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talina_nezzer Member Since October 19, 2009

More like CAMP FUCK. part 1

talina_nezzer on Forced Stories

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Jamie tightened her ponytail and smiled, she couldn't say she was sorry to be here after all. After weeks of begging, her parents had finally convinced her to come to Camp Chukawaka. At age 17, camp was hardly the place she wanted to be spending 2 weeks but as the bus bounced across the pot holes, she began to enjoy the idea of spending some time away from the city. Her parents were traveling to Paris for a romantic get-a-way and the last person they'd wanted to take with them was their daughter but they didn't feel comfortable leaving her at home by herself. Even though she was almost 18, she was after all, their only child; so rather than leaving her home alone for 2 weeks or burdening some other parents with her, they'd dumped her at the camp and excitedly left for Paris.

            Jamie stared out the grimy window enjoying the view of the pine trees, the squirrels the birds, and the smell of fresh camp air. Not far off was a clearing which Jamie assumed was to be their camp ground. The yellow school bus chugged along to a stop and an excited mummer filled the bus. The woman who had been sitting at the front of the bus and chatting with the driver the entire trip stood up and began to speak.


“Okay teens, welcome to camp Chukawaka” she said! An applause filled the bus as people laughed and clapped cheerfully, happy to be at the camp.

“I hope you’re as excited to be here as I am, we’re going to have 2 weeks filled with lots of fun. All girl fun” she said

“Yah right bitch” yelled an angry girl at the back of the bus. That same girl had been the one throwing small pebbles at the other girls on the bus.

The lady ignored the girl and continued speaking. “Okay girls, grab your stuff and as you head out the bus I’ll give you a number, that number will tell you what cabin you’re to be in. Once you’re done putting your stuff into your cabins and getting comfortable, meet me back at the camp fire where I’ll introduce you to your camp counselors. ”

Jamie grabbed her duffel bag and sleeping bag and filed out the bus with the rest of the girls, as she got off the bus, the lady smiled at her warmly.

“Welcome, Jamie, we’ve been excited for your coming” she said.

Jamie smiled back as the lady handed her a card with the number 5 on it. As Jamie headed to her cabin, the annoying bleached blonde girl who had been causing trouble the entire bus ride and throwing rocks at the people on the bus began walking beside her.

“Hey, I’m Larissa” she said

“Hey, nice to meet you, I’m Jamie”

“I noticed you weren’t talking to anyone on the bus, so I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you’re new here like me”

“Yah, you guessed right” said Jamie quickly, trying to keep the conversation to a minimum

“So, which cabin are you in” said Larissa again without taking the hint

“ummm 5, I guess”


They walked in an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before they got to the cabin. Once inside, Larissa claimed the bunk that was isolated from most of the other bunks at the very corner of the cabin. She threw her stuff on the top bunk and climbed to her bed inspecting for anything that she could complain about.

“Take the bed below mine” said Larissa

“Okay” said Jamie uncomfortably.

“I see you’re shy, don’t worry, once you hang out with me, the shyness will melt away like that” said Larissa gesturing with her hands. “So how’d you get stuck at this stupid all girl camp”

“My parents are going to Paris for their anniversary, how about you?”

“My dumb mom felt that I needed some time alone, like I’m gonna get that at a camp filled with a bunch of girls”

Their conversation was interrupted as a bunch of girls headed into their cabin chattering excitedly. There were 14 girls in the cabin including Jamie and Larissa. Jamie stared enviously as she saw that three of skinny blonde girls who looked like super models, probably size 0 or -1. Compared to them, Larissa and her looked obese, which of course they weren’t. At 17, Jamie was a few pounds overweight, but nothing that she couldn’t shed quickly with a few weeks at camp. She had a chestnut colored medium length curly hair which she always wore in a ponytail and large brown eyes with grey speckles close to her pupils. Her eyelashes were long, dark and curly. Her lips were a soft pink peachy color, full and pouty. She was a 38C cup and always hid her luscious curves under baggy clothing. Her ass was round, full and tight and attracted men and women from miles away. Larissa on the other hand didn’t have had bleached blonde hair and large grey eyes. Her chest looked like they'd been blown up like helium balloons and her ass was pert small and cute. Her lips were full, plump and pouty but also large; they were a dark red color. The most gorgeous thing about her entire body was her long sexy legs which seemed consume most of her body. Jamie watched enviously as the other girls chatted comfortably with each other. She wished she could join them but that would just be too weird. The three supermodel girls headed towards Jamie and Larissa smiling gleefully.


"Hey, I'm Shauna, Welcome to Camp. It's gonna be a blast here" said the most beautiful of the three.

"Thanks, I’m Jamie" mumbled Jamie, "so what exactly do you guys do here"

"Oh, you'll see soon enough" said Shauna smiling mischievously.

Shauna and her two other clones glared at Larissa before stalking off to hang out with the other girls. Jamie sighed wishing she were stick thin like the other girls before turning back to Larissa.

“Stupid bitches” muttered Larissa as she glared back at them.

“We heard that!” said one of the Shauna clones, “You are so gonna regret coming to camp you fucking whore”

Larissa rolled her eyes and bounced on her bed her short khaki shorts riding up her legs. She glanced at Jamie’s baggy unstylish blue t-shirt and long grandma Capri pants and grunted in disapproval. “You shouldn’t wear that you know, you’re really gorgeous and you have the curves in the right places, you know you should show it off”

“Gorgeous my butt” replied Jamie. “Look at those girls, now that is gorgeous, and why should I dress up anyway, there are no guys here. It’s an ALL GIRLS CAMP, remember

“If by gorgeous you mean an absolute bag of bones with no chest, no butt, no hips, then yes they are gorgeous and who says there has to be guys for you to strut your stuff”

“What do those girls have against you anyway”?

“Oh, you mean those idiots? I used to go to their high school and they were jealous because I had and still have it all, not meaning to brag” said Larissa laughing shortly. “Anyway like I said, I had beauty and brains and they….well they just have some beauty, they got their high marks by cheating their way and slutting their way through high school. Anyway, your beloved Shauna had a nerd boyfriend and she used to cheat off him in everything, anyway I convinced him to not let her that it wasn’t fair and he agreed. She failed the diploma exam and couldn’t graduate until she slutted her way with some of the teachers, then she tried to convince everyone that I slept around for my marks, stupid bitch”.


“Yah, I know, can’t believe we got stuck at the same camp, anyway let’s head to the campfire” as she tied her shirt behind her back exposing an absolutely flat stomach.

            Jamie and Larissa arrived at the camp fire later than everyone else but they managed to sneak in unnoticed.

“Welcome to camp Chukawaka” said the same lady on the bus as she handed out marshmallows to the girls. “We have over 52 girls here at camp and there are 26 more coming tomorrow”. The girls cheered as the camp director whistled. “Today, we’re going to start things off with a scavenger hunt. Divide yourselves into groups of four and try to go with people you’ve never met before. The hunt will start after you finish your snacks, each group will get a list of things they need to find and some things they need to do, which ever team completes their hunt first will receive the spirit stick and one full day at the Chukawaka spa. After the challenge is over, you’ll meet your counselors.” The girls cheered again chattering about the spa. “Okay girls, divide yourselves into teams”.

Jamie and Larissa looked around excitedly quickly trying to find two other girls to go with, but all the other girls were already in teams except for two teams which had just three girls. One of the teams happened to be the utterly gorgeous Shauna’s team.

“Looks like we’re going to have to split up, and I’m sorry there’s no way in hell I’m going with those three” said Larissa. Jamie looked at the only friend she’d made in camp so far and walked away from her to join Larissa.

“Okay girls, it’s 9:30pm, the scavenger hunt begins now!” screamed the camp director.

As the other teams ran off excitedly, Jamie watched as her team stayed put.

“I’m glad you’re on our team Jamie, we’re so gonna win this with you here” said Shauna pulling on one of Jamie’s curly chestnut locks”. The other girls surrounded Jamie breathing softly on her neck.

“Shouldn’t we get going, I mean the other girls are going to win and we don’t have much time” said Jamie feeling slightly uncomfortable at their closeness.

“Don’t worry, we get till 12:30 am, I’ve been here since I was 15, the rules haven’t changed, besides, we know where all the stuff are hidden, so just stick with me and drop that bitch Larissa and you’ll have fun here” said Shauna her cold lips just centimeters away from Jamie’s soft peachy ones. “I hope you can keep up during this hunt” said Shauna, and at once she and the clones began running.

Jamie followed behind them cutting swiftly through the trees as she ran out of breath. The three supermodels were in shape and were far ahead of her and they were barely in her visibility range. She groaned as she felt another twig scratch her arm, as she stopped to catch her breath, she saw an abandoned cabin in front of her.

“Come on, Jamie, the first clue is in here, it says on the paper” said Shauna.

Jamie jogged to where Shauna and the rest of the clones stood. “Okay, you go in first, you’re the new one, we’ve all had to do this, no worries” said Shauna smiling mischievously. Jamie shifted uncomfortably but walked in anyway not wanting to look like a coward. As Jamie’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw a small bed in the cabin but that was all. She heard the footsteps of the other girls behind her and she heard the door slam.

“Lock the door, Chantelle” said Shauna to one of the clones. From the corner of her eye, Jamie saw Chantelle bring out a key from her shirt and lock the door. As Jamie whirled around she saw Shauna’s cold eyes.

“Welcome to Camp Fuck Bitch, You’re my new whore”  said Shauna as she grabbed Jamie by the arms.

Jamie whimpered frightened. “What are you guys doing?” asked Jamie.

The two other girls stood back restraining the struggling Jamie. “You’ll find out soon enough bitch” said Shauna as she grabbed a knife and slit Jamie’s shirt open revealing a black sports bra. Shauna stared at Jamie’s tits a few moments before licking her lips.

“Look girls, this one’s a natural, don’t you just like”? The girls muttered an approval. Jamie struggled as the girls held her down, quite strong for their size. Shauna ripped Jamie’s bra and watched as Jamie’s soft tits bounced free. She licked her lips hungrily as she stared at the long pointy pink nipples and large dark areolas. She began fondling Jamie’s tits enjoying the feeling. Jamie continued struggling, trying to break free.

“What the hell are you guys doing? Stop it, that hurts” protested Jamie as Shauna pinched her tits

“Tie this bitch down” said Shauna.

The clones climbed on top of the bed and grabbed two ropes from the roof and two adjacent walls. They grabbed the struggling Jamie and tied her hands to the ropes on the roof and her feet to the ropes on the adjacent walls. She was now hanging open in the middle of nowhere free for them to do as they pleased. Shauna and Chantelle began sucking on Jamie’s tits biting and pulling, pinching and twisting. They’d never gotten to play with tittes this big and it was heaven compared to their small 36A cups. Marissa, the other clone, ripped off Jamie’s capris to reveal a rounded ass stuffed into black lacy booty shorts. Marissa drooled at the site of sure fine, pale, firm yet soft globes of ass. She grabbed a stick from the ground and began smacking Jamie’s ass while the other girls continued greedily sucking on Jamie’s tits while playing with their pussies. Chantelle grabbed Jamie’s ponytail and began pulling Jamie’s head (by her hair) as far back as she good without breaking her neck, while Shauna continued greedily yet forcefully and painfully biting on Jamie’s tits and nipples. Marissa, on the other hand, was now sucking and eating out the fine plate of ass set before her. Chantelle split apart Jamie’s ass cheeks and began licking in between paying close attention to the asshole. Jamie’s screams of pain echoed through the cabin as the girls continued eating her out but refusing to touch her pussy.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve had some fresh whore” said Shauna.

“And none of our whores had curves like this bitch” replied Marissa greedily

“I can’t wait till we get to her pussy, I bet she’s still a virgin” chimed Chantelle lustily.

“Leave, me alone, please, this actually hurts. This is rape. I’ll do whatever you want” cried Jamie in pain.

“Shutup, whore, you’re already going to do whatever we want” replied Shauna

“Once, I get out of here, I’ll report you to the camp director”

The girls exchanged a knowing look before laughing coldly. “Stuff this bitch” said Marissa

Shauna thrusts her tongue into Jamie’s mouth and began French kissing Jamie. She bit Jamie’s soft lips with her sharp teeth drawing blood. She swirled around her snake like tongue in Jamie’s mouth exchanging spit and tongue fucking Jamie.

“You have the mouth made like a whore” she said as she dug her sharp nails into Jamie’s already sore tits leaving more marks and drawing blood. Jamie’s ass was now plump and red in pain and Chantelle and Marissa smacked, bit, rubbed, and spat on it only stopping to slip more fingers into each others pussies. Shauna grabbed the panties of the three girls and stuffed it into Jamie’s mouth.

“Girls, it’s time for the best part, the pussy”.

The girls licked their lips wolfishly in delight, but before they devoured each others pussies and the pussy of Jamie, they stopped to do their signature French kiss. Their tongues slid of each others as spit dropped to the ground, each of the girls struggling to get closer and closer to one and other. Jamie hung from the roof watching, frightened, circulation cut from her arms and legs. The girls stopped their seven minutes in heaven after about 10 minutes and moved to Jamies pussy. The first was Shauna. She slid on her back underneath Jamie and split apart the pussy lips. She began sucking greedily enjoying the taste of the new comer’s pussy. As Shauna enjoyed devouring Jamie’s pussy, Chantelle knelt in front of Shauna and began eating out Shauna’s pussy. Behind Chantelle was Marissa who split apart Chantelle’s asshole and began licking in between and sticking her fingers in and out to a rhythm. Shauna bit Jamie’s pussy and Jamie’s scream shook the abandoned cabin. Shauna flicked her tongue in and out of the pussy quickly and Jamie’s scream quickly subsided and turned into moans of pleasure. As Shauna’s tongue entered the pussy once more, Jamie felt her pussy contract and she felt a loss of breath as she experienced her first orgasm. As the hot liquid cum hit Shauna, in the face, Shauna felt herself cum, and at the same time, both Marissa and Chantelle also cummed. The moans of pleasure from all four girls quickly filled the cabin. Shauna quickly licked the cum off her face enjoying the bitter-sweet salty taste. Shauna moved from under Jamie and gasped for air, slapping Jamie’s pussy one last time.

“Chantelle, begin with the fingering, this one is still a virgin” said Shauna.

The girls rotated positions as each one took the time to suck out each other’s pussy and slowly finger fuck the new girl as her screams of pain filled the cabin. They decided not to use the dildo on Jamie yet because she was still a virgin, they had a special surprise for her later on. As the girls finished their last fuckings with each other, they left their signature mark on Jamie. By 12:00, the girls quickly put on back their clothes and dragged the exhausted, sex fested, naked Jamie outside. They tied Jamie to a tree and left her naked and gagged making sure her legs were spread out and open for whatever bugs or animals who also wanted to enjoy her pussy. They each spat on Jamie before leaving and hid her clothes so she wouldn’t be able to find it.

“Welcome, to CAMP FUCK bitch, you’re our new whore, oh and your friend Larissa, she’s next” they said in union. They watched as tears slipped down Jamie’s eyes and laughed.

“Come on girls, let’s go find the stuff for the scavenger  hunt” said Shauna.

The girls laughed as they ran through the woods gathering their stuff.

“Do you think we tied the knots tight enough” asked Chantelle worriedly

“Duh, what do you think all those years of camp were for? Rope tying and shit for sex slaves of course” replied Marissa.

“The camp director will be so pleased” said Shauna as the girls giggled and ran to join the rest of the campers as they presented their items to the director.

I hope you loved the story, please leave comments, THANKS. Part two will come out when I see some comments.

The priest of the church (monastery) pt 2

talina_nezzer on Forced Stories

              Anna moaned as her muscles began to ache. She’d been in this dungeon for over two hours and no one had come to take her out. The archbishop had not yet come and she feared that if she were here any longer she would take to a cold. She was about to start screaming for help when she heard the unmistakable creak, indicating that the key to the door of the cell was being opened. The door was a heavy wooden door with a rounded top. There was only a tiny space to look through. The door opened and Anna tried to adjust her eyes to the light that was shining from the small torch a small woman was holding. Despite the fact that it was nearing night time, the woman still wore her bonnet. As Anna’s eyes adjusted to the light, she saw that the woman had a long jagged scar etched into the skin of her face, right below her eyes. The woman gazed at her with some sympathy but it was quickly replaced with one that most servants wore, a lowered gaze. The woman looked to be about her age, add or subtract two years. She wasn’t gorgeous like Anna, nor was she pretty, but she certainly was not ugly. She had an amazing body, once again, not as amazing like Anna’s but not ugly. Lush pink lips and grey eyes were positioned on her face. Her face was sculpted artfully but hollow cheeks (due to lack of food), stress lines, and the scar on her face erased from the fact that she may have once been beautiful. Her breasts(32 C), average size, round and somewhat saggy. Well that’s how it appeared through her loose dress. She was average height rounded hips, small pert rounded bottom.

The archbishop has commanded you to be bathed in rose water and fed" she said.

Anna smiled, fortune was begging to gaze upon her. Soon, she would be out of this church, she would tell her mum and family that she had bathed in rose water. The woman unlocked her shackles and helped her up. She pulled Anna out of the dungeon and locked the heavy door. They walked up the dimly stairs struggling not to trip. They passed through a narrow passage underground which Anna assumed were for the servants. They entered into what Anna assumed was the kitchen which had a wooden tub filled with steaming water...scented with rose perfume. She handed Anna a coarse bar of soap.

“I shall leave you to bathe. When you are done, put on this dress and hand me your clothes. There is mutton, fish, fruits and bread on the table”, said the woman.

Anna’s mouth began to water at the thought of enjoying such a scrumptious meal. She had never had a feast like that in her entire life.

“Wait, what is your name”? asked Anna as the woman limped away.

“Gretel.... not that it matters” she murmured

“Thank you...Gretel” . Anna stripped out of dress and entered the water. The water was so hot and smelled so nice. She lathered the soap into her hair washing it thoroughly. The lathered her breasts and enjoyed the feeling of her soft firm bubbies. She slid her finger into her clitoris and moaned as the hot water entered, enjoying the feeling. “I am in heaven, I wish to live here forever” she whispered to no one in particular. She let the rose water wash over her senses. Lastly, she scrubbed under her arms, and her feet. She saw buckets of warm water at the corner meant for rinsing and she made good use of it. Once finished, she sat at the table eating the food, savoring the taste while waiting for her body to dry. She decided to hide some food and save it for her family. Perhaps Gretel would be kind enough to tie it in a bundle for her on her way home. As she swallowed her last bite and took her last tiny sip of mead, a man entered into the room. He gasped at her naked figure, but the astonishment quickly left his face as he relished in her beauty. He was a monk, Anna could tell by his habit(dress), it wasn’t as elegant as the priests or archbishops. His hair was also cut into the usual monk style.

“Excuse me, I was just about to dress” said Anna, her cheeks becoming quite pink. The monk turned to leave hastily and Anna took that opportunity to put on her dress.  

She noticed that though it was long and had a high neckline, it was very transparent and you could see her whole nude body. At that moment Gretel entered, her dress in disarray. 

“Priest Von Schliender (Hans) has ordered you to be led to meet the archbishop. I shall take you to the meeting room.”

         Anna shivered from the cold as Gretel led her down a long narrow, dimly lit hallway. They curved up a flight of stairs, walking about 8 flights of steep stairs before reaching the room. The room was isolated from the rest of the building though it was a part of the building. Any sound made would not be heard. Gretel opened the door and hung the torch on the wall. She lit the other torches. Though the room was bright, well....it wasn’t that bright (haha). Bright enough that you could see.  “God be with you” said Gretel softly. It took a moment for Anna to see what was in the room but what she saw was only what one could imagine what hell would be like. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace. Along the wall was lined chains with spiked balls, nails, mallets, clamps, a couple of ropes hung from the ceiling of the room. There were needles, bats, whips, and some other things which she didn’t know. As she was about to turn and leave for fear of being in the wrong room, the archbishop entered. Upon gazing at him, she bowed down before him.

“Get up” grunted the archbishop. He was dressed like the men who were given the task of beheading someone. His face was covered in a mask but she could still tell it was him due to the cross he wore on his neck.

“Bless me”, whispered Anna remaining bowed.

“I will not bless a witch”, replied the archbishop.

“But father, I am not a witch, it was a mere misunderstanding. Bless me father”.

The archbishop pulled Anna by her hair to her feet. “You are a witch” he yelled. He looked at her lush body and knew he would have fun destroying it, just like he had destroyed Gretel’s.

“Father, I am not a witch” protested Anna.

“You dare to lie to me, in the house of God. You dare to call me a liar. You dare to call me wrong. You shall suffer greatly for your mistake you heinous witch.” barked the archbishop?

“But father...” Anna’s sentence was not finished because the archbishop struck her face with the back of his hand. A slap that sent her tumbling to the ground.  The archbishop carried her to the table and lay her down on her back so her face was towards him. He cuffed her wrists and ankles to the wooden table. “Father, what have I done to deserve this”? Another harsh slap sent her to oblivion.

“You will shutup except if I permit you to speak, understand?”  Anna nodded. The archbishop ripped her dress off and Anna shrieked in surprise. An archbishop was not to do this. He was to be a man of God. The Archbishop grabbed her face roughly and pulled it towards him almost breaking her neck as he did so. “Shut up you whore”, he hissed, his breath very sour. She choked from his foul smell. He looked at her breasts. “These breasts that you’ve used to tempt men shall surely suffer “ he said.

But how have I tempted people? I am very modest thought Anna.

The archbishop grabbed both breasts and began fondling roughly, squeezing as hard as he could as if trying to pop them.  He dug his nails into them and Anna bucked in pain. She shrieked loudly. He laughed cruelly as he continued mauling her breasts. Taking her nipples in between thumb and forefingers. He tweaked and twisted them enjoying the feeling. He pulled her nipples as far away from her body and she groaned in pain. He dug his nails into her nipples enjoying the feeling and rolling it between his fingers making it hard.  Anna bucked and screamed at his roughness. He laughed and opened his mouth. He bit into her left nipple biting as hard as he could, drawing a little bit of blood. Anna choked in horror as she felt her nipple was being bit. He moved to her right nipple doing the same until they were tender and full. He then proceeded to try and take her whole left breast into his mouth but this was impossible. He bit chewed and mauled both breasts enjoying the feeling of tit flesh. He stood upright and Anna sighed...feeling somewhat relieved. The archbishop grabbed a horse riding crop off the wall.

“I shall ask you again, Are you a witch”?

“No” replied Anna.  She received a whip on her breast, a painful one for that matter. The archbishop continued whipping her aiming her especially for her nipples.  Anna’s screams could be heard through out the room. Despite the pain, her pussy betrayed her and began to drip in anticipation.

“Are you a witch?” asked the Archbishop again

“If I say I am, what shall be the consequences”? asked Anna eager to be finished with this breast punishment.

“Surely you have seen witches burned at stake”? replied the Archbishop. He was not eager to end this torture. The taste of her blood from her nipples that he had caused was driving him insane. His cock had already began to harden at the sight of her rosy cheeks, beautiful face, and lush body.

I don’t want to be burned thought Anna fearfully, remembering the burnings she had seen. She shivered, “I am not a witch” replied Anna.

Another 50 lashes were aimed at her breast and nipples. Her nipples began to swell painfully and the arch bishop enjoyed the sight of them being stretched.

“Are you a witch, you bloody liar?”

“Nughhhh, no I am not”, replied Anna, not wanting to be tortured any longer but not wanting to die a death similar to hell. Another 100 lashes were aimed at her breasts. She cried with each lash and her voice became sore.

“So you refuse to speak? Maybe the breast ripper or the cat claws shall get you talking”. Anna gasped as he spoke. “Or shall I save that for the very last minute? I think I shall”. The priest grabbed a metal rod from the wall and held it towards the fire letting the tip get hot. When it was hot enough, he walked to the table, towering over Anna and placed the tip of the burning rod on Anna’s right nipple. Anna screamed in pain unable to contain herself. The voice that she thought was gone still remained.

“Arghhhhhhh” screamed Anna. He heated the rod again and repeated the same procedure for her left nipple. He held the rod there until the nipple became burned and charred. He rolled both nipples between his fingers and smiled at how she cringed due to sensitivity of her burned charred nipples. Bending once more, he bit each nipple, tenderly at first as if to savour the taste, then forcefully as if he wanted to rip it out of her breast. Grabbing two large ropes from the wall, he tied them around the base of each breast tightly, until it felt as if there was no blood flow. Grabbing another two tiny ropes, he tied them tightly around the base of each nipple.  The nipples began to become more swollen and full. Grabbing two clamps, he clamped each nipple and Anna hissed in pain, bucking wildly, her pussy spewing forth her juices. Looking in that direction, the archbishop saw Anna’s pink virginal pussy and smiled. His cock twitched and he almost had an orgasm thinking about how he was going to take her virginity.

                He grabbed the whip again and headed to her pussy. He began rubbing the pussy roughly getting her as wet as possible. She bucked crying in pain and pleasure. “Father, please stop!”

“Didn’t I tell you not to speak”? He barked. “You shall pay for disobeying my orders.” He bent down and began licking her pussy. He licked intently enjoying the taste. He spread the pussy lips wanting to get more of his tongue in. He bit the centrefold of her pussy lightly, not wanting to draw blood just yet. Anna bucked in extreme pleasure, wanting him to continue the miracles with his mouth but wanting him to stop. Slowly, he slid one finger into her pussy. It was so tight and Anna groaned in pain. He slid his finger in and out slowly enjoying the feeling of her hot pussy. The smell was intoxicating. He slid a second finger in and she began bucking faster and faster. He tried to fit a third but she was too tight. Letting his tongue take over the job, he slid his tongue into her slit as far as he could, licking her pussy in anticipation. He began stroking his cock as he continued. It was so hard by now and it needed to be sucked. Rising from the floor he pulled down his trousers and out dropped a 9 inch(length) thick cock. Anna gasped, so this is what the male organ looks like she thought in horror. It was so thick and long. How was it to fit in her pussy?

“You are going to suck my prised possession”. He stared at her breasts which had begun to turn a light shade of blue. Smiling, he grabbed the needles he had placed in the fire and began to poke each into her breast. She hissed in pain, this was far too painful and what she really wanted was him to continue the wonders with her pussy. Once all the needles were in her breasts and one in the center of each nipple, he un-cuffed her wrists and ankles. Grabbing her by her hair, he shoved her on her knees. “Suck my organ” he barked. Fearfully, Anna held the organ and tentatively began licking the tip of his cock. “I said suck not lick”. He shoved her head into the cock, deep throating her. She couldn’t breathe. She sucked harder and felt his cock begin to thicken more and more. She sucked and felt him begin to harden. He groaned and stiffening for a moment, he brought forth his seed into her mouth. “Swallow it you whorish witch, you trash”. Anna swallowed, obeying his command. She didn’t exactly like the taste of the slippery slimy hot liquid. It was salty and she took more in as to avoid his punishments. He pulled her head away from his cock. “Very good whore, very good”.

 He shoved her back onto the table and re-cuffed her wrists. He stretched his legs as far as they would go then cuffed her ankles. Taking his hard cock, he tried to shove it in.  It was too tight. He shoved it in a little more. She screamed in pain as he continued trying to shove his cock in. He grunted again. “Tighter than a hen’s ass” he screamed. Oh God this hurts so much she thought. He shoved it in more again and broke her vaginal walls. Blood sputtered forth and she grunted. He shoved it in more and more. Shoving it harder and harder each time and at a faster rate. After the initial pain of having her walls broken, it was just penetration. He grunted with each pound and pumped faster and faster groaning and moaning. She screamed in pain. He un-cuffed her ankles and raised her legs onto his shoulder, pumping faster and harder each time. It felt so painful and great. He pumped harder and harder each time and he felt his cock harden. She stiffened and he stiffened and they both came at the same time spilling forth their cum at the same time; their white juices splattering on the table and on their bodies. The archbishop collapsed for a moment before getting up. He cleaned himself with her cloth and put back on his elegant habit, wiping the sweat off his face.

“Gretel shall see to you, I believe that you would have gotten acquainted with her by now. Perhaps she will join us in one of our confessionals. I shall get you to confess to your witchery Anna”, he said, giving her nipples and breast  (which had turned to a shade of purple by now) one last pinch before heading out the door and closing it.


Forced into slavery Part 2

talina_nezzer on Forced Stories

    Alanna walked briskly to her masters office smiling. Her master would be proud with the news she had for her. She'd been working for her master since she was 13 when she'd gotten kidnapped, and now at age 23 she had finally become her masters number one advisor. Life here at the house of pain sucked. But it was full of pleasure if you get my drift. She was treated like shit here at first but as she'd moved up the ranks things had changed a bit, she got better food and she got to control the new and young ones. Her master never failed to bring pain, each day was something new and terrifying. You'd be staring death in the face but feel so much pleasure, her master never failed to please. Alanna had been here so long, s

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he'd forgotten the outside world, not that she cared. She paused at her masters door and knocked 6 times.
"Enter" boomed a firm voice.
Alanna entered and turned to see her master sitting in fish net stockings, and a top that had the hugest cleavage known to man. Her master was about 37 years old but looked thirty. She had dark long hair and pouty lips. Her nose resembled that of a witch but her tits were big and her stomach was flat, the only flaw to her masters looks was her nose. She was holding a whip and her face was completely made up in black.
"What's do you want?"
"i just came to inform you, that our newest girl is awake"
"Good, i'd like to see her. I trust you Alanna, so i'll ask you this, what are her looks like"
"Outstanding, like Heaven on earth, but there's a problem"
"What, is she dense, retarded, what tell me" shriked the master
"She's not pregnant, but her tits lactate"
Her master smiled, i like her already.
"And how fresh is her pussy"?
"From the looks of it, she's never had sex, i'm guessing very tight"
"Good, i like the sound of that, come here alanna and let me suck on your tits"
It was a ritual that had been happening since alanna turned 16
Alanna moaned as her master began by sucking her tits, then biting on her left nipple till she felt it was going to bleed. Her master had bitten her right nipple off so all  she had was this one and she didn't want it gone, at least, not yet. Her master took her blood red lips of alanna's nipples and lit a match, she then took the glowing firey match and stuck it on alanna's nipple and watched how alanna's nipple began to burn. Her master smiled as Alanna screamed in pain. Her master's cock began to grow hard as she saw Alanna's nipple begginning to char, she stroked her cock for a few seconds, then blew off the match and bit Alanna's burnt nipple until it bled.
"Show me this new girl will you."
Alanna tried to massage her nipple while her master stood up and whipped her on the ass.
"Let's go you dirty slut, you're wasting time, anymore time wasted and i'll send the dogs to bite off your tits and we'll eat it for supper"
Alanna stood up and covered her tits and began walking to where the new slave lay.

Evicie opened her eyes to see two women in the room now. One was the one who had asked her for directions, and another, one she'd never seen before.
"You were right Alanna, she is a beautiful whore" said the unknown lady
So her name is alanna, fuck you alanna, you'll pay for this, thought Evicie
I serve to please you and you only master
The master circled Evicie and examined every part of her body. She squeezed Evicie's tits and milk sputtered out the master sucked on evicie's tits a little, enjoying the milk then stopped
"Mmm just perfect"
Evicie's face went red in humiliation.
The master  then went behind Evicie and inspected her ass.
"These globes are perfect, i do say alanna, you did very good this time
Alanna smiled once more
The master took her whip and smacked Evicie's ass.
Evicie groaned in pain as the master continued to whip her ass cheeks.
The master then spread her ass and looked inside,
"Her asshole is small and tight, it's perfect for now, but we'll need to get a buttplug in there soon, I want to be able to stick my fist into this sluts ass."
The master then pulled apart Evicie's pussy lips and examined it. It was pink, fresh and very wet. The master sniffed and took a quick lick enjoying the taste of fresh young pussy, something she hadn't tasted in a while.
Evicie felt her pussy responding in a way that she'd never exprienced before.
"Looks like this is a real whore, look how her pussy just responds to my touch" said the master
Alanna grinned, "Told you she was fresh"
"That she is" said the master.
"Listen slut, i am your master, i own you now. I own every part of you, from your milk sputtering tits to your perfect globes of ass to your sweet fresh cunt, You're mine, You'll adress me as master, mistress or Ma'am. You will do everything i say, and every disobideience, back talk, or any disrespect will get you severe punishment. Try to run away, and i'll catch you and feed you to the dogs. What i say goes in this house, and you'll find that if you obey me this won't be bad for you, you nasty whore".
Evicie felt milk dripping from her tits once again
"Clamp those fucking nipples alanna, i want her tit's to fill with milk that she won't be able to get rid of her, i have a use for this one. and take of that ball gag"
Alanna first took the tightest nipple clamps she could find and secured it on Evicie's tits. So that the milk wouldn't be able to come out and her tits would keep filling with milk. She then removed the call gag off Evicie's mouth and went to stand once more beside her mistress.
Evicie enjoyed her moment of freedom once the ball gag was removed of her mouth.
"I will use you, abuse you, fuck you, break you, i will do everything to you because you're mine. Understand that slut?"
"You'll do no such to be because i don't belong to you, you nasty prig. You're a bitch and once i get out of here, i'll report you for kidnapping, rape and abuse. You won't get away with this you fucktard." Evicie screamed.
The master came and slapped Evicie in the face. The slap stung so much that Evicie could barely breathe.
"Listen up you slut, you'll soon learn the meaning of slave, and i already got away with this, tell her alanna"
Alanna smiled once more and walked up to Evicie
"I told your mother you'd ran away to spain because you hated here and wanted to start a new life.
"You think she'd believe that, you must be stupid" said Evicie
She will believe it when you phone her saying so, when one of your teachers at school says so, and when someone you know in spain says so.
"I won't phone her, and which teacher did you tell to lie to her? "
"But you already did phone her, while you regained your consiousness, i drugged you and made a phone call to your mom and you told her what i told you to. And your teacher had already been calling your mom a month aftr you moved here telling her that you said you hate here and wanted to go back to spain" Alanna said
Evicie gasped, she won't believe you
"Oh but she already did, That's why she said she misses you and that it was your descion but if you changed your mind, she'd always be here."
The mistress smiled cruelly, "Alanna had been obsevring you for weeks, and this plan is full proof"
"Seeing as you're new, and i'm kind, i'll give you a day to rest. Tommorow, you'll meet the other slaves and your torture will begin." the mistress stalked off.
"Should i take off the nipple clamps?" Asked alanna?
"No, leave it on, her tits will grow with milk during the night and you'll see how big they'll become, and her tits are gonna hurt so much because they're filled with milk"
The mistress took a needle off the one of the tables and inserted it into both of evicies soft firm tits
Evicie screamed in pain as she felt a substance from the needle go into her breasts.
"this should increase the milk production by triple make her tits really big and full and making them really hurt"
The mistress took three vibrator balls from a different table and shoved them up Evicie's pussy and put a large bucket under Evicie's pussy.
Evicie screamed as the cold metal was shoved up her pussy, it hurt sooo much because she was so tight.
"With this remote, i should be able to control her orgasms, watch"
The mistress pressed a button on the remote, and evicie felt a wave of electritcity and shock in her body, she felt her pussy contract and sputter out some cum. It electricty shock felt so painful, yet sooo good.
"By the end of the night, she should have produced enough cum to fill that bucket. Tommorow, we'll start with the protocol, the milking, and the torture."
With that the mistress and Alanna stalked off and turned off the lights.
Evicie was left in the darkness feeling pain as she felt her tits become heavier and heavier with milk. She felt another wave of electricity through her body and this one was more powerful than the last. More painful that pleasurable. She watched as her pussy spat out more cum into the bucket and cried, there was no way out of this. All hope was lost.

Part three coming out soon
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The priest of the church (monestary) pt 1

talina_nezzer on Forced Stories

The priest of the Church (monastery) pt 1

I am not one to finish a work, as you can see from my stories. I have never finished one series because during writing it, I either get bored, or I think of better ideas for another story. I will try to finish “The Vampire Fuck” and “More Like Camp Fuck” as soon as possible since I have had a lot of requests in my emails for the completion of those stories. For those of you who’ve never read my stories before, just click on my name at the top of the story, “nezzer, talina” and you can read and enjoy them. By the way, this new story “the church” is not meant in any way to make fun of Christianity, I am just making up stories based on things that actually happened in the church during the time period when the church had so much power and abused it. I hope you enjoy. Oh BTW, this story is from a two person perspective. Pay attention, I think it's my best yet.

Worms Germany, 1508

              The bells of the church chimed loudly emphasizing the fact that it was noon. Anna watched as the monks gather in two straight rows and began to recite a series of prayerful hymns and chants. She loved watching the church and she loved listening to the clanging and chiming of the bells. The Gothic engineering of the church made it look absolutely wonderful, with its high complex walls and colorful windows and floors made of marble. She smiled earnestly to herself inwardly laughing at the fact that she could get so distracted just by looking at the church. Her mother had sent her out to the stream to collect some water for bathing and to do the washing since the line at the well was terribly long. She had been gone for about half of an hour but had not done any washing because she got lost in her usual daydreams. Her mum often warned that her day dreams would be her fall. She ran down the grass to the stream and laughed. At age 18, she was yet to be married and she knew that hardly anyone would consider marrying her despite her beauty, just because her family lacked wealth. She still behaved like a little child at times though, like now. She walked to the middle of the stream and took the clothes one by one, soaking them in the water and scrubbing them thoroughly with her slender fingers. She laughed again realizing that she too needed a washing. After completely scrubbing all the clothes, she looked to make sure no one was watching before stripping out of her dirty apron, dress and undergarments. She dived into the water, shivering at its coldness and felt her nipples begin to get taut. Enjoying the water, she swam for some time lightly tugging on her nipples to warm them up. Unbeknown to her, there was a head priest from the church watching lustily and craving her naked body. He stared at the nymph in the water and felt his cock harden at the thought of having her for his use and experiments.

                Anna was by far the most beautiful young woman in Worms, perhaps the whole of Germany. Her long golden hair hung in curls down her back. Her large beautiful blue eyes were like liquid diamonds. Her lips, luscious, soft, and pink was perfectly bow shaped. Her breasts were very large...(to put this into modern day bra terms, 32DD) soft and firm, without sag. Her stomach flat as the marble floors of the church. Her back arched to reveal a wonderfully shaped bottom, full, soft, firm. Her long legs stretched beautifully. The most beautiful thing though about Anna was her soul, one of pure innocence and love. Everyone in Worms had heard of Anna, and many men had tried to bed her much to their failure. She chose to remain a virgin until she was married. Johann Vonderlinde, head priest, archbishop of the church in Worms, had craved Anna’s body from the time he lay sight on her. At 46, he was losing his hair, his skin began to wrinkle, despite the good food provided to him by the indulgences. Despite these flaws, he was still somewhat handsome. An archbishop or a monk for that matter was not allowed to involve themselves with women for they were to be fully dedicated to God. But upon gazing at Anna, he knew he must have her. Her body must be his to use and abuse. He smiled to himself as he contemplated a plan to have her for himself.

                Anna washed her undergarments, clothes, hair and body before walking back to the grass to lay naked and dry. This was her paradise. No one would catch her here. She could lay naked all she wanted and no one would find her because no one came here. She lost herself to her thoughts and soon fell asleep. Usually, when she slept, she dreamt of traveling, but today was different. She was not so much as dreaming as she was feeling. She bucked her hips as she dreamt that someone caressed her nipples and fondled with her breasts. She felt her inner private parts begin to get wet and she turned her body. As the dream began to get more sexually intense, she heard the chime of the bells, waking her and to indicate that another hour had passed. She woke up suddenly, annoyed at herself for falling asleep.  

What a strange dream I had, she thought. It was just a dream though. She looked to her breasts only to see dirty finger prints on them and two wet circles around her nipples.  Unable to explain this, she put on her clothes and walked home, preparing herself for the rage and cusses that was sure to come out of her mothers mouth.

Johann(archbishop) watched from the bushes as Anna walked off. He’d almost been caught sucking on her delightfully delicious rosy dusky nipples. Fortunately for him, he’d been able to run off before she awoke, and in that time of watching her redress, he had devised the ultimate plan for her to become his.

                Anna arrived at home to find her family sitting at sup and praying over the meal. She snuck in quietly and took her place at the table.

“......And I pray for Anna, who often neglects to do her chores because she is often daydreaming” said her brother who was but 8 years of age. He snickered in between saying this and she rolled her eyes. Luckily for Anna, her mum didn’t mention the fact that she was late.

“Did you finish the washing” asked mum

“Yes, I also managed to get some bath water for after sup” replied Anna

“Well we’re going to the market tomorrow. We have enough money to buy fish. The archbishop is going to be there praying for the families in purgatory. We will buy an indulgence”.

“Yes mum”, replied Anna while she took a sip of her watery turnip and cabbage broth.

The next day, Anna watched the archbishop, mesmerized, as he spoke of God. A young man came behind her and squeezed her ass. She turned to him and told him to stop. He ignored her and continued to squeeze her bum cheeks, fed up she repeated a phrase, she’d learned from a song that her mum used to sing to her when she was younger. It was not German, nor was it English or Latin.

Abcracadabra” (sorry was lacking on the creative side when it came to thinking of this phrase).  Instantaneously, the man fell to his knees and cried.

“I cannot see, she has cast a spell on me, she is a WITCH”, he yelled. A murmur filled the gathered crowd and everyone moved away from Anna.

“Oh shutup, I am not a –“, before she could finish her sentence, two men grabbed Anna from the back. “Let me go” she whispered in anger. The men too, fell down crying, claiming that they couldn’t see also claiming that she was a witch. “I am not a witch” screamed Anna.

“Everyone cover your ears before she casts a spell on you”, commanded the Archbishop. Anna watched as the Archbishop blessed two men before they came to grab her. “I have put God’s protection on them so that her spells cannot affect them”.

“ I am not a WITCH”, yelled Anna again.

“Burn er at stake before she casts spells on all of us”, replied a man with his ears covered.

“Yeahhhh” screamed the mob.

Anna stared in disbelief as everyone turned against her. The two men began dragging Anna towards the church. Another man was restraining Anna’s mother while she cried telling the people that her daughter was not a witch but a daydreamer. No one would listen.

“We cannot burn her until she confesses to being a witch. She will confess, be sure of that Good people of Worms”, said the Archbishop authoritatively. Anna screamed and cried as she was dragged away towards the church/monastery.  The Archbishop smiled inwardly. All had worked according to plan, she would now be his to use and abuse.

                Anna could barely see through her tear clouded eyes as she was dragged away. She could however hear the men who were dragging her, talking.

                “She has such nice bubbies, I would like to squeeze one of em” said the taller of the two.

                “You’d better not lest she cast a spell on you” replied the other one.

                “But we’re protected” argued the taller one as he squeezed one of Anna’s breast roughly.

                “Oh yea, but I’d rather not take the chance.” Said the shorter one.

Anna cringed as the taller of the two squeezed her breast, wheezing as he did so. He grabbed a nipple, erect from the cold, and began twisting it. Anna cried inwardly at the pain as he began pulling it and pinching it.

                “Please stop” , she cried

                “And why should I, you’re a bloody witch”.

He gave her nipple one last fierce tug before wheezing again. They arrived at the church and walked down a set of narrow stairs to the dark dungeon at the bottom and opened it. The dungeon was eerie with only a bench. There were shackles attached to the wall and a tiny chamber pot at the side. There was no light and there was no sound. Anna was shoved into the dungeon. The taller of the guards stopped briefly only to smack Anna’s bottom before completely shoving her in and locking the door, wheezing heavily once again. The smaller shackled her ankles and wrists to the chains.

“Such a shame that a beauty like this turns out to be a witch"

"Shoulda just taken 'er and fucked 'er. I'm sure she woulda swallowed my seed well" murmured the taller.

         Anna felt the icy ground on her bottom through the thin material of her dress. How could I have gotten myself into this? What did I do to deserve this? She thought. She felt goosebumps begin to pop on her skin due to the cold and damp environment she was in. She groaned inwardly thinking about how she was going to miss the fish that her mum was going to make for sup. By the time she got herself out of this mess and went home, the fish would be gone, thanks to her siblings. Unknown to her, she would not be coming out of this mess at all. She would never see the light of day. I’m sure that as soon as I explain what happened to the Archbishop, he will apologize, bless me, and let me go, she thought inwardly. She smiled at the thought of the Archbishop blessing her;  this would surely bring good luck to her family.

                The Archbishop gathered stood at the front of the room in front of 10 priests and said a prayer before the priests sat down. He cleared his throat before he began

“Today, at the open market place, a woman was accused of witchery”, he said. “What were the causes of this accusation, you may ask. The woman was said to have cast a spell on several men and they became blind.  The taller of the guards who brought her home is said to be dead now”. There was a silence in the room.

“Could it have been possible that the guard was sick before he even met her”? asked one of the young priests nervously.

“I considered that fact, but the other guard claimed the woman had been muttering some incantations, afterward, the man began to wheeze”. The archbishop did not mention the fact that the shorter guard actually said that the woman was begging the taller to stop. He also didn’t mention the fact that the taller guard was already deathly ill before meeting Anna.

“Well, the only possible thing to do is burn her at stake to remove such witchery”, said another.

“We cannot, until she confesses to being a witch, and I intend for her to confess. I don’t want any of you priests, or any of the monks coming close to her lest she cast a spell on you. I myself am willing to sacrifice my being to ensure that this witch does in fact confess”, replied the archbishop. The priests nodded their heads in agreement and approval and rose to leave. When all but one priest had left, the archbishop spoke again. “Hans, make sure that woman is bathed in rose water by one of the maids, make sure the maid washes her clothes, feed her, and ensure the maid finds something suitable for her to wear. Do not tell the maids that she is a witch, and if they should know, tell them I have put my protection on them so they will not be harmed. Then take her to the torture chamber”.

Hans nodded and left.


 K i'm gonna add more stuff. Please comment and send suggestions, i'll put part two up today or tmrw. COMMENT or you can email me suggestions on here....OH someone tell me how to put stories in forums...I just wants comments cause that's how pathetic my life really is