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masterswench Member Since October 19, 2009

chapter 2 of meeting my master

masterswench on Forced Stories

After the eventful day of my fifteenth birthday , everything started to happen much more quickly in my learning curb in becoming a good wife. With the taboo of watching my father fuck and use my mother, broke down the barriers, and a new liberation fell over my home. Firstly my father took on this whole new persona with my mother and I, he now insisted that my mother was also naked while at home, and I was brought into their bedroom first thing in the morning to watch while my mother gave my father his morning blow job. Even the lay out to our home changed for now there was to be no secrets , my father had all the doors removed from the inside of our home, and a door was added to my bedroom so now it adjoined my parents room, my father had a mirror hung at the right angel

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so that now when I was in bed the full lay out of my bed reflected onto the mirror in his bedroom so he could watch me the whole time I was sleeping., also on the instruction of Jeff I was now to be bound when in bed to stop me from learning how to pleasure myself.

There was also changes when it came to my school day, for now there was hardly a day when I didn’t have some marks from my learning punishment , with the marks of the whip being so bad at time that I was unable to go to school at all, and this was beginning to become a problem, for not only was I missing time but my personality had changed so much, to the school I was once a very outgoing girl now I was reluctant to do any sports for fear of my marks being shown , once when I did attempt to go swimming as the marks was faded I still got strange looks from my fellow school friends, so from then on I tried everything to not do any kind of sport in school.

About three months after my birthday, the school was getting to a point where something had to be done. I got home from school with a letter for my parents to go to the school for a talk with the head, not sure what to do about this, as we all knew my training was going so well that it really couldn’t be put on hold, my father saw no other choice but to arrange for Jeff to come to our home and work out what to do. After talking with my father he agreed that they needed to solve this problem and that he would be over the following day, and for me to be there when he arrived. I remember how excited I was, I was tied to my fathers bed that night taking my nightly punishment, when the thought about seeing Jeff made the pain was almost bearable, my father took this sign of lack of response to attack my body more harshly , I also think he wanted Jeff to be proud of the marking he gave me, my father also now insisted that my mother took her punishment at the same time as myself, so now when it was bedtime instead of just me lying over my fathers bed, at first my mother found this very humiliating, but over the weeks she realised no amount of begging this routine was here to stay. My father would get very aroused having us both naked and at his mercy that before he would untie me and retie me in my own bed, I would have to watch my father not only beat my mother but also fuck her , most nights he would fuck her where she was tied , just loosen the rope enough for her to rise to her knees, and I would be bound and tied next to her as he fucked her like some whore , we would so close on occasions that her sweat and cum would drip over me, listening and watching them would drive my near to madness and the burning in my cunt would be unbearable, some night I would find myself begging to my father to allowed myself to touch myself , but each time I was refused, in fact since the last time Jeff was at our home and I cum on his leg like some dog humping away. I hadn’t been aloud to cum again.

The next day started the same as any other my father would come in and untie me and take me to his bedroom to watch my mother suck on his cock, she would always play with her own cunt when she did this, and if she could make herself cum before he did that would be the only relief she would have all day, of course if she didn’t then she had to stay frustrated until my father was in the mood to use her again. She was just getting up on her knees to leave to start to make my fathers breakfast, I always followed her to help and learn, on all the domestic chores . When my father called me back into the room, I went to speak to him when he put his finger to my mouth , he mentioned that as Jeff was coming to the house today that I should make sure that I was ready for him, the look of confusion on my face was enough for my father to carry on the his explanation .

As a good wife he carried on you always have to be aware of your husbands needs, at all times and those needs mean sexual, now you have come accustom as to how I treat your mother sexually, and also that your mother is always ready for me to explore and rape any orifice that I choose, that is because every morning she has a routine to prepare herself for the being a sexual slave, he went on that he had wanted my mother to teach me this, but as time is short today and she had more than enough on her plate getting the home ready for Jeff visit that my father had invited someone else to help and show me what was expected of me to do. Staring silently down no really sure what it was that my father wanted me to say, in walked two women their names was Sue and Katie they was a little older than my mother, but both was slim Sue had the bigger tits out of the two of them but both woman’s tits was impressive. My father was still naked from fucking my mother, as the two girls walked towards him he grabbed one tit each, mauling them as he spoke to them, explaining that Jeff was coming over today and that I needed their help in getting ready , Katie looked at me with a small smile saying that it would be no problem and he could leave me to them, sue seemed more stern I was a little frighten of her. Katie now had her hand on my fathers cock, as he didn’t see why it would take the two of them to just get me ready of a bath he ordered sue to take me, and still having hold of Katie’s tit she remained, while the bath was being run I watched Katie undress in front of my father dropping to her knees she took his cock deep into her mouth, cupping his balls with her hands she set to work her head bobbing at a fast pace, my hand went to rub my clit, if it wasn’t for the hard slap I got off sue, as she had already been warned not to allow me to cum the water was ready it was a little hotter than I was use to and I winced as I got in, sue said I will have to get use to hot baths as they help to take away the aches and soreness from being punished, I was relaxing in the water listening to Katie being fucked by my father, after a while I could hear the moaning of my father exploding his seed into her, it was a sound I had gotten use to. Katie walked naked into the bathroom red marks covered her arse and tits as she bent over to help sue wash me I could see the start of my fathers cum slip out of her, her cunt was only inches from me and I could smell the sex coming off her, I had an urge to run my finger across her cunt lips to get a feel of the heat and wetness that her cunt was showing , her cunt looked ravaged from my fathers attack on it.

Lost in my own thoughts of her cunt , I almost toppled back as both sue and Katie leaned me back into the water holding my legs wide sue got a cut-throat razor out, as I hadn’t been listening to what was said I almost jumped out of the bath, again I got a slap off sue this time much harder, my heart racing I stayed still as they went about shaving the small amount of hair off my cunt, until I was smooth, Katie reached into a bag which they had brought taking out some oil that was almost like baby oil she started rubbing it into my body starting with my arms and neck they both had their hands all over my body rubbing it into my tit’s the sensation got my cunt going again, even though these was two woman older than my mother, the control they held and the movements they used I thought I was going to cum there in the bath, just I closed my eyes I slipped off somewhere in my mind, Katie was ordering me to stand and bend over , just as I did so my father walked into the bathroom , he was still naked and seeing that Katie was now busy with me he ordered sue into the bedroom, now even though I was upside-down I could see my father clearly, he didn’t bother to undress sue he just lifted up her skirt around her waist plunging his fingers into her cunt he order her to get her tits out for him, pulling on the poppers of her dress it flew open with no bra on her tits was soon hanging there, after getting his cock wet with her cunt he pulled open her arse I watched sue face as he stabbed his cock deep and full in one move, she bite down on her bottom lip but other than that she made not attempt to remove my father , watching all this while Katie was rubbing oil over my back and legs the urge to cum was stronger than ever, I think Katie sensed this as she leaned closer to me I could feel her naked body on mine as she rubbed in the oil she also rubbed herself against me her tits felt exceptional rubbing over my arse she made out to be putting oil over my feet, the moaning from me was matched with her own unable to stop herself she placed her palm against my cunt lips just touching my clit she held it there while she allowed myself to rub and grind against it, taking hold of my hand she got me to play with her nipples, feeling them harden between my fingers was enough to push me over the edge slapping my cunt into palm lost in the sensation of feeling the release of mouths of frustration I just started to cum and cum I was lost in my own mind unaware of anything around me , my legs turning to jelly I needed to rest against Katie to steady myself , eyes shut closed getting ready for over wave to wash over me,

when SLAP I shot up straight my hand still on Katie’s tit before I could focus I felt other Slap this time tears sprung to my eyes, there stood in front of me was Jeff. Katie pulled herself away from me trying to get out of his way, but it was to no prevail he was ferocious with us both, dragging myself by my hair out of the bath and Katie by her tit the one not two minutes ago I was caressing forcing us to stand facing each other about one foot apart, in a voice that I knew even then there was no point in begging him for forgiveness, ordered us to stand still and if either of us moved then the other girl would get five more whips, from his flogger, which was one I hadn’t seen before as it wasn’t any like the ones my father used on me.

The pain was like nothing I had felt before and thankfully have only felt a few time since, after the second blow I was screaming in pain begging for him to stop, tears running over my face I was scared to move because of what he would do to Katie but I was also unable to withstand it, sobbing to her that I was sorry for moving I jumped nearly every other whip, by the end I was on my knees crying uncontrollably the pain that I felt even after he stopped was almost as bad as when he was inflicting them upon me, as for poor Katie her back and legs was untouchable, she sobbed but stayed standing , Jeff looking at my mother told her to take her to the family bathroom and help her get cleaned up and dressed. She walked towards Jeff and kissed him passionately on the lips thanked him and walked away followed by my mother and Sue.

As for me I was lying on the floor in a pool of my own piss unable to talk through the sobs Jeff quietly asked my father to leave us. Jeff knelt down beside me, I backed away looking like a frightened rabbit he held my hand and lifted me to my feet, I was shaking and begging him not to hurt me anymore, when he wrapped his arms around me. In a calming voice he whispered that he wasn’t going to hurt me that it was a lesson I needed to learn and now that I have learnt it that I had nothing to fear of him, I pushed myself close to him I wanted him to tell me everything was ok and that I was a good girl again, I wanted him to tell me he loved me and that he would always look after me, I so much wanted him to want me, as he cradled me I reached down finding his cock , desperate to give him pleasure, with the pain still burning into my body , I needed to give him pleasure. He unzipped his jeans taking his huge cock out I slipped to the floor between his legs taking his cock in my hand trying to remember how my mother did it to my father I started to lick and suck , fifteen years old and this was my first blow job and I wanted it to be a good one . I sucked and licked played with his balls did everything my mother does for my father, the urge to bring pleasure to myself wasn’t even there all I wanted , all I needed was to bring pleasure to this man, feeling his balls tighten I tried to widen my mouth more ready to catch all of his seed, to show him that I was almost a woman ready to become his bride, holding my head he was careful not to push his cock to far down my throat as the first gush of his cum came flooding into my mouth, then it seemed like it was never going to stop flowing I gulped and swallowed like my life depended on it, till the last drop was gone , then just as I had watched my mother I took his cock and licked it clean.

Rising back to me feet my legs a little stiff mainly from the whipping they had just taken but also from the length of time I had been down sucking on Jeff’s cock, sitting me down by his side he informed that was one of the best blow job he had ever had , but there was sadness in his eyes as he spoke , due to the fact he had to offer me comfort after the punishment , I was to be beaten again, tears was filling my eyes as he said this, mostly through fear of other whipping like I had just received but also because I had disappointed him again. He ordered me to stand and bend over, nervous and shaking I did as I was told, thankfully it was just his hand and the 20 whacks came rapid and was over before I knew it .

Pulling me down onto his knee, he was stroking and playing with my tit. He told me something that I still feel proud of even today. That even though I hadn’t agreed to any of this, that I have accepted it and learned from it, that never once had I over the last yr or so asked anyone if this all could stop, listening to him I realised he was right and that I had fell into the role, even more than that it felt right that this was what I was born to become, with that he kissed me fully on the mouth taking my breath away. Then standing he told me to go and clean myself up and to join him downstairs as there was people waiting to met me, as I walked passed him patted my arse, from the look on his face I knew it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to fuck me and I couldn’t wait.


Seeing Master

masterswench on BDSM Stories

she enters the room,there is no-one there but then she knew there wouldn't be,since she got the text two days ago it's all that she can think of, the slit between her legs seems to be constantly wet, the tingle of yearning becoming stronger as she starts the ritual of getting ready for him.
firstly removing her shoes she walks into the bathroom undressing fully and stepping into the shower,the warm water brings a little comfort to the longing she feels rubbing the soap over body she can feel what her sexual thoughts are having on her body, nipples hard she lingers and plays with them puling on them as her other hand automatically slips to the source of her burning passion. letting a sigh slipping from her lips she finds her clit hard and the inside of her cun
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t slippery already covered in her juices,
the thought of it covering his cock as he slams it inside her is almost to much for her, forcing herself back to the job of washing herself as she knew the trouble she would find herself in if her brought relief to herself. soaping her fingers she bends over making sure all her holes is clean and ready to receive him, happy with the results she steps from the shower wrapped in towel make her way back to bedroom.
  her phone flashing shows she has a text message, its from him he's letting her know he will coming alone this time, he says nothing about when he will be there just for her to be ready for him.
she calmly sits drinking a glass of water as she puts on the makeup she know how he loves to she her look, and she doesn't want to disappoint, looking at her watch she's  been in the room for over a hr and he's not arrived.
checking the room is just right, blinds closed over head lights off; side lamp on she takes the towel back to bathroom. taking in the scope of the room she is happy that everything is just how he likes it, lotions and lubricates within easy reach, one last look of room still unsure of the time of his arrival she takes up position on the bed  hands in front of her and arse in the air legs spread wide upper body almost touching the bed but leaving just enough room for easy access to tits.
tits hanging down nipple ring swinging slightly, the  air in the room making her naked body begin to feel cold, the anticipation of he coming almost blocks out any discomfort she my be feeling, her cunt lips are visibly moist, she can feel it, she can feel the heat coming from her cunt,
click! the sound she been waiting so much to hear, the whoosh of the air as the door opens and closes, no sound can she detect from the thick carpet but she knows he's standing over her she can almost feel his eyes on her without a word she almost jumps forward as a firm flick of a finger runs just inside her cunt and the pull on her hair as her head is forced back, opening her mouth to gasp in pain before she can gather her thoughts his fingers pushed into her mouth eager to clean his fingers for him letting her head drop forward his hands start to roam over her body pulling on her tits.
i see my pet is very pleased to see her master, not expecting her to reply he walks to the table and opens he's case taking out a medium flogger he walks back to his pet stroking her arse he tells her how disappointed he's been in her lately, without giving her time to answer she feels the first strike landing on her arse, it leaves its first strip they both know by the time her masters finished there will be many many more.

meeting master

masterswench on Forced Stories

I also learned that my mother was this man’s old girlfriend and that he gave her to my father to look after,  over the years he had carried on using her in any sexual way he wanted. for all the years I been alive my mother had been his and whoever he choose her to go with, a sex toy to be played with for as long as they wanted to use her, so all the time when I was growing up and thought my mother was off on business trips, she was really being used as nothing more than a whore, slut, all these revelations was mind numbing to me to try and carry on in any normal way of life was now nonexistent All I knew was that my life has been one big lie and it was only going to get worse, if it wasn’t for the fact that against all the odds that I felt I could love th

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is man who had turned my life upside down . In the last year I had only seen him twice, the first meeting was very short ,cold with no feelings, it was when he walked into our family home demanding payment, ordering my father to get me ready for my new life with him, at the time I didn’t understand what he meant, even now a year on and was still finding it hard to except what is happening to me.

The last year had been one long lesson of learning in what my father called being a good wife, and all what that entailed ,I was learning how to keep the house and myself immaculate at all time of the day and night , sometime my father would inspect the house early hours of the morning and if there was anything out of place then I was to be waken and punished , at first, the punishment was me lying on my parents bed and being smacked as I was always naked when at home and night time was no exception. I soon got use to the feel of his hand on my naked skin, he wouldn’t tell me how many smacks I was to receive, he would just carry on until either the cheeks of my arse was red sore, or the tears from my eyes convinced him that I had has enough. As the months pasted the punishment got more stern, sometimes he would use his belt other times, a whip or flogger for these he would cuff my hands being above my head and my legs would be spread and attached to the legs of his bed , while I was still fourteen he only ever made contact with my back, legs, arms I was always held face down ever allowed to look him in the face as he carried out my punishments each and everyday he found some reason to punish me beside the obligatory ten that I got as part of my lessons on becoming a good wife.

All that was to change on my fiftieth birthday, and my second meeting with the man who was to become my husband, as I stepped in through the front door and was just about to start to undress as I was not allowed to wear any clothes from the I first stepped back into my home , I could hear people talking as this was the first time that we had visitors at our home in the last year I wasn’t sure what to do, and as I didn’t know who our visitor was I made my way up the stairs still fully clothed, I was three steps from the top when my father asked me what I was doing, as I turned to answer him, I stopped mid sentence as Jeff that’s my husband name, as Jeff was stood next to him, my father calmly asked me to come back downstairs and join them, I knew I was in trouble from the expression on my fathers face, what I didn’t know was how much trouble. As I walked pass them to enter the room I could feel Jeff staring, his eyes felt like hot irons boring into me. I glanced up at him and just from his presents I started to blush, I could feel my face start to burn, I began to fidget, I felt uncomfortable being so near to him, I looked pleadingly at my mother, but she just gave a weak smile and lowered her head to which I copied.

I stood in silence head bowed waiting for my father to talk, to my surprised it was Jeff that started off the conversation. It was like I wasn’t even in the room as he spoke about me, reprimanding my mother at such a sloppy job she was doing in my training, that by now I should at least be accustom to being naked no matter who was about, my mother opened her moth to speak but before any words came out, she was on the floor with one swift move he had struck my mother and knocked her to the ground. I stared at my father waiting for some protest to come from him, when I realised there was to be none, without thinking I rushed to my mother trying to help her up, I was screaming at this man to leave my mother alone even after nearly a year of being beaten by my own father the shock of watching some stranger hit my mother was too much. I was crying and screaming at the same begging my father to help me get her up while screaming at Jeff to leave her alone, I screamed at him to fuck off that he was a monster, yelling at my dad to phone the police to get this animal removed from our house, all this time my mother was pushing me away sobbing that she was ok that she had lost her balance, that he hadn’t really hurt her. I could see the swelling coming up on her face but still my father didn’t move. With all the strength I could muster I ran towards Jeff ready to hit out. I have never been a fighter and I was amazed by my own anger towards Jeff, but I wanted to hurt him as he had just hurt my mother, but all he did was laugh, even before I had got within feet of him he had hold of my arms restraining me. Without looking at me he ordered my father to fetch his restraints, within minutes I was cuffed with my hands behind my back. And a space bar between my legs so I was unable too kick out, even after this I was still shouting in protest, with a look of indifference on his face Jeff turned to me, holding my chin with his one hand , with his other he slapped me, hard, it stung instantly the burning that engulfed my face was unbearable tears came quickly to my eyes, as hard as I tried not to show him, I couldn’t stop them from flowing. I hated myself for being so weak as my tears turned to sobs. I hung my head low, not wanted him to watch me, I shook as I stood there after all I was just fifteen, all this was too much for me to handle, I felt so alone, scared, venerable. To have these feeling running through me while both my parents was in the same room as me, the two people who I always thought would keep me from harms way, even with my father beating me everyday in my heart I believe he wouldn’t allow anyone to bring harm to me, and yet it was Jeff that came to me, held me in his strong arms and soothed my tears away, the very man that has caused all my pain was the man that wanted to help take it away, he kissed me softly hushing me into silence. I had never in my short life felt the need to have that feeling of safety, I wanted him to hold me forever even though I was still cuffed I tried my best to push my body into his to feel his warmth, when I was still and calm again, he removed himself from me . As I felt the rush of air come between us as he moved I whimpered slightly, tilting my head up towards him he leaned down to kiss me so lightly on the lips, as he did he torn at my clothes ripping them off me saying that I was always to be naked.

Turning his attention once again to my mother who had stayed on her knees and had also composed herself enough to listen to him talking to her. As I was saying, he continued you have failed with your teaching of my new wife, from the display she has just shown she is no where near ready to be brought to me. My mother once again hung her head low, as he carried on talking about me, Jeff moved closer to my mother, my father stood silent just watching , then without warning he pulled her to her feet his voice changed to one that was fully in command. Looking at my father he ordered him to leave the room, after my father was gone he marched up to my mother looking at her , his tone was one of displeasure as he spoke to her , what are you waiting for you know what is to come to you for such poor teaching of my bride to be, my mother unable to look at Jeff pleading with him to have my father remove me also from the room, in a cruel manner Jeff ignored my mother pleads and without hesitation ripped her dress away from her. There she was stood in front of me, trying hard to cover herself up. Roughly he pulled at her bra and knickers, now my mother may have been almost 40 but she kept herself fit and even though her size c cup tits dropped a little they still looked firm to me, her stomach was a little bit flabby but she still had a small waist, her legs was her best featured being 5’ 10 they was slim and toned.

Again she begging Jeff to remove me from the room, still he ignored her pleas telling her that this will be a valued lesson that I need to learn , she hung her head she knew she was defeated knowing that he wasn’t going to change his mind. First he got her to spread her legs for him, he was getting annoyed at how slow she was responding to him commands , while he looked across to me to make sure I was watching the events enfold in front of me, he casually started to twist her nipples my eyes moved between Jeff’s hands and my mothers face as the look of pain spread across it, as he twisted harder then replacing his hands with his mouth he bit down hard on her nipple while his other hand forced its way into her cunt , without warning he pushed hard plunging his hand deeper into her , mother trying desperately to widen her legs to allow more room for his hand to bury itself into her cunt , her cunt seemed far to small for his whole hand to disappear into , her cries turning to screams , but while he worked his fist in and out each time going a little deeper into her cunt, it seemed to me that there was something shinny almost wet over his fingers it seemed to make the sliding go a little more smoothly,

and my mothers scream slowly turned to moans , not taking my eyes off her cunt as Jeff worked his fist fully into her almost lifting her off the ground as he rammed. Unable to both bit her nipples and work his fist into my mother, he called my father back into the room getting him to attached what I thought looked like pretty little earrings onto her nipples but with the begging and pleading that my mother was doing I knew what ever they was they was only there to bring pain to her. Confused and very frightened, I watch in fascination to the reaction my mother seemed to go through as her ordeal carried on, at first I wasn’t to scream out at Jeff that he was hurting her, but now she seemed to be getting pleasure from what both Jeff and my father was doing to her, after fixing the nipple clamps to my mother nipple my father took his flogger to her as Jeff had her standing with his fist deep into her cunt, he was now trying to work something into her arse , he was using so much force the sweat pouring down my mothers body only made her look all the more beautiful to me, I was no longer worried about the pain she made be in, just watching Jeff fist fuck my mother as I father whipped her, this was the most wondrous act I had ever witnessed , days later I realised that was the first sexual act I had ever seen, having never watched a porn film or even a porn mag up until that point all I knew about sex was the childish chat I had had with school friends . And there I was watching my mother getting used like a doll, neither man have any thought for her feeling they just wanted to take from her their own gratification.

After what seemed to me to be an eternity my father threw his flogger to one side Jeff who still had his fist up her cunt with all this wet stuff running down over his wrist, as I found out later when talking to my mother that wetness was called cum, with one or two very deep plunges he ripped his fist out, I could hear the squelching sound of my mother cunt, my father still standing behind her bent her over unable to watch what he was doing I heard his zip being undone with some movement he rammed his cock into my mother, he didn’t seem to care at that point that I was there watching him fuck my mother as if she was some sort of object, pulling her head back by her hair with every thrust of his cock her moaning again began to grow with both a mix of pleasure and pain coming from her mouth, he leaned forward grabbing hold of her tit as they bounced about from the force.

I could feel Jeff staring at me but I was unable to take my eyes off my parents, the effect of watching them was taking hold of me without knowing why I started rocking with the movements my their fucking small moans was escaping from my mouth with my hands bound I couldn’t get to the burning feeling that was growing in my own cunt , sensing Jeff was behind me I leaned back into his body pushing my arse into his hard cock that I could feel under his jeans grinding my arse and not really knowing why the sensation was almost electric losing myself in the waves of pleasure, I closed my eyes hoping that it would help bring relief to this uncontrollable feeling I was having not being able to stand it any longer I found myself begging for it to stop, not knowing what it would take for the feeling to go away, but knowing I needed something to stop it, they I felt Jeff lower me back slightly bringing his leg up between my legs rubbing his knee up against my cunt and clit pushing enough pressure to bring me to my first climax with me dry humping his leg getting closer to cum, Jeff rolling my nipples in his fingers pulling on them I could feel the pain but I was so far gone in wanting to cum that it only added to my pleasure, with Jeff being well over 6’ and myself just over 5 he was able to lean over me and pulling my tit up he manage to get my nipple into his mouth pulling and biting on it harder, the closer I got to cumming . Opening my eyes again I would still see my father fucking my mother but his eyes was on me. He was watching me fuck on Jeff leg while he fucked my mother, with that tears started to roll down my face as my body started to jerk and tremble into its first orgasm, I felt ecstasy flow over me as I started to cum moaning louder as the wave hit me with what almost sounded like an animal I screamed out my first orgasm. Coming back down from my high , my eyes caught my fathers again but this time he stopped fucking my mother and walked around from her, for the first time in my life I saw a mans penis and it belonged to my father, it seemed huge to me it was standing out straight all wet and shinny just like Jeff’s fist had been, it bounced about while he walked in front of my mother , she opened her mouth and he rammed it into her turning his head to watch me watching them as he fucked her mouth there was a strange sort of pride in his face as he fucked her mouth, Jeff leaving me with my own thoughts as I watched my father hold my mothers head still as he shot his load time and time again down her throat, I watched her mouth to see if any came back out but it didn’t, she drank the whole lot.

Jeff stood by my side with his hand now firmly playing with my tits as he undid his zip, my eyes darted down to see his cock, it was bigger than my fathers and a bit thicker it looked so powerful, he took my hand and showed me how to rub it. He pushed me to my knees and ordered me to kiss it, not knowing what to do I kissed it like I would a mouth it tasted a bit salty as he rubbed some slimy stuff over my lips. I opened my mouth as I had watched my mother do to, when he stopped kneeling down in front of me he kissed me hard, full on my moth pushing his tongue into my mouth we kissed like that for a few minutes the whole time I was rubbing his cock, looking me in the eyes he told me I wasn’t ready yet and that I was to be a good girl and learn my lessons well, and he would be back to claim me when I had, the look of disappointment was evident on my face, he smiled at me, almost laughing he told me that it wouldn’t be long before he was fucking my cunt sore and I would be begging for him to stop, with tears in my eyes I just nodded at him. Leaving me kneeling he also walked to my mother, she was there whimpering as she was kneeling down for him he got on his knees and got mother to lick his cock wet then walking behind her, he pulled the dildo out of her arse and replaced it with his cock looking at the dildo that he had throw to the floor it was longer than Jeffs cock but it wasn’t as wide, after a few attempts of getting his cock my mothers arse he took it out and again got her to suck it lick it, it need more spit on it, with jeff’s cock aching to cum he didn’t mess about this time . He just grabbed her hips and rammed his cock in to stifle her cries father pushed the dildo that had been up her arse for the last 40 minutes back into her mouth , fucking her mouth with it until his own cock was hard again, he also threw the dilso away as he again fucked me moth as Jeff fucked her arse .father got so turned on watching her lick the dildo clean that he shot his load about the same time as Jeff did.

With both Jeff and my father spent and my mother almost sleeping where she lay, my arms was now hurting me from being tied behind my back for so long , Jeff cleaned himself up then came to me undoing the cuff he carried me up to my room putting in to my bed telling me to get some sleep, I had to know before he left, if I would be seeing him again soon. He smiled at me and promised me it wouldn’t be too long before he would be here again and with that he walked out of my room.

Chapter two soon

chapter3 meeting master

masterswench on Forced Stories

The scorching pain I felt in my back and arse had subsided little as I walked into the lounge to greet the Dr. the look of annoyance on both my father, and Jeff’s face was evident, even the Dr. seemed annoyed that I had kept them waiting for me. He rolled his eyes towards my father as I walked in, I stood in silence next to my mother. Katie and Sue was kneeling besides the Dr. without even acknowledging me, he proceeded to talk to my father and Jeff. Mr Lewis (that was my fathers surname) “after the conversation we had on the phone yesterday about the school predicament, I have written up a medical report explaining about recent examinations on your daughter that it’s has been found she is a carrier of a genetic abnormality that allows her to pick up viruses, which i

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n itself as caused her immune system serious damage , she will no longer be able to attend school, and that she will now need to be taught at home.”

Looking at both my father and Jeff as the Dr spoke I couldn’t help but think there was both a look of lust and realisation, that they no longer had to worry over what marks they now left on my body, I was now theirs. My father beckoning me towards the Dr. as it was only right that I thanked him personally for his help in this matter. Looking at Jeff for some sort of protection, he smiled softly at me as he walked towards me, cupping both my tits in his hands, gently at first arousing my nipples with his fingers hard to his touch, he leaned into me pushing his face close to mine now squeezing and twisting my nipple as he spoke to me, just for me to make sure that I didn’t misunderstand what he was explaining to me. Wincing as he spoke, I tried to pull away from him, before I had time to rectify the action, Jeff had moved behind me clasping both my wrists in his one hand , his other carried on pulling and stretching on my nipple and tit, ordering my mother to bring him some leather binds, my wrists were forcefully pulled together, with other thin strip of leather my arms were brought together with a third adding to attach them both , first time I had had my arms bound in this way, forced into the small of my back, the strips so thin any movement made it cut into me, so trying to place them in a more comfortable position was out of the question. Sobbing from both the pain and the humiliation of being on display with my tits being pushed right out, once again Jeff was stood in front of me, pulling roughly on my tits talking to me for the whole room could hear,

“now slut you have had one thrashing today am I about to bring other one down on you” even though this was asked like a question I knew better than to answer, I just lowered my head as he carried on talking “ the DR,” he went on “as come a long way today to help you with your problem, so you can at least thank him for his trouble, so we will have no more silliness from you today my girl, but remember you will have 10 more strokes of your fathers belt tonight for your behaviour, do you understand and agree to this girl.” now I knew I had to answer, I swallowed hard as my mouth was so dry, without looking up I stuttered out a child like yes I understood and agreed. With that Jeff lead me to where the Dr was stood waiting, still bound ,Jeff kissed me passionately before turning away giving my arse a sound full slap.

On my knees in front of the doctor, face burning red with embarrassment, knowing I was expected to suck on this man, this stranger’s cock, the doctor spoke over my head like I was a nonentity , requiring if I was broken in, Jeff answered , only her mouth and that’s only had my cock in it, this seemed to please the Dr, he clicked his fingers and both sue and Katie rushed to undo his trousers, maybe now would be a good time to describe the Dr. he was in his late fifties and about 48lb over weight, he was short about 5’8, huge belly am sure he wouldn’t have even been able to see his cock.

So here I was 15 kneeling in front of this hugely overweight man, I’d never seen before, with both my parents and the man I was to marry. Tears started to fall as my mouth got closer to his head, pre cum was already dribbling over the end , my whole body shook as I forced my mouth open to take his cock, slapping my face with anger, the Dr shouting at me that I wasn’t to gobble at it like some chocolate bar but to arouse him, to make him feel that I was really enjoying sucking his fat old cock. Scared I wasn’t going to able to comply I tried again, this time running my tongue down to his balls breathing deeply over his hairy sack , bending my head to take his balls into my mouth, I was struggling to keep the momentum going , as the feeling of revulsion was taking over my body.

I didn’t want this cock in my mouth, trying hard to silent my sobs, I could heard the moans of the Dr above my head, risking a glance upwards there was my father sitting watching me, Sue’s mouth firmly wrapped around his own cock her legs spread wide, my mother head pushing deep into arse watching my mother tongue going into Sue little brown hole then moving down to lick her cunt before attacking her hole again, Jeff he was sitting in a chair with Katie on his lap her legs spread wide, her pussy soaked with her own juices, as Jeff was playfully running his hands over her body almost caressing her. His tongue lapping at her tits as he pulled her down on to him, watching him side her body down onto his rock hard pole, watching this act of tenderness, as my onslaught off the Dr continued , pounding away at my mouth with no feeling for myself , plunging time and time again, my mouth aching , I wanted to cry , watching Jeff brought a whole new set of emotions to me, it was the first time for jealously, I hated watching him, fuck Katie while I being used like a toy, as much as I hated watching I couldn’t take my eyes off the pair, sucking on the Dr’s cock prying he would cum, that this ordeal would be over, suddenly the Dr grabbing my hair holding my head still as I felt his cum spill into my mouth, with tears running like a river down my face, I gulped and struggled to drink all of the Dr’s spunk, not wanting my father to have more reason to add more lashes to tonight’s punishment.

With the Dr’s droopy dick dangling in front of my face, and the salty taste of his seed still warm in my mouth, I remained kneeling watching Jeff fuck Katie her moans only matched by his groans as he slammed his cock into her cunt, memorised by the trickle of her juices running down his throbbing shaft, as he pulled out of her before ramming into her again, my father now tired of Sue walked over to Katie placing his cock on her lips of her mouth ready for her to willing take his cock full length, clicking his fingers my mother crawled to my father sucking on his balls getting him ready to shoot his load down Katie’s throat, with Jeff grabbing her hips forcing her to still, while pounding his spunk into her cunt deep, at the same time as my father filling her mouth, my mother desperately catching any drops that fell from her lips.

With all three men spent the other woman was ordered to leave the room and clean themselves up and then go and prepare some lunch, leaving me bound and kneeling in the middle of the room, the pain in my arms becoming unbearable as I had never been bound this way before let alone for so long. Never mind how I tried to rest on my knees the pain was evident on my face. Once the men could hear the chatter of the women upstairs Jeff ordered me to crawl towards him in an almost grovelling movement I made my way to where he was sitting, sobbing from all the turmoil of the days events and the burning pain in my arms I felt exhausted, emotionally and physically , I just wanted to be untied and left alone, but these three men had something else planned for me.

Jeff lent forward and undid the binds releasing my arms I thought the pain would never end ,crying begging to be left alone to go join my mother and help her arrange lunch, shaking his head he spoke not to me but to the other men “ what are we going to do with her, when we leave her alone she is begging for some sexual release when we come to help her with this quest she wants to be left alone?” I could hear the smug tone in his voice, as if I already knew I was there to do what ever and when ever these men wanted me too. With the other two joining in on the joke I felt defeated and humiliated gathering myself together to face what ever it was that to come to me.

“ok girl, I want you to clean up my cock its got dried spunk all over it some it is mine but most of it is from the slave Katie, now if you do a good job I will reward you with finger fuck, and yes I will be gently as I know this will be the first time you have any kind of object enter that tight twat of yours.” before I could bend to start on this task filled with both excitement of my reward, but also of disgusted of tasting some woman’s cum. the Dr spoke

“after master Jeff as made you cum girl you will come to me you will suck on my cock until I am fully aroused and drunk all my spunk , then and only then will I play with your clit and bring you to your second orgasm using my tongue and fingers.” the eagerness to start was enormous, almost over whelming the tingling was already building , with Jeff’s cock firmly in my mouth sucking on it for all my worth, I almost chocked with what I heard next frozen still with shock as the word came tumbling into my head,

“once the Dr has been satisfied by you girl you will come and lie down in-front of me, legs wide open and your pussy all soaking wet, there you will stay while I kneel over the top of you for you to suck firstly my cock and secondly to make me hard, when I am fully aroused I will move myself in front of you, where upon I am going to take hold of your legs stretching them further and pulling your body closer to me I will then plunge my dick onto your hole, not roughly just strong and firm, I will be the one that will break you in my girl, I will carry on fucking you until I have sown my seed into you , you will remain lying there from both master Jeff and master Robert (that was what I was to call the Dr from now on) too fuck you fully, I will ask you once and once only girl do you agree to this?)

Tying hard not to sick from the words that was filling my mind, the realism that my own father wants to fuck me, frightened the life out of me, am sure all three men could see the colour drain from my face, I wanted to get up and run, but to my own disgust I remained still, removing Jeff’s cock from my mouth as I gulped the bile back down, struggling to find words to reason with all of this, all I knew that I wanted more than anything was to be fucked and that was the top and bottom of it of all my thoughts what ever else I was feeling didn’t out way that fact, I so desperately wanted to be fucked, all that I had seen happen today had made to believe more than anything that I wanted to be part of all this.

Even though I was sickened by the idea of my own father fucking me the reality of refusing and being abandoned , was more of a threat to me, so with all thoughts of going to hell pushed right to the back of my mind, I looked at my father and without hesitation I agreed to all that’s been offered to me.

With a huge smile spreading over my father’s face not to mention both Masters Jeff’s and Masters Robert’s, he walked over to where I was standing , pulling me to my feet he kissed me passionately for the first time, not like a father but like a lover stroking my arse while he held me tight, drawing away slightly to take in my whole body as if it’s something new to him turning me around taking in the whole of me. Turning to the other men “ the agreement as be made and the test has been pasted, we shall now make arrangements for the ceremony will be carried out for next week” confused as to what was going on I stood head dropped waiting to go back to the task of sucking master Jeff’s cock . My father still smiling at me, hugging me tightly as he spoke “it’s ok girl you wont be fucked tonight its all arrange for next week its going to be so special, now run along and find your mother you need to be feed and bathed, I will be along in a while to give you your nightly punishment , there is no getting away from that afraid my girl, and then its an early night for you I think, you have had a long and trying day,” then bending down and kissing my like a father before turning me to kiss both master Robert and master Jeff goodnight , with both of them, the kiss was passionately both taking their time in molesting my body before allowing me to retreat from the room.

My mother and the other two women must have heard all that had gone on for as soon as I walked into the kitchen , they was smiling saying that I should be proud to have been chosen by such fine masters, and that my life will be one full of sexual exhaustion, they was almost like giggling children as they talked about all that was waiting for me, the room was filled with excitement that comes on a wedding day, except I was numb just coming to terms with the fact that I really was going to become a sex toy not only for my father but also two other men . Finishing a meal I hadn’t even noticed I had eaten I got up to leave the table.

Of that night all I remember is receiving my nightly punishment which my father dealt with what seemed more vigour, and listening to him fuck my mother who lay by my side, her whimpers disturbing my deep thoughts. In fact its fair to say that all of the rest of the week happened in the same way with me half in a daze, until what seemed like a blink of an eye next week was here upon us.

meeting my master

masterswench on Forced Stories

Within days I was cut off from my friends my mother now drove me to and from school , I wasn’t allowed to any after school clubs. When I got home the first thing I had to do was undress so I would get use to showing off my body to whoever he wanted It wasn’t easy at first and I would cry most nights begging them to allow me to at least keep my underwear on, it was hard on them also as this was the last thing they wanted for their only daughter but their hands were tied, and as the days turned to weeks and I still protested most nights, my father could see nothing else for it other than to start punishing me for my unforgiving behaviour towards them.

I came home from school and as my mother walked through the door just behind me and held out her hands

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for my clothes, I started to scream and kick like I did most evenings, without warning my father walked into the room and SLAP right across my face I was knocked to the floor shocked into silence I lay there afraid to move, he bent forward I thought he was going to help me up and apologise, but no he just grabbed me by my hair, dragging me almost lifting me up into the air he rushed me up the stairs banging my body on the walls not caring how much he hurt me. Not even looking at me as he threw me on to his bed. I turned to look at him , with a voice I didn’t even recognised he ordered me to lay still on my stomach my mother forcing my legs open ,fear running through my mind that my own father was going to abuse me, rape me even I froze, then it came pain like I had never felt, it was hot burning stinging my skin I could work out what was happening to me at first, then the second and third blow came raining upon me, I found my voice I was screaming trying to get away but my mother held me fast I couldn’t move I screamed and screamed howling with tears streaming down my face my whole body shaking from my sobbing . I thought he was never going to stop, the beating stopped at quick as he started. Throwing his belt to the floor, in a much more gentle voice he ordered my mother to help me clean myself up to run me a bath wash my body she was to help ease the pain away. I was just sitting up as he went to leave the room, as he turned to leave , I caught a glimpse of his raging hard cock sticking out from inside his trousers.

This was how my life was now for the next year I had stopped the tantrums as I had learnt they only heightened the punishment , the relentless punishment every day when I came home from school I would undress go to my parents bedroom where my father would offer his whip he only used his belt when I had been really bad to my skin for 10 lashes and then he would add on any that I may have acquired through the day I had by now learnt not to move or cry out when receiving my punishment as this would only add more whippings each day as my father put down his whip I would notice how hard his cock was, as for my mother she had taught me how to shave my cunt to always keep it clean , in the last year my mother had taught me a lot of new things that I would need to know if I was to keep my husband happy. I was now an expert in cooking and cleaning , in making sure I always looked my best , I was turning into a good little wife as my father would often remarked.

It was my fifteenth birthday, as I came home from school there was a strange car in our drive I walked into the house and there stood in front of me in the kitchen was Jeff the man I was to marry. Without thinking I went to walk into the lounge, just as my mother stopped me and held out her hands, I looked at her with fear on my face, she just carried on standing there holding out her hands for my clothes with tears running down my face I slowly undressed in front of this man, a man I didn’t know the man who had changed my life into one I never knew existed . I hated this man and here I was naked in front of him with him walking around me his eyes boring into me, eating away at my flesh, I felt scared and dirty, I just wanted to run away from him, to run away from everything that was happening to me, I couldn’t stand him just staring at me I wanted to scream at him to tell him to fuck off and leave us alone that I wasn’t scared of him even if my parents was, when the unthinkable happened, hot wet piss just a little at first trickled out of my cunt I pulled my cunt closed hoping that no one had noticed, but he noticed in fact he seemed to enjoy seeing me in such distress, he whispered something to my father who walked behind me getting me to open my legs wider I tried hard not to open them almost pleading with my father not to do this to me, but to no prevail with my legs stretched wide it was only a short time when the golden flow at first trickled down my leg, my father brought his hand up sharp to my tit the shocked the slap caused was enough for me to lose control and the rest of the piss came gushing out I could hear it splashing onto the floor spraying back up my legs , when I finally finished I went to move when I felt two hands on my shoulders keeping me in place, that was the first touch I ever felt from jeff, he ordered me to stand still, I couldn’t believe how soft he spoke to me as he leaned into my ear, his voice was intoxicating I felt myself go weak at the knees it was as if i swooned as he spoke, I could feel myself blush and all tension leave my body. With those few words he spoke to me I believe I fell in love with him there and then .

He lead me to my parents bedroom where this time it was he that took hold of the whip talking to my father he asked how many lashes was I to receive my father replied 10 for the normal day 5 for hesitating to undress when arrived home and he was just about to talk again when jeff answered for him “20 for pissing on the floor that makes 35 all together . Just when I thought my mother was going to hold me down like as she does when my father whips me I felt for the first time the cold feel of steel as cuffs was put on my wrists and ankles then ropes where attached this was the first time I truly felt helpless.

The whipping started I bit into my lip to stop myself from moaning out just as he counted to 12 he stopped , asking my father if watching his daughter get whipped was a turn on for him , with no hesitation my father replied yes, so he asked my father why doesn’t he really enjoy watching his daughter today. And with that my father took his cock out of his trousers, that was the first cock I had ever seen in my life is was so hard looking with a shinny head, he already had pre cum dribbling down his head, jeff got him to stand in front of me as he wanked his cock to the rhythm of the whip, jeff got my mother to hold my head up to watch my father wank his cock as he whipped me, watching my father the pain seemed to lessen , as I was enjoying watching this cock my fathers hand moving faster and faster up and down his shaft cupping his balls with his other hand , I was so engrossed in watching him that I hadn’t even noticed that my mother had let go of my head and was kneeling down in front of me ready for my father to cum into her mouth , squirt after squirt my mother seemed to gobble all his spunk up , by the time they had finished so had the whipping , and I could feel wetness down and around my cunt , at first I thought I had pissed myself again , until mother explained later that it was just my body showing me that it had enjoyed watching . The moister had not gone unnoticed by jeff either, as I heard me saying to my parents as he was leaving that now it was time to step up the training as it was only one year away from our marriage and its now time for me to learn how to be a sexual trained ready for my husband , their conversation carried on all the way to jeff getting into his car, but I was unable to hear what else was said