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familyluvr Member Since October 19, 2009

Brother and Sister Fall In Love

familyluvr on Incest Stories

When I was growing up, I had the hottest crush on the sexiest girl I know to this day. I used to take every chance I had to get a look at her. She had a way of turning me on without even knowing about it. I felt like I was in love with this girl. Anytime that I saw her with any other guys, I would get jealous and wish that I could be that person. I never had the nerve to tell this person my true feelings but I believe she already knew.

I eventually found out that it was not as hard as I thought to let this person know how I felt. That day was the most incredible day of my life. It has only gotten better since

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then. I had a hard time telling this person how I felt because this person that I was so wild about was my sister. She was and still is one of the best things that could happen in my life.


It started back when we were in high school. For years before this, I would take every chance I had to accidentally see her naked. Most of the times, I just watched from the house when she would go out in the back yard and lay in the sun. She always had bikini’s that covered only what they had to. My sister had a very nice chest for someone her age. She was 12 when she started developing tits. I was 14 and feeling my oats. I had lost my virginity when I was 12 so I already had an understanding about sex. When ever my sister would lay in the yard sunning herself, I would be in the house staring out the window while I jacked off. Mom and dad worked all day so me and sis would get home from school and take care of ourselves until they got home. This gave me a lot of time to watch sis. I remember being in my room listening to her walk around upstairs. I would wait until I heard her in her room and then go upstairs and see if I could catch her doing anything.

This was pretty much how things went until I turned 17. That year was when I could not stand it anymore and decided to see if I could get anywhere with her. She may not have had an idea that I felt the way I did but I was going to try and let it be known. I could not take it any longer. I was in a state of constant hard on. I could smell her perfume and get excited.

We had a bunch of relatives come and visit from out of state so we had to give our rooms up to the adults. This meant that sis and I were sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor in the basement. Before that though, we were all up late drinking quite a bit. Mom and dad didn’t mind me and sis drinking as long as we did it at the house. So we all had a good buzz going that night. We all got pretty trashed. Everyone crashed out about the same time. I lay in my bag for about two hours not making a sound or moving. I was feeling good from the beer and had a giant hard on with sis laying only about a foot from me. I watched when she went to get into her bag and she was wearing a thin teddy type outfit when she crawled into bed. I could see her nipples pushing against the front of the material. It was almost see through. By now sis had developed a set of perfect 38 double D’s. I know because I snuck in her room before and looked at her bra’s. Her figure looked like a porn stars. She had the curves in all the right areas. Her ass was shaped just right. Hardly any jiggle to it.

As I laid there listening to my sister fall deeper into that sleep mode I kept telling myself it was a bad thing to have me this close to her. My dick was swollen as hard as it could be. It actually felt bigger than it ever had. I thought that it was going to rip my shorts. I usually slept in the nude and I felt like I was being constricted. I just had to get my dick free of its problem. While sis slept, I carefully removed my shorts to make room for my cock. As I looked at my sister sleeping next to me with my naked body under my sleeping bag, I felt a funny feeling go through my body as I realized that I was so close to my sister and naked. It was kind of like a secret that no one should know kind of feeling.

  Finally I turned on my side towards my sister and played with my dick while I watched her sleep. I could feel my heartbeat pulse through my cock as I pumped on it and watched sis sleeping. I wanted her bad but I also did not want to take her when she was sleeping either. I was in turmoil about the whole thing. The devil on my shoulder was telling me to just reach out there and see what I could touch and feel. The angel on the other shoulder was running through all the scenarios about how it was wrong because she is your sister. I was stuck between a rock and a hard spot. That hard spot was my cock that was ridged as could be. My palms were itching as if they needed to touch her and see what it was all about. I could not even remember being this turned on by my girlfriend. My girlfriend was a fox and loved to fuck my cock when ever we had the chance but she could not make me feel the way my sister was making me feel. I just had to at least touch her skin and see how soft she felt.

Once I made my mind up on this, there was no turning me back now. I was not going to be satisfied until I felt that hot body lying next to me. I pulled my hands out of my sleeping bag and took my hands and slowly reached over to her sleeping bag. I was very careful so that I would not wake her up. I knew that this was wrong but I was beyond caring very much about that. I was not going to be happy until I felt her hot body skin. I pulled down the zipper on my side making sure that I did it gently. My hands were shaking so much that I could hardly keep them still. My heart was beating so hard that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. What made it worse was that I could now feel her body heat radiating out from the bag. I felt like it was burning my hands while I continued to pull down that zipper.

Finally, I had the zipper all the way down. I sat there for a few seconds while I tried to figure what I was going to do now. I was so excited about what I had in my plans that I could not figure out how to put it in order. I felt like a kid in a candy store for the first time. Once I was calm enough, I reached out and slowly lifted the flap up to see her body. I was surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties. I thought that maybe they were just some skimpy ones but she wasn’t wearing any at all. I damn near shot my load right then. I held off though as I trailed my glance up her body. Her little outfit had slid up when she crawled into the bag. It was just below her tits. I was able to get a great side view of her body from just below her breast down. I could not see any flaws on her at all.

As I lay on my side looking at her under the sleeping bag, I just knew that I had to touch her. I had to feel her body. I wanted to reach right over and grab that nice clean little pussy of hers. She was lying on her back and I could tell that she kept herself well trimmed. I knew that sis had drunk quite a bit that night but I still did not want to take a chance and wake her up yet. I kept getting those thoughts in my head that was telling me no. I just chose to not listen. I was going to see how far I could get tonight without waking her.

I then put the flap down and slid my hand in the bag and gently brought it to rest on her hip. Her skin was so hot to my touch. I could feel my dick starting to drip my pre-cum. It was letting go of so much that I felt like I was having a small orgasm. I still continued on. I was in another world now as I stepped beyond normal and into this incestuous feeling. I let my hand slowly ride up towards her tummy. She felt so soft to the touch. I was enjoying every bit of her body. I finally came to rest below her tits. I could see that she was out good. I then moved my hand over her left breast. I set it down on top of her big tit and enjoyed the feel of it through her teddy. I couldn’t sit my hand still for long. She felt so good that I started to message her breast through the cloth. It felt so great. My sisters tits were a lot bigger than my girlfriends, so it was like the first time touching anything like these. I knew that this was not the right way to go about this. I wanted to do a lot of things to my sister but I felt strange about making all these moves while she slept. No matter how I felt, I couldn’t stop myself as I continued to make my advances on my sister

Sis didn’t move while I felt her up. I was glad to because I could actually feel her nipples under my hand. They didn’t get hard but they did begin to stiffen up a little. I would caress one and then the other. I was beginning to wish that I had another hand so I could reach down and see if I could touch her pussy. Finally, I had to let go and carefully slide down her body again until I was able to reach her pussy. I kept my hand above her well trimmed lips for as long as I could stand it. Then I lowered it onto her mound. I had never felt such soft hair before. I carefully started playing with her soft pussy hair. My mind was going wild as I trailed my fingers through her soft fur. I did not want to slide any closer to her pussy opening. This is what I told myself when I started at least. But as I touched her soft hair and could feel her pussy under them, I then got daring and started to slide forward a little bit and near her lips.

I moved my hand forward and then I could actually feel her hot pussy lips on my finger tips. Instinct must have been doing what it does because I actually slid one finger between her virgin lips. I froze at that moment because my sister sighed and started moving her legs. I held myself in place while she adjusted. I wanted to pull my hand out and act like I was sleeping. Something kept me right where I was though. Sis adjusted and actually opened her legs even more. I stared at her sleeping. I thought for sure that she was waking up. I figured that she would wake up and be angry and start yelling at me. She did not do any of those things though. She just settled in and continued to sleep. I kept my hand still for a long time after that. I was so far gone with this whole thing that I just stayed in there.

Once she was deep asleep again, I continued to play with my sister’s pussy lips. I was able to slide down further now as I felt some fluids seeping out of my sister’s pussy. It made it easier for me to slide my finger inside her a little bit. Even with just my fingertip inside her pussy, I could tell that she was very tight. I wanted to really stick my finger in her and fuck her with my hand. I held off though and just continued doing what I was doing. I knew I would not be able to continue this. She would eventually wake up if I did not stop. But I kept my pace up as I enjoyed my sisters little snatch with its liquid seeping out onto my fingertip.

My body felt like it was shaking from all this excitement. I could feel the warmth inside her and yet I felt like I was shivering cold. My dick was throbbing so hard that I was afraid to touch it. I just knew that if I did it would explode. I was beyond hope now as I laid there enjoying the sensations my sister’s body was doing to me. I felt like I had to take things a little further. I knew that I couldn’t put my finger inside my sister any further without touching that most sensitive spot. That would for sure bring all of this to an end. I was not ready to stop yet so I decided to see if I could get my mouth on her breast. My lips were dry as I thought of how I could do this. Finally, with much regret, I took my hand away from my sister’s hot virgin pussy. I gently removed the sleeping bag from her waist up. I became real daring and climbed out of my sleeping bag and sat almost against her as I leaned over my sister. I used both hands now as they shook at first contact with her night gown. I had to sit there for a few minutes to calm my nerves down while I continued to look at her body.

Finally, I was calm enough to move ahead. I slowly and carefully lifted her teddy up and over her breasts. I was able to see them in plain sight now as I sat the teddy down above her ample breasts. I sat back up and just stared at her body again. I was watching her sleep with my dick only inches from her body. My dreams were coming true except that she was asleep. My ultimate fantasy would be if she was awake and letting me do all these things to her. It would be complete if she was playing with my cock and telling to do all these things that I was doing to her.

I finally got myself calmed down enough and moved onto my next move. I carefully lowered myself down to where my mouth was right over her breasts. I could feel her body heat radiating up. Her nipple was just below my lips and I was about to suck on my sisters nipple. I was going bananas as I sat there and lowered my lips onto her breast. I felt her hot skin make contact with my lips and before I knew it, on was all the way down on her chest. It was such a great feeling as her soft delicate skin rested against my mouth. I had to put my hands on either side of her to balance myself as I then started to lick her nipple. It still was not hard but it was firm. I could feel the sensation of the nipple on my tongue and it was making me crazy with excitement. I sucked it into my mouth carefully. Suddenly, I could feel her nipple get stiff. I was excited and scared at the same time. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I could not stop this time though. I was to far gone with my dick aching to get something and my mouth was starting to get dry from the heavy breathing that I was doing. I still held my mouth on her nipple and breast.

I was definitely not ready for what happened next. It was the start of everything I imagined. I was still sucking on my sister’s nipple when she reached up with her left hand and put it on the back of my head and grabbed some of my hair. I did not look up or move. I just knew that I was had and the yelling was about to start. Instead, she lifted her head up and whispered into my ear.

“John…hurry up and get in here before you make my brother”.

I could not believe it as my sexy voiced sister whispered into her brother’s ear like I was her boyfriend. He had left hours ago and yet she must have been so wasted still that she thought I was him. I should have sat up and said something to her but it was dark and I was not going to ruin this chance. I acted as casual as can be, when your dick is as hard as a rock and your horny sister tells you to get in her sleeping bag with her. I crawled in next to her and could not believe it when I finally felt her body touching mine. She turned a little bit towards me as I felt her reach out and grabbed hold of my cock. The touch of her fingers on my sensitive dick just about blew my load all over her. I again put my hands around her, this time holding her against me as I sucked her nipple into my mouth with eagerness this time. I was acting the part of her boyfriend for as far as I could get. I reached down behind her and put my hand right on her firm little ass. Holy cow was she ever hot. Sis grabbed onto my dick firmly now and began jacking on it. She leaned over again and whispered to me.

“If I had know you were this big we would have gone all the way a long time ago…I love your cock in my hand”, I just groaned as I kept my face buried on her tit. I did not want to say anything because that would give me away. I was going to take this as far as I could before I was discovered. As my sister continued to jack my dick, I pushed my hips towards her with the rhythm of her hand action. I felt like should blow my load but something inside of me was keeping me from it. I switched to her other breast and began really giving her nipple a work out. Sis sighed into my ear as I continued to do this. I could feel her getting excited as she started to push her chest into my face. I was in cloud nine sporting the biggest hard on I had ever had.

            While I was still sucking on her nipple, I let go of her tight ass and slid my hand around to the front of her. I brought my hand to rest at her soft virgin lips. Sis opened her legs and let me touch her puffy pussy. She was flowing juices out of her body so much that it was running down her leg. I didn’t have anything obstructing me as I slowly slid my hand across her lips and pushed index finger into her. I knew I could not go far without causing pain, so I was very delicate and careful. I immediately felt her clit make contact with my finger. As I rubbed across it, sis moaned louder and pushed against my invading finger.

“Ohh my goddd…..that feels great”, sis spoke these words into my ear again as she resumed jacking my cock. I was getting to the point where I was going to have to fuck her soon. I just had to get myself inside my sister and fuck the virgin out of my sister. Whenever I make this move I know that I will be discovered. I wasn’t going to stop though. I was determined to get myself inside my sister. I was just about beyond reason for anything. I still had some control but it was growing thin as my hot little sister was bringing closer to orgasm.

Finally, I decided that this was the time to make a move. I kept my face on my sister’s tit as I pushed her back onto her back and carefully crawled between her legs. I could feel the heat coming from the insides of her thighs as I lay down between her legs. Damn did she feel great and taste great. I continued to finger my sister as she lay there under me. I was now sliding my finger all the way into my sister’s tight little pussy. My hand was soaked from her juices. Our bodies together were generating enough heat to heat the whole room we were in. I was ready to take this situation to the final extreme.

I pulled my finger out of my sister and slid my hand to her side as I kept my mouth on her breast and slid up her body to get my dick closer to her tight womanhood. My sister was still jacking on my dick as I inched up her body. She must have realized what I had in mind because she then let go of my dick and reached up and put her hand on the back of my neck and as she pulled my ear closer to her.

“We can’t do this here…..lets sneak into one of the other rooms….I don’t want to wake up my brother”, sis whispered this to me as I got my dick closer to her sweat little pussy. I didn’t answer her as I drew closer to her body and had my cock within centimeters of her virgin pussy. She grabbed a hand full of my hair and again repeated what she had said before, “Please John,….we can’t make love right here….I really do want you inside of me but…… brother will here us for sure.”

I knew that if I sat up to go anywhere she would see me and know then that it was me. I was now to far gone with my lust and anxiety to stop any of this. I also knew that now was the time to let it be known who was actually turning her on. She had me going crazy now as I reluctantly removed my mouth from breast and brought my face up next to her ear. I was sure that the minute she heard my voice that she would begin to freak out and go ballistic on me. I didn’t care though because I was going to at least get myself inside of my sister before she could stop me.

I reached out and put both my hands next to her head as I leaned against her more and brought my cock to rest against her virgin lips. I could tell that I was at the entrance to her pussy. “It’s okay……I’m already awake”. The moment that my sister heard my voice, she immediately got tense throughout her whole body. She was pinned down with me on top of her but she still tried to resist me. She began to try and push me away without saying anything. However, I was to strong for her and held her down as I gave a little push with my waist and spoke to her again.

“Don’t scream….you are absolutely driving me crazy…..I want to make love to you….I love you”, I said these words as I slowly pushed my hips into my sister a little bit more. I felt myself enter my sister’s tight lips. She froze as I started to enter her. I wanted to lift my head up and look her in the eyes as I gently entered my sister’s forbidden zone. Instead, I kept myself on top of her body as I gently pushed my dick into her more. My sister grabbed my sides tighter and was still trying to push me off of her as I invaded her forbidden body. My cock was on a mission of its own as it made its way into her. I wasn’t able to get far before I could feel that wall of virginity stopping me. I stopped pushing forward once I felt this.

“You can’t do this……it’s wrong…..please don’t”, my sister said these words as she felt me stop pushing. She wasn’t screaming at me though. She still had a firm grip on my sides but she wasn’t pushing to hard. I was going wild with lust for my sister but I still made sure I was gentle. I slowly pulled back, making sure to stop before I was out of her.

I then took a chance and rose up to look into her face. I was able to see her whole body underneath me as I looked down between us and could see us joined together still inside of her. I followed her body all the way up until I could see right into her eyes. She looked a little scared as she held my sides but still did not push me away. I could not read what was going in her head. I just knew that I was in a forbidden area of my sister and I could not stop my feelings as I felt her body under me and the urges coursing through my body. I just had to have my sister. I just had to make love to my sister or I felt I would die.

As I stared into her eyes and could see her confusion mixed with fright, I then again pushed myself back into my sister’s body. I stared her straight in the eyes as I entered her more. She held my sides tight as I entered her. She was so incredible to the sight and sensation. I again came to rest at her virginal wall. I stopped for a second as I rose up higher on her and pushed forward harder. I broke past her virginity and continued to enter her. I watched as she grabbed my sides tighter, almost in pain, as she then rolled her head back. She was not pushing against me this time. Sis was actually grabbing hold of my sides and squeezing me while she pulled me closer to her. I could feel her legs spread wider to allow me complete access to her body. I sank my body into her as I felt myself enter her as far as I could go.

“AAaahhh…..christ you feel soooo good”, I groaned as I continued to stare at my sister’s face. I could feel my cock deep in her body. I could feel her body responding to my invasion of her virginity. “I have wanted to make love to you for so long…..I have loved you as a lover should love for many years sis”.

I stayed right where I was as I said these things to my beautiful sister. She didn’t say anything as she just held my hips and stared me in the eyes. I still could not read what she was thinking as I remained in her. I just know that she looked so wonderful from her eyes to her toes. I knew that I needed to say something to her. I needed to hear her speak.

“Please don’t be angry with me……You are such a beautiful woman……I hope that you will forgive me and not hate me”.

My sister just laid there and looked me in the eyes. I could still make out the color of her light blue eyes in the dark. I could see the outline of her face and hair as she lay there under me. Suddenly, she got a different look in her face and finally spoke to me.

“You are my brother……you know that this is incest and wrong……you have taken away my virginity forever……..society condemns people for what you have just done………but I cannot go on hating someone who is so delicate to me and makes me feel the way your body is making me feel”. My sister said all these things to me as I felt my world starting to fall apart. That is until she said her last words. I stared at her as I watched her take her right away from my hip and reach around my head as she pulled my face to hers. She may have been a virgin before but she had definitely kissed a guy before. Her lips touched mine and I could feel her tongue enter my mouth. She then reached behind my back and pulled me down on top of her. I could feel her full sized breasts against my chest and her body under me as she lifted her legs to wrap around me. I responded back with my own tongue and she sucked my tongue deep into her mouth.

We continued to kiss each other so strongly. I had lost all the thoughts about this being my sister. I was kissing the woman that I loved so much. I was enjoying kissing my sister so much but I also could not stop making love to her. I broke our kiss as I rose back up and looked her straight in the eyes. I withdrew back with my cock. I again stopped when I was almost out of her. I looked into her eyes as she took her hands and put them on my face, smiling. She didn’t say a word. All she did was look at me and nod her head yes. I didn’t need any more encouragement. I buried myself into her again. Sis lowered her hands to my arms and squeezed them firm as I entered her even further this time. Her mouth opened as she rolled her head back again. Her body responded to my invasion. My sexy sister was now enjoying me as much as I was enjoying her.

“Oooooohhhhh yes big brother…………you make me feel so wonderful……..OOhhhh don’t stop……make love to me……fuck your little sister”. As my sister groaned these words to me, I then chose to not hold anything back. I began to make love to my sister with deep love and penetration. I could feel myself entering her body all the way. Her hips were now moving in response to our love making. I had been with quite a few women but I had never been with a woman whom I was in love with and this was a sensation I had never felt myself. I felt our bodies were meant for each other as we continued to make love. I knew that I would not be able to hold out for long before I would have to come. I had waited so long for this to happen that it was almost beyond my control as we thrust our bodies together.

Our bodies were sweating with so much emotion and anxiety. I could my sister’s muscles respond to me as I made love to her. She squeezed me so hard that I knew I would not last much longer. As much as I wanted this to last forever, I still had those sensations as my dick began to swell even more I began to feel my cum starting to build. I was getting ready to slow down and prevent my ejaculation. Suddenly, my sister grabbed me and held me tight as she ground her body against mine.

“OOhhhhhhhh baby……….you’re goinggggg……to……..make mmmeeee cummmmmm……..oh my godddddd………..I’mmmmmm comingggggggg”.

The minute that I heard her say these words, I also felt the muscles inside her tighten up on my dick. That was all I could take as I also released my fluids into her.

“AAAaaagghhhhh”, I responded back as I rose up on my arms and buried myself into her as I released my own built up passion and orgasm. I stayed inside my sister as I continued to feel her body pulling all of my cum out of me and into her. My beautiful sister had taken me to a level of emotion that I was experiencing for the first time. It was even better than the first time I ever had an orgasm. She held me tight as she convulsed under me and gave me her own juices. It was beyond any paradise I could ever imagine.

Finally, we had drained ourselves of all our energy and juices. I was unable to hold myself up any longer and lay down on her body. I was still inside her as she held me to her. We were both exhausted and drained as we lay there panting, trying to get our breath back. Her legs were limp but they still were across the back of my legs. She was so incredible feeling. I could feel her heart beating against my chest. I was still aware of her beautiful breasts against my body.

We laid there for the longest time as my sister caressed my back. I was unable to see her face but I was still wondering how was feeling now. I was on cloud nine and loving every bit of our bonding. I had to see what she was feeling. I finally lifted my head to look into her eyes. She looked at me with a smile but I could tell something was going through her head.

“What is it sis…….I hope you aren’t angry that we made love to each other…..Please don’t be…..please”.

My sister just grinned back at me and caressed my face. She didn’t say anything at first. She just caressed me and kissed me on the lips. Then she finally had to say something.

“I am not mad at you…….I am not mad at what we did……..I am a little afraid because we just made love to each other and we came at the same time……what if you have gotten me pregnant?......what will happen then?”.

At first, I sat there when she said this. I hadn’t even thought about it. I was so involved with making love to her that I did not think to stop. Finally, I decided that what is done is done. I love this woman and I hope that she loves me.

“I don’t care……I love you sis…..I want to be with you…..I have never felt this much love for any woman before……I know you are a little scared but I would love to be the father of your child if you get pregnant……I hope you see that this is not just a one time thing….I want to be with you forever……I don’t know how to go about it but I want us to live as husband and wife someday….it will be hard to do here in the house but we can move in together…..when I get to my new job, you can come live with me and we will just have to tell mom and dad that you are looking for a new job”.

After I had spilled my guts out to my sister, she looked me in the face as if to see what I was thinking. She stared at me for a few minutes before she smiled and answered, “You really are serious aren’t you? really want us to be together forever………you really want to be together and even have a baby together”.

I looked her straight in the eyes and smiled back at her as I leaned down and kissed her lips. “Yes baby…..I want to make love to you for as long as I live…..we will be happy together….you will be treated like a queen”.

My sister then put her arms around me and we held each other tight. I could feel myself beginning to get hard again. My sister also became aware of it at the same time. I started moving to her movement as we again began to make love to each other again. I knew that I was in my own heaven. I didn’t care about society’s outlook on us because I was in love with the woman that would be with me until one of us dies. We made love to each other almost all night. Finally, I had to get back in my own sleeping bag before mom and dad woke up. It would not be good to have them walk downstairs and see me wrapped around my sister with my dick still in her.

As soon as I was able to, I moved my sister to the state I was in and we started our life as a husband and wife would. It was pretty good timing to because my sister was already 2 ½ months pregnant by the time she got there. Our parents never knew anything about us the rest of their lives. We made up a story that she had met a guy and when he found out she was pregnant he ran. Mom and dad were killed in a bad car accident back home about two years after that. So we didn’t have to hide from any one any more. I call her my wife and she tells everyone at work that I am her husband. People that we know are jealous about our relationship because we are so in love and we have such beautiful children. We have our moments of small arguments but we still are in love. We also have a boy and a girl. We hope that they don’t follow in our same footsteps but if they do, we will be there for them.

I would appreciate responses back on this story. If you like it, I will continue to write some more stories.

Uncle Takes A Niece

familyluvr on Incest Stories

            I never thought about my niece in a bad way until she flew out to visit with me while I was on business. I had a few pictures of her but never thought anything different of her until she got off the plane and met me at the gate. My little niece was only 17 and getting ready to start her senior year in high school after summer. She had grown up quickly. She had the looks of a twenty year old. Skye had filled out in all the right areas. She reminded me of a young woman and not a teenager when I spotted her.


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 Ã‚ Â Â  We hugged each other and headed out to get her baggage. When she gave me a hug, I was surprised at myself for looking at her the way I did. My own beautiful niece had stirred something in me that was not right. However, I could not get over how sexy she looked as we drove in the car to the hotel. She had beautiful long blonde hair that lay down her back while she walked. It helped to accentuate her nice figure. I continued to get mad at myself for the things that I was thinking about.

            Finally, we got to the hotel and headed to our room. As we stepped into the room, I immediately noticed that there was a king size bed and that was it. I got angry and started to call the front desk when my niece just told me that it would be fine. Skye said that there was plenty of room and that we could both sleep in it. I told her that I would call down and see about getting a roll away. She said not to bother. At first I was trying to convince her that it wasn’t fair to her. All Skye could tell me though was that she would be just fine with this. So I finally relaxed and said okay. Personally, I told myself that it was going to be nice lying in bed with a beautiful woman like her.

            Once we started unpacking and putting things away, Skye then noticed that she had forgot to pack her night shirt. I told her that we could go down to the local store and get her another one. She just said no and if it was okay with me she would just wear one of my shirts. I had no problem with that. I am a tall muscular man and she is such a tiny beauty, so I knew she would be swimming in it.

            All this time I could feel that sensation building inside of me that was not the right type of thoughts or feelings for an uncle towards his niece. I went into the bathroom and changed into my swim shorts while Skye put her swim suit on. We were going to go down to the beach and do some swimming in the ocean. I figured that this would be a great idea so that I could get these thoughts out of my head. Once I walked back into the room, I was back to square one again. There stood my niece in one of the sexiest bikini’s I had ever seen any woman wear. It fit in all the areas it was designed for. “Wow, that there is some suit you have little lady”.

            Skye just smiled and gave me a little nudge in the side like she used to do when she walked by me. We headed to the beach and my eyes kept watching her body. I could feel my dick start to stir. I could not believe that my own niece was turning me on. I hurried up and drop my towel and ran into the water while my sexy little niece stretched out the blanket we brought along. I got into the water and felt my dick start to go down from the cold ocean waters. I was feeling like I could now control myself. This was until I watched my niece run into the water as her tight figure flexed with every stride. She had nice firm tits that were definitely bigger than a hand full but held themselves up high on her chest.

            Skye dove into the water and swam right in front of me. I watched as her suit became wet and formed itself to her tight little ass with a perfect curved shape. I was glad that I still had my sunglasses on because all I could do was look at her chest and ass whenever she went by. I just knew that it was going to be a long week but I didn’t care because I was with my wonderful niece. I told myself that it was just because I hadn’t been home for awhile and I would be fine soon. I continued to stay in the water as my niece walked up to the blanket and laid down on it. I then took this opportunity to hurry up and make my way to the blanket. Skye stayed on her stomach as I then laid down on the blanket next to her making sure not to get to close.

            Skye and I talked a while before we finally got up and headed to the room to shower and get ready to go out for some dinner. I took my shower after Skye. I could not help but think that she was just in this shower all naked wet and soapy. I was left with no options except to grab hold of my dick and jack myself off while envisioned my niece naked. I could only imagine it but it still lead to one hell of a great ejaculation all over in the tub.

            Finally, I was able to relax a little bit. Now that I had jacked off, I had those guilty feelings for having such bad thoughts about my niece. I got out and dried myself off and put on my shorts and shirt. When I came out of the shower room, I was led right back into those wild unnatural thoughts about Skye again.

            There was my niece standing by the bed. She was dressed in another one of her outfits that fit just right in every way that makes a male notice and get excited. “Mercy, you sure aren’t a little girl any more”. Skye just looked in the mirror with a big grin and turned to adjust everything just right. “I can see that I am going to have my hands full just trying to keep the guys away from you tonight”.

            Skye finished adjusting and walked up and stood in front of me. She looked up at me while putting her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Thank you uncle, I just wanted to look good enough for the night. You were so nice to pay for me to come out here and see you that I would hate to disappoint you”.

            I put my arms around her and held her loose while I tried to be natural about everything. Actually, I was really in a bad situation. I could feel her body and its heat against me and this was really getting me going again. I could feel her firm breasts as they pushed against my body. My hands touching her back were really having a hard time not just grabbing a hold of that beautiful ass that she had. I broke the embrace as normal as possible and then we headed to dinner. My hands were still feeling the hot touch of her back. My cheek could still feel the sting from her hot lips touching them. My dick was now in another bad condition. I was glad that it was night as we walked to the car. I was able to keep my niece from seeing my hard-on.

            We drove for awhile until we came to a very nice restaurant that I liked and knew that she would like. As I came around and opened the door for her, I was able to look into the car and down at her. Skye let one leg out and I was able to see right up between her legs. I could tell that she was wearing a pair of deep red panties. My heart beat extremely hard for a few seconds while she then took her other leg out and stood. Again, I was glad that it was getting dark. My little sexy niece was creating a very hard situation for myself. Her dress reached about half thigh, so I was able to watch her legs as she entered the dinning area. Her dress was loose and swayed with every step she made. I looked up at all the guys watching her as she walked by them. One of them even had the balls to turn and lean over when she went by him. I took it upon myself to accidentally bump his head with my fist when I walked up. I played it off like I didn’t mean to. He sat back in his seat and gave me a look like please don’t beat me. Skye had no idea any of this went on. She walked up and I pulled out her seat for her while she sat. My beautiful little niece smiled up at me and said thank you. I smiled back as if to give that your welcome kind of look. In actuality, I was able to see down the top of her dress and got a great view of her cleavage. In the back of my head I kept telling myself that this is wrong. She is your niece. My dick was telling me other signals though.

            We ordered our dinner and talked about how things were going back home and such. I ordered a drink and was sipping on it while talking. My niece kept looking at my drink as if trying to say something. I asked her, would you like to have some. She admitted that it crossed her mind but she was afraid that she would get caught. I told her that I would keep an eye out. She smiled at me and took a pretty good swig. She almost choked on the alcohol. She then told me that she liked to drink occasionally but her mom frowned upon it. I just told her that her mom was not here and go ahead. Skye snuck a few more sips before dinner came. I finished it off and ordered another one for dinner. We ate and drank as we talked some more. I was enjoying having her here with me because I usually eat alone and it was nice having someone to talk to.

            The idiot in me was playing full stream. I figured that it was okay for her to drink because it would make both of us tired and I would be able to sleep that night. I really don’t know where that stupid thought came from because I was getting a nice buzz going and my foxy niece was feeling pretty good to. She was still keeping her wits about her but I could see that her eyes were starting to look glossy. She said that she wanted to dance so we got and went onto the dance floor. I may have been in my forties but I could still dance okay. I was in a trance as I watched my sexy niece swing in all different directions. Her dress spun around with her as her legs her being shown off to everyone. We danced and laughed for quite awhile. We sat down for a little while and three guys came up and asked if they could dance with her. Skye just shook her head no and they left. I was glad that my niece had run them off because I was really enjoying my time with her. I even started to lose those wild urges in my head. It was just a good time all around.

            Everything was fine until my niece decided that she wanted to dance a slow dance with me. I wanted to say no but got up anyway. As we stepped onto the dance floor, she put her arms around my neck again and held me close to her as she rested her head against my chest. I could smell her fresh blonde hair and I could also feel her whole body resting against my frontal region. Skye’s dress was silky to the touch and I could feel every bit of her warm body against my palms. My beautiful niece’s tits were pressed against me and they were doing a number on my crotch. She held me close while I tried to keep myself off to one side of her. It was enjoyable but painful as well while we danced.

            Finally the song was over and we stepped off the floor. As we were stepping off the floor, my beautiful niece was holding my hand and she actually lost her balance a little. She recovered quickly and no one saw her. Skye turned to me and said that if it was okay she would like to go. I thought she was upset but she informed me that the alcohol was starting to get to her. She was worried that the restaurant would get upset if they knew that I let her drink. I informed her that they would not but we could leave only if she wanted to. She said yes because she was starting to feel pretty tired.

            As we were stepping out into the front of the building, a young man walked up and tried to get her to go back in. Skye said no and that she was sorry. His friends that were standing around him started to laugh and tease him. So he decided to be a jack ass. He stepped in front of her and spoke the wrong thing and called her a bitch. He told her that she couldn’t handle any but and old man like me. I reacted without thinking. I stepped in front of my niece and punched this idiot square in the face. He flew back and fell to the ground. My niece stayed behind me while the door man came running up. I started to apologize for everything. The stupid kid started yelling and trying to get things going even worse. The door man looked the punk in the face and told him that he needed to shut up. He also told him that he saw the punk trip and fall. The kid looked angry as if he was going to rise up. The door man leered at him again and told him to either leave or he was going to have to witness him falling down again.

            The kid got up and left with no hassles. The door man apologized for letting things get as far as they did with him and his wife. I just smiled and slipped the doorman a twenty as I shook his hand. Skye was a little shook up about what went on but shrugged it off as they headed to the car. She held my hand and arm while she leaned against me. I looked at her and said I was sorry for letting him say those things to her. She just grinned back at me and giggled a little as she spoke.

“That man thought we were husband and wife”

“Yeah, I wanted to correct him but I just didn’t feel like it was the time”

            My beautiful niece just held onto me and walked with me. We got into the car and were heading back to the room. Skye then turned towards me with another smile. She obviously was really starting to feel the effects from the alcohol because she had her leg bent so that I could see right up her dress again. My niece rested her head against the back of her seat while she held my hand. She was unable to see me but I was able to get a great shot of her panty covered womanhood. My dick forgot all about the fight and was now back to the same condition it was at the whole day. I   knew that I was going to be up for quite a while before he would get tired enough to lye down next to her. I was just glad that she was tired because it was going to be easier to calm down if she wasn’t awake and still driving me into that incestuous thought process. While my sexy red pant wearing niece rested her head with her eyes almost asleep, I continued to look at her cleavage and her firm legs which led up to that sweet little honey pot that was hidden under her panties. My dick was as stiff as it could get. It was so hard that it ached to get out of my shorts. I had to finally pull my eyes away from her sexy, fuckable little body. I had to really work hard at telling myself that this is my niece. I can not be thinking these crude thoughts. I was going to have to relax before we got to the hotel or she was going to see my stiff cock poking against my shorts when I open her door.

            Finally, I was able to divert my train of thought to something else. I continued to look forward as we pulled into the parking lot. I went around and opened her door as I looked away from her while I held her hand and guided her out of the car. I was really doing well. Everything was fine until I held the door open for her and she brushed against me while she stepped through the doorway. Her tits came into contact with my body and she fell towards me a little. Her hands reached out and grabbed my sides. She continued to walk in as if nothing had happened. She was to far gone to realize what she was doing. What she didn’t know was that she had brushed against me and caused my dick to spring back to it hardest form. I walked behind her and watched as her fine young ass swung back and forth with her steps. It was then that I was glad it was Friday. I was going to be up almost all night trying to calm down before I could sleep. I was starting to realize that this not such a good idea to have my niece staying with me for a week. It was to late that night but I planned on getting a roll away tomorrow.

            I opened the door and we went into the room. Skye grabbed her shirt and went into the restroom to change. I took this opportunity to try and adjust myself so that it was not so evident about my hard dick in my shorts. I sat down at the desk and turned on my laptop while she changed. My wonderful niece then came out of the restroom and stumbled a little bit as she looked at me with those glossy eyes and grinned. I watched as she tossed her stuff into her luggage. I immediately noticed that she had removed her panties as well. I now knew that she was not wearing any panties as she stood and walked over and behind me while I stared at my laptop. Skye reached up and put her arms around my neck as she rested her chin on my shoulder. I was finding it hard to try and concentrate with her tits poking me in the shoulder blades and her hot body resting so close to me. She watched for awhile and then said she was going to bed. As she did this, she gave me a kiss on my cheek again and said goodnight. I tried not to look but the mirror in front of me forced me to look up as she pulled the covers back and crawled across the bed. I was able to get another great look at her legs and ass while she crawled. I was unable to see everything but I did get a glimpse of her gorgeous little pussy. I did not see any hair but I did get a quick look at her lips. They were a perfect sight and they were a pretty pink. My dick pulsed with my heart beat. I thought I was going to bust a load right there.

            Skye finally settled down into the bed. She had turned herself away from the light. I got up and turned off the light. All I needed was for light was my laptop. I sat back down and tried to concentrate on my work. I kept getting pictures of her sexy little body as it danced with me tonight. I was also getting images of her getting into bed. My mind could not stay focused on the task at hand. I tried numerous times to work. I sat in the chair for about an hour and a half. I was unable to do any work. I was too turned on by my foxy niece that I finally gave up and leaned back in my chair. My dick hadn’t gone down a bit. It had a mind of its own. I looked back at the bed and my niece was now lying on her back and I couldn’t help but notice that her legs were slightly parted. I felt like I could see through the blankets. I envisioned her legs spread and that tight little pussy of hers out in the open. I couldn’t help but grab my dick and caress it a few times. I told myself that I was going to have to relieve my nuts before I could sleep. After I jack my dick off, I would be able to get some sleep.

            I got up and made my way toward the restroom. I wanted to make sure that Skye was asleep before I went in and shot my load. I didn’t want her waking up and hearing me. I walked to her side of the bed and called her name. She did not budge. I then nudged her a little bit to make sure she was asleep. She did not move at all. I could tell by her breathing that she was fast asleep. I figured that the coast was clear and went to stand back up. I made the mistake of looking down at her tits as they pushed against my shirt. They looked so perfect as they poked out and up. They were so firm to the sight. I was so turned on that I didn’t realize it as my hand then reached out and came to rest on her breast. I was out of control once I felt her nipple against the palm of my hand. I even gave it a little squeeze. All night long I had been watching and staring at this beautiful creature. I now had my hand on her tit and it felt absolutely wonderful.

            I was uncontrollable now as I brought my other hand up and grabbed her other succulent tit. Her body heat was incredible as she heated up my hands and my body. It would be a terrible thing to have her wake up and see me feeling her up but I was not thinking about that. All my mind and cock was thinking about was how hot she looked and felt. My shirt never looked so right for someone. I caressed her tits for awhile as my dick throbbed in my shorts. In the back of my head, I was telling myself to stop but my dick was talking for me now. It was telling me everything I needed to hear. I continued to feel up my niece for a few minutes before another thought came into mind. Before I knew what I was doing, I reached up and started undoing the buttons that were keeping me from seeing everything in its glory. I worked the buttons loose and then I pulled the shirt out of the way very carefully. I got the greatest sight of all. My niece had very sweet looking tits that had small nipples. They looked just like the porn stars titties. They were perfect in shape and size. They were anything but small. They definitely did not look like the tits you would see on a seventeen year old.

            I was lost in lust as I then undid my shorts and kneeled down beside the bed. I took hold of my cock and began jacking on it slowly. I could not help but lean over and bring my lips to rest on top of her nipple. My niece did not move or nothing as I then began to lick the tip of her nipple. It immediately got hard and I was drawn to it more as I took her tit in my mouth and began to suck on the whole mound. I flicked my tongue across the hard nipple why I sucked it into my mouth. All this time, I was still pulling on my dick. I couldn’t help but do the same thing to the other firm melon in front of me. Skye’s tits tasted so sweet as I changed back and forth. I finally let go of my dick and reached up to play with her mouth watering tits while I sucked on them. I loved the way they stayed so firm to the touch and grasp while I played with her nipples. My niece was causing me to really lose myself in her succulent beauty.

            After I had succeeded in mauling her teenage tits I then began to wonder about the rest. So I raised back up while keeping one hand busy with her nipples, I slowly slid the blanket down further. I wanted to see that little snatch that she had been teasing me with all night. I removed the shirt out of the way and was looking down at her blonde little hairs. She obviously shaves herself and I was able to see very little hair at the opening to heaven between those sweet looking legs. I almost dove my face right between those hot legs of hers but instead I slid my hand down and brought it to rest against her swollen mound. I kept my hand in place to see if there was any movement in her yet. Her belly was firm and her sexy little twat was even sexier than I thought.

            Skye did not move as I sucked on her tit and nipple. My hand then slowly slid forward and between her legs. I fingers were right at her opening. I could feel nothing but steaming heat radiating from her. I was unable to control myself as I slid the tip of my finger between her lips. I could feel heat and was aware of something else. My little niece was wet with juices. I almost shoved my finger into her but I still held onto some sort of control. I just kept my finger at that depth and rubbed her pussy lips slowly back and forth. This is when Skye reacted to my touch as she sighed and shifted a little bit. I froze still. My hand was still on her pussy and my mouth was still on her nipple. My niece adjusted a little bit more as she opened her legs slightly more and moaned her boyfriend’s name.

            I could not believe it. My sexy niece was dreaming about her boyfriend playing with her body. I kept my hand and mouth where it was and waited for her to relax again. She had said something about playing only because she wasn’t ready for the rest. I was in a dream land. My sexy niece was dreaming that her boyfriend was having fun with her. I waited until she was relaxed again before I started to play and suck some more. I still kept my finger at the same depth inside of her as I went back and forth across her lips. I had given up on sucking her tit. I was to busy watching my hand slide between her pussy lips. She was getting wetter and wetter. My finger was shining from the wetness between her legs. I actually removed my hand and licked her juices off my finger. As I tasted her young sex, I just had to taste it some more. I was not going to be satisfied unless I could lick between her lips and lap up more sweet nectar.

            I stood up and pulled my shirt off and let my shorts fall off the rest of the way. I just had to get between her legs and stick my tongue where my finger was just at. I walked to the end of the bed and slowly crawled up and between her legs. I still kept myself back a ways. Her legs were far enough apart for me to get my head between them and that was about it. I carefully slid my hands under her thighs and brought them to rest at her sides. I could smell her sex as I drew closer to her mound. I was unable to crawl any closer but I was plenty close enough to reach her pussy. I lowered my head and stuck out my tongue as I aimed it at her opening. Finally, I had my face against her pussy lips and I had my tongue just inside her. I began lapping at her juices while they continued to flow into my mouth. I contained a slow licking of her juices and could actually feel her hips moving a little bit. I knew that if I kept this up, she was going to wake up. I did not want that to happen. I wanted to enjoy my naked little niece as long as possible. My dick was poking into the bed so hard that I thought it was going to make a hole in the sheet.

            I slowly worked her pussy over as I made sure not to get her fully awake. I could not get enough of her sweet taste in my mouth. I was actually getting it on with a beautiful teenager. I told myself, “not bad for a forty one year old.” I wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. I didn’t care about the rest of the week. I was living for that moment right there in front of me. It was at this moment that I decided to take things a little bit further. I was so turned on by this hot little minx that was lying in front of me that I decided I needed to feel some of that sexy little pussy of hers with my cock. I rose up from my niece’s succulent and sweet tasting pussy as I slowly crawled up between her legs. I had to move them gently wider to make room for me to get between. I moved cautiously up her body. I could feel the heat coming from her legs and was really getting wilder by the second. My dick was dripping with pre-cum as I moved up her body. I told myself that I was not going to be able to fuck her. I just wanted to put my cock inside that wet little pussy of hers and feel her insides against my dick walls.

            As I got into position, I looked down and saw this vixen of a body looking so small compared to her uncle. My cock was so big compared to her little pussy lips. I was almost like an animal out of control. I felt like I had power over her and could do and take whatever I wanted. Skye just lay there with her legs spread wide and my dick was just centimeters from her love tunnel. I pumped it a few times as I smeared some of my pre-cum on it. I brought the head to her opening and rubbed it back and forth a few times to get her juices coating my cock as well. Then I started to give a little bit of pressure as I slid into her pussy lips. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I just barely got the head of my cock in her and stopped for a minute. I could already tell that it was a tight fitting virgin pussy.

            I waited for a short minute. I then could not help but slide my dick back and forth into her hot wet juicy lips. My mind was telling me to just grab hold and give it all to her. I was not aware that I was pushing a little bit further than I should of. It felt so incredible that I just could not control anything anymore. I told myself to stop and leave my niece alone. However, my cock was telling me something different. I continued to rock back and forth inside my sweet niece’s tight little pussy. I lost control of watching what I was doing or when to stop. Her pussy was squeezing me so nicely. I guess that I wasn’t paying attention because it was about that same time that Skye came out of her sleep and became fully aware that she was not dreaming and that her uncle was over her and slicking his thing in her. She quickly reached up and tried to stop me as she began to fight me off. “Uncle no, this is wrong, this is gross,….you have to stop now”.

            I didn’t hear anything that she said. I could see her mouth moving and the scared look on her face but I was now lost in what I was doing. The minute that she reached up and started pushing against me, I went into another zone and started to defend what I was doing. My cock was still inside her as she tried to get out from under me. But she was so tiny compared to me that she was pinned with no where to go. All of this raw power came over me at the same time and I could not take it anymore. I let go of my dick and grabbed both of my niece’s hands as I pulled them above her head. I laid down over her as I brought my mouth over hers and began giving her the deepest French kiss she ever had. She tried to fight my face away to scream but I had her pinned under my body as I prepared to take my young little niece’s virginity.

            My hands held her arms way above her head as I rose up to look down between us at my dick sticking just inside her tight lips. I looked my niece back in the eyes like a wild man as I again lowered my body onto hers. This time I put my mouth back over hers as I entered my virgin niece with all my strength. I tore right through her virgin wall and came to rest balls deep in my niece. My mouth covered hers as she tried to scream. I buried my tongue in her mouth again. Her whole body got stiff as I penetrated completely into my niece. I stayed like that or a few seconds while I enjoyed the inside of her mouth with my tongue. I could feel her tits against my naked chest and her tight little pussy was squeezing me hard. It felt like I was being squeezed into a vise, my niece was so tight. Finally I couldn’t lie still anymore and started to give my niece and slow but deep fuck. I pulled back to where my dick was inside of her only to the head. I think she thought I was going to stop. I surprised her by burying my cock back into her. It knocked the wind out of her. I finally let my mouth off hers and stared her straight in the eyes with wanton lust. I continued to look her in the eyes as I began to pick up my pace of fucking.

            I leaned down and buried my face into the small of her neck as I rose up and continued to rape my niece. She did not say anything else as I assaulted her young body with my animal driven cock. I pumped my dick into her back and forth. As I first started this, I thought that I was going to cum right away. However, now I was just enjoying this tight pussy as it squeezed my cock. I could hold onto her hands anymore and I let go while at the same time I reached down and grabbed my niece’s tight little ass and raised it up while I sank further into her body. I could feel my balls slapping her ass cheeks as I rammed into her over and over again. I was beyond thinking about who I was fucking. I was just enjoying the tightest fuck I ever had. The headboard to the bed was slamming against the wall as I pounded my cock into her tight hole. The sound of the headboard made me even wilder. I was really drilling into my niece now. I could here my juices slick between us as my dick slapped against her wet pussy. I didn’t want this to ever stop.

            All good things must eventually come to an end though. I was fucking my niece back and forth and suddenly became aware that she started to move her hips with me. This made me even more excited. Skye even reached down and grabbed hold of my hair between her fingers and held me against her as she then started to grind her hips against my cock. She brought her legs up and wrapped them around my waist as best as she could while she held me tight. I continued to fuck my niece as she leaned down and licked my ear. “Yes baby….God uncle,….dooo mmmeeeee…..fuck your little niece hard”.

            I could not believe my niece was telling me this. She didn’t sound like a teenager then. She sounded like a full grown woman going after something she wanted. She pulled my body against hers while she fucked my dick with her pussy. Every time that I would shove into her, she would lift her hips to give me full access to her womanhood. I now could really hear our juices mixing together. She was creaming all over my dick as we fuck each other.

“You are…..goooiinnnggggg to……make your…..niece……cuuummmmm”.

            As I heard her say this I felt her body tense up as she let loose with her cum. She gripped my cock so hard with her pussy that she forced me over the edge as well. “AAAaaaarrrrrr…..Fuuuckkkk yeeeaahh baby”. Was all I could say as I emptied my nuts into this hot little woman. I felt my dick pulse as my niece pumped spurt after spurt from my cock and into her body. I could feel my toes tighten up it was so much. I felt it fill her body up and push out past her lips and my dick as it drained onto the sheets. My hot niece’s pussy was pulsing every bit of my cum out of my balls and she was giving me every bit of her cum as well.

            Finally, I could not take any more and I collapsed on top of my niece. Skye held me tight in her arms as she caressed my hair. She let her legs drop down and left them spread out to either side of me. Both of us were having a rough time trying to catch our breath. I was sweating all over her body as I felt her tits still mashed against my chest. I was still deep in my niece’s young and tight pussy. I could tell that I was still hard.

            My niece then began to get upset. She started crying and telling me that we hadn’t used any protection. She started crying about possibly getting pregnant. I could feel my dick still stirring inside her tight young pussy as I informed her that it was a very good possibility that could wind up pregnant before this week was over. I told her that she could move to my home town and live with me. I would tell her mom that she is going to work for me. She could get all the books she needed and challenge her senior credits and get out early. I told her that I am coming off the road so that she and I could be together all the time. After our baby is born, she and the baby can come with me on the road until it is time to settle down and get our child or children into school at that time.

            My niece just looked at me and saw that I was not joking. She gave me a very sensual kiss and said that she was going to enjoy being my woman. She also became aware that my dick hadn’t gone down and was actually starting to do some moving inside of her again. My niece told me that she would greatly enjoy having our baby. I couldn’t believe my wishes. I was going to fuck my niece for the rest of my life. I rose up and my niece pushed me back onto my back as she grabbed a hold of my dick while she straddled my waste. She guided my cock into her as she sat down on me. We again fucked each other to a mind exploding orgasm.

            By the time that week was over, I had given her every bit of fucking energy I had. I had fucked her every way possible. She even had me show her how to suck on my dick and swallow. I fucked her tits and we even tried anal sex. That was a little painful for her, so we decided to take our time with all of that. By the time she left to fly back we were deeply in love as a man and woman are.




I would like to know what everyone thought of this letter. Be give me your feed back.