tanks's Avatar
tanks Member Since October 19, 2009
Mother and Son
tanks 5449 days ago
- 0 + Very well done, keep them coming
Mother and Son
tanks 5449 days ago
- 10 + Very well done, keep them coming
Daddy's Birthday
tanks 5449 days ago
- 2 + Nice dream
a gymnasts first time (part 5)
tanks 5449 days ago
- 4 + Very nice, please keep the story going
Daddy's Naughty Daughters
tanks 5449 days ago
- 0 + I liked the story a lot. I find some of the comments funny, like the drama_queen that doesn't think it is realistic. Really, we all know that these stories are fantasy, and should be read and reviewed with that in mind.

I also think that you should ha
Kimmie's Fantasies Fulfilled 1
tanks 5449 days ago
- 10 + Thought your story was great, very descriptive, definitely got me going, thanks for the effort, and please write more
Me, Joan and my son
tanks 5449 days ago
- 5 + Loved both of your stories, keep them coming!