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kwvagabond Member Since October 19, 2009

Summer Of 61

kwvagabond on Incest Stories

It was the spring of 1961. I was 13 years old then and really starting to notice girls. You know what I mean?  I stopped thinking of them as creeps.  It probably had something to do with the fact that I started getting constant hard-ons, discovered that rubbing my cock was pretty cool, and started cumming real white stuff. And of coarse you start hearing about sex from your buddies and older kids, so now I was real curious about girls.

We lived in a steel town in Pennsylvania, but mom & dad purchased a small summer cottage on the Chesapeake Bay a few years before with a few thousand dollars that my mom inherited from an uncle.  It wasn't anything fancy, but it was a great place to swim, learn about boating & fishing, and simply have a lot of fun during t

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he summer.  And there were plenty of places in the woods or along the waterfronts where one could be alone and jerk-off.  I did a lot of that.

We always started going down to the cottage in the spring, around Easter, to start getting the place ready for the summer.  There was a lot to do like raking leaves, spring cleaning, and I even helped dad do some house painting.  My parents would put a dollar figure to each chore that needed to be done. If I worked real hard and did a good job, I could make a couple of dollars a day. And I worked hard enough that several neighbors starting hiring me to help with their chores.  I did very well!  I know that sounds like 3rd world child labor today, but that was a great deal of money for a kid back then.

As Memorial Day weekend approached, everything was done and ready for the summer.  Mom & I prepared to move to the cottage for the summer and my dad would come down on weekends. But they always liked to party on this long weekend, so my Aunt Tess, Uncle Paul and cousin Sara were invited to visit for the long weekend.  It didn't matter to me since I planned on disappearing, fooling around with friends and jerking-off as often as possible.  And I figured that wouldn't be too difficult with Mom & Dad entertaining the family.

We arrived at the cottage Friday evening around 7:00pm and the guests arrived about an hour later. I hadn't seen them for a couple of years, since they didn't live in the same area.  I was never really attracted to my cousin when I was younger.  She was not quite a year younger than me and had just turned 13 a month ago.  We didn't have much in common.  I lived in a small city and she lived in the country.  But when they arrived and I saw her, my dick jumped a bit.

At just thirteen she actually had some nice little tits. I guessed that made sense; my mom and her sister Aunt Tess were relatively slim with nice tits, considering they were both in their mid-thirties. I remembered Sara used to be just a tad chubby, but I guess that was baby fat because she was now very fit, about 5’ 4" tall and athletic looking. Maybe I should hang-out awhile and see what kind of person she was growing up to be. She looked good, but was she a stuck-up bitch, or maybe very shy, or maybe didn't like boys yet?  I really didn’t know her at all.

The evening progressed with the parents catching up on the times and sitting around the fireplace with their favorite alcoholic beverages.  Sara and I sat around with the parents listening and attempting fake smiles and laughs.  It was boring as hell.  I finally asked Sara if she'd like to take a walk so I could show her around.  She was happy to get out of there and at this point the parents were starting to get louder and slurring their words.

As we walked down the dimly lit street toward the bay, there was only small talk.  She was a little shy, but seemed more guarded than anything.  I pulled out a cigarette and started to light it when she said, "Oh, do you smoke"?  I took a drag and handed it towards her. "Would you like some?”  She hesitated.  "I've never done that. But can I try?”  She took a drag and immediately started coughing. When I asked if she was OK, she started laughing. "I guess I'm just a sheltered little girl. Living in the country is really boring. Especially without any brothers, sisters or close friends."

"So would you like to learn how to smoke?”  The answer took me by surprise when she said, I want to learn a lot of things.”  We continued walking as I trained her in the fine art of smoking, inhaling and blowing smoke through her nose. She started loosening up and talking and laughing more.  She was becoming more comfortable, and her curiosity of the world was more apparent.

When we reached the water at the end of the street, we sat, looked out and talked some more. About school, home, friends, hobbies, interests, just a whole lot of nothing.  Eventually I had to take a piss, stood and started walking toward a tree.  "I'll be right back.”  I walked behind a tree and with my back to Sara, whipped it out and started going.  Just then Sara walks around the tree and is standing a few feet from me staring down at my cock.

My first reaction was to cover-up, but I didn't want to piss on myself, so I stood there and finished. When I was done, I shook it and started putting it away when she said, "Don't put it away yet.  I've never seen a real one".  Well now it started growing.  I took my hand away and let her watch as it stiffened.  Her curiosity grew and she asked, "Can I touch it"?  At this point it leaped to its full length of 6 inches.  (Yea, I know.  I wasn’t hung like a horse, but it got bigger when I got older.)

I nodded and Sara dropped to her knees and stared for another minute before delicately wrapping her hand around it. This was heaven.  The last time anyone else ever touched my dick was when I was a child being taught how to bath myself. Sara began talking and asking questions.

"Does this hurt?  Is it OK?  I've only heard about boys things and once saw a photo of a man and a woman naked.  I've never seen my dad.  He's always so careful.  I've tried sneaking peeks, but never could.  Does this feel good to you?  Is this what they call a hand job?" I was mesmerized. I just let her talk.  But I had to answer the last question.

You have to move your hand up and down for it to be a hand job" I said with a shaky voice. She started moving a little.  "Stroke it up and down with a firm grip, but not too tight."  She was now doing a good job and I knew I wouldn't last long.  I could already feel the tingling.  "I going to cum soon" I said taking short breaths.  She continued stroking and looked briefly up into my eyes, which were gazing on her small hand pumping my cock.

"What's cum mean?  Should I stop?"  Just then I shot a thick rope that just missed her face. She jumped back, but kept stroking as I moaned loudly. Another string shot out and again missed her.  Then a few short shots dribbled down her hand. The sensitivity was intense and I asked her to stop rubbing.  She was smiling and looking at the cum on her hand. Cautiously she moved he hand closer, smelled the cum, then took a lick. My cock was just starting to deflate when she licked up all the cum off her hand. Then she looked at the deflating rod and swiped her tongue along the underside scooping as much cum as she could. Now I'm back to full attention and throbbing like an angry bull’s heart.

"You really don't know what cum is?” I asked. She looked up. I know this sounds dumb, but I don't know hardly anything about sex, except a little I've overheard at summer girls school", she said pouting.  Although she was somewhat embarrassed, it was apparent she figured this was her best chance to learn about sex.  And my wheels started turning full speed as I figured this was my best chance to try sex and do some exploring of my own.

"Did you like the taste?" I asked. "Yea, it tastes good. So what is cum?”  I explained briefly and asked if she ever rubbed herself down there and got wet.  Sara blushed and nodded yes. I asked if she ever had an orgasm.  She looked puzzled, so I explained boy and girl orgasms as best I could. "I don't think I ever had one of those" she said disappointedly.

"Have you ever heard of a blow job?" I asked. "Yea, but I don't know what it is or how to do it" she answered.  "Will you teach me?"  I just about fell over. Will I teach her? I never had one, but sure I would teach her. "Well, you're already past the first step.  You like the taste of cum and you already licked it.  So let's get the lesson started. Lick it some more, like a lollipop."

Sara smiled and started. She licked all over my hard cock, even hit my balls a few times. I never felt anything like it and she was very into it.  Trying so hard to pleasure me, to learn, to experience.  Asking nothing in return.  But I'd help her out later.  Right now I just wanted to cum in a mouth for the first time.

"Sara, take the tip in your mouth and gently suck.  That's great.  Now start moving your mouth up and down, like what you did with your hand.  Oh that is wonderful.  That's it, move your tongue around as you bob up & down. Ahh... that's fucking perfect." My heart was beating loud and my breath was short. I was getting close when Sara grabbed my cock and started stroking it as she bobbed her head.  The feeling came back and I let loose. Her eyes widened and then she started sucking harder.  Spurt after spurt I filled her sumptuous mouth with my cum and she didn't miss a drop.

I was surprised at Sara’s level of innocence and inexperience, so much more so than my own.  I had never had any sexual experiences with girls, but I did know a lot more than Sara.  I had been experimenting with my body for a couple of years. When I had my first wet dream, which I found out later was just pre-cum, I examined it under my microscope.  I smelled it and tasted it. I saw some squiggly things through the lens.  I was able to learn a little about our bodies from medical & health books at the library, and of course from asking some older kids in the neighborhood.  You didn’t ask sex questions from your parents in the 1950’s.  And then here was Sara.  Didn’t have a clue.  Knew so little, but was curious enough to now want to learn.  I suspected a protected existence out in the country with her affluent parents.

Sara pulled away and let my cock fall from her mouth.  I could see she was swirling her tongue around, savoring the taste, then she opened her mouth and started blowing cum bubbles.  After a moment swallowed with a big gulp and we both started laughing loudly.  I pulled her from her knees and kissed her on the lips, the first real kiss for both of us.  She pulled away for a moment then kissed me hard.  Our tongues began parting each others lips.  I could taste the remnants of my explosion as our tongues explored. 

I began pushing back, then held her in a sensitive hug.  “We should be getting back to the cottage.  They’ll be getting worried.” She whispered in my ear.  It was getting late, after 11:00pm.  I kissed her ear and nodded. “But we have three more days and I want to learn more.  OK?” she yearned.

“Yea Sara.  I think we’ll both learn a lot more this weekend.”

(The end… Part 2 if you wish!)

Summer of 61 - Chapter 4

kwvagabond on Incest Stories

Sara, Julie and I sat nude in the old out-building where Julie had just shared her virginity with her virgin brother, Bobby, and gave me her first blow job. I really didn’t know Julie very well. I’d see her at her house when I would go over to see Bobby, but seldom got more than a ‘Hi’ from her. She was older than me and I guessed hung out with older kids. But the more I thought about it, I rarely saw her out with any friends.

Julie wasn’t what I would call beautiful, but was no where near ugly either. She was somewhat plain, but had an outstanding body; about 5’ 5” and 110 lbs. I knew she played a lot of sports in school and it showed in her slim waist and toned sexy legs. And then there were those perfect tits; a site to behold. Fu

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ll enough to swing when she was bent over, but not so obvious when she was upright. More than a mouthful, for sure!

Bobby had just left and I think the girls were wondering what was next. “Maybe we should take a swim.” I said looking between the girls. Sara had other ideas. “No cousin. I think it’s time you take my cherry with that magnificent cock of yours.” Sara exclaimed with authority. I was sitting between the girls and Julie reached down and wrapped her hand around my shaft, then said, “You guys watched me lose mine and I want to watch you lose yours.”

At that point Julie dropped to her knees and placed my cock in her mouth. She started bobbing her head and stoking it with her fist, trying to mimic what she observed Sara doing just a short time go. As I grew quickly to full length and hardness, Julie moved from my cock and leaned in between Sara’s legs and started lapping at her cunt. After a couple of licks Julie raised her head and looked at us both, “You need to get this thing good and slimy before that cock goes in there for the first time. Trust me.”

Sara just nodded and loved having her pussy licked. It didn’t matter to her that it was another girl; as long as it was a tongue. It wasn’t long before Sara gently pushed Julie back and softly said, “I think I’m ready.” Sara stood and walked over to me and pulled me to my feet. She kissed me passionately brushing her firm young tits against my hairless chest. She was so warm.

Julie interrupted, “You sure you’re ready to do this? It will hurt a little the first time.” I looked at Sara and said, “It’s up to you sweetie. Whatever you want to do.” Sara thought for just a moment and said, “You called me sweetie? I want you to fuck me and I want us to orgasm together, with that cock inside me when you shot your load.” I kissed her and nodded OK. She laid down on her back and drew me to her. Her eyes never lost mine. She kissed me passionately again, our tongues swirling in each others mouths. I laid on top of her and she raised her legs. This was my first time, also. My cock was rubbing along Sara’s wet pussy trying to figure out how to go in when I felt a hand on my cock, moving it into position. Then Julie whispered into my ear, “Now push slowly. When you reach the cherry, wait for a few moments so she gets used to you in there, then push hard quickly. It will only hurt her for a short time.”

Julie was older and obviously knew more about this stuff than me, even if she did just lose her cherry about an hour ago. I did as she instructed. Sara’s hole was very tight around my cock as the head entered. She moaned as I slowly pushed in a little and stopped. I waited a few moments. Sara wasn’t moving and I feared she was afraid or uncomfortable. Just then she raised her hips and let another inch in, again moaning lowly. She waited a few more seconds and lifted her hips again, this time I slid in until I hit the virgin obstruction and Sara stopped again. After a couple of seconds, I started pulling out. Sara’s eyes opened wide, maybe thinking I was quitting, but I pushed it back in up to the maiden head again. I started a rhythm, in, out, in, out… but not going through the barrier.

Sara started breathing heavier and closed her eyes. Her love canal started adjusting to the intruding rod. It started feeling good. And then I pushed forward with all my strength, tore through the wall and sank in all the way. Sara let out a quick yelp and grabbed on to me tight. I stayed in to the hilt gyrating in a circular motion. Sara wrapped her legs around my waist and in a very low voice said, “Oh yea. Come on sweetie. Fuck me hard.”

“You called me sweetie?” I said, and started pounding in and out. My six inch cock came out until just the tip was still within her engorged pussy lips, then I would slam it back in to the hilt. Over and over and over again. The feeling on my cock was almost unbearable. It was like nothing I could describe. After only a few minutes, I knew I was going to cum soon, but I wanted to try and help Sara cum the same time. I don’t know how to stop myself from cumming when the moment is there, so all I could do is figure out a way to speed Sara up to be ready when I was. And it suddenly came to me.

I brought my hands down to Sara’s ass cheeks and pulled them apart as I massaged them. As I kept pounding my cock in and out, I pressed a finger right on her asshole and rubbed it. Sara’s eyes flew open and she started to shudder. It was puckered real tight, but it was real slippery down there as her juices flowed from her pussy. My balls started lifting and I was ready. I stuck a finger up her asshole and that’s all it took.

Sara started yelling, “Ahhhhh, I’m Cumming! Fuck Me!” The timing was perfect. I jammed my cock into her pulsating pussy to the hilt and unloaded an intense charge of cum. Sara’s legs locked around my waist tightly as she stiffened and pushed hard against my twitching cock. Her tight asshole kept contracting around my finger as I pushed it in as far as I could and wiggled the tip. I was grinding against her pearl, which made her shudder even more.

Although I was done shooting cum in about 20 seconds, it took over another minute before Sara’s orgasm began to subside. I laid on top of her kissing her neck and tits softly as her breaths came back to normal and my cock began to shrink. Sara looked up into my eyes and whispered, “Jimmy, you’re the greatest!” I gently kissed and licked her face. She sighed with pleasure. Finally, I rolled off of Sara onto my back and closed my eyes. Fucking was pretty strenuous compared to a blow job.

I laid there silent for a couple of minutes when I heard Sara moaning again. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Julie’s face between Sara’s legs. Hell, I had completely forgotten about Julie. She was lapping up our juices furiously from Sara’s pussy and apparently really loving it. And so was Sara! Her eyes were closed and both hands were on the back of Julie’s head guiding her to the right spots, or maybe preventing her from stopping.

Watching garnered the appropriate response from me. My glistening cock was back to full strength almost instantly. Julie was on her knees licking Sara, and her ass was sticking up in the air. I stood and walked behind her. What a beautiful wet pussy was open to me. I positioned my cock right at the opening and slid all the way in and held it there. I felt Julie’s pussy contract as she moaned loudly into Sara’s pussy.

I started a slow rhythmic in and out motion, actually pulling all the way out before plunging back in. I didn’t want to hit it so hard that Julie’s mouth couldn’t concentrate on Sara’s pussy. Each time I pushed into Julie, she would moan into Sara’s pussy, which elicited a moan from Sara. This went on for several minutes and those tingly feelings returned, meaning I was about ready to shoot a load into Julie for the first time.

Sara was breathing heavy and fast again indicating she was getting ready, and Julie was moaning louder and more often as she started pushing her pussy back on my cock with increasing speed. We were all very close now, so I grabbed Julie’s ass cheeks and started pumping faster into her now very wet love tunnel. Julie picked up the speed on Sara and clamped her mouth tightly over her entire pussy. Within moments Sara tensed and began screaming and shaking through another orgasm.

I immediately doubled my pumping speed and within seconds was shooting deep into Julie’s pulsating cunt as she entered her orgasm. Julie’s pussy muscles tightened and relaxed rapidly and forcibly, but she never took her mouth off of Sara’s pussy. I could hear her muffled screams with each pussy contraction around my spurting cock. The three of us must have been one hell of a sight.

It was time for another cigarette. We were a sweaty, and cum soaked, group of nude teenagers at this point, and frankly I believe we were all very tired. We finally walked down to the beach and splashed in the cool water, rubbing each other’s bodies to wash off the sweat, cum and dirt from the out-building floor. There was nothing sexual at this point, just playful skinny dipping. Well, I did have fun rubbing their nipples, hard from the cold water. We dressed and made the return journey. A block from our cottage, Julie kissed us both and made a left turn down the street where her and Bobby lived for the summer.

When Sara and I got to the cottage, only mom and Aunt Tess were there. They were sitting in the back yard when Aunt Tess said, “Hi kids. You have fun at the beach?” Sara and I both smiled and said yes enthusiastically. I asked where Dad and Uncle Paul were and mom replied they went somewhere to play golf and wouldn’t be back for a few hours. Then Aunt Tess said, “We’re getting ready to go into town to do some shopping. Want to tag along?” Sara though for a second and said, “Yea. I’ll go.” I didn’t really think shopping was a fun thing and told them I’d stay home.

Within fifteen minutes I was home alone. I went out to the hammock and laid down to relax for awhile. I guess I dozed off; I don’t know for how long, when I was woken by a familiar voice and a shaking hammock. When I opened my eyes, there was Bobby. “Hey Jimmy. What are you doing?” Bobby asked. Coming to my senses I asked, “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were going to a ball game.” Bobby explained that his dad’s car broke down, they had to get it towed back to their house and that his mom was out shopping with the other car. Bottom line; the ball game trip got cancelled.

Bobby patted his pocket where there was the outline of a cigarette pack and asked if I wanted a smoke. I jumped off the hammock and we headed into the woods behind the cottage. Bobby and I built a little tree house back there three summers ago. It was like our get away spot. We called it ‘The Fort’. Last summer we both started smoking and used the fort as a place to smoke and hide our cigarettes. Bobby didn’t know it, but I also started going to The Fort alone last year when I first discovered jerking off. Many loads went over the side of the fort since then.

We arrived and both climbed the tree to the platform hidden among the leaves. We sat down on the little log bench we had made and lit our cigarettes. Bobby obviously still had the events of earlier on his mind. “Jimmy, that was fucking unbelievable out at the old house. Who would have thought that you guys would catch Julie and me? And when you both walked in naked, I was really afraid Julie was going to lose it. But you sure pulled it off. I got to thank you man. And Sara gave me my first blow job that was fucking incredible; totally indescribable. I sure hope Julie keeps her promise so I can get more BJs. I’ve never felt anything quite like it. Having my hard cock in a mouth that’s sucking, licking and bobbing, and then taking my load and swallowing. I can’t imagine anything better than that.”

Bobby’s dissertation was arousing my loins. Just listening to him describing a blow job brought my boy log to attention. I had to agree, blow jobs were fantastic. Well Bobby and I had seen each other nude with a hard on earlier, so it didn’t seem like a problem to pull mine out now. I pulled my shorts down to my ankles and let my meat lose and started stroking. “Bobby, I can’t help it. You got me all excited.” Bobby stared at my cock for a few seconds, then said, “What do you mean I got you excited. You a queer or something?” “No stupid. I’m talking about you talking about blow jobs, asshole. I agree with you that they are really great feeling and I got a hard on. OK?” Bobby sat quiet and I added, “I’ll bet you have a hard on, too. Go ahead and pull it out. I dare you.”

Bobby remained motionless for awhile and just stared at me as I slowly stroked my cock. I know he was trying to justify this in his mind some how. He looked down at my cock, stood and dropped his shorts. As soon as the waist band was below his cock, it sprang out like a pissed off snake. “You’re right. We already saw each other hard. And it all boils down to making our cocks feel good. Doesn’t it?” he said apologetically. He started slowly stroking his hard on to the same rhythm as I stroked mine. Watching Bobby made me harder.

Now my mind was working over time. I was really aroused watching Bobby. I wondered what it might be like to have a guy give me a hand job. I already learned that when Sara jacked me off last night it was much more pleasurable than when I did it myself. I turned to Bobby and asked, “How did it feel when Julie jerked you off the first time in the bathroom?” Bobby responded quickly and enthusiastically, “It felt fucking great.” I waited a few seconds and continued. “Having someone else do it sure feels better than when we do ourselves, doesn’t it?” “Oh fuck yea. Julie’s hand around my cock was absolutely unreal.” Bobby was remembering that day and I saw some pre-cum appear on the head of his hard dick. Then I asked, “You ever have another guy touch your cock?” He answered with a short “No.” Maybe if I grabbed his dick, he would grab mine. It was now or never.

I let go of my cock, reached over and grabbed Bobby’s cock. He jumped, but didn’t move. “What the fuck are you doing, Jimmy?’ he asked angrily. I calmly responded, “It’s not about who jerks you off, it’s about someone else jerking you off that makes it feel better. Bobby, we are best friends. We’ve seen each other in action today with my cousin and your sister. The four of us made a pact never to tell anyone. We’re not queers, were just two horny fucking teenagers exploring what makes our cocks feel good. And having another hand jerk you off feels better. What’s your fucking problem?” I started stroking Bobby’s cock as he thought about it, but Bobby didn’t respond and he didn’t move. He closed his eyes and started breathing heavier.

I got up and moved between Bobby’s legs, which he slowly opened wider. His head was back and his hands were at his side braced against the bench. His cock was inches from my face as I continued to stroke him. More pre-cum appeared. I took a finger, scooped some up and tasted it. It tasted just like mine. I slowly increased speed and when I got to the top of the stroke, I’d rub his pre-cum around his cock head. Bobby started moaning.

In the back of my mind I thought about Sara and Julie. They had licked each other’s pussies and it really turned me on watching. And there never seemed to be any hesitation on their part. They were simply trying something that made them feel good. That’s all Bobby and I were doing here. I was pretty sure now that Bobby would jerk me off when I was done with him. He already talked about his first blow job from Sara, which he characterized as ‘fucking incredible; totally indescribable’. What if I sucked him off? Would he do me?

As my hand made another up stroke, another big drop of pre-cum oozed out of Bobby’s tip. I hesitated for just a moment and swiped the head with my tongue gathering up the new drop. Bobby let out a loud moan,”Oh Christ Jimmy!” But he didn’t move. I cradled his balls in my other hand and rolled them around with my fingers, and continued stroking. I knew there is that spot right on the underside of a cock head that is very sensitive. I could tell Bobby was getting real close to cumming. I decided then that I was going to take the load in my mouth. I wanted to taste it. Not like I’ve tasted my own cum before. I wanted a mouthful that I could swish around and really see what Sara loved so much. And I wanted Bobby to suck my cock.

Bobby started moaning loudly and was pushing his cock through my hand, like he was fucking a pussy. I felt him start tightening up and went for it. I placed my mouth over the top of my hand so that every time Bobby pushed up, he was going into my mouth, and I flicked my tongue on the sensitive spot when it passed by. Bobby knew what was going on, but he was too far gone to stop me, even if he wanted to.

Bobby stiffened and I felt the first shot of his cum hit the back of my mouth. With each grunt, another shot flowed in until he started relaxing. I savored the liquid and played with it with my tongue. Bobby’s cock started to deflate as I let it flop from my mouth. Bobby finally looked down at me; a strange look in his eyes. I’d know how good of a friend he was momentarily.

“Jimmy, that was better than Sara.” He exclaimed. I opened my mouth and showed him his cum, then swallowed the whole load. “You are a crazy fucking sex addict Jimmy. Never would I have even considered letting a guy suck my cock. But you changed that today.” I sat back on the bench and lit a cigarette and Bobby asked, “So how was it for you?” I smiled and said, “Great. You should try it.”

Bobby didn’t say anything. He went directly between my legs. There was no pretense of a hand job at this point. He grabbed my cock and slowly started stroking. Then he placed his mouth over my cock and started bobbing and licking. He was mimicking my technique and doing a great job. I was really horny from giving Bobby a hand-blow job and knew I wasn’t going to last long. In fact I was almost ready within a couple of minutes. I wanted to hold back, to thoroughly enjoy Bobby’s mouth, but couldn’t. “Bobby, you are so good and I’m so fucking horny, you’re gonna get a load any second.” Bobby heard me and clamped his lips around the head and started stroking faster. Bobby also had cradled my balls. Just as I was ready, I felt his finger enter my ass. He pushed it in quickly as far as it would go and started a rubbing motion up in my bowels.

“Ahhhh Fuck!” I grunted loudly as I pushed forward and released a big first spurt. Bobby kept going. Another spurt invaded him, then another smaller dose. Bobby kept stroking and sucking, not wanting to waste a drop. Finally he stopped and released my spent 6 inch boyhood. He opened his mouth, mocking my prior actions, and showed me my cum. Then a big gulping swallow.

Bobby seemed pretty pleased with himself. He lit a smoke and said, “Ya know, that was almost as much fun as getting a blow job. It’s a pretty powerful feeling knowing you can make someone else feel good.” I nodded agreement as I lit my own smoke and added, “Yea. I know what you mean. This is really great for us. Sara will be leaving in a few days, and didn’t you tell me Julie was going away to some sports camp for a month?” Bobby thought and said, “Yea, she leaves next week.” Again I added, “I really prefer fucking around with the girls, but they’re not always going to be around. But we’ll find other girls to fuck around with this summer. And when we’re really horny and no one else is available, best buddy, we can do each other.”

Bobby stared out towards the woods smiling, smoking his cigarette and said, “Yea.” Then added, “Are we going to tell Julie and Sara?” I thought before replying, “No. We’re going to show them.” And we both laughed.

Summer of 61 - chapter 2

kwvagabond on Incest Stories

The walk back to the cottage was different than the walk to the beach. Sara just gave and I just received our first hand job and blow job. For two teenagers who barely knew each other that was quite an accomplishment. I could tell that an unusual bond was formed between us in the few short hours that we were together. A bond I hoped to take advantage of for the next three days of cousin Sara’s stay.

As we approached the cottage, I could see the lights were dimmer than when we left. We reached the back of the house and both peeked in one of the windows. My mom was sleeping in a chair. I guessed she told the others to go to bed and she would wait for us to return. That was pretty smart since I didn’t know what the sleeping arrangements were. The cottage only has two
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bedrooms, each with a double bed. So if mom & dad slept in their room, and Aunt Tess & Uncle Paul slept in my room, where the hell were Sara & I going to sleep. The bedrooms were off of a large great room with a cathedral ceiling, fireplace and three couches.

I figured we better go in and guide mom to her bedroom. As we entered Sara let the screen door slam shut by accident, which stirred mom from her sleep. Sara and I both noticed that two couches, one on each side of the room, were prepared with bedding. Mom looked up, “Hi honey. You and Sara OK?” I placed a hand on her shoulder, “Yea mom. Are we sleeping on the couches?” She nodded and slowly stood, apparently a little buzzed. “Yes honey. I’ll see you two in the morning” as she made her way to the bedroom without looking back and bouncing off of a chair. Sara giggled and said, “I’m going to get ready for couch. Meet you outside for a smoke?’ “Sure. I’ll just change into a pair of shorts.” My bedroom door was partially open and there were no lights on. I could hear my uncle snoring, so I quietly went in and grabbed a pair of gym shorts. When I came out, Sara was in the bathroom with the door closed. I quickly changed and headed for the back yard where I went to a large hammock at the far end.

It was fairly dark out there and we wouldn’t be noticed from the cottage. Sara came out wearing a simple cotton night gown that reached to her knees with shoulder straps. I was a bit chilly from the night air in just a pair of shorts, and from the look of Sara’s tits poking through the cotton fabric, she was cold too. I really wanted to see and touch her small taunt tits. Maybe even get to taste them. The thought made me stiffen somewhat and I had to wiggle around to let my cock straighten out. Sara noticed. “You uncomfortable there?” she said with a mischievous grin as she approached. I knew at this point we were going to continue our explorations and said, “Yea. I kinda got aroused when I saw your hard nipples poking out”.

As Sara reached the hammock she stunned me by reaching up and sliding her straps down and exposing two beautiful tits, not large, but not as small as I expected. Two perfect circles about the size of a large orange cut in half. With her fingers she slowly rubbed the tips and said, “You mean these? They get even harder when I touch them”. I watched for a few seconds, Then reached out to touch my first titties. I wasn’t thinking of anything else and almost fell out of the hammock. Sara laughed. “How about I join you in there”? I nodded and held out a hand to help her. Sara obviously wasn’t experienced getting into a hammock. They can be difficult at times. She studied it for a moment then turned and placed her ass on the edge. Her hands pushed the hammock down, then she jumped up and rolled on. As she did, Sara fell backwards onto the hammock and her night gown slipped up to her waist. She laid there on her back as the hammock swung with her tits exposed at the top and her ass and pussy exposed at the bottom. “Not very coordinated, huh?” she laughed.

I reached over and helped her slid around so we were lying together face to face. She didn’t attempt to rearrange her gown as she immediately leaned forward and gently kissed me. As her hand came up behind my head and our tongues began to battle, I reached up and placed a hand on her right tit. It was smooth and firm with nipples that felt like pencil erasers. As I massaged and rubbed, the nipples grew and stiffened under my touch and Sara moaned lowly into my mouth. The feeling was electric, like a shock wave went through my body and ended at the tip of my cock, which was as hard as a rock and pushing at the fabric of my shorts.

Sara relaxed and broke away from our long kiss. Moaning softly with her head back, I took the opportunity to slide down just enough to kiss her left nipple. She moaned louder and placed her hand on my head, running her fingers through my hair and gently pushing me onto her. I opened my mouth more and took as much of her tit into my mouth as possible. Swirling my tongue around the nipple and sucking like a baby, Sara started breathing heavier. I was in heaven. I slowly released her tit and licked my way over to the other and started the same treatment. At this point Sara had both arms around me holding me closely to her chest. It’s sometimes hard the think when you’re in this position, being that erotic emotions for two first timers are running rampant. I finally remembered that there was another place to explore which was still exposed.

I slowly started moving my hand down Sara’s torso until I reached skin on her lower belly. As I rubbed her belly, only inches from her virgin pussy, and continued sucking and licking her tits, Sara’s moaning intensified. As I slid my hand down over her peach fuss, she let out a small gasp as her hips pushed her into my hand. For Sara’s first time being touched by a boy, and my first time touching a girl, It occurred to me we were doing pretty good. I began exploring the confines between Sara’s legs as she opened wider to my touch. I gently slid my finger around searching for something. I wasn’t sure what, but I guess I found it when Sara jumped. My finger found a slit that was wet and slippery, and when I ran my finger toward the top of the slit, Sara was obviously in extreme pleasure. It felt like a pearl hiding within the folds of this warm slit and touching it made her tremble and moan louder. I didn’t know what it was.

At thirteen my limited knowledge of sex hadn’t gotten to the point where anyone had told me about a clit. All I had heard was that girls rubbed themselves down there and it felt good for them like when we boys jerked our cocks off and came. And I knew that both of these experiences, for boys and girls, were called orgasms. My senses began to return and I now had a goal. Sara had told me on the beach that she didn’t think she had ever had an orgasm. My goal now was to help her have her first.

My hand now completely covered her young pussy and I continued to run my fingers thru the wet slit, hitting the pearl occasionally and evoking more and more juices flowing. I finally applied some pressure and my middle finger began to penetrate the slit. Sara began pushing against my finger, attempting to get more of it inside. Now her breathing was fast with short breaths, and the moaning was louder and constant. I looked up from her tits and her head was thrown back and moving from side to side. Her grip on my hair was tight as my finger slowly sank into her up to my second knuckle where it reached an obstruction.

I started moving my finger in and out as Sara bucked her hips to the same rhythm. By accident my thumb ran across the pearl while my finger was buried in her now very wet slit. Sara jumped, raised her head and let out a soft scream. “Ohhhh… Yes… Oh God…” Sara said uncontrollably. I began rubbing the pearl and continued pushing into her as her motions became more rapid along with her breathing. Again by accident on my part, my very slippery index finger slid down to her asshole as I tried to get a better grip on her pussy. Her movement made the tip of the finger rub right against the tight little opening. Sara went fucking ballistic.

Her head shot up, her whole body started trembling violently, her pussy began to tighten around my finger as I felt juices starting to run around my finger and down her ass crack. She bucked strongly and her movement made my index finger slide right into her tight asshole. Sara began screaming. I immediately moved up to cover her mouth with mine. I mean shit, we didn’t need to wake the parents at this moment. It was like she was having a seizure. She bucked forcefully under my grip. She was oblivious to the world around her.

My thumb still rested on top of her pearl, my middle finger remained about two inches into her pussy slit and my index finger was sunk into her asshole up to the first knuckle. I didn’t remove my hand, but I stopped all movement and let her control the feeling. The goal had been achieved. Sara had her first orgasm, and I did it. My first time to provide pleasure to another person. I was quite proud of myself. Sara’s orgasm went on for about a minute, then she started to slow down and eventually reached down and removed my hand. We kissed and held each other while she caught her breath. Finally she looked into my blue eyes and said, “That was absolutely unreal.” I kissed her nose and said, “For me too. That was fucking awesome”.

We then laid there silently for a few more minutes before I brought my hand up to my face. I tentatively smelled it and was surprised that it didn’t smell like old fish, which is what I had been told. I then licked my finger. It tasted good, but there wasn’t much there to taste. I thought for a moment then began to slide my body down along Sara’s torso. I stopped briefly and kissed her tits, then continued down to her belly. There I kissed and licked, tasting the salty moisture from a sweaty orgasm. Sara just laid there motionless as I explored her belly button with my tongue. Her hands again moved to the back of my head as her fingers intertwined through my hair. She gently pushed me further down.

I ran my tongue down across her stomach and just before reaching her pussy, moved to the left and licked down her thighs. I started moving between her legs, still licking and kissing her inner thighs now. Sara remained silent and opened her legs as wide as she could. It was fairly dark so I really couldn’t see very well, but my senses of taste, smell and touch were acute. I could see the glistening of her juices around her pussy lips and down her ass. I slowly dove in and took a big tongue swipe from her asshole, through the slit and up to the pearl.

It tasted great! Sara’s body stiffened and her hands grasped more tightly in my hair as I heard her whisper to herself, “Oh my God”. I stopped for a moment after that first swipe to savor the taste and very briefly reflect on the fact that I just tasted my first pussy, and only minutes ago I had touched my first pussy and sucked my first tits. And all this with my naive cousin who was starved for sexual knowledge and experience. But let’s not reflect too long. We’re not done yet.

The taste of Sara’s pussy juices almost made me crazy. This was so intimate. I covered her entire pussy with my mouth and started exploring with my tongue, slowly sliding it in and out of her tight love hole. More juices flowed as I ran my tongue over the pearl and gently flicked it with minimal pressure. Sara started moving her hips and pushed her pussy more tightly against my mouth. I began to suck the juices out as I continued to flick my tongue. Sara was really beginning to move now and just like before, here breathing became fast and she started moaning uncontrollably. I knew she was going to cum again soon.

It occurred to me that I hadn’t even thought about my rock hard cock throughout this entire episode. When I slid down to get to Sara’s pussy, my shorts rode up my thigh; my cock was sticking out of my pant leg and was hanging down between the hammock netting. It was throbbing now all by itself with no help. I thought about reaching down and stroking it, but both of my hands were full of Sara’s ass holding her legs up while I devoured her wonderful pussy.

I made another long tongue swipe to get some of her juices that ran down her ass crack. When I hit the puckered hole, Sara went off again. She shuddered and stiffened. I covered her pussy again and juices started flowing fast as I darted my tongue in and out and sucked as fast as I could. Each time my tongue hit the pearl, she jumped and screamed and the flow seemed to increase. She held my head tightly and continued to push herself into my face.

Then I came like a volcano. I spewed cum all over the ground through the hammock. I shuddered and sucked Sara’s pussy as hard as I could. I wanted every fucking drop of her. I wanted to taste and drink it all. I wanted her to love my tongue because I wanted to lick her for the rest of my life.

I licked every bit of her bottom and pussy as she calmed. I then slowly kissed my way back up her body until we were face to face once again. Sara looked into my eyes and kissed me. She then licked her remaining pussy juices off of my mouth, chin and cheeks. “I taste pretty good, huh?” she whispered as she ran her tongue across my ear. I responded with, “You taste incredible. That was the sexiest thing. Your pussy is so nice”. Sara giggled and said, “Your tongue is incredible. My first two orgasms. Isn’t that what you called it earlier tonight down by the water?” “Yea. That’s what an orgasm is. How’d it feel?” Sara peered at me for a moment then said, “Like nothing I’ve experienced before, and something I want to experience again and again and again.”

Sara reached down and grabbed my cock, which was lying on top of her thigh. “You don’t seem very excited.” She said with a grin. I laughed and told her I shot my load on the ground the same time that she came. She pouted and said, “That’s a shame. I love the taste of your cum.” With that said, we kissed again and Sara said, “We better get to bed. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.” I nodded and we both jumped off of the hammock and headed to the cottage.

I jumped right on my couch and Sara went into the bathroom. I guess I fell asleep immediately since I don’t remember Sara coming out or going to bed. Suddenly I awoke. I looked down, a bit startled coming out of a sleep, and saw Sara with my cock in her mouth. I was semi-hard, but gaining ground very quickly. She furiously jacked her hand up and down my cock and sucked hard with a rhythmic bobbing of her pretty face. I filled her luscious mouth within a couple of minutes with all the come I had left in my balls. It couldn’t have been a lot since it was the forth time I came tonight, but Sara seemed to enjoy it.

Sara nor I said a word. She let my limp cock fall from her mouth, gave me a kiss and went to her couch and went to sleep. I closed my eyes and did the same.

Summer of 61 - Chapter 3

kwvagabond on Incest Stories

I heard voices in the background as I began to open my eyes. I looked over at the wall clock and noticed it was almost 10:00am. I really slept in, very unusual for me as I generally wake up around 7:00am every morning. I guess the activities with Sara the night before really tired me out.

I looked over to the couch where Sara had been sleeping and it was empty. The bedding was folded and sitting on the floor. Well, I guess I’ve missed most of the morning. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and listened to the voices of my mom and Aunt Tess in the kitchen. They weren’t talking loudly; almost in a whisper, but I could faintly hear them

“I don’t know Tess. I just don’t understand.” I heard my mom saying. “He hardly touches me, and

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he won’t do any oral sex. He won’t eat me and won’t let me suck his cock. He says it’s dirty and he could never kiss me again if we ever did that.”

Wow! This was way too much information for me. As a kid you don’t really think about your parents having sex. Here I am, having experienced oral sex for the first time with my cousin Sara the night before, and now I’m overhearing my mom talk about never getting any oral sex. Whew… I never heard mom talk about sex. I never even saw her naked, although I had tried a few times. So what the hell was wrong with my dad? Mom was really hot for being in her mid-thirties. Damn, I’d love to see her big tits.

Aunt Tess was almost two years older than her sister; my mom. She was also very hot. I overheard her response, “Paul isn’t much into licking pussy either, but he does love it when I suck his cock. The problem is he’s got a real little dick. It’s only 4 ½ inches hard. Hell, I’ll bet little Jimmy’s cock is bigger than that.” They both laughed, and I got an instant hard-on. I might be little Jimmy, but Aunt Tess was right. I had more than Uncle Paul. Maybe Aunt Tess should ask her daughter Sara!

I coughed loud enough so they could hear I was waking up. I got up and went to the bathroom, jumped in the shower, jerked off thinking about my mom and Aunt Tess and came out refreshed and ready for a new day. After dressing in my room, I went to the kitchen where mom and Aunt Tess were sitting at the table with coffee.

I think they may have been worried that I overheard them. Both of their faces were blushing a bit as their eyes followed me. I played it real cool and didn’t let on that I heard a thing. “Hi mom. Hi Aunt Tess.” I said as I gave them each a kiss on the cheek. We have always been an affectionate family with kisses and hugs. I liked that. “Where’s Sara?” I asked calmly.

They seemed relieved; convinced I was acting normal and didn’t hear anything. “She went into town with the dads. She wanted a new bathing suit since we forgot to pack one for her.” said Aunt Tess. It was already getting hot, unusually hot for this time of year, and getting Sara into a bathing suit and down to the beach sounded like a great idea.

Mom made me some breakfast and the three of us sat and talked for awhile. They asked if Sara and I had fun last night. I simply said “Yea.” I didn’t want to exude too much enthusiasm and arouse any suspicions. Before long I heard dad’s car pull into the driveway. Sara came bouncing in with a big smile. “Hi. I got a great new swimming suit.” she said beaming from ear to ear. She fumbled through her bag and brought out a bright red two piece suit. “I’m gonna try it on right now.” And she quickly left the room.

Within a couple of minutes Sara came bounding into the kitchen and started modeling her new suit. Well, I’m a thirteen year old boy and my cock went instant hard. Sara looked so sexy. I really didn’t get a chance to see her body last night, even though I had my hands and mouth all over it. But it’s daytime now and she was absolutely gorgeous in that little two piece. I glimpsed some apprehension on Aunt Tess’ face, probably thinking, ‘Christ she’s growing up fast!’ Little did she know!

I figured I’d get my suit on so Sara and I could get to the beach. Mom was standing by the table next to me when I stood and walked by. I guess I was in a hurry and my hard cock was bulging in my gym shorts. And it accidentally rubbed against mom’s ass as I went by. She gave me a funny look as I turned and said, “Excuse me.”

Sara and I were down on the beach within about twenty minutes. Being a holiday weekend and really hot, the beach was packed with people. “Want to go to a private beach?” I asked with a smile. “Where can we go?” Sara asked. “We’ll have to walk a ways, but I know several nice places.” Sara grabbed my hand, “Lead the way cousin.”

We walked about a half mile south, past about a dozen waterfront beach houses before coming to an uninhabited stretch that went on for over another mile. As we started down the lonesome beach, Sara smiled. “This is beautiful. Nobody lives around here?” she asked. “No. All of this land was once a large plantation. There’s an old abandoned mansion a little further down, and lots of private spots. Want to see it?” Sara nodded and we continued walking.

We reached a path that lead from the water up to the old mansion, made a right and proceeded. There were woods all around until we came to a clearing where the house stood as a majestic reminder of history. All of the windows were broken out and portions of the roof were collapsed, as well as the entire front porch. As we got to within 25 feet of the front entrance I stopped abruptly and held Sara back. “What’s wrong?” she whispered, sensing a problem. “I thought I heard people talking or making noises.” I said. We stood still and quiet for a few moments when Sara said, “I hear it too. It’s coming from over there.” She pointed to a small out-building just to the left.

We looked at each other and I said, “Want to take a peek?” Sara nodded yes and we quietly moved toward the building. There was a small broken window on the side, which we crept up to and peeked inside. Oh wow. There was one of my best friends, Bobby, behind his sister Julie fucking the hell out of her doggie style. I think it scared Sara as she whispered, “We need to get out of here!” No way I was leaving. Bobby was a year older than me at fourteen and his older sister Julie was sixteen years old. She had a superb set of C-cup tits that hung down and flopped back and forth as Bobby slammed in and out of her pussy while she knelt on all fours. “We’re staying. I know them. This is fucking great. They are brother and sister!” I said without taking my eyes from the sight before me.

Sara and I continued watching. She reached down and grabbed my hard cock and massaged it through my swimming suit. I wiggled my fingers under the waist band of her suit and began rubbing her slit and the little pearl. We were both hot as hell. I had never seen a porno movie before, but thought it would be something like this. You know; watching someone else?

It didn’t take long before I heard Bobby yell, “Here it comes sis!” as he slammed harder and faster and Julie pushed back hard on each stroke trying to get as much of his cock as deep into her as possible. They were both grunting very loudly. I’m surprised I didn’t hear them from all the way down on the beach. Then Bobby stiffened and started bucking wildly as Julie shook violently. “Ahhhh Yes you little fucker! Give it to me! Oh God yes!” Julie was screaming through clenched teeth. Bobby never said a word; just kept pumping hard and shaking until he was through and fell unto Julie’s back.

Sara brought me back to reality when she bit my ear. Out of reflex I said “Ow!” Julie and Bobby both snapped their heads in our direction and saw us peeking through the window. “What the fuck are you doing?” Julie yelled angrily. Bobby just stared quietly. I smiled and responded with, “Was hoping to be doing the same thing as you two, but you beat us to the spot.” Sara was a little apprehensive, but I think she felt safe with me, especially since I was taking this so lightly. She was still rubbing my cock and I had her crotch wet when I whispered to her, “Let’s take our clothes off and go in. I think it will make them more comfortable.” Sara hesitated for just a moment and said “OK” with a trusting grin. We moved away from the window, rapidly undressed and walked to the door and entered.

“Hi guys. This is my cousin Sara. Sara, this is Bobby and Julie.” Julie and Bobby were still in position. Julie’s mouth was open in disbelief as we walked in totally naked. My cock was rock hard, sticking up and throbbing to my heartbeat. Sara, the little innocent and naïve one, couldn’t wait. She dropped to her knees and started sucking my cock. She told me last night that she loved the taste of my come. I guess she just needed her cum fix?

Julie slowly got up and walked over near us. She watched intently, mesmerized, as I heard Bobby say, “See sis. Why won’t you do that for me. All you want to do is fuck!” I thought ‘All she wants to do is fuck? Oh my. I’ve never fucked anybody yet’. Sara heard Bobby; looked over at Julie and stared at her while she continued sucking my cock. She slowly took me out of her mouth, but kept slowly stroking with one hand. “You want to try it?” Sara asked Julie with a playful smile. Julie looked into Sara’s eyes and moved closer. Sara took a big lick from the base to the tip then pushed the tip toward Julie. I loved it and Bobby just stood and stared in disbelief.

Bobby was about the same size as me. We were both around 5’ 9” and about 150lbs; slim and trim. Bobby and I have been best “summer” friends for three years. I looked at Bobby’s cock. I never saw it hard before. He was already hard again and I could see Julie’s juices and his cum glistening along the entire length. It was just about the same as mine, maybe a little skinnier. The first thought that came to mind was, ‘I sure would like to taste those juices.’ What the hell was I thinking; I’m not a fucking queer!

I looked down as Julie slowly licked the head of my cock. It twitched in Sara’s hand and she looked up smiling. I could see Julie was testing. She took another lick from the base to the tip and stopped again. Then she took the tip into her mouth. Sara coached, “That’s it. Move your tongue around and suck a little bit. That’s good. Now take more into your mouth. Oh you’re a natural. Now slide your mouth up and down. Don’t forget to lick just under the head when you get to the top.”

This was really unreal. Here’s my young cousin, who didn’t even know what a blow job was until last night, and she’s teaching my best friend’s sister how to suck my cock. Not only did she learn fast, but she’s an excellent teacher. I could already feel by balls begin to tighten and knew I was close. “Sara, I’m almost there.” I said. Julie was doing a great job, she really was a natural.

Sara moved closer to Julie and whispered close to her ear, “Jimmy’s going to cum soon. Do you want to try it?” I guess Julie wasn’t ready to take a mouthful of cum yet. She removed my cock from her mouth and with a final kiss on the tip, she gave me back to Sara. Julie continued watching intently as Sara expertly brought me to the edge, Then she surprised me again and started going down as far as she could. She stopped with about four inches bumping against her throat then relaxed and slowly pushed down until her lips were up against the base of my cock. That was all I could take. I squirted the first shot down her throat. She stayed in position as the second shot slid down her gullet, then she pulled back and sucked hard to taste the next small shots in her mouth.

Sara pulled her mouth off my cock and turned to Julie, who was still mesmerized, and kissed her right on the mouth. Julie didn’t pull back as Sara slid her tongue between Julie’s lips and I heard them both moan. Sara transferred some of my cum to Julie, who evidently found that cum doesn’t really taste bad at all. With both of these girls kneeling in front of me, I reached down and grabbed Julie’s tits. She continued kissing Sara as I rubbed her nipples. Julie’s nipples weren’t very dark and didn’t stick out like Sara’s, but they were big in diameter. She closed her eyes and placed her hands on top of mine as I continued massaging her big tits.

Sara broke away from the kiss and looked over to Bobby. “Have you ever had a blow job, Bobby?” “No. Julie would never try.” He said disappointedly. Sara motioned for him to come over. She leaned over and quickly closed her mouth over Bobby’s glistening cock. “Oh shit!” Bobby moaned as he shut his eyes and threw his head back. Sara knew Bobby would blow his wad fast, especially for his first blow job and after watching her and Julie give me a great blow job. This little girl had become a die hard cock sucker in less than 24 hours. It seemed Sara actually craved sex. She was definitely a quick learner. So much for the naïve country girl!

Julie simply loved having her tits massaged. She would occasionally give my semi-hard cock a little lick, but nothing more. I was watching Bobby as Sara administered a quick blow job. Julie wasn’t even watching. Sara was massaging Bobby’s balls as she bobbed up and down on his cock. She didn’t deep throat him, but I think that was because she really liked the taste of cum, and you can’t taste it when it’s being pumped straight down your throat.

Bobby started moaning loudly and Sara knew her prize was near. She squeezed his balls and started stroking with her other hand. Her lips formed a tight seal around the head and she sucked hard as Bobby exploded in her mouth. He was bucking uncontrollably into her face; Sara never lost a drop. After a minute, she let Bobby flop from her precious mouth and went back to Julie. They kissed again and Sara shared Bobby’s load with her.

I has really turned on again. I gently grabbed Julie by the shoulders and lowered her to the floor. She looked up at me with a quizzical gaze, but didn’t stop me. When she was on her back, I moved my face between her legs and gave her a big lick, just like I did with Sara last night. Julie immediately pulled her legs up to her breasts and wrapped her arms around her knees to hold them in the up position. Her wet pussy and ass were clearly at my disposal. I was able to see in the day light and slowly licked and sucked as I enjoyed my first close up view of a pussy. I was fascinated and pulled the lips apart for a better view. I could see the little pearl. I kept licking all over it and then remembered how Sara went crazy when I licked her asshole.

I gave another big swipe up and back down and let my tongue dance around Julie’s puckered asshole, as my finger rubbed her pearl. She went fucking crazy and bucked wildly. I felt a stream of liquid hit me in the nose and drip down over my lips. She was cumming hard as I placed my mouth completely over her pussy and sucked. Another large blast of her girl cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed furiously to keep up as another smaller blast hit. Julie was screaming loudly as her orgasm racked her body. The juices stopped blasting, but continued to flow for almost a minute. It tasted a little different than Sara’s and there was a lot more, but it tasted good and I didn’t want to miss a drop.

Julie started to relax and I removed my mouth from her pussy. It was red and puffy and wet; and looked better than anything I could have dreamed up. Julie and I kissed and got up from the floor. Bobby and Sara were sitting on an old bench watching. They both started clapping for our performance; we all laughed. Bobby pulled out a pack of cigarettes and we all lit one.

“So how long has the brother and sister act been going on?” I asked. Julie answered, “Well we kinda just started a few days ago. The family drove down a few days early so Dad could finish up some work around the house before the holiday weekend. It just happened when I accidentally walked in on Bobby in the bathroom the other day.” We all took a drag from our cigarettes as Bobby followed with, “Yea, she caught me jerking off. Pretty embarrassing, huh?” We all laughed. Julie added, “I was curious, had never touched a dick before, so I finished jerking him off, you liked it didn’t you Bobby?” “Oh Yea! It was fucking wonderful!” Bobby exclaimed. Julie continued, “I had heard girls at school talk about fucking. I really wanted to loose my virginity, and so did Bobby. Who can you trust not to hurt you? I love my brother, so you caught us busting our cherries.”

That was quite a confession. I offered a pact to the group. We never tell anyone else about this day. We all agreed quickly. “I guess your broken cherry was why you tasted a little different than Sara.” I offered. Bobby laughed and spoke up, “Well my friend, there was a big load of my cum in there, too.” “Oh my God!” I said in disbelief. Sara and Julie started snickering and chanting, “Jimmy’s a cum sucker, Jimmy’s a cum sucker,…” Well there was nothing I could do about it now, so I laughed and said, “Julie, I don’t care what was in there. Any time you want your pussy sucked, I’m at your service.” Julie blushed and said, “I’ll remember that.” Bobby piped in and asked Julie, “So now that you’ve sucked a cock, tasted cum and had your pussy eaten, ya think I can get into some of that?” Julie laughed and replied, “Yes little brother. Any time you wish.”

Bobby got up and started dressing. “I have to get back to the house. Dad’s taking me to a ball game in Baltimore and I don’t want to be late.” Julie looked at Sara and I and asked, “Are you guys staying?” Sara jumped right in before I could respond, “We just got here. No reason to leave yet!” Bobby told Julie he’d let their mom know that she was with us and would be home later, then he took off running.

The three of us continued to sit there nude and Julie asked, “When did you guys start?” Sara smiled broadly and answered, “Last night. And I’m still a virgin.”

‘So am I’ I thought, but not for long!