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tanks Member Since October 19, 2009

Crazy Summer Part 4

tanks on Incest Stories

Chapter 4, The Party


As I walked from around the corner of the barn, Mom was standing on the patio waiting for me. She was dressed in the same type of outfit that Aunt Elaine wore earlier, super short shorts and a hal

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ter top, sans bra. "We were starting to get worried son, where have you been?" she asked.


"Just went for a walk over to the creek and back. I'm just not use to sitting around in the morning so I thought I'd go for a walk and see the whole property and check out for any chores that needed doing." I replied as I walked up to her. She reached out and put her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss. She had her breasts pressed hard against my body and I let my thigh find it's way between her legs, feeling the heat emitting from her pussy. I was still turned on from the scene I had seen down by the creek.


"Not so fast now son, we don't want to jump the gun here. There's nothing I would like more than to fuck you right here and now, but that would spoil your lunch, and believe me, you don't want to spoil your lunch." She said as she pulled away and disappeared into the house.


I followed   and found Elaine in the kitchen working. "Go into the dining room darling, Lunch will be served momentarily." I made my way to the dining room and saw one place set at the head of the table with mom and my sister Denise standing on each side of the chair, both dressed similar in shorts and halter tops.


"Come and sit down Don, all three of us will be serving you your lunch today." Mom instructed. Elaine came in carrying a plate of food consisting of cold cuts, pickles, fruit and other things. She smiled at me and moved beside Denise. All three bent over and kissed me on the lips and cheeks at the same time, pushing their breasts towards me as they did so.


"We are all going to feed you lunch Don. You won't even have to use your hands, and you'll have us for your serving dishes." Elaine explained, while all three of them giggled. "You start Denise." They pulled my chair back a bit from the table and Denise stood in front of me. She removed her skimpy little top allowing her breast to fall free. She turned and picked up an olive and put it in her mouth, holding it in her teeth. She bent and put her mouth against mine and pushed the olive in with her tongue. As I chewed the olive she turned again and came back with another that she placed in my mouth again, this time snaking her tongue in at the same time.


This went on for some time with an assortment of pickles, olives and other similar appetizers. As she did this Mom and Elaine stood behind me not making a move or saying a word. Denise moved away and Aunt Elaine replaced her. She also removed her top and brought my lips to her nipple where she feed me some of her milk to wash down the food with. Next she picked a piece of cheese off the plate which was moulded into a little cup which she place over her nipple and pushed into my mouth. As I mouthed the cheese off she squeezed her breast shooting a stream of her milk into my mouth at the same time.


After a few pieces of cheese she placed a small bite-size piece of meat on her nip and brought that to my lips, which I eagerly gobbled up. This continued for some time and she would add a cracker to the mix, just for enhancement. While she did this, Mom stayed behind me saying nothing. Denise had gone to one side and leaned over me pressing her tits into my neck and sticking her tongue in my ear or licking my face while Elaine fed me. Although there wasn't a whole lot of stuff going on I found myself being totally aroused by the food being served to me in this way.


After having my fill of milk coated cold cuts and cheeses Aunt Elaine stepped aside and stood to my left, pressing her wet breast against my shoulder just like her niece. Mom was next and I waited in anticipation for my next course. She moved in front of me and, like the others, removed her halter top. She then removed her shorts exposing her neatly trimmed pussy, glistening with moisture.


My cock was rock hard now and the bulge in the front of my pants was not only noticeable, but also uncomfortable. She reached down and loosened my belt and pulled my zipper down. She stopped there and I, not being able to stand the pressure any longer, reached down and pulled my cock and let it spring out. The ladies on each side of me sighed with delight, as my cock swayed back and forth in it's new found freedom.


I focused again on mom who was still standing in front of me as if waiting for me to pay attention only on her. I looked up expectantly, being returned an inviting smile. She moved back and sat well on the side of the table and reached back to the tray and brought a strawberry forward. She put her feet up on the chair seat beside me and spread her knees far apart. She reached down with her free hand and pulled her pussy lips apart, exposing her engorged clitoris and the wide opening of her cunt. She then took her other hand, the one with the strawberry in it, and placed the fruit into the opening of her cunt, coating it with her own juices.


When she was satisfied she pulled it out and reached towards me, inviting me to eat from her hand. I bent forward and chomped on the strawberry, devouring the thing in one bite. She repeated the selection again, except this time she left the strawberry sitting in the opening of her cunt. She beckoned me forward and, with a little assistance from the ladies on each side of me, I leaned forward and stuck my head between her legs and pulled the wet fruit out with my lips and teeth.


I swallowed it down immediately, and seeing that I was down there anyway, I decided to take advantage of the position and ran my tongue along her pussy, from her piss hole all the way down to her cunt. Mom let out a moan but immediately started pressing my head away, obviously not wanting me to stray to far from their plans for my birthday. The feasting continued on the various fruits and meats being served to me by way of mom's cunt.


After washing down the last bit with a suck on Elaine's milk filled breasts I actually felt like I was full and leaned back in my chair waiting to see what would be next. Elaine and Denise washed mom's pussy juice off my face with their tongues and when they were done stood up beside mom.


"Your fat hard cock is almost too much for us to resist but our plan is to serve you completely, so unless you tell us you want one of us to lick, suck or fuck you, we will not be making any moves on our own, except for our entertaining you for your pleasure." Although it was mom that spoke, the two others stood there nodding and staring down at my raging hard-on.


"Remember son, prolonging the excitement and therefore the orgasm can greatly enhance the result. But it is entirely your decision, and I know any one of us would be more than happy to give you your first fuck as an eighteen year old." I was pretty excited but my cock had lost some of it's stiffness after mom's speech so I thought I'd just go with the flow for awhile. I had already made up my mind that Denise would be my first fuck of the day anyway, she had teased me long enough and I was looking forward to burying my big prick into her tight little pussy. As much as mom and Elaine turned me on by their wanton behavior, fucking Denise had pre-occupied my mind almost entirely since the beginning of the summer.


"Well I don't want to ruin your plans so whatever you have in mind is fine by me. I do have one request though, my first fuck is my choice, and how we go about it. So if your plans stray from that wish of mine than that's just too bad," I told them.


"Don't worry son, we will honor that wish of yours, just tell us when your ready. Now for our agenda. We thought you'd probably want to go for your regular swim today so we have a little something special worked out for your there. Of course Elaine has to feed the baby before that so if you want to relax before your swim that would be fine also. After an afternoon by the pool, where you can fuck whichever one of us you want of course, than we will get supper ready.


"You said you wanted to BBQ so we have bought some filet steak and Denise bought some lobster tails. After supper we wanted to give you a fashion show, something to set the mood, if you get my drift. Besides those things everything else that happens is entirely up to you. All three of us are totally at your whim and under your complete control."


The three of them then wrapped their arms around each other, with mom in the middle, and leaned down and kissed me, Elaine and Denise on each cheek and mom sticking her sword like tongue into my mouth. Denise also reached over and gave my cock a squeeze and a stroke. My head was swimming with the possibilities of have these three at my beck and call for the entire day, and night of course.


"Why don't you and Elaine take care of the baby and the lunch stuff," I said directly to mom, "whatever you have planned for the pool, I will meet you all out there in about an hour. Denise is coming upstairs with me for a moment so I can discuss something with her." Mom and Elaine just smiled and went about their business, not bothering to put their clothes back on.


Watching them move around almost totally naked, along with the fact that Denise still had her hand wrapped around my cock, got the old juices flowing, and my cock quickly surged up. Denise was smiling like she was being treated special but all I wanted to do was talk to her a bit, remembering moms advise that prolonging the stimulation would ultimately enhance the experience.


We went upstairs to my room, Denise had a tough time holding on to my boner all the way up the stairs but she managed to somehow. After closing the door I told her to sit on the chair while I stood in front of her, my cock swinging back and forth in front of her face. She watched it like she was hypnotized and I could not help but smile at the change that had come over her in the last few weeks. Going from what would be considered a self-centered bitch to a generally submissive young lady that smiled a bit easier now although you could still see some of her inherent wildness in her eyes.


At the end of the day I loved her as much now as I did six weeks ago but the relief I have enjoyed from her constant sexual teasing had definitely enhanced our relationship. I know I had changed also, being more assertive and a little less tense (who wouldn't be less tense after my recent adventures!). "Well sis, why do you think I asked you to come up here," I asked wanting to find out what she may have been expecting.


"I hope you want me to suck that cock of yours, I don't know how long I can sit here watching it wave back and forth like that," She replied.


"Well to tell you the truth that's not why I wanted you up here alone, I wanted to share something with you about what I want for my birthday. However, you can suck me while I talk, just make sure you listen and don't let me blow." She immediately grabbed by hard cock in her two hands and pulled me towards he waiting mouth. God it felt so warm and lushes I just about blew my load the second she touched her tongue to the pulsating head of my cock. I was determined to save that for later though and told her to ease into it and as soon as any pre-come came out of the tip she was to stop.


"So here's the deal sis," I started, "I think I want to have a little fun teasing mom and Elaine for a change and I figure you're just the person to help me out. I will be fucking you first tonight, I've only been horny to stick my cock in your tight little pussy for years now and I think I am probably as frustrated as you are having to wait so long just because Elaine though you should be punished." A Mmmmm of approval came from around her cock filled mouth as I told her this.


"I knew you would be happy about that. The neat thing is that even though you and I know who gets it first I don't want them to know. I want to see just how far either one of them will go to be my birthday fuck. Keep your head cool and don't give this away by acting weird. I also want you to go and find some soft rope and strips of cloth that we can tie them up with. I don't want them to even be able to touch themselves while I slip my cock into you. I've decided to see just how serious they are about me having my every whim come true, and you get to be on the winning side for a change."


It's funny how I had so easily came up with a plan without really thinking about it. It just seemed that it was time to take mom up on her offer and I thought that testing the boundaries would be just the thing. As long as I kept talking to Denise my orgasm seemed to hold itself back without too much effort but as soon as I stopped to think I could feel by balls start to contract getting ready to spew. Finally I had to reluctantly push her head away to get control of myself.


I walked over to the bed and started taking my clothes off hoping that Denise would give me a bit of a breather to help me along. She was a good girl and I managed to get naked without any interference. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my Speedo's to put on and when I came back Denise was sitting cross-legged on the bed with this grin on her face that showed me she was getting into my game plan. My cock had softened enough for me to barely stuff it into the swim suit.


"Why do you even bother?," Denise asked from the bed, "it usually takes about 3 seconds before those things are off anyway. Were you serious about me being the first or are you just teasing me again?" she asked, almost pouting in anticipation.


"Good question but as the day goes on I think you will see the proof in my actions. Just remember don't give our secret away and follow my lead. Now go put on the skimpiest bikini you have and find those things I told you to." I had gotten use to given Denise orders in this manner and she didn't seem to object at all so she just smiled and left the room without another word.


I sat down for a few minutes contemplating life and my future considering the changes over the last few weeks. It wasn't that long ago that I thought the only thing I wanted to do was leave home, get away from my bitch of a sister, and have some fun. The reality now was that I could get fucked by any one of the three beautiful sluts that I had at my beck and call and not have to worry about where my next lay was coming from.


The only resistance I had to that idea was the pleasure and anticipation I was getting from my earlier encounter with the young teenagers down by the river. Maybe it was the whole idea of being with some people closer to my own age or maybe it was just the thought of breaking a few virgin pussies open and popping a real cherry or two. It didn't really matter because I was looking forward to the creek activities tomorrow and I helping out a fellow male that seemed to be sliding into the same sexual teasing that my sister had put me through, even though he was a couple of years younger than I was when he first started to be exposed to his sister and cousin sexually.


I got to the pool without encountering anyone and did my usual laps without anyone else around. I was laying on a lounge chair in the shade of one of the poolside umbrellas when the three of them came through the patio doors, all with white robes wrapped around them, covering what I new to be three of the most sexy bodies on the three sluttish pussies in the state.


They all came over to the chair and stood in front smiling, not saying a word. Denise winked at me as all three slowing untied the belts to their robed and let them slide off their shoulders and onto the pool deck. They all had the same style of bikini on but in different colors, red, white and blue. When I had told Denise that I wanted her to wear her skimpiest bikini the one I had in mind was a nuns habit compared to what they were wearing now.


I had to figure a few trips into Portland had been made without my knowledge to get these things made up. No way could Elaine buy an off the shelf swim ware that would fit around her massive milk filled tits. First, imagine a piece of triangular material about the same area of a dollar bill (or less) pasted on the nipples and areolas of an average C cup sized tit. Now leaving the triangle cloth the same size, picture it on Denise and her 38DD's, Mom with here 40' double E's and of course Elaine with her massive G cup 44' tits jiggling at the slightest movement of her body.


In unison they all moved their legs about two feet apart to give me a better look at the bottoms. They were all cut very high on the outer hips and quickly dropped down in a sharp V to just above their pussies. The material then came together to a strip that went straight down covering their slit and then around to their backside. It was obvious that they had all trimmed or shaved their cunts, probably bare, because not a curl was showing. The material was no more than an inch and a half covering their pussy opening and the swell of their mounds on either side was enough to make anyone come on the spot. If the V cut was any lower their clits would be exposed, something that seemed very appealing to me at the time.


In unison again they all turned and gave a from behind view. Not unexpectedly the three showed the strip coming around from the front and going straight up the crack of their ass in a thong style. For the most part the strip was buried between those fine fleshy cheeks until it reappeared at the base of their tailbone. All three reached back and spread their cheeks for me as the bent at the hips, as if to verify that there was indeed a cloth strip there.       


They all turned around again and stood in front of me with their arms wrapped around each others shoulders, mom in the middle with Elaine pressed tight against her right breast and Denise pressed tight against her left. They were giggling as mom started to speak, "Well what will it be son, do you want to a suck or a fuck or both? We are at your disposal, your wish is our command."


An image of the three of them kneeling in front of me on all their hands and knees, with their asses high in the air, and their dripping pussies waiting for me to go from one to the other sliding my hard cock into each one in turn. I however had made other plans and as much as that appealed to me I wanted to set the correct mood.


"I've been pondering my options as I sit here considering your beauty and in light of our most recent activities I think I would like to have a competition to see who my first fuck as an eighteen year old will be. So until later this evening each one of you will have the opportunity to prove to me that you should be the one. As I am the only judge, and I am setting all the rules than I see no reason to explain my judging criteria or what the actual rules are. You will all respond to my requests in any way you see fit. The only thing you have to know is that I do not want to blow my load until I am actually fucking the winner so there will be no cock play unless I initiate it.


"So to start with I want to see which one of you can do the kinkiest thing for me. Each one of you will have a chance while the other two wait their turns in the house, and you have to promise me that there will be no peaking. Elaine you will be first and you can take as long as you like to prepare, I will just sit here with the others while you dream up something for me. Now don't be shy just remember what the prize is."


Elaine left and I suggested that the other two go for a quick dip in the pool while she got her act together. I watch them walk over to the pool their tight asses wiggling back and forth. They stepped into the shallow end talking to each other, probably about my contest, as they walked into deeper water. Soon they were swimming together and after a few laps decided to get out.


Watching them hoist themselves up the pool ladder was enough to make be blow my wad right then. There's something about the wet material of the bikini top and the way it clings to their tits with their hardened nipples standing out that cannot be resisted. As they came over to the patio they patted themselves dry with nearby towels.


"Take your tops off and let me look at those fine hard nipples," I commanded. They both complied immediately and, coming over to my chair, bent over slightly at the waist allowing their tits to hang down in front of my face. "Now rub your own tits and squeeze the nipples real hard and pull on them, I want to see which one of you can stretch their nipples the most."


They both followed my instructions immediately and it was obvious that mom would win this little contest easily. She pinched her nipples and after rolling them in her fingers for a few seconds stretched them to at least two inches away from their normal position. She continued to twirl them back and forth between her thumb and forefinger as she did this. Denise didn't even try to match mom but had managed to squeeze and pull her nipples to the point where they had swollen larger than I had ever seen them before. Mom's softer breasts clearly gave her the advantage.


I finally told them to stop as Elaine walked out of the house in a full length robe carrying a bag, ready for her kinky show. I told the two others to leave and that mom had earned the right to go next. I also reminded them that I would be on the lookout for spy's trying to find out the level of competition. Before they left I whispered to Denise that she would be last but not to worry about a show for me, as she was in the winners circle anyway.


As soon as they had entered the house Elaine turned back to me. Smiling slyly she preceded to remove her robe revealing her magnificent body. It still amazed me that she had retained so much of her young firm looks even though she had had a baby within the last 8 months and was still breast feeding. She stood there and gently massaged her tits causing the nipples to harden and little milk droplets to appear on the end of her nipples.


She grabbed on of the towels and laid it on the patio in front of my chair. She opened her bag pulling out a little device with a glass container attached to the bottom and a horn shaped cup on the front. It had a cord on it and she walked over to the side yard and returned pulling on an extension cord and plugged in the device. Kneeling on the towel she brought the horn portion to her breast and flicked the on switch which caused the machine to start humming. She placed the thing over her nipple which was immediately sucked into the device.


After a bit of adjusting and squeezing her breast meat behind her nipple, a steady flow of breast milk started filling up the glass. I had never seen her use a breast pump before. The flow of milk was fascinating though and it amazed me how much actually came out in such a short period of time. She repeated the procedure on the other breast until the glass was full. She then unscrewed the glass bottle and set it aside and returned the machine to the bag and the extension cord to its storage place.


Next she sat on the blanket with her legs sprawled out in front of her forming a perfect V leading to her pussy. She played with her clit for a few minutes getting herself juiced up even more. She then reached into the bag and brought out a large rubber syringe, the type women use for douching, and filled the bulb with the milk in the jar. I watched growing excited because it was obvious that she was going to squirt the milk into her cunt.


Leaning back on one elbow she brought the tip of the syringe to her cunt, inserted as far as she could and emptied the milk into her wet tunnel. She lay back on the blanket, pulled her feet up so her knees were up and spread wide offering a full view of her pussy. A little of the white liquid was dribbling out but for the most part the bulk of the milk was still in her vagina. It then appeared that she contracted the muscles in her cunt and shot a stream of milk and pussy juice out.


I was totally amazed at her dexterity and the distance that the milk actually traveled before splattering all over the patio steps. As she did this several times I remembered the massage that her cunt gave my cock during some of our fuck sessions and how she seemed able to milk the come right out of my balls. Her control over her vagina muscles was extraordinary. The thought of it, plus watching the white stream of milk flowing from her cunt was making me forget about my promise to Denise and want to jump Elaine's bones right then and there.


After she had emptied the jar she stood up and walked over to the chase lounge I was on and straddled the chair until she had to lower the top part to allow her to position her pussy right above my face. Milk was still dripping out so I stuck my tongue out and caught a few drops on it. She slowly lowered her pussy to my face further and I was soon engulfed in her love pit with the smell of her combined juices filling my nostrils and wetting my oral cavity.


Elaine came as I was sucking her clit, not unlike I have sucked her milk filled tit. She ground her twat into my face and I could feel my cock strain for release and realized I was almost beyond the point of no return. After finishing her orgasm Elaine stood and asked if I wanted her to settle on down on my obviously needy cock. As much as I wanted to, I still had a mission and sent her into the house and instructed her to send my mom out next, but tell her to wait for at least 30 minutes first so I would have time to relax.


I watched her leave towards the house and it took all my willpower to not jump up and fuck that beautiful ass as she wiggled her way back to the house. She must have felt my gaze on her because she turned her head and pursed her lips at me blowing me a kiss. What made Elaine's effort so kinky for me was the contrast between using her mother's milk as the food source for her beautiful, angelic baby, while a the same time providing it to me in such a manner. I guess if she had filled her ass with milk and squirted it out all over me it would have been kinkier. Maybe next time.


I got up and dived into the pool, the cool water helping to relieve the tension on my aching cock. I wondered how much more of this I could take, the constant denial of the physical release I needed. After a couple of laps I regained my resolve to stick to my plan, I wanted my first fuck with my sister to be extremely satisfying, especially for me. I did a few slow laps on my back before getting out of the water and drying myself off.


As I settled back on the lounge in the shade, the patio door to the house opened and mother walked out. She was also carrying a bag and a fresh drink in her hand. She slowly walked towards me and handed me the drink, the cool condensation on the glass feeling refreshing to my hand. I rolled the glass across my forehead to transfer the cool wet feeling where I needed it the most.


Meanwhile mom had removed her robed revealing that, like Aunt Elaine, she was also naked underneath. She sat down on a large towel she had spread on the patio and crossed her legs exposing her moist bald pussy to me.


"You know son, when I was a young girl like your sister, I didn't have access to the types of pleasure devices she can use anytime she wants now. We had the same needs and wants, but there were not any stores we could go to buy such devices. They had just started to open up the sex business back then and most of the stores were remote and girls my age would never be caught entering one. So we had to make do.


I remember the first time I shoved a foreign object into my cunt besides my finger. I knew about sex of course, my cousin Jane had given me all the details based on her experience with her brother Bob. When she told me about him sticking his fat cock in her I didn't believe it at first. Two fingers was the max I had ever tried and that had felt tight enough. She showed me though.


We were in my bedroom one night that she was sleeping over. She had related her story about her brother walking into the bathroom unannounced one day completely naked. She was sitting on the john having a piss when the door opened. He was preoccupied and it took him a few seconds to realize that she was there. That was enough time for her to get a good look at his cock and instead of screaming or anything she just sat there with her mouth hanging open.


He was a few years older and had been lusting about his little sister for over a year and seeing that she didn't yell and scream he decided to make his move. He smiled down at her while grabbing his cock by his fingers and started whipping it back and forth making it grow slowly. She asked him what he was doing and he just laughed and said that she seemed so interested in the soft version he just assumed she would like to see it at it's fullest.


We had heard about erections at health classes in school but never thought of them more than a hardened penis. She just continued to sit there and all of a sudden she was looking in the eye of an eight inch long pulsating snake. She couldn't believe that it would actually fit into a vagina and told him so. He just laughed and basically the rest is history. He had her suck him off in the john that day before their parents came home from work, and the next weekend he took her cherry and made a believer out of her.


"Anyway, she proved to me that a cunt was a very flexible organ and I just thought that you may be interested in some of the objects all women have used over the ages when a man with a nice hard cock is not available." With that said she reached into her bag and pulled out a hair brush.


The handle was long and round, but not very thick. "This is a common first for a lot of girls, probably because they are easily available in a girls bedroom. Personally my first hairbrush was wonderful because unlike this one it had a nice wooden handle, not this cheap plastic crap. Anyway, here goes." She then spread her legs and after smearing a bit a lubricant from the bag on the handle, she inserted it easily into her cunt. She smiled up at me and after sliding it in and out a few times she pulled it out and put it down. Next she pulled out a thick orange carrot from the bag. It was a bit thicker and longer than the hairbrush handle, and not nearly as smooth.


"Not surprisingly the next most convenient cock-like objects are a variety of foods, particularly vegetables. A carrot was my first food item, and I think one of my favorites because of the various shapes and sizes, the rough exterior and they are typically available year round. I leave the peel on because the juice from inside the carrot turns your cunt orange if you use them too much."


This one was long and pointy and she surprised me by putting the thick end in first and after inserting it just left the narrow end stick out of her hole like a thick orange hair. She would grab the end and pull it out about three quarters of the way and let go. The carrot would slip back in on it's own, probably because of it's shape. She finally pulled it out and put it aside also. "I've used parsnips also, they tend to be a bit fatter, and we all like big fat things in us," she stated while eyeing my throbbing cock.


"Put it in your ass," I said suddenly without even knowing why.

"I don't know son, I've never done that before." She replied, as surprised as I was by my demand.


"Go ahead than mom, a new experience for both of us than." I said encouragingly.

"If that's what you want my dear, than that's what you get." She then quickly, bite of the really thin end of the carrot, coated it with the cream and leaning back on her elbows, spread the cheeks of her ass and inserted the carrot, starting with the narrow end first. She slowly pushed it in and stopped with about an inch of it still out. After relaxing with it in her asshole for a bit, she lowered her legs and sat up a bit more.

"Of course we didn't stop with carrots and as soon as I was able I borrowed one of these babies from my mom's fridge," she said reaching in the bag and pulling out a long thin English style cucumber. The first two inches where about the same size as the thick end of the carrot sticking out of here ass, but it quickly fattened up to be about twice or even three times the diameter. She didn't even bother lubing this up as her cunt was now freely flowing with juice caused by her previous insertions.


After rubbing the long green vegetable along her pussy getting it nice and moist while stimulating her clit, she suddening tipped the fat end towards me and jammed the thing up her cunt hard and fast. I was surprised by the swiftness of the insertion, the aggressiveness of it and the fact that she continued to pump it in and out obviously going for an orgasm. As her left hand pumped her right was tweaking her clit.


She came fast and violently, the cucumber glistening with her juices as she leaned back on her elbows with it laying on the towel in front of her. Her cunt was gaping open, with juices seeping out and onto the towel. She reached into the bag again and pulled out a banana which she slowly peeled entirely, discarding the peel while looking me straight in the eye. She took the fruit and inserted it ever so slowly and carefully into her pussy. It went in easily because her cunt was still gaping from the cucumber.


After getting the banana nicely coated with her love juice, she pulled it out and put it in her mouth, like she was deep throating it and slowly pulled it out through her lips. It was clean of her juice and she again shoved it ion her cunt getting it all creamy and upon taking it out she handed it to me and told me to eat if I desired.


I very much did and chomped down on the fruit mixing her hot juice with the mushy fruit. She reached over and tipped the bag over and out came a variety of objects, all shaped more or less like a cock. "As extreme and wanton some of these items are, there is nothing like the real thing, she said as she stared at my cock.


I couldn't believe all the weird things that had been in the bag. A empty pop bottle, one of those miniature baseball bats, several candles, a kitchen whisk, and a few others also from the kitchen. Without saying anything I pointed to the whisk, it was about the weirdest one and seeing that it was not solid, just those long wires looped together with a handle at one end, I had to see her stuff it in there.


Smiling she said it was her favorite and grabbing the handle she spread her lips apart with one hand wand pushed the springy object in with the other. After the bulging part was in she moved the handle back and forth and around in circles, pressing the wires against the inside walls of her vagina. She moaned and said, "why don't you just fuck me now son, I know you want to and I really need that bug fat cock of yours in my cunt." She pulled the whisk out and pointed to her pussy as she said this. I was sure tempted but I had resolve to keep my goal clear in my mind and that was to fuck my sister tonight first, not my mother.


"You know the rules mom, I will decide who gets to sit on my cock after Denise does her show. So if you are done, go and ask her to join me out here. When she is done we should be preparing supper so start getting everything ready in the kitchen." I said this with a strong tone of authority in my voice, both so she got the message and I didn't lose my control and fuck her right now.


"Fine then, I can wait, because there is no way that little girl of mine can beat this for pure slut kinkiness." I thought she was finished but she definitely got down and dirty. She got up and turned her back to me and squatted down like she was doing a deep knee bend. She leaned forward with her round ass facing me and her asshole, still full of carrot, looking me straight in the eye. She then proceeded to push the carrot out of her anus like she was having a shit. It slowly slid out, taking what seemed to be forever, and landed on the towel at my feet.


That was pretty kinky alright and I had to admit that if the contest wasn't rigged for Denise to win, I'd say that little piece of work would have won it entirely for mom. I made a note to make sure she got fucked second for her efforts, maybe even up the ass in remembrance of her performance here this afternoon.  


My cock was aching now, it had been so hard for so long without any relief in sight. After a few minutes Denise came out dressed in my favorite string bikini. She walked over and stood at the foot of the lounge with her hands on her hips, "What now little bro, or are you going to make me perform for you too?" she asked knowingly.


"No, I can hardly stand it," I replied, "my cock is sore from being so hard and I have to save myself for when I fuck you after dinner sweet sister. Lets go for a walk and I can tell you what happened to me this morning and how we are going to have some fun tomorrow." I got up and quickly dived in the water to clean the sweat off me and cool off by boner. I climbed out a little more comfortable now and Denise and I went around to the barn and into the shade caused by the big old building.


I told her of my experience by the creek this morning, (Crazy Summer Part 3, email rabbits@ehmail.com if you need a copy) and about my plan for the next day and suggested that she could be part of it. She said she'd like that and we worked out a bit of a plan on how we would have a good time ourselves, each get at least one virgin, and hopefully teach a couple of teenage girls about the importance of not teasing guys with their sexuality.


We made it back to the house and went upstairs and changed for dinner. I BBQed the steak and lobster and we sat outside on the patio eating and drinking our fill just like a normal family gathering for a birthday. I opened my gifts, mostly clothes and a few personal items. We sat around the living room talking quietly while Elaine fed the baby and when she had finally fell asleep, all three of the ladies got up to leave. As they were leaving I stopped Denise and made sure she had collected the items I had asked her to earlier and put them in the recreation room downstairs.


I checked out the recreation room while I waited for the ladies to join me again. Besides the big screen television and the pool table, there was an exercise area with a stationary bike, treadmill, punching bag and heavy bag. This was going to work was even better than I thought. The bags were adjacent to the pool table. I lifted them off their ceiling hooks and set them to the side. I went to the storage room and pulled out some foam mattresses that were in there and placed them on top of the pool table and quickly went back upstairs and opened a bottle of wine and glasses and went to wait for my real birthday surprise.


My mother came down first dressed in a full length, black gown. It was split up the front and I could easily see her sheer black nylons being held up by lacy garters. The top was loose fitting but low cut enough to provide an awesome view of her awesome tits. Her hair was piled on top of her head completely exposing her neck and shoulders. She also has a choker type string of black pearls accenting her throat. She came in and picked up one of the glasses of wine I had poured and turned just as Aunt Elaine came down the stairs.


Elaine's outfit reminded me of one of the first times I can actually remember getting a hard-on when I was a kid. I had found an old copy of Playboy in my dad's workroom. Although tame by today's standards, the thing I remember most was not the traditional centerfold shot, although that was very interesting, it was a series of picture from some Playboy mansion event that showed had a picture of a bountiful young lady in a Bunny outfit. I am sure that that image, along with my moms great chest, is what confirmed me as a titman.


The material was this blue satin that clung to her body. The color was the first thing that triggered my memory. The way it kind of fit her body without looking tight was the second thing. When she entered the room the clincher was the shelf that had been formed under the dress to hold her massive breasts up, and out, and barely staying retained within the confines of the material. It wrapped aroing her thin waist and flared out at the hips to thee back with something that made her as look quite large and pointing up. The front of her legs were completely exposed allowing me to catch a glimpse of her panty covered pussy. She joined her sister and turned to wait for my sister.


Denise was perfect. I'm pretty sure she was dressed to suit the evening. I don't know where to start. From the bottom up. Black flats shoes, very conservative. White stockings that stopped just above her knees with cute little pink flowers surrounding the tops. Six to eight inches of soft creamy thigh followed by a short pleated skirt, red plaid. Her thin waist was encased in a black leather belt which looked like it was about two inches tighter than her waist. Tucked into the belt was a crisp white blouse, about one size too small. The buttons in front of her tits looked like they would pop on a deep breath, creating an opening that gave me a peek at a white bra underneath. The classic private-schoolgirl slutty outfit.


My cock was hard and sore, I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold off long, so once Denise joined us I told them the plan. "We are going to go downstairs where I will announce the winner of today's best slut in the house contest. Bring the wine Denise, and you should probably grab another bottle, we may get thirsty. Although they all tried to grab an arm or my crotch, I held fast and told them all to wait until we were all ready.


Once downstairs I lined them all up against the pool table and told them there would be no speaking or movement unless requested by me. I went over to the table where Denise had left some nice soft ropes and scarves. I picked up one of each and went back to the girls. I called Denise forward first and tied her hands in front of her and put a scarf around her eyes as a blindfold. I positioned her if front of me and guided her over to a sofa on the other side of the room. My cock was already hard a I pressed it firmly against her ass which caused her to wiggle her hips even more as we walked. I whispered to her as I sat her on the couch that this was all for show and in a few minutes she would be joining me again and the real fun would begin.


I went back to where my mom and aunt stood where they seemed pleased at Denise's early dismissal. I pretended to be mad because they had whispered to each other while I was guiding Denise to the couch. I requested that they both remove their dresses, with each other's help of course, and show me what they were wearing underneath, and reminded them not to talk and there would be no contact of a sexual nature unless I requested it. Mom turned her back to Elaine and had her pull the long zipper down. She pulled the material in front of her breasts away from her body and let the dress fall down where she carefully stepped out of it. Because the dress was strapless she needed a special type of corset to hold her plentiful breasts up, this also being strapless. Everything was in a satiny white finish and was very sexy. Her breasts were encased in the material but the tops were visible and jiggled with every movement of her upper body. The stiff material of the corset clung to her ribcage and abdomen and flared out at her hips. I could she her pussy covered with the same type of material but could not tell if they were part of the corset or separate. Long garter straps came out from underneath and held up the stockings that covered her legs.


She turned towards me with a smile on her face as she ran her hands down from the side of her tits to her hips obviously trying to entice me. I reminded her that I had said no sexual touching was allowed and proceeded to tie her hands in front of her to prevent any further transgressions. I tied her very securely leaving a long length to be used later once Elaine was also tied. My aunt had my mom unzip her and turned toward me, her face expressionless, but she clearly figured that she had an advantage because she had not been tied up yet.


She reached up and carefully pulled the shoulder straps of her dress down and off her arms. The huge tits still held the dress up even though it was no longer wrapped tightly around her body. She hooked her thumbs into the material on each side of her breasts and peeled it slowly down revealing a shelf of stiff lacy bra material holding her tit-flesh up. I had never seen anything else like it. Two shallow cups where her tits lay, two thirds of the big round aureoles exposed along with her stiff nipples. The back straps of the bra were at least six inches wide to give the support needed to hold those beauties up. Separate, but directly underneath the bra was a waist cincher that made her figure truly hourglass shaped. It reminded me of some pictures I had seen of ladies from a couple of centuries ago where the aim was to make their waists as slim as possible by tying these types of garments on them. Except for her high heels, Elaine had no other clothes on, so I could clearly she her puffy moist cunt between her legs.


"Very nice," I commented to the older ladies. My cock was straining against the crouch of my pants, eager to get out and have some fun. Elaine was starting to fidget, probably from just wanting to get fucked so bad. I decided to tease her a bit so I went over and ran my hands lightly over the mounds of flesh being presented to me by this wonderful bra she was wearing. My fingers brushed over her nipples and she moaned and leaned her body forward, trying to press her tits into my hands harder. I quickly stepped back and reprimanded her for not following the no sexual movement rule and tied her hands up in the same manner as my mothers. I turned to my mom and asked if she could follow the rules better than that to which she nodded. I told her to go and get her daughter and assist her back to here, making sure not to touch her any more than necessary. She did as requested and when she returned with Denise I asked Elaine and get one of the two scarves that were still left.


I had her blindfold my mother and told her to go and stand about six feet away and enjoy the performance. I told the two blindfolded ones they had to take off my trousers and shirt, but were not allowed to make any sexual contact unless requested. I got a certain amount of unexpected pleasure watching these two fumble their way around, dressed so sexually, and not being allowed to speak to coordinate their movements. Finally they had my shirt off, and my pants undone, and as they pulled them down my hard cock sprang free. They stopped as if they could see the hard stiff pole, but I am sure it was just because of the heat emanating from it that they could sense. As they pushed my pants lower for me to step out off, my mom's cheek accidentally brushed against my cock. It took all my self-control not to grab her head and rub my cock all over her face, but I managed. I pulled away stepping out of my pants and gave my mother supreme shit for breaking the no contact rule and indicated she would need to be punished for it at some time.


I then had Elaine join us, feeling much freer now that my cock was jammed underneath my clothes. I told the two ladies that I wanted them to undress our little schoolgirl the some way I had just been undressed. I blindfolded Elaine now, and without the two older ladies seeing, quickly took Denise's blindfold off. She smiled at me and watched as her mom and aunt undid all the buttons to her blouse, and unsnapped her skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. Mom asked how they were supposed to get the blouse off with her hands tied, so I told her she could untie Denise's hands for a minute to do that. She easily pulled the knot lose and the two ladies pulled the blouse off her shoulders and laid it on the pool table with the other clothing. Denise's undergarments reflected the schoolgirl motif with a soft cotton bra, about two sizes too small, with little pink flowers, and matching panties. The crotch of the panties were wet with her juices and you could clearly see the outline of her cunt lips. The white nylons definitely added a degree of sexiness you wouldn't typically see in a real schoolgirl either.


With the two ladies blindfolded, and Denise not, I was pretty much set up to where I wanted to be. I indicated to Denise to go and get a small stool in the training area and place it under the ceiling hooks that usually held the punching and exercise bags. First I went over to my mom and guided her to that area. I purposely allowed my cock to find it's way between her legs and she squirmed with the feeling of my hard shaft so close to her pussy. Thee soft skin of her inner thighs was almost impossible for me to resist but I held strong. I placed her under one of the hooks, and as I stepped onto the stool pulled the nd of the rope up causing her arms o rise above her head. She clued in to what ws happening and struggled a bit but it was already to late. I fed the rope through the eye of the hook and pulled until she was stretched as much as possible without causing too much discomfort.


I got off the stool and ran my hands down the sides of her body stopping at her legs and running my hand between her thighs and giving her pantied covered pussy a few rubs. She was turned on all right judging by the wetness of her crotch. I moved the stool to the other hook and went and guided Elaine over and tied her up too. When I stretched her arms up her tits lifted away from their support shelf and lost that control to gravity. I could not resist planting my face right between them and using my hands to smash the two giant pieces of flesh against my head. As I stepped back I noticed that her inner thighs were covered with the juices flowing freely from her pussy. Looked like they were both turned on.


I helped Denise on top of the pool table and had her take her panties off. I indicated to her not to say a word. I then got verbal so everyone could hear what I was saying. I told the two ladies that were hanging beside me that they had lost the competition, not for lack of trying, but because I really had had no choice. Of course I didn't tell them who had one and warned them about breaking the no speaking rule or they would not get fucked at all tonight. I told Denise to start sucking my cock and be noisy about so the other two could clearly hear what they were missing. She did, and after only a few minutes I had to push her away to keep from coming too soon, the come was boiling inside my balls waiting to be released.


I hopped of the table and went over to the ladies that were tied up and pulled off their blindfolds. As I walked back around the table and climbed on, I saw looks of astonishment on both their faces. Mom, not being able to follow the simplest no speaking rule, asked what Denise could have possibly done that would win her the right to my first fuck as an eighteen year old. "Simple", I replied, "Denise had been teasing me for the last three years of so and has given me more enjoyment as a jack off fantasy than anyone else. I have fucked her up the ass with Elaine watching, and have teased her in return the last few weeks by not fucking her like you two have enjoyed. She has consistently followed directions and for the most part has changed from a cock tease to someone that truly wants me to fuck her."


I thought this had been enough of an explanation but my mom would not let it drop. I could not believe how strongly she was reacting and started swearing about how she was still my mother and that she was ordering me to fuck her first. I told her to quiet down and enjoy the show. She told me to fuck off and that there was no way that little slut daughter of hers could give me as much enjoyment as she could. Everyone else was taken aback by this reaction, but I thought it was appropriate. Mom had been the control mechanism in my life since dad had died. I was kind of pissed off that she had not introduced me to a sexual relationship earlier because she had obviously been inclined in that way. Plus she had sat back for the last three years and watched, and probably enjoyed, Denise tease me until I though my balls were going to explode.


I told her to shut the fuck up and had Denise move onto her hands and knees, angled so the hanging ladies could get the best view. I positioned myself behind her and placed the head of my aching cock at the entrance to her pussy. There was no need of foreplay at this stage, her pussy was gushing fuck juice and my cock was so hard it hurt. I ask her if she was ready and she responded by pushing back onto my cock causing the head to sink further into the moist lips. I looked up at my mom and aunt and slowing sank my cock into Denise's tight pussy. Mom was still pissed and just mumbling, and Elaine was turned on staring at us while licking her lips.


I slowing fucked my cock in as far as I could and stopped, not quite buried all the way. I backed out slowly and paused for second or two before reversing direction. This time I went a little further and could feel the head of my cock meting resistance somewhere deep in her pussy. I held myself there for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was probably no more than ten seconds. Denise started to squirm, wanting to feel the length of my cock moving inside of her. She moved forward, I pulled back, and we started to fuck, each stroke getting stronger than the last one, her pussy juices making loud sloppy noises as thy lubricated her tight cunt. I looked over at my mother and aunt hanging beside us, watching m fuck my sister. They were both into the show, increasing their pent up sexual frustration while watching my long cock pund in and out of my sister.


"Fuck her harder," my mom yelled, "make her come now!" In fact, Denise had already clenched my cock as the contractions of her first orgasm started. This tightened her pussy up and made m pump harder knowing that she was about to explode. I was fully involved with the primal urgency of release, knowing that each stroke brought me closer to the inevitable. Denise was chanting now, "fuck, fuck, fuck," with each stroke. Faster and faster I drove into her, as she bucked back and forth on her hands and knees, her ass held high. It's a good thing a had a nice long piece of meat otherwise I am sure we would have become separated

in the frenzy of our fuck. I could feel the hot liquid start working it's way to freedom burning my cock from the inside out. Just as the first shot of come blasted out of my cock Denise screamed, pushed her ass back hard into my pelvis and gripped my cock as she peaked with orgasm also.


As I pulled my cock back she pushed back, not wanting to release it. She had limited backward movement though and I was able to get a few inches out before thrusting forward again pushing in as deep as my cock would go and driving her forward as the next gush of come exploded from my cock into her vagina. Our fuck continued like this until I had spurted all my juice into her pussy, and her contractions slowly subsided as she collapsed in front of me, her head on the table, her ass still held high. The only sound was that of our breathing. After the intensity has subsided somewhat I slowly pulled my still hard cock out, causing Denise's whole body to tremble. Her nerve endings were in a hypersensitive state right now and I could feel the walls of her vagina rippling as I slowly extracted myself. Finally I was out and Denise's body rlaxed in the aftermath of her orgasm.


I looked over at our restrained audience and smiled. Both Aunt Elaine and Mom were in a complete state of arousal, with no means of release. I got off the pool table and went over and stood between them. I put one hand on Elaines shoulder and one on Mom's and slowly brought them down their bodies. I stopped at their tits, squeezing them hard and feeling the moisture of Elaine's from the milk that seeped out as a resul of her arousal. Eventually my hands made it to their pussy's where I cupped their mounds and pressed the heel of my hand against their pelvic bone. I could feel their hardened clitorises as I slowly circled my hands.


Both were extremely excited and I knew either one was ready to be fucked. I wanted them begging though and decided to give them both what they wanted at the same time. I moved my hands down and found thhe opening of their cunts with my thumb. They were both sopping wet and I jammed my thumb up hard, as deep as possible almost lifting them up. My index fingers were wrapped underneath and easily inserted them into their anus with the abundance of fluid that had come out of them. I was able to swing them back and forth now as I lifted and pushed my digits into their openings.


I could only keep this up for awhile because of my odd position and even though I was in fairly good shape, this was hard on my arms. Without letting go I slowly moved back toward the pool table pulling them along, causing their bodies to arch. I held them there for as long as I could and relaxed my fingers causing them to slip out and Elaine's and mom's bodies to fall back to a vertical position. As I stood there I felt Denise's hand slip around me a grab my semi-hard cock. "Who you going to fuck next, little brother?" she asked. I told her I didn't know yet, but because of mom's earlier behavior with not listening, she was going have to make up for her actions. I unhooked mom from the ceiling and made her climb on the pool table with Denise and eat my come out of her pussy. This wasn't really much of a punishment because mom actually liked it, but Denise kept berating her during the exercise, calling mom her "cunt maid".


I went over to Elaine and sucked her engorged breasts and got a good drink of milk while mom was cleaning up Denise. By the time I unhooked her from the ceiling my cock was fully erect again and Eeleain managed to slip heer arms over my head and around my neck, pull herself up and wrap her legs around my hips, and rub her cunt along my shaft. I was surprised by how quickly and smoothly she had managed this and walked her over to the pool table, placed her ass on the edge, and drove my cock all the way up her cunt in one stroke causing her to scream with delight. Denise had watched this as mom was licking her pussy clean. Elaine's scream made mom look over and I could see a mixture of anger, jealousy, envy, and lust in her face all at once. I told her to get off the table and if she wanted my cock before I came again to do exactly as I said.


I told her to crawl down on the floor between my legs and lick my balls. Surprisingly she did this without protest and within a short time I felt her head come eup between my thighs and her wet tongue making cirles and the bottom of my sack. I spread my legs as far as I could, giving her head more space. I told her to lick my cock as I pulled it out of Elaine, which she now had enough room to do. Once I was out I told her to lick her sister to orgasm, which she did in surprisingly short order. I then had them both stand side by facing the table and bend over, exposing their pussies to me.


I started with mom and pumped into her five times and withdrew, moved over to Elaine and did the same. I went back and forth, each time increasing the thrusts by five. It seemed like I could do this all night as long as I kept a nice steady pace. I certainly got an appreciation for the differences in the feel of each of their pussies as I went between the two. Denise started to count each stroke and sat up on the table with her legs spread wide infront of the ladies faces. I told her to let one of the ladies eat her cunt if she wanted and she proceeded to alternately jam her pussy into her mothers face, and then move over to her aunts.


I was up to thirty stokes in each of them now and had been finding it very difficult to pull out. Each of them had came at least once during the exercise and I could feel my orgasm building. I pulled away from Elaine on the count of forty and made them both get onto their knees in front of me. I told them to lick the come out of me and they proceeded to do just that. Their experience together licking mutual boyfriends when they were kids, and my own father later in life, made their technique well practiced and effective. Within minutes I was spewing come all over their faces as they hungerly tried to eat it all.


The night didn't end then however. After a well deserved rest, a little snack, and more wine. We all went upstairs to my room where we watched my parents and Elaine's home made video. During one scene dad was fucking mom hard up the ass and Denise asked me if I could re-enact the action so her and Elaine could enjoy it live while I fuck mom in the same way. I ended up doing as requested and eventually all of us passed out from exhaustion and sexual satisfaction.


When I awoke the next morning I felt fulfilled sexually and emothionally. At breakfast everyone was in a good mode. Mom and Elaine had made plans to go shopping in town that day, and I knew that mom would have to think about getting back to work soon. Denise and I had some chores to do, and were looking forward to heading out to the swimming hole in the afternoon to check on the neighbor kids.


That's another story though and will form the basis of the next chapter of Crazy Summer where some new characters will be introduced. Thanks to all the great feedback and constructive criticism I've received for the series. Please send comments to rabbits@ehmail.com .



Lessons Part 3 Repost

tanks on Incest Stories

Part 3 – Getting Ready

After his encounter with his son Mike, Ken had gone back to his bedroom to think about what he had just instigated. Although he and his wife Debra had been planning their children’s introduction to sex, now that it had actually started, he was having some reservations. Not that he didn’t want to be the first to fuck his teenage daughter; he had been fantasizing about that for years now. It’s just that whacking off with his son was not part of his fantasy, and he was feeling weird because he had actually enjoyed it. He’d never done anything like that before, and even though there was no physical contact, he couldn’t help thinking how much he might enjoy grabbing onto another mans cock, or maybe even sucking it.

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Not tonight though. He took off his clothes and went and took a shower.

Ken was hoping that his wife and daughter had a good afternoon shopping. They always came home in a good mood when they did. He’d just come back into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He heard a car door slam in the driveway and looked out the bedroom window as his wife and daughter carried several bags of shopping in from the SUV. He smiled to himself watching them laugh as they shared something funny in their conversation walking across the lawn.

Ken was still sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel had fallen from around his waist, when his wife finally entered the bedroom. He stared at her, still captivated by her beauty and casual sexiness. He could feel his cock filling with blood as he thought about fucking her, and fucking his daughter, he could not get that image out of his mind now. Debra stopped as she closed the door and looked at him staring at her. She knew what she was doing to him, she could see it in his face. She long ago accepted the fact that her husband was pre-occupied with sex, and knew that today he was particularly sexed up with the prospect of taking his daughters virginity.

She decided to turn him on some more and reached down and unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her hips and kicked them off. She stood up, staring at him, and started to undo the buttons to her blouse as she walked towards him. When she stopped in front of him she shrugged the blouse off her shoulders exposing her lace encased breasts. She reached her arms up high above her head and stretched her whole body, standing on her tip-toes. Her breasts were thrust out hard straining against the bra. She fell forward as she lowered her arms and pushed his shoulders forcing him back on the bed.

She could feel his hard cock against her thigh as she planted her lips hard against his and shoved her tongue half way down his throat. Ken was ready to fuck her before she even reached the bed. He was turned on before she entered the room and she was just fulfilling his need to have physical contact of a sexual nature. He jammed his cock between her legs, trying to find the wet warmth of her pussy. When he did he also found the thin cloth barrier of her thong blocking the way between the end of his manhood and the warm wetness it sought.

Debra pressed her pussy against his cock loving the feeling of his hardness pressing against her clit. She wasn’t going to let him fuck her, and knew he would go along without getting a piece of ass right now. She broke the kiss and lifted her head smiling down at him. “That’s enough now lover boy, don’t you want to save that load for tonight?”

“Mmmmm, maybe we should forget about the kids and just stay in here for the rest of the day.” He suggested this knowing it would never happen. Debra pushed herself up to get off him and smiled sweetly. “How did things go today with our daughter?” He asked as she stood up.

“I think you will be pleased with what I started. I think she is primed, and won’t need a lot of coaxing to come around. What about Mike, how did things go with him?”

“Well not exactly as I had planned, he may be a little more confused now then when I started, but I am sure he will by receptive to anything you suggest. Just take it slow, and if he acts somewhat confused at first, just take over and guide him, he will be okay. Any
suggestions for me and Lisa?”

“Nothing really. You might suggest she wear something she bought today, or maybe something of mine. I’ll leave my black mini-dress out for her to see. She loves it and is always asking me if she can wear it but I always say that it’s too adult for her.” Debra turned to finish undressing and take her shower before she took her son out to the ranch to teach him how to fuck.

Meanwhile, son Mike had ended up grabbing another of his dad’s videos and taken it to his room to watch while he packed for spending the night at their country place. He was still feeling odd about jacking off with his dad while watching his own mother on the video. He had to admit it was a turn-on and in fact was not his first exposure to guys jacking off together.

Although he had never participated, he had come across some of the school’s football players having a circle jerk in the locker room showers one night after practice. He had returned to grab a book he had left in his locker and heard some noises and peeked around the corner. He was pretty shocked at first, but not as surprised as some of the other players would have been. Mike didn’t play team sports at school, and didn’t go in much for the macho flavour it projected. When he shared the locker room with some of the team for phys-ed they always seemed a little too full of themselves. One of them, who was also in the shower jerking off, would walk around waving his dick in front of everyone, especially the kids that were not that big, saying that his cock was what made a difference between a man and a boy. He sure wished he had of had a camera that night. He didn’t turn and run though, and couldn’t help but stick around and see them start to come. He even felt a little in his groin but surely didn’t want to get caught with his pants down.

He had slipped the video he had taken out of the drawer in his dad’s den and put it in the machine. There was no label just a date that was almost ten years old. The one he had watched with his dad was a lot newer than that, probably no more than two years old judging by the length and color of his mom’s hair. This one started with a shot of an empty living room. The scene started with a blond woman he did not recognize walking into the room with a beach shawl over her shoulders which covered the upper half of her body. She wore white, very spiked high-heels, white stockings, and you could see the top of her thighs above the stockings, with white garters holding them up. Mike had an immediate hard-on. Nothing turned him on more than sexy lingerie and this lady was a bombshell.

Even with the wrap over her shoulders covering her to the waist, he could tell she had giant tits also. She turned towards the camera and said something to the operator, shrugged her shoulders, and let the wrap fall to the floor. Mike thought his cock would burst. She stood there in a white corset that lifted her breasts up and almost completely out of the bra part. She sat down on the couch and spread her knees apart exposing her uncovered pussy, no panties and no hair. She reached down and spread her pussy lips apart and looked into the camera, saying something again. Fuck, Mike wished he knew what she was saying, and then realized that maybe there was sound, and that his TV was just turned down. He walked over to the set and as he turned it up he looked out the window and saw his mom and sister walking up towards the house.

Something seemed different about his sister Lisa. Maybe he was just fixated on breasts right now because of the video, but her tits certainly seemed to have a new bounce to them. He then gazed at his mother, remembering how she had appeared to him just a little while ago on his dad’s big screen TV. They went out of sight under the eave so he reached over and turned off the VCR and TV and hurriedly threw a few clothes in the bag for the over night trip him and his mom were going on. He didn’t know what to think of what his dad said, and decided to just go along with the flow.

When he got downstairs his mom was in the kitchen putting some things away so he went looking for his sister to see what she was up to. He thought about telling her what happened with their dad but decided against it. Even though they shared a lot of things, probably more than most brothers and sisters, the whole thing about his mom and dad making porn like videos, and him and his dad jacking off together was too much right now, he wanted to think it through some more. He couldn’t find her downstairs so he went back up to her bedroom and knocked on the door. She had a funny habit of always asking who was at the door, and opening it just a crack to make sure, even though she always let him in without question.

“Hi little brother, what’s up?” Lisa said merrily as she went back to her desk and closed whatever program she was running on her PC. Mike noticed this and assumed it was either an on-line chat with one of her friends, her diary (which she sometimes let him read selected passages from) of maybe she was surfing the net for porn. He doubted that, even though his sister was pretty open minded, she had never indicated an interest.

“Nothing much, mom and I are going out to the country tonight, but I think we are coming back tomorrow. Where were you guys?” He asked.

“We went out for lunch at the club, and before that we went shopping,” she replied smiling. Mike again noticed her breasts seemed more pronounced under her tee-shirt and could help but notice that his sister was turning him on. For her part, Lisa was making sure her brother noticed her tits, she liked the way the boys took notice of her, but her brother had always treated her with nothing but respect. That was okay, but she was still in a horny mood from this morning and lunch hour conversation with her mother. She wondered if her nipples were as noticeable through the bra and tee-shirt as they felt inside.

“What did you get anyway; you and mom spend more time shopping that anyone else I know.” He said poking fun at her. All the bags from the lingerie shop were just lying on the bed and before his sister could answer Mike grabbed one of them and dumped the contents on the bed. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.” Mike was embarrassed because he thought his sister would be embarrassed. He couldn’t help but stare at the items that had fallen out of the bag. He was in stimulation overdrive as it was, and as much as he tried to resist, he could feel his cock getting hard again and pressing against the inside of his jeans.

Lisa just smiled at him though, thinking about how sweet it was that he was getting embarrassed over some underwear. She did however notice his physical discomfort, and that definitely gave her a different feeling then thinking her brother was just a sweet innocent guy. She waited, watching him eyeball the lingerie, just waiting to see how long before he remembered that she was in the room with him. Finally she broke the silence, thinking to herself that if she didn’t say something they would be their all night. “See something interesting little brother?” They didn’t really know who was older, and throughout their childhood they always called each other little brother or sister, putting themselves in the older position.

“Oh, sorry, it’s just that, well, it’s not like you and mom go shopping for stuff like this every day.” He waited a few seconds before continuing. “I really do find it all kind of interesting you know. It turns me on and I don’t know why, just a few bits of cloth after all.”

“Yeah, it turns me on too, and I never expected mom to let me wear half of the stuff she bought me. She said it’s all part of growing up.” She got a little bit more excited knowing her brother was getting turned on, which made her get a bit hornier to. She grabbed the other bag and emptied it on the bed exposing it’s contents also. “Like she picked these out for me!” she exclaimed holding up a tiny pair of thong underwear. “And look at this, it makes my tits look even bigger than they really are!” She stood up straight, pushing her chest out, watching her brother’s eyes bulge out of his head. She reached down and quickly pulled her tee-shirt up and over her boobs, exposing the lace encased beauties for a few seconds before lowering it again, all the while laughing.

Mike was floored, he had never seen his sister act this way and wondered if mom had given her some sort of sex drug. He remembered what his dad said about how their parents were planning on teaching them about sex in a closer, more personal way. He decided not to say anything to his sister though, thinking that maybe she would reject the whole thing and ruin the good time he was having right now. He wanted her to show him her tits again, maybe take the bra off. He picked up a package from the bed that contained a pink lace bra where the cup looked like it only covered the bottom half of her tits. “This one looks nice too,” he said trying to sound calm and mature while he prayed she would take it and decide to show him what it looked like.

Lisa grabbed the box from him and looked at the picture of the model on the front and looked into her brother’s face. She knew immediately what he wanted and decided to tease him some more. “This is a nice one, would you like me to put it on?” Mike just sat there with an eager look on his face and nodded. “Okay, just give me a minute.” Lisa jumped up and went over to her walk in closet, entered it and closed the door almost all the way. She could see her brother staring at her through the crack, just as she knew he would. She could see he was disappointed because he was hoping for a change right in front of him but she was not ready to expose herself to him yet. She had never felt so horny before, even more than this morning when the sales clerk brushed the inside of her thigh when she was taking measurements for the lingerie.

Lisa turned her back towards Mike and pulled her tee-shirt over her head. Mike could see her clearly and hoped she would turn around and give him a look face on. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him while she reached behind her back to unclasp the bra she was wearing. As she did this she turned about halfway so her brother got a great look at her chest, thrust out as it was. When the clasp was free she almost let the bra fall off, just to tease mind you, but turned back before the cups actually uncovered her boobs.

She put the demi-bra on and had to admit it made her feel sexy too, She looked in the mirror and could see the swell of her tit-flesh jiggling like a bowl of jello, the bra holding her tits like a shelf in front of her. She could see the upper half of her aureoles peeking out the top of the cups also. As she picked up the tee-shirt and pulled it down over her boobs, she grabbed her nipples and pinched them making them stand out even more than they already were.

She turned and walked back over to the bed where her brother was waiting. Mike just couldn’t believe how much difference a bra could make. Both made her tits look great, but each in their own way. This one allowed her tits to bounce, and they were big enough that the front of the shirt clearly outlined the tops of her breasts. And her nipples were obviously rubbing tight against the inside of the bra, making clearly defined bumps that he would love to grab or wrap his lips around. “So what do you think?” Lisa said breaking Mike out of his trance. She already knew what he thought because of the giant bulge in the front of his jeans. She wanted to see that as much as he wanted to see her boobs. Maybe just a little more teasing first she thought.

“So, do you think I might be able to get a date with these now?” she asked. “None of the older guys want to go out with a high school kid, and all the boys at school are just too stupid. Well almost all of them,” she said that at the end to let her brother know that she didn’t think he was stupid. “The only problem with this one is that it makes my tits feel like they are going to fall out!” she laughed as she said this and shook her boobs back and forth and up and down trying to make them pop out further. They didn’t but she noticed her brother seemed to be in his trance again. “I bet I can’t even bend over without having an accident.” With that she stood up perfectly straight, knees together, facing her brother and bent straight over at the hips until her breast were even with Mike’s face. She then pulled the collar of the tee-shirt down, away from her chest she they could clearly see down her top. She was also staring at the cock bulge in her brother’s jeans.

“Oops, looks like they fell right out,” she said as both her and Mike could see her breasts hanging free out of the bra. She then pretended to lose her balance and fell forward into her brother making sure his face was planted right between her breasts. At the same time she put out her right arm to supposedly break her fall and accidentally leaned right onto his hard cock. Mike didn’t move of course, thinking that he had actually died and gone to heaven where his face would forever be buried between two luscious, soft, creamy tits. Lisa could not believe how big and hard his cock was in her grip. She just had to see it, and more importantly, feel it. She knew she had never been this horny and she planned to do something about it.

She rolled off to the side, right beside her brother, but kept her hand on his manhood. He followed her movement with his head but didn’t push the moment by forcing himself back against her perfect body. “She looked him in the eye and decided to take the plunge. “Fuck Mike, I don’t think I can stand this any longer. I’m so horny my panties are soaked from my pussy juice. Feels like your pretty excited yourself,” she squeezed his cock as she said this.

Well Mike thought to himself, a clearer invitation I could not ever hope for. He thought briefly about what his dad said, the movie showing him his mom’s hot body, and now his sister basically telling him he could have his way with her. God he wanted to take his cock out so much and just relieve the pressure. Just as he was about to answer they were both interrupted by their mother calling from down the hallway.

“Come on Mike, we have to hit the road if we want to make it out of the city at a decent time. Grab your bag and I will meet you out front right away.” Both of the kids had forgotten about the plans for the weekend and looked at each other with disappointment, but in some ways relief also. Mike could feel the blood leaving his cock as the excitement of the moment subsided. Lisa just sat up looking dejected and smiled at her brother. “Later bro, I’ll see you when you get back,” she said as he walked to the door. “And don’t forget these either!” she lifted her top and fully exposed her scantily clad breast to him as he hurried out the door.

This concludes Part Three. Part Four will follow the adventures of Ken and Lisa  and their evening together. Feedback Welcome rabbits@ehmail.com .

The Lessons Part 3

tanks on Incest Stories

Part 3 – Getting Ready After his encounter with his son Mike, Ken had gone back to his bedroom to think about what he had just instigated. Although he and his wife Debra had been planning their children’s introduction to sex, now that it had actually started, he was having some reservations. Not that he didn’t want to be the first to fuck his teenage daughter; he had been fantasizing about that for years now. It’s just that whacking off with his son was not part of his fantasy, and he was feeling weird because he had actually enjoyed it. He’d never done anything like that before, and even though there was no physical contact, he couldn’t help thinking how much he might enjoy grabbing onto another mans cock, o
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r maybe even sucking it. Not tonight though. He took off his clothes and went and took a shower. Ken was hoping that his wife and daughter had a good afternoon shopping. They always came home in a good mood when they did. He’d just come back into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He heard a car door slam in the driveway and looked out the bedroom window as his wife and daughter carried several bags of shopping in from the SUV. He smiled to himself watching them laugh as they shared something funny in their conversation walking across the lawn. Ken was still sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel had fallen from around his waist, when his wife finally entered the bedroom. He stared at her, still captivated by her beauty and casual sexiness. He could feel his cock filling with blood as he thought about fucking her, and fucking his daughter, he could not get that image out of his mind now. Debra stopped as she closed the door and looked at him staring at her. She knew what she was doing to him, she could see it in his face. She long ago accepted the fact that her husband was pre-occupied with sex, and knew that today he was particularly sexed up with the prospect of taking his daughters virginity. She decided to turn him on some more and reached down and unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her hips and kicked them off. She stood up, staring at him, and started to undo the buttons to her blouse as she walked towards him. When she stopped in front of him she shrugged the blouse off her shoulders exposing her lace encased breasts. She reached her arms up high above her head and stretched her whole body, standing on her tip-toes. Her breasts were thrust out hard straining against the bra. She fell forward as she lowered her arms and pushed his shoulders forcing him back on the bed. She could feel his hard cock against her thigh as she planted her lips hard against his and shoved her tongue half way down his throat. Ken was ready to fuck her before she even reached the bed. He was turned on before she entered the room and she was just fulfilling his need to have physical contact of a sexual nature. He jammed his cock between her legs, trying to find the wet warmth of her pussy. When he did he also found the thin cloth barrier of her thong blocking the way between the end of his manhood and the warm wetness it sought. Debra pressed her pussy against his cock loving the feeling of his hardness pressing against her clit. She wasn’t going to let him fuck her, and knew he would go along without getting a piece of ass right now. She broke the kiss and lifted her head smiling down at him. “That’s enough now lover boy, don’t you want to save that load for tonight?” “Mmmmm, maybe we should forget about the kids and just stay in here for the rest of the day.” He suggested this knowing it would never happen. Debra pushed herself up to get off him and smiled sweetly. “How did things go today with our daughter?” He asked as she stood up. “I think you will be pleased with what I started. I think she is primed, and won’t need a lot of coaxing to come around. What about Mike, how did things go with him?” “Well not exactly as I had planned, he may be a little more confused now then when I started, but I am sure he will by receptive to anything you suggest. Just take it slow, and if he acts somewhat confused at first, just take over and guide him, he will be okay. Any suggestions for me and Lisa?” “Nothing really. You might suggest she wear something she bought today, or maybe something of mine. I’ll leave my black mini-dress out for her to see. She loves it and is always asking me if she can wear it but I always say that it’s too adult for her.” Debra turned to finish undressing and take her shower before she took her son out to the ranch to teach him how to fuck. Meanwhile, son Mike had ended up grabbing another of his dad’s videos and taken it to his room to watch while he packed for spending the night at their country place. He was still feeling odd about jacking off with his dad while watching his own mother on the video. He had to admit it was a turn-on and in fact was not his first exposure to guys jacking off together. Although he had never participated, he had come across some of the school’s football players having a circle jerk in the locker room showers one night after practice. He had returned to grab a book he had left in his locker and heard some noises and peeked around the corner. He was pretty shocked at first, but not as surprised as some of the other players would have been. Mike didn’t play team sports at school, and didn’t go in much for the macho flavour it projected. When he shared the locker room with some of the team for phys-ed they always seemed a little too full of themselves. One of them, who was also in the shower jerking off, would walk around waving his dick in front of everyone, especially the kids that were not that big, saying that his cock was what made a difference between a man and a boy. He sure wished he had of had a camera that night. He didn’t turn and run though, and couldn’t help but stick around and see them start to come. He even felt a little in his groin but surely didn’t want to get caught with his pants down. He had slipped the video he had taken out of the drawer in his dad’s den and put it in the machine. There was no label just a date that was almost ten years old. The one he had watched with his dad was a lot newer than that, probably no more than two years old judging by the length and color of his mom’s hair. This one started with a shot of an empty living room. The scene started with a blond woman he did not recognize walking into the room with a beach shawl over her shoulders which covered the upper half of her body. She wore white, very spiked high-heels, white stockings, and you could see the top of her thighs above the stockings, with white garters holding them up. Mike had an immediate hard-on. Nothing turned him on more than sexy lingerie and this lady was a bombshell. Even with the wrap over her shoulders covering her to the waist, he could tell she had giant tits also. She turned towards the camera and said something to the operator, shrugged her shoulders, and let the wrap fall to the floor. Mike thought his cock would burst. She stood there in a white corset that lifted her breasts up and almost completely out of the bra part. She sat down on the couch and spread her knees apart exposing her uncovered pussy, no panties and no hair. She reached down and spread her pussy lips apart and looked into the camera, saying something again. Fuck, Mike wished he knew what she was saying, and then realized that maybe there was sound, and that his TV was just turned down. He walked over to the set and as he turned it up he looked out the window and saw his mom and sister walking up towards the house. Something seemed different about his sister Lisa. Maybe he was just fixated on breasts right now because of the video, but her tits certainly seemed to have a new bounce to them. He then gazed at his mother, remembering how she had appeared to him just a little while ago on his dad’s big screen TV. They went out of sight under the eave so he reached over and turned off the VCR and TV and hurriedly threw a few clothes in the bag for the over night trip him and his mom were going on. He didn’t know what to think of what his dad said, and decided to just go along with the flow. When he got downstairs his mom was in the kitchen putting some things away so he went looking for his sister to see what she was up to. He thought about telling her what happened with their dad but decided against it. Even though they shared a lot of things, probably more than most brothers and sisters, the whole thing about his mom and dad making porn like videos, and him and his dad jacking off together was too much right now, he wanted to think it through some more. He couldn’t find her downstairs so he went back up to her bedroom and knocked on the door. She had a funny habit of always asking who was at the door, and opening it just a crack to make sure, even though she always let him in without question. “Hi little brother, what’s up?” Lisa said merrily as she went back to her desk and closed whatever program she was running on her PC. Mike noticed this and assumed it was either an on-line chat with one of her friends, her diary (which she sometimes let him read selected passages from) of maybe she was surfing the net for porn. He doubted that, even though his sister was pretty open minded, she had never indicated an interest. “Nothing much, mom and I are going out to the country tonight, but I think we are coming back tomorrow. Where were you guys?” He asked. “We went out for lunch at the club, and before that we went shopping,” she replied smiling. Mike again noticed her breasts seemed more pronounced under her tee-shirt and could help but notice that his sister was turning him on. For her part, Lisa was making sure her brother noticed her tits, she liked the way the boys took notice of her, but her brother had always treated her with nothing but respect. That was okay, but she was still in a horny mood from this morning and lunch hour conversation with her mother. She wondered if her nipples were as noticeable through the bra and tee-shirt as they felt inside. “What did you get anyway; you and mom spend more time shopping that anyone else I know.” He said poking fun at her. All the bags from the lingerie shop were just lying on the bed and before his sister could answer Mike grabbed one of them and dumped the contents on the bed. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.” Mike was embarrassed because he thought his sister would be embarrassed. He couldn’t help but stare at the items that had fallen out of the bag. He was in stimulation overdrive as it was, and as much as he tried to resist, he could feel his cock getting hard again and pressing against the inside of his jeans. Lisa just smiled at him though, thinking about how sweet it was that he was getting embarrassed over some underwear. She did however notice his physical discomfort, and that definitely gave her a different feeling then thinking her brother was just a sweet innocent guy. She waited, watching him eyeball the lingerie, just waiting to see how long before he remembered that she was in the room with him. Finally she broke the silence, thinking to herself that if she didn’t say something they would be their all night. “See something interesting little brother?” They didn’t really know who was older, and throughout their childhood they always called each other little brother or sister, putting themselves in the older position. “Oh, sorry, it’s just that, well, it’s not like you and mom go shopping for stuff like this every day.” He waited a few seconds before continuing. “I really do find it all kind of interesting you know. It turns me on and I don’t know why, just a few bits of cloth after all.” “Yeah, it turns me on too, and I never expected mom to let me wear half of the stuff she bought me. She said it’s all part of growing up.” She got a little bit more excited knowing her brother was getting turned on, which made her get a bit hornier to. She grabbed the other bag and emptied it on the bed exposing it’s contents also. “Like she picked these out for me!” she exclaimed holding up a tiny pair of thong underwear. “And look at this, it makes my tits look even bigger than they really are!” She stood up straight, pushing her chest out, watching her brother’s eyes bulge out of his head. She reached down and quickly pulled her tee-shirt up and over her boobs, exposing the lace encased beauties for a few seconds before lowering it again, all the while laughing. Mike was floored, he had never seen his sister act this way and wondered if mom had given her some sort of sex drug. He remembered what his dad said about how their parents were planning on teaching them about sex in a closer, more personal way. He decided not to say anything to his sister though, thinking that maybe she would reject the whole thing and ruin the good time he was having right now. He wanted her to show him her tits again, maybe take the bra off. He picked up a package from the bed that contained a pink lace bra where the cup looked like it only covered the bottom half of her tits. “This one looks nice too,” he said trying to sound calm and mature while he prayed she would take it and decide to show him what it looked like. Lisa grabbed the box from him and looked at the picture of the model on the front and looked into her brother’s face. She knew immediately what he wanted and decided to tease him some more. “This is a nice one, would you like me to put it on?” Mike just sat there with an eager look on his face and nodded. “Okay, just give me a minute.” Lisa jumped up and went over to her walk in closet, entered it and closed the door almost all the way. She could see her brother staring at her through the crack, just as she knew he would. She could see he was disappointed because he was hoping for a change right in front of him but she was not ready to expose herself to him yet. She had never felt so horny before, even more than this morning when the sales clerk brushed the inside of her thigh when she was taking measurements for the lingerie. Lisa turned her back towards Mike and pulled her tee-shirt over her head. Mike could see her clearly and hoped she would turn around and give him a look face on. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him while she reached behind her back to unclasp the bra she was wearing. As she did this she turned about halfway so her brother got a great look at her chest, thrust out as it was. When the clasp was free she almost let the bra fall off, just to tease mind you, but turned back before the cups actually uncovered her boobs. She put the demi-bra on and had to admit it made her feel sexy too, She looked in the mirror and could see the swell of her tit-flesh jiggling like a bowl of jello, the bra holding her tits like a shelf in front of her. She could see the upper half of her aureoles peeking out the top of the cups also. As she picked up the tee-shirt and pulled it down over her boobs, she grabbed her nipples and pinched them making them stand out even more than they already were. She turned and walked back over to the bed where her brother was waiting. Mike just couldn’t believe how much difference a bra could make. Both made her tits look great, but each in their own way. This one allowed her tits to bounce, and they were big enough that the front of the shirt clearly outlined the tops of her breasts. And her nipples were obviously rubbing tight against the inside of the bra, making clearly defined bumps that he would love to grab or wrap his lips around. “So what do you think?” Lisa said breaking Mike out of his trance. She already knew what he thought because of the giant bulge in the front of his jeans. She wanted to see that as much as he wanted to see her boobs. Maybe just a little more teasing first she thought. “So, do you think I might be able to get a date with these now?” she asked. “None of the older guys want to go out with a high school kid, and all the boys at school are just too stupid. Well almost all of them,” she said that at the end to let her brother know that she didn’t think he was stupid. “The only problem with this one is that it makes my tits feel like they are going to fall out!” she laughed as she said this and shook her boobs back and forth and up and down trying to make them pop out further. They didn’t but she noticed her brother seemed to be in his trance again. “I bet I can’t even bend over without having an accident.” With that she stood up perfectly straight, knees together, facing her brother and bent straight over at the hips until her breast were even with Mike’s face. She then pulled the collar of the tee-shirt down, away from her chest she they could clearly see down her top. She was also staring at the cock bulge in her brother’s jeans. “Oops, looks like they fell right out,” she said as both her and Mike could see her breasts hanging free out of the bra. She then pretended to lose her balance and fell forward into her brother making sure his face was planted right between her breasts. At the same time she put out her right arm to supposedly break her fall and accidentally leaned right onto his hard cock. Mike didn’t move of course, thinking that he had actually died and gone to heaven where his face would forever be buried between two luscious, soft, creamy tits. Lisa could not believe how big and hard his cock was in her grip. She just had to see it, and more importantly, feel it. She knew she had never been this horny and she planned to do something about it. She rolled off to the side, right beside her brother, but kept her hand on his manhood. He followed her movement with his head but didn’t push the moment by forcing himself back against her perfect body. “She looked him in the eye and decided to take the plunge. “Fuck Mike, I don’t think I can stand this any longer. I’m so horny my panties are soaked from my pussy juice. Feels like your pretty excited yourself,” she squeezed his cock as she said this. Well Mike thought to himself, a clearer invitation I could not ever hope for. He thought briefly about what his dad said, the movie showing him his mom’s hot body, and now his sister basically telling him he could have his way with her. God he wanted to take his cock out so much and just relieve the pressure. Just as he was about to answer they were both interrupted by their mother calling from down the hallway. “Come on Mike, we have to hit the road if we want to make it out of the city at a decent time. Grab your bag and I will meet you out front right away.” Both of the kids had forgotten about the plans for the weekend and looked at each other with disappointment, but in some ways relief also. Mike could feel the blood leaving his cock as the excitement of the moment subsided. Lisa just sat up looking dejected and smiled at her brother. “Later bro, I’ll see you when you get back,” she said as he walked to the door. “And don’t forget these either!” she lifted her top and fully exposed her scantily clad breast to him as he hurried out the door. This concludes Part Three. Part Four will follow the adventures of Ken and Lisa and their evening together. rabbits@ehmail.com .

Rose and her Mother Part 2

tanks on Incest Stories

Part 2

Things went well and I was back before I knew it. After carrying everything into the kitchen I looked out the window and saw that Carol had arrived. I busily put the groceries away and tidied up a bit and decided that I should go try out the pool also, it was pretty hot and the water did look inviting. I went to my room to change and pulled out my three swimsuits trying to decide which one to wear. I loved all three, but I decided on a on

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ce piece number I had purchased in Hawaii a few years ago. It was white, and was cut very low on the back and high on the hips. The panty part was about as close as you could get to a thong without really having one. The front was tied around my neck so there was not a lot of cleavage, but there were a couple of teardrop shaped cutouts on the sides that exposed the side bulge of my tits.

Ready to go I walked through the house, grabbing a sun wrap as I went and headed for the pool. The slate was hot under the skin of my feet. The girls were at the far end o the pool and waved at me and said hello as I climbed onto the board and dived into the water. It was a bit cooler than I normally like it, but the feeling of swimming again after the winter overcame that immediately. I did a couple of laps before I swam to the girls end and pulled my self up the ladder near them. The both looked at me at the same time and giggled. “What are you two giggling about?” I asked happily.

“Nothing really mom, it’s just you can see you nipples really good when that suit is wet, and especially when they’re real hard and stiff like yours are now.” I looked down at my breasts and sure enough, you could see my nipples as plain as day. Luckily I tended not to wear swimsuits in public very often, and when I did I typically was not swimming. For some reason both of the girls thought this was really funny. I did have a close look at them now and couldn’t believe what they had on.

“What on earth are you two wearing?” I asked looking at the two skimpiest bikinis I had ever seen either of them wear, or any one else for that matter. They continued their giggling while at the same time trying to act like they didn’t know what I was talking about. They did look pretty hot from where I was standing, and I wanted to see more. “Okay, both of you stand up and show me just exactly what you have on.” I said this very sternly but both of them knew they were putting on a show for me.

Both of the girls have beautiful bodies, with well formed tits, thin waists and womanly hips. Rose was a bit more developed in the breast department, probably into a D cup by now, although Carols were larger than most sixteen year olds. Carol’s top was a fine white knit that showed her dark nipples poking through the material. The bottoms were a standard bikini type, and I guessed that under closer inspection I would be able to see her clit poking through just like her nipples.  Rose’s was a solid stretchy type of fabric, what there was of it. The bra cups were barely larger than postage stamps, and the dark brown of her aureole was clearly visible, probably about one third of them exposed. Her bottoms were a thong type and from the front the two halves of her young cunt were emphasized by the shining material pulled tight across it. I asked them to turn around and wasn’t surprised in the least by what I saw. Carol’s ass was somewhat covered by a small triangle piece of the knit material, although the top part of her ass crack was showing. My own daughter however had her ass cheeks fully exposed, and I could hardly detect the thin piece of material that held everything in place. I could feel my cunt start to tingle as I inspected the two young women. Deep inside I knew exactly where this was going to start heading, and although I knew I should keep my sexual activities with my daughter between the two of us, I suspected that Rose had already informed Carol on everything that had happened this morning.

“Do you think the boys at the beach will like these?” Rose said teasing me.

“They’d trip over themselves if they ever saw you two in those. You will only wear them around our pool, nowhere else, is that clear? They are hot though, where did you buy them?” We sat down a chatted for awhile and it soon became clear to me that Rose had told her best friend of our activities that morning, although the subject didn’t really come up directly.

I’d laid in the sun about as long as I thought was safe without some block on, so I got up to go in. “If you two are planning to stay out here much longer than I would suggest that you cover yourselves up or put some sun block on. I’m going to go have a shower. The two of them stood up also and said they had had enough for now. They followed me into the house, still giggling about something that I had obviously missed. I turned into my bedroom and they kept going down to Rose’s.

“Mom, come see us when you’re done, I have something I want to show you.” I said okay and didn’t think a lot about it and went in and peeled my suit off and jumped into the shower. I took the opportunity to shave my legs and my pussy which made me think of Rose and our morning lovemaking. As I rinsed off the lather I rubbed my pussy mound, running my middle finger along my clit, bringing myself to a quick orgasm. I loved these little mini-orgasms I provided myself on a regular basis. I had learned years ago how to quickly bring myself off, and although it may not have been the most intense orgasm, it made me feel good.

I dried myself off and threw on a pair of shorts and a halter top and walked down the hall to my daughter’s bedroom. The door was open a crack and as I knocked it swung open enough to see the bed. I guess I wasn’t surprised to find my daughter and her best friend naked and holding each other, their young firm breasts squashed between them. “Oh, I’m sorry girls, I should have been more careful.” I said, not really knowing what to do. Rose broke away from Carol and sat up on the bed.

“It’s okay mom, we wanted you to see us. I know you told me not to tell anyone about this morning, but Carol is my best friend, and we have been making out a long time. The thing is though, is I had the most intense orgasm of my life this morning and I want to share that with Carol.” She moved off the bed and slowly walked over towards me while she talked. She was right beside me when she finished and started pulling me towards the bed. “Come on mom, I want to show you something really neat about Carol.”

I didn’t even try to resist. I went with her to the edge of the bed and looked down at Carol. “Go on Carol, show my mom, I know she’s going to love it.” Rose urged her friend. I could tell Carol was a little shy, but she really didn’t need a lot of encouragement. She was lying on the bed directly in front of me and slowly opened her legs. I should not have stared but could not help it. This girl had a clit the size of my hard nipple, and it was encased in the most beautiful pussy lips I had ever seen. Her cunt was literally a work of art, even down to the little tuft of blond hair the sat right at the top of her pussy. “Doesn’t it just want to make you want to lick and suck it?” Rose said while rubbing her body up against mine.

I had to agree with her, even though I had licked a few pussy’s in my day, this one was exquisite, inviting and totally sexual. I was almost frozen on the spot as Carol reached down and used her fingers to pull the soft puffy lips apart, which made her clit look even bigger than before. Rose had undone all the buttons on my blouse and was caressing my nipples through my bra as she whispered in my ear about how sweet Carol tasted. “She loves getting her clit licked, and it grows even more when you do.” For a fleeting second I thought that this was going too far, and making love to my daughter this morning was more then enough, and I should put a stop to this. However my own pussy was telling a different story. As Carol continued stimulating herself, I could feel the juices in my own cunt start to flow, and Rose running her fingers under the waistband of my shorts didn’t help.

“Come on Mrs. Allan, I would love you to have a taste,” Carol said holding out her hand reaching for mine. I couldn’t resist and as I started towards her I felt my blouse slip from my shoulders as Rose eased it off. I crawled up between her legs as I bent to get a close look. Her scent was intoxicating as I approached her pussy. I reached out my tongue and touched her clit ever so lightly. She shuddered at the touch, hyper responsive was one way to put it. I pulled my head back a few inches so I could have another look. I pushed two of my fingers between the folds of her lips, running them along either side of her oversized button. I pinched them together grabbing her sex organ and brought my tongue to it again, licking it harder this time, getting it good and wet with my saliva.

I released the grip I had on it and wrapped my lips around it and sucked it gently, feeling it with my tongue and experiencing the electricity emanating from her body. I settled in, and started sucking with a regular rhythm, and moving my fingers to the opening of her vagina. Her juices were running good as I slipped them inside her tight virgin pussy. As all this was going on my sweet daughter Rose had slipped my shorts and panties off, unfastened my bra, and was now running her hand between the back of my legs, rubbing my pussy and clit, them pulling her wet fingers back and pressing them into my butt hole and up my entire ass crack.

“See, I told you she could lick pussy real good Carol, she’s only been at it a few minutes and you look like you’re about to cream her face already.” Rose was right, Carol’s clit had swollen even more and her juices were flowing like a river, I kept up the fierce tongue and mouth-work as I felt her orgasm approach. She suddenly wrapped her creamy thighs around my head and raised her hips off the bed driving her clit hard into my mouth. I continued sucking as I felt her vagina tighten around my finger and a surge of juice seep from deep inside of her. I slowed the pace as her orgasm faded, and as much as I wanted to keep suckling her clit, I finally pulled away and looked up at her face and it’s look of fulfillment.

“Mmmmm, that was wonderful Mrs. Allan, I’ve never come so hard, and so fast before.” I smiled at her and moved my body up and pressed my now naked tits against hers, and kissed her on the mouth, our tongues lightly dancing with each other.

:”Hey, what about me,” Rose exclaimed as she joined us and all three of us played swords with our tongues until we all fell back on the bed laughing.

“Mrs. Allan, Rose told me about what happened this morning,” she started to say. “I’m sorry Mrs. Allan, but I just need to talk to ask someone about this, and without a mom around I just need someone besides my dad. Anyway, Rose told you how we’ve been making out for awhile, and we really both like it a lot. I love the feel of her body against mine, and when we have orgasms it’s just great. We’ve talked a lot about whether we are lesbians or not, but I don’t think we are becasue I want to get fucked real bad. I’ve never had anything in my pussy bigger that a couple of Rose’s fingers, and I get that itch deep inside sometimes. The thing is, neither of us want to associate with the boys at school, they’re so immature.”

She paused for a second so I decided to speak. “Well I don’t think you should just go out and get laid by some older guy if that’s what you’re suggesting. You both know the dangers associated with unplanned and unprotected sex, not even to speak of the pregnancy angle. I know how you feel though, I grave sex with a man sometimes also, and it’s not easy getting laid with a teenager in the house.” I added the last part jokingly to hopefully get them to relax.

“Don’t be an idiot mom, neither one of us is going to have sex with some guy that just comes along. And you don’t have to worry about any unwanted pregnancies because we both have been on the pill since we turned 16.” Rose retorted quickly. She explained that they went to a clinic in the city so know one would know who might possibly know them or their parents.

“Listen if you girls want I have some accessories in my bedroom that you can use. They’re not the same as the real thing, but they can definitely fill you up and enhance you experience.” I added. They both giggled at first but Rose was quickly on her feet trotting off to my room, urging us to join her. Both Rose and I got up and walked down the hallway together. She snuggled close to me and whispered that I was like a mother to her, which really made me feel quite good.

When we got to my room I open my dresser drawer and took out a bag that held several sex toys. I had a couple of vibrators, a large lifelike dildo, that was a bit oversized but not too big, a string of beads that could be used either vaginally or anally, and a pair of nipple clips that had been given to me by my ex-husband. The girls were giggling again as I dumped these things out on the bed and they started picking them up and feeling them. Rose was holding the large dildo with her hand wrapped around it like she was going to jack it off. “This is certainly a lot bigger than Billy Walker’s dick,” she said before remembering I was there. “Oh mom, sorry, I was making out with Billy last year and I ended up jacking him off, it was not big deal, and I certainly wasn’t going to let him fuck me.” The two girls just laughed at that and kept on inspecting the toys.

“I think my dad’s cock is about that big,” Carol said in a very matter of fact tone. Both Rose and I just stared at her, not really understanding what she was saying. “I walked into the bathroom by mistake one time and he was just getting out of the shower. His wasn’t as firm as this but it sure looked like it was just as long. I only saw it for a minute so maybe I just think it was bigger.”

“Can you show us how to use this stuff mom?” Rose asked, “They all look like a lot of fun.”

“Well I don’t think you need a lot of instruction, everything is pretty self explanatory. You should take it easy at first though, like don’t go jamming that big fake cock into your tight little pussy, start out with sometime small and work yourself up. Don’t forget about breaking your hymen either. If you haven’t lost it already, which can happen, then you’re going to have some pain if you go that far, just be prepared and it won’t be that big of a deal. By the way Carol, when is your dad coming to pick you up? I’m going to go and get something on for dinner; do you think he will want to join us?”

“I think he said about six-thirty, depending on the job finishing on time. I don’t know if he’ll want to stay or not, but I sure want to, she said eyeballing the toys.”

“Okay, I’m going to get dressed then and go start cooking. You two can do whatever you want but there is still some daylight hours so you could go for some more sun if you want.” I half expected them to just grab the toys and go try them out but to my surprise they decided to go catch a few more rays. I got the feeling though that they had their own agenda and somehow I was playing right into their plans. I got my clothes gathered up and dressed again, and went down to the kitchen to get things started.

End of Part 2.


 Comments welcome, rabbits@ehmail.com


















































































Lessons Part 3 Repost

tanks on Sex Stories

Part 3 – Getting Ready

After his encounter with his son Mike, Ken had gone back to his bedroom to think about what he had just instigated. Although he and his wife Debra had been planning their children’s introduction to sex, now that it had actually started, he was having some reservations. Not that he didn’t want to be the first to fuck his teenage daughter; he had been fantasizing about that for years now. It’s just that whacking off with his son was not part of his fantasy, and he was feeling weird because he had actually enjoyed it. He’d never done anything like that before, and even though there was no physical contact, he couldn’t help thinking how much he might enjoy grabbing onto another mans cock, or maybe even sucking it.

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Not tonight though. He took off his clothes and went and took a shower.

Ken was hoping that his wife and daughter had a good afternoon shopping. They always came home in a good mood when they did. He’d just come back into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He heard a car door slam in the driveway and looked out the bedroom window as his wife and daughter carried several bags of shopping in from the SUV. He smiled to himself watching them laugh as they shared something funny in their conversation walking across the lawn.

Ken was still sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel had fallen from around his waist, when his wife finally entered the bedroom. He stared at her, still captivated by her beauty and casual sexiness. He could feel his cock filling with blood as he thought about fucking her, and fucking his daughter, he could not get that image out of his mind now. Debra stopped as she closed the door and looked at him staring at her. She knew what she was doing to him, she could see it in his face. She long ago accepted the fact that her husband was pre-occupied with sex, and knew that today he was particularly sexed up with the prospect of taking his daughters virginity.

She decided to turn him on some more and reached down and unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down her hips and kicked them off. She stood up, staring at him, and started to undo the buttons to her blouse as she walked towards him. When she stopped in front of him she shrugged the blouse off her shoulders exposing her lace encased breasts. She reached her arms up high above her head and stretched her whole body, standing on her tip-toes. Her breasts were thrust out hard straining against the bra. She fell forward as she lowered her arms and pushed his shoulders forcing him back on the bed.

She could feel his hard cock against her thigh as she planted her lips hard against his and shoved her tongue half way down his throat. Ken was ready to fuck her before she even reached the bed. He was turned on before she entered the room and she was just fulfilling his need to have physical contact of a sexual nature. He jammed his cock between her legs, trying to find the wet warmth of her pussy. When he did he also found the thin cloth barrier of her thong blocking the way between the end of his manhood and the warm wetness it sought.

Debra pressed her pussy against his cock loving the feeling of his hardness pressing against her clit. She wasn’t going to let him fuck her, and knew he would go along without getting a piece of ass right now. She broke the kiss and lifted her head smiling down at him. “That’s enough now lover boy, don’t you want to save that load for tonight?”

“Mmmmm, maybe we should forget about the kids and just stay in here for the rest of the day.” He suggested this knowing it would never happen. Debra pushed herself up to get off him and smiled sweetly. “How did things go today with our daughter?” He asked as she stood up.

“I think you will be pleased with what I started. I think she is primed, and won’t need a lot of coaxing to come around. What about Mike, how did things go with him?”

“Well not exactly as I had planned, he may be a little more confused now then when I started, but I am sure he will by receptive to anything you suggest. Just take it slow, and if he acts somewhat confused at first, just take over and guide him, he will be okay. Any
suggestions for me and Lisa?”

“Nothing really. You might suggest she wear something she bought today, or maybe something of mine. I’ll leave my black mini-dress out for her to see. She loves it and is always asking me if she can wear it but I always say that it’s too adult for her.” Debra turned to finish undressing and take her shower before she took her son out to the ranch to teach him how to fuck.

Meanwhile, son Mike had ended up grabbing another of his dad’s videos and taken it to his room to watch while he packed for spending the night at their country place. He was still feeling odd about jacking off with his dad while watching his own mother on the video. He had to admit it was a turn-on and in fact was not his first exposure to guys jacking off together.

Although he had never participated, he had come across some of the school’s football players having a circle jerk in the locker room showers one night after practice. He had returned to grab a book he had left in his locker and heard some noises and peeked around the corner. He was pretty shocked at first, but not as surprised as some of the other players would have been. Mike didn’t play team sports at school, and didn’t go in much for the macho flavour it projected. When he shared the locker room with some of the team for phys-ed they always seemed a little too full of themselves. One of them, who was also in the shower jerking off, would walk around waving his dick in front of everyone, especially the kids that were not that big, saying that his cock was what made a difference between a man and a boy. He sure wished he had of had a camera that night. He didn’t turn and run though, and couldn’t help but stick around and see them start to come. He even felt a little in his groin but surely didn’t want to get caught with his pants down.

He had slipped the video he had taken out of the drawer in his dad’s den and put it in the machine. There was no label just a date that was almost ten years old. The one he had watched with his dad was a lot newer than that, probably no more than two years old judging by the length and color of his mom’s hair. This one started with a shot of an empty living room. The scene started with a blond woman he did not recognize walking into the room with a beach shawl over her shoulders which covered the upper half of her body. She wore white, very spiked high-heels, white stockings, and you could see the top of her thighs above the stockings, with white garters holding them up. Mike had an immediate hard-on. Nothing turned him on more than sexy lingerie and this lady was a bombshell.

Even with the wrap over her shoulders covering her to the waist, he could tell she had giant tits also. She turned towards the camera and said something to the operator, shrugged her shoulders, and let the wrap fall to the floor. Mike thought his cock would burst. She stood there in a white corset that lifted her breasts up and almost completely out of the bra part. She sat down on the couch and spread her knees apart exposing her uncovered pussy, no panties and no hair. She reached down and spread her pussy lips apart and looked into the camera, saying something again. Fuck, Mike wished he knew what she was saying, and then realized that maybe there was sound, and that his TV was just turned down. He walked over to the set and as he turned it up he looked out the window and saw his mom and sister walking up towards the house.

Something seemed different about his sister Lisa. Maybe he was just fixated on breasts right now because of the video, but her tits certainly seemed to have a new bounce to them. He then gazed at his mother, remembering how she had appeared to him just a little while ago on his dad’s big screen TV. They went out of sight under the eave so he reached over and turned off the VCR and TV and hurriedly threw a few clothes in the bag for the over night trip him and his mom were going on. He didn’t know what to think of what his dad said, and decided to just go along with the flow.

When he got downstairs his mom was in the kitchen putting some things away so he went looking for his sister to see what she was up to. He thought about telling her what happened with their dad but decided against it. Even though they shared a lot of things, probably more than most brothers and sisters, the whole thing about his mom and dad making porn like videos, and him and his dad jacking off together was too much right now, he wanted to think it through some more. He couldn’t find her downstairs so he went back up to her bedroom and knocked on the door. She had a funny habit of always asking who was at the door, and opening it just a crack to make sure, even though she always let him in without question.

“Hi little brother, what’s up?” Lisa said merrily as she went back to her desk and closed whatever program she was running on her PC. Mike noticed this and assumed it was either an on-line chat with one of her friends, her diary (which she sometimes let him read selected passages from) of maybe she was surfing the net for porn. He doubted that, even though his sister was pretty open minded, she had never indicated an interest.

“Nothing much, mom and I are going out to the country tonight, but I think we are coming back tomorrow. Where were you guys?” He asked.

“We went out for lunch at the club, and before that we went shopping,” she replied smiling. Mike again noticed her breasts seemed more pronounced under her tee-shirt and could help but notice that his sister was turning him on. For her part, Lisa was making sure her brother noticed her tits, she liked the way the boys took notice of her, but her brother had always treated her with nothing but respect. That was okay, but she was still in a horny mood from this morning and lunch hour conversation with her mother. She wondered if her nipples were as noticeable through the bra and tee-shirt as they felt inside.

“What did you get anyway; you and mom spend more time shopping that anyone else I know.” He said poking fun at her. All the bags from the lingerie shop were just lying on the bed and before his sister could answer Mike grabbed one of them and dumped the contents on the bed. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.” Mike was embarrassed because he thought his sister would be embarrassed. He couldn’t help but stare at the items that had fallen out of the bag. He was in stimulation overdrive as it was, and as much as he tried to resist, he could feel his cock getting hard again and pressing against the inside of his jeans.

Lisa just smiled at him though, thinking about how sweet it was that he was getting embarrassed over some underwear. She did however notice his physical discomfort, and that definitely gave her a different feeling then thinking her brother was just a sweet innocent guy. She waited, watching him eyeball the lingerie, just waiting to see how long before he remembered that she was in the room with him. Finally she broke the silence, thinking to herself that if she didn’t say something they would be their all night. “See something interesting little brother?” They didn’t really know who was older, and throughout their childhood they always called each other little brother or sister, putting themselves in the older position.

“Oh, sorry, it’s just that, well, it’s not like you and mom go shopping for stuff like this every day.” He waited a few seconds before continuing. “I really do find it all kind of interesting you know. It turns me on and I don’t know why, just a few bits of cloth after all.”

“Yeah, it turns me on too, and I never expected mom to let me wear half of the stuff she bought me. She said it’s all part of growing up.” She got a little bit more excited knowing her brother was getting turned on, which made her get a bit hornier to. She grabbed the other bag and emptied it on the bed exposing it’s contents also. “Like she picked these out for me!” she exclaimed holding up a tiny pair of thong underwear. “And look at this, it makes my tits look even bigger than they really are!” She stood up straight, pushing her chest out, watching her brother’s eyes bulge out of his head. She reached down and quickly pulled her tee-shirt up and over her boobs, exposing the lace encased beauties for a few seconds before lowering it again, all the while laughing.

Mike was floored, he had never seen his sister act this way and wondered if mom had given her some sort of sex drug. He remembered what his dad said about how their parents were planning on teaching them about sex in a closer, more personal way. He decided not to say anything to his sister though, thinking that maybe she would reject the whole thing and ruin the good time he was having right now. He wanted her to show him her tits again, maybe take the bra off. He picked up a package from the bed that contained a pink lace bra where the cup looked like it only covered the bottom half of her tits. “This one looks nice too,” he said trying to sound calm and mature while he prayed she would take it and decide to show him what it looked like.

Lisa grabbed the box from him and looked at the picture of the model on the front and looked into her brother’s face. She knew immediately what he wanted and decided to tease him some more. “This is a nice one, would you like me to put it on?” Mike just sat there with an eager look on his face and nodded. “Okay, just give me a minute.” Lisa jumped up and went over to her walk in closet, entered it and closed the door almost all the way. She could see her brother staring at her through the crack, just as she knew he would. She could see he was disappointed because he was hoping for a change right in front of him but she was not ready to expose herself to him yet. She had never felt so horny before, even more than this morning when the sales clerk brushed the inside of her thigh when she was taking measurements for the lingerie.

Lisa turned her back towards Mike and pulled her tee-shirt over her head. Mike could see her clearly and hoped she would turn around and give him a look face on. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him while she reached behind her back to unclasp the bra she was wearing. As she did this she turned about halfway so her brother got a great look at her chest, thrust out as it was. When the clasp was free she almost let the bra fall off, just to tease mind you, but turned back before the cups actually uncovered her boobs.

She put the demi-bra on and had to admit it made her feel sexy too, She looked in the mirror and could see the swell of her tit-flesh jiggling like a bowl of jello, the bra holding her tits like a shelf in front of her. She could see the upper half of her aureoles peeking out the top of the cups also. As she picked up the tee-shirt and pulled it down over her boobs, she grabbed her nipples and pinched them making them stand out even more than they already were.

She turned and walked back over to the bed where her brother was waiting. Mike just couldn’t believe how much difference a bra could make. Both made her tits look great, but each in their own way. This one allowed her tits to bounce, and they were big enough that the front of the shirt clearly outlined the tops of her breasts. And her nipples were obviously rubbing tight against the inside of the bra, making clearly defined bumps that he would love to grab or wrap his lips around. “So what do you think?” Lisa said breaking Mike out of his trance. She already knew what he thought because of the giant bulge in the front of his jeans. She wanted to see that as much as he wanted to see her boobs. Maybe just a little more teasing first she thought.

“So, do you think I might be able to get a date with these now?” she asked. “None of the older guys want to go out with a high school kid, and all the boys at school are just too stupid. Well almost all of them,” she said that at the end to let her brother know that she didn’t think he was stupid. “The only problem with this one is that it makes my tits feel like they are going to fall out!” she laughed as she said this and shook her boobs back and forth and up and down trying to make them pop out further. They didn’t but she noticed her brother seemed to be in his trance again. “I bet I can’t even bend over without having an accident.” With that she stood up perfectly straight, knees together, facing her brother and bent straight over at the hips until her breast were even with Mike’s face. She then pulled the collar of the tee-shirt down, away from her chest she they could clearly see down her top. She was also staring at the cock bulge in her brother’s jeans.

“Oops, looks like they fell right out,” she said as both her and Mike could see her breasts hanging free out of the bra. She then pretended to lose her balance and fell forward into her brother making sure his face was planted right between her breasts. At the same time she put out her right arm to supposedly break her fall and accidentally leaned right onto his hard cock. Mike didn’t move of course, thinking that he had actually died and gone to heaven where his face would forever be buried between two luscious, soft, creamy tits. Lisa could not believe how big and hard his cock was in her grip. She just had to see it, and more importantly, feel it. She knew she had never been this horny and she planned to do something about it.

She rolled off to the side, right beside her brother, but kept her hand on his manhood. He followed her movement with his head but didn’t push the moment by forcing himself back against her perfect body. “She looked him in the eye and decided to take the plunge. “Fuck Mike, I don’t think I can stand this any longer. I’m so horny my panties are soaked from my pussy juice. Feels like your pretty excited yourself,” she squeezed his cock as she said this.

Well Mike thought to himself, a clearer invitation I could not ever hope for. He thought briefly about what his dad said, the movie showing him his mom’s hot body, and now his sister basically telling him he could have his way with her. God he wanted to take his cock out so much and just relieve the pressure. Just as he was about to answer they were both interrupted by their mother calling from down the hallway.

“Come on Mike, we have to hit the road if we want to make it out of the city at a decent time. Grab your bag and I will meet you out front right away.” Both of the kids had forgotten about the plans for the weekend and looked at each other with disappointment, but in some ways relief also. Mike could feel the blood leaving his cock as the excitement of the moment subsided. Lisa just sat up looking dejected and smiled at her brother. “Later bro, I’ll see you when you get back,” she said as he walked to the door. “And don’t forget these either!” she lifted her top and fully exposed her scantily clad breast to him as he hurried out the door.

This concludes Part Three. Part Four will follow the adventures of Ken and Lisa  and their evening together. Feedback Welcome rabbits@ehmail.com .

Lessons Part 1

tanks on Incest Stories

Ken and Debra lay in bed after a second round of heart stopping sex. Ken had been working out on the coast for the last two weeks, and very seldom in their seventeen years together had they been apart for that length of time. They both loved sex, and had always had an active and healthy sex life. They both had come from families that were very strict, had both spent time in boarding schools before meeting each other in college. At that time Ken was a business major and Debra had chosen biology as her major. Both had excelled in high school and college. They married soon after meeting and had completed their master degrees in their respective fields by the time they were twenty four. Both came from fami

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lies of money, although success had been won by each without any need of help from their parents.


One of the problems they had in common was with the way their parents had treated them as children. They were never beaten or anything like that, they were just a ignored for the most part. As children they both felt as if they had been conceived because it was “expected” of their parents to have at least one child. The affect of this was a somewhat restrictive childhood that resulted in them both having a lot of spare time to study, and dream about the way they wanted their lives to be. One thing they had both promised themselves was that they would bring their own children up entirely differently.


They decided to have kids right away, their theory being is that they wanted their kids to have younger parents, not old fogies like their own parents were. Unfortunately, Debra found out that she was unable to have children so they decided to adopt. This is where things started to stray from the norm. Debra had done her thesis on genetic engineering and had insisted that her husband father their children using surrogate mothers. Her theory was that if they found the right mother they would be able to ensure that the children had ideal genetic material to start out life with. After a long and expensive search they found an ideal candidate that was just finishing her doctorate in one of the sciences, and was two hundred thousand in debt from student loans. Debra created two fertilized eggs in a test-tube and successfully inserted them into the surrogate’s womb. Nine months later the children were born. To keep things simple the couple had elected to just tell the children they had been adopted, and that they had no idea who their father or mother were.


So back to the present time. Ken and Debra are lying in bed discussing their plans. For the last sixteen years they had been planning for this, and now that the time was here, they weren’t sure how to proceed exactly. Let me explain. One of the biggest problems they had both had with their own parents was the hypocritical way they had dealt with sex. Being well off, and such, both sets of parents had numerous affairs and liaisons all over the globe, but at the same time repressed their children’s sexual education. This is one of the many things they had promised not to do to their own kids. For the most part they didn’t do anything special, except agree that they would always be honest and truthful when matters of a sexual nature came up. Ultimately they planned to give their own kids the best sexual education imaginable. Ken and Debra felt it was time to start their education.


“We can start this weekend,” Debra said, “I’ve been getting a sexual vibe from Mike for over a year now, and Lisa has had her period for almost two years. And as I am sure you will agree, they both look more like adults than young teens. I can’t believe the size of Lisa’s tits, that was the one thing I was hoping she would inherit from her biological mom, not that mine are small, but she exceeded my 36D’s months ago, and I know she needs some bigger bras now. Anyway, I have seen the sex-ed stuff coming home from school so I am sure they know all the facts. I think it’s time we started to educate them in the more intimate aspects of sex.” All the time she was talking her husband was thinking about how hot their daughter looked. Although he was away on business a lot, it never seemed to amaze him how quickly they had both grown.


“They are back from the school band trip on Friday and school doesn’t get back in until next Tuesday,” Debra continued. “I’ve been slowly loosening the standards in the house over the last few months. Mike has managed to get a few glances of me in my bra and panties and I know he is trying to see more. Let’s execute the plan this Saturday.” The plan was simple, they would separate the kids and have the “birds and the bees” conversations with them, except with a big twist. For the guys, Ken was going to allow his son to catch him masturbating, this would lead into a frank discussion about sex. Debra was going to take Lisa shopping for some new intimate apparel and use that as the lead into sex. In both situations they would end their conversations with the ultimate request. After years of discussion and planning, both had trouble falling asleep that night because of their excitement.


The Boys Talk


It was Saturday morning and Ken and Debra had already put the wheels in motion. The girls had left the house at 10:30 in the morning allowing Ken plenty of time to set up his scene. He had taken some very explicit videos of his wife over the last few years and these were going to be the bait for Mike. Ken had everything setup in the den and knew Mike would be home from ball practice just after 11:00. He put the video on, sat down on the couch, took out his cock and started to stroke it until it was hard. He had sat so that there was no way Mike would not see the movie or his dad masturbating when he came into the room. He knew that Mike would be looking for him because they had already made some plans for the afternoon. Ken had watched this video of his wife a million times and it still turned him on. She was sitting on the same leather couch he was now sitting on, naked, with a big plastic cock going in and out of her sopping pussy. Every once and awhile she would take out the dildo and lick her juices of it.


He heard Mike getting dropped off in the driveway, which is what he was hoping for. He flicked the television remote to check out the security camera, just to make sure no unscheduled guests were coming home with Mike. The coast was clear so he put the sex tape back on and continued stroking his cock. It seemed to take hours for the minutes to pass as Mike came through the house looking for someone. Ken heard him approaching down the hall and jumped when Mike opened the door and stood there gazing at the scene. There was a long pause, maybe thirty seconds, before Mike apologized and turned to leave. He had seen the movie, had time to recognize his mom, and had looked bewildered at his dad stroking his cock. Just as he was turning Ken stood up, not trying to hide his massive hard-on, and suggested to Mike that it was time they had a father to son talk. The moment of decision was there, would Mike continue to turn and leave the room or would he acknowledge his dad’s statement. Ken looked at him and knew he was hooked because his eyes had glanced back at the TV, where his mother had just shoved another smaller dildo up her ass, and Mike just could not look away.


Ken grabbed his hard cock and stood there watching his son watch the movie. He waited until he knew Mike would not be leaving as long as the movie was running. Finally, when he felt the timing was right, he broke the silence. “Kind of embarrassing isn’t it  son, for both of us. The one thing I do know though is that all men masturbate, and my guess is that you do too. Am I right?” Not waiting for an answer he continued, “I started jacking off when I was twelve or thirteen myself, been doing it ever since. Love it as much today as I did back then. The best part now though is I get to do the real thing too. The means I not only get to fantasize about fucking some nice looking piece of tail while I jack off, I get to fuck your mom anytime I want to.”


Mike turned his head towards his dad thinking how he could even respond. Sure he jacked off, although he had kept that a secret from everyone up to now. Sure he fantasized about fucking, even fucking his own mom who he thought was the hottest mom in the whole town. But how could he talk about that with his dad. What was he supposed to say anyway, something like ‘Yeah dad, is mom as hot a piece of ass as she looks in this video, by the way can I borrow it so I can go have a few strokes over it myself.’ It was then that he actually realized all the details around him. Fuck that was his mom on the screen, and his dad, although not jerking right now, still had his cock out. It was also then that Mike realized that his cock had started reacting to the images on the TV.


Ken’s cock had softened a bit so he put it back in his shorts so Mike would relax a bit, and because now was the time for talk. “Come on son, relax, why don’t you just sit down and we can discuss this whole thing.” Mike did feel a bit trapped, he still couldn’t take his eyes of the TV screen. He finally gave a slight shrug and turned completely towards his dad. Ken picked up the remote and paused the show, making sure the video was left leaving a nice shot of his wife’s cunt on the screen while he talked to his son. They both sat down on the couch and Ken started the talk. “Listen son, I know they’ve been teaching you all the basic, physical stuff about sex in school for awhile now. I am not going to bore you with that. What I want to discuss with you is all the other aspects. Like this situation here, and oral sex, and fucking, and all the other stuff they don’t teach at school. Your mom and I think it is very important for you to get the whole picture. Is that okay? I don’t want to lecture you either, so ask questions. To start, let me ask you this, have you ever had any type of sex with someone else, anything at all?”


Mike was starting feel relaxed a bit, although he was still a bit embarrassed. “No, not yet, but all the guys at school talk about it a lot. I’ve just never been that close to a girl.” Ken would have been surprised at any other response.


“That’s good son, although you could think of masturbation as sex, either on its own or with someone else. So what do you think about sex? How often do you jack off, and what do you use for stimulation?”


“Oh, I don’t know, a few times a week,” Mike lied. He actually jacked off a few times a day, most days. “Mostly I think about different girls from school, sometimes something on TV gets me going, geez dad do we have to talk about this?”


“It’s all part of sex son, and I want you to be open, not ashamed of anything. For instance, when I was your age I think I jacked off more than any other single activity. And I know you been checking out porn on the Internet, so don’t pretend you’re not. It’s not a bad thing son, it’s good. What about your mom and sister, they are both beautiful and sexy ladies, ever think about them when you’re jacking off?”


Mike couldn’t believe his dad knew he lusted after both the women in the house. “Well sometimes I see them in their underwear, that turns me on.” Mike looked at the paused image of his mother on the screen, he just couldn’t keep it in any longer. “What about this video dad, is mom some sort of porn actress? How could she do something like that anyway.” Ken expected this reaction sooner than later. Of course his son was going to wonder about his mother’s motives.


“That’s a private video Mike, who do you think is runni

The Lessons Part 2

tanks on Incest Stories

Part 2 – Girl Time


Debra and her daughter had a very close relationship, some would say closer than normal. Ever since Lisa had started puberty Debra had been preparing her for her introduction to sex and love making. She and her husband had been planning this for their children for many years and the fact that they were so close to realizing their dream had had her excited for some time. Her husband Ken and son Mike would be having thei

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r little conversation while her and Lisa were shopping. Hopefully, if everything went according to plan, the years of planning would come to a halt. God she was already hot just thinking about it. She good feel the heat between her legs and know she would start feeling the moisture pretty soon.


“Honey,” she said to her beautiful young daughter Lisa, “I thought we would go to a specialty lingerie shop today. You’re boobs are bigger again and it’s going be harder and harder for you to by decent bras off the shelf. I know a place that will fix us up.”


“God mom, you don’t have to do that, I can get by with what I have right now. Besides, half the time I don’t even wear a bra so what does it matter,” Lisa responded. She knew her tits were big, but she wondered why her mom always seemed so interested in them. Somethimes she liked the way her boobs looked when they were packed into a bra that was too small. The way the flesh squeezed out of the cups and pushed her tits up was cool, especially if she was wearing one of her nice lacy bras. She loved going braless too, the way her tits bounced and swayed under her top was cool too. What she liked most about her tits though was the way everyone paid attention when she entered the room, especially if she had a good bounce going. When her nipples got hard they would show right through the fabric, even if she was wearing a bra.


“Going braless won’t be an option for much longer Lisa, although I know why you like to,” her mom responded, remembering when she was young and how she like to feel her tits bouncing around free. “Besides, there is no reason why you should not be comfortable when you do wear one, and I know you will find lots of nice lingerie in the store we are going to.” Just as she said that she pulled into a small parking lot in a part of town Lisa had never been in before. They got out of the car and went down as narrow alley between two buildings to an entrance of a store you could bnot even see from the sidewalk.


A bell tinkled as the opened and Lisa followed her mother in. There were two ladies behind the counter and they both seemed to know her mother. “Good day Mrs. White one of them said as she came from behind the counter and walked towards them, “it is so good to see you again.” The women walking towards them was older than her mom, probably in her forties, thought Lisa. She was stunningly beautiful and walked with an elegance you seldom seen. The other came out from behind the counter also and although she was considerably younger, she too was beautiful and it was obvious she was related to the older lady. The older lady hugged her mom and kissed her on both cheeks in a European fashion.


“Sophia, please call me Debra, I don’t know how many times I’ve told you that over the years. This is my daughter Lisa, she is in desperate need of some new items. I just know you will have what she needs.”


“Of course we will,” Sophia replied, “this is my niece Grace she will be helping us today. I find that she is very good at helping out the younger ladies. It is very nice to meet you Lisa.” She said holding out her hand for Lisa to shake. “What about yourself Debra, will you be needing anything today also?” Sophia asked.


“Yes, I am looking for something for a special occasion I have planned, but lets get Lisa going first. She will need some bras, with matching panties of course, and anything else you can think of.” Debra was talking while she walked into the store proper and looked around at some of the displays.


“First we will need to size properly,” Sophia said, “Grace why don’t you take Lisa into the back and get the necessary measurements.” Grace was as beautiful as her aunt, but seemed a little less formal. She was dressed in a white blouse, open at the front showing a great deal of cleavage. She had on a short black skirt that went to mid thigh. It appeared like she had no stocking on, and a simple pair of  loafers which made sense for someone working in a store. Although the outfit was simple, the girl looked stunning in it, like she would if she was wearing flannel pyjamas and had just gotten out of bed.


“Come with me,” Grace said grabbing Lisa by the hand and directing her towards a current on one of the walls. If a lot of the girls her own age at school had grabbed her by the hand like this she would have felt weird. But Grace was different for some reason and Lisa immediately liked her. She figured she was in her early twenties, definitely a lot older than she was. It was nice that she just didn’t treat me like a little girl. They went through the current and found several dressing rooms for trying on things. The went through a door into a larger room with several plush chairs and softer lighting. There were several full length mirrors on the walls.


“What size of bra are you wearing now?” Grace asked as she went over to a table and picked up a clipboard and pen.


“I’m not sure, I think it’s a 36, C or D, but it’s too small so I think I probably need a bigger cup or something.” Lisa responded.


Grace wrote the size on the paper and smiling up at Lisa relied, “believe me, by the time you leave here today you will know exactly what size you are and be feeling significantly more comfortable, and more sexy too. Now take your top and bra off so I can measure you.” Grace walked back over to the table and turned her back and reached down to pick up a tape measure.


Although Lisa was surprised at Grace asking her this so nonchalantly she accepted the fact that if she needed to be measured there was no sense doing it with your clothes on. Lisa looked at Grace and saw her back towards her and figured she was just being polite. She took her jacket of and laid it on a chair and started to pull her tee shirt top over her head. When she pulled her head through and shook her hair out she threw it on the chair and when she looked back up Grace had turned around and was standing there smiling at her. Almost instinctively Lisa put her arms up to hide her bra covered melons. She was always a little shy about undressing in front of others because they did stare and in high school this often meant some of the girls making snotty comments about her over-sized breasts. It definitely wasn’t the same sexy feeling she got when the people, mostly boys and men, stared at her because they couldn’t see her tits and they wanted to. Funny how that worked.


“Don’t be shy Lisa, I’ve seen lots of breasts since I started working for my aunt. You shouldn’t be ashamed of what you have anyway.” Grace said. She walked closer to Lisa and instructed her to turn around so she could unclasp her bra for her. “Geez Lisa, this is way to tight,” she commented while trying to pull it a bit tighter so she could get the hooks separated. “You really do need something that fits better, now turn around so I can get some measurements.” Lisa turned slowly but her arms were still holding her bra on. Grace took a hold of her hands and lowered them causing the bra to pull away from the young breasts. She took the old bra and threw it towards a trash can in the corner commenting about how her aunt would never let Lisa put it back down.


Lisa stood there while Grace looked her up and down. “You have beautiful breasts Lisa, no need to be embarrassed. Now I need you to put your arms straight over your head so I can measure.” Lisa did as she was instructed and Grace started taking measurements and noting them on the clipboard. First her waist, then around her torso just beneath her boobs, then around and across her boobs, right at the nipple. Grace’s hands lightly brushed across her nipples as she brought the tape around. They immediately reacted by puckering a bit and pushing out. Lisa turned red a little from embarrassment but Grace didn’t even seem to noticed. “Okay, that’s good for the basics, you can lower your arms now and turn around.” Again Lisa did as she was told and Grace took even more measurements. Across the back of her shoulders, down her spine from the base of her neck to her tailbone, her outstretched arms from the middle of her back to her wrists. Grace moved back to the front and measured across her shoulders there also, then from her shoulder to her nipple on each side. This again made her nipples harden, even more this time and it seemed that Grace lingered just a bit longer. Finally she measured around her breasts right at her chest and then out from the chest to her nipples.


Grace had made notes as she went and after the last measurement Lisa asked “I’ve never had anyone take so many measurements before, I just figured I needed a bigger cup size that’s all. What size am I now anyway” she asked?” Grace looked up smiling and said that she was now officially a D-cup, and should have a 37 inch band size which would have to be made specially. “Now could you take your jeans off for a minute we need your hips measured also.” Lisa had not expected this but was feeling more comfortable now with Grace so she quickly undid her belt and pants and slid them down to the floor. She wasn’t sure if grace had meant for her to lower her panties also and had decided she would leave them on until Grace glanced at her and she knew they had to come off too.


Grace measured her hips at three different spots, and her legs from hip to ankle. She then asked Lisa to spread her legs a bit so she could measure her inseam. Lisa, again trying to act natural did as she was told. She was nervous and jumped a little as Grace’s hand came up into her crotch and next to her pussy. Grace loved the feeling of someone’s hand there, no one had ever been this close. She could feel herself reacting and wanted to pull her legs tightly together so she could feel Grace’s hand there, unable to escape. Grace must have noticed something because she didn’t remove her hand after she measured. She just rotated it to the opposite thigh. Lisa was certain that the hand, which was kind of balled up in a fist, pressed up even more than before and she reacted by opening her legs alittle allowing better access. Grace did linger for a moment but was soon on her feet again.


She walked back over to the table and turned towards Lisa, openly staring at her perfect young body. “You should get dressed now Lisa, I have all the measurements and my aunt will be wondering where we are. I have to tell you though that you have one of the most beautiful bodies I have ever measured. I wish we had more time.” Grace was almost whispering when she said this, and although Lisa was used to getting complements and attention over her looks, she was not sure she had clearly heard what Grace was saying, especially the last part. She was about to ask Grace to repeat it but she was already headed towards the door and Lisa kind of knew the moment was now lost. She could not however get the incredible feeling Grace had caused when she rubbed her hand on the inside of her thigh, That memory would stay with her for a long time.


When she was dressed again she walked back out into the store. Grace was helping another customer and her mother and Grace’s aunt Sophia were talking at the counter. She walked towards them and when she got there she noticed they had picked out a number of items, way more than she had expected. Not only were there new bras, they all had matching panties or thongs, plus several camisoles, some stockings and some very revealing night wear. What really caught her attention was the type of lingerie that they had picked out. Up to now most of her undergarments had been much the same as other girls her age, somewhat juvenile, and cute as opposed to sexy. This batch was definitely more on the sexy side, and as she picked up one of the bras, she looked at her mother, and wondering if these were for her or for her mother.


“These are all yours darling,” her mother said before the question was asked. “Sophia will be making up some custom fitted ones also, but until then, and until you stop growing, we will be coming back here to make sure what you are wearing not only feels comfortable, but also makes you feel like a woman, not a child. Now go and try that one on and we will be going, we have lots to do still.”


Lisa did as she was told and took the pink bra that was in her hand and went into the fitting room to try it on. Both Sophia and her mother came in to check on the fit, and she had to admit, she did feel different wearing something so blatantly sexy. She noticed a big difference when she put her tee-shirt top back on and saw how different her form was, and how her breasts seemed to fill out her shirt even more than before. When she walked out into the store she could feel the now bounce in her tits as she walked back and noticed her reflection in one of the mirrors. When her and her mother left she also noticed that people seemed to pay a little bit more attention to her, and her new look.


Once they were in the car and driving her mother asked if she was hungry as it was near lunch time. They agreed to go to the club for lunch, mainly because they knew they would be seated immediately, and could enjoy a little more privacy. The club was somewhat exclusive, and the whole family was known to the staff and management. Besides the golf and tennis, there were a ton of other activities that the family had taken advantage of over the years. Her mother asked for a little privacy for lunch and they were seated in one of the many tables set aside in an alcove off the main dining area. The room was not crowded either as they were a bit early for the main lunch crowd.


“I can’t believe you bought me all that sexy stuff mom, I thought you and dad wanted to keep young and innocent for the rest of my life.” Lisa told her mom openly. They had always enjoyed the ability to talk openly and Lisa was somewhat confused over her mother’s sudden change in attitude.


Debra paused for a minute, wanting to be very careful in her approach. “It’s just time for this dear,” she started, “you are growing up even faster than either you father and I had ever thought possible. We’ve have worked very hard at making sure you didn’t grow up too fast though. Remember how we had many discussions about your body and the changes it was going through when you first had you period and you breast started to grow? And we’ve discussed the things you have been learning in sex education in school. I’ve always tried to be as open and as honest with you as I could. Both your father and I agreed however that we wanted to be very careful about how we would introduce you and your brother to the next part of you learning about life.”


Their food arrived and while the waiter was serving them and such, the conversation stopped. Debra could see that her daughter was digesting what she had just said, and figured there would soon be questions. Before that happened though she wanted to get to the real point. “Now it is time for the real lessons to start. You know the mechanics, and I am positive you have started to experience some of the feelings inside that go along with the physical changes you’ve gone through. Next we are going to discuss sex from the other side. I want you to know about fucking, and giving blow-jobs, and most importantly, about orgasm, my darling. Your father and I have planned for a long time about how we would teach both you and your brother about the more exciting and intimate aspects of sex. Just knowing that a man can shove his penis into your vagina is not enough. There is a lot more to it then that, and looking and feeling sexy like that lingerie makes you feel is just the beginning.”


Lisa was shocked, she had never heard her mother say fuck before, and never thought that she would know what a blow job even was. Of course she had heard about all this with her friends and such, but never imagined her parents doing it. As she thought this, her mind went back to the feeling she had this morning when Grace had brushed her hand on the inside of her thigh. This was what mom was talking about she guessed. She had to admit that she wanted more of that feeling. It was better than the feeling she had felt when she rubbed her own pussy, or even the dreams of some of the boys in school she was attracted to. She did want to find out more and she trusted her mother to be honest and open with her.


As they finished their lunch and ordered tea, Debra opened up the conversation again. “Are you still a virgin dear?” she asked deliberately, although she suspected her daughter was.


“Mom,” Lisa said, surprised at the question, “you know I am. I’ve never even had a date, and the only guys at school that ask me out are the senior jocks, and you know how much I don’t like them.” Debra knew that her daughter’s good looks and womanly body had actually stopped all the young boys her own age from asking her out. She had always worried about older men taking advantage of her also.


“You know dear, your father and I have always wanted the best for you. We wanted to make sure your transition into adulthood was smoother and more real than ours was. Our parents were very straight, and they tended to leave the finer details of our upbringing to the nanny, or the private school. There’s no way my mother would have ever taken me on a shopping trip for lingerie.” Debra couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of her mother talking about anything to do with sex, even sexy clothing. “We promised each other that we would help our kids a lot more than we were ever helped. We were pretty naïve when we first met, and almost lost each other because of our inexperience with sex. Neither of us want you or your brother to experience that. To accomplish that we have determined that the best method would be to teach you more directly about the finer aspects of making love. We could give you a book, which may help, but nothing can replace the feelings and physical reactions you enjoy as you learn things first hand.” Debra paused waiting for her daughter to react. It was hard to approach the subject in the first place but now that it was out she felt much better.


After a few minutes Lisa responded. “You know mom, I’ve had some pretty strong feelings lately and I don’t know what they mean.” She proceeded to tell her mom about her experience with Grace in the fitting room at the store. Just telling her mom was making her hot again and she finished the conversation with that.  “DO you think this means I’m a lesbian mom? Just telling you about it has made me hot in my pussy again, and I think I would of loved it if we had not run out of time and I could actually of felt her fingers on my pussy.” Lisa had never said anything like this to her mom before and along with being sexually aroused she was very much embarrassed.


“Don’t worry my dear, I doubt you are a lesbian. Even if you are, so what, it’s just another approach to channelling the sexual feelings we all have. I’ve had a few experiences with other women also, it is definitely something you shold be afraid of, lesbian or not. Your father and I have some activities planned over this weekend that should help you find out if you are heterosexual or not. The only thing we ask of you is to trust us. You always have to remember that neither of us would never do anything to harm you or your brother.”


Lisa thought about what her mother was saying, about her experience with Grace, and about the feeling in her pussy that was only getting stronger as the conversation progressed. If she was alone in her room right now she would be rubbing herself until she had an orgasm. She intuitively knew what her mom was saying, but thought she better ask before she jumped ahead too far. “Do you mean that you and dad will be showing us how you make love, like we can watch or something like that?” The thought was one thing, saying it was making her panties all wet and she was sure she could smell the secretions oozing out of her cunt.


Her mom was smiling, “Well that’s kind of what we had in mind. Actually, we were going to show you a little more directly. I am going to show your brother and your father will be instructing you, if you get my drift that is. It’s a long weekend and we have lots of time to work all this out. I’ve already told you more than we had planned so you must not let onto your father that I’ve told you about our plan. When we get back home the two of us will get ready together. You brother and I will leave and head out to the country house later this afternoon. We’ve been planning a mom and son weekend for months now. You and your father will be alone tonight after the staff leaves. Really that’s all you need to know. Now, you have to decide now if you want to go through with this or not. We are not going to make you do anything you are not comfortable with. However, it won’t be fair if you change your mind too late. So how about it dear, any questions of objections?”


Lisa was not sure what to think. She loved her parents and brother a lot, and trusted them in everything. Her mother had never given bad advice or guidance. She’d read about incest before, and she guessed this is what they were talking about. She thought about her father and how handsome he was, and so strong. She thought about sex, and imagined what it would be like having someone close to her in a sexual fashion, just like Grace this morning. She thought about the warm feeling in her pussy, which was still active, and in some ways more active. She looked at her mom and saw that whatever they had planned it was what they thought was best, and as far as she was concerned they had not screwed up too many things so far as parents. She nodded and smiled at her mom, and as soon as she did she felt relieved, and excited. It was like a damn burst and she was getting caught up in the rushing wall of water.


Debra knew that her daughter had agreed to the plan by the look on her face. “Come on dear, lets go home now. I’m sure you have a lot of questions and we don’t have much time. Remember I want this to seem to your dad like you didn’t have any forewarning. We want it to seem completely spontaneous and natural. And I have an idea of how you can do that.”


This concludes Part Two. Part Three will have all four of the family back at the house making preparations for the rest of the weekend. rabbits@ehmail.com .




Lessons Part 4

tanks on Incest Stories

Lisa was so horny she couldn’t stand it. As soon as her brother left she stripped off all her clothes and went to take a shower. Her thong was soaked; she didn’t think she had ever been so turned on. Just the feel of her brothers hard meat through his jeans was enough, she was pretty sure she would have let him fuck her if they had of continued. She’d never really thought about him that way before, although she had always been curious about his dick.

She had her own bathroom and it wasn’t until she reached puberty that she figured out why a pulsating, massage shower head was one of the best inventions ever for a girl. She turned to water on real steamy and climbed in. Within seconds she had the shower hose off its hook and turned on to her favouri

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te setting, hard pulse. She bent over slightly so she could position the flow to come from below, right under her pussy. She reached down with her hand and spread the wet lips apart and pointed the nozzle right at her clit. The first pulse came hard and just about lead to an orgasm.

She had been doing this for a couple of years now and had the perfect system down. When the device was on pulse it shot out a glob of water about once a second or so. She had developed a technique where she would flick her clitoris between pulses. This provided very intense pleasure and as usual she achieved her orgasm very quickly. The orgasm released some of her sexual tension, but she could get the feeling of her brother’s hard cock out of her mind. As she dried off she decided to go downstairs and see what her dad had planned for the evening. She went back into her bedroom and threw on a sweat suit she often wore around the house. She liked it because she could be naked underneath of it and she loved the feeling of the soft cotton against her skin.

She found her father in his den reading the paper. “Hi dad, what’s up? Do you have any plans for tonight?” He raised his head from the paper and smiled at his lovely daughter. Even in that old track suit she looked beautiful. He could even tell she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were creating bumps on the material. He wondered if she even bothered to put panties on.

“I thought we’d go out for dinner together. It’s been a long time since you and I have had any time together alone. There’s this really nice restaurant I found that we can try,” he replied.

“Sounds good, how should I dress though?” She asked.

“It’s pretty fancy so dress up nice, like a lady. Do you have anything that you bought today that you could wear?  Or, if you want to, go and have a look in your mother’s closet to see if she has something.” Lisa giggled when her father suggest she wear something that she bought today, obviously he didn’t know where her mother and she had gone shopping. “If you make yourself look grownup enough maybe you could have a glass of wine with dinner too.”

Lisa smiled at her dad, he was always so nice to her, always treated her like she was older than she actually is. “Okay dad, I’ll go get ready see you in awhile.” She ran over to him, leaned over his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. She felt her boob press against his shoulder and as she looked down noticed that her dad had a distinctive bulge in his crotch. Even though it wasn’t hard and stiff it made her think of her brother’s cock and how much she wanted to touch it. She then bounced out of the room and went upstairs to see what she could find in her mothers closet.

The first thing she saw when she opened the door was the dress she had thought of when her dad suggested she wear something of her mothers. It was a black dress with an uneven hem and a slit up on side. The waist fit snugly and the bust was low cut, but not too much so. She didn’t even look at anything else and took the dress, along with a pair of her mother’s high heels, back to her room. She immediately took off the old track suit and picked out some lingerie to wear. They had bought a black bra and thong matching set that would be perfect. The cups left just enough of her breasts bare so she didn’t need to worry about people seeing her bra. They also pushed her tits up and together a little to give her just a little bit tighter cleavage than normal. She put these on and sat in front of her mirror and carefully applied her makeup. Her mom had taught her years ago how to apply the colors and creams in just the right way depending on the occasion. She knew the makeup would help make her look older too.

She pulled the dress on over her head, went into the bathroom to fix her hair a bit with the curling iron, grabbed the shoes and started down the stairs. As she passed her full length mirror though she noticed she didn’t have any stockings on. Her legs looked great with or without stockings, but she decided to go all the way. She went back into her mother’s room and found a new pair of black sheer stockings that had a design woven into the material. She picked these because they stayed up on their own, so she would not need a garter. Her dad had put on a sports coat and was waiting for her when she went downstairs.

Ken couldn’t believe how beautiful his daughter looked as she came down the stairs holding the shoes in her hand. She looked a lot like her mother but her breasts were a bit larger, and her waist was slimmer. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she bent over, raised her leg and slipped the shoe unto her foot. As she did this her thigh was almost totally exposed, all the way up to the lacy stocking tops. Ken could feel his prick start to react. They left, and Ken followed his daughter out to the car watching her perfect ass cheeks sway back and forth as she walked in front of him.

Once they were on the road things seemed to relax a bit for both of them. Lisa just looked out the window, mostly thinking about what all had happened to her so far today and how she was going out to dinner with her dad and he was treating her so much like a lady and not a kid. Beside her Ken concentrated on the road while trying to catch glimpses of his daughter. The black dress was one of his wife’s sexier outfits and his daughter filled it out very nicely indeed. Although you could not see a lot of her breasts with that neckline, they were shaped beautifully under the material. He would order a bottle of wine with dinner and let Lisa have a glass or two, that should help loosen her up a bit. He turned a corner and Lisa asked her dad where they were going, she didn’t recognize this part of the city.

“It’s a place someone suggested to me. It’s supposed to have great food and a very nice atmosphere.” In reality he had chosen it because he was pretty sure they would not about him walking in with a girl who was young enough to be his daughter and not question her about her age. It was a decent place too and provided a very intimate setting. He had been here with his wife a few years ago so he doubted anyone would remember him.

They arrived and the valet took the car after opening the door for Lisa so she could get out. She saw the young man gaze at her legs as she swung them out, and right at her tits once she was standing. She loved turning guys on like this, it seemed so simple. They were seated at their table and had plenty of privacy. They ordered the wine without any hassle and chatted about all kinds of things. Eventually her dad asked about boyfriends, to which she replied she had none, with no prospects in sight. He acted surprised but he had discussed this with his wife before and she assured him that Lisa didn’t need some teenage boy spoiling their daughter in the backseat of some car. He knew she probably intimidated the high school boys anyway she look so much more grown up, and acted so mature.

Lisa felt great. She was enjoying a great meal with her dad, and the wine made her feel very warm inside. It wasn’t her first time, on special occasions her parents would let her and Mike have a glass a wine with dinner, but just one. She finished off her second glass just as they finished their entrée so it would soon be time to go. In some ways she didn’t want it to end because she felt so good. The place was a lot more crowded now then when she came and the loss of privacy bothered her. Her dad asked her if she wanted some desert which she declined and they decided to go back home where they could talk more quietly.

When she stood up to leave she lost her balance just a bit. Between the wine and the high heels she did feel a little unsteady for a moment. Her dad grabbed her though and put his arm around her waist pulling her tight against him. She told him she was okay now and he relaxed his grip, but still held her. The warmth of his body was soothing as they exited into the cooler night air. He made her feel warm inside and she started to think about how his crotch had bulged this afternoon and then she was thinking about her bother’s hard cock and the sales girl from this morning and before she knew it she was sitting beside her dad driving home and she was horny as hell again.

They finally got home but it was still pretty early so Ken suggested that the go into the living room and continue their conversation. “You certainly look beautiful in your mother’s dress sweetie, and sexy too.” Lisa blushed when her dad said this too her, although she knew she looked sexy, it was just different coming from her dad. “So what did you guys buy today that wasn’t nice enough for you the wear out tonight?” Ken asked.

Lisa blushed again and then smiled. “What makes you think I’m not wearing something I bought today dad?” Ken had not even thought of underwear, he looked but no jewellery was showing, and he knew the shoes where Debra’s. Lisa smiled at her dad as he looked her over trying to find something that may have been hers. “Don’t be so silly dad, mom bought me a bunch of lingerie today, that’s where we were all morning.” She giggled a little feeling light headed from the wine, and her horniness had not subsided. “If you think the dress is sexy you should see some of the things mom bought me today,” Lisa blurted this out without realizing what she said, but didn’t care either so she just laughed.

Her father smiled at her and realized what his wife meant when she told him to suggest to Lisa to wear something she had bought. He felt the time was just about perfect to move his plan to the next level. “I bet they all look sexy as hell on you dear, you are a very appealing women”. Ken said this is a way that he had never talked to his daughter before, and she noticed it. Lisa loved it that her dad treated her like an adult and would just about do anything for him.

“I’ve got an idea,” she said, “lets go upstairs and I will show you what we got. I was surprised by some of the things mom got for me.” Without waiting for an answer she stood up and started up to her bedroom. Her father followed not believing that things were moving this fast. When he entered the bedroom his daughter was standing beside her bed and indicated for him to sit on the seat to her makeup table. She was still in her dress but she’d taken the shoes off downstairs. She picked up three or four boxes from her bed and brought them over to her dad. “See, look at how sexy these bras are. Mom never bought me anything like these before. This is the one I have on now,” she showed her dad the box with the picture of the model in the black bra and matching thong she was now wearing. “mom even bought the matching thong for me.” She threw the boxes on the bed and stood straight in front of her dad.

“See how well the bra makes the dress look,” she said as she smoothed the dress material over her breasts and pulled it downward as tightly as she could. Her father just stared marvelling at her beauty and her sexiness. With her tits thrust out she turned sideways for a profile look, and then she turned away from him and ran her hands over her butt cheeks and smiled back over her should. “No panty lines either, and the thong makes me feel sexy too.” She didn’t believe she had said that but she was still horny and getting hornier by the minute. She walked back over to the bed and showed her dad more of the items. Taking bras out of their boxes and holding them up, and showing him all the panties and thongs and the two camisoles she had taken.

Ken sat through all this just letting things unfold. His cock was getting harder with every minute and he was sure she would soon notice it. He had promised himself he wouldn’t force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with but it was real hard not to jump up right now, throw her on the bed and fuck the hell out of her. He was patient though and seeing the way things were going he decided that waiting was the best option.

Lisa did notice his bulge growing as she bounced back and forth showing him her lingerie and watching his reaction. She wanted to grab his cock just like she had grabbed her brothers earlier that day. She wondered if dad’s was as big as Mike’s had felt. She made a decision right then that she wanted to see how big that bulge would get and she knew just how to do it. “You really can’t appreciate how sexy these are unless you see them on. Would you like me to take the dress off dad so you can get a better view?”

Ken was surprised by his daughter’s forwardness. He knew the two glasses of wine had loosened her up but he never expected this. He didn’t want to take advantage of his daughter when she was drunk, but he didn’t want to miss the opportunity either. He had to make sure so he asked her, “Are you sure you want to do that dear?”

“Oh, I’m quite sure,” she replied, “it’s not that different than when I wear a two piece by the pool.” She said this very firmly and reached behind her and unzipped the dress, pulled if off and looked at her dad. He had a funny look on his face. Not unpleasant just odd. “See, I told you that they looked better without any clothes on. And they make me feel good too.” She was running her hands down her sides to her hips. She stopped at the thin band of the thong and straightened them so the sides were even. Her dad was clearly aroused by this and she moved her legs apart a bit so he could get a better look at her pussy. She wondered if he noticed how wet she was. She certainly noticed that his cock was growing down his pant leg.

Ken looked at his daughter with a look of pure lust in his eyes. He smiled at her finally and told her she was right, it is a lot better seeing them on someone. She asked him what else she could try on for him. “You pick something Lisa, I trust your judgement.” Lisa turned and bent over the bed giving her dad his first view of the perfect heart shaped ass completely bare except for the thin piece of nylon that was almost invisible inside her delicate looking crack. God he felt like running his hands over those sweet looking cheeks.

Lisa picked up the bra she’d shown her brother and it’s matching thong. She went into her bathroom to change and left he dad alone. Ken took the opportunity to adjust his pant legs so his stiff cock would have a bit more freedom. Lisa quickly changed, making sure she pulled the crotch of her thong tight against her hot pussy. The pair she had just took off were soaked with her juices. She knew her dad would react the same as Mike did this afternoon except she wasn’t teasing him. She wanted to see his hard cock and if he wanted to fuck her she was going to let him have his way with her. She was almost dizzy from feeling horny for so long and she just wanted to get relief. She was positive that the only way to get that relief was with something long and hard up her pussy. She pinched her nipples to harden them and tucked them into the bra and went back to her bedroom.

She loved the way the tops of her tits bounced on the shelf of this demi-bra. This was more than her father had expected that’s for sure, his face was definitely giving him away. “So what do you think of this set,” she asked as she walked and stood right in front of him. She had her hands on her hips and twisted her upper body back and forth, making her tits come out even more. She turned so her dad could see her ass up close too. When she turned back around she stepped forward so her pussy was just a few feet from his face. “So dad, what do you think of this set, it feels like my tits are going to fall out.” She said this and at the same time bent over so her tits were freed from the bra and hanging right in front of his face. “Opps, I didn’t think that would happen,” she said but didn’t make any attempt to move or reseat her tits into the cups of the bra. She was looking right at her dads cock and knew that it was probably as hard as it was ever going to get. She could see the tent the head was forming half-way down his thigh.

That was all Ken could take, He stood up at the same time she straightened up and put his hands around her waist and pulled her towards him. He kissed her lightly on the lips at first, but quickly felt her tongue with his, and they were soon kissing each other hard and passionately. Her breasts were pushed firmly against his chest and he could feel her thigh pressing against his hard cock. He broke the kiss and asked her if she was sure about this, told her she had to tell him what she wanted. “I want you to fuck me daddy. I want to feel that hard cock of yours, play with it, suck on it and feel it inside of me. I want you to teach me how to make love.”

Ken pushed his daughter onto the bed and told her to lay back. He quickly removed his clothes and stood at the edge of the bed with his hard cock sticking out straight in front of his body. His daughter just laid there staring. He told her to touch it if she liked and she reached up and wrapped her tiny hand around the thick meat. Ken felt her hand tighten around his cock and thought about how long he had wanted this, and how easily it seemed to come. Lisa sat up on the side of the bed and wrapped her other hand around his meat. She leaned forward and rubbed the fat head across her cheeks and nose. “Can I kiss it dad?” she asked.

“Of course dear, just lick the head at first, and then up and down the shaft, and when you are ready take the head in your mouth, you can suck on it.” Ken replied. Lisa was a good student and followed her dad’s instructions to the letter. Eventually she rolled her lips over the smooth purple head and sucked on it like you would a lollipop. Ken thought he was going to lose his load the second she started sucking on his cock. He didn’t want to so he pushed her away when he was close to his point of no return.

Lisa sat there looking up at her dad, wondering if she had done something wrong. She thought he was enjoying what she was doing, and she certainly was. She was so horny all day long and she never thought that kissing and licking her dads cock would be such a turn on. She could feel him getting harder and harder as she ran her hands up and down his shaft while she sucked on the head. “Is everything okay dad?”

“Everything is perfect dear, but I don’t want to shot my come into your mouth right now, I want to give you pleasure. Now take your bra off for me.” Ken watched as she reached behind and undid the clasp of the bra and let it fall forward. Her breasts were perfectly shaped and were capped with dark brown aureoles and nice long, thick nipples, just like her mothers. He pushed her back on the bed again and started to make love to her. He took his time, just like he had always planned.  He kissed her on the lips and face, all around her neck and her ears, and then her shoulders. Her continued down her upper chest until he came to her wonderful firm breasts. He kissed all around the fleshy tissue of one breast and then the other. He then wrapped his lips around one of the stiff nipples while his hand massaged the other breasts. When he started sucking he heard her moan with please. He loved to hear that sound.

Lisa just lay there and let her dad control her. She could feel his cock rubbing on her leg, and his kisses and caresses were turning her on more than she had ever been before. When he sucked on her nipple it was like there was an electric cord between it and her clit. She had a orgasm right then and moaned loudly. She had never had an orgasm like that before, very subtle and sudden. He dad kept on moving down her body. She knew he was going to lick her clit, she knew a lot about sex like blowjobs and eating pussy, she just hadn’t done any of it before. She could feel her dad’s lips and tongue on the inside of her thighs now, and the sensation was unbelievable. She couldn’t wait to feel his tongue on her clit. She thought that if he didn’t do it soon she would just grabbed his head and drive her pussy right into his face.

Ken was astounded by the how wet the inside of his daughters thighs were. He lick up the sweet nectar before pushing aside the thin piece of cloth that was covering the source of the liquid. It looked like a perfect flower to him and her clit was so engorged it stuck out. He flicked his tongue against it and felt her shudder. He continued licking and sucking her womanhood until he couldn’t stand it any more. She was bucking her hips wildly and he suspected she was having a series of orgasms from his manipulations. He got up and pulled the thong off her narrow hips and moved forward until the head of his cock was at the entrance of her vagina.

He looked at her face and knew she was ready so he slowly inserted his cock into her. Little by little he pushed forward until he felt the resistance of her hymen. He stopped and told her this part may hurt a little. Before he could push in again, she thrust her hips up breaking her own cherry and allowing her father to continue his journey. He was soon buried deep in her and just stopped pushing hard into her, and she back against him. He slowly started to fuck her, picking up the pace with every stroke. She was thrashing her body wildly and he knew she was going to come soon. He could feel the muscles on the inside of her vagina start to spasm as she started her orgasm. He was ready for it and pumped faster now wanting to blow his load while she was still coming.

Her body stiffened as she came and he started dumping his come at the same time. Lisa thought she passed out for a few seconds. The pleasure was so intense and as it built to her orgasm she felt like she was running out of breath. She was sure she could feel her dad’s semen as it spewed into her body, which was a major turn on all in itself. When she came to her dad was just pulling his cock out of her. She could not move because her body was in such sensory overload, she wished it could continue forever, but also knew that would not be very practical.

Her dad was kneeling in front of her watching as she came down from her sexual high. There was no doubt in his mind that his daughter had experienced a very intense orgasm and knew it would be to intense to dive back in right away, although he knew they would be fucking again in the very near future. He moved down to the bed and laid beside her waiting for her to verbally respond to what had just happened. For a few minutes he thought she may have fallen asleep, which was not a surprise to him considering what had just happened to her body. Just when he thought he would just be moving her so she was under the covers her eyes opened up and she turned her head to him and stared him right in the eyes. “Oh daddy, I love you so much. I can’t believe how incredible that felt, I’m sure glad you decided it would be okay to teach me about fucking.” She smiled for a second and continued. “Do you think we can do it again soon?  I want to suck your cock again and feel you come in my mouth. I’ve always wondered what it would taste like. And I want to feel you balls too,” she giggled, “they look so weird just hanging there. How long do you think it will take for you cock to get hard again? They said in health that sometimes it can take awhile for a man to get an erection again, but I always figured it would depend on how horny he was. Are you horny enough to get another hardon daddy?”

Ken could feel the blood starting to rush to his prick again and seconds later his daughters hand was holding his cock in her hand. He knew it wouldn’t be too long before he was blowing his wad into his little girl’s mouth. He knew this was just the beginning.

This concludes Part Four. Part Five will follow the adventures of Mike and his mother Debra as they get down to business.  rabbits@ehmail.com .

Lessons Part 1 REPOST

tanks on Incest Stories

Ken and Debra lay in bed after a second round of heart stopping sex. Ken had been working out on the coast for the last two weeks, and very seldom in their seventeen years together had they been apart for that length of time. They both loved sex, and had always had an active and healthy sex life. They both had come from families that were very strict, had both spent time in boarding schools before meeting each other in college. At that time Ken was a business major and Debra had chosen biology as her major. Both had excelled in high school and college. They married soon after meeting and had completed their master degrees in their respective fields by the time they were twenty four. Both came from families of mon

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ey, although success had been won by each without any need of help from their parents.


One of the problems they had in common was with the way their parents had treated them as children. They were never beaten or anything like that, they were just a ignored for the most part. As children they both felt as if they had been conceived because it was “expected” of their parents to have at least one child. The affect of this was a somewhat restrictive childhood that resulted in them both having a lot of spare time to study, and dream about the way they wanted their lives to be. One thing they had both promised themselves was that they would bring their own children up entirely differently.


They decided to have kids right away, their theory being is that they wanted their kids to have younger parents, not old fogies like their own parents were. Unfortunately, Debra found out that she was unable to have children so they decided to adopt. This is where things started to stray from the norm. Debra had done her thesis on genetic engineering and had insisted that her husband father their children using surrogate mothers. Her theory was that if they found the right mother they would be able to ensure that the children had ideal genetic material to start out life with. After a long and expensive search they found an ideal candidate that was just finishing her doctorate in one of the sciences, and was two hundred thousand in debt from student loans. Debra created two fertilized eggs in a test-tube and successfully inserted them into the surrogate’s womb. Nine months later the children were born. To keep things simple the couple had elected to just tell the children they had been adopted, and that they had no idea who their father or mother were.


So back to the present time. Ken and Debra are lying in bed discussing their plans. For the last sixteen years they had been planning for this, and now that the time was here, they weren’t sure how to proceed exactly. Let me explain. One of the biggest problems they had both had with their own parents was the hypocritical way they had dealt with sex. Being well off, and such, both sets of parents had numerous affairs and liaisons all over the globe, but at the same time repressed their children’s sexual education. This is one of the many things they had promised not to do to their own kids. For the most part they didn’t do anything special, except agree that they would always be honest and truthful when matters of a sexual nature came up. Ultimately they planned to give their own kids the best sexual education imaginable. Ken and Debra felt it was time to start their education.


“We can start this weekend,” Debra said, “I’ve been getting a sexual vibe from Mike for over a year now, and Lisa has had her period for almost two years. And as I am sure you will agree, they both look more like adults than young teens. I can’t believe the size of Lisa’s tits, that was the one thing I was hoping she would inherit from her biological mom, not that mine are small, but she exceeded my 36D’s months ago, and I know she needs some bigger bras now. Anyway, I have seen the sex-ed stuff coming home from school so I am sure they know all the facts. I think it’s time we started to educate them in the more intimate aspects of sex.” All the time she was talking her husband was thinking about how hot their daughter looked. Although he was away on business a lot, it never seemed to amaze him how quickly they had both grown.


“They are back from the school band trip on Friday and school doesn’t get back in until next Tuesday,” Debra continued. “I’ve been slowly loosening the standards in the house over the last few months. Mike has managed to get a few glances of me in my bra and panties and I know he is trying to see more. Let’s execute the plan this Saturday.” The plan was simple, they would separate the kids and have the “birds and the bees” conversations with them, except with a big twist. For the guys, Ken was going to allow his son to catch him masturbating, this would lead into a frank discussion about sex. Debra was going to take Lisa shopping for some new intimate apparel and use that as the lead into sex. In both situations they would end their conversations with the ultimate request. After years of discussion and planning, both had trouble falling asleep that night because of their excitement.


The Boys Talk


It was Saturday morning and Ken and Debra had already put the wheels in motion. The girls had left the house at 10:30 in the morning allowing Ken plenty of time to set up his scene. He had taken some very explicit videos of his wife over the last few years and these were going to be the bait for Mike. Ken had everything setup in the den and knew Mike would be home from ball practice just after 11:00. He put the video on, sat down on the couch, took out his cock and started to stroke it until it was hard. He had sat so that there was no way Mike would not see the movie or his dad masturbating when he came into the room. He knew that Mike would be looking for him because they had already made some plans for the afternoon. Ken had watched this video of his wife a million times and it still turned him on. She was sitting on the same leather couch he was now sitting on, naked, with a big plastic cock going in and out of her sopping pussy. Every once and awhile she would take out the dildo and lick her juices of it.


He heard Mike getting dropped off in the driveway, which is what he was hoping for. He flicked the television remote to check out the security camera, just to make sure no unscheduled guests were coming home with Mike. The coast was clear so he put the sex tape back on and continued stroking his cock. It seemed to take hours for the minutes to pass as Mike came through the house looking for someone. Ken heard him approaching down the hall and jumped when Mike opened the door and stood there gazing at the scene. There was a long pause, maybe thirty seconds, before Mike apologized and turned to leave. He had seen the movie, had time to recognize his mom, and had looked bewildered at his dad stroking his cock. Just as he was turning Ken stood up, not trying to hide his massive hard-on, and suggested to Mike that it was time they had a father to son talk. The moment of decision was there, would Mike continue to turn and leave the room or would he acknowledge his dad’s statement. Ken looked at him and knew he was hooked because his eyes had glanced back at the TV, where his mother had just shoved another smaller dildo up her ass, and Mike just could not look away.


Ken grabbed his hard cock and stood there watching his son watch the movie. He waited until he knew Mike would not be leaving as long as the movie was running. Finally, when he felt the timing was right, he broke the silence. “Kind of embarrassing isn’t it  son, for both of us. The one thing I do know though is that all men masturbate, and my guess is that you do too. Am I right?” Not waiting for an answer he continued, “I started jacking off when I was twelve or thirteen myself, been doing it ever since. Love it as much today as I did back then. The best part now though is I get to do the real thing too. The means I not only get to fantasize about fucking some nice looking piece of tail while I jack off, I get to fuck your mom anytime I want to.”


Mike turned his head towards his dad thinking how he could even respond. Sure he jacked off, although he had kept that a secret from everyone up to now. Sure he fantasized about fucking, even fucking his own mom who he thought was the hottest mom in the whole town. But how could he talk about that with his dad. What was he supposed to say anyway, something like ‘Yeah dad, is mom as hot a piece of ass as she looks in this video, by the way can I borrow it so I can go have a few strokes over it myself.’ It was then that he actually realized all the details around him. Fuck that was his mom on the screen, and his dad, although not jerking right now, still had his cock out. It was also then that Mike realized that his cock had started reacting to the images on the TV.


Ken’s cock had softened a bit so he put it back in his shorts so Mike would relax a bit, and because now was the time for talk. “Come on son, relax, why don’t you just sit down and we can discuss this whole thing.” Mike did feel a bit trapped, he still couldn’t take his eyes of the TV screen. He finally gave a slight shrug and turned completely towards his dad. Ken picked up the remote and paused the show, making sure the video was left leaving a nice shot of his wife’s cunt on the screen while he talked to his son. They both sat down on the couch and Ken started the talk. “Listen son, I know they’ve been teaching you all the basic, physical stuff about sex in school for awhile now. I am not going to bore you with that. What I want to discuss with you is all the other aspects. Like this situation here, and oral sex, and fucking, and all the other stuff they don’t teach at school. Your mom and I think it is very important for you to get the whole picture. Is that okay? I don’t want to lecture you either, so ask questions. To start, let me ask you this, have you ever had any type of sex with someone else, anything at all?”


Mike was starting feel relaxed a bit, although he was still a bit embarrassed. “No, not yet, but all the guys at school talk about it a lot. I’ve just never been that close to a girl.” Ken would have been surprised at any other response.


“That’s good son, although you could think of masturbation as sex, either on its own or with someone else. So what do you think about sex? How often do you jack off, and what do you use for stimulation?”


“Oh, I don’t know, a few times a week,” Mike lied. He actually jacked off a few times a day, most days. “Mostly I think about different girls from school, sometimes something on TV gets me going, geez dad do we have to talk about this?”


“It’s all part of sex son, and I want you to be open, not ashamed of anything. For instance, when I was your age I think I jacked off more than any other single activity. And I know you been checking out porn on the Internet, so don’t pretend you’re not. It’s not a bad thing son, it’s good. What about your mom and sister, they are both beautiful and sexy ladies, ever think about them when you’re jacking off?”


Mike couldn’t believe his dad knew he lusted after both the women in the house. “Well sometimes I see them in their underwear, that turns me on.” Mike looked at the paused image of his mother on the screen, he just couldn’t keep it in any longer. “What about this video dad, is mom some sort of porn actress? How could she do something like that anyway.” Ken expected this reaction sooner than later. Of course his son was going to wonder about his mother’s motives.


“That’s a private video Mike, who do you think is running the camera anyway. It was my idea and you mom went along with it after much persuasion on my part. She was really shy about it at first, but came to enjoy making them as much as I do. Besides, I think she is as hot as any of those porn actresses. What do you think?” Ken knew this was an important turning point. He also knew that Mike would have a tough time saying his own mom wasn’t hot. He picked up the remote and turned the video back to play.


“Well,” Mike said slowly while he watched the action on the screen, “who wouldn’t get turned on by that.” Exactly what Ken was hoping for, his son would be enjoying himself today.


“You’re right son, who wouldn’t be turned on.” Ken said. Just then the picture changed and Debra sat up straight on the couch and Ken walked up to her, his cock aiming directly for her face. Ken paused the movie again just as she grabbed his hard on and smiled at the camera. “Now, about oral sex son, it is important to note that it is a two way street. This next bit has your mom giving me one of her great blow jobs. Sometimes oral can be used as foreplay before you fuck, and sometimes it is what the sexual encounter is all about.” He restarted the video. They both sat there and watched for a few minutes, Mike was mesmerized, Ken was smiling to himself. Ken broke the silence, “So what do you think of that son, would you like to know what it would be like to have your mother suck you cock like that. I do, and let me tell you I have never been able to get enough of it. She gives great head and enjoys every second of it. Fuck, I get turned on just thinking about it, let alone watching it on video.” Ken paused the movie again. “I don’t know about you son, but this is why I was in here for in the first place. I’m going to turn the movie back on, you can stay and watch, or leave, it’s up to you. I’d prefer it if you stayed so we can keep talking though.”


Ken hit the play button, reached into his shorts and pulled out his hard cock. His cock was nine inches long when hard, and pretty thick. He started stroking it while watching the movie of his wife sucking his own cock. He could see the bulge in Mike’s track pants. “Come on son, go for it. I know you want to jack yourself. It’s just us boys here after all, and we all love doing it.”  Mike hesitantly pulled his own cock out thinking how weird it was jacking off with his father, let alone someone else. But he could not have stopped himself if he even tried. His cock was a bit longer than his dads, but not as thick. The scene on the TV was incredible, watching his mom suck his dad’s cock. “I bet you wish she was wrapping those juicy lips around your cock?” Ken asked. Mike was mesmerized, between seeing his mom naked, let alone giving head, and his preoccupation with getting laid, he was not sure how he should respond.


“Masturbation is one of the most self indulgent activities we participate in son. As much as I enjoy it when you mom jacks my cock, she just can’t seem to get it perfect. I am the expert on how my cock should be pulled, squeezed, rubbed or whatever.” Ken was just talking hoping to get his son to open up a bit. “I dream about girls jacking me off sometimes.” Mike responded, “but I can’t say whether it would be better or not. This is pretty good though.”


“It’s just like fucking,” Ken continued, “there’s nothing else like it. I remembered the first time I fucked, I thought my cock was going to melt it felt so hot. I will never forget it.”


“Was mom you first fuck dad?” Mike asked.


Ken had to chuckle, “Not really, although she is far and away the best fuck I’ve ever had. You will learn about how that all started in good time. The reality is that even though I had been laid before your mom came along, nothing compares to her. As memorable as the first time was, it’s just the physical memory that sticks with you. It’s definitely different when you love your partner.”


Mike heard his dad but he was definitely paying more attention to the show. He could feel the heat in his balls as he was close to coming. He cupped his hand over the end of his prick and stroked hard with the other. He couldn’t believe it when he glanced at his dad and found him looking right at his cock. Considering how reluctant he was at first he was surprised that he didn’t mind that his dad was watching, in fact he wanted to see his dad come to. “Go for it son, I’m just about ready too,” Ken said as they stared at each others cock. Mike came first but his dad followed in another couple of strokes. Mike thought it was probably the best blow he’d ever had, his left hand was overflowing with come.


Let’s go clean up this mess son, your mom and sister will be home and I need to talk to you first. They went into the shower room by the pool and washed. Ken then led his son back into the den and removed the movie and put it in one of his desk drawers. “Feel free to borrow these at any time son,” Ken said indicating a drawer full of tapes, “mostly home made but a few standard porn flicks too.


“Listen son, like I said earlier your mother and I understand that you and your sister know all of the mechanics of screwing and such. What we want to teach you about is the art of making love and sex. We have been planning this since you two were kids. The deal is that your mother is going to seduce you, and I am going to seduce your sister. We both feel that the best way for you to learn about sex is to practice it for real, and what better way then with someone you feel safe with and love. A lot of people would consider this abnormal behavior, and it is even against the law in most states, but we don’t care this is what we think is best for you and your sister.”


Mike couldn’t believe his ears. He thought jacking off with his old man was kind of weird, but his parents planning on seducing him and his sister,  that was unbelievable. He’d heard about incest before, and didn’t think too much about it. He thought it was normal for young guys to lust after their moms and sisters when they jacked off, but this was definitely a lot bigger deal. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open waiting for his dad to say something.


“Come on son, think about it. You saw the video,  you were certainly enjoying your mom sexually a few minutes ago. Nothing has really changed; you just get to taste the real thing instead of getting yourself off. And believe me, after fucking your mother for the last seventeen years I will guarantee you satisfaction. Just relax and think about.”


Mike had done nothing else since his dad had told him the plan. What the fuck did he think anyway, that I was contemplating last night’s baseball game? Having your fantasy turned into a reality doesn’t happen to guys his age. He knew everything his dad said was right. Who was he to complain anyway? He knew the idea turned him on because his cock was starting to react to all the thoughts of his naked mother laying on her back waiting for him to shove his cock into her that were running through his head.


“God dad, this is all happening so fast I feel like I am in a dream,” he said finally. “But you got to know that I’m already thinking about this as being real, I won’t know what to say or do, and I definitely don’t want to turn mom off. How am I going to be able to control myself until it happens? Do you guys have a plan? How was mom planning on seducing me?” Everything was just pouring out, Mike could hardly control himself.


“Slow down son, everything is going to work out great. I told you about this because I want you to prepare yourself, you and I are going to go over all the details, and you are going to have the best first fuck ever. So here’s the plan as far as I know it.”


Mike’s dad proceeded to go the details. Making sure that Mike understood all the things he was supposed to do. School wasn’t back in until Tuesday so they had lots of time to get very, very friendly with the whole family.


This concludes Part One. Part Two will have us joining the two girls on their shopping trio to see what they are up to. Feedback is always welcome. rabbits@ehmail.com .

Crazy Summer 5

tanks on Incest Stories

It was brutally hot out today and it felt good to hop into the shower after finishing the morning chores and washing the sweat off my body. For a guy that thought his summer was going to be ruined by his mother forcing him to spend it on his aunts ranch with his cock teasing sister, things had turned out pretty good after all. He was fucking his brains out and it was his own family, his aunt, mother and sister, who were supplying the pussy, mouths and ass-holes to fuck around with.

I had spotted a couple of the neighborhood teenage girls, cousins apparently, about his age, skinny dipping and teasing the little brother of one of them with the promise of sex. These girls were not

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as mature as the women I had been fucking to date, but they acted like they had lost their cherries some time ago. When I had seen them last they were both naked and making out in front of the boy, he looked fifteen or sixteen, and promising sexual favors. I sympathized with the boy because my older sister had spent the last four years or so teasing me into masturbation fantasy that had ended just a few weeks ago.

Denise and I set out with our swim suits on under our clothes, and a cooler full of cold drinks and headed to the swimming hole in the ATV we used on the farm. Denise rode behind me with her body pressed hard against my back, telling me how the vibrations of the engine were making her cunt drip juice all over the seat. It only took a few minutes to get close to the spot and we killed the engine before anyone would realize we were not on the nearby road. We peaked between the trees and all three of them were there again today, just like they said they would be. They must have just arrived themselves because they all had their outer clothing on and the boy was spreading some blankets on the grass by the creek.

We watched a minute while the two girls dropped their dresses revealing two piece bathing suits underneath, encasing their ripe young bodies. They both ran to the edge of the creek and jumped into the water, squealing as they went. The boy took a bit longer and had watched the two girls while they had removed their dresses and ran across the meadow. He was clearly aroused when he finally dropped his pants and ran towards the water.  “He’s cute,” Denise whispered as we looked on, “when are we going to surprise them?”

“Just follow my lead Denise, this is going to be a gas,” I whispered to my sister. We stood up and walked over to the edge of the water and looked down at the three of them playing. The two girls were taunting the boy asking him if he would prefer it if they took off their suits. He told them to stop teasing him and that he was not going to do anything else for them unless they fulfilled the promises they had made to date. They still had not noticed us when the girls unhooked each others tops and threw them to the shore. As they looked to make sure the bras had landed in the right place they saw us and screamed.

“Who are you guys and what are you doing on our property?” one of the girls yelled.

“Well actually this part of the creek is on my aunts’ property,” I replied, “they just have the fence running on this side because it was easier than putting it through the water.”

The girls were thinking about protesting when the young boy spoke up, “That’s right Mary, dad told me the border of our land started at that post over there and headed straight east,” he looked at me seriously, “we apologize for the mix up, we can gather our things and leave if you want us to.” He swam over to where the girls had thrown their tops and was going to get them.

“Don’t worry about it, there’s lots of room, and I wouldn’t think of ruining whatever you guys had planned this afternoon. Besides, my sister and I have been out here for a few weeks now visiting my aunt and you are the first humans close to our age that we have met. By the way, my name is Don and this is my sister Denise, and we are staying with my Aunt, Elaine Cooper, who lives in the house just on the other side of that hill, about a mile and a half from here. The girls had quieted down by know and the boy had stopped as we talked so they still didn’t have their tops on.

While I was talking though, Denise decided to get out of her cutoffs and blouse and gave a great show for all three of them as she revealed her hot little body and the barely nothing bikini she had on underneath. “I’m hot as hell Don, I can’t wait any longer,” she said as she kicked off her shoes and jumped into the water. The boy had not taken his eyes off her as she had removed her clothes and jumped in. I could feel my cock stiffening up from the sexy sight of her tit’s almost jumping out of the top as she ran across the grass. Even the two girls were impressed, as they should be, because even though they didn’t realize it I had seen their bare titties the day before.

I decided to join the fun and pulled my tee shirt off. I was buff from the hard physical work on the ranch so far this summer and the girls turned their attention towards me. I unbuckled my shorts and let them drop to the ground. I had purposely worn a skimpy speedo, wanting these two little teasing sluts to see my giant cock bulge. I had never felt like this before and I had truly felt bad for the young guy the day before when I saw these two tease him and then let him down by saying he could fuck them but always having an excuse why they couldn’t.

I dove into the water and came up between my sister and the young guy, with my back turned towards the girls. “What’s you name?”, I asked him. “I’m David Rivers, you can call me Davy if you like, and this is my sister Brook and my cousin Louise,” he said indicating the two girls. He was clearly talking to me while eyeballing Denise as she stood behind me bobbing up and down in the water.

Just then Brook spoke up, “Davy, could you please get our tops for us, we want to get out and sun ourselves.” This sounded more like a demand then a request and it was the very thing I was waiting for to start my little plan. Before Davy could reply I swam over to the girls and nicely asked them why they wanted to get out so fast, didn’t they want to stay in the nice cool water and play some games.

“What kind of games?,” Louise asked, clearly the more relaxed of the two and I think the more willing to exercise some sexual freedom with her cousin Davy based on what I heard and saw the previous day. “Oh I don’t know I think I can think of something,” I said with a laugh and quickly dove under the water and came up underneath her and grabbed her legs and pushed her up out of the water as I rose to the surface. As I broke through the surface she was going down and I caught a glimpse of her full breasts as they disappeared under the water. She came up a second later laughing a screaming at the same time and lunged towards me trying to dunk my head, but I saw it coming and quickly moved back and grabbed her shoulders pushing her down again.

I didn’t hold her down though and loosely wrapped my arms around her and let her come back up, making sure she stayed close. I was rewarded by feeling her breasts rub against my chest as she surfaced and knew she was into our game when she didn’t pull away and pushed towards me before bringing her hands up and pulling me down with her again. When we resurfaced we where both laughing and spitting water out, while the others looked on. Clearly her cousin Brook seemed a bit miffed at our enthusiastic antics, and Denise and Davy were on the other side of the swimming hole laughing with us. I caught Denise moving towards Davy and just as he realized how close she was she lunged at him dunging him under also. She didn’t have a lot of control however and went under with him. I imagined Davy didn’t mind that at all because from our perspective he would have gotten a face full of tit.

I noticed Brook again off to the side feeling a little left out and so I asked her if she still wanted to get out of the water. She replied defiantly that she did, but was she was still hesitant about showing her tits if she had to get her top on her own. I quickly swam over to where the two bras were lying on the grass and reached up and grabbed them. “Is this what you want,” I teased Brook holding her bra up. “How about you Louise do you want yours too?” I asked. Louise just smiled and splashed some water in my direction. “Denise,” I called to my sister, “I think Brook might be a little shy about her tits being exposed, why don’t you take your top off too and than maybe she will feel a bit more comfortable.”

“Sure,” came the reply with no hesitation whatsoever, and all eyes turned towards Denise as she united the string at the back of her bikini top and threw it over to me. Davy looked like he was going to faint as Denise turned back towards him and flung herself at him again and wrapping her arms around him as they both disappeared below the surface. Louise was laughing and telling Brook not to be such a downer. She came over and stood beside me where the water was shallow enough to fully expose her breasts. Her breasts were not as big as my sisters, but seemed to be rounder for some reason.

“Brook is embarrassed about the size of her breasts. She’s always making caddy remarks about mine, and your sisters are even bigger.” Louise whispered to me as she pressed her breast against my shoulder as she stretched up to my ear. “Plus she hates being the one that is not controlling the situation, so she’s fuming over that, although she will try not to show it.”

I figured it had been Brook that came up with the idea to tease the shit out of Davy. Davy by the way was having a great time with my sister as they splashed each other. Suddenly Brook exploded as some of the water being splashed about got her in the face. “Why don’t you two grow up,” she growled at Davy and my sister, “who the fuck do you think you are anyway acting like that with my little brother. He’s just a kid and you look like you’re way over twenty.” She pointedly said to my sister.

“What’s wrong bitch,” Denise replied, “jealous?” She reached over and grabbed Davy by the back of the neck and laid a big wet French kiss on his gaping mouth. She pulled her head away and smiled at Brook challenging her to make another comment. “He doesn’t kiss like a kid, and judging by the bulge in his swimsuit, he doesn’t feel like much of a kid either.” Denise stated as she matter of factly reach down and gave Davy’s crotch a squeeze under the water. We all laughed except for Brook, who just seemed to be getting more distressed.

“Who are you people?” she asked incredulously, “what kind of slut would act like that anyway, no matter how old the guy. You don’t even know him. Come on you two it’s time to go.” She said to both Davy and Louise at the same time, moving towards the edge of the water but hesitating when she saw they were not following her orders and she still kept her tits below the surface.

“What’s the matter, afraid of a little competition? I bet you tease the fuck out of Davy all the time, letting him see you naked sometimes, maybe even giving him a hand job, but never letting him get what he really wants,” Denise snapped back. Louise seemed to be enjoying watching her cousin be put down for a change. She still had her body pressed against mine and I could feel her hand moving down my belly and finally coming to rest on the snake bulge at the front of my swimsuit. She gasped as she realized the size of my cock, still soft in the suit, but definitely bigger than anything she may have wrapped her fingers around previously. She didn’t say anything though just smiled and kept her hand on my crotch.

Brook didn’t know what to do, realizing that her usual bullying tactics were not working. “You don’t know anything about what goes on between me and my brother. We were having a great time before you two showed up.” She was still pretty defiant; you had to give top marks for not backing down. Just as she finished talking Davy laughed loudly and Denise and him started towards the bank.

“Come on Brook, don’t be such a downer, let’s go up and lay in the sun.” he said as he started to climb up the short bank with Denise following. Everyone stared as her hooters became fully exposed as she exited the water behind Davy. Brook scowled, and Louise whispered to me how beautiful she thought my sister was, rubbing her hand harder against my ever growing bulge.

“Brook,” she said, turning towards her cousin, “lighten up a bit will you. Trust me, there is definitely enough of Don to go around, his cock feels like it is way bigger than Sandy’s, at least thicker.” Brook look at us with her mouth hanging open. “Who’s Sandy?” I asked innocently.

“He’s my older brother, back east right now working. We caught him whacking off last summer while peeking at us through the bedroom window at my parent’s cottage. His cock was about the same size as Davy’s but a little thicker. Not nearly as big as yours though.” She replied. “Sandy wouldn’t fuck us but he sure got a lot of hand-jobs and blowjobs last summer.”

“You don’t have to give him a family history Louise,” Brook responded, with a somewhat softer tone in her voice. “We had agreed never to tell anyone about that, Sandy would kill you, although I doubt he will ever find out.” She was moving towards us, and continued talking. “Besides, I doubt if Don here has a cock that big, I’d have to check it out myself.” She was standing right beside us now as if waiting for some sort of reaction from one of us. I could see the top half of her cone shapes tits, and they looked just as good today as before.

“Well maybe if you are nice to me, I will let you compare. I’ve got some beers and pop in the cooler up there, would you like one?” I asked politely. Both of them said sure and I turned to get out, making sure that Brook didn’t get a premature look at my cock bulge, plus I didn’t want her to feel like I was just there to catch a glimpse of her tits. Both girls followed me up the bank, and I was holding all three bikini bras also, so they would have to remain topless for some time yet. As we came over the ridge, not surprisingly to me, we saw Denise and Davy making out heavily on the blanket. “Hey you two want something to drink, it may help you cool down a bit?” I said laughingly to get their attention.

“Why would I want to cool off bro,” Denise laughed as she lay on top off Davy rubbing her thigh against her cock. She did roll off however and look towards the three of us as we walked over to the cooler and grabbed some drinks. I was surprised because I figured Davy would want to have a beer but he didn’t even ask for one and had a coke instead. Louise grabbed an ice tea and Brook, Denise and I had a beer each. Brook had been trying to get a look at my bulge but I was making sure she didn’t. I think she asked for the beer just trying to be cool after her over reaction earlier. We all ended up sitting on the blanket or surrounding grass soaking up a few rays.

The kids told us about their summer so far, complaining a bit about having nothing fun to do way out here in the middle of nowhere, typical teenage stuff. Davy was acting like he was in heaven though, and I suspected had an instant crush on my beautiful sister, or at least on her tits. “Hey Davy,” I said after everyone had relaxed, “you still a virgin? The reason I ask is because I know Denise would love to take your cherry. She has become so generous with her favors lately.”

No one spoke, Denise giggled and moved closer to Davy, Louise was already leaning on me and looked over to see Brook’s reaction, and Brook looked like she was in shock. I instantly knew that she had been leading her little brother on with the hope of eventually fucking her, and that would all be lost now if someone else managed to fuck him first.  “Are you nuts?” she said looking at me, “he’s only 15 and you are suggesting your sister would even want to fuck a kid. You shouldn’t tease him like that,” she added with a little tone of sarcasm in her voice,

“Sure I would,” Denise said, “I think Davy is cute and if he is a virgin I would be proud to be his first fuck. In fact I’d fuck him even if he wasn’t a virgin. So Davy, are you a virgin or not?” Davy was in heaven, he was finally catching up to the reality of the conversation, It looked like he was going to get laid by a 20 year old women, as hot as any he had ever been this close to, and she was asking him if he was a virgin.

“Yeah, I’m still a virgin, your not teasing me are you?” he asked Denise directly. “I don’t tease anymore, just ask Don. Besides, I want to feel your hot cock slipping into my pussy, I’m already wet just thinking about it.” She stood up and slipped her bottom off and stood there with her legs spread smiling down at the young man. “Come on Davy, we can do it here in front of everyone or go somewhere more private, but believe me that you will be fucked today, you just have to decide where.

Brook, Louise and I just sat there as the scene unfolded. It was moving even faster than I had thought. Brook was at a loss for words, I think figuring out that her objections would fall on deaf ears anyway. Davy surprised me by standing up and removing his suit in front of all of us, his erection springing out in front of him. “No let’s do it right here, right now, I am sure everyone will enjoy the show.” This was obviously pointed to his sister and cousin, as if to say you had your chance, now you can watch me fuck someone else. Denise pushed him down on the blanket so he was laying on his back, his cock pointing straight up. She grabbed the stiff shaft, bent over and licked the head before straddling him and slowly lowering her tight hot cunt onto his prick.

This all happened so fast that nobody had a chance to react one way or another. My cock was getting uncomfortable though, the scene my sister had created was turning me on, plus Louise was clearly turned on also as she rubbed her body against me. Finally Brook reacted. “I’m not going to sit her and watch this, it’s is kind of sick you know watching your little brother lose his cherry. She was blushing though, and scremming just a little bit too much. It looked like she was kind of turned on to me.

“Hey Brook,” I said, “I thought you wanted to compare sizes,” expecting her to reject the idea. She didn’t say a word though and just sat there looking at her brothers cock slide in and out of my sisters juicy cunt. I stood up and hooked my thumbs into my suit and gently pushed them down allowing my semi-hard cock to gently swing free. Louise gasped, Brook just stared. I knew my monster cock was as big as anything they had probably seen before except for pictures on the Internet. I grabbed it tightly in my right hand massaging the loose skin a few times working the pinches out. Louise lifted up onto her knees brought her mouth within inches.

“My god, I didn’t even think they got this big. Come on Brook, lets see what it looks like hard!” She wrapped her lips around the head and started sucking and licking. Brook hesitated for a second but eventually couldn’t hold back either. She moved over beside her cousin and started licking the shaft from my balls up to her cousins mouth. They both started sucking the knob, one on each side. I just stood there looking down at them, and watching my sister fuck Davy. He tilted his head a bit and looked up at me smiling, as if to thank me. Not that I really did anything. Again let me emphasize that all this had happened in a matter of a few minutes. I expected Davy to start spewing his come pretty quick. I would have given anything to be in his position when I was fifteen, getting fucked by an older girl, whether it was my sister or not.

My own cock was growing now,  both from the cocksucking going on and the fuck scene right in front of me. Davy was losing his battle to hold on though. I could see it in his face, and in the movement of his hips. Denise just kept on bouncing on his cock, nice and steady, the only work Davy was going have to do was shoot his juices up into her. This happened almost a quickly as I thought about it. Davy arched his hips up about eight inches, driving a deep as possible into my sister, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He yelled as he was probably experiencing the best orgasm of his life so far. Both the little cocksuckers at my feet looked over and smiled knowingly.

 “Will you fuck us?”  Louise asked looking up at me, “I don’t know how much of this I can take but I sure want to try.” She said smiling. Brook looked up too, not taking her mouth from my cock, but nodding in agreement with her cousin.

“All in good time my dears, all in good time.” I had decided that today was for Davy and I was determined to get him fucked by his sister and cousin as well. Denise rolled off Davy and licked the mixture of jism and cunt juice off his gleaming, still hard cock. “You don’t have to stop Denise, it feels like I will stay hard forever!” Davy said as he grabbed the base of his cock and slapped his cock against the side of Denise’s face. She laughed and moved back, having a good long look at the two teens kneeling in front of me licking my cock.

I felt like I had complete control of the situation, figuring that these three would gladly be Denise’s and my sex slaves if we wanted. The power I felt was kind of surreal, I decided to see if they would do whatever I asked. “I’d love to fuck both of you right now,” I said truthfully, “however I think I would rip you apart if you were not properly prepared for my monster cock. First I think that we have to make sure that both of you are nice and lubed up. Now take off the rest of your suits and lay down on the blanket. I want you to lick each other to orgasm before any cockmeat try’s enters your pussies.”

The girls didn’t say anything; they just stood up and slipped their bikini bottoms off, laid down on the blanket and immediately started sucking each others juices. “They eat each other out all the time,” Davy said as he sat up to watch the show. “I caught them a few weeks ago in the barn when we first came out for the summer. They didn’t know I had seen them at first. I jacked off about three times watching them and then figured I may as well get into the action. They yelled and screamed at me at first, especially Brook, but I had them and they knew it. I told them that I would tell mom and dad if they didn’t let me play around to. They agreed but Brook was insistent on not fucking, as if I cared at the time. Just seeing them both naked was enough for me at first, and I told them that. Eventually I wanted more and they started rubbing me off with their hands. Louise was a lot more fun though, she didn’t mind sucking my cock and even let me dry hump her once. Brook started to tease me more, telling me if I was good and did everything she said she might let me fuck her, or eat her pussy, or something more than I was already getting. It wasn’t that bad though, most of my friends haven’t even seen someone live and naked, let alone getting their cousin to suck them off.”

While he sat there talking Denise cuddled up behind spreading her legs around him, and pressing her big soft tits up against his back. She had reached around and started to stroke his still hard cock. “Girls, girls,” I clapped my hands getting their attention, “which one of you should get fucked first, you Louise or sweet Brook?” They both were looking at me, or my cock, it was hard to tell which, and nodded eagerly. “I still don’t think you are ready for my cock though. I think it would be best if you were opened up a bit more before hand. I want both of you to get on your hands and knees in front of me.” They both did this immediately and I rewarded them by kneeling in front of them and letting them lick my dick again.

“Now Davy, I want you to pick one of those pussies staring you in the face and slip you cock into it. Don’t tell us who, just pick.” Both of the girls stopped licking and looked up. “It’s your choice girls, you let Davy have his way anyway he wants and eventually I will fuck both of you. Or we can stop right now, Davy can screw Denise for the rest of the afternoon and you two won’t get to feel your tight cunts around this.” I grabbed by cock and slapped it between their faces, making sure some of the pre-come leakage smeared them good. They looked at each other, Louise smiled and Brook said what the fuck, and they went back to sucking my knob.

Denise had a suggestion. “Hey I got and idea, let’s play shove the cock up the twat. It’s like pin the tail on the donkey, We’ll blindfold Davy here, get the girls to switch around so he doesn’t know who’s who, and then he can pick the one he wants to fuck first be sniffing the little assholes and pussies. Just like the bull does to the cows in the field. Then he can mount the one that tickles his fancy!” Denise loved this idea, and I thought it would be fun too. Davy would go along with anything she suggested that’s for sure. Denise grabbed her bikini top and fixed each one of the triangles over each of his eyes. I had the girls move around a bit as Denise spun Davy a couple of times just like the kids party came. When we were setup, the girls started sucking my cock again and Denise made Davy crawl around on his hands and knees until he sniffed out the two pussies.

Denise got a little weird here. She grabbed Davy by the back of the neck and pushed his nose right into his sisters ass and pussy, telling him to make sure he remembered the scent so he could choose. She pulled him away and did the same thing with him to Louise. I thought she was being unnecessarily rough but nobody complained, so maybe not. She let Davy go and he apparently didn’t mind shoving his nose into their pussy and ass because he went back and forth a couple of times, getting a good lick in now and then also. Finally he got up and slowly mounted his own sister, crawling up on her back much like a bull or stallion mounts their mate. Denise guide his cock into the waiting pussy and then removed his blindfold. I think he knew he had picked his sister by the smug smile on his face.

The girls continued sucking me off, although Brook was clearly distracted. Davy was humping her like an animal, and my dear sister Denise was just facilitating the whole thing. She was now standing over Brooks back, one leg on each side of her, facing Davy and rubbing her tits into his face while he shoved his cock into his sister. He was going good, and Brook was starting to fuck him back hard, driving her full hips back into his groin, forcing him deeper and deeper. She came after he had pounded her for about 10 minutes. Davy, being the bright young guy he ws, let his sister fall forward and removed his cock form her pussy and moved over to his cousin, and slammed it into her, much to her surprise and delight.

Again Denise helped out. She lay down beside Brook and started caressing her back, rubbing her lightly and whispering to her about how fucking great it was going to feel when I stuffed my long, thick horse cock into her. “Look at it,” she said indicating my cock as Louise tongued it like an old pro. “just think about how full you will feel with that pounding into your cervix.” Louise moaned in agreement and started fucking Davy back hard, as if to hurry him up so she could get to my cock sooner.

Brook was looking at my cock also, with wide eyes, but not saying anything. It looked like she wanted to come down a bit more from here last orgasm. Denise however had her own agenda and suggested that her and I demonstrate to the girls the best way to introduce a cock my size into their tight little cunts. I thought that made sense and told her to instruct away, all the time Davy was pounding his cousin like there was no tomorrow. Denise stood up, grabbed me by the hand and we walked over to the other blanket and she made me lie down and hold my cock up for her. Unlike Davy, mine was to long and heavy to support itself and needed a little support.

Everyone was looking as Denise began to give instructions. “It’s like this girls, whenever you have a chance to get an extra large whopper like Don’s you have to insist on being in control. Some days I fuck Don and it feels like there’s enough room for two of him in there, and other days I think I’m not even going to be able to get it in. Anyway, you have to be able to take it at your own speed, and if it doesn’t go that easy the first time than don’t give up, you just might need to be a bit more relaxed.

“I like being on top mostly because that’s where I feel I have the most control. The first time Don fucked me it was in the ass, and I had absolutely no control of the situation. It was my first anal fuck too and if Don had of been rough I don’t know what would have happened to my butt.” As she said this she had lowered her cunt down and had let the head of my cock slip into her moist cunt, and stopped, squatting over me as she continued to talk. “Just ease the head in first, and no matter how much you want to slam dunk, just be patient and let your pussy get used to the idea of having something this big in it. If you have ever had anyone fist you, it’s easier unless they had really small hands. I’ve actually been fisted by a girl whose arm was not as big as round as Don’s cock, but that’s not why we are here.

“Next just slowly ease on down and if you tighten up, just pull out a bit and pump back down to that point where you were stopped before.” She showed this to them by lowering onto the first four inches of my cock, stopping, pulling up about an inch, pumping a bit while slowly pushing more back into her cunt. Sure felt good to me. “Like that.” She said after her little demonstration.

“You have both lost your cherries so we won’t have to worry about that, but most girls won’t be able to take this whole thing without the cervix getting a bit of a workout. You will know what I am talking about when he hits it and all I can say is to slow things down until you a real comfortable before taking the plunge. Once in all the way though there is no feeling like it!” She almost screamed the last part as she dropped her body and buried my fat prick entirely into her.

The other two girls just stared with their mouths hanging open and Davy just kept smiling away as he continued to pump his cousin who was reacting to his strokes. Brook got up on her hands and knees and came over towards us to get a closer look. She poked her head right between my face and Denise’s belly as she bounced up and down and snaked her hand in so she could touch my cock. “Can I try it out?” she asked shyly.

Denise being the most generous sister in the world hopped off immediately and said sure, it was okay with her. Before Brook got up to mount me, Denise had her lay back and licked her pussy up to get the juices flowing good, and to have a little taste too I bet. Brook then rose up and started to mount me with Denise guiding her onto my rock hard cock and coaching her also. Soon as the head of my penis touched her cunt I felt like grabbing her hips and pushing her down until I was again surrounded by moist wet pussy. I restrained myself and pretty soon Denise backed away and I realized that Brook had the head of my cock in her cunt, and was slowly lowering herself down. Denise encouraged her and soon I could feel the resistance of her tight tunnel as she reached capacity. It almost felt like my cock was getting bigger, but I am sure it was just because of the new tightness I was experiencing.

It wasn’t long before Brook was bouncing up and down like basketball on my hard meat, and I was starting to feel like I was going to blow. All of a sudden her cousin Louise screamed her orgasm and Davy pulled out and ran over to where his sister and I were fucking and pumped his cock dry all over her chest and belly as she was riding my cock. “Ahhhh, wow, I’ve wanted to come on you ever sense I started jerking off sis”, he told Brook as she looked at him not knowing how to react. She started bouncing higher and faster so it wasn’t long before I felt her pussy muscles tighten up and she drove down hard and held herself in that position while she spasmed through her orgasm.

I still had not come, but my resourceful sister had been watching carefully and literally lifted Brook, with Davy’s help, off my cock and climbed back on herself to finish me off, which didn’t take too long at all. I was just about to explode into her when she jumped off again and started pumping and licking my cock. She was quickly joined by the other two girls and within minutes I was spewing my juice all over their faces. Everyone collapsed into a heap after that to catch their breath and bask in the sexual fulfillment.

We finished the afternoon with another dip in the creek before heading our separate ways. We learned that the three were alone home with Brook’s mom, while their dad commuted between their ranch and the city on the weekends. We promised to get together again the next day for an early swim and then maybe go over to their house for a BBQ.

The end of part 5. There might be more, Iet me know what you think.  Thanks for reading.  rabbits@ehmail.com .