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katiestriapach Member Since October 19, 2009
All Over Red Rover
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 6 + It would be four stars, had there been no "author's note", and five, if it weren't for a few bits of purple prose that disturbed from the flow of the story. Nice tale, though, so far.
Always Master's Choice
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 10 + Wow. That was... very good. Very effective, too. ;) The good grammar, spelling, and construction is also appreciated, since it helps keep the reader in the story.
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 4 + Very well written and a the first part is a good short story within itself. However, I could have done without the sex-ed morality lesson preceding the story. The story reveals the moral on its own.
And Now for Something Completely Different
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 0 + Not trying to be mean or nothin', but if you're going to submit an erotica story of this kind on a site, you could at least look up the basic biology. Sorry. :-/
first time with a dog
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 2 + The story itself is pretty good, but you need to edit so that it reads smoothly. Capitalize letters where appropriate and fix punctuation. It reads like a 4th grader without a grasp of grammar wrote it. :o/
A lonly day with my dog
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 1 + Better formatting than most I've seen on SSP, as well as grammar and spelling, so it's easy to read. The story itself is interesting, but a tiny bit unrealistic at parts. A dick belonging to a dog that size having its way, even if it weren't completely en
Angie's 14th Birthday Gift (part one of series)
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 5 + In the switch over to the new site design, a lot of my story formatting was lost. Oops! So, I'm sorry about there not being any quotation marks and such in many of the first Angie stories on here. :o)
Satisfied by dog
katiestriapach 5438 days ago
- 0 + Interesting, but your story needs paragraphs very badly. One huge column of text like this is difficult to read. A better format and a little grammar adjustment and this would be a lot more comprehensible. Not to mention hotter. ;o)
Rocky's Bitch
katiestriapach 5465 days ago
- 4 + Nice plot, but it was constructed poorly. The basic plot has been done before (er, by me, haha), but the mom's vibrator and baby oil was a GREAT touch. I love baby oil in sexual situations. ;-) The run-ons and very little capitalization made it more diffi