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pusshunter Member Since October 19, 2009
College kid has his way with a 14 year old girl
pusshunter 5449 days ago
- 10 + First off I am all about constructive criticism so I will give examples of your shitty grammar (though it won't all fit) "my six foot body football body frame with a tan reflection and blue eyes seemed to attracted all the girls i ever endured." "I have a
The Girl Down The Street
pusshunter 5449 days ago
- 10 + Thanks for your feedback, Part 2 will be coming soon!
Halloween Sex - Extended Version
pusshunter 5449 days ago
- 8 + Great Story... What Pic??
The day I found out I was double jointed
pusshunter 5449 days ago
- 0 + I would gladly tell you that this is the worste, most dispicable, worthless waste of time ever presented on this website; however, unbelievably i have read worse. Now that you have started with a story equivilant to a 3rd grade report try writing a story
Sex at camp with my friend
pusshunter 5449 days ago
- 5 + Honestly, You Had A Good Storyline And Would Have Had A Great Story; However, Poor Sentence Structure, Run-ons, And Grammar Downgraded Your Story Majorly. Good Start Though.