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Summer of Sex (Revised Edition 2) on Incest Stories

Summer of Sex

Volume 1

Revised Edition 2

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="margin: 0in 0in 0pt">            Ally knocked on the bathroom door, not being able to hold it any longer.

"I'm in here!" came her brother's voice over the sound of the shower. Ally smiled to herself.

            "I really need to use the bathroom," she said. "How long you going to be in there?"

            "I just got in, it's open though if you need to go that bad." he replied. There was a sound of hesitation as he said it, almost as if he was inviting her in. She opened the door, and entered the steam filled room, closing it behind her. "I'll just be a minute, sorry." she said. Ally walked over to the toilet, which sat right next to the shower. The shower curtain was semi-transparent and she could see the naked figure of her older brother lathering up.

            Ally slid down her silky lavender pajama bottoms, and sat. This wasn't the first time they had shared the bathroom together. She recounted the times before, when they had. She had often felt a sense of sexual voyeurism by the mere fact she was in the same room, naked, with her brother. Ally knew it was a bit wrong to be attracted to him, but she couldn't help the fact he was cute. Besides, he seemed to enjoy it too. Little things, like coming out of the shower naked, as he rushed into his room, saying he forgot to grab a towel.

James was sixteen, and being fourteen, Ally knew boys his age were in the height of their sexual explorations. She couldn't help but tease him every now and then. Ally felt lucky enough to have a brother she got along with. Most of her friends in school despised their brothers or sisters. But then again, being the only two children in the family, they had a special bond.

"Ally, have you decided if you're going to invite any friends to the trip?" James asked. She almost forgot about the fact that her family was going on a camping trip to the mountains, as they did every mid-summer. They were leaving in two days. "I don't know yet, I still have to call some of the girls. What about you?"

"Yeah maybe Ryan or Kevin." James replied.

"Please, not Kevin," she laughed.

"Why not?" he laughed back.

"Um, because he's perverted." Ally said. James laughed. Ally got up, and finished. As she looked at the curtain again, she could have sworn her brother had an erection, at least form what she could make out through the blur. "Don't have too much fun in their bro." Ally said.

"Not without you, sis." he replied. Ally grinned to herself, a little surprised at what he just said.

"Well, hurry on up, we're suppose to   go to the mall today to get some stuff, maybe you can help be pick out a new bathing suite." Ally said, as she closed the door on her way out. She headed to her room to change, and checked the time. It was 10:30 pm.

Ally looked through her clothes for something to wear. She decided on a short red tee, and a tight pair of faded jeans. She sat on her bed, and started to brush her shoulder length auburn hair. When she was finished, she headed downstairs, to see her parents eating their breakfast as they watched the news on TV.

"Hey mom, dad." she said.

"Hey honey." they both chimed in at the same time. If she didn't know any better, Ally would have thought her parents were zombies for a moment.

"Uh. So what time we going to the mall?" Ally asked, and headed towards the kitchen to grab some scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Whenever you and James are ready," her mother said. "But we can't be too long, we have to get some food for the trip after we bring you guys home, and don't forget we have to be at work by three o' clock."

"I just need to get a new swimsuit and sleeping bag and stuff." Ally said. She turned to see her brother coming around the corner from the stairs.

"Any left?" James asked.

"Yep, let's hurry, so we can get going." Ally replied.




They arrived at the mall and piled out of the car, into the summer heat. "Damn it's hot!" Ally said.

"It'll be cooler up north, don't worry," her father said. "We'll meet you two in the food court when we're done. Don't be to long. You hear?"

"Yes dad."


James and Ally headed off together as their parents went in the opposite direction. "So where too brother?" Ally smiled.

"Um, let's go get your stuff. I don't need much." James said. They made their way past the crowds of people, until they reached the women's section in the clothing store. Ally could tell her brother felt a little awkward as they went further, into the women's clothing.

  "See anything you like?" Ally said.

"Very funny," James replied, "Where are the swimsuits?"

            "Over there," Ally said, pointing a short distance across the room. They walked over and found their way to Ally's size and began browsing around. Ally made some suggestions, all of which were agreed upon by her brother. "Well you're not much help!" she giggled.

            "I think you'd look great in any of them. It's not my fault you got a nice body." he replied.

            "You think?" Ally said, her pretty blue eyes sparkled as she gave her brother the sweetest looking smile he'd ever seen. James's face went red as he turned to hide it.

            "What about this one?" James said, as he pointed to a bright orange two-piece suite. "You like orange right?"

"Oh, yeah." Ally replied. She picked it up and examined it. It looked a little small, and wanted to try it on. "I'm going to go try it on."

            "Okay." he said. They headed over towards the changing room, and James waited outside as his sister changed. He glanced around, until his eyes rested at the bottom of the changing door, which didn't reach the floor. He saw his sisters feet, as they gently kicked her panties off. They were white lace, and looked very sexy. "Nice underwear sis." he joked.

            "Hey if you see anything better, don't hesitate." he heard her say, as she changed. Then an idea came to his mind as he thought slyly to himself. "What size are you?" James asked.

            "A small." she giggled. James headed over to the lingerie section, carefully scouting the area for other customers and when he saw none in the area, proceeded to seek out the sexiest looking thing he could find.

            He came across a bright pink thong bikini, with interlacing pink ribbons up the top which tied into a cute bowtie. The backside was a silky feeling spandex. He took it to her and tossed it underneath the door.

            "Wow, these are nice!" she said. Ally picked them up, and opened the door, revealing herself in the orange bathing suit they picked out. James stood wide-eyed as he looked over his hot little sisters sexy figure, barely covered in the tiny frame of the bikini.

            "What do you think?" Ally asked, cupping one of her perky breasts in her hand as she adjusted the top.

            "That's hot." was all that came out of his mouth. Ally smiled, and turned around as she placed her hands slightly below her hips. James looked at Ally's tight ass, showing through the thin material, and followed her sexy slim legs down to her cute little feet.

            "You're beautiful Ally.." he whispered. Ally blushed, and turned around to hug her brother, adding a soft kiss to his cheek. James felt the soft curves of his sisters gorgeous tits press up against his t-shirt, and felt a tingle down below as he breathed in the warm scent of his sisters neck.

            "That's so sweet bro!" she exclaimed, as she released him. Ally went back into the changing room, and got dressed into her old clothes. After a few moments passed, Ally came out, holding the clothing, and they made their way to the register.




            Ally and James continued to wait in the food court of the mall, as they finished up the food they ordered. "I can't wait till we leave Wednesday," James said, "It's going to be so much fun."

            "Yeah. Hey! You think they'll let us share our own tent?" Ally asked. Her brother pondered the idea, and the more he thought about it, the more intrigued he became.

            "That'd be cool." he said, as his cock slightly stiffened at the thought of –

            "There you kids are," James's thought was interrupted by the sound of their parents walking over to their table.

            "You kids get everything you needed?" their dad asked.

            "Yes." they replied.

            "Well, let's get going, it's almost one o' clock." said their mother.




            "Hey dad, how many tents do we got?" asked James on their way home. Their dad looked at their mother, then thought to himself.

            "I, I think we got three. There's the big eight-man tent we got to set up, and the two smaller ones, big enough for about two or three people, why? You kids want your own each?"

            "I guess we could bring them all, but you two will have to set your own up." said their mom.

            "Okay, cool." James said, not letting on to the fact just yet that he didn’t quite mean what they thought he was implying.

            "Actually, we'll need them anyway." Ally said. "If we invite any of our friends." Ally looked over at her brother. They both knew if they invited anyone, they wouldn't be sharing the same tent. At least not alone, that is.





            Ally's parents dropped them off at the front of their house, and left the driveway to go shopping for food. Ally and James spent the day packing and getting ready while mom and dad were out shopping. Later that evening, when their parents were in bed, Ally got out of the shower, and slipped into a silky thigh-length night gown, wearing just a pair of simple white panties underneath.

            Ally knocked on her brothers door. "It's open." came his voice. Ally walked in and shut the door, and saw her brother lying under the covers, watching TV.

            "What'cha watchin'?"  she asked.

            "Just some weird movie." James replied.

            "Mind if I join you? I'm kind of bored."

            "Sure sis." he smiled. Ally proceeded to climb underneath the covers of her brothers bed. He was only wearing his boxers. James looked over as his sister moved close to him, noticing she wasn't wearing a bra by the way the material of her pajama's clung to her soft skin. They continued to watch the movie, which Ally made out to be some kind of horror-flick. James took in a deep breath, taking in the sweet smell of his sister. He loved the way she smelled, especially after a shower. He moved his hand around over the pillow and wrapped his left arm over her, as she cuddled closer, placing her left hand on his chest.

           After what seemed like hours passed, James thought his sister had fallen asleep, her head leaning against his shoulder. He thought of how cute she looked, as her soft breath swept over his bare chest. James took his sisters hand which still lay on his chest, and held it, placing his own over it, and gently rubbed his thumb over her smooth skin. It took him by surprise when moments later, Ally rolled over on top of him, her head still laying on his chest, and her legs fitting comfortably on either side of his.

            "Ally?" James whispered. Mmm ,  was all he heard. It took him only a few seconds to realize that her waist was situated right against his cock. He felt her hard perky nipples through the material, against his chest as she lay there. Instinctively, as his member hardened slowly, he wrapped his arms around her back.

            James's hard dick was now begging for relief, as he slowly shifted his waist against Ally's, the weight of her body massaging it nicely between her warm legs. He could feel the heat and warmth from her pussy, and realized Ally's night gown was pushed up so that all was between them was her panties, as his cock strained out through the opening in his boxers. After moments or so of this slow maneuvering, he heard a soft moan escape Ally's mouth.

            "Is that what I think it is..?" Ally lightly whispered.

            "Sorry," James replied, "Can't really help it sis."

            "It feels nice," she whispered back, "you don't have to stop."

            James felt an urge just then to fuck his little sister into oblivion, but was able to control himself as he continued to rub his swollen cock against his sisters underside.

            "It feels big." she whispered. James let out a slight laugh.

            "Not too big." Ally lifted her head up, and looked up at James.

            "James.. is it wrong to feel this way?" she said quietly. "You know, I mean.." James could tell she was a little embarrassed.

            "I guess," he replied, "but I don't mind.. I love you anyway." Ally sat upright, straddling him as she smiled. James felt the soft mound of her young pussy press hard against his cock as her weight shifted. Ally looked down between them and cupped her soft tits in her hands.

            "You make me really.. horny James." Ally said as she looked into his eyes. If it wasn't as dark in the room as it was, her face would be glowing bright red at this point.

            "I could say the same for you too sis." he laughed. Ally pushed backwards a bit, and took his rock hard dick into her soft hand, gently stroking it.

            "Mm, it is big. And it's so warm and silky.." she said to herself. The tip of one of her fingers ran over the head of his cock, and she pulled it back slowly as she felt the bit of pre-cum stick to it. James watched as she moved the finger up to her mouth to taste it.

            She could tell by the look on his face he was a bit overtaken by this. She didn't think it tasted as sweet as her girlfriends had told her it did. She only had sex once with an old boyfriend, but Ally would have hardly called it that. It was not an event she was fond of by any means.

            Ally, tired and quite aroused, pulled her gown over her head, as her brother James watched in amazement as he viewed his little sisters perfectly shaped tits for the first time. They were exactly as he had imaged they'd look.

            "What do you think?" she asked shyly.

            "Wow Ally.. oh my god, their great!" James leaned up on the pillows behind him to get a better view.

            "You can feel them if you want." she smiled. Wasting no time, he reached up and gently squeezed her tits in each hand. The feeling could never be imagined as he thought. His thumbs caressed her soft flesh, as they rubbed over her erect nipples. Ally let out a deep breath as she watched her brother explore her body.

            After some time, Ally leaned in close to his ear. "I want to suck it.." she whispered.

            "A-are you sure?" James said, unsure of what was happening, but he didn't quite care at the moment. Without answering, she pulled back the covers, and gripped the sides of his boxers, gently pulling them down his legs, allowing his cock to spring back into position as they came off. Ally moved down, and pushed his legs apart as she smiled devilishly up into his eyes.

            "I've never.. done this before so let me know what you like?" she asked sweetly.

            "That's if you even like it, Ally." he replied. Ally looked down as she grasped her brothers hard cock into her small hand. James watched as her head moved down, her tongue simultaneously moving out to lick the head. At first, Ally tongued the underside of the shaft, licking around near his balls, and back up again. His cock was neatly shaved, even though he wasn't really hairy at all. His skin felt smooth against her tongue, and as she continued to lick, occasionally taking the head into her mouth, her pussy became moist and hot.

            "Oh, that feels so great sis." her brother moaned. Ally motioned for his hand, and placed it on the side of her head, along with the other, a notion for him to have some part in what was about to happen.

            James grasped the sides of Ally's head as he watched the tip of his dick slowly disappear into his sisters mouth. Ally's lips gently gripped the shaft of his cock, her hot wet mouth engulfing every inch of her brother. She felt him push upwards with his waist, eager to feel more of her warm tongue wrap around him.

            "Oh, yes sis, that's great" James moaned quietly. Ally looked up to see his face as she continued sucking on his cock. She reached down and slowly started to rub her pussy though her panties, which was begging for attention. Ally moaned slightly as she moved her head down again, the vibrations from her lips stimulating her brother more as she felt him grip her hair harder. This continued for several minutes until James was controlling the movement with his hands. He kept thrusting his hips up and down, his throbbing cock sliding all the way, in and out of Ally's mouth.

            Ally tossed her hair back as she rubbed her pussy harder, thinking of how dirty she was being. She tightened her mouth and licked wildly around James's cock as it entered her mouth. "Oh sis, I-I think I'm going to cum soon." James moaned. Ally thought of what it would be like to taste her brother as she stared up at him, a look of pleasure on his face. Before she could finish the thought, she felt her brothers hands on top of her head, push it down hard, as his cock slid all the way into her mouth. Ally felt his cock throb faster as his body convulsed and shook.

            As Ally's head moved slightly upwards, she felt the first hot stream of cum hit the back of her throat, almost making her gag. "I'm cumming!" she heard him whisper, out of breath. More streams of semen erupted from the head of his dick and emptied into Ally's mouth as James came. Ally felt the hot cream fill her mouth as she moaned. She tried to swallow some of it but there was too much. She felt it leak onto her bottom lip as she continued to swallow it, stream after stream. Ally was to excited to care about how it tasted, she made him cum, and it was in her mouth.

            "Oh fuck Ally!" he said. As his orgasm subsided he looked down at her face. Ally removed his dick from her cum filled mouth and swallowed the rest, giving him her best smile. Her other hand gripped his cock and continued to stroked it slowly, as she licked up the rest on her lip. Ally looked down and with her tongue, licked up the rest of her brothers cum from the head of his cock.

            "That was good." Ally managed to say. "Did you like it?" James looked at his sister, sitting there, with that 'look' on her face and tried to find the words to say.

            "I've never felt anything like that!" he said. "That was amazing Ally." She smiled at his words, and moved up to kiss him on his lips, wrapping her arms around him. James sighed to himself as he felt his sisters smooth lips touch his own, kissing her back gently.

            "I love you Ally." he whispered, and kissed her again. "I wish I could make you feel what you just gave me."

            "I'd like that." she grinned. "We have plenty of time."

            "You mean now?" James asked. Ally laughed a bit.

            "How about when we leave tomorrow?"

            "You mean, Friday." James said. Ally peered over at the clock on his bed stand. And doing the same, he noticed it was nearly 1 am in the morning, Thursday.

            "Okay," he said, "Maybe we should get some sleep."

            "Can I sleep with you?" she asked, her eyes glowing brightly.

            "You know I wont say no to that." he replied. James turned off the T.V. with the remote, as his sister reached up behind them to pull the covers up.

            "What if mom or dad find out you slept with me?" he asked in the darkness, as Ally hugged him, laying her head on his shoulder.

            "We'll just say we fell asleep watching the movie." she replied quietly, and drifted off into a deep sleep.




            James awoke in the morning, and stared at the ceiling for several moments before glancing down at his sister, still cradled in his arms. He smiled to himself as she lay there, a look of innocence and content on her pretty face as she breathed softly. He kissed her gently on the forehead and then looked over at the clock. The red numbers read 11:00am. Damn , he thought. They overslept. He hoped their parents didn't notice the fact yet that Ally was missing from her bedroom.

            As James lay there, the events of last night came to mind, as a stirring down below swept over him. He wondered just how close he and Ally would remain if she decided that it was a mistake to do what she had. And almost as if on cue, he felt Ally awake, stretching and moving as she opened her beautiful bright blue eyes.

            "Morning Ally." James said.

            "Morning bro!" Ally said, and smiled as she sat up. "Wow, it's nearly noon."

            "Yeah," he replied, "wonder if mom and dad are up yet." Ally looked at him and smiled.

            "I'm going to go take a shower, and get something to eat."

            "Alright." he replied. Ally reached under the covers and found her night gown, she slid out of bed, her back to her brother as she slid it back over her head. James took in the sight of her cute butt, watching the silky material quickly drop down over it. He watched as Ally turned around, and bent over to kiss him. He smiled as she pulled away slowly and exited his room.

            When she was gone, James slid out of bed, and put his boxers back on. He heard the sound of the shower moments later, and suddenly realized the need to pee. James walked out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom. He opened the door without knocking and stepped in, closing it behind him. "Is that you James?" Ally said.

            "Yeah sis, gotta pee."

            "Can I watch?" she said jokingly.

            "Ooh, kinky." he replied, stepping in front of the toilet, and pulling out his semi-erect penis. He glanced over at the blurry naked figure of Ally as she showered, releasing himself. As he finished, he looked over as Ally opened the shower curtain. She glanced down at his waist and grinned.

            "Want to join me real quick?" she said. James hesitated for a moment, of course he wanted too, but he hoped their parents wouldn't notice. He felt a thrill rush through him, and decided to take the risk.

            "You bet." he smiled. James slid out of his boxers and stepped into the shower as Ally pulled back the curtain for him. Almost instantly his eyes gazed over the body of his wet sister, following the droplets of hot water as they cascaded down her firm tits, against her smooth belly, and then down to the small patch of pubic hair on the mound of her pretty pink pussy. This was the first time he had laid eyes on Ally's most private of parts, and he loved what he saw. Ally could see this by the instant erection the sight of it had caused her brother. "Does that mean you like?" she giggled.

            "Oh, you are beautiful Ally. That has to be the sexiest little pussy I've ever seen." he said. He looked up at her wet face, she looked hot when her short hair was soaked.

            "Really..?" she asked quietly. James could tell she was curious as to his sexual experience. They never really talked about it much. James didn't have a girlfriend recently, however he did occasionally speak with his ex-girlfriend.

            "I think so," he replied, "Though I can't say I've seen more than one or two in person."

            "Well, your sure bigger than my last boyfriend." Ally smiled. She grabbed the soapy washcloth, and rubbed it onto his belly as she leaned forward in the hot stream of water and kissed him, her slippery sweet tongue entering his mouth. James slid his tongue over her own, swallowing the tasty spit her mouth offered. At the same time, he felt the washcloth wrap around his erect cock as she stroked it gently.

            James slid a hand down between them, touching her soft pink lips for the first time. Ally moved forward and pressed her perky breasts against his chest as she moaned from his touch. They continued kissing deeply, harder and more passionately. Ally dropped the cloth, and resumed jerking off her brother with her bare hand, the slippery soap lubricating his dick as her fingers glided effortlessly over his long thick shaft.

            Ally felt two of James's fingers gently slide up into her hot cunt.  She pushed forward again, rubbing her body against his as she moaned in-between the kiss. The hot steamy water ran over their bodies as they pleasured each other into orgasm. James came as he thrusted his cock in and out of his sisters silky smooth hand. Even with the hot water splashing against her, Ally felt the hot splash of cum hit her belly and pussy. She broke the kiss to watch as it dripped down onto her cunt, and taking her other hand she rubbed it around her clit as she came. Her legs shook and she released her brothers cock and grabbed onto his shoulder to hold herself steady.

            "Ahhh, mmm, yesss!" she moaned, feeling the tip of her brothers cock press against her belly as he leaned closer to kiss her neck. "I love you James!" she exclaimed as her orgasm subsided.

            "Fuck, I love you sis," he whispered into her ear as he kissed it, "You're amazing baby." They continued to wash up, occasionally rubbing their bodies against each others, the slippery water giving them absolute freedom to do so. Ally enjoyed it when she turned around and felt her brother rub his cock into her tight ass. James humped slowly as his cock glided upwards between her cheeks, up and down, up and down.

            "Oh yeah, that's it James!" Ally moaned. She stepped up on her toes, and back down again, as her wrapped his hands around her waist and continued his rhythm.

            "Damn Ally, you feel so great." he said. James kept sliding his hard cock between her ass until he could stand it no more. Ally felt the hard thrusts as her brother came for the second time, his hot cum shooting against her asshole and splashing against her lower back.

            But Ally wasn't finished yet. With one quick movement, Ally slid downward onto her knees in the steam filled tub, facing her brother. Immediately she wrapped her wet lips around his semi-hard cock, in a desperate attempt to make him cum once more.

            "Ah, oh yeah, fuck." James moaned, his body twitching as his sensitive cock felt the slippery tongue of his sister going down on him. Ally grasped his butt as she thrusted him forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of her throat. She pulled back with her head and thrusted him forward, feeling the hilt of his cock slam against her lips. She reached down with one hand and furiously rubbed her aching pussy.


            The steam continued to rise as the hot water showered over Ally and James, making the moment more erotic, in a way, or so they thought. Ally rubbed herself to orgasm twice, before feeling her brother convulse the way he had that night. There wasn't much left for her to swallow, but she didn't mind. Ally slid the head of his cock out of her mouth with a loud 'pop' from the suction as she grinned up into his eyes. She could tell how overly sensitive he must be now.


            Ally stood up, and they kissed, for what seemed like hours to her, when they heard a knock at the bathroom door. "Ally, is that you in there?" came the voice from their mother.

            "Oh crap." Ally whispered. They both looked at each other in fear.

            "U-uh, yeah mom!" Ally said over the sound of the shower.

            "You've been in there for nearly an hour now, are you alright?" her mom asked.

            "Y-yeah mom, I'll be out in a sec." Ally replied.

            "Okay hun, I think your brother is still sleeping, wake him up when you're done will you? We're going out to eat for lunch. Tried to wake you earlier but you didn't answer."

            "Sure mom!!" Ally said. They both let out a sigh of relief as their mother went downstairs. Thankfully she was not the kind to enter without permission, and even though Ally or James never really had anything to 'hide' before, they were thankful for the first time that their parents respected their privacy.

            "That was close Ally." James whispered as Ally turned off the shower.

            "Yeah, sorry I got carried away bro." she giggled.


            They grabbed some towels from the rack and dried each other off, and kissing for the last time, Ally slowly opened the door and looked out. Seeing no sign of their parents, they quickly went to their rooms to change.  James headed downstairs when he was finished, and greeted his parents. "So you guys get everything last night? Or, whatever?"

            "Yep, we did." his father said. "Got us some of that long burning wood I've been hearing about. We'll have ourselves a nice camp fire. I'll bring the fishing poles and we can cook some fish, what you say?"

            "Uh, sounds good dad. As long as their like, clean." he replied. His father laughed.

            "I'll bet their a lot cleaner than the fish at the supermarket." he said.

            "What fish?" Ally chimed in as she came from downstairs.

            "Morning sleepy head," her mother said, "You two sure slept late, up all night?"

            "Uh, yeah, we were watching a movie, guess we forgot about the time." Ally replied.

            "So anyway Ally, I was talking about the fish at the lake up there, me and James here going to catch them and cook them."

            "Ewww." Ally made a face. She heard a slight laugh from her mother.

            "You'd be surprised what your dad can cook outdoors kids." James and Ally listened as their parents recited one of their memories of long before they were born. Though it wasn't as boring as it usually was, it only made them more eager to leave tomorrow for their trip.

            "So anyhow, you kids inviting any of your friends yet?" their mom asked. James and Ally looked at each other, and held a stare, before Ally smiled.

            "I'm not." she said.

            "Um, nah. I think it'd be more fun with just the family," James said, "Besides, it'll be less expensive."

            "Good thinking." their father said, a face of exaggeration showing. "But it's nice to know you feel that way." He put an arm around their mother, Denise, who smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

            "Well, ready to go?" he asked. Ally and James agreed, and they headed off to a local restaurant to eat lunch.




            Ally slid in the seat, sitting next to her brother, as their parents settled down on the other side of the table. Their waiter came shortly after, and handed them their menus.

Ally looked up, and noticed no one was sitting across from them in the aisle.

            "What'cha getting?" she asked her brother, not finding anything interesting on the menu.

            "Um, maybe just a hamburger and fries." Their parents looked over at their menus and placed them down when the waiter came back. She was an attractive brunette, with her hair tied back in a pony tail, and a cute green and black outfit.

            "Ready to order?" she asked pleasantly. They all looked at each other, waiting to see who wanted to order first.

            "What are you getting Richard?" Denise asked her husband.

            "Uh, well. I'll get the N.Y Strip Steak here, with the garlic toast and salad." he told the waitress.

            "I'll get the grilled chicken, with the honey mustard dressing." Denise said. The waitress jotted it down and smiled at the kids.

            "I'll just have a hamburger with fries. And could I have it well done, with extra tomatoes?" James said.

            "Sure, anything else?"

            "Uh, nope. And just a Sprite for the drink." he replied.

            "I'll have the same." Ally told the waitress. And with that, she left.


            James looked down at his sisters smooth sexy legs, Ally was wearing a short white mini-skirt with a cute pink top. Her hair was smoothly combed strait down to her shoulders. He watched as she tucked it in behind her ear, as she leaned back into the soft cushion of the seat. She looked so innocent, and sexy, and as the thoughts of what went on earlier came to mind, he instantly became hard. James was wearing loose shorts as he always did, and was afraid someone else might see. Of course, Ally did notice moments later, and she giggled slightly.

            "What's funny?" her father asked, apparently he had missed something.

            "Inside joke dad." she said. Their mom laughed slightly.

            "What are you in on it too?" he asked Denise.

            "Oh, no." she replied.

            "Yeah, so anyway," James interrupted, "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Their mom looked at their dad, she was leaning her head on her hand, as she thought for a moment.

            "Maybe around five in the morning?.."

            "Yeah, that should give us enough time to get there by ten or so." Richard said. After some chatting, their waitress came back with their food.

            "Here you are, is there anything else I can get for you?" the waitress asked.

            "Oh. Could I have a vanilla shake?" Ally asked.

            "Sure, anything else?"

            "Um, that's all." she replied.


            They ate and talked for awhile. Occasionally Ally would discreetly move closer, to place her hand on James's leg, and slowly rub his thigh. James tried to control the urge, but the images of the earlier events kept flashing into his mind. "Here you are." the waitress said, and placed Ally's drink onto the table. She took a sip moments later.

            "Mm, yummy vanilla.." she said. James knew what she was referring too, and the hidden messages in their conversations were to much to bare. Luckily, they were behind the door and no one would notice if he was the first in line to get to the car, which he was.


            Ally and James hopped in the back as they waited for their parents to finish paying the waitress. "That was so bad!" James said to Ally. She laughed.

            "Sorry James, couldn't help it!" she said. Moments later their parents were coming out.

            Just before they entered, when they weren’t in their view, Ally quickly kissed him on his cheek, and grinned. James thought of the torture that would follow on their long drive to New Hampshire , and sighed silently to himself.


            The rest of their day was spent out and about, visiting friends and hanging out, without incident, and Ally and James returned home by nine at night. They got ready for bed and met each other in the hallway.


            "Guess we got to get up pretty early huh?" Ally asked, with disappointment showing in her voice.

            "Yeah, that's too bad." he smiled.

            "Well, goodnight, brother." she said, returning the smile, and leaned in to hug him. They hugged long and hard, slowly rocking from side to side. James breathed in her sweet scent, and enjoyed the feeling of her hard nipples through her pajamas against his bare chest. They released, and kissed each other with a deep passion they hadn't felt before. The familiar sweet taste of Ally's tongue filled James's mouth as they kissed, their tongues licking wildly at each others.

            "Mm." James said as Ally slowly pulled away. She smiled and they hugged once more, before heading off to bed.  




            Ally's alarm clock went off at 4:30 in the morning, the loud buzzing sound disrupting her slumber. She slid her legs off the bed and sat for a moment as she rubbed her eyes. She got up and headed down the hall. Ally saw the light coming from the living room, along with the sound of her parents.

            "Tired dear?" her mom said.

            "Yeah," Ally said slowly, "When are we leaving?"

            "Soon as your brother wakes up and you two are dressed to go. Is your stuff all ready?"

            "Yeah, let me go get dressed and I'll bring it down."

            "Wake your brother up too." her dad said.

            Ally walked back upstairs, and into her brothers room. She slid on top of him over the blanket and began kissing him all around his face, and then proceeded to lick her tongue hard over his lips.

            "Mmmm," he moaned, "Ally?"  She didn't answer, but instead, stuck her tongue into his mouth. James kissed her back hard and slow, moving his arms underneath her silk night gown and gripping her soft butt.

            "Time to wake up!" she giggled.

            "Well you're doing a good job at that." he said, and laughed slightly.

            "C'mon, before mum and dad come up." Ally replied. She slid off him, and headed towards the door, "I'm going to go change."

            James lay there for a moment and stretched. I'll sleep in the car , he thought. He managed to get himself up and ready after several moments. Ally changed into a pocket-less pair of tight jeans and a simple low-cut white halter top. She wore the pink bikini panties her brother had picked out at the mall earlier.


            After everyone was finished packing their stuff into the van, Ally's parents locked the house and they piled inside. "Alright, we're off." their dad said. Before heading onto the highway, they drove through a fast food place to get something to eat, and after an hour or so, Ally began to doze off. She climbed into the back and unrolled her sleeping bag onto the padded floor. James did likewise, shortly after.




            Ally, James, and their parents arrived at their destination; Pinewood Lake Campgrounds, after a few hours drive. Ally and James had awoken prior to their arrival, and were quite excited to say the least.

            "Woohoo! We're finally here!" James said. The van slowly made its way up the dirt road path to the small booth up ahead, where they checked in. Apparently the campground had expanded it's territory to include new cabins not to far from their usual 'tent sites', but even so, they opted for their usual spot. It was a nice camp site which sat right next to one of the two large lakes in the northern part of the campgrounds, surrounded by thick pine forest and small trails. One of the trails led to a dock not to far away.

            "Well, let's unpack and start setting up the tents before we go off anywhere, shall we?" Richard said. James and Ally looked around, there seemed to be a perfect spot for their tent just on top of a small sloping hill from the center of what would be their camp fire.

            "Me and Ally are going to put ours up there." James said, pointing to the spot behind the large pine tree. Their parents both looked at each other surprisingly.

            "You're sharing a tent?" Their father asked.

            "Sure, why not?" Ally replied.

            "Well that's nice." Her mom said. "Good to see you guys getting along so well."


            Their tent wasn't very large, so it didn't take them long to set things up, before moving their stuff inside. Their parents were still struggling to get the big one up. "Hey James?" Ally asked.

            "Yeah sis?"

            "Think we'll both fit in one of these?" Ally asked, pointing to the sleeping bags.

            "Maybe.. if not we could always use them as blankets." Ally reached over and hugged her brother hard, then pressed her lips firmly against his. She felt his tongue slide into her mouth and kissed him deep. James felt her smooth hand slide inside his shorts as she began to caress his silky balls. His cock grew hard instantly at her touch.

            "Mm, is this for me?" Ally giggled. She released his cock from his shorts as she started to stroke it slowly.

            "C'mon kids! Come help us with setting up the big tent!" Denise yelled.

            "Okay mom!" Ally replied. "I guess we'll have to wait till later"

            "Yeah." James replied, and pulled up his shorts. "I'll be there in a minute."


            Ally and James went to go help their parents set up the tent, and by the time they were finished, it was around noon time. "You kids must be getting hungry." Their father said.

            "Yeah," James said, "What are we having?"

            "Hotdogs and Hamburgers?"

            "Okay, you want me to get the grill out?"

            "Sure." While their parents were cooking, Ally changed into her orange swimsuit, intending to swim out in the lake afterwards.

            "You want to come swim with me after we eat?" Ally asked her brother.

            "Sure sis, maybe we can swim out to that little island over out there." He pointed to what appeared to be a tiny island out on the far side of the lake, surrounded by pine trees.

            "You kids just be careful out there." Their mom said, handing them their paper plates.

            James looked over at Ally's hot body, trying not to get too aroused. He wondered if his dad ever looked at Ally that way. After they got their food, they walked over to a large rock to sit while they ate.

            "This is a nice area dad." James said.

            "Sure is." Richard replied. Ally and James finished eating, and threw their plates away.

            "Don't stay out there too long." Their mom said. "Be back around four o'clock."

            "Okay mom." Ally said.


            Ally and James walked over to the shore of the lake, and slowly headed out, the water was pretty clean, though it was colder than they expected. "You look hot when you're all wet sis." James said. Ally giggled at the comment, and wrapped herself around him from the front as he swam forward. When they were far enough out, she kissed him on the lips as she squeezed closer.

            "You think mom and dad can see us?" James asked.

            "I don't think so." she replied. Ally released him shortly after, and they continued to swim towards the island. After about ten minutes or so, they finally reached it. James could see her hard nipples poking out through her top.

            "Hey, this is pretty cool." James said, as they walked further into the woods. "I wonder if its connected to the other end on the other side."

            "Maybe, doesn't look like anyone else is here." she said. They settled to a stop somewhere in the middle, and looked around. Ally saw her brothers hard-on through the thin material of his swimming shorts. She walked over to him and slid them down, watching as it popped out. James stepped out of his shorts and looked at his sister. Ally reached behind her and undid her bikini top, then slowly pulled down her bottom, revealing her tight pink pussy. Just the sight of his hot young sister made him twice as hard as he already was.

            "Damn sis, you're so fucking hot!" James said. They kissed hard, and Ally could feel his warm cock press up against her smooth belly. She reached down and rubbed the head of his dick against her pussy mound as she sucked on his tongue. Ally rubbed his cock against her clit for a few moments before dropping to her knees. The pine needles acting as a soft cushion.

            "Tell me what you want James." Ally grinned.

            "You like sucking cock, huh sis?" he replied. Ally nodded slightly as she took the head of his dick into her mouth, and gently sucked on it. She had waited all day for this.

            "Mm, yeah." James moaned, as he ran his fingers through her wet hair. Ally stroked his balls and massaged them as she let the length of his cock slide deeper into her hot mouth. She ran her tongue up and down the bottom of it as it slid inside. James pushed her head down harder as he forced the rest of his dick into her mouth. Ally kneeled there, and let James begin to mouth fuck her. She moaned through her lips, which wrapped tightly around his dick. With one hand she began to rub her hand in circles against her wet pussy.

            "That's it James," Ally said, removing his cock for a mere second, "Fuck my mouth." James moved his cock harder in and out of her slippery mouth, faster with each stroke. He gripped locks of her hair as he started to slam his cock down her throat.

            "Oh, fuck yeah!" he moaned. He felt Ally's mouth become slippery as her saliva dripped from his cock, the sound of her deep moans vibrating against his thick shaft.

            "Mmff, Mmm." Ally moaned. She welcomed each hard thrust by pushing her free hand against his backside. James watched in pleasure as his cock disappeared into his sisters mouth, her innocent and lustful eyes gazing up into his.

            "I'm going to cum soon sis! Keep going!" Ally twirled her tongue faster and harder around her brothers hard throbbing cock, anxious for her reward. Within a minute or so, she felt his body convulse. She grabbed his cock and aimed it directly onto her tongue. A second later she felt the first hot stream of cum hit the back of her throat, leaving behind a trail along her tongue.

            "Oh, fuck! Fuck yes!" James moaned. Ally moved her hand along his cock with each throb, his hot load covering her tongue. She wrapped her lips around the head of his dick, pressing her tongue against the slit so she could feel it oozing out.

            "Mm." Ally moaned, swirling it around inside her mouth. Ally released his cock when he was finished. Ally swallowed it slowly, bit by bit. It made her so horny when she had a mouth full of it.

            "Mm, that was good bro." Ally smiled. "I can't get enough of it."

            "Well there's always more where that came from. God, that was great." James said, and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "I love you sis!"

            "I love you more James!" Ally replied.

            "Hey sis?"


            "When can I return the favor?" James asked, peering down between her legs.

            "How about now?" Ally smiled.

            "Wish we had brought a blanket or something." James said.

            "It's okay." Ally replied. Ally bent over, and got onto all fours, and looked over her shoulder. "You want me on the ground?"

            "Whatever's comfortable for you." he replied. Seeing no change, James kneeled behind her and rubbed his hands over her smooth ass. His warm tongue licked between her spread cheeks.

            "That kind of tickles, but it feels good!" Ally said. She felt him tease her pussy as his tongue slightly penetrated her pussy from behind. James breathed in the soft vanilla scent of Ally's young pussy and ass. His tongue pushed hard against her pink lips and swallowed every bit of her honey that dripped out. Ally began to moan as it reached her clit. She felt his rough tongue lick and suck at her lips and clit.

            "Yes, yes." Ally moaned. James rubbed his hands along the sides of her stomach and up under her chest. He cupped her soft tits and squeezed gently, kissing her on the lower back, before moving back to her pussy. Her body felt so warm and silky. Ally's pussy was probably one of the best things he had ever tasted.

            James maneuvered her onto her back, and continued to drive her wild with his tongue. He felt her body quiver under him as her legs tightened against his head as she came to another orgasm. With one hand James began jerking himself off, nearing one of his own.

James pushed his tongue as deep into her hot sweet cunt as he could, and sucked the honey from between her legs. Ally watched as he furiously slid his hand up and down his hard dick, feeling her body tingle again as another orgasm hit her.

            James stood up abruptly as he neared climax. Ally watched for a moment as he stood over her face and bent down. Before she could open her mouth to receive it, James groaned loudly as he still furiously ran his hand up and down his cock, causing the hot streams of cum to splatter wildly onto her face. Ally leaned up onto her elbows and took his cock into her mouth once more, and sucked on it as her brother kneeled over her chest, exhausted.

            "Sorry sis, didn't mean to do that." he laughed. James pulled his cock out slowly and laid down on top of her, kissing her bare chest. Ally wiped the cum from her face and tried her best to get all of it into her mouth. She felt her brother sucking gently on her left nipple, while his other hand caressed her right breast. She ran her hand against his back while propping her legs up.

            "We should start heading back." Ally said.

            "Good idea." James replied. They both dressed, and started heading out towards the shore when they heard a rustle in the trees. They both looked at each other and listened for awhile. "Probably just a squirrel or something.." James said.




            Ally and James returned to their camp site and greeted their parents. "Did you kids have fun?" Their mom asked.

            "Sure did!" Ally replied.

            "Anything worth seeing over there?" Their father asked.

            "Not much." James said. "We think its like, connected to another camp site." Ally dried her hair with a towel, along with the rest of her wet skin.

            "Your lips are pale sweetie." Her mom said.

            "Yeah, the waters a bit cooler than we thought." Richard looked over his young daughter, his eyes almost systematically moving down from her lips and over the swells in her chest, and down to her legs. No one noticed, however.

            When Ally was dried off, she went to her tent to change into dry clothes. She slid on a pair of tight shorts and a simple white tank top, with matching white bra and thong. James changed after she was finished, wishing he could have watched. Her shorts were low enough that he didn't have to guess what she was wearing, however.


            After some time passed, Ally, James and their parents looked up to see another family coming down the path. "Hey there. Hope we're not interrupting." The man said.

            "Oh, not at all." Richard said.

            "Well, we hope this isn’t to straightforward of us, but we're inviting nearby campers over for a big barbeque we're having tonight. If you and you're family want to come, it'd be a pleasure." he said. Richard looked over at his family for conformation.

            "Sounds lovely, you kids interested?" Denise asked.

            "Uh, sure mom." James said.

            "I don't mind." Ally said.

            "Oh, I'm Don, by the way," the man said, "And this is my wife Clara, and our three kids, Adam, Kevin, and Felicia." They all waved, and smiled.

            "Pleasure to meet you," Richard said, and shook his hand, "That’s Denise, James and Ally."

            After the introduction, they talked for just a little while, before the other family headed off into the other direction.

            "Well that was awfully nice of them." Denise said.

            "Wonder how many people are going to be there." James said. It was scheduled for 5pm, which was in a few hours. They spent that time getting ready and decided to bring some of their own food and drinks along, which they guessed other people would do as well. When it was time to leave, they headed off towards the campsite they pointed out, which they could barely see in the distance around the lake.




            After a short walk, they arrived at Don's campsite, and headed over towards him.

            "Hey, Richard right?" Don said.

            "You got it." Their dad said. "We brought some food over, hope you don't mind."

            "Oh, of course not." He replied. "Most of the other people did too." Ally and James looked around at all the people mingling, and then towards the large campfire in the center. There was a big trailer not to far away, along with a few grills which were already cooking various foods.

            "Our kids are around here somewhere." Clara said. "If you two are interested in meeting them."

            "And if you kids want anything, feel free to help yourself, there's some tables over there." Don said.

            Ally and James took the cue, and headed off towards the grills. Denise and Richard stood and talked to the other parents. Ally and James saw many other kids, young and old, from the various other family's, and wondered where Adam and the others were at.

            "Kids hungry?" Ally and James turned to an older man with a rough beard manning the grill they stood next too.

            "Um, sure." James said. They took their plates from the nearby table and got their food. They sat down at one of the many empty pick nick tables and watched the other people while they ate.

            "This is pretty good." James said as he ate.

           "Hey." Adam said. James and Ally turned their heads to see the three kids they met before, sitting down next to them.

            "What're your names again?" Felicia asked from the other side of the table.

            "I'm James, an-"

            "Ally." she interrupted.

            "Cool. I'm Felicia." she said. James looked her over, she had long black hair and brown eyes. She looked a little older than Ally, and was quite attractive. She wore a small blue t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts.

            "I'm Adam." one of the boys replied. "And that's my stupid brother Kevin."

            "Hey!" Kevin replied.

            "How old are you guys?" Adam asked. "I'm almost sixteen."

            "Sixteen." James replied.

            "Fourteen." Ally said.

            "So am I the oldest?" Felicia asked. "I'm seventeen."

            "I'm fourteen too." Kevin said, looking at ally. Ally thought they were both pretty cute.

            "You guys ever been here before?" Adam asked.

            "Yeah we come here almost every summer." Ally replied.

            "Cool. So do we. Never seen you before though." Kevin said.

            "Where do you guys live?" Felicia asked.

            "Southern part of New York ." James answered. "You?"

            "That's cool, we live in Michigan ."


            The kids got to know each other, and  were pretty much finished with their food. "Hey, maybe tomorrow we can all go swimming or something?" Adam said.

            "Yeah, there's a cool dock nearby, our dad tied a big rope to one of the trees. It's pretty fun." Kevin said.

            "Yeah, okay. What time?" James asked.

            "We'll come get you guys like, around noon?" Adam replied.

            "Alright." James said. 






            The rest of the night went by pretty well, and Ally and James found their parents when they were ready to leave.

            "There you guys are." Richard said.

            "Hey dad." Ally replied.

            "Well it's been fun Don, Clara." Their dad said.

            "Likewise, it was great to have you over. We'll probably do it again before we leave, how long are you guys staying here for?" he asked.

            "About a week or so." Denise said.

            "Oh, great. We'll, if you're interested we'll come stop by and let you know."

            "Sure would." Richard replied.


            Ally and her parents headed off to their campsite and got their campfire set up. They sat around it and roasted marshmallows before heading off to bed. "You kids enjoy yourselves?" Their mom asked.

            "Yep!" Ally said. "We're going swimming with Adam and the others tomorrow."

            "Really now. Glad to see you've made some friends." Richard said.

            "What time you kids going?" Their mom asked.

            "Around noon." James replied. "If that's alright with you guys."

            "Sure, just be careful." Richard said.

            They listened to the fire in silence as the burning wood crackled.

            "Well I think I'm going to call this a night." Their dad said, standing up. Their mom followed, and after their 'goodnights', headed into their tent.

            "Don't stay up to late you guys." she said. Shortly after, Ally and James headed towards their tent. James turned to zip it up when he heard the sound of a rock hit the side of the material.

            "What was that?" Ally asked. They both heard a pssst sound, from outside. James unzipped the tent and found Kevin huddling close.

            "Kevin?" James said.

            "Yeah, hey." he replied. "Time for covert operations!"

            "W-what?" Ally giggled.

            "There's some haunted cabins where the old ones used to be. They shut it down along time ago." Kevin replied. They heard rustling from the nearby tree, and saw Adam and Felicia come over.

            "C'mon you guys aren't tired right?" Kevin asked.

            "Uh, well. How far is it?" James asked.

            "It's like, a thirteen minute walk from here, or longer." Adam said.

            "They talked me into it." Felicia said, eyeing James.

            "You been there before?" Ally asked.

            "Just once. We heard weird noises and ran back." Kevin said.

            "You mean, you ran back. You little scaredy cat." Adam replied.

            "It was probably that murderer!" Kevin said.

            "What murderer?" James laughed.

            "We'll tell you on the way, come on!" Kevin insisted.

            They weren’t really tired, and seeing as how Felicia was going, James didn't really mind. "Ah, fine, okay. Let me change into pants or something." Ally said. When James and Ally were changed, they snuck out of the tent and headed north into the thick woods with the other kids.

            "Here, take these." Adam said. He pulled out two flashlights and handed them to Ally and James.

            "So what's this about a ghost or something." James asked.

            "Murderer ." Kevin replied, the sound of his voice unusually serious.

            "Oh come on." Felicia said. "It was probably some animal. Like a raccoon."

            "Maybe. Or maybe it was him." Kevin said.

            "A few years ago someone was killed here." Adam said. The words sent a chill down Ally's spine, but James was still a bit skeptic.

            "I've never heard about that." James said. They continued walking further into the thick pine trees, as it got darker outside.

            "Me neither." Ally said. She noted the time on her watch as nearly 8:13 pm.

            "They covered it up supposedly." Adam replied. "So they wouldn't scare off customers you know?"

            "Did they catch him?" James asked.

            "N-no!" Kevin replied, and caught himself from tripping over a large branch. Felicia laughed.

            "They said they did." Felicia said. "But there've been reports of weird noises and lights and stuff."

            "I think you're making this all up." James laughed.

            "Maybe we'll see something tonight." Kevin said.

            "Like what, another friend waiting there?" Ally said. They denied it of course, but the more they talked, the more Ally was concerned. James, however, was more keen to these kinds of jokes he and his friends used to play on younger boys back home. Still though, he couldn't be sure.

            "How much longer?" James asked.

            "It should be around here somewhere, I remember this big rock." Adam said. They all stood in the darkness next to a giant boulder, covered in thick moss.

            "Over there!" Kevin exclaimed. They pointed their flashlights in the direction Kevin pointed too, and saw what appeared to be an old campground with some very old looking cabins in the distance. Ally felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight of the area.

            "What's wrong?" Adam asked, as the others kept walking. Ally followed.

            "Nothing, it's just creepy." she replied.

            "Aw don't worry. If anything happens, just run." he laughed. Ally walked close to his side as they caught up with the others, and began walking down a large hill.

            "Man this place gives me the crepes."  Felicia said.

            "That’s because it's haunted." Kevin said.

            "Oh shut up." Adam said. "There's nothing here."

            "Yeah, besides, why would some murderer stay in a place like this, all exposed." James replied. Her brothers words made sense, and brought a re-assurance to her.

            They reached the bottom, and looked around, straying not to far from each other. There were a few abandoned camper trailers away from the cabins, which looked as though they were from the 1980's. Something didn't make sense.

            "If what you say happened a year ago, why does this place look as though it was abandoned a hundred years ago?" Ally asked.

            "I think it was." Felicia said. "I guess he brought his victims here."

            "Yeah." Kevin answered. James, Kevin and Felicia walked over to one of the cabins and started examining the perimeter.

            "You still scared?" Adam asked Ally, trailing behind a bit.

            "Kinda," she answered. "We're not going to go inside one of those are we?"

            "We kind of wanted too," Adam replied. "Last time we heard the noise, we didn't get the chance."

            "When exactly did you guys come here last?"

            "In the spring, during our school break. Sometimes we come here during school vacations. We've been all over but we like this place the best."

            "Oh.. okay. I thought you meant like, days ago." Ally replied.

            "Nope. So it was probably nothing. Like my sister said, probably just a raccoon." Adam took her hand in his. "Come on, they left without us." Ally didn't refuse his offer, and followed him behind the cabin. Kevin spun around and pointed their flashlight at them.

            "Hey don't sneak up!" Kevin said.

            "The doors are bolted shut." James said.

            "At least on this one." Kevin replied. James ignored the fact his sister was holding Adams hand and not his own. He didn't mind really, as he was actually more interested in exploring the place.

            "Let's go to the next one." Felicia said.

            "You're not afraid?" James asked as the rest of the group moved up the long dirt path.

            "Naw, I got you to protect me, right?" She smiled.

            "What about your brothers?" James asked, laughing slightly as they walked.

            "Well Kevin's a big baby, at least by himself, and Adam, well, you're older." she replied. "Besides, he's busy with your sister." James thought for a moment.

            "He's cool." Felicia assured him.

            "Oh, I wasn't thinking that." James replied.

            "Sorry." she giggled. "You got a girlfriend back home?"

            "I, well-" James was interrupted by Kevin running towards them.

            "Hey guys, this ones unlocked! Come quick!" he exclaimed. They jogged slowly up the dirt path to another cabin past some pine trees. The others waited at the front door.

            "This one's pretty big." Adam said.

            "Wow." James looked over at the big three-story cabin which loomed up in front him.

            "I think they have some like these for big groups of people, the new ones they put up on the western side of the grounds." Adam said.

            "Wonder why this one isn't locked." Felicia said.

            "Who cares! Let's go." Kevin said. Adam grabbed his shoulder.

            "Wait." he said. Kevin turned his head, and saw Adam looking over the cabin.

            "What is it?" Ally asked.

            "Nothing. Let's just be careful okay? And don't go off somewhere." he replied. Adam tested the door handle and pushed the door open slightly. James walked over behind him and pointed his flashlight into the opening. The light beamed off into the dark room, creating a grey hazy fog of light as it passed through the dust in the air.

            Adam stood outside and leaned forward as he pushed the door open all the way. The rest stood behind them and watched. Felicia pressed up behind James as she pointed her flashlight around. Ally quickly looked around them outside, and then turned her attention to Kevin, who was the first to enter.

            "Be quite." Adam whispered, following him in.

            "Why." he asked.

            "Still could be someone in here." Adam replied. Ally took his hand again and followed him in behind her brother. Felicia turned her head to the right and examined any spots someone could be waiting.

            "Should we yell?" Kevin asked.

            "No." Felicia said.

            "Don't you think they would have seen us coming with the lights?" Ally whispered with fear in her voice.

            "Okay." James said aloud. "No one is here, I mean, look at this place." Adam realized he was letting Kevin's imagination get to his own. He coughed.

            "Yeah. You're right." Adam said, pointing his light up the old staircase a few meters away. They explored the whole downstairs and saw no sign of any one that may have chosen to call this place their home. Being slightly more relived at that fact, they decided to explore the rest of the place.

            "Someone should stay down here just incase." Felicia said.

            "Incase what?" James asked.

            "I don't know, never mind." she replied.

            "Actually." Adam said. "That's a good idea. We'll let you know if its safe to come up."

            "I'm not going to stay down here by myself asshole." Felicia said. Adam laughed.

            "Okay, how 'bout me and James go up." Adam suggested. James walked over to the foot of the staircase, and Ally and Kevin stood next to Felicia.

            "But I'm not scared." Kevin said.

            "Well stay here anyway." Adam said.

            "Fine." Kevin replied.

            "Ready?" Adam asked James.

            "Lead the way." James replied. They headed up the stairs slowly, aiming there lights around the railing up top. The old stairs slightly creaked under their shoes.

            Kevin wandered around the downstairs area, and into the old kitchen.

            "Hey don't you go to far." Felicia said. The girls stood where they were and watched Kevin disappear into the kitchen.

            "He's pretty brave." Ally said.

            "Oh please." Felicia laughed. "He wouldn't dare go in there alone if we were upstairs."

            Ally laughed. "Okay, well Adam is."

            "I guess. So is James." Felicia replied.

            "You like him?" The two girls asked the same question at the same time, and then giggled.

            "He's cool." Felicia said. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

            "Used too, but they're just friends now supposedly." Ally replied.

            "Oh, that's cool. Adam is single too, incase you're interested." She smiled.

            "Ha, thanks." Ally replied. Kevin came out of the kitchen holding his throat, and stumbling. The girls stood shocked as he came over to them.

            "H-help.." Kevin moaned.

            "Oh my god!" Felicia shouted.

            "Got ya!" Kevin laughed, and regained his composure.

            "What the hell!" Felicia said. "I should smack you for that." Kevin laughed.

            "You should have seen your faces!"

            "That wasn't nice." Ally said. "Nearly had a heart attack." Moments later Adam and James came back.

            "Is everything all right?" Adam asked.

            "Just peachy." Felicia said.

            "Coast is clear." James told them. They all walked together upstairs, and emerged at the top. The room was quite large, and there was a hallway that lead to an opening that was the 2nd floor deck.