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redink Member Since October 19, 2009

Emma: The Wife's Story

redink on Teen Stories

Emma exhaled slowly stretching her body forward, her muscles relaxing as his cock slid into her from behind. Through the window she could see the taillights of her husband’s car glowing red in the black night as he pulled out of the parking lot below. Her petite fingers encircled the cock to her left and she closed her red lips over the cock to her right, grabbing him by the ass and pulling him closer. With her eyes closed she could still see the red lights but pushed thoughts of her husband from her mind and concentrated on the pleasure sliding between her lips and cunt. It wouldn’t take long for him to run home and find her migraine medicine, but she was hoping he might get delayed and allow her time to explore her three new friends.

Emma loved her husband and the

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ir two beautiful daughters and had never planned on living this kind of life. She had wanted to be faithful to him but everything seemed to conspire against her, especially the insatiable lust that seemed to permeate every inch of her body. Every nerve craved physical contact and she soon forgot her guilt and accepted the demands of her sexual appetite.

Emma had been brought up in a strict Christian family. The closest thing the young girl had to what one would call sex education was a brief yet stern lecture from her mother informing Emma of her "no zone", an area that extended from the neck to below her knees, where no one but her future husband was allowed to touch, including Emma. Despite her parents’ insistence that sex was an act of procreation between husband and wife, Emma’s body seemed to regard it as a basic human need on a level with food and water. Though she fought her shameful urges over the years, her entire being ached with some indescribable emptiness that only the occasional breach of her no zone could ease. By the time she was seventeen Emma could no longer resist and her small fingers invaded her no zone nightly, in the dark, stretched out beneath her quilt, with her little sister snoring across the room. Then Mr. Johnson came to visit.

Mr. Johnson’s brother was a member of Emma’s church and when he got married Mr. Johnson and his wife and three girls came to stay for the weekend. The bride and groom both had large families, so even though Emma’s parents had never met Mr. Johnson and his family, Emma’s father offered to put them up while they were in town.

They arrived Friday night in time for dinner. As Mr. Johnson climbed out of the car Emma’s eyes took in the sight of his long, lean body. He was her father’s age but he had a full head of thick, dark hair streaked with gray and hard, muscular arms that she guessed were the result of his work; he told her father he was a carpenter. As Emma followed them up the front porch her eyes moved up his body and she blushed deeply when she met his eyes smiling back at her.

Emma helped her mother bring the food out. Her father was telling Mr. Johnson he had built the long dining room table himself and had chosen to use benches at the sides to give it more of a church hall community feel. Mr. Johnson lifted the lace cloth covering the top to examine the woodwork and complimented Emma’s father on his effort. Emma placed the gravy next to Mrs. Johnson and her blush returned when she realized the only empty spot for her to sit was at the far end of the table next to Mr. Johnson.

Emma sat down and they said Grace. Immediately following, Emma’s father began talking of Jesus and his work as a carpenter. Emma stared at her plate but from the corner of her eye she could see Mr. Johnson nodding in response to her father. He picked up his napkin, spreading it over his lap, and as he sermonized with her father, Mr. Johnson’s hand lifted the hem of Emma’s summer dress and came to rest on her bare knee.

Emma’s back stiffened and her heart nearly stopped in her chest. She might have jumped except for the soft but firm pressure of Mr. Johnson’s hand squeezing her knee. She looked quickly at the man but his head was turned toward her father. As he spoke of his love for the Book of Matthew his hand, in tiny circular caresses, moved higher up Emma’s thigh. Her thoughts a blur and the conversation drowned out by the beating of her heart, Emma exhaled slowly and found her legs falling open to receive his touch.

"Emma...Emma!" It was her mother, "Are you alright? You’re not eating." Emma looked up to see all eyes in the room on her, including Mr. Johnson’s. The thrilling movement of his fingers over her naked thigh had stopped but his hand stayed where it was, half way up her skirt, hidden from view under the table cloth.

Emma excused herself and went to the bathroom. On her way back to the table her body was a torrent of nerves and excitement and she marveled at the physical sensation caused by the absence of something. Her slip and damp panties where still in the bathroom, tucked neatly away in the bottom of the clothes hamper, and every step reminded Emma of her nakedness beneath the thin cotton dress.

She slid back onto the bench, this time inching closer to Mr. Johnson, this time bunching her dress up around her thighs. But her heart sank when he continued his conversation with her father, hardly aware of her presence. She very nearly gave up and began to push her hem back down her thighs when something in her changed. She gave a quick look around the table to see that everyone’s attention was on her father, then she reached into Mr. Johnson’s lap and took hold of his hand, pulling it back to her waiting thigh.

Emma could tell she was affecting him. He still spoke casually to her father but his voice seemed dry and thirsty. When the small finger on his right hand finally brushed against her bare slit with its damp curls of dark hair and heat she wanted to scream out from anticipation, but her interest in his reaction kept her calm. His hand froze. His eyes fell to his plate. Then Emma watched from the corner of her eye as he glanced at her quickly with the corner of his mouth curled up. She felt his fingers fan out over her swollen lips and slowly, teasingly pry them open. She heard him moan.

"Emma! Sit up and eat your dinner!" There was no slouching at the dinner table and her mother’s words hit Emma like a glass of ice water. As she shot upright in her chair, Mr. Johnson did not jerk his hand back but kept still, and suddenly it was resting at mid thigh again. She wanted to cry. When she looked up she was staring across the table into the eyes of Mr. Johnson’s oldest daughter. Emma was certain she saw a look of recognition there, that she knew what Emma was letting her father do beneath the table, but surely the girl was too young to be aware of such things, and when Emma looked again she knew she had only imagined it.

The hand stayed put on her thigh until dessert was served and he moved it away as Emma’s mother drew near with their slices of pie. As everyone settled again, Mr. Johnson reached back into Emma’s lap but this time grabbed her wrist and pulled it to him under the table. His legs were spread wide and as Emma’s hand came to rest on his thigh she felt the thick lump extending from the crotch of his jeans. Her hands instinctively wrapped around the bulge and began squeezing and rubbing it. Mr. Johnson didn’t say a word in conversation as everyone consumed their pies.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson took over Emma’s room for the weekend while the three girls slept in the guest house out back. Emma was stuck in the small bedroom downstairs and was washing her face in the bathroom across the hall when the door swung open. Before she could react Mr. Johnson was behind her pushing her forward over the sink and her pajama bottoms were in a pile at her ankles. Bent at the waist, Emma gasped as she felt his lips and tongue against the cheeks of her naked butt. His hand pushed up between her thighs, his fingers igniting her sensitive lips. He was standing again and through her bangs she could see the reflection of his chiseled, muscular chest in the mirror, his shirt unbuttoned and hanging open. She heard the grinding of a zipper then felt the hot flesh pressed against her inner thigh. Both hard and soft at once, it danced between her legs before he took hold, one hand on her ass, the other guiding the hard-on.

Emma clutched the sides of the porcelain sink as she felt the tip of his cock prying open her virgin slit. Her back arched and she pushed her hips back to meet him as the walls of her cunt hugged their first cock. He was stuffing a rag into her mouth while he filled her aching pussy inch by agonizing inch with his meat. She bit down on the terry cloth and let it swallow her cries as tears flowed over her cheeks and he began taking slow, short strokes in and out of her. Her knees shook as his strokes became longer and deeper.

She was suddenly aware that the water was running in the bathtub next to them. The gushing faucet was loud enough to hide the sounds of their fucking and she let the wash cloth fall from her mouth. His cock was quickly finding the pleasure inside her and she listened to her own voice moaning back to her in the echo of the sink basin. His rhythm was hard and fast now and his balls slapped playfully against her exposed clit sending jolts of electric pleasure through her body with each thrust. His hand was at her cheek and she sucked his fingers into her mouth looking up at him in the mirror. There eyes locked and she new she had found what her body needed. She squeezed her cunt around his cock as he lifted her t-shirt over her breasts and covered them with his rough palms. The sensation was too much when...

"You okay in there Emma?" her father called out wrapping on the door with his knuckle. She wanted to scream. She wanted him to hear Mr. Johnson’s hips smacking against her ass. She wanted him to hear her moans of lust and pure ecstacy. She wanted to tear the door open so he could see his perfect daughter getting fucked. She imagined bouncing up and down on Mr. Johnson’s cock in the middle of her parent’s useless bed while they sat in horror watching her devour him with her cunt.

"I’m just gunna take a bath, I’m not feeling well," she called out. Mr. Johnson did not miss a beat and actually fucked harder as she carried on a conversation with her father not five feet away. He squeezed the firm cheeks of her ass and the sensation overcame her. As she called out goodnight to her Dad, her voice cracked and her first orgasm ripped through her body making her shudder and moan. Mr. Johnson was not far behind her and soon she felt his cock slammed deep inside her filling her with his scalding seed.

He lifted her into the tub before sneaking out of the bathroom. She sat there in the hot water washing the blood from her thighs, her mind trying to grasp what had just happened. Her body ached and she desperately needed to sleep as the images of her first fuck swirled before her eyes. It would not occur to her until the following night, sitting on the edge of her bed staring at Mr. Johnson’s throbbing hard-on, that she had lost her virginity without actually seeing a cock.

The wedding had kept them all busy throughout the day and Emma had to be satisfied with staring at Mr. Johnson in his tux from a distance. When the parents went off to the reception, Emma was charged with watching after the three Johnson girls at home. She had no idea what time it was when the lamp on her night stand clicked on but she had been deep asleep, the girls put to bed hours ago. It took a moment to register the sight before her, but as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes she made out the form of Mr. Johnson standing next to her bed unzipping the pants of his tuxedo.

He pulled his cock free and it hung softly from his open fly. Emma sat up, her eyes wide, taking in the sight. She licked her lips and a soft whisper from above told her to touch it. It filled her small hand and grew hard in her fist as she moved her delicate fingers around it. She was mesmerized by it, and as the whispers from above continued to coax her, she felt it slipping between her full red lips and tasted the salty bead waiting at its tip. She loved the feeling of his prick in her mouth as she worked her lips and tongue up and down his shaft. She sucked his balls swirling her tongue around them before pushing her lips as far as she could down his thick pole. His cock swelled and his hips locked and she felt the hot gush of liquid filling her cheeks and coating her tongue. She sat nervously with her mouth full of cum until he suggested she swallow it.

He pulled her down onto the floor and lay back as she straddled his cock. She liked the position. She was still soar from her first time and she was glad for the chance to control the rhythm. She found her second orgasm just before his cock burst inside her dripping snatch.

Emma spent the next day at church with her family and the Johnson’s. After lunch the girls were bored and Mr. Johnson said he would take them home while his wife stayed for Bible study with Emma’s parents. Emma said she would help Mr. Johnson with the girls.

He must have had the silk scarf hidden in his coat pocket. Emma was blindfolded before she could say a word to Mr. Johnson. She had fucked him twice now yet they had hardly spoken to each other. He closed the door to the guest house and assured her the girls were playing and would not miss them. Under the blackness of the silk scarf, Emma felt her clothes falling to the floor. She stood shivering, nervous and scared, anxious and excited. His hands and lips covered her body, teasing her and exploring every curve and crevasse.

He pulled her by the hand and she stumbled blindly forward until he pushed her back onto the mattress. He held her hands above her head, his lips at her breasts, and just as quickly as the blindfold had appeared, there was suddenly silk binding her hands to the metal head-frame of the small bed. Emma jumped, confused and lost in the darkness, but his words calmed her until her feet were tied in silk, one at each corner of the bed. She was scared and almost started to cry when she felt the lips covering her left nipple, then the right. Her cry turned into a moan and her fear melted away.

Emma was breathing heavy and disoriented beneath the blindfold, unable to move her arms or legs. Something felt different about his lips and his touch. It seemed softer, more delicate and sensual. Emma’s thoughts exploded when the tongue left her breasts and began snaking its way down her belly. She suddenly realized where his lips where headed and the thought, entirely new to her innocent mind, seemed both filthy and unbelievably sexy. The thought, however was nothing compared to the actual contact, as soft lips and a wet tongue covered her sex and racked fire over her clit. Her hips bounced and her legs vibrated, and through the electricity in her brain Emma could feel the bed rocking violently. The hands that held her hips as the tongue ravaged her cunt were different, something was not right. But before Emma could focus her attention away from her throbbing clit her body erupted in violent pleasure, her own cries echoing in her ears.

Lips wet and musky pressed hard over Emma’s mouth and she realized this was the first time she had kissed her lover. His tongue slid into her mouth massaging her own and filling her with her own flavor. Emma felt drunk as the lips pulled softly away. Everything was still and silent but for a rustling next to the bed, bare feet on the wood floor. Then his weight returned to the mattress, much heavier it seemed, as he crawled between her thighs. Her feet were suddenly freed and he held her ankles in his grip high in the air, spread wide, his cock sliding perfectly into her open cunt.

Emma screamed with a cross of pleasure and pain as he fucked her unmercifully, his hips pounding her ass and inching the bed across he floor. Her arms stretched out over her head and blinded by the scarf, Emma was lost in time and space as if nothing else existed but her pussy and the exquisite torture of his cock. Her body rocked with one orgasm after another until she felt his cock escape her cunt’s grip. In the darkness she felt the wetness splashing over her tits, hot against her neck and chin, dribbling into her navel. Then the lips were there again, and a tongue so soft to her sensitive skin she shivered. Her senses were lost in the darkness and she tried to understand his mouth so sensual lapping up his own seed from her body. His weight left the bed and her body and mind swam with heat and confusion, the sucking and slurping still loud and clear though she could no longer feel the touch.

Then the room was silent. Outside Emma could hear the girls running and playing and her body shook at the thought of what their father had just done with her. A door clunked shut, she thought, and Emma listened, nervous again. She tried to sit up but her hands were still bound. Her body was wet with sex and she started to shiver, but then his weight was there again releasing her at last. He said little as they got dressed and his two youngest girls ran past the window kicking a ball. He would leave with his wife and three girls the next morning and it would be twelve years before Emma would see him again.

Less than a week later, Emma would meet and fuck her future husband for the first time. A little over a month would pass before she discovered she was pregnant with Samantha. The wedding was rushed and Emma’s relationship with her family was in tatters.

As her husband stood hunched over in the shadows of their house spying on their babysitter, Emma was not worrying about getting pregnant. She had received her sex education by now. She had met Jason at this very hotel where the wedding was taking place only a few weeks earlier when he came to her room to complain about the noise. He was the night manager at the inn, and when she opened the door completely naked with the young couple still fucking on the bed behind her, she made quite an impression on him. She promised to keep the noise down as she winked at the stunned young man with his jaw on the floor. After she finished up with the newlyweds, Emma went down to the front desk and apologized properly.

Jason had provided the free room tonight, and as Emma leaned back against his chest with his cock buried deep in her ass, she let the cock riding her pussy provide the rhythm for the three of them. The piece of meat in her hand was spilling hot cum across Emma’s lips and dribbling off her chin on to her tits, while she studied its dark sheath in her pale hand, licking softly at the swollen head. She was glad Jason had hired extra banquet help for the wedding.

Freshly showered, her bob hair cut fashionably teased, she made her way back to the reception in time for a drink before her husband returned. His expression was slightly shaken and she couldn’t wait to find out what her young cousin had done to return him so flustered.

Sara's Story: Babysitting

redink on Teen Stories

My body was shaking so violently that I had to step away from the window for fear of being seen. I closed my eyes and the image framed in the window was still there. I clutched my arms across my chest trying to control the adrenaline ripping through me, trying to understand what I had just seen, trying to make sense of what I was feeling. It should have been rage, I knew, but it was something else; and a lust I had never felt before drove me out of the shadows and back to the window where the light from the kitchen glowed softly, illuminating the scene before me.

Our livingroom. The "our" is me, my wife and my two daughters. Emma and I had a wedding to go to that night. Normally Samantha, my oldest daughter, would have looked after her li

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ttle sister, but it was her best friend’s birthday and they were having a slumber party at her place. So we hired a sitter to watch Jessie while we were out.

Sara was the daughter of Emma’s cousin. Sam and Jessie idolized her because she was cool and popular and gorgeous. Emma trusted her because she was smart and very mature for her age. I distrusted her because I sensed her maturity came from experience that most fourteen year old girls did not have. It was the way she made me feel when she looked at me. There was too much confidence in her stare and more in her eyes than intelligence and maturity.

So against Emma’s advice, I pulled up to the house without calling first to let Sara now I was coming home to grab my wife’s migraine pills. Our house sits next to a park. When I saw the red Jeep parked just beyond our fence in front of the park I was sure my suspicions were confirmed. A boyfriend wouldn’t park in the driveway, and it was far enough away but close enough if he had to make a run for it. It wasn’t too long ago I was that age. I pulled up behind the Jeep and walked to the house.

It was almost eleven, so Jessie should have been in bed by now. The front of the house was dark, but I could see lights on in the back. I had expected to catch Sara making out with some boy on the sofa when I arrived, but the deep hum from the backyard told me the jacuzzi jets were running. My mind shifted gears at the thought that she had a boy in the hot tub with her. If she was bold enough for that, I wondered exactly what I would see as I slipped through the gate on the side of the house. My fears of her lack of innocence were turning to something else and I adjusted the crotch of my slacks.

We have two hot tubs, one outside in the yard for summertime, and one enclosed on the porch for winter. The hum came from the enclosed porch and a light from the kitchen cast a soft glow over the tub. Sara was standing in the jacuzzi with her back to me. The water bubbled at about mid thigh on her and she was bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the edge of the tub.

The boy I expected to catch her with was not there. Instead, standing behind her in the writhing water was a man. A man who looked to be my age, even older. His hips bucked hard and fast against Sara’s naked ass and she let out a low, lust-filled grunt of pleasure with each thrust of his cock. Her tits swayed back and forth with the rhythm of his fucking and he squeezed the firm cheek of her ass with one hand, pulling her head back by the ponytail with the other. Her back arched and her muffled voice penetrated the glass that separated us begging him for more.

I slipped back into the shadows with my head reeling and my heart beating like a fucked clock. I should have been thinking of my daughter. Where was she? I should have kicked in the door and raised hell. But I must admit nothing like that even crossed my mind. I was remembering all those looks Sara had given me and what I had seen in her eyes.

I was back at the window. This man was close to forty, by the streaks of grey through his dark hair. His body was hard and lean, not young but still muscular and sexy. He slapped his open palm down across Sara’s butt and her moan jumped in pitch. I stared at them, intoxicated by their actions. In the back of my mind I was trying to comprehend how this man could be here in my home, fucking this gorgeous young girl not even half his age, when movement out of the corner of my eye pulled me back a step into the shadows.

From the kitchen stepped a girl, her naked body no older than Sara’s. My hand reached for the window ledge to steady myself. She carried two classes of wine, one of which she handed to the man. His hips came to rest against Sara’s ass as he accepted the drink and she took the opportunity to pull herself free from his cock and turned, sitting her bottom on the edge of the tub. As she lay back onto a towel the young girl placed a foot on either side of Sara’s head and lowered herself down until Sara’s tongue penetrated her open cunt.

He took a deep gulp from his glass then handed it to the young girl who sipped at hers, her red lips teasing the fragile rim. He pulled Sara’s spread legs around him and I watched as his long, thick cock disappeared into her cunt. The girl held the glasses down at her side steadying herself as she ground her hips down onto Sara’s hungry mouth and leaned forward kissing the man. He took slow steady strokes with his cock nestled between Sara’s thighs while his hands explored the young girl’s body.

Where Sara was tall with a curvy, voluptuous frame, this girl was petite with a slender, lithe body. Her dark hair looked almost black in the dim light of the room and stood in stark contrast to Sara’s golden mane. The mound that rose from her dripping gash where Sara’s tongue danced and darted, was hairless and glistened with a combination of her own juices and Sara kisses.

She set the glasses off to the side after draining the last of her wine in one lusty gulp, and carefully repositioned herself over Sara’s face so that she was on all fours with her ass facing the man. He took this as his cue and reached forward massaging her round cheeks as Sara’s lips sucked at her juicy slit. His cock pumped in and out of Sara’s pussy and he pressed his thumb to the small hole of the young girl’s ass making her gasp as it opened to accept his penetration.

As I pulled my cock from my pants, my throat was dry and I looked around me remembering where I was. The neighbors house was dark and I was hidden safely in the shadows. My hard-on responded to my touch like a drowning man breaking through the surface and taking in a breath of air. My fist moved furiously over the nerves in my prick and I turned my attention back to the window.

His thumb was buried to the base in her small ass and she writhed and bucked over Sara’s face. Then he slipped free of her tight hole and pulled her hips back toward him, bringing her even with Sara’s body. The two girls kissed passionately, the young girl licking her juices from Sara’s lips and chin. Her small, firm breasts rubbed against Sara’s large, full tits and their hands roamed each other’s bodies caressing, pinching and scratching. Sara’s hands moved down and squeezed and separated the young girl’s round cheeks and I saw him pull his cock from Sara and slip it into her swollen pussy.

For several minutes he fucked both girls, moving from one hole to the other until his cock was dripping with both their cum. Then he pressed the swollen head of his cock to the tiny diamond between the young girl’s firm globes. My eyes widened as the hole grew and surrounded first the purple head then the long, thick pole of flesh. The young girl bore down into Sara’s inviting arms and her cries were swallowed up in Sara’s open mouth. A bead of saliva fell from his lips to were his flesh joined her body and he slowly fucked his cock in and out of her ass.

Cum burst from my cock and spilled over my fist as I watched the three bodies grinding together. His pace was faster and his strokes were deeper. Her voice cracked as he pulled her body back against him and he sat back on the rim of the tub. Sara climbed up between their spread thighs locking her mouth to the young girl’s empty cunt as his cock pistoned in and out of her ass from beneath. The girl collapsed back against him as the air ripped through his lungs and his cock sprang free from her tight grip spraying cum across Sara’s open lips and tongue.

I crawled back into my car, my legs like rubber. Over an hour had passed and I rushed back to the wedding trying to think of an excuse to tell my wife, but my head was a mess and filled with scenes I could only imagine were still taking place in our house. Luckily, a few drinks had not only cured Emma of her migraine but had played with her sense of time and my excuses were unnecessary. I trudged through the rest of the evening anxious to return home and see what I would find when I looked into Sara’s eyes.


redink on Sex Stories

My body was shaking so violently that I had to step away from the window for fear of being seen. I closed my eyes and the image framed in the window was still there. I clutched my arms across my chest trying to control the adrenaline ripping through me, trying to understand what I had just seen, trying to make sense of what I was feeling. It should have been rage, I knew, but it was something else; and a lust I had never felt before drove me out of the shadows and back to the window where the light from the kitchen glowed softly, illuminating the scene before me.

Our livingroom. The "our" is me, my wife and my two daughters. Emma and I had a wedding to go to that night. Normally Samantha, my oldest daughter, would have looked after her little sister, but it was

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her best friend’s birthday and they were having a slumber party at her place. So we hired a sitter to watch Jessie while we were out.

Sara was the daughter of Emma’s cousin. Sam and Jessie idolized her because she was cool and popular and gorgeous. Emma trusted her because she was smart and very mature for her age. I distrusted her because I sensed her maturity came from experience that most fourteen year old girls did not have. It was the way she made me feel when she looked at me. There was too much confidence in her stare and more in her eyes than intelligence and maturity.

So against Emma’s advice, I pulled up to the house without calling first to let Sara now I was coming home to grab my wife’s migraine pills. Our house sits next to a park. When I saw the red Jeep parked just beyond our fence in front of the park I was sure my suspicions were confirmed. A boyfriend wouldn’t park in the driveway, and it was far enough away but close enough if he had to make a run for it. It wasn’t too long ago I was that age. I pulled up behind the Jeep and walked to the house.

It was almost eleven, so Jessie should have been in bed by now. The front of the house was dark, but I could see lights on in the back. I had expected to catch Sara making out with some boy on the sofa when I arrived, but the deep hum from the backyard told me the jacuzzi jets were running. My mind shifted gears at the thought that she had a boy in the hot tub with her. If she was bold enough for that, I wondered exactly what I would see as I slipped through the gate on the side of the house. My fears of her lack of innocence were turning to something else and I adjusted the crotch of my slacks.

We have two hot tubs, one outside in the yard for summertime, and one enclosed on the porch for winter. The hum came from the enclosed porch and a light from the kitchen cast a soft glow over the tub. Sara was standing in the jacuzzi with her back to me. The water bubbled at about mid thigh on her and she was bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the edge of the tub.

The boy I expected to catch her with was not there. Instead, standing behind her in the writhing water was a man. A man who looked to be my age, even older. His hips bucked hard and fast against Sara’s naked ass and she let out a low, lust-filled grunt of pleasure with each thrust of his cock. Her tits swayed back and forth with the rhythm of his fucking and he squeezed the firm cheek of her ass with one hand, pulling her head back by the ponytail with the other. Her back arched and her muffled voice penetrated the glass that separated us begging him for more.

I slipped back into the shadows with my head reeling and my heart beating like a fucked clock. I should have been thinking of my daughter. Where was she? I should have kicked in the door and raised hell. But I must admit nothing like that even crossed my mind. I was remembering all those looks Sara had given me and what I had seen in her eyes.

I was back at the window. This man was close to forty, by the streaks of grey through his dark hair. His body was hard and lean, not young but still muscular and sexy. He slapped his open palm down across Sara’s butt and her moan jumped in pitch. I stared at them, intoxicated by their actions. In the back of my mind I was trying to comprehend how this man could be here in my home, fucking this gorgeous young girl not even half his age, when movement out of the corner of my eye pulled me back a step into the shadows.

From the kitchen stepped a girl, her naked body no older than Sara’s. My hand reached for the window ledge to steady myself. She carried two classes of wine, one of which she handed to the man. His hips came to rest against Sara’s ass as he accepted the drink and she took the opportunity to pull herself free from his cock and turned, sitting her bottom on the edge of the tub. As she lay back onto a towel the young girl placed a foot on either side of Sara’s head and lowered herself down until Sara’s tongue penetrated her open cunt.

He took a deep gulp from his glass then handed it to the young girl who sipped at hers, her red lips teasing the fragile rim. He pulled Sara’s spread legs around him and I watched as his long, thick cock disappeared into her cunt. The girl held the glasses down at her side steadying herself as she ground her hips down onto Sara’s hungry mouth and leaned forward kissing the man. He took slow steady strokes with his cock nestled between Sara’s thighs while his hands explored the young girl’s body.

Where Sara was tall with a curvy, voluptuous frame, this girl was petite with a slender, lithe body. Her dark hair looked almost black in the dim light of the room and stood in stark contrast to Sara’s golden mane. The mound that rose from her dripping gash where Sara’s tongue danced and darted, was hairless and glistened with a combination of her own juices and Sara kisses.

She set the glasses off to the side after draining the last of her wine in one lusty gulp, and carefully repositioned herself over Sara’s face so that she was on all fours with her ass facing the man. He took this as his cue and reached forward massaging her round cheeks as Sara’s lips sucked at her juicy slit. His cock pumped in and out of Sara’s pussy and he pressed his thumb to the small hole of the young girl’s ass making her gasp as it opened to accept his penetration.

As I pulled my cock from my pants, my throat was dry and I looked around me remembering where I was. The neighbors house was dark and I was hidden safely in the shadows. My hard-on responded to my touch like a drowning man breaking through the surface and taking in a breath of air. My fist moved furiously over the nerves in my prick and I turned my attention back to the window.

His thumb was buried to the base in her small ass and she writhed and bucked over Sara’s face. Then he slipped free of her tight hole and pulled her hips back toward him, bringing her even with Sara’s body. The two girls kissed passionately, the young girl licking her juices from Sara’s lips and chin. Her small, firm breasts rubbed against Sara’s large, full tits and their hands roamed each other’s bodies caressing, pinching and scratching. Sara’s hands moved down and squeezed and separated the young girl’s round cheeks and I saw him pull his cock from Sara and slip it into her swollen pussy.

For several minutes he fucked both girls, moving from one hole to the other until his cock was dripping with both their cum. Then he pressed the swollen head of his cock to the tiny diamond between the young girl’s firm globes. My eyes widened as the hole grew and surrounded first the purple head then the long, thick pole of flesh. The young girl bore down into Sara’s inviting arms and her cries were swallowed up in Sara’s open mouth. A bead of saliva fell from his lips to were his flesh joined her body and he slowly fucked his cock in and out of her ass.

Cum burst from my cock and spilled over my fist as I watched the three bodies grinding together. His pace was faster and his strokes were deeper. Her voice cracked as he pulled her body back against him and he sat back on the rim of the tub. Sara climbed up between their spread thighs locking her mouth to the young girl’s empty cunt as his cock pistoned in and out of her ass from beneath. The girl collapsed back against him as the air ripped through his lungs and his cock sprang free from her tight grip spraying cum across Sara’s open lips and tongue.

I crawled back into my car, my legs like rubber. Over an hour had passed and I rushed back to the wedding trying to think of an excuse to tell my wife, but my head was a mess and filled with scenes I could only imagine were still taking place in our house. Luckily, a few drinks had not only cured Emma of her migraine but had played with her sense of time and my excuses were unnecessary. I trudged through the rest of the evening anxious to return home and see what I would find when I looked into Sara’s eyes.

Sara's Time; Babysat

redink on Teen Stories

Sara knew something was up the minute her Aunt Emma and her uncle walked in the door that night. It was nearly three in the morning and her friends had left about an hour ago, giving her time to clean up. But as they stepped through the door, Sara saw something on both their faces that made her guilt rise. She knew they could not have noticed anything yet, having just walked in the house, but her uncle’s eyes were on the floor and seemed to be avoiding hers. She noticed this immediately because she loved to tease him with her eyes. Her Aunt Emma’s eyes, however, were locked on Sara’s as if trying to read the thoughts floating through the wine in her head. Sara returned a questioning glance to Emma who offered a smile that meant "we’ll talk later".

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Emma was not really Sara’s aunt but her mom’s cousin, and though they couldn’t read each other’s minds, they had a special relationship that brought them much closer than distant cousins would suggest.

Sara had been brought up in the same strict household as her Aunt Emma, and like her aunt was learning the realities between what her mother taught her and what her body was telling her. At a young age she felt like she was suffocating but couldn’t tell why. At a young age she also noticed that her aunt was different than the other people in her family. She heard them whisper that Aunt Emma "had" to get married, and although she didn’t know what that meant, she knew the rest of the family wasn’t happy about it. She guessed that was the reason she only saw her aunt on special occasions. But what she understood above all else was that she loved her aunt and always felt good when she was around. Aunt Emma talked about stuff. She talked about the difference between boys and girls and she was the one who told Sara about her period and what happens to a girl’s body when she grows up. Stuff Sara’s mom would never talk about.

So when Sara was told she would need a babysitter while her parents were at a church getaway for the weekend, the disappointment turned to excitement when she found out Aunt Emma would be watching her. Sara felt she was old enough to take care of herself, but a weekend with her aunt was more like a sleep over at a girlfriend’s than being babysat. And when her aunt told her that her uncle was talking Samantha and Jessie camping for the week, Sara was thrilled even more at the prospect of having all her aunt’s attention for herself.

Emma picked Sara up after school and the fun began. Emma took her to the mall and not only bought Sara a brand new dress and two outfits for the weekend, but also taught her the art of flirting with boys. Sara learned how to walk sexy and look at boys so they stopped dead in their tracks. She loved watching her aunt tease the men in the shops and picked up on all her tricks. Sara felt grown up and sexy, not like a little girl, and she loved it.

That night Emma took Sara to a fancy restaurant to show off her new dress, and though Sara could tell her aunt was attracting most of the attention, she felt more than a few eyes looking her over in the little black dress. The night flew bye in a haze of excitement and girl talk. Emma had let Sara drink from her glass of wine and by the time they returned to Emma’s home, Sara was fighting to keep her eyes open.

Sara woke in the darkness. Something had woken her, someone was crying. Her head was fuzzy and it took her a minute to realize she was in her cousin Samantha’s bed and not her own. She listened in the darkness but there was only silence. Sara slid from under the covers, her mouth dry and in need of a glass of water. Her bare feet padded across the thick carpet and she pulled the door open stepping out into the hall. The hardwood was cold under her naked feet and she shivered as she looked down the hall at the closed door of her aunt’s room.

Sara held the wood banister making her way downstairs when she heard the cry again. She was certain she had heard it this time. It sounded like a woman crying, like her aunt, and it was coming from the living room. At the bottom of the stairs Sara turned up the hallway and saw that a light was shining from the livingroom. She froze in her steps as she looked around the corner. A shiver starting at the base of her spine working its way outward until her fingers were quivering. It felt as if her flannel pj’s had disappeared and she was naked, just like her Aunt Emma.

Sara’s aunt was lying on top of someone, a man, in the middle of the living room floor. Though Sara could see most of her aunt, she could only see bits and pieces of the man; his arms sticking out from under her aunt’s hips and his legs poking out from her shoulders. It reminded Sara of the time her little brother pulled the head from her Barbie doll and replaced it with the head of his GI Joe doll. Their parts were all mixed up.

As her eyes began to make sense of the details, Sara realized the shadow between her aunt’s legs was no shadow at all, but the dark hair of the man’s head, shifting and shaking. Her eyes moved along the soft curves of her aunt’s body and, as if he knew she was there, the man’s leg fell flat and Sara could see her aunt’s face in profile. She leaned on her opposite elbow, and with her free hand reached up and took hold of the long shaft poking up from between the man’s legs. Sara’s eyes went wide at the sight of flesh towering from the man’s hips. Her aunt’s hand pumped up and down its thick length, then her head lowered and a deep moan escaped her lips, striking the young girl, as she watched the shaft disappear into her aunt’s mouth.

It was the moan that turned the chill in Sara’s young body to fever. Still shaking, she felt sweat beading on her forehead as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. While her eyes were confused her ears had come alive and she took in all the sounds; the moaning from her aunt and the muffled words from the man between her aunt’s legs, the slurping, sucking and lip smacking coming from both ends of the twisting, writhing beast on the Persian rug. Sara stood there in the middle of the door way, looking down on the two lovers, watching his finger disappearing between the spread cheeks of her aunt’s round butt.

The young girl jumped when the bodies in front of her suddenly separated. The man had shifted forcefully to the side and Sara ducked behind the wall as her aunt said words Sara had never heard before. The words scared and excited Sara and she felt the lust in her aunt’s voice. Her hand pressed instinctively to her damp panties. She heard her own moan as her nimble fingers moved over her sensitive mound. Her knees buckled and Sara sank down against the wall listening to the bodies wrestling on the other side.

On her knees, Sara poked her head around the corner as the man cried out, "Oh, Fuck!" and the young girl watched the older woman pressing her hips down over the man so his penis went up inside her hole. Sara watched breathlessly as her aunt bounced up and down, her head thrown back and her breasts bouncing, the man’s flesh appearing then disappearing into the open petals of her flower. Sara’s eyes fixed on her aunt’s face, seeing the pleasure that was there and somehow understanding.

The young girl sat up on her knees behind the wall and pushed her pj bottoms down her slender thighs so that only her panties covered her round bottom. Sitting back on her feet she peeked around the corner again pressing her fingers to her damp slit hidden under the thin cotton. Here eyes were fixed on the spot where her aunt and the man were connected and she wondered how something so big could ever fit inside her. She watched her aunt’s hips rocking back and forth over the man’s thing, swallowing it, and she practiced the motion, leaning forward on one arm, moaning quietly as she rolled her hips over her probing fingers.

Aunt Emma’s hair was different down there. Sara had seen her mother naked and her hair was thick and covered everything down there. Emma’s was just a small patch above her slit and Sara could see the lips wrapped around his penis. Sitting back once more, the girl slowly pulled her wet panties away from her waist and peered down at the delicate fuzz barely visible there. Blushing, she tentatively slid her hand down her belly then gasped as her slender finger pressed between her swollen lips.

The scene had changed and the man was now behind Sara’s aunt. "Oh, God! Ya! Fuck my cock!" he cried, and Emma looked back over her shoulder on all fours as she thrust her hips back against his.

"Cock!" The word crawled into Sara’s ears and slid down over her tongue. She let it slip quietly from her lips, tasting it for the first time and loving its sound. His cock slid into her aunt from behind and he grabbed her shoulders and his hips shot forward slapping noisily against her ass as he grunted. Emma’s breath left her in a deep moan and she hugged the cushions of the couch, "Ooooh! Fuck my cunt! Yes! Fuck it!" The words washed over Sara and her body reacted, relaxing around her finger, allowing it deeper into her cunt. She was moaning in time with her aunt, riding a wave of pleasure through her young body she had never dreamed possible.

Sara’s eyes took in the sight of the young man’s muscular body and she licked her dry lips craving him like a desperate thirst. Her eyes followed the line of his round ass up his twisting back and muscular shoulders to the contours of his square jaw, when she suddenly recognized him. He was the waiter from the restaurant her aunt had flirted with that night, making Sara blush because he was so cute. Her aunt did not know him so Sara couldn’t imagine how it was that he was there.

Sara stared wide eyed at the young man. He was younger than her aunt who was almost 27. She knew because he had asked for her aunt’s ID when she ordered wine and she had teased him until he admitted he was only 22. The idea excited Sara. Her aunt with a younger man, more than ten years younger than her husband.

For the first time Sara thought of her uncle, but to her surprise, she was not upset. Instead the idea excited her more. She suddenly thought of her own mother and wished she could see her fucking the waiter. She imagined her there, down on the floor with her hair freed from its permanent bun, her legs spread and his huge cock causing her to scream the way her aunt was screaming. She thought of her father, so strict and rigid and cold, and maybe if her mom had a cock like the waiter’s to play with she wouldn’t be so harsh all the time.

"I’m gunna cum!" the waiter cried out and Sara watched her aunt spin around, lean back against the couch, and pull the man’s cock to her. He thrust it between her naked tits, shining wet from her cunt, and she sucked and licked at its head until it throbbed and a blur of white burst from its tip splashing over her tongue and lips, dripping down onto her breasts as she squeezed them around his spurting shaft.

Sara’s body shook and her young cunt contracted around her finger. She bit her tongue and fear and excitement flowed through her. Her flannel pj’s clung to her sweating body and her head came back to her as if she had woken from a dream. She pulled her bottoms up and with out looking twice, slipped back up the stairs and into her bed. She lay there under the covers shivering, feeling guilty, excited, ashamed and confused. She waited for something to happen but nothing did. She drifted into a fitful sleep.

She didn’t know how long she had slept but it was still dark when she woke to her door opening. She played that she was sleeping, but from the light outside her door she could see her aunt moving toward her. She sat on the edge of Sara’s bed. She was naked. Sara closed her eyes and felt her aunt’s hand pushing the hair away from her brow. For a long moment everything was still and silent. Then Sara felt her aunt’s kiss on her forehead before she got up and slipped quietly out the door. Sara fell asleep with her fingers wet from the second orgasm of her young life.

Sara walked on the edge of fear and excitement the next day as she studied her aunt, looking for some sign of what she saw the night before. They went roller skating and shopped and ate at trendy restaurants. Sara’s aunt was flirtatious and sexy the entire time and Sara mimicking her every nuance. They ended the night with a movie, but Sara was distracted wondering if one of the men her aunt had flirted with throughout the day might end up fucking her tonight. When they arrived home, Sara said she was exhausted and ran off to bed like a little girl anxious for Santa Clause to arrive.

She sat wide awake in the dark, listening. What felt like hours passed and Sara’s disappointment turned to fatigue. The lids of her eyes were heavy and she felt sleep closing in around her. Then something snapped and she shot up in her bed. She listened and waited. She slipped from the covers and slowly pulled open the door poking her head into the hall and listening. There was something.

She wanted to be ready tonight so she stepped back into her room pushing the door shut. Her pj bottoms fell to the floor and before she pulled them back up she had slipped her panties off and tucked them under her pillow. As she climbed down the stairs she could feel her naked body beneath the flannel pj’s.

There was no light in the living room this time, but a glow came from the kitchen further down the hall. Sara stopped at the corner and peaked around into the kitchen. The light was on but it was empty. She heard voices but couldn’t make them out over the sound of the jets from the jacuzzi on the back porch. Sara tip-toed across the cold kitchen floor until she could see her aunt in the hot tub.

She was standing there with the water bubbling around mid-thigh, bent at the waist, her elbows resting on the edge of the tub. The man standing behind her was thrusting his cock hard between her legs while the man in front of her sat on the rim of the tub, leaning back on his elbows. Her mouth slid up and down his cock. The darkness of their skin startled Sara and looked almost black against her aunt’s pale flesh. Their body’s were all muscle and creamy chocolate, their cocks thick and long and black as night as they slid in and out of her cunt and lips. It was as if their cocks were connected inside her aunt and her body simply slid back and forth over the ebony spike, one end thrusting in, while the other pushed out. Sara’s young body ached with desire.

Her aunt climbed out of the water and pulled both men by their cocks to the sofa set against the wall of the enclosed porch. She pushed the man whose cock she’d been sucking down on the couch and straddled his hips, pushing her cunt down over his erect flesh. Sara gasped when she saw her aunt guiding the other cock to the hole between her round butt cheeks.

The young girl was breathless as she watched the man climb over her aunt stuffing his gigantic black meat into her ass. Both men began rocking their hips rhythmically and her aunt danced between their bodies, her pink flesh swallowed up in their dark arms. Her moans were nearly screams and with each one Sara pressed deeper into her own tight slit, standing there with her bottoms around her knees. She stared entranced by the black cocks fucking her aunt’s ass and pussy, one moving in, the other out, her petite body grinding between their massive frames.

"Fuck that cock, Baby! That’s it! Fuck my monster with that sweet cunt! Goddam girl!" There voices echoed in Sara’s ears and her juices dribbled down her fingers. When she looked up she saw her aunt’s eyes reflected in the blackness of the patio window. They were locked on Sara’s own eyes, staring right into her.

Sara nearly screamed, but she had no breath in her lungs. She yanked her pj’s up and ran like lightning until she was under her covers sobbing. She waited, but there was nothing. She waited for the door to swing open and her aunt to pounce on her in a rage, but there was nothing. An hour passed and Sara drifted off to sleep.

When she woke it was still dark, and again she could see her aunt’s silhouette moving toward her in the light from the hall. She could smell the chlorine from the jacuzzi on her naked skin as she sat on the edge of the bed. Sara pretended sleep as her aunt brushed her hair from her forehead.

"Sara?" she whispered but the young girl was too scared to speak. She lay there on her back, her eyes closed tight, her chest rising and falling with each breath. She waited for her aunt’s kiss but her hand lingered this time stroking Sara’s long blonde hair. Then the fingers slipped softly into the nape of Sara’s neck, caressing her skin. The fingertips were like soft kisses and Sara felt her body start to relax. The fingers roamed over the young girl’s shoulders then down across her chest tracing circles around the sensitive nipples poking up against the course flannel sending a shiver through Sara’s body.

Her aunt’s touch moved lower until her fingers danced around the naked flesh of her naval, tickling, but not so she laughed. The fingers explored the gap of skin between Sara’s tops and bottoms. Butterflies swirled in her belly and she felt her thighs drifting apart. As the fingertips kissed the hem of her waistband, Sara drew in her breath. Her chest rose and her tummy sank and she felt her aunt’s fingers slip beneath the elastic band. They massaged the sensitive mound of young flesh rising up from her virgin slit then slid down over her electric button.

Sara gasped breathing hard now but still holding her eyes shut, her hands clutching the sheets at her side. The fingers moved delicately over her tender lips, prying them open and exploring the velvet folds inside, slick with wetness. One finger vibrated over Sara’s button making sparks appear behind her eyelids while another teased the nerves inside her young cunt. Her aunt’s touch worked magic between her slender thighs until her body tensed and her nerves broke open with heat and pleasure spreading from her sex to the tips of her fingers and toes. Sara’s body went limp and her aunt’s lips pressed against her forehead before she left the room without a word.

Sara made her way downstairs in the morning to her aunt making breakfast. Sara was afraid to look her in the eye, but her aunt was acting as if nothing had happened. She talked casually about the day ahead while she spooned eggs onto Sara’s plate. Sara was both hurt and relieved by her aunt’s manor, and was glad that she had already made plans to spend the day with a friend. She wouldn’t see her aunt until dinner time and then her parents would be bye Monday morning to pick her up.

The day with her friend was long and uneasy. She was distracted and confused and her emotions seemed to change with every passing minute. But as she headed back to her aunt’s house, the doubt and shame that had weighed heavy on her early in the day, had lifted and was replaced by a growing sense of excitement about what her aunt might have waiting for her.

Sara came through the back door into the kitchen and nearly fell over from shock. The last thing she had expected to see was her mother. And until the woman turned around, that’s exactly who Sara thought she was looking at. Same frumpy clothes and conservative hair-do, hunched over the oven with a skillet in one hand and a spatula in the other.

"You must be Sara!" boomed a voice from the hallway, and Sara turned to see a man standing there with a drink in his hand. For a minute she wondered if she had come into the wrong house, until her aunt appeared and introduced Mike and Gene. They were neighbors from up the street and Emma had invited them for dinner. Unfortunately, Gene had to work so she was spooning her dinner into a plastic bowl so she could eat at the hospital.

Gene was off and Mike took a seat at the table with Sara and her aunt. Gene and Mike were closer to Sara’s parents in age, a little older even. And though Gene could have been her mom’s sister, Sara quickly realized Mike was nothing like her father. He was laid back and funny. His daughter was about Sara’s age and was spending the summer with her grandparents. He and Gene had met Sara’s aunt and uncle at a parent-teachers conference.

The food was good and the conversation flowed and Sara was allowed a small glass of wine. She was relaxing for the first time all day when the dishes were cleared and her aunt suggested they all soak in the jacuzzi. Butterflies suddenly rose up in Sara’s tummy and then spread through her young body when Mike declared that he didn’t have any trunks.

"It’s really so much better when you go au natural," Emma said grinning at Mike. "You don’t mind, do you, Sara?" her aunt asked turning her eyes on the girl. Sara found herself shaking her head and following her aunt and Mike out onto the patio, the bottle of wine swinging at her aunt’s side.

Sara watched as her aunt pealed off her top then slid out of her jeans. Her body was amazing. Only a bit taller than Sara, she was petite but curvy with large round breasts. Sara felt embarrassed to expose her young body next to her aunt’s until she realized that Mike’s attention was focused on her. She undressed shyly but with growing confidence as she watched him watching her from the corner of her eye.

Mike made no attempt to peak from around his eyes, or to hide his body. Sara blushed when she saw his penis dangling between his thighs, and even harder when she met his piercing gaze and warm smile.

The jets came to life, and though Sara liked the feeling of her new found confidence, she was glad to be hidden beneath the foaming bubbles. Mike sat across from her with his arms spread out around the rim of the tub. Emma was slow to enter, moving naked around the patio, pouring glasses of wine. She placed one in Mike’s hand then slid down into the water at his side, cuddling up under his arm as if he were her husband.

The casual conversation from dinner continued, though Sara had a tough time following it. Her attention was on her aunt’s hands, which, although hidden under the spray of white bubbles, were quite obviously in Mike’s lap. Mike too seemed to be lagging behind in dialogue as Emma joked and teased about something or other. Several times he lay his head back and closed his eyes and Sara could hear his breath escaping his lungs.

"Sorry ladies but the water and the wine are getting to me. I’m gunna need to sit up for a minute." And Sara watched as his strong arms lifted his body from the water until his bare butt rested on the edge of the tub. "I didn’t want to offend Sara," he added with a smile in his eyes. Sara’s eyes were glued to his full erection, standing proudly between his legs, its tip poking at his firm stomach. Her mouth was suddenly dry.

"Oh, I don’t think she’ll be offended. She’s not that innocent," and Sara’s aunt winked at the girl as she slid over and ran her hand up Mike’s thigh until her grip was around the base of his cock, stroking it slowly. The only sound was Mike’s breathing as Sara sat and watched her aunt massaging the tower of flesh directly in front of her.

"Its okay Sara. Here..." she whispered and Sara felt her body drifting through the water towards the cock held out to her by her aunt. She felt her naked body rising out of the water as she stepped between his spread thighs, now looking down at the cock, her first cock. She felt her hand encircle the thick shaft just above her aunt’s thumb and finger. "Rubbery... hot... pulsing... strange... good," she thought, and she watched her hand move up and down the shaft, its thick vain slipping under her thumb. Her finger tips danced over the purple mushroom swelling at the tip and Sara loved the spongy feeling.

Sara nearly jumped at the touch of her aunt’s hand on her back, she was so entranced by the throbbing flesh in front of her. "You like?" her aunt whispered into her ear, her fingers dancing softly down the length of the girl’s spine. Sara nodded her appreciation then gasped at the double sensation of her aunt suddenly engulfing the cock with her mouth, while at the same time sliding her hand over Sara’s young ass, squeezing her firm round cheek. Sara’s eyes grew as her aunt’s lips slid down the hot pole and kissed her delicate fingers. She moaned when her aunt’s hand slid between the cheeks of her ass and traveled down between her thighs. She watched her aunt bobbing slowly up and down on the cock in her hand while penetrating fingers sent electricity through her body.

A second hand covered the naked flesh of her bottom, squeezing it, and Sara suddenly remembered the man attached to her first cock. His hand moved up her hip and cupped her young breasts, pinching and tweaking them. Sara breath was heavy in her lungs and her legs were weak beneath her.

Emma lifted her head from the cock and looked deep into Sara’s eyes, her finger stroking the hard button hidden between the young girl’s legs. She brought her lips to Sara’s, kissing softly at first, then finding her inexperienced tongue and drawing it into her mouth. Sara could taste the musky scent of the cock on her aunt’s breath and moaned deep into her mouth as there tongues slid over one another. Their lips parted and Emma guided the cock to Sara’s eager kiss.

"Suck on it, Sweety," Emma whispered into her ear as she kissed Sara’s neck. In her own ears she could hear the slurp and smack of innocent lips taking in their first cock. Mike’s voice rose above their heads, heavy and deep, filled with appreciation. Emma moved around behind Sara, spooning her young body in hers while her arms encircled her hips and her hands explored her tender box. Her lips and whispers were at Sara’s ear, kissing and instructing. She covered the inexperienced hand with her own and taught the young girl rhythm as she stroked the cock into her mouth. She guided the virgin’s fingers over his dangling balls and showed her how to roll them with her tongue.

Sara’s body ached with pleasure and thrilled at the feeling of flesh between her lips. Her aunt taught her and she made love to the cock in front of her until the sensations became too much. Her head spun with the heat of the water and the indescribable sensation of her aunt’s breasts stroking her back and her hot hips cradling Sara’s small ass.

"I think we need to move into the living room," Emma suggested, and they lifted the young girl from the tub toweling her off between them.

After a tall glass of water, Sara followed her aunt into the living room where Mike sat waiting, stroking his stiff prick. "Here, Sara..." her aunt breathed against her neck as she led her to the couch. Sara loved the feeling of her aunt’s hands which seemed to be everywhere on her hot flesh. Her heart raced as she guided her down onto Mike’s lap, straddling his muscular thighs so her knees rested on either side of him and his fat cock poked up between her spread legs. Emma climbed up behind her young pupil and again spooned her smaller body inside her own.

Sara had no idea what to do and thrilled at the feeling of her aunt’s soft body pressing up against her and sandwiching her against Mike’s hard frame. She leaned back into her teacher letting her take control. Emma’s hands cupped her aching breasts and offered them up to Mike’s lips. He sucked passionately at them, his mouth covering them entirely and his teeth nibbling at her hard nipples. Beneath her, Sara could feel his hard cock sliding against her naked slit and for the first time she forgot her modesty, "Oh, Fuck!"

The words oozed from her lips. "That’s it, Sara..." her aunt whispered. She reached between the older man and the young girl taking his cock in her hand and pressing it to Sara’s virgin slit. Sara groaned loudly. "Do you like his cock?" her words teased at Sara’s ear. "Aaaah, yes!" she cried out. "Tell him, Sara. Tell him you like his cock." The thick shaft pried apart her tight lips until they hugged the underside, stroking wet velvet over his bulging vain.

"Oh, Fuck Mike! I love your cock!" and with those words his hips began to thrust up between her spread thighs, his cock slicing open her aching cunt, filling it with ecstasy. He kissed her hard and she opened her mouth to him experiencing her first difference between a man and woman.

"Tell him you want to fuck his cock," whispered her aunt, and she screamed the words, "Fuck me Mike! Oh God! I wanna fuck your cock! I wanna fuck it so bad! I want it in side of me. Please fuck me, Mike! Please!"

As her own words echoed in her ears, Sara both feared and desperately desired the first penetration of his cock into her virgin womb. She closed her eyes tight bracing for it, but it did not come. Her aunt’s grip was high on his cock, her thumb and finger tight just beneath its swollen helmet. She held the throbbing shaft snug against the young girl’s splayed lips as he thrust his length up between them. With her own hips, Emma was rocking Sara’s pelvis against the cock until she found the rhythm and fucked her cunt against it. The sensation was excruciating pleasure against her swollen clit and it brought forth a litany of words from the girl that made her feel both nasty and sexy and brought the ecstacy to a boil.

"Ooooohhh! Godddd!" she screamed, her body bursting with heat and wetness. Her aunt was stroking Mike’s cock furiously between them and he let out his own growl of pleasure clamping his hands tight over Sara’s naked ass and pulling her hard against his cock. She looked down between them through hazy eyes as white fire shot from the eye of his cock and splashed against her chin and tits.

Sara collapsed, sticky and wet against Mike’s chest lying there panting until her aunt pulled her down to the floor. She stretched out on her back drawing in her breath as her aunt’s lips and tongue moved over her naked body licking up his seed. She brought her lips to Sara’s and the young girl sucked hungrily at her aunt’s kiss tasting his cum there.

"I want you to choose the cock that takes your virginity," her aunt whispered to her, as if anticipating the question on Sara’s mind. Then she slid her body down Sara’s until her head rested between her spread thighs. Sara trembled as her aunt’s tongue devoured her young cunt. She watched with hungry eyes as Mike knelt behind her aunt, feeding his cock deep into her pussy and rocking her forward between Sara’s thighs. Her aunt would cum soon after Sara’s juices filled her mouth and Sara would taste her aunt on Mike’s bloated cock as he coated her tongue with his final load.

Sara would spend the last night of that weekend in her aunt’s bed learning a different kind of lovemaking. In two weeks she would lose her cherry to a boy in her class. The experience would last just under two minutes. He pulled out leaving the condom her aunt had given her still inside her, and came all over the inside of her thigh. He then told all of his friends he had fucked her and by the following Monday, the entire school knew.

Sara didn’t know how long she had been asleep when her door opened and she saw her aunt’s silhouette moving towards her in the dark. She decided to simply stay the night when they got home from the wedding and was sleeping in Samantha’s bedroom while she was at a sleep over. Her aunt crawled in next to her asking what she had done to shake her uncle up so much. When Sara realized that he must have seen her, her body raged with a renewed sexual appetite. She slid over her aunt’s body, relaxing into a 69. She was experienced enough to know she was tasting her uncle’s seed inside her aunt’s wet cunt and thrilled at the idea.

Although Sara loved her aunt and trusted her more than anyone, there were still things she kept from her. She filled her in on what her husband had seen that night but hid the details of her friends and how she knew them. She shared many fantasies with her aunt but never the one’s involving her husband and how she lusted after him, although she was sure her aunt knew and might even encourage her. But she didn’t know the extent of Sara’s desires and the girl was sure they were more than even her aunt would be willing to accept.