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ps10v3rt4k3 Member Since October 19, 2009

Babysitter meets a Dane

usafslut1 on Animal Stories

 Race Track Slut.

Tammy and her mother had just moved from the city to a new house in Vermont.  The house was directly across the street from a horse race track.  The location was not that great, but the rent was affordable.  School had just ended for the spring and Tammy was upset that she had left her friends.  She was 14 and she knew she was going to miss Sarah the most.  Sarah and Tammy had been friends all their lives and recently they had started to explore their sexuality together.  On the night before Tammy moved the two girls had a sleep over and decided

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that it might be a long time till they met another good friend or had a boyfriend, so they took turns playing who was the boy and who was the girl. After doing what they had done before, playing with each other’s breasts and nipples, and fingering each other, Sarah looked at Tammy and said, “Shall I pretend I’m your boyfriend and go to third base?”  Tammy said “yes” and Sarah leaned forward and started sucking on Tammy’s hard nipples.  Tammy’s breasts were not as big as Sarah’s but they were very firm and her nipples would get so hard that they grew to about an inch away from her breast.


Sarah was sucking hard on Tammy’s nipples and Tammy was getting close to cumming just from the stimulation.  Sarah could tell how hot Tammy was and she slowly left her breasts and ran her tongue down the middle of Tammy’s perfectly flat belly.  As Sarah’s tongue got to Tammy’s panties she began to smell how hot Tammy was.  She had fingered Tammy many times and knew how wet Tammy got when she was turned on.  Sarah never played with Tammy without having a towel near by, because when Tammy came she would soak Sarah’s hand, and anything Tammy was sitting on. 


Sarah had slowly pulled down Tammy’s panties revealing her pussy, just inches away from her face.  Although Tammy was a little girl, about 5’ tall and very skinny, she had a very big pussy.  Sarah had always been able to put all 4 fingers inside of Tammy and one day almost put all her hand inside.  Tammy had sworn that she wasn’t using big things to masturbate with, but Sarah still had her hymen and it was obvious that Tammy, although a virgin, had lost hers while masturbating with something.  Sarah pulled Tammy’s panties off completely and sat her down on the bed on the towel.  She got on her knees beside the bed and pushed Tammy’s legs to the sides- She was now looking deep inside her best friend’s pussy, and stopped to just stare at it.  Tammy finally said,  “are you going to look at it or lick it?”  Sarah leaned forward and ran her tongue along one side then down and up the other side.  Tammy couldn’t believe how great her friend’s tongue felt.  Then Sarah got to the top of her slit and licked hard on Tammy’s clit.  Tammy quickly grabbed the back of Sarah’s head and held it right there, she had never felt anything so great and she didn’t want her friend to move.


Sarah just kept licking and Tammy was panting a few minutes later.  Then Sarah started to suck on her clit. Tammy went instantly into an orgasm; she bucked wildly against Sarah’s mouth.  Sarah chin was getting soaked as it moved slightly against the opening of Tammy’s pussy.  Tammy let go of Sarah’s head and Sarah starting moving around her pussy, till she finally started to drive her tongue inside her best friend’s pussy.  Tammy never stopped her orgasm – it just keep going and going.  She wasn’t sure if it was one or many but her body was jerking all over the bed as her friend never stopped her attack on her hot creaming cunt.


Finally Sarah pulled away.  Her face was covered in Tammy’s cum.  Tammy reached down, pulled her friends face to hers and for the first time ever, she kissed her best friend.  Not just a friend kiss but a lover’s kiss.  She kissed her lips and then opened her mouth and darted her tongue deep into her friend’s mouth. Her friend had made her feel better then she ever had and she wanted to thank her. Tammy was also getting intoxicated by the taste of her our juices that were all over her friends face and in her mouth.  The kiss finally broke and Tammy started to work her kisses down Sarah’s body. Before long they had traded places and Tammy was eating out her friend’s pussy.  Before the night was over they made each other cum at least 5 or 6 times.


That was 2 days ago and miles way.  This evening Tammy was sitting on the porch of her new home and just staring at the rows of horses in the barns across the street.  The thought of her friend had her really down, but the thought of the last night with her friend also had her horny as hell.  Her mom had gone out to dinner with the real estate lady and Tammy was home alone.  She thought to herself that she could go inside and masturbate or go take a walk.  The walk won out.


Tammy crossed the road and walked along the fence of the track’s barn area.  She looked at the heads of all the horses sticking out of their stalls.  She thought they all looked like prisoners in their cells.  She also noticed that there were virtually no people around.  It was a Sunday night and the place seemed deserted except for the horses and some dogs running around.  Someone had told her when they had visited the area looking at houses, that many of the horse owners had guard dogs around the horses and their feed sheds, and that if a dog should be in their yard she should not consider them very friendly as some of them would attack you even if you were just walking.


Tammy walked a little further and found an opening in the fence.  She looked around and figured “what the hell” and ducked under the broken part of the fence.  She waited till there were no dogs around and  walked over to the row of horses and started petting one of them.  Tammy looked up and down the row at probably 20 horse’s heads and couldn’t believe how beautiful the horses were.  She went from one horse to another saying “hello” to them and rubbing their heads.   She was talking to one of the horses when she started hearing a slapping noise. She looked around to see if someone was hitting someone, but no one was anywhere around her.  She heard the noise again, and realized that it was very constant. About every 5 or 10 seconds she heard the noise.  She walked down the row of horses and the noise got louder.  She then came upon a stall where there was not a head protruding.  She looked in and was looking at a horse from the side.  There was this beautiful horse with it dick hanging down. Not just hanging like when they pee, but hard and really long.


Tammy had seen pictures of guys on the Internet and even seen a 20 second media clip of dog screwing a woman, but she had never seen anything as sexy as the cock she was looking at – it had to be close to three feet long, jet black like the horse and as thick as her arm. After a second or two the horse’s dick left its hanging position and smacked the underside of the horse’s belly.  Tammy was mesmerized.  The horse would let his dick hang and then smack it again against his chest.  Tammy almost broke out laughing when she realized that the horse must be masturbating.  This beautiful animal with its great big cock was as horny as she was.  Tammy kept watching the horse and after a couple of minutes felt drips of liquid running down her leg.  She was so hot that the light panties could not hold all the juices her body was producing.


Tammy looked all around her and still didn’t see anyone.  She had to get her fingers inside her pussy to give her some relief.  She started to rub her pussy through her shorts, but that was not enough.  Tammy figured the horse was probably fantasizing about some cute mare, so she looked around one more time and slowly ducked under the webbing that was across the stall.  She quietly moved into the corner of the stall so no one could look in and see her.  She knew she should probably not go to the side of the stall to the back of the horse, but she wanted to be close to the beautiful cock.  She was tucked into the corner, figuring the horse would not try to kick her there.  She quietly pulled off her shorts and panties and sat down in the straw.  It felt a little funny – but at that point she could care less, she had access to her wanting pussy.


Tammy opened her legs as wide as she could.  She used her finger to circle her wet pussy lips and a moment later she slid a finger and then two into her hot hole.  As she did she watched the horse slap his huge cock once more to its belly.  Tammy started to wonder what it would look like if the horse started to cum.  She looked at the balls that were not more than 4 feet away from her.  They were the size of oranges and she wanted to reach up and squeeze them.  She was wishing that the horse was like Mister Ed and he could turn and say, “Hey baby, how about stoking my dick like you girls do to guys?”  She almost laughed at the thought.  Tammy was staring at the beautiful horse as she got closer and closer to an orgasm.  She was fingering herself and she started to rub her clit with her thumb.


Tammy started breathing heavy and knew she was on the verge of her first climax of the day, when she heard a noise to her right.  She turned her head and there standing in the door of the stall was the biggest most powerful German Shepard she had ever seen.  The horse slapped his dick one more time and the dog barked at the horse.  The horse looked over at the dog and shifted his body away from Tammy.  As he did the dick almost looked like it softened.  It didn’t retract, but it didn’t look as thick.


Tammy was frozen and was hoping the dog would not notice her, she was also hoping that there was not a person with the dog.  Tammy was sitting as still as she could with her legs still wide apart, each knee resting a wall in the corner.  The dog took another step into the stall and looked right over at Tammy. He started to move towards her and started to growl, Tammy wanted to scream, but was searching her mind for what to do in this situation.  She remembered seeing movies where wild animals were challenging a person, she remembered that if you don’t look at the animal they usually go away.  Tammy couldn’t move her head she was still too scared.  She did the next best thing and closed her eyes.  She heard the dog approaching her, and could hear each step as he moved along the straw in the stall.


He was standing right in front of her.  The next thing she felt was smack right between her legs, she tried to scream, but nothing came out.  She opened her eyes and saw the dog again taking his snout and smacked her pussy.  She did not know what he was doing; it was like he was hitting her.  The dog then moved his nose right into her pussy.  The wet cold nose felt funny between her legs, but Tammy was way too nervous to feel good.  The dog then backed his head away a little and came back to her pussy with a big lick.  As scared as Tammy was it didn’t hold back the electricity that the lick sent through her body.


Sarah had licked her for hours a couple of nights before, but this one lick was almost better then the whole session that night.  The dog did it again, and once more Tammy’s pussy felt great. The dog’s tongue was a little rough and very wet.  He again licked her and she started to relax.  She moved her hands off the top of her knees where they had been almost glued for the past few minutes and started petting the dog’s head as he lapped up her pussy.  Tammy knew she was starting to cream in the dog’s mouth and she felt he must like it as he just kept licking.  Tammy was able to slide down a little and the next lick almost sent her over the edge.  The lick started back by her butt hole, came up the entire opened pussy hole and across her clit.   The sensation was unreal, and Tammy could care less that a dog was making her feel like this, it was great.


The next lick found the same area and Tammy could almost feel the tongue going in her a little.  She wanted the dog to send his big long tongue into her hot gapping hole and make her cum.  She reached down with her fingers and pulled her pussy lips apart.  The dog stopped and looked at her.  She was mad at herself that she had moved her hands- She looked at the dog and said- “it’s O.K., keep licking me.”  But the dog just looked at her- Tammy was so hot, she knew she was only a couple of licks away from an enormous orgasm, but the dog just stood there.  Tammy looked around her surroundings, she wondered if something had startled the dog.  She looked around the stall.  The horse was now standing up against the far wall of the stall; his cock had gone back into hiding. Tammy shook her head just wondering where he stores that three foot dick.


She listened closely to see if she could hear someone outside the stall, but didn’t hear a thing.  Tammy was feeling so frustrated.  Then she figured maybe the dog didn’t like the position she was in. She wondered if the straw under her butt was scratching the dog’s face- there had to be some reason he stopped.  He wasn’t looking at her the way he had when he first entered the stall, now he was standing there with his tongue hanging out and his tail swinging from side to side.  She looked again at his tongue, his beautiful tongue. 


Tammy tried to get the dog to lick her again, but he just stood there.  She then figured he wanted her to move or something.  Tammy looked at the horse again, and then it hit her, “maybe I should get on all fours- is that what you want, you want me to be like a dog?”  She got up on her hands and knees and pushed her pussy towards the dogs face.  It only took a moment and the dog started licking her again.  Tammy was so proud of herself, she had figured out the problem and now she was getting the reward.  The dogs tongue was now traveling in the other direction; he started at her clit and moved back to her butt.  The tongue was definitely going into her pussy more in this position. Tammy couldn’t hold back any further, her body started to shake and as the next lick hit her clit she started to explode into a fantastic orgasm, she couldn’t control her voice and started to pant and squeal a little as the dog kept licking.


As she started to cum the dog must have liked what was coming out of her hole as he started licking faster, which just got Tammy to cum even harder.  Her arms felt weak and she folded her arms and put her head down into her hands.  Again Tammy’s moving stopped the dog. Tammy couldn’t believe he had stopped again because she had moved. She was still so hot and needed to cum some more, but her partner had stopped.  She looked back and said, “Please don’t stop, please.”  She figured she would straighten her arms again and get on all fours. As she got back up the dog leaped on her back.  The weight of the dog pushed her arms back down to the ground. Tammy actually said out loud “what the hell are you doing?” A moment later Tammy realized what he was doing as she felt something wet poking her butt cheeks. 


She had never considered that the dog was getting turned on while he was licking her.  Nor had Tammy felt she was ready for fucking anybody or anything.  Up until the other day she had not even been licked.  The dog had his front legs wrapped around Tammy’s waist and his back legs were humping away.  Tammy felt the dog’s cock hitting her butt cheeks and the back of her thighs.  Tammy relaxed a little as she had seen dogs hump people legs many times in her life, and nothing ever became of it.  The idea of jerking the dog off came to mind, she had been thinking of doing that to the horse only minutes before.  But in the position she was in, she could not move to reach her hand back to play with him.  She figured when he got done air humping her that she would try to help him out.  The idea was actually turning her on.


She wanted the dog to get off her back so she could see his dick and even take it in her hand.  The dog stopped humping with his back legs and then started to growl as he did when he had entered the stall. Tammy asked the dog in a calm voice “what’s wrong boy, why don’t you get off my back and I will help you out.”  He stopped growling, but instead of getting off he actually moved his front legs further up Tammy’s body.  His paws were now right on her breasts.  Tammy laughed a little and said, “Oh you just wanted a feel huh?” The dog then shifted his back legs and pushed forward, this time his cock hit Tammy right in her butt hole.  It then hit Tammy that the dog was not just trying to hump her, but actually fuck her. “Ok boy, time to get down now,” she said out loud.  The next hump hit her in the ass once again, and it was real close to entering her.  Tammy tried to move and get up a little; the slight shift in her butt had the next hump slide right across her pussy.


His cock was between her legs.  The cock was resting up against her pussy lips and rubbing on the underside of her.  Tammy looked back between her legs.  The big dog had a big cock.  It was the shape she remembered from the video she had seen, but bigger in real life.  The cock kept rubbing against her wet pussy and it felt great as he was rubbing it very fast back and forth.  The bright red cock looked to be about 7 or 8 inches and came to a point at the end that facing toward Tammy’s face. Tammy was starting to breath heavily as the cock was rubbing across her clit.  The dog stopped moving again and barked a couple of times.  The dog did not sound happy.  Tammy was feeling good but obviously the dog wanted more than Tammy was giving him.  Again Tammy tried to free her hand so she could stroke the cock between her legs.  The dog shifted his legs again the next poke hit Tammy’s ass hole again.  It almost went in and, in fear that it would, Tammy moved.  The next poke went right into Tammy’s pussy.  As wet as it was the cock slid all the way in. 


Tammy yelled “no,” but it was too late, the dog’s cock was inside her.  Tammy was not ready for this, but boy did it feel good.  The dog seemed to freeze with his cock inside the wet spot that he had been after.  Tammy’s pussy was pulsating as she felt the first cock inside her.  It seemed like minutes, but it was probably only seconds before the dog started to hump her.  He started slow, but then started to increase the speed at which he drove his cock in and out of the virgin pussy.  As disgusted as Tammy was with the fact that the doggy dick was in her, the felling was out of this world.  Tammy had never felt anything so good as the big wet cock that was sliding in and out of her.  Sarah had always told Tammy she had a big pussy and that her lips could really stretch, but now Tammy was glad as she had this really big cock inside her and it didn’t hurt at all, it felt great.


Moments later Tammy started to climax.  It was so powerful an orgasm that Tammy was pushing her butt back against the thrusts of the dog. This just intensified the feeling inside her hot burning cunt.  She started to whisper to the dog, “fuck me, fuck me, give me all of your big red dick.”  As she was talking she started to feel the dog’s cock growing outside her pussy. She thought the dog was doing this because of her words, so she kept whispering to him; “that’s it give me everything you have, fuck me stud.” Tammy felt pressure against her clit and ass and couldn’t figure out what was going on.  She looked back between her legs and saw a big ball on the dog’s cock that was not there a moment before.


It looked like his balls had moved down his cock and were trying to enter her.  She knew this couldn’t be the possible, maybe this was just his cum building up, what ever it was then moved inside her pussy.   The pressure was unreal. It was like someone was fisting her.  It hurt but it also felt great.  A moment later Tammy got another feeling. She felt the inside of her pussy get really hot, and then the dog’s dick was sliding in her much easier.  She realized that the dog had just shot his load of cum inside her. She concentrated on the feeling and could actually feel shots of cum hitting her vaginal wall. The thought drove her to yet another orgasm. The dog’s humping slowed, but the pressure from his budge did not subside. She could not figure out what was going on, he had obviously cum, but was still fat inside her. 

The dog started to back off her, but the bulge was still thick.  The dog pulling back was a totally new feeling inside her- now instead of being fucked forward she was feeling this great pulling sensation pulling back against the inside of her pussy.  Tammy couldn’t help it she started to cum again.  As she did the dog’s cock pulled out of her with a pop.  Both the dog’s and her cum came running down her pussy and onto her thighs.  The dog turned around and started licking her clean. It felt great, but Tammy was a little nervous that the dog was starting over again.  She pushed him away and rolled over on her back.  The dog lied down and started to clean his dick.  Tammy leaned over to look at her pussy.  It looked like she had just given birth, her pussy lips were wide open.  She looked over to the horse and said “you could probably fit your dick in here” and laughed.  When she stopped laughing she looked at the horse with wanting desire- her little joke was now becoming a future fantasy.


Tammy took a few minutes before she could get her legs to move and stand up.  When she did, more cum started running down her leg.  Panic started to take hold.  All Tammy had was a small pair of thong panties and pair of white shorts.  How was she going to clean up, what would happen if she ran into someone or if her mom was at home.  Tammy peaked outside the stall, there was still no one around and it was dark outside, but there were lights down the row of horses.  Tammy looked down the row of horses and about 4 stalls down there was a towel sitting on a box in front.  She knew it probably smelled of horses and probably had hair all over it, but she had no choice.


She ducked under the webbing in front of the stall she was in and half naked ran down the row, grabbed the towel and ducked into the closest stall.  There was a pretty chestnut horse in the stall.  As Tammy entered the stall the horse walked over to her.  She rubbed his head and told him he was a good boy.  Actually she hadn’t even looked to see if he was a boy.  He picked up his head and gave her a lick with his huge tongue.  Tammy looked at him and said “hey, I am already covered in spit and cum I don’t need anymore.”  The horse dropped his head a little and Tammy scratched his head between his ears.  The horse then licked Tammy right between her legs. “My god, are all you animals horny?” she asked.  Tammy wasn’t really in the mood to have any more sex, but she let the horse lick her a little and help clean her up.  She used some of the water from his bucket and the towel and finished to clean up.  She got dressed and before she left she looked between the horses legs to see if his licking her had turned him on.  His cock was still in its hiding place, but Tammy noticed the horse’s balls were even bigger than the one she had seen before.


She looked out of the stall; saw the coast was clear and ducked out onto the path in front of the stalls.  She looked at the number on the stall, and the number of the horse’s stall that she had be fucked by the dog in, and skipped back to the fence.  Before she went through the fence she turned to the track, and thought, “what a great place this is going to be, look at all those studs.”