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egale180 Member Since October 19, 2009
The Robsons CH 7
egale180 5449 days ago
- 1 + You are seriously one fucked up person for writting shit like this about guys forcing little girls to do shit like wonder the U.S. Is so fucked up right now is cause of sick fuckers like you
Mother and Son
egale180 5449 days ago
- 10 + nice wow that was amazing keep writting
egale180 5449 days ago
- 0 + You are one Fucked up asshole you know that? What the fuck posses you to write something like that? You know i wouldn't be surprized if you were a fucking psychiatrist that needed to help himself more then anyone else. Cause this story is just fucked up a
Two brothers two girls and great fun
egale180 5449 days ago
- 0 + Wow this story was good but you seriously are fucked up for letting the whole fuck fest between your brother and your own gf go on especially with the comments she made if this isn't doubt she'd cheat on you the minuted she could....frankly
Brother and Sister
egale180 5449 days ago
- 10 + wow please write and submit the rest.
The Drive Home
egale180 5449 days ago
- 1 + the fact you pretty much let two random guys fuck ur wife and cum inside of her is fucking dumb......for the sake of you being a dumb fuck tard and would prolly let it happen agian and agian i hope the next time one of the bastards have aids.
The night i lost my virginity
egale180 5449 days ago
- 10 + This was very good. I loved it....but it wasn't really a forced sex....more along the lines of Virgin story.
Stolen Innocence _Part 7 (conclusion)
egale180 5449 days ago
- 10 + Wow absolutely fucking amazing......i really didn't like the whole rape shit but the end i absolutely love. It is just so great and has no much emotion and wow its just so fucking great
Stolen Innocence _Part 7 (conclusion)
egale180 5449 days ago
- 10 + Wow absolutely fucking amazing......i really didn't like the whole rape shit but the end i absolutely love. It is just so great and has so much emotion and wow its just so fucking great
Taken by Two Boys
egale180 5449 days ago
- 0 + Wow you are one fucked up individual for writting a story about a poor kid that gets picked on and his mom taken advantage of like that by his really need to get some mental help you fucked up bastard
Depraved Accident Leads To More
egale180 5449 days ago
- 1 + It was a good story just the fact that the mother never got caught blows should make more chapters that have her getting caught doing that.
Cheerleader gangbang
egale180 5449 days ago
- 0 + If thats a true story........that is pretty fucking shitty.........e-mail me if its true or not "".......i'd fucking murder those guys for doing that.