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sassy33 Member Since October 19, 2009

Forever Halloween

SSPAdmins on Story Awards

Forever Halloween

 It had been years since Rhea had been trick or treating.  Her girlfriend had talked her into it.  They weren’t actually going for candy but thought that it would be fun to dress up and walk the streets on Halloween.  They were just a couple of country girls so they were going to go for the gothic look and freak their friends out.   

 They had gone shopping the Friday before and bought the clothes they would need.  Rhea had bought a short blue plaid skirt with black suspenders over a black top with skull and crossbones across her ample D cup breast.  Her normally soft curly reddish brown hair was straight and dyed black for the night.  Her makeup was dark and heavy.  Thick eyeliner with a da

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rk grey eye shadow surrounded her green hazel eyes.  Her lips were covered in a black lipstick.

 She was checking herself out in the mirror laughing at her appearance.  So different from her normal jeans and tee shirt.  Hell the skirt was enough to make it Halloween all on its own.  There was a knock on her door and she went to let her friend in.  Rhea laughed at her friends bright blue pig tails and huge baggy pants.
        “This is going to be a fun night.  Can’t believe you talked me into this,” Rhea said as she shut the door behind her friend.

        Avery smiled at her and laughed.  Teasingly she slapped Rhea on the ass. “You look hot sis.”

 “Thanks but I’m not done yet.” Walking over to the couch she opened a boot box and took out a pair of knee length boots and slipped her feet in them.  The look completed she checked in the mirror pleased with what she saw.

 “Shall we go shock some people?” Rhea asked and grabbed her car keys.

 Everyone was gathering downtown to meet up and party.  They parked and were whistled at as soon as they stepped out of the car.  The girls laughed and made their way over to a group of friends.  Comments flew left and right about how they were dressed.  It seemed like everyone was giving the reaction they expected.

 It wasn’t long before the alcohol started flowing at the party.  People started drifting apart.  Everywhere you looked couples were making out.  Rhea sighed and sipped her drink.  Alone as usual was not fun at a time like this.  One of her friends was teasing her about being alone so she walked off towards a darker corner of the party.  Thinking about leaving she sat her drink down and started looking for her car keys.

 “You’re a vampires dream,” a masculine voice suddenly in front of her.

 Rhea jumped and laughed when she looked up and saw a young man standing in front of her.  Smiling she wondered how easy he thought she was.  But she’d humor him a few minutes before she left. “Oh really?  And how am I a vampires dream?”

 “I am one and you look like a dream to me,” he laughed and stepped closer to her.

 “Nice to meet you Dracula.  My names Rhea what’s yours?”

 He was a little too close to her for comfort and she took a step back from him.  He smiled and she could see small fangs shining in the lamp light.  Either he’d had them filed or those were some realistic caps. “Names Damian.  It’s nice to meet you too.”

 “Sweet dental work.  Those caps or did you have them professionally filed?”

 “Au natural my dear.  I did say I was a vampire,” Damian’s smile was brilliant.

 “Yeah and I’m a bunny rabbit,” she laughed and started to walk away.  It was cute when he first said it but now it was just sad.  She had gone about fifty feet when he called out to her.  She stopped and sighed.  When she started to turn around she found herself back where she had been standing a moment before.

 “You’re not a rabbit.  You’re a vixen.  I want you.”  He was pressed against her whispering in her ear.

 Angry and nervous she pushed him back away from her, “Look Damian you’re a great looking guy but I’m not interested in a one night stand with a crazy man that thinks he’s a real life vampire.”

 She couldn’t explain how she had gotten back to the same spot.  It had to be the alcohol.  He stepped back towards her.  Turning away from him, he grabbed her face and made her look at him.  Breathe catching in her throat she looked into eyes that were now glowing red. Rhea’s body started to shake.  This couldn’t be real.

 Damian’s black hair started to move in a wind that she couldn’t feel.  The power oozing from him was suffocating.  He smiled, his fangs growing as she watched.  Body shaking she tried to pry his fingers from her face but it was like trying to move iron.

 “Don’t fight me Rhea.  I want you and I get what I want,” he whispered as his other hand snaked its way down her body to the edge of her skirt.

 “Please stop.  I don’t want this.  Please,” her voice shook with terror. 

 “What you want is of little matter my little vixen.  I’ve watched you all night.  Your beauty is unbelievable.  I can smell your blood and it smells so sweet.  Come let us away from here.  I want you to be comfortable.” His gaze into her eyes changed from lustful to one of power.

 Rhea’s body moved of its own accord.  Trying to keep her feet from moving was impossible.  One of her friends called cat calls as she walked by with Damian.  Trying to call for help wasn’t happening.  Her face smiled and she waved as they walked by.  Heart pounding and fear coursed through her veins as they walked.  She was a prisoner in her own body.

 The vampire walked her up the hill to a beautiful black mustang.  The paint gleamed brilliantly bright under the street lamp.  He opened the door and helped her sit down.  Shutting the door he jumped in the other side and started the engine.  It roared to life and he squalled the tires leaving the parking area.

 Shaking with fear Rhea clinched her fist as the city rushed by.  Soon it turned to countryside.  They had been driving for what seemed forever when he pulled in a huge mansion.  This wasn’t what she had expected.  This was the Garner Manor.  This family had been huge in this town for centuries but no one saw much of them.  Now she knew why. 

 The car rolled to a stop outside the main doors of the house.  A servant came and opened her door.  When she didn’t move Damian spoke her name softly.  Her body started moving on its own again.  Whimpering in frustration she walked around the car to his out stretched hand.

 “I promise you it will be pleasurable,” he whispered as he walked her into the house.

 “How can it be pleasurable if I don’t want it?  Please let me go. I swear I won’t tell anyone what you are,” she pleaded as he pulled her up the stairs.

 “No you won’t.  If I let you go then you’ll never remember what happened.  I’m not sure of your final destination yet. If you please me I might keep you with me and use you as I see fit.  Even eventually make you one of us if you please me well enough.  We shall see after the night is through.”

 Rhea’s heart sank and he opened the door to a plush bedroom.  He pushed her into the middle of the room as he went to sit down on the bed.  Still her body was not her own. Looking at him made her shiver with fear.  The thought of how easily he could kill her made her heart pound in fear.

 “Strip,” the only word he uttered.

 Body moving despite her minds protest; she started by dropping the suspenders on her skirt. As they fell she lifted the bottom of her shirt, slowly lifting it over her head. Looking back to where Damian set she could see a smiled on his face. Reaching back she unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall in a puddle on the floor. Just as she reached for the bra he said, “Stop.”

 Standing trembling in the middle of the bedroom floor he inspected her soft curves with his hands.  He started by standing behind her smelling of her neck.  Placing his hands on her shoulders he ran them down her arms.  He lifted her right arm up and wrapped it around his neck so he could caress her sides and waist.

 “You’re beautiful,” he whispered to her as he caressed her breast through her bra. Her body was starting to respond to his touch. “I’ll let you do this on your own but if you try to leave or disobey me I’ll take control again. Do you understand?”

 Deciding she’d like to have some control over the situation she nodded.  The vampire really was handsome.  His brown hair was silky.  His eyes seemed to change colors as she watched.  If they had met, talked and know each other and he had approached her she would have jumped at the chance.  But not like this.  He stepped away from her and smiled.  The feeling returned to her body and she could move again. Letting out a breath she waited on him to tell her what to do next.

 “Bra and thongs now,” he instructed waiting to see if she obeyed.

 Shaking she did as she was bid.  Slowly the other two items were added to the pile already in the floor.  Damian stood admiring her body.  He slowly ran his hands over her firm breast smiling.  Taking one nipple in his mouth he sucked on it softly.  The vein that ran across it he licked softly with his tongue.

 Her body shook as he suckled on her breast.  She could feel the edges of his fangs trail along her skin. The sensations in her body were not what she wanted to feel.  Her breathing was getting ragged.  This had to stop.  She stepped away from him.  Looking up angrily he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him.

 “If you fight it will only be worse.  Take the boots off.  NOW!”  Slinging her roughly on the bed he stood with arms crossed waiting on her to obey him.

 Shaking from the force of his anger she stumbled to take the boots off.  Tossing them with the other clothes she sat on the bed trying to cover herself.  The heat of her blush ran from her head to her toes.  Staring intently at her Damian began to smile.

 “Move your hands so I can see all your beauty.”

 To terrified not to obey she moved her hands to her side.   She felt cheap as he looked over her body his tongue sliding over his fangs.  Slowly he stepped to the bed and push her back leaning forward he began to touch and kiss her body.  Lifting and pushing her up in the bed he straddled her and ran one long nail down her right breast.  Where the nail went a bloody line appeared. The pain was sharp but brief. Bending down to her he began to suck and lick at the small line of blood that appeared.  Gasping at the pressure from his mouth she began to tremble.

 “Your fear smells so sweet Rhea.” Slowly he added another line on her left breast this one deeper.  The other wound was gone.  No sign of it ever existing.  She began to realize what he could do to her with this kind of power.

 Without willing it her body started to respond to the kissing and attention on her breast.  Trying to clear her head she watched in terror as he slashed his way down her body.  Licking up line after line of blood.  When he came to her pussy he took a deep breath and smiled at her.

 “I think you like this.  Certainly smells like it.” His blood cover lips smiled at her as his nail drug along her delicate pink flesh.

 Whimpering in pain she lay there shaking as he sucked to blood from the cuts.  Her mind was screaming no but her body cried out yes to his touch.  Rising up he smiled at her and crawled up her body.  He looked in her eyes with those strange eyes of his own.  It was like he was looking into her soul.  Blood covered his lips and he kissed her softly before moving down to her neck.  Her entire body shook with fear.  He took a deep breath and inhaled her scent.  Running his long pointed tongue down her neck he almost purred with delight.

 Damian’s eyes were glowing when he looked up at her again.  Standing while he looked down over her body hungrily he slipped his clothes in the floor.  He was rock hard and huge.  Rhea gasped at the sight of him.  He was almost 10 inches long and extremely thick. She’d never been with anyone that big before.  Laying back down on her he began to kiss and lick her body. 

 Rhea could feel the head of him at her pussy. Her whole body shook he was so big this was going to hurt. The pressure of him sliding in made her moan in pain.  Taking it as an encouraging sign he pressed harder.

 “Please no,” she whimpered and tried to push him away.

 “I want you to feel this.  Don’t make me take over your body again,” his voice purred in her ear.

 There was no stopping him.  Trying to close her legs made him angry and he thrust hard into her.  It felt like he was ripping her open and she screamed.  It seemed to spur him on.  He found a rhythm and her body began to respond. Her mind screamed for her to stop.  That she shouldn’t be enjoying this but when he looked into her eyes with those now shockingly blue eyes her body melted.

 Her mind knew that he was playing mind tricks on her but she couldn’t stop herself as she met his thrust with her own.  Closing her eyes she began to moan.  The pleasurable moan turned in to a scream as his teeth sank in her throat just as she orgasmed.  The combination of pain and pleasure was insane.  It made her orgasm all the harder.  Her muscles contracted and began to milk his huge penis.  Letting go of her throat he began to moan himself.

 “I knew you would be amazing,” he whispered and began to orgasm deep inside her. 

 As he finished he rose up and kissed her softly. She was shaking with exertion.  He pulled out and lay next to her brushing her hair out of her face. Wondering what he was going to do with her she lay shaking.

 “I like you Rhea.  I think I’ll keep you around a while,” Picking her up he slung her over his shoulder.  He took her down the hall and opened a door.  The room was richly decorated with a huge round bed in the middle.  He tossed her in the bed and reached under to pull out a set of chains.  He locked a manacle around each ankle and wrist.

 “Can’t collar that lovely neck.  Your blood is too sweet.  Rest I shall return.”

 Lying exhausted on the bed she wondered what he was going to do with her.  She felt so bad for enjoying what had happened.  Closing her eyes she drifted off in to an exhausted sleep.  Her dreams were full of visions of Damian.  He was never going to let her go.  In her visions it seemed that she had been a prisoner for years.  The world went on outside of the manor but she would never see it again.  In her dreams her captivity had been long enough that her now shoulder length hair hung down to her ass.  Her hair and her chains were all she was allowed to wear.  Damian constantly used her as he needed.  Feeding all of his needs off her.

 Waking from the dreams she opened her eyes to find Damian starring down at her with eyes that now seemed gray.  Her breath caught and she shifted away from him.  He reached out and pulled her back to him.

 “Fear not my little vixen.  You will always enjoy my touch.” He ran his fingers through her hair.  Looking at his hand he saw the black dye.  He started to laugh.  “My little vixen is not what she seems.”

 Reaching down he unchained her and lifted her up.  Carrying her to the shower he sat her on the edge of the tub and started a warm shower.  Helping her stand he got in the shower with her and ran his hands down her body as the water poured over her.  Softly kissing her shoulder he reached for the soap and began to wash her.  Damian kissed different spots as he washed her.  This gentleness amazed her and she accepted his soft kiss easily.  He rinsed her body and smiled at her.

 “Let’s see what my vixen really looks like,” gently he began to wash the dye out of her hair.  The black ran out of it leaving her soft curly auburn hair in its place.  He washed the two day old makeup of her face.

 “Beautiful.  Why were you hiding under all that?” He whispered softly into her ear and finished rinsing her off.

 Damian’s soft touch was much more welcome then the harshness he used the night before.  Kissing his way down her body she shivered at his touch.  Once he was kneeling he spread her legs and ran that long tongue down her slit.  A moan escaped her lips and it made him slip in deeper.  He worked that long pointed tongue deep inside her as she leaned against the wall.  Before long her legs were shaking.  His fingers slipped to her clit and twisted and pulled.  It didn’t take long for him to bring her to orgasm.

 Pulling her close after he stood up he kissed her softly. Returning his kiss she felt his leg part hers. His lips moved to her neck and he began to kiss softly.  It was only moments before she felt his huge member slide deep inside her.  Lifting her leg with his hand he began to thrust hard into her.  His tenderness was so unexpected.  Perhaps her dreams weren’t what she had made them out to be after all.

 Damian kissed her softly tempting her tongue out of her mouth with his.  Once out he sucked it deep into her mouth making her groan.  Leaning down he took one hard nipple into his mouth.  Moaning she ran her fingers into his hair.  He smiled at her his fangs showing.  The sensation of him biting her hadn’t been totally bad and the orgasm had been good.  Reaching out she moved his mouth to her throat.

 “Take me,” with a breath she knew what she wanted despite what her mind screamed, “Completely.”

 Damian rose up and looked at her surprised. “Are you sure?  If I take you completely there will be no going back.  You’ll be well cared for and want for nothing.  I’ve never meet anyone as beautiful as you.  I have to admit you amaze me like no other.  You’re eyes call to me.”

 “I’m sure.  I’ve never felt this beautiful before.  Last night I was scared.  I didn’t know it could be this wonderful.  I didn’t know you could be so gentle.”

 “It could always be this wonderful.”

 “Take me then,” Rhea breathed.  Her mind was screaming at her to stop.  Was it her choice or was it his magic working on her?  It was too late to change her mind. She put his mouth at her throat and braced herself for the brief pain.

 The pain lasted only a moment as she succumbed to his touch.  He made love to her while he drained the life from her.  Their matched orgasms hit just as the dimmed in her eyes.  Her heart was barely beating when he opened his wrist and let her drink from him. The feeling of his vampire blood burned through her veins and the world began to fade.

 “I’ll be here when you awake my vixen.”

 Her eyes flew open and she sat up with a gasp. Damian looked at her with a smile.

 “Good morn my vixen.  How do you feel?”

 She stretched and felt of her neck.  There was no wound and no evidence of what had happened.  There was no heartbeat in her chest and she knew there was no going back.

 “I feel dead,” laughing she smiled at him, “but wonderful all the same.”

 “I am glad my Vixen.  Would you like to take that as your new name along with your new life?”

 “As long as I’ll always be your vixen then yes,” she curled into his side where he lay and kissed him softly. “This was the best Halloween ever.”

 “Yes the night was wonderful.  I think our life shall be grand.  I shall teach you all you need to know.  For now rest.  You need to take it easy, your  life will be easy from now on.”

 Smiling she closed her eyes and relaxed into her new life.


ScorpioVirgin on Virgin Stories

My name is Mary.  An ordinary girl of working class background.  I have just recently moved in this apartment building in London so I can be near the hospital where I worked. When I first came to England, I lived in the hospital's dormitory where I endured boarding with noisy and sometimes untidy roommates. Usually, it's a race when using the shower and toilet. After several months, I got a promotion and managed to move into an apartment of my own.  In my new apartment, the rent was, of course, much pricier than the dorm in exchange for th

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e privacy and quietness that I value very much. At last, I have my own private world. And then, I met him.

We met when we boarded the same elevator as I was coming home from work one night.

“3rd floor please”, I said

“Good, I'm on the same floor too,” he said as he pressed button 3. I can tell that he's Scottish by his accent. He had dark crew cut hair, blue green eyes that have a penetrating look, semi-clean shaven chin and he stood very tall, maybe 6 feet. He was wearing boots, khaki pants, brown turtle neck shirt and a black leather jacket. Despite of his heavy clothing, I can tell that he had a large built and all in all he was ruggedly handsome.

There was brief silence.

“I'm Gerry,” he turned to me.

“Mary,” I replied politely with a prim smile.

I was about to start a conversation when the elevator door opened and we've already reached the 3rd floor. As I walk in front of my apartment door, I looked around and found him standing in front of the apartment opposite mine. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment when he looked back and saw me staring at him.

“Good night, neighbor” he cheerfully spoke.

“Yes,” was all I managed to say as I turned my door key and went inside.

That was the start. Every time I come home at 7pm, we always ride the same elevator on the way to the third floor. Although I am intrigued by my Scottish neighbor, I never seemed to have the courage to start a conversation with him.  Besides, I know that I shouldn't be nosy because in this country, people usually keep their noses out of each other's business even to their next door neighbors. Aside from that, I already have a steady boyfriend who I've been dating for almost ten months. And yet, there was something magnetic about this neighbor of mine.

My boyfriend Jack is also working in the same hospital as I am. He was the junior supervisor of the accounting department while I work at the Sonography department a few meters away. He was about five feet eight. His body is quite of a lanky built and he had red hair and dark brown eyes which according to him, was inherited from his Irish ancestors. Our relationship started during the hospital Christmas Party and he seems to be the man for me because our friends and even my family are approve of our relationship. Actually, we were being pressured to get married as soon as possible.

“Do us a favor, Mary,” says Meg, my co-worker, during our lunch time “tie the knot. We want to see a real fairy tale love story here.”

“Yeah,” agrees Bess, “you're both on a marrying age so why the delay?”

“I know girls that you want Jack and I to get married soon,” I laughed, “but why the rush? We're still young enough and I don't need to hurry everything.”

“Well, you're both not getting any younger,” Meg contradicted “Besides, has nothing happened yet between you and Jack?”

I was tongue tied. Meg's question has caught me off guard that I suddenly didn't know what to say. For ten months that we've been together, Jack has tried to coax me to do it and live with him but being a conservative sort who believes that marriage comes first before consummation, I always refuse and so far, we've only resorted to kissing and petting.

“Well, it's between me and Jack” what I managed to say after recovering from shock, “and by the time he and I get married, I'll send you a copy of what we did on our honeymoon.”

“Everything?” Meg and Bess naughtily giggled.

“Yes, my precious!” I replied with a gloat while imitating Gollum followed by our roar of laughter. In the Radiology department, we were all like family and we are all used to naughty jokes. As the saying of the seasoned medical staff goes: you're not a legitimate medical staff if you're not into naughty jokes.

7 pm. I was alternately running and walking fast on the entrance steps of the apartment building but I knew that I was not in the rush to get home. At the back of my head, I know that I was in the rush for the elevator ride. With him.

The elevator door was closing but in a nick of time, I managed to press the button and the door opened. To my surprise, I saw him standing there. Beside him, no! entwined to him, is a slender brunette with a skimpy dress almost showing her derrière and her enormous breasts were nearly yawning out.

Silicon bitch! I cursed in my head as I looked at them with contempt.

“Going up neighbor?” he smiled at me with a hint of wickedness.

Where else? This is the ground floor, you fool! Was what I wanted to say to him.

“Yes,” was my prim reply as I got inside.

The elevator door closed.

“Well, talk me about going down, darling,” I heard the brunette teased him.

“Why the talk? We'll do it baby” he said.

I was trying not to listen to their obscene conversation. But my mind was raging with thoughts.

What sort of country is this to allow public displays of affection—no! Public display of vulgarity!

The thing about this foreign country that I still find uncomfortable is seeing people kissing in public places as if they were the only people present.

Wait! What am I thinking? What do I care about this idiot? I should be minding my own business.

For some unknown reason, I took out my face powder and as I try to powder myself, I saw on the mirror that they were kissing passionately. Mouths open as tongues flick and slid with one another. His left arm was entwined on her waist while his right one is lifting her left thigh. The brunette was purring and moaning while her right hand is cupping the back of his head and her left arm is wrapped around his neck. I silently clamped down my face powder and to my relief, the elevator door opened just in time. Without looking anywhere, I darted straight to my apartment door and fumbled for the key. I know that the impassioned pair were behind me because I can clearly hear their moans and whispers. I finally found my door key and after unlocking the door I went inside. Once I got in, I leaned against the door. To my surprise, I was panting and hyperventilating. It's from running, I keep telling myself, just from running.

After eating dinner, I decided to take a bath. Tomorrow is Sunday and I decided to give myself a hot dip in the tub. In this busy city, a hot bath is as revitalizing as a weekend holiday. Jack is in the office working late. As usual. We seldom go out on a date for several months now. I don't know if it's because I understand that he had a workaholic streak or it's just that I've grown used to going home alone. While waiting for the tub to be filled with hot water, I undressed myself until I was only wearing my underthings. I was on my way to removing my bra when I saw the wardrobe mirror and stood in front of it. At first I was embarrassed to look at my nearly naked body but soon, I managed to get over it and gathered my courage. Standing in front of me is an ordinary looking girl with shoulder length dark hair. Instead of abs muscles, baby fat is gathered around my belly because I was too busy to take up exercise classes and my salary is only enough to keep me from being thrown out of my apartment and enough to financially support my ailing mother. But I'm proud of my legs because they remained shapely because I always walk my way to work. I proceed to slowly unhook my bra as I stare at myself. This is funny. I smiled to myself. Never mind. It's just for fun.

Once I removed my bra, I stared at my bare breasts. They were a bit small like pears unlike that brunette's enormous breasts that my neighbor must be humping with at this moment. At least mine was natural unlike hers, I stoutly told myself. I thought of removing my low rising silk panties. My imagination began to run. The mirror was no longer in front of me. Instead, a man was standing there with his eyes fixed on me. I know that he wants me because his eyes are burning with desire. He seemed to be fighting the urge to touch me but finally, he gives in. His face was blurred at first but as he gets nearer, his face becomes more and more familiar. Those penetrating blue green eyes...

Damn it! What was I thinking? My mind cut through my imagination. I hastily went and dipped into the tub without thinking of removing my panties.

Drowsiness is hanging heavily on me as I make my way to the bedroom. My brain is too sleepy to remind me that I should change into my nightshirt. Nightshirt, I smirked to myself, how old fashioned! I'll sleep in my robe instead.

As I lay my head on the pillow, I expect to be taken to slumber land but it seems that I haven't for I found that I was still lying on my bed. It was a bit dark. Another power interruption perhaps.

“Wake up sleeping beauty,” I heard a man's voice. Jack. It's his voice.

“You shouldn't be sleeping on your honeymoon. Now wake up and please your husband.”

I smiled naughtily, rolled over and lay on my stomach.

“How about this darling?” I teased. To my amazement, I felt his sinewy hands stroke my back down to my waist, to my behind and to my legs. I tried to hold my breath but I found myself start panting.

“Perfect” his voice turned husky. He stood up and walked further into the dark but I could see him slowly removing his clothes. I tried to look sexy and anticipating but deep inside, I was actually nervous to see a man naked.

“Here I come darling,” Jack's voice turned deeper as he approach.

“Come to me” I wantingly beaconed as I rolled over once again and laid my back on my soft bed.

To my shock, it wasn't Jack's face that I saw. It was Gerry, my neighbor.

“I've always known that you want me” his smiling face hovered over me.

RIIIING!!! The deafening alarm clock filled my ears and ripped into my consciousness. Instantly I woke up to find that it was just a dream. With a few swearings, I reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. Blasted! I forgot that today is Sunday and I activated the alarm clock. I looked at the clock and swore again. It was 7am.

Since it was futile to return to sleep, I decided to get up and fix my breakfast. While I was frying some bacon and pancakes, my mind drifted to what it remembered last night. I dreamt that I was with another man. No, wait! I imagined that I was about to make love with another man! And it was my neighbor. How funny. I should be dreaming about doing with Jack because we would soon end up in that marrying stage but instead dreamt of another man just because I rode on the same elevator while he was making out with another woman. How funny and how weird, I thought. Oops, the bacon and pancakes are almost finished.

That afternoon, I went outside to throw my garbage into the bin at the back of the apartment block. It was October and wind is getting colder as days went by. I was only wearing light clothing and no mittens because I thought I would only be out for a while. I thought: nobody gets frostbitten just by standing outside for a few minutes. This is the price of living alone: you get to do everything and anything that you don't normally do while living at the comfort of your parents' home. Like throwing the rubbish. Now, the trouble with throwing rubbish is that I have to throw it inside a huge four feet high tank with a heavy metal lid. Throwing open the lid was easy but, throwing my bag into the bin was tricky because I have to hurl it with all my might just to get it in and it's not easy since it's four feet high and I'm only a little more than five feet. I grabbed the black plastic bag and tried to swing it (while cursing myself for not throwing the rubbish a week ago and letting it accumulate this BIG) as hard as I could. I managed to shoot one into the bin and I've grown tired for throwing the second but failed to throw it into the bin. I know that I can't just leave the other bag lying around here because I will be fined and my landlord might throw me out of my apartment.

“Having some trouble, neighbor?” I heard a voice behind me. I don't want to turn around because I know who it belongs to but I have to.

“Yes, the bin was giving me hard time” I managed to say as I turned around and face him.

Yes, it's Gerry.

He laughed when I answered. He was carrying four black bags, two on each side, and much larger than the two I carried. But since he's much taller and of much bigger built, he carried it like it's just a child's satchel.

“You should be asking somebody for help,” he said as he approach me. The chilly October wind is slowly creeping under my thin jacket and red cotton shirt and my teeth began to chatter.

“W-Well, I d-don't ask m-my boyfriend to d-do it for m-me” I managed to speak.

“How come? He shouldn't let his ladylove out here doing a man's work”he said as he efficiently placed the four bags into the bin.

“W-We d-don't live together,” I replied. I was embarrassed to say that but, I have to tell the truth.

Again he laughed. I want to be angry but I can't help but find his laughter to be quite infectious.

“Ah, a conservative prude you are,” he grinned as he stood staring at me, “I thought the Queen is the only prudish lady in this country.”

“C-can you p-please h-help m-me?” I could no longer deny that I was in need of help. I won't get frostbitten but I know now that I'm in danger of hypothermia.

He took my remaining black plastic bag and placed it with ease inside the bin. I noticed that he was not wearing mittens or some gloves either and I managed to look at his hands. It looked huge and strong like a giant. Or a titan. I suddenly remembered the brunette he was with last night and I imagined what those huge hands did to her...

“It's kind of huge isn't it?” I heard Gerry say.

“What?” I got alarmed.

“The rubbish bin.” he replied to my relief, “ I reckon that the government probably knows that the people here do not believe in recycling. Why, it's even large enough to fit all the tenants in this block.”

“I wouldn't be even surprised if one day, the landlord might rent it to some vagabond” I managed to say, “rent is quite high in this city and God knows, everyone who moves here are running out of a good place to stay.”

We both shared a laugh. It felt good that finally I was able to reach out and make friends with someone in this neighborhood because I don't even know the occupants of the apartment next to me. On our way to the elevator, I began to feel warm and cozy again and that's when I finally managed to start a conversation. I found out that he's a lawyer working in a law firm at the building across the hospital where I worked but he's into rugged sports such as football, rugby, hiking and rock climbing.

“Not your typical lawyer, isn't it?” he said.

“No, it's fine,” I said, “if you ever get caught storm in the mountains, you can sue the guide for recklessness and if somebody tackles you during football, you can also sue him for attempted physical injury.”

“Right.” he answered while laughing.

I was laughing so hard that it was too late to realize that he was staring at me. When I managed to choke down my laughter, he was still staring at me. It was my first time to see those blue green eyes at close range and honestly, they were very seductive.

“What is it?” I asked nervously.

“Your eyes,” he said, his eyes still not blinking, “it's actually my first time to see such pitch black-colored ones.”

I gulped a bit as I tried to regain my composure.

“Really? What do you think of it?”

“It's like staring at the mirror,” he said, “Nostradamus would look into a black mirror to see the future. I'd like to know if I can see something too.” as his face moved nearer. I held my breath when I felt his warm breath getting nearer.

Fortunately, the elevator door finally opened and I managed to break away from his stare. I was afraid that he might discover the erotic dreams I had about him. What would this man think of me?

“I have some house cleaning to do,” I said as I walked towards my apartment door.

“That's very impressive of you, my lady,” I heard him say.

I paused for awhile thinking what he is doing and if he's staring at me. I heard the door unlocking. His door. When I finally got into my apartment, it was when I finally let out a breathe of sigh. I was thinking if he would invade my thoughts again tonight.

That night, it happened again. The dream.

The light was a bit dim but the bed sheet was colored white. It was more vivid than the last time. This time, his face is much more visible as if it's real. He was in bed, lying on his back wearing nothing but with a white blanket covering his hips.

“Come over here darling, I need you,” he called me once again in his husky voice, “and I know that you need me too.”

Without any protest, I approached him in my white robe, hair loosely falling down to my shoulder.

“I am here, darling” were my words.

“Do your lover a favor and take off your clothes,” he commanded.

Slowly, I took off my robe and found out I was wearing nothing underneath.

“Come to bed, my lady,” he sat up and motioned me, “it's getting quite cold.”

I slipped between the sheets with him with submission.

“I'll show you how a lady should be treated,” he seductively said as he placed his arm around my waist. His mouth met with mine and he consumed me with brute force. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shifted his hold and moved his hands down to my hips. He lifted me and it was when I realized he wanted me to straddle him.

“Tonight, we will become one” I heard his voice faintly between my moans as I felt his lips move down to my neck.

Tonight...tonight...those words continued to ring into my ears.

The next morning, Monday, was the start of another rat race. I've already grown used to the mad rush hour. Walking, no, racing to work along with three quarters of the city's population. As usual, I arrived 15 minutes before 9 and changed into my work clothes. A cup of coffee and some cinnamon buns and it's the beginning of work.

“Good morning, Abby” I greeted our receptionist, “anything new?” I meant to say if I already have a patient in waiting.

“As usual, five arrived today” she replied handing me the patient's request forms.

I went to my cubicle where my sonogram machine is located and waited for the patient to come in. As I've said, I've grown used to the routine that I finished all five in just a matter of minutes which usually took me an hour when I was just starting to work here. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already time for coffee break.

I was on my way to the coffee maker at the pantry when Abby stopped me.

“Mary, you still have one more patient left.” Handing over the patient request form.

I grimaced as I took it. “Fine, I'll do it.”

Reluctantly, I read the request and went back to the dim room. Whole abdomen sonogram. Blasted, it will take me more than an hour before I refill my stomach again. When I turned to see my patient, he was the first to speak.

“Hello there, neighbor,” it was Gerry in his tight fitting black shirt, “so this is where you work.”

“Hello too,” I said and smiled, “and what brings you in here?” motioning him to lie down on the examination bed.

“I've been bothered by this bloody pain around my belly for some time now,” he said as he proceed to lie down, “I just usually ignore it but the doctor wants to make a living out of me and put me through some tests.”

“I see,” I said as I ready the sonogram machine.

“I guess he wants to check if you have some gallstones or kidney stones. Please lift up your shirt.” I said in a casual manner.

“That is much troublesome. I'll just do this.” he said as he took off his shirt and my mouth ran dry when he revealed his chiseled body. It wasn't chiseled, it was perfectly carved with abs. I lifted the ultrasound probe and placed some ultrasonic gel on it.

“This is a bit cold,” I warned him. During the weekend, our department aide had forgotten to place the ultrasonic gels in the heater and now the gels are as cold as ice.

“Ow! That is definitely bloody cold,” he remarked once the probe touched his stomach. I laughed but I had to stifle it immediately because our supervisor is usually roaming around and it's prohibited for the staff to laugh during working hours.

I was trying to concentrate on my work but I can't help but peek on his perfect belly where my ultrasound probe roamed smoothly. It made me feel ashamed of my bumpy baby fat-stricken belly. But I wonder how it feels to lie on top of those hard six packs. I also noticed that his sparsely hairy chest was also well built. I suddenly remembered the other night about my dream. He was lying on the same position as he is right now. If only I could straddle him...

“See anything wrong?” his words interrupted my thoughts.

“Nope.” I said as I scanned once more.

“Actually, it hurts right here,” he said as he took my hand and placed it near his navel much to my surprise.

“Well, as far as I can see, I see nothing unusual.” I assured him. All the time I tried to fix my eyes on the sonogram monitor because I felt he was staring at me all the time. I was glad when the procedure came to an end and he left without any word. When I came out of my cubicle, my friends are all waiting for me.

“Coffee break?” I cheerfully asked.

“Coffee break yourself,” Bess giggled, “it's already 12 o'clock.”

“You've been there for more than two hours, my dear,” Meg said.

As I've told before, Jack and I are in a steady relationship and it's a dream for me to get married and have my own family. My siblings are all married now and our mother is living with her other siblings in our ancestral home in the countryside. Now, they are pressuring me to settle down. Actually, Jack and I have talked about marriage on some occasion but we both agreed not to tie the knot so soon as we wanted to be financially stable first before we get married. Which probably explains why Jack is spending more of his time working overnight nowadays. I was also thinking that as soon as Jack and I to get married, I would probably forget about Gerry.

I hope.

“I'll be working late again today, love,” I heard Jack's voice over the phone when I called his mobile number.

“Yes, I understand,” I lamely responded like a broken record. Same old story.

One night, instead of going straight home, I stopped by at the nearby modest restaurant. It was ran by my landlord's wife and I've already made an arrangement to eat there on a promise that I will pay along with the apartment rent. Should I fail to pay the accumulated bills, I will be automatically ordered to vacate my apartment. Simple as that. But I only go there to eat when I'm too tired to cook or when I forget to go to the grocery store. World Cup has just finished and the place is quiet with only a handful of people eating calmly. During football season, this place comes alive with cheers and shouts that makes you fear that a riot might break out anytime. After having my supper of lasagna (my comfort food) and jasmine tea, I reached over and took out the evening newspaper that I bought. It feels good to get in touch with the world and know what's happening back home after long hours of work. Aside from that, I went to read my favorite section: funny cartoons. Underneath the cartoon section is the horoscope section. I admit that I read horoscopes every now and then but it's just out of curiosity. I heard some foot steps approaching. Eventhough I don't need to lift my head, intuition tells me who it belongs to.

“I see you read horoscopes,” Gerry said while carrying a cup of tea, “May I?” pointing on the seat opposite me. I was too shy to say anything so, I just nodded. He pulled the chair and sat down.

“It's funny, isn't it?” he started, “I live opposite yours. My office is opposite the hospital where you worked and now, I'm sitting opposite you.”

“Yes, a bit too much of coincidence doesn't it?” I politely said putting down my paper.

“Like I said, I saw you reading horoscopes,” he looked at me, “do you believe in it?”

“Well, sometimes,” I answered cautiously, “do you?”

“Let's just say, I believe that each sign sometimes describes a person.”

“I don't know,” I admitted, “my birthday falls under Virgo but I never thought of myself as a neat freak. A little sweeping, dusting and vacuuming will do.”

“Really now,” he started to laugh. He paused for awhile to sip his tea.

“And what's your sign if I may ask sir?” I asked politely. I have this nagging belief that lawyers have a sensitive ego and one wrong question could land you a lawsuit the next day.

“What do you think of Scorpios?” he finally said putting down his cup.

I thought for awhile because I wasn't that good in astrology.

“Well,” I started, “I know that Scorpio is a water sign. They are a bit secretive and stubborn and once they get into a relationship, they become jealous to the point of possessiveness and—”

“Do you find them sexually irresistible?” he interrupted.

I was too stunned by his question but I soon recovered.

“Well—my boyfriend is not a Scorpio,” I said, “but I got attracted to him, if that's what you want to know. Excuse me.”

Afterwards, I got up, bade goodbye to the landlord's wife and left. I kept on walking without expecting him to follow me until I got into the elevator shaft.

I was too late to close the elevator door and he managed to get in.

My head is starting to throb with ache and I just want to be left alone.

2nd floor.

“The problem with you good girls,” he started, “is that you are actually a bunch of coy flirts.”

“Please stop now.” I responded.

“That's what makes aggressive women win over you prudes,” he said ignoring me, “at least the bitches I know know what they want and they get it.” Those words are spoken too sharp and too hurtful.

“Well, go back to your bitches sir,” I snapped back, “and leave us good girls marry the good boys.”

3rd floor.

The door opened. That was the end of the conversation.

That night, I fell into a deep dreamless sleep. But somehow, I missed the dream.

The following week, I no longer saw Gerry. He must have moved out somewhere and once again, I'm surrounded by strangers in the building. Part of me felt relieved that Jack's 'competition' is already out of my life but somehow, I felt that I've lost a sense of thrill in my life. No more elevator rides together at 7pm to look forward to. No one to help me with the garbage. No man to invade my dreams again. Somehow, the mysterious Scottish rogue have left some mark in my life.  But I guess, that's how life is.

It was December and once again, the hospital's Christmas Party is here again. Like any Christmas parties, we all exchanged gifts. Our supervisor got a new Gucci bag. Abby, our receptionist, got a new digital camera that she had always wanted. Meg got a new shawl. Bess showed off a gift certificate to a posh restaurant and I gave Jack the latest designer perfume for men. I was the last one to be handed with the gift.

“Open it now Mary,”Meg urged me cheerfully. The others started coaxing me.

There seems to be no use to keep the suspense, I said to myself as I tore open the package.

When the wrapper and box was removed, a pair of black lace brassier and thong was revealed. The whole place suddenly erupted with jeers and laughter much to my embarrassment but Jack gave me a big hug and kissed me.

“Have to put it to use very soon,” Meg winked at me but, I just smiled nervously and looked up at Jack. But the black lace was never used even on New Year's Eve because Jack bade goodbye to spend the holiday at his parents' house and I was on duty at that time. At the back of my mind, I planned to use it on Valentine's Day instead. I'm sure that by that time, Jack is already here and I plan to give myself to him since we're going to be married soon.

Time seems to fly so fast and before I knew it, it was already two days before Valentine's Day. I plan to surprise Jack by going to his office and since I know that he would be working alone, I might as well show up in black lace. I heard my co-workers telling me that sex in the workplace offers great thrill. A sense of danger. That is what I'd like to find out.

February 14. I went home immediately. I took a quick shower and put on the black lace bra and thong (to my surprise, it fitted perfectly) and put on a gray trench coat to hide it. Although it's normally walking distance to the hospital, I took a taxi cab to get there quickly. The hallway to the accounting department is dim because it's already past working hours for the hospital's office staff and only the way to the emergency room and diagnostic rooms were lit. I managed to slip in and was walking my way to the Jack's office. Tonight is the last night of my virginity, I smiled.

I finally got into the office and quietly turned the knob. I thought that I would surprise Jack but it seems to be it's my turn. At the corner, where Jack's table is located, I saw him engaged in a passionate kiss —with another man!

“Jack!” I cried as my eyes start to blur with overflowing tears.

They suddenly broke up and it was then that I found out that the other person was Jack's boss. All this time, I was thinking that my fiancé was staying up late counting money and figures but, I was wrong. I could compete with any woman for Jack's affection, but to compete with another man, nevertheless his own boss, is too much for me. Jack suddenly turned pale and guilty because he was caught red-handed.

“Mary, please let me—”Jack started to explain but I already turned around and ran out of the room. I don't know how I managed to run from the hospital grounds to my home without thinking of getting run over by a car or meeting a criminal who might rape me but before I knew it, I was already in my apartment. I removed the trench coat, kicked my shoes in different directions, threw myself to bed and cried my heart out.

Moments later, I heard the phone at my bedside table ringing. How long I've been crying, I have no idea. At first, I hesitated picking up the phone. If it's Jack, he can go to hell. But if it's not Jack...anyway, I ended up picking up the cordless receiver.

“Hello?...” I answered in between sobs.

“You'll look lovelier in your lace if you're not crying.” said the voice on the other line.

I flared up, rose from my bed and grabbed my white robe hanging on a nearby chair. It finally dawned into me that I removed the window curtains this morning and sent it to the laundry maid to clean.  I completely forgot about it because of Jack.

“Wh-Who the f—” I yelled as I struggled into my robe.

“Why is it that you Virgos wear sexy black lacies only to hide it under a silly robe?”

“Gerry?” I stopped and stared into the large bedroom window, “Where are you?”

“You know that I always prefer living opposite to your world.”

I walked over and looked out of the window and across the street is another apartment building. Looking further, I saw directly opposite my window, a window with lampshade lighting up the dim room. Standing inside is Gerry, holding the phone and looking directly at me. It was then I realized he was shirtless and I could see his rippling muscles, glistening in the light and seemed tempting to touch.

“Glad you can see me now.” he smiled.

“You fool,” I was starting to get furious, “ how long have you been spying on me?”

“Let's just say I wanted to take more glimpse of your world. Since living across the floor won't do, I decided to take a more strategic place.”

I got too stunned to talk. All the time, I always thought that he had left me alone. I was wrong. This Scotsman really proved to me that Scorpios are stubborn creatures.

“And what about my life that you have seen so far?” I asked.

“I saw you running home this evening and you were crying,” was the reply. “It's that bloody fool Jack, isn't he?”

I paused.  I realized that all my life, I have always been trying to be a good girl and kept my image that way.  Perhaps, being a good girl doesn't always guarantee you happiness.

“I told you good boys won't always do you good.” I heard him say. I looked down at my black lace lingerie. Then something came up on me.



“You can see what I'm doing right now, don't you?” I slowly laid my back on my bed. My white robe fell to my sides revealing my black lace.

I heard him gasp on the other line.

“I know you can see what I'm doing right now,” I continued, seductively raising my legs on the bed. “Tell me Gerry, do I really look good in black lacies?”

“You have no idea, my lady,” his voice started to turn husky.

I began to run my fingers from the top of my chest down further across my belly.

“Do you mind baby fat on a belly?” I asked as I made circles on my belly with my finger.

“Please...please don't drive me mad this way,” he began to pant. I giggled. At last, I seemed to have found his weakness but I didn't stop there.

“You told me that good boys won't always do me good and now I know,” I continued, “now tell me about the bad boys.” I ran my fingers further down to the top of my lace thong.

I can tell the effect of my movements because his breathing is becoming more labored than before.

“Convince me that bad boys can do me better than good boys.” my voice started to turn husky.

“Tell me what you want me to do,” he responded with his breath heaving.

“I decided to stop being a good girl,” I rolled over on my stomach and stared at his window, “I want to be treated like a lady.”

“Say that you need me—NOW!” he started to growl with desire.

“Then come to me.” I said and turned off the phone.

It was a matter of minutes before I heard some frantic knock on my door. I peeped first into the hole and when I saw it was him, I unlocked the key. Like a wild beast, he quickly went in and grabbed me by the waist and began to kiss me hungrily.

“I've been dying to do this with you the first time you rode on that elevator with me,” he murmured the minute we broke our kiss to catch our breath.

“So am I, darling,” I responded before his mouth captured mine once more. His lips, tongue and breath were much warmer than Jack's. I responded by touching his tongue with mine. He groaned and our tongues began to flick excitedly like snakes. Jack's kiss was a bit more gentleman-like but Gerry's kisses were rough but I found out that I like to be handled roughly. The weather was turning a bit cold but we're both sweating with the sweltering heat of our bodies. Gerry lifted me easily and carried me in his arms as if we were newlyweds and I am his bride.

He was about to ask me, “Where do you want to--”

“My bedroom is straight ahead,” I interrupted.

He carried me with ease and when we got inside, he gently let me down on my feet with my back turned to him. Then, he helped me out of my robe, grabbed me by the waist again and started kissing me at the nape and his tongue tracing and nibbling my earlobes.

“Darling,” I whispered running my hands on his jaw as he runs his tongue along my neck.


“My bra is a bit tight. Please loosen it up for me?” I panted.

With much efficiency, he unhooked my brassiere and threw it somewhere on the floor.

I turned to face him while he cup my face with his right hand and his left hand cling heavily into my hair then, we started kissing hungrily again. My hands began to explore and I was thrilled to explore my fingers on the taut muscles of his chest down to his stomach. I used to fantasize about it some nights ago but now, it was for real. I felt him break free from my hold and to my shock he began flicking his tongue on the top of my breast.

“Do you find it a bit small, darling?” I asked him, thinking about the heavily breasted brunette he brought to his apartment months ago.

But he did not respond. Instead, he coiled his tongue around one nipple and began to suck hungrily like a hungry infant and it made me moan much louder. Surely, my fiancé—or rather, now ex-fiancé—have not succeeded in bringing this kind of pleasure to me. Looking up at my bedroom window, I got scared and stopped Gerry for awhile.

“Suppose everybody in the opposite building is watching us?” Thinking of it makes me feel that we might be much worse than Paris Hilton and her lover.

“Don't worry love, it's Valentine's day, everybody's too busy doing the same thing” he grinned as he quickly added, “but ours is bloody much better.” and he carried me again and laid me on my bed. Luckily, it was a queen sized bed with soft powder blue comforters and yellow colored pillows. It used to be my resting area whenever I get home every night after work but tonight, it was converted into a bridal chamber.

As I lay on my bed, he stared down on me as if studying what to do next.

“Give up now, sir?” I teased as I stroke the outlines of his face and his lips.

“Not yet,” he said huskily, “are you?”

I just shook my head in response.

He bent his head again and began to run his tongue on my breasts again and I started to moan when his mouth caught hold of one nipple and began to suck again. This time, it's more savage than the first as if he was sucking my breasts dry.  I felt his hand managed to get inside my thong and found access my pussy and to my surprise, he began to rub my clitoris.  Then he found my lovehole.  It was already wet just by his rough kisses and sucking.  As his head move to suck another nipple, he placed his finger inside my lovehole.  My vaginal muscles started constricting violently as the foreign object , his finger, began to move further deep inside.  Slow at first, then he began to move his finger faster and faster.

"Gerry! Oh baby! Don't!" were the words that came from my lips.  But he seems to know that I meant the opposite. 

My moaning started to get louder and I began to clutch the back of his head with my hand when I felt his tongue move slowly down to my stomach. At that moment, I began to think that my baby fat is not so bad after all. My moans started to become loud cries when I felt him make circles around my navel with his tongue. He wanted to moved further down and despite of the pleasure his finger gave, I removed his hand from my pussy because something else came into my mind

I slowly sat up and pushed him to lie down. He was surprised to see me do this but I'm much more surprised in my guts. Anyway, I have to continue what I started. I proceed to straddle him and I decided to imitate his actions. Our mouths began to join once more then, I moved my tongue down to the hollow of his neck and tasted the saltiness of his skin. He started groaning louder and his chest start to heave faster as my tongue began to move around and all over his chest. I paused for awhile when I reached his belly. I suddenly remembered how the ultrasound probe roamed freely and smoothly on those taut belly muscles and it made me think how it feels to run my tongue on it. I looked up at Gerry's face and I saw his face was flushed red and he was breathing heavily.

“Please go on,” he begged, “drive me mad, my lady.”

I bent my head. At first, I kissed the taut muscles for awhile. Then, I opened my mouth and let my tongue out to lick his stomach. To my excitement, I heard his loud cry as I pushed him on the throes of pleasure. He clutched my hair tightly and groaned. I knew then, that I have found this man's weakness. I continued to run my tongue along the grooves of his tight muscles and the more I run my tongue, the louder his groans become and the faster his breathing becomes.

Like what he did, I made circles around his navel and along the line of hair running from his chest down to his stomach and into his lower abdomen. I ran my tongue along that line from his navel down to the border of the top of his trousers. I don't know if it's my imagination but I saw his bulging cock twitch under his trousers.  I picked up one button of his trousers and started to release it.  One by one, I removed the buttons until the all that imprisoned his cock was his white underpants.  It seems that Gerry sensed my inexperience and with one hand, he took out his cock for me to see.  My mouth ran dry as his large cock sprang upright in front of me.  The head was rosy-colored and visible veins ran along the shaft. 

"Take it in your mouth, love," he hissed.  It was my first time to see a man's cock, let alone, an erect one.  I hesitated at first because it seemed too big to fit even between my lips.

"Take it," Gerry gasped in anticipation.  Slowly, I began to kiss the head.  I heard him groan with pleasure.

"LIck it, baby,"he instructed me as he clutch my hair with his hand as if leading me,"taste it like a lollipop.  It's yours now."

I complied.  I ran my tongue along the head and moved down to the shaft.  He started grunting and groaning louder.  His response seemed to excite me and I continued to lick his cock starting from the head down to the shaft and back. 
His hand clutched my hair tighter as he spoke through labored breath: " Now, put it inside your mouth, baby."

Like an obedient slave I opened my mouth and slowly engulfed the throbbing head.  It was huge, I think like a baby's fist that it took me awhile to get my mouth accustomed to the huge pulsating cock.  When I felt that my throat muscles are ready, I moved my head to put his whole length inside much to his moans of pleasure.  I decided to remove his cock out of my mouth so I can gasp for breath but he stopped me from midway and pushed my head back down again and lifted my head up again.  It took me awhile to get the tempo and soon I was bobbing my head up and down his cock.  His groans and pleads sounded like music to my ears and began to excite me knowing that I, despite being a virgin, am giving this man the time of his life.  I thought I could bring him to climax by sucking him but he clutched my shoulder and said:

“Stop now, love,” he gasped pulling me up gently, “it's time.”

He laid me on my back as he rose from the bed and strip off the remaining clothing in his body. In a minute, I saw, for the first time in my life, a man's naked body. When I  dared to look on the lower part—the one between his legs—I felt all flushed with fever and got embarrassed because of it.  Standing at the foot of my bed is a 6 foot man with a well sculpted body and a hard ramrod that is about to liberate me from my virginity.

“That bloody do-gooder boy of yours is missing a lot,”he smiled, “he didn't know how beautiful you look.”

Gerry took hold of the straps of my lace thong and began to pull my remaining clothing down to my legs.

“Darling, please don't tear it,” I told him with my sweetest bedroom-like voice, “we might need to use it again.”

He need not be told because in a few minutes, I was in my birthday suit. The thought of my nakedness made me feel uncomfortable that I placed my right hand on top of between my legs.

“Acting like shy virgin bride, eh?” Gerry smiled wickedly.

“What are you going to do about it, sir?” I teased him.

He didn't answer. He began to take me again by the mouth and it seemed that his passionate kiss gets better everytime. I felt his right hand remove my hand and parted my legs. I tried to break apart from his kiss to show my anxiety on what is to come but, he whispered in an assuring manner:

“Don't worry love, it's just going to be a bit painful at first. You'll feel the pleasure afterwards.”

I felt him move on top of me and managed to nest himself between my legs. But his blue green eyes remained fixated on me.

“Hold on to me, my lady,” he said, “here I come.”

A sharp pang slowly ripped into me. I cried out loud as tears came out of my eyes while I clutched Gerry tightly on his sinewy arms. I opened my eyes and saw him slowly coming down on me. Gerry is a six foot man: largely built on all proportions while I'm a foot smaller with a small built. I thought that I will be torn apart from the inside as the pain become almost unbearable. I was on the verge of passing out when I felt him kiss me again gently and whispered soothing words into my ear:

“Wake up now my love, the pain is gone now.”

I opened my eyes and saw his blue green eyes meet mine. His left hand is caressing my face while he rests most of his weight on his right so as not to crush me.

He began to kiss me again when I felt him withdraw himself from in me. I gasped but, before I could do anything, I felt him thrust himself again.

“Gerry...” I called him faintly. My arms slipped under his armpits and began to caress his back.

He repeated what he did again and the more he did it, the more pleasurable it becomes.

“Gerry..” I called on him again but in a sweeter manner.

 “I told you it's just the first,” he smiled and he went on thrusting himself inside of me.

I began to moan again and started to dig my heels on the soft bed.

“Oh, you're driving me mad, you wicked man,” I groaned.

“The same with me, my lady,” he answered as he heaved for another assault.

He started to thrust in a quicker motion and everytime he does, the more I feel wet inside.

“Oh, you're so wet,” he gasped as he thrusted himself in, “and yet so tight!”

My cries for his name started to get louder. But, I got confused when I felt him stop. I looked at him to ask what is wrong.

“It's not yet over, my lady,” he said, “you're just starting to feel the pleasure.”

He held me by my shoulders and hoisted me up. Before I knew it, he was the one lying in bed while I sit on top of him.

“Gerry!” I cried out, nearly digging my hands on his shoulders, as I felt him dig deeper in me.

But he was right. It was more pleasurable than the first. His heavy weight is no longer on me and he had no difficulty carrying my full weight by the hips. And the full control is on me now.

I used to dream of this several months ago but now, I found out that it's much better in reality.

I began to take charge of the situation and it's a great find to see a huge man surrender himself helplessly to me.
Then Gerry soon participated with me. Everytime my hips fall down, he would thrust himself up to meet me as if to dig deeper. I felt something bump within me and I moaned.

“Do it again please,” I would beg which he granted eagerly.
Then I felt the pressure started to increased. Gerry must have felt the same way too for he started to move at a quicker pace. We shifted position and once again, he was on top of me. But he pulled me a little to the edge of the bed that our feet reached the floor and he squatted instead of putting his weight on me. To my surprise, he lifted both of my legs by the calves and started to make sharper thrusts. I was completely thrown off my equilibrium with so much pleasure that I clawed on the sides of my bed and cried out his name much louder than before. He lifted me again on the center of my bed and laid himself on top of me again. Somehow we both know that the pressure is getting too much that he began to thrust faster as I swing both my legs on top of his behind as if to make him dig deeper. Our breaths started to race as we started to kiss passionately. But we broke up
the kiss as Gerry began concentrated in thrusting himself in me. I could no longer contain myself that I screamed out his name. The moment Gerry clutched me tightly and cried out, I lost some consciousness as a I felt a warm gush between us. When I felt that it was over, I opened my eyes and saw him with sweat beading on his forehead while the rest of his body glistened with sweat. Panting, he laid himself beside my pillow and looked at me wearily.

“Did this bad boy made you feel good, my lady?” running his fingers along the outline of my face.

I just nodded slightly as I tried to catch my own breath.

“Somehow,” he whispered, “ I always knew that the good girls are much better when they get bad sometimes.”

I laughed heartily. For the first time, I find it fun to have a man able to make me laugh after making love.

“Is that why you seduced me?” I asked.

“Me?” he chuckled, “ I remember it was you who did.”

Then we laughed again.

I took the watch at the bedside and looked at it. 2 am.

“It's still early,” I yawned a bit as I moved to turn to the other side, “we can still catch some sleep.”


“Yes.” I replied.

“ I know that it's too early,” he said as he slipped his hand on my waist and started kissing me on the nape, “but I was thinking of something else.”

“You wicked man,” I smiled because I knew what he meant.

Oh well, I found out that it was worth the risk, because that was the start for both of Gerry and I. A bit peculiar and unconventional but that was how we started. By the way, we have just celebrated our third year together and we're planning to leave our twin babies to his folks while we take our hmm...226th honeymoon.

After The Rape

sexy_erotique_1 on Incest Stories

I walked into my home, my clothes ripped to shreds. My breasts were exposed, I was dirty and a combination of blood and cum ran down my legs. I was humiliated and embarrassed, broken down to my core. As soon as my mother saw me she jumped up and ran to me, “WHAT HAPPENED!!” she shouted, “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?”


“I was raped” I said blandly, the tears running down my face. My mother screamed as she grabbed her chest and passed out. My dad and my older twin brothers Ryan and Bryan came running into the living room upon hearing my mom scream. Dad immediately ran to my mom and my brothers came to
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me. When I told them what happened, my brother Ryan immediately and called the police. As we waited for the cops to arrive, my dad worked on getting my mom revived.  When she came to she asked me if she had heard me right and I repeated my sentence once more ensuring her that she had indeed heard correctly. Once daddy heard what happened to me a look of deadly rage appeared on his face as it registered but he made no sounds at all, not even to breathe. Bryan and Ran sat quietly, neither of them saying much either.


When the police arrived my family sat there as I replayed the story to the cops over and over. I told them how I was leaving the school after cheerleading practice and as soon as I got on the block where I lived the three  men got out of a blue van, forced me at gunpoint into my own backyard and raped me for more than an hour. I told them how they all fucked me at the same time, one in my pussy, one in my ass and one in my mouth. I told them how the lead man asked me if I had ever had sex before and I told them no and he decided to be gentle with me. I told them how the other two were a lot rougher than the lead man and how they fucked me hard. I was so embarrassed telling this story in front of my family that I wouldn’t look any of them in the eyes.


I looked over towards daddy while relaying the story hoping he wouldn’t love me any less now that I wasn’t pure anymore and he looked like he was suffering more than I was. He looked like a lost soul in excruciating pain as I recalled the incident detail by embarrassing detail. But as I got to the part when all three of them fucked me at the same time I noticed a strange look come over daddy’s face. When I looked down under the desk where daddy was sitting I saw that he was rock hard and that he was rubbing his bulging cock with his hand. Daddy was getting off on the details of my rape!   


For a few days after the rape my dad was in pretty bad shape mentally, blaming himself for not being there to protect me. No matter how much my mom or my brothers or I told him that it was not his fault he still blamed himself. It didn’t help that I was plagued with nightmares of the rape. Almost every night I would wake screaming as the rape replayed itself in my dreams over and over again. Mommy and daddy would come running down the hall into my room to comfort me only to have me fall asleep and awake a little while later screaming again. For a while no one was able to sleep in the house until daddy started sleeping in the room with me.


Seeing his presence had a calming affect on me and helped me to sleep a lot better, he began staying in the room with me every night and try as she might mommy couldn’t get him to let me sleep alone. She tried to coax daddy back to bed with her but he was still so torn apart by the whole incident and he told mommy that since he had not been there to protect me from them in person he would at least be there to protect me from them in my dreams. Seeing that this was helping daddy to deal with things a little better mommy left him alone and knowing that he was there, I slept like a baby.


 Some nights I would wake to the sound of someone moaning and breathing very heavy and I would find daddy sitting in the chair beside my bed stroking his dick. I would never move or open my eyes completely because I did not want him to stop what he was doing. I liked seeing daddy’s big cock in his hands as he stroked it slowly. As he was stroking I would see him looking at my breasts as my chest heaved up and down from my breathing. I could feel my nipples getting hard under his intense gaze and I’m sure daddy saw them too. Once he even reached out and touched my nipple sending shockwaves through me but I still didn’t move, I continued to let him think I was asleep. Some nights I would wear nightgowns to bed but as time went on I began to sleep in my underwear so daddy could see more of my body as he jerked off to his little girl. I loved the way my pussy would become wet as I watched him stroke himself faster and faster until his white hot jiszm came shooting out.



Then one night everything changed. As usual daddy came into my room and sat in the chair beside my bed and as usual later I woke to find him stroking his cock as he fondled my breasts but this night daddy did things a little differently. Before he could shot out his spunk daddy brought his lips down to my breast and took my hard nipple into his warm mouth. I moaned out loud at the intense pleasure that washed over my body as he licked and suckled my tender young breasts. After a few minutes daddy began to move his mouth lower on my body. “What are you doing daddy? I asked hoping he would do to me what those men did. “I’m going to erase your memory Tabitha he told me gently. “How are you going to do that Daddy” I asked innocently. “You just trust daddy and I promise you that you won’t even remember being raped by those beasts anymore. Daddy’s going to make everything alright.


I said nothing more as daddy began to move his hands lower and lower on my body. His rough fingers felt good against my skin and I closed my eyes relishing in this different kind of touch coming from my daddy. “Open your eyes Tabitha, Daddy wants you to see who’s doing this to you, daddy wants you to remember his touch not theirs.” I opened my eyes as my daddy said looking directly into his as he moved his hands lower still. Finally daddy’s fingers reached my pussy and I was ready. He softly caressed my lips making me moan before slipping his fingers between them and finding that special spot that made me feel so good. I began to close my eyes again getting lost in the pleasure of it all but daddy admonished firmly, “Tabitha open your eyes and look at daddy please you.”


I watched as daddy continued to finger my good spot and bring me to the brink of something new and powerful and just as I was about to experience this new sensation daddy stopped, smiling down at me. “You look so beautiful baby” he said softly, lovingly. Then daddy lowered himself onto my bed and moved his mouth to the place where his hands had been, I could feel his tongue gliding over that sensitive spot over and over as he took his finger and gently slid it into my now soaked pussy. “Mmmmmmm” I moaned, “That feels soooooo gooooooood daddy. Please don’t stop!” I began to breathe harder and harder as that sensation began to wash over me again. I started gyrating my hips faster and faster, bringing the sensation closer and closer. I wrapped my legs around daddy’s head and began rocking my hips as the feeling intensified and just as the white hot embers began to spill inside of me daddy stopped. “No Daddy!” I cried out. “Please don’t stop!”


“Yes baby,” daddy moaned “you like that?” “Oh yes daddy, yes I do” I said eagerly looking down at him, pleading with my eyes for him to continue but he refused. He stood and began to remove his pajamas as I watched in frustrated fascination. As soon as his cock was released from the bottoms I gasped. Daddy’s cock was huge. It was at least a foot long and as thick as my ankle. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Daddy kneeled in bed in front of me and began to stroke his cock. He fisted it for a long while making my pussy wet just looking at it. Then he crawled in bed and positioned himself between my legs. I opened wide ready for him. “ Daddy wants you to look at him, ok Tabitha?” he said in my ear. “I’m going to erase all memory of what those bad men did to you and I’m going to replace it with wonderful memories of you and me.” As he was saying this I could feel him rubbing the head of his cock between my slit. “Daddy needs you to look me in my eyes as I love you so you can see who is making you feel really good ok?” I shook my head feeling him place the head of his cock at my opening. “Keep looking at me baby, I want to see your beautiful eyes taking it all in as I erase your memory” he said as he began to push the head into me. It was so big that I moaned very loudly as it began to fill me. He pushed a little more very gently until the entire head was in.


Suddenly that white hot feeling was back and it was stronger and way more powerful this time. “You feel what daddy is doing to you baby?” he asked gently. “YESSSSSSSSSS Daddy!” I moaned  from deep within as the pleasure was taking control of me. He pushed a little more into me and I thrust my hips forward in attempt to get more of him in me but daddy was very strong as he restrained himself determined to go at his own pace. “Please Daddy…” I begged. “Please give me more.” Daddy continued pushing into me slowly, inch by amazing inch. All the while demanding that I keep looking at him and asking “Whose fucking you Tabitha?” When he finally got all of his cock in me I felt so full that without warning that sensation came back with a vengeance and before I knew what was happening, my body shook and I could feel liquid squirt out of my pussy and all over my daddy. “Look at me Tabitha!” I could hear daddy command as I temporarily lost consciousness. I kept my eyes open seeing the face of my daddy as the ecstasy filled me over and over again.


When I came crashing back down to earth I could feel daddy begin to move his monster dick in and out, in and out, in and out. “Who’s fucking you now Tabitha?” he asked as he thrust in and out of me repeatedly. “It’s you daddy, you, you, you, you” I chanted as I got lost in the feelings that were taking over me. I stared so deep into my daddy’s eyes that I became lost in him. There was no more anything except Daddy and me. My pussy didn’t feel like this when I was being raped; daddy was making it all better. Suddenly I became like a wild animal digging my nails into daddy’s back as I rocked my hips to meet him thrust for thrust. “Yes baby…” he moaned “fuck your daddy just like that” he growled in my ear. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I heard myself say “Fuck me Daddy, fuck me.” Over and over I spit out expletives in my daddys ear as he began to fuck me hard.


“Who’s fucking you Tabby? Huh? Who baby? he asked again, his voice nearing a breaking point. “Say it baby, tell me your Daddy is fucking you.” He was no longer being gentle as he pumped faster and faster. Daddy was thrusting in me so hard that he was banging my head against the headboard of my bed. He reached under me and grabbed my shoulders from behind pulling me to him with each thrust. “You re my daughter” he began in an angry tone, “this is my pussy” he continued. “No one has a right to take this pussy but me!” he almost shouted. He thrust deeper and deeper as he kept his eyes bored into mine. “This is my pussy, my pussy… my pussy… my pussy” he chanted over and over as I began to scream out in pleasure, the hot sensation beginning in my pussy and spreading all over my body.


I could hear knocking on my bedroom as my mother tried to get into the room but daddy was not done with me yet. He was fucking me so fast and so hard that my body was racked with powerful orgasm after powerful orgasm as he yelled angrily “Tell me it’s my pussy Tabby… my pussy… my pussy… my pussy… my pussy…my pussy” he said pounding me with thrust after thrust after thrust. He was mad and he was fucking me like a madman. Finally something deep in my soul began to stir as my muscles stiffened and I was rendered immobile. I could feel my pussy clench  as my back arched, I locked my legs around Daddy, dug my nails deeper into his flesh, and gave one final thrust forward into his tremendous dick and then released my cum everywhere as I screamed “It’s your pussy daddy… “your pussy… your pussy… your pussy… your pussy… your pussy!” As I squirted cum all over my daddy’s dick pounding inside of me he let go of the loads he was carrying “FFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKK… YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” my daddy yelled as he came shooting his cum into my pussy like bullets from a shotgun, load after hot burning load. “Look at me as I fill you with my seed” he commanded as he continued to thrust in me. “My pussy!” he screamed once more.  I looked into my daddy’s eyes cumming again as he came in me leaving his seed in my womb.


For a full five minutes my daddy shot into my pussy as he cried out my name over and over and over again. “This is my pussy Tabby… mine… mine… mine… Tabitha…Tabitha…Tabitha… Tabitha” he said, until the last of his seed was released in me. As we were both coming down from our orgasmic ride the door to my bedroom burst open and there stood my mother and twin brothers watching as daddy filled me with the last of his powerful seed. “Now you will only remember me!” he said as he thrust one final time.



You can email me at with your compliments or critiques at and title this After the Rape. Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

Hot For Student

rainneo9 on Forced Stories

                                                                 Hot For Student

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 The teacher sat at the head of the classroom, blue eyes watching the students file in and sit down. It was an all girls’ school; the only men in the building were the teachers and the occasional parents.
           The girls sat down and smoothed their skirts over their legs. The bell rang and the teacher stood up, “ Good morning ladies” “ Good morning Mr. Smith” All the girls spoke at the same time, their voices a musical harmony. “Alright, today we will be…” The door opened, cutting off Mr. Smith’s words.
            A girl walked in, breathing heavily, her medium sized breast’s pushing against her thin button up white shirt. Mr. Smith looked at her, a burning desire starting in his stomach. The sun shone through the windows, making her golden hair shine.
             Her name was Heather Graham, perfect student, never late for class, completely prude. Ever since the first day of school Mr. Smith had wanted her, but knew it would never happen. He was thirty-eight, she was sixteen. “Good morning Miss Graham, take your seat” When Mr. Smith spoke there was a sternness in his voice.
               Heather bowed her head and slowly walked to her chair, turning slightly red at being late for class. She moved her hair over her neck, hiding a large red mark on it. Mr. Smith watched her move, his rock hard cock pushing against his pants. He thought to himself: you have wanted her all this time, here is your chance:  He made a quick decision and waited for Heather to sit down.
               “ Oh, by the way Miss Graham, you have detention with me after school” Heather looked up at him and nodded slowly, “ Yes Sir” She put her head back down, sighing. She hated being late for class and this was her first ever detention. Heather never got in trouble, so she was really upset. “ Good, now as I was saying before I was interrupted, today we have a test on chapter six”
 Mr. Smith handed out the test’s and sat down at his desk. From where he was he could see down Heathers shirt, dirty thoughts filling his head, thoughts of covering her beautiful breast’s with his cum. He closed his eyes, fantasizing about Heaters body on top of his. A little while later the bell rang. The girls started to leave, putting their tests on Mr. Smith’s desk. He stood up, “ Have a nice day ladies, and Miss Graham, report to my room before two pm”
 When all the girls had left he closed and locked the door, sitting back down at his desk. It was lunchtime and he knew he wouldn’t be bothered but he wasn’t taking any chances. Mr. Smith released his cock from his pants and started to stroke it, eyes closed, pictures of Heather’s body going through his mind, her hand on his cock instead of his own.
            A few minutes past, his thoughts getting dirtier and dirtier. He had to have her; there was no doubt in his mind that he had to have her. Mr. Smith moaned softly, spraying his load all over the bottom of his desk. He knew in his mind, that after school, Heather was his.       

           The final bell rang and Mr. Smith watched his class leave. A few minutes later Heather walked in, “ sit right in front of my desk Miss Graham.” Mr. Smith stood up and closed the door, locking it as well.
           Heather sat at the desk, sighing, “ Mr. Smith I am sorry I was late for class. Please can I just leave?” Mr. Smith walked over to Heather and knelt down besides her. The look in his eyes slightly scared her. “ I gave you detention and you are going to serve it” By now his cock was hard again, just from looking at Heather.
            Heather looked away from him, not wanting to see the look in his eyes. She didn’t know what it meant but she just wanted to get away from him. Mr. Smith put his hand on Heathers knee and slowly slid it upward, slightly underneath her skirt. Heather froze, shaking slightly, wild thoughts running through her head, “ What are you doing?” Her voice was shaking as she turned her head to look at Mr. Smith, fear in her eyes.
             Mr. Smith smirked, “ You have been a bad girl Heather. You were late for class and you have a nice hicky on your neck. Now bad girls need to be punished.” He slid his hand up between her legs, pressing his fingers against her panties, feeling the heat radiating from her pussy. Heather tried to protest but her body wouldn’t move or even make a sound.
              To her horror she felt her body start to get warmer, wetter, enjoying Mr. Smith’s touch.  Mr. Smith moved up a bit, sliding his tongue over Heathers neck. He grabbed her panties, slipping them off, slowly sliding his middle finger in her wet hole, feeling her tightness and surprisingly her hymen.
               “Your still a virgin? Hmm, this could be very interesting” Mr. Smith spoke softly in her ear, starting to suck on her neck now. Heather finally got her body to move, pushing him away, her whole body shaking violently. “ Leave me alone, please just leave me alone” Her voice was soft and filled with fear, tears falling from her eyes.
                  “Stand up and sit on my desk” Heather shook her head, closing her eyes. Mr. Smith moved forward and grabbed her throat roughly, squeezing hard. Heather’s eyes instantly shot open. Her hand grabbed his wrist as she gasped for air, her legs kicking as she tried to get his hand off of her neck. “Are you going to listen to me now Heather?” Mr. Smith spoke softly, his voice filled with no emotion.
                  Heather nodded slowly then fell to the floor next to her desk as Mr. Smith let go, leaving her gasping for air, “ get on my fuckin desk now!” Heather stood up slowly and walked over to the large teachers desk, sitting on the edge. Her whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
                     Mr. Smith walked over and laid Heather back on his desk, moving her skirt up and spreading her legs, kneeling down slightly to get a better view. “ You have a beautiful pussy Heather, all nice and shaved.”
                   Heather sat up slightly, looking down at Mr. Smith. She tried to move her legs but found he was holding them open tightly.  “ Please just leave me alone, don’t do this, please,” She sobbed softly, trying to close her legs, all the time knowing in the back of her mind that she was going to get raped, that no one was going to save her.
                     Mr. Smith pushed her legs open wider and slowly ran his tongue in a upward motion over Heather’s soft pussy lips. Heather’s whole body shuddered and she bit her lip, fighting back a moan. “ Hmm you’re a very sensitive girl, this will be fun. I bet you taste really good Heather” He let go of her legs and spread her pussy with his fingers, his tongue flicking over her clit, which was starting to swell with blood, getting bigger.
                       Heather moaned loudly, her virgin body reacting violently to the unwanted touch of experienced man. Her body took over completely now, her hips sliding upward, pushing her pussy toward Mr. Smith’s waiting lips. “That’s a good girl, don’t fight it, be my little whore” Heather moaned again, gripping the edge of her desk as she felt Mr. Smith’s soft lips engulfing her clit, sucking on it gently.
                       Mr. Smith slipped the tip of his pointer finger into Heather’s soaked pussy, being gentle to as not to break her hymen. He wanted to take it with his cock. He slowly fingered her, making small circular motions on the inner walls of his little slaves’ tight cunt.
            Heather moaned softly then loudly a few times, the muscles of her cunt tightening around Mr. Smith’s finger. Part of her wanted him, wanted him to take her and that part scared her. She wanted to wait till she was married, to give herself to a man she loved, but now that would never happen.  “ Please stop, just please stop. I won’t tell anyone, just please let me go” Heather sobbed softly, trying against to convince her teacher to stop.
             Mr. Smith pulled away from Heather, releasing his throbbing cock from his pants. He pulled the girl to the edge of his desk and stood there, rubbing the head of his cock against Heathers pussy, making her juices drip out onto the floor and down his rock hard cock. “ I can’t let you go now Heather, we haven’t even started having fun yet. You don’t know how long I have wanted this, watching you every day, just wanting to fuck your tight body. I even got a camera into the locker room, so I could see you shower and change.”
              Heather just looked at Mr. Smith, her body shaking, her eyes wide. This man had been watching her since the beginning of school, fantasizing about her. She moved her leg to try to kick him but felt the knuckles of his hand hit her across the cheek. “ You’re a bad girl, for trying to hurt me. I was going to go easy but now your going to get it.”
              Mr. Smith lined up his eight inch cock with Heather’s pussy and shoved it all inside in one smooth stroke, breaking through her hymen and pushing roughly against her cervix. Heather cried out tightly, burning pain shooting through her body. She involuntarily wrapped her arm’s around Mr. Smith, pulling him closer, her pussy tightening around his large cock, trying to get back its normal size but only succeeding in locking the large throbbing shaft deep inside of her.
                 Mr. Smith smirked and ran his hand over Heather’s cheek, “ Hmm you are so tight” Heather nipped at his hand, which got her another slap across her face. She winced and bit her lip as Mr. Smith started to fuck her, pulling his cock out to the head then shoving it back in, listening to the sound of his skin hitting hers.
                   Mr. Smith pushed in harder, smirking as he watched Heather squirm all over his desk underneath him, trying to keep herself from moaning. He grabbed her shirt and ripped it open, careful not to break the buttons. He removed her bra, looking down at her hard and perky nipples.
                   “Your going to moan Heather and I am going to make you moan, so stop trying to hold it back.” Mr. Smith spoke softly into her ear, the horror filling Heather’s eyes driving him crazy. He didn’t care if she hated him; this was all he wanted from her. His lips closed around one of her nipples sucking roughly. Heather let out a loud moan, unable to handle it anymore, her nipples being a major weak spot for her.
                    Her body pushed itself up toward Mr. Smith, feeling his cock move harder and faster inside of her, his breathing changing slightly. “ I’m going to cum inside of your tight cunt Heather, deep inside of you” Mr. Smith started to fuck her harder, preparing to shoot his load deep into the young girls pussy.
                    “No…please…no!” Heather spoke between her moans, trying now to force the man off of her, to get out of there. She dug her nails into his back, seeing no visible effect. Heather moaned again, feeling the large cock break through her cervix, sending pain and pleasure through her body. She felt her pussy flood with flood, a violent orgasm sending her body into spasms.
                       Mr. Smith pressed his lips tightly against Heather’s, putting his arms around her body and pulling her closer, feeling her start to spasm. He pushed in hard one final time, his tongue slipping into her mouth as well. He held his cock deep inside of Heather’s womb, filling her completely with his hot sticky cum.
 Heather kissed him back, pulling him closer, her body taking over again, going crazy as she felt the warmth of his cum deep inside of her. Tears fell from her eyes as she came back to her sense’s, realizing what had just happened.

       She felt Mr. Smith pull out, his cum and her cum, along with some blood spilling out onto the floor. “ If you say anything about this to anyone I will kill you Heather. Do you understand me?” Heather opened her eyes, seeing Mr. Smith, fully dressed, standing over her. She nodded slowly and rolled off of the desk, curling up on the floor.
          Mr. Smith left quickly, closing the door behind him. Heather sat up and curled up against the desk, slowly pulling her clothing on. A few minutes later she stood up and left the school, her thighs so sore she could barely walk. She reached her house and stood outside on the porch, her parents not home yet.
          Heather felt her panties soaking up cum, and also some cum sliding down the inside of her legs, she would have to clean up. She had actually enjoyed the sex, and that scared her, since it was a rape. She stood outside for a few minutes then made a decision. On Monday she would experiment again, see if she really enjoyed it.

To Be Continued….

By: A.C.Magnum
 Written for Ashley, the girl who gave me the idea for this whole story.   

(any comments e-mail me at, I check that account the most)

A Lesson Learned

NightmarePrincess on Forced Stories

She stood nearly naked before him, hanging her head as she awaited his wrath, but his words did not come. His silence terrified her even more than his angry shouting ever did. She knew that the punishment would be much worse, and since he left her standing there alone for several minutes, she feared just what he had in store for her tonight. Once again she had been caught undressing in front of the open window that faced the neighbor’s house, knowing their son had a major crush on her. This time, her father was determined to teach her a lesson she would never forget.

It wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door. Her father, once again disappeared from the living room, leaving her all alone and feeling incredibly vulnerable. Sally Henderson could hear the voice

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s as he greeted the person. The conversation was too discreetly hushed for her to hear what was being said, but she could hear the rise and fall of the voices as they spoke. Her heart beat hard and fast, feeling as if it would burst from her chest as she wondered what horror awaited her. The door closed quickly as she heard footfalls approaching. She didn’t dare move from the spot.

"Holy shit" Rick said loudly as he stared at the half naked goddess of his dreams standing there.

Her mouth dropped open hearing the familiar whine of his voice. Her eyes widened as her entire body felt like it was on fire from the flushed redness that covered her. She could feel his eyes upon her, burning holes through her as he stared at her thong-covered heart-shaped ass. A knot grew in her stomach as she felt ill from the experience already.

"Ok Sally," her father spoke up. "Since you seem to enjoy the attention so much, I decided to invite Stanley and Rick over to get a personal show. You will learn that if you are going to tease others, then you will take care of what happens because of it. Now take off the thongs and greet our guests." His voice was cold and stern as he spoke.

Tears filled Sally’s eyes as she listened to her father’s words. She could not believe how utterly cruel this punishment was. She wanted to scream at him, threaten to call child welfare, anything, but she knew her threats were futile. Nothing would stop him from disciplining her tonight. With a defeated sigh, she slipped her fingers under the thin straps of material and peeled them down slowly. Rick’s eyes were glued to her bare flesh as she stepped out of the panties and turned to face him.

Her eyes skimmed over his soft, round body to his greasy acne-covered face. The bile rose in her throat as she saw him lick his lips as he gazed at her supple body. He looked over at Mr. Williams, his hand moving to adjust his rapidly swelling cock. Sally’s father simply nodded to the boy before sitting down in the leather chair across the room from them. Rick took a step forward, his pudgy hands moving to Sally’s firm C cup breasts as he clumsily fondled them.

She tried to pull away from him but a stern look from her father stopped her cold. Rick moved closer, moving one of his hands to the back of her neck as he forced her face closer to his to kiss him. Sally wanted to vomit so badly. The rancid smell of his breath hit her like a brick as he forced his lips to hers. She stood there frozen as he kissed her, his hand still palming her breast.

Stanley stared at the young girl’s body as his son pawed at her. He knew that soon he would have his turn at her. He could not believe he was being given the opportunity to sink his cock into such a beautiful child, one he had masturbated thinking about often. He moved to the sofa, sitting down and adjusting his thick cock through his pants.

Rick took Sally’s hand and pulled her toward the other end of the sofa. He stopped, standing in front of it as he looked at her with an evil smile. He placed her hand against his groin, letting her feel the hardened mass against the softness of his rotund body. She nearly wretched and pulled her hand away quickly.

"Sally, get on your knees and take his cock out," her father instructed calmly.

She sighed loudly as she obediently sank to her knees. Her disgust was obvious in the way she touched his pants, unfastening them quickly and pulling her hands away as they fell to the ground. Her body stiffened as she heard her father’s voice again.

"Suck him, Sally. Put his cock in your mouth and suck it," he commanded.

Sally timidly reached out, touching his stiff cock for the first time. Rick groaned loudly with delight as he felt her fingers circle the base. The feel of her warm breath as she parted her lips and leaned in, sent a shiver through him. She clenched her eyes tightly shut, not wanting to see the grotesque boy before her.

Once she accepted the head into her mouth and closed her lips, she began to suck lightly on his vile flesh. As soon as his head was firmly ensconced in the warm confines of her mouth, Rick’s hand moved to her long sandy brown ponytail, gripping it tightly as he forced her face forward. Sally immediately began to gag as his throbbing cock was forced down her throat.

Before she had a chance to adjust to the feeling of her throat being raped by this unskilled behemoth, he had worked himself into quite a lust-filled frenzy. The heat of her mouth and the softness of her lips around him was quickly sending him over the edge. It was the first time anyone else had ever touched him and he was enjoying it.

His balls slapped against her chins as he began to thrust into her mouth. Sally was swallowing hard to keep from choking on her own vomit as he continued to assault her mouth. His grunts of pleasure became louder and more frequent until suddenly he pulled her head into his groin hard and held her there. She frantically tried to catch her breath with his cock lodged in her throat. Soon thick ropes of cum began to pump out of his swollen cock and slide down her gullet.

As soon as his cock began to deflate, he pulled her of the sensitive flesh, pushing her back and watching her fall to the floor. She sat there trying her hardest not to vomit until it violently broke free. She quickly reached for a nearby wastepaper basket and emptied the nasty liquid into it with each wretch. Rick cruelly laughed as he watched her throw up, a mean streak in him becoming evident.

"Since you threw up the first load . . . You will be punished and you WILL be swallowing another later, Sally. Now, it’s time to please Stanley," her father said looking at him. "Now, tell her what you want and she will do it."

"Crawl over here Sally," Stanley said in an excited tone.

She sighed softly and rolled onto her hands and knees and reluctantly crawled toward her neighbor’s feet. His eyes were glued to the two soft fleshy globes on her chest as she slunk toward him. She sat back on her heels as she pitifully looked up at him. Stanley sat on the edge of the sofa, leaning forward to get a better look at her.

His hands immediately began to fondle her breasts, tweaking and twisting her nipples between his fingers as he licked his lips. It had been two years since his wife died, and equally as long since he had touched anyone. The bulge in his pants looked as if it was about to burst through the fabric that contained it.

He stood up briefly, unfastening his pants and quickly stripping out of them before sitting back down. His long, bloated shaft stuck obscenely up from the thick bush of pubes. He stared at her for a moment as he leaned back on the sofa.

"Climb on. I want you to ride my cock," he said eagerly.

Sally looked to her father who simply nodded. His face showed no emotion as he watched his daughter’s plight. He knew that this was the only way to truly reach her. She had to learn that her actions had consequences and this was the best way to show her that. Sally stood up and crawled onto Stanley’s lap, straddling it cautiously as he gripped his throbbing member. Once he had the head rubbing against her tender pink lips, his free hand landed on her shoulder, pushing her down on his thick cock.

She gritted her teeth to keep from screaming as he forced up into her. Her face clenched tight in a mask of pain as she felt him tear through her hymen and hilt himself inside her. His hands moved to her hips, bouncing her up and down on his cock hard and fast as he watched her firm young breasts bouncing inches from his face. He leaned forward slightly, catching her right nipple between his lips and sucking it into his mouth.

Sally sobbed as he thrust up into her each time he pulled her harder into his lap. Stanley bit down hard on the hard pink nub in his mouth, causing her to squirm in pain. The movement and sounds of her crying only fueled his lusts as his blood streaked cock worked in and out of her tight pussy. He then spit her nipple out, seeking the other for the same torturous treatment.

She could feel his shaft throbbing inside her tight hole as it ached from the abuse. His pace became frantic as he jerked her up and down like a rag doll, all the time, biting harder on her nipple he held in her mouth. She cried loudly, begging for the abuse to stop to no avail. Little did she know that when the father finished, it was the son’s turn yet again to ravish her body.

The harder and faster he slammed his cock into her the more brutally he yanked her down onto his shaft. She felt as if she was being split in two with each thrust, causing her to fill the room with more agonized wails. With a final deep thrust, Stanley held her tightly as his cum erupted from his rigid cock. His fingers dug into her flesh, leaving reddened marks as he tightened his grip on her. With a loud groan he finished, leaving a thick deposit of fresh cum deep inside her newly devirgined cunt. Stanley slumped back against the thick sofa cushion as he panted to catch his breath.

"My turn" Rick loudly announced as he walked over to the sofa completely naked now, his cock already rock hard. "Get on all fours slut. I’m gonna fuck you hard."

Sally’s eyes widened as she heard the words, quickly looking to her father who only gave her a stern look. She could not believe her own father didn’t even seem to care that the boy called her a slut. Rick reached out grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking her off his father’s lap. Her legs were wobbly and aching from the position she had been in, causing her to stumble. He shoved her to the floor in the center of the room and knelt down behind her.

The cum had began to trickle from between her lips as she tried to get on all fours before any more of his rough treatment. Violently his hand came crashing down against her firm pale cheek, leaving an angry red hand print covering half her ass. Again and again his hand met her flesh, making her whimper and sob as her body jolted forward from each strike. All Sally could do was knee there and let him spank her. It was apparent now that no matter what the two did the father would not stop them.

"How do you like that huh? This is what a fucking tease like you deserves. You fucking bitch" he said, punctuating his words with rough slaps.

Rick’s hand then slipped between her legs as his thick fingers found her clit. Once he had a grip on the little bud, he cruelly began to twist and pinch it as hard as he could, watching her body tense with each shot of pain. When his fingers finally left the tortured little nub, it felt as if it was on fire from the painful teasing. He then slid his fingers through the wet mess that dribbled from her cunt, gathering up a little of the slick liquid and smearing it over her puckered little opening.

"OH GOD NO...PLEASE..." she frantically begged in hopes that he wouldn’t penetrate the virgin hole.

"Shut up bitch. I’ll fuck you any way I damn well please and there is nothing you can do about it."

Sally hung her head as she sobbed, knowing he was right. She felt sick as the tip of his cock pressed against the tight little opening and began to force its way inside. With a quick thrust, he had embedded the head in her ass. The ring of muscles spread from the force of his stroke, causing her incredible pain. His hands moved to her hips as he held on tightly. In a flash, he slammed his cock deep into her dark hole. The searing pain shot through her body causing her to scream as he held his throbbing cock deep inside her. As he enjoyed the warmth of her muscles enveloping him, she tried to pull away. He slapped her hard across the ass with his cock still buried deep in her. Her pale cheeks now were now covered with a myriad of pinks and reds from the blows.

He reached forward, forcing her upper body to the floor and in turn causing her hips to rise slightly. His hands then moved back to her hips, grabbing on to them and holding her steady as he began to pump his hips forcefully into her. Her body jolted back and forth with each brutal movement, causing her to quickly get rug burn on the exposed flesh against it. Her tits ached as they were rubbed raw by the navy blue carpeting below her.

The throbbing teen cock hammered away at the soft internal muscles, making her give up shrill shrieks of pain as he burrowed as deep as he could inside her. He kept a slower but cruel pace, not wanting his first fuck to go by to quickly. Punishing the snobby little debutante was getting him hotter than he ever imagined it could.

Rick continued to pump away, forcing her body to move each time he hilted himself in her ass. Once her muscles had loosened up a little, he reached forward, grabbing a handful of her hair and swiftly yanking her head back, contorting her into a very uncomfortable position. Her arms had gone numb beneath her upper body, making them useless to support her now. She tried to steady herself with them, the grip on her hair holding her head in an awkward position.

His hips slammed into her faster as the telltale grunts and groans surfaced again. Sally sobbed uncontrollably as the boy continued to plunge his cock deep into her ravaged hole. Thin streaks of her blood mixed with bits of feces stained the swollen muscle as it worked in and out of her with brutal strokes. Finally, he buried his cock deep inside her and began to pump shot after shot of warm cum into her bowels. Her body tensed as she gagged, the feel of him filling her making her physically ill.

As Rick held her ass tightly to his groin, she looked up bleary eyed toward where her father sat. Panic filled her for a moment as she realized he had left the seat. The boy pulled out of her, letting her body collapse against the floor as she quickly looked around for her father. She found him standing by Stanley handing him a glass of scotch on the rocks. Though relieved that he had not left her to these wolves, she was deeply hurt that he seemed to care so little for what was happening to her. Her focus was quickly shifted as Rick moved in front of her and presented his filthy cock to her.

"Suck it clean bitch," he demanded.

As Sally made the mistake of opening her mouth to speak, he shoved the nasty shaft into her mouth and held her head in place. All she could taste was the metallic tang of blood mingled with the rancid feces, causing her to gag again. His still stiff cock remained buried in her throat as he laughed viciously at her predicament. Each time her muscles would spasm as she gagged, he’s force his cock into her throat to torment her even more.

"Clean it and I’ll pull it out you stupid whore." he remarked.

Sally did her best to clean the mess from him without vomiting. Finally when he grew weary of the sick game he was playing with her, he let go of her hair and shoved her down to the floor again. The girl laid there quivering and crying, praying for anything to stop the madness. Her ordeal was not over yet though.

Rick sat down next to his father and opened the can of cold soda that Sally’s father had thoughtfully sat on the table for him. The three men talked quietly amongst themselves for a moment before her father returned to his seat.

"I wanna see the bitch play with herself like she does in front of the window," Rick said as he smirked at her.

"You heard him Sally. You like showing off so much. . . do it now for our guests," her father chimed in.

She could not believe what she was hearing. Despite knowing she would be punished further for disobeying, she laid there sobbing softly, refusing to move. Her father swiftly rose from his seat and grabbed the girl by the hair.

"Sally, you heard me. I said entertain them like you do in front of your window,"

All she could do was continue to cry. She refused to give them that satisfaction. Mr. Henderson promptly turned her over onto her back, leaving her lay at his feet. She watched in horror as he removed his leather belt from his trousers before kneeling beside her.

"Fine then Sally, if you won’t behave. I will punish you," he calmly stated.

Sally figured that he would roll her over and use the slender leather strap on her already abused cheeks, but much to her surprise the doubled leather strip bit into the soft flesh of her left breast, leaving a thin red welt. The right breast then felt the burst of pain as the belt lashed it. Her body writhed in pain as her father alternated strikes between her two fleshy mounds.

Once a strike failed to cause her to jump, he reached down and spread her legs, striking her inner thighs repeatedly before bring up a swift crack to her cunt. She screamed in agony as the leather struck her sore pink flesh, making her entire body squirm. After three more strikes Stanley spoke up.

"I can’t take any more. I wanna fuck that ass of hers." he said as he slipped off the sofa.

Sally’s eyes moved seeking her father’s pitiless face, but were quickly distracted by the large bulge in his pants. Her heart stopped as she realized that her father was gaining much pleasure from punishing her in this way. Rick moved toward them all, finishing his soda.

"Wait, I want her to ride my cock while you fuck her ass," he laughed cruelly. "Let’s see if we can split the bitch open"

Mr. Henderson stood up, moving back to his chair to let them attend to their needs with his daughter. He relaxed knowing once they left, she still had to contend with him. His eyes remained glued to his daughter’s naked abused body, studying the welts on her creamy white breasts.

Rick laid down on the floor as his father helped him position the girl over him. His swollen cock slid into her abused cunt with easy, lubricated from the cum deposited there earlier. Stanley moved behind Sally, pushing her forward slightly as he positioned the tip of his cock to penetrate her puckered hole. She shrieked as he began to push inside of her, ripping her open wider as both holes became full of cock.

Rick’s hands moved to her chest, slapping her breasts and torturing the nipples as his father’s cock finally worked completely inside her. As soon as he had forced himself inside her, the two began to fuck her as hard and deep as they could. It felt as if both of her holes were going to be ripped apart as they worked to find the right ryhthm to suit them. Her body tossed back and forth like a child’s rag doll as they pulled her back and forth.

Sally’s eyes met her fathers, hoping to see a glimpse of pity or remorse for what he was letting them do to her, but instead found an intense sexual desire gleaming back at her. Her heart sank knowing not only was he condoning this, he was getting aroused by it.

The two cocks inside her mercilessly stabbed into her, causing the pain she already felt to deepen with each stroke. She wanted so badly for it to end. Rick continued to maul her breasts, pinching and leaning up to bite them just to make her twitch and jerk from the torture. The thrashing of her tormented body as the tightness of her overstuffed holes caused the two to quickly lose control. As they both approached orgasm, the pace became frantic and intense until finally she felt the familiar flood of semen into her swollen holes.

As Stanley pulled out a river of cum trickled out of her stretched anus. Rick pushed her off him as he laughed.

"Time to clean my cock again slut," he stated. "And his too this time"

As he stood up, Rick grabbed her by the sides of the head and held her face inches away from his cum coated cock and balls.

"Lick it off bitch," he demanded as he forced her face closer.

He drew back his hand, slapping her across the face when she did not respond quickly. As he drew back to do it again, he saw her baby pink lips part and the tip of her tongue peek out between them. She reluctantly dragged her tongue over the horrid tasting mixture.

"That’s it bitch, don’t miss any of it" he said coldly as he watched her lick up all the cum.

Once she had finished with the job, he released her, letting his father step up and take his place. His shit covered cock forced into her mouth as she tried not to gag. She tried to clean it as quickly as she could in hopes of getting the taste out of her mouth sooner. She tensed up as she felt him let another shot of cum into her throat. Finally, the deflating cock slipped from her mouth, leaving her with nothing but the grotesque taste in her mouth.

"Sally, say goodbye to our guests then go upstairs to the master bathroom and wait for me." he said as he stood up.

"Goodbye" she choked out before she scrambled to her feet and tried to walk out of the room.

Her legs were wobbly and aching as she tried to leave, making her stumble a bit as she headed toward the stairs. She could hear the voices in the other room as the men talked amongst themselves about what had happened. Sally dragged herself up the steps and made her way to the bathroom where she sat on the edge of the tub nervously awaiting her father’s arrival. As the door closed and the loud footfalls became more distinct, she knew the time had come. A whole new fear set in as the door creaked open.

"Now Sally, it’s time for the rest of your punishment."