smithy123's Avatar
smithy123 Member Since September 06, 2010
Good Samaritan Part 2
smithy123 5138 days ago
- 0 + Great stories! Keep them coming
The Next Day - After Becoming a Slut
smithy123 5135 days ago
- 1 + What is everyone complaining about? I think this is one of the better punctuated stories on the site. At least this person knows about the full-stop. Admittedly, the plot is a bit... ambiguous, but, again, not the worst on the site.
Marisa's first time with her little brother Part 1
smithy123 5143 days ago
- 0 + Great story! Looking forward to part 2
impregnated by a black men
smithy123 5138 days ago
- 0 + Not bad, could use a couple more pronouns though...

Also, how do you see the pictures?