wild77er's Avatar
wild77er Member Since January 30, 2012
cracking sisters pussy
wild77er 951 days ago
- 0 + Does not translate to English, so couldn't read.
My First Time With Sister
wild77er 197 days ago
- 1 + What are you doing? Why was it removed? extramale77@gmail.com
Introducing Elly part 2
wild77er 4506 days ago
- 0 + Great story so far hope you continue this like you have with Amy's story... You have a real gift!!!
The DP Family (Part 1)
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + You show great potential and have a great gift would love to read more of your naughty story and if you ever need a proof reader I would love to work with a gifted writer I have a gift of a twisted mind but it seems to get jumbled between there and my fingers but hey YOU keep writing and have fun with it.... shawnholman54@yahoo.com
My First
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + Thx for sharing your fist with us... You are very beautiful woman
The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 32
wild77er 4536 days ago
- 0 + What happen to 30 & 31 in this story and could you email those chapters to me??? shawnholman54@yahoo.com By the way am loving the story but don't want to jump a head
Snakes (part2)
wild77er 4316 days ago
- 0 + Nope there is another but that does not take way from your great story except that yours is a bit short please continue LOL P.S. yours is a longer story the the other but cant remember the name of the other one Anyway when you add if you could please inform me at wild77er@hotmail.com I would be grateful
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + You should title your story LOL I did enjoy it much very and if you would let me know when you decide on a name until then I guess I look forward to the next chapter of UNTITLED
2 Weeks with my cum luving sister ( Part 2 )
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + Did you stop writing or switch profiles Where is the rest it's been over 2 years?????
Where they only dreams
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + Great story but it could use some editing and I would be willing to help you or anyone else with proof reading or editing shawnholman54@yahoo.com
My best friend's secret
wild77er 4499 days ago
- 0 + Great story so far am heading now to see if you have written more "????" Keep up the great writing and have fun with it.... shawnholman54@yahoo.com if you ever need a proof reader or editor
Alex & Angela (part 2)
wild77er 4538 days ago
- 1 + Yes please continue... SOON am loving what you wrote so far very much but I see you have other great stories incomplete also and hope you will complete them also before adding new... Even though new is good also
Taken - Chapter 2 - My First Second Time
wild77er 4537 days ago
- 0 + Yes please More more MORE how about first group or ...
The DF club
wild77er 4538 days ago
- 0 + Great Story haven't checked yet but I hope you have more similar KEEP Writing great works AND thank you for the pleasure
wild77er 951 days ago
- 0 + What story? I only see a "title?" I think?
Kates busy day!
wild77er 4538 days ago
- 0 + Hey, What happened to chapter 2 if they won't allow post please forward to me I just HATE Censuring and don't think it is right... Keep writing you are very good writer !!! shawnholman54@yahoo.com