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katiestriapach Member Since October 19, 2009

Angie's Misbehavior (part five of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

He had wanted to fuck her up against the same wall he had gotten to last time, but she wanted to keep him from making a garden of hickies across her chest again. She had been the one to suggest him doing her from behind.

“I’m gonna come,” he grunted.

“Don’t come in me. Do it on me.”

“Where at?”

“Just on the outside.”

He pulled out of her. She felt the head of his small dick rubbing against her pussy as he masturbated himself the rest of the way, then the warm ropes of come as they hit her. She grinned, but he couldn’t see it in the darkness.

Angie stood up straight and smoothed her skirt down, enjoying the feeling of the boy’s come smearing between
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her thighs, still dripping slowly downward. School would be out in just about forty-five minutes, and she’d head to Cara’s car again. It had been two weeks since she’d seen her. She had been suckered into going to her father’s family reunion the Friday before, so she didn’t get to see Cara and Joey. She couldn’t wait for Cara to discover what was between her legs today, though.

“Are you on something?” Robbie asked as he tucked his shirt in.


“Are you on the pill or something?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m on the pill.”

She had been taking the birth control pills her mother had forced her to get. She was being a good girl, where that was concerned.

Her last class of the day was art. She used every excuse possible to keep from having to sit down. She didn’t want anything to rub off onto her skirt. Near the end of class, she looked down and noticed that come had smeared as far as the inside of her knee, making a shiny, sticky streak that was visible from under her skirt. Making no effort to hide it, she just watched the clock. As soon as the second hand made its last tick toward three, she grabbed her backpack and bolted from the room.

Cara kissed her when she got in. It didn’t take her long to spy the come on Angie’s leg, and Angie knew when she had. Cara just tsk-tsked and shook her head.

“Where are we going?” Angie asked when they passed Cara’s house.

“You’ll see. I told you you’d get a real punishment, if I found you’d been fucking around again, didn’t I?”


“I arranged for it. I knew you’d test me.” Cara wore a big smirk on her face.

Now Angie was a little nervous. She couldn’t imagine what Cara had cooked up for a real punishment.

They pulled up in front of what Angie took to be a nightclub, at first. Cara got out and motioned impatiently to be followed.

“What’s the name of this place?” Angie asked.

“It’s called The Dome. You’ll see why when we get inside.”

The club was closed, empty, and dark. The ceiling was high – at least 18 feet – and shaped like a dome, complete with mosaic work to imitate stained glass. She stopped and turned in a circle until she could figure out what the mosaic was depicting. Her eyes widened, and she realized that the place certainly wasn’t your typical nightclub. The mosaic roughly formed the scene of a nude woman chained up spread-eagle, with a man in a mask holding a riding crop, ready to strike her with it.

“Uh, Cara? What kind of place is this?”

“It’s an S and M club, silly. Didn’t know it was here?”


“That’s okay. I didn’t know it was here, until Daniel told me about it.”

“Who’s Daniel?”

“He’s been coming to those pet-lovers meetings. You should attend another one sometime.”

“Yeah... So, who’s Daniel?”

“A friend. He works here as a Dom. He’s one of the guys I’ve been fucking to try to get pregnant. He’s a very nice specimen of male.” Cara winked at her.

A man exited a door somewhere at the back of the club, walking toward them. Cara smirked at his shower-damp hair and hooded eyes. “Hey, John, baby. You have fun today?”

He gave her a sleepy smile. Cara patted him on the shoulder, and his eyes roamed up and down Angie as he passed.

Angie blushed at his look. “That’s another nice specimen of male, as you put it,” she giggled when he was out of earshot. “You know him?”

“Sure do. He’s a sweet kid. Just, ah, ‘broke up’ with his Master. Wasn’t a very nice guy. So, Jonathan’s getting his fix from my friend here, for now.”

“Your friend that we’re going to meet?”

“Oh yes.”

Cara opened the same door in the back of the club that the man they had passed came through. It opened into a large room, colder than the front, with one wall covered by nothing but mirrors. The lights were a bit dim, but it was enough to see fine by. It smelled slightly of antiseptic cleaner. She saw a tall, muscular black man. A chair from the bar area sat behind him. Near his feet lay Joey, who leapt up and galloped toward Angie when he saw her.

“Angie,” Cara said, “this is Daniel. Daniel, this is Angie. She’s the one I told you about.”

Angie looked up – very up – at the man. He was at least a foot taller than she. “Hi,” she greeted him, smiling even more nervously.

“Nice to meet you, Angie,” he smiled back. “I heard you’ve been a bad little girl...” He laughed. It was a deep laugh, the kind that strikes fear into an audience when the movie’s villain chuckles. It invoked a similar tickle somewhere in Angie.

Joey was nudging under her skirt, licking at the drying come. She unsuccessfully tried to push his head away. Daniel grinned at the scene and looked to Cara.

“See, what did I tell you? She’s been getting some on the side.” Cara laughed and turned back to Angie, pointing to the back of the room. “There’s a shower through that door. Just wash the jizz off, though. And come back naked.”

Angie obeyed, hurriedly washing between her legs and drying herself with one of the towels stacked beside the sink. She held it in front of her body as she went back out, self conscious in front of the virtual stranger.

“Drop the towel,” Cara snapped at her.

Angie let it go and stepped over it, walking closer to them.

Cara stepped behind her and gently pulled the holder off her ponytail. “I want your hair loose. I have a gift for you, too...” She bent down and pulled something from her purse, a coil before she’d stretched it wide. A collar. She threaded it under Angie’s hair and buckled it at the front.

Angie heard an extra little ‘click’. She looked in the wall of mirrors. A tiny, silver, heart-shaped lock was securing the three-quarter-inch-wide black collar.

“I’m the only one with the key,” Cara told her, “and I don’t have it with me. You know what this collar means?”

Angie looked in the mirror again. It didn’t look half bad. She thought she looked strangely vulnerable. But she knew people would ask questions, the main ones being her parents. She decided to come up with something later to tell them, though.

Cara continued, “It means that you’re mine.” She put her lips to Angie’s ear, “You’re my little slut. And my dog’s bitch anytime he wants a go at your cunt.”

With a blush darkening on her cheeks, Angie nodded.

“I want her spanked, first off. Good and hard,” Cara told Daniel.

“Wait,” Angie shook her head, then spoke much more softly, “Only Cara spanks my pussy...”

Cara shrugged. “Okay, then.” She hooked her finger under Angie’s collar and pulled her along, over to the vacant chair. “Put your hands against the glass, spread your legs, and prop one foot up on the chair.”

A little awkwardly, Angie obeyed. She bent over, red hair slithering down on both sides of her neck, one foot raised higher and placed on the seat of the chair to expose her cunt. Cara shed her own clothes, down to only the slip of fabric that passed for panties. She tilted her head to look at the puffy mound that formed Angie’s pussy, its pronounced slit already glistening.

Cara ran a hand over the curve of her ass, then drew her hand back and slapped Angie’s pussy hard, making her cry out. She looked at her palm, already streaked with wetness.

“Again?” she asked.

“Mm, again!” Angie nodded her head.

Cara hit the girl’s pussy again, the contact with her slick flesh making a loud ‘crack!’ throughout the room. Angie fell forward a little, whimpering. Cara didn’t ask for more encouragement. She spanked Angie’s wet cunt until it was bright red, her clit swollen, shining like a ripe cherry.

“Stand up,” Cara told her.

She did so, wincing at the pressure closing her legs put on her pussy. She reached down, petting the stinging area as if she could soothe it.

“I have another little present for you...”

Angie looked up to find Cara holding a thin, hollow needle.

“Keep your hands at your sides,” Cara ordered as Angie realized what she was going to do. She licked the redhead’s pale pink nipples, making them stand plump and erect before pinching one and pushing the needle through the tender bit of flesh, making the girl whine and her eyes snap wide in pain. Cara slipped a shiny barbell through and proceeded to the other breast, doing the same to it.

“I didn’t think you’d mind a little permanent reminder of today.” Cara stroked the now pierced nipples gently with her fingertips. “Get down on your hands and knees,” she commanded again.

Angie lowered herself to the floor. Joey took it as an invitation, just as Cara knew he would. He immediately mounted her, humping his furry sheathed cock against her pussy until it began to peek out, the moist point of it poking around at the sore area. She flinched in pain, biting her lip. Cara reached between them, rubbing her hand back and forth on Joey’s cock until it was continuously dripping pre-come and erect enough to guide into her cunt. When it had slipped in, Cara stood back to watch.

She smirked and moaned quietly to herself at the sight of the mound of Angie’s bare pussy being split by her dog’s cock. She pushed her panties down and kicked them off, freeing her own pussy for her fingers.

“Goddamn,” Daniel grunted, standing beside Cara to watch the spectacle. He quickly skinned off his jeans and underwear, rubbing his growing cock. “Think she’d blow me?” he asked her.

“Oh yes, she will.” Cara circled around to Angie’s front with him.

He got on his knees in front of her, his cock curving up toward his belly till he pushed it down and against her lips. Angie turned her head away, mouth shut tight.

“Open your mouth, Angie,” Cara scolded her. Angie shook her head. Cara gave her a quick pop right on the mouth with her hand, shocking Angie into gasping, her mouth open. “The collar means you do what I say. I say you suck his cock. Now.”

Tears shined in Angie’s eyes, but she opened her mouth, running her tongue around the dark head of Daniel’s cock. She worked the slit with the tip of her tongue, making him grunt as he put a hand on the back of her head to pull her forward. She struggled a little, but looked up and found Cara giving her a glare of warning. She opened her mouth wider, letting him push inches of his thick cock into her mouth, stretching her lips wide. She felt the head of his cock nudging at the back of her throat.

“Take a deep breath, bitch,” he told her in a voice that was used to telling people exactly what to do and having them obey him. She got a breath of air into her lungs just as he jerked her head forward, forcing his cock down her throat.

From the side, Cara watched Angie’s neck spasm, swelling with the cock’s invasion. Angie struggled harder, trying to pull her head back, eyes watering so hard the tears dripped down her red face. She was making noises that made it obvious she was gagging. Cara nodded and Daniel pulled his cock completely out of her mouth. Angie hung her head down, gasping and chocking, until Daniel took her head in his hands and began face-fucking her again. He didn’t go back down her throat, but pumped his cock in her mouth until he was ready to come. When he did, he thrust harder, cock almost pushing all the way down, then spurting in her mouth, filling it with come.

“Swallow,” Cara commanded. She did, though with some difficulty, and a string of the white liquid crawled down her chin. Cara leaned down, holding Angie’s face still until she licked up the corner of the younger girl’s mouth, cleaning away the last of the come. She turned back to Daniel, “Get it hard again and you can have her cunt when he’s done.”

She turned back and asked, “Is Joey tied yet?” Angie shook her head. “Okay, then. Just enjoy the fucking till he’s done. Then we’ll continue.”

Angie was glad to hear this. She lowered her head and closed her eyes tight, mouth sore and her throat aching, concentrating only on Joey’s cock pumping in and out of her pussy, and his pre-come slowly running down her legs. She waited for what seemed like an eternity to feel his cock demanding entrance to her womb, but soon after that, it had pushed through and his knot was demanding a similar entrance to her abused cunt. She flinched every time it pressed harder against her opening, making the sore area even more painful. She was thankful that the inside of her pussy wasn’t sore yet as the end of his cock rubbed the full circumference of her cervix, giving her a delicious but slightly aching feeling deep within. She squeezed her pussy muscles around the animal’s slick cock, and when she released them, his knot popped inside. She gasped and groaned as it did. The knot pulled at her with his hard yanks outward.

She whimpered a chant of “Oh... Oh...” with hard gulps punctuating it when Joey began coming fully. She rocked herself back and forth a little with his humps as she felt her womb fill, then the length of her vagina around the bright red cock. She hoped he hadn’t been denied coming since she’d last let him fuck her, but she just knew that Cara had let it build up again. As the come stretched her womb, her abdomen swelled slowly. She reached down to rub her belly.

Cara appeared next to her suddenly, yelling at her, “No!” and reaching under her to jerk her hand away. She slapped her still searingly painful pussy, making her yelp in further pain. “Lean forward like I showed you.”

Angie leaned against the floor, shoulders touching the cold tile, her arms bent on either side of her head. She moaned softly as the dog continued humping and pulling at her, still emptying come into her body.

Minutes that seemed like hours passed before Joey was ready to wedge his knot from her pussy. It came out slowly, centimeters at a time, until it suddenly popped free. She whimpered in relief as the come was released, running down her belly and between her breasts. It pooled around her shoulders and chin where they touched the floor, soaking the last six inches of her hair where it lay in the puddle.

She only had a moment of peace before she felt a pair of rather large hands jerk her over onto her back, smearing the other side of her body, as well.

Cara was standing over her. “Her cunt’s still full of it because she hasn’t stood up yet. Look,” she bent over and pressed a hand flat on Angie’s abdomen, making more come run out of her and onto the floor. Angie groaned and Daniel laughed, positioning his cock at the entrance of her cunt, which was still aching from the dog’s knot being yanked out.

“This’ll feel better,” Cara promised, “it’ll be hitting your clit.” She sat down beside them, wetting her fingers in the come pooled on the floor and beginning to roll her own clit between her thumb and index finger.

Daniel thrust his cock into her hard, making her grunt. He kept thrusting, just as hard, until he met resistance.

Cara grinned when Angie’s body jerked. “Her cervix is wide open. Dog cocks are made to do that to bitches. Keep hitting it. Try to ram on through.”

Angie whimpered again, tensing her muscles for it. Daniel pulled out, just the head of his cock still in her, and thrust harder. She cried out, feeling the broad head slam into her. It was too broad to go all the way through, though. He thrust in and out of her, his cock grinding against her sore, swollen clit as he did so, and his fingers squeezed her slick ass cheeks, rough nails biting into them. She wrapped her legs around his waist, whimpering along with his thrusts as an orgasm began to building her belly. She came, the muscles inside her cunt gripping Daniel’s cock and making him slam harder into her as he came. He grunted again, spurting inside her, and finished just before she had a chance to come.

Cara lifted Angie’s head up, resting it on her folded legs, so that she could easily see her own pussy.

Angie looked up at her. “I thought we were done...”

“Oh no, not quite yet. Stay still and spread your legs open wider.” Cara turned her attention to Daniel, who was standing near her, his cock exhausted. “Get down between her legs. I want to see how far you can get a fist in her.”

Joey wandered over unbidden. He ducked his head down and began licking the come and juices off the mound of Angie’s pussy, dipping his tongue just into her slit every few licks. Angie’s hips tried to writhe as if they had a mind of their own.

Daniel smiled and kneeled between Angie’s open legs, slipping three fingers into her cunt with no effort. Four went in with just a little effort and massaging of the slick, pink hole. Her thighs were coated with a mixture of her arousal and Joey and Daniel’s come. His hand felt huge as his knuckles pushed in and out of her, his thumb scraping across her clit each time. He added his thumb into the thrusting and began to push harder, stretching her opening further. He and Cara were both pleasantly surprised when his hand almost disappeared inside Angie. She lay whimpering, face drawn, in Cara’s lap, watching herself being used. Daniel pulled his hand nearly out once more before thrusting in harder, her pussy now wrapped snugly around his wrist. With each push, he worked his hand in further, a fraction of an inch up his wrist at a time, until he couldn’t get it in any further. He continued pulling it out and pushing back in, savoring the slight swelling and shrinking of her pale belly as he did.

Cara smirked as the girl’s tongue peeked out to wet her lips. She reached out and began playing with one of Angie’s nipples, making her flinch. “A woman’s cunt can stretch to accept just about anything, Angie. Obviously, there’s childbirth. But larger things. It’s all a question of training and exercising the hole.”

Cara leaned further forward to massage Angie’s clit carefully, the already swollen button of flesh turning an even more vivid red with the attention. Joey licked Angie around Daniel’s hand, now licking high on the inside of her thighs. His cock was peeking out of his sheath again, and Angie realized they had been there playing with her body for hours. Cara’s breasts dangled over Angie’s face. After a moment of trying, her mouth finally found and held onto one of Cara’s nipples, making the woman gasp and she sucked and pressed on it with her tongue.

The rubbing Cara’s fingers were working at made Angie’s back begin to arch. Her own breath quickened again. She gasped as she came, her own juices and the remains of the come inside her dripping out around Daniel’s wrist, making it easier for him to fist her more quickly. As her orgasm died off, he pulled his hand out of her with a suctioning sound. She suddenly missed the feeling of being filled.

Cara turned Angie over onto her stomach in the mess on the floor, giving her a good coating again and smearing her face with it. She got to her own feet and left Angie in the middle of the thin puddle of come. “Do you think you’ve learned your lesson? That you’re never, ever to fuck without my permission again?”

Angie sat up, hands sliding in the cool body fluids. She nodded. “Yes, ma’am,” she admitted hoarsely.

“Good. While Daniel and I clean up, I have one more thing for you. Get on your hands and knees and let Joey mount your filthy cunt again. He should be just about done with you by the time we’re finished.”

Both turned and started toward the other end of the room. Angie asked, “Will I get to shower after you?”

“No. You’ll wait till we get home, to clean up.”

Angie started to panic, thinking that perhaps this would be the ultimate of Cara’s punishment, making her show herself to her parents like this. “But – I can’t go home like this! I’m covered in-”

“No, silly, my house.” Cara laughed. “Oh, and don’t worry, Joey won’t come nearly as much in you the second time. You can masturbate, too, if you like.” She disappeared into the bathroom.

Very reluctantly, Angie pulled herself up onto her hands and knees, reaching back with one hand to pat her bottom and tempt Joey into fucking her again. To her dismay, he trotted right up and mounted, stabbing at her pussy twice before sinking his cock in all the way to his knot. She felt the knot swell as he fucked her. it wasn’t as bad as she had feared it would be, seeing as how sore her cunt was, inside and out. It still hurt and burned the abused flesh, but there wasn’t as much friction with her cunt still stretched. She barely felt his cock penetrate her womb. His knot slipped inside her body easily. She lowered her shoulders to the floor, resting her cheek in the strange-smelling mess. Extending one hand, she carefully began to roll her clit between her fingers. At first contact with the nub, she gasped, pain jolting through her. When Joey came, she was relieved to find that Cara was telling her the truth. His come drained easily from her insides with Joey still humping away, drizzling down her stomach. She came quickly, gasping with her mouth wide open. She licked her lips and her tongue grazed the floor, collecting a bit of the cold come there. She licked again, purposefully gathering more.

She heard a laugh. It came from Cara. They had stepped out of the bathroom just in time to see her tongue flick out against the floor. “My sweet little whore...” Cara said, smiling at her.

Joey decided he had finished with her and got down, pulling his cock out and walking away to clean it. Angie tried to raise up, slipping in the come again and landing stomach-down in it once before managing to get to her feet. Daniel found a plastic bag for Cara to put Angie’s soiled clothes in as she wiped the redhead down with a towel and put a terrycloth robe on her, also courtesy of Daniel.

“Don’t worry about any of this. I’ll clean up the mess. This time.” Daniel followed them to Cara’s car, since it was far past dark.

Cara shooed Joey into the back seat and guided Angie into the passenger seat, clicking the seatbelt around her. Angie was half asleep, letting Cara arrange her where she pleased. Her hair, sticky and twisted into clumps, stayed tucked into the robe’s collar. She curled her legs onto the seat.

Daniel walked around to the driver’s side, talking to Cara as she got in. “You two are new to the life, I know. But you, Little Miss Domme, you have to take care of little miss sub. You collared her.”

“I know. Don’t you worry. She’ll be well cared for.” Cara winked and closed her door, driving off.

On the drive home, Angie drifted in and out of sleep. Cara got her into the house and walked her to the bathroom, then disappeared for a few minutes to put their clothes into the washer and feed Joey. She was wearing clean pajamas when she came back. Angie was still standing there obediently, though very nearly asleep. She swayed on her feet. Cara peeled the robe off her and put her into the shower for a while, soaping her down good and scrubbing every inch of her to remove the layers of come from her hair and slender body. She turned off the water when the younger girl was clean, taking a douche from the bathroom cabinet and inserting the tip into Angie, who startled as the cool water flooded her warm pussy. She watched the solution as it flowed down her legs, flushing much of the remnant of the come from her.

Cara turned on the bathtub faucet and guided Angie into it, the redhead perfectly compliant in her exhaustion. She gently soaped and washed her further, kissing her face and telling her how good she had been. She squeezed water from the washcloth over Angie’s newly pierced nipples, making her flinch again. Cara leaned over and carefully took the closest nipple into her mouth, tonguing it, then repeated on the other. One of her hands held the soft washcloth between Angie’s legs, very gently massaging her raw clit. Angie whimpered a little, then sighed, her breath quickening before she shuddered to her last orgasm of the night. Cara rinsed her nipples again before helping her over the edge of the tub, drying her body and rubbing the water out of her hair with a towel.

Cara rummaged through the drawer of her dresser until she found the little jar she was looking for. She kneeled in front of Angie and nudged her legs apart, dipping her fingers into the cream and massaging it into Angie’s pussy as far as her fingers could push inside.

“What’s that?” Angie asked, blinking sleepily.

“Tightening cream. Just in case. I like your pussy good and tight, for all sorts of different reasons.” Cara winked at her and gently kissed her pussy mound before standing up again.

She put Angie to bed, then climbed in beside her. Angie’s damp hair clung to her pale shoulders and back as she squirmed closer against Cara, resting her cheek against the other woman’s breast. One hand curled near her mouth, fingernails against her lips.

In the morning, Angie drifted back toward consciousness. She stretched her limbs and gave a silent, kittenish yawn. She looked up to see Cara looking back at her, smiling.

“Did you sleep well?” Cara asked.


“Good. So, did you enjoy last night? Despite the punishments?”

“Ohh, yes... Because of it. I wouldn’t have kept Robbie’s jizz on me, if I didn’t want you to see it.” Angie smiled coyly.

“Tsk-tsk. Do you remember the promise you made last night?”

Angie blushed. “Yes... I enjoyed last night, but I don’t want all that or worse all at once again.”

“Good girl.”

Angie arrived home later that afternoon. The second she stepped through the door, her mother spotted the collar she wore.

“What in the world is that thing around your neck?” Her mother raised one eyebrow disapprovingly.

“Oh... I bought it last night. When Karen and I ran out to the mall for a new blouse for her.”

“I don’t think that’s something you should be wearing all the time. It’s inappropriate. We’re about to go out for dinner-”

“Oh, good! I’m starving!”

“So, go take that thing off, and we’ll leave.”

“I can’t...”

“And why not?” Her mother tapped a foot on the entryway tile impatiently.

“I don’t have the key. I lost it somewhere at Karen’s.”

Her mother sighed long-sufferingly. “Fine. Go change your clothes. Hurry!”

Angie ran upstairs. She’d almost told her mother that her clothes had only just come out of the dryer, but decided she had pushed her luck enough for one day. She was glad to have a change to get to her room, though. Apparently, Cara had kept her panties.

* * * Please keep letting me know how you like my stories! With details how, if you like. I enjoy them very much. ;) You can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com

Angie's Long Day (part six of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

Cara had called the night before, telling her that she had a present for her. She’d arrived at Angie’s house about fifteen minutes before school started, after Angie’s parents had gone to work. She carried a small white gift bag, its handles tied together with a red bow.

“What is it?” Angie asked in anticipation. She knew it had to be something good.

Cara walked on into the kitchen and handed the bag to her. “Go ahead and open it.”

She pulled one end of the bright red ribbon and reached in, pulling out a small but sturdy leather harness that had a little padlock in the buckle located on one side. Angie giggled.

“Take off your skirt and panties and stand on the chai

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r,” Cara told her. Angie obeyed, stepping up onto one of the wooden dining chairs. Cara took the lock off and had her step through one loop of the harness, then pulled two toys from her purse. She secured them through separate holes in the crotch of the harness, snapping them into place. She slid the one closest to her between her lips, lubricating it with her mouth, just in case, and inserted it into Angie’s cunt. Angie moaned a short moan and smiled. Cara walked around behind her and sucked on the slightly smaller toy, being sure to leave more saliva on it, and spread the younger girl’s ass cheeks, pushing the fat little pink cock inside. Angie grunted at the sudden presence of it and squirmed as Cara tightened all of the straps, then buckled and locked the harness at her hip.

“There. You’ll wear that until I see you tomorrow evening,” Cara said cheerfully.

“Tomorrow?” Angie gaped at her.

Cara raised one eyebrow. “Is there a problem with that?”

Angie immediately dropped her eyes. “No, Ma’am.”

“And you won’t pleasure yourself until I allow you to.”

“How will you know if I do?” Angie asked, reaching down to her pussy, but found that the harness covered the area with a thick, solid piece of leather.

“The harness won’t allow it. There’s a little space there, so you can pee, but not enough that you can get to your clit. Don’t worry, Joey is looking forward to both of us playing with you. We just want you to be very ready for us.” Cara smirked and patted Angie’s bottom. “Now, put your clothes back on, before you’re late for school.”

Cara drove her, since she wasn’t feeling quite sadistic enough to make Angie walk all that way with her newest gift in place. She dropped Angie off a block from the school, grabbing her for a kiss before she got out.

Angie didn’t know whether she was miserable or more turned on than she had ever been. Before her second class, she’d had to pay the nurse a visit and ask for a sanitary napkin. Her pussy was dripping into her panties so much that they were soaked through. She thought she’d go crazy, before she saw Cara again and had the harness taken off. She tried pressing the leather against her clit in the restroom, but the straps were tightened in such a way that it was impossible to get any stimulation that way.

By the end of school, she didn’t think it could get any worse. She went home and washed herself, putting on a clean pair of panties and her pajamas, then went about doing her homework. Bedtime seemed to take forever to arrive. She was desperately trying to get to sleep, when she heard noise coming from her parents’ room. Despite her better judgement, she went to look in on them again.

Their door wasn’t quite closed. She crept up close and peeked in. Her father sat on the side of the bed, with her mother kneeling between his legs. He held her head between his hands, thrusting his cock up into her mouth. Angie licked her lips, then held the bottom one between her teeth, her pussy aching and throbbing around the thick invader Cara had secured there. She watched as her father fucked her mother’s mouth harder, listening to her grunt as he spoke, all sorts of filth streaming from his mouth. Her eyes grew wider as she saw her mother’s hand slide down between her legs, rubbing madly at her cunt. Suddenly, he pulled her head off his cock and slid back on the bed, with her following him. Her mother got up onto her hands and knees, spreading her legs. He stroked his cock a few times before putting a hand on each of her ass cheeks, spreading them open before spitting onto her asshole, pushing one thumb in, then the other, and pulling them apart. Angie could hear her mother whimper as he stretched her ass open.

“Fuck me,” her mother said.

Angie held her hands tight over her mouth as she continued to watch.

“What’d you say?” her father asked, pulling her ass open further.

“Please, fuck me!”

He slammed his cock hard into her. Angie watched her mother’s breasts swing as she was thrust into. He didn’t get any gentler until he had finished, lying back as her mother had sucked him clean.

Angie tiptoed back to her room, wishing desperately that she could get to her clit. She didn’t sleep well. When she did manage to drop off, she had wet dreams that never completed, leaving her beyond frustrated. She dreamed of Joey’s cock, wet in her hand, wide and slick in her mouth, and long and full inside her.

She got through school the next day, but it seemed like time passed even more slowly than the previous one. She felt like crying in relief when she saw that Cara was waiting for her in the parking lot. Cara waited until they were back at her house and in the bedroom before stripping Angie down and removing the harness. Her legs shook as the toys were pulled out of her, and Cara smiled at the juices that ran down one of Angie’s thighs. The redhead moaned and started to reach down to touch herself. Cara slapped her hand away.

“Not yet,” she warned.

“Please,” Angie begged, giving Cara what she hoped was the most pitiful look she’d ever managed.

“Get down on your knees.”

Angie obeyed, dropping slowly onto her knees on the towels that had been placed on the floor for her, then sitting her bottom down on her heels and settling her hands flat on her thighs.

“Forward, hands on the floor.”

“You’re going to let Joey fuck me, first?”

Cara just smiled and ran a finger over the collar around Angie’s throat. “No matter what, unless I tell you that you can do differently, you stay on your hands and knees.”

“Anything you say, just please-”

“Hush.” Cara reached a hand into her dresser drawer and pulled out a bar gag. She squatted down and put the soft, black, rubber bar between Angie’s teeth, then buckled it behind her head. She petted Angie’s hair, noting how the redhead’s need to come was so strong that she trembled. “You don’t get to speak until I tell you that you can.”

The younger girl looked up at her, wide-eyed, and whimpered, though she nodded, too. Cara walked around and knelt behind her. She first slid one finger into Angie’s pussy, twisting it into the wetness and stroking it deeply up and down the slit before adding a second finger, making Angie try to push back against her. Cara slapped her ass sharply. “Be still.”

Cara dearly wanted her little sub to fully experience subspace. She’d seen hints of it during and after their session with Daniel and knew that Angie thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the fact that it was supposed to have been punishment. She had been waiting to see more. She hoped to work Angie into it sometime soon, and had begun making plans to that effect.

She removed her fingers from Angie’s pussy and ran one fingertip down the cleft of her ass, gently over her asshole, before massaging against it for a moment. She pushed her finger inside, feeling as Angie tensed and released before adding the second slickened digit. She scissored her fingers apart inside Angie, relaxing and opening her further, making her moan softly.

Cara stood and patted her thigh, and Joey came trotting over, immediately burying his nose in Angie’s pussy. Her head dropped as his tongue began snaking up inside her, his wet nose pressed against her asshole. She bit down on the gag and groaned. Joey took the sound as permission and mounted her, humping at her until his cock began to slide out of its sheath. Cara reached between them and guided his cock further up, letting it slip into Angie’s ass. The girl squeaked as it pushed in further, feeling it thicken with the dog’s every frantic thrust.

Dribbles of pre-come ran back down her thighs until she felt his knot beginning to graze the tight opening. She whimpered again and tensed. Cara grabbed her arm hard, shaking her a little. “Relax. I want him tied in your ass.”

She struggled to obey as the knot hit her more insistently. The burning stretch and ache as he finally pushed it inside made a pained whine rise in her throat. Cara licked at Angie’s lips over the gag. “You’re such a good bitch puppy. You’re my good girl,” she told her.

Angie opened her eyes and moaned softly, thrilled at Cara’s praise. She felt Joey’s cock still swelling, pushing deeper, still drizzling pre-come into her body. Then there was a hotter rush, and she knew that he was beginning to pour come into her.

As she got used to the stretch of her ass around him, she found that the discomfort was actually less than when he was buried in her pussy. The pleasure side left some to be desired, though. She missed the feeling of her cervix being wedged open, and the sensation of her womb being filled. Her cunt still ached for stimulation.

Cara stroked Angie’s breasts, and back, and sides soothingly until Joey’s knot had shrunk enough that he could pull it free with a bit of work. He sat down at the end of the bed to lick himself clean. The opening burned a bit after he had insistently tugged out of her. She let her hips drop lower and felt the come begin to drain out of her, pleasantly warm down her skin.

Cara pulled at her until she turned onto her back, then knelt over Angie’s head. She lowered her pussy down, resting her clit against the side of the bar gag, and began to work her hips to stimulate herself against the younger girl’s face. When Cara came, Angie felt her cheeks washed over with slick fluid, some dripping into her mouth. She swallowed and ran her tongue as far as she could around the gag to collect more.

Cara got up and pushed Angie’s legs open, settling between them. She ran her tongue broadly up the slit before pulling the pussy lips open wide. She grinned at some of Angie’s own juices streaming out of her pussy, and sucked hungrily at the delicate inner lips for a few moments. Angie whimpered and her legs spread further apart.

“You have such a sweet little cunt,” Cara said, slipping only two fingers inside it. She opened her mouth wide and bit none-too-gently across the mound of Angie’s pussy before wrapping her lips around the light pink hood of the girl’s clit and beginning to suck, making her slender hips jerk up off the floor. She looked up and watched as Angie pulled firmly at her own nipples, abusing the reddening bits of flesh by pulling at them by the bars pierced through. Cara waited until Angie’s whimpers grew higher before closing her teeth down on her clit hard. Angie screamed around the gag as she came, her cunt convulsing around Cara’s fingers.

After a few minutes, while Angie was still deep in the afterglow of being allowed to come at last, Cara removed the gag and kissed her.

“Thank you,” Angie spoke exhaustedly, squirming closer against her.

“Something I want to know,” Cara began. Angie looked up at her with pleasure-dilated eyes. “What exactly do you get out of this? Out of our... arrangement.”

“Orgasms?” Angie giggled.

“You can have an orgasm by yourself, just about any time you want to. Seriously.”

“I dunno. At first, I was just kind of curious about why a person would want to have sex with an animal. But then, it felt so good. Then I met you, and you were somebody really nice to share it with, who wouldn’t be all disgusted and horrified. And I found out it felt better than doing it with Robbie. I like how it feels to have a dog cock in me, and having its knot inside me, so I’m stuck like an animal.” Angie blushed and ducked her head against Cara’s chest. “And I like it even more, now that you put a collar on me and made me yours, because it feels good for you to be in control. I love belonging to you,” she finished in almost a whisper.

Cara leaned to kiss her redhead again and suck at her lower lip, looking very pleased with her. It made Angie warm all over, to know it. “I have something very special planned for us next Friday. You won’t have plans, will you?”

“No, Ma’am,” Angie smiled.

* * * Really sorry this one is so short. The next is going to be much longer and a lot more fun, promise. You can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com.

Angie in Heat (part four of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

She approached her parents’ bedroom door silently, listening to the grunts coming from within. She clamped a hand over her mouth to smother a giggle before she found the door ajar. She crouched lower and inched close, being careful to not bump it and risk being found spying.

The lights were dim, with only one of the bedside lamps on. Her father was sitting against the headboard, legs spread, with her mother kneeling and bend over between them, working her head up and down on his cock. The grunts were coming from him. One of his hands was holding a clump of her mother’s hair in a fist, and every few dips of her head, he held her there for a few seconds.

“Stop,” he said, pushing her away and getting up onto his knees, guiding her a bit roughl
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y to turn around. He spread her ass cheeks and pushed his cock into her. She whimpered a little.

Angie forced herself away from the door and hurried to her room, jumping into bed. Under the covers, she slipped off her panties and pressed her fingers against her clit, feeling the slickness that had already worked its way over her pussy. She rubbed herself to an orgasm that was far less satisfying than she would have liked, sucked the wetness from her fingers, and fell asleep.

The next day at school was almost unbearable. She was so horny she thought she’d go crazy before the bell rang to release them all from their second class for the ten minute morning break. She headed straight for the bathroom and to the stall farthest from the door. She dropped her books, yanked up her skirt, and sat down on the toilet with a hand already in her damp panties. No sooner had that little glow of electricity started inside her, the restroom door slammed open against the wall and a gaggle of girls came in, chattering loudly. With her mood completely ruined, Angie flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and left more than a little annoyed. She didn’t attempt to relieve herself again during school, and ended up with another less than great orgasm when she got home. She sulked her way through the rest of the evening.

At school the next morning, she was squirming in her seat for friction before her first class was halfway over. She was positive that her teacher had seen what she was doing, because he kept smirking at her and looking at her bare legs under the desktop. She rolled the waist of her plaid skirt up another inch and opened her legs just a little more when he turned around at the board. She entertained a short fantasy about him ripping her skirt down after class and bending her over his desk to fuck the living daylights out of her. He smiled wider, but that was the extent of his flirtation. Her second class was just as frustrating as it had been the day before. At morning break, she hunted down Robbie, the boy she had gone out with a few times before ending the relationship with a slapdash handjob in the back of his car. With just a few breathy words in his ear, he was following right behind her. She led him to the band room, locking the door behind him. She stood against the wall and groped her way past his belt, button, and zipper in the pitch dark.

With his dark blue uniform trousers crumpled around his ankles, he pushed up her skirt and tugged hard at her soaking wet panties, ripping the side seam before they were worked down her legs, getting them caught around one of her sneakers. Putting his hands on her waist, he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around him. He grunted as his small prick slid into the slick heat of her pussy, then started thrusting against her as hard as he could, when he had recovered. Her body hit the wall with the soft sound of flesh against thin wood, red hair bouncing back and forth with the motion. Robbie laid open the buttons of her top and lowered his mouth to her tits, beginning to suck hard in spots on them, leaving trails of saliva behind. His hands tightened painfully on her waist as he spurted in her. Knowing that his come was inside her, along with his vice grip on her body, made her muscles tighten in her own climax. She leaned her head back and gritted her teeth to choke of any sounds. Though it wasn’t nearly as good as she would have liked, it was something at least a bit sating. Robbie’s softening dick slid out of her as he put her down, smearing the mixture of juices up her slit and across her abdomen before her skirt could fall back down over it.

“Thanks,” she said, retrieving her panties from her ankle and buttoning up her shirt. She folded the torn panties into a square and stuck them in the middle of her history textbook.

“Uh, no problem,” he replied.

Angie smiled sweetly up at him. “If you tell anybody about this, you’ll never get it again.”

He nodded and pulled his pants up as she walked off.

It was warm and humid outside, and the semen that had leaked down her thighs was still sticky at the end of the day. By her last class, the constant reminder had made her horny again. She pressed her thighs together and opened them again slowly, making her clit throb for attention.

It wasn’t until she was on her way out to where the buses waited on one side of the parking lot that she remembered Cara was picking her up. There had been a convincing story of going to Karen’s house, and the same sort of story to Karen about a boy. Her mother suspected, but felt safer because of the packet of birth control pills in her backpack.

Angie got into the car. Before they had so much as left the parking lot, Cara’s hand had crept under her skirt. The other woman raised an eyebrow at her.

“I was bad today...” Angie blushed, looking at Cara out of the corner of her eyes.

Cara licked her lips. “Then you’ll just have to be punished, won’t you?”

There was little conversation on the way to Cara’s house. Angie didn’t know whether she’d been teasing or was serious about punishment. When they arrived, Cara ushered her into the bathroom and handed her a washcloth. “Strip and clean yourself up, then come back to the bedroom,” she commanded.

The younger girl did what she was told. She was a bit embarrassed to walk out naked, when she finished. There were angry red hickies all over her breasts. When she stood before Cara, the woman raised an eyebrow again.

“You were a bad girl, weren’t you?”

Cara pushed her toward the bed and made her sit back, legs sprawled open. She called Joey in and had him sit near the side of the bed. Angie smiled.

“How do you think you should be punished first?” Cara asked, taking a few select sex toys out of her bottom dresser drawer.

“Spank my pussy?” Angie giggled.

Cara shed her shirt and jeans before sitting down on the side of the bed and beckoning Angie to her. She had the girl lay her lower back over her lap, so that her hips were raised and her pussy opened, exposing herself. Cara spread Angie’s legs wider, giving her more access to the tender area. She raised her hand and slapped the rapidly moistening pink flesh. Angie jumped. Cara struck her again, exposing her clit. After a couple more, Angie’s hands instinctively tried to protect the area. Cara held her hands away with fingers clamped around her wrists. Soon, Angie’s wetness was running down Cara’s thigh and tears were running down Angie’s temples from the eye-watering stings. With one last shark spank, Angie hiccupped in pain. Cara decided she’d had enough of this particular punishment.

“Get up,” she told her, helping her a bit. She went to the array of toys, picking up a strap-on and a tiny vibrator.

Cara licked the tip of the vibrator and turned it on before sitting down beside Angie again and inserting it into herself, then buckled the strap-on into place. The flesh-colored cock was long and wide. Cara was satisfied that it would be interesting to have Angie administer to.

“Suck it,” Cara instructed her, laying back.

Angie knelt near Cara’s hip, licking the length of the cock before taking it into her mouth as far as she could. Cara’s hand rested on the back of her head, guiding for a while, then pushing her harder onto the dildo. She pushed her head down hard, holding her until she gagged, then let her take a breath before doing the same again. Cara watched with lust as Angie’s throat swelled with the cock being forced down it, saliva stringing from her mouth to the head when she was allowed to breathe again.

“Now, ride it,” Cara told Angie when her face was red from gagging.

It took her a moment to catch her breath from the last throat-fucking, but she obeyed. She impaled her pussy on the large dildo, feeling very faint sensations from the vibrator inside her lover. She grunted softly as the head of the thing bottomed out with each upward thrust, far too blunt to push through. Cara knew this and thrust harder. She pulled Angie forward, grinding the base of the dildo against her sore clit and making her groan. Pulling her even closer, she pressed her mouth against Angie’s, invading it with her tongue, nipping at the girl’s lips, tasting every inch of the orifice.

She felt the bed move and opened her eyes. Joey had jumped up without permission, and he was nosing at Angie’s puckered little asshole. Angie gasped and tensed, ready to jump off, not wanting to give the dog access to that particular hole.

Cara narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “Stay right where you are.”

Joey moved up, putting his front legs over Angie’s sides and settling his claws back into the scrapes on her ribs, making her yelp. She felt his slick, wet cock stabbing at her ass. Cara moved her hands down and spread Angie’s ass cheeks for him. She yelped again as the tip pushed in, slipped out, then pushed in farther. She whimpered as his huge cock worked further into her, with Cara thrusting more slowly in and out of her cunt. Cara felt Angie’s wetness beginning to leak down the cock’s shaft and over her own pussy.

The warmth of orgasm flooded over Cara, spurred on by the vibration in her cunt and Angie on top of her. She thrust harder upward with the waves of pleasure, making the girl grunt more loudly.

“Get off,” Cara commanded again.

Joey moved off of Angie as she pulled away. He continued humping the air, his knot already beginning to swell. Cara grinned. She sat up and took off the strap-on, removing the slick vibrator from her pussy and turning it off. She went back to her dresser drawer and pulled out another toy, holding it behind her back until she was standing in front of Angie again.

“What’s that?” Angie asked curiously.

“Something I bought at one of those pet-lovers meetings. I thought you’d like it.” She held the toy out in front of her.

Angie’s mouth dropped open and a sound something like “Oooh...” came out. The toy was bright red, veined, and shaped very much like a dog’s cock.

“You like it?”

“Fuck, yes. It’s... big. Bigger than Joey, isn’t it?”

“Maybe a little bit bigger.” Cara wrapped her other hand around it and ran it up and down, her fingertips just barely touching around the girth of the toy.

Angie was virtually drooling. She could see that the knot wasn’t quite as broad as Joey’s, but it would have to be smaller, to be able to come back out. The pointed tip was making her insides tingle even more.

“The drawback is that toys don’t come in you. At least, not this one. That’s where the real thing is better.” Cara smirked, walking toward her. She stopped at the edge of the bed and pointed the cock at Angie’s pussy. “Do you want it?”

Angie nodded, the tip of her tongue pressed against her front teeth. Cara touched the tip to her clit, making her gasp and her hips jerk, before climbing onto the bed beside her. She patted the bed and Joey hopped up again, his cock bouncing and dripping pre-come. “Get up onto your hands and knees,” Cara told her.

Angie did so, and Cara rewarded her by lubricating the dildo in the wetness outside her pussy, then very slowly slid it inside. Angie closed her eyes, mouth frozen open in an ‘O’.

“Let me know when it bottoms out,” Cara said.

Angie could only nod again. The latex knot was just nudging at the opening of her vagina when she felt the tip burrow into the cleft of her cervix. She gasped again, “There!”

Cara stopped working it in and wiggled it. “Think I can get it through?” She grinned, licking Angie’s shoulder.

“Do it,” she said, clenching her pussy around the fake cock.

Cara pushed gently, a little at a time, until the knot had wedged itself inside Angie’s cunt. She rotated it, making her squirm and moan, and moved down to lie with her head between the redhead’s legs. Cara pursed her lips, fitting them around Angie’s clit and sucking at it, running her tongue over it, and scraping it with her teeth. Angie twisted her hands in the sheet, making animalistic sounds of pleasure as Cara gave the dildo a final hard push, sending it through the opening of her cervix.

She sat up and patted Angie’s hip, letting Joey mount her again. Angie made a panicked noise of protest, but Cara reached forward, putting a hand over her mouth. She aimed the dog’s cock at Angie’s asshole and let him thrust it in. Angie yelled against her hand as he rammed into her. Cara used her other hand to massage the younger girl’s clit, settling her into a slightly pained rhythm of moans. Angie began to rock her body back and forth as the dog’s pre-come started to run out of her and back down her legs. Cara rubbed faster, then stopped and pinched her clit hard, pushing on the base of the dildo at the same time, shoving another inch of it into her. Angie’s arms collapsed and she screamed face-down in the mattress, orgasm ripping through her. Cara pulled the dildo out of her cunt quickly, making a sucking sound and releasing a stream of Angie’s juices to run out and join Joey’s.

While Angie was still whimpering into the blanket, Cara coaxed Joey off her. He humped the air again as Cara pulled Angie up by one arm.

“Such Joey’s cock,” Cara instructed her.

“That’s all?” Angie asked, wobbling a little as she tried to get her balance.

“Just suck him off.”

Angie crawled across the bed and lowered herself onto the floor. She ran her hand up and down Joey’s cock a few times before lying down and opening her mouth for him to hump his cock right into it.

“Don’t take your mouth off it,” Cara told her.

After a moment, Angie felt the knot pushing at her lips. The cock slipped easily down her throat, pre-come trickling down. The angle she had to hold her head at made her neck ache, and she wondered if it took this long when he was fucking her pussy. All of a sudden, come gushed into her. It overflowed, spilling out of her mouth even as she swallowed mouthfuls, making her gag and choke while he kept humping at the same time.

She looked back at Cara when Joey had wandered away to clean himself.

Cara nodded in approval and pointed to the come pooled on the floor. “Now, lick the rest of it up.”

Angie did, dragging her tongue across the wooden floor, lapping up the cooling come until the floor was reasonably clean. Cara beckoned her over and had her sprawl herself out on the bed again.

“The next time you have sex with anyone except me or either of our dogs, you will do it with me present, or you really will be punished. Is that understood?” Cara scolded her, attempting to sound threatening.

“Yes, ma’am,” Angie replied, smiling a very satisfied smile.

Cara didn’t quite believe her. She decided that she had some serious plotting to do for the next time Angie misbehaved herself.

* * * Thanks everyone who's e-mailed me! It gives me a little thrill to hear from you guys and girls about how you like these. Don't stop! ;) E-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com

A Housecall for Angie (part three of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

“Hello?” she answered breathlessly, with more than a little aggravation in her voice. She choked back a groan as Davey pulled at her cunt to put one of his back legs over her, putting them ass-to-ass again.

A familiar voice came from the other end of the line. “You sound like you’re a bit busy.”

Angie squealed, “Cara! Hi!”

The woman laughed. “So, are you busy?”

“I’m, uh, a little tied up, so to speak.”

“Mmm, I can imagine what kind of tied you are. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“No, no. I’m sort of stuck for a while, anyway. You get to listen to me come at least one more time, though...” she added mischievously.
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“Oh, I can do better than that. Mind if I drop by?”

“Of course! I’d love to see you. I can’t exactly get to the door to unlock it, though. Come around to the back. The glass door is open.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes, then.”

“And I’ll probably still be kind of stuck.”

“Good. I’ll get to play along. I’ve got Joey with me, is that okay.”

“Oh my God, yeah! Bring him!”

Cara laughed lightly at her enthusiasm. “See ya soon!”

Angie hung up and put the phone back on the table. She tried to relax her pussy, hoping that maybe she could untie with Davey before Cara arrived, after all. But no such luck. Before she knew it, Cara was knocking on the sliding glass door she was facing. She held a leash that was connected to a large, silvery-grey Weimeraner, which was standing obediently beside her. He was a little taller than Davey. Cara smirked at the display Angie was putting on and slid the door open, walking inside.

“Close the curtains?” Angie requested. Cara did, and commanded her dog to sit and stay.

She sat down on the sofa, near Angie and Davey, crossing her bare legs languidly. She leaned forward for a moment to stroke down the center of Angie’s back. “How long have you been there?”

“Almost twenty minutes,” Angie grunted again as Davey started trying to pull his cock from her body. After a few tries, the knot popped free.

She grinned, getting up and letting the come drain from her cunt, down her legs, and onto the beach towels she’d put down on the floor. A large wet spot developed around her feet as the come soaked in. After letting Davey back out, she stepped toward Cara and climbed onto her lap, kneeling there and straddling her thighs. She kissed her, sucking hungrily at her lips and tongue, and pushed the tight, glittered tee shirt off over Cara’s head. As she moved to massage and mouth them, Cara felt the come still slowly dripping from Angie soak through her skirt and onto her skin. Her pussy started to feel slick already.

“So,” Angie said between laps at her nipples, “are you going to fuck Joey while I watch? Or what?”

“I thought maybe you could have a go at him. Then, later, I can have the leftovers.” She grinned and slid a hand over Angie’s slippery thigh, fingers hitting home at her clit, making her groan and write against her a little.

“Sounds like a good plan. Something I want to do first, though.”

Joey watched with interest as Angie moved down to the floor again, on her knees between Cara’s legs, and pushed the soft skirt up around her waist. There were no panties there to discard. Angie kissed and nipped high on her inner thighs, running her tongue over the shaved mound and slit, pressing her tongue into the very top of it before using her hands to spread Cara’s legs wider. Cara leaned her head back against the sofa cushion and ran her fingers through Angie’s hair.

“Open your legs so Joey can lick you...” Cara said, gasping as Angie’s lips formed a suction around her clit.

Angie obeyed and Cara called Joey over. He sniffed Angie and slowly began to lick this new person. His tongue ran up her ass crack, then made Angie moan into Cara’s pussy as his tongue began finding its way inside her every few licks.

She moved down a little, her own tongue wiggling into the folds of Cara’s pussy, licking out and swallowing the wetness that dripped from it. Before very long, Cara’s body tensed and jerked, grinding into Angie’s mouth as she came. Angie licked more quickly at her opening, drinking the flow of honey the orgasm produced.

As Cara recovered, Angie stood. “Why don’t we move upstairs?”

Cara stood and straightened her skirt, picking up her shirt and purse as Angie wadded up the towels from the floor and mopped up the damp spot that had seeped through them, following her up the stairs and into a bedroom with Joey tagging happily along.

Angie led her to her parents’ bedroom. She knew her room wasn’t exactly the most adult-oriented, and although she was pretty sure Cara had figured out she wasn’t eighteen, she would rather keep the obnoxious posters plastered to her walls out of sight for now.

“Are you ready for Joey?” Cara asked, running her tongue over lips and shedding her skirt.

“God, more than ready!” Angie giggled, sitting down on the bed. She wondered if she could get the bed linens washed, dried, and back on the bed before her parents got home… Then decided she’d make something up if they got back before she could get them done.

Cara opened her purse. “Guess what I got the other day?”

“Ohh, what?”

She pulled out a couple of buttplugs. Angie’s eyes widened and she smiled. They looked a little bigger than either of the ones Tom had used on her. Cara reached into her purse again and pulled something else out.

“I didn’t know if you’d want to try this or not, but I got it on the off chance.” She swung it around by the unbuckled strap.

It was a gag of sorts. Instead of a regular gag or ball, the strap was attached to a fat black dildo.

“Sure, I’ll try it,” Angie said, running her fingers over her pussy, which was quickly becoming sticky from the drying come.

“Get on your knees on the floor and lean on the bed,” Cara told her, bringing the toys over.

Angie did as she was told. “I don’t mind being told what to do, you know. It kind of turns me on, being ordered around.”

After swirling one of the plugs around her own pussy, lubricating it very well, Cara quickly pushed it home in Angie’s ass. The younger girl squeaked at the sudden entrance, then groaned as Cara slowly rotated it.

“Feels good?” she asked. When Angie nodded, she patted her leg to call Joey over.

Joey approached her. She patted him on the head and rubbed his ears, then guided him toward Angie, helping him to mount her. His front legs wrapped around her body, just under her breasts. She could feel his short claws on her skin. Cara reached between them, masturbating Joey until his cock began to peek out of its sheath and he began to hump, then aimed it right at Angie’s hole. On the second try without help, Joey’s cock slipped into her. It came completely out a few times until it had become erect enough. She knew his cock had to be quite a bit bigger than Davey’s, because very soon she felt the now familiar nudging at her cervix, then the strange, aching sensation of the cock tip pushing through it. Her entire cunt pulsated as she imagined the dog’s cock working in and out of her, the slick, shiny, red cock rubbing the opening of her cervix.

Cara watched, using the other plug as a dildo, working the tip in and out of her own pussy. Angie was mesmerized as the plug stretched the pussy near her face, straining around the red silicone. She wasn’t trying to get it all the way in – it was too wide for her, yet.

Joey panted, his cock slamming in and out of Angie’s cunt, her position letting his pre-come drip from her pussy mound just as quickly as his cock was spraying it into her. His claws scraped at her skin as she began to feel his knot bumping just at the outside of her cunt. She had expected it sooner, and realized again just how big this dog’s cock was. There was a deeper ache as he finally rammed his knot into her, as if his cock had bottomed out again far inside. Angie grunted rhythmically with Joey’s hard, insistent thrusts, starting to reach down to rub her clit and relieve her own growing desire to hump at something.

“No, no,” Cara laughed. “If you want me to order you around, you have to listen. No touching your own pussy right now.”

Angie made an anguished face. Her clit was screaming to be touched.

“How about I restrain your hands, so you can’t touch it?” Cara asked, wanting to make sure she didn’t do something that would freak Angie out.

Angie nodded. Cara pulled a pair of very long, wide white ribbons out of her purse and tied one end tightly around each of Angie’s wrists, then knotted the other end of each securely around that side’s bedposts. Angie’s arms were pulled taut, the muscles of her upper arms stinging a little. She struggled a bit, just to test the ribbons, and found that they were more than sturdy enough to withstand her pulling.

Cara crawled back onto the bed from the other side, rubbing the other plug around her slick pussy again. She put it in front of Angie’s face. “Suck my juices off it,” she told her, pressing the tip against her lips.

Angie opened her mouth and obeyed. Cara began to work it into Angie’s mouth just as she had in her own pussy, effectively fucking her mouth. She licked her own lips as Angie’s lips stretched wider and wider around it.

“Mmm, I think Joey’s just about to come.” She picked the gag up from the comforter beside her and replaced the plug with it in Angie’s mouth. Angie choked a bit and she pulled it away. “You okay? Can you breathe with it all the way in?”

Angie nodded for her and opened her mouth wide. Cara put the gag back in, fastening it at the back of her head. It touched the back of Angie’s throat when she breathed out, leaving just barely enough room to draw air in through her nose. Cara got off the bed and squatted near Angie’s ass. She watched Joey’s short, tied thrusts into Angie for a few seconds before putting one hand flat against the mound of Angie’s pussy. She pulled her hand back and slapped the smooth, naked skin. Angie jumped, not expecting it. Cara repeated the slap, then again after spreading the top of her slit open with her other hand so that she could make hard contact with her exposed clit. That made Angie jump harder, also bringing a high whimper out of her.

Cara saw Joey tense, and knew he was only a second from filling Angie with his come. She could tell when he had actually begun to orgasm, because Angie swallowed hard and made a low groan. Angie felt the hot come spurt into her, repeated spurts that filled her. it made her abdomen swell as it actually filled her small womb completely, expanding her insides because her cunt was blocked by the dog’s knot, with no way to let any come drain out. She started pulling at the ribbons that held her in place as she began to get more and more uncomfortably full.

With a soothing hand rubbing Angie’s belly, Cara whispered silkily into her ear, “Joey hasn’t come in at least four months. I sort of got caught up with the meetings and people’s dogs there. I was kinda saving his big come like that for me, but I decided to give it to you.” She leaned in and sucked at Angie’s earlobe before adding, “Did you know that the longer a dog that’s used to fucking regularly goes without coming, the move come he produces when he finally gets his cock in something again. I didn’t know it till a guy at one of the meetings told me. He told me like this, too. Damn, I didn’t think that dog would ever stop coming in me. His cock wasn’t as big as Joey’s, but that dog came so much I didn’t think I’d ever get it all out of my.” She laughed and slapped Angie’s pussy again, harder than before.

Angie jumped, then continued groaning at being so full. Joey had all but stopped humping. She could swear he was still coming in her, but couldn’t be sure.

“Is he done?” Cara asked her. Angie made the universal sound for ‘I don’t know’. “Oh well, I’ll wait till he finishes by himself. I don’t want to get caught across the room and not get to see him pull out. Here, I want you to do something...”

Cara backed up a little, making room beside the bed. She reached up and untied the ribbons from Angie’s wrists, then pulled her insistently toward the floor. Angie let Cara move her, being pushed down so that her face and shoulders were resting against the wood floor.

“That’ll help keep it in you better,” Cara explained. Angie was looking up at her with huge blue eyes, lips visible around the cock gag she was strapped into. “I’ll tell you something else you probably didn’t know. Dog sperm actually fertilizes human eggs. It can’t make a baby of any kind, of course, because there have to be a certain number of chromosomes, and dogs and humans don’t have the right amount, added together. But isn’t it wicked that the sperm actually invades your eggs like that? It’s in there right now, trying its best to make a puppy in your little cunt.” She rubbed Angie’s stomach again, pressing in a little in an attempt to feel the dog locked into her insides.

Angie blinked at her before grunting at the added pressure.

Cara laughed. “What, you thought I was dumb? Blonde hair doesn’t mean a thing.” She winked and leaned forward, licking slowly up Angie’s cheek, around the border of the gag.

She watched as Joey pulled harder to get his knot free. Angie gasped and squeaked mutedly as the knot yanked at the opening of her vagina. Her entire pussy was red, almost raw, obviously well-used and stretched around the swollen knot. Cara put the plug right up against Joey’s cock, ready for the knot to lose its hold. His knot began to peek out of her, the bottom curve pulling free, the pink glove of Angie’s pussy clinging to the huge ball of cock tissue. Eventually, he yanked himself further out, the middle of the knot showing. Cara knew that the come would pour out as soon as that, the widest part, came out. As it did, she quickly pressed the tip of the plug alongside, taking up the space that Joey’s cock left as it jerked free, with both of them occupying her cunt at one time for a second. As the cock came out and Joey padded off to clean himself, Cara slammed the plug into its resting place, the enormous cone stoppering her cunt with a small but audible “POP!” Cara beamed happily because only a few drops had leaked out. They were rolling down the inside of Angie’s right thigh. She leaned down and licked them off before they could reach the floor.

After sitting back down on the bed, Cara helped pull Angie to her feet so that she could join her. She unbuckled the gag and took it out of Angie’s mouth. Angie took a deep breath, relieved to be able to breathe freely again. She lay down on her back and let Cara spread her legs open wide. Cara lay down as well, flat on her stomach with her face within licking distance of Angie’s pussy. She ran a hand over Angie’s abdomen, still swollen into a curve with the come locked inside.

“Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable?” she asked.

Angie shook her head. “A little bit, but not as bad, now that Joey’s cock’s not plugging up my cervix. There’s a little more room. I can feel it slosh when I move,” she giggled. “It’s still hot.”

Cara rubbed her belly harder, feeling how tight it was. Angie groaned. “Be quiet, now,” she told her, and lowered her head to the reddened, soaking wet pussy in front of her. She licked the shiny, engorged clit gently, making Angie tremble. She sucked at the petals of her pussy, pulling them into her mouth and cleaning the come off them. Taking hold of the end of the plug that was in Angie’s ass, she pulled it out and dropped it to the floor, putting two fingers in to replace it. Angie’s back arched a little.

“Dogs are okay...” Cara said, “I mean, damn, they’re great for just plain fucking. Better than guys, usually. But they don’t help at all with the goal I’m aiming for.”

Angie raised her head up a little so she could look at her. “Goal?”

“Yeah. Remember, dog come doesn’t make babies.”

“Ohh, you’re trying to get pregnant! Really?”


Angie found that she was just barely able to keep her voice even, as Cara fell into a smooth rhythm fingerfucking her ass. “I can imagine you pregnant,” she smiled. “I’d like to fuck you as a pregnant woman. Are you trying with one guy, or mixing the cocktail up a little?”

Cara shook her head and laughed at the awful pun. “A few guys, so far. I’ve only been trying for a couple of months.”

“Mmm... I hope it happens soon.”

“It’ll be a lot of work, to hide stuff like this from a kid. Once it gets older, I mean.”

“It won’t be that hard...”

“Okay now, be quiet and enjoy.” Cara winked at her and began tonguing around the outside of the plug in Angie’s pussy. After a few minutes, she looked up at her again. “Are you ready to come? And to get that out of you?”

Angie nodded quickly, more than ready for both.

“Let’s go to your bathroom. You have a bathtub, don’t you, not just a shower?”

“Yeah, it’s in there.” She pointed across the room, to the closed door.

Cara helped her off the bed. Angie found that having to walk was a bit painful. Cara had to help her all the way to the bathroom and into the bathtub. Both were in it, Angie lying in the bottom with her legs spread and hanging over the sides of the porcelain tub, Cara between them, holding her hips up higher so that she could get her lips around Angie’s clit again. She sucked hard on it for a moment, and when Angie was going over the edge, she jerked the plug out of her cunt with an obscenely wet sound. The dog’s come gushed over Cara, coating her breasts, stomach, and thighs. It ran down Angie’s back and pooled at the bottom of the tub where her head was, with the drain closed. She felt the hot come soaking into her hair and turned her head, getting it smeared over her cheek. The orgasm tore through her, making her bite her lip to keep from screaming too loudly. She felt Cara’s tongue lick up into her cunt, licking come from inside her.

Putting Angie’s hips down, Cara leaned forward and cupped her hand, gathering come in it and holding Angie’s mouth open with the other, pouring the handful into it and holding her slick palm tight over the girl’s mouth until she had swallowed. She cupped more in her hands and poured it over Angie’s body, then lay front-to-front with her, their bodies sliding against each other. She put one come-coated hand between them and easily pushed it into Angie’s pussy, curling the hand into a fist inside her and working it in and out. Angie grunted and humped her hips against Cara, still so horny she couldn’t stand it. She didn’t care what she looked like, her hair wet with dog come and making noises like a rutting animal. She just wanted to come again.

Cara extended two fingers and pushed her hand in further. Angie gasped and groaned, mouth open and eyes clenched shut hard.

“Are my fingers where I think they are?” Cara asked, mouth against Angie’s ear.

“Fuck! God, yes!”

“Where are they? Tell me where they are. Say it.”

“They’re- God! Cara, fuck!”

“Say it, bitch. I know you like being a bitch for dogs. You’re my bitch, too. Tell me where my fingers are.”

“In my- fuck-” she whimpered pitifully, wishing her orgasm would come quickly. “They’re in my womb!” she finally managed to spit out, feeling the curled fingers stroke hard at her insides.

“Joey did that,” Cara grinned, rubbing her pussy against Angie’s leg. “His cock tunneled you out so much, I can fingerfuck your womb. What do you think about that?”

“I love it! I’d take your- your whole arm up my cunt, if I could!” She suddenly grunted violently, her stomach jerking upward hard as her back arched and she came again.

Cara moved her hips harder, grinding her pussy faster as she felt Angie’s cunt contract around her hand and wrist. With Angie squirming under her, she came. She put her mouth over Angie’s, sucking at her bottom lip as she orgasmed.

They lay there for a while, breathing hard, both exhausted and soaking wet with come and sweat. Cara spoke first. “I’m ready for a shower.”

“Me, too. All the body fluid smearing around sounds great during, but then there’s the aftermath, and having to scrape it all off.” Angie laughed.

“It’s fun during, though. I don’t think men are the only ones that lose blood flow to the brain during sex. If that were the case, women would never do anything stupid for sex. Or during sex.”

Cara stood up carefully, trying not to slip in the come that was still pooled and quickly congealing in the bottom of the bathtub. Angie opened the drain and turned the water on to wash the rest of the come out. She stood up and felt more run down her legs.

“Ow,” she laughed and whimpered a little, “my pussy is sore.”

Cara shook her head. “I guess so, after all that.” She looked at the digital clock sitting on the bedside table in the other room. “Shit, it’s late. I’m supposed to be at my mother’s house for dinner in fifteen minutes.”

“Want to take separate showers, then?”

“Not on your life.”

Both stepped carefully into the shower across the room and washed themselves, also helping to wash each other. The shower was a quick one with very little hanky-panky, as both were in a hurry. Angie tried not to let on that she was, though.

They went back to the bedroom, where Joey was laying peacefully beside the door. Cara put her shirt back on and looked at her stained skirt.

“I probably have something you can wear,” Angie volunteered. Still naked herself, she dug around in the closet until she found a pair of her mother’s white shorts that looked as if they would fit.

Cara slipped them on and gathered her things. “I’m really sorry to screw and run like this,” she laughed, “but I’m already late.”

“It’s okay. As long as you come back.”

“Couldn’t keep me away.” She smiled wickedly and gave Angie a searing kiss before walking out the front door and getting back into her car, Joey hopping in ahead of her. Angie peered around the door, careful to not let a breast or other body part peek out with her, and waved as Cara drove away.

She closed the door and started hurrying through the house, spraying air freshener (she knew that the house must smell like all manner of sex), scrubbing the cloudy spot that Davey’s come had made off the living room floor, then ran upstairs. She cleaned the floor beside the bed first, then tore the comforter and linens off the bed and stuffed them into the washer with bleach and washing powder. She put the load of her own clothes that had been sitting damp in the washer into the dryer, then ran back upstairs to clean up the bathroom and give everything another look, to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. She stared at the bed in a slight panic and tried to come up with a story.

She had it! Something she knew that her parents would believe, since it had happened countless times before.

There was a honk from the driveway. Angie was glad they had stayed gone as long as they had, and was thankful that her Great Aunt Sandra could run her mouth for hours and always managed to corner her mother at funerals. She was nearly to the bottom of the stairs before she realized that she was still naked. Another trip upstairs, and she had pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

Her parents were in the entryway, shedding coats and keys, when she came back down.

“Where were you? You usually have the door open by the time we drive up,” her mother asked, pulling off clip earrings and breezing past her to go up the stairs.

Angie followed, with her father close behind. “I was putting your sheets in the wash…” she replied with a guilty smile as they walked into her parents’ bedroom.

“Why on earth did you have to wash them?”

“I was watching TV in here and eating, and I sort of spilled something on the bed.”

“Angie!” her mother scolded. “It had better not stain!”

“Oh, it won’t, it was just milk from my cereal, but I didn’t want it to be all sticky, so I stuck it all in the washer.”

Her father shook his head, also scoldingly, as he removed his tie. “You should be more careful, Angie.”

“Sorry… I’ll put them in the dryer when they’re done.”

He leaned down and picked up something off the floor, then looked at her with a strange expression. “Angie, what is this doing in here?”

She stepped forward to look at what was in his hand, and felt panic rise again. It was a strawberry-flavored condom that must have fallen out of Cara’s purse.

“Uh…” Angie looked at her mother.

“Give me that,” her mother said, snatching the condom from his hand and scooting Angie out the door with her, “We’re going to have a talk.”

Angie felt sweat spring up on her forehead.

“Angie, I thought we talked about this. You said you don’t need birth control pills, but you’re carrying around condoms!”

“Mom, it’s just in case! I promise I’m not having sex with boys!”

Her mother put the condom in her hand and shook her head. “Monday we’re going to the doctor and getting you those pills. I won’t take no for an answer, this time.”

Angie waited till her mother went back into the bedroom, then rolled her eyes and tucked the condom into her pocket.

* * * Please let me know how you like my stories? I love to hear how they’re enjoyed! :) E-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com

Angie's Search for Pet-Lovers (part two of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

Since their first time, she had let Davey
fuck her on a couple more occasions. She thought about it virtually all the
time. And every time it crossed her mind, she got wet. This almost constant
horniness caused her to flirt with one of the boys she liked at school for a
while, in hopes of getting further with him. She went out with him a few times,
and on their last date, they had mostly dry-humped in the back seat. She found
herself thinking about Davey fucking her while the boy’s hands groped around
under her shirt, and she suddenly didn’t even feel like screwing around with
him. After a rushed handjob, he took her home. She hadn’t made another date
with him since.

Read More

It only took a few days for her to find out
about a group of people who met pretty near her town, who euphemistically
called themselves “animal lovers”. Their next meeting was wet up to take place
in just over a week. God, how she wanted to go! It was all she could think
about all the way through school the next day. Before long, she had come up
with a little plan. When she was walking home from school, it occurred to her
that there was a snag in it, however. She ran up to her room and dug through her
closet. There was nothing in there that didn’t give away her age, and her
mother’s clothes were a few sizes too big for her. She swore and slammed her
closet door shut, trying to think of a way to get clothing that would make her
look somewhat adult.


By the time the day of the “animal lovers”
meeting rolled around, Angie had borrowed a nice blue dress from Karen, one of
her friends. The cut of it, paired with her friend’s padded bra and two-inch
heels, bumped her up to looking at least eighteen. She pulled her
shoulder-length red hair back into a small twist and looked into the mirror,
hoping the others there would think she looked her target age, too. She had
told her parents that she would be spending the night at Karen’s house, and
told Karen she’d told them so. Karen assumed she was going out with an older
boy, and giggled with her over it for a while before Angie hurried off.

She picked up her backpack, which held some extra clothes, just in case she
needed them – a pair of jeans, a tee shirt, a clean pair of underwear, and
sneakers. Not to get her hopes up, because she was planning on hanging in the
background, but she wanted to be prepared just in case. Karen had loaned her
enough money for a taxi ride there and back, on the condition that she tell her
everything there was to know about the boy when she got back.


Angie had told the taxi to be there by six,
and to not honk the horn under any circumstances. She met the cab out front and
gave him directions to the tiny little convention center (which was actually
just a little warehouse that had been refurbished inside) located just into the
next county. In the cab, she fidgeted and straightened her dress at least a
hundred time, nervous and feeling a little stupid for going to a meeting of a
group of people like this by herself. But who could she have gotten to go with
her? There wasn’t anyone she’d dare ask.


About an hour after pulling out of Karen’s
driveway, the taxi driver stopped in front of a while building with a
brown-shingled roof. It was just a big square, with no real architecture to
speak of. She decided it had to be the right place. There were at least thirty
other automobiles parked in the front. She paid the driver and got out,
straightening her friend’s dress again and walking up to the door. She stepped
in slowly and found that she was in an empty foyer. That relieved her a little,
not having to face a bunch of people right away. Even more slowly, she walked
toward the main room. She figured she must be late, since there was someone speaking
at the front, standing what was barely tall enough to be a stage. She edged in
and sat down in one of the farthest back chairs. The man standing at the front
of the room was talking about his wife’s first experience with their dog, a Rottweiler,
and how he had helped them. Just a few minutes later, someone came in even
later than Angie. A blonde woman in a pair of black jeans and a dark red tank
top sat down one chair away from her.


Much of the meeting consisted of people
talking. Angie only half listened. Honestly, she didn’t care all that much
about stories and personal anecdotes. She had been hoping for more interesting
things, though she wasn’t sure what. Finally, two hours in, it seemed that the
stream of people who had been going up one after another to talk had ended. The
room slowly filled with chatter, and people wandered about. A dark-haired man
came up to Angie and the woman who was sitting near her.


“Hello there!” he greeted them cheerfully.
“You two are some new faces around here. I’m Tom.” He shook the other woman’s
hand, then Angie’s.


“I’m Cara,” the blonde woman said,
obviously nervous as well.


“Angela,” she said, forcing confidence and
smiling at him.


“It’s not all just people yapping, I
promise.” He laughed and pointed back toward the front of the large room.
“There’s films they show, and one of the couples here sells some interesting
stuff, and a bunch of us usually go out to eat after the meeting’s over. You’re
more than welcome to come along with us, if you want to!”


Angie was trying to come up with something
to respond to his enthusiasm with, when the lights started to go down.


“Oops, movie time!” He shook their hands
once more and hurried off again.

The movie was interesting, but not the porn she’d been half expecting. It was
more an educational movie, all about dogs and the anatomy of their cocks, how
they were perfect sex partners, how to please them and make sure they pleased
you – there were a few short clips of women letting dogs fuck them, but that
was all. The film lasted for fifteen minutes, at most.


Uninterested in the collars and fetish wear
that was being sold by a couple of people on one side of the room, Angie picked
up her backpack and started to leave. But Tom spotted her before she could get

“Hey there! Angela!” he jogged up to her.
“We’re just about to leave to go to that restaurant. It’s just about ten of us,
not a whole crowd. Want to come along?”


He seemed so earnest that she couldn’t help
but smile back. “Okay, sure!” she said, walking back to the small group of
people with him. The other woman, Cara, was standing around with them.


She listened to the others talk, mostly.
They weren’t even talking about dogs or sex, to her surprise. It didn’t take
long for them to decide to head out. Angie and Cara rode in Tom’s car, along
with another woman. The restaurant they went to was nearly empty, but it was
very classy. The entire table ordered one wine or another, most sharing their
bottles. By the time they had all finished their meals, everyone was at least a
bit tipsy. Tom scooted his chair toward her and pulled out his wallet. He took
out a picture and leaned close to show it to her.


“That’s Bacchus, my dog. He’s really
friendly. My ex-girlfriend used to let him lick her pussy, but she wouldn’t go
any further than that.”


It was a large, cheerful looking Dalmatian.
She grinned, feeling warm from a couple of glasses of the red wine Cara had
ordered. Not to mention loose-lipped. “Aw, poor thing. He deserves a girl who’d
let him go all the way.” Angie nodded at her own words.


“He’s gotten a few workouts from friends we
met here. They all seemed to like him a lot. He’s very friendly.”


“Oh...” Her grin widened.

“Would you happen to want to meet him?”


There was the invitation she’d been hoping
for. She second-thought it, then third through hundredth-thought it. “I’d love
to meet him!”


“I have a picture of his, uh...” Tom looked
around to make sure no waiters were close, then took out another picture from
behind the first. “It’s about average for the breed, I think.”


Her jaw dropped. She was sure she turned a
few different shades of red. There was Tom’s dog’s cock, filling the frame of
the photo. “Wow.”


She turned to Cara, who was fanning her top
and leaning half across Angie to look, and asked her, “Will you come?”


“I’m sure I will!” she giggled, having had
a few more glasses of wine than Angie, or than the rest of the table, for that
matter. “Sure, I’ll tag along.”

When the group scattered to go home, Cara
and Angie got back into Tom’s car and excitedly rode the ten minutes to his
house. They followed him inside. He stopped in the hallway and called his dog.
Bacchus came sliding around the corner and bounded up to them, nearly knocking
both girls over in greeting. Angie knelt down and rubbed the dog’s ears. He
huffed happily and licked her face.


“Come on to the back,” Tom said, waving all
of them after him.


Cara laughed. “Expecting to get lucky,
weren’t ya!”

They walked into a dark room, blinking when
he turned on the lights. The room was pretty sparse, containing a bed and a
table filled with mostly sex toys. There was a pallet of blankets on the floor
to one side. He told Bacchus to sit, then circled around behind Angie and Cara
again. “If you want to do this, you have to do what I say. Think you can handle


“Sure,” Cara shrugged, not seeming to be
taking much of anything seriously at the moment.


“Yeah...” Angie agreed more cautiously.


“Take off your clothes,” he commanded and
walked over to the table, picking something up and winding it into his hand
where Angie couldn’t see.

“You don’t’ video this stuff or anything,
do you?” Cara asked as she stepped out of her pale blue thong and tossed it
aside with the rest of her clothes.


“No, I don’t tape anything. I’d rather
Bacchus’ mates be comfortable. Now, Angela-”

“If we’re going to be this familiar, you
may as well call me Angie.” She let the dress fall into a puddle on the floor
before shedding her bra and pushing down her panties.


“Angie, you can go ahead and get on your
hands and knees. Cara, you sit close.”


Despite growing more and more nervous,
Angie did as he requested. She kneeled down and waited. He approached her and
let what was in his hand uncoil. It was a narrow red collar. He stood over her,
fastening it around her neck, then went back to pick up something small and
cone-shaped from the table and walked around behind her.


“What’s that?” she asked, watching him


“Be quiet and lean forward.”


She did as he said. After a few seconds,
she felt him begin to rub the thing up her slit. He ran it back and forth,
finally dipping the tip into her pussy, which had been getting wetter and
wetter since she’d seen the photo of Bacchus’ cock. He worked it in and out,
but suddenly stopped. Then she felt him running it back up, past her pussy and
to her ass. He pressed the tip against the pink bud of her asshole.


Angie jumped and looked back, “Wait, I’ve


“Then you’ll get a new experience.”


He worked the tip in and out a little
before pushing it in slowly. She moaned as he worked it all the way in,
surprised a bit as she felt herself close slightly over an indention in it. He
stood and called Bacchus around in front of her.


Tom nodded at her. “Start off with your


Angie looked over at Cara. She was sitting
cross-legged just a couple of feet away, mouth open and the fingers of one hand
working her left nipple between them. Angie reached out and began massaging the
dog’s cock. It peeked out.


Tom began shedding his own clothes, then.
He took off his shorts and his cock sprang upward form them, but he ignored it
for the time being. Before long, Bacchus’ cock had fully emerged and he was
humping the air.


“Do you want me to suck it?” Angie asked,
looking up at him.


“No.” He walked around behind her and waved
his dog to come to him.


He slapped one of Angie’s ass cheeks, a
little harder than necessary, making her jump again. The dog immediately
mounted her, hitting home on the first try. She gasped as the cock thrust in
and out of her. It was just a little bigger than Davey’s, and she quickly felt
his knot hitting the outer lips of her pussy. The familiar feeling of his cock
nudging its way into her womb began, and she panted in arousal. She raised one
of her hands toward her clit, but Tom stepped forward and grabbed the d-ring attached
to the collar, jerking her.


“No!” he commanded. “Keep your hands off
your cunt, bitch.”


Angie felt a tingle that told her she would
have been dealing with a soaking wet pussy, if there wasn’t already a cock in
it. As it was, the dog’s pre-come was beginning to drip down the insides of her
thighs. She grunted as Bacchus’ thrusts got more insistent, and she knew he was
trying to get his knot inside her. She was almost desperate to get some kind of
stimulation right on her clit.


Tom stepped in front of her, looking down
at her as she breathlessly turned her eyes upward to look at him. “Now, suck my
cock,” he told her.


She put a hand on his thigh to raise
herself up, then did the same with the other. She opened her mouth and began
sucking on the head of his dick, working her lips downward. When she’d gotten
half of it in her mouth, she pulled off again, working her head up and down. He
put a hand on the back of her head, pushing himself further into her mouth,
feeling the head of his cock against the back of her throat. Angie fought the
instinct to tense as he pushed further, cutting off her air. She started to
pull back again, but he wouldn’t move his hands. Just as she started to gag, he
took a handful of her hair and pulled her off his cock.


“Not yet. I’m gonna wait a while to finish.
I want to finish with you.” He grinned and ran his hand up and down his cock a
few strokes before standing back to watch.


Angie glanced over at Cara again. She was
sitting closer to the table now, having taken a flesh-colored dildo from it,
and was ramming it in and out of her pussy. Angie groaned as Bacchus’ knot
started pushing harder at her entrance. Just a couple of thrusts later, it
popped in. She groaned deeper, bowing her head and looking at the puddles of
wetness growing against her legs on the floor. After a few minutes, the dog
tensed and made a different sound, and Angie could feel the hot come draining
out of his cock and into her body.


“Oh, God, please let me come!” she begged
Tom, looking up at him with pleading eyes.


“Not yet,” he laughed.


Maybe fifteen minutes later, Bacchus’ knot
had shrunk enough that he could pull out of her. Just as the dog started
pulling at her pussy to remove its knot, Tom grabbed another, much larger,
cone-shaped dildo from the table and went around behind her. When Bacchus’ cock
slipped out, the plug was pushed in. The largest part was just a little bigger
than the dog’s knot, and it popped into her securely, keeping the dog’s come
bathing her insides.


“Now you can come,” Tom told her.


She sat down next to the puddle of come on
the floor and began rubbing her clit. It didn’t take very long at all for her
to orgasm. Her pussy contracted around the plug and she moaned hard, twisting
one of her nipples. She could have sworn that she felt the dog’s come sloshing
inside her as she moved.


“Move over to the bed.” He ordered her,
then. He leaned down and took the dildo away from Cara, motioning her over,


Angie lay back on the bed, one hand rubbing
her abdomen. Cara reclined beside her and started kneading one of her breasts,
flicking her tongue over her nipple before beginning to suck at it. Tom pushed
Angie’s legs apart and removed the plug from her ass. She was surprised at how
much more room it felt like she had on the inside. He rubbed his cock around
the slickness coating her pussy and thighs, and aimed his cock at her ass. He
put his hands on her waist and pushed in. His thrusts bumped the plug blocking
her pussy, sending shock waves through her clit. He groaned and slammed into
her once more as he came, filling another of her holes with come. When he
pulled out, he replaced the plug, to keep his come inside her.


“Cara, lay down on your back. Angie, you
get up on your knees over her. I want your pussy right over her chest,” he commanded
them into place again.


They arranged themselves as he told them
to. Cara reached up and began playing with Angie’s clit. She put her hands on
Angie’s ass cheeks and urged her forward, raising her head and lapping at her
clit a few times before closing her lips on it and sucking. Angie came again
almost immediately, her hips jerking in Cara’s hands. In the middle of her
orgasm, Tom pulled her back so that her pussy was over Cara’s tits again, and
pulled out the plug. Dog come poured from Angie’s cunt, smaller drizzles pushed
from her womb after the first outpour, caused by her orgasm. She finally fell
back, exhausted.


She heard Tom’s voice again in the
background. “Cara, you ever fisted anybody?”


“Uh, no. Why?”


“Looks like Bacchus tunneled Angie out
pretty good. See if you can get a hand in there.”


She looked over at Angie and asked, “You up
for it?”


Angie moaned her approval of the idea. Cara
crawled up the bed to her and straddled one of her thighs, lowering herself to
her pussy was against Angie’s skin, and ran her hand down her stomach as she
started grinding her pussy against her. She slid the hand between Angie’s legs
and began working her fingers in carefully. Two at first, then three when she
realized how slick with come the girl’s pussy was. She started pumping four in
and out, then curled her thumb in and licked her lips as she pushed her hand in
to the wrist, plump pussy lips stretching around it. Angie shifted and moaned,
glad that Cara’s hands were as small as they were, as another orgasm washed
over her in heavy waves. She was so tired, she couldn’t do much about it but
grunt as her body responded. She faded off to sleep with Cara’s hand still
buried past the wrist in her cunt.


Angie woke to the bed moving again. She
opened her eyes and saw Cara, ecstasy written all over her face. Cara’s ass was
nearly hanging off the bed, and Bacchus was fucking her face-to-face. Tom was
holding his knot to keep it from getting inside her. Angie leaned over and
placed her mouth over one of Cara’s large, hard nipples, sucking hard and
moving the tip of her tongue back and forth over it. She could see as the dog
came, Tom holding its cock inside her as it spurted. The come flowed out of her
cunt and down the side of the sheet. Feeling the dog coming must have sent Cara
over the edge. She moved with Cara as she came, her back arching and an urgent
whimper spilling out.


When she was able to form words again, Cara
laughed, “Shit! That’s the best fuck I’ve had in months!” She rolled over and
sat up slowly, looking Angie up and down. “You’re filthy. But I guess I am,


“I could do with a bath...” Angie said,
running a hand down one of her sticky thighs. Cara smirked, taking her hand and
putting two of Angie’s fingers in her mouth, sucking them clean.


Tom lay down on the bed as they got up,
finally hard again, and looked at Cara. She knew what he wanted, and sat back
down beside him, leaning down to lick up the length of his cock.


“Where’s your bathroom?” Angie asked.


“Back up the hall, through the den, third
door on the left,” he managed haltingly as Cara swallowed his cock down to his


She located the bathroom and turned on the
shower. Steam billowed out over the doors shortly, and she stepped in. She
stood under the hard streams of hot water, letting it wash the come from her
body. She grabbed a greenish-blue bar of soap from its indention in the wall
and scrubbed herself clean. Just as she was replacing a bottle of bright purple
shampoo, Cara stepped into the shower with her.


“Hope you don’t mind sharing,” she smirked.
“I didn’t want to stick to any chairs while I waited.”


“I don’t mind at all.” Angie slid past her
so the other woman could have the showerhead, admiring the more pronounced
curves of her body as she washed herself.


Cara very quickly shampooed her cropped ash
blonde hair and slid back past Angie to let her have the spray again. She
stepped close, breasts sliding against each other, and bowed her head to press
her lips to Angie’s. She kissed the younger girl hungrily, sucking at her lips
and tongue, bumping teeth with her in the process. She turned Angie around and
put an arm around her waist, pressing her breasts against her back now, and
slipped her other hand between Angie’s ass cheeks. She felt the plug still in
place and pulled it out, letting it drop to the floor of the shower. She held
her cheeks apart with her fingers so that Tom’s come dripped out of her slowly,
thicker than the dog’s had been. Cara put her hand between Angie’s shoulder
blades, pushing her to lean forward. She slid two fingers into the smaller
girl’s ass, working them in and out in a slow rhythm. Angie pushed back against
them on the in thrust. Cara stopped too soon, but they were both clean – inside
and out, it seemed.


“Are you a lesbian?” Angie asked curiously
as they were getting dressed again.


“Nah, I’m bi. Equal opportunity sex. Are
you bi?”


“Honestly, I don’t know what I am,” Angie


Tom, now clothed and relatively clean but
rumbled, drove them back to Cara’s car in the warehouse parking lot. He offered
to drive Angie home, but she took Cara’s offer instead. Dawn was threatening
the sky and she wanted to get home with a minimum of obvious debauchment.


“God, I’m fucking starving!” Cara exclaimed
as they pulled onto the highway.


“I could eat. I think I spent all my energy
and then some, back there.”


“I’d say you did. You were a busy little
beaver. Pun intended.”


Cara stopped at a little diner that didn’t
look as if it had too many health code violations and ordered a plate of
pancakes, an omelette, and a large plate of French toast. Angie ordered waffles
and wondered where Cara was planning to put all that food. It disappeared,
though, and quickly. Angie ate fast, too, anxious to get home and see if her
plan had gone as, well, planned.


What with Cara’s version of driving, she
was home in forty minutes. It was just barely daylight. Before Angie got out,
Cara pulled her forward for a quick kiss on the lips.


“Hey,” Cara called, rolling down her
window. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you again.”


Angie blushed. “Same here… You do know
where I live, so I guess you could drop by.”


“I’ll do that.” Cara grinned and waved as
she drove off.


When Angie walked in, her parents were
sitting on the living room sofa. Her heart jumped into her throat and stuck there.


“Angie! Where the hell have you been? We’ve
been worried sick!” Her mother jumped up and charged at her, shaking a finger
wildly, but grabbed her into a tight hug.


“Do you have any idea how much trouble
you’re in, young lady?” Her father said, scowling.


“But, I told you where I-”


Her mother shook her head. “I talked to
Karen’s mother last night. You left your retainer here. I was going to drop it
by, but as it turned out, you weren’t there! She told us you went out with some


“I’m sorry, Mom, I-”


“You don’t know the things that went
through my head. We don’t even know this boy! What if you had been raped? Or


“Mom, I was fine, I promise! I just lock
track of time...”


Her father’s scowl seemed permanently
frozen. “Well, now that we know you’re okay, we can talk about punishment. I
think a month’s grounding sounds about right. And you won’t be going off
anywhere for two. Do you hear me?”


“Yes, Dad,” she sighed, sitting down on the
arm of the sofa.


“I want to talk to her alone,” her mother
said. Her father shook his head at her disappointedly and walked away. Her
mother continued, “I suppose you’re tired, staying out all night. Come on, to
bed with you.”


Her mother put an arm around her shoulders,
walking up the stairs with her. “Tomorrow, I’ll call my gynecologist and make
you an appointment to get some birth control.”


“Mom, I promise, I really don’t need-”


“I’d rather you be having sex safely, if
you’re going to do it. I certainly don’t want you having it right now, you’re
far too young, but I know what kinds of things happen these days. And I don’t
want to be called ‘Grandma’ just yet.”


Angie just barely kept herself from
giggling as she thought, ‘What am I gonna do, have a litter of puppies?’ But
she replied, “Okay, Mom...”


* * * Please let me know how you like my stories? I love to hear how you guys (and girls) have enjoyed them. ;) My e-mail is katiestriapach@gmail.com

Angie's Show (part seven of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

Angie arrived at Cara’s house by taxi at five minutes til seven, with twilight already falling. She had asked why Cara couldn’t pick her up at school, and was told that there were things she still had to do. Angie pulled her overnight bag with her as she got out, paid the driver, and waited until he had gone before going up the walk to knock at the door. Cara answered almost immediately. The cordless phone was cradled between her left ear and shoulder.

“Go take a shower. Just a quick one. Don’t lollygag,” she was instructed as soon as she stepped inside.

Angie nodded and put her bag down on the coffee table to dig for nicer clothes, but Cara shook her head. She pointed at a dark red shopping bag at the other end of the sofa, then nudged h
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er in the direction of the bathroom.

She dropped articles of clothing as she went, knowingly trying Cara’s patience. A few minutes later, Cara came in, leaning in the doorway just as she was getting ready to shave herself. She dropped the small pile of clothing she’d gathered from the hallway into the clothes hamper. Angie sat on the side of the tub, one foot flat on the floor and that other propped on the edge, spreading peach-colored shaving cream over the mound of her pussy with her fingers. Cara watched as she very carefully shaved the area and ran her fingertips over the now silken skin to make sure she hadn’t missed any. She padded to the shower and stepped inside, washing quickly, as she had been instructed. As soon as she’d gotten out and dried off, Cara pulled her over to the counter and brushed her hair as she used the dryer on it. Angie watched her in the mirror.

“Okay,” Cara said, turning the dryer off, “Now you can go look at your new things.”

Angie beamed happily and hurried off, with her owner not far behind. Cara sat down on the sofa just a couple of inches from the bag and watched as Angie pulled things from it. She took the pieces of clothing as they were removed and looked over, then beckoned the redhead to stand in front of her. Angie stepped into a pair of white cotton panties as they were held open for her, then into the white sundress. She held up her arms so that Cara could pull the narrow straps onto her shoulders, then turned for her to zip up the back. She put her feet into the thinly-strapped sandals when they were put on the floor and let Cara tug her down to sit on her lap, where she slid a delicate white headband into Angie’s hair.

Cara tapped her index finger on Angie’s lips until she opened them to let the fingertip slip inside. She slowly worked it in and out until it caressed the back of Angie’s tongue. Cara smiled as she watched the pale pink lips suck at her finger. Claiming her finger back, Cara kissed her; almost chastely at first, pressing kisses to the corners of Angie’s mouth, then lingering on her lips, licking her mouth open as the girl went soft in her arms. She could taste the ghost of strawberry lipgloss clinging to Angie’s lips.

“Are you ready to go?” Cara asked as she pulled away.

“I need to pee before we leave.”

“No. Go on and get in the car. I’ll be right there.”

Angie frowned. “I can’t go pee?”

“What did I say?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Angie was in and had her seatbelt on when Cara left the house.

“Where does your mother think you are?” Cara asked as they started out, watching Angie from the corner of her eye as the younger girl went a bit pink.

“I told her I’m spending the weekend at Karen’s.”

“Do you think she believes you, so far?”

“I’m not sure. If she doesn’t, she hasn’t said anything.” Angie fidgeted with the smooth border across the breast of her dress until Cara reached over and made her put both hands down on her lap.

“You’re so pretty when you blush,” Cara told her with a wink and ran the back of her fingers over the color still in Angie’s cheeks.

Angie noticed their surroundings as Cara turned a curve, and suddenly recognized the route they were taking. “We’re going back to The Dome?”

“Yep,” she smiled.

“Are we going to see Daniel again?”

“He’ll be there, yes.”

“Is Joey already there?”

“Joey’s staying home, tonight.”

“I didn’t see him around…”

“He was already in his room with his nighttime treat.” Cara turned on the radio to quiet Angie until they got there.

She guided Angie through the front door with a hand on her back, directing her to a different room to the one they’d been in before. Angie followed her inside and froze when the door was closed behind her. This room was almost the same as the one she had already visited – only, there were people in this room. Not only Daniel, but Jonathan, as well as almost a dozen others – a fairly equal mixture of men and women. Cara watched as the blood drained from Angie’s face and the girl edged to the right, trying to hide herself behind her owner.

Daniel stood in about the center of the room, talking with a couple of people. Jonathan was kneeling on one side of him, with his bottom on his heels, his hands behind his back, and his cock locked into a chastity cage. On Daniel’s other side, there sat a large dog; a very well-groomed, blue Great Dane with undocked ears. His tail thumped happily on the floor. Nearer Jonathan was a table that obviously held some things on its top, but it was covered over with a cloth. On the opposite side there was a broad platform, a bit less than a meter high, with a large, wedge-shaped object sitting in the middle.

When Daniel’s attention caught on Cara and Angie, the other two people stepped away. The room stayed quiet, with only whispers passed back and forth. Cara placed Angie beside Daniel, where she attempted to hide again, this time with more success, since he was much broader. She crooked her finger toward Jonathan and he got to his feet, following her into the lavatory at the back of the room. When she came back out, she wore a black brocade discipline corset, extending from just under her bare breasts to only barely over the lower curve of her ass. Jonathan took his place on his knees again after sneaking a smile to Angie.

She put a hand around Angie’s wrist, pulling her into the open again, and spoke close her ear, “You’re safe with me. Don’t worry.” Cara lowered a hand to run over the dog’s ears and pulled Angie closer, moving her hand to do the same. “His name is Valentine. Handsome, isn’t he?”

For a few moments, Angie was unaware that she was being watched. The other people in the room were staying mostly still and looking quietly, some standing together, some having taken seats in the chairs that had been moved in.

Angie looked up nervously. “What is this?” she asked.

“Don’t pay attention to them, okay? You just do what I instruct.”

“Yes, ma’am…”

Cara pulled her further away and beckoned Jonathan again. He came to her obediently. “I think I know your limits,” she said, looking Angie in the eyes and looping her index finger through the ring of her collar, tugging gently. “But. If you want everything to stop, if it gets too much for you, you have to tell me. You trust me, but I’m trusting you to safeword out, if you need to. Understand?”

Angie smiled, relaxing by degrees. “Yes, yes, ma’am.”

“Take off your shoes,” Cara told her. She did, and Jonathan picked them up. Cara put her hands on Angie’s shoulders, turning her around, and guided the zipper of her sundress down. She dropped the narrow straps down Angie’s arms and let the dress fall, where Jonathan retrieved it from the floor. Cara handed him the band from her hair, next, and suddenly everyone in the room was paying rapt attention as Angie stood in her panties.

She pointed at the table and he went to it, setting Angie’s clothing at one corner and taking something from beneath the cloth. He brought a pair of wrist cuffs back to Cara. Angie, understanding, held out her hands for the cuffs. Cara smiled and buckled the leather restraints into place. She attached both to a clip to join them and pulled Angie forwards a bit more, raising the redhead’s hands far over her head, making her go up on her toes. Angie heard a soft clinking and looked up just as Cara clipped her to a sturdy chain that hung from the ceiling. When she started to put her feet flat on the floor again, she found that the chain was just short enough that her heels wouldn’t touch.

Cara stepped over to the table and folded the cloth away from its contents. It held an assortment of toys, most of which Angie recognized from Cara’s toy drawer. She ran her fingers across some of them before returning to her captive, running her hand across Angie’s abdomen and between her legs, over the gusset of her panties, before hooking her fingers into the waist and dragging them slowly down.

Angie shivered. She clenched and released her fingers, deliberately keeping her eyes away from everyone else. Cara circled around behind her and slid her arms around, gently spreading the lips of Angie’s pussy with one hand, pulling back the hood of her clit with her middle finger. She slowly stroked the pad of her other index finger over the tiny nub, sending hot thrills through Angie all the way to the tips of her toes.

Stopping just short of orgasm, Cara went back to the table. She picked up a flat-tipped riding crop and weighed how it felt in her hand before going back to stand in front of Angie. She nudged Angie’s legs further apart until the slit of her pussy gaped open a bit, then struck the mound once with the crop, just hard enough to startle her.

Angie caught her breath and nodded for her to go on. Cara pushed her legs a little wider, putting her weight onto the restraints and the balls of her feet. She struck Angie’s pussy harder, making her body jerk. The following dozen strikes fell quickly, leaving Angie shaking. Her pussy stung, feeling searingly hot and swollen. Not long after registering how much it hurt, endorphins kicked in. The pain turned into an intense warmth, and she felt herself getting wetter. Cara guided her legs back together.

She walked around behind Angie again, leaning closer to whisper to her, “I’m going to whip your back side, now. After that, I’m not going to okay anything further with you. Got me?”

“Mm, ’kay. Yes, ma’am,” Angie whispered back.

“Twenty strikes. Count them for me.”

Cara ran a hand down the pale length of her back before taking a step away and landing one strike across the center it. She watched as the stripe turned from a shocked white the first instant, into pink, then into bright red. Her own cunt soaked through as she kept an eye on Angie’s face via the mirrored wall across from them.

“One,” Angie gasped after a moment.

She aimed again, so that she wouldn’t land the strikes for her back right on top of one another. The next hit a bit higher, and the six after that were on her bottom. Angie continued to count them off.

“How- how many was that?” Angie gasped breathlessly when Cara paused for her own arm’s sake.

She grinned at Angie losing count. “Thirteen.”

When strike number fourteen landed, pain was beginning to come through again, bright and sharp on Angie’s nerves. Fifteen caught her just right, making her cry out. The shock made her body lose control momentarily, and she felt warm wetness stream down the inside of one leg. She looked down at the small puddle gathering on the floor at her feet, then raised her head and looked to Cara with guilty eyes, afraid she had disappointed her.

Cara put a hand at the small of Angie’s back, pressing her naked, almost fever-hot body full against her own. She nuzzled Angie’s neck and kissed up her jaw line. “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, shhh. It’s what I wanted to happen. Good girl. You’re my good girl,” she cooed into the redhead’s ear.

Her breathing had just started to even out when Cara moved away. She swayed a little in her restraints. Cara finished the last five lashes across her already bright red ass, taking a few seconds between them to give the sting time to set in, each one making Angie hiccup and whimper as it landed across another. Cara was watching literally the moment that Angie dropped deep into subspace.

The marks across Angie’s back had settled into red and white welts, but those across the cheeks of her bottom were darker. They would bloom into colourful bruises. Cara knew they would be hell to sit on for days. She motioned Jonathan over and walked around to face her again. Her cheeks were wet with tears, but she was thoroughly dazed, now.

“Clean her up, take her down, and take her over there,” Cara pointed to the covered platform.

“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded and hurried to the bathroom. He came back with white washcloths and a small basin of hot water. Lowering himself to his knees, he wet a cloth and cleaned up the floor. With another, he began wiping down her sex, her legs, and her feet, looking up as she moaned softly at the contact. He stood and reached up toward her wrists, going slowly. He nosed gently at the back of her shoulder, once, twice, and asked in a low whisper, “Are you okay?”

When she didn’t answer, he ducked his head to look into her face. She looked up at him through her bangs, an open, utterly blissed-out smile on her face, a flood of endorphins and epinephrine well into her system. He smiled a little, relieved, and turned his attention back to what he was supposed to be doing. His pause hadn’t gone unnoticed, though.

Cara walked quietly back to them, smacking Jonathan across both bare ass cheeks with the crop still in her hand, making him jump. “There’s time for chitchat later, children,” she growled into his ear.

He blushed at being caught in disobedience and unhooked Angie from the overhead chain to place her as Cara had instructed him. He sat her on the edge of the platform, bracing with a knee on the edge, and found that it gave under his weight like a bed mattress. He positioned Angie on the sturdy foam wedge, her head at the lowest part and her bottom almost hanging off the higher end. She wasn’t much help, in her placid state, though she was alert of what went on around her.

There were more restraints attached to each corner of the base beneath the mattress for her. Cara shooed Jonathan back to his spot beside Daniel after putting the riding crop back in its place on the table. She picked up one of the restraints near Angie’s foot, buckling part of it around her ankle and a second strap around her thigh, then did the same with the other. Pulling on the straps’ length adjustments, she tightened them so that Angie’s legs were splayed wide. She walked around to Angie’s hands and unclipped the joiner from her wrist cuffs before clipping each to their own waiting strap and tightening them just enough to make the muscles of her triceps and shoulders burn a bit.

When her head cleared enough to listen to her surroundings, Angie found that the room was silent of any voice that wasn’t Cara’s. She knew that all of the people were still around – movement in a chair here, the squeak of a shoe there. She could imagine clearly their eyes on her. Just as her nerves threatened to overflow and make fright well up, Cara’s voice pulled her back down.

She leaned down to speak in Angie’s ear, brushing red hair away from her face. “I know how you like the way Joey’s come is so hot inside you. A Great Dane’s body temperature averages out at about 105 Fahrenheit. You’re gonna love this.”

Angie’s tongue flicked out to wet her lips as Cara nodded to Daniel. He nudged Valentine forward and the dog came trotting heavily toward them. Cara patted the mattress between Angie’s legs, and the dog put his front feet up as she sat down. She reached down and wrapped her hand around his soft sheath, grinning as the bright red cock emerged and he began to hump. She waited until his cock was good and thick before stopping. Patting the mattress again signaled Valentine to jump all the way up. She guided his front legs astride Angie, who looked up with wide eyes as he towered over her.

Cara could see her elevated pussy glistening with wetness as she aimed the dog’s cock. As soon as the tapered tip penetrated her, he started humping in earnest and his front legs locked tight around her body. The dog’s broad chest pressed against Angie’s breasts and his weight bore down on her as he hammered into her cunt. There was no wait before his cock was pushing against her cervix; it claimed access right away. She grunted as the tip burrowed into the temporarily tiny opening, widening it with each thrust until it was open enough that the first couple of inches of his cock could ram through.

She could feel his cock continuing to swell, her vagina stretching around its girth, and an aching pressure deep in her abdomen told her that it had forced its way completely into her womb. The opening of her pussy ached, as well. The dog’s cock seemed to be the largest thing she’d ever had inside her.

Before very long, the entire length of the slit of her cunt was split wide around the knot as it demanded entrance. Cara licked her lips and groaned softly as she watched it being shoved further in with each thrust that was accompanied by Angie’s whimpering grunts. With one last, hard push and a strangled gasp from Angie, the knot was finally rammed home. The lips of her pussy slid snugly around the base of the dog’s cock. Valentine’s thrusts grew shorter, but no less hard. Angie’s body was jerked and pushed with them. Her hands opened and closed in the material that covered the mattress, gathering fistfuls of fabric as she was rocked closer and closer. She came, her insides spasming tightly around the invader, and she heard an animalistic sound of pleasure pulled from her own throat.

Cara moved up a bit, putting a hand between Angie and the dog to rub her abdomen hard as the dog fucked her, feeling the enormous cock working in her, its knot swollen huge and locked past her pubic bone. Angie could feel the dog’s higher temperature as come pooled hot in her womb, the heat spreading very pleasantly. She moaned as Cara kept pushing and rubbing as her body gathered it, the pressure adding to her discomfort. She panted, feeling her womb filling, stretching, aching.

Minutes passed, and Cara’s hand was keeping well away from Angie’s clit, no matter how much she begged. She whispered, “Please, please, please,” hoping for another orgasm to even out the ache.

She moaned, tears squeezing out of her clenched eyes at the cramping in her belly from the amount of come being pumped in. It seemed as if she’d been knotted for days when Valentine finally started attempting to yank his cock free. Cara got up and crossed back to the table, bringing a large, dome-shaped plug with her when she returned. She sat very near to the joining of the dog’s cock and Angie’s cunt, holding the plug ready.

She watched as Angie’s head tipped further back and her mouth opened as the dog’s cock pulled harder at her opening. The raw pink border of her vagina stretched thin around the widest area of his slowly shrinking knot. She whimpered as it finally popped free with one last jerk. Cara shoved the plug into her cunt quickly, making Angie grunt with the suddenness of it. She felt only a dribble of come escape, running across her asshole, making the muscles there tighten involuntarily.

The swelling of Angie’s normally flat abdomen was obvious. She could have been mistaken for a good four or five months pregnant, as full as it was. Cara could feel the inside of her thighs slick, she had grown so wet throughout the proceedings. She rushed, snapping at Jonathan to hurry and loosen the laces of the discipline corset enough that she could wiggle her way out of it.

When she was free, she pulled the wedge out from under Angie, making her cry out in surprise and the jolting of her overfull womb, and had Jonathan tighten the restraints back down. She climbed onto the bed and put her hands on Angie’s belly, massaging and pressing against it, reveling in the knowledge of what was inside. A moment later, she straddled her, spreading her cunt open on Angie’s belly, the pressure making her whimper in discomfort. Cara worked her hips back and forth, rubbing herself against the swollen curve. Angie could feel the come slosh hot against her insides. As Cara came, tightening her thighs against Angie’s sides, she felt a trickle of Cara’s juices run down her mound and over her clit.

Cara climbed off, catching her breath and rubbing her own wetness into the soft skin of Angie’s stomach. She reached up and unclipped Angie’s wrists, motioning for Jonathan to help her. After Cara had unclipped each point and slowly removed each cuff, he helped Angie move awkwardly to the area near the chain where she was previously suspended. Cara made her kneel over the same silver basin that had held water for her. She removed the plug carefully, letting come pour out of Angie. It drained into the basin until it was over half full. Cara knelt in front of Angie, the redhead’s hands and head resting on her shoulders as she reached one hand between the girl’s legs and began to massage her clit. The flow of come leaving her body had nearly stopped. Angie’s breath soon turned into short, soft gasps as she neared coming again. The muscle contractions pushed more fluid out in small streams, leaving Angie groaning and shaking as she orgasmed in her utterly exhausted state.

Cara motioned to Daniel. He stepped over and leaned in. “I think it’s time for everyone to leave,” she told him. He nodded and went to make sure that everyone in the group left.

She snapped her fingers at Jonathan and he disappeared quickly behind Daniel before coming back with a clean bathrobe and a blanket. Cara handed Jonathan’s clothes to him in return for the warm things and wrapped them around Angie, then gently handed her off to him while she pulled her own clothing back on. “Take her to my car, and I’ll be right there,” she instructed.

Jonathan helped Angie to her feet and walked a few very slow steps with her before deciding that carrying her would get them to the car sooner. She exhaled what would have been a giggle otherwise as he lifted her and backed them through the front doors.

She closed her eyes and let her head fall against his shoulder.

“Don’t go to sleep, now,” he laughed lightly.

“Mmm…” she sighed.

He put her on her feet long enough to get the passenger-side door open and sat her inside, buckling her in and closing her door, then stood at the car until Cara came out.

“What about your things, ma’am?” he asked, glancing back at the doors.

“Daniel will keep them for me and I’ll pick them up sometime this weekend. Do you have a ride, or are you coming home with me?”

“I… suppose I need a ride, ma’am.” He looked down.

“That’s fine,” she smiled, patting his shoulder and going around to the driver’s side. “Get in, then.”

The drive home was quiet. Angie woke enough to walk in on her own and headed straight for the bathroom with Jonathan shadowing her, making sure she didn’t happen to drowse off and veer into a wall. He stayed with her until Cara came in.

Cara kissed her on the cheek and took the blanket and robe off her, getting her into the bathtub. She shooed Jonathan out to wait in the bedroom and ran warm water into the deep tub up to Angie’s breasts.

Angie felt wonderfully sated, a soothing burn in her muscles and a great deal of heat down her back, bottom, thighs, and pussy from the crop.

“So, do you still like him?”

“Jonathan?” Angie asked in a mumble.

“Of course Jonathan.”

“Mm-hmm. He’s nice. Sweet and noble. All that stuff. I’d have bigger words, if I hadn’t been ridden one way or another for three hours.” She smiles and looked up at Cara through the barcode of her wet bangs.

Cara pressed a kiss to her mouth and stood up. “I’m going to take my shower.”

Angie blinked water out of her eyes. “But-”

“Don’t worry,” she winked. She went out and came back with Jonathan. “He’ll fill in until I get through.”

Jonathan knelt down beside the bathtub and picked up the shampoo.

“You give other people baths often?” Angie asked, watching him but not meeting his eyes for too long at once.

“A few times. I give myself one every day. It’s not that different.” He grinned and splashed a handful of water at her.

Cara showered quickly and told him to go take his own. He disrobed and hesitated, standing near her for a few beats until she realized what he wanted. She turned and dug the key to the cock cage out of the pocket of her discarded pants and removed it.

Angie smiled sleepily and let herself sink a bit lower in the water when Cara picked up the washcloth and soaped it, washing her beginning with her chest. She let herself be moved up and back to be soaped, and was mostly asleep when Cara finished.

“Come on,” Cara chuckled, patting her wetly on the back, “you can stand on your own feet for a couple of minutes.”

She swayed a little as Cara helped her out of the bath and dried her off, being very gentle with her backside. Cara went to her bedroom to get something, and Angie took the opportunity to plop down on the side of the tub again, on the damp towel hanging over the edge. Jonathan finished his long shower and left the bathroom, as well. When Cara came back, Angie’s head had bobbed forward despite her attempt to stay alert.

Cara turned her where she sat and carefully massaged antiseptic ointment into the stripes on her back, then into her bottom. She rubbed tightening cream into Angie’s pussy as deep as she could, when she had her stand again. She put a tee shirt over Angie’s head, too big for her, but just the size for a night shirt, and nudged the redhead ahead of her to the bedroom. She let Angie sit on the bed, but put Jonathan beside her. “Do not let her go to sleep,” she ordered.

He nodded and sat next to her. There was rattling in the kitchen, and Cara brought back a tray of food.

Angie sighed and whined, “Can’t I just go to sleep? There’ll be breakfast in the morning.”

“You need to eat before you sleep. All the energy you’ve spent, and you haven’t eaten since lunch, have you?”

“No, ma’am.”

Jonathan ate like he’d been starved for days and curled up on his side, watching. Angie sat between Cara’s legs and very sleepily took what Cara poked at her mouth. When Cara was satisfied that she’d fed her enough, she set the nearly empty tray on the floor beside the bed and came back up with something else in her hands.

“I never asked if you sleep with a stuffed animal or anything, but I found this for you-” She put a soft, fuzzy, black rabbit with long ears into Angie’s arms.

Angie smiled brightly and squished the stuffed bunny to her chest. “Thank you.”

“Okay, now you can crash, sweetie,” Cara scooted back onto her side of the bed and held the blankets back.

Angie squirmed out of the tee shirt and cuddled in close between Cara and Jonathan.

Jonathan cleared his throat softly as Cara was reaching to turn off the bedside lamp. “Ma’am? Do you want me to stay, or should I call for a taxi?”

“Oh, hush and go to sleep,” Cara yawned and reached over Angie to push his head down to the pillow.

Angie felt his soft cock resting against the cleft of her bottom. She ran her fingers through Cara’s blonde hair as she dropped off to sleep in her arms.

Angie woke with Cara stroking the back of her fingers across her stomach. She wiggled and stretched out long, then curled back up against her.

“I have some homework…”

“Can this homework be done here? Did you bring it with you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Angie smiled.

Cara tightened her arms around Angie’s shoulders. “Good.”

Later that morning – far past noon, really – Angie sat at Cara’s kitchen table with textbooks and notebooks splayed open across the better half of it. Her hair was caught into two neat braids, the even end of one twirled around two fingers as she scribbled numbers from her physics text into equations. Cara was busily making a late lunch.
Cara set a glass of soda down beside Angie and leaned forward to lick a little stripe up her cheekbone before sitting down.

“You’re distracting me, ma’am,” Angie said coyly, unable to keep a very contented smile from curling her lips.

“I have one more thing for you,” Cara said, setting something beside Angie’s book with a little click.

Angie finished the problem she was working on and looked. It was a key with butterflies printed on it.

“I was going to give you one of my extra keys, but I saw those blanks when I was picking something else up the other day, so I went ahead and had it made for you.”

“Thank you,” she beamed and threw her arms around Cara’s neck, practically crawling into her lap with a kiss.

Cara dropped Angie off a couple of blocks from her house on Sunday evening. Angie passed through the living room to show her parents that she was home, pausing to pretend to pay attention to the sitcom they had on the television, before going up to her room.

She took the stuffed bunny out of her backpack, where it had been crammed for the trip home, and sat it on her bed, against her pillows.

When she woke up for school the next morning, she still felt a brilliant high as she thought back over her weekend. She stumbled into the bathroom to start getting ready. Her ass still hurt. She turned her back to the mirror and twisted around to look over her shoulder at it. There were still obvious claw marks reaching far around the back of her ribcage. The welts from the riding crop were still quite raised, purple bruises laced around the edges with red, and a few abrasions among them. She licked her lips and reached back, scraping her fingernails firmly across her bottom, making herself moan a little in pain, but mostly in the fact that her pussy reacted immediately, wetting and clenching with a mind of its own.

She closed her eyes, backed up with her ass against the edge of the bathroom cabinet, hissing in pain as she pressed against it, and ran her fingers over the mount of her pussy to rest at her clit. It still ached from the abuse it had taken, but she let it press between her middle and ring fingers anyway, moving moisture from her entrance up onto it with smooth back and forth motions. She rubbed until orgasm forced her to curl forward on a chant of grunts that came in time with the muscle contractions, her knees weakening and giving way, making her sit down hard on the bathroom rug.

She sat down at the breakfast table, her entire bottom throbbing.

“You look flushed. You’re not sick, are you?” her mother asked, setting a box of cereal and bowl in front of her.

“Nope, I feel great, Mom,” she answered cheerfully and poured milk into her bowl.

* * * Please let me know how you like my stories. Feedback keeps me writing these. You can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com or leave a review here on SSP. ;)

Teaching Lydia

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

Lydia had been antsy at school all day long. She watched the seconds tick by during her last class, one foot wiggling while she tapped her pen in anticipation. On one hand, she was anxious to get to Jamie’s house. On the other, she was nervous about what might be happening when she arrived.

Someone behind her was giving her a ‘psst’ every few seconds. She turned to look at Jason, who was waggling his eyebrows and making a crude finger-in-fist gesture at her. She gave him a dirty look and turned back around. At ten mi

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nutes till three, she ran out of patience. Gathering her books, she put on her sweetest smile and went to the teacher’s desk, asking him for a bathroom pass.


* * * * *

She bounced through the front door. “Jamie, I’m... uh-oh.” She froze upon seeing another woman sitting in the armchair beside the sofa. There was a toddler sitting on the floor, banging on plastic pegs into a little yellow box.


“Come on in,” Jamie waved her forward. “Lydia, this is my sister, Ramona, and my nephew, Ashton. Ramona, this is Lydia. I tutor her.” She grinned.

Lydia edged closer when Ramona extended a hand. She favored Jamie in appearance, now that Lydia looked. Ramona had the same shapely mouth and broad smile, and the slight olive tint to her skin. There was a noticeable difference in their behaviors, though. Ramona dressed very femininely, in a flouncy, pink flowered dress, and had a prim manner about her. She looked a few years older and wore cloyingly sweet perfume that kept Lydia at a distance. Jamie was far more at ease with herself, and womanly where Ramona seemed girlish.

“I’d better go, so you two can get on with your tutoring. I was on my way out, anyway.” Ramona picked up the toddler and his toys, making her way to the door.


Jamie followed, opening the door for her. “See you later. Be careful.” She stood at the front door with her arms crossed loosely, watching through the divided panes of glass as her sister drove away. Lydia stood beside her.

“You think she’s pretty?” Jamie asked.


“She is. She’s pretty...” Lydia worried her lower lip for a second before looking up from the corner of her eye and continuing. “But you’re beautiful.”

Jamie smiled and went back to her seat on the sofa. She leaned back and crossed her legs. “Good answer.” She patted the cushion. “Sit.”


Lydia sat closely, staying quiet.

“We haven’t gotten into your sexual history very much. You haven’t told me anything. Now I’m pushing. Tell me. Before you fucked that boy-”


“Before you let Jason fuck you, what had you done?”

The younger girl blushed and looked down, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “There isn’t that much to tell. Um... some unthrilling kissing with a couple of boys. A handjob without getting the favour returned- that’s when I gave the sort of blowjob. My, um, less than great experiences are what made me look for stuff online, I guess. I’m not dumb, I know sex is supposed to feel good and it’s something you’re supposed to look forward to, instead of dreading the next time a boy latches a hand onto my tit.”

“Why don’t you fool around with experienced boys more, or men? Why come to me?”

She shrugged, having yet to look back up. “I don’t know... I just don’t get much out of it with boys.”

“Maybe you’re a lesbian?” Jamie grinned wickedly at her shyness.

Lydia looked up at her from under her eyelashes. “Maybe.”

She pulled Lydia onto her lap, the girl lying back against the arm of the sofa and Jamie holding her tightly against herself. Lydia’s hands were pinned behind her back, keeping her from touching herself as she was teased into arousal. Jamie had a hand inside the redhead’s white button-up shirt, alternately kneading one of her breasts and rolling the nipple between her fingers as she kissed her. Lydia’s hips rose rhythmically, begging the other woman to touch her.

“Please...” Lydia whimpered when she was allowed to take a breath.

Jamie smirked and lowered her mouth to the exposed breast, moving her free hand under Lydia’s skirt and just barely grazing the soaking wet crotch of her panties, rubbing only enough to make her want more. Suddenly, she stopped.

“Take off your clothes and go to the bedroom. Don’t touch yourself, or I’ll send you home without anything.” Jamie warned with a smile.

Lydia did as she was told and stood in the middle of the room. It took all of her willpower to keep her hands from making their way between her legs to relieve the unbearable ache there. She thought that she would break just as Jamie walked in with towels in one hand and Oliver’s leash in the other. Jamie left Oliver standing just inside the bedroom door as the cracked one large white towel in the air and spread it on the floor, then the other right next to it.

“Down on your hands and knees.” Jamie commanded, then went to her chest of drawers and pulled out a few toys.

She did as she was told. “Why are your clothes still on?” She asked, looking at Jamie’s black shirt and worn jeans.

“Because tonight is all about you, babe.”

Jamie positioned the younger girl’s legs wider apart and knelt beside her. Wetness glistened in smears on her inner thighs and all over her outer pussy lips. Jamie a small buttplug she’d taken from the drawer and drew the tip across Lydia’s pussy, then pressed it against her asshole, making her gasp.

“You’ve never done anything anal? At all?”


“Good. It’s time you experienced it, then.” She slipped the lubricated plug into Lydia with a little pressure, making her moan a bit. “It’s time for you to get to know Oliver.”

“This soon?” She asked with a tremor in her voice.

“You can take him.” Jamie made a kissing noise to call the dog over.

Lydia looked over her shoulder to see Jamie giving Oliver a handjob. The bright red tip of his cock peeked out. More slid into view, swelling as the sheath retracted. Jamie stopped and took his leash off, then patted Lydia’s bottom. Oliver very happily mounted her, stabbing at her pussy until he hit his target with his still enlarging cock. She whimpered as the dog’s cock hammered into her, claiming her.

“Do you like it?” Jamie asked, moving up to look her in the face.

“Oh, God... yes...” She moaned.

Lydia felt the dog’s constant drizzle of pre-come leaking down her leg. She also felt his cock beginning to nudge very deep inside her. “He’s bottoming out.” She gasped.

“That’s okay. His cock is made to go through his bitch’s cervix. It’s just a little uncomfortable at first.” Jamie smiled and kissed her- short, moist kisses that held onto her lips for just a second before the next kiss.

Lydia frowned as the nudging grew more insistent, the tip of the dog’s cock working into the opening of her cervix. It turned into a vague cramp, then sharper until he had forced his way into her womb. She felt the swelling of his knot slip into her pussy, then slip out again before growing big enough that it had was pushing at the entrance to get back in.

“Just relax and let him go in. Let him tie with you.” Jamie encouraged.

She grunted as the dog thrust harder, finally forcing his knot into her. She felt it tugging at her cunt as he continued trying to fuck her at the same speed. The flow of pre-come down her leg stopped as the knot plugged her up completely. Lydia felt him start spurting inside her.

“I think he’s finishing...” She panted heavily.

“Oh, no, he’s not nearly finished. The knot will keep him inside you for a good twenty minutes. That’s why I’m starting you out with him. A bigger dog would keep you tied for forty-five minutes, until his knot went down. Probably more, as tight as your little pussy is. Do you feel him coming?”


“Good. Dogs can come a huge amount. That’s what the towels are for, when he pulls out.”

Lydia felt the hot come pooling inside her, a spot of heat continually growing. As he filled her with it, her abdomen grew tighter and more uncomfortable. Jamie knew what was happening by the look on her face.

“Lean forward, it’ll help.” She said, pushing the girl’s shoulders down to the floor.

She reached under Lydia and placed her first two fingers on either side of her clit, rubbing them back and forth against it. It didn’t take long for the younger girl to come. She orgasmed with a loud moan, her body jerking with the waves of muscle contractions.

“Mmm... All that come inside you. Wouldn’t it be interesting if you could breed together? Damned incompatible chromosomes, though. But you know, the dog’s sperm tries anyway. Dog sperm invading your little human egg, trying it’s best to fill you full of puppies.” Jamie laughed and licked her lips, “It coats your womb for days, just like it does a female dog’s. Isn’t that just a delicious thought? Just think, the day after tomorrow, when you’re sitting in a boring class, that your insides are still coated with dog come.”

Jamie stayed there, kissing her when she felt like it and playing with Lydia’s nipples until Oliver’s knot had shrunk enough that he could pull his cock out of her. Lydia grunted again as he yanked himself out and wandered away to lick himself clean. The come started spilling out as soon as he got loose, but when she rose up onto just her knees, the rest ran out and down both her thighs, soaking into towels under her. The come was still very warm as it travelled over her skin. It seemed like cups of it had run out of her cunt before it stopped.

Exhausted, she sat down on a dry corner of one towel. Jamie crawled around in front of her and ran her hand across the congealing fluid on the inside of one of Lydia’s thighs, slowly moving it toward her pussy. She thrust three fingers inside, then four. Lydia watched, her breath turning into gasps again as she laid back again. Jamie folded her hand into a fist. Her slender hand had little difficulty in pushing into Lydia, as newly stretched as it was. She was thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the pussy entrance around her wrist as she pressed and massaged Lydia’s clit with the thumb of her free hand, making the redhead’s back arch as she pumped her hand more quickly in and out. Lydia came again, grabbing a handful of wet towel in one hand as she did, the inside of her cunt squeezing around Jamie’s hand.

Jamie gently pulled her hand out of Lydia, moving up to lay on top of her.

“What happened to you not getting dirty?” Lydia giggled.

“Screw it. I can shower.”

Jamie lay down on her back with her face near Lydia’s. She licked her fingers clean before putting her index finger into the other girl’s mouth, letting her suck at it, as well.

“Next time, we’ll have a field trip.”

“Ooh, where are we going?”

Jamie gave her a sly wink. “You’ll see...”

* * * * *

The next morning, Lydia woke and got ready for school very happily. She was sore, but it served as a pleasant reminder of Jamie’s most recent lesson. During history class, Jamie's words popped into her mind. She remembered what Jamie had said about her insides still being coated with Oliver's come. Lydia hid the small smile that made itsway onto her face at the thought. She shifted in her desk, feeling the slick folds of her pussy slide against one another when she began to soak through her panties as result of the fantasy filling her head.


*** Let me know if you enjoyed my story! Feedback is what keeps me writing stories like this. Don't worry, there's more 'coming' of Lydia's story. ;) katiestriapach@gmail.com

Gangbanging Angie (part ten of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

Thursday night

Angie couldn’t get to sleep, she was so excited. Cara was to pick her up after school the next evening and her parents would both be out of town during the upcoming weekend. They actually had plans that spanned more than a few hours of one day, and Angie couldn’t wait. She lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. For two hours, she had been trying to sleep. Nothing, from hot tea to the ubiquitous counting sheep cliché, was helping.

Something caught her attention. The house had been utterly quiet since she had gone to her room for the night, but she heard a noise. She got out of bed and tiptoed across and down the hall to her parents’ room. Their door was shut, but she could hear them inside – or she c
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ould hear her father, at least. She wanted so badly to see what they were doing. She dared herself to open their door. The hinges were in good shape, they didn’t make noise, so maybe…

She knelt down to the side of the doorjamb and put her hand on the knob, turning it as slowly as possible, ready to bolt back to her room if she made a sound. After what seemed like forever, she got the knob turned enough to push the door open. To her relief, her parents weren’t facing the door full-on. She let the knob ease back to its resting position and edged forward a little.

Her mother sat on the edge of the bed and her father stood facing his wife. Her mother’s head bobbed slowly, then faster. He yanked her hair, pulling her off his cock, and slapped her face. Once, then again, harder. Angie put a hand over her mouth to quiet her gasp, but saw her mother grinning. He reached down and squeezed her mother’s breasts, digging his fingers in and making her flinch, then drew his hand back and slapped the right one hard. He repeated that slap, as well, then did the same to her left breast. Then, quickly, her mother was on her knees on the bed, with the covers bunched up at her head, which was against the mattress. Her father had a hand fisted in her mother’s hair, pushing her face down as he rammed into her from behind. Angie couldn’t tell from the angle she had to watch from whether he was in her pussy or ass. She could hear the smack of flesh against flesh as testament to how hard he was fucking her mother. He came fast, grunting low, and sat back on the bed. After a few moments, he reached forward and grabbed her mother’s hair again, pulling her across his lap. Angie watched, eyes wide, as he held open her mother’s pussy lips, exposing her clit. He took firm hold of the little nub between the second knuckles of his index and middle fingers, jerking on it harshly.

Angie could feel the cool air on the wet fabric of her panties against her skin. Her pussy throbbed. She adjusted, moving her knees apart enough that she could get her hand between her legs, then slipped a hand beneath her nightshirt and into her panties. She pushed two fingers inside herself, moving them in and out and spreading the wetness up her slit. Curling her fingers and pinching hard, she worked her clit as much like the way her mother’s was being worked as she could. Biting her lips together so she wouldn’t make a sound, she watched as her mother whined and tightened the muscles of her legs, coming against her father’s hand. Angie squeezed her legs together as she came, just barely choking off a groan.

Leaving the door open, afraid to close it now that they were finished and wouldn’t be as distracted, she got up and snuck unsteadily back to her room. After washing her hands, she crawled back under her blanket, falling asleep within minutes.


Cara’s car was in the back parking lot when Angie begged her way out of her last class fifteen minutes early. She threw her backpack and overnight bag into the back seat. “I can’t believe I get to stay all weekend!” she squealed excitedly.

“You’re sure your parents won’t be suspicious?”

“Yep. They’re both away at conferences. They left this morning. Guess what?”


“I got my report card.” She reached down the front of her shirt and pulled a piece of folded pin-feed printer paper from her bra.

Cara took the paper and unfolded it. She grinned and put a hand behind Angie’s neck, pulling her forward and kissing her hard, possessively. “Good girl. Looks like you’ll deserve the little surprise I have for you on Sunday.”

Angie’s eyes lit up, both because she knew her owner was proud of her and because of the little forewarning of something special. “Ooh, surprise?”

“You’ll have to wait until Sunday.” She let Angie go and handed the paper back to her, then put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot.

They stopped in town at the supermarket. “I need to pick up some things to cook for Jonathan,” she explained before getting out. She walked around to Angie’s side of the car and opened the door for her.

“Just for Jonathan?” Angie asked, purposefully injecting a little jealousy into the question.

“I have more than enough of foods you like,” Cara said, narrowing her eyes. She swatted Angie on the butt and closed the car door. “But I didn’t know he was vegetarian until this morning. Lacto-ovo, I think? Eats eggs and dairy, anyway.”

“So he’s staying all weekend, too?”

“Mmhm.” She backed Angie up against the door and leaned into her. Cara looked around the parking lot to make sure there was no one paying particular attention before sliding her hands up both of Angie’s hips, beneath her skirt, and dragging her panties down.

Angie turned a bit pink. “What are you doing?”

“Starting our weekend,” Cara smirked, letting the panties fall to Angie’s ankles while she found the waistband of the plaid school skirt and began rolling it up until the back barely covered Angie’s ass.

Angie reached down and took her panties off her feet, handing them to Cara, who stuck them in her pocket. She followed Cara around the grocery store and put things into the cart as she was directed. Cara found particular amusement in dropping unbreakable things in populated aisles and having Angie pick them up. She smiled to herself as Angie blushed harder when people were able to look right up her skirt to see her shaved slit and all.

When they got to Cara’s house, after everything was put away and dinner had been set in the oven to cook, she went to the living room. Angie had installed herself on the sofa to watch television until Jonathan arrived. Cara picked up the remote and turned the TV off, standing in front of it. Angie smiled under the look she was getting from her Mistress.

Cara licked her bottom lip, looking down at Angie’s skirt, still rolled up. “Touch yourself,” she instructed.

Angie unfolded her legs and pulled up the hem of her skirt, sitting on one hand while using the other. She pressed two fingers between the lips of her pussy, rubbing up and down her slit, lingering over her clit and spreading her outer lips apart on the way back toward her hole.

“You masturbated last night.” Cara raised an eyebrow.

“How can you tell that?” Angie’s smile would have given her away even if nothing else had.

“That’s my secret. I think you might need a little spanking – you’re not nearly wet enough.”

Cara sat down on the sofa beside her, jerked the redhead over her lap and flipped her skirt up, then proceeded to spank the soft curve of Angie’s bottom with her bare hand. Angie squealed and wiggled when the handprints began to sting as they landed in the same place. It was just beginning to burn when there was a knock at the door.

“It’s open, come in!” Cara called.

Jonathan opened the door and looked around it before coming inside. He smiled at the display of Angie’s bare bottom. Angie turned her face against Cara’s side and giggled. She got one last smack before Cara pulled her back up to sit.

“Go to the bedroom and put your things down. We’ll start going over rules for this weekend,” Cara told him. She nodded to Angie, “You, to the bedroom, too, miss thing.”

Angie scampered off. They were sitting side-by-side on the bed when Cara came in after them. She smiled, noticing that Angie had taken her stuffed bunny and set it with the pillows again.

“No clothing all weekend, unless we happen to go somewhere. You don’t wear anything that I don’t put on you,” Cara began, arms crossed in authority. “I want all body parts accessible to me at all times.”

Angie squirmed a little in anticipation.

“You don’t have to call me Ma’am the entire time – only if the situation warrants it. I’m sure you both can feel out when it’s appropriate and when leaving it off won’t get you into trouble.” She stopped and looked at them expectantly. “Well? Strip.”

Having already shed her socks, shoes, and bra upon entering the house, and being relieved of her panties earlier, Angie didn’t have much to strip from. She got rid of her shirt and skirt quickly, then bounced back onto the bed to watch Jonathan remove his clothes. She grinned at the fact that he was already just as hard as she was wet.

Cara stepped closer to him. “Jonathan,” she said, getting his attention fully on her as he dropped his underwear onto the pile of their combined clothing. “I want you to show Angie your back.”

Angie knew that every time she’d seen him before today, except the first time, he had been naked to the skin. She had been too preoccupied, though, with her own situations or other parts of his body to have taken special notice of his back, and it was turned away from her even now.

He shook his head slightly, pleading to Cara with his eyes and mouthing, “No…”

“Yes. She needs to know this. She’ll notice it eventually and ask you anyway.”

He wrapped his arms around himself defensively and turned, his eyes cast downward. Cara put her hands on his arms and backed him toward the bed so that Angie could see. The younger girl saw his jaw tighten and release anxiously.

There were scars on his back. They looked a couple of years old, silvery and long, all going diagonally across. Angie frowned.

“You asked me what happened with his previous Master,” Cara reminded her.

Angie reached out and touched him with her fingertips. He flinched, his posture jerking a little more upright before Cara touched his shoulder again to ground him.

“Why?” Angie asked.

He looked to Cara again, imploringly, but she nodded once in answer. He sighed. “He used the buckle end of his belt to punish me.” Jonathan swallowed hard. “He was angry about something else and took it out on me after he had me in restraints.”

Angie pulled a pained face. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

He shrugged. “It’s okay. Doesn’t hurt anymore. I found out later that he’d had a couple of other subs leave him for pretty much the same thing.”

She put a hand flat on this back and ran it down gently, then got up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Cara reached up to pet his hair. “The guy was pretty much ousted from the BDSM community in this area. Nobody will so much as play with him, much less attach themselves to him.”

He relaxed and put his hands on Angie’s arms, suddenly grateful for the acceptance.

Cara went to her dresser and took something out of one of the jewelry boxes that sat on top, turning and keeping it behind her back so that neither of them could see. It made a little tinkling sound that Angie thought was familiar, though.

“Were you ever collared?” Cara asked.

“No,” Jonathan shook his head. “He always just told me I wasn’t good enough for his collar.”

“Kneel down for me,” she commanded.

Angie let her arms slide from around his neck as he dropped to his knees in front of her owner.

Cara ran her hand over his hair again and touched his face. “You’re more than worth collaring. I’ve known you for a few years now, and I’ve been thinking about collaring you since before I met Angie. But I wanted to wait until you were ready to be owned again. I know of your past experiences. A ‘kind Domme’ is not an oxymoron, sweetheart. I’m whatever you need me to be, same as I am for Angie. Do you understand?”

Jonathan beamed lovingly up to her. “Yes, Ma’am.”

She took her other hand from behind her back and let them see what was in it: a collar much like Angie’s new one, with his name engraved on the inside. She held both ends and put it around his neck, buckling it at the front and securing it with a little lock, then turned it around so that the lock was on the back.

“Since I have two of you now, there are some new things to consider. There’s a new permanent rule. You can have each other any time you want, with one stipulation; when one of you is actively submitting to me, you have to have my permission or command. Any other time is up for grabs. There might be more rules added on as we feel things out. You both got it?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” both replied.

Cara smiled. “Okay, then. Time for dinner. Come on.”

The dinner table was set informally and Cara put the food in the middle of it. Angie and Jonathan began eating quickly, both excited to get on with the evening. She scolded them, telling them to slow down, that if one of them got sick, she would make them sit out playing tonight and punish them later for making her miss playing with them, and “It will not be the fun kind of punishment, I promise you.”

After a few more bites of her dinner, Angie’s hand began to sneak toward the wedge of chocolate cake that had been set near her.

“Ah-ah, no,” Cara shook her head firmly. “You eat some more of your dinner first.”

Angie blinked, then frowned contrarily. “Eat my dinner first? You sound like my mother.”

“No, I’m your Mistress. Which means you will actually do what I tell you to.” Cara raised an eyebrow.

Angie did her best to keep down a smile and ate her dinner quietly, only reaching for her cake when Cara bumped the saucer toward her. When she saw they had eaten as much as they were going to, she got up and started out, beckoning them after her. They followed obediently to the bedroom.

Cara was already putting a gag on Jonathan when Angie straggled in. She recognized it as a gag that had been used on herself before – the black gag with a short cock on the inside, giving just enough room to breathe past its presence in one’s mouth.

“We’ll go easy tonight. Lie down,” Cara told him.

While he was placing himself on the bed, Cara took her clothes off. She picked up a larger, pearly, purple dildo from the top of the dresser and crawled over him, straddling his chest, and snapped it onto the front of the gag. Jonathan moved his head a little, feeling the weight of the dildo as it moved. Cara put a hand around it to still his head, giving him an amused but admonishing look. She turned around, facing his cock, and kneeled on his arms so that he couldn’t grab at her. Her pussy was open right over his face. She lowered herself down onto the dildo, moaning a little, a blissful expression taking over her face.

Cara began to rock her hips and let a hand slide down her abdomen to her open slit, rubbing her middle finger hard against her clit. “Come on,” she said to Angie, giving her a slow wink, “you can do whatever you want with the rest of him.”

A thrill went through Angie at the permission. She had never gotten to simply look at and play with a cock at her leisure, before. His looked painfully hard. It was turning a delicious shade of red, erect up against his belly, dripping pre-come onto the soft skin there. She nudged at his knees and he opened his legs for her, enough that she could kneel between them. He was shaved as cleanly as her pussy was. Angie leaned forward and licked the droplets off his abdomen, then wrapped her hand gently around his cock, holding it toward her and licking the head. She heard him groan from behind the gag. She played with his cock, running her short fingernails up the underside, licking up more pre-come as it dripped slowly down.

Coaxing his legs open further, she reached down with her other hand and ran her fingers over the puckered little entrance there. His hips jerked again and she heard another moan. She looked up, looking between Cara’s legs, at the wetness that was coming out of her. Cara was rocking harder, moving up and down on the dildo, riding Jonathan’s face. She saw juices from Cara’s pussy beginning to drip down, over his chin.

Angie put her fingers in her mouth, but decided that her saliva wouldn’t be slick enough. She put the hand between her legs, finding more than enough wetness there, and worked her fingers in and out of her cunt until she was satisfied that they were coated well. She moved her hand between Jonathan’s legs again, pressing her index finger gently into his rectum. He moaned loudly, encouraging her to keep going. She moved her finger in and out slowly, leaning forward to lick the head of his cock again. She squeezed the head gently to make the tiny hole gape open, then pressed the tip of her tongue into the slit.

She sealed her mouth over the head and began sucking his cock properly just before she heard Cara groan “Fuck…” as she came, pushing down hard to drive the dildo deep into herself as she did. Cara raised herself off the purple cock and removed it from the gag, but left the gag on him and stayed on his arms.

Angie pushed a second finger into Jonathan’s ass, making his hips buck harder. Cara leaned forward and put her hands on his hips to keep him still. Angie moved her fingers in and out as she took more of his cock into her mouth, sucking slowly, beginning to notice how hard her pussy was aching. It only took a few more moments before he moaned and she felt him come into her mouth. She tasted it before swallowing – it wasn’t bad. Salty, mostly, but there was a sweet tang beneath it that was far from objectionable.

Cara got up and got off the bed on Angie’s side. She pulled Angie off Jonathan and handed her the slick dildo. “I want to watch you fuck yourself with it.”

Angie sat against the headboard and pulled her legs up so that her feet were flat on the bed, then pushed the purple dildo in hard, bottoming it out on the first stroke. She rammed it in, pinching her clit with the fingers of her other hand in time with the motion. Orgasm washed over her and she ground the dildo hard against her cervix, the muscles in her legs tightening and spreading her wider.

Cara smiled and slapped Jonathan’s leg gently to get his attention. “Go clean her cunt up,” she ordered, watching as he happily obeyed.


Angie woke up and stretched her arms wide, finding Jonathan’s shoulder with her hand and pushing against it for traction, making him grumble sleepily. When she had finished and gone limp again, he had a turn, pushing against her hip with his knee and making her whine back at him. She went back to snuggling against him until she smelled food cooking.

“Where you going?” he mumbled sleepily, opening one eye at her, then both as he was visually reminded that she was very naked and he was getting a pleasant view of her bottom as she crawled over him and walked away.

“Breakfast. C’mon,” she said.

Cara smiled at them wandering in, rubbing their eyes and giving the stovetop lustful looks. Angie perked up when she saw bacon, and Jonathan did much the same when he saw that Cara had gone to the trouble of making him an omelette with cheese and fake sausage inside.

“Can I play with you?” Jonathan asked Angie a bit shyly, after Cara had finished and began cleaning up. He smiled and chewed at the center of his lower lip.

Angie grinned back and nodded her head excitedly.

Cara went into the living room a while later to find Jonathan kissing Angie up against the wall. Her legs were open a little and the head of his erect cock pressed up against her slit. Angie reached down and held her pussy open, moving her hips so the head was rubbing right against her clit. He took her hand and led her over to the living room carpet, pushing the coffee table away from the sofa where Cara had just seated herself, and sat down. Jonathan pulled Angie down beside him and pushed her to lie down before scooting down and lying on his stomach between her legs. He nuzzled and licked at her pussy with his hands broad and hot on the underside of her thighs. Angie wiggled her fingers into the carpet and watched Cara watching them.

It made Cara wet to see them behaving so gently with each other, while knowing that later she would be anything but gentle with their bodies. She fingered herself slowly as she watched him run his tongue firmly up the length of Angie’s slit. Angie reached down to hold her pussy lips open and he sealed his lips around her clit, sucking at it for a few seconds. He stopped and worried it between his teeth, then sucked at it again. Angie came, fluid visibly leaking from her cunt, and Jonathan moved down to lick into her hole.

“Get up and return the favor like a good girl, Angie,” Cara told them. “Stand in front of me while she sucks your cock, so I can get a good look. Keep your hands behind you, both of you.”

Jonathan clasped his fingers around his wrists and Angie folded her arms behind her back, getting up onto her knees. Cara put a hand on the small of his back and held onto the back of Angie’s hair, pulling sharply until she opened her mouth. She pressed Angie’s head down on his cock, pushing until her nose was against his abdomen and holding her there until she began to struggle instinctively. Cara moved Angie’s head back and forth, pushing him down her throat every few strokes.

“Keep your mouth open. I want to see him spurt into it,” she said, moving her hand up and down his cock until he came, aiming the ropes of come. She watched as the white fluid slid down Angie’s tongue and into the back of her mouth, then ordered her, “Swallow.”

Angie did as she was told and licked her lips.

Cara turned Jonathan around by his wrist. “Get on your knees and bend over.”

He kneeled down and put his head down on his arms, his ass sticking up in the air right in front of Cara and his face turned toward her, so that she could see it. Angie watched as Cara drew her hand back and began spanking him. She struck both cheeks, a half dozen spanks at a time, right on top of one another. Cara watched his face, speeding up and going a little harder when his eyes began to water. He didn’t whimper; only his fractured breathing told her how much it hurt.

“That’s it, come on, cry for me. Break for me, sweetie,” she cooed quietly to him. She kept going as Angie lost count of the strikes and his breath began to hiccup, tears spilling over the bridge of his nose, and his bottom was blazing hot under her own stinging hand. She was intent on getting a noise out of him, stopping only when he began shaking and let go of a sob.

“Good boy,” Cara said, leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to his searing skin, making him gasp. “Both of you will stay on your hands and knees for the rest of the day. Nothing touches between your legs and you ask if you have to go to the bathroom.”

At Cara’s order, Angie put her hands on the carpet. She crouched low, her body close to the floor, and rubbed the tip of her nose back and forth over Jonathan’s heated, pain-flushed cheek, then nuzzled against his neck. She moved back and watched him blink slowly as he came back down.

Around dinner time, when both of her charges were getting very hungry, and when Angie was getting tired of trying to hint for attention, Cara sat back down on the sofa with a book.

Angie crawled up to Cara’s legs and huffed out a frustrated breath, making her bangs flutter. She nudged Cara’s thigh with her head and made a ‘meow’ noise.

Cara laughed and finally put down her book, reaching to pet Angie’s hair. “So now you’re a kitty? I thought you were my puppy.”

“I am your puppy,” she smiled, taking Cara’s attention as permission to speak.

Cara reached down and gently scritched Angie’s neck, just above her hairline. Angie suddenly wished she could purr, because she couldn’t express her contentment in words. She gave a plaintive little whine when Cara stopped and got up to get her pet humans something to eat.

Cara cut up a pair of chicken breasts that she had marinated in Italian dressing and baked, making bite-sized pieces out of them, and put them on one plate. On another plate, she heaped homemade macaroni and cheese, loosening the noodles into smaller chunks with a fork. She put the plates on the floor near the table, where she sat with her own dinner, and watched Angie and Jonathan. Both tried to eat neatly, but it was near impossible to be careful when not allowed to use their hands. When they finished, she washed their faces and let them drink water from glasses.

They sat kneeling in the kitchen, hands on the floor, while she washed up and cleaned the baking dishes. She went slowly, giving them plenty of time for their dinner to settle.

“Feel ready to play, now?” she asked. She was answered with two bright smiles and nodding heads. “Okay, then. Go to the bedroom and wait for me.”

Jonathan crawled onto the bed and laid across it on his stomach, while Angie sat on the edge. When Cara came in, she pushed Angie so she was lying on her back and moved her legs apart. Jonathan turned to watch as Cara slipped two fingers into the redhead’s pussy.

“Squeeze as hard as you can,” Cara told her. She was pleased to feel Angie contract firmly around her fingers. She had Jonathan lie on his back, then pulled Angie up onto her knees, positioning her to straddle his hips. Cara stroked his cock until he was hard, then pushed Angie down, very slowly, lowering her onto his cock.

“The only thing you’re allowed to do, Angie, is use your internal muscles to squeeze him. I want you to milk his cock until he comes. Jonathan, you aren’t allowed to thrust up into her.”

Angie closed her eyes to concentrate. She tensed and released the muscles around her vagina rhythmically. Jonathan’s hands rested on either side of her knees and she could feel his fists tightening in the blanket as he struggled to obey Cara. After Cara’s preparation by hand, it didn’t take very long before he groaned and Angie felt the warm pulse of his fluid inside her.

“He came, Ma’am,” Angie said, smiling.

“Good girl,” Cara praised, then left the room.

Angie stayed where she was until Cara came back with Joey trotting beside her. Angie turned to look, her pussy clenching in anticipation.

“Not tonight,” Cara told her. “You’ll get to be his bitch tomorrow night. Tonight…” she trailed off.

She put her hands on Angie’s arms, not ungently, and pulled her off Jonathan. She guided Angie off the bed, then onto her knees beside it, so that she leaned forward and her small breasts pressed against the top of the mattress. Cara took the cock cage from the top of her dresser and put it in place on Jonathan, then beckoned him to follow her. He got up and remembered her instructions for the day, dropping to his hands and knees. He crawled behind her until she stopped about six feet from the foot of the bed.

Cara bent and reached under Joey, massaging his cock until it was well out of the sheath. Jonathan gasped at she patted his hip, letting Joey know he should mount. She held onto Joey’s cock and positioned it so that pre-come sprayed over Jonathan’s asshole, then aimed it until the dog was thrusting solidly into him with every hump.

Jonathan whimpered at the continual stretching that came with the slick cock widening and lengthening as it fucked him. He dropped his head, tucking it into the bend of his arm on the floor as his body was jarred with the dog’s frantic humping. He felt the knot bumping at his hole. When the dog felt it, he tightened his front legs further and redoubled his fucking efforts, intent on tying. Jonathan grunted and gasped in surprise when it popped in past the tight little ring of muscle. When it was in, it swelled against his prostate, making his cock harden again and leak pre-come heavily.

Cara turned her attention back to Angie, who was watching, rapt and breathing heavily. Her parted thighs were sticky with a mixture of the come that had leaked out of her cunt and her own arousal. Cara took out the cane she had used on Angie before and told her, “Keep watching him.”

With the first strike, Angie jumped hard and gave a surprised little yelp. She was distracted and hadn’t been expecting it. Cara followed it with nine more, keeping them even and steady.

Cara mentally catalogued the differences between her two subs; Angie cried and made noise easily, but it took a good bit of pain before she went into subspace; Jonathan could fall into subspace at the drop of a hat – or paddle, as it were – but it took a lot to push him into crying out. Angie was a bit of a brat and loved pushing to test her boundaries; Jonathan was very well-behaved, though Cara figured that was out of some fear, still. Angie was completely trusting; Jonathan was protective of her already. She knew their personalities would be good for one another.

She alternated between giving Angie ten stripes from the cane at a time and watching Jonathan for a few moments. Before long, Angie was crying. She jerked her hands behind her once on instinct and got them right in the way of the cane, but it immediately taught her to keep them under control. Jonathan was whimpering almost continuously, gasping breaths, desperate for some kind of release.

Cara caned from just above the back of Angie’s knees to the top curve of her bottom, then from the middle of her back to the back of her shoulders, catching the backs of her upper arms. Angie put her mouth against the blanket to muffle her own whimpers. The endorphins that kicked in around the twentieth strike had worn off and her entire back side felt like it was on fire.

Jonathan felt Joey’s hot come pour into him. He enjoyed the spreading warmth even as the dog started tugging to get his knot out. He tried to relax, but he was stretched wide, painfully, as Joey pulled his cock out.

Cara put the cane away and turned back to Angie, very carefully running the pads of her fingers down the raised, bright red welts criss-crossing the pale back, making her give a high-pitched moan. Cara got up, going to Jonathan. She petted his hair and spoke softly into his ear. Angie couldn’t hear what was being said, but Cara took the cock cage off him and he nodded.

“Go on, take your shower and clean yourself up,” Cara told him as he slowly got to his feet, the crawling restriction apparently lifted.

She went back to Angie again and knelt down, leaning her face close to the redhead’s, and reached between her legs from the front. She rubbed gentle circles against Angie’s clit until orgasm squeezed one more quiet moan from her. Cara licked her fingers and got up, looping a finger around Angie’s collar and walking her into the bathroom. She waited until Jonathan had finished his shower and dried off. She had him sit on the edge of the bathtub, then guided Angie to crawl to him.

“Suck him, so he can come before bedtime,” Cara told her.

His cock was hard again, standing up against his belly and hot from the shower. She took it into her mouth obediently, massaging the underside with her tongue, swallowing against the head when it pushed into the back of her throat. He groaned and leaned forward as he came. Cara pulled Angie back, put the cock cage back on Jonathan, and told him to go on to bed, then sat down in his place, spreading her legs and holding her slit wide open with the fingers of one hand while she held onto Angie’s collar with the other.

“My turn,” she told Angie, pulling her head forward.

Angie licked and sucked at the pussy presented to her, nuzzling Cara’s clit as she pushed her tongue as far as she could into Cara’s cunt. Cara let go of her collar and put the hand on the back of Angie’s head, moving her hips to grind herself against Angie’s face. Angie lapped up the fluid coming from Cara and angled her head up to suck at her clit. She felt juices coat her chin and drip onto her chest as Cara came.

She pushed Angie back and leaned down to kiss her, sucking at her sub’s lower lip and tasting herself there. She instructed Angie, “Stay,” and got into the shower. Cara bathed quickly. “You can stand up, now. Take your shower and come to bed,” she told her.

Angie yelped in pain as the warm water stung her back.

“You okay?” Cara asked from the bedroom.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie answered and edged carefully under the water again to wash her hair.

She dawdled around after her shower, drying her hair and enjoying the warm air on her skin, turning her back to the mirror and looking over her shoulder at the already darkening marks there.

Cara called again, “Come to bed.”

“Is that an order?” Angie grinned.

“Does it need to be?” She could practically hear the raised eyebrow in Cara’s voice.

Angie turned off the light and returned to the bedroom, climbing into bed obediently and snuggling down between Cara and Jonathan.


Waking up in the morning was very pleasant. Angie woke to her owner’s fingertips nestled into the top of her bare slit, massaging gently. Cara’s breast was right in front of her face when she opened her eyes, so she did the only thing that made sense. She opened her mouth and stretched her neck the tiny distance, taking Cara’s nipple into her mouth and suckling firmly at it. She felt a little jolt of pleasure when Cara moaned at the suction, then came right after it. Cara raised her fingers to Angie’s mouth to be licked clean.

The day was mostly uneventful. Cara sent Angie and Jonathan to her bedroom a few times, telling him to not allow Angie to peek out. She shook a finger at Angie, telling her that she’d ruin her own surprise, if she looked, and Angie obeyed.

Near noon, Angie began looking sleepy and behaving a bit sullenly. “Why are you being so whiny?” Cara asked after lunch, during which her redhead had thrown a French fry into Jonathan’s glass of soda.

“I’m not being whiny.” Angie gave her a petulant little glare.

“Oh, I beg to differ. I think you need a nap,” Cara clipped and gave her a look.

“I don’t need a nap. I’m not three.” Angie crossed her arms over her breasts.

“It’s either a nap or a spanking. Those are your choices. And I’m not talking about fun. I mean a spanking for your behavior.”

Angie frowned, but caved. “Yes, Ma’am.”

She went to the bedroom and crawled back into bed. Jonathan wasn’t far behind. When Cara looked in a little while later, they were snuggled up together, fast asleep.

Angie was awakened from her nap by the front door slamming closed. She got up, careful to not wake Jonathan, and went to the end of the hall to peer out. Daniel stood with Cara, one hand up the front of her sleeveless blue shirt to squeeze one breast. She turned around and leaned over the back of the sofa, pulling down her panties. Daniel unzipped his dark gray trousers and pulled them down his thighs, his cock springing free of them. He ran his hands over the curve of Cara’s hips and pulled her cheeks apart, then pushed his cock into her. Angie heard Cara grunt with the first entrance. She went into the room slowly, not hiding, giving either of them time to tell her to go away.

Cara turned her head to look at Angie, a breath huffing out of her with another thrust. “It’s okay, he’s just here to make a deposit,” she winked.

Angie watched as he pumped in and out of her Mistress. It seemed as if he were all business. He stopped and held Cara’s pussy tightly against him as he came, waiting a few moments before pulling out. Cara pulled her panties up and immediately went to lie down on the sofa, her hips tilted up with a throw pillow.

“Mind if I use your slut here to clean up?” he asked.

“Only her mouth. I have plans for the rest later tonight.”

He pulled Angie nearer to him and put a hand on her shoulder. She dropped to her knees and opened her mouth as he held his limp cock up for her. She licked his shaft from the root to the tip, until it was clean of come streaks and Cara’s juices. He pulled his underwear and pants up.

“Stand up,” Daniel told her.

She obeyed and he pressed his index finger into her slit. It slid right inside her.

“Nice and wet. What is your pussy getting ready for, hmm?” he asked.

“It’s always like that, Sir,” Angie answered, her eyes glazing over.

He raised an eyebrow and looked over the back of the sofa at Cara.

“She had to be warmed up at first, but after the first few months after she was officially my sub, she’s been wet constantly. She’s a very good girl.” Cara grinned.

Angie blushed and smiled at the praise her owner was giving her.

“I have to go,” Daniel told Cara, zipping and buttoning his trousers. “Just stopped in for a quick ‘deposit’, as you said.”

After he had gone, Angie sat on the floor beside where Cara lay. “I didn’t know you were still trying to get pregnant.”

“Of course.”
“Have you been trying the whole time?”

“On and off. Casual trying, I guess you could say. No charting periods or anything, except this month. I’m supposed to be ovulating today. Well, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”

“Cool.” Angie smiled more brightly.

“What were you doing peeking in here, though?”

Angie tried to put on an innocent face, but she knew she’d been caught.

“You thought you might get a peek of your surprise.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie admitted.

“I won’t forget that, but I’m not going to punish you for it right now. You’ll get your punishment before your surprise tonight.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Later in the evening, though an hour or so earlier than the last couple of nights, Cara fed Angie and Jonathan. She let them chop ingredients for the vegetarian lasagna she made and let them sit at the table to eat. She allowed them to watch television while she cleaned up, then sat with them for a little while. At nine, she turned the TV off and beckoned them to follow her to the bedroom.

Cara had them stand at the door while she prepared the room. She put towels on the floor beside the bed, layering four of them and putting two extra on top of the dresser. She took four long, thick, light blue ribbons out of the toy drawer and put them on the bed, then took out a buttplug – not quite the thickest she had used on Angie – and the cane, putting the first beside the ribbons and holding the latter.

“Come here,” she told Angie, pointing to the floor beside the bed. When Angie had obeyed, Cara backed up a couple of feet. “I told you that you were going to be punished for trying to peek when I instructed you not to. Clasp your hands behind your head.”

Angie did as she was told. Cara drew the cane back and landed a burning weal right across the lower border between her areolas and the curve of her breasts. She whimpered loudly and jerked forward, but pressed her lips together and straightened. Cara gave her four more and the stripes showed almost immediately. There were two above her nipples and two below, all of them darkening red.

Cara put the cane back in the drawer and slapped each of Angie’s sore breasts once, making her whimper again. “Get on your knees and put your arms on the bed,” Cara told her, then turned to Jonathan, “Go bring me a chair from the dining room and kneel beside it.”

Angie knelt on the thin padding of the towels and stretched her arms out across the bed. Cara grabbed her left hand roughly and made a tight cuff around Angie’s wrist with one of the ribbons. She did the same to Angie’s right hand with another piece and tossed them across to the other side of the bed, then took the last two and tied one end of each around the redhead’s legs, just above her knees. Cara tied the free ends to the left and right feet on that side of the bed, pulling them tight enough that Angie’s legs were held wide, leaving her unable to protect her cunt by closing them.  She went around to the other side of the bed and tied the ribbons attached to Angie’s wrists to the far bedposts, pulling them short, the tension making the muscles of Angie’s upper arms ache a little.

Angie’s back, bottom, and thighs burned from the caning she had gotten the night before, but her breasts outright hurt from the new one as they pressed against the mattress. She tested her bonds and found herself very securely tied town. She hadn’t expected anything less. There was a cold toy pressing against her pussy, all of a sudden. She jumped a little at the temperature of it, but Cara gave a sharp spank to the purpling stripes on her ass, telling her non-verbally to stay still. Cara got the buttplug good and slick, then pushed it all at once into Angie’s ass, making the entrance to the hole burn with the sudden stretch.

Angie heard the chair legs as Jonathan came back and put it on the floor near the foot of the bed.

“Sweet little pussy, isn’t it, Jonathan?” Cara asked him.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Such a pretty little cunt, just for me to use.” Cara leaned down and cupped her hand over Angie’s mound, squeezing hard. “Who does this belong to?”

“Y-you, Ma’am,” Angie whispered.

She ran her fingers down each side of Angie’s slit, just the outer lips, to keep from stimulating it too much. She squeezed gently, making Angie groan and push against her hand.

“Do you remember what you did the other night, when I told you that you could do anything with my boy whore’s body, while I rode his face? Do you?” She slapped Angie’s face with her other hand, the sound it made being more shocking to Angie’s ears than the pain itself. “You sucked his cock. You could have put it up your cunt, but the first thing you went for was putting it in your mouth. But this sweet little whore cunt… it’s going to get a treat tonight. It’s going to get a real workout. Tonight, your cunt is nothing but a hole. That’s all you are, to a dog – another bitch with a free hole.”

Cara ran her middle and ring fingers lightly down the center of Angie’s slit. She felt the lubrication that was quickly growing. “And your hole is just plain hungry isn’t it? It gapes open for anything that wants a fuck at it. And dogs know just what it’s good for, don’t they? Don’t they?”

Angie grunted, twisting her hips, silently wishing that her Mistress would either put fingers inside her or take them away. But she would never say such a thing out loud.

Cara stepped back, licking her fingers quickly. “Your surprise,” she began, and Angie could hear the glee in her voice, “is a gangbang. I’ve been planning this for a while, but everyone just got their schedules in a place where they could participate.”

Angie gasped and tried to look over her shoulder.

Cara petted her hair. “I managed to get four dogs over for a little party, and their owners won’t be picking them up until morning. Just imagine all the fun they can have with you in all that time.”

Cara went out of her limited eyeline and left the room. She could just barely see Jonathan where he was on his knees, hands obediently behind his back, watching her. He licked his lips. Angie was suddenly nervous. She heard Cara coming back with a set of dog nails clicking against the hall floor beside her.

“Davey can have a go first, since he’s the smallest. And he was your first, after all. I sort of dog-napped him from your yard, but I’ll take him back tomorrow.” Cara took the leash off of Angie’s dog with an audible click.

The black Labrador knew what to do. In no time, he had mounted Angie and his knot was slipping in and out of her pussy. She was so wet that the knot popped in and out until it was nearly full size. The tip of his cock barely nudged against her cervix. She felt pre-come run down her thigh in a thin rivulet, then felt a rush of warmth inside when he came. His come ran around his knot and spilled down her legs, as well. When he had finished with her, he pulled his knot out easily and gave her slit a couple of swipes with his tongue before sitting down to lick himself.

Angie hadn’t let Davey fuck her in a long time – nearly six months. She felt badly for neglecting him so, but now she realized that she had grown physically in that time. Her vagina had lengthened, obviously, because she remembered vividly the way it felt when he had penetrated her cervix the first time he had fucked her. This time, his fully erect cock didn’t even seem as if it had gotten all the way through.

She heard Cara put the leash back on him and lead him out of the bedroom again. A couple of minutes later, her Mistress came back with a slightly heavier set of dog paws accompanying her.

“I couldn’t have them all in the room with you at the same time,” Cara told her, grinning with pleasure at the sight of Angie. “They’d end up fighting. They all see you as their property.”

Angie stretched to look over her shoulder. Seeing the spots of a Dalmatian, she knew that it was Bacchus. He pulled at his leash and pranced his feet in anticipation of getting to fuck her. Cara unclipped the leash and he trotted over, sniffing at her hole, then nudging his nose against the buttplug as he licked at her pussy lips. She moaned and angled her hips back a little. Bacchus hopped up and wrapped his front legs around her waist, humping at her exposed cunt as his sheath slid back. It was soft at first, but it rapidly swelled enough to firm up and enter her. Angie felt the long, thin cock stroking the back wall of her cunt. His knot widened until she could feel it pushing just into her entrance.

She grunted happily as the knot swelled enough that it wouldn’t pop right back out as he thrust and the tip pushed just through her cervix. She tightened the muscles inside her vagina and Bacchus panted harder against her shoulder, redoubling his efforts at breeding her. He went still and she felt more warm come pool. He left his cock inside her for a few minutes before beginning to tug to get it out. Angie felt her pussy stretch a bit as he gave a good, hard pull and un-tied from her.

Bacchus’ come running out was pleasant, in a strange way. Her clit throbbed with the desire to come and her cunt contracted involuntarily as she remembered that she still had two more dogs to go.

Cara let Bacchus finish licking himself clean before she reattached his leash and led him out of the room. Joey sniffed the air as Cara brought him back with her. His cock began peeking out almost as soon as he came into the bedroom. It had begun spurting thin jets of pre-come before he’d been led all the way to his bitch.

“Can I come, Ma’am?” Angie begged as Joey mounted her.

“Be patient,” Cara told Angie, giving her sub a stern look.

Joey’s cock stabbed at her, leaving wet streaks that cooled quickly high on her thighs and made her shiver even through the heat of extreme arousal. She tried to arch her back upward and downward, trying to help him slide down against her clit or up into her cunt, anything to get more stimulation. Finally, Cara reached between them and helped Joey’s aim. Angie grunted as he slipped in and began to hammer more quickly into her. His cock was already good and thick, and she could feel the tip widening her cervix further as it pushed in.

Cara could see Angie’s lips moving. She leaned closer to listen and heard Angie saying under her breath, “Please let me come, please let me come, please let me come…”

The redhead moaned, long and drawn out, as Joey knotted in her. He continued humping at her, pulling at the entrance to her sore cunt. She felt his come drain into her, adding to the come still inside. He panted and she felt his tongue loll against her back, just below her shoulder blade. Angie felt him move back, pulling at his knot, trying to free himself. She whimpered as he succeeded on his third attempt, stretching her hole painfully.

She closed her eyes tightly, concentrating on catching her breath and recovering somewhat while Cara led Joey back out of the room. Her cunt burned from over an hour and a half of constant use and ached from being stretched wide and being yanked by knots. After Joey had finished with her, she was decidedly sore. There was scoring over her ribs from all three medium-sized dogs, thin welts that were turning red and beginning to feel raw.

“Valentine hasn’t gotten to fuck anything since he fucked you last,” Cara said from right beside Angie. She hadn’t realized that her owner had come back so quickly. “Since Daniel’s Melissa is pregnant, she can’t take a dog cock safely. Just imagine how excited he is to get to use your whore cunt.”

Angie was suddenly overcome with fear. She wasn’t in enough pain to use their safeword, but she remembered what it was like the last time Valentine had been allowed to use her, and she was far sorer right now than she had been then.

As Valentine tried to mount, Angie tried to dodge around with her hips, trying to get just a little more time to rest. Cara stepped forward again, telling her “No!” very sharply and pulling on the dog’s collar until he sat down, cock already hanging out of his sheath. Cara grabbed the cane again and whipped it across Angie’s ass once. Angie gave a choked off little scream in shock.

Cara put the cane down on the mattress in front of Angie with a snap of the rattan against the blanket. She grabbed Angie’s face tightly between her thumb and forefinger, telling her, “You’re a fuckhole tonight. Nothing else. You’ll keep your cunt still and take it.”

When Cara let her go, Angie pressed her face against the blanket, ashamed of her behavior.

Cara patted Valentine’s head and he approached Angie again. He nosed at her pussy, then licked his nose. He began to lick her, washing her mound and part of the inside of her thighs, which had been coated with come. He curled his huge tongue into her raw cunt and Angie could feel it reaching deep. When Valentine stopped licking, he mounted her again immediately. His front paws hit the mattress on either side of her head with heavy thumps. He moved his front legs to clamp against her shoulders, holding his bitch down for breeding.

He didn’t hit home right away. His cock slid down her wet cunt and rubbed the length of it. There was just enough stimulation against her clit with his humps – she came, her cunt clamping down on nothing and her womb pushing out a little more or the come that still rested in it. She groaned low and her hips jerked involuntarily, forcing humping motions out of her sore body. She felt the warm fur of his chest against her back and heard him beginning to pant over her head. He adjusted his stance and succeeded. His cock slammed against her cervix with his first thrust inside, making her grunt and clench her hands into fists, pulling at her restraints.

Cara, still close, spoke again and Angie could hear the smile in her voice. “Mmm… I never get over the beauty of seeing that plump little mound split in half by a cock.

Angie whimpered loudly as the tip of Valentine’s cock found the cleft of her womb entrance and he began ramming his way into it. It felt like a rush of hard cramping as he wedged her cervix open to get his cock inside and she could feel tears flood her eyes as he pushed inch over inch of thick red cock through.

Cara turned and went to the chair she’d had Jonathan bring in. She sat down and spread her legs, resting one over the dining chair arm, and beckoned Jonathan over. Holding the outer lips of her slit apart with one hand, she instructed him, “Lick while I watch.” She ran the thumb of her other hand over one nipple as he began to lick and suck at her wet pussy.

The huge ball of flesh that created the dog’s knot pushed and pushed, finally cramming into Angie and making her whine. It finished swelling just inside her vagina, sealing it off and leaving no way for come to leak out. The knot stretched the walls of her cunt wide, making it ache. She could feel when his come had filled her womb completely, but he didn’t stop spurting when she was full. Her womb stretched to accommodate the thin dog come that was continually pumped into it.

Her cunt was so full that she couldn’t squeeze around his cock. Her tears spilled over and she let herself begin to cry steadily, half of her face pressed against the dark blue flowered blanket. Distantly, she heard Cara moan.

Cara put a hand on the back of Jonathan’s head and pressed his face against her cunt as she came, then pushed him back. “Good boy,” she told him as she got up. She stood and rubbed gently over her clit, enjoying the slight overstimulation. She went back to Angie and took the last clean towel, folding it into quarters and putting it on the floor beside her sub, then kneeling down on it. She reached down and rubbed Angie’s clit very, very gently. The pad of Cara’s finger stroked in long motions over the dusky pink, engorged little nodule. Angie gave a long, low whine. Cara continued, not allowing herself to be hurried, intentionally drawing Angie very slowly closer. When Angie finally did orgasm, it came in heavy but languid waves. It was like drowning in pleasure. She buried her face in the blanket and groaned through it. Cara didn’t stop, though. She changed the rhythm of her strokes, making them a little shorter and just a little faster. Angie came again, though not as gently this time. Her womb cramped as it tried to spasm around the dog cock and come that stretched and overfilled it. Her hips jerked in a more pronounced humping motion and her vagina clamped down around Valentine’s cock, the pressure on his knot making him begin thrusting against her again on instinct. He began shooting more come into her, making the pressure inside her increase, She grunted all the way through the second orgasm, her face turned to the side and unmuffled by the blanket, unaware of just how much like an animal she sounded.

By the time Valentine was ready to unmount Angie, she was nearly sobbing. He moved, pulling at her full cunt as he put his front paws on the floor and pulled one leg back over her to turn the tie. He stood ass-to-ass with her, waiting for the swelling of his knot to go down so that he could begin trying to separate from her. She hiccupped one sob after another as Valentine started yanking at her hole, attempting to get his knot out. She could feel that it was a bit smaller, but not nearly enough to pull out. After a couple of tried, he stood still again, but only for so long.

Cara rubbed Angie’s full, swollen abdomen, pressing against it and making Angie whimper. Her belly was tight. Cara took just a moment to entertain a fantasy about her sub being full of puppies. But just knowing that Angie was so full of come and cock that it hurt made Cara’s cunt ache and grow click again. She leaned her face close and kissed Angie’s wet cheek, telling her, “You’re so pretty when you cry like this.”

She backed up as Valentine started trying to pull out again and was glad that she did. He freed himself, his knot coming out with an audible sucking sound, and come surged out of Angie’s well-used hole.

Angie groaned, greatly relieved at the release. When Valentine sat down near the doorway to lick his cock, Cara went back to Angie again, putting the dry towel back down. She pressed firmly against Angie’s lower abdomen and smiled as more come drained out with the pressure. She put her fist into Angie’s cunt very easily, pushing her hand in as deep as she could. She extended her index and ring fingers while the rest curled against her palm, and pushed the two fingers through Angie’s dilated cervix, moving her fingers to stroke the inside of the redhead’s womb gently. She stopped stroking upward and just fingerfucked the cervix good and hard, listening to Angie’s fatigued moaning. She used her other hand to rub Angie’s clit roughly, forcing her through another orgasm. Angie grunted and pulled on the sturdy ribbons that held her down as her body jerked. Cara could feel Angie’s cervix clenching hard against her fingers. She pulled her fingers out while Angie was still spasming, keeping her hand up to the wrist in Angie’s come-slick cunt. After a few moments, after Angie’s orgasm had finished, Cara used one fingertip to push against her cervix again and found that it had shrunk down almost completely closed. She eased her hand out and removed Angie’s buttplug.

Cara had Jonathan take his shower while she sat and petted her exhausted sub. Angie drifted in and out of sleep, not quite catching anything that either of the others said until Jonathan had finished. Then she was being untied and walked to the bathroom.

Cara stood her in the shower and asked her, “Can you push out, like you’re trying to pee hard?”

Angie did, still in headspace to do exactly as ordered. She felt the last of the warm come, save what would just coat her insides for a while, run down her legs. She then felt her bladder release, but couldn’t bring herself to care in her exhaustion, especially since Cara didn’t say anything about it. Angie let herself be put in the bathtub and scrubbed from head to toe, then taken out and dried. Cara shook her awake enough that she would sit up by herself while her hair was blown dry and stand still without swaying off to one side as Cara smoothed baby powder over her warm skin, then massaged tightening cream deep into her cunt.

She petted Angie’s bare mound gently, kissing the spot where the slit began. “I love your sweet little cunt,” Cara told her, smiling. She looked at Angie’s sleepy, pleasure-drunk face. “If I ever say anything that bothers you afterward, you tell me. Okay?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie replied, nodding slowly.

“You don’t have to ‘Ma’am’ me now.”


“Okay what?”

“I’ll tell you if something bothers me.” Angie smiled and wobbled a little. “I like the way you talk to me during everything, though. It’s a really amazing turn-on, while I’m in that place mentally.”


Angie’s smile turned sleepy again. “Yeah, that.”

When she went back to the bedroom, Jonathan had cleaned up the area where she had been tied. Angie crawled into the bed and curled up in the middle. She was past exhausted and just felt limp, having been thoroughly worked over in more ways than one. She was sore pretty much everywhere, but it felt good, like she had run laps around the school track until her legs turned to jelly. She was dead to the world by the time Jonathan and Cara joined her.

Monday morning

Clattering on the bedside table nearest Angie woke her. She looked and saw Jonathan fully dressed, putting on his watch.

“You’re going?” Angie asked muzzily, eyes only half open.

He squatted down beside the bed. “I’ve got to go. I have to be at work in an hour.”

She poked out her lower lip in a pretend pout. He shook his head, smiled, and kissed her on the nose before picking up his things and leaving.

Angie turned over and wiggled until she was under Cara’s arm, soaking in her owner’s body heat. “Where does he work?” she asked.

“He doesn’t really work in a ‘where’. He’s a photographer, does freelance for pay and shoots artsy stuff for himself. He’s very good. I’ll have to remember to tell him to bring some things for you to see sometime.”

Angie had another hour before she needed to leave for school. She nuzzled against Cara’s arm and told her, “I’m glad I have you for my Mistress.”

Angie got dressed slowly, sore in muscles she didn’t realize she could make hurt. Once she moved around for a while, the stiffness relieved and it turned into a not altogether unpleasant burn.

Cara drove her to school. Before she got out, Cara pulled her close with a firm hand, pushing her collar up high. Angie felt it rub against the bone of her jaw. Cara leaned in and licked Angie’s neck, then kissed it and sucked at the spot a little. She bit the soft, pale flesh, holding it for a moment as Angie gave a little hiss in pain, then sank her teeth in just enough to make an obvious bite mark. When she let go, she licked over the area again and grinned, admiring the deep red, individual tooth indentations before lowering the collar back into its place, the strip of leather just barely covering her mark.

“Have a good day,” she said, smirking, and reached across Angie to open the door.

* * * Sorry for the long wait. I did not intend for this chapter to be so long! Those of you who said you liked longer chapters will be happy, at least. ;o) Feedback is almost as good as sex, so you can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com

Lydia's Discovery

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

As quietly as she could, Lydia crept across the hallway and listened at her parents’ bedroom door. It was only after they went to bed that she dared to go online to look up the things she really wanted to. Satisfied that they were sound asleep, she hurried back to her room and closed the door, sliding into her desk chair and bringing up the site that her friend had written down the address for, along with a username and password. Nervously, she typed them in, as if her mere presence on the site might set off an alarm. She sighed in relief as she was allowed entrance.

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The site indeed listed downloads for video clips of all kinds of things. She downloaded a few. First, a man and woman, barely more than she’d seen in racy movies. Then, two black men with a blonde woman, a cock each in her pussy and ass. Lydia squirmed in her chair, feeling tingles growing in her own pussy. The next she watched was a woman giving a blowjob, her throat bulging as a long, thick cock was forced down it. Feeling brave, she downloaded a bondage clip and watched as a woman with her wrists and ankles strapped wide to bars had her pussy whipped with a riding crop. Unable to stand it any longer, she slipped one hand into her panties and dipped a finger into the bit of wetness there, swirling it over her clit. She froze as another clip caught her eye. ‘Dog fucks woman’ it was entitled. She clicked it. Her eyes went wide. She felt her pussy grow slick almost immediately. A large golden Labrador was mounting the woman, its cock bright red and stabbing at her. The woman groaned loudly as the cock slid into her. Lydia’s fingers were covered with wetness, as were the insides of her thighs. It took only seconds for her to come. She was shocked at herself. ‘Anyone who enjoys animals having sex with humans is sick!’ she thought. She changed her panties and went to bed.

The next morning, after her parents had left for work, she sat down at her computer again and went back to the site. With only a few minutes before the bus would arrive, she went to the profile of the man who had posted the clip she came to the night before. To her shock, he lived just a half dozen streets away from her. There was no picture, but there was his screen name- Jamie- and a note asking for women interested in bestiality to contact him. She sent him a message, asking if he knew the woman in the video, then grabbed her backpack and hurried out the front door. She was so excited when she got home, she didn’t even care to check if her mother’s carpool had dropped her off. She went back to the site and found a message from the man:

“I more than know her. She visits my dog (the one in the video) once a week. You should visit us sometime.”

Lydia chewed at her bottom lip, wondering if she actually could. After daring herself for ten minutes, she messaged back:

“I’d love to. What’s your address?”

Not five minutes later, she received a reply:

“My house is at the corner of Fourth and Pine. You can come by anytime between 12pm and 3am. I look forward to meeting you.”

* * * * *

She was nervous, and not just about going to the stranger’s house. Lydia was skipping half her school day to pay this visit. She wasn’t the type of student to skip school. Hell, she’d never made anything less than A’s, and her parents never let her forget it. She just hoped that her teachers would overlook her absence this one time.

The house was painted pale blue and had navy blue shutters. She approached, shaking a little, and knocked on the door. Just as she had lost her nerve and took a step backward to hurry away, the door opened.

A woman with long waves of dark brown hair stood there. She looked Lydia up and down, raising an eyebrow. “You the one I spoke with last night?”

“Y- yes.” Lydia swallowed hard, then narrowed her eyes. “Jamie?”

“You thought I was a man.”

“Well, yeah.”

The woman waved her inside. Lydia stepped in and followed Jamie, hovering near the sofa as the taller woman sat down, one leg gracefully sliding over the other to cross them.

“People usually do. They couldn’t imagine that a woman would enjoy watching other women get fucked by a dog.”

Lydia laughed, betraying her nervousness again. The woman had a hint of an accent that made her go warm inside.

“What’s your name?”

“Lydia Merchant.”

“Jamie Sandifer.” She held out a slender hand. Lydia took it in greeting. “I’m assuming you’re eighteen.”

Lydia blushed and looked down, her shoulder-length red hair falling across her face. “Um...”

“You’re eighteen.” Jamie raised her eyebrow again, willing the girl to catch her drift.


“Good. You can have a seat, you know.”

Lydia put her backpack down and sat down on the middle cushion, a good foot and a half away from Jamie.

“Why did you come here?”

“I don’t know... I guess I was just curious.”

“Do you want to experience it.”

Her eyes went wide. “No! Er, I mean, I don’t think so. I just- I’ve never done anything like that, and I’d be afraid he'd-”

“Ah. And here I thought you were extinct.”


“The virgin?”

Lydia blushed deeply and looked down.

“You want to be taught?” Jamie asked, leaning forward to look at Lydia’s face past the satin curtain of hair.


“About sex. About everything about sex.”

Lydia smiled, taking in the offer. It didn’t sound dangerous. “Yes.”

“Hmm.” Jamie moved, closing the distance between them and resting a hand on Lydia’s bare knee.

“What is it?”

“But I won’t deflower a virgin.”

Lydia’s face fell.

“You’re open to lesbian relationships, then?”

“Yeah. Sure. My best friend is bi. Oh, you mean for me? I guess... I guess I could try.”

“Come back tomorrow. Make sure you aren’t a virgin, if possible. And bring me proof. If you can’t get yourself fucked on your own by then, I’ll just work around it until you do.”

Jamie stood and strode to the door. Lydia picked up her backpack and followed. “What kind of proof?”

“I’ll know just by looking at your pussy, but you can let him come in you, all the same. It can't hurt to practice beforehand.” She virtually pushed the girl out her door. “See you tomorrow.”

* * * * *

Lydia looked around the campus at morning break. There weren’t many guys in her school she'd want to sleep with. Most just plain disgusted her. There was one, though... He’d been trying to get her to let him fuck her for a year and a half, now. Before, she wouldn’t have lowered herself to such a thing. But now? She just wanted to get rid of her virginity so that Jamie would ‘teach’ her. She located him in a group a few yards to her left. Just before the bell rang, he met her eyes. She grinned at him.

She was jerked out of the thick stream of students by a rather big hand. “Hey, Lyds.” He smirked and pulled her close to him to keep her to the side.

“Jason. Hey.” She plastered on a sweet smile. “I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh, really?” He ground his crotch against her.

“Yeah. About that.” She looked down. “Still want to?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“Um... Okay, meet me in the gym girls’ room at lunch.”

“Definitely. He reached up and roughly squeezed one of her breasts before stepping into the stream and disappearing inside.

She was more impatient than she’d ever been. She had decided that she would let Jason fuck her, then hurry to Jamie’s house immediately afterward. She would have to have some good excuses for her teachers, but it was worth it. Lunchtime finally rolled around. Lydia ran around the back of the gym to avoid being seen by wandering students, but when she got to the restroom, Jason had already arrived.

“How do you wanna do this?” He asked, the same smirk on his face.

“However you want.”

He pulled her over to the sink and turned her to face the mirror, taking his pants down quickly. He pushed her forward, to lean over the sink, and yanked down her skirt and panties at the same time. Lydia felt a twinge as he tried to thrust into her pussy the first time.

“Damn, you’re dry. I thought you wanted this?”

“I do. English class isn’t exactly conducive to wetness.” She gripped the sides of the slick white sink and tried to imagine things that would make her wet. She went through a dozen fantasies before remembering the video of the dog and woman. As soon as she imagined Jamie's Labrador humping at her own rear end, her pussy convulsed. Taking the opportunity, Jason slipped into the wet hole, ramming right past her hymen and in as far as he could go. Lydia gasped at the twinge of pain and kept imagining. The image of the dog in her mind made her move back against him, attempting to get some pleasure out of it.

Jason’s hands were set on her hips, fucking her as fast as he could. It took less than five minutes for him to come. He didn’t ask if she wanted him to pull out. He shot inside her, then rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit a couple of times before pulling his pants back up.

“Thanks.” He said, turning her around and kissing her, pushing his tongue awkwardly into her mouth just as quickly. He was gone by the time she got her skirt and panties pulled back up.

Lydia hurried out for her own reasons, walking as fast as she could without drawing attention.

She knocked on Jamie’s door and slid past her when it opened.

“Let me see.” Jamie demanded.

Lydia raised her skirt and pulled the crotch of her panties to the side, spreading open the lips of her pussy to reveal a dribble of blood-tinged come.

“Very good. Now, we can start. Go get cleaned up. Shower. The bathroom is the second door on the right.” She pointed down the hallway. “Then, I have a gift for you.”

She restrained herself from skipping to the bathroom. Lydia showered well, scrubbing her pussy and swirling a finger inside to try and get all the come out that she could. When she finished, she dried her hair with the hairdryer that hung on the wall. The heat left her cheeks pink. She wrapped a towel around herself and went back out.

“Lose the towel.” Jamie said immediately.

Lydia dropped it. Jamie walked around her as if appraising her body. She drew a hand across the paler girl’s asscheeks, then stopped behind her and cupped a hand over one of her breasts.

“Very nice. I accept you as my pupil.”

“How many pupils have you had?” Lydia asked shyly.

“Two others. The first was three years ago, the second a year and a half. They ‘graduated’, I suppose you could say. Turned out that I didn’t like them well enough to keep them.” Jamie smiled and stopped behind her again, this time sliding a hand down her body, over her stomach and abdomen, then spreading her fingers over the soft red down between Lydia’s thighs. “This will have to go. No pubic hair.”


Jamie circled back to her front and looked down into Lydia’s dark blue eyes. “As my pupil, you will obey me unquestioningly. You will belong to me until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?”

“Yes... ma’am?”

“Just ‘yes’ will be fine.” She took a small pink box off the coffee table and handed it to Lydia.

Lydia opened it, peering inside. Taking the gift out didn’t answer her question. She uncoiled the narrow choker and looked back up at her new teacher.

“It is a collar. It stays on, no matter what. I am the only person allowed to remove it.”

Lydia nodded. Jamie took the black leather collar out of her hand and stepped behind her, buckling it and putting a tiny silver lock on it. “I will know if it has been tampered with. If I find that it has been, your tutelage ends immediately. Understand?”

Lydia nodded again.

“Oliver, heel!” Jamie called.

Lydia heard dogs’ claws on the tile. She jerked around to see the golden Labrador from the video standing happily in front of her.

“Oh, no, not yet, please! I can’t yet!”

“Don’t worry. You won’t yet be doing what led you here. Very soon, though. His cock really isn’t large for a Labrador, though. And he won’t be the only dog who mates you.” Jamie smiled. She commanded Oliver to sit and stay, then left the room. When she came back, she carried a wooden dining chair. She looked at Lydia. “You, sit.”

Lydia sat down and looked to Jamie again.

Jamie patted her thigh to call Oliver over. “Open your legs wide and put your hands flat on your thighs. Otherwise, don’t move unless I tell you.”

Lydia did as she was told. Oliver began to lick at her pussy, his tongue delving into the slit only a bit at first. Jamie pulled her forward and opened her legs wider, so that the dog could access further inside. Lydia’s legs, as well as the rest of her, trembled. Her breath came in faster gasps as Oliver’s tongue licked deeper and his nose nudged harder and harder at her swollen clit. Suddenly, she came. She struggled to stay still, but failed. She gripped the sides of her seat, throwing her head back and only barely stopping herself from screaming as her pussy flooded the dog’s tongue with come.

As soon as the last wave of orgasm had gone, Jamie jerked her up out of the chair and sat down in it herself, pulling Lydia face down over her lap.

“You will learn to stay still when I tell you to. When you can’t, you’ll be punished.”

Jamie struck Lydia’s bottom with her hand, giving it a hard, sharp blow. Lydia squeaked in shock and instinctively put a hand back to protect herself. Jamie took it and held both wrists in one of her hands, continuing. She spanked Lydia hard, coloring the girl’s bottom with bright red handprints until she approached twenty strikes. Lydia began crying at the twelfth. Just as Jamie gave her the last one, Lydia lost control and pissed herself. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for Jamie to know what she’d done. Jamie pushed one of Lydia’s legs off her lap and gave her bared pussy five equally hard strikes, then plopped her hard onto the floor, where the girl cried in hiccups until she had calmed enough to cry quietly.

“This is your punishment for this once. Pussy spanking is something I usually use for pleasure, but only this once, it was to punish. Go home. Be back at six tomorrow evening. Don’t forget to shave.”

Lydia watched Jamie stride from the room. She was afraid that she'd ruined her chance at being the woman's pupil, and surprised when she was told to come back. After washing her face at the kitchen sink, she put her clothes on and reluctantly left.

* * * * *

Lydia had hurried home after school to shower and prepare for her teacher this evening. She had vaguely entertained thoughts about not going back, after what Jamie had done to her the previous session, but she knew she would have to return. The rub of the new collar around her neck was a reminder that she belonged to the older woman, now. In the shower, she had shaved the soft curls from her pussy’s mound, then massaged some of her mother’s lavender-scented body lotion into the area. She put on a pair of jeans and a baby blue t-shirt before walking over.

As soon as she was in the door, she shed her clothes and stood naked, waiting for inspection.

Jamie ran her fingers over the smooth pussy, opening the lips and checking to make sure that her pupil had done a good job. She smiled and patted Lydia’s bottom gently. “Good girl. Follow me.”

Lydia followed her to the bedroom. The room was simple, but elegant. A four-poster bed clothed in white sheets and blanket, a hope chest at the foot of the bed, and an armoire just across from it. A picture window was covered with heavy white curtains, and a chest of drawers sat askew in one corner. Jamie turned on the overhead light and crossed to the drawers, pulling out three dildos of varying lengths and thickness.

“Have you ever given a blowjob?”

Lydia smiled and turned pink. “Once. Sort of.”

“Deep throated?”

“No... I just... sort of... sucked on the head.”

“You’re going to learn. Get down on your knees, look up at me, and open your mouth.”

She obeyed. Jamie took the thinnest dildo and began working it in and out of the girl’s mouth, pushing it deeper every once in a while. When it got to the back of her throat, she gasped and gagged, pulling away.

“Relax your throat. Don’t try swallowing. Act as if you’re going to take an easy breath of air.”

Lydia did as she was told. Jamie pushed the silicone cock down the redhead’s throat and pulled it out. She continued, leaving it in for a few more seconds each time.

Jamie smiled. “Very good girl. I think we can skip the next one and go all the way to the goal.” She picked up the thickest and worked it in and out of Lydia’s mouth, then shoved it down her throat all at once. Lydia’s eyes watered, but she did what Jamie had told her. Jamie caressed the bulge that the fake cock forced her student’s throat to stretch into, kissing it and licking up her jawline as she worked the dildo in and out of her throat with one hand. Finally, she removed it.

“Oh yes... You are my very good girl.” She closed her mouth over Lydia’s, kissing her deeply. When she pulled away, she commanded the breathless girl again, “Turn around and get onto your hands and knees.”

Jamie took the saliva-coated end of the dildo and ran it up and down Lydia’s already wet pussy.

“I don’t know if I can take something that big...”

“Oh, you can. You will.” She pinched Lydia’s clit between one thumb and forefinger, rolling it between them as she began working the tip of the thick dildo gently in and out of her slickened pussy. Lydia grunted and whimpered as it was worked into her a half inch at a time, feeling herself stretch around it. Jamie kept pushing it until she felt resistance- the girl’s cervix. She pulled the dildo out and figured that the girl could take a good eight inches of cock. Perfect, for her Labrador. She’d enjoy watching other, larger dogs mate Lydia, though, and that was her ultimate goal, for the time being.

When she’d finished training the girl’s cunt to the large dildo, she had her turn onto her back. She wrapped her lips around Lydia’s clit, teasing it with her teeth and sucking at it until the girl came.

“I want you to see what you’ll be doing the next time you visit.” Jamie grinned and whistled for Oliver. Lydia sat up as Jamie quickly took her black slacks off and got onto her hands and knees.

Oliver knew just what he was to do. He mounted Jamie, humping his sheath at her exposed pussy until the shiny pink cock emerged. Lydia watched, wide-eyed, as Jamie grunted with the dog’s thrusts. His knot swelled, and it quickly disappeared into Jamie, locking them together. She watched Jamie orgasm once, then crawled around in front of her, sitting down and kissing her. Jamie grabbed a fistful of Lydia’s hair and kissed her back, hungrier. She dropped the hand between the girl’s legs and pushed three fingers into her as she sucked at Lydia’s tongue. Lydia came once more.

“You can go now.” Jamie told her. “Same time on Monday.”

“Why Monday?”

“I have to go out of town for a couple of days. You'll be here at six on Monday evening.”

Lydia stood and started to go to retrieve her clothes. “Are you sure you want me to leave you like that?” She motioned to the dog, with its knot still stuck inside her.

“Positive.” Jamie winked. “I’ll be just fine.”

* * * * *

“Lydia?” Her mother called as soon as she had stepped in the front door.

She could feel the wetness that had leaked from her pussy. It was still slick between her legs. “Yeah, Mom?”

“You’re home awfully late.”

“Sorry. I was at a friend’s house.” She walked into the living room, where her parents sat watching television.

“Come here.” Her mother narrowed her eyes at her. “I don’t like that necklace.”

Lydia sighed and rolled her eyes. “I like it. Everybody’s wearing them.”

“It looks silly.” Her father agreed

"Well, I like it." Lydia stuck her tongue out quickly before grinning at them and hurrying up the stairs to her bathroom, to clean up.

*** Let me know if you enjoyed my story! Feedback is what keeps me writing these things. I promise the next 'chapter' will be better, too. ;) katiestriapach@gmail.com

Angie's New Collar (part nine of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

She was procrastinating pretty desperately. Her mother insisted that they all go to church on Easter morning, if no other time, and yelled up the stairs at her again. Angie lay on her bed, her white tights abandoned halfway on, snuggling with the stuffed bunny that Cara had given her. She nuzzled her face between its ears.

“I’m almost ready!” Angie called back, sighing and sitting up reluctantly to finish pulling up her tights. She twisted her hair up and grabbed a wide tortoiseshell barrette to secure it with as she left her room.

“Take that thing off,” her mother frowned, glaring at Angie’s collar when she came downstairs.

“Can’t. I don’t have the key.”

Angie rolled her eyes when her m
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other walked back into the kitchen. She bent over to pull up the straps on the heels of her sandals and didn’t even have time enough to react between feeling a cold sensation on her neck and hearing the quick ‘snick’ of scissor blades. The buckle and lock rattled as her collar fell off. Angie caught it on its way down, turning to stare in shock at her mother, who was still holding a pair of kitchen shears.

“Mother!” she gasped.

“I’ve told you to take it off a dozen times this morning. It’s your own fault.”

Angie bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from saying something she might regret and ran back to her room. She pulled her backpack off her desk chair and began stuffing in clothes from her dresser and closet with her books and papers, squishing her stuffed bunny in on top last. She missed her mother coming in behind her.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m going to spend the night at Karen’s.”

“I don’t quite think so, young lady. You’re going to church.”

“Then I’ll go after church.” Angie turned around and narrowed her eyes.

Her mother stomped off with Angie right behind her. “Just go get in the car.”

Angie threw her backpack into the backseat of the car and flopped in beside it, slouching down.

“What’s wrong?” her father asked, looking at both of them.

Her mother smiled and closed her door, saying lightly, “Nothing.”

“Nothing,” Angie said at the same time, still glaring.

They arrived a few minutes early. Angie got out of the car and turned to her father, telling him, “I’m going to call Karen, so she can pick me up afterward,” before walking away.

Angie wound her collar into a little spiral and held it in her hand through the church service. Wondering if Cara would be angry with her, she began to sniffle about halfway through. She felt as if the collar were a permanent connection to Cara when she couldn’t be with her. It meant that she belonged to someone – and she felt every bit owned, when it was on her.

While her parents were still in the middle of a group of people when church was dismissed, Angie ducked out and got her bag from the car. Karen saw her and pulled up right alongside.

“What’s wrong?” Karen asked when she got in.

“Nothing… Would you drop me off somewhere?”

“Yeah, sure.” She followed Angie’s directions right into Cara’s driveway.

“Thanks. Do the whole redirect thing, if my mom calls?”

“Of course,” Karen grinned. “Is this where that boy you’ve been sneaking around with lives?”

“Sorta. Thanks for the ride.” Angie waited until Karen had driven out of view before knocking.

Cara answered the door in a nightshirt. “What happened to your key?” she asked.

“I have it, I just- I-” Angie took a fractured breath and started to cry.

“Honey, what’s the matter?” Cara asked, pulling her inside.

Angie dropped her backpack and opened her hand, letting the leather unwind on its own. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was going to do it, she snuck up and I should have been paying attention-”

Cara took the cut collar and put it down on the coffee table, putting her arms around Angie. “It’s not your fault, sweetheart. It’s okay.”

Angie wrapped her arms tight around Cara’s waist and buried her face in the shoulder of her warm nightshirt. “I was afraid you might be mad at me,” she hiccupped.

Cara sat down on the sofa with Angie still clinging to her. She pulled the younger girl back a little, to look at her. “It’ll be your birthday soon, won’t it? Well, it couldn’t hurt to get you something a little sturdier, I suppose. Something not as easily fazed by scissors, at least.”

Angie nodded. “Really?”

“Of course. Let me put some clothes on and we’ll go.”

“Really?” Angie asked again, “Right now?”

“Yep. Come on, come wash your face. I’m going to my mom’s for Easter dinner at three, but since you’re here, you’ll just come along.”

She followed Cara to the bedroom, feeling far better. Angie veered into the bathroom and gathered cold water from the sink in her hands, holding her face in it for a few seconds before opening her fingers to let it flow back through.

Cara buttoned her black slacks and petted Angie’s hair while she was still drying her face. Cara pulled the clip from it and brushed it to one side, running her fingers over Angie’s bare throat, making her shiver.

“Ready to go?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie said quietly, arching her neck into the touch.

Cara took her to a small leather shop about forty-five minutes away. She walked around with Angie’s arm looped through hers, letting the redhead finger the different types and qualities of leather that objects on display were made with before finally steering her toward the back of the store. She put a hand at the small of Angie’s back and nudged her forward.

“Hi, Lynn,” Cara smiled at the woman who came to the glass counter. “We’re looking for a new collar.”

“Hey there,” the woman greeted Angie with a broad smile and looked back to Cara. “I thought you’d already collared her?”

“I have. There was a little accident with… well, someone who didn’t like it.”

“Ah. Alright, then. Go ahead, none of the ones out here are spoken for, so you have your pick.”

Cara nodded at Angie and the younger girl squatted down to look. After a few minutes, Angie pressed her fingertip to the glass over a black leather collar similar to the one her mother had destroyed. Lynn took it out and handed it to her. Angie rubbed the soft leather against her cheek and smiled. It was only slightly thicker than her previous one, with a narrow, horizontal depression down the center of the inside. A thin band of stainless steel was fixed into place in the indention.

Cara took it from her and handed it back to Lynn. “We’ll take this one. And, ah, there’s something else,” she said, following the owner to the back.

Angie wandered around the small store, trying to wait patiently and poking at the merchandise a bit more. She hurried back to the counter when she caught a glimpse of Cara’s blonde hair exiting the back room.

Cara pulled her close and put the new collar back into Angie’s hands, telling her, “Look at the inside.

Angie turned it over. The metal band was engraved with block letters saying ‘PROPERTY OF CARA MORGAN’. She smiled brightly and rose up onto her toes to press a kiss to the corner of Cara’s mouth.

“Here, turn around,” Cara told her, taking the collar again. She held it around in front of Angie and waited until the younger girl moved her hair out of the way before buckling it into place and slipping another tiny, silver lock into place.

Angie sighed and ran her hand over her neck.

“Feel better?” Cara asked.

Angie nodded, “Much. Thank you.”

She paid for the collar and took Angie back to the car by her hand. “There’s something I was going to get you for your birthday, as a surprise. We can’t get it quite yet, but I think we can go see about it today.”

“You get me so many things,” Angie said shyly, “I never give anything to you.”

Cara reached over and stroked Angie’s cheek. “Don’t be silly, of course you do.”

Cara took them down the highway a few miles, then off onto a back road, where she drove for nearly twenty minutes before pulling into a dirt driveway. As soon as Angie opened her door, she could hear dogs barking.

“This is the breeder that I got Joey from,” Cara winked. “She comes to Pet Lovers meetings, sometimes.

“A puppy?” Angie asked, wide-eyed. “You’re getting me a puppy?”

“He’s too young to bring home, but yes.” Cara smiled at Angie’s reaction and reached back in through the open car window to honk the horn a couple of times.

The front door of the faded red house opened and a chubby little woman with short brown hair came out. She waved cheerfully and motioned them inside.

“Angie, this is Ms. Mitchell. Sarah, this is my Angie,” Cara introduced them.

“Couldn’t keep it a secret any longer, huh?” Sarah asked, chuckling. “The one you picked out is still too little, yet, though.”

“Oh, I know. There was some drama this morning and I just want to cheer her up by showing her the puppy.”

“Okay, come on out back, then.”

They followed her out the back door and down a set of concrete steps, past a half dozen clean, nicely kept chain-link-front cages partitioned from one another by wooden walls. She led them to the cage second from the end and opened the door.

A female German Shepherd was lying down near the back wall, nursing five puppies. Sarah took one and brought it back to Angie.

“Awww!” Angie cooed at it and sat down in the door to sit him on her lap. The puppy was a ball of black and brown fuzz with floppy ears. “How old is he?”

“He’ll be three weeks old tomorrow. Hasn’t even gotten his milk teeth in, yet.”

Angie’s smile drooped and she looked up at Cara. “I can’t take him home with me, though. My mom would kill me. We already have Davey, and it was hard enough just getting him.”

“He’ll live at my place, then. You don’t have to worry about anything.” Cara turned and whispered a question to Sarah, who nodded. She crouched down beside Angie and put a hand on her back. “You know what I’d like to see?”

“What?” Angie asked.

Cara pulled the zipper down the back of Angie’s dress, sliding the capped sleeves down her shoulders and off her arms, letting the top of the dress lay around Angie’s waist. She unclasped Angie’s bra and removed the little bar from one of her nipples, then stepped over and went to the nursing dog, pulling another puppy off just long enough to get a little milk on her finger. She rubbed the milk onto Angie nipple, blowing on it to make the nipple erect, and raised Angie’s puppy up to it. After a moment, the puppy opened his mouth and Cara put the nipple into it, letting him latch on.

Angie gasped at the sensation of the puppy trying to pull milk from her breast. “Oh, my God”, she half moaned and smiled, sticking her tongue out to wet her top lip. She stroked the puppy’s fur and rubbed the tip of one of his ears between her fingers. “This is so awesome.”

Cara looked on as Angie enjoyed herself for a while. She looked at her watch. “We need to go, baby. We have just enough time.”

Angie reluctantly took the puppy’s mouth off her nipple and let him waddle back to his mother. She replaced her piercing and bra, following Cara back to the car and fixing her dress on the way.

Almost as soon as the doors were closed, Cara leaned over and kissed her. She put a hand between Angie’s knees, sliding it under her skirt and up her thigh, cupping her pussy tightly through her tights and thin cotton panties. She pressed her fingers in further and felt the tip of Angie’s tongue curl against the roof of her mouth as the girl opened wider.

Cara backed off a little to breathe. “Damn, you’re wet. Already soaked through your panties.”

“It was the puppy,” Angie blushed. “Weren’t we supposed to be going? Being late for stuff kind of embarrasses me.”

“Yep,” Cara grinned and settled back into her own seat, starting the ignition.

At dinner, Cara sat Angie across the table from her, right between her mom and brother. Beneath the table, she slipped off her shoe and wiggled her stocking foot up between Angie’s legs, making her gasp and nearly choke on stuffing as Cara rubbed against the crotch of her panties. Cara’s mother patted Angie on the back, making her blush harder.

By the time they were ready to leave, Angie had all but forgotten about the events of the morning. They left with plates of leftovers and extra candy, and Angie thought she had been prodded, interrogated, and had her lap climbed into a dozen times by each child there.

Cara began stripping as soon as she got through the door, so she could put her nightshirt back on, and Angie changed into the pajamas she had crammed into her bag. Pajamas which turned out to be a mismatched blue tank top and a pair of mint green bottoms with teddy bears all over them.

When she went back to the living room, she found Cara stretched out on the sofa with the television on. Angie crawled up to lie partially curled up between her legs. The house had cooled as evening came on, so she snuggled in.

“What do you think of us acquiring Jonathan? As a sort of brother for you,” Cara asked, stroking her hair.

“He requires a lot of… petting. I mean, in a high-maintenance way.”

Cara quirked an eyebrow in amusement. “You don’t think that you require a lot of petting?”

“In a different way than I do,” Angie looked up and stuck out her tongue.

“Watch that, I’ll catch it. And you might not like what I do with it, when I do.” Cara narrowed her eyes and failed at keeping down a grin. “Well, like I told you. Jonathan’s last Dom wasn’t a very nice person. He’s… skittish. He hasn’t had an owner since that arrangement was dissolved. He’s a little eager to please and needs a good bit of validation, right now.”

“It wouldn’t, you know, change things, would it?”

“What, with us? Absolutely not!”

“Good. I don’t have a problem with it, then,” Angie beamed happily.

“So, what are you thinking of naming your puppy?”

“I’m still thinking about it. I had an interesting dream the other night, you know.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

“I dreamed… that I was pregnant.”

“By who?”


Cara laughed, “That is interesting. What else happened?”

“Not a lot. It was just that.”

“Aww. I was hoping for conception and all.” Cara licked her lips and slid her hands up the back of Angie’s shirt.

“Know what I want to do, one night?”

“What’s that, honey?”

“I want to get one of those ovulation predictor kids, nail down exactly when I’ll be ovulating, and have you and Joey fuck me during.” She felt Cara’s hands slide lower on her back, sneaking under the elastic of her pants.

“Mmm, really? You’d have to stop taking your birth control.”

“Well, you’d just have to keep boy penises away from me, then.” Angie licked a stripe up between Cara’s breasts, to her collarbone, and nuzzled at her neck.

“Actually knowing his sperm breaks into one of your eggs. Damn, that’s a turn-on, if ever there was one.”

“Mmhm. Exactly.”

Angie leaned up to kiss Cara as Cara’s hands slid further down, her fingers tightening against the lower curve of Angie’s bottom.

“I think this could go to the bedroom,” Cara told her, the tone of her voice deepening into an order.

Angie giggled and scrambled up, padding to the other room. She quickly stripped out of her pajamas, leaving them on top of the dresser in a semi-neat pile. After a few moments, Cara came back to her.

Angie took the stuffed black rabbit from her backpack and hopped onto the bed, bouncing on her knees a couple of times before turning and becoming serious. She climbed down and dropped to her knees on the floor, leaning her front half onto the mattress. She felt warm air wash over her and knew that Cara had turned the heat up a little before coming to the bedroom.

“Spank me?” she asked.

Cara looked at Angie’s backside; the marks and bruises she had left when she had spanked her redhead in public were all but completely gone. “Why do you want a spanking?” she asked.

“Spank me and I’ll tell you…”

“Tell me, or you don’t get a spanking.”

Angie huffed and sat her bottom back on her heels, looking up at Cara. “Punishment.”

Cara shook her head, “Why do you think you need punishment?”

Angie looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers. “I still… the other collar-”

“You still feel guilty about it?” Cara crouched down to her level. “Baby, it wasn’t your fault.”

“But I feel like it was.”

“And it would make you feel better, if you were punished for it?”

Angie gave her a little nod.

“Alright, then. Lean over the bed again,” Cara instructed her and turned to the dresser. “What do you want to be spanked with?”

“Whatever you choose, Ma’am.”

“Angie…” Cara warned. “I have something else planned for after, but I want you to choose what you’ll be punished with.”

“The- the paddle?”

Cara pulled a wooden paddle from the drawer and left it open. The paddle was a half an inch thick, four inches wide, and about ten inches long, excluding the handle. Cara ran a hand over both sides of the smooth wood and stepped over to stand to the side of Angie’s legs so that she could get a good swing.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Angie laid her head on her arms. There was a loud smack as Cara paddled across both her ass cheeks at once. Angie felt the jolt of impact first, then the sting, and finally the heat, in the time it took Cara to pull her arm back again. She gasped at the second, the third made her clench her eyes shut, and tears squeezed out during the rest of the ten blows that Cara had decided upon, as much because she was getting rid of her bit of guilt as because of the hot stinging of the paddle.

Cara put the paddle away and crouched down beside her again. “You’re such a good girl,” she cooed into Angie’s ear, running a hand over her hair and stroking down her back. “You’re my baby. You don’t have to worry, you’ll always be my baby girl.”

The paddling had stung Cara a bit, as well; she knew it was what Angie needed, so that she would stop obsessing over thinking that the collar was her fault, but it was by no means the type of spanking that she enjoyed giving.

She kissed Angie’s cheek and the corner of her mouth. “Are we finished with the old collar, now? Can you let go of that?”

Angie sniffled. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Good. I never want to hear you mention it again. Are you ready to play, now?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Angie smiled.

“I’m going to use something new on you,” Cara grinned back. “Have you ever seen a cane?”

“Not in real life, Ma’am.”

Cara went back to her dresser drawer and took a rattan cane, about as long as her arm from shoulder to fingertips, out of it and put on the bed in front of Angie. Cara knew exactly how much a cane could hurt and that Angie had never experienced one before. The redhead’s eyes widened and she ran her index finger over a few inches of its length.

“This is what I’m going to use on you. For pleasure. It’ll hurt in a different way than the crop does. I want you in subspace, if you can get there. Okay?”

Angie licked her lips. “Yes, Ma’am.

Cara picked the cane back up and whipped it back and forth once, making it audibly slice through the air. “Do you think you can keep your hands down? I don’t want to cane across them. If you can’t, I’ll restrain them with something.”

“I can keep them down, Ma’am.”

“Okay. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Ma’am…”

She gave the first strike as soon as the words were past Angie’s lips. Angie yelped and buried her face in the quilt, feeling a line of fire scream across her bottom, right through the areas that the paddle had made bright red. She felt her pussy begin to throb in spite of it, though. Cara spread long welts over Angie’s ass and down her thighs, coming back to crisscross them, as well. True to her word, Angie hadn’t let her hands get away from her to cover her bottom – they were bunched tightly in the blanket, where she had her face buried, crying. For the last few across her thighs, her body jerked as the cane cracked across her skin and she cried out sharply, her toes curling in pain.

Cara wrapped her hand around Angie’s lower arm, pulling her to her feet and turning her around, making her sit on the very edge of the bed with her bottom half off, and pushed her to lie back. Angie whimpered at lying on the fresh welts and abrasions. Her face was wet and flushed from crying, but Cara could see the wetness on her inner pussy lips, too.

Cara raised the cane again and brought it down hard across the tops of Angie’s thighs, making her legs tremble as she began to cry again. She striped up and down the pale thighs, then welted the insides of them good before caning over the mound of Angie’s pussy and up her stomach. She rested one knee on the bed and struck right across one of Angie’s nipples, then the other, making her whimper and her back arch.

Finished, she put the cane back in the drawer and took a few more things out before closing it, then stripped off her clothes and sat down on the bed beside Angie. Cara smiled and bent her head to kiss Angie, sucking at the younger girl’s lower lip before letting go. She kissed Angie’s breasts and pulled one pale pink areola into her mouth, sucking hard and moving her tongue across the sore nipple, making Angie moan, then bit down, imprinting the soft flesh with her teeth and making sure that there would be a bruise tomorrow before repeating the treatment on the other breast, making Angie whimper. Cara continued down her body, creating a garden of love bites all over her breasts and stomach, down across her abdomen and over her hips.

Cara moved away and left the room, and Angie took the moment to wipe her hands over her face. She heard the click of claws in the hallway and smiled as Cara re-entered the bedroom with Joey right behind her. Cara rounded to the other side of the bed and pulled Angie across so that her head was hanging off. When Cara patted the bed, urging Joey to put his feet up on either side of her head, she understood what was going to happen.

Cara massaged the dog’s sheath until he began humping and his cock started to slide out.

“Open your mouth,” Cara commanded.

Angie obeyed and relaxed her throat as Cara moved Joey’s paws from beside her head to between her arms and her sides, so he would have a place to hook them. She continued rubbing his cock until he was humping hard and his knot was beginning to bulge, then put the tip between Angie’s lips. He hopped forward a couple of steps and tightened his front legs around her body, fucking her mouth.

Angie felt his pre-come squirting. The salty fluid coated the inside of her mouth and she swallowed convulsively as the thickening and lengthening dog cock pushed into her throat. She took deep breaths when he pulled out enough that she could and was glad that he was spurting straight down her throat, so that she didn’t have to concentrate on swallowing the liquid without choking.

Cara got onto the bed again and lay down between Angie’s legs. She pushed Angie’s knees apart and admired the neat slit of her pussy before pressing her tongue into it and licking up its length. She used her fingers to spread the lips open and sucked Angie’s clit between her teeth, worrying it a little and making Angie squirm again before biting down a little harder, making Angie’s legs jerk in response. Cara gave sucking kisses to the outer lips and soft flesh of Angie’s mound before raising up a little and slapping her pussy hard with a flat hand. Angie made an encouraging noise and spread her legs wider. Cara slid two fingers into Angie’s cunt, stroking hard upward a few times before pulling the lips wide open spanking it again, striking right over her reddening clit. Cara watched closely, and after a dozen hard slaps, Angie groaned and came, her cunt constricting and relaxing in rhythm and leaking wetness onto the blanket with her orgasm. Cara licked at the inner lips and sucked the juices off them.

The dog’s knot was pushing at Angie’s open mouth, but she was afraid to let it in. She was terrified that his knot would get locked behind her teeth, so she kept her jaw locked just narrow enough that it couldn’t get through. She could feel the warmth pulsing down her throat and into her stomach when Joey came fully.

Cara picked up one the toys she had taken from the drawer – the dog cock dildo – and pushed it into Angie’s cunt. Angie grunted when the tip hit the cleft of her cervix and Cara twisted the toy, pushing at the same time, until Angie’s fists tightened in the blanket again and Cara knew she had gone through. Angie squeezed her eyes shut until the pain of the stretch lessened and Cara pushed the dildo’s knot in until the base was flat up against Angie’s pussy.

Joey slowed and finally pulled his cock out of Angie’s throat, going to the end of the bed to lick it until it withdrew back into its sheath.

“Turn over,” Cara told her and helped to move Angie onto her stomach, then pulled at the redhead’s sore thighs, making her whimper as she was put up on her knees with her shoulders and face against the bed.

Angie reached toward the pillows and grabbed her bunny, pulling it against her and hugging it happily with her arms pinned between her body and the bed. Cara stepped into her strap-on harness and picked up the other toy, a thick black silicone dildo with the opposite end shaped into a shorter, egg-shaped, ribbed protrusion that she pushed into her own cunt, so that it would rub against her clit when she moved. She put the cock-shaped end through the hole in the harness and tightened both sides well, then kneeled up on the bed between Angie’s legs and rubbed the head of the dildo against her pink asshole.

“Yes, yes, yes… please, Ma’am…” Angie half moaned and half whispered, swaying her hips slowly and pushing her bottom back against the toy hungrily.

Cara gave a sharp smack to the already darkening welts on Angie’s right ass cheek, making her whimper and stop wiggling. She reached up and pulled Angie’s arms from beneath her, folding them behind the girl’s back, stretching her fingers across both Angie’s wrists and the part of her forearms that they were resting with. The bunny was still partially underneath Angie, against her breasts.

Cara pulled herself forward with Angie’s arms, watching as the thick dildo disappeared into Angie’s body. The redhead whined as it was pushed in, having to share room in her body with her full cunt, stretching her insides satisfyingly. Cara pulled it almost completely out again before pushing it back in just a little faster. She repeated this until she was ramming it in hard, jarring Angie’s body with each thrust.

Angie’s breath quickened as much because of the cane welts burning with friction on both sides of her body as because of being fucked hard. Her heavy breaths turned into whimpering and mewling as Cara rammed into her, the other woman’s hips hitting her sore ass cheeks hard, and Angie keened through her next orgasm as the base of the dog cock dildo scraped against her clit, making her cunt flex around the silicone knot and making her ass tighten against the push of the second cock.

“God, yes,” Cara grunted, enjoying Angie’s noises and slamming into her ass even harder, trying to increase the friction of her clit against the ribs of the strap-on cock. “You’d be fucking gorgeous with a belly full, wouldn’t you? I’d love to see your pale legs spread wide to whelp a litter of puppies… see them all nurse at your pretty little tits…”

Cara came hard, her fingers biting into Angie’s wrists before letting go and grabbing at her hips to squeeze the flesh there, too. Angie moaned octaves higher at the scrape of Cara’s short fingernails over her cane marks and orgasmed again. Cara went limp on top of her in the middle of it with the dildo still buried all the way in Angie’s ass. Angie moved her hips, humping against the mattress to finish coming. She jerked as she did, and Cara reached under to squeeze her breasts, then kissed her back, over the dusting of freckles across her shoulder blades, and pulled the black dildo slowly out of Angie.

Angie made a noise of protest, missing being filled up. She lay still as Cara removed the strap-on from herself and pushed Angie’s legs open again to pull the dog cock dildo out of her. Angie’s cunt was still clenched around it and she groaned as Cara pulled hard to get it out, the knot bulging her outer cunt lips and making a wet sound when it exited her body.

Cara took the toys to the bathroom and put them in the bathtub for washing. She cleaned herself up and came back with a couple of cloths wet with hot water. She knelt on the bed beside Angie and turned her over, moving the stuffed rabbit out of the way a little and gently washed Angie’s face, then wiped over her breasts and down her body before throwing the first cloth back into the bathroom. She moved down and just as gently cleaned between Angie’s legs, washing her mound and between her pussy lips, then folded the cloth over and washed her bottom.

Angie giggled sleepily as Cara rolled her over again and put her under the sheets so that she could pull the soiled blanket off the bed. After dropping it and the second washcloth in the laundry room, Cara fanned another quilt over the bed and turned the light off, crawling in beside Angie and nudged her over onto her side so she could curl around her. Angie squirmed a little to find a position that didn’t make her caned thighs and bottom burn.

“Satisfied?” Cara chuckled, settling an arm snugly under Angie’s breasts.

“Mmm, yes, Ma’am,” she mumbled, half asleep. She reached back and upward. “I like your hair like this. I can get my fingers in it.” She smiled, enjoying the feeling of Cara’s hair, a few inches longer now than when they’d first met, between her fingers.

Cara moved Angie’s hand and kissed it before resting it against the pillow. Angie’s toes wiggled slowly as she went to sleep.

When Cara woke again and looked at the clock, it read 7:05AM. She closed her eyes against the light and she felt around the other side of the bed, but Angie wasn’t there. Just about the time she raised up, Angie wandered out of the bathroom, naked and rubbing her hair dry with a light blue towel.

“What are you doing?” Cara asked muzzily, still a bit asleep.

“I have to get to school.”


“Yep, our Easter break was all last week.”

“Aww… I thought I’d have you to myself all day long.” Cara stuck out her bottom lip

Angie crawled onto Cara’s side of the bed and straddled her over the quilt. “I’m sorry,” she said, leaning down to kiss Cara and nuzzle her neck.

“I’ll drive you,” Cara smiled and rolled Angie off her, getting up.

“I can just get a taxi, if you wanna stay in bed.”

“Like I’d let you catch a cab to school. Come on, get dressed, you don’t want to be late.”

Angie put her backpack on the bed and pulled out a wrinkled little blue uniform tee shirt and plaid skirt, putting them in the dryer to un-wrinkle before going back to dig panties from the bottom of her bag and locating her bra. She had her uniform on when Cara came out of the bathroom, dressed.

Cara raised an eyebrow. “Wearing a skirt today? That’s brave, after last night.”

“I’ll just have to be careful and not forget and roll it up. Or bend over. Or get in any wind.”

“Mmhm. I bet those stung in the shower, didn’t they?” Cara nodded at the purpling welts spread over her front and backside.

“Oh, God, yes. It wasn’t so bad, until the hot water hit them. You didn’t hear me squeal?”

Cara laughed.

“It’s not that funny.” Angie narrowed her eyes, but couldn’t keep from smiling.

While Cara looked for the other half of a pair of shoes, Angie rifled through the restraint drawer of the dresser. She found a loose ankle cuff and held it up, “Can I have this?”

“Sure, of course. Why?” Cara asked.

Angie bounced back onto the bed and reached for the stuffed bunny again, setting it in front of her and buckling the cuff around its neck. She put it in her backpack and latched the flap shut.

Cara went through a diner’s drive-thru on the way and made Angie eat something for breakfast, ignoring her whine about being late.

“Now, see there? We aren’t late.” Cara told her as they pulled up to the drop-off pavilion.

“Just barely.” She leaned over and kissed Cara, being sure to make a smacking sound when she pulled away. “Thank you for…” she reached up reflexively to touch her new collar, “And for last night, too.”

“You know you’re welcome any time at all. That is why I gave you a key. Want me to pick you up, too?”

“Nah, I may as well go home.”

“Mmkay. I’ll call you, make sure you’re okay and everything.”

“Okay,” Angie smiled, more than content at Cara’s small show of protectiveness. She got out and closed the door, and turned to see Karen waiting for her near the entrance, one foot tapping impatiently.

“Did they call?” Angie asked as she walked inside with Karen.

“Your mom called. I put my hand over the phone and talked to myself where she could hear and told her you were going to sleep and didn’t want to talk.”

“Did she buy it?”

“Yeah. So, was that the boyfriend you’ve been sneaking around with?” Karen prodded.

Angie blushed a little. “Sort of.”

“Do I ever get to meet him, since I’m the one sticking my neck out with the fake sleepovers?”

“Maybe one day…”

* * * Thanks, all of you who put up with my glacial pace of updating and talk to me anyway (see, patience really is a virtue). ;o) Please let me know how you like Angie’s stories. Feedback keeps me writing these. You can e-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com

Angie's 14th Birthday Gift (part one of series)

katiestriapach on Animal Stories

She was so nervous she could hardly contain
herself as her parents got ready to go out. They felt safe leaving her home by
herself, now, since she had Davey to protect her. Just a few days before, Angie
wouldn’t have even dreamed of the things currently running through her mind.
The difference between then and now was that one of her friends had sent her a
forwarded e-mail, saying “OMG this is sick! You have to see it!” When she
opened the file, she’d at first been stunned to see a huge Great Dane fucking a
woman as if she were another dog. After getting over the shock, she played the
file again. She was surprised to find that her pussy was tingling. That was
when she started hatching the idea to try something w

Read More
ith Davey. She felt
strange even thinking about it. She had kissed boys a few times, but she’d
never so much as been felt up. She masturbated, sure, but that was all. The
thought of doing something that seemed so ‘bad’ excited her so much that she
couldn’t resist acting on it. She had started seriously planning.


It took all of her self-control to not
raise her parents’ suspicions by hurrying them out the front door. When they
finally left, she turned the locks and went to the sliding glass door off the
kitchen, where Davey had been very happily playing with a few of the abundance
of toys she’d demanded he needed. She made loud kissing sounds until he bounded
toward her, tongue lolled out and happy to see her again. She patted him on the
head and tempted him with baby talk until he came inside, then she shut the
door behind him.


She led him to the living room and told him
to sit, thankful that his previous owners had at least given him basic
training, and took off her blue school uniform shirt. She dropped it onto the
sofa arm and slipped off her bra, then wiggled out of the pleated plaid skirt
and dropped it, along with her panties, onto the little pile of clothing. She
sat down on the floor and did what the woman in the movie had started by doing;
spreading her legs open and calling Davey to her. She urged him to sniff
between her legs, and soon he was nosing curiously. Angie gasped at his cold
nose, then gasped again for a different reason when his tongue ran up her slit
for the first time. She reached down and spread the lips of her pussy. Davey
licked harder, his tongue dipping into her vagina, going deeper with every


Angie pushed his head away, rubbing his
ears a little and crawling over beside him so she could get a look at his cock.
It was like any other dog cock she’d seen, only she hadn’t exactly been this
close, with this kind of intention before. She reached out and started rubbing
the furry sheath, smiling as the red tip started peeking out. She stroked it
more and Davey began humping at her hand. After a moment of hesitation, she
leaned her head down and licked the glistening tip. Growing braver, she sucked
on it a little, then started taking more into her mouth, bit by bit. She felt
the pre-come begin to steadily drip out of his cock, thin and a little like
saline, and let it run down her throat. When the cock reached the back of her
mouth, she gagged and sat up quickly, coughing and feeling silly. She kept
rubbing his cock, watching as it swelled bigger. It wasn’t as big as the dog’s
had been in the movie, but she figured it made sense that different breeds must
have different cocks. She stopped suddenly, and Davey was still humping air.


“C’mere, Davey!” she said, turning around
and getting on all fours, spreading her knees wider and looking back at him.
She called him forward again and he started to lick at her pussy once more. She
reached back and grabbed hold of one of his front legs, successfully urging him
right up against her bottom, and finally getting him to mount her. As his claws
scraped a little at her stomach, she thought one more time about what she was
doing, and decided that she was going to do this no matter what. He humped at
her pussy, missing and sliding down her slit every time, rubbing against her
clit and making her groan. She reached down between her legs and wrapped her
hand around his slick, throbbing cock, guiding it right into her pussy.

Angie gasped again and squealed in a bit of pain as Davey thrust quickly in and
out. She groaned and flinched as he bottomed out in her, and reached down to
her slit, rubbing her clit furiously as she felt the pre-come that had been
gathering inside start to run down her legs. It made her pussy clinch tighter
when she found she could feel her abdomen swell with the dog’s cock as it
pushed in and out. She felt something larger nudging at the opening of her
vagina as he continued humping her, but she stopped thinking about that when
another feeling shocked her. It was strange and deep in her belly, not quite
hurting, but almost. It dawned on her that his cock was so long that he had
gone further than bottoming out. The tip of his cock was working its way
through her cervix and into her womb, just like it would in a bitch. That
thought made her pussy clinch again – she was his bitch! She suddenly thought
about what it would be like if he could impregnate her with what was still
running down her legs and into a puddle between her knees on the wooden floor.


“Oh, God!” she whimpered as his cock pushed
further into her cervix. She felt something pop into her pussy, then out again,
and it suddenly came to her what it was that had been pushing at her entrance.
She’d seen dogs fucking before, and males had something that made them get hung
up together with females. Her eyes widened and she tried to raise up a little.
She didn’t want to end up with Davey’s cock stuck inside her.


“No, no, Davey,” she said, looking back at
him and trying to push him off her a bit. “No, Davey, stop now!” she commanded
in a deeper voice, trying to make him obey her. He growled and bared his teeth.
She shook her head and scolded him, “Davey, I said no!” He growled again,
louder. Angie didn’t want him to bite her like this, so she stopped and turned
her head back around. Davey’s knot popped into her cunt again, but this time
didn’t pop back out. She grunted as it anchored them together, pulling on her
insides as he pulled out each time to thrust back in again.

‘May as well make the best of it,’ she thought and reached back down to her
clit, continuing to masturbate it. She felt the dog’s come running out more,
running down her slit and onto her belly. Her pussy was beginning to get sore
from Davey’s thrusting and pulling. He slowed down then, and she moaned as she
felt jets of hid come spurt into her womb. The hot come flooding her insides
sent her over the edge. Her orgasm seized her, making her body jerk as the
groaned loudly, biting into her bottom lip to keep herself from screaming in
pleasure as her cunt and womb contracted around the dog cock that was knotted
inside her.

Davey panted hard, moving and throwing one
of his legs over her to stand with his cock between his back legs, ass-to-ass
with his bitch. Every movement sent another wave of pleasure through Angie,
making her grunt and moan unintelligibly. She felt as if her brain had dribbled
onto the floor with the puddle of dog come. After what felt like eternity,
between Davey trying to pull himself free and orgasms washing over her as she
massaged her clit, his knot finally popped out with an obscene sucking noise. A
stream of come ran out of her womb and onto the floor. She sat down in it,
exhausted, leaning back and rubbing all over her sore pussy. Davey finished
licking his cock and balls clean, then approached her again, licking the inside
of her thighs and at her pussy around her hand.


She slipped her fingers into her pussy,
feeling the tunnel Davey had hollowed her into. She put three fingers in
easily. She moaned again and pushed her fingers into her cunt, working it in
and out with more wet noises, dog come lubricating her insides. She reached out
with her other hand and rubbed Davey’s cock, which hadn’t retreated back into
its sheath yet. Taking her hand away from her pussy, she lay down on her back
with her head raised up under his stomach, sucking on the tip of his cock. It
was far bigger and veiny than it had been when she first tried. Very slowly,
she put more of his cock into her mouth, being careful as it hit the back of
her throat, so she wouldn’t gag. She felt him begin to hump a little again, so
she took a deep breath and swallowed, letting his cock slip right into her
throat. It didn’t take long for him to come again. He came down her throat,
making her cough and sputter as it overflowed from her mouth. She spit out what
hadn’t ended up in her stomach and looked at the clock. Her parents would be home in less than thirty

Angie scrambled up, slipping in the smeared puddle of come more than once, and
took Davey back outside. She mopped up the come and sprayed air freshener
throughout the house, grabbing her clothes from the sofa on her way to the
bathroom to wash up. She looked in the mirror and giggled. Her face and chest
were shiny, coated with jizz. Her hair was half soaked with it. She took a hand
mirror from the counter and held it between her legs, squatting so that she
could see her pussy. It still gaped open a little. She hurried into the shower
and rinsed the layer of slick come from her body, soaping up, then sat down in
the bottom of the bathtub. She pulled and prodded at her pussy for a while,
curious at the way Davey had stretched it. She pushed three fingers in again.
It was more difficult this time, since her pussy was finally recovering. She
worked them in and out, rubbing and pinching her clit with her other hand,
grunting as she came again. Her womb expelled more of the dog’s come as is

She thought she heard a noise, so she
turned off the water. Sure enough, she heard her parents pulling up in the
driveway. She jumped out of the shower and dried her body and hair, running to
her bedroom to yank on a pair of panties and her pink pajamas with white hearts
on them. She looked in the hallway mirror as she hurried by it and giggled to
herself again about how innocent she looked in pink. She unlocked the front
door just as they walked up to it, and threw her arms around her father’s neck.


He laughed. “What was that for?”


“Oh, just another thank you for letting me
adopt Davey, Daddy. He kept me really good company while you were gone!”

Her mother smiled sweetly, “You weren’t lonely, Angie, sweetie?”


“Not a bit, Mom!”



* * * Please let me know how you like my stories?
I love to hear how they’re enjoyed! :) E-mail me at katiestriapach@gmail.com