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furrybert Member Since October 19, 2009

Hunted Ch03

furrybert on Forced Stories

Sasha left Suzanne alone in the dingy room once again.  She drew herself into a ball and shivered in the darkness.  He’d taken all of his belongings with him, so she assumed he wasn’t coming back for a while.  Her head was a lot clearer with him gone, and she growled angrily as shame-filled tears started to fall down her face.  She was going to have an awful lot of trouble ever looking him in the eye again.  Did he really think of her as a slut and a whore, or had he only said it to get a reaction?  She felt used,

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and utterly stupid, and for not the first time she wished that she could crawl into a hole and die.

His opinion of her mattered to Suzanne, she realised suddenly.  And so it should.  He had said he was the one who would decide what to do with her once his boss was done.  Her tears intensified as a cold feeling of dread fell over her.  What if he didn’t want her anymore?  What if he really thought that she was a whore?

Maybe that’s what he wants, a small voice inside her head whispered, and she sobbed in confusion.  She had no way of knowing what he wanted or what he was thinking, so there was little point in dwelling on it.  She was thirsty and aching and oh, so hungry…

On closer inspection of the room Suzanne noticed that Sasha had left a glass of water on the floor for her, and she sniffed at it carefully.  It didn’t seem to smell suspicious.  She took a small sip, and decided that it was safe.  Trying not to gulp, she finished the rest of the water and laid back down on the bed of her prison.  She wished they had given her a blanket as the room was starting to get rather chilly.  That was the last thought she remembered having before falling into sleep once again.


He’d said he could protect her.

The thought tumbled round and round in Suzanne’s head as she dangled from the ceiling of that damned room yet again.  She repeated it in her head like a mantra as Sasha stood in front of her, that familiar brutal expression on his face.  And a knife in his hand.  She still hadn’t managed to acquire any clothes, so the knife couldn’t be intended for use as an aid to undressing this time.  She’d already received her customary beating for the day and she felt like she was going to faint; were they going to make her suffer even more?  Oh god.  Had she managed to turn him off her so completely that he was ready to kill her? 

Sasha was playing with fire, and he knew it.  She was so beautiful – bruised and bleeding and most of the time scared out of her mind.  He’d beaten her, raped her and humiliated her, and for some reason, she still wanted him.  His commanding officer had warned him that if he wasn’t successful in getting the girl to talk today, he was going to throw her to the grunts.  Sasha wasn’t prepared to let that happen; he wanted her for himself no matter what the cost. 

He admired her courage, but in the end it would come to nothing, and they both knew it.  She’d give them what they wanted, it was just a matter of time. His knife, usually a favourite instrument of torture, felt cold and alien in his hand.  He didn’t want to do this.  He had no problem with hurting her – he’d already made her scream until she was coughing up blood – but that had been with his own hands.  It was intimate and personal and he’d never done any permanent damage.  This was going to be a different thing entirely.  And she would never be the same afterwards.  It wasn’t right.  He was the one who carried the scars.

Suzanne had fallen into a faint, but the sharp pain of a knife pressing into her throat woke her with a start.  She flinched back from the pain to find Sasha standing in front of her again, the knife still in his hand.  “Am I going to have to make you bleed, or can we stop now?” he asked softly.  Suzanne moaned softly in fear, but she said nothing.  He sighed, and moved closer so that the girl was leaning on him, her head on his shoulder.  He rested the point of the knife on the back of her thigh and paused for a moment.

“Tell me to stop,” Sasha whispered gently, but she didn’t reply.  With his face out of sight of both the girl and his commanding officer, he closed his eyes and frowned in apprehension.  Her teeth bit down on his shoulder as he increased the pressure on the knife until he broke the skin, and he slid his free hand into the hair at the nape of her neck and stroked gently.  She released her bite in order to moan softly in pain, the moan quickly rising into a scream as the blade cut deeper.

Sasha grimaced as he noticed the blood running down the girl’s thigh to drip off her foot and collect into a red puddle on the floor.  He slid his mouth to her ear, whispering so that only the girl could hear.  “Let me end this.  Please.”

Suzanne gasped at the emotion in Sasha’s voice.  He didn’t want to do this.  There were some lines that he still didn’t want to cross.  Maybe, she dared to allow herself to think.  Maybe he does still want me?  She wasn’t sure how long she managed to hold out, but it didn’t matter.  In the end, she told them when they wanted to know.  She was going to have a scar, but at least the searing pain had stopped.

Sasha turned to his superior officer to find him standing up to leave, and giving him a nod of satisfaction.  “We’re done with this one,” he said to the sniper, and then walked towards them.  “Get rid of her,” he said, as if he were talking about yesterday’s old news paper.  “And go home, get some rest.”  He patted Sasha on the shoulder like an old friend as he said “you’ve earned it.”

She’d passed out again, Sasha realised as he turned back towards the girl, reaching up to unhook her from the ceiling.  He didn’t bother to wake her as he untied her wrists and carried her off in search of some clothes.  Ten minutes later, he had her dressed (after a fashion) in a spare soldier’s uniform, and was carrying her out to one of the waiting vehicles, his rifle slung on his back.  He received some quizzical looks, but nobody dared to challenge him until he put the girl into the truck.

One of the Commander’s lapdogs – Sasha thought his name was Boskovic – put his hand out to stop Sasha from opening the driver-side door and getting in.

“Cavoski hasn’t told me of you needing a vehicle today,” he said, trying to look important while tapping a pencil on his clipboard.  He was a weedy little scumbag of a man with an irritatingly nasal voice.  Sasha resisted the urge to sneer, and instead fixed the smaller man with a look of stony intimidation.

“I also need some fucking indigestion tablets,” Sasha spat back.  “Do you need to know that too?”  Boskovic lifted his jaw in an attempt to look intimidating, and this time Sasha couldn’t resist the sneer.  He grabbed his rifle and liberated it from its harness, holding it in front of himself in a not altogether unthreatening manner.  The intruder took several steps back in fear, and mumbled some sort of apology before suddenly finding great interest in a pile of sandbags several metres away.

Sasha climbed in to the truck and carefully placed his beloved rifle beside him out of the girl’s reach, just in case.  He had a reputation even among the rest of the soldiers as being particularly ruthless and talented in killing people, and so nobody else challenged him as he left the camp, with his unconscious bruised and battered prisoner beside him.


Suzanne woke up to find herself lying naked in an unfamiliar bed in an equally unfamiliar room.  The bed was warm and cozy and complete with blankets, but her stomach was growling and she was in desperate need to pee, regardless of the fact that she couldn’t possibly have a spare drop of water in her body.  She sat up and slid her feet to the floor, and experimented in standing up slowly.  Her bones ached and her thigh felt like it was burning, but she was damned if she was going to let herself fall over.  She hobbled to the door and was amazed to find it unlocked.

She stuck her head out of the door slowly, suspicious of suddenly being allowed some degree of freedom to roam in her surroundings.  When no danger was immediately apparent, she crept out of the room in search of a bathroom.  Once that bodily function was satisfied, she crept down the stairs to find out if anyone else was home.

Sasha was sitting at the kitchen table, busily dismantling and cleaning his rifle and his handgun.  Suzanne stood shaking in the doorway, unsure if she was going to anger him by having left the bedroom.  He glanced over at her, his eyes lingering for a moment on her still naked body, and then motioned for her to come closer.  She sat down in the chair opposite him and watched him work, not daring to speak.

They weren’t at the army camp any more, that much was obvious.  And although he wasn’t talking to her, Sasha didn’t seem angry with her at all.  She’d given them what they wanted, and so the pressure was now off of him.  She wondered what that would mean for their twisted little relationship.  Perhaps some day he would trust her enough to let her wear clothes again, she though to herself, her face twisting in an ironic grimace.

“What is it?” Sasha asked softly as he noticed the expression on Suzanne’s face.  She blushed slightly, looked down at the table in front of her.

“Nothing,” she whispered, her voice shaking a little in fear.  “I… just thought it would be nice to have some clothes.  This isn’t the warmest of countries in the world.”

Finishing with his prized possessions, Sasha stood up, his face stern.  The girl gulped in fear and he had to turn around so that she wouldn’t see him smile.  He washed his hands in the old kitchen sink and turned back towards her.  She stood up as he stalked towards her, backing away in fright.  He grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the wall.

“Making demands already?” he asked softly, and she shook her head quickly.

“No!” she whispered, a desperate edge to her voice.  “Of course not.  I’m sorry.  I’m just so cold, and…”

He kissed her suddenly, sliding one hand into her hair and the other to her breasts.  She moaned softly, reaching up to cling to his shoulders and revelling in her ability to touch him for once.  She slid one hand into his hair and he groaned in contentment at her gentle stroking fingers.  Her other hand slid down and settled on his chest, feeling muscle that was well defined even through his clothes.  She gasped as he picked her up and carried her back upstairs, lying her down on the bed and kicking off his boots before settling himself on top of her, one leg between her thighs.

Oh god, she could get used to this.  Suzanne moaned softly as Sasha slid his tongue over her belly, and onto her inner thighs.  She parted her legs in anticipation, desperately trying to resist the urge to grab him by the hair and pull him against her.  He kept moving closer and closer until she could feel his breath exactly where she needed him most, and then he would move back to her other leg.  She was keening in frustration and eventually lost control of her arms.  She slid her fingers into his hair and then froze, terrified of what he would do.  He looked up at her and grinned wickedly, slid the tip of his tongue to the bottom of her opening and licked all the way to the top, very lightly and very, very slowly.

Suzanne’s hands flew back to the bed and she gripped the sheets painfully, a low moan escaping her body as she instinctively arched her hips into Sasha’s tongue.  He lifted her legs, slowly parting them wide as he settled into a more comfortable position, and started to suck.  When he slid two fingers inside her and his other hand up to squeeze a nipple sharply, Suzanne was lost. 

Sasha let the girl calm down for a couple of moments, slid his tongue into her mouth and kissed gently.  She kissed back slowly, her hands shyly moving over his clothes, waiting for him to tell her if she could remove them.  “Sasha,” she whispered softly, tugging on his shirt.  “Please…”

He’d avoided taking his clothes off in front of her in the past, except in the shower where it had been unavoidable.  He had scars and markings that he didn’t particularly like looking at himself, never mind showing them off to her.  But if he was going to keep her around, he supposed she would have to see at some point.  He pulled his shirt off over his head with a grimace, then got up to slide his pants off his legs. 

Suzanne shivered as Sasha settled his body back over hers, the feel of his skin against hers making her moan in anticipation.  She slid her fingers over the muscles in his arms, slowly at first until he groaned with satisfaction.  She traced around a scar on his left arm, stroking near the wounded flesh gently and looking at him for consent.

“Bullet,” he said softly, nodding to say that it was okay for her to touch it.  “Handgun.  Nine millimetre.”  Suzanne stroked over the marred skin lightly for a moment before moving on to another.  She spent several minutes exploring all of his injured skin, until he pushed her back down onto the bed and pressed against her gently.

“What do you want?” he whispered softly, his voice rapidly descending into desire-laden hoarseness.  “This?” he asked, pushing so that the head of his penis threatened to enter her.  She moaned in response, tried to lift her hips to meet his thrust, but he pushed her back down.

“No,” he growled as he held her against the bed.  “You don’t move.  I’m in charge.  That’s what you need, isn’t it?  That’s what you want.”  He lifted her face level with his so that he could gauge her reaction to his next sentence.  “To be controlled and dominated?  And held down and fucked?  Answer me.”

She wanted to tell herself that she said it to make him happy, but ultimately it wasn’t true.  She agreed with everything he said, and she meant it.  She enjoyed the feel of him on top of her, holding her down and pushing inside her until she cried out in pain.  Hell, she had even enjoyed him calling her a whore.

Sasha pushed deep inside the girl with a single, punishing thrust, and shuddered in satisfaction as she whimpered in pain.  He pulled out of her a little and started moving in slow, steady circles and she arched against him, reaching out her hands to pull him against her.  He grabbed her wrists and held them down above her head.

“I said no,” he growled, and Suzanne whined in frustration.  He carried on with his slow, steady rhythm and she laid as still as she could, moaning softly in pleasure.  “Good girl,” he whispered against her ear.  “Lie there and take it, there’s a good girl.”

Suzanne whined into Sasha’s neck, desperately wanting to pull him deeper inside her but knowing that he would not approve.  “Oh please, Sasha!” she whimpered.  “Please, oh god, I need you…”

“What do you need?” he asked softly.

“Deeper,” Suzanne replied, her eyes rolling back in her head at the thought.  “And harder.  And faster.  Oh please!”

Sasha stopped his circling movements and leaned into the girl so that he could push inside her hard and as deep as she could take.  She cried out sharply in pain, but he didn’t stop.  “Is that what you want, baby?” he asked.  “Do you want me to fuck you until it hurts?”

“Oh yes!” she moaned, and he growled in response.  She screamed as he came inside her, the pain mixing with incredible pleasure as she came for the second time, and gratefully allowed him to rest on top of her.

Hunted Ch05

furrybert on Forced Stories

Suzanne had to endure a physical and psych evaluation on her return to Operations, and had been recommended four months of leave to aid in her recovery.  On closer inspection of the available information, Intelligence had discovered that Sasha Jovanovic had not been among those killed during the fire-fight.  Still, they’d managed to take out the leader and a great number of the soldiers, and so the mission was classed as a partial success. 

She wasn’t sure how four months of sitting around and doing nothing was going to help her feel better, but she wasn’t going to complain.  She was just glad that they hadnââ‚

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¬â„¢t started questioning her about why Sasha hadn’t been where he was supposed to be that morning.  She had fallen into a carefully constructed routine designed with the intent to numb her brain, and she was walking around in a daze for the most part.

It had been ten weeks, but Sasha was still preying on Suzanne’s mind.  She was sure he was going to come after her, and a part of her was dreading that and what he would do.  However, another small part of her ached at the thought that maybe he wouldn’t bother coming to find her.  She felt utterly confused whenever she thought about him; it made her flinch at the memory of her bruises but also ache with longing.  She dreamt about him while she slept and spent her days trying to push him out of her mind, with little success.  She often found herself daydreaming, her body burning at the memory of his hands and mouth moving over her skin.

The torture didn’t last much longer.  Suzanne returned home tired after a day spent aimlessly wandering through the local shopping centre.  She dropped her bags in the hallway and traipsed up the stairs and into her bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind her.  She pulled her hair out of its pony tail and began unbuttoning her shirt, then froze as she heard the bedroom door close behind her.

Sasha stood leaning against the bedroom door, his arms casually folded and that characteristic look of brutal determination on his face.  He looked a little tidier than usual, although he still wasn’t clean shaven.  The look in his eyes was difficult to pin down completely, but Suzanne didn’t miss the smouldering anger within them.  She felt her nether regions stir treacherously at the sight of him and took an involuntary step backwards, eyes darting about in search of any available weapons but finding nothing.

“Hello Sasha,” she whispered softly, standing awkwardly still as she tried to figure out what he was going to do.  He didn’t reply.  “What do you want?” she asked, suddenly conscious of the fact that her breasts were poking out of her half unbuttoned shirt.

Sasha snorted derisively as he pushed himself away from the door and walked towards Suzanne slowly.  She raised her chin in defiance and refused to back away.  He stopped in front of her, so close that his chest almost brushed against her breasts.

“You know why I’m here, my little slut,” he growled softly in Bosnian.  He slid his hand to her cheek and gripped painfully.  “You lied to me, and you set me up.  And you’re going to die.”  Suzanne slapped his hand away from her cheek, then landed another blow to his left eye.  He caught her left wrist before she could hit the other side of his face and bent it behind her back painfully.  She whimpered, then kneed Sasha in the balls in an attempt to escape.  He grunted, his grip relaxing on her arm as he bent over in pain.

“Let’s get a couple of things straight Sasha,” Suzanne said, kicking him again as it looked as if he might straighten up.  “Yes, I lied to you.  It was my job.  As for setting you up?  I did that too.  But if I hadn’t done things the way that I did, you would be dead right now, and you know it.”

Sasha straightened slowly, then shoved Suzanne against the wall, pinning her down.  “Am I supposed to be grateful?” he growled, his hand holding her jaw still.

“That I risked my own life to save yours?” Suzanne replied.  Sasha raised an eyebrow at that, unimpressed.  “Yes, you should be.  You were supposed to turn up to do your job and get slaughtered with the rest of them, but I stopped you from going.  My employers are not exactly forgiving, Sasha.  If they find out what I did, they’ll kill me.”

Sasha was silent for a moment.  He hadn’t dared let himself think that perhaps Suzanne hadn’t wanted him to get hurt.  The thought niggled at him, but he pushed it aside coldly.  “Don’t worry,” he replied, sliding his hand to her throat and squeezing gently.  I’ll save them the trouble.”

“I understand that you’re angry Sasha,” Suzanne said softly.  “That you feel as if I used you.  But we didn’t exactly have a traditional honest and loving relationship going on.  I still didn’t want them to hurt you, though.  I need you to understand that I did what I did because it was the only way I could stop them from killing you.  And that was all that was important to me.”

He didn’t believe her, he couldn’t.  He’d spent too long being as angry as hell over her making a fool of him, and he wasn’t about to let her do it again.  So he ignored the look of pain on her face and chose to think only about the fact that everything else she’d ever said to him had been a lie.  He tightened his grip on her neck slowly until she started to squirm desperately.

Suzanne wasn’t going to accept Sasha’s punishment without a fight.  She punched him in the stomach and he grunted softly, his grip loosening on her throat enough so that she could push him away from her.  She hit him again in the jaw, but he grabbed her arm and held her still, a backhander to her right cheek causing her to stagger in pain. 

Sasha was slightly surprised by Suzanne’s return to her original more aggressive self.  He wondered how much of her submissive behaviour had been an act to make him feel secure enough to trust her.  It had certainly worked.  He pulled her against him and slid his mouth to her ear.

“All that time you spent screaming for me,” he whispered.  “All the times you writhed around underneath me and moaned my name.  Was doing your job really worth being a whore for me?”  Suzanne frowned at Sasha’s hard description of past events.

“That wasn’t a part of my job,” she whispered, and Sasha sneered.  He didn’t believe her.  He wouldn’t.

“Was doing your job really worth leaving?” he growled.  Suzanne’s breath caught in her throat.  How was she supposed to answer that?

“I…” she started, taking a shaky breath.  “I didn’t want to leave like that.  But I couldn’t have stayed, Sasha.  I mean, you couldn’t have expected me to be happy sitting naked in a house all day just waiting for you to come home so that you could screw me?”

Sasha growled again in disgust, shoved Suzanne away from him and turned away.  She staggered for a moment, but regained her balance without falling over.  He still looked angry, but now there was something else there as well.  He brought his hand up and rubbed his face, then raked it through his hair angrily before turning to face her again.

“I should have killed you when Cavoski told me to,” he said quietly, his right hand sliding to his back.  He produced his handgun, removed the safety and held it pointed at the floor beside him.

“You don’t mean that,” Suzanne replied, her voice even.  “And you know it.”  He was not going to kill her.  Sasha snorted, walked towards her slowly.

“You think so?” he asked, raising the gun to her eye level.  “Do you really think I’m not going to kill you, baby?”

Suzanne hoped not, but she wasn’t prepared to take any chances.  She grabbed his wrist with one hand and slammed her elbow down on to his forearm.  He growled in pain, and she brought her elbow back up and slammed it into the side of his face.  He dropped the gun, but it wasn’t going to be enough for her to escape.  He was still as tough as nails and he recovered in a split second.

The girl used the second that Sasha was recovering to make a run for the door.  She managed to claw it open before he grabbed her by her shirt collar and shoved her forwards, slamming the door shut and her on top of it.  He yanked her around to face him and slid his hand into her hair, pulling viciously.

“You’re not getting away from me ever again,” he growled, slapping her in the face as she continued to struggle.  “I told you that you were mine, and I meant it!”  Suzanne refused to stay still, kicking, hitting and scratching with every last remaining ounce of strength in her limbs.

“I do not belong to you!” she screamed.  “You don’t own me, Sasha!  And you can’t just make me do what you want!”

Sasha smiled nastily, slid his free hand to Suzanne’s chin and held her eyes level with his.  “Who are you trying to convince?” he asked softly, which renewed Suzanne’s anger.  She lashed out at him again, and they fought for several minutes.  Sasha eventually slammed Suzanne back against the wall, his hips grinding into hers.  He held her head tightly in his hands and kept her still as he kissed her, hard.  There was absolutely nothing gentle in his actions; he was vicious and brutal, and Suzanne repaid him in kind.  She continued to hit and scratch at him, and bit his lower lip until she tasted his blood filling her mouth.  He grunted in pain, lifted his head away from her and punched her in the left eye, hard.

Suzanne was stunned for a moment from the force of Sasha’s blow to her face, and she couldn’t stop him as he pulled her away from the wall and threw her on to her bed.  He followed immediately, straddling her legs and holding her arms above her head.  He ripped open her shirt the rest of the way and yanked her bra aside, grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed harshly.  Suzanne hissed in pain and started to struggle, but he had his weight on top of her and she couldn’t get any leverage.  Sasha was not impressed by her continued struggling, and bent down to catch her other nipple in his teeth.  She groaned softly, arched against him as her body tried to decide whether it wanted him dead, or inside her.

He leaned to the side for a moment so that he could unzip Suzanne’s trousers and drag them off her legs, but she was having none of it.  She kicked at him, then wriggled away as best she could.  She got one arm free and hit him in the face, then shoved at his chest, trying to get him off her completely.  No chance.  She was strong, but he was heavier.  And he was far more used to this sort of thing than she was. 

Suzanne was panicking.  If she let him touch her she would melt, and she knew it.  But she couldn’t get him off her, no matter how much she hurt him.  He was determined to do what he wanted to do, even though he didn’t seem sure yet if that was to kill her or rape her.  He succeeded in getting rid of her trousers – and her underwear – and slid back on top of her, forcing his legs between hers.

They continued their fight, Sasha alternating randomly between stroking her and hitting, kissing and biting.  Suzanne fought him tooth and nail for as long as she could, but found herself kissing him back on some occasions, no less brutally than him.  She groaned in anger as she felt his hand slide over her stomach and down into her pubic hair.  He slid his fingers inside her, and found her wet.

“You see?” he growled softly, bringing his hand up to Suzanne’s face and wiping the moisture onto her mouth.  “You always did enjoy me being in charge.  What’s the point of being alone with no one around to fuck you until you scream?  You’ll always be my little whore.  Won’t you?”

Suzanne closed her eyes, angry hot tears falling down her cheeks.  She relaxed her body for a moment, trying to regain some of her strength.  If he wanted an answer then it would be a long time coming.

Sasha didn’t care.  He took advantage of Suzanne’s stillness and settled his body over hers, pushed inside her slowly.  Suzanne arched against him, hissing in response but not knowing if it was pleasure or pain.  He let go of her arms, and she slid them around his back, scratching with enough pressure to draw blood even through his clothes.  Her treacherous body reacted instantly to the familiar feeling of him being inside her, and her legs locked around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her.  Sasha moaned in response, gentled his movements inside her until Suzanne whined in pleasure.

Sasha slid on to his back beside Suzanne after they had finished, and she didn’t miss the careful way in which he moved, settling himself onto his back with a wince.  Dried blood was caked onto his lip and his nose from where she’d hit and bitten him.  She felt similarly battered.

“This is ridiculous,” Suzanne said softly, looking over at Sasha.

“Mmm,” he agreed, wincing again as he looked towards her.  Her face was similarly battered, he leaned over and stroked some hair out of her eyes. 

“I’m sorry Sasha,” Suzanne whispered.  “For leaving.  I really am.”

He sighed.  Closed his eyes and leaned back again.  “I’m sorry I was going to kill you.”

“You weren’t going to though,” she replied.  “Were you?”

Sasha looked back towards Suzanne, a look of seriousness on his face that told her that yes, he had intended to kill her.  She bit her lip and looked away.

“So what do we do now?” she asked softly.

“Stay with me,” he said quietly, and Suzanne’s heart leapt into her throat.

“Where?” she asked, her mind suddenly racing with the thought that Sasha wanted her with him again. 

“I don’t care,” he replied, sliding his palm over her breasts gently.  Suzanne moaned in response, her back arching automatically until she noticed the pain that the move caused.  He groaned in pain as he dragged himself upwards so that he could slide a nipple into his mouth and suck gently.  Suzanne slid her hands to his shoulders and proceeded to remove Sasha’s clothes as quickly as their aching muscles would allow.  He turned around and parted Suzanne’s thighs gently, slid his tongue down onto her clitoris and started to suck. 

Suzanne nudged Sasha until he straddled her head and she could return the favour.  He moaned softly as he felt her mouth envelope him, warm and wet and incredible.  He slid two fingers inside her gently as he sucked, stroked them in circles inside her until she whined in pleasure, the vibrations in her mouth causing him to shudder in response.  Shaking, he turned around again, slid her legs against her chest and pushed against her opening gently.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from arousal, the way that made her shudder in pleasure.

Suzanne wanted answers for herself first.  “Do you love me, Sasha?” she asked, her hands stroking his hair gently.  He frowned, and Suzanne didn’t think he would answer.

“You wouldn’t still be alive if I didn’t,” he replied.  Suzanne sighed in relief, but she wanted to hear him say it for himself.

“Then tell me,” she whispered, holding his eyes level with hers.

An eternity passed by.  They stared at each other for several moments, then Sasha nodded slowly.  “I love you,” he murmured, and Suzanne smiled in relief.  “Now tell me to fuck you!” he growled, and she did, with pleasure.  Sasha slid inside her hard, causing her to gasp in pain-laced satisfaction. 

“Don’t stop,” Suzanne whispered softly against Sasha’s ear.  “Don’t ever stop.”  Sasha moaned softly, slid his mouth down to cover one of her breasts again and sucked hungrily until Suzanne came, her body jerking against him erratically.  He followed shortly afterwards, collapsing on top of her as his worn out body refused to hold itself up any longer.  They slept, Sasha still inside Suzanne and his weight half crushing her, but she didn’t care.  They could decide what the hell they were going to do later.

Hunted Ch04

furrybert on Forced Stories

Several days passed; Suzanne wasn’t sure exactly how many.  They settled into a semblance of a routine, twisted as it was.  Sasha was away for most of the day, leaving Suzanne on her own.  She had contemplated attempting to escape, but there was nowhere to go.  They were miles from anything that would be classed as civilisation, even in this country.  So she busied herself with sleeping, and attempting to keep herself as fit as possible without the use of any equipment to help her.  And waiting for Sasha to come home.

She was becoming attached to him, and that was a problem.  He

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made her feel alive; like the time that she had first flown solo or rode a bike by herself, even.  He was rough and he was brutal but he was beautiful and passionate and intense and she lo –

No.  Stop right there.

It was definitely a problem.  Suzanne had a job to do – to finish, and people were relying on her.  She needed to get to a phone.  Sasha had a mobile but he’d never left it where she could get at it without him knowing.  She was going to have to think of something, she was running out of time.  If she wasn’t careful, she was going to be late, in more ways than one.

The opportunity presented itself in the end.  They were making dinner, and Sasha left Suzanne in charge of stirring the food while he went upstairs to take a shower.  She turned away from the cooker to find that he’d left his mobile on the kitchen table.  Strange.  She waited for several moments, and then heard Sasha enter the bathroom and turn on the shower.  It was perfect.  She grabbed the phone and dialled the number for her contact, quickly stirring their dinner while making sure that she was in sight of the stairs.  She’d see his shadow approach in time to put the phone back so that he was none the wiser.

It seemed to ring forever, and Suzanne bit her lip in trepidation.  Was she too late?  A strange mixture of emotion washed over her at that thought.  Something else not to think about.  The call connected just in time to spare her having to identify her emotions.

Silence.  She spoke quietly, identifying herself with her call sign and password only.  The person on the other end of the line was satisfied, and confirmed their identity to her.  “Report?” Suzanne asked softly.

“Intelligence confirms they are acting on your information and moving into position,” the voice replied.  “We will be ready to meet them.  Everything is going as planned.”


“Approximately seven hours.  A team will be ready for extraction.  Location?”

“Can you trace the position of this call?”

“Of course.”

“Then it will be from here.”

“Agreed.  We will extract you as soon as the operation begins.”

Suzanne’s breath caught in her throat and she didn’t respond for a moment.  She had no idea that things were going to happen so soon.

“Ma’am?”  the voice on the other end of the line enquired.

“Yes,” she replied, trying to mentally shake herself.  “I’ll be ready.”

“I’m glad to hear your voice again, ma’am.  See you back at Operations.”

“Thank you,” Suzanne replied, and ended the call.  A moment later, the shower turned off.  She searched through the unfamiliar language of the menus of the phone, trying to find the call logs.  She found the entry for the call that she had just made and deleted that single entry, thankful that the mobile phone was a Nokia and she was familiar enough with it to do this even if she wasn’t sure of all of the language.  She placed the phone back on the table exactly as if it hadn’t been disturbed, and returned to stirring their dinner.

Sasha returned to the kitchen feeling slightly uneasy but not sure why.  He spotted the phone on the table and instantly recognised his potentially massive mistake.  It didn’t look as if it had been moved, but he couldn’t be sure.  “Dinner’s ready,” Suzanne said over her shoulder absently.  When he didn’t reply, she turned to look at him, a puzzled look on her face.

He still didn’t say anything.  Suzanne followed his gaze to rest on the mobile, then looked back up at him, a look of slight disappointment and embarrassment on her face.  She looked away again, then turned back to the cooker and busied herself with stirring.  The intention was to make him realise that she hadn’t touched the phone.  Of course she hadn’t, and how could he think such a thing of her?  He still wasn’t moving, so she sniffed a couple of times softly, willing tears to come to her eyes.

Sasha trusted Suzanne not to try to hurt him, and she hadn’t tried to leave when he’d left her in the house on her own.  But to leave his phone where she could get to it?  He wasn’t so sure that she wouldn’t have tried to contact someone.  Not until he heard her sniffling, at least.  He swore under his breath softly, walked up towards her and slipped his phone into his pocket on the way.  He slid his arms around her from behind and slid his mouth to her neck, nuzzled gently.

Suzanne wiped the tears from her face angrily and redoubled her efforts in stirring, attempting to ignore Sasha in his quest for the extra sensitive area below her ear.  “Come here,” he whispered, turning her around in his arms.

“No,” she replied sulkily, trying to stop him from turning her to face him, but she wasn’t trying too hard.  He pulled her away from the cooker and leaned her against the table.  “Dinner’s going to burn,” she warned, and he shrugged, sliding his hand along the back of her thigh and up to her arse, sliding the (rather large) shirt she was wearing out of the way as he went.  He slid his other hand to her cheek and pulled her towards him, kissing gently.  She pulled away from him, still putting up a façade of protest in order to save face.  He pulled her back and kissed harder.

Suzanne didn’t protest any further as Sasha lifted her onto the table and laid her back, then unbuttoned her shirt and pushed it out of the way.  He slid his palms from the bottom of her breast down to her hips, laid a gentle kiss just above her pubic hair.  She gasped as her body jerked sharply.  She was burning immediately, her legs parting automatically and without her consent.  He slid her towards the edge of the table, leaned over her to look directly in her eyes and slid one finger into her mouth.  She licked for a moment, then sucked gently until he withdrew it again.  He slid the wet finger over one of her nipples gently and she moaned in frustration.

Sasha repeated his actions, sliding his wet finger over Suzanne’s other breast gently.  She arched against him, murmured softly in Bosnian the equivalent of “Oh please just fuck me Sasha!”  He slid his finger to her mouth and shushed her, slid his mouth against her ear again.

“Don’t talk,” he whispered softly.  “Just relax.”  He slid his finger into her mouth again, then slid the torturing wet digit down into her pubic hair and onto her clitoris.  He stroked gently, leaned over and slid a nipple into his mouth and sucked for a moment.  Suzanne writhed, and then Sasha bit into her nipple slowly.  A low moan escaped her and she shuddered as her body surged into orgasm.  Sasha smiled, slid back up to kiss her as her body relaxed again. 

“I have to go out tomorrow,” Sasha whispered.  “Early.  I should be back by .”  He was already sliding back down, parting her legs again and she felt his breath on her thighs.  Oh god.  Thinking was becoming difficult…

If he was going out in the morning, it meant that he was going to do a job.  And the only job it could possibly be was the one she had given them information on.  If he went there, he would die.  And she couldn’t warn him without telling him why.  Oh god.

She’d have to stop him.  She was glad she had one more trick up her sleeve that would allow her to do that.  He was by no means a good or decent man, but she wasn’t going to kill him.  And she wasn’t going to ask herself why, either.

Sasha slid one finger inside her and his tongue onto her clitoris and Suzanne lost her train of thought completely.  She slid her hands into his hair and scratched his scalp gently, pulling him closer.  He groaned in contentment and the vibrations from his voice caused Suzanne to come again.

“Please Sasha,” she whispered softly, and he stood up slowly.  He unbuttoned his pants and leaned over her, and Suzanne raised her legs and locked them around his back.  He braced his forearms on the table on either side of Suzanne’s head, and slid against her gently.  Suzanne slid her arms along Sasha’s sides until she reached his arse, and pulled a little.  He bumped against her, stretched her opening slightly until she moaned in anticipation, then pulled back out to rest against her.  She looked up at him, saw the look in his eyes and knew exactly what he wanted.

“Sasha…” she whispered softly, sliding her hand back across his hips and brushing her fingers across the length of his penis and down to her clitoris.  She stroked for a moment, let her head fall backwards for a moment as she moaned in pleasure and he groaned in response.  She looked back into his eyes as she whispered “I’m hot and I’m wet.”  She slid a finger inside herself and then pulled it back out to stroke along his penis again.  “See?  Don’t you want to feel that?”

His mock resistance never did last long.  Sasha cured the ache inside Suzanne with one forceful thrust which caused her to whine in pain-laced pleasure as he settled inside her.  She slid her hands back to his arse and pulled hard, wanting him to move even harder.  Every thrust was causing her to cry out in pain as he bumped her cervix, and she scratched her nails along his back until he had to hold her arms down.  She came again, and her lust for pain lessened as her body calmed down again.  Sasha slowed his movement inside her and she moaned in appreciation.  He let her arms go and she slid them around him, one sliding into his hair and stroking gently.

“Aleksandar,” she whispered, using his full Christian name for the first time since she’d found out that Sasha was a pet name.  “I…”  She stopped herself from saying something very stupid.  “You’re so beautiful.”

He looked at her for a moment, wondered what she had meant to say, but she wouldn’t look at him and so he couldn’t tell.  She slid her hand between his legs and squeezed his balls gently and he forgot all about what she had been going to say.

The dinner was burned, but they ate it anyway.  Suzanne was quiet during the meal, worrying about the night ahead.  Sasha didn’t notice; he was relaxed and he had a full belly and he was never much of a talker, anyway.  Suzanne sneaked to the bathroom while they were cleaning the dishes, a sharp knife concealed in her shirt sleeve.  She sat on the toilet with her left foot dangling over the bath, and felt along the arch of her foot for two small bumps.  Grimacing, she slid the knife into the skin to the side of the left bump, and a small capsule plopped out of the wound, along with a ridiculous amount of blood.  She ran her foot under the cold water and pressed tissue paper to the cut until the bleeding stopped, washing the capsule in the water as well.  She hid the knife in the cistern of the toilet before padding down the stairs again.

Suzanne busied herself preparing a hot drink for both of them, breaking open the capsule and dumping the contents into Sasha’s cup while his back was turned.  They drank their tea and then plodded upstairs to bed, Suzanne’s stomach in knots at the thought of what was about to happen.  Sasha sank onto the bed, the sedative already taking its toll on him.  He frowned; he knew that something was wrong but he didn’t have the energy to do anything about it.  Suzanne lifted his face towards her and stroked his cheek gently.

“I’m sorry Sasha,” she whispered softly.  “Please believe that I’m doing this to try to help you.  I can’t let them kill you.”  She wasn’t sure if he could hear her, but she had to say something.  She knew that he would be mad as hell when he woke up in the morning.

Suzanne didn’t sleep.  She sat up and watched Sasha sleep as she waited for her extraction team to arrive.  The sound of an approaching engine signalled that she had to leave.  She had slid on a pair of his pants as well as the shirt, but his boots were ridiculously large and so she had to go barefoot.  She checked that Sasha was still sleeping soundly, then kissed him gently before creeping downstairs.  She had to wipe tears from her eyes before she opened the door and met the familiar face of her handler waiting to meet her.


Sasha knew that something was wrong as soon as he woke up.  His body was heavy and his head was groggy.  He usually woke up instantly; a necessity in his line of work.  And the other side of the bed was empty.  And cold.  And it was light.  Shit!  He laid back in the bed, trying to clear the fog in his head.  She’s gone.

What could have gone wrong?  He never overslept, and he never woke up feeling like this.  The dinner had been burned, yes, but it wasn’t poisonous.  She’s gone.

He leaned his head over the edge of the bed and threw up, his body expelling the majority of last night’s meal, and whatever was causing him to feel like this. She’s gone.

Sasha grabbed his rifle and his handgun and ran downstairs, checking to make sure that yes, she really was gone.  Shit, shit, shit.  He tried to calm himself so that he could think.  His first priority was to get to his earlier destination, and find out what had happened.  Then he could worry about finding the girl.  He jumped into his truck and sped off, anger burning through the throbbing in his head.  He almost couldn’t believe what he found.

Bodies.  He’d expected bodies, but not the ones that lay on the ground in front of him.  Someone had ambushed the Serb soldiers, and they lay dead in the mud, weapons strewn where they had dropped them.  He spotted Boskovic and his commanding officer, and several others whose names eluded him, but they had all been stationed at the base from where he removed Suzanne.  He left, not wanting to be a target for any snipers that might have been left behind, just in case.

The anger overtook his calm now as a hundred thoughts ran through Sasha’s head at once.  She’d lied to him.  She’d told them what they wanted to hear and they had believed her, biding her time until she could escape.  She’d kept him happy with sex and lured the soldiers into a trap that was meant for him, as well.  A wave of emotion washed over him that felt dangerously close to pain and he viciously kicked the side of the truck in frustration.  He was meant to be dead here, too!

But she’d drugged him.  Stopped him from leaving the house on time.  Why?  What could she have possibly gained by him not turning up to do his job as he’d been ordered?  He growled furiously as he realised that this now looked as if he’d been the one who’d set them up.  The chances of him getting out of this alive were slim indeed.

It was past .  If she’d left after he’d fallen asleep, she would have had hours to get away now.  He’d never find her today.  Deciding that his best chance for survival was to get away from the scene as quickly as possible, he got back into the truck and headed east as fast as the shitheap could manage.  He ground his teeth in frustration as he tried to work out a plan of action.  He wasn’t going to stop until he found her, and he didn’t care where he had to go to do it.  And when he did, she was going to regret it.

Hunted Ch.02

furrybert on Forced Stories

Suzanne slept fitfully, too tired to keep her eyes open but too afraid to sleep properly.  She had no idea how much time passed before she heard the key turning in the lock of her prison again, but she was hungry and thirsty and the ache in her body had dulled slightly, so it must have been a while.  She wanted to stay in her foetal position on the bed, but figured it probably wasn’t the best of ideas.

She had expected Sasha, and she was wrong.  A guard that she hadn’t seen before motioned her to follow him out of the room.  He marched her, still naked, down a long corridor that was as dingy as her cell, and into a familiar room.  The man in charge was there, but there was still no sign of Sasha.

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al">“I trust you slept well?” the man asked, grinning sadistically at the state of her appearance.  Suzanne was clean, but her bruises had darkened and her mouth felt swollen from where Sasha had hit her.  She sneered at him in an attempt to look as though she wasn’t ashamed and embarrassed at her nakedness.

“I don’t think I would make reservations at this hotel again,” she replied.  “I had asked for a sea view, you know.”

He was not impressed.  He stood up and leaned over his desk at her.  “I had thought you might be a little more cooperative after you had a few hours to think things over.  Perhaps you don’t understand the gravity of your situation?  Was Sasha not clear enough in explaining things to you?  Perhaps we should ask him for another demonstration of his abilities?”

Suzanne started to tremble at the thought of her tormentor touching her again, but she wasn’t going to give up and give them what they wanted.  “I’ll never tell you anything useful,” she said defiantly, and he raised one eyebrow in disbelief.

“Oh yes you will.  We can always use more conventional styles of coercion,” he growled.  “If you won’t cooperate with us being civil.”

“Civil?” Suzanne repeated, a look of disgust on her face.  “Look at me!”

“Nothing that won’t heal in a matter of days,” he replied.  “We can easily change that; start slicing you open and leaving scars.  Removing parts that you would miss…  Sasha would be disappointed with such a messy method, but I’m sure he can be convinced.  If need be.”

Suzanne was shaking.  The pain that she had already suffered had been excruciating, but she had known that they could do a lot worse.  It was only going to be a matter of time before they found some terrible punishment that she just couldn’t handle and she cracked.  And then she would be useless, apart from as Sasha’s plaything; he had said that she belonged to him now.  He’d said a lot of things that had terrified her at the time, but her panicked brain was now clutching to them as proof that perhaps he wouldn’t kill her as soon as they had the information that they wanted.  His plaything.  But if she was a mess, would he even want her for that?

The futility of Suzanne’s predicament was beginning to sink in.  She didn’t want to give up the information that they wanted, but she didn’t want to die.  And even if she did give them what she wanted, she was either going to die or become a slave to the whims of her captors until they were bored with her.  No.  It was no good thinking like this.  She had to think about the present.  She had to survive and be strong and bide her time for a chance to escape.  As long as she didn’t give up, she had a chance.  She squared her jaw and looked at the man sitting smugly in front of her defiantly.

“We all have to do what we feel we must,” she said, and he nodded.  He motioned to the guards who tied her dangling from the ceiling again.  The ropes cut into her already raw skin, but she didn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing her wince.  She had to do what she had to do.

Sasha arrived, walked up to her and took her jaw in his hand.  He was much cleaner than she remembered, and had also made the effort to change into a clean set of clothes.  The effort hadn’t gone as far as shaving, however, so he maintained his rather brutal look.  “Am I going to have to break you?” he said softly, stroking her cheek gently.  He didn’t look like he was looking forward to the idea.  He slid his mouth to her throat and nuzzled gently, and Suzanne’s breathing became erratic.  “Give him what he wants, and I can protect you,” he whispered into her ear. 

“Not good enough,” Suzanne replied.  “I want to go home.”  Sasha’s eyes darkened in anger.  His grip on her jaw became cruel.

“It’s the best you’re going to get!” he growled.  “You’re in no position to make demands.  Maybe you don’t quite understand?  You are mine.  Once he’s done with you, it’s me who decides what happens to you.  Now you can either do as I say, or you can spend the rest of your life being raped by the 200 hungry Bosnian soldiers outside.  And I’ll warn you, they won’t care how much they hurt you as long as your body is still warm.  It’s up to you.”

Suzanne glared at her captor defiantly.  “I hope you rot in hell you evil son of a bitch!” she growled, and spat at him for good measure.  Sasha released his grip on Suzanne’s jaw, throwing her head to the side in disgust.  When she looked back at him, she got a glimpse of something moving towards her face at high speed, and then there was the familiar sickening *crack* of a fist connecting with her face.

This time, Sasha’s boss did not stop him, and the beating continued for an eternity.  When it became apparent that Suzanne was about to pass out, he stopped.  Not out of kindness; he just didn’t want her to miss any of her punishment.  She was weak from hunger and dehydration, and she hoped that he would let her sleep for a while, but he had other plans.  He slapped her until she focused her eyes on him groggily, made sure that she was awake again, and then the beating continued.

Suzanne didn’t think that she could possibly have any tears left, but Sasha managed to make her cry again.  And whimper, and scream.  After a particularly long bout of punishment, Sasha paused as he thought that Suzanne was about to pass out again.  However, she surprised them both by dry heaving violently; her body had nothing to throw up but it made her suffer shuddering pains nonetheless.  He hit her another couple of times, but she was fading in and out of consciousness every few seconds; it was time to stop.

Sasha joined his superior officer and left Suzanne hanging alone while he went for some food and a drink.  It occurred to him that the girl hadn’t eaten or drank anything in over 24 hours, which was probably a good reason for her fainting constantly.  He returned to find the girl still out cold.  He stroked his fingers over her body gently, enjoying the feel of her cool, soft skin.  He was amazed at the delicate texture which was a stark contrast to the hard calluses on his hands.  The smaller bruises on her body were being disguised by the larger ones caused by the latest beating that she had endured, and she still looked beautiful.

Suzanne woke slowly to find rough fingertips stroking over her skin gently.  She tried to pretend that she was still asleep, but her pretence was spoiled when the fingers traced over her nipples and she moaned softly.  Her assailant slid his palms fully against her breasts and squeezed gently, and Suzanne instantly recognised the hands as Sasha’s.  She leaned her head back and relaxed into him, enjoyed the friction that his rough hands were causing. 

Sasha slid one hand up into the girl’s hair and pulled her head upright, then leaned in and kissed her.  She moaned again, arched against him until he slid both hands to her arse and held her against him.  He started to grind against her slowly; he was aching to be inside her straight away, but he wanted her to beg this time.  She broke the kiss and whimpered “Oh god, Sasha!” into his ear, her breathing ragged.  He smiled smugly, slid his middle finger into her mouth and let her suck for a moment until it was slick with her saliva.  He slid it over her clitoris for a couple of seconds, then pressed gently.

Suzanne cried out sharply as Sasha stroked gently, sliding his wet finger inside her very slowly.  The pain inside her had lessened considerably since she woke up and his movements inside her were beginning to feel incredibly good.  She knew that she shouldn’t let him do this, that she should fight or scream or do anything but cooperate, but when he touched her like this it took away the pain from the rest of her body.  And that was worth an awful lot right now.  He continued to stroke until she was squirming desperately, dangerously close to orgasm.  And then he stopped.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered into her ear hoarsely.  Suzanne whined, a pained look on her face, but he wouldn’t touch her.

“Please let me come,” she whispered softly.  He stroked his finger over her clitoris again slowly, but only once.

“Is that all you want?” he asked, and she shook her head.  “Then tell me.  What do you want, baby?”

Suzanne closed her eyes, her cheeks burning in shame.  “I need you inside me,” she whispered, and he stroked her again in encouragement.  She moaned in pleasure.

“You can do better than that,” he whispered, and she sighed shakily.  She knew what he wanted her to say.

“Please fuck me, Sasha,” she whispered.  After another moment, she added: “hard.”  He growled softly at that, slid his tongue back into her mouth and kissed her, his mouth bruising hers brutally.  She arched against him again and opened her mouth eagerly, kissed him back equally violently.  Sasha reached up and released her wrists from the rope again, then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder roughly.

He didn’t speak as he carried her back to the room and locked the door behind them.  He set her back down on her feet and threw her against the wall, pinning her with the weight of his body.  He slid his hand into her hair, holding her so that she had to look him in the eye.

“Tell me again,” he growled, his eyes burning into hers.  Suzanne felt a wave of heated shameful pleasure ripple through her body at the thought of having to repeat herself while looking into his eyes.  She remained silent for several moments, too embarrassed to say what he wanted to hear.

“Fuck me,” she eventually whispered, almost too quiet for him to hear.  Then louder: “Fuck me hard.”  Sasha shuddered in response and pressed his mouth against Suzanne’s ear, giving her some much needed privacy without compromising on the intimacy of their embrace.

“Tell me what you want,” he growled again.  “Do you want to be on top?”

“No,” she replied, and Sasha smiled against her ear.

“You want me on top of you?” he asked softly, and Suzanne had to slide her hands to his shoulders and cling on to stop herself from feeling faint.  “Do you want my weight on top of you, holding you down? Do you want to feel dominated, baby?”

“Oh god,” Suzanne whimpered as Sasha whispered into her ear.  “Oh yes.  Oh please!”

Sasha leaned back slightly and looked into the girl’s eyes again, let her see the look of barely contained desire and violence on his face.  She moaned softly in shock, her eyes darkening in pleasure at her ability to drive him so totally wild.  He grasped her chin viciously as he wiped all traces of desire from his face and replaced it with the cold brutality that had made her so wet when he first touched her.  She gasped, half in fear, and half in anticipation.

Sasha pulled the girl away from the wall and threw her onto the bed, turned away from her as he kicked off his boots.  He turned back towards her as he dropped his knife, his gun and its holster to the floor.  Suzanne was sitting up in the middle of the bed, her hands braced against the mattress, and her legs slightly apart and shaking slightly.  She skittered as far away as possible, pressing her knees together hard as Sasha unzipped his pants and stalked towards her, utterly predatory.

He grabbed her as he got on to the bed, dragged her by the legs until she was back in the middle, then wrestled her thighs apart roughly.  He positioned himself between her legs, moved his underwear out of the way and pressed himself against her opening, pinning her wrists above her head.  She cried out in pain as he thrust into her hard and settled his weight on top of her.  Her heart was beating crazily with fear, but her body betrayed her as her muscles clenched around him and her back arched in orgasm as she moaned with utter wanton abandon.

Sasha groaned in pleasure as he felt the girl’s vaginal muscles contracting around his penis erratically.  He continued to thrust hard inside her, waiting until she had recovered from her orgasm.  When her eyes started to focus on him again, he leaned down and slid his mouth against her ear.

“Did you like that, little girl?” he growled, his voice guttural again in arousal.  He had currently lost the ability to think in English, and had switched back to his own language.  Suzanne had quickly learned to expand her vocabulary of Bosnian smut over the past several hours, and she was able to understand exactly what he was saying as he went on.  “Do you like being held down and fucked by a killer?”  The girl whined in response, arched against him as she whispered “oh yes,” into his ear.

“You moan like a whore,” he whispered, sliding his hand to her arse so that he could pull her against him even harder.  “You’re a beautiful, dirty little slut.  Aren’t you?”

Nobody have ever spoken to Suzanne like this before, and her face was burning in shame.  But her body was burning twice as much as he called her a slut and a whore, and she liked it.  She had never felt so desired in all her life.  “Yes,” she whispered in reply, and he shuddered.

“Say it,” he growled, releasing his grip on her arse so that he could force her to look at him.  “Tell me what a slut you are.”

Suzanne didn’t have a clue how to go about saying this in his language, so she had to resort to English.  “I’m a slut and a whore, and I need you so much!  Oh god Sasha, please don’t stop!”

“Do you want to feel me come inside you?” he asked, his voice hoarse and his head spinning.  His eyes rolled back in his head with pleasure at the thought of the girl calling herself a whore for him.

“Oh god yes!” she groaned.  “But please not yet!”  He smiled intensely.

“You want more?” he growled, sinking his teeth into her throat viciously.  She cried out in pain, the cry turning into a desperate cry “yes!”

“You still need more, little slut?” he asked.  “What does that make you?”

“I’m a total whore for you, Sasha,” she whispered.  “Oh god, please let me come!”

Sasha slid his hand between their bodies and rested just to the side of Suzanne’s clitoris.  She whined desperately and he smiled sadistically.

“You’re mine,” he growled.  “Say it.”  She did as he asked.  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you scream for me like this every night.  Do you understand?”  She did.  “And nobody else is ever going to touch you, do you understand that?”

Suzanne whispered another yes to Sasha’s final question.  She would have said yes to anything.  He slid his thumb on to her clitoris and stroked gently, then harder.  Suzanne went rigid and screamed as she finally exploded into orgasm again.  The contractions were even harder this time and they pushed Sasha over the edge into his own sexual bliss.  He groaned “Oh, fuck!” as he thrust into the girl one final time, shuddering as his orgasm took control of him completely and he collapsed on top of his exhausted, beautiful little captive.

Hunted AU: Strip Search

furrybert on Forced Stories

**Author's note** Hi guys, this is for all of the people who've asked me to write more on these two; I hope you like it. They're not completely the same people (well, Sasha is still very much Sasha, but Suzanne is a lot younger and a lot less confident in herself) but it's something that's been bugging me for a while and I wanted to see how it would play out. Please let me know what you think!</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha stood off to the side of the soldiers, silently
scanning the groups of people around him. He wasn’t looking for anyone in
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ular, but his eyes settled on a lone figure and suddenly the hairs on the
back of his neck stood on end. On the surface, the girl was unremarkable and
the soldiers certainly hadn’t taken any notice of her; however Sasha had
little regard for their abilities anyway.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>From a distance it appeared that she was dressed plainly,
with no visible jewellery or other valuables. She was wearing a flowing
red-brown skirt and a sturdy looking pair of boots, and a long, dark grey coat
in an attempt to keep warm in the snow. Her hair was loose, almost as if she were
trying to hide her face beneath the chocolate brown strands, but she was still
shivering in the cold.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>She was definitely not a native, the shivering was a clue to
that. It was rather a mild day by their normal standards and the sun was
shining weakly through the clouds. Sasha moved a little closer to get a better
look at the girl, but not so close as to alert her of his attention. On closer
inspection her coat seemed like it was designed for form rather than function,
as were the boots. Definitely an expensive Western designer of some sort.
What was she doing here?</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne was shivering, partly due to the ridiculous cold
(even with her warmest coat on), and partly due to fear. She couldn’t believe
her bad luck that a hoard of soldiers would turn up and start searching people
just when she had been about to leave. She was pretty sure she didn’t have
anything to hide that they could find, but it didn’t matter; she’d heard
stories. Thankfully, though, it seemed like the soldiers hadn’t noticed her
and she was going to be able to slip away unnoticed.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Or maybe not. She gasped in fright as she noticed one of
the men walking straight towards her. He wasn’t in uniform but he had arrived
with the soldiers, and something about the expression on his face told her that
it wasn’t a good thing that he seemed to be taking an interest in her. Perhaps
it was the rifle strapped to his back that worried her, or the nasty looking
handgun that he was carrying pointed at the ground. <i>Oh, god.</i></p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne tried not to look terrified as the man stalked
towards her, but it wasn’t so easy. He certainly didn’t look very friendly.
The words “hard as nails” and “evil incarnate” quickly sprang to mind, although
he wasn’t unattractive like most of the men around her. He slowed to a halt
about 10 feet in front of her, motioned to her with his gun for her to come to
him. She didn’t move. He started speaking to her in his language, and her
heart started pounding wildly. She was pretty sure he wanted her to go over to
him, but she couldn’t get her legs to work.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>He looked unamused. He continued his advancement on her,
growled angrily as she started backing away, eyes darting about for any hope of
a means of escape. No chance. Suzanne yelped as he reached out and grabbed
her by the hair, his gun coming to rest at the bottom of her jaw, none too gently.
She froze, her hands instinctively coming up to try to push him away but not
daring to touch him.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The man didn’t say anything for a while as he stood holding
his fistful of poker straight hair. He seemed to be studying her face,
enjoying her look of panic as he pressed the muzzle of his gun into her
throat. He was tall, a part of her brain noticed as he used the gun to tilt
her head back so that she had to look up into his eyes, and she didn’t dare
break his stare. His eyes were dark brown, and he had a scar over the left eye
that left an almost fetching gap through his eyebrow. </p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“You’re not from this country,” he said softly, letting the
gun trail down to her collarbone. “What are you doing here?” Suzanne had
trouble understanding what he meant; a few short lessons and a quick glance through
a “Teach Yourself” book could only go so far, after all. Thankfully, she did
remember how to say “I don’t understand.” She’d used it a lot.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>She sounded like she’d learned what little of the language
she had from a Russian. Suspicions confirmed, Sasha tightened his grip in the
girl’s hair and pulled her closer, let his thigh touch one of hers. “American?”
he said in English, then shook his head at her silence. “Not American, you
don’t talk enough. English?” She nodded almost imperceptibly. “Why are you
here?” he asked, watching her reaction to his leg touching hers. She flinched,
tried to pull away, but she was trapped between his gun and the hand in her

<p class=MsoNormal>His accent was pretty strong, but his English was a lot better
than her attempts at speaking a foreign language. Suzanne could understand him
fine, but she didn’t think it best to tell him why she was here. He was
holding her close on purpose, the intention was to be threatening and he was
certainly succeeding in that. She gasped softly as he let the gun play against
the neckline of her coat, its barrel rubbing the top of one of her breasts for
a moment. He smiled nastily, enjoying her fear.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The girl was terrified, that much was obvious. Tough. He
wanted answers from her regardless. She whimpered in fear as he leaned down
and slid his mouth against her ear, the gun sliding down to rest against her
thigh. “One of two things can happen from here,” he growled into her ear.
“You answer my questions, or we play rough. I’m happy either way, but you
won’t be.” He turned so that his unshaven face rubbed against her smooth cheek
slowly, let himself smell her hair. She smelled clean and feminine and utterly
unaccustomed to their rather harsh reality. He smiled as she shuddered against
him in response to his touch.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The man repeated his earlier question, and Suzanne figured
she had to say something in response. “I’m on holiday,” she said, which wasn’t
entirely untrue. She just wasn’t supposed to be on holiday in a war-torn
wasteland. He snorted at that.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Of course you are,” he replied sarcastically. “Why would
anyone not want to come and visit hell on earth?” He leaned back a little and
stared down at the shivering girl coldly. “What is your name?”</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne didn’t answer.  She knew that it probably wasn’t the
best of ideas, but she was terrified that giving this man any information would
endanger the person that she had come to try and find. He sighed in annoyance
at her refusal to answer his questions, then slid his gun away, concealed
somewhere behind his back. “Do you have a passport?” he asked, sliding his
free hand over her hips in search of pockets. <i>Shit!</i> He didn’t find
anything, so he searched higher, grinning at her moan of despair as his hand
brushed the underside of her breasts. He felt the outline of something
concealed in an inner pocket and slid his hands to the buttons of the coat,
unfastening them roughly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please don’t!” she whispered as his hand slid inside, but
he moved straight for the item within her coat pocket. He smiled triumphantly
as he revealed her passport, and flicked through it slowly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“You came from Italy?” he said, his eyebrow raising in
interest. “If I were you, I would have stayed there.” He flicked to the back page
where her personal information was held, checked that the photograph matched. The
name read ‘Suzanne Kate McCullough.’ The cold was seeping in through her open
coat, and her shivering increased in intensity. She gasped in horror as he
pocketed her passport, then started shoving her towards a small building, away
from the rest of the crowds. He backed her against the wall, didn’t stop until
he was pressing into her from chest to thigh.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne moaned softly in fear as the man pushed himself
against her and pinned her to the wall. She could feel solid muscle against
her chest and was mortified to feel her cold-hardened nipples jutting into him
through her clothes. He was at least shielding her from the cold, but she
would have gladly stood there shivering her arse off rather than be at the
mercy of this man.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Last chance,” he growled, his hand sliding under her coat
and resting on her ribs. “Tell me why you’re here, or we start getting very
friendly.” To make certain that she understood the threat, he slid his palm
against one of her breasts and stroked for a moment. The fabric of the
fingerless gloves he was wearing created a strange sensation, but his
fingertips felt warm against her freezing skin.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne’s breath caught in her throat as the man used his
palm to cup her breast and slid his thumb over her nipple. She shuddered in
fear at the sensation and then whined in pain as he squeezed her nipple so hard
that it would have drawn blood had he used his teeth. He eventually relented
and stroked over her throbbing nipple again gently, his eyes burning with clear
enjoyment at making her cry out in pain. Suzanne felt a confusing rush of
sensation through her body at the look in her tormentor’s eyes and the pain
that he was causing, and her body squirmed against his against her will.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha smiled cruelly as the girl whimpered beneath him while
he stroked over her breast. “Why do you care?” she asked, wanting to know what
had made her stand out for him against the rest of the crowd.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Because,” he growled softly, his hand sliding back down to
rest on her hip. “Big bad soldier is standing here threatening to rape pretty
little English girl, and she still doesn’t want to say why she’s here. Must be
important, don’t you think?” Suzanne squeezed her eyes closed, trying to stem
the flow of tears that were threatening to fall. “Either that,” he went on,
his voice low and gravelly. “Or she <b>wants</b> to be fucked. Is that it,
baby?” He slid his hand to her arse and pulled her against him firmly. “Do
you want to know what it feels like having a Serbian dick inside you? Being
held down and fucked by a murderer?”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne felt that same rush of sensation through her body as
the man pulled her even closer so that he was pressing his dick into her lower
belly. She certainly couldn’t miss the fact that he was enjoying tormenting
her. “Please no!” she whispered, one of the tears escaping and making a run
for it down her cheek. “Why me?”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha paused for a moment. Why her? “Because you look so…
innocent,” he whispered, stroking the wet line on her face where the tear had
<p class=MsoNormal>“Are you going to ruin that?” she asked, her lip trembling. 
He laughed softly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Oh yes,” he confirmed, stroking his palm over her cheek, and
she closed her eyes in fear. “Completely. All you have to do is tell me why
you’re here. Or we can fuck; it’s up to you.”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“But you can’t!” Suzanne replied, here eyes wide in shock.
“All these people – ”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Won’t see a thing,” he interrupted. “War does that to

<p class=MsoNormal>“But…” Suzanne whispered, struggling against her captor.
She brought her hands up to his chest and shoved as hard as she could, groaned
“Let me go!” He laughed softly at her attempts to get him off her, enjoying
the feel of her hands sliding over his chest. “Please don’t do this!”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Big brown eyes stared up at him imploringly, wide with fear,
and Sasha smiled, a sadistic glint in his eye. Now that he could see the girl
close up, he noticed the fine texture of her skin and her youthful appearance.
Her face was fine-boned and she had a small, straight nose that balanced
perfectly with her beautiful doe-eyes. He slid his mouth to her ear again, whispered
“Talk to me, baby,” then slid his mouth downwards and started to nuzzle and
suck her throat gently. He felt his dick start to throb as the girl moaned
softly in response and she allowed her head to fall back in submission. Her
hands stilled on his chest and her fingers curled slightly, her nails digging
into his clothing.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne lost awareness of her surroundings for a moment as
Sasha slid his mouth down over her throat. Regardless of her fear, her body
was reacting to him and causing her skin to flush while a wave of warmth was
spreading from her neck down to her inner thighs. She moaned softly as Sasha
slid a palm to her back inside her coat, moving down to grip one of her arse
cheeks firmly, and she came back to her senses with a jolt.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The girl started to struggle again, and so Sasha held still
against her, enjoying the feel of her wriggling beneath him. He slid his mouth
back to her ear and whispered “I am going to bury my dick inside you and watch
you squirm for me, little girl. And you’re going to scream for hours.” She
whimpered in despair, turned a shade of red even darker than when he’d been
kissing her. Sasha pulled her away from the wall and shoved her towards the
door of the building, propelling her inside roughly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The building consisted of one large room and only one door.
A couple of tables were located haphazardly around the room, and Sasha shoved
his little captive towards the one furthest from the door. He had been right
earlier; he could have happily screwed her against the wall outside and none of
the civilians would have seen a thing. The other soldiers however would have
wanted their turn, and Sasha wasn’t one for sharing. Not until he was done
with her, at least.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne wasn’t sure if she should be happy for the privacy
or scared shitless of what Sasha was going to do. She watched him close the
door behind them and then lower his rifle and his handgun to one of the tables,
removing the ammunition and placing them down with a surprising amount of care
and attention. Probably a lot more than she was going to receive. He took off
his gloves and left them with the guns, sliding his jacket off his shoulders at
the same time to reveal a black t-shirt that seemed suddenly very good at
demonstrating his more than adequately muscled arms and chest. He walked
towards her slowly, the brutal expression on his face causing Suzanne’s legs to
tremble. She backed away as he advanced on her until her shoulders hit the
wall, and she was trapped.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha grabbed the girl by the coat, let her twist free so
that the garment fell away in his hand. She made a run for it but she had no
chance of escaping him. He caught her by the hair and threw her back against
the wall. Tears of shock spilled over her cheeks at the sudden sharp pain in
her scalp, and Suzanne whimpered softly. He tightened his grip in her hair and
lifted her onto her toes with one hand, forcing her to look at him.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“You want to play games?” he growled, shoving her back
against the wall. “We can do that. But I’m warning you, baby. I play rough.”</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“Let me go, you bastard!” Suzanne screamed, bringing her
knee upwards in an attempt to hit him in the balls. She almost succeeded, but
he twisted out of the way and she ended up hitting his leg instead. She
brought up her hands and punched him in the face as hard as she could. He
didn’t even flinch.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“My turn,” he whispered softly, flexing the muscles in his
shoulders for a moment to make sure that she knew what was coming. He looked
her over quickly, taking in the small size of her build for her height, and
then punched her in the left cheek, making sure that he controlled the blow so
that he didn’t break any bones. The girl yelped in pain; the blow had been bad
enough, but it also turned her head to the side and put pressure on the hair
that Sasha was still holding on to.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Had enough?” he asked softly, and Suzanne glowered at him
in between sobs. He was impressed that she didn’t give up straight away. He
hit her again, harder, and she screamed this time. A drop of blood began to
trickle from her nose. Sasha lowered the girl to her feet again and released
her hair, slid his hand to her chin instead. “We can stop any time you’re
ready,” he whispered softly, but the look in his eyes said very clearly that he
didn’t want to stop. He continued hitting her, until she had difficulty in
standing up and she eventually begged him to stop.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Want to tell me why you’re here yet baby?” Sasha asked, and
Suzanne looked away, silent. “Then I can carry on hitting you or I can fuck
you. Make up your mind.” She still said nothing, and so he hit her again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please stop!” Suzanne whispered softly, her head lolling
forwards from the impact of his fist to her cheek. Sasha pulled the girl’s
head level with his so that she looked him in the eye again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Had enough?” he said again, and she nodded miserably.
“Then tell me why you’re here, or ask me to fuck you.” Suzanne’s eyes widened.
No. There was no way that she was going to accept either option. She
hesitated too long and was rewarded with another crack to her jaw. She
couldn’t take any more, she was about to faint.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“You know what you need to say, baby,” Sasha murmured, and
stroked a few strands of hair off her face. </p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please…” Suzanne whispered, her face a vision of pain.
“Please fuck me.”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Those three words sent shivers down Sasha’s spine, but he
still wanted more. He pulled her eyes in line with his again, took in her
bruised and bleeding face and her dark tear-filled eyes that displayed her fear
so beautifully. He held her gaze as he whispered “say it again.”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne whined in humiliation, her eyes pleading, but Sasha
would not relent. She took a shaky breath and whispered the phrase again, felt
her body burn with shame as his eyes started to blaze with desire. He pulled
her away from the wall, turned her around and shoved her against the edge of
the table, so suddenly that she lost her balance and fell onto it, prone.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha leaned over the girl and slid his hand over her cheek,
held her eyes level with his again. Their faces were so close that their noses
rubbed together gently and she flinched uncomfortably. “I don’t think you
meant that, baby,” he whispered softly, smiling cruelly as her eyes widened in
fear. “Maybe we should just go back to what we were doing before?” he asked,
raising his arm and curling his fingers into a fist.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“No!” Suzanne whimpered softly, bringing her hands up in
front of her face. “Please no! I said what you wanted, please-”</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“But you didn’t mean it,” he asked softly.  “Did you?”  He
flexed his shoulder and pulled his fist back, ready to hit her again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“I did!” Suzanne whispered, reaching out and grabbing
Sasha’s hand in an attempt to bring it back down. He was amused by her
efforts, but kept his expression brutal as usual. “Please don’t. Please!”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha twisted his hand free from the girl’s considerably
weaker grip and grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head. She arched
her back instinctively and writhed against him, until he used his free hand to
grab her throat and pin her down.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Do you think you’re in charge here, little bitch?” he
growled harshly, squeezing her throat sharply to warn her against trying to
move again. “Do you think you can tell me what to do?” Tears filled the
girl’s eyes and spilled out onto her face and Sasha felt his dick throb with
desire at her obvious terror.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“No!” she whimpered, her voice hoarse until he loosened his
grip on her throat a little. “I just didn’t want you to… to hit me again.
I-I… I’ll do what… I’ll do whatever you want, just please, please don’t hit me
again.” </p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The girl was hysterical, and Sasha was loving it. He could
think of almost nothing he would rather do than bask in this girl’s abject
terror of him. Almost. He was definitely looking forward to hearing her
scream as he sank his dick all the way inside her.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“Anything, baby?” he repeated, taking his hand off her
throat so that he could stroke her face. She nodded immediately. “So you do
want me to fuck you?”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>There was a split second pause, and then she replied. “Yes.”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Say it,” he growled, grabbing her chin so that her eyes
were held level with his.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please fuck me,” Suzanne whispered softly, her voice
wavering. Sasha sneered.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Don’t believe you baby,” he whispered, letting go of her
wrists so that he could sink his fist into her hair, ready to pull.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please fuck me!” Suzanne repeated, trying to sound as
persuasive as possible. “Please, please fuck me.”</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“You want me inside you, baby?” he asked, and Suzanne nodded
immediately. “Then tell me what you want me to do to you,” he growled. She
whimpered softly, closed her eyes as a wave of heated humiliation came over
her. Sasha yanked on her hair until she met his gaze again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne was almost hyperventilating with terror. She knew
that she had to do what he wanted – say what he wanted – but she just couldn’t
bring herself to look into his eyes and beg him to rape her. His eyes
darkened, she wasn’t sure if it was in anger or anticipation, but she felt his
grip tighten in her hair and his muscles tense. <i>No.</i> She couldn’t take
him hitting her again. Surely even the humiliation of begging him would be
better than that? Because if she didn’t do what he wanted – now – he was going
to kill her, and she knew it.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Oh, god,” Suzanne whispered softly as she squeezed her eyes
shut for a split second, gathering all the strength that she had left. She
opened them again and stared straight into the beautifully hard eyes of her
fiercely violent attacker.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“I want to know how your hands feel on my skin,” she
whispered softly. She noticed his eyes started to burn, but she didn’t dare
stop. “I want to feel your mouth on me… your tongue stroking and your teeth
raking. I want to feel your hands spreading me open and your fingers pushing
inside, feeling hot and wet and tight for you. I want to feel you pushing my
legs over my head and spreading me open again for you. I want to feel your
weight on me as you hold me down and slide so deep inside me that I can’t
breathe, and you screw me until you collapse on top of me.”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha wasn’t sure where the girl managed to get the courage
to say her little speech, but he was impressed. He slid his hand over the
girl’s mouth for a second, then slid her face to the side so that he could talk
directly into her ear. His breathing was heavy with arousal and he let her
hear it for a moment. She was also breathing quickly, her skin flushed with
embarrassment at what she had just said and the effect it had apparently had on
her attacker.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“Mmm baby,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with arousal.  “Who’d
have thought you could talk dirty? Now I really need to fuck you.” Suddenly
Suzanne felt her skin flush even redder, the heat spreading all the way through
her body and causing her to begin to ache. His voice was suddenly so sexy; the
brutal sound of his accent only helping him to appear even more masculine and
dominating. He settled his weight onto her gently, allowing her to feel the
hardness of his erection press directly onto her clitoris, and she whimpered
softly, writhing against him.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Do you want me to bite you, baby?” he whispered. “You want
to know how I make you feel when I’m holding you down and sliding my dick all
the way inside you? Do you want me to fuck you hard, baby?” He was grinding
against her very gently, and Suzanne moaned softly as he spoke, finally replied
with an “oh yes!”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“You’re going to scream for me, baby,” he whispered softly,
then stood up again. Suzanne suddenly shivered as the warmth of his body heat
left her and the coldness of the room advanced into her bones once again. The
cold was like a slap to the face, and the strength that she had relied upon to
get her through the last few minutes deserted her completely. Her earlier fear
crept back into her and she started to shake once again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha slid the girl’s skirt up her legs until it bunched at
her hips, and slid her pretty little white pants to the floor. He slid his
palms against her inner thighs, parted her legs so that he could look at her
more closely. Her legs were creamy-white and beautifully smooth all the way
from her ankles to her hips, and she whimpered softy as his callused fingers
slid over them slowly. A girl who has enough time and not enough demons to
worry about keeping her legs shaved smooth, he thought to himself with a
smirk. He crouched down between her legs so that he was at eye level with her
quivering pretty pink flesh, stroked his fingers through the short brown fur at
the top. She jumped in fright, tried to close her legs but he still had one
palm against her right thigh.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne keened softly as Sasha slid his other hand back to
her thigh and parted her legs again, then leaned forward so that he could kiss
the top of her inner thigh gently. He smiled and stood up again, slid his
hands to her sweater and untied the knot that held the wrap-over closed. He slid
it out of the way and freed her breasts from her bra, the delicate pink nipples
already hard under his gaze. </p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The girl was staring at his chest as Sasha went about baring
her body for him. She had a nipped-in trim waist, but her breasts and hips
were rounded and full. Her beautifully expressive eyes were filled with panic
at the thought of him touching her. Her earlier bravado had left her, as he knew
that it would. She was shaking, and not just from the cold. He reached out
and cupped one of her breasts, feeling its weight as he bent down and caught a
delicate pink nipple in his mouth, sucked gently.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne shivered as she laid spread on the table in front of
her would be rapist, moaned softly in humiliation as he sucked on her breast.
Her hands slid to his hair with the intention of pushing him away, but lay
still instead, cradling him against her. He lifted his head for a moment and
locked eyes with her, smiled cruelly as he saw the look of humiliation on her
face. She snatched back her hands and dropped them to her sides in disgust. He
continued to suck and slid one hand to her other breast, kneading and stroking
until he heard her moan once more.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha stood up again, leaned over the girl until his face
was only inches from hers. “Do you like that, baby?” he asked softly, and
Suzanne sobbed softly in shame. “Do you still want to feel me inside you? Are
you getting wet, baby?”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please don’t do this,” Suzanne whispered, tears dripping
down her face and onto the table beside her. His eyes burned into hers,
beautiful in their brutality.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“You asked me to do this, baby,” he reminded, and Suzanne
closed her eyes in disgust. “Look at me,” he growled, slapped her lightly
until she obeyed. “Are you getting wet?” he whispered again.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“No!” Suzanne replied, hoping to all hell that it was true.
She was confused by the conflicting emotions that she was experiencing, had no
idea why she had been turned on by his voice and why she was reacting to his
touch when only minutes ago he had been beating the living shit out of her.
Her skin was incredibly sensitive from the pain earlier, and his suddenly
gentle touch was having a definite effect.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“No?” Sasha repeated, one eyebrow raised in disbelief. He
slid his palms down from her armpits to her waist, across her flared hips and
onto her thighs. She squirmed slightly as he touched her, the friction causing
her breath to catch in her throat. He slid his left hand back into her hair to
hold her head steady as he slid his right hand back in to the brown fur at the
top of her legs.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>“Oh no!” Suzanne moaned as she felt Sasha’s fingers slide
against the outer lips of her vagina gently. She tried to close her legs, but
Sasha nudged them apart again with his knee. He stared into her eyes as he
stroked gently, letting his middle finger dip inside her slightly to find her
rapidly becoming wet. He slid his wet finger over to the girl’s clitoris
gently, stroked the moisture over it slowly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Oh yes,” Sasha replied, moving his thumb to her clitoris so
that he could dip his finger inside her again. “Hot and wet and tight,” he
said, echoing her words from earlier and causing her to shudder in response. He
circled her opening slowly as his thumb rocked over her clit, and Suzanne
arched against him, a moan of agonised pleasure escaping her. He dipped his
finger in and out of her again, continuing his circling movement as he leaned
over and kissed her, his tongue entering her mouth and exploring quickly.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>The part of Suzanne’s brain that was still able to think was
shrinking rapidly. Her body was switching between cold fear and aching heat relentlessly
and without warning, and she was totally unable to control it. She groaned
against Sasha’s mouth and felt her body arching against him of its own accord
and she was unable to stop either action. He slid two fingers back insider her
and pressed against her vagina in a hard circle until he found the bundle of
nerves inside her that made her whine with pleasure, and then stayed there. </p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha came back up for air, his finger and thumb continuing
to stroke the girl. She was dripping wet now, and whining incoherently. He
grinning with satisfaction as he slid his tongue back to her breasts and sucked
gently, then raked his teeth over them slowly. He continued downwards until
his torturing tongue found the girl’s clitoris, and started to lick gently.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne felt a confusing mixture of shame and fear come over
her, but she didn’t have time to register these feelings properly before her
body tensed and arched against Sasha in orgasm. She continued to writhe
against him as he moved back up to lean over her and slide his tongue against
the sensitive skin on her throat. His talented tongue clouded her senses again
before she was able to notice the fear creeping back into her body.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“You’re so fucking sexy, little girl,” Sasha growled into
Suzanne’s ear, and she whimpered in response. He slid his hand to her arse and
pulled her against him firmly, let her feel how hard he was for her. “I’m
going to fuck you now, baby, and if you let me come inside you, I’m not going
to let you go.”</p>
<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne didn’t understand a word of what he was saying.  All
she knew was that her body was burning again and she needed him to make it
stop. He slid her legs up over her head, hooked his left arm under her knee
and grabbed her wrists and held them above her head, stretching her open for
him. She moaned in anticipation as he paused to move his pants out of the way,
then slid the head of his penis against her gently.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Look at me,” he whispered softly, sliding his other hand to
her face and raising her eyes to his. She held his gaze and he slid his hand
down between them, slid his thumb over her clitoris and stroked gently. </p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Oh please!” Suzanne whispered desperately, her body trying
to writhe against him despite the fact that Sasha had most of his weight
against her. He smiled, leaned into her and whispered “tell me what you want,”
into her ear.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Please fuck me,” Suzanne whined, repeating her words from
before. Her eyes begged and her body was still writhing; she was desperate.
Sasha growled in arousal and his body reacted instinctively; he pushed inside
the girl hard and fast, until he was buried balls-deep inside his little
captive. She screamed for him; a mixture of pleasure and pain that sent his
senses reeling in satisfaction. He settled his weight over her and pulled her
wrists until she was stretched taut and totally at his mercy, and started to
move inside her hard.</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>“Is this what you wanted, little girl?” Sasha growled into
the girl’s ear. “Did you want to know how it feels to be held down and fucked
by the big bad soldier? Did you want to be fucked hard, baby?”</p>

<p class=MsoNormal>Suzanne was barely able to comprehend what Sasha was saying,
but she understood the tone of his voice. “Oh yes,” she whispered softly, her
eyes rolling back in her head from the constant onslaught of sensation that he
was inflicting on her. The way that he was holding her, his weight against her
and the feeling of him moving inside her so forcefully was causing her to feel
completely and utterly dominated. And the most terrifying thing was how good it
<p class=MsoNormal>Sasha continued to whisper into the girl’s ear as he moved
inside her, until she was whimpering so desperately that he couldn’t hold on
any longer. He slid his thumb back to her clit and stroked firmly, let her
come one more time just before his own orgasm took over his body and he
collapsed on top of her, growling in pleasure.</p>

Educating the Teacher

furrybert on Forced Stories

All of the shit that Sean had ever been through was worth it just to be able to experience this moment of his life. Lisa Harrison had been a teacher in his school during his final year. He was head over heels in lust with her from the second he first saw her, but they didn’t get on. She had only been a little older than his eighteen years, but acted as if she had the right to tell him how to live his life.

She hadn’t approved of his extracurricular activities; dealing and getting into fights apparently wasn’t on her list of top priorities. She’d done her absolute best to make his life as difficult as possible, to the point where he eventually got expelled from school for the final time and was forced to take a stint in the Marines to avoid extended jail
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time. So she wasn’t his favourite person in the whole wide world.

Which was why this moment was so fucking sweet.

The last time he’d seen her had been in court. She’d stood there looking all fucking demure as she gave her ‘account’ of what had happened between them earlier. The anger still burned like it was fresh every time he thought of it. He’d done a lot of things in his life, but he had never raped a girl. And present company excluded of course, he never intended to.

He would have accepted doing time for a crime that he had actually committed; there were sure as hell enough of those. But to be sent to the Marines for attempted rape when the whole thing was bullshit? That he couldn’t accept. Watching her stand there turning on the waterworks while she told the jury about how he’d held her up against a wall and finger fucked her until she begged him to stop? He would have gladly done the time for murder instead if he’d been able to run across the room and strangle her.

She’d treated him like she thought he was shit from the day that they met, although that still didn’t cool the full-on lust that he felt every time that he even thought about her. The stuck up English accent drove him so crazy that he couldn’t tell if he wanted to screw someone or kick the shit out of them. She knew he wanted her; she had to. Everyone else knew it. He tried his best not to make her mad at him, but he had to make a living. The city wasn’t an easy place to live for a half Irish punk without a father. Not that he was making any excuses for himself. There were other choices he could have made and didn’t.

She caught him one day selling weed on the school grounds. It was small time shit that normally people would just have gotten a warning about, but he’d been there too many times already. He found himself sitting in her classroom after the end of school every day for the rest of the month. Not that he really thought of that as punishment until the last day.

“This is the last time I’m putting up with this from you, Sean,” his teacher said, in full-scale Bitch mode. “You’re not a child any more and you’re certainly capable of knowing right from wrong. If you’re caught engaging in any illegal activity on the school grounds again you will be permanently excluded from the school. Is that clear enough for you?”

Sean looked over at his teacher and smiled mischievously. “It is,” he agreed. “But I’ve always wondered. Are you so uptight because your dealer isn’t coming up with the goods, or do you just need a good fuck? Either way, I can hook you up, you know?”

Harrison looked unimpressed. “Today is not a good day to try to provoke me, Sean,” she replied. “I have a lot of work to do and I can think of better ways of spending my time than this.”

“You mean than with me,” Sean growled, his sense of humour disappearing as he was suddenly reminded that he would never be good enough for her. He stood up and walked towards the front of the room, agitated. “Why the fuck is it that I’m not even worth the time of day?”

“You can think what you like,” she snapped. “Just do it elsewhere, please.” That was enough for Sean. He stalked towards her, his eyes smouldering. Lisa backed away quickly, until her back hit the classroom wall and she was trapped. Sean advanced on her until his chest was grazing her nipples and he grabbed her cheek, let his mouth almost touch hers. He stood there for several moments, his breathing heavy with anger and arousal.

She didn’t move, or scream, or try to push him away. She simply stood there, waiting for him to do whatever he was going to do. Her breathing was unsteady and she was trembling slightly, but she still didn’t fight him. He desperately wanted to turn his head just enough so that he could taste her, but he’d probably already done enough to get himself kicked out of the school.

Sean took a half step backwards. “I’m sorry,” he whispered softly, then let his hand slide down off Lisa’s cheek. “I’m sorry.” He left the room and didn’t look back. He’d expected her to have him kicked out for that, but she didn’t say a word to anyone. Which made him wonder about whether she had actually enjoyed the whole thing.

And that brought him back to his interpretation of the events so ashamedly described by Miss Innocent during their little courtroom drama. A couple of weeks after their not-quite kiss, she’d followed him into the students’ study room to continue an argument that he was trying to escape. He hadn’t finished an assignment for her class. Big deal. Like he was ever going to graduate from the fucking school anyway. She was arguing for argument’s sake, and she was driving him crazy. And turning him on.

Sean stomped off into the kitchen in the hope that she would leave so that he could wait until his raging hard on had gone. But no. Why would she follow him in there if she didn’t want anything to happen?

As soon as she walked through the door to the kitchen, Sean closed it behind her and slammed his body up against hers. He grabbed her arms and held them still with his left hand as he slid his right hand to her chin and held her mouth steady. He didn’t hesitate this time; he slid his mouth over hers and kissed her hard. Her mouth tasted like cream and he growled in ecstasy as he thrust up against her, the hand on her jaw moving down and onto her left breast.

He felt her groan softly as he slid his tongue into her mouth and his fingers over her nipple. She writhed against him for a moment, until he made it clear that he didn’t want to let her go. His hand slid into her shirt and cupped her bare breast and she turned her head away from Sean and moaned in pleasure, her face red with shame.

“I wanna fuck you baby,” Sean whispered softly, his hand sliding down across her hips and on to her thighs. He continued to kiss his teacher as he slid his hand back up her skirt and into her underwear. She moaned against him softly, squirmed as she tried to free her arms from his grip. He slid his fingers inside her gently, stroked around in a circle as he used his thumb to stroke over her clit. She arched her back against him in response, whining desperately against his mouth.

Lisa tore her mouth away from Sean’s and tried to catch her breath. He slid his mouth to her throat instead and continued his assault with his altogether far too talented mouth. God, he felt good. But she couldn’t do this. “Let me go,” she whispered softly, and he froze against her neck. “Please Sean.”

Sean straightened and slid his fingers out of Lisa’s underwear slowly. He slid both hands to her face and held her eyes level with his. “Tell me you don’t want me,” he growled, grinding his hips against hers slowly. She gulped.

“You’re a student, Sean,” she whispered. “And I’m your teacher. I’ll lose my career for this; please let me go. Please.”

And he let her go. And that brought them back to the courtroom drama. He didn’t know why she’d said what she did. Maybe she was trying to protect herself in case he tried to undermine her. It was bullshit anyway, whichever way you cut it. Being accused of rape – even attempted rape – would always put a damper on the rest of your life.

Sean watched with an arrogant detachment as two of his men marched the woman into his office and sat her down in the chair opposite his desk. He leaned back in his chair for a moment and savoured the fear that he could feel coming off her in waves. He usually wasn’t that interested in prolonging the agony, but this was certainly different.

He hadn’t seen her in ten years, but she looked almost unchanged. Her hair was the same chestnut brown and as glossy and poker straight as he remembered, although it seemed shorter now that he thought about it. She still had a gorgeously curvy figure and didn’t even seem like she’d put on a single extra pound. However, her beautiful big brown eyes were filled with fear and panic rather than her old holier than thou look, and he certainly liked the change.

Although Lisa looked the same as she had ten years earlier, Sean most certainly did not. He was no longer the gangly street punk that she remembered from his time at her school. He had grown into and developed his body to the point where he now had an impressive presence, even while sitting down. His once greasy looking half Puerto Rican features had matured, and together with a well trimmed goatee and beautifully modern, messily spiked haircut, made him look incredibly striking. His smouldering dark eyes didn’t hurt either.

She’d said that he’d never amount to anything. He had to fight to keep the smirk from his face as the bitch sat trembling in his office, knowing only too well how easily he could destroy her. In ten years he had built an empire that from nothing had turned into the strongest mafia family in the area. He was literally the most powerful man in the city and he had a hundred men snapping at his heels ready to do his dirty work for him just in case he didn’t feel like it.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” Sean murmured softly, finally allowing a glint of satisfaction to shine through. Lisa almost shivered in fear.

“Look, Sean…” she started, finding it difficult to meet his gaze. She was terrified, and with good reason. Her voice lacked its trademark Bitch quality, and she suddenly seemed very fragile while on his home ground.

“Nobody has called me Sean in a very long time,” he said softly. She knew that, of course. He’d been in the news enough that she couldn’t possibly have missed his rise to infamy. Angel Morgan was always a source of interesting gossip.

“I’m sorry,” she replied. She was gripping her hands together in her lap painfully. “Angel. I know that we haven’t had the, um… most successful relationships in the past, but I promise you this has nothing to do with me.”

“Oh really?” Angel asked, one eyebrow raising in amusement.

“Really,” Lisa repeated, her eyes widening imploringly.

Angel leaned forward in his chair for a moment as he let the silence drag out. He was unsurprised to note that the change in the dynamics of their relationship had made him want the bitch even more than he had when he was a kid. After months of being bossed around and then having his life destroyed by her, having the ability to end her life in a second without even lifting a finger was a powerful stimulant.

“Because you understand how things look to me,” Angel murmured softly, deliberately allowing his eyes to roam over Lisa’s chest until she squirmed in embarrassment. “Don’t you?” She was silent, so he elaborated for her. “First you completely fuck up my life to save your own, and then when you see me actually get back on my feet, you can’t take being wrong, so you try to fuck me over again.”

Lisa’s eyes darted to meet Angel’s in panic. “It isn’t like that!” she whispered, her hands gripping her side of the desk in panic. “I promise you it isn’t! This has nothing to do with me, Angel, I swear it doesn’t!”

“And why the fuck should I believe you?” Angel asked, allowing his voice to take on some of his trademark menacing quality. He noticed her squirm again at that, and was amused to notice that she pressed her legs together very quickly. Getting wet?

“Because it’s ridiculous!” Lisa exclaimed. “Why would I try to draw your attention to me by doing this? What could I possibly have to gain from it?” It was true, it was ridiculous. There was no way on earth that she would have ever wanted to draw Sean “Angel” Morgan’s attention to her ever again. She had been less than amused to find out that her boyfriend had borrowed money from one of the mafia families. When she’d found out it had been from Sean Morgan, she had nearly had a fit. And when she’d found out that he’d borrowed it against her house and wasn’t going to pay it back…

She explained what had happened and Angel listened to her babble. It wasn’t until she had finished explaining the whole mess that she realised what kind of trouble she was actually in. Angel already knew the story, and he’d known all along exactly what had happened. He didn’t get where he was today by being ignorant of his business deals. He’d allowed her boyfriend to borrow the money against her house, and he’d done it in order to get her into this position. He didn’t care about the money, he cared about getting his hands on her.

The full weight of the situation now sinking in, Lisa sat silently, willing the tears not to fall as she waited for Angel to do what he was going to do. She had no idea what he was thinking; the man sitting in front of her was almost unrecognisable as the kid that had caused her so much trouble in his time at school. He was beautiful, and well dressed, and well built. And he gave off an aura of absolute self confidence that was both intensely attractive and utterly intimidating at the same time.

Angel sat back in his chair again, satisfied that Lisa now understood the situation that she was in, and the fact that she was completely at his mercy. “Do you have any idea how much money you owe me?” he asked softly. She opened her mouth to protest that it wasn’t her debt, but then realised that it was pointless. “No?” he continued. “Four hundred grand, baby. That means that your house belongs to me. And I am going to collect.”

Lisa closed her eyes and looked down as she felt a tear spill onto her cheek. If he took her house, she would have absolutely nothing left out of everything she had ever worked for. She dropped her head into her hands and whispered “Sean, please. This isn’t fair.”

“It isn’t?” he asked. “After you had me convicted of attempted rape when you knew it was bullshit? After you absolutely destroyed my entire life? Maybe I’m not being hard enough on you, is that what you mean?”

“I was not willing and you knew it Sean!” Lisa growled. “That’s why you were holding my arms down and had me pinned against the wall, if you remember! And this is a complete set up.”

“This is no more of a set up than what you did to me, you bitch,” Angel replied. “You moaned like a whore and you know it. And when you asked me to let you go, I fucking let you go. You did all this because you fucking liked it, and you were terrified that I would tell someone. You did it to save your own fucking ass and to hell with me.”

Lisa was silent for several moments, and then took a shaky breath. “What do you want from me, Angel?” she asked. “To take away everything I’ve worked for? Well you’ve done that. Can I please go now?”

Angel smiled nastily. “Do you really think you’re getting away from me that easily, baby?” he asked. “After ten years of wanting to beat the living shit out of you, do you honestly think I’m going to let you go now?” His voice had descended even more into his menacing tone, but was also becoming huskily sexy at the same time. Lisa gulped hard.

“Then…” she whispered, her voice breaking in fear. “What are you…?”

“Do you really think I care about four hundred grand?” Angel asked. Lisa frowned in confusion. “It’s not the fucking money that I want, baby. It’s you. I want to see you fucking suffer. I’m going to humiliate you and degrade you until you feel the way that I felt when you told the world that I’m a fucking rapist. And if you behave, then maybe when I’m done I won’t fucking kill you.”

Lisa sat in silence for a moment, until she could no longer stand the tension. “What are you going to do?” she asked softly.

Angel stood up and stalked towards Lisa’s side of the desk slowly. He pulled her to her feet and pushed her until she had her back to the wall. “You, baby,” he whispered softly as he slid his hand to her chin to hold her eyes level with his. “You are going to do anything that I want, for as long as I want, until I’m done with you. And if you complain, or you don’t perform exactly like I wanted, I’m going to beat the fucking shit out of you until you do. Do you understand?”

Lisa whimpered softly at the proximity of Angel’s body, but nodded obediently. There was no way that she could get out of this. He smiled, then moved so that he was pinning her to the wall and held her arms behind her back with his left hand.

“Feel familiar?” he asked as he slid his right hand against her breast. Lisa closed her eyes in fear; it did feel all too familiar, but a whole lot worse at the same time. Ten years ago she had known that she was in a public place and that she had a lot more chance of escape. Now… she was utterly at Angel’s mercy, and he had none to give. His body was hard and muscled enough so that she knew she had no chance of overpowering him, and even if she did, she would never be able to get far enough away from him to be out of his reach.

“I’m a rapist now baby,” he whispered, his fingers tightening over her nipple until she whimpered in pain. “I may as well fucking enjoy it.” He leaned down and kissed her, his body reacting instantly to the familiar creamy taste of her mouth. She moaned softly as she squirmed against him, gasping as she felt his dick press into her lower belly.

Angel slid his mouth to Lisa’s throat and continued to kiss as he slid his hand from her breast down and into her underwear. He stroked over her clitoris with his thumb and slid two fingers inside her and circled slowly, just as he had done when they had been in the school. “Aren’t you gonna ask me to stop, baby?” he taunted softly, and tears started to fall down Lisa’s face again. She was ashamed to realise that she was a lot wetter than she should be, and he knew it. She gasped as his thumb found the perfect rhythm on her clitoris to drive her crazy and held there, and his mouth continued to torment her throat.

Lisa moaned softly as her body started nearing orgasm. She was pushing as hard as she could against Angel’s hand, desperate for him to send her over the edge. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she bit her lip and had to concentrate on not letting herself collapse. She whined in desperation as he suddenly withdrew his fingers and stepped away from her, leaving her utterly frustrated.

Now that he had her, Angel was eager to fuck his little prize. But he’d been waiting ten years; he could manage to wait a few minutes longer. Especially if it added to her humiliation and discomfort. She was breathless and dishevelled and the look of shameful pleasure on her face was rapidly being replaced with anger and embarrassment. Good. He didn’t want her to roll over and beg; there would have been no fun in that. He walked back over to his desk and dropped his suit jacket onto the chair, then pulled off his tie and loosened the top buttons of his shirt. He slowly rolled up the sleeves of his shirt as he turned around to face Lisa again.

“Come here,” he whispered softly. She stood for a moment, weighing up her options. She didn’t want to act the slave and do as she was told; he was blackmailing her and had just totally humiliated her, after all. However, she didn’t have much choice in the matter. She eventually took a couple of small steps towards him as a token gesture of obedience. He was unimpressed.

“Come here,” he said again, his voice hard. He wasn’t used to having to repeat himself, and his eyes blazed angrily. Lisa gulped, and did as she was told, walking up to him so that she had to crane her neck to look into his eyes. He tangled one hand into the hair at the nape of her neck and pulled downwards until she took the hint and got down onto her knees.

It was obvious what he wanted, but Lisa refused to do anything without being told. Angel slid his hand to Lisa’s jaw and lifted her face until her eyes met his again. “You’ve got two choices baby,” he growled. “You can blow me, or not. But if not, you’re gonna regret it. It’s up to you.”

Of course now that she had a choice, she couldn’t possibly relent. Even though it meant that she was going to suffer for it (and then probably have to blow him anyway). Lisa lifted her chin in defiance and sat still, refusing to move. Angel raised an eyebrow in amusement.

“Let me put it this way for you,” he went on. “You can blow me, or you can blow every single one of the ten guys standing outside, and then me. Do you think you need the practice first baby?”

Lisa scowled. She had been determined not to give in, but what would be the point if it just meant humiliating herself in front of even more people? She slid the palms of her hands onto his thighs and stroked gently for a moment, then slowly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants.

She gulped in apprehension. He was pretty big, and Lisa had always had a well developed gag reflex; this was going to be difficult. She slid her hands back on to his thighs and stroked up and down slowly, feeling the muscles move beneath his skin. The suit certainly hadn’t over-exaggerated his build, and his legs were beautiful. Lisa slid one hand to her mouth and licked over her palm up to her finger ends, before gently gripping his shaft and sliding up to cup the head.

The soft moan that Lisa heard above her spurred her on a little, and she stuck out her tongue and lapped it from the base of his shaft to the tip, returning to gently lick over his balls before sliding back up and flicking her tongue into the opening at the top.

The feel of Lisa’s mouth on his dick was electric as she first started to suck and Angel moaned softly in pleasure, his fingers sliding into her hair and rubbing her scalp gently. As much as he had enjoyed his past achievements in getting to where he was today, even murdering his biggest competitors with his own hands didn’t compare to the feeling of elation he was experiencing at this moment. He closed his eyes and groaned harshly as Lisa slid her hand to his balls and stroked for a moment before squeezing gently.

She had him coming a lot quicker than he’d expected, and he was almost annoyed that she had gotten off so easily. She stood up again slowly, used her middle finger to mop up a dribble of his come that had landed on her chin, and then sucked her finger clean. She’d staged it to tease and it worked perfectly, but he was going to need a few minutes before he’d be ready to finally screw her into submission.

Lisa frowned apprehensively as Angel called another man into the room. He was one of the men that had brought her here in the first place, so she’d seen him before. He’d been there when they’d forced their way into her house and manhandled her to her knees - at his feet, no less. She remembered the feel of his palm on her face as he lifted her head so that he could see her clearly, checking that he had the right person. He was tall, taller than Sean, and also well built but not bulky. She knew very well that he would be able to handle himself in trouble.

Angel motioned for Nicky to come over to him, and whispered something in his ear that Lisa couldn’t hear, but she was pretty sure she wasn’t going to like it. He then walked back to Lisa and pulled her against him from behind, so that he could whisper into her ear and look over her shoulder.

“You’re good with your mouth, baby,” he whispered softly, stroking his fingers along her jaw gently. “You suck like one of my $1000 a night whores. And I am really gonna enjoy hearing you moan while I watch you squirming on the end of my dick.” Lisa shivered slightly, fearful of her own body’s response to his intentionally crude language. Angel smiled, nuzzled her ear for a moment before speaking again.

“You remember Nicky, don’t you baby? He brought you here.” Lisa nodded slowly. “Good. He’s my right hand man, and I trust him with my life.” Where was this going? “Which means that he ends up working very hard for me,” Sean went on. Aha. “Everyone deserves a break once in a while, don’t you think baby?” he asked. “Or maybe a little reward for their efforts?” Shit. “He was very good to you earlier today, wasn’t he? Stopped one of my guys from fucking up your face, even though you deserved it?”

One of the guys that had grabbed her had tried to feel her up. She wasn’t going to just put up with it. She smacked him in the face before shoving her knee into his balls full force. He was less than amused, and started laying in to her with his knuckles until Nicky arrived. He stopped him with one word.

“Did you even say thank you baby?” Angel asked, and Lisa shook her head slowly. She wasn’t exactly going to thank one of her kidnappers. “Don’t you think it’s time you did?” he asked, and she sighed shakily. “Just do for him what you did for me honey, and that’s all you need to do. You don’t need to fuck him, just show him what you can do with your mouth.”

Angel pushed Lisa forward gently and she took the hint. She walked up to Nicky where he was leaning against Angel’s desk and she gulped nervously. As embarrassing as giving Angel a blow job had been, she did at least know him a little. This guy was a complete stranger, and to get down on her knees in front of him and let him come in her mouth was utterly degrading. Not that she had any choice, however.

It didn’t seem right to just walk up to someone, pull down their pants and start to suck, so before getting down on her knees Lisa stroked her palms against Nicky’s chest and then leaned upwards to kiss him. He had a gorgeously soft mouth and she moaned softly as he slid his hands into her hair and held onto her as he kissed her back. She slid her hands down and stroked him through his clothing gently before unbuttoning his pants and moving inside.

Nicky moaned softly as he felt the girl slide her mouth onto him and swallow his entire length until her nose hit pubic hair. She slid back again so that she could flick her tongue over the head of his dick until he was almost whining in frustration. She then started to suck in earnest as she slid two fingers to his perineum and pressed gently.

Several minutes later, Nicky was finding it difficult to hold himself back. “Oh baby,” he whispered softly as he slid his hands into Lisa’s hair. He held her against him gently as he said “I’m gonna… mmm.” His semen hit the back of Lisa’s throat suddenly as he came and she gagged slightly, which could only serve to increase the pleasure that he was feeling. He held her down on top of him for a couple of moments until his body calmed down a little, and then he remembered that she needed to breathe, and let her go.

Nicky left as soon as his legs were able to support his weight again, and Lisa turned back towards Angel, knowing that this was going to be revenge time for him. He was sitting in a comfortable chair, leaning back casually, face unreadable. He motioned for her to come towards him and she obeyed, her body trembling. Once she got into touching range Angel pulled Lisa so that she straddled his knee with her arse grinding into his crotch.

Lisa gasped softly as Angel settled her on top of him, the warmth and hardness of him causing her heart rate and her breathing to noticeably increase in intensity. Her body stiffened, unable to decide whether it wanted to hold itself away, or grind against him even harder.

“Did you enjoy that, baby?” Angel asked, sliding his hand into Lisa’s hair so that she couldn’t look away from him. “Huh? Are you still wet for me?” Lisa blushed in humiliation and tried to look away, but Angel tightened his grip in her hair until her eyes watered and she flinchingly met his gaze. “Are you still wet?” he asked softly.

“I don’t know,” Lisa replied, trying to avoid answering him. Her cheeks were burning and there were tears glistening in her eyes. Angel smiled, pulled Lisa closer until he was nuzzling her ear and could whisper directly into it.

“Baby,” he murmured, his voice husky and gravelly to the point that Lisa felt herself flush with heat just at the sound of it. “I’m gonna hold you down and slide my dick so deep inside you that you can’t even fucking breathe. I am gonna fuck you absolutely senseless, baby.”

Lisa whimpered in response to Angel’s voice, the whimper turning into a groan as he rocked his hips upwards to thrust against her. She was shaking, her body still confused over how it wanted to react to him. However, there was one thing that remained constant, and that was the feeling of shame burning through her veins. Angel slid his free hand under her skirt and brushed the pad of his thumb over her clit gently, then harder as she arched her back toward him. She moaned softly in humiliation as she realised that there was no way she could stop herself from responding to him.

Angel got up from his chair, lifting the girl in his arms with him. He carried her over to his desk and laid her on top of it, pushing her down until she lay prone, her ass on the edge of the desk and her legs dangling to the floor. He slid her thighs together for a moment as he hooked his fingers into her underwear and slid it free of her legs, then slid his palms back up the inside of her legs to part them again. The girl shuddered a little as she realised how exposed she now was. He repeated the move of his thumb-pad against her clit and the increased friction caused her to squeal sharply. He smiled as she tried to close her legs and thrust up against him at the same time.

Lisa absolutely could not control her body as Angel twisted his fingers in a circle, keeping his thumb on her clitoris as his middle finger circled her opening gently. Just as she was sure that he was going to push that damned finger inside her and ease the burning in her belly, he pulled away and slid it up and down the length of her outer lips instead. She whined in frustration, and Angel smiled down at her. He knew exactly what she needed, but he wasn’t going to let her have her way just yet. He continued to torment her until her tortured cries made his dick ache.

Angel finally relented and slid two fingers inside Lisa up until his first knuckle, just enough to make her need more. She instinctively jerked her hips, pushing his fingers inside her a little deeper. Angel smiled, started circling them inside her slowly. She keened softly, arched her back and started rocking against him, trying to increase the fiendishly gently rhythm that he had set. He slid inside her a little deeper for a moment, then pulled out again.

Leaning over, Angel slid his palms to the top of Lisa’s thighs and parted them further, until her clit stood up and away from her body. He lowered his head slowly, until he could use the very tip of his tongue to graze the top of her clit very, very gently.

“Oh god…” Lisa whimpered, desperately trying to lift herself closer so that he would lick her again, but Angel was having none of it. “Oh, please!” He smiled, breathed out over her wet flesh gently until she shuddered. He lowered his face again, circled his tongue around her opening and licked it up to her clit, repeating this several times before sliding it into his mouth and starting to suck.

As Angel slid his fingers back inside her and started circling deeper, his mouth and tongue still firmly attached to her clitoris, Lisa felt like her world was turning upside down. She couldn’t think, could hardly even breathe, and had no idea what was happening to her except for the fact that she desperately needed to come. She lifted her head slightly so that she could look down at Angel, and gasped sharply as a thought suddenly struck her like a lead weight.

She saw two different people in the man kneeling between her legs. Firstly, the pain in the arse kid who had made her working life hell and whose life she had ruined in return; and she felt almost immobilised with shame at the thought of him. But secondly, she saw Angel Morgan, literally the most powerful man in the city. He was both feared and admired by the media and the masses, and he could do anything he wanted, get anything he wanted, and kill anyone he wanted, period.

Angel Morgan was kneeling between her legs, eating her out. And she was terrified, and disgusted with herself, but at the same time, a thrill shot up her spine. As that thought occurred to her, Lisa’s body shuddered for the last time, before surging into orgasm. She finally came back to her senses as Angel’s mouth descended onto hers, his tongue sliding inside to tease her own. He had loosened his trousers again, and he thrust himself against her, with just the fabric of his boxers stopping his dick from sliding into her swollen wet warmth.

Lisa moaned softly, one hand lifting to bury itself into Angel’s gorgeous hair, the other curling into claws and lightly scratching down to his arse. He jerked against her harder, slid his mouth down to her throat and started to suck gently. Lisa’s pelvis jerked as her nether regions began to stir again.

This hadn’t exactly gone to plan, Angel thought as his mouth slid further down, shoving Lisa’s shirt out of the way so that he could fasten his mouth onto a nipple. But right now, he didn’t give a shit. He had wanted her for so long, and the memory of the taste of her had still driven him crazy even after the court case. Now that he had her, he wanted to make the most out of it. He reluctantly lifted himself back off the girl so that he could remove his pants and his shirt, but Lisa followed him, sliding back down to the ground.

This time, Lisa slid her mouth straight down his shaft until her nose hit his abdomen, and started to suck hard. He gasped in surprise, whispered “ohh, fuck!” as he had to try desperately to hold his orgasm back. He wasn’t sure if she was trying to make him come again in the hope that she would get out of getting fucked, but it wasn’t going to happen. He allowed himself two full minutes of bliss before lifting her off him, and back into the same position on the desk.

Angel grabbed Lisa’s wrists and dragged them up above her head, holding her still as he leaned over her to whisper into her ear. “You’re good with your mouth baby,” he growled softly. “But don’t even think you’d get to blow me again and get out of this. You’re still getting fucked.” He punctuated the end of his sentence with a thrust of his hips, and Lisa moaned softly, the combination of the helpless position she was now in, the thrust of his hips and the coarse language he was using suddenly making her body burn again. She knew that she had a thing for being dominated, but she’d never before experienced it with a man who could (and might), kill her in an instant.

Angel felt the woman’s reaction to their new position and smirked to himself. She liked being dominated. He lowered the tone of his voice as much as he could, and sank deeper into his old Brooklyn accent as he continued to growl in her ear. “You’re going to feel every single inch of my cock sliding into your cunt, until I’m so deep that you can’t breathe and you’re whining for me to stop. Then I’m gonna start to fuck you, baby. And you’re gonna get it so hard you’ll be seeing stars and crying for more.”

Lisa’s face was burning as Angel talked. She hated the word cunt, and he knew it. He’d used it on purpose to get a reaction, and it definitely worked. Her body had started writhing against him; she was deeply ashamed of the way that she was responding but she couldn’t stop. Couldn’t even make herself want to stop. He was rough and coarse but he was beautiful and the most powerful man in the city, and he could do absolutely anything he wanted. And right now, he wanted to be inside her. And just that very thought sent shivers of guilty pleasure through her body. She moaned softly, and wasn’t sure if the moan was longing or despair.

As the girl writhed beneath him, Angel felt like he was going to explode. He was slowly grinding his hips against her, and her juices had soaked through his boxers until they were slick against the head of his cock. He couldn’t think straight, almost felt like he was stoned. He slid his free had to her jaw and held her eyes in line with his for a moment.

“You need it baby,” he whispered at the woman lying beneath him. “Don’t you?” Lisa whined softly, but couldn’t bring herself to answer. Angered, Angel growled as he yanked his boxers out of the way and dragged them off his legs. When he next ground his hips into Lisa’s, he let the head of his cock rest just inside her opening. She moaned in anticipation, tried to wriggle so that he would enter her, but he was having none of it.

“Answer me baby,” he growled, circling around her opening gently. “Or I will make you not come all fucking night!”

Lisa couldn’t hold on any longer, she was burning and she knew he would make good on his promise. Her voice when she spoke was wavering and small. “Yes.” When Angel looked less than impressed, she added “I need it.”

“You need my cock in your pretty little wet cunt, baby?” he asked, enjoying the look of humiliation that came over his former teacher’s face. “You need to be fucked?”

Lisa whispered another yes, squeezed her eyes closed to try to stop a tear from running down her cheek, and failed. Angel dug his fingers into her jaw until she took the hint and looked him in the eye again.

“You need me to fuck you, little girl? Huh?” Lisa nodded, more tears falling down her face. “Then tell me what you need, baby,” Angel growled. “Say it.”

Lisa whined softly at the thought, but she knew she had no choice. She took a shaky breath and whispered “please fuck me, Angel.” He smiled slightly, but he was still waiting for more. “I – I need you in… inside me.”

Angel slid his mouth to Lisa’s ear and nuzzled gently. “Come on baby, you can do better than that. Just repeat after me: I need your cock in my cunt. Just seven easy words, all one syllable. Come on, baby. Say it.”

Lisa’s nether regions were clenching with every word as Angel whispered directly into her ear. His voice was gorgeous, and it was keeping her boiling hot even though he hadn’t touched her in a good few minutes. With his mouth against her ear she also had a little more privacy, and she was able to whisper what he wanted her to say.

“I need your cock in my cunt,” she whispered softly, squirming at the use of the foul and dreaded word. Angel groaned harshly, almost couldn’t stop himself from burying his cock balls deep inside her.

“You’re gonna scream for me, little girl. Do you know that?”

“Oh yes. Oh please!”

Angel hooked one of Lisa’s legs under his free arm, and spread her wide. He slid his cock another inch inside her, stopped as he savoured the semi-pained look of desperation and longing on her face. She groaned in contentment, then started writhing again, searching for more. He continued to slide himself into her, making sure that she felt every inch disappear into her slick insides. The head of his cock eventually bumped her cervix, but his balls hadn’t yet touched her ass. He pushed a little harder, waiting for her body to stretch to accommodate him. She moaned softly, then whimpered as he forced her body to bend to his will.

“How does it feel, baby?” Angel growled softly. “How does my cock feel inside your hot little cunt?”

“Oh my,” Lisa whispered breathlessly. She was finding it very difficult to speak clearly. “Oh god!”

“Tell me how it feels, baby,” he growled again, sliding his hand to her throat and squeezing gently. She felt like a hot, slick little vice, and his head was spinning, but he needed her to tell him how it felt to her.

“It’s hot,” she whispered, panting between words. “And hard. And… And oh god, it’s good. Angel, please!”

“What do you need, baby?” he asked. He knew exactly what she needed, but he wanted her to beg for it.

“Please Angel,” Lisa whispered. “Please fuck me!”

Angel slid out of the girl until only the glans of his dick was still inside her, and then slammed back into her, hard and fast. She whimpered and whined, squirming in pain, but her hips rocked towards him, begging for more.

“Is that what you need baby?” Angel asked. “Do you need it hard, honey?”

“Oh, god, yes!” she groaned, biting her lip in a mesmerising mixture of pleasure and pain as she lifted her body to maintain as much contact with his as possible. He slid his mouth over hers and she released her lip from her teeth so that he could slide his tongue in between them.

Angel groaned in contentment as he settled into a steady rhythm that brought his former teacher to orgasm twice before he finally came inside her. He had fully intended on raping the bitch, but as he watched her body shudder in pleasure against his, he was glad that he hadn’t needed to. As his own body surged into orgasm and he collapsed on top of her, he realised something very alarming.

Once was never going to be enough.