He walked into a room across from the old one and went over to the sink. He looked down at the water basin and splashed a little water on his face before looking up. There was a mirror staring him in the face but, it was not his face it was Snape’s.

“Enjoy your self Harry? Now get out.” Snape said to the mirror.

Harry woke with a jerk which made his cock slide out of Ginny. Harry thought that there would be no reason to go to Godrics Hallow, there would probably be an ambush waiting there for him. He fell asleep to the thought of what he was to do now. Should he stay at Hogwarts and wait for Voldemort to come to him or should he seek out Voldemort and kill him before he had a chance to get to the school. He would have to discuss it with Ron and Hermione in the morning. Harry also wondered why Snape had allowed Harry into his mind. Was this part of the whole plan or what?

The next thing Harry felt was Ginny getting off his lap and he heard catcalls from other students. Harry had left his glasses on when he fell asleep so he just had to open his eyes. He saw students walk past staring at him and exiting through the door. Ron and Hermione jumped up and quickly ran to the dorm room while Harry and Ginny did it slowly. After getting dressed they all met down in the common room.

"Who is head of Gryffindor now that McGonagall was now head mistress?" Harry asked Hermione because she was the only one who actually listened.

"Her name is prof. Watson and she is the new defense against the dark arts teacher. A prof. Radcliff will be taking over Transfiguration." Hermione told him.

Harry just lowered his head in acknowledgment and told them that he wanted to miss breakfast and head out to the black lake because he had something to discuss with them. They headed out the front door and down to the lake where Harry explained to them what he had dreamt.

Hermione spoke up first, "It has to be a trick. Why would Snape show that to you? That has got to be their plan to keep you here so you don’t go looking for them."

Ron looked at her for a second and responded, "But what if it’s not a trick what if that was their plan and there is someone here at Hogwarts helping out Voldemort."

Both Ron and Hermione had gotten used to saying Voldemort without much fear.

"He can't be that powerful if you can keep defeating him, no offence." Ron had told him over the summer


They all sat there contemplating on what to do next.

After a while, Ginny spoke up, "I think you all should stay here and,"

Hermione interrupted her in mid sentence, "Yeah we all know what you want already"

Ginny gave he a dirty look then started again, "Like I was saying, I think you should stay here and protect the school. What if it was real and they plan to attack the school now that Dumbledore is gone. Granted we do have all these teachers here but, the prophecy did say only Harry could defeat him. Plus we don't know who the spy is so we have to really watch the new teachers."

Harry thought Ginny had made some very good points and agreed with her. In the end, they had all agreed to stay at Hogwarts. Just then, Harry noticed a person walking out to the lake. Harry stood up and put his hand in his robe and wrapped it tightly around his wand. He then released it when he saw that it was Prof. McGonagall.

"Harry Potter I need you to follow me to my office. There’s some important items we have to discuss." she told him.

She then handed Hermione, Ron and Ginny their schedules after checking Ginny's o.w.l results. Ginny had also decided to become an auror. Harry then followed prof. McGonagall up to the castle and into her office, which had been changed from the likes of Dumbledore.


Dumbledore's Will

Harry walked into the room and sat down in his regular chair. Harry looked up and saw Dumbledore's portrait staring down at him. The portrait gave him a little smile and a wink. Prof. McGonagall went around to the back of the desk and sat down. After rummaging around for something, she pulled out a piece of parchment.

"We have found Dumbledore's will and you were mentioned in It." she began. After a moments pause she continued, "He left you a few of his belongings including the sword, pensive with a few bottles and this locked box. He stated in his will that you would be the only one able to open it."

Harry thought this a little weird because Dumbledore did not tell him anything about opening a box. He just stared at it with a puzzled look on his face. After a few seconds of thought and examining the box McGonagall spoke up again.

"Now Harry I know that Dumbledore told you not to tell anyone about where you went that night." McGonagall got up and walked around the desk to Harry.

She stopped in front of Harry and bent over putting a hand on each of the arms of the chair. Harry could see straight down her robes. Her breasts were small and perky and if Harry looked hard, he could see some sparse, dark hair down by her pussy. She seemed to notice where his eyes were but just stayed there.

Harry cleared his throat. "That’s right prof. there is only a couple of people that know and Dumbledore told me that they had the right to know but I should tell no one else."

Harry said with a little dryness in his voice. McGonagall stood up and pulled her shoulders out of her robes. She then let the robes fall to the ground. Now for being 70, she the body of a 20 year old. A skinny, small breasted, light-tanned 20 year old but never the less. She then bent over and pulled Harry's robes up past his cock, which was now as hard as it could get.

"Are you sure you can't tell me?" she said but before Harry could give her a response she took it into her mouth.

Her mouth was nice and warm. She started moving her tongue around the head. Harry grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down onto his pelvis. He could feel her nose tickle the hair above his dick. Harry moved her head up and down as fast as he could get her to go. McGonagall released his cock and turned around sticking her ass in Harry’s face. Harry grabbed a hold of her hips and shoved his face between her cheeks. He drove his tongue into her hole and got a moan in response.

Harry had a decision to make should he stick it in her ass or her pussy. He felt her pussy juices drip onto his chin and decided he wanted the pussy. He grabbed her hips and brought he down and impaled as much as he could into her pussy. She started rotating her hips in a circle and was moaning loudly. This had caught the attention of the portraits, which were now staring at them. Harry heard a couple of comments like "Wow I wish I could have gotten away with that when I was in charge." and even "Hey Dumbledore, he's lasting more than you." Harry thought this comment was a little weird but now McGonagall was sliding back and forth along his cock.

Harry could not stand it anymore and wanted to pound this pussy raw. He stood up and with out coming out of her pussy, he pushed her face down onto the desk. Harry grabbed her hips and pulled his dick most of the way out and pushed it as fast and as hard as he could. He moved him hips as fast as he could sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. She was drying out so Harry pulled his cock out to the edge of her pussy and spit onto his cock. He pushed back in which was a lot slicker than before.

Harry could fell the pressure building up in his balls. Harry then picked up speed and started pushing harder into her. They were pushing the desk into the back of the room and every other thrust they had to take a step. This felt so good to Harry that he did not want to stop moving but he knew that he was about spent.

Harry grabbed her hips and held her still as he unloaded his cum stream after stream into her, "Sorry prof. but I still can't tell you."

Harry gathered up his newfound positions and left back to the dorm room. He entered to it being deserted because of classes going on at the time. He sat the pensive down and realized he did not know how to use it. He had always been pulled out whenever he finished.

He searched through the box of memories and he came upon a note at the bottom that stated, "To return from whence you came, jump to the stars and things will be the same."

He thought it a little weird be he kept that in mind. He started picking up bottles of silver liquid, which had been labeled, and read each of them. "Prophecy, Bob Ogden, Horcruxes (Slughorn) and one bottle labeled Minerva." Harry knew the later one was prof. McGonagall’s first name. There were other bottles here but most of them Harry did not recognize the names on them. He took the locked box into his hand and examined it.

There were two side-by-side circles on the top with inscription right below it. It was in a language he did not understand. He just sat there staring at it when the door opened and Ron, Ginny and Hermione walked in and sat down next to him.

"So what did prof. McGonagall what with you?" Hermione asked him

Harry told her about the will and everything that was left to him.

"So he said only you could open the box?" Hermione asked.

Harry told her, “That’s what the will said anyways."

Hermione just sat there thinking about what it could mean. Harry showed her the inscription on the top of the box and she did not know either. However, she did promise him that she would find out for him. Hermione stowed the box into her bag and set off for the library before her next class. Ron followed her to help her look in books. Harry and Ginny meanwhile went through the rest of the bottles of memories when they heard the bell ring for the next classes.

Ginny helped carry everything up to Harry's bed and they went back down to their classes. Harry had different classes than Ginny so they went off into different directions. Harry took off for his D.A.D.A class. Ron was sitting toward the front of the room and flagged him down. Harry took his set right next to Ron. He looked around the classroom and it looked about half-full as usual. Harry heard the door close behind them and before he could turn around a hand was on his shoulder and the new teacher was standing there looking at him.

"This is you final year here at Hogwarts." said prof. Watson as she continued to the front of the room "This year we shall be getting you ready for the outside as best as possible. Now I know some of you are heading off to auror training." she gave Harry a little nod "and some will be heading other places. I hope each of you is a real tribute to where ever you end up. Now This will be your toughest year yet. We will be studying advanced magic and even some dark magic. Now for some practical magic. First off I will be teaching you how to repel Dementors."

With this Harry, Ron and two other people snickered. Harry turned around and saw Cho and Neville sitting at opposite ends at the back of the room. Two of the several Dumbledore's Army left in school. Either the rest passed through school or their parents decided it was to dangerous to send them back. Harry knew what they were laughing about; he had taught them the Patronus in their fifth year at school.

"And may I ask what is funny about Dementors?" prof. Watson asked them.

Harry figured since he was the one who taught them he decided to stand up.

"Well prof. I taught Ron sitting here and Neville and Cho back there" Harry nodded to them. “the Patronus two years ago. I had set up a D.A.D.A class so I could prepare people for Voldemort," most people gasped at this and dropped quills "when we had a horrible teacher." Harry held up the back of his hand.

She looked un-convinced with Harry's story so she told him to produce the Patronus. Harry pulled his wand out of his robe, put the thought of him and Ginny in the bathroom into his head, and said aloud, "Expecto Patronus" and a silver stag erupted from the end of his wand and did a couple laps around the room and disappeared. Ron, Neville and Cho all stood up and produced their patronuses for the teacher. The rest of the classroom oohhed and awed at the site. Even the teacher looked impressed.

"Well then you four can help out with the rest of the class." the prof. told them.

Considering there was only five other people to be taught they each took a partner. Harry got a Ravenclaw he had seen around school but never talked to. Neville was actually one of the first to be picked. A Hufflepuff with short red hair and was a foot taller than he was. Ron got a Gryffindor boy Harry had seen around in the common room and Cho got a tall stocky boy from Ravenclaw Harry had only seen a couple times. There was just one boy left and he was from Slytherin. The teacher got him.

After an hour, the teacher had called the class to a halt and told them all to practice. She then dismissed the class and asked Harry to stay behind for a second. Harry nodded to Ron and told him that he would meat up with him at lunch. After the door was closed Emma (prof. Watson) asked Harry to enter her chambers. Harry followed closely behind her and could smell blue berries emanating off her. Harry entered and closed the door behind him. He then sat down in a chair in the middle of the room. Emily walked around her desk and removed her robe to hang it up. She was wearing a white halter-top and a black skirt that went down slightly above her knees.

"I asked you in here because I wanted to ask you what you taught your friends so I can make some arrangements." she told Harry but he had just noticed that he could see her nipples through her shirt.

Harry stared at her breasts while she gave him a puzzled look, followed his gaze and noticed her nipples plain as day. She looked back at Harry a notice he had built a tent inside his robe. She grabbed the bottom her shirt and raised it above her head. She had tits that would make Pamela Anderson jealous. Each breast was the size of Harry's head. His jaw just dropped to the floor. Emma walked around the desk and shoved one of her breasts into Harry's open, awaiting mouth and Harry complied with her. He took her nipple into his mouth and tried to see if he could milk it. When he found it was dry Harry took his tongue and erected her nipple. He took it in between his teeth and bit down hard enough to get a moan.

He raised her skirt and rubbed her clit with his finger. She was really getting wet now. So he slipped two of his fingers into her pussy and curled them to try to find her g-spot but was un successful. Emma pushed all the items off her desk and hopped up. Harry got down in between her legs and inserted three fingers. Even that did not seem to work until Emma grabbed his wrist and told him to ball up his fist. When he did, she shoved his hand deep into her pussy. Harry pulled and pushed his hand inside of as if it were a cock. She leaned back across the desk and bent her knees up so she could position her feet onto the desk.

"Faster! Show me why you are the chosen one." she yelled out as Harry picked up speed and shoved his hand into her until he hit a wall and then retracted. After a minute or two, Emma grabbed his hand and held it still. Harry looked down between her legs and received a face full of cum. Harry was shocked because he had no idea that that could even happen. Harry withdrew his hand and considered putting his dick into her. It was just that if his fist would fit in her and he probably would not feel much pleasure with his cock.

Harry lifted her legs onto his shoulders and grabbed his cock, sliding it around her pussy to get it nice and wet. Harry positioned his cock at her ass hole and grabbed her hips. Harry pushed as hard as he could and it plopped it in. He got a pleasant moan from his teacher as he pulled back. He drove it home again and Emma arched the small of her back. He continued to pound away into her for what seemed like hours. In reality, he had not been at it for more then five minutes.

Harry sent stream after stream into her ass. When Harry withdrew his cock, his semen just flowed out of her ass. He pulled his robe back down and sat back into the chair as his teacher got up and threw her robe on. She walked around the desk, sat down and continued talking as if nothing had happened. Half an hour later he left her office, headed down to lunch, and sat next to Ginny. She then leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips as she sniffed him.

"What’s that I smell?” She asked him and Harry got nervous because he figured she was smelling pussy on him.

She continued, "It smells like blue berries." Harry felt relief and explained he was hit with some spray as he walked by a group of girls.

After lunch and a few classes in the after noon they all went to the library and sat down at one of the tables. They piled a stack of books in front of each of them with titles like, Ancient dialect and forgotten languages.” but were un successful. They set off for diner after dropping a few books off in their rooms. After diner how ever Harry was as tired as he had ever been and apologized to Ginny before heading up to bed. Ron stayed down stairs because he was still wide awake. After dressing and laying down he passed right out dreaming of Ginny and him in the bathroom.

harry potter sex stories (revisited) 5 & 6

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Platform orgy

Harry awoke the next morning to Hermione apparating into the room. She hurried him up and out before Mrs. Weasley decided to come up there. Harry jumped up with a little "plop" when his dick left Ginny's pussy. He grabbed his clothes and apparated back up stairs to Ron getting dressed. Harry threw his clothes on and packed his trunk. He made sure his cloak was in his back pocket, grabbed his trunk and Hedwig. He followed Ron down the stairs and the scene this morning was calmer. Only Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione were setting out for Hogwarts. A ministry car pulled up outside the house and they all piled in and were off for the train.

They arrived at the platform with a few minutes to spare. After stow

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ing their luggage in the last compartment they came back to say their goodbyes to Mrs. Weasley. A few hugs and kisses later they were back on the train. They decided to get dressed now rather than later in their robes. Since they were used to seeing each other naked they just stripped down together.

They sat down and waited for the lunch trolley to come by. Harry bought them all snacks and after eating their chocolate frogs (Ron still has not finished his collection) and cauldron cakes they cuddled onto the two benches. Harry and Ginny started making out followed by Ron and Hermione. Harry reached over and pulled the blinds to the compartment closed so they could have more privacy.

Harry opened up her robes to expose her hard, erect nipples. He took a breast into each hand and fondled them while Ron and Hermione watched. Hermione grabbed at her robes then, in one swift movement, removed them.

She grabbed a hold of Ron’s hands and forced them to her breasts. Harry bent over and took one of Ginny’s breasts and sucked on it. Ron just had to follow suit and took one of Hermione’s nipples in between his teeth. After Harry reached his hand down between Ginny’s legs, Ron followed.

Harry figured he was just trying to pick up some pointers from him, Ron just did not want to feel left behind. Harry inserted his fingers into Ginny’s soft, wet pussy and moved them in and out in circles. Her breathing started to pick up.

"Were not disturbing you guys are we?" Harry heard a dreamy voice coming from the door of the compartment.

Luna and Neville were standing there holding hands. Neville just stood with a little red tint to his face while staring at Ginny’s breasts.

"When did you two start going out?" Harry asked them.

Luna grabbed a hold of Neville's robes and opened them up.

"Since I found out his dick is 9 inches long." Luna told them.

Neville just went beat red. Ginny and Hermione just stared at it with their jaws on the floor. Harry gave Ginny a little playful slap on the ass and she came back to reality. She just looked at Harry and smiled. Ginny continued to bounce on Harry’s dick as Luna and Neville sat down next to them.

Neville’s cock was still sticking out as he sat down. Luna grabbed a hold of his large sized dick and positioned it toward her pussy. As she sat down his dick seemed to bend as she tried pushing it in her. Neville grabbed his cock with both hands to keep it as straight as he could. With a few grunts from Luna, the head finally plopped in.

Harry looked over as he fucked Ginny and saw Luna’s pussy stretch so much he thought it was going to rip in half. Neville reached over and took one of Ginny’s breasts into his hand and messaged it. Neither girl seemed to mind so Harry took his hand and cris-crossed it with Neville’s and grabbed a hold on Luna’s breast.

Harry had forgotten Ron and Hermione was there until he heard loud moans emitting from Hermione. Harry looked over and she was on all fours getting stuffed by Ron from behind. Ron was pounding in and out of her almost smacking her head on the wall but she had her hand up to prevent it.

Harry grabbed a hold of Ginny’s hips and moved her up and down on his hips. He reached around and brushed her ass hole slightly which sent her over the edge and she came on his cock. It was just what Harry needed and he came deep inside her pussy. Ginny collapsed on top of Harry from exhaustion. It didn’t take much longer for Neville and Ron to finish up.

They got up, dressed and cleaned right as the voice over head announced that Hogwarts was coming up shortly. As the train came to a stop everyone filed out into the halls waiting to get off. Harry saw Crabbe and Goyle standing ahead of them looking so lonely without Malfoy.

After piling out of the train they climbed into a carriage to set off up to the castle. Harry stared out the window to look at the Thestrals remembering he now seen two people die in front of his eyes. First Cedric at the hands of Voldemort and then last year with Dumbledore at the hands of Snape.

Bathroom Fun

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione set off to sit together at Gryffindor table. Harry looked around as the other students filed in and Harry noticed there seemed to only be about half as many students as usual. He then glanced up at the staff table to see what changes in staff there were.

Hagrid was still gone leading the first years across the lake. Prof. McGonagall was sitting in the head chair where Dumbledore used to sit. Next to her sat Professor Slughorn again, he decided to stay another year to help out. The transfiguration chair was occupied by some gangly looking guy.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts chair was taken up by a strikingly beautiful woman. She had stood up to situate herself a little and Harry got to see her full figure. Her robe clung to her. She had a nice bulging chest and a plump little ass.

"Are you even listening to me?' she questioned him.

Harry snapped back to reality with a, “Huh, what?

"Well I said I am going to miss you when you leave." Ginny repeated with a little sadness in her voice.

"Well I'm going to miss you to. I'll write you every chance I get and send Hedwig so I don't have to carry her around to." Harry told her while holding her hand.

Just then Hagrid came in and sat down. A few seconds later, the front doors opened and Prof. Sprout came in followed by the first years. Harry figured she became deputy headmistress when McGonagall became headmistress. She led them up to the front of the room and told them to wait, while she went and got the stool and hat. Harry was now in a deep conversation with Ginny, he explained that they would come back to Hogsmeade whenever they could; giving Ginny had her visit at the same time.

The sorting ceremony had ended as soon as it started, Harry was to busy chatting to notice. A buffet of food showed up in front of them. Harry grabbed a little of everything because he knew that he would be leaving the next day and had no idea when he would be getting another decent meal.

Harry carried on his conversation as he ate his meal. Ginny did not seem to hungry although she did take a bite or two here and there. She seemed really depressed and kept trying to convince him to stay with her and not to go off risking his life. Harry sat his utensils down and waited for the pies and ice cream to show up.

After getting well stuffed they set off to their dorm rooms. Ginny and Harry were taking up the rear of the line so they could hold their talking more private. Ginny grabbed Harry’s hand and lead him down a different corridor. They stopped in front of the prefects bathroom, Harry had forgotten to deny the Quidditch captain spot so he still knew the password.

They steeped inside the deserted room and Ginny went over and turned the faucets on. It took no time at all to fill the tub with pink and blue, cloudy bubbles. Ginny stripped down quickly and Harry just stood there and watched her. She looked beautiful as she bend over and showed Harry her ass and the inner folds of her pussy lips. As she got into the tub Harry quickly removed his clothes and joined her.

Harry dove in and quickly swam up to Ginny gently rubbing her breasts as he surfaced. When his head was clear of the water her wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a tight and loving embrace. He gently pressed his lips to hers tasting the strawberry lip gloss she had on. Harry felt his cock get harder and straighten up and pussy up against Ginny’s pussy lips.

She started rocking her hips back and forth along her lips, letting the head just slightly pussy against her hole without entering. Ginny closed her eyes and moaned into Harry’s ear which made him decide to fuck her now. He walked her backwards as they kissed and stopped just short of the end of the bath tub. Harry broke apart their kiss and gently pushed her back so she was laying flat on top of the water.

Harry took his cock into his hand and pointed it toward her opening. With a little shove and a moan from Ginny Harry was buried all the way inside. Harry rocked his hips back and forth, in and out of her hot pussy. Harry was really getting a rhythm down when..

“oh that looks like fun. Wish I had sex before I dies.” moaning Myrtle said from above them.

Harry looked up at her and yelled, “Get out of here Myrtle. This is private

Just then Ginny looked up as Myrtle flew inside her body. Ginny was not Ginny anymore, she slowly started looking more and more like Myrtle. Harry could feel her pussy shrinking on his cock and it felt so tight. Harry decided to go with the flow and gently pulled his cock out until just the head was sitting inside of her.

Harry pushed and pulled slowly at first but once Myrtle started moaning Harry picked up his speed. Harry pushed and pulled so hard her head moved at least a foot each time. She felt so tight around his cock but yet it felt so good. Harry grabbed her hips and plunged in as he felt his balls swelling. He let his cum flow into her like a river.

Myrtle slowly lifted out of Ginny’s body with a “thanks” before she dove into the toilet. Ginny came around and looked puzzled at Harry. He bent over and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. They climbed out of the tub together and got dressed. Heading back to the dorm the saw no one but peeves, drawing words on the wall, so Harry took her thru one of the hidden passages.

“Twinkle toes” Harry told the fat lady to climb inside.

Hermione and Ron were still up and were the only people in the common room when they walked in. They were in the dark corner and froze at the sound of someone entering. When they saw that it was Harry and Ginny they continued their action. Harry and Ginny walked closer and saw Hermione sitting on top of Ron bouncing up and down.

Her robes were covering her ass but Harry could tell what they were doing and grabbed a hold of Ginny’s hand and led her over to another chair and sat down. Ginny got in between his legs and pulled his cock into her mouth. Harry was still limp from the sex earlier and was slowly growing harder.

Harry’s cock started inflating like a small, well not that small, balloon in her mouth. When she was pleased with the size she stood up and impaled herself onto his cock. It slowly entered as Ginny leaned her head back far enough to almost fall over. Harry grabbed her hips and held her still as she sank down. When he hit bottom, Ginny moved her hips back and forth in a rocking motion.

“oh yeah, that’s the spot” moaned Ginny, “Fuck me harder.”

Harry grabbed her hips and motioned for her to start bouncing on him. Next to them it looked like Ron and Hermione finished and started watching them. Harry didn’t care though, he just liked the feeling of Ginny’s pussy wrapped around his cock. Ginny lifted up and down on his cock and with every down stroke he pushed hard up into her for more pleasure. She bent over and wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. She made small moaning noises into Harry’s ear and froze. Harry knew she had just cum on his cock because he felt a warm sensation roll down his cock.

Harry could not take much move and felt his balls loading up. He grabbed her ass and pulled tight into him. He exploded his cum deep into her pussy and felt some of it rush out down his balls. Ginny laid her head upon his chest, panting really hard, and fell asleep. Harry must have closed his eyes and fell asleep to because he was standing in a long, dark hallway leading to a door at the other end with a light on. He slowly walked to the door and slowly turned the handle.

The carriages pulled up to the castle and Harry looked out at it. It seemed a little dark and lonesome, perhaps since Dumbledore was no longer there. They climbed out of their rides and headed into the castle. When they hit the entrance hall, Peeves was flying around underneath the girls robes. It was not until Prof. McGonagall came in and yelled at him did her stop.

Camp story chapter one

wyldbrdmn25 on Sex Stories

Summer Sucks

Summer has always been Billy worse time of year. Even school was better because his parents always shipped him off to one of his relatives. Most of the time it was his grandma’s house which always smelled like cats and cabbage. He always got the job of giving the cats a bath which proved to be a job and a half. He always received scratches on his arms which hurt for a while. He was packing for his leave when his mom called him down.

“Billy dear, will you come here? You’re father and I want to talk to you.” his mom yelled at him up the stairs.

He slumped his way down stairs because he knew it could not be anything good. He walked down stairs and into the living room where his parents

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were sitting with un-happy looks on their faces. He walked in and sat down in the chair in front of them.

“Dear, your father and I are taking my mother on a cruise for a few weeks.” his mother told him.

“YES” seemed to slip out of his mouth a little too loudly.

His mother looked at him with a puzzled look but continued anyways, “So we have decided that you are old enough to go to summer camp. I know you’re 16 and we thought you might enjoy it more than a cruise with a bunch of old people.” His mother smiled at him

He jumped up and ran up stairs to pack a new suitcase with better clothes. He threw in better looking shorts, which happened to be a little tight so he could show off his tight but. He even threw in some wife beater shirts and tank tops. He even reached into his night stand and pulled out a pack of condoms incase he got lucky. He had only slept with one girl but they broke up a month ago.

The next day he jumped in the car after putting his suitcase into the trunk and helping his dad put their cases in there. The trip took about an hour when they pulled off the road and followed a long trail in between some trees. They pulled up in front of a large cottage and other kids walking around chatting with each other. He looked around at all the girls and thought he should have bought more condoms.

He climbed out of the car and his father pulled his suit cases out of the trunk and gave them to him before jumping in his car and taking off, a little too fast Billy thought. He set down his cases on a pile of other cases labeled “room A” His parents told him all the information he needed on the car ride over so he knew what to do. He stood there and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He saw some younger kids he knew just from sight at school. He saw Jake and Sam who were in some of his classes and was friendly to them

That’s when he saw her, a beauty he had never seen before walking up to him. She was 5’10 and a nice round out body, not to skinny and not to fat, just right. He noticed her blue eyes and blonde hair with red highlight shinning from it. His eyes wandered down and stopped on her chest which was big, if he had to guess it was a large d or dd. She had on a short miniskirt that showed off her long and smooth legs.

“Hi, my name is Lucy. Have I seen you around school?” She said as she stopped in front of him.

He said nothing as he stood there staring at her. He could not believe his luck, she was talking to him. He stared into her eyes without blinking. He felt a warm sensation over his body as he stared. It took him a second to realize he was wet and getting wetter with every passing second. Snapping out of his trance he looked around and saw Jake standing behind him with an empty cup in his hands smiling. Billy hurried up and smelled his shirt to hake sure it was not piss, it was only warm water.

“His name is Billy and I am Jake. The bloke over there is named Sam.” Jake spoke up for him

Billy went a little red when he realized what he just did. He turned around and shook her hand looking at the ground. He looked up at her again without releasing her hand and smiled. He then gave her hand back and shoved it into his pocket. She then walked away into a group of other girls where they talked and giggled while she turned and looked at him.

“Real smooth there slick. That’s the way to get a girl’s attention” Jake said while smacking him on the shoulder pulling him to Sam.

The three of them stood there talking and staring at all the girls but Billy kept glancing over at Lucy. When Jake and Sam started talking all uppity he turned to see what they were looking at. Billy dove behind them as she walked past them without looking.

“What the hell is you’re problem dude, she is hot.” they both asked him together.

Billy waited until she was out of sight before emerging, “She’s my ex-girlfriend. We broke up about a month ago and she was not happy about that. She was to controlling; I got in trouble if I even talked to another girl.”

They both laughed at him while they lined up to enter their bunks. Billy and them grabbed up their bags and headed into the giant cabin. Inside the main room they could see the ceiling which was three stories high and balcony’s totaling three on either side. The boys headed off to the right while Billy noticed the girls heading to the left. Before opening their door he glanced over and saw Lucy standing at their door putting in a code into their door.

He has shoved in the back by Sam to get a move on. His room was 7 so he counted them until he reached the right door. He turned the knob and steeped in and noticed two bunk beds on either side of the room. Jake pushed past him and jumped on the top bunk of the bed on the left. Sam grabbed the one below him so Billy took the bottom bunk of the one on the right when some kid he did not know came into the room and threw his bags on the top bunk.

“The name is Frank and ill be you’re roomy for the summer.” The boy told them.

Frank then reached up and pulled some magazines out of his bag and threw them each one. They were varieties of nuddie magazines. Billy’s showed naked women on motorcycles with a little bit of leather. His cock became hard but he did not want to masturbate in front of these guys and get teased about it. He looked up from his magazine and noticed they all had their hands down their pants stroking their cocks so Billy jumped in his bed and stroked himself inside his pants.

Billy felt his balls fill up then without warning he spewed his cum inside of his jeans. He removed his cum covered hand and wiped it off on his bed spread before he realized it. He looked over and the others were laid back on their beds with their eyes closed. He closed his eyes also and slowly drifted off to bed.

He was awoken by a knocking on the door; “Diner in 10 minutes.” a male voice rang out.

The other three jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed which Billy followed suit. They all headed down to the, I guess you could call it the basement since it was under the main floor. The tables were long and wooden to give it a more camping feeling and they were allowed to sit wherever the wanted. The four boys sat down at a table and started discussing the girls around when Lucy, and to Billy’s surprise, Amber sat down on either side of him pushing the boys down the table.

“Hello Billy.” Amber said with a tone in her voice as he stared straight ahead. “This is Lucy, she is in my room.”

“Yeah we meat earlier.” he said as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

He was glad to see the food arrived in front of the carried by the staff. There was a huge pile of all Billy’s favorite barbeque. There were hamburgers and hotdogs with some cols slaw and potato salad for sides. He grubbed on a little bit of everything until he was stuffed. He could hear Amber talking to Lucy as if he was not even there.

“Yeah we were going out up until a month ago. I think I was just too much woman for him. You know he was a virgin when he met me.” Amber said which made Billy choke on his hotdog.

Lucy jumped up and grabbed him from behind and pressed her fists below his rib cage and pulled him into her as hard as she could. He could feel her warm breasts pressing into his back but all he could think of right now was breathing. She pulled hard into his ribs and made the piece of hotdog shoot out and hit a girl in the back of the head at the next table. He coughed as he tried to catch his breath and drink some water.

“Chew you’re food idiot.” Frank yelled out at him.

Billy seemed to loose his appetite and just sat there drinking while everyone else ate up. Lucy kept looking over at him while she ate. He pretended that he did not see her doing it but in reality he was looking at her from the corner of his eyes. After the food was gone a counselor stood up.

Its time to go back to you’re rooms and take you’re showers now. Pip pip” one of the females said.

The four of them left after Billy told Lucy a good night. They headed to their room when Frank grabbed their arms and steered them another way out the front doors. They followed him around the corner and up to a window where they all stood on a ledge and looked in. There were about 20 naked girls changing out of their clothes. Billy looked around in hopes of seeing Lucy but he could not see her.

There was plenty to look at though breasts and colors of all kinds. Some tits were small and some were huge. Some girls were black, white, asian and Mexican. He had never seen so much variety in his life. All the boys shoved their hands down their pants and started masturbating to the sight in front of them. He was tired of hiding his cock and did not care if anyone saw it so he whipped it out and started stroking away. The other boys followed suit and whipped theirs out also.

He was staring hungrily at all the naked breasts whacking his cock. He felt tightness in his balls and needed to relieve it right away. His cum flew out of his cock and splattered hard against the wall. He placed it back and went back to his room while the other boys finished up. He walked in the front doors and was halted by Lucy.

“I was wandering where you got off to.” she said to him. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“I um just stepped outside of some fresh air. “He told her. “I’m fine now thanks to you.”

They both turned a little red and stood there until she spoke up, “Well goodnight then.”

“Yeah goodnight.” He said and watched as she went to her door and punched in the code.

She looked back at him before disappearing. He went up to his room and lay down in his bed and closed his eyes thinking about Lucy and hopping he can see her tomorrow night at least. He dozed off thinking about her and her beauty. In the distance he could hear the boys heading back as he dozed of into a wonderful dream.

Harry potter 4

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

The Wedding

Harry awoke on the day of the wedding with anticipation because in three days he would be standing over his parent's grave. The train for Hogwarts was leaving the next day and then Harry, Ron and Hermione would be heading for Godrics Hallow. Then they were off to Azkaban, then who knows where but Harry was determined to track Voldemort and Snape down to kill them. Meanwhile Harry was practicing the Unforgivable spells on the gnomes in the garden along with Hermione and Ron. They were getting better although Harry was the only one to use the Avada Kadava curse right because he pictured Snape's face on the gnome.

Harry got out of bed, got dressed, grabbed his wand and shoved his cloak into his back pocket. He went down stairs and the scene was

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the same as usual when they were setting off to school. Everyone was running around and stopping momentarily to ask others if they knew where something was. A few people stopped and welcomed Harry before moving on to what ever they were doing. There were doughnuts on the table so Harry grabbed one on his way to look for Ginny. He found her in the bride’s room helping Gabrielle, Molly and Hermione get Fleur's wedding dress on. The dress was a beautiful pure white with laces and a 50-foot train attached. Harry walked in and Molly attacked him "Harry why aren’t you in your dress robes the wedding starts in half and hour." She followed him upstarts while trying to comb his hair down which was not working at all. Harry removed his shirt and pulled on his white dress shirt followed by his black dress coat. He then turned his back to Molly and removed his pants and tried to pull on his dress pants but it seams that in the three years since he wore them last he our grew them. "Mrs. Weasley I think I out grew these pants." Harry told her. His shirt covered his naked dick so he was not worried about her seeing it. She came over and bent over to look at the pants. Harry looked at her and he noticed he could see right down her dress at her huge breasts. He could see her dark red nipples sitting there. "Damn is everything in this family red?" Harry thought to himself. Just then, he noticed he started to get hard. "I can fix this," Molly said as she pulled out her wand from what seemed like her cleavage, "now hold still." She pointed her wand at Harry's pants and muttered something and then grabbed Harry's pants and started pulling them up. When she got to his dick, she stopped and noticed his erection. "Now we can’t have this can we you'll stick out more than the bride." she told him while grabbing his cock. She then inserted it into her mouth and started sucking. She was good at this and Harry just leaned his head back as he grabbed the back of her head and guided her. After a couple of seconds, Harry came into her hot mouth.

After cleaning up, Harry followed Molly down stairs where someone was waiting. "What took you two so long.?" someone who Harry did not know asked. Molly just told her that Harry outgrew his clothes and she had to fix him. Harry caught the "him" part but he did not think the girl did. They all went out into the yard and sat down. Harry sat next to Hermione and Ron. Just then, music came out of nowhere and everyone turned to look down the aisle. The brides maids were first with a best man attached to her arm followed by, Harry's mouth dropped, Ginny and Gabrielle. They both looked beautiful to Harry, which just brought back memories of the past few weeks. Both Ginny and Gabrielle gave Harry a little smile as they walked by. Hermione pinched Harry and said, "Why was Gabrielle smiling at you?" Harry just told her it was probably because he saved her life. Next followed the ring boys, Fred and George, and then the music changed into the wedding march. Fleur showed up at the end of the aisle with an old guy on her arm, "Must be her father." Harry thought to himself. He led Fleur down the aisle one-step at a time to Bill.

After the wedding ceremony, they had a great feast that all the mothers, aunts and grand mothers cooked up. The Weird sisters showed up and everyone from the order was there to. Harry went up to Lupin and asked to have a word with him. When they were out of earshot from everyone Harry told him what his plans were and that Hermione and Ron were coming along. Harry asked Lupin not to mention it to Molly and then asked if he had heard anything about the where about of Snape or Voldemort were. Lupin had heard rumors of them being around London but that is all they were was rumors. Harry figured he would check on it nevertheless. They both went back to the party and had a great time.

Harry danced with Fleur, since everyone else was, then Gabrielle, Hermione and then Ginny who was pissed he chose her last. Harry told her he just wanted to get them out of the way so they could have the rest of the party to themselves. After a while, Ginny wanted to sit down at one of the benches that were there. Ron and Hermione came over and sat down next to them holding hands. Ron whispered to Harry, "She had better not want to get married after this." Harry just laughed and turned to kiss Ginny. After a second, Ron turned to Hermione and kissed her. It was well into the night before the party died off and Harry and Ron went off to bed followed by Ginny and Hermione whispering and giggling behind them. All Harry could make out was "Are you sure?" coming from Hermione. When they got to the girls room the boys said good night and headed up to the attic.

Harry and Ron were undressed and put on their nightclothes. Harry was about to get into bed when Hermione came in and told him Ginny wanted to see him. Harry went out the door and before closing it, he saw Hermione taking off her shirt. Harry made his way down to Ginny's room and knocked slightly. "Come in" he heard from the other side of the door. He opened it slowly and was shocked. Ginny was sitting on her bed naked with her perfectly round oranges sticking out and her red hair sticking out between her legs. Harry walked in, closed the door and instantly started undressing. Ginny layback on the bed and Harry got on his knees and stuck his head between her legs. He stuck is tongue in her as far as he could stick it out. Ginny was moaning into her pillow as Harry wiggled his tongue in and out of her pussy. Harry then took one of his fingers, inserted it into her pussy, and curled it upward to try to hit her g-spot. Harry could not hit it right so he inserted a second finger and then he hit the spot. Ginny was bucking her hips up and down as Harry went at it.

Harry grabbed his wand, remembering what he heard the first night, and inserted it into Ginny's pussy. Moving it slowly at first but then he started picking up speed with each passing. Ginny was bouncing and moaning until Harry stopped. She had a sad look into her eyes until Harry climbed on the bed and stuck his cock into her face. She took it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head. Then she started moving her head up and down his shaft slowly and lovingly. Ginny was able to get the entire length into her mouth which really pleased Harry.

Ginny lifted her head, Harry lay down on his back, and Ginny climbed on top. She lowered her hips onto his shaft slowly at first then half-way down she just plunged it all in. Harry felt no resistance and he asked her about that. She told him she broke it one when she crashed her broom. Harry grabbed her hips and helped her up and down on his dick. Ginny leaned her head back as far as she could with her eyes close. Harry looked up and could see her breasts bouncing a little considering how small they were. It just turned Harry on more and he started moving her faster. Ginny started moaning and flailing her head as Harry thrust his sword into her. "Don't stop I'm going to cum" Ginny yelled out. Harry had no intentions of stopping and started pumping faster. Harry felt Ginny go limp and then he felt his dick get warm which just made him cum into her.

Ginny laid down onto Harry’s chest and they rolled onto their side with his dick still in her. They talked for a little bit about what life would be like when Voldemort was dead. When they started talking kids, Harry remembered the condoms then put it out of his head thinking, "If I should die then Ginny will have something to remember me by." Harry fell asleep with anticipation about tomorrow when he would be starting his journey.

To Be Continued.....

Harry potter 5

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Platform orgy

Harry awoke the next morning to Hermione apparating into the room. "You had better get up stairs before Mrs. Weasley comes in." Hermione told him. Harry jumped up with a little "plop" when his dick left Ginny's pussy. He grabbed his clothes and apparated back up stairs to Ron getting dressed. Harry threw his clothes on and packed his trunk. He made sure his cloak was in his back pocket and grabbed his trunk and Hedwig. He followed Ron down the stairs and the scene this morning was calmer. Only Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione were setting out for Hogwarts. A ministry car pulled up outside the house and they all piled in and were off for the train.

They arrived at platform 9 3/4 with half an hour to spare. The four of them

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stowed their luggage into the last compartment and came back to Mrs. Weasley to say their goodbyes. They then piled onto the train right before it started to take off. They all were changed into their robes right away. They sat down and waited for the lunch trolley to come by. Harry bought them all snacks. After eating their chocolate frogs (Ron still has not finished his collection) and cauldron cakes they cuddled onto the two benches. Harry and Ginny started making out followed by Ron and Hermione. Harry reached over and pulled the blinds to the compartment closed so they could have more privacy. Harry then moved his hand into Ginny's robe and felt her breasts. Her nipples were hard and erect. Harry then opened up her robe, took one of her tits into his mouth, and sucked. He took her nipple into his teeth and slightly bit it. Ginny moaned a little which made Ron and Hermione break apart and look. Hermione reached her robe and spread it open and asked Ron, "So what are you waiting for?" with a big smile on her face. Meanwhile Harry's mouth was getting tired so he lifted Ginny onto her legs and lifted her robe.

Harry then pulled his cock through a hole and guided her onto it. They were facing each other as she sat down. They kissed as Harry plunged his cock in and out of her. Harry looked around Ginny and say Hermione and Ron was doing the same thing. Harry reached into Ginny's robes and started playing with her tits. "Were not disturbing you guys are we?" Harry heard a dreamy voice coming from the door of the compartment. Luna and Neville were standing there holding hand with Neville staring at Ginny. "When did you two start going out?" Harry asked them. Luna grabbed a hold of Neville's robes and opened them up. "Since I found out his dick is 9 inches long." Luna told them. Neville just went beat red. Ginny and Hermione just stared at it with their jaws on the floor. Harry gave Ginny a little playful slap on the ass and she came back to reality.

Neville sat next to Harry and Luna sat right on top of him like everyone else. Harry took his wand and said, "'Muffliato" at the door so no one could hear them. Harry just looked around and smiled, "I wish this could have happened last year. It would have made things go much faster." Harry thought to himself. Harry grabbed Ginny's waist and continued sliding his cock into her. Ginny gyrated her hips to get the best felling she could. Harry then heard Hermione squeal so he looked over at her and saw Ron fucking her from behind. That gave Harry and idea as he picked Ginny up and set her down on the floor on all fours. Right next to Hermione, Ginny looked into Hermione's eyes and smiled while Harry got behind her and put his cock into her ass.

All the girls were panting and moaning by now with smiles on their faces. Harry heard a grunt from Ron and new he came into Hermione's ass because he pulled it out. Hermione was not through yet though, she lay on her back underneath Ginny and sucked on her tits while Ginny reached over and sank a couple of fingers into Hermione's pussy. "I'm going to cum." Harry said aloud. Ginny pulled his cock out, turned around, and took it into her mouth. It only took a second and Harry shot his load into her mouth. Ginny swallowed it all and did not waste a drop. Meanwhile it sounded as if Neville had finished to.

The three boys were spent but the girls were still in the mood. Luna joined Ginny and Hermione on the floor for some aftermath fun. Ginny laid down on her back and Hermione climbed on top of her face with her ass on Ginny’s nose. Luna got down in between Ginny's legs and stuck her tongue into her dripping wet pussy. Luna pulled out a rolled up copy of the Quibbler, which in Harry's opinion, looked waterproof. Next thing he saw was amazing. Luna shoved the magazine into Ginny's pussy and then she inserted the other end into her own pussy.

Luna and Ginny's pussies looked as if they were glued together at the pussy. Hermione meanwhile got up; it looked as though she was done to. Ginny sat up, her and Luna started kissing which was the most erotic thing Harry had ever seen. Ginny and Luna were grinding their hips together moaning into each other's mouths. This just turned Harry, Ron and Neville on, they all became instantly hard. Neville this time went over to Hermione and placed his cock into her. Harry meanwhile wanted to know what Luna’s pussy felt like so he pulled her apart from Ginny. He lay on his back and placed Luna on top of him. Harry grabbed her hips and started pounding away into her. This time Luna was yelling as loud as possible, her pussy was probably being fucked raw and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Harry heard Ginny moaning and was wandering what she was doing considering the only guy left was...Ron was on top of Ginny pounding her pussy raw. "I've wanted to do this ever since you started growing tits." Harry heard Ron whisper in Ginny's ear. Harry smiled and turned his attention back to Luna who had her eyes close and was moaning. Harry reached up and grabbed her tits in which were the same size of Ginny's. "We will be arriving at Hogwarts in five minutes time." they heard over head. Everyone picked up their rhythm and it seemed everyone came at the same time including the girls. After a couple minute rests, everyone got up and dressed. Hermione cleaned all the cum left behind with a couple of well-placed spells.

They felt the train come to a halt and emptied into the corridor like everyone else. It did not seem as packed as usual; some kids probably did not come back after Dumbledore's death. Even though there was still a lot of students that came back. The six of them climbed of and saw Hagrid standing there, calling for all the first years to follow him. After a quick hello to him, they all piled into a carriage. Harry saw the Thestrals standing all around as he climbed in with Ginny by his side.

To Be Continued....

harry potter 3

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Party at the Burrow

They all marched into the kitchen and Hermione jumped up gave Harry a hug. All Harry could feel were those great ample breasts pushing into his chest. Therefore, Harry wrapped his arms around her and squeezed extra firm. They both sat down with the others and ate diner while discussing what was going on around the world with Voldemort and his death eaters. He was killing all over young and old he did not care. After the fall of Dumbledore, things really got worse. If you were not going to following Voldemort, you died instantly. After diner they all went to bed to get a early start on the day because Bill and Fleur's wedding was coming up soon and there was still plenty to do. Harry and Ron had the attic like always and the twins their ro

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om. Bill and Fleur took over Percy's room since he was not talking to anyone in the family still.

Harry and Ron changed into their pajamas and Ron climbed into bed. Harry got the sudden urge to take a piss so he went back out the door and down the stairs where he heard Ginny and Hermione whispering and Harry saw an extendable ear on the floor and inserted it into his ear. The other part slithered under the door. After a second, he could hear Hermione’s voice "I promise you this will feel good." Harry's heart skipped a beat as he listened in on them. "Ok but go slow." he heard from Ginny. "Lie down and relax, I'm going to insert my wand into your pussy. It may feel weird at first but give it a little and you'll enjoy it." Hermione told her. After what seemed like an hour to Harry, he heard Ginny moaning and panting. "That's good now check this out."

Harry could not hear what she said because Hermione had become excellent at nonverbal (nvbl) spells. Ginny really started moaning now and before Harry could hear anymore, he heard a bedroom door open so he yanked on the ear and dropped it where he found it. He then walked casually to the bathroom and Mrs. Weasley came out of her room "I thought I heard someone out here. Is everything alright Harry dear?" she asked him. "Yeah just need a bathroom break": he told her while trying to hide his erection from her. She said "ok" and turned back into her room. Harry continued to the bathroom and did his business, including relieving his balls, and headed back to bed.

The next morning he awoke to Ginny squeezing into bed with him. "Good morning sunshine" she said and gave him a peck on the cheek before going down stairs. Harry threw his glasses on and saw Ron sitting up. "Wish Hermione would wake me up like that." he told Harry. Harry just smiled and said, "just ask her out you like each other so why not." Ron just shrugged and went down stair followed closely by Harry. Everyone was sitting down around the table eating their breakfast. Harry sat in between Ginny and Hermione while Ron sat down on the other side of Hermione. Harry felt Ginny put her hand on his knee while they ate their breakfast. They talked about the wedding plans, security and whom they were going to invite. After a while, the foursome got up and went outside to play a little Quidditch. Hermione and Ron against Harry and Ginny. It was not real fair since Hermione does not play Quidditch but she knew what she was doing by now after 7 years of watching the game.

Lunch came and went. Afterwards Harry and Ginny decided to go for a walk around the garden patch. They talked about what he Ron and Hermione was going to do when school started. The plan was to get on the train and head to school and leave from there because no one else knew what they were up to. They could not take the chance of anyone knowing the plan because they might try to stop them. After what seemed like hours, they went inside for diner. Harry enjoyed these sit-down meals with everyone because he did not know when he would be seeing everyone again or when he would get a good meal on the road.

After diner the four of them decided to go up to Ron’s room and talk. When they got there Harry and Ginny sat on his bed and Hermione sat on Ron’s bed with him. Harry put his arm around Ginny’s waist and started discussing their plans. "Right after we get to Hogwarts we will spend the night, set out the next day for Hogsmeade and off to Godrics Hallow so I can see my parent’s grave. Then we have to figure out where to go from there." Harry told them. "Well" Hermione replied, "We could start off by paying Lucius a visit in Azkaban. He might know some thing." just then Hermione pulled out a bottle of clear liquid. "This is Veritaserum; I stole it out of Slughorn’s stash at the end of last term."

"Brilliant" Harry told her "that should work." so it was set at what they were going to do first. "Why can't I come along?" Ginny asked them with disappointment in her eyes. "We already told you Ginny that you are too young we are all 17 now and you need to finish school so you can have a good life after we beat Voldemort." Harry told her. This time no one had flinched at the mention of Voldemort. Harry gave her a hug then she said that she was going down to take a bath. She gave Harry a peck on the cheek then left the room. Harry told Ron and Hermione that he was going to go down and grab a snack. He left the room and heard Hermione and Ron start talking before he shut the door.

Harry now always carried his invisibility cloak on him in his back pocket. He took it out, swung it around himself, and headed for the bathroom. He passed by Ginny’s room and noticed she was still in there getting her night cloths together so Harry continued to the bathroom. He got in there and sat in the corner on a stool to wait for her. He closed his eyes for a second and heard someone come into the bathroom. He opened his eyes and it was not Ginny. It was actually Fleur; she was wearing a pink bathrobe made of silk that just brought out her eyes. With the flick of her wand, the bathtub filled with steaming water. Fleur dropped her robe and stood in the mirror combing her hair.

"She has a great body," Harry thought to himself. She was tall and slender with long silky legs. Her breasts were round and full about the size of large grapefruits. Her pussy was completely bald and Harry could see her slit clearly. Harry started getting hard when Ginny walked in with her purple and blue robe on. "Oh sorry" Ginny said, "I thought the bath was free. Ill leave you to it then." Harry noticed Ginny was checking her out as she was talking. Fleur told her, "it’s alright the tub is big enough for both of us." Harry's jaw just dropped when Ginny closed the door and dropped her robe to the floor. Ginny’s tits were about the size of a couple of oranges but they still looked good and her pussy was as fiery red as her hair. Harry was enjoying watching two women standing there naked as the day they were born.

Fleur grabbed Ginny’s hand and lead her to the bathtub. They both sat down in the tub and Harry could only see their breasts so Harry stood up to get a better view from right beside the tub and since her was invisible they would not even know he was there. When he got to the side of the tub, what he saw surprised him. Ginny put her hand in between Fleur’s legs and was messaging her pussy lips. Fleur meanwhile leaned forward grabbed a hold of the back of Ginny’s neck and puller close and kissed her. Harry bent over to get a better look and he could see theirs tongues moving around then he noticed fleur move her hand toward Ginny’s pussy and stuck a finger in her. Ginny gave a little moan when this happened which just encouraged fleur more and she inserted two fingers into her hole and started to move her hand in and out. Ginny leaned back from the kiss, lie down in the tub, and enjoy her. Ginny moved her foot so she could message Fleur’s pussy with it. Ginny slipped her big toe into Fleur’s pussy hole and moved it in and out. All of a sunned Fleur’s pussy opened up and swallowed Ginny’s foot. Ginny just went along and moved her foot in and out of her pussy which made fleur really moan, "oh god yes!" she screamed. Harry thought it was a little too loud but he did not care no one knew he was here so it was all good.

Ginny withdrew her foot and fleur withdrew her fingers and grabbed her wand and told Ginny, "watch this" fleur muttered a few words and to Harry’s surprise fleur had a dick. If Harry had to guess, he would say it was a good 9 inches long and two inches around. "I am still a virgin" Ginny told her and fleur just smiled and told her "oh, we can keep it that way to now get on your hands and knees. Bill loves when I do this to him" Ginny obeyed a little to quick Harry thought but what he saw put that out of his mind. Fleur got behind Ginny and put the head of her cock to Ginny's ass, pushed very slowly, and steady. Ginny winced a little and asked fleur to wait a second so she could get used to it. After about a minute or two Ginny said ok and fleur continued to push. Before Harry knew it, the entire nine inches were inside her and fleur just stopped there to let Ginny get used to it.

Fleur pulled her new cock almost all the way out to where the head of the cock could just be seen and then pushed it back in all the way. Ginny gave a little moan and fleur pulled it back out but this time she slammed it all the way in and Ginny let out an "ooohhh god fasted. Therefore, fleur accommodated her, pulled it out, and pushed it in faster and faster with each stroke. Ginny closed her eyes and leaned back her head. Fleur saw this, grabbed a hold of Ginny’s red hair, and used it as a helper to pull Ginny into her harder. Both Ginny and fleur were panting louder and faster when all of a sudden fleur stopped. Harry figured that she had just cummed into Ginny’s ass. Ginny begged her not to pull it out so fleur grabbed Ginny by the waist and pulled her onto her in a sitting position to where fleur was sitting in the tub and Ginny was sitting on top of her. They both passed out right away and Harry knew it was over and left the room and go back to Ron and Hermione.

Harry made his way to his room and paused at the door to put his cloak back into his back pocket. He went for the doorknob and heard Hermione’s voice "yes fuck me big boy fuck Me." Harry got hard again as he opened the door and say Ron and Hermione naked on Ron’s bed. Ron’s dick was jammed up Hermione’s pussy as far as it would go. Harry notices a small trickle of blood rolling down Ron’s balls and figured he just popped her cherry. There was no way Harry was going to be the only one without sex tonight and said, "So I take it you two are going out now." Ron looked surprised buy Hermione just kept bouncing up and down as if Harry never said anything. Ron shrugged and went back to grabbing Hermione’s waist and pulled her down harder.

Harry took off all of his cloths and stood next to the bed and Hermione grabbed his cock and put it into her mouth. She was better than the girl at the park was and Ron did not seem to mind it one bit. After Harry’s cock was nice and moist he moved around to the foot of the bed, climbed up behind Hermione, and without pause slid his dick into her ass. Hermione moaned loud grunted a little. Harry started to pick up speed along with Ron and started really going at it. Harry and Ron were in rhythm by now and Hermione loved it. Harry could not take it anymore and exploded all of his cum into Hermione’s ass. Obviously neither could Ron because he grabbed Hermione’s waist and held it down. Harry got up, put on his night cloths, and went back to his bed. Harry passed out before Hermione even left.

The next few days were uneventful. Much of the time was used planning the wedding and setting up tents in the lawn for guests. Most of Fleur's family already showed up including Gabrielle (Fleur's sister) whom was a miniature version of fleur. Gabrielle started following Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny around all day. She kept grabbing Ron and Harry’s hands and Harry noticed Hermione and Ginny did not like it at all. They just gave her dirty looks but she just seemed to ignore them. People regularly played Quidditch in which Ron and Harry joined in a lot and usually won thanks to Harry's seekers skill.

Three days before the wedding Harry and Ron were lying in bed talking when they heard the door creak open. Harry looked and Gabrielle was standing there. "Can I sleep in here tonight? Fleur and Bill are keeping me up with all that moaning." she said to Harry. He said sure why not and she jumped into her bed. She smelled of strawberries and cream. Harry noticed, as she pressed her breasts to Harry, that her tits were about the same as Ginny considering she was 2 years younger. Harry got instantly hard when he drifted off to sleep thinking about Ginny and Fleur in the bathroom.

Harry awoke a couple hours later to the feeling of someone leaning on his bed. Since Harry was against the wall and Gabrielle was on the edge he had to pick his head up a little. Ron had Gabrielle's shirt up to her neck and was messaging her breasts. He looked at Harry and told him, "Do not worry I used Imobulas on her. sHe won't wake up." and he smiled at Harry and took her breast into her mouth. Harry crawled down the bed to her underwear and removed them to reveal pink peach fuzz. Harry wandered to himself if Fleur had taught her how to grow a dick then pushed it out of his head as her stuck his tongue in her juice box. She tasted good and Harry could not help himself so he tried to suck every juice out of her. Ron had gotten his dick out and stuck it into her mouth and she began sucking him off. Harry meanwhile took two fingers, slid them into her tight, wet pussy, and moved them in and out slowly at first. Gabrielle started rotating her hips and moaning. Harry heard Ron moan and he looked up just as Ron cummed all over her face. Ron had a little smile on his face and stroked his dick to try to get it hard. Ron moved down to where Harry was and said, "Let's pull a Hermione on her." followed by a little chuckle.

Harry got off the bed and Ron jumped right on her and slid his dick into her. Ron went all the way in without any resistance. She sure and hell was not a virgin and both Ron and Harry could tell. Ron grabbed her and rolled her over onto him with the help of Harry. Harry meanwhile got up behind her, took his dick, and put it to her ass. Harry slowly pushed and felt a little resistance so Harry grabbed his was and whispered "Engorgio" which made her asshole double in size Harry had no problem inserting his dick this time and them Harry whispered "Reducto" so her ass would be tight around his dick. Harry and Ron were in perfect rhythm having done this before. Harry or Ron did not notice but Gabrielle was moving with them. She was moaning and whining at the same time. Harry came into her ass just as Ron came in her pussy. Gabrielle came shortly afterward they did. Harry got off followed by Gabrielle then Ron. She got dressed and as she got to the door she said, "You really should work on you spells Ron." then she smiled and left. Harry just started laughing and Ron turned as red as his hair and went back to his bed. Harry jumped into bed and fell asleep instantly with another little smile on his face.


To Be Continued……



Harry turned back around to face the Burrow and noticed five figures flying around in the sky. He made is way over to them and notice Ron, Ginny, Fred, George and Bill playing a little Quidditch. Fred and George were against the other three so Harry decided to join them to make the teams even. Since the twins' shop was doing so great, they had bought Ron and Ginny firebolts. Bill had already had one, which made the game fair. They flew for about an hour when Mrs. Weasley (Molly) called to them that diner was ready.

Harry potter

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Fun at the Park

With Dumbledore dead, Harry was back at the Dursleys' contemplating what he has to do. He could only think about killing Snape and Voldemort. He also knew Hermione and Ron were determined to go with him. He thought about running for it but he knew they would track him down because he had already disclosed where he was going to go. Godrics Hallow was where it all started for him. That is where Voldemort had killed his parents and tried to kill him.

Harry laid down in his bed staring at the shadows the street lights made through the window. Hedwig was off hunting in the night for some mice. All of the sudden Harry heard a loud crash then a scream coming from down stairs. Harry jumped out of his bed, grabbed his wand from the side table, a

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nd ran down stairs. He heard some commotion coming from his aunt and uncles bedroom so he crept down the hall to a slightly ajar door. Harry peeked inside and was shocked at what he saw.

His aunt and uncles bed was on the floor with them on it laughing. "Cheap ass beds" Vernon laughed," this is the third bed this year." All Harry could think was "The beds aren’t cheap they just can’t hold all that weight." Just then Vernon stood up and the blanket fell off and he was naked and so was his aunt. With both of them standing there, they looked like the number ten. Vernon was a good 400 pounds by now. I know this is an old joke but he really did have more rolls than a bakery. Petunia was the complete opposite she had to weigh no more than 100 pounds and no tits at all. Vernon’s tits were bigger by at least 2-cup sizes. Vernon started to get an erection and that is when Harry knew it was time to leave.

Harry decided to take a late night walk around the park so he could avoid any other sounds that might come out of the house. He knew Dudley (Harry’s’ cousin) was out tonight creating havoc and thought he might be able to tease him. Harry walked over to the swings and there was Dudley and his "gang" of friends. They were laughing and talking loudly even though Harry could not hear them, he knew they were teasing someone lying down on the ground. Harry decided to walk over to see what was up. He got close enough to see and hear what they were up to but he hid himself behind a tree so they did not see him. Harry was not scared of them but he thought spying was much more fun.

What Harry saw surprised him; Dudley and his friends had their pants down to their ankles, stroking their cocks. On the ground was a girls who looked to be sixteen or seventeen naked as the day she was born laying on a picnic table blanket rubbing her finger in and out of her pussy. "Wow your sister is hot Piers" Dudley commented while the other boys agreed with him. There was four boys plus Dudley, who was by far the biggest out of them, who formed a little circle watching the slut have her fun. The four boys were about the same build and age, none of them was over 18 and less than 150 pounds. Harry could take them all out and Dudley was just scared of Harry.

"I'm fucking this bitch first" Dudley proclaimed and it did not look like anyone was going to argue with him about it. Just then, Harry realized Dudley’s dick was the smallest he had ever seen. Dudley was masturbating with just his thumb and pointer finger. It could not have been more than 3 inches long. Harry held back a laugh as he watched Dudley climb on top and try to stick his dick in the girl’s pussy. Dudley tried everything from just getting on top to taking her leg up onto his shoulder and nothing seemed to work. His fat was just getting in the way of penetrating her. Dudley finally gave up, moved around to her face, and told her to start sucking. From what Harry could tell, she was a pro at this. Piers decided he would fuck his sister instead. He got down on top of her, spread her legs, and forced his penis inside of his sister. He looked like he had done this before many times because he knew how she liked it.

In the meantime, Harry noticed the other three boys standing there with their cocks in their hands looking bored. All of a sudden, one of the boys got down on all fours right next to Piers sister and started sucking her tits while she grabbed his cock and started stroking it. Then there were only two boys left with nothing to do. So one boy grabbed the others cock and started stroking it. The second boy got hint and started playing with the first boys cock. Harry just stared at the big ass orgy and had an idea. He had turned 17 the day before and could now use magic. He took out his wand and (nvbl) said Imobulas and everyone froze. Harry came around the tree and put his plan in order. First off, he took the two boys that were pleasing each other, bent the first one over, and place the second boys cock in the first ones' ass. Then he said a spell to lock their ass and waist together. Then he picked the girl, put her by the tree, laid Piers down where she was, and stuck Dudley’s dick in his mouth. Then Harry took the third boy and sat him right down on Pier's cock. Harry held back laughing the whole time, he was enjoying himself after all those years of Dudley and his friends torturing him. Harry said the spell and stuck them all together like that. The spell would wear off in and hour but unlit then they can keep each other warm.

Harry then decided that it was time to have fun with the girl. He figured if he fucked her in the ass he would not be cheating on Ginny. Even though he broke it off with her, she would not take no, for an answer and they were still going out but seeing all this he needed some relief. Harry bent her over, took out his six-inch cock, and spit in his hand to lube up his cock. He slowly pushed it in past the head and then it just slid all the way in. "this bitch is looser than Cho," Harry thought to himself.

He slid in and out of her with ease and it started to get boring after a little bit so he decided to UN freeze just her for the time being. When he UN froze her, she just seemed shocked and then she started enjoying it. She started moaning against the ground as Harry picked up speed and was really pounding into her. He started to feel his balls load up, took his cock out of her ass, and told her to start sucking. Harry was right she was good at it; she took all of Harry’s cock into her mouth. It was the best thing he had ever felt. Harry just let loose and grabbed the back of her head and pushed his cock all the way in her mouth and cummed all down her throat

That was the best blowjob Harry has ever had and he loved it. The girl just seemed to pass out after ward and Harry got up and put his cock away. Harry walked halfway through the park on his way home, turned around, and unfroze everybody else. They all looked shocked as Harry walked away. "Get your cock out of my mouth" was all Harry could hear as he sprinted for home. Harry went into the house and straight to his room and laughed finally to himself as he fell asleep. Right before dosing off he heard Dudley stumble into the house and say, "we tell no one about this you got me Piers"

To Be Continued..........

Harry potter 7

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Voldemort's Revenge

Harry was in a dimly lit room with Voldemort and Malfoy (Drako) standing in front of him. Malfoy was naked against the wall with chains holding his arms into the air. Another two chains on either side spread his feet apart. "You failed me Drako. If it had not been for Snape," Voldemort nodded at Harry, "Dumbledore would still be alive. Although you did find a way, my death eaters could get into the castle. For that I will not kill you but, I do have to set an example out of you." Harry realized he must be inside of Snape's head. Harry found this odd considering Snape was great at Occlumency. Harry put this out of his mind and paid close attention to Voldemort.

Voldemort then seemed to pull a nine-tail whip out of

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nowhere. He raised it above his head and brought it down across Malfoy's chest. Malfoy looked as though he was going to scream out but he held it in. Voldemort raised the whip again brought it down in the other direction. The two whips left a cross on Malfoy's chest. Harry started felling sorry for him then remembered Malfoy was the main reason Dumbledore was dead. A third time the whip was brought down, then a fourth. Voldemort then laid down his whip and took out his wand. Harry then saw Malfoy drop to the ground as the chains released him. Voldemort then lead Malfoy over to a table in the middle of the room. Malfoy was made to lie on top of it face down. Chains sprang up out of nowhere and held Malfoy into place. There was one around his waist, another around the top of his back and a third one holding his legs down.

Harry/Snape mover around to the front of Malfoy and took his dick out and shoved it into Malfoy's mouth. He opened his mouth willingly because he knew his master was watching him. Voldemort took his wand and shoved it into Malfoy’s ass and left most of it sit inside. Harry then saw Voldemort drop his robe. Harry saw nothing, that is to say there was nothing there. There was no hair or penis, his stomach came down into a V shape like a woman but there was no slit either. Yes, Voldemort had come farther than another in the lines of immortality but he was also less of a man. Voldemort licked his fingers and pinched both of his nipples. It looked painful to Harry but Voldemort seemed to really enjoy himself.

Harry/Snape felt a build up in his balls and grabbed the back of Malfoy’s head and shot his load deep into his throat. Voldemort then pulled his wand out of Malfoy’s ass and gave it a real wipe down before releasing him. Malfoy just laid there as Harry and Voldemort walked into the other room talking. "So is everything set at Hogwarts for my arrival?" Voldemort asked Harry. Harry Felt himself responds but it was not his words being spoken, "Yes my lord. Your spy had no problems getting in and I am receiving regular reports. Harry Potter showed up but, I have been informed he and his troublesome friends are set to leave tomorrow for Godrics Hallow. So he should not be any trouble for you." Voldemort then turned and left Harry there alone. Harry then turned to a mirror and saw Snape’s face. He then said, "You can leave now Potter."

Harry woke with a jerk and Ginny asked him what was wrong. He told her to go back to sleep and he will tell her about it in the morning. Harry thought that there would be no reason to go to Godrics Hallow, there would probably be an ambush waiting there for him. Harry fell asleep to the thought of what he was to do now. Should he stay at Hogwarts and wait for Voldemort to come to him or should he seek out Voldemort and kill him before he had a chance to get to the school. He would have to discuss it with Ron and Hermione in the morning. Harry also wondered why Snape had allowed Harry into his mind. Was this part of the whole plan or what? Harry drifted off to the black lake while smelling Ginny's hair.

The next thing Harry felt was Ginny getting off his lap and he heard catcalls from other students. Harry had left his glasses on when he fell asleep so he just had to open his eyes. He says students walk past staring at him and exiting through the door. Ron came down from the Boys dorm room, "Where the bloody hell were you all night?" Ron asked him. Harry told him he and Ginny must have fallen asleep after taking a "bath". Ron just stared then he heard Hermione's voice behind him. "Well I’m glad you can still go in there since me and Ron had to turn down head boy and girl position." Harry had for gotten to write back turning down Quidditch captain and had planed to go to his head of house at the start of term. "Who is head of Gryffindor now that McGonagall was now head mistress?" Harry asked Hermione because she was the only one who actually listened.

"Her name is prof. Watson and she is the new defense against the dark arts teacher. A prof. Radcliff will be taking over Transfiguration." Hermione told him. Harry just lowered his head in acknowledgment and told them that he wanted to miss breakfast and head out to the black lake because he had something to discuss with them. They all were dressed and met back at the common room. They then headed out the front door and down to the lake where Harry explained to them what he had dreamt. Hermione spoke up first, "It has to be a trick. Why would Snape show that to you? That has got to be their plan to keep you here so you don’t go looking for them." Ron looked at her for a second and responded, "But what if it’s not a trick what if that was their plan and there is someone here at Hogwarts helping out Voldemort." Both Ron and Hermione had gotten used to saying his name without much fear. "He can't be that powerful if you can keep defeating him, No offence." Ron had told him over the summer.

They all sat there contemplating on what to do next. After a while, Ginny spoke up, "I think you all should stay here and," Hermione interrupted her in mid sentence, "Yeah we all know what you want already" Ginny gave he a dirty look then started again, "Like I was saying, I think you should stay here and protect the school. What if it was real and they plan to attack the school now that Dumbledore is gone. Granted we do have all these teachers here but, the prophecy did say only Harry could defeat him. Plus we don't know who the spy is so we have to really watch the new teachers." Harry thought Ginny had made some very good points and agreed with her.

In the end, they had all agreed to stay at Hogwarts. Just then, Harry noticed a person walking out to the lake. Harry stood up and put his hand in his robe and wrapped it tightly around his wand. He then released it when he saw that it was Prof. McGonagall. "Harry Potter I need you to follow me to my office. There’s some important items we have to discuss." she told him. She then handed Hermione, Ron and Ginny their schedules after checking Ginny's owl results. Ginny had also decided to become an auror. Harry then followed prof. McGonagall up to the castle and into her office, which had been changed from the likes of Dumbledore.

To Be Continued...

Harry potter 9

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Pensive Adventure

Life had gone on over the next couple of weeks. Harry and Ginny made a couple of trips to the prefects’ bathroom and a couple of times invited Ron and Hermione to join them. They still had no success with finding out what the writing was or even open the box. About a month after arriving at school the four of then decided to take a trip down to the lake. They all took their usual seats, Ginny and Hermione between Harry and Ron’s legs, and was taking turns examining the box.

All of a sudden, a snake came slithering out of the water towards them. None of them looked worried and Harry told the snake to go back to the water. Hermione had been holding the box and screamed, "Harry it glowed just now." Harry took the

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box from her and examined it carefully. It just looked the same to Harry as he twirled it around. "It happened when you told the snake to go away so try talking in parseltongue to it." Hermione told him. Harry just shrugged and figured why not they had tried everything else. Harry say it down and in parseltongue told it, "open says me" Harry figured he would be comical about it. However, there was nothing comical about it, the box glowed a deep purple color. The writing on the box was now readable. It said, "yoU Seek rEvenge in The sHadows, fEel Love and yOu Could Kill voldEmorT"

Hermione reached into her back and pulled out a quill and a piece of scrap parchment and jotted down the words before they disappeared. Hermione sat there, read, and reread it repeatedly before gasping. "Harry do you still have the locket you and Dumbledore thought was a Horcrux?" Harry told her it was up in his room "Why?" he asked her and she scooted next to him so everyone could see. She started crossing off letters until "USE THE LOCKET" were the only letters left. They all jumped up and ran up into the castle. It was right before curfew so they barely came across anyone. "Dinglebit" they all said to the fat lady and climbed inside. Harry hurried up into his room and opened his truck to search for the locket. He had found it right next to the looking glass his godfather had given him. He hurried back down stair without putting anything back and sat next to Ginny.

Harry looked the locket over and tried putting it onto each of the circles on top. With no avail, Harry opened the locket and placed it face down into the circles. The box popped open, after a little jump from Ginny, Harry opened it up. Inside was a locket, the ring Dumbledore wore last year and a piece of parchment rolled up. Harry grabbed the parchment and read it. After reading it, he decided to read it aloud after checking no one else was around.

"Harry if you are reading this then that means my plan is going as planed. I left you the ring and locket, which were the only two Horcruxes I found. Yes, I know you are thinking what that locket inside of the cave was. Regulas Black, Sirius’s brother, left that locket. I knew he had taken it but I need to take you to the cave for my plan to work. I had to appear weakened for when the death eaters attack the school. Regulas had taken it shortly before he was killed. I found the Horcrux locket in Grimmuald after Serious died. I know also that you are mad at Snape right now but you need not be. He killed me on my orders. He had made an unbreakable bond with Narcissa and if he had not killed me, he would have died. I made Snape promise me that he would carry it out if Draco could not do it. He is more important than I am for your survival.

Along with this box, I have left you the pensive and all the memories you need to find the other horcruxes. Three have been found already and four are left. One is in the Voldemort still walking around and Snape knows where the other three are. I believe in you Harry and you can kill Voldemort. You are the only one you can. Please stay at school and the rest will come to you in the following days."

Harry finished reading the letter and looked around at everyone to get their responses. He could not see any; they just had blank expressions on their faces. Finally Hermione spoke up, "So Snape killed him because he told him to. That must be why he was pleading with Snape when he killed him. He was begging for death so that Snape could live. Harry just stared at her and started registering what she had said. Snape was actually still good but how could Dumbledore do that. He was more important to him than Snape was. Snape hated Harry for what his father and godfather did to him in school. What had happened after school to make things change?

Everyone went off to bed alone tonight to ponder what they just found out. Harry sat on his bed thinking and he noticed the pensive sitting on the foot. Harry had put it there when he was looking for the locket. Harry pulled it close to him and peered inside. All he saw was water boiling on top. Harry reached off the bed and grabbed the box of memories. Harry started picking up each bottle and putting them to the side as he read them.

"Tom asks for job, Harry recalling Voldemort's return, Snape's remorse" Harry stopped with this one still in his hand and read it over. Harry grabbed at the cork and pulled it off. He then dumped it into the pensive and watched it swirl around inside. Harry then plunged his face into the cool liquid air. In and instant he was pulled inside and landed right next to Dumbledore. Harry felt a happiness come over him until he realized it was just a memory. Harry looked around and saw Snape sitting down across from them.

"If I had any idea what the prophecy meant I would never have told the dark lord. James and I have had our differences in the past but I did not want him dead. He saved my life and I must be grateful for that. Lily was the best person I knew, she always tried to befriend me when I was always so mean to her." Snape then broke into tears and continued, "Pleas forgive me Dumbledore. I will do anything to make it up to Harry when he becomes of age. I am the reason he has to grow up without great parents."

Dumbledore then rose up and went over to Snape. He laid a hand onto his shoulder and told him, "I believe you have remorse for what you have done. Harry is going to need looking after until he comes to school. I have already taken the means of having lookouts posted and he is covered by old magic for protection. I need you to come to my school and teach."

Harry knew the memory was over and thought about what he read. Harry bent slightly at the knees and gave a little push upward. Harry landed back on his bed in front of the pensive. Harry looked around and noticed everyone was still asleep. Harry decided to take another trip into the pensive. He went through the bottles until he came across, "Teaching Susan" Harry pulled the cork out and poured the contents into the pensive.

Harry was standing next to Dumbledore behind his desk. There was a young girl of maybe 15 or 16 sitting across from them. "You wanted to see me prof." the girl said. She was pretty with strawberry hair and nice firm breast Harry could see poking out her white, Weird Sisters, shirt. She had two little dimples in her cheeks and wore wand shaped earrings in her ears. Harry noticed a small mole sitting on her cheek, which just made her look better. It was like a beauty mark.

Dumbledore spoke up; Harry had forgotten he was even there, "Yes I wanted to talk to you about your O.W.L.S. It seems here that you want to be an auror but you failed D.A.D.A. So I wanted to talk to you about taking a different career path." She started crying, "I wanted auror, its all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was a kid. Everyone in my family are aurors and if I don’t get in ill be the disappointment of the family. Is there anything I can do to fix this?" She had gotten out of her chair and walked around the desk. She was then standing in front of Harry and Dumbledore.

She then reached the bottom of her shirt and hoisted it up over her head. Harry was right; her breasts were nice and firm and rode high on her chest. She then put her thumbs into the waist of her skirt and pushed them down. She was completely bald down there; Harry had heard of women doing this but had never seen it. She then got down on her knees and opened up Dumbledore's robes.

"Wow" was all she could say, and Harry could think. His cock had to be at least 12 inches long. She then bent over and took his cock into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down on it while taking more and more into her mouth. After 2 or 3 minutes, the entire 12 inches were gone. Harry, and Dumbledore, was impressed with her. He did not think she could do that. She moved her head up and down a couple more times before standing up, turning around and positioned her ass toward Dumbledore. He grabbed his cock and pointed it to her pussy. Once the head was barely in he grabbed he hips and pulled her down onto him.

He slowly pulled her into his 12 inches and she took it all without any problems. She then lifted herself up and down onto his cock. Harry went around, got down and looked at the scene in between her legs. She seemed to be stretched beyond recognition but she did seem to care at all. Moans and groans escaped from her lips as she had her pussy stretched. Dumbledore then stood up with her still on him and spun her around until they were looking into each other eyes. Dumbledore then laid her on his desk.

He then pulled so far out Harry thought, he was done but Dumbledore was just getting a running start. He grabbed her hips and drove his entire cock into her. Harry was expecting it to come out her mouth. She gave a real loud scream of pleasure as he plunged into her repeatedly. She was covered in sweat while Dumbledore pounded her pussy. He grabbed her legs and placed them up onto his shoulders so he could get in deeper. After a few more strokes he grabbed her hips and pushed into her as far as her could go and let out a low moan and Harry knew he just came in her.

As he pulled out, she just laid there exhausted. She took a few breaths before getting up and putting on her cloths. When she sat back down in the chair Dumbledore spoke up, "well I can do one thing for you. I will give you personal lessons for the next few weeks and have an examiner come in and test you again." Harry knew this was over and bent his knees. Right before he pushed off he swears he saw a wink in Dumbledore’s eye.

Harry landed on his bed with a full hard on. He dipped the bottle into the pensive and extracted the memory. Harry was now horny as hell and did not know what to do. He figured he could just go down and take a cooling bath. He picked up his invisibility cloak and map before leaving. Harry had thrown the cloak over himself before leaving the room. He crept down stairs and started for the portrait when he heard a noise in the corner. Harry looked and saw a first year girl sitting in a chair. As Harry got closer he noticed she was naked below her waist and had a wand inside her pussy.

She had her head leaning back as she pushed it in and out of her pussy. She then pulled the wand out and stuck it into her mouth, which gave Harry an idea. He took his dick out of his pants and pushed it through the cloak. He wrapped the cloak around it so if anyone looked they would just see a penis floating in the air. Harry got down and positioned the head to the tip of her hole. Her eyes opened brightly and looked around. She figured it was nothing so she closed her eyes again. Harry then pushed the head of his cock half way into her and hit a wall. The little girl jumped when he did this but stayed in the same position. She looked around again and then shrugged it off. Harry took this opportunity get push all the way in. Harry felt her hymen brake as he bottom out. Before she had a chance to respond he moved his hips in and out of her.

She just laid back and started enjoying it. As Harry picked up speed she grinded her hips up and down. It was like a merry-go-round on his cock. She was making so much noise Harry thought someone would hear her so he picked up speed. Harry plunged into her as far as he could before he filled her with all of his cum. Harry pulled his cum mixed blood cock out and whipped it on the chair she was in before putting it away. She just laid there panting with her eyes closed. Harry went back up stairs, put his stuff away and lay down on his bed. Harry was out in seconds. Harry and Ginny was having sex in front of the whole school. There were catcalls from everyone. Harry looked up and saw Snape standing in front of him. "Follow me Potter." he said grabbing Harry up.


Harry potter 6

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Bathroom Fun

Harry looked back straight into her eyes and was mesmerized. Harry saw something in her, but he could not explain it. She looked away and so did Harry, Ginny smacked him in the back of the head. "Are you even listening to me?' she questioned him. Harry just looked dumbstruck and said he was just thinking. "Well I said I am going to miss you when you leave." Ginny repeated with a little sadness in her voice. "Well I'm going to miss you to. I'll write you every chance I get and send Hedwig so I don't have to carry her around to." Harry told her while holding her hand. Just then Hagrid came in and sat down. A few seconds later, the front doors opened and prof. Sprout came in followed by the first years. Harry figured she be

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came deputy headmistress when McGonagall became headmistress. She led them up to the front of the room and told them to wait, while she went and got the stool and hat. Harry was now in a deep conversation with Hermione, he explained that they would come back to Hogsmeade whenever they could; giving Ginny had her visit at the same time.

Before Harry knew it, the sorting ceremony was over and there was an ample amount of food sitting in front of him. Harry and the others ate as much as they could because they would be traveling a lot and would not have great meals like this. As he ate, he remembered Dobby and Kreacher and was thinking if he could use them at all. Harry heard everyone get up so he snapped back to reality, got up, and followed Ginny into the halls. Ginny started guiding Harry but it was not to the Gryffindor tower. She led him toward the prefects’ bathroom, since Harry was still Quidditch captain so he received the pass with his letter.

The bathroom had not changed much since the last time he used it for the Tri-Wizard competition. Ginny walked over to the taps, filled the tub with water, and added small white bubbles. Harry got undressed as quickly as he could so he could watch Ginny remove her clothes. Harry had seen her naked but he had never seen her get naked. Ginny turned to look at Harry and grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly lifted it. He could see her flat stomach, and then came her ribcage, which tightened as she lifted her shirt. Harry then saw the bottom of her breasts peaking out from beneath her shirt. Ginny lifted her shirt the rest of the way off. She was now standing there with her tits staring Harry in the face. She then turned her back to Harry and grabbed the him of her pants. She grabbed both her underwear and pants at the same time. She pushed her pants down past her ass and as she bent over Harry could see the pinkness in her pussy. Her pussy lips opened up as she lifted her legs out of pants.

Both Harry and Ginny were standing naked, Ginny grabbed his hand and guided him into the tub. They both dived under water and swam together. Harry rolled underneath Ginny so he was face to face with her. He then kissed her deeply as they reached the surface. Their heads reached the surface and Ginny put her legs around Harry's waist and pulled him as close as she could. Harry reached in between them, grabbed his dick, and slid it into Ginny's wet pussy. Ginny gave a low moan and lay back against the bathtub wall. Ginny's head was lying on the floor and she stretched along the top of the water with Harry at her pussy. His cock was buried to the hilt, pulled it most of the way out and plunged it all the way in.

Harry heard Ginny scream and he thought that was a little weird until he heard, "Oh that looks fun. I wish some one loved me like that before I died." Harry looked above his head and saw moaning Myrtle hovering above them. "Get out of her Myrtle!" Harry yelled at her but she just lingered there and smiled. Harry just grabbed Ginny, pulled her close, and whispered, "Just ignore her." Then he kissed her deeply while shoving his cock all the way in. As Harry drove it home, he heard Ginny moaning more than Myrtle. He looked up just as Myrtle dove into Ginny's body. Ginny then turned into Myrtle, "Get out of her Myrtle!" Harry yelled at her. She just begged and pleaded that she just wanted to try it once. Harry thought about it and figured it was ok since it was Ginny's body she was using. Harry grabbed her hip and pounded away into her.

Even though it was still Ginny's body, it seemed that her pussy was tighter and fresher. Harry only enjoyed it that much more, grabbed her hips, and came inside of her. He hear Myrtle moan and then leave Ginny's body which left Ginny looking confused as Myrtle slithered up one of the facet heads. Harry could swear he heard, "thanks" come from Myrtle. Harry had explained what had happened to Ginny. She said, "Well I still need pleasured." Ginny jumped out of the tub and put her ass right to the edge of the tub. Harry came over and buried his head in between her legs and tasted her sweet pussy juices. He then buried three fingers as far as he could into her. She then laid on her back across the bathroom floor and lifter her hips to every thrust of Harry's fingers.

Harry just got hard watching Ginny's reaction and climbed out of the tub right on top of her. Harry guided his penis into her awaiting pussy. Ginny closed her eyes to enjoy every moment Harry's cock was buried into her. Harry put most of his weight onto her as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him as much as he could. Harry was really getting good at knowing what Ginny liked and took her left tit into his mouth and stuck the nipple in between his teeth. He playfully bit down on the nipple, which just drove Ginny wild. Harry got onto his feet and said, "I'll be right back, I want to try something." and he went over and picked up his wand. "Wingardium Leviosa" he said pointing his wand at Ginny. She rose into the air, Harry walked over to her, pulled her to his waist and stuck his dick into her. He then grabbed her waist and pulled out until the head could just be seen then he pulled her into him as fast and hard as he could. It was an amazing feeling as he continued the same thing repeatedly.

Harry then grabbed her hips for another plunge when Ginny stiffened up and Harry felt a hot liquid all over his dick. That was too much for Harry to stand and he came into her. Harry lowered Ginny softly onto the floor so she could get up and they both got dressed. Harry reached over and lifted the drain lever on the tub. They were dressed and headed back to the dorm room. Harry sat in his favorite chair and Ginny climbed into his lap and put her arms around his neck as they both fell asleep. Harry dreamed that he and Ginny were sitting next to the lake with Ginny sitting in between his legs. Harry had just put his arms around her waist when...

To Be Continued...

As the carriages pulled up to the castle, Harry looked out the window. The castle looked a little dark; perhaps the fact Dumbledore was not there anymore was the reason. They stopped at the front gates and journeyed into the great hall. Harry took his seat next to Ginny with Ron and Hermione sat across from them. Harry looked up at the front table and Professor McGonagall sitting in Dumbledore's chair and Slughorn was still here. Harry noticed a beautiful woman sitting where Snape used to sit, she was -Harry guessed- a tall woman with light blonde hair, blue eyes, and her robe stuck out quite a bit which suggested a nice rack. It looked as if Slughorn was leaning over flirting with her. She looked un interested as she scanned the crowd and stopped on Harry.

harry potter 2

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

A Ride on the Night Bus

Harry awoke the next day feeling refreshed. Hedwig was asleep in her cage. He looked at the clock and it said 7:25 so Harry got up, dressed, and started packing for the trip to the Burrow Harry decided to take the knight bus there because he couldn’t apparate yet. Harry would be taking his test in about a week with Ron since he failed his first try. Harry pulled his trunk to the front door and set Hedwig’s cage on top of it. He turned to his aunt and uncle and said "goodbye" His uncle just grunted. Harry could not even look his aunt or uncle in the eye after seeing what he saw last night. Dudley on the other hand gave Harry a dirty glare as to say, "I know it was you" but Harry just grinned and turned

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to the door into the morning air. He decided to call for the bus at the park since there were not that many houses around.

Harry reached the park and looked around to make sure that no one was around and then pulled his wand out. "BANG" A double-decker bus showed up out of nowhere and came to a stop right in front of Harry. Stan was not the greeter this time since he was in jail still on a trumped up charge. Instead, was a beautiful blonde-haired woman about 19 years old and was a knock out in Harry's opinion. "Welcome to the knight bus 'even though it’s daytime they have got to change the name of this bus'

Transportation for the stranded witch or wizard, I am Eva and I will be your conductor for the day," the woman proclaimed. Her voice was beautiful and if Harry did not know, better he would claim she was a veela. Harry helped her hoist his trunk up into one of the compartments and took the stair to the second level to where there was only a little girl, she looked to be about 15, and Harry decided to sit right next to her. "I'm Rose and blimey you’re Harry Potter, I've heard about you. You defeated HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED" Rose said happily. However, all Harry could think about was how Hermione had said about the same things to him in his first year.

Rose just started talking away about her life and within a half an hour he thought he knew everything there was to know about her. Harry was listening with his eyes wandered down to her breasts. "Not bad" Harry thought to himself. Her breasts stuck out quite a bit and she had plenty of cleavage. She was wearing a white halter-top with a black Minnie skirt. It was obvious to Harry that she was not wearing a bra. Harry accidentally dropped his wand and Rose said she would pick it up. She bent over in her chair, reached for the wand, and fell face first onto the floor. Just then, Harry got a good glimpse of her bald, pink pussy. Harry got instantly hard and tried to hide his erection by pulling his cock up so it does not bulge out and the waistband could hold it for him. He had just got it straightened and pulled his hand away before she turned around all red in the face and gave Harry his wand back. Harry asked her if she was all right after that little fall.

All Harry could think about that pink pussy and started thinking of a plan to see it again. Harry pretended to go to sleep. He closed his eyes with them open up just enough to see through them. He then let his hand slowly roll out of his hand and onto the floor. Rose looked at him then whispered "he must have fell asleep boor boy" and this time she decided to get down on her hands and knees first and then reached for the wand. "BANG" the bus came to a halt in front of the leaky cauldron and someone got off. The wand had rolled a little down the bus and Rose crawled after it. Just then, Harry had gotten an idea when the events of last night popped into his head. Harry pulled out his cock and crept up on Rose whose but was sticking up into the air. Harry just grabbed her hips and jammed his cock into her brown eye. She squealed loudly as Harry started pumping her ass.

After a few strokes, she started getting used to the feeling of his cock pounding into her and started moaning. "Harder, faster bring it on big boy. Show me why you’re the chosen one" rose screamed out. Harry was just encouraged to pump faster and faster. Harry could feel his balls swell up. He knew he was about to explode so Harry grabbed her hips and slammed it hard in the ass and just exploded into her. Harry just collapsed onto her feeling relief. Just then, Eva came up the stairs to see what the commotion was and saw Harry lying on top of Rose. Eva walked over to them and lifted Harry up and rolled him over onto his back. Eva was but naked by now and Harry figured she must have used some spell to do it. Eva stood over Harry’s head and told him to start sucking while she started sitting on his face. Harry stuck his tongue out as far as he could and tongue fucked her. Eva reached around, grabbed hold of Harry’s limp dick, and got it hard right away. She then spun around and started sucking Harry's dick. Harry reached above his head to where his wand still laid and grabbed it. He took the fat end of it and shoved it into Eva’s pussy. She squealed like a stuffed pig. Harry withdrew his wand almost all the way and shoved it back in. Eva was enjoying this and more, Harry could tell by the moans coming from her mouth.

Harry told her he was about to cum but she just started sucking harder and faster. Eva stared panting fast then all of a sudden, Harry was all wet. Eva had come all over Harry's face, which just excited Harry more, and he exploded into her mouth. After the last drop, Harry and Eva stood up, Eva pointed her wand at Harry and in an instant, he was dry and clean. Harry looked over at Rose and she seemed like she had passed out. He just shrugged and headed down the stairs followed by a fully clothed Eva. "Next stop the Burrow," said the bus driver then "BANG" Harry was looking out at the burrow at the end of a long driveway. "Locomotor luggage" Harry said and hid trunk followed him off the bus. Harry turned and Eva smiled and said, "Please use the knight bus again" and Harry could swear she gave him a wink right before the bus took off.

To Be Continued...


Harry potter sex storie (revisited) 15, 16 & 17 END?

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Harry's Victories

Harry fell flat on his back by the impact of something hitting him. "Harry Potter sir Dobby is coming to get you. Dobby thinks he find what you look for." Dobby said holding out a wand.

Harry stood up and took it from him while stepping into the room and shutting the door. Harry looked at it closely. It was about ten inches long and a sleek black color. It looked like it was in perfect condition; Harry ran his finger all around it up and down its shaft. Harry looked at the handle and saw there was an R on it.

This made Harry jump up with excitement and before running off to Ron and Hermione he told dobby, "I owe you for this one Dobby. If you need anything just ask."

Harry bo

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lted out of the room, down the corridors, and up many stairs to get to Gryffindor common room, with a couple passages. Hermione, Ron and Ginny were sitting there by the fire and before they could ask where he’s been he grabbed Ginny and told them all to follow him. He led them up to the boys’ dorm because it was empty. Harry pulled the wand out of his pocket and showed it to them. Hermione grabbed it right away and looked it over the best she could stopping on the R at the base of it.

"Wow Harry how'd you find it? Where did you find it?" Hermione asked him while she stroked it.

Harry took it out of her hands before saying, "Well I didn't find it actually, Dobby did. I also don’t want anybody touching this until we can find a way to destroy it."

Harry went to his chest, pulled out an old pair of socks, and stuck the wand inside. He wrapped it up and placed it at the very bottom of the chest underneath his clothes. Harry made sure that when he locked it he added a few protection charms on it so no one accidentally found it.

They all set out to a wonderful lunch which included roast, chicken, mashed potatoes and an assortment of pies for desert. Harry on the other hand could not eat; neither could Ron, because right after lunch was the last Quidditch match of the year and probably the rest of their lives. They all headed to the field and Hermione bode them good luck before heading to the stands. Harry, Ron and Ginny entered the tent where the rest of the team was waiting nervously.

Harry put on his Quidditch robes and stood in front of his teammates, "For some of us this is the last official match we will be playing. I say we make it a match that no one will forget for years to come." This got some cheers from his teammates and he continued; "Now I want the best efforts out of all of you. Let's bring the cup home again for the seventh straight year."

They all cheered and left the tent ready to go for it. The fifteen people lifted up off the grounds and Harry circled the playing field looking for the snitch, as he would always do. Harry heard Luna commentating on the match, which was as enjoyable as always when she messed up the names. The only names she got right were Harry, Ron and Ginny's.

Harry heard the score of 70 to 30 Gryffindor was in the lead and Harry was still searching for the snitch. He was searching every inch of the field and could not see it so he circled lower and lower. Harry weaved in and out of players racing from each end of the field to the other and back. Harry flew up behind Ron to look the entire length of the field, which did not help at all.

As he took off to look higher, he was hit smack in the side of the head by a quaffle soaring past Ron. Harry laid flat on his back looking up and heard the whistle indicating a time out. He looked up and saw Ginny standing over him but all he could hear was ringing. Harry sat up and stood for a few seconds before mounting his broom and kicking off again.

Harry circled the field as the whistle was blown to continue playing. The score was now 100 to 70 and Harry knew he needed to find the snitch soon. Harry looked over at the opposing side of the field and noticed something shimmer behind the goal post. Harry took off streaking toward it with the other seeker on his tail. Harry was streaking toward the ground at breaking speeds and lifted himself up just in time with the snitch in hand. Harry looked up and he blacked out. Harry awoke some time later in the hospital wing. Ginny was sitting beside his bed putting a cool cloth on his head. Harry looked at her but before he said anything, she spoke up.

"You ran smack into the wall below the stands where Ravenclaw were sitting and passed out. You pulled out of your plunge a little to close to it." Ginny told him with a little worry on her face, "The match ended three hours ago and diner is about to start. I'll go and nip some food for us and come right back."

As Ginny, left he looked around the room and noticed he was the only one there. Harry lay back down, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Harry awoke some time later to a loud smashing noise. He sat straight up and looked around but the room was still deserted. Harry got out of bed, pulled on his robes, and grabbed his wand out of the pocket. Just then, the door flew open.

The True Hero Falls

Harry turned to the door just as a flash of green light flew past his head. Bellatrix was standing there with her wand pointed at Harry. He ducked behind his hospital bed just as another curse hit the bedspread and caught it on fire. Harry pointed his wand at the door and sent a spell (nvbl) back at her missing and exploding a picture hanging on the wall.

She ducked behind a dresser that was standing right next to her as she sent another curse at Harry. He saw the bed was engulfed in flames and had an idea. He grabbed the bed and pushed it toward Bellatrix while he pulled his cloak out from his back pocket. After putting, it on Bellatrix was looking all around the room for him sending random spells everywhere.

Harry snuck out the door and looked down the deserted corridor. The only thing Harry could hear was Bellatrix getting mad because she could not find him. He bolted down the corridors and stopped right in front of the portrait of the fat lady but she told him the room was deserted and she heard that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had everyone trapped in the great hall.

Harry told her he still needed to get in to get something out of his trunk so she let him enter. Harry ran up to his room and back down in a matter of seconds. Harry ran for the great hall taking the shortest rout possible checking the map as he went, he had grabbed it out of the chest. Harry stopped inside of a passage real close to the great hall and noticed that Voldemort, Snape, Drako and everyone else was in there.

The children were sitting against the wall behind all the teachers and members of the order except Hagrid who was still in his hut. The death eaters, twenty or so of them, were walking back and forth in front of his friends with a few of them circling the room. Voldemort was standing in the middle with Snape, Wormtail and Drako by his side while his snake circled them.

Harry told himself he had to think of something before going in there. He checked the map again for Ron, Ginny and Hermione. He saw them in the middle sitting with Luna, Cho and Neville. Harry knew he had to think fast because he could tell Voldemort was getting restless. Harry whispered, "Kreacher" which in an instant he appeared along side Dobby. "Kreacher I want you to run past those death eaters to distract them. Dobby can you go down to Hagrid’s hut and tell him Voldemort is in the castle. I need to get inside to help my friends.

They both bowed in acknowledgement and left from the hidden passageway. Harry stood there and threw on his cloak when he heard yelling then silence. He crept out from his hiding and made his way to the door.

"Where is Potter? He should be here by now." Harry heard Voldemort complain. "Bellatrix should be here by now; she should have found him by now."

Just then, Harry heard footsteps behind him and slipped inside the room before Bellatrix came running in.

"He got past me sir. He had his invisibility cloak with him and slipped into the hall." Harry could tell Voldemort was mad. He walked over to the students saying,

"Well I shall entertain my self while I wait." He then reached out and grabbed Cho from the mist of the students. "From what I heard," he said looking at Draco, "you were the girlfriend of the boy I killed on the night I returned."

Voldemort shoved her into one of the tables sitting on the far side of the room. She slumped down to the ground looking up at Voldemort crying and pleading with him. Voldemort pulled out his wand from his robes and walked over to her. He had a nasty little grin on his face from what Harry could see. Harry slipped along the students behind the death eaters looking on at the entertainment.

Harry made it to Hermione and bent over to whisper in her ear, "Don’t say anything to show I’m here just listen. Do you guys have your wands on you?" he asked her and she shook her head looking over at a table sitting at the head of the room, right below the teachers table.

Harry saw that there were all the wands of the students sitting there.

Harry bent back over and continued, "Well I’m pretty sure I can go over and get a few of them. I need your help if I am to pull this off. Tell Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville to be ready and not to act surprised when their wands appear. I need you guys to take out as many death eaters as you possibly can while I work on Voldemort. Try getting the Order's wands for them so they can help out."

After Harry knew that she understood and snuck off to the table. Harry heard Cho crying loudly behind him but he had to get to the wands and get back. Harry stowed a handful, about ten wands inside the cloak with everyone else’s attention turned elsewhere made his way back to Hermione and the others. Harry put all but a few into her hands and gave the others to Ginny, Ron, Luna and Neville who all gripped them tightly.

Harry knew he was now that everyone was ready to go. Harry saw the room light up in a green color and froze. He could not hear Cho anymore and slowly turned around. Cho was on her back with her teary eyes wide open, spread eagle and dead. Harry felt his eyes tear but he turned it into pure anger and stepped forward pulling off his robes as he approached Voldemort. Harry had his wand pointing right at the back of his head as he passed the first death eater who shouted for his master to turn around as he tried grabbing Harry. Harry yanked his arm out from the death eaters grip.

"Harry potter, so nice of you to join us." Voldemort said with his back to Harry looking down at Cho's lifeless body. "Tell me Harry, how does it feel to loose another loved one? You have been a thorn in my side for way to long and you shall die on this night. Do you have any last pleads for your life?” he said turning to look Harry in the eyes. Harry was steaming mad by now and had almost forgotten his plans. Harry lowered his wand slowly to his side but keeping a firm grip on it.

"Do you have any last for YOUR life" Harry mocked him back.

All Voldemort could do was laugh at Harry, "Stupid stupid boy. Do you not realize how far I have come in life? I am immortal and after I kill you no one will ever question my powers."

By now Harry just felt like mocking him because he knew if he could distract him he could execute his plans.

“Oh are you talking about your seven Horcruxes. Yeah I know all about them. Dumbledore told me all about them before he died." Harry saw the shock on Voldemort's face and smiled, "Didn't think I knew did you? Well I do and I’m pleased to tell you all but two have been destroyed."

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out Ravenclaw's wand from his pocket. Harry saw Voldemort's eyes light up and look at the wand. Voldemort tried lunging at the wand but Harry just backed up a little.

"Now let’s negotiate here." Harry told him feeling confident in his actions. "You release every here and ill face you one on one. The better man wins."

Voldemort did not like this one bit, "How about you face me here and now in front of everyone or my death eaters will start killing your friends."

With this all, the death eater withdrew their wands and pointed them at a student of their choice. Harry thought that this would work in his favor and started thinking of a new plan.

Meanwhile Voldemort took his silence as weakness, "I can always make new Horcruxes by using your classmates here. Kill them."

Harry yelled but it was too late. The death eaters each sent out their own curses. One by one student fell over, Seamus, Katie, the Pavarti twins and some other students Harry did not know. Harry Took out his wand and yelled, "Now"

Harry jumped sideways and shot whatever curses came to his head at the death eaters while receiving his fair share. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the others jumped up and fired their own curses at the death eaters. Hermione threw the extra wands to members of the order who grabbed them and jumped in on the fight. During the confusion, Voldemort's snake vanished from sight. Harry had his wand in one hand and Ravenclaw's wand in the other.

Harry had an idea to try to break it as he hid behind a desk. Harry took the wand in his had and snapped it in half but nothing happened. Harry set it on the floor and with a few select words set it on fire. Its flames glowed black emitting red smoke from it. Harry knew this had worked and decided to go after Voldemort. Harry lifted his head up and saw Voldemort and Wormtail exit through the door. As Harry got up, the desk he was behind exploded with a powerful curse, which knocked him off his feet.

Harry regained his structure and bolted for the door. He saw Voldemort's cloak disappear around a corner that lead to the front doors. Harry took some hidden passages and wound up right behind Voldemort as he headed out the front door. Harry stopped at the door way because Voldemort and Wormtail were standing there looking up into the sky.

Harry looked up to and saw Gwarp standing there, "You not leave. Hagger I stop them."

Hagrid came running and stopped at the ankle of his brother who had grown considerably since the last time Harry saw him.

"Turn around and face me you coward. This ends here and now and I promise you I will be walking away." Harry felt more confident than he had ever felt before. Harry held his wand straight out toward Voldemort and Wormtail slinked off to the side.

"Very well, Potter if you choose to die today I will accommodate you. "Avada Ked..."

Harry was quick on the uptake, "Expelliamus"

Their wands had connected again with lava like lights spewing from both of their wands. Harry however was ready for this and pulled out the mirror his godfather gave him. Harry lowered his wand and at the same time lifted the mirror in its place. Voldemort jumped out of the way just in time for his curse to burn the side of his robes.

Harry threw down the mirror because it had been destroyed by the impact. He then raised his wand at the now dazed Voldemort. "Crucio" was the first spell to Harry's head but it had no impact.

"HA HA HA you still don’t mean to cause me harm do you." Voldemort said raising his wand. "Let me show you how it’s done. Crucio." Harry saw the wand light heading straight at his head. Harry did not know what to do. He just prepared for the curse to hit him. "AAAHHHH" Harry opened his eyes and looked down. Wormtail was lying on the ground screaming in pain. Harry was confused at to why Wormtail protected him but had a fight to get to.

” Harry just stand still and let this be painless on your self. Your parents died with courage and your just being a baby." Voldemort yelled at him.

Harry saw flashes of his parents, Serious and Dumbledore dieing in his head, which brought the rage out of him. "Avada Kadava" Harry yelled out and the spell hit Voldemort square in the chest. Voldemort had collapsed on the ground.

He had done it; he had killed Voldemort after all this time, it was over. Harry looked down at the lifeless body. Wormtail had stopped withering on the ground and just looked asleep. Harry sat down on the grass, exhausted from the fighting. It was dark out by now and everything was fading from sight. Harry all of a sudden saw a flash of green light coming at him and a shadow seemed to block him from it. Wormtail was lying in front of Harry, dead and lifeless. Harry jumped to his feet but Gwarp saw this and brought his arm down to hit Voldemort.

"No Gwarp he's mine I can handle him." Harry yelled at him, which made him bring his massive hand back.

Harry was shocked at how Voldemort could have withstood that straight at his chest. "Silly boy, I am not alive so there for can not be killed.

Harry was lost; he could not kill what is not alive. Harry just started shooting off curses toward Voldemort and most of them, blocked as if they did not exist. Harry was the target of a curse, which hit him in the ribs, and he felt them break on impact. Harry grabbed his sides and looked up at Voldemort.

Harry lifted his wand, "Sectumsempra" Harry could see Voldemort open up with cuts all over but there was a problem. There was no blood spilling out of the slices. Now Harry was worried, he knew he had to kill Voldemort but he did not know how. "What has Dumbledore always told me? I know of something Voldemort can not understand." Love was the answer but the question was how he was supposed to use it.

Harry ducked when a curse was heading toward him. He knew he was running out of time but he knew he had to do something. Just then, it hit Harry. He ran forward, dodging curses flying at him, and grabbed Voldemort around his mid section. He then reached up and planted his hands on Voldemort's face.

Voldemort started screaming in pain and anguish. Harry reached inside his robes and let his hand burn straight into Voldemort's stomach. Harry stood up and watched as Voldemort turned to ashes in front of his eyes. Harry collapsed and passed out. Harry was filled with, for the first time in his life, the sense that everything was going to be fine.

The War Ends

Harry awoke some time later to the felling of a cool rag pressed to his head. He tried to get up but he was pushed back down onto his bed.

"Just lay there. You need your rest." Harry heard Ginny tell him before falling asleep again.

He awoke the next day to loud talking in the room and knew that Mrs. Weasley had arrived. Harry sat up and looked around for his glasses but could not find them until someone handed them to him. Harry looked up and his heart jolted. Dumbledore was sitting next to his bed. Harry was at a loss for words that he just stuttered.

"Easy Harry I shall explain in a moment when we are alone. But for now some people want to see you." Dumbledore told him.

Harry looked and at the other side of the room with their parents were Ron and Ginny. Hermione was sitting on Harry's other side sleeping. Harry reached over and shook her to wake her up. Hermione stirred and looked around before she saw Harry and jumped up embracing him in a hug.

"I'm so happy you’re alright. I knew you would be but some others didn't." she said with a smile and tears streaming down her face.

Ron and Ginny noticed Harry had awakened and ran over to him. Ginny attacked him by jumping on the bed right on top of him. Ron on the other hand just shook his hand, "Good job." Harry was pleased everyone wanted to be with him but he asked them all to leave so he could talk to Dumbledore alone. After all the hugs and kisses, the room emptied leaving the two of them alone.

"I know Harry, I should be dead. Your right I should be but, as you can see, I am not. After Snape lifted me out of the window and I floated to the ground I was dead. Although Voldemort has Horcruxes, there are other ways of extending your life. You see Harry there is an old and powerful magic I came across to where if some were to sacrifice their lives and something else sacrifices their lives for that person. They can live again.

"I can tell you’re confused so I'll explain it. As you know, Snape made the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa. Draco's job was to kill me, and if he failed, Snape would have to kill me. As you saw Draco could not kill me, he just did not have it in him. Therefore, when Snape showed up he had no choice to do it. You heard Snape and I had an argument earlier last year. I was making him promise to me that he would kill me if it came to that.

"So that was my sacrifice, I would die instead of Snape. At the funeral, Fawkes sacrificed her life to save mine by flying into the coffin and giving me her soul. I was able to Apparate out of the coffin to a safe place no one knew where I was. I had to let you face Voldemort alone, it was the only way you could succeed."

Harry sat there for a minute taking in all Dumbledore was telling him. Then it hit him, "Sir, why did Wormtail sacrifice his life for mine?"

Dumbledore smiled at Harry, "Wormtail is your uncle. To be more exact your fathers brother, well adopted brother. Your father’s parents adopted Wormtail when he was young and that is why he was always around him. Wormtail, I am guessing, never meant for Voldemort to kill your parents. He perhaps expected him to turn them to his side. When Voldemort tried killing you he couldn't let you just die so he sacrificed his life to save yours. Perhaps he wanted to undo what he had done some how."

Dumbledore sat to await Harry's next question. "When I touched Voldemort my skin seemed to burn him. I thought he was immune to my touch now?" Harry asked him.

Dumbledore shook his head, "No Harry he was immune to your mothers love and sacrifice for you, but not Wormtail's. When He jumped in front of you, that set another powerful protection on you. That is why you were able to touch him again. Now I shall go speak to the minister and Minerva. Yes, she is still headmistress of the school. I think I shall apply for the minister of magic position and get Stan Shunpike out of jail. You are ready for the real world and I shall watch over you."

Dumbledore got up to leave but Harry had almost forgotten, "Sir one more thing. The snake is still out there."

Harry told him. Dumbledore turned to him, "Actually Gwarp can be thanked for not letting the snake away. This morning when we searched the grounds for any death eaters left over we came across a smashed snake in the middle of a giant foot print."

Dumbledore turned and left which let the others come back in. "So what happened after left last night?" Harry asked them.

Ginny was the one who spoke up first. "Well after you left we fought the death eaters and Snape joined us. All the death eaters were grouped together against the swarm of people coming down on them. A few of them died before the rest gave up after we injured them a lot. We had some injuries but nothing major although Slughorn will be retiring for good. I killed Greyback for attacking my brother and Hermione knocked out Bellatrix after she hit Ron with the Crucio curse. But all in all we did great."

Madam Pomfrey came in and gave Harry a dose of the sleeping potion and he fell asleep felling warm all over. Harry was released the next day for the end of the year feast and awarding on the school trophy, which Gryffindor won again. Yearbooks were handed out to all the seventh years as they boarded the train to head home. Everyone spent the entire time getting signatures and it seemed everyone wanted Harry's. After being aloud through the barrier, Harry saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley standing there but no aunt and uncle. Harry was relieved he did not have to go back there and they were probably glad of the same. Harry was planning to stay with the Weasleys until he could find a place to stay. Harry approached them, said his hellos and just came out with it.

"Can I stay with you until I find a place to stay?" Harry asked he.

Molly just looked at him with a straight face, "I'm sorry Harry but we just don't have the room. I'm pregnant again so the twin's room is being turned into a nursery."

Harry had a disappointed look on his face.

Molly continued though, "But, if you will remember you own your own house and we shall take you to it. They all piled into the ministry car, which the new minister Dumbledore arranged. Moreover, they drove for about and hour, Harry did not want to go back to Grimmuald place but he had no choice. He needed a place to live. The car pulled to a stop and Harry looked out of his window. Harry was not outside of his godfather’s house but he was outside of a place he never expected.

A New Beginning

Harry got out of the car and walked up to the house. He was standing at Godrics Hallow staring up at his parents’ house. Harry turned to look at the Weasleys with a look of shock on his face.

"I was rebuilt this year for you. We all knew you needed a place to stay after school ended so all of your friends chipped in and built this for you. It's an exact replica of your parents’ house." Mr. Weasley told him but there was only one thing on his mind right now.

"Where are my parents buried?" Harry asked them and they al took a trip about a block away to a cemetery.

Mr. Weasley walked him to two headstones. "Here lies James Potter, beloved father, brother, friend and husband. “We shall overcome all evil" next to his father was his mother's tombstone, "Here lies Lily Potter loving mother, sister, friend and wife. “Love will conquer all."

Harry read them and started getting teary eyed. He knelt down on his knees and whispered, "I did it, I got revenge for your and everyone else’s death. I just wish you were still alive but it had to turn out this way and I know that. Well I am going to be a father now and between you and me, Mrs. Wesley’s baby is probably mine to. I am going to go look at my new house and I will be back to visit you from time to time.”

Harry got up and looked around and Ron, Ginny and Hermione were the only ones left. Harry walked over to them asking where their parents went, "They went home leaving us here to keep you company." Ginny had told him.

They all headed back to the house and through a marvelous remake of the front door. The inside was exactly as Harry had seen it inside the pensive, although without his parents.

The house had three bedrooms and Harry had an idea, "Why don't you three move in with me?"

Everyone loved the idea. A few months went by and Ginny gave birth on July the fourth to a healthy baby girl. She looked like Ginny with the red hair except for her eyes, as green as Harry's and his mother's. A month later on the eighth Molly gave birth to yet another boy who, thankfully, looked just like his Arthur. Hermione had never gotten pregnant so they went to see a doctor and found out that she could not get pregnant. When school started the baby, named lily, would stay with her grandparents while Ginny finished her last year of school and Ron and Harry had auror training. Hermione decided on becoming a teacher.

Life was great for everyone now that Voldemort was defeated and all of his death eaters were rounded up. Giants were corralled back into the mountains to live while Dementors, under strict supervisee, went back to guarding Azkaban.

Over the next few years, Harry and Ginny had a few more babies, an average of one a year. By the time Ginny was finished with her auror training they had 5 kids running around. Lily, Albus, Serious, James and Lupin along with the four adults were out growing the house so they built on to it. Even though Ron and Hermione never had kids Harry's would call them mom and dad.

Life had turned out as good as Harry could have expected and loved it. He would visit his parents grave and talk to them at least once a month to tell them how everything was going. Harry took them flowers each time and laid it upon their graves. Harry never wanted to leave but he knew each time that he had a family of his own and his parents were proud of the way he turned out.


Harry potter 8

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Dumbledore's Will

Harry walked into the room and sat down in his regular chair. Harry looked up and saw Dumbledore's portrait staring down at him. The portrait gave him a little smile and a wink. Prof. McGonagall went around to the back of the desk and sat down. "We have found Dumbledore's will and you were mentioned in It." she began. After a moments pause she continued, "He left you a few of his belongings including the sword, pensive with a few bottles and this locked box. He stated in his will that you would be the only one able to open it."

Harry thought this a little weird because Dumbledore did not tell him anything about opening a box. "Now Harry I know that Dumbledore told you not to tell anyone about where you went t

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hat night." McGonagall got up and walked around the desk to Harry. She stopped in front of Harry and bent over. Harry could see straight down her robes. Her breasts were small and perky and if Harry looked hard, he could see some sparse, dark hair.

Harry cleared his throat. "That’s right prof. there is only a couple of people that know and Dumbledore told me that they had the right to know but I should tell no one else." Harry said with a little dryness in his voice. McGonagall stood up and pulled her shoulders out of her robes. She then let the robes fall to the ground. Now for being 70, she the body of a 20 year old. A skinny, small breasted, light-tanned 20 year old but never the less.

She then bent over and pulled Harry's robes up past his cock, which was now as hard as it could get. "Are you sure you can't tell me?" she said but before Harry could give her a response she took it into her mouth. Her mouth was nice and warm. She then started moving her tongue around the head. Harry then grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down onto his pelvis. He could feel her nose tickle the hair above his dick. Harry then moved her head up and down as fast as he could get her. McGonagall then stood up and turned around with her ass in Harry’s face. Harry grabbed a hold and shoved his face into her ass. He then stuck his tongue into her hole and got a moan from his teacher.

Harry then had a decision to make should he stick it in her ass or her pussy. Harry then felt her pussy juices drip onto his chin and decided he wanted the pussy. He grabbed her hips and brought he down and impaled her as much as he could. She started rotating her hips in a circle and was moaning loudly. This had caught the attention of the portraits, which were now staring at them. Harry heard a couple of comments like "Wow I wish I could have gotten away with that when I was in charge." and even "Hey Dumbledore, he's lasting more than you." Harry thought this comment was a little weird but now McGonagall was sliding back and forth along his cock.

Harry could not stand it anymore and wanted to pound this pussy raw. Harry stood up and managed to hold his cock into position as he pushed her head onto the desk. Harry then grabbed her hips and pulled his dick most of the way out and then pushed it as fast and as hard as he could. He then moved him hips as fast as he could sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. She seemed to be drying up but Harry or even McGonagall seemed to care. Popping sounds here coming from in-between their hips.

Harry could fell the pressure building up in his balls. Harry then picked up speed and started pushing harder into her. They were pushing the desk into the back of the room and every other thrust they had to take a step. Harry then grabbed her hips and held her still as he unloaded his cum stream after stream into her. "Sorry prof. but I still can't tell you."

Harry gathered up his newfound positions and left back toward the dorm room. He entered and it was deserted because of classes going on at the time. Harry sat the pensive down and realized he did not know how to use it. He had always been pulled out whenever he finished. Harry scrimmaged through the box of memories when he came upon a note that stated, "To return from whence you came, jump to the stars and things will be the same." Harry thought it a little weird be he kept that in mind.

Harry started picking up bottles of silver liquid, which had been labeled, and read each of them. "Prophecy, Bob Ogden, Horcruxes (Slughorn) and one bottle labeled Minerva." Harry knew the later one was prof. McGonagall’s first name. There were other bottles here but most of them Harry did not recognize the names on them. Harry then took the locked box into his hand and examined it. There were two side-by-side circles on the top. There was also an inscription on the top of it. It was in a language Harry did not understand. Harry just sat there staring at it when the door opened and Ron, Ginny and Hermione walked in and sat down next to him. "So what did prof. McGonagall what with you?" Hermione asked him

Harry told her about the will and everything that was left to him. "So he said only you could open the box?" Hermione asked. Harry told her, "That’s what the will said anyways." Hermione just sat there thinking about what it could mean. Harry showed her the inscription on the top of the box and she did not know either. However, she did promise him that she would find out for him. Hermione stowed the box into her bag and set off for the library before her next class. Ron followed her to help her look in books. Harry and Ginny meanwhile went through the rest of the bottles of memories when they heard the bell ring for the next classes.

Ginny helped carry everything up to Harry's bed and went back down to their classes. Harry had different classes than Ginny so they went off into different directions. Harry took off for his D.A.D.A class. Ron was sitting toward the front of the room and flagged him down. Harry took his set right next to Ron. Harry then looked around the classroom and it looked about as half-full as usual. Harry heard the door close behind them and before he could turn around, he heard. "This is you final year here at Hogwarts." said prof. Watson "This year we shall be getting you ready for the outside as best as possible. Now I know some of you are heading off to auror training." she gave Harry a little nod "and some will be heading other places. I hope each of you is a real tribute to where ever you end up. Now This will be your toughest year yet. We will be studying advanced magic and even some dark magic. Now for some practical magic. First off I will be teaching you how to repel Dementors."

With this Harry, Ron and two other people snickered. Harry turned around and saw Cho and Neville sitting at opposite ends at the back of the room. Two of the seven Dumbledore's Army left in school. Either the rest passed through school or their parents decided it was to dangerous to send them back. Harry knew what they were laughing about; he had taught them the Patronus in their fifth year at school. "And may I ask what is funny about Dementors?" prof. Watson asked them. Harry figured since he was the one who taught them he decided to stand up. "Well prof. I taught Ron sitting here and Neville -n- Cho back there" Harry nodded to them. "the Patronus two years ago. I had set up a D.A.D.A class so I could prepare people for Voldemort," most people gasped at this and dropped quills "when we had a horrible teacher." Harry then held up the back of his hand.

She looked un-convinced with Harry's story so she told him to produce the Patronus. Harry pulled his wand out of his back, put the thought of him and Ginny in the bathroom into his head, and said aloud, "Expecto Patronus" and a silver stag erupted from the end of his wand and did a couple laps around the room and disappeared. Ron, Neville and Cho all stood up and produced their patronuses for the teacher. The rest of the classroom oohhed and awed at the site. Even the teacher looked impressed. "Well then you four can help out with the rest of the class." the prof. told them. Considering there was only five other people to be taught they each took a partner. Harry got a Ravenclaw he had seen around school but never talked to. Neville was actually one of the first to be picked. A Hufflepuff with short red hair and was a foot taller than he was. Ron got a Gryffindor boy Harry had seen around in the common room and Cho got a tall stocky boy from Ravenclaw Harry had only seen a couple times. There was just one both left and he was from Slytherin. The teacher got him.

After an hour, the teacher had called the class to a halt and told them all to practice. She then dismissed the class and asked Harry to stay behind for a second. Harry nodded to Ron and told him that he would meat up with him at lunch. After the door was closed Emma (prof. Watson) {figure it out yet} asked Harry to enter her chambers. Harry followed closely behind her and could smell blue berries emanating off her. Harry entered and closed the door behind him. He then sat down in a chair in the middle of the room. Emily walked around her desk and removed her robe to hang it up. She was wearing a white halter-top and a black skirt that went down slightly above her knees.

"I asked you in here because I wanted d to ask you what you taught your friends so I can make some arrangements." she told Harry but he had just noticed that he could see her nipples through her shirt. Harry stared at her breasts and she gave him a puzzled look and followed his gaze and noticed her nipples plain as day. She then looked back at Harry a notice he had built a tent inside his robe. She then grabbed the bottom her shirt and raised it above her head.

She had tits that would make Dolly Parton jealous. Each breast was the size of Harry's head. His jaw just dropped to the floor. Emma walked around the desk and shoved one of her breasts into Harry's open, awaiting mouth and Harry complied with her. He took her nipple into his mouth and tried to see if he could milk it. When he found it was dry Harry took his tongue and erected her nipple. He then took it in between his teeth and bit down hard enough to get a moan.

Harry then raised her skirt and rubbed her clit with his finger. She was really getting wet now. Harry slipped two of his fingers into her pussy and curled them to try to find her g-spot but was un successful. Emma then pushed all the items off her desk and hoped up. Harry got down in between her legs and inserted three fingers. Even that did not seem to work until Emma grabbed his wrist and told him to ball up his fist. When he did, she shoved his hand deep into her pussy. Harry then pulled and pushed his hand inside of as if it were a cock. She leaned back across the desk and bent her knees up so she could position her feet onto the desk. "Faster!" she yelled out as Harry picked up speed and shoved his hand in until he hit a wall and then retracted. After a minute of two, Emma grabbed his hand and held it still. Harry looked down between her legs and received a face full of cum.

Harry was just shocked in that he had no idea that that could even happen. Harry withdrew his hand and considered putting his dick into her. It was just that if his fist would fit in her and he probably would not feel much pleasure. Harry lifted her legs onto his shoulders. He then grabbed his cock and stroked it around her pussy to get it nice and wet. Harry positioned his cock at her ass hole and grabbed her hips. Harry then pushed and pulled as hard and fast as he could. He got a pleasant moan from his teacher and pulled back. Harry drove it home again and Emma arched the small of her back. Harry continued to pound away into her for what seemed like hours. In reality, he had not been at it for more then five minutes.

Harry sent stream after stream into her ass. When Harry withdrew his cock, his semen just flowed out of her ass. Harry pulled his robe back down and sat back into the chair as his teacher got up and threw her robe on. She then walked around the desk and sat down and continued talking as if nothing had happened. Half an hour later left her office, headed down to lunch, and sat next to Ginny. She then leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips when she sniffed him. "What’s that I smell?" She asked him and Harry got nervous because he figured she was smelling pussy on him. She continued, "It smells like blue berries." Harry felt relief and explained he was hit with some spray as he walked by a group of girls.

They spent the rest of the afternoon in classes. After diner, they all hung out in the library to research the markings on the box. They were pushed out some time later with assorted books in their hands. They went up to the common room and sat down looking. Through all their searching, they had found nothing before turning in for the night.

To Be Continued…

Harry potter 10b

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Snape’s Story part 2

Cho Chang was looking back into his eyes. Harry grabbed her waist and helped her up. He then helped her slide onto his cock and he pushed it as far as he could until he felt some resistance. He had felt this before and knew it was her hymen. "That’s one thing Cedrick didn't take" Harry thought to himself. He grabbed her hips and pushed up into her to break the resistance. She gave a high-pitched scream, Harry looked over at Ginny and she looked at him and smiled, "she’s the one I was waiting on." Harry then leaned over and kissed her.

He then turned his attention back to Cho. He pushed up with his hips to get her going. She then bucked upward and slid back down. Harry grabbed hold of her an

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d moved her faster up and down on his cock. Cho closed her eyes, started moaning by which time everyone else had woken up, and started having sex with each other. Ginny reached up, grabbed hold of Cho’s breasts, and gave them a hearty tug, which she seemed to like. Harry looked closer at Cho's breasts and noticed she have each nipple pierced. Harry then looked down at her pussy, spread her lips open, and saw another piercing down there.

This had just turned Harry on even more as he picked up speed. Still this was not fast enough for Harry so he grabbed hold and in one quick motion spun her around onto her back and stayed on top. Harry laid down onto her until he felt her breasts press against him. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed into her as hard as he could. Harry pulled out of her until he was about to fall out and then pushed back in as fast as he could. Harry then started his speed fucking by sliding his cock in and out of her in fast, steady movements. He looked down and her breast looked like they would hit her face if he went any faster. Harry pulled his cock out on Ginny quickly went down to it and stuck it into her mouth. Harry shot his load into her mouth and she took it all without spilling a drop. All three of them laid down right next to each other with Harry it in middle. They laid there watching everyone else finish. Everyone was asleep within a half an hour; it was about two in the morning by now.

Harry was looking up at a house he had never seen before but, somehow, he knew about this house. Harry walked up to the door and knocked. A tall figure was walking toward the door. Harry heard, "who's there?" from the other side of the door. Before Harry could say his name he heard himself reply, "It is Severus, I need to talk to you. It is important, a matter of life and death." The door opened and Snape stepped through the door. He then turned around to look at who had let him in.

Harry's heart gave a little lurch; his father was standing right in front of him and alive. "Who's at the door?" Harry heard from behind him and knew that this had to be his mother. Harry turned around and saw his eyes looking back at him. "Oh hello Severus." she had said. After Severus greeted her, they all went into the living room to sit down. Lily had disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a few bottles of Butterbeer. When she sat down and Harry started talking in Snape's voice, "I have come here on behalf of the dark lord. He is asking you to join him or he will kill you and your son." James started to stand but Snape continued, "It not me who wants this, in fact I was reluctant to come but he made me. I am grateful for you saving my life, but I must do as I’m told.

I beg you to leave here tonight because the dark lord will not be happy with a rejection and he will show up here. Do not waist any time, Dumbledore might have a place for you to go to be safe and I suggest asking him to add some enchantments." Harry's father had sat back down by now and said, "Thank you Severus for coming and warning us but I shall talk this over with Dumbledore and see what he says. Thank you for coming and now I must ask you to leave." Harry stood up, Shock his father’s hand, and made for the door. "Wait Severus I want to thank you for warning us properly." Severus had turned around and Lily was lowering her dark blue nightdress.

She had a beautiful body, even though it was Harry's mother, and perfect tits. Nice little hand fulls like Ginny's, and she was completely shaved. "Why do allot of women do that?" Harry thought to himself. She walked over to Severus, dropped to her knees and took Snape's cock into her mouth. She was not bad at it either, he had better but it was enjoyable nevertheless. James meanwhile had taken off his clothes and was walking toward them. He got down on his knees and buried his face into her ass. Harry could see his tongue enter her ass hole and lick it in and out. He then got up, took his cock into his hand, and pushed it into her ass. Lily moaned around Snape's cock as James pushed in as far as he could.

When James pushed, Severus withdrew his cock. When Severus pushed back into her willing mouth, James withdrew his cock. They were really getting a good rhythm going. Lilly looked like she was enjoying herself. Snape withdrew his cock and stripped off his clothes while James grabbed hold of Lily's waist and pulled her with him until he was sitting on his ass on the floor. Lilly started bouncing up and down as the cock implanted into her ass deeper and deeper. Snape had all of his clothes off and walked over to the couple. He got down in between her legs and planted his cock into her awaiting pussy.

Snape pushed with all he had and bottomed out in seconds. He pushed and pulled his cock the entire length and was picking up speed. Lilly held her breath started coming around his cock, which made it slicker, and he just moved faster. The three of them were sweating really well by now and Lily just looked even better. Severus leaned over and took one of her breasts into his mouth. He circled her nipple with his tongue; he then took her nipple in-between his teeth and pulled until it popped out of his mouth.

Severus pulled his cock out, grabbed it with his hand, and stroked it ever so slightly. Snape shot his load all over Lily's breasts. Then Harry felt himself do something he had never seen done before, Snape bent over and licked all of his cum off her breasts. James then grabbed her hips and pushed in as hard as he could. Harry knew that this was over because he felt himself waking up.

Harry put on his glasses and looked around the room. Only himself and Ginny were left in bed naked. Everyone else seemed to have left them alone. Harry looked over and saw Ginny still fast asleep so he decided to wake her up in a good way. Harry climbed down the bed and got in-between her legs. He grabbed hold of her hips and stuck his tongue into her as far as he could. Harry could hear Ginny moaning and he knew she was still asleep. Harry then climbed on top of her and pointed his cock to her pussy. When the head settled in her hole, he leaned over and gave her a kiss, which seemed to wake her up.

As Ginny kissed him back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her. Harry took this as a "fuck me" and pulled his cock out of her hot, wet pussy. Harry pushed until he felt their pubic intertwine. Harry decided he wanted to try something new and took her left leg up his chest and put it over his shoulder. Harry hugged her leg and pushed into her. Doing it this way seemed to tighten her pussy for him around his cock. Harry pushed and pulled, in and out of her while caressing her breasts. Harry withdrew his cock and slowly stroked it until his cum shot out and landed on her face. Ginny just took her finger and wiped the cum off then stuck it into her mouth.

They got dressed and cleaned up then set out for the dorm room. Ron, Luna and Hermione were sitting there studying. Harry sat down and relived the dream he had just had leaving out the sex part. After a long discussion, they all headed to the Quidditch field where everyone was waiting to get practice over. After a few hours and the sun started setting, they headed off to diner then bed.

To Be Continued....

Harry potter sex storie (revisited) 11&12

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Horny Halloween

Halloween was creeping up on them fast and they were no closer to finding the Horcrux than they were the first day. The seventh years were planning a big bash where everyone would be wearing masks. A warning was given that anyone wearing a death eater’s mask would get detention. Harry knew his costume already, a black dog in memory of his godfather, but he did not know anyone else’s. No one was supposed to know each other until the unveiling at the end of the night.

Harry awoke in the morning with great anticipation. He got dressed and went down for breakfast where the buzz among the older students plus some were inviting some sixth years. Harry looked around and noticed all the older girls

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were missing. He sat down next to Ron who also had a puzzled look on his face.

“Have you seen Ginny or Hermione, or any of the 7th year girls for that matter?” Ron asked him.

Harry just shrugged and looked around. The boys seemed to notice this to. Harry and Ron got up after breakfast and went back to the common room. It had been snowing and there was a chill in the air. All the girl’s nipples were sticking out where ever he looked. They sat down and played a couple games of chess. After lunch and a snowball fight with the rest of the boys, still no sight of the girls, and Halloween diner was great Harry, Ron and the rest of the seventh year boys went and got dressed in their costumes.

They all set off to the great hall to where, to their surprise, all the girls were waiting. Yet were they, all the girls looked exactly the same. Same hair color, same mask, same outfit. Harry, or any of the boys for that matter, could tell the difference in the girls as they stood there. He looked around and noticed the teachers were absent also.

All the girls in one swift movement removed their robes and stood there naked. Although everything was the same, their bodies were different and Harry could tell right away which ones were Ginny and Hermione but gave nothing away to the fact. They all walked toward the boys and took the hand they wanted. Some girl with dark pussy hair grabbed Harry’s hand while another girl with the same body took his other hand. He looked around and noticed, although there weren’t that many people there were more girls than boys.

They lead him over to an open spot on the floor and removed his outfit leaving his mask on. Harry laid down on his back and both girls took hold of his cock and in turn and sucked on it for a few seconds each. They stood his cock up, licked on each side of it, and kissed when they went past the head. This beyond everything made Harry even hornier.

After breaking apart from the kiss one of the girls lifted herself up and lowered her body onto Harry’s cock moaning as it slid in. The other girl got up, crawled up to Harry’s face, and shot her tongue into his mouth. Their masks seemed to move with their face. He kissed her as the other one bounced up and down on his cock. Harry reached out and buried his fingers deep into the girl’s pussy as he kissed her. Harry really enjoyed this especially since he had two girls after him.

After breaking apart their kiss the girl got up and lowered herself onto Harry’s mouth and he licked her pussy like there was no tomorrow. The room was filled loudly with moans and groans that Harry could not hear his own girls moaning. He reached up, put one hand on each girl’s breast, and messaged them gently. Harry felt the girl on his cock tense up and cum all over his cock. She collapsed and rolled off him.

The girl on his face wanted the rest of his cock and slid down until the head was pushing at the opening of her pussy. She slowly pushed down on his cock until the head popped in. She slowly slid down the length of his cock until he was bottomed out in her. She slowly rocked back and forth, on his cock moaning as he put his hands on her breast rolling her nipples in between his fingers. He gently squeezed as she fucked his cock.

Harry could take it no more, grabbed her hips, and buried his cock in her as he came deep. It seemed to last forever and when he finished she collapsed on top of him. While she lay on his chest, she lifted her head and planted a deep kiss on his lips. She then lifted her head, removed her mask, and revealed she was a Patil twin. Harry looked over and noticed that her sister was lying right next to them and reached up and pulled off his mask. Harry smiled at them both as everyone got up and looked around.

Hermione was standing next to a big black kid from Ravenclaw and Ginny was with a mixed boy Harry knew only as Jake from Hufflepuff. Ron however had two girls with him, one was a small white girl named Amber from Ravenclaw and Lavender Brown. Everyone seemed pleased with his or her decisions. Harry noticed even a few Slytherin were there with a couple Gryffindor. Everyone got dressed as the music started playing. Harry went over and grabbed Ginny pulling her into a deep kiss as they danced.

The party lasted until well after midnight where everyone drifted off to bed. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all drifted off to the common room together. Everyone headed straight for bed after the long and tiresome night. Harry awoke early in the morning and went down to the great hall for breakfast. He was early so he decided to stop off at the room of requirement. After a half hour search Harry came across something unusual.

He picked it up and turned it around in his hand examining it carefully. It was small round and flat almost like a Fanged Frisbee but it wasn’t. Harry stowed it in his pocket and headed off to breakfast where everyone was waiting for him. He sat down and explained what he had found in the room. He said he’d show it to them after breakfast while alone.

They set back off to the room of requirement and he pulled the disk out. Hermione took it from him to examine it closely. She turned it around and pointed her wand at it but nothing happened. She tossed it in the air where it hovered for a second then fell right back down into her hands. She handed it back to Harry.

“I can’t find anything special about it Harry. I don’t think it is what we are looking for.” Hermione told him.

Harry shrugged and threw it to the side and they left to go visit Hagrid. They knocked on his door and he let them in. Hagrid looked a little down so they asked what was up. He told them it was nothing but they pressured him until they told.

“It’s been years since I’ve bin with a girl.” Hagrid said, “Maxine is not that type of woman, she wants to wait.”

The four of them looked at each other; Hermione stood up and walked over to him. He was still standing so without much effort she reached out and pulled his cock out of his pants. It had to be twelve inches long and two inches wide. Hermione opened her mouth wide and was only able to fit the head in her mouth but Hagrid did not reject. Hermione stepped back and remover her robes. Hagrid placed her up onto the table in front of everyone else.

Hagrid took his massive cock into his hand and pointed it to her pussy. Harry had the idea there was no way she could take it but in one slow continuing thrust he was buried inside of her. Hermione cried out in both pain and pleasure at the same time as Hagrid thrusted into her. Harry thought for sure she would rip open but all the recent sex loosened her up.

This turned Harry on so he lifted Ginny up so she was standing and removed her robes. Harry released his cock and guided her on top of him. Ron, not wanting to be left out, reached over and took Ginny’s breasts first in his hands then in his mouth. Ron stood up, as Harry pounded her pussy, and shoved his cock into his sister’s mouth. Harry heard everyone grunting, Hagrid the most, which was a real turn on. He liked solo sex but he liked orgies so much better.

He heard Hagrid groan really loud and after a second pulled out of Hermione. When he looked, he saw cum flowing out of her pussy like a river. Harry could not take it anymore and exploded into Ginny’s pussy. Afterwards Ginny stood up and Ron pushed her over onto the table so her face was above Hermione’s breast. Ron quickly slid his cock deep into her pussy as she took Hermione’s breasts into her mouth. He grabbed her hips and pounded her pussy while Hagrid and Harry sat back and watched. Ron was pounding hard into her pussy that she was having trouble keeping the breast in her mouth so she gave up and leaned her head back toward him.

He grabbed her hair into his hand with one hand and pushed and pulled at the same time to burry his cock deep into her pussy. Ron groaned and gave his donation to her pussy. When he pulled out cum flowed out of her as it did with Hermione. After getting dressed and cleaned up they went back up to the castle for an uneventful day because they were all exhausted, especially Hermione.

Thankful Thanksgiving

Week after week, they searched the room of requirement and had a few close calls with items but none of them panned out. Harry awoke to the smell of pumpkin pies the morning of Thanksgiving. Ron was sitting up to and they both climbed out of bed. They went down to the common room and sat in their usual chairs waiting for the girls. The four of them set off to breakfast then take a day off and roam the grounds.

After lunch, they headed back up to the common room to play and wait for diner. They passed by Firenze’s classroom when they heard grunting. Curious they all peered inside to see what was going on. He was on the back to a female horse trying to mount it. When Harry looked closer and noticed it was actually a plastic horse used for hunting. They stepped their heads back out the room and looked at each other. Ginny and Hermione had sad, sympathy look in their eyes.

Everyone knew he must be lonely since he cannot be with his own kind. Hermione and Ginny walked in first and as Firenze looked at them, they disrobed Hermione walked over as he backed away from the plastic. She dropped down to her knees and took his massive horse cock in her mouth, Harry couldn’t tell who’s cock was bigger, his or Hagrid but they were close in size. Ginny meanwhile climbed up on his back and started rubbing her pussy along his back. He twisted his top half around while the bottom half stayed still and took her breast into his mouth.

Harry and Ron just stood back and watched them going at it while they stroked their cocks. They had a great view of the insides of Hermione’s pussy as she sat on all fours sucking his cock. Harry walked over and climbed up on Firenze while Ron sank behind Hermione. Ron sank his cock all the way in without missing a beat. Harry slightly raised Ginny and sunk his cock in her ass as Firenze sank a couple fingers in her. Both girls were moaning loudly so Harry put his charm on the door so they would not be heard. He them grabbed hold of her hips and pounded her ass. Looking down he saw Hermione magicing a small table out of the air and put it under Firenze.

She lay upon the table, took hold of his huge cock, and placed it at the opening of her pussy. Ron helped her slowly slide it in her pussy. It seemed to stretch her even after having Hagrid in her. She winced her eyes as if she was in pain but continued along anyways. Her pussy stretched to meat his cock. She moaned and cried out loudly as he sank all the way inside of her. Ron placed his cock into her mouth as she fucked the cock now ripping her apart.

This turned Harry on even more and as Firenze bucked his hips, Harry slammed into her as harder and harder. He grabbed hold of her hips and pressed his cock deep into her as he exploded his cum in her rectum. They climbed off to watch the rest of them go at it. Ginny sat on Harry’s naked lap and watched as Hermione received it from both ends. Ron pushed his hips deep into her mouth and Harry could see cum seeping out of her mouth. He came over and sat down taking Ginny’s breast into his mouth.

Harry and the others watched as Hermione got pounded rapidly. She had her eyes close and her mouth open as she enjoyed the pleasure. Firenze tensed up and filled her with so much cum it oozed out of her pussy. Hermione just laid there as if she passed out. After a few seconds, she got up and they all got dressed and went back to the common room.

Diner was great especially after they spent all their energy earlier. Harry ate half of a pumpkin pie all by himself along with some turkey and stuffing. By time they were done, they were too tired and went off to bed. The day after Thanksgiving the uproar was about going home for the holidays. Harry and Hermione were joining Ron at his parents’ house for some holiday fun.

Harry potter 10-a

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Snape's Story

"Potter I wanted talk to you." Snape told Harry as they walked away from Ginny laid down naked. He continued, "Dumbledore had made me promise to kill him if the circumstance was right. Malfoy's job was to kill Dumbledore and help the death eaters into the castle. I had not found out about this until after I talked to the dark lord." he paused for a second and looked at Harry. When Harry did not say anything he continued, "Now I want you to understand I did not want this to happen. I cared for Dumbledore as much as more people that is why I dared not disobey him. I did not try to kill him either, you many know that you have to mean a curse in order to use it. I there fore could not use the killing curse on him. There fo

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re I said the words but I was thinking, "Levicorpus" I tried to float him out the window and I figured he would be fine. Nevertheless when I heard he had died I had blamed myself for the longest time until I remembered my promise I made to him about keeping you safe."

Harry just stared at him for a second. He then spoke up, "Well I know about the unbreakable bond you made with Malfoy's mother. I also know that Dumbledore trusted you with out a doubt. But what I want to know is," Snape interrupted, "is why I had remorse for your parents. I thought we might get to that. You see Harry your father saved my life, after school had happened we all went our separate ways. I ended up joining the dark lord and he married your mother and had you. A week after you were born I was attacked by a group of dogs. I was left bleeding to death and your parents did not live that far away, from where I was attacked. I had somehow made it to their house and they took me in and cared for me until it was safe enough to transport me to St. Mungo's where I healed the rest of the way.

"Now Harry we don’t have much time but I have found the three Horcruxes you seek. The snake is a Horcrux, as well as the cup. I destroyed the cup without the dark lord knowing, and the snake can be easily killed when the time comes. Now the only problem is the third one. It is an item of Rowena Ravenclaw. I have not found out what it is but I know Draco was told to sneak it into the school last year. That is all I way able to find out." Harry spoke up just as Snape finished, "so there is only one Horcrux we have to worry about, it belonged to Ravenclaw, and it’s in the school?" Snape bowed his head and Harry took it as a yes. Before Harry could think about it Snape spoke up, "It is time to go now Harry.

Harry woke up and Ron was up getting dressed for breakfast. Harry slowly got out of bed and got dressed. He followed Ron down the stair to an awaiting Hermione and Ginny. They gave them a quick kiss and headed down to breakfast after everyone else. Harry had them hang back a little from the group so he could tell them about the dream. Hermione's response was as Harry had expected, she started suggesting books they could look in. Ron and Ginny did not say anything as she talked. They all traveled down to eat and then headed off to classes.

They next few weeks were uneventful. Harry didn’t have Snape come to him and they spent most of their time in the library. Hermione even tried Ancestry logs she found but they were having no luck at all. They were well into October and Halloween was approaching fast. Ron and Ginny both made the Quidditch team again so they all spent allot of time practicing along with schoolwork was making time fly.

Harry awoke on the morning of Halloween before anyone else. He got dressed and headed down to the common room. There were a few early risers so Harry sat in his chair and waited for everyone to wake up. Harry started wandering, "Why are we looking for what belonged to Ravenclaw. Why not look for where Malfoy would have hid it?" Then Harry started thinking of where he would have hidden it. Harry was thinking boys’ bathroom, his dorm room, maybe even Crabbe or Goyle had it. Before Harry realized it Ron, Ginny and Hermione came over and shook him out of his thinking. He looked at them shocked; he had forgotten they were coming. He they relayed to them what he was thinking as they headed down to breakfast.

Luckily, it was Saturday and they had no classes today so they sat around the common room thinking. After an hour or so Harry noticed Luna and Neville walk through then it hit Harry. "What about the room of requirement." Harry blurted out, "Malfoy spent most of his time in there last year. It is bound to be in there." They all jumped up and headed to the room. Harry stood there for a few seconds staring at the wall then it hit him. Last year when Harry entered here to hide his book, which still was sitting inside, he saw the vanishing cabinet. Therefore, Harry started pacing back and forth thinking, "I need my book back. I need my book back. I need my book back." As soon as he thought it, Ginny grabbed his arm and he opened his eyes.

The door stood there right in front of his face so he reached out and turned the knob. They all stepped inside and shut the door. This room was filled with odds and ends ceiling to floor. Harry thought to himself, "this is going to take some time." and he started looking. The rest took their own areas and started searching around. Harry picked up a broken wand, a cauldron with a big hole in it and even an old book, which was torn to shreds. They searched for what seems like hours until they decided to give up and try again tomorrow. As they left, they noticed everyone was heading down to dinner. They joined the crowd and sat at their table. They just sat there enjoying the meals the house elves prepared for them. Then it hit Harry, he could get Kreacher and Dobby to look for the Ravenclaw item.

Harry contemplated this while he ate and had a good time with everyone else. Pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, along with other items, were a great dessert. Being full and all Harry decided to go down and visit Dobby in the morning. He followed the rest of his classmates out into the hall with Ginny hugging on his arm. Ginny decided she wanted to have a little Halloween party in the room of requirement. Ron and Hermione followed them as the split from the rest of the class.

They showed up in front of the room but this time Ginny decided to pace back and forth in front of the room. When she finished they all stepped inside, the room was covered in red velvet curtains and satin sheets. There were candles lining the room to give it a little light. Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled, "I've been planning this for a while." She then mentioned more of her plan, "I want both you and Ron in me at the same time."

Harry was a little taken back by this but he quickly agreed. Hermione was in on the plan so she didn’t mind because she would get them next. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and walked him over to a huge bed in the middle of the room. The bed could have held all of Dumbledore's Army on top plus some. Ginny stripped down quickly and jumped into the bed. Ron and Harry quickly followed suit. Just as they started getting into bed, the door opened up. Luna and Neville walked into the room and shut the door. Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled again, "I invited them along to. I also invited someone else but I guess she isn't coming."

Before Harry could ask whom Luna, Neville and Hermione Stripped down. Harry and Ron jumped into bed next to Ginny while the other three climbed in next to them. Ron laid down onto his back and Ginny climbed right on top. Harry (just helping it go faster) grabbed Ron’s cock and pointed it to her pussy, Ginny slid down his shaft until she bottomed out. Harry got up behind her and gave his cock a few strokes. Harry got a firm grip on it and pointed to her ass. When he felt it was going to stay, he let go, grabbed her hips, and pushed against her. She moaned as he slid the entire length in. Harry and Ron started moving in and out of her. It did not take them long to find a good rhythm since they had already done this a couple of times.

Meanwhile right next to them Hermione, Neville and Luna were having their fun. Neville was lying down on his back with Hermione trying to push his cock into her pussy. She had only managed to get the head in and was trying to push the rest in. Hermione started moaning with anticipation. Neville's cock was bending as if it was going to break when it straightened up. Hermione's eyes shot open like a rocket. Neville's cock shot all the way into Hermione with one shift movement. Hermione's eyes glazed over as she felt him settle in her. She moved her hips in a rocking motion back and forth on his stomach. Luna climbed up and settled her pussy onto his face.

Neville stuck his tongue deep into her pussy. Luna gave him a moan of pleasure; she leaned forward and stuck her tongue down Hermione's throat. Hermione never missed a bounce as she impaled herself on Neville. Hermione reached out and grabbed Luna's breast and squeezed her nipples in-between her fingers. Neville grabbed Hermione's hips, shoved her down onto his cock, and moaned into Luna's pussy. Hermione got off and laid down next to him, Luna meanwhile got up off his face, got between his legs, and took his cock into her mouth.

Next to them, Harry decided he wanted some pussy so he pulled out of Ginny and lay down on the bed. Ginny pulled off of Ron and impaled herself onto Harry's awaiting cock. Ron meanwhile climbed over to Hermione and stuck his dick into her pussy. Luna seemed to get Neville’s cock to stick back up so she planted her pussy on his member. All six of them were now fucking and enjoying themselves. Hermione felt like the weird one so she rolled Ron over so that all three girls were on top of the men.

They were lucky that the room was sound proof because they were making allot of noise by now. After what seemed like hours, but only 20 minutes had passed, Harry grabbed Ginny's waist and impaled her as much as he could and came deep into her pussy. Just as Ginny fell onto Harry's chest Neville moaned again and came so hard, sperm started seeping out of her pussy. Luna meanwhile fell backwards and Neville’s cock plopped out of her. Ron on the other hand lasted a few more minutes longer than the rest until Hermione collapsed on him. All six of them were exhausted and fell asleep.

Harry was dreaming he was swimming in the prefects’ bathroom. Myrtle decided to pay him another visit and while Harry tried covering up from her, she just stuck her head through his hands. Harry felt his cock get warm and wetter as she sucked him off. Harry decided to remove his hands and enjoy the feeling. He took his hands, grabbed the back of her head, and fucked her face as good as he could. Harry then realizes she is a ghost and should not be able to do this. Harry awoke with a fright and laid there. He could still feel Myrtle sucking on him; he then realized someone was actually sucking on him.

Harry looked down and saw a head full of black hair. Who ever it was knew what they were doing so Harry laid his head back down. She kept picking up speed and she took all of Harry's cock down her throat without any problems. She then released his cock and Harry felt a little disappointed until he felt her climb up his body. Harry looked her straight in the eyes and smiled.


To Be Continued....

Harry potter sex storie (revisited) 9&10

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Pensive Adventure

Life had gone on over the next couple of weeks. Harry and Ginny made a couple of trips to the prefects’ bathroom and a couple of times invited Ron and Hermione to join them. They still had no success with finding out what the writing was or even how to open the box. About a month after arriving at school the four of them decided to take a trip down to the lake. They all took their usual seats, Ginny and Hermione between Harry and Ron’s legs, and was taking turns examining the box. All of a sudden, a snake came slithering out of the water towards them. None of them looked worried and Harry told the snake to go back to the water.

Hermione had been holding the box and screamed, "Harry it glow

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ed just now."

Harry took the box from her and examined it carefully. It just looked the same to Harry as he twirled it around.

"It happened when you told the snake to go away so try talking in parseltongue to it." Hermione told him.

Harry just shrugged and figured why not they had tried everything else. Harry say it down and in parseltongue told it, "open says me" Harry figured he would be comical about it. However, there was nothing comical about it, the box glowed a deep purple color. The writing on the box was now readable. It said, "yoU Seek rEvenge in The sHadows, fEel Love and yOu Could Kill voldEmorT"

Hermione reached into her back and pulled out a quill and a piece of scrap parchment and jotted down the words before they disappeared. Hermione sat there, read, and reread it repeatedly before gasping.

"Harry do you still have the locket you and Dumbledore thought was a Horcrux?" Harry told her it was up in his room. She started crossing off letters until "USE THE LOCKET" were the only letters left. They all jumped up and ran up into the castle. It was right before curfew so they had not came across anyone. "Dinglebit" they all said to the fat lady and climbed inside. Harry hurried up into his room and opened his truck to search for the locket. He had found it right next to the looking glass his godfather had given him. He hurried back down stair without putting anything back and sat next to Ginny.

Harry opened the locket and tried putting it onto each of the circles on top. The box popped open a crack, after a little jump from Ginny, Harry opened it up all the way. Inside was the actual locket, the ring Dumbledore wore last year and a piece of parchment rolled up. Harry grabbed the parchment and read it. After reading it, he decided to read it aloud after checking no one else was around.

"Harry if you are reading this then that means my plan is going as planed. I left you the ring and locket, which were the only two Horcruxes I found. Yes, I know you are thinking what that locket inside of the cave was. Regulas Black, Sirius’s brother, left that locket. I knew he had taken it but I need to take you to the cave for my plan to work. I had to appear weakened for when the death eaters attack the school. Regulas had taken it shortly before he was killed. I found the Horcrux locket in Grimmuald after Serious died. I know also that you are mad at Snape right now but you need not be. He killed me on my orders. He had made an unbreakable bond with Narcissa and if he had not killed me, he would have died. I made Snape promise me that he would carry it out if Draco could not do it. He is more important than I am for your survival.

Along with this box, I have left you the pensive and all the memories you need to find the other horcruxes. Three have been found already and four are left. One is in the Voldemort still walking around and Snape knows where the other three are. I believe in you Harry and you can kill Voldemort. You are the only one you can. Please stay at school and the rest will come to you in the following days."

Harry finished reading the letter and looked around at everyone to get their responses. He could not see any; they just had blank expressions on their faces.

Finally Hermione spoke up, "So Snape killed him because he told him to. That must be why he was pleading with Snape when he killed him. He was begging for death so that Snape could live.”

Harry just stared at her and started registering what she had said. Snape was actually still good but how could Dumbledore do that. He was more important to him than Snape was. Snape hated Harry for what his father and godfather did to him in school. What had happened after school to make things change?

Everyone went off to bed alone tonight to ponder what they just found out. Harry sat on his bed thinking and he noticed the pensive sitting on the foot. He had put it there when he was looking for the locket. He pulled it close to him and peered inside. All he saw was water boiling on top. He reached off the bed and grabbed the box of memories. Harry started picking up each bottle and putting them to the side as he read them.

"Tom asks for job, Harry recalling Voldemort's return, Snape's remorse" Harry stopped with this one still in his hand and read it over. He grabbed at the cork, pulled it off, dumped it into the pensive and watched it swirl around inside. Harry then plunged his face into the cool liquid air. In and instant he was pulled inside and landed right next to Dumbledore. Harry felt a happiness come over him until he realized it was just a memory. Harry looked around and saw Snape sitting down across from them.

"If I had any idea what the prophecy meant I would never have told the dark lord. James and I have had our differences in the past but I did not want him dead. He saved my life and I must be grateful for that. Lily was the best person I knew, she always tried to befriend me when I was always so mean to her." Snape then broke into tears and continued, "Pleas forgive me Dumbledore. I will do anything to make it up to Harry when he becomes of age. I am the reason he has to grow up without great parents."

Dumbledore rose up and went over to Snape, he laid a hand onto his shoulder and told him, "I believe you have remorse for what you have done. Harry is going to need looking after until he comes to school. I have already taken the means of having lookouts posted and he is covered by old magic for protection. I need you to come to my school and teach."

Harry knew the memory was over and thought about what he read. He bent slightly at the knees and gave a little push upward. He landed back on his bed in front of the pensive. He looked around and noticed everyone was still asleep. Harry decided to take another trip into the pensive. He went through the bottles until he came across, "Teaching Susan" Harry pulled the cork out and poured the contents into the pensive. Harry was standing next to Dumbledore behind his desk. There was a young girl of maybe 15 or 16 sitting across from them.

"You wanted to see me prof." the girl said.

She was pretty with strawberry hair and nice firm breast Harry could see poking out her white, Weird Sisters, shirt. She had two little dimples in her cheeks and wore wand shaped earrings in her ears. Harry noticed a small mole sitting on her cheek, which just made her look better. It was like a beauty mark.

Dumbledore spoke up; Harry had forgotten he was even there, "Yes I wanted to talk to you about your O.W.L.S. It seems here that you want to be an auror but you failed D.A.D.A. So I wanted to talk to you about taking a different career path."

She started crying, "I wanted auror, its all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was a kid. Everyone in my family are aurors and if I don’t get in ill be the disappointment of the family. Is there anything I can do to fix this?"

Dumbledore just sat there staring at her without speaking. She stood up and walked around his desk. Dumbledore rotated his chair se he was looking at her as she walked. She stopped jut short of the chair in between his legs. She looked down and noticed a bulge underneath his robes. She slowly got down onto her knees and positioned her head above the bulge while pulling his robes up.

A 10 inch cock was sitting on his lap soft and lifeless. She took his cock into her hands and gently messaged it up and down the shaft. She stuck her tongue out and gave the head a little lick which got an immediate response. Now being half erect she took his cock into her mouth and sucked on the top half of it. Harry knew she could not take his entire length into her mouth. Just then she slid her head all the way down impaling his entire length down her throat. There was a look of shock and amusement on both Harry and Dumbledore’s face.

Harry saw the entire cock disappear repeatedly into her mouth making sucking sounds with each stroke. After Dumbledore, now Harry, was completely hard she stood up and slowly let her robes fall to the floor. She turned around and reached in between her legs grabbing a hold of Dumbledore’s cock and placing it into her pussy. Harry went around and got in between her legs to watch and see if it ripped her in two or not.

As she slowly lowered her body Harry could see the cock disappear without and problems. Her pussy stretched curved inward as the cock slid in. She was so wet Harry could see her juices rolling down Dumbledore’s cock. Before he knew it, the entire cock was gone inside her pussy. She slowly moved her hips up and down on top of his cock.

She started screaming as Dumbledore grabbed her hips and forced her down harder and faster, “ouch it hurts but yet it feels soooo god, harder”

Dumbledore wrapped his around her waist and stood up with his cock still impaled in her. He turned so her body was resting on top of his desk and her ass sticking in the air. He grabbed her hips and slammed her into the desk With each thrust Harry could se and hear the desk moving with each thrust. He took his cock out of her pussy and Harry figured Dumbledore was done until he reached over to his desk and opened a drawer. He reached inside and pulled out a tube and squeezed some of its contents onto his cock and stroked it to spread the liquid around. He took his cock into his hand and placed it to her but hole. He slowly pushed as Harry thought it was not going to fit when Dumbledore grabbed a hold of her around the waist and rammed it all the way in.

“Ahhhh, shit” she screamed as he hit home

Harry was astonished that she did not rip open right then. Harry looked at the expression on her face which looked like pain and pleasure at the same time. He could see a single tear running down her cheek but there was a smile all the same. Dumbledore rammed his cock into her ass but it only took a few extra strokes before he pulled it out and squirted all over her back. When that happened she lowered her face onto the desk and gave a muffles yell as she had her own orgasm.

Dumbledore grabbed his wand and without speaking cleaned her up and she was dressed before she stood up and took her seat while he talked to her, “Well the only thing I can do is give you private lessons all year and have you retake the owls at the end of the year. Now it will be hard” he gave her a little smile and wink before continuing, “ and enjoyable at the same time but I think I can teach you some good things.”

She jumped up and ran over to him giving him a hug before leaving out through the doors. Dumbledore just sat there and smiled. The memory ended and Harry was back on top of his bed looking around. Harry figured that once the memory ended it kicked you out.

He dipped the bottle into the pensive and extracted the memory. Harry was now horny as hell and did not know what to do. He figured he could just go down and take a cooling bath. He picked up his invisibility cloak and map before leaving. Harry had thrown the cloak over himself before leaving the room in case someone was still in the common room. He crept down stairs and started for the portrait when he heard a noise in the corner. Harry looked and saw a first year girl sitting in a chair.

Harry crept over to her without making a sound. As he got closer the fire in the room made her glow in a reddish orange color. Harry could tell she was a third year girl he had seen around he thought her name was Amber or something like that. When he got closer he could smell the sex she was emitting from her pussy. He looked down and noticed she was driving a wand in and out of her pussy moaning with each stroke.

Sweat beads dripping down her forehead onto her cheek and ending on her chin. Harry got down on his knees and looked in between her legs and witnessed a liquid foaming around her wand as she slid it out. Harry withdrew his cock and gently stroked it in his hand with the cloak getting in his way. She took the wand out and inserted it into her mouth and sucked all the juices off. Harry too this opportunity to extend his cock outside his cloak by lifting the bottom and wrapping up so just his cock was sitting there floating in mid air.

She had her head laid back moving her wand in and out of her mouth so Harry inched his floating cock closer to her pussy. He reached the opening and slid just his head inside when she froze and opened her eyes looking around. Harry froze there staring at her until she decided it was nothing and closed her eyes again. Harry took a chance and pushed with all of his might and plunged his entire cock into her. She did not open her eyes this time, she only laid there moaning.

“Fucking ghosts, get me every time I do this, it is probably headless Nick again.” She said as Harry just stood on his knees with his cock buried in her.

Harry, after a little giggle she could not hear, slid his cock in and out of her pussy with nice long strokes. She was more slick, wet and hot than anyone else he had fucked in the last two years. Harry kept his strokes at a long steady pace so he could keep this sensation as long as he could. Harry, however, just witnessing the sex scene with Dumbledore was already primed with wanting to cum. He took one last stroke and exploded his hot cum into her womb where he hoped she would end up pregnant.

After pulling out his cock and sitting for a seconds, she fell asleep afterwards, he got up and headed to his room. As he reached the bottom of the stairs however he heard someone coming toward his from the stairs so he hid on the side of the door way so he would not get bumped. After a few second Neville came stumbling down the stairs in a half sleepy state and went over to the bathroom that was right next to the half naked girl but he did not seem to notice.

Harry started back up the stairs as he heard Neville finish. After a couple of steps he could not hear him coming and turned to look at Neville standing over the half naked girl with his cock in his hand lightly stroking it above her face. When he put the head to her lips she separated her lips like she had been waiting for it. Harry turned and set off for his bed because he knew if he did not leave not he would never leave. Harry climbed into bed and closed his eyes thinking of the great day he had.

Ginny was on her back completely naked and Harry was driving his cock in and out of her pussy. Harry looked up and noticed they were fucking in the great hall on top on the teachers table and everyone else were sitting down at their tables cheering them on. Harry looked back at Ginny and noticed she now had a cock in side of her mouth. Harry looked up and saw Snape standing there face fucking her. Snape withdrew his cock and sprayed his cum all over her face which turned Harry on and he let his load inside of her pussy.

Snape finally spoke up, “Nice dreams Potter, now come with me.” he said grabbing Harry by the arm as they both walked through the crowd they both tried putting their cocks away.

Snape's Story

"Potter I wanted talk to you." Snape told Harry as they walked away from Ginny as she laid there naked. He continued, "Dumbledore had made me promise to kill him if the circumstance was right. Malfoy's job was to kill Dumbledore and help the death eaters into the castle. I had not found out about this until after I talked to the dark lord." he paused for a second and looked at Harry. When Harry did not say anything he continued, "Now I want you to understand I did not want this to happen. I cared for Dumbledore as much as any person, that is why I dared not disobey him. I did not try to kill him either, you many know that you have to mean a curse in order to use it. I there fore could not use the killing curse on him. Therefore I said the words but I was thinking, "Levicorpus" I tried to float him out the window and I figured he would be fine. Nevertheless when I heard he had died I had blamed myself for the longest time until I remembered my promise I made to him about keeping you safe."

Harry just stared at him for a second. He then spoke up, "Well I know about the unbreakable bond you made with Malfoy's mother. I also know that Dumbledore trusted you with out a doubt. But what I want to know is," Snape interrupted, "is why I had remorse for your parents. I thought we might get to that. You see Harry your father saved my life, after school had happened we all went our separate ways. I ended up joining the dark lord and he married your mother and had you. A week after you were born I was attacked by a group of dogs. I was left bleeding to death and your parents did not live that far away, from where I was attacked. I had somehow made it to their house and they took me in and cared for me until it was safe enough to transport me to St. Mungo's where I healed the rest of the way.

"Now Harry we don’t have much time but I have found the three Horcruxes you seek. The snake is a Horcrux, as well as the cup. I destroyed the cup without the dark lord knowing, and the snake can be easily killed when the time comes. Now the only problem is the third one. It is an item of Rowena Ravenclaw. I have not found out what it is but I know Draco was told to sneak it into the school last year. That is all I way able to find out." Harry spoke up just as Snape finished, "so there is only one Horcrux we have to worry about, it belonged to Ravenclaw, and it’s in the school?" Snape bowed his head and Harry took it as a yes. Before Harry could think about it Snape spoke up, "It is time to go now Harry.

Harry awoke to Ron getting out of bed getting dressed so Harry joined him. The set off to the common room where they waited for Ginny and Hermione, they always took for rver to get ready. Ginny came down first followed shortly by Hermione who gave them each a kiss and they headed off to breakfast. Harry decided to wait until after breakfast to tell them about the dream. Harry did not eat much with the idea of horcruxes floating in his head.

“Listen,” Harry spoke out of nowhere “I need to speak to you guys. I want to speak to you out by the lake for some privacy”

They stood up and left out of the great hall, thru the front doors and made their way down to the lake where Harry relayed his dream to them. Almost right away they each suggested places like the Slytherin room or an empty class room. Someone even suggested the forest but Harry knew he would not go back in there if he could help it.

Over the next couple of weeks they searched everywhere that they could think of, but Harry, Ron and Ginny all had quidditch to practice so time was cut short. Ron was getting a lot better and Ginny became a chaser like she wanted to. Harry awoke on a bright day because he had a hard time sleeping, the fact a horcruxes was in the school and he could not find it really irritated him. He sat in the common room pondering where it could be.

Harry started wandering, "Why are we looking for what belonged to Ravenclaw. Why not look for where Malfoy would have hid it?" Then Harry started thinking of where he would have hidden it. Harry was thinking boys’ bathroom, his dorm room, maybe even Crabbe or Goyle had it. Before Harry realized it Ron, Ginny and Hermione came over and shook him out of his thinking. He looked at them shocked; he had forgotten they were coming. He they relayed to them what he was thinking as they headed down to breakfast.

Luckily, it was Saturday and they had no classes today so they sat around the common room thinking. After an hour or so Harry noticed Luna and Neville walk through then it hit Harry. "What about the room of requirement." Harry blurted out, "Malfoy spent most of his time in there last year. It is bound to be in there." They all jumped up and headed to the room. Harry stood there for a few seconds staring at the wall then it hit him. Last year when Harry entered here to hide his book, which still was sitting inside, he saw the vanishing cabinet. Therefore, Harry started pacing back and forth thinking, "I need my book back. I need my book back. I need my book back." As soon as he thought it, Ginny grabbed his arm and he opened his eyes.

The door stood there right in front of his face so he reached out and turned the knob. They all stepped inside and shut the door. This room was filled with odds and ends ceiling to floor. Harry thought to himself, "this is going to take some time." and he started looking. The rest took their own areas and started searching around. Harry picked up a broken wand, a cauldron with a big hole in it and even an old book, which was torn to shreds. They searched for what seems like hours until they decided to give up and try again tomorrow. As they left, they noticed everyone was heading down to dinner. They joined the crowd and sat at their table. They just sat there enjoying the meals the house elves prepared for them. Then it hit Harry, he could get Kreacher and Dobby to look for the Ravenclaw item.

Harry contemplated this while he ate and had a good time with everyone else. Pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, along with other items, were a great dessert. Being full and all Harry decided to go down and visit Dobby in the morning. He followed the rest of his classmates out into the hall with Ginny hugging on his arm. Ginny decided she wanted to have a little Halloween party in the room of requirement. Ron and Hermione followed them as the split from the rest of the class.

They showed up in front of the room but this time Ginny decided to pace back and forth in front of the room. When she finished they all stepped inside, the room was covered in red velvet curtains and satin sheets. There were candles lining the room to give it a little light. Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled, "I've been planning this for a while." She then mentioned more of her plan, "I want both you and Ron in me at the same time."

Harry was a little taken back by this but he quickly agreed. Hermione was in on the plan so she didn’t mind because she would get them next. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and walked him over to a huge bed in the middle of the room. The bed could have held all of Dumbledore's Army on top plus some. Ginny stripped down quickly and jumped into the bed. Ron and Harry quickly followed suit. Just as they started getting into bed, the door opened up. Luna and Neville walked into the room and shut the door.

Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled again, "I invited them along to. I also invited someone else but I guess she isn't coming."

Before Harry could ask whom, Luna, Neville and Hermione Stripped down. Harry and Ron jumped into bed next to Ginny while the other three climbed in next to them. Ron laid down onto his back and Ginny climbed right on top. Harry (just helping it go faster) grabbed Ron’s cock and pointed it to her pussy, Ginny slid down his shaft until she bottomed out. Harry got up behind her and gave his cock a few strokes. Harry got a firm grip on it and pointed to her ass. When he felt it was going to stay, he let go, grabbed her hips, and pushed against her. She moaned as he slid the entire length in. Harry and Ron started moving in and out of her. It did not take them long to find a good rhythm since they had already done this a couple of times.

Meanwhile right next to them Hermione, Neville and Luna were having their fun. Neville was lying down on his back with Hermione trying to push his cock into her pussy. She had only managed to get the head in and was trying to push the rest in. Hermione started moaning with anticipation. Neville's cock was bending as if it was going to break when it straightened up. Hermione's eyes shot open like a rocket. Neville's cock shot all the way into Hermione with one shift movement. Hermione's eyes glazed over as she felt him settle in her. She moved her hips in a rocking motion back and forth on his stomach. Luna climbed up and settled her pussy onto his face.

Neville stuck his tongue deep into her pussy. Luna gave him a moan of pleasure; she leaned forward and stuck her tongue down Hermione's throat. Hermione never missed a bounce as she impaled herself on Neville. Hermione reached out and grabbed Luna's breast and squeezed her nipples in-between her fingers. Neville grabbed Hermione's hips, shoved her down onto his cock, and moaned into Luna's pussy. Hermione got off and laid down next to him, Luna meanwhile got up off his face, got between his legs, and took his cock into her mouth.

Next to them, Harry decided he wanted some pussy so he pulled out of Ginny and lay down on the bed. Ginny pulled off of Ron and impaled herself onto Harry's awaiting cock. Ron meanwhile climbed over to Hermione and stuck his dick into her pussy. Luna seemed to get Neville’s cock to stick back up so she planted her pussy on his member. All six of them were now fucking and enjoying themselves. Hermione felt like the weird one so she rolled Ron over so that all three girls were on top of the men.

They were lucky that the room was sound proof because they were making allot of noise by now. After what seemed like hours, but only 20 minutes had passed, Harry grabbed Ginny's waist and impaled her as much as he could and came deep into her pussy. Just as Ginny fell onto Harry's chest Neville moaned again and came so hard, sperm started seeping out of her pussy. Luna meanwhile fell backwards and Neville’s cock plopped out of her. Ron on the other hand lasted a few more minutes longer than the rest until Hermione collapsed on him. All six of them were exhausted and fell asleep.

Harry was dreaming he was swimming in the prefects’ bathroom. Myrtle decided to pay him another visit and while Harry tried covering up from her, she just stuck her head through his hands. Harry felt his cock get warm and wetter as she sucked him off. Harry decided to remove his hands and enjoy the feeling. He took his hands, grabbed the back of her head, and fucked her face as good as he could. Harry then realizes she is a ghost and should not be able to do this. Harry awoke with a fright and laid there. He could still feel Myrtle sucking on him; he then realized someone was actually sucking on him.

Harry looked down and saw a head full of black hair. Who ever it was knew what they were doing so Harry laid his head back down. She kept picking up speed and she took all of Harry's cock down her throat without any problems. She then released his cock and Harry felt a little disappointed until he felt her climb up his body. Harry looked her straight in the eyes and smile.

Cho Chang was looking back into his eyes. Harry grabbed her waist and helped her up. He then helped her slide onto his cock and he pushed it as far as he could until he felt some resistance. He had felt this before and knew it was her hymen. "That’s one thing Cedrick didn't take" Harry thought to himself. He grabbed her hips and pushed up into her to break the resistance. She gave a high-pitched scream, Harry looked over at Ginny and she looked at him and smiled, “she’s the one I was waiting on.” Harry then leaned over and kissed her.

He then turned his attention back to Cho. He pushed up with his hips to get her going. She then bucked upward and slid back down. Harry grabbed hold of her and moved her faster up and down on his cock. Cho closed her eyes, started moaning by which time everyone else had woken up, and started having sex with each other. Ginny reached up, grabbed hold of Cho’s breasts, and gave them a hearty tug, which she seemed to like. Harry looked closer at Cho's breasts and noticed she have each nipple pierced. Harry then looked down at her pussy, spread her lips open, and saw another piercing down there.

This had just turned Harry on even more as he picked up speed. Still this was not fast enough for Harry so he grabbed hold and in one quick motion spun her around onto her back and stayed on top. Harry laid down onto her until he felt her breasts press against him. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed into her as hard as he could. Harry pulled out of her until he was about to fall out and then pushed back in as fast as he could. Harry then started his speed fucking by sliding his cock in and out of her in fast, steady movements. He looked down and her breast looked like they would hit her face if he went any faster. Harry pulled his cock out on Ginny quickly went down to it and stuck it into her mouth. Harry shot his load into her mouth and she took it all without spilling a drop. All three of them laid down right next to each other with Harry it in middle. They laid there watching everyone else finish. Everyone was asleep within a half an hour; it was about two in the morning by now.

Harry was looking up at a house he had never seen before but, somehow, he knew about this house. Harry walked up to the door and knocked. A tall figure was walking toward the door. Harry heard, "who's there?" from the other side of the door. Before Harry could say his name he heard himself reply, "It is Severus, I need to talk to you. It is important, a matter of life and death." The door opened and Snape stepped through the door. He then turned around to look at who had let him in.

Harry's heart gave a little lurch; his father was standing right in front of him and alive. "Who's at the door?" Harry heard from behind him and knew that this had to be his mother. Harry turned around and saw his eyes looking back at him. "Oh hello Severus." she had said. After Severus greeted her, they all went into the living room to sit down. Lily had disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a few bottles of Butterbeer. When she sat down and Harry started talking in Snape's voice, "I have come here on behalf of the dark lord. He is asking you to join him or he will kill you and your son." James started to stand but Snape continued, "It not me who wants this, in fact I was reluctant to come but he made me. I am grateful for you saving my life, but I must do as I’m told.

I beg you to leave here tonight because the dark lord will not be happy with a rejection and he will show up here. Do not waist any time, Dumbledore might have a place for you to go to be safe and I suggest asking him to add some enchantments." Harry's father had sat back down by now and said, "Thank you Severus for coming and warning us but I shall talk this over with Dumbledore and see what he says. Thank you for coming and now I must ask you to leave." Harry stood up, Shock his father’s hand, and made for the door. "Wait Severus I want to thank you for warning us properly." Severus had turned around and Lily was lowering her dark blue nightdress.

She had a beautiful body, even though it was Harry's mother, and perfect tits. Nice little hand fulls like Ginny's, and she was completely shaved. "Why do allot of women do that?" Harry thought to himself. She walked over to Severus, dropped to her knees and took Snape's cock into her mouth. She was not bad at it either, he had better but it was enjoyable nevertheless. James meanwhile had taken off his clothes and was walking toward them. He got down on his knees and buried his face into her ass. Harry could see his tongue enter her ass hole and lick it in and out. He then got up, took his cock into his hand, and pushed it into her ass. Lily moaned around Snape's cock as James pushed in as far as he could.

When James pushed, Severus withdrew his cock. When Severus pushed back into her willing mouth, James withdrew his cock. They were really getting a good rhythm going. Lilly looked like she was enjoying herself. Snape withdrew his cock and stripped off his clothes while James grabbed hold of Lily's waist and pulled her with him until he was sitting on his ass on the floor. Lilly started bouncing up and down as the cock implanted into her ass deeper and deeper. Snape had all of his clothes off and walked over to the couple. He got down in between her legs and planted his cock into her awaiting pussy.

Snape pushed with all he had and bottomed out in seconds. He pushed and pulled his cock the entire length and was picking up speed. Lilly held her breath started coming around his cock, which made it slicker, and he just moved faster. The three of them were sweating really well by now and Lily just looked even better. Severus leaned over and took one of her breasts into his mouth. He circled her nipple with his tongue; he then took her nipple in-between his teeth and pulled until it popped out of his mouth.

Severus pulled his cock out, grabbed it with his hand, and stroked it ever so slightly. Snape shot his load all over Lily's breasts. Then Harry felt himself do something he had never seen done before, Snape bent over and licked all of his cum off her breasts. James then grabbed her hips and pushed in as hard as he could. Harry knew that this was over because he felt himself waking up.

Harry put on his glasses and looked around the room. Only himself and Ginny were left in bed naked. Everyone else seemed to have left them alone. Harry looked over and saw Ginny still fast asleep so he decided to wake her up in a good way. Harry climbed down the bed and got in-between her legs. He grabbed hold of her hips and stuck his tongue into her as far as he could. Harry could hear Ginny moaning and he knew she was still asleep. Harry then climbed on top of her and pointed his cock to her pussy. When the head settled in her hole, he leaned over and gave her a kiss, which seemed to wake her up.

As Ginny kissed him back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her. Harry took this as a "fuck me" and pulled his cock out of her hot, wet pussy. Harry pushed until he felt their pubic intertwine. Harry decided he wanted to try something new and took her left leg up his chest and put it over his shoulder. Harry hugged her leg and pushed into her. Doing it this way seemed to tighten her pussy for him around his cock. Harry pushed and pulled, in and out of her while caressing her breasts. Harry withdrew his cock and slowly stroked it until his cum shot out and landed on her face. Ginny just took her finger and wiped the cum off then stuck it into her mouth.

Harry potter 11

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

hankful Thanksgiving

The next few weeks went buy dull. After searching the room of requirement a hundred times over, Harry went and made Kreacher and asked Dobby to help look. Harry awoke the morning of thanksgiving and decided to skip breakfast and search the room. Harry slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Pavarti and Padme Patil were inside at the back of the room and had not noticed Harry enter. Harry crept down the isle and hid behind a bookcase.

"We need to find a place to put these before someone finds them." Harry heard one of them say. "There’s this cabinet but it looks to open. How about behind that stack of books?" the other one replied. Harry tried to look better to see what they were hiding, but they had t

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heir backs to him. Harry just stood there quietly, watching and waiting. They moved over to the stack of books one of them pointed out and put something back there. "We could get one more use out of them." one of them stated and the other just smiled and reached behind the books.

They both pulled their cloths off and walked over to a bed Harry noticed that just came out of nowhere. They lay down with their knees touching and their pussies were inches apart. Harry finally saw what they were hiding when one of them pulled it out into the open. Harry saw a pink double-headed dildo that had to be 10-12 inches long. The one toward the bottom of the bed put it to the opening of her pussy. She pulled the middle of the dildo and it seemed to slide right in. The other sister did the same thing except she seemed to have a little trouble but it slid in nevertheless.

They both lay down and grabbed the top and bottom of the bed, whichever end they each were at, and pulled themselves apart. They then pushed until the dildo was buried into both of their pussies. Harry was hard as a rock by now, took his cock out, and stroked it slowly. They moved faster and faster until they both screamed at the same time and released their grips. Harry just stood there waiting for what seemed like an hour, when he checked his watch in fact only 15 min past, when he heard them both start to snore.

Harry decided he would like to have some fun to so he walked over to the side of the bed. Harry just noticed that they were indeed twins, everything was the same even the triangle pussy hair, with the same size breasts. Their breasts were allot bigger than Ginny's and Hermione's put together, although laying down he couldn't tell exactly how big they were, so he decided to caress the one toward the top of the bed. Harry bent his head lower and stroked her nipple with the tip of his tongue; she gave a moan of pleasure.

Harry reached down and pulled the dildo out of both the pussies, considering it was falling out anyways, and stuck three fingers in. Her pussy was nice, hot and wet around his fingers. Harry pulled them out and in as fast as he could while sucking on her tits. Harry figured it was not fast enough so he rotated her until her pussy was at the edge of the bed. Harry got down on his knees and stuck only two fingers in this time. He gave her pussy a little flick of his tongue and started going at it. Harry pushed and pulled his hand as fast as he could, after a minute or so he decided thought to himself, "Why should she have all the fun? They are twins after all." Harry got up, after a little wine from the first twin, turned the second around like her sister, and put them side by side. He then got back down, put two fingers in each pussy, pushed them in and out in a back, and forth motion. He pushed his right fingers in and as he pulled them, out he would push the left hand in.

Both girls were bucking their hips in unison and moaning, "faster" Harry was surprised to hear this because he thought they were sleeping but he had expected it eventually because he did not know anyone that could sleep through this. Harry moved his hands as fast as he could but it didn’t seem to be enough so he pulled his hands out and took off all of his clothes while looking at them in their eyes. He then climbed on top of the first girl and slid his dick into her. Harry noticed the other one got up and went off somewhere. Harry looked around for her while he was fucking her sister. She came back from the stack of book wearing a dick. Well it was a strap on dildo. Harry figured she was going to use it on her sister's ass so he tried rolling onto his back but they both just held him there on top. Harry did not think anything of it so he kept pounding away.

Harry could feel something wet on his asshole but before he could turn around, he felt a dick shoved into his ass. It was the most uncomfortable thing Harry had ever felt so he stopped humping and tried pulling it out. The girl underneath him just grabbed his arms and held him in a firm grasp. Harry started enjoying it pounding into his ass. Harry decided to keep fucking along while being fucked. All three of them were moaning and groaning loudly. Harry felt the pressure fill up in his balls and he pushed hard and deep into her. Harry's cum just exploded into her. It was the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt. He pulled out of her and fell to the side releasing the cock in his ass. The other sister was not done yet so she took the cock off and strapped it to her sister.

Harry had gotten dressed while the two sisters continued fucking. Harry slipped out of the room, went back to Gryffindor town, and sat by the fire. "Harry, Harry wake up." Harry had fallen asleep sitting in the chair. Ginny was shaking him awake and asked him where he’d been. Harry told her he was just searching the room of requirement all morning. It was now closing on lunch and Ginny just sat on his lap before they went and ate. When lunch came, Harry was starving this time and they walked down to the great hall together.

They sat down across from Hermione and Ron waiting for the food to arrive. Harry could already smell the pumpkin pies baking for the feast tonight. After eating, they all went to the room of requirement to do some more searching. Harry went first to make sure the coast was clear, to really look for the Pavarti twins, and they stepped inside. They all searched all over until diner was ready and they left. As they walked, they started talking about the Horcrux not being in there and it might be in Slytherin somewhere. They sat down and the food popped up in front of them, which consisted of turkeys, hams, casseroles, beets and stuffing along with other items. Harry ate as much as he could save some room for pies. After diner, they all went up to their common room to rest. Ginny and Ron knocked off early with everyone else but Harry and Hermione was not tired so they started talking about the Horcruxes.

Hermione and Harry were sitting across from each other talking. Hermione bent over to pick up Crookshank, who was rubbing her legs, and her top fell open. When she sat straight, again she did not seem to notice her nipple was hanging out in the open. Harry got hard right away, which made a tent in his robes. Hermione noticed right away, looked into his eyes, and followed where his glare was. She looked down and noticed her nipple hanging there but instead of covering up she, after putting the cat down, got up and down in between Harry's legs and released his cock. Hermione put it all into her mouth and sucked on it like a pro. Bobbing her head up and down was a beautiful sit to Harry but he wanted to do something with his hands so he bent over and cupped her breasts from the sides.

Harry looked down as his cock entered and exited from her mouth. Harry grabbed he head slightly and leaned his head back, with his eyes closed, to enjoy the sensation. Hermione released his cock and removed all of her clothes. She then climbed up on Harry's lap and sank his cock into her pussy. It was a loose fitting, but it felt, and Harry grabbed her hips and helped her up and down on it. Both Harry and Hermione threw their head back and started panting. Hermione also gave some moans every other plunge. Harry reached up and cupped her breasts, giving each nipple a twist. After a few more bounces Harry reached around and shoved his finger up her ass. Harry then grabbed her ass, with his finger still buried, and pulled her down so he could come in her.

After getting dressed and cleaned, they went off to bed. In the next couple of weeks, they had checked the room of requirements but found nothing so Harry decided to give up and try something else after the holidays. Hermione was going home for a few days and then meet up with them at the burrow on Christmas day. That would give her some time with her parents and then some time with the Weasleys.

To Be Continued.….

Harry potter 12-17

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Snape's Story

"Potter I wanted talk to you." Snape told Harry as they walked away from Ginny laid down naked. He continued, "Dumbledore had made me promise to kill him if the circumstance was right. Malfoy's job was to kill Dumbledore and help the death eaters into the castle. I had not found out about this until after I talked to the dark lord." he paused for a second and looked at Harry. When Harry did not say anything he continued, "Now I want you to understand I did not want this to happen. I cared for Dumbledore as much as more people that is why I dared not disobey him. I did not try to kill him either, you many know that you have to mean a curse in order to use it. I there fore could not use the killing curse on him. There fo

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re I said the words but I was thinking, "Levicorpus" I tried to float him out the window and I figured he would be fine. Nevertheless when I heard he had died I had blamed myself for the longest time until I remembered my promise I made to him about keeping you safe."

Harry just stared at him for a second. He then spoke up, "Well I know about the unbreakable bond you made with Malfoy's mother. I also know that Dumbledore trusted you with out a doubt. But what I want to know is," Snape interrupted, "is why I had remorse for your parents. I thought we might get to that. You see Harry your father saved my life, after school had happened we all went our separate ways. I ended up joining the dark lord and he married your mother and had you. A week after you were born I was attacked by a group of dogs. I was left bleeding to death and your parents did not live that far away, from where I was attacked. I had somehow made it to their house and they took me in and cared for me until it was safe enough to transport me to St. Mungo's where I healed the rest of the way.

"Now Harry we don’t have much time but I have found the three Horcruxes you seek. The snake is a Horcrux, as well as the cup. I destroyed the cup without the dark lord knowing, and the snake can be easily killed when the time comes. Now the only problem is the third one. It is an item of Rowena Ravenclaw. I have not found out what it is but I know Draco was told to sneak it into the school last year. That is all I way able to find out." Harry spoke up just as Snape finished, "so there is only one Horcrux we have to worry about, it belonged to Ravenclaw, and it’s in the school?" Snape bowed his head and Harry took it as a yes. Before Harry could think about it Snape spoke up, "It is time to go now Harry.

Harry woke up and Ron was up getting dressed for breakfast. Harry slowly got out of bed and got dressed. He followed Ron down the stair to an awaiting Hermione and Ginny. They gave them a quick kiss and headed down to breakfast after everyone else. Harry had them hang back a little from the group so he could tell them about the dream. Hermione's response was as Harry had expected, she started suggesting books they could look in. Ron and Ginny did not say anything as she talked. They all traveled down to eat and then headed off to classes.

They next few weeks were uneventful. Harry didn’t have Snape come to him and they spent most of their time in the library. Hermione even tried Ancestry logs she found but they were having no luck at all. They were well into October and Halloween was approaching fast. Ron and Ginny both made the Quidditch team again so they all spent allot of time practicing along with schoolwork was making time fly.

Harry awoke on the morning of Halloween before anyone else. He got dressed and headed down to the common room. There were a few early risers so Harry sat in his chair and waited for everyone to wake up. Harry started wandering, "Why are we looking for what belonged to Ravenclaw. Why not look for where Malfoy would have hid it?" Then Harry started thinking of where he would have hidden it. Harry was thinking boys’ bathroom, his dorm room, maybe even Crabbe or Goyle had it. Before Harry realized it Ron, Ginny and Hermione came over and shook him out of his thinking. He looked at them shocked; he had forgotten they were coming. He they relayed to them what he was thinking as they headed down to breakfast.

Luckily, it was Saturday and they had no classes today so they sat around the common room thinking. After an hour or so Harry noticed Luna and Neville walk through then it hit Harry. "What about the room of requirement." Harry blurted out, "Malfoy spent most of his time in there last year. It is bound to be in there." They all jumped up and headed to the room. Harry stood there for a few seconds staring at the wall then it hit him. Last year when Harry entered here to hide his book, which still was sitting inside, he saw the vanishing cabinet. Therefore, Harry started pacing back and forth thinking, "I need my book back. I need my book back. I need my book back." As soon as he thought it, Ginny grabbed his arm and he opened his eyes.

The door stood there right in front of his face so he reached out and turned the knob. They all stepped inside and shut the door. This room was filled with odds and ends ceiling to floor. Harry thought to himself, "this is going to take some time." and he started looking. The rest took their own areas and started searching around. Harry picked up a broken wand, a cauldron with a big hole in it and even an old book, which was torn to shreds. They searched for what seems like hours until they decided to give up and try again tomorrow. As they left, they noticed everyone was heading down to dinner. They joined the crowd and sat at their table. They just sat there enjoying the meals the house elves prepared for them. Then it hit Harry, he could get Kreacher and Dobby to look for the Ravenclaw item.

Harry contemplated this while he ate and had a good time with everyone else. Pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, along with other items, were a great dessert. Being full and all Harry decided to go down and visit Dobby in the morning. He followed the rest of his classmates out into the hall with Ginny hugging on his arm. Ginny decided she wanted to have a little Halloween party in the room of requirement. Ron and Hermione followed them as the split from the rest of the class.

They showed up in front of the room but this time Ginny decided to pace back and forth in front of the room. When she finished they all stepped inside, the room was covered in red velvet curtains and satin sheets. There were candles lining the room to give it a little light. Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled, "I've been planning this for a while." She then mentioned more of her plan, "I want both you and Ron in me at the same time."

Harry was a little taken back by this but he quickly agreed. Hermione was in on the plan so she didn’t mind because she would get them next. Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and walked him over to a huge bed in the middle of the room. The bed could have held all of Dumbledore's Army on top plus some. Ginny stripped down quickly and jumped into the bed. Ron and Harry quickly followed suit. Just as they started getting into bed, the door opened up. Luna and Neville walked into the room and shut the door. Harry looked at Ginny and she just smiled again, "I invited them along to. I also invited someone else but I guess she isn't coming."

Before Harry could ask whom Luna, Neville and Hermione Stripped down. Harry and Ron jumped into bed next to Ginny while the other three climbed in next to them. Ron laid down onto his back and Ginny climbed right on top. Harry (just helping it go faster) grabbed Ron’s cock and pointed it to her pussy, Ginny slid down his shaft until she bottomed out. Harry got up behind her and gave his cock a few strokes. Harry got a firm grip on it and pointed to her ass. When he felt it was going to stay, he let go, grabbed her hips, and pushed against her. She moaned as he slid the entire length in. Harry and Ron started moving in and out of her. It did not take them long to find a good rhythm since they had already done this a couple of times.

Meanwhile right next to them Hermione, Neville and Luna were having their fun. Neville was lying down on his back with Hermione trying to push his cock into her pussy. She had only managed to get the head in and was trying to push the rest in. Hermione started moaning with anticipation. Neville's cock was bending as if it was going to break when it straightened up. Hermione's eyes shot open like a rocket. Neville's cock shot all the way into Hermione with one shift movement. Hermione's eyes glazed over as she felt him settle in her. She moved her hips in a rocking motion back and forth on his stomach. Luna climbed up and settled her pussy onto his face.

Neville stuck his tongue deep into her pussy. Luna gave him a moan of pleasure; she leaned forward and stuck her tongue down Hermione's throat. Hermione never missed a bounce as she impaled herself on Neville. Hermione reached out and grabbed Luna's breast and squeezed her nipples in-between her fingers. Neville grabbed Hermione's hips, shoved her down onto his cock, and moaned into Luna's pussy. Hermione got off and laid down next to him, Luna meanwhile got up off his face, got between his legs, and took his cock into her mouth.

Next to them, Harry decided he wanted some pussy so he pulled out of Ginny and lay down on the bed. Ginny pulled off of Ron and impaled herself onto Harry's awaiting cock. Ron meanwhile climbed over to Hermione and stuck his dick into her pussy. Luna seemed to get Neville’s cock to stick back up so she planted her pussy on his member. All six of them were now fucking and enjoying themselves. Hermione felt like the weird one so she rolled Ron over so that all three girls were on top of the men.

They were lucky that the room was sound proof because they were making allot of noise by now. After what seemed like hours, but only 20 minutes had passed, Harry grabbed Ginny's waist and impaled her as much as he could and came deep into her pussy. Just as Ginny fell onto Harry's chest Neville moaned again and came so hard, sperm started seeping out of her pussy. Luna meanwhile fell backwards and Neville’s cock plopped out of her. Ron on the other hand lasted a few more minutes longer than the rest until Hermione collapsed on him. All six of them were exhausted and fell asleep.

Harry was dreaming he was swimming in the prefects’ bathroom. Myrtle decided to pay him another visit and while Harry tried covering up from her, she just stuck her head through his hands. Harry felt his cock get warm and wetter as she sucked him off. Harry decided to remove his hands and enjoy the feeling. He took his hands, grabbed the back of her head, and fucked her face as good as he could. Harry then realizes she is a ghost and should not be able to do this. Harry awoke with a fright and laid there. He could still feel Myrtle sucking on him; he then realized someone was actually sucking on him.

Harry looked down and saw a head full of black hair. Who ever it was knew what they were doing so Harry laid his head back down. She kept picking up speed and she took all of Harry's cock down her throat without any problems. She then released his cock and Harry felt a little disappointed until he felt her climb up his body. Harry looked her straight in the eyes and smiled.


To Be Continued....

Snape’s Story part 2

Cho Chang was looking back into his eyes. Harry grabbed her waist and helped her up. He then helped her slide onto his cock and he pushed it as far as he could until he felt some resistance. He had felt this before and knew it was her hymen. "That’s one thing Cedrick didn't take" Harry thought to himself. He grabbed her hips and pushed up into her to break the resistance. She gave a high-pitched scream, Harry looked over at Ginny and she looked at him and smiled, “she’s the one I was waiting on.” Harry then leaned over and kissed her.

He then turned his attention back to Cho. He pushed up with his hips to get her going. She then bucked upward and slid back down. Harry grabbed hold of her and moved her faster up and down on his cock. Cho closed her eyes, started moaning by which time everyone else had woken up, and started having sex with each other. Ginny reached up, grabbed hold of Cho’s breasts, and gave them a hearty tug, which she seemed to like. Harry looked closer at Cho's breasts and noticed she have each nipple pierced. Harry then looked down at her pussy, spread her lips open, and saw another piercing down there.

This had just turned Harry on even more as he picked up speed. Still this was not fast enough for Harry so he grabbed hold and in one quick motion spun her around onto her back and stayed on top. Harry laid down onto her until he felt her breasts press against him. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed into her as hard as he could. Harry pulled out of her until he was about to fall out and then pushed back in as fast as he could. Harry then started his speed fucking by sliding his cock in and out of her in fast, steady movements. He looked down and her breast looked like they would hit her face if he went any faster. Harry pulled his cock out on Ginny quickly went down to it and stuck it into her mouth. Harry shot his load into her mouth and she took it all without spilling a drop. All three of them laid down right next to each other with Harry it in middle. They laid there watching everyone else finish. Everyone was asleep within a half an hour; it was about two in the morning by now.

Harry was looking up at a house he had never seen before but, somehow, he knew about this house. Harry walked up to the door and knocked. A tall figure was walking toward the door. Harry heard, "who's there?" from the other side of the door. Before Harry could say his name he heard himself reply, "It is Severus, I need to talk to you. It is important, a matter of life and death." The door opened and Snape stepped through the door. He then turned around to look at who had let him in.

Harry's heart gave a little lurch; his father was standing right in front of him and alive. "Who's at the door?" Harry heard from behind him and knew that this had to be his mother. Harry turned around and saw his eyes looking back at him. "Oh hello Severus." she had said. After Severus greeted her, they all went into the living room to sit down. Lily had disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a few bottles of Butterbeer. When she sat down and Harry started talking in Snape's voice, "I have come here on behalf of the dark lord. He is asking you to join him or he will kill you and your son." James started to stand but Snape continued, "It not me who wants this, in fact I was reluctant to come but he made me. I am grateful for you saving my life, but I must do as I’m told.

I beg you to leave here tonight because the dark lord will not be happy with a rejection and he will show up here. Do not waist any time, Dumbledore might have a place for you to go to be safe and I suggest asking him to add some enchantments." Harry's father had sat back down by now and said, "Thank you Severus for coming and warning us but I shall talk this over with Dumbledore and see what he says. Thank you for coming and now I must ask you to leave." Harry stood up, Shock his father’s hand, and made for the door. "Wait Severus I want to thank you for warning us properly." Severus had turned around and Lily was lowering her dark blue nightdress.

She had a beautiful body, even though it was Harry's mother, and perfect tits. Nice little hand fulls like Ginny's, and she was completely shaved. "Why do allot of women do that?" Harry thought to himself. She walked over to Severus, dropped to her knees and took Snape's cock into her mouth. She was not bad at it either, he had better but it was enjoyable nevertheless. James meanwhile had taken off his clothes and was walking toward them. He got down on his knees and buried his face into her ass. Harry could see his tongue enter her ass hole and lick it in and out. He then got up, took his cock into his hand, and pushed it into her ass. Lily moaned around Snape's cock as James pushed in as far as he could.

When James pushed, Severus withdrew his cock. When Severus pushed back into her willing mouth, James withdrew his cock. They were really getting a good rhythm going. Lilly looked like she was enjoying herself. Snape withdrew his cock and stripped off his clothes while James grabbed hold of Lily's waist and pulled her with him until he was sitting on his ass on the floor. Lilly started bouncing up and down as the cock implanted into her ass deeper and deeper. Snape had all of his clothes off and walked over to the couple. He got down in between her legs and planted his cock into her awaiting pussy.

Snape pushed with all he had and bottomed out in seconds. He pushed and pulled his cock the entire length and was picking up speed. Lilly held her breath started coming around his cock, which made it slicker, and he just moved faster. The three of them were sweating really well by now and Lily just looked even better. Severus leaned over and took one of her breasts into his mouth. He circled her nipple with his tongue; he then took her nipple in-between his teeth and pulled until it popped out of his mouth.

Severus pulled his cock out, grabbed it with his hand, and stroked it ever so slightly. Snape shot his load all over Lily's breasts. Then Harry felt himself do something he had never seen done before, Snape bent over and licked all of his cum off her breasts. James then grabbed her hips and pushed in as hard as he could. Harry knew that this was over because he felt himself waking up.

Harry put on his glasses and looked around the room. Only himself and Ginny were left in bed naked. Everyone else seemed to have left them alone. Harry looked over and saw Ginny still fast asleep so he decided to wake her up in a good way. Harry climbed down the bed and got in-between her legs. He grabbed hold of her hips and stuck his tongue into her as far as he could. Harry could hear Ginny moaning and he knew she was still asleep. Harry then climbed on top of her and pointed his cock to her pussy. When the head settled in her hole, he leaned over and gave her a kiss, which seemed to wake her up.

As Ginny kissed him back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her. Harry took this as a "fuck me" and pulled his cock out of her hot, wet pussy. Harry pushed until he felt their pubic intertwine. Harry decided he wanted to try something new and took her left leg up his chest and put it over his shoulder. Harry hugged her leg and pushed into her. Doing it this way seemed to tighten her pussy for him around his cock. Harry pushed and pulled, in and out of her while caressing her breasts. Harry withdrew his cock and slowly stroked it until his cum shot out and landed on her face. Ginny just took her finger and wiped the cum off then stuck it into her mouth.

They got dressed and cleaned up then set out for the dorm room. Ron, Luna and Hermione were sitting there studying. Harry sat down and relived the dream he had just had leaving out the sex part. After a long discussion, they all headed to the Quidditch field where everyone was waiting to get practice over. After a few hours and the sun started setting, they headed off to diner then bed.

To Be Continued....

Thankful Thanksgiving

The next few weeks went buy dull. After searching the room of requirement a hundred times over, Harry went and made Kreacher and asked Dobby to help look. Harry awoke the morning of thanksgiving and decided to skip breakfast and search the room. Harry slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Pavarti and Padme Patil were inside at the back of the room and had not noticed Harry enter. Harry crept down the isle and hid behind a bookcase.

"We need to find a place to put these before someone finds them." Harry heard one of them say. "There’s this cabinet but it looks to open. How about behind that stack of books?" the other one replied. Harry tried to look better to see what they were hiding, but they had their backs to him. Harry just stood there quietly, watching and waiting. They moved over to the stack of books one of them pointed out and put something back there. "We could get one more use out of them." one of them stated and the other just smiled and reached behind the books.

They both pulled their cloths off and walked over to a bed Harry noticed that just came out of nowhere. They lay down with their knees touching and their pussies were inches apart. Harry finally saw what they were hiding when one of them pulled it out into the open. Harry saw a pink double-headed dildo that had to be 10-12 inches long. The one toward the bottom of the bed put it to the opening of her pussy. She pulled the middle of the dildo and it seemed to slide right in. The other sister did the same thing except she seemed to have a little trouble but it slid in nevertheless.

They both lay down and grabbed the top and bottom of the bed, whichever end they each were at, and pulled themselves apart. They then pushed until the dildo was buried into both of their pussies. Harry was hard as a rock by now, took his cock out, and stroked it slowly. They moved faster and faster until they both screamed at the same time and released their grips. Harry just stood there waiting for what seemed like an hour, when he checked his watch in fact only 15 min past, when he heard them both start to snore.

Harry decided he would like to have some fun to so he walked over to the side of the bed. Harry just noticed that they were indeed twins, everything was the same even the triangle pussy hair, with the same size breasts. Their breasts were allot bigger than Ginny's and Hermione's put together, although laying down he couldn't tell exactly how big they were, so he decided to caress the one toward the top of the bed. Harry bent his head lower and stroked her nipple with the tip of his tongue; she gave a moan of pleasure.

Harry reached down and pulled the dildo out of both the pussies, considering it was falling out anyways, and stuck three fingers in. Her pussy was nice, hot and wet around his fingers. Harry pulled them out and in as fast as he could while sucking on her tits. Harry figured it was not fast enough so he rotated her until her pussy was at the edge of the bed. Harry got down on his knees and stuck only two fingers in this time. He gave her pussy a little flick of his tongue and started going at it. Harry pushed and pulled his hand as fast as he could, after a minute or so he decided thought to himself, "Why should she have all the fun? They are twins after all." Harry got up, after a little wine from the first twin, turned the second around like her sister, and put them side by side. He then got back down, put two fingers in each pussy, pushed them in and out in a back, and forth motion. He pushed his right fingers in and as he pulled them, out he would push the left hand in.

Both girls were bucking their hips in unison and moaning, "faster" Harry was surprised to hear this because he thought they were sleeping but he had expected it eventually because he did not know anyone that could sleep through this. Harry moved his hands as fast as he could but it didn’t seem to be enough so he pulled his hands out and took off all of his clothes while looking at them in their eyes. He then climbed on top of the first girl and slid his dick into her. Harry noticed the other one got up and went off somewhere. Harry looked around for her while he was fucking her sister. She came back from the stack of book wearing a dick. Well it was a strap on dildo. Harry figured she was going to use it on her sister's ass so he tried rolling onto his back but they both just held him there on top. Harry did not think anything of it so he kept pounding away.

Harry could feel something wet on his asshole but before he could turn around, he felt a dick shoved into his ass. It was the most uncomfortable thing Harry had ever felt so he stopped humping and tried pulling it out. The girl underneath him just grabbed his arms and held him in a firm grasp. Harry started enjoying it pounding into his ass. Harry decided to keep fucking along while being fucked. All three of them were moaning and groaning loudly. Harry felt the pressure fill up in his balls and he pushed hard and deep into her. Harry's cum just exploded into her. It was the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt. He pulled out of her and fell to the side releasing the cock in his ass. The other sister was not done yet so she took the cock off and strapped it to her sister.

Harry had gotten dressed while the two sisters continued fucking. Harry slipped out of the room, went back to Gryffindor town, and sat by the fire. "Harry, Harry wake up." Harry had fallen asleep sitting in the chair. Ginny was shaking him awake and asked him where he’d been. Harry told her he was just searching the room of requirement all morning. It was now closing on lunch and Ginny just sat on his lap before they went and ate. When lunch came, Harry was starving this time and they walked down to the great hall together.

They sat down across from Hermione and Ron waiting for the food to arrive. Harry could already smell the pumpkin pies baking for the feast tonight. After eating, they all went to the room of requirement to do some more searching. Harry went first to make sure the coast was clear, to really look for the Pavarti twins, and they stepped inside. They all searched all over until diner was ready and they left. As they walked, they started talking about the Horcrux not being in there and it might be in Slytherin somewhere. They sat down and the food popped up in front of them, which consisted of turkeys, hams, casseroles, beets and stuffing along with other items. Harry ate as much as he could save some room for pies. After diner, they all went up to their common room to rest. Ginny and Ron knocked off early with everyone else but Harry and Hermione was not tired so they started talking about the Horcruxes.

Hermione and Harry were sitting across from each other talking. Hermione bent over to pick up Crookshank, who was rubbing her legs, and her top fell open. When she sat straight, again she did not seem to notice her nipple was hanging out in the open. Harry got hard right away, which made a tent in his robes. Hermione noticed right away, looked into his eyes, and followed where his glare was. She looked down and noticed her nipple hanging there but instead of covering up she, after putting the cat down, got up and down in between Harry's legs and released his cock. Hermione put it all into her mouth and sucked on it like a pro. Bobbing her head up and down was a beautiful sit to Harry but he wanted to do something with his hands so he bent over and cupped her breasts from the sides.

Harry looked down as his cock entered and exited from her mouth. Harry grabbed he head slightly and leaned his head back, with his eyes closed, to enjoy the sensation. Hermione released his cock and removed all of her clothes. She then climbed up on Harry's lap and sank his cock into her pussy. It was a loose fitting, but it felt, and Harry grabbed her hips and helped her up and down on it. Both Harry and Hermione threw their head back and started panting. Hermione also gave some moans every other plunge. Harry reached up and cupped her breasts, giving each nipple a twist. After a few more bounces Harry reached around and shoved his finger up her ass. Harry then grabbed her ass, with his finger still buried, and pulled her down so he could come in her.

After getting dressed and cleaned, they went off to bed. In the next couple of weeks, they had checked the room of requirements but found nothing so Harry decided to give up and try something else after the holidays. Hermione was going home for a few days and then meet up with them at the burrow on Christmas day. That would give her some time with her parents and then some time with the Weasleys.

To Be Continued.….

Christmas Snowballs

Harry, Ron and Hermione started their holidays by sitting down at the kitchen table with Mrs. Weasley, Fleur, Gabrielle and Lupin. Mr. Weasley and Bill were still at work and the twins would be joining them in a couple of days. Percy still was not talking to anyone from the family. Charlie was going to be there on Christmas Eve. It was nine at night but no one felt the least bit tired. They all drank hot apple cider while chatting about Voldemort and his followers; and what they were up to. He was now trying to get goblins to follow him but with Bill's pull in that community, from getting them allot of money, they turned him down. Voldemort did not like the idea so a couple of goblins were killed before the order arranged some protection for them.

Mrs. Weasley shooed them off to bed after a while and Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione were aloud to sleep with each other. She wasn’t stupid, she knew what was going on almost before they did. Harry's items were in Ginny's room waiting for him so he pulled on his nightclothes and turned to watch Ginny slither out of her Sunday dress she was wearing and pull on a silky gown. They climbed into bed and chatted for a while; they decided to pass on sex for tonight and just go to bed.

In the morning, they all got up and the twins decided to come home early so they all decided to go out side for some fun. Harry, Ginny and Ron were against the twins and Gabrielle in a little game of snowball fight. They each magiked a small fort in which to hide in and magiked snowballs to make them fly at each other. Harry was hit in the head a couple times trying to protect Ginny while she aimed snowballs at Gabrielle. Ron meanwhile tried shooting off two at the same time trying to hit Fred and George at the same time. He failed of course and got pummeled by a group of balls sent by the twins. Harry and Ron worked together, while Ron's snowballs came from in front; Harry's came from behind and nailed them. They then took aim at the fort, sent dozens of nice sized snowballs at their fort, and brought it down.

After a fun filled morning, they all went inside for some lunch, and to warm up, before going out for some Quidditch. Gabrielle was not too bad either but Harry's team had won, as always, they played first to ten goals. The twins had to stop early because they had to go into the village and gather some items for the joke shop which left Harry, Ron, Ginny and Gabrielle to play together. They all decided to go inside for some hot cocoa and rest. Ron and Harry played a game of wizard chess while the girls sat and watched, talking to each other in whispers. Ron had won by only a small margin because Harry was learning Ron's every move. "One of these days ill win." Harry said to himself.

After the game the girls snuck off to Ginny's room, they said they had to do something alone, so Harry and Ron went to see what Molly and Fleur were up to. They were not in the kitchen, basement or living room, considering they just came from there. They took a quick peek outside and did not see them anywhere so they decided to go up to Ron's room and rest. As they passed Bill and Fleur's room they heard some noise coming from inside. The door had been left open a crack so Harry went over to peek in.

Fleur was on her back completely naked with Molly in between her legs, naked also. Fleur was stretching and pulling on her nipples while her pussy was being eaten. Ron had whispered, "What’s going on?" but Harry did not hear him as he watched. Therefore, Ron got down lower than Harry and peeked in. With out realizing it both Harry and Ron had their hands inside their pants slowly stroking their dicks. "Oh Molly you are so much better than Bill at this." they heard Fleur say but Molly just nodded her head and kept on eating. Harry noticed her ass staring them straight in the face so he looked between her legs and noticed her pussy lips opened up and dripped liquid from inside.

This gave Harry and idea so he slowly pushed open the door while Ron looked on in shock. Harry released his cock, which had been straining to get out, and got down behind Molly and shoved it into her pussy. Molly stopped in shock to look behind her but when she saw it was Harry she just smiled and turned back to eat Fleur out. Ron figured it was ok by now so he also whipped his cock out and climbed on the bed. Fleur opened her mouth and willingly took it. The four of them started up one nice orgy working in unison.

Molly's pussy was so damn loose around Harry's cock so he decided to pull it out and slide it into her ass. He pumped it into her ass then placed it into her pussy to get it wet some more. Then he planted it back in her ass, he kept this up for a while. Meanwhile Ron had his entire cock planted inside of Fleur's mouth. Ron decided her head movement was not fast enough so he positioned his waist right on top of her face and fucked her mouth up and down as fats as he could. Ron rested his waist down on her face while he released his cum deep into her throat. Harry noticed this and not to be out done he pulled his cock out and gave it a few strokes to make it shoot across Molly's back and up to Fleur's mouth.

Harry and Ron then left to go to Ron's room. They each fell asleep on a different bed and fell right to sleep. Molly opening the door and stating that diner was ready waked them. When they made it down stairs, everyone was home including the twins, Bill and Mr. Weasley. After diner and a quick chat about what else had been happening, the four young ones went up to Ron's room. Harry lay down on his bed and closed his eyes to think. He then felt someone open his pants and pull them down. He just kept his eyes close and enjoyed the mouth making him hard again. The mouth had then released and he was about to open his eyes when he felt someone climb into bed and plunge their pussy down on him.

Harry noticed that it was too tight to be Ginny but before he could look he heard "Fuck me, I need you in me." coming from Gabrielle. Harry snapped his eyes open and looked up and sure enough, Gabrielle was impaled on him. Harry looked around for Ginny and noticed she was naked on Ron's bed with Ron fucking her brains out. Therefore, Harry grabbed Gabrielle's hips and pulled her up and down on his dick. Gabrielle bent over and put her breasts to Harry's chest. Harry looked over and Ginny was now doing the same thing to Ron.

All of a sudden, Harry felt something move on the bed but Gabrielle was blocking his view. He then felt some thing touch his dick from inside Gabrielle's pussy. Harry looked over at the other two and noticed there were three. One of the twins had his cock buried inside Ginny's ass. Harry figured the other twin was on his bed fucking Gabrielle in the ass. Harry just though this was better and picked up his speed. Harry pulled down on her ass to push as far as he could and came deep into her. Harry could feel the twin on him cum to when it dripped down on his cock. Once the other twin was finished they left, and Gabrielle and Ginny switched partners.

Harry was now with Ginny and Ron was with Gabrielle. Harry was to limp to continue but Ginny wouldn't take no for an answer so she got down between his legs and sucked him hard again. Harry figured Gabrielle had done the same for Ron because he was on top of her fucking her brains out. A couple of times her head had hit the wall and Harry giggled. Once Harry was hard, again Ginny climbed on top and planted herself on him. Harry wanted to be on top so he grabbed her and spun around on top. Harry pushed and pulled as fast as he could getting moans from Ginny telling him he was doing it right. Harry bent over, took her nipple into his mouth, and gave it and little nibble.

After they all finished they went to bed there naked next to each other. The next day the girls woke up and wanted a quickie so Harry and Ron obliged. Afterwards they went outside with the twins for another snowball fight that was cut short when Gabrielle was hit in the eye. The next few days were pretty much the same with a couple more orgies that involved the twins. On Christmas Eve Charlie showed up and told Harry, he could tell Hagrid his dragon was doing well.

On Christmas day, Harry awoke to plenty of presents. He and Ron had gotten sweaters again and some chocolate frogs from Molly and Arthur. Hermione had gotten him a really advanced book on the dark arts. Harry just threw away Kreacher’s gift because of what happened last year. Hagrid's present was tooth-breaking sweets and Dobby gave him a little statue of Harry ridding on a broom. Ron gave him the new copy of play witch and the twins a new Skiving Snack box. Harry looked all around but Ginny had not given him anything, which he though was weird.

They both went down for breakfast after Ginny came and got them. Harry asked her where his present was and she told him she would give it later. After breakfast, they all sat in the living room and had some fun discussions, because Voldemort was never mentioned. Hermione showed up after lunch had finished and joined in a real game of Quidditch because they had enough players. Ginny had to join Fred, Gabrielle, Fleur and Bill while Harry, Ron, Hermione, George and Charlie teamed up. Ron and Bill were keepers, the twins were beaters, Gabrielle/Fleur and Hermione/Charlie were chasers, which left Ginny and Harry to be seekers.

Harry's team had won spectacularly 210 to 70 because Ron was still having problems with his nerves and Harry was quicker than Ginny. Afterward they all went back inside to eat diner. Mrs. Weasley Made a big diner that they needed two rooms, one for the food and one to eat. They all had a merry old time talking and playing at the table. Ron had reached for a turkey leg and went to sit back down, but the twins had their own idea and made his chair disappear. Ron fell and took the tablecloth with him who pulled all the food toward him but Mrs. Weasley caught the food before it hit Ron and the ground and magiked it back to the table. She also gave Fred and George a stern yelling while everyone else laughed.

After diner, Harry followed Ginny back to her room where they got undressed and climbed into bed. Ginny climbed on top of Harry and sat down on top of his cock. Ginny wanted to wait on the sex. She leaned down, put her lips to his ears, and whispered, "I'm pregnant." She leaned back and Harry just stared at her. He had no idea what to say to that. He asked if anybody else knew and she told him, her mother did, that is why she allowed them to sleep together. However, no one else had been told before she could tell Harry.

Harry grabbed Ginny by the shoulders, pulled her down onto his chest, and embraced her in a tight hug. Harry rolled Ginny onto the bed beside him and felt her stomach. "Come to think of it," Harry said, "there is a little pooch here." Then he kissed her on the stomach and laid his head down. He no longer wanted sex, he just wanted to lay there and hold her.

The next morning when everyone was at the breakfast table they told everyone. Hermione was the first to jump up and rub Ginny's stomach. Everyone was excited for them except Ron; he had hoped to beat Harry to at least becoming a father that is why he sent the condoms. The next day they would be going off to school so everyone packed that night so there are no surprises the next day. Harry awoke in the middle of the night because he had to go to the bathroom. He crept out of the bed not to wake Ginny and slid out the door.

He made his way down to the bathroom and did his business. Just as he was shaking off the door had opened. Fleur was standing there, naked, with cum dripping out of her pussy. She seemed half-asleep and went right over to where Harry was sitting on the toilet and sat on his lap. She pissed right between his legs right onto his cock, which had gotten hard right away. Harry felt his cock slowly started entering Fleur’s pussy. She did not even seem to notice she had a cock entering her. She started moving her hips back and forth. This just made Harry harder and he grabbed her hips and moved her up and down. It took a little effort but she obliged him and started ridding his cock.

She was wet and hot inside her pussy. Harry guessed a good deal of cum was still in her from Bill fucking her. Harry reached around and cupped her tits in each hand, which made her lean back on him. "Oh god yes" was all Harry could her as he pounded her, or rather she pounded him. Without any warning, Harry just let his sperm fly into her pussy without stopping her. When his dick finally got soft and fell out is when she stopped bouncing and got up and left. Harry just sat there for a second to compose himself and got up to leave. The door had flown open once again but this time Molly stepped in but she looked wide-awake.

Harry's cock was still hanging in the open. She just walked over, dropped to her knees, and started sucking him off. It took a few minutes but Harry was hard again. Once this happened Molly lay on the floor and spread her legs wide open. Harry removed all of his clothes and lay down on top of her sliding her nightgown above her tits. Harry took his cock in hand and slid it slowly into her pussy. It seemed tighter this time for some reason. Harry pushed in as far as he could and pulled out until him cock was about to pop out. He pushed in as fast and as hard as he could. "Fuck my pussy raw. Please" Molly whispered in his ear.

Harry withdrew and pushed harder and faster with each stroke making her slide on the floor a little. Harry bent his head down in mid stroke and bit her nipple, which made her yell out, "yes" Harry gave each nipple the same attention back and forth. Harry then lifted both of her legs up onto his shoulders and started jack hammering into her. Molly started yelling out it was hurting but when Harry tried to stop she told him to keep it up. After a few more strokes, Harry gave her what cum he had left. Harry rolled off and closed his eyes to catch his breath.

Harry must have fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes the sun was rising. Harry closed his eyes again to will himself to get up when his cock started getting wet again. Harry just laid there enjoying it before they climbed up on him and slid his dick into her. Harry opened his eyes and looked up to see Gabrielle sitting on him. Harry just laid there and let her do all of the work because he was just to tired. He closed his eyes again and grabbed her hips to help guide her. After a couple minutes, she stopped and Harry thought she was done but then he felt a pair of legs on the sides of his head. He tried looking up but all he could see was a pussy coming down. Harry just grabbed the hips (which he recognized as Ginny's right away) and steered her to his face. Harry stuck his tongue deep inside her pussy while Gabrielle started bouncing up and down again.

After a few minutes, Harry felt Ginny tighten up and he felt a warm liquid slide down his throat. Ginny's cum tasted good to Harry, which just made him cum in Gabrielle. After composing themselves they all went to get packed for school. Gabrielle was going back to Beauxbatons and the rest were off to Hogwarts. This time since everyone could apparate to Hogwarts they would get there from Hogsmeade. It was a teary goodbye but they all made it to school unharmed.

To Be Continued.…

Added Security at Hogwarts

Harry spent the next two days with Ginny until classes started up again. The first class Harry, Ron and Hermione had was Transfiguration. Prof. Radcliff was not taking it easy on them either. Since they were taking N.E.W.T.S, they were now up to changing live monkeys so they can change themselves soon. Hermione was actually starting to change her nose because she was more advanced than the rest of the class.

Next, they went to potions with Prof. Slughorn and he started teaching them how to make Polyjuice Potion. Now this one Hermione, Ron and Harry had already known how to make. Their potion started better than everyone else did, but it would take a month to finish. They each earned extra credit for being so far with it.

After lunch, they had DADA, which was Harry's favorite class so far. The teacher always wore nothing or very little under her robes and every time she bent over Harry and all the other boys, and a select few girls, could see right down at her ample tits. Every time Harry thought about just bum rushing her and fucking her right there on the spot. Nevertheless Harry held his urges and earned top grades.

After class, Harry met up with Cho because something was bothering him. When he caught up, she looked beautiful with her hair in a ponytail. "Hey Cho can I talk to you for a second?" Harry asked her and she said goodbye to her friends. Half way down the hall Harry just came out with, "Why are you still in school? You were a year ahead and you shouldn’t be here." Cho just stopped and looked at him; she thought for a second before answering, "I failed last year.

"My potions grade was horrible, transfiguration was non existence and my charms were abysmal. The only class I got an E in was DADA thanks to you, I really learned a lot from you in the Dumbledore's Army classes you taught us in. I really miss those lessons; I wish we could have continued them last year because you were the best teacher." Cho had turned a deep red at these words, and so did Harry.

That night in the room of requirement came back full force in Harry's mind. It had given him a full hard-on, which Harry tried to cover up inconspicuously. Cho had looked over, noticed his hard on, and went even redder, if that was even possible. Harry saw him looking at his cock and smiled. He then looked around at where they were and noticed they were by Myrtle's bathroom. Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her inside without much effort.

As soon as they were inside Harry looked around to make sure it was empty and then pulled Cho into an aggressive embrace. Harry held her arm tightly to her side and pulled her in to kiss her. She met his mouth with he tongue already out so Harry took it in to his mouth. He released her arms and wrapped his arms around her mid section. She, in return, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

Harry rubbed his hands up and down her back getting lower and lower until his hands were resting on her ass. He grabbed her ass cheeks and gave them a squeeze. He then grabbed her robe and pulled it up until her underwear was showing. He grabbed the waistband and pulled them down. When he came back up, he spun her around so her ass was sticking out to him and she was leaning on a sink.

Harry pulled out his cock and moved it up and down her pussy lips barely sticking it in her, which mad her push back against him to try to get it in. Harry positioned the head at the opening of her pussy and grabbed her hips. Harry spread his legs to get more stability and pushed into her as hard as he could. Harry pulled his cock out and rammed it back in a little to hard because she hit her head on the mirror in front of her and she passed out. Harry froze for a second to think about what to do but in the end he figured fuck it, or rather fuck her.

She was still being held up by the sink so Harry pulled out of her and pushed back in. Harry kept up a slow steady stoke enjoying the hot wet pussy he had wrapped around his cock. After a while, Harry started to get bored so as he fucked her he reached up, turned on the cold water, and splashed some of it on her face. After a few hand fulls she woke up and looked confused. She looked behind her, saw Harry had been fucking her, and went along. She did how ever push herself back away from the mirror so she did not hit her head again and gripped the sides of it hard. Harry reached up with both of his hands and cupped her swaying breasts. The fabric was softly stoking her nipples and Harry rubbed them gently.

Harry stood straight up and started pounding even harder into her pussy and he decided to give her ass a smack occasionally. Cho seemed to really enjoy it when his hand made contact. Harry grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him as he unloaded his cum in her pussy. Harry thanked her for a good fuck and left to meet up with Ginny.

They spent the rest of the afternoon together and went off to diner together. As Harry walked into the great hall, he saw Cho sitting with her normal crowd and he just smiled at her. With Ginny at his side he could not risk her finding out he still had feelings for Cho. Diner was another wonderful meal and when the deserts disappeared, he made to get up when Prof. McGonagall stood up and started to speak.

"I hope the first days of class were enjoyable for everyone and I hope you all learned plenty. I must however inform you that trips to Hogsmeade have been canceled for the remainder of the year." this had gotten a lot of moans and groans but she just kept going, a little loud at first. "We have received word that known death eaters have been spotted there and we can’t risk students getting hurt. I am also informing students to stay clear of the forest just incase some death eaters decide to hide in there."

At this, everyone started talking while getting up and headed to the dorm rooms. When Harry and Ginny showed up everyone seemed wide-awake talking about the threats of the death eaters. "What if they get inside of Hogwarts? Without Dumbledore around are we safe from YOU-KNOW-WHO?" Harry heard a third year say to a group of girls. Harry thought she had made a good point to, with out Dumbledore is the school safe with McGonagall in charge.

Harry decided to go ask her himself. He made for the portrait hole telling the rest he would be back shortly and made for the Head mistress office. He knew the password because she had used it in front of him when she told him of the will. Harry knock on her door and heard her say enter so he did. She was sitting behind her desk talking to Tonks.

Harry asked her what she was doing there and if the rest of the order was there. "Yes Harry I have asked more members of the order to stand watch at the school." McGonagall told him. "Tonks here and some new and old members have graciously volunteered to watch the school all the time to protect students. We even have a few look outs in Hogsmeade to report if any death eaters show up."

They talked for about half an hour discussing the security and Harry gave hi opinion on what should take place. Harry bode them a good night and went back to the dorm room where he told Ron, Hermione and Ginny about what they talked about. They had their own conversations about what should take place before heading off to bed.

They spent the next couple of weeks busy with Quidditch, school work and worrying about Voldemort showing up that they for got about the Horcrux until the last day in making the Polyjuice potion. Harry had an idea and bent over to Ron to tell him, "We need to pocket some of out potions. That way we can take the form of Slytherins and search their rooms for the Horcrux Draco had."

Harry whispered to Hermione to take some potion also. They met up at the girls’ bathroom to discuss things and decided to get hair from Slytherins during their next class and come back here. They went off to charms and each sat behind some Slytherins and casually picked hair off their robes. Harry sat behind a first year boy he recognized from Quidditch and Hermione sat behind a girl Harry had seen around. Hermione was not taking any chances this time and pulled it right out of her head. Ron n the other hand sat behind a short hair boy Harry had never seen before.

They all meat up at the bathroom and deposited their hairs into their potions. They stood around in a circle watching each other. Harry felt like getting sick but stood there watching Hermione’s hair grow longer and darker and Ron's hair shortened and lightened. To Harry's surprise Hermione's breasts grew bigger and bigger. They looked good to Harry but now was not the time for that. Harry looked over at Ron and stared. Harry laughed so hard he thought he would pass out. When Hermione looked, she started laughing to. Ron had breasts as large as Hermione's.

It was Millicent, the girl Hermione fought the girl for her hair in their second year, and she must have become butch lately. After calming down and everyone feeling on Ron’s new breasts, including Ron, they set off to the Slytherin dorm room. They lucked out because some first year girls were leaving when they arrived and they slid right in.

There were only a few people lingering around so they searched the main room first. They each took a part of the room and looked around without any luck. The three of them then headed up to Malfoy's old room, Hermione found out which it was somehow, and started searching in there. They had only just started when the door opened and some Slytherin boys waked in.

"What are you doing in our room?" the taller of the two said. Hermione was quick on the uptake, "We were bribed to um give you a show from some friends." Harry and Ron looked at her puzzled and then she started removing her robes. Her breasts were at least three times bigger than before. The smaller boy looked at Ron and said, "How about you?"

Ron removed his robe with a deep red in his face. Ron's breasts were slightly smaller than Hermione’s but it even turned Harry on. Ron and Hermione just started dancing, sexually, with each other. "And you are?" the taller one asked Harry. Harry played it as he was here to make sure there was no touching.

Hermione and Ron pressed their breasts together and rubbed their pussies together. Harry just stood there getting a hard on with the other two boys. Hermione licked her fingers, reached down, and placed them inside Ron's newfound pussy. Ron moaned slightly as he cupped her ass. Ron slid a finger into Hermione's ass and she responded by pushing her fingers into Ron harder.

Harry looked up and they were kissing with tongues, which was erotic for Harry. Suddenly Harry went limp; Ron's hair was growing slightly and turning red. Harry stepped in, "Ok that’s enough. That’s all that was paid for." he said throwing their robes at them. They quickly got dressed and left the two boys sitting there stroking their cocks.

They ran all the way back to the girl’s bathroom. When they got in and locked the door Harry told them, "This is the second time almost getting caught, we should stop doing that." He looked over at Hermione, she dropped her robes and crawled over to Ron’s cock, and before sucking it said, "Shit I'm still horny. Give it to me." Ron had no problems sticking his cock in her mouth. Harry got instantly hard and started stroking his cock.

It was not good enough so he got down behind Hermione and scooted her ass back a little and stuck his cock into her hot awaiting pussy. They were missing a class but Harry did not dare mention it because Hermione might stop. Harry grabbed a handful of hair and started pounding her pussy like there was no tomorrow.

Harry pushed his cock as deep as he could with each stroke and withdrew it almost pulling out. Hermione was moaning into Ron's cock as he fucked her face. Ron grabbed her head, pushed his cock deep into Hermione’s throat, and came as much as he could. As Ron pulled his cock out of her mouth, Harry saw a little cum trickle out of the corner of her mouth.

This just made Harry push harder and faster in and out of her pussy. Harry felt the pressure build up in his balls so he took his cock out, stroked it a few times, and came on her ass cheeks. The three of them leaned up against what they could to rest before getting dressed.

By time they reached the dorm room classes were over and Hermione was pissed she missed Ancient ruins and ran off to get her homework. Harry and Ron explained what had happened to Ginny, leaving out the sex in the bathroom. Ginny laughed at Ron as hard as Harry did.

Hermione showed back up just in time for them to set out for diner. Over the next few days they went back to searching the room of requirement although not as much as they should have been doing. Quidditch finale was approaching and they were practicing as much as possible. Harry awoke the day of the match as nevus as ever when it is the last match. He decided to take his mind off the match by searching the room of requirement. Harry opened the door and, "WHAM"

To Be Continued.....

Harry's Victories

Harry fell flat on his back by the impact of something hitting him. "Harry Potter sir Dobby is coming to get you. Dobby thinks he find what you look for." Dobby held out a wand. Harry stood up and took it from him while stepping into the room and shutting the door. Harry looked at it closely.

It was about ten inches long and a sleek black color. It looked like it was in perfect condition; Harry ran his finger all around it up and down its shaft. Harry looked at the handle and saw there was an R on it. This made Harry jump up with excitement and before running off to Ron and Hermione he told dobby, "I owe you for this one Dobby. If you need anything just ask."

Harry bolted out of the room, down the corridors, and up many stairs to get to Gryffindor common room, with a couple passages. Hermione, Ron and Ginny were sitting there by the fire and before they could ask where he’s been he grabbed Ginny and told them all to follow him. He led them up to the boys’ dorm because it was empty.

Harry pulled the wand out of his pocket and showed it to them. Hermione grabbed it right away and looked it over the best she could stopping on the R at the base of it. "Wow Harry how'd you find it? Where did you find it?" Hermione asked him while she stroked it. Harry took it out of her hands before saying, "Well I didn't find it actually, Dobby did. I also don’t want anybody touching this until we can find a way to destroy it."

Harry went to his chest, pulled out an old pair of socks, and stuck the wand inside. He wrapped it up and placed it at the very bottom of the chest underneath his clothes. Harry made sure that when he locked it he added a few protection charms on it so no one accidentally found it.

They all set out to a wonderful lunch which included roast, chicken, mashed potatoes and an assortment of pies for desert. Harry on the other hand could not eat; neither could Ron, because right after lunch was the last Quidditch match of the year and probably the rest of their lives. They all headed to the field and Hermione bode them good luck before heading to the stands.

Harry, Ron and Ginny entered the tent where the rest of the team was waiting nervously. Harry put on his Quidditch robes and stood in front of his teammates, "For some of us this is the last official match we will be playing. I say we make it a match that no one will forget for years to come." This got some cheers from his teammates and he continued; "Now I want the best efforts out of all of you. Let's bring the cup home again for the seventh straight year."

They all cheered and left the tent ready to go for it. The fifteen people lifted up off the grounds and Harry circled the playing field looking for the snitch, as he would always do. Harry heard Luna commentating on the match, which was as enjoyable as always when she messed up the names. The only names she got right were Harry, Ron and Ginny's.

Harry heard the score of 70 to 30 Gryffindor was in the lead and Harry was still searching for the snitch. He was searching every inch of the field and could not see it so he circled lower and lower. Harry weaved in and out of players racing from each end of the field to the other and back. Harry flew up behind Ron to look the entire length of the field, which did not help at all.

As he took off to look higher, he was hit smack in the side of the head by a quaffle soaring past Ron. Harry laid flat on his back looking up and heard the whistle indicating a time out. He looked up and saw Ginny standing over him but all he could hear was ringing. Harry sat up and stood for a few seconds before mounting his broom and kicking off again.

Harry circled the field as the whistle was blown to continue playing. The score was now 100 to 70 and Harry knew he needed to find the snitch soon. Harry looked over at the opposing side of the field and noticed something shimmer behind the goal post. Harry took off streaking toward it with the other seeker on his tail. Harry was streaking toward the ground at breaking speeds and lifted himself up just in time with the snitch in hand. Harry looked up and he blacked out.

Harry awoke some time later in the hospital wing. Ginny was sitting beside his bed putting a cool cloth on his head. Harry looked at her but before he said anything, she spoke up. "You ran smack into the wall below the stands where Ravenclaw were sitting and passed out. You pulled out of your plunge a little to close to it." Ginny told him with a little worry on her face, "The match ended three hours ago and diner is about to start. I'll go and nip some food for us and come right back."

As Ginny, left he looked around the room and noticed he was the only one there. Harry lay back down, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Harry awoke some time later to a loud smashing noise. He sat straight up and looked around but the room was still deserted. Harry got out of bed, pulled on his robes, and grabbed his wand out of the pocket. Just then, the door flew open.

To Be Continued…

The True Hero Falls

Harry turned to the door just as a flash of green light flew past his head. Bellatrix was standing there with her wand pointed at Harry. He ducked behind his hospital bed just as another curse hit the bedspread and caught it on fire. Harry pointed his wand at the door and sent a spell (nvbl) back at her missing and exploding a picture hanging on the wall.

She ducked behind a dresser that was standing right next to her as she sent another curse at Harry. Harry saw the bed was engulfed in flames and had an idea. Harry grabbed the bed and pushed it toward Bellatrix while he pulled his cloak out from his back pocket. After putting, it on Bellatrix was looking all around the room for him sending random spells everywhere.

Harry snuck out the door and looked down the deserted corridor. The only thing Harry could hear was Bellatrix getting mad because she could not find him. Harry bolted down the corridors and stopped right in front of the portrait of the fat lady but she told him the room was deserted and she heard that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had everyone trapped in the great hall.

Harry told her he still needed to get in to get something out of his trunk so she let him enter. Harry ran up to his room and back down in a matter of seconds. Harry ran for the great hall taking the shortest rout possible checking the map as he went, he had grabbed it out of the chest. Harry stopped inside of a passage real close to the great hall and noticed that Voldemort, Snape, Drako and everyone else was in there.

The children were sitting against the wall behind all the teachers and members of the order except Hagrid who was still in his hut. The death eaters, twenty or so of them, were walking back and forth in front of his friends with a few of them circling the room. Voldemort was standing in the middle with Snape, Wormtail and Drako by his side while his snake circled them.

Harry told himself he had to think of something before going in there. He checked the map again for Ron, Ginny and Hermione. He saw them in the middle sitting with Luna, Cho and Neville. Harry knew he had to think fast because he could tell Voldemort was getting restless. Harry whispered, "Kreacher" which in an instant he appeared along side Dobby. "Kreacher I want you to run past those death eaters to distract them. Dobby can you go down to Hagrid’s hut and tell him Voldemort is in the castle. I need to get inside to help my friends.

They both bowed in acknowledgement and left from the hidden passageway. Harry stood there and threw on his cloak when he heard yelling then silence. He crept out from his hiding and made his way to the door. "Where is Potter? He should be here by now." Harry heard Voldemort complain. "Bellatrix should be here by now; she should have found him by now."

Just then, Harry heard footsteps behind him and slipped inside the room before Bellatrix came running in. "He got past me sir. He had his invisibility cloak with me and slipped into the hall." Harry could tell Voldemort was mad. He walked over to the students saying, "Well I shall entertain my self while I wait." He then reached out and grabbed Cho from the mist of the students. "From what I heard," he said looking at Draco, "you were the girlfriend of the boy I killed on the night I returned."

Voldemort shoved her into one of the tables sitting on the far side of the room. She slumped down to the ground looking up at Voldemort crying and pleading with him. Voldemort pulled out his wand from his robes and walked over to her. He had a nasty little grin on his face Harry from what Harry could see. Harry slipped along the students behind the death eaters looking on at the entertainment.

Harry made it to Hermione and bent over to whisper in her ear, "Don’t say anything to show I’m here just listen. Do you guys have your wands on you?" he asked her and she shook her head looking over at a table sitting at the head of the room, right below the teachers table. Harry saw that there were all the wands of the students sitting there.

Harry bent back over and continued, "Well I’m pretty sure I can go over and get a few of them. I need your help if I am to pull this off. Tell Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville to be ready and not to act surprised when their wands appear. I need you guys to take out as many death eaters as you possibly can while I work on Voldemort. Try getting the Order's wands for them so they can help out."

After Harry knew that she understood and snuck off to the table. Harry heard Cho crying loudly behind him but he had to get to the wands and get back. Harry stowed a handful, about ten wands inside the cloak with everyone else’s attention turned elsewhere made his way back to Hermione and the others. Harry put all but a few into her hands and gave the others to Ginny, Ron, Luna and Neville who all gripped them tightly.

Harry knew he was now that everyone was ready to go. Harry saw the room light up in a green color and froze. He could not hear Cho anymore and slowly turned around. Cho was on her back with her teary eyes wide open, spread eagle and dead. Harry felt his eyes tear but he turned it into pure anger and stepped forward pulling off his robes as he approached Voldemort. Harry had his wand pointing right at the back of his head as he passed the first death eater who shouted for his master to turn around as he tried grabbing Harry.

End of part one

To Be Continued...

The True Hero Falls pt.2

Harry yanked his arm out from the death eaters grip. "Harry potter, so nice of you to join us." Voldemort said with his back to Harry looking down at Cho's lifeless body. "Tell me Harry, how does it feel to loose another loved one? You have been a thorn in my side for way to long and you shall die on this night. Do you have any last pleads for your life?” he said turning to look Harry in the eyes.

Harry was steaming mad by now and had almost forgotten his plans. Harry lowered his wand slowly to his side but keeping a firm grip on it. "Do you have any last for YOUR life" Harry mocked him back. All Voldemort could do was laugh at Harry, "Stupid stupid boy. Do you not realize how far I have come in life? I am immortal and after I kill you no one will ever question my powers."By now Harry just felt like mocking him because he knew if he could distract him he could execute his plans. “Oh are you talking about your seven Horcruxes. Yeah I know all about them. Dumbledore told me all about them before he died."

Harry saw the shock on Voldemort's face and smiled, "Didn't think I knew did you? Well I do and I’m pleased to tell you all but two have been destroyed." Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out Ravenclaw's wand from his pocket. Harry saw Voldemort's eyes light up and look at the wand. Voldemort tried lunging at the wand but Harry just backed up a little.

"Now let’s negotiate here." Harry told him feeling confident in his actions. "You release every here and ill face you one on one. The better man wins." Voldemort did not like this one bit, "How about you face me here and now in front of everyone or my death eaters will start killing your friends." With this all, the death eater withdrew their wands and pointed them at a student of their choice.

Harry thought that this would work in his favor and started thinking of a new plan. Meanwhile Voldemort took his silence as weakness, "I can always make new Horcruxes by using your classmates here. Kill them," Harry yelled but it was too late. The death eaters each sent out their own curses. One by one student fell over, Seamus, Katie, the Pavarti twins and some other students Harry did not know. Harry Took out his wand and yelled, "Now"

Harry jumped sideways and shot whatever curses came to his head at the death eaters while receiving his fair share. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the others jumped up and fired their own curses at the death eaters. Hermione threw the extra wands to members of the order who grabbed them and jumped in on the fight. During the confusion, Voldemort's snake vanished from sight. Harry had his wand in one hand and Ravenclaw's wand in the other.

Harry had an idea to try to break it as he hid behind a desk. Harry took the wand in his had and snapped it in half but nothing happened. Harry set it on the floor and with a few select words set it on fire. Its flames glowed black emitting red smoke from it. Harry knew this had worked and decided to go after Voldemort. Harry lifted his head up and saw Voldemort and Wormtail exit through the door. As Harry got up, the desk he was behind exploded with a powerful curse, which knocked him off his feet.

Harry regained his structure and bolted for the door. He saw Voldemort's cloak disappear around a corner that lead to the front doors. Harry took some hidden passages and wound up right behind Voldemort as he headed out the front door. Harry stopped at the door way because Voldemort and Wormtail were standing there looking up into the sky. Harry looked up to and saw Gwarp standing there, "You not leave. Hagger I stop them." Hagrid came running and stopped at the ankle of his brother who had grown considerably since the last time Harry saw him.

"Turn around and face me you coward. This ends here and now and I promise you I will be walking away." Harry felt more confident than he had ever felt before. Harry held his wand straight out toward Voldemort and Wormtail slinked off to the side. "Very well, Potter if you choose to die today I will accommodate you. "Avada Ked..." Harry was quick on the uptake, "Expelliamus"

Their wands had connected again with lava like lights spewing from both of their wands. Harry however was ready for this and pulled out the mirror his godfather gave him. Harry lowered his wand and at the same time lifted the mirror in its place. Voldemort jumped out of the way just in time for his curse to burn the side of his robes.

Harry threw down the mirror because it had been destroyed by the impact. He then raised his wand at the now dazed Voldemort. "Crucio" was the first spell to Harry's head but it had no impact. "HA HA HA you still don’t mean to cause me harm do you." Voldemort said raising his wand. "Let me show you how it’s done. Crucio." Harry saw the wand light heading straight at his head. Harry did not know what to do. He just prepared for the curse to hit him. "AAAHHHH"

End of part 2

To Be Continued...

The True Hero Falls pt.3

Harry opened his eyes and looked down. Wormtail was lying on the ground screaming in pain. Harry was confused at to why Wormtail protected him but had a fight to get to.” Harry just stand still and let this be painless on your self. Your parents died with courage and your just being a baby." Voldemort yelled at him. Harry saw flashes of his parents, Serious and Dumbledore dieing in his head, which brought the rage out of him. "Avada Kadava" Harry yelled out and the spell hit Voldemort square in the chest.

He had done it; he had killed Voldemort after all this time, it was over. Harry looked down at the lifeless body. Wormtail had stopped withering on the ground and just looked asleep. Harry sat down on the grass, exhausted from the fighting. It was dark out by now and everything was fading from sight. Harry all of a sudden saw a flash of green light coming at him and a shadow seemed to block him from it.

Wormtail was lying in front of Harry, dead and lifeless. Harry jumped to his feet but Gwarp saw this and brought his arm down to hit Voldemort. "No Gwarp he's mine I can handle him." Harry yelled at him, which made him bring his massive hand back. Harry was shocked at how Voldemort could have withstood that straight at his chest. "Silly boy, I am not alive so there for can not be killed.

Harry was lost; he could not kill what is not alive. Harry just started shooting off curses toward Voldemort and most of them, blocked as if they did not exist. Harry was the target of a curse, which hit him in the ribs, and he felt them break on impact. Harry grabbed his sides and looked up at Voldemort.

Harry lifted his wand, "Sectumsempra" Harry could see Voldemort open up with cuts all over but there was a problem. There was no blood spilling out of the slices. Now Harry was worried, he knew he had to kill Voldemort but he did not know how. "What has Dumbledore always told me? I know of something Voldemort can not understand." Love was the answer but the question was how he was supposed to use it.

Harry ducked when a curse was heading toward him. He knew he was running out of time but he knew he had to do something. Just then, it hit Harry. He ran forward, dodging curses flying at him, and grabbed Voldemort around his mid section. He then reached up and planted his hands on Voldemort's face.

Voldemort started screaming in pain and anguish. Harry reached inside his robes and let his hand burn straight into Voldemort's stomach. Harry stood up and watched as Voldemort turned to ashes in front of his eyes. Harry collapsed and passed out. Harry was filled with, for the first time in his life, the sense that everything was going to be fine.

The End!

Just kidding

To Be Continued...

The War Ends

Harry awoke some time later to the felling of a cool rag pressed to his head. He tried to get up but he was pushed back down onto his bed. "Just lay there. You need your rest." Harry heard Ginny tell him before falling asleep again. He awoke the next day to loud talking in the room and knew that Mrs. Weasley had arrived. Harry sat up and looked around for his glasses but could not find them until someone handed them to him.

Harry looked up and his heart jolted. Dumbledore was sitting next to his bed. Harry was at a loss for words that he just stuttered. "Easy Harry I shall explain in a moment when we are alone. But for now some people want to see you." Dumbledore told him. Harry looked and at the other side of the room with their parents were Ron and Ginny. Hermione was sitting on Harry's other side sleeping. Harry reached over and shook her to wake her up.

Hermione stirred and looked around before she saw Harry and jumped up embracing him in a hug. "I'm so happy you’re alright. I knew you would be but some others didn't." she said with a smile and tears streaming down her face. Ron and Ginny noticed Harry had awakened and ran over to him. Ginny attacked him by jumping on the bed right on top of him. Ron on the other hand just shook his hand, "Good job."

Harry was pleased everyone wanted to be with him but he asked him all to leave so he could talk to Dumbledore alone. After all the hugs and kisses, the room emptied leaving the two of them alone. "I know Harry, I should be dead. Your right I should be but, as you can see, I am not. After Snape lifted me out of the window and I floated to the ground I was dead. Although Voldemort has Horcruxes, there are other ways of extending your life. You see Harry there is an old and powerful magic I came across to where if some were to sacrifice their lives and something else sacrifices their lives for that person. They can live again.

"I can tell you’re confused so I'll explain it. As you know, Snape made the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa. Draco's job was to kill me, and if he failed, Snape would have to kill me. As you saw Draco could not kill me, he just did not have it in him. Therefore, when Snape showed up he had no choice to do it. You heard Snape and I had an argument earlier last year. I was making him promise to me that he would kill me if it came to that.

"So that was my sacrifice, I would die instead of Snape. At the funeral, Fawkes sacrificed her life to save mine by flying into the coffin and giving me her soul. I was able to Apparate out of the coffin to a safe place no one knew where I was. I had to let you face Voldemort alone, it was the only way you could succeed."

Harry sat there for a minute taking in all Dumbledore was telling him. Then it hit him, "Sir, why did Wormtail sacrifice his life for mine?" Dumbledore smiled at Harry, "Wormtail is your uncle. To be more exact your fathers brother, well adopted brother. Your father’s parents adopted Wormtail when he was young and that is why he was always around him. Wormtail, I am guessing, never meant for Voldemort to kill your parents. He perhaps expected him to turn them to his side.

"When Voldemort tried killing you he couldn't let you just die so he sacrificed his life to save yours. Perhaps he wanted to undo what he had done some how." Dumbledore sat to await Harry's next question. "When I touched Voldemort my skin seemed to burn him. I thought he was immune to my touch now?" Harry asked him. Dumbledore shook his head, "No Harry he was immune to your mothers love and sacrifice for you, but not Wormtail's. When He jumped in front of you, that set another powerful protection on you. That is why you were able to touch him again.

"Now I shall go speak to the minister and Minerva. Yes, she is still headmistress of the school. I think I shall apply for the minister of magic position and get Stan Shunpike out of jail. You are ready for the real world and I shall watch over you." Dumbledore got up to leave but Harry had almost forgotten, "Sir one more thing. The snake is still out there." Harry told him. Dumbledore turned to him, "Actually Gwarp can be thanked for not letting the snake away. This morning when we searched the grounds for any death eaters left over we came across a smashed snake in the middle of a giant foot print."

Dumbledore turned and left which let the others come back in. "So what happened after I left last night?" Harry asked them and Ginny was the one who spoke up first. "Well after you left we fought the death eaters and Snape joined us. All the death eaters were grouped together against the swarm of people coming down on them. A few of them died before the rest gave up after we injured them a lot.

"We had some injuries but nothing major although Slughorn will be retiring for good. I killed Greyback for attacking my brother and Hermione knocked out Bellatrix after she hit Ron with the Crucio curse. But all in all we did great." Madam Pomfrey came in and gave Harry a dose of the sleeping potion and he fell asleep felling warm all over.

Harry was released the next day for the end of the year feast and awarding on the school trophy, which Gryffindor won again. Yearbooks were handed out to all the seventh years as they boarded the train to head home. Everyone spent the entire time getting signatures and it seemed everyone wanted Harry's. After being aloud through the barrier, Harry saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley standing there but no aunt and uncle. Harry was relieved he did not have to go back there and they were probably glad of the same.

Harry was planning to stay with the Weasleys until he could find a place to stay. Harry approached them, said his hellos and just came out with it. "Can I stay with you until I find a place to stay?" Molly just looked at him with a straight face, "I'm sorry Harry but we just don't have the room. I'm pregnant again so the twin's room is being turned into a nursery." Harry had a disappointed look on his face. Molly continued though, "But, if you will remember you own your own house and we shall take you to it.

They all piled into the ministry car, which the new minister Dumbledore arranged. Moreover, they drove for about and hour, Harry did not want to go back to Grimmuald place but he had no choice. He needed a place to live. The car pulled to a stop and Harry looked out of his window. Harry was not outside of his godfather’s house but he was outside of a place he never expected.

To Be Continued...

A New Beginning

Harry got out of the car and walked up to the house. He was standing at Godrics Hallow staring up at his parents’ house. Harry turned to look at the Weasleys with a look of shock on his face. "I was rebuilt this year for you. We all knew you needed a place to stay after school ended so all of your friends chipped in and built this for you. It's an exact replica of your parents’ house." Mr. Weasley told him but there was only one thing on his mind right now.

"Where are my parents buried?" Harry asked them and they al took a trip about a block away to a cemetery. Mr. Weasley walked him to two headstones. "Here lies James Potter, beloved father, brother, friend and husband. “We shall overcome all evil" next to his father was his mother's tombstone, "Here lies Lily Potter loving mother, sister, friend and wife. “Love will conquer all."

Harry read them and started getting teary eyed. He knelt down on his knees and whispered, "I did it, I got revenge for your and everyone else’s death. I just wish you were still alive but it had to turn out this way and I know that. Well I am going to be a father now and between you and me, Mrs. Wesley’s baby is probably mine to. I am going to go look at my new house and I will be back to visit you from time to time.

Harry got up and looked around and Ron, Ginny and Hermione were the only ones left. Harry walked over to them asking where their parents went, "they went home leaving us here to keep you company." Ginny had told him. They all headed back to the house and through a marvelous remake of the front door.

The inside was exactly as Harry had seen it inside the pensive, although without his parents. The house had three bedrooms and Harry had an idea, "Why don't you three move in with me?" Everyone loved the idea. A few months went by and Ginny gave birth on July the fourth to a healthy baby girl. She looked like Ginny with the green hair except for her eyes, as green as Harry's and his mother's.

A month later on the eighth Molly gave birth to yet another boy who, thankfully, looked just like his father. Hermione had never gotten pregnant so they went to see a doctor and found out that she could not get pregnant. When school started the baby, named lily, would stay with her grandparents while Ginny finished her last year of school and Ron and Harry had auror training. Hermione decided on becoming a teacher.

Life was great for everyone now that Voldemort was defeated and all of his death eaters were rounded up. Giants were corralled back into the mountains to live while Dementors, under strict supervisee, went back to guarding Azkaban.

Over the next few years, Harry and Ginny had a few more babies, an average of one a year. By the time Ginny was finished with her auror training they had 5 kids running around. Lily, Albus, Serious, James and Lupin along with the four adults were out growing the house so they built on to it. Even though Ron and Hermione never had kids Harry's would call them mom and dad.

Life had turned out as good as Harry could have expected and loved it. He would visit his parents grave and talk to them at least once a month to tell them how everything was going. Harry took them flowers each time and laid it upon their graves. Harry never wanted to leave but he knew each time that he had a family of his own and his parents were proud of the way he turned out.


Harry potter sex story (revisited)

wyldbrdmn25 on Celebrity Stories

Fun at the Park

Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it.

"I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron

With Dumbledore dead, Harry was back at the Dursleys' contemplating what he had to do. The only thing he could think about was killing Snape and Voldemort. He knew Hermione and Ron were determined to go with him. He thought about running for it but he knew they would

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track him down because he had already disclosed where he was going to go. Godrics Hallow was where it all started for him. That is where Voldemort had killed his parents and tried to kill him.

Harry laid down in his bed staring at the shadows the street lights made through the window. Hedwig was off hunting in the night for some mice. All of the sudden Harry heard a loud crash then a scream coming from down stairs. Harry jumped out of his bed, grabbed his wand from the side table, and ran down stairs. He heard some commotion coming from his aunt and uncle’s bedroom. Harry crept down the hall to a slightly ajar door. Harry peeked inside and was shocked at what he saw. His aunt and uncles bed was on the floor with them on it laughing.

"Cheap ass beds." Vernon laughed,” This is the third bed this year. Maybe I should build my own reliable bed."

All Harry could think was "The beds aren’t cheap they just can’t hold all that weight."

Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia stood up and was stark naked, they looked like the number ten. Vernon was a good 400 pounds by now. I know this is an old joke but he really did have more rolls than a bakery. Petunia was the complete opposite she had to weigh no more than 100 pounds and no tits at all. Vernon’s tits were bigger by at least 2-cup sizes. Vernon started to get an erection and that is when Harry knew it was time to leave.

Harry decided to take a late night walk around the park so he could avoid any other sounds that might come out of the house. He knew Dudley was out tonight creating havoc. Harry walked over to the swings and sat down. Off in the distance were Dudley and his "gang" of friends. They were laughing and talking loudly, even though Harry could not hear them, he knew they were teasing someone lying down on the ground. Harry decided to walk over to see what was up. He got close enough to see and hear what they were up to but he hid himself behind a tree so they did not see him. Harry was not scared of them but he thought spying was much more fun.

What Harry saw surprised him; Dudley and his friends had their pants down to their ankles, stroking their cocks. On the ground was a girls who looked to be sixteen or seventeen naked as the day she was born laying on a picnic blanket rubbing her finger in and out of her pussy.

"Wow your sister is hot Piers" Dudley commented while the other boys agreed with him.

There was four boys plus Dudley, who was by far the biggest out of them, who formed a little circle watching the slut have her fun. The four boys were about the same build and age, none of them was over 18 and less than 100 pounds. Harry could have taken them all out and Dudley was just scared of Harry. Nevertheless, Harry stood in the shadows to watch.

"I'm fucking this bitch first" Dudley proclaimed.

Harry realized Dudley’s dick was the smallest he had ever seen. Dudley was masturbating with just his thumb and pointer finger. It could not have been more than 3 inches long. Harry held back a laugh as he watched Dudley climb on top and try to stick his dick in the girl’s pussy. Dudley tried everything from just getting on top to taking her leg up onto his shoulder and nothing seemed to work. His fat was just getting in the way of penetrating her. Dudley finally gave up, moved around to her face, and told her to start sucking. From what Harry could tell, she was a pro at this. Piers decided he would fuck his sister instead. He got down on top of her, spread her legs, and forced his penis inside of his sister. He looked like he had done this before many times because he knew how she liked it.

The rest of the boys took this time to get their cocks as hard as they could. Harry noticed that their cocks were smaller than his was. The three of the extra boys was bored and decided to have some fun with her also. Two of them got down and started sucking her tits while the third one shared the girl’s mouth.

Harry just stared at the big ass orgy and had an idea. He had turned 17 the day before and could now use magic. He took out his wand and (nvbl) said Imobulas and everyone froze. Harry came around the tree and put his plan in order. He knew they could still see and hear him but he did not care. He would be leaving soon and never coming back.

First off, he took the two boys that were sucking on her tits. Harry bent the first one over, and place the second boys cock in the first kid’s ass. Then he said a spell to lock their ass and waist together. Then he picked the girl, put her by the tree, laid Piers down where she was, and stuck Dudley’s dick in his mouth. Then Harry took the third boy and sat him right down on Pier's cock. Harry held back laughing the whole time, he was enjoying himself after all those years of Dudley and his friends torturing him. Harry said the spell and stuck them all together like that. The spell would wear off in and hour but until then they can keep each other warm.

Harry then decided that it was time to have fun with the girl. He figured if he fucked her in the ass he would not be cheating on Ginny. Even tried to break it off with her, she was persistent to keep going out. Harry bent her over, took out his six-inch cock, and spit in his hand to lube up his cock. He slowly pushed it in past the head and then it just slid all the way in. "this bitch is looser than Cho," Harry thought to himself.

Harry slid in and out of her with ease and it started to get boring after a little bit so he decided to thaw her for the time being. When Harry released the spell from her, she just pushed her ass into him. The girl was a pro at being ass fucked. Harry grabbed her hair for some extra leverage. Harry reached under her chest and fondled her naked breasts. Harry was panting and sweating in the hot, night air. Harry could feel the pressure building up in his balls and knew he was going to blow his load.

He withdrew his cock from her ass and gave it a little wipe with a tee shirt he found laying next to him. She had turned around on her own and took Harry’s cock into her mouth. She took the entire length down her throat and bounced her head up and down. Harry knew he was going to cum so he grabbed both sides of her head and shoved his cock deep into her throat. After taking all of his cum without spilling a drop she got up right next to Harry’s ear and whispered, “Thank you, you are much bigger than my brother and all the other guys I’ve fucked.

Harry helped her gather up her clothes and walked her over to the swings before he released Dudley and his friends. Harry realized that he just did magic in front of a muggle but she bent over and told him, “Don’t worry, I already know. My aunt is Mrs. Figg, Piers and I am only half brother and sister. That’s why I did not mind fucking him.”

Harry was pleased to hear this and turned his attention to the five boys fucking each other. Harry was far away but from what he could make out the boys was used to fucking each other, which just made Harry sick. He grabbed the girl’s hand and decided that she should not walk home alone.

She lived the next street down from the park so it was not an inconvenience to Harry. As he rounded the corner, he saw some figures walking toward them. Harry gripped the base of his wand as they got closer but it was just a couple out for a night walk. Harry walked her up to the door and she gave him one hell of a kiss goodnight. Harry turned around with a smile on his face and set off for home.

Harry headed back up the street and saw the two people running back toward him. When they were about ten feet away however, Harry saw flashes of light coming right at him. He jumped out of the way just in time to get his hair singed a little. Harry grabbed his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at the two figures. Harry realized that it was the brother and sister from a few months ago at the school.

Harry finally had his chance for his revenge. He pointed his wand at them, (nvbl) Expelliamus he thought at the boy first which hit his square in the chest. He went flying, spinning in the air, and landed a few feet away knocked out. The female was angry, started Avada, But Harry was too quick for her, and he used Petrificus Totalus on her. She fell backwards on her back and just laid there. Harry quickly ran over and removed all of her clothes. He then went over to the brother and stripped him down. Harry levitated him over, on top of his sister and shoved his cock into her pussy.

Harry used the same spell he used on Dudley and his friends and locked them together. Harry sprinted to his aunt and uncle’s house as fast as he could. Harry snuck into the house, tiptoed his way up into his bedroom, and lay down on his bed. His bedroom window was still open and he could hear Dudley walking up the street talking very loudly.

“Did you see those two going at it in the middle of the street like that? I wish I could have gotten a piece of that ass.” Dudley yelled out.

Harry laid in his bed waiting for Hedwig to come back after her hunt so he could send a note to Ron stating that he was arriving the next day because this place was becoming to unsafe. The spells Dumbledore set upon Harry lifted as soon as he turned 17 and he was unprotected anymore from Voldemort.


A Ride on the Night Bus

Harry awoke the next day feeling refreshed. He looked at the clock and it said 7:25 so Harry got up, dressed, and started packing for the trip to the Burrow. Harry decided to take the knight bus there because he could not apparate yet. Harry would be taking his test in about a week with Ron since he failed his first try. Harry pulled his trunk to the front door and set Hedwig’s cage on top of it. He turned to his aunt and uncle and said "goodbye" His uncle just grunted. Harry could not even look his aunt or uncle in the eye after seeing what he saw last night. Dudley on the other hand gave Harry a dirty glare as to say, "I know it was you" but Harry just grinned and turned to the door into the morning air. He decided to call for the bus at the park since there were not that many houses around.

Harry reached the park and looked around to make sure that no one was around and then pulled his wand out. "BANG" A double-decker bus showed up out of nowhere and came to a stop right in front of Harry. Stan was not the greeter this time since he was in jail still on a trumped up charge. Instead, was a beautiful blonde-haired woman about 19 years old and was a knock out in Harry's opinion.

"Welcome to the knight bus. Transportation for the stranded witch or wizard, I am Eva and I will be your conductor for the day," the woman proclaimed.

Her voice was beautiful and if Harry had to take a guess, he would claim she was a veela. Harry helped her hoist his trunk up into one of the compartments and took the stairs to the second level to where there was only a little girl, she looked to be about 15, and Harry decided to sit right next to her.

"I'm Rose and blimey you’re Harry Potter, I've heard about you. You defeated HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED" Rose said happily.

However, all Harry could think about was how Hermione had said about the same things to him in his first year. Rose just started talking away about her life and within a half an hour he thought he knew everything there was to know about her. Harry was listening with his eyes wandered down the front of her shirt to her breasts. "Not bad" Harry thought to himself. Her breasts stuck out quite a bit and she had plenty of cleavage. She was wearing a white halter-top with a black Minnie skirt. It was obvious to Harry that she was not wearing a bra when he could see her nipples poking out of her shirt.

Harry “accidentally” dropped his wand and Rose dove for it. She seemed happy to help “the“ Harry Potter. She bent over in her chair, reached for the wand, and fell face first onto the floor. Harry made to get up to help her but; he got a good glimpse of her bald, pink pussy. Harry got instantly hard and tried to hide his erection but it was proving hard inconspicuously. He had just got it straightened and pulled his hand away before she turned around all red in the face and gave Harry his wand back. Harry asked her if she was all right after that little fall.

All Harry could think about was that pink pussy and knew it would bug him if he did not get to feel it. Harry decided to pretend to go to sleep. He closed his eyes with them open up just enough to see through them. He then let his wand slowly roll out of his hand and onto the floor.

Rose looked at him then whispered "How many times are he going to drop, oh he must have fell asleep."

This time she decided to get down on her hands and knees first and then reached for the wand. "BANG" the bus came to a halt in front of the leaky cauldron. Harry could hear someone getting off from down stairs. The wand had rolled a little down the bus and Rose crawled after it. Harry could not believe that his plan turned out better than he planed. Harry was going to look at the ass nevertheless a new idea popped into his head.

Harry pulled out his cock and crept up on Rose whose but was sticking up into the air. Harry just grabbed her hips and moistened his cock with a little spit. He then positioned his cock toward her ass hole. She did not seem to care; even better, she backed her ass up to Harry. He took this as an invite and slowly pushed the head into her ass. She pushed harder back at Harry to get as much of his cock as she could into her.

Harry grabbed her hips and pushed the rest of his cock into her. He was now bottomed out and slowly moving in and out of her. Harry lightly gave her ass a little smack; she seemed to enjoy it so after every couple of strokes he would smack her ass again. She reached up between her legs and started messaging her clit. Harry could feel her reaching an orgasm. She collapsed onto her face after coming onto Harry’s leg.

She was done but Harry was not so he crawled around to her face. He sat down on the floor right in front of her face and grabbed her head. He guided it to his cock and slowly pushed it all the way into the back of her throat. Her mouth was all warm and moist that it did not take Harry long to cum in her mouth.

They just sat there panting until they heard, “Next stop, Longhorn drive.”

Rose jumped up and gave Harry a big kiss on the lips. Harry could taste his cum in her mouth. “Thanks for a great ride.” she said before running down the stairs.

Harry got back up into his chair after composing himself and saw Rose run up to a house, which Harry guessed it was hers, and when she got to the door Harry saw her turn back and wave as the bus exploded out of there. Harry was exhausted so he decided to take a nap.

Harry awoke some time later to his cock becoming wet. When he opened his eyes all he could see was hair around his dick. Harry did not care who it was, all he knew was that it felt great. Harry leaned his head back and enjoyed. He could hear slight slurping noises as he closed his eyes. Just as Harry was about to cum, the sucking suddenly stopped. When he opened his eyes, he saw Eva, naked, climbing up onto her feet and turned around to sit on Harry.

He was already so wet he did not need any extra lubricant. He positioned his cock right at her ass hole. She slowly sat down onto his cock and it slipped in easily. Harry reached around and took a tit into each hand. He pinched and pulled on each nipple as Eva bounced up and down on top of his cock. Harry could feel pressure building in his balls and knew her was about to cum.

Harry grabbed her hips and just as he felt himself coming, he pulled her down into him. As he came, he tried to push as deep into her as he could. Harry her tense up and he knew she came hard because he felt her juices running down his balls. She got up, dressed and cleaned her self up.

As she started to leave, she turned around and told Harry, “You are our next drop off.”

Harry got up, stowed his cock away and noticed that there were a couple of stains on his pants so he used “Scourgify” As the last stain disappeared he felt the bus come to a jerking stop. Harry headed down the stairs, helped Eva grab his trunk, and pulled it into the yard. Eva gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek before jumping onto the bus and disappearing into the sunset.