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specialk51 Member Since June 01, 2010

Dog Family 2

Doggy_Fucked_Girl on Animal Stories

Taya jogged up the front steps of the school. She glanced back watching as her mother drove away from the school before turning back to walk through the school doors. The hall was crowded with people who bustled about in groups. After shoving aside several people the ebony haired girl managed to find a wider area to walk. Some people waved at her which she returned with a smile as she made her wa

Aunt Brenda Took Me To The Farm

Sophiabrendasniece on Animal Stories

Hey Guys,

Hope all of you are doing great! I have been having a blast visiting my Aunt Brenda but wanted to share the first time we went to the farm. We had a nice Fall afternoon and were drinking a lot of wine. I was very wasted. Brenda and I were siting around naked, kind of teasting each other and she said, "Come on, put on a long t shirt, I wanna take you somewhere." so I pulled on he shirt