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dreambabydoll Member Since October 19, 2009


dreambabydoll on Voyeur Stories

Author's Note: I have presented the basics of this story to various men, curious how they would react to this scenario. Some of them surprised me. They took this story directions I never thought of. If you have any comments to make, I would like to hear them.


You were sitting in the bar alone, having a beer when you felt me staring at you. I was across the room in a booth facing your table wi

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th my back against the wall and my body turned towards you.

I was also alone. You were admiring the shapely legs that were carelessly parted as I pulled one leg up onto the booth seat so that I could sit sideways. The short black skirt hiked even further up giving you an unobstructed view of creamy thighs.

Your eyes take in the sheer blouse. It was obvious the full breasts underneath straining against the gauzy covering were unhindered by a bra. Even from where you sat, you could see the hint of the large dark circle and the hard long nipples jutted out as if trying to escape their prison. You could tell the lush mounds were more than a handful & your hands itched to cup them.

I gave a little wicked grin and reached up and rubbed my tit just a little, pushed in on it so you could sense the firmness, the softness, the roundness of my breast. I tweaked the nipple and it instantly stood up and could be plainly seen through the thin material of my blouse.

Your cock twitched to life, sensing pussy close by, it took on a life of its own as it grew and hardened. You were glad you were wearing a loose pair of short. You could tell your cock had completely awakened and was not going to go away in a hurry.

I smiled and closed my eyes enjoying the feel of my nipple rubbing the blouse. I could feel the heat of your stare burning my breast. I knew without seeing that your pants had tented as your cock hardened.

You felt a throb in your cock as you imagined those creamy globes in your hands as one nipple is teased and rolled between your fingers while you suck and bite the other rubbery nub.

I slowly ran my hand down my stomach and reached the edge of my skirt pulling it further up. As you watched spellbound I spread my legs and let you see the satin clad honey mound hidden there. Your cock jumped so violently it hit the bottom of your table.

There seem to be a roar in your head as you watched me. You never wanted to fuck someone so bad before in your life. You picture yourself grabbing me and bending me over the table and fucking me right there. You could almost hear my screams as your cock split my wet pussy.

My hand disappeared under the skirt and you could see it slip under my panties. You watched as my finger began to slowly move in and out of my hot tunnel. You drug your eyes away for a moment to see if anyone else was watching this slut finger fuck herself in a public bar. No one else seemed to be aware of the erotic scene playing out in front of you.

Your throat was dry but the beer before you was forgotten as your cock ached with the desire to fuck me. Your cock twitched as you imagined your mouth torturing my clit and tasting my juices as your fingers exploring my hot moist center.

I laid my head back against the wall and my hips moved subtly, barely perceptible to anyone but you. The motion of my hand speeded up and my lips parted as I began to breathe harder. Over the noise of the jukebox and the people talking, you are certain you heard a moan.

You suddenly realized you were stroking your cock and jerked your hand away and looked to see if anyone saw you. You are getting desperate for relief. You need to cum. You should go to the bathroom and jack-off, but you want to see what I will do next.

Then suddenly you saw me arch slightly and bite my lip. I shuddered once, twice, three times and slowly pulled my hand out. You saw my full tits rise and fall as I caught my breath. Staring you straight in the eye, I licked each finger slowly and deliberately and ran my tongue across my lips savoring the taste of my own cum.

I stood up from the booth walked towards you. I look down at your lap and grinned and winked, your hard cock obvious even under the loose shorts. I kept walking without looking back certain you would not follow me because you would be too embarrassed to stand up with your hard on so evident and I walked out the door.

You did not know who I was, but you knew that this saucy little cock teaser had to be taught a lesson.

Sex Toy

dreambabydoll on Sex Toy Stories

You have worked very hard today, many decisions to make, many deals to close. You are stressed and know you need a break. You stand up and stretch.

You smile as your eye falls on the small form curled up on the couch, sleeping. Your sex toy is just waiting for you. She was an expensive memento from your last space trip, but you could not resist the temptation to buy when you saw her in the bazaar market on that far off planet.  On their home planet they were small animal creatures that were used for sexual pleasure by the higher species there.  They were perfectly formed, standing on average about five feet tall. They resembled a human female except for the strip of fur that that started at the nape of their neck tracing the graceful curve of their spine stopping at the spl

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it of their ass cheeks.  This fur was as varied in pattern and color as an earth kitten's fur.  Overall, they were sexy little minxes that delighted in pleasing a master or mistress and very responsive to sexual stimulation.  They soon were for sale in most markets as the ideal pet. Most Earth governments did not officially sanction the ownership of such human looking pets, but had found it impossible to keep people from smuggling them home.

You lift her naked form gently off the couch and place her in your lap, stroking the soft silver fur on her back. She sighs sleepily and rubs up against you. You instantly are hard as her little round butt squirms on your lap. Her tawny eyes open and she smiles when she sees you. "Does this mean we can play now?" she asks eagerly. You cup her upturned breast and squeeze the pink little nipple, watching it harden into a tiny perfect rosebud begging to be sucked and say "Oh yeah, little one, it's playtime"  She squeals in delight and slides off your lap to reach for your zipper. She smiles up at you as she slides your zipper down. 

Her little hands reach inside your pants happily anticipating the treat that awaits her.  Then her eyes can only see the large cock she has released.  She takes it in both hands and begin to stroke it up and down squeezing hard as she does. You sit back and watch her concentrate on stroking your rod. She leans over and kisses the head that she has caused to become engorged and so swollen it looks like it will split open. Her small mouth stretches until she can put the whole head in and she moves downward swallowing more and more of your cock until she has reached the shaft and she can feel your rod deep in her throat. She buries her head there at the base of your cock inhaling your smell. Then she begins to go up and down your cock sucking and swirling her tongue all around the tender underside. The tension in your balls increases as her hands caress and fondle them.  She runs her fingernails lightly over your twin sacks and lift them feeling the heaviness of your cum in them. 

Not wanting to cum yet you pull your cock out of her mouth.  She mewls in protest and tries to get it back but you take hold of her wrist and pull her up.  As she stands before you,  her  pussy is right on level with your mouth.  You smell the sweet woman scent,  sense the silkiness of the pink mound that hides the wet little gash inside. Your hands cup the perfect little ass cheeks and pull her towards you so you can get a closer look. "Pull your pussy lips apart, baby," you say huskily.  She obediently reaches down and lays her pussy open for your inspection.  "Now play with it," you command.   She begins to stroke the tiny clit that nestles at the top of her slit. 

Her body shudders and she moans as she continues to torture her sensitive button flicking it and twisting it.  Her hips begin to buck and she would fall except you are still gripping her ass and holding her up. Your lust builds as her pussy begins to open up like a flower and releases its cum juices in spurts.  Now you pull her hands away so you can suck her mound into your mouth and you begin to lick and nip every inch of her delightful little honey pot.  She  squirms and twists in your arms as she cums.  She screams and collapses on you.

"Oh no baby we aren't through " you say as you pick her up and lay her across the back of the couch facing down.  You enjoy the view of her butt up in the air and her pussy peeking through her legs. You stand behind her slowly pulling her legs apart and up on each side of you. Your hard cock sways as it searches for the pussy it craves. You lubricate the tip of your cock in the cum juices that ooze from her pussy.  Slowly you push the head in.  It doesn't look like there is any way it would fit in that tiny hole,  but the hole opens and pulls you in.  Soon your cock is buried in hot velvet.  Your arousal increases as you stroke in and out of the tight hole.  Her hips move to meet each thrust and she can do no more than moan and take your hard cock pounding her pussy.  Soon she is squealing and begging for your cock.

She is gasping and moaning as another climax builds.  She pushes back fucking you harder as her cum flows out again.  This enflames you more and you no longer can hold back. Your cock swells massively and you begin to shoot your hot cream, filling her cunt completely. 

Finally you are totally spent and you withdraw from your little sex toy's muff.  She still lies over the couch, too  exhausted to move.  You lift her up and over the couch.  She bends her supple body licking her cunt clean and grooming herself before curling up and instantly falling asleep to await her beloved master's attention again.