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tbone405 Member Since October 19, 2009

A girl and her robots 2

tbone405 on Sex Toy Stories

God how come I never get into that robotics business? " I asked myself for probably the 100th time now. I've tried every business in the city and no one will hire me. I kept asking myself why they wouldn’t accept my application as I walked into my apartment with that distressed feeling of failure.

O I'm sorry that I didn’t introduce myself earlier. It’s the year 2020 and my name is Jessica, I'm 23 trying to get into a robotics company, as for my looks I would have to say I look pretty good with my short black hair, tan skin, size D bouncy breasts, and a tight ass. But not to many guys notice me because I wear kinda dorky glasses and have tight shy look, and I don’t mind that they don&

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rsquo;t notice me, I'm way to busy trying to get a job the way it is so having a boy friend that I would have to be constantly going out with and being with and talking to would be a hassle and waste of my time. But I would like the times that I get boned by the guy. You see that’s the thing he he, I get horny very easily and enjoy sex more than anything else. I don’t get fucked to often so when I get the opportunity it’s like heaven. But if theres not any guy around then I don’t have to worry either. I have plenty of sex toys and equipment and all that junk.

I've been trying to get a job in a robotics or if I'm lucky enough maybe even a cybernetic organism lab. I finished school and was one of the smartest people in my class. I've done everything perfectly and have made many robots on my spare time that work great; well most of them do at least. But every company that interviews me just says at the end, we need a new idea for a new generation of robots.

But enough about me. So anyways I walked into my apartment and went into my room and threw my purse and on the ground and took off the sport jacket and high heels. I sat down at my computer and got on the internet to check my email. Almost like I was hoping that some random horny guy would find my e-mail address and messaged me that he wanted to come over and have a good time. No I know what you’re thinking yes I did say that I had no time for guys but that’s basically on the week days, and it was Friday and wanted to loosen up. But I'm not much for going to bars and clubs because I don’t think I would really fit in plus I get drunk easily. So I just wait for a guy a to come to me which never happens. I grabbed the command remote that I had for my helpr bot I created out of some old parts. Hes pretty simple. Just follows your command and doesn’t think about anything else. Now of course he’s not a walking learning robot that you might think I have. Nope he gets around on four wheels and only has a motion sensing camera for a head and one simple arm. Nope he’s not high tech at all but he does his job. So I ordered him to get me a bottle of water. And sure enough he gets it to me in about 30 seconds (my apartment is small). "Thanks little guy, you’re always here for me" I said to it as I started to drink. I took a sip and started undressing. I took everything off except my panties and then put a little white t-shirt on that didn’t cover my stomach. I layed down on my bed and had my hand on my crotch. I began to rub it a little bit while sipping the water. God it felt really good, I was imagining a big muscular man breaking through the door and then pushing me down on to the bed. I thought about him thrusting into me and while gripping onto me hard. But then I opened my eyes for sec when I heard a beep. I looked between my spread apart legs and I saw helper bot still in the door way. I looked at him for a sec and then asked him the stupidest question in the world. "Are you horny helper bot?" and then I got a kinky little idea.

I got up and got right onto the computer, I quick got into the helper bot’s program that I created and typed in about 5 minutes worth of code and actions. Connected the cable to the helper bot and clicked the touch screen remote to have him upload the update. It sat there for a couple of minutes with lots of beeping, then the remote said, update complete. I got a big smile on my face and bit my lip in anticipation. I reached up into my closet and pulled out a cardboard box. I picked between a couple of different he he toys… and finally picked one of my favorites, a silver aluminum dildo. It was perfect and fit into the adaptive robot hand perfectly. So I did a quick test with it, I clicked the remote and boosted the arm speed up to a slow 10 percent speed. I watched as the gears in the arm began to move and the sound of electric motor power the drive shaft, that silver rod moved back and forth nice and slow.

I scooted my body down to where it was moving and watched it as at went back and fourth, almost hitting my pussy. my panties got sliped off and i moved towards the rod. it began to slip in and o it felt good! sinking in to my wet pussy slowly over and over. i was getting so horny! i grabed the remote and boosted up the speed to 30% power. now he was moving a bit faster. o god did it feel great. i grabed the remote again now to 70%. he was really moving fast now. going harder and harder faster and faster. feeling that bit rod move back and fourth i just couldnt hold it in. i was now gripping and tearing at the sheets and moaning and near screaming due to it being so amazing. hearing all of those gears moving and feeling the rod move back and fourth i knew i was going to cum soon. then i thought of something crazy. i turned up the speed to 100% oh my god my pussy was getting pounded! the next thing i knew my body was arching and my pussy just started squirting every where. i have never done this before so i was so supprised! i was for sure that that was the best orgasm i had ever had. i turned the speed of helpr down to about 10% again to kinda cool down.

After that all weekend i was experementing with tons of different kinds of toys and better programs. by sunday night i had a brand new robot that was absolutly perfect! it was damn near as good as getting fucked by a guy. so the next day i brought it in to one of the places that i was trying to get a job. now no i didnt give a presentation of how well it does, but god i sure wanted to! after some akward looks and whispering they said that i was going to have my own private sub buisness. So before i knew it i had my own company and testing facilitys and everything! it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. and all becasue i felt like getting fucked by a robot.

Thank you for reading and make sure to keep and eye out for the sequal.

The close cousin part 2

tbone405 on Incest Stories

The close cousin Part 2


It was about one week after Katy and I made out. We just kinda pretended that it never happened. Every once and I while her friends would give me a wink and say “nice going big guy.” I would ask them why and they would just walk away smiling. Katy and I hadn’t gotten a chance to hang out since then. We would hang out during school of course but never alone at home. It was like it never even happened, I almost wondered if all of it was like a dream. If I might have been out of it that night, but I guess not.


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;       It was Friday night again. I was so hyper! When the bell finally rang that meant we were out of school me and all the rest of the students sprinted out. I hung out with some of my friends and was BSing with them for a little bit. Then I felt a little bit of a pat on my butt. I turned around and it was Katy, she had a big smile and looked very anxious to get home, like me. “See ya later guys” I said as I walked away with Katy next to me. When we got outside of the school area we started to talk a little about what we should do tonight.


So our parents are going to be on the town again? Katy asked


Yep till like 3 in the morning again, so what should we do? I said


Hmmmmm that’s a good question. Katy said


She got to her house and said “ill see you over here in 5?”


“Yep sure will” I said

I got home and went into my room and started to take off our dumb ass school uniform, I started to think about what me Katy were going to do tonight. I started to think about us jamming out to some music and playing video games. I thought about making random shit like smoke bombs in the garage. I thought about her and me watching videos late at night. Then I all of a sudden remembered me looking at her as she layed there with one of her perfect breasts out of her shirt. I remembered us making out. I hadn’t put on my clothes that I was going to wear over there.

I noticed that my cock started to get a little hard. I began to rise up and I started to rub it a little. I imagined me rubbing Katy’s back and grabbing her butt as we kissed. I started to get close to an orgasm. Then I kinda woke up out of it. I quickly put my clothes back on almost like I was mad at my self. I kinda shook it off and just left my room. I walked into the garage and grabbed my paintball gun, some ammo, and a couple of carbon tanks. I walked to her house and when I finally got there I saw her garage door was open too. I looked inside and her paintball gun was off of the hooks.

At that instant I put my helmet over my face and loaded my gun. I slowly walked into her back yard. I noticed that one of the big trees with branches that hung down to the ground had its branches moving a little bit. None of the other trees were swaying so I knew it wasn’t the wind. I slowly walked over to it ready to shoot at any time. I sprinted into it and shot like crazy! But I noticed after my hell fire that she wasn’t in there. But then when I was thinking to my self “What the fuck is going on?” then she jumped down from the tree behind me and shot me like crazy!

We kept fighting for a while. About 20 minutes later we both stopped. She had about 5 paintball shots on her.  I had three. “Ha I won!” I shouted out. Then she shot me 3 more times before I could even think. “Who won now?” she sayied. I accepted it. So we both went inside, I gave her a high five and then she gave me a slap on the butt. She went into her bathroom and started to take a shower. I ran back over to my house real quick and took a shower too. I got changed and ran back over. When I got back over it was already dark outside. I went inside and she was still showering. So I got on her computer and started playing some music. It was a CD I put together for her that was mostly all hard rock and punk rock. Defiantly made to get you pumped up for a war or something.

I started playing video games on the TV and never even noticed that she was done taking a shower. She walked out of the bath room. She was head banging to the music. I turned around when I heard her sing along. She must not have known that I was over already. She wasn’t wearing anything except a towel. She saw me and was almost a little embarrassed, she stood there not knowing what to do. I just stared at her again. We both let out a laugh.

Katy- how the hell did u get over here so fast hahaha.

Tommy- um I don’t know I just took a really quick shower.

Katy- o ok hahaha hey come into my room with me.

Tommy- but um… you’re only in a…

Katy- o it's fine come on.

I turned off the TV and x-box. I walked in with her and she closed the door. I sat down on the bed. She shut the blinds on her windows. I started to feel a little excited for something but I didn’t know what. She sat down next to me and kinda swished her hair around a little. It graced my face and I smelled the aroma coming from it. I closed my eyes and took in a big whiff of it. “Ha your hair smells good” I said. She laughed and patted it down. She was warm and still a little wet from her hot shower. She was barely even covering her breasts. They were still wet and almost going to slip out.

I couldn’t help but look at them. She saw me staring at them and put her hand on my leg. I kinda woke me up from the trance I was in. she started to rub my leg a little.

Katy- so do u remember what me and you did last week?

Tommy- well um we played video games and watched movies for a while and listened to some…

Katy- no silly I mean what “you and me” did. She let out a very seductive smile.

Tommy- o um... kinda… why? I said with a crackling voice

Katy- so you know how I said that I was going to teach u how to please a girl?

Tommy- um yeh I guess so…

Katy- I think its time for our second lesson…

She put her hand up my shirt and rubbed my abs. “take off your shirt” she said.

I did as she said. I was nervous and was starting to sweat. “And now your pants Tommy” I slowly started to take them off. I was shaking I was nervous. I didn’t know what the hell to think! I was left only with me boxers on. My dick wasn’t completely hard but was still longer than when im not excited. She put her hand right on it and started to rub. I closed my eyes and accepted how good it felt. She stopped and I looked at her. She started rubbing her boobs. Then she took off her towel. She threw it to the other side of the room. I stared at her perfect body.

            Her boobs were perfect, stomach was perfect, legs were perfect and then I looked at her pussy. It was almost completely bald but still with a little hair. It was wet and luscious. Everything about her was perfect! She looked at me and just said “do u like what you see Tommy?” she was just swaying her boobs. I was hypnotized! My mouth got dry and all that came out was “god you’re an angel!” I hit my self in the head after I said that because it was so idiotic. “mmmmmm thank you. You’re so muscular” she said. Let’s see how your biggest muscle is doing. She slid off the bed and knelt in front of me and took off my boxers. I was still a little limp.

            Tommy-i'm so sorry Its not that you’re… its just I mean you’re my cousin so…

            Katy- I know what your saying its ok. I just have to help u get it up.

She put her big lips around the head of my cock and started to suck up and down on the entire shaft. It felt so amazing! She was perfect at it! She began rubbing my balls and then I got rock solid instantly! It was bigger than ive ever gotten it by my self. She stopped and got back on the bed. She layed down and spread out her legs. She took out a bottle of lube from her drawer. Katy rubbed it in her hands and then rubbed it on her pussy. I was so amazed at the sight. I went over to her and layed down next to her. She kept rubbing. “now it’s your turn big boy” she said to me lightly. “but I don’t know what to do” I said in a worried voice. “just do what ever u want and I’ll tell u if you’re doing something wrong k?” she said. So I got between her legs and put my hand on her pussy.

            “just start with two fingers k?” she said. I put two fingers out and rubbed in circles. “mmmm keep going” she said. I sunk both of them in and went in and out slowly. I bent my fingers up wards and tried finding her G-spot. I had heard about it before but I didn’t exactly know where it was. OOOO GOD!! She screamed. I quickly took my fingers out thinking that I hurt her. “no put them back in, put them back in keep going!”

I put my fingers back in and kept rubbing her g-spot that I now found. She kept moaning and letting out a little yelp every once in a while. I was starting to put 3 fingers in, then 4, I kept going faster and harder. Her body kept wiggling every where and shaking. I often wondered if I was hurting her. But I was enjoying to much to really even think about if she was alright.

            “O MY GOD IM GOING TO BLOW!!!” she screamed out about 6 minutes into this whole thing. I noticed that my fingers where starting to get extremely wet. I loved the feeling of the soft, warm, wet inside of her tight little pink pussy. It was something that I never imagined I would do before I’m 18. “LICK MY PUSSY QUICK!” I put my head between her legs and started to suck on her now extremely soaking wet pussy. I tongue fucked her. “AHHHHHHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!” Katy started to scream. Her slender soft legs came together over my head and squeezed. Her stomach and chest rose up as her hands grabbed the comforter on the bed. Then something amazing happened, a small spray of liquid came out. At first I thought it was pee but after I wiped some of it off my face and tasted it I could tell it wasn’t. I kept licking her pussy until she was done.

            Her entire body relaxed, her legs spread apart again. She let go of the bed and I could tell was tired. I put my fingers back on her pussy. I just slowly rubbed around in circles. She was sweating and was very warm. I gave her a kiss on her beautiful and wet cult. I slid back up next to her and put my hand on my face. I wiped some of the strange liquid that Katy squirted out. I could tell it wasn’t pee. It almost felt like cum. But I wasn’t as white or as thick. “what is this stuff” I said. “That’s what I squirt out when I have an orgasm”. She said in a very tired voice.

Tommy- wow I didn’t know girls could do that heh heh.

Katy- not a lot of us can but when we do its amazing!

Tommy- so did I do a good job?

Katy- you were awesome. Ya still need some practice but for a first try that was very good!

Tommy- ha ha, thanks. So um ive got a question.

Katy- sure go ahead and ask.

Tommy- um, well what does all of this make us?

Katy- well I would call us fuck buddy’s.

Tommy- Fuck buddy’s?

Katy- yeh its were you aren’t really a couple but you fuck each other. Its also I very good chance to practice and experiment without ruining an actual relation ship.

Tommy- o cool, sounds good to me.

I rolled over on top of her, I gave her some kisses and rubbed her perfect breasts. Her nipples were warm and not very pointy any more. She was sweaty and hot. I licked her shoulders, chest and neck. I was about to put my dick into her soft little pussy. “can I?” I said. “um I still have to finish up too.” “no not yet. I’m to tired to keep going. Maybe next time hehehe” she said and winked at me. I roled off Katy’s body. I was almost a little sad. Then she went to the end of the bed in front of me. She started to rub the inside of my legs. She started rubbing my big balls. She did that with one hand and then stroked my cock with the other. It felt so great. Her hands were small and soft. They gripped onto my big hard dick so perfectly, I moaned and groaned. I started getting close. She obviously knew I was going to blow. She licked the lower part of my shaft right were my balls start. My dick twitched and then… tons of my gooey cream came out. It ran down my long cock. She licked it up and socked my cock a little. I relaxed and looked down at her. She came back up next to me. “I’ll make you ready in no time.” She said.

the close cousin 1

tbone405 on Incest Stories


The Close Cousin Part 1

Me and my cousin had always been close since neither of us had siblings and we lived only a block apart. Our parents loved to hang out together and so did we. My name is Tommy and my cousin’s name is Katy. We both were about 15 at the time and were good friends. Both of us went to the same high school together and hung out with each others friends a lot. I knew she was a bi-sexual, and she knew I was straight. But Katy’s parents thought she was a perfect little
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0.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">girl who wouldn’t ever do anything wrong. A lot of her friends were bi too. Katy would often set me up on dates with her friends. I didn’t know a lot about http://files.adbrite.com/mb/images/green-double-underline-006600.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">girls or what they wanted in a guy. Katy and I never really got into that stuff too much.


Katy was a Very athletic girl but with a very curvy body. She had long Brown hair that was often wavy and smooth. Katy had the most http://files.adbrite.com/mb/images/green-double-underline-006600.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">beautiful eyes in the world. They were green and almost seemed to glow when she was happy. She had a nice little nose and big puffy lips. I found my self checking her out every once in a while. I thought it was a little weird that I was attracted to her sometimes. But god she was beautiful. Katy had nice round Boobs that weren’t too big or too small. It seemed like she almost always had a tan. Her skin was soft and gentle. Her butt was round and tight, the type that you just wanted to slap all day.


I was still in my little bit of an awkward stage of puberty. Nothing was quite proportional. But I was starting to fill out with muscle. I have wide shoulders and a firm muscular chest. I sort of had a six pack but it wasn’t the type you could notice from a mile away. Long muscular legs and muscular arms. I had short wide neck (The football player neck). A very strong looking face with Blonde curly Hair. Usually the mop top look. But for a while I had it spiked. Of course being a guy I was very sexually attracted to girls, and yes I masturbated pretty regularly and once or twice I started to think of Katy when I did.


Whenever our parents would go out I would usually go over to her house and hang out. We would watch movies and http://files.adbrite.com/mb/images/green-double-underline-006600.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">play video games. Sometimes if we got some more people together we would have a paintball fight and Katy and I would almost always win. We found the same things funny and the same things weird and disgusting. We were tighter then a knot. But one night when I went over to hang out with her I learned that the knot was going to get even tighter.


It was a Friday night and of course our parents were out on the town and probably getting wasted. They never got back until about three in the morning or so. I walked over to her house and had a couple video games and movies with me. It was towards the end of the school year so things were warming up and it was a pleasant walk over with the sun still just barley up in the sky. I got to her house and just walked in like I always do. She was sitting down on the couch watching some TV. So I taped on her shoulder and said I was here.


She was wearing a very low cut tank top without a bra on a noticed. Her hair was put into a pony tail and was hanging over the couch. She had some soft cotton sweat pants on. In account with the bra I made a comment. “Being a little free I see” she let out a little laugh and smiled. “I felt like relaxing tonight” she said. We didn’t care when we talked like that. We were close enough that if I wanted to I could randomly say I had boner or something.






It was about 11:00 and we were done playing video games and done watching movies, we were both bored to death. Katy was completely laid out on the couch with pop corn all over her. I was sitting in the big lazy boy chair with popcorn all over me too. We like to try and get popcorn into each others mouth during movies and stuff. I glanced over to Katy to see if she was still awake. As I glanced I saw that she had a little bit of nipple slip. Her left boob was about half way out and I could see her nipple as clear as day light. She looked up and saw me looking at her, so she glanced down at her self and saw that her tit was hanging out. When she did that I looked away with an embarrassed look. She starred back up at me and could see I was embarrassed. She sat up and wiped most of the popcorn off herself.


After a little bit of awkwardness she came over and sat on top of my lap cross legged. She gave me a little smirk. “So have you ever kissed a girl before Tommy?” my face instantly went red and I got tongue tied. “Well of course I have” I said. She looked right at me and it felt like she could read my mind. “Well only once actually” I said again. She kept staring right at me. “Ok fine I’ve never kissed a girl before. There are you happy now?” she looked away a little and the stared right back at me and said “How would you like to know how to kiss a girl before you ever have to?” I blushed again and stared at her for about a minute. She stared at me waiting for a response with a little smile on her face. I finally opened my mouth and just simply said, “How?”


 Katy laid her self on top of me and put her arms around me and the chair. She slowly put her big soft luscious lips on mine. They felt amazing; it was like lying in a big soft bed before you just about fall asleep. I don’t know why but I just accepted it. I was almost in a trance for a little bit, but then I like woke up and opened my eyes and thought, “Oh my god I’m kissing my cousin!” I pushed her away from me real quick like. She looked at me like she wasn’t surprised at all. She looked at me with her bright glowing green eyes. “Nice Face there. HeHeHe” she said in a very seductive and yet goofy voice. I shook my head and took away my surprised and bulging eye look. “Why the hell did you do that?!?” I said with a slightly crackling voice.


She slid back on top of me and put her hands on my muscular shoulders and said. “I’m gonna teach you every thing you need to know on how to please a lady.” Then without time for me to say a thing she put her soft lips on my mouth and we started making out again. I finely just accepted it. She put her head back up again and took her hair out of a pony tail and let it fall over her face. She was being more seductive then ever. She looked at me through her hair and said. “Now I want you to put your tongue in my mouth when we kiss.” So she tossed her hair to the side and began kissing me. So just as she had said I slowly put my tongue into her mouth. Then without notice she began massaging it with hers.


I loved the felling and neither of us wanted to stop. We kept going and going. She put her hands up my shirt and began rubbing my muscular chest and shoulders. I put my hands on both of her curves. We kept kissing and I just was doing what came naturally. I began rubbing my hands up and down her curves. They felt amazing. I began to slide my hands through the bottom of her shirt. I kept stroking her curves. Her skin was so soft and warm. I put my arms around her and rubbed her back. Both of us kept kissing non stop. I kept rubbing her. I didn’t think about at all and started inching my hands toward her breasts. I got to them and put my thumbs underneath them.


She put her head up and gave me another seductive look and then went right back to kissing me. She let me keep going. I started to completely grab her boobs. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. But then something extremely embarrassing happened. My cock began to get hard even through my jeans she could feel it start to push against her round butt.


She looked up again at me aging and sat up. I was so angry at my self. I knew that for sure I had ruined our good friend ship.


Tommy- “I’m so sorry I just…


Katy- “I can tell you’re enjoying this.


Tommy- well I mean this is http://files.adbrite.com/mb/images/green-double-underline-006600.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">fun but I didn’t mean to…


Katy- its ok, I was waiting for that to happen, hehehe.


Tommy- so you’re not mad at me?


Katy- no not at all, but we will get to where your going next time.”


I was still just laying there. My boner had gone away obviously since I was so damn embarrassed. She shook her head to fling around her hair. She got back off of me and adjusted her tank top as she walked away. I still had a horrified look on my face and just watched her stroll away. She was swaying her butt as she walked, I couldn’t http://files.adbrite.com/mb/images/green-double-underline-006600.gif') repeat-x 50% bottom; margin-bottom: -2px; padding-bottom: 2px; cursor: pointer; color: #006600; text-decoration: none" target="_top">help but watch. Right before she went into her room she peered back at me and said in a very cute voice. “Well see ya later.”


A girl and her robots

tbone405 on Sex Toy Stories

"God how come I never get into that robotics business? " I asked myself for probably the 100th time now. I've tried every business in the city and no one will hire me. I kept asking myself why they wouldn’t accept my application as I walked into my apartment with that distressed feeling of failure.

O I'm sorry that I didn’t introduce myself earlier. It’s the year 2020 and my name is Jessica, I'm 23 trying to get into a robotics company, as for my looks I would have to say I look pretty good with my short black hair, tan skin, size D bouncy breasts, and a tight ass. But not to many guys notice me because I wear kinda dorky glasses and have tight shy look, and I don’t mind that they don’t notice me, I'm way to busy trying to get a jo

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b the way it is so having a boy friend that I would have to be constantly going out with and being with and talking to would be a hassle and waste of my time. But I would like the times that I get boned by the guy. You see that’s the thing he he, I get horny very easily and enjoy sex more than anything else. I don’t get fucked to often so when I get the opportunity it’s like heaven. But if theres not any guy around then I don’t have to worry either. I have plenty of sex toys and equipment and all that junk.

I've been trying to get a job in a robotics or if I'm lucky enough maybe even a cybernetic organism lab. I finished school and was one of the smartest people in my class. I've done everything perfectly and have made many robots on my spare time that work great; well most of them do at least. But every company that interviews me just says at the end, we need a new idea for a new generation of robots.

But enough about me. So anyways I walked into my apartment and went into my room and threw my purse and on the ground and took off the sport jacket and high heels. I sat down at my computer and got on the internet to check my email. Almost like I was hoping that some random horny guy would find my e-mail address and messaged me that he wanted to come over and have a good time. No I know what you’re thinking yes I did say that I had no time for guys but that’s basically on the week days, and it was Friday and wanted to loosen up. But I'm not much for going to bars and clubs because I don’t think I would really fit in plus I get drunk easily. So I just wait for a guy a to come to me which never happens. I grabbed the command remote that I had for my helpr bot I created out of some old parts. Hes pretty simple. Just follows your command and doesn’t think about anything else. Now of course he’s not a walking learning robot that you might think I have. Nope he gets around on four wheels and only has a motion sensing camera for a head and one simple arm. Nope he’s not high tech at all but he does his job. So I ordered him to get me a bottle of water. And sure enough he gets it to me in about 30 seconds (my apartment is small). "Thanks little guy, you’re always here for me" I said to it as I started to drink. I took a sip and started undressing. I took everything off except my panties and then put a little white t-shirt on that didn’t cover my stomach. I layed down on my bed and had my hand on my crotch. I began to rub it a little bit while sipping the water. God it felt really good, I was imagining a big muscular man breaking through the door and then pushing me down on to the bed. I thought about him thrusting into me and while gripping onto me hard. But then I opened my eyes for sec when I heard a beep. I looked between my spread apart legs and I saw helper bot still in the door way. I looked at him for a sec and then asked him the stupidest question in the world. "Are you horny helper bot?" and then I got a kinky little idea.

I got up and got right onto the computer, I quick got into the helper bot’s program that I created and typed in about 5 minutes worth of code and actions. Connected the cable to the helper bot and clicked the touch screen remote to have him upload the update. It sat there for a couple of minutes with lots of beeping, then the remote said, update complete. I got a big smile on my face and bit my lip in anticipation. I reached up into my closet and pulled out a cardboard box. I picked between a couple of different he he toys… and finally picked one of my favorites, a silver aluminum dildo. It was perfect and fit into the adaptive robot hand perfectly. So I did a quick test with it, I clicked the remote and boosted the arm speed up to a slow 10 percent speed. I watched as the gears in the arm began to move and the sound of electric motor power the drive shaft, that silver rod moved back and forth nice and slow.

I scooted my body down to where it was moving and watched it as at went back and fourth, almost hitting my pussy. my panties got sliped off and i moved towards the rod. it began to slip in and o it felt good! sinking in to my wet pussy slowly over and over. i was getting so horny! i grabed the remote and boosted up the speed to 30% power. now he was moving a bit faster. o god did it feel great. i grabed the remote again now to 70%. he was really moving fast now. going harder and harder faster and faster. feeling that bit rod move back and fourth i just couldnt hold it in. i was now gripping and tearing at the sheets and moaning and near screaming due to it being so amazing. hearing all of those gears moving and feeling the rod move back and fourth i knew i was going to cum soon. then i thought of something crazy. i turned up the speed to 100% oh my god my pussy was getting pounded! the next thing i knew my body was arching and my pussy just started squirting every where. i have never done this before so i was so supprised! i was for sure that that was the best orgasm i had ever had. i turned the speed of helpr down to about 10% again to kinda cool down.

After that all weekend i was experementing with tons of different kinds of toys and better programs. by sunday night i had a brand new robot that was absolutly perfect! it was damn near as good as getting fucked by a guy. so the next day i brought it in to one of the places that i was trying to get a job. now no i didnt give a presentation of how well it does, but god i sure wanted to! after some akward looks and whispering they said that i was going to have my own private sub buisness. So before i knew it i had my own company and testing facilitys and everything! it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. and all becasue i felt like getting fucked by a robot.

Thank you for reading and make sure to keep and eye out for the sequal.