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dilligat Member Since October 19, 2009

The Hide pt2

dilligat on Taboo Stories


My listening partner’s breath seemed terse and drawn as he listened to my life unfolding in the dark.

That night I lay in my bunk and became fixated by the memory of the taste. I stroked my hard cock in the

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dark, eyes shut slowly to try to make myself cum to no avail. I found that by rubbing as fast as I could waves of pleasure built but broke off before peaking. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to recall every detail as the door swung open and silhouetted in the light from the landing stood my 14 year old brother “You little wanker” he called as I tried to cover up “how long have you been wanking? He asked mockingly. “I bet I can do it better than you” I replied instinctively. Sharing a room  had it’s drawbacks. “Oh you do, do you?” he said “how come?” “I just can” I replied. “I bet you can’t cum yet” he retorted, my crest fallen look answered for me “Didn’t think so” he said. Feeling brave I asked “Do you cum?” He tensed as if to take the piss but relaxed and in an almost caring way said “Yes most days twice or three times if I get the chance but with you in here as well it makes it awkward and I can’t stay in the bathroom too long without someone noticing”  My bravery grew and I said “I don’t mind if you do it when I’m here” I said. “Oh you’d like that would you? Listening to me beating my meat.” I tried to answer but before I could he added “Everyone does it, it’s nothing to be shy of”  “I know” I said “how do you know?” before I could stop myself I replied “Tony told me” Somewhat shocked he asked “What Tony across the lane?” “Yes” I replied. “Is he still doing it in his car?” he asked. “You know?” I said “Sure, he always has” I was stunned. There was silence for a while and he came in and shut the door and switched his bedside light on. I watched as he got undressed and made a point of looking at his cock as he climbed into bed naked. It was half limp and looked very nice considering it was my brother’s. That night I lay awake hoping he would wank and I could watch but he soon fell asleep.

A few night later I watched again as he got undressed and this time his cock was rock hard and about the same size as Tony’s. He didn’t get into bed as quickly as usual and gave me a chance to get a good look as he slid under the sheets. He lay on his back and the sheets rose over his cock like a small tent. Then casually he slid his hand under the sheet and I saw the cloth rise and fall as he stroked it. I pretended not to watch but as he began to make moaning sounds I felt he didn’t mind so I propped myself on one elbow and watched, stroking my now hard cock in time with him. ”You like watching?” he suddenly asked as he looked towards me. Yes” I gulped and he threw the sheets back and said “God these sheets get in the way”. He now lay back naked for me to see, his hard cock enveloped by his hand that slowly rose and fell along it’s length. I threw my sheets back and copied him. He turned his head and said “Not bad for a youngster.” The speed of his strokes increased and with a lot of moaning he started to shoot his seed as I watched frantically beating my cock but never quite getting there. As he slowed to a stop he looked at me and said “ I know how annoying it is not cumming but in a few months you’ll start to make spunk.” “I can’t wait I said. With that he rolled over and turned off the light.


My colleague had undone his trousers and although I couldn’t see anything, the movements of his body next to me told me he was taking matters in hand. “So you don’t mind if people knock one out next to you?” my colleague said through the darkness. The night wasn’t as cold as usual, hopefully spring was around the corner. “Not at all” I replied. “Carry on” he encouraged.

Later that week I went to watch Tony and he smiled as I walked in. “Come to give me a hand have you?“ he smiled “If that’s ok?” I said “of course it is, you’re my best student” I didn’t pick up on the comment and settled into the front seat of the car as he undid his jeans and pulled them down with his underpants revealing his lovely cock. It was a bit bigger than my brother both in length and thickness. He started to stroke and I watched rubbing my cock through my trousers. After a few minutes he looked at me and nodding his head towards his lap said Come on then” I climbed over into the back seat and straddled his legs. He released his cock and laid back putting both hands behind his head. I slowly reached out and took hold of the heated hardness. It felt great. I began to stroke and tried to imitate my brother’s pace. After a few strokes he looked at me and said “Slow down, is that how you do it“ I nodded and slowed down to his usual pace. A drop of precum appeared and I immediately wanted to taste it. I cleared my throat “What?” he asked “Can I taste that juice?” I asked meekly. “You do love spunk” he laughed “Of course” I rubbed my finger in it and sucked it off. It tasted similar but not the real deal. “Nice?” he asked. “It’s OK” I replied. “Don’t worry there’s going to be plenty for you to drink today, I haven’t cum since yesterday, my balls are full” This thought really excited me. I continued to dutifully stroke him and as drops of precum appeared I would wipe them off with my fingers and lick them clean. “Perhaps it would taste better direct from my cock” he suggested. “What do you mean” I asked. “Well the taste of your finger might make it different try licking it off with your tongue” keen to try anything to repeat the taste from last week I moved down his legs and as the next drop appeared I lowered my tongue onto his tip and licked it off. It did indeed taste more like it than off my finger. I then remained in that position stroking his cock with my face inches fro his helmet. “Did you know it’s nice to have your cock sucked?” he asked as I quietly lapped his juices off him. “No” I said. I hadn’t thought of that. “You can try it if you like” he said. I thought this would give me more juice and slipped the tip into my mouth as I continued stroking the length with my hand. He moaned, and I realised this was the first time he had ever done so. Normally he was completely silent even when he came, unlike my brother. “Try sliding your mouth up and down it instead of your hand” he said” Get as much as you can into your mouth and suck it like an ice lolly, see if that works” I did as he suggested and his cock filled my mouth. I tried to ride up and down it but it hit the back of my throat and made me gag, there didn’t seem to be enough room. “Put the tip of your tongue over your bottom teeth, this will open your mouth a bit and stop you choking” he added. I tried that and it made a lot of difference. I could now take a good part of it into my mouth and apply suction on the way up like a lolly. “That’s it, now get the speed right” he encouraged as I relaxed and enjoyed the feelings of the soft yet hard meat in my mouth. “I’ll cum pretty soon” he mentioned “Just keep going as usual, you should be able to swallow each shot in turn if you want or let it go when you want” I wasn’t going to risk losing any and as his hips began to push rose to the tip and caught the first spurt. I sank down as I swallowed and rose again to catch the next pulse and so on in perfect timing as he emptied himself into my mouth. His cock grew and grew with each shot and I began to struggle with the volume but managed to keep going until he relaxed, drained. I lifted off him and casually stroked his cock, running my fingers over the tip for any left overs and licked my lips. “I told you that you were my best student didn’t I?” he said. “Yes” I beamed. The taste was there again and I loved it. “Do you have other students?” I asked. “A few” he replied” knowingly.











The Hide pt3

dilligat on Taboo Stories


My colleague’s pace had quickened and he grunted occasionally as he wanked without ceremony beside me. My memories had got me hard and so I reached down and unzipped my trousers and reached inside. “I wondered if y

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ou’d join me” he said “Can’t leave you out all on your own “ I joked. “What other students?” he asked.  “All in good time” I answered.

Watching my brother masturbate became a nightly thing and almost matter of fact. Until one night I plucked up the courage and asked “Can I do it for you?” He looked shocked and said “Fuck off gay boy” I sank my face into the pillow. What seemed like an eternity later he shuffled in his bed to look at me and said “Why do you want to do that?” “Because I want to” I replied. I was about to tell him about Tony. He carried on stroking as he thought about it and then said “just this once” I moved over to his bed and sat astride his legs my hard cock pressed against my bare belly and slowly took hold of his cock. “Lie back and shut your eyes” I said taking control. His cock was indeed thinner than Tony’s and I felt I could control it better. He put his hands by his side and lay back somewhat stiffly. I started to slowly move my hand up his cock and he moved uneasily beneath me. “Try putting your hands behind your head” I suggested. Without a word he complied as if he knew I was right.  He then relaxed and I began my practised stroking. The pace was slower than his usual rate and he said “A bit quicker” I speeded up slightly and he settled back grunting occasionally as his cock pulsed in my hand. After a few minutes he looked at me and said “Damn you’re fucking good at that” “I’m the best student “ I blurted out and having realised what I’d said, tried to carry on as if I’d said nothing “What do you mean best student?” he asked. ”I’ve been learning from you” I quickly replied. This seemed to satisfy him. A few minutes later he began to thrust his cock into my hand and said “I’m cumming”. He went to take hold of his cock but I held on to it and said “Let me” with that he gave a loud moan and shot a jet of hot spunk into the air much higher than Tony’s went. It caught me slightly by surprise but I managed to regain my composure and kept stroking in time with each powerful stroke. “Oh fuck that’s great” he moaned as I milked him dry. As he began to soften I released my grip and absent mindedly licked the juice off my hand. He watched eyes wide open and said “You just drank that” “Yes it’s lovely” I replied and still maintaining my control began to clean up his spunk and lick my fingers clean of it. He watch in awe and then filled with courage I said “It seems a shame to waste it, let me clean you properly” Before he could say anything I was licking his stomach and cock clean and he lay there stunned. “You can do that again if you like” he said as I finished. “Thanks I said you taste great. Have you ever had your cock sucked?” “You’re fucking joking” he retorted but the look on my face told him otherwise. “Have you sucked cock before?” he asked.  “Might have” I smiled as I got off him and went back to my bed.  


The next day my brother kept asking me about blow jobs. Had I had one, had I given one, did I like it, who with. I just smiled and ignored him. I felt like I had real power. The night came and he came into my bed and asked me if he could stroke me just to see what it felt like. I lay back and he sat beside me and took hold of my cock. The cold of his hand made a shiver run down my spine and he slowly began to rub my cock. It felt nice but nothing was happening. His pace was ok for him but I needed to be wanked quickly to get the waves to build. Then I had an idea “If we lie top to toe, next to each other, on our sides, we can do it to each other” I suggested. Without a word he swung himself into position and his hard cock was next to my face. I took hold of it and began to work it at the pace he liked. He groaned as I did so and I looked at the tip as drops of precum appeared and ran down the side. I so wanted to taste them and would collect them with my fingers and whilst still holding his cock put my mouth to my fingers to lick them clean. This seemed to work but with each drop my mouth was right next to his cock and I decided to go for it. I moved forward slightly and sank my mouth over his cock and waited for a reaction. He froze and seizing the opportunity I began to suck him off. “Oh Fuck! YES” he called out and began to fuck my mouth. I used the trick with my tongue over my bottom teeth to allow more meat into my mouth and he really started to drive his cock into the back of my mouth. He had given up stroking my cock and both his hands grabbed the back of my head as he fucked me. Within a few moments he began to pump cum into my mouth but his pace differed from my swallowing and the hold he had on my head limited my movement so a lot went to waste as I chocked to swallow. “That was fabulous.” He said as his limp cock slipped from my mouth. “Glad you enjoyed it” I cockily replied.

The next day, full of bravado, I went to Tony’s garage and as I neared the door that was ajar, I heard him give out an unusual moan and heard him say “That’s it faster and deeper” over and over. I decided to sneak in quietly. He was in the back seat of the car as always and this time there was a head of curly brown hair between his legs. His knees were raised and a girl’s mouth was sliding up and down almost the entire length of his cock. A tight white t.shirt stretched across her back and she had light blue jeans on. She knelt between his feet. Her left hand stroked his cock in time with her bobbing mouth but her right hand seemed to be underneath him. She was sucking at exactly the right pace and he said “Drive your fingers in harder, I want to feel them in all the way” I saw her force her right arm forwards as he arched his back in the chair and gave out a joyous moan “That’s it finger me hard” he responded. She was now sucking and stroking him and every second bob of her head she would plunge her right arm forward. I realised she had some fingers of her right hand up his arse. This was a new one on me!! I watched through the side window and after a few minutes he opened his eyes and looked at me and calmly said to the girl “Andrea, here’s that special student I told you about.” The girl froze and lifted her head from his cock. She sat up and slowly withdrew the fingers of her right hand. Then she turned and looked at me. “This is Andrea, my niece” he explained. “My parents and hers go away for a week each summer and we normally stay with our grandmother but as I’m now 16 and she’s 14 they decided she could stay with me. Being nearer her age we could do more stuff together. So for the first time in years we have a whole week together rather than the odd Sunday afternoon.”  She smiled at me, she was quite nice to look at but the fact she had sex made her even more attractive. “Hello” she said. “Tony says you are quite the student, perhaps nearly as good as me!” she looked at me in a way that said that nothing couldn’t be said amongst us. “You really suck well” I replied “Thanks, I need more practise but I’m getting there” she said without any hint of embarrassment or awkwardness. “How did you start?” I asked. She had taken hold of Tony’s cock with her hand as she spoke to me. Her hand rose and fell and she said “The same as you and Gary, he would wank in his dad’s car with the garage do ajar and see how people reacted when they came to have a look. Most run off but some stay to watch. Like you, I stayed and watched.” “Who’s Gary?” I asked. “He lives a few streets away, he should come to visit one day this week.” 

Tony lifted his arse off the cjhair and pulled his underpants and jeans up. “lets go indoors and get properly aquainted” he said. Andrea and I followed. We went I through the kitchen and into the lounge. Tony sat on the armchair and beckoned us to sit on the sofa together. I trembled, here I was with a attractive 14 year old girl and our only link was sex and Tony who we both had sex with. I thought sex was likely to be on the agenda. We sat down next to each other and the worn sofa pushed us together so that our sides absorbed each other’s body heat but neither of us went to move. We waited with baited breath, unspeaking for Tony to take the lead.








The Hide Pt 5

dilligat on Taboo Stories


I couldn’t get naked fast enough. Within seconds I stood in front of them, my cock a raging hard on. Andrea looked at me and said “He seems bigger then yesterday. I wonder if he can cum yet” Tony smiled and said “I’m sure we’ll find out. First you need to know how to give a girl head. Come and kneel between her legs and do as I say” Andrea sat back legs open, feet on the edge of the sofa. I moved down between them. “First smell her, then lick around the edges” I did as I was told. The softness o

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f her skin was amazing, the smell was like a warm blanket, and the taste was almost sweet. My tongue flicked at her lips and she shifted slightly. “Relax and do what you think you should” he encouraged. I began to copy what he had told me to do with my fingers and followed the line of her slit. She was wet and partially open, I ran my tongue up her slot and felt the firmness of her clit. I flicked it with my tongue and probed to find her hole then I attacked each part in turn and reacted to her moaning. She seemed to enjoy this and with guidance from her hands on my head and words of encouragement I became engrossed in the task. Soon she was grinding against my face and I felt her clench as she shuddered on my tongue and then relax away from me. “MMMM! That was a nice little one.” She purred. I was about to continue when Tony interrupted. “Time to lose your cherry” he said “Just fuck her like you think you ought to” was all he said. I rose to my feet and looked at her. She looked up at me and mouthed “Come on then” with her knees in the air and feet on the sofa, her pussy was open and ready. I knelt before her and placed the tip of my cock at her opening. She slid down the sofa towards me taking the tip of my prick into her hole. I shuddered with pleasure and would have cum there and then if I could. I then felt her hand grip my shaft and pull me into her tight, warm depth. The walls of her pussy clenched and tightened around me and I froze, revelling in the sensation. Then she said “Slowly fuck me. You’re still dry so I expect to cum lots of times” I obeyed and began to move my cock in and out of her wonderful depths. My pace varied according to her commands and I just kept fucking. Tony sat in the chair and watching, his cock receiving the usual attention. We changed position from time to time but I was carried away by the moment and lost track of where we were. Her orgasm came and went and she continued to give words of encouragement and advice as well as orders to ensure that she got all she could from this non ending fuck. I took her from behind, she sat astride me and I took her from above with her legs over my shoulders allowing me maximum penetration. This I really liked.


“Ok” Tony announced indicating that we were to stop screwing, “it’s time for you to fuck me” He came and knelt on the floor beside us and said “Watch Andrea warm me up, then you can give me some cock.” I was a bit surprised but wasn’t going to spoil my chances of regular sex. Andrea knelt behind him and pulled open his arse cheeks, the she leaned forward and began to lick his exposed hole, probing it with her tongue and getting it very wet with saliva. She began to rub at it with a finger tip and then as he seemed to relax she began to work the finger into him. He pushed back against her. She drove deeper and then added another then another finger. With three fingers she fucked him. His arsehole was visibly opened just like her pussy. He moaned and asked for more. She looked at me and said “Your turn” I knelt behind him, she withdrew her fingers and I placed my cock at his opening. She took hold of my cock and guided me in. he was tight and warm inside just like Andrea. I stopped to get used to the feelings and the view and then began to stroke in and out of him. He clenched and it was like a very tight grip. I thought that this might actually make me cum and rode for my pleasure rather than his. He seemed to like this and kept saying “that’s it fuck me hard” the waves began to build quickly and as I peaked I pulled out hoping to pump years worth of cum over him but nothing came except the most shattering of explosions that travelled through my body, my legs went to jelly and I saw stars in front of my eye. I fell onto my side, cock still trembling in my hand and lay there. “He’s cum his balls off” Andrea laughed in a congratulatory way. “Now you know what it’s all about” she added. I just moaned a response such was the intensity of my first orgasm.



His cock tensed under my hand and I knew he was about to cum “Do you want me to carry on or stop?” I asked. “Suck me dry” he grunted. Needing no more permission. I leaned down to his cock. I could smell the precum that had oozed out. I licked the tip and without further ado I sank my mouth onto his cock. He was already pulsing and within seconds he drove his cock into the back of my throat and pumped a long wank’s worth of cum into my mouth and throat. I swallowed as fast as I could and savoured the strong taste of cum that has been building for several days. Neither he nor I had time for partners and the occasional hand job was the best we could manage. He must have had a week's worth ready for me that night. He bucked and groaned as each shot erupted and I drove my mouth down on him to catch each drop. Slowly he subsided and I sucked the last few drops out before his hand came down to my face to signal that enough was enough. “Fucking hell, I needed that” he said “I hope you enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed yours.” I realised that the night was nearly over and said “Let’s save it until tomorrow night” he agreed.



The Hide Ch2 Pt2

dilligat on Taboo Stories

“So has she taken you up on your offer” I asked, a bit dry mouthed from the thoughts of what he had told me. “Fucking right, that same day and since she’s proven herself to be what she calls Cock Hungry” “You lucky bastard, what’s happened?”


That evening before going to work I was having a shower. Lisa was staying late at college and would ring any minute for me to collect her. I’d left the bathroom door ajar so that I could hear the phone. I finished showering and stoo

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d in the bathroom drying off when Jem just walked in and said “Can I dry that for you” looking down at my cock. She was still in her uniform. “Help yourself” I said as I began to get the stirring feelings.


She took a hand towel off the rain and holding it across both palms she wrapped it around my shaft and began to rub me dry. She moved to my balls and thighs and gradually worked her way down. I was rock hard. She got to the floor and knelt on the floor with her knees either side of my feet. I looked down as she let the towel drop and then she just looked at my cock before sliding it into her mouth. She applied just the right amount of suction and began to run up and down its length with her mouth. I looked down to see her fingers were stroking her pussy through her knickers. What a sight, my cock going in and out of her mouth as her fingers worked away at her pussy. She pulled her gusset to one side and I saw that fresh pussy I had often glimpsed with fine brown hair not a thick matted mass. Her slot was open and her pink lips looked swollen. She increased the speed of her fingers and tried to keep her mouth rhythm constant but her occasional shudders put her off. I stood stock still and then she moaned and shook almost biting down on my cock as she came. A few moments passed and she let go of my cock and stood up. She said “I needed that” and walked out. “What about me?” I called after her. “You can finish yourself” she replied. “Thanks” I muttered and she put her head round the door and said “I’d like to watch you though. Let’s go into your room”


I walked into the bedroom and lay on the bed. She sat in the armchair in the corner and hooked her right leg over the arm giving me a full on view of partially covered pussy. I took hold of my cock and began to stroke it. “Do it like you always do” she asked.


I pulled the pillow under my head so I could lie back but still see her and began to wank. She played with herself as she watched transfixed. I was getting right into it and nearing the end. “Are you going to cum?” she asked “Soon” I grunted.


She moved over and knelt on the bed to my right. She pulled my hand off and pushed it down between her legs. Then she took hold of me and took over at the same pace. I flexed my fingers and touched the soft smooth warm skin of her thigh. She didn’t flinch. I carried on stroking the skin without moving my hand. She shifted slightly and pressed her wet cunt into my palm. Its warm wetness was fantastic. Slowly I began to stroke her lips and slit. She lifted slightly giving me more room to move. Gradually I was able to finger her properly. Her stroking and my fingering soon became too much for me and I began to cum. She carried on stroking me as shot after shot erupted and then she slowed the pace in time with my pulses. I carried on fingering her determined not to do the roll over and go to sleep routine. As she rubbed the cum into my cock and balls and belly I worked at her pussy and with my fingers pulling at her inner bud. She trembled and began to cum. She threw her head back as a surge of hot liquid ran over my hands “OOHH Fuck YES” she called out. I slowed my fingers and her tension subsided. She looked down at me and in so doing shook her head in model style so that her long hair partly covered her face. With a horny smile and look in her eye said “I knew someone would be able to make me cum properly” then she leant down and kissed me, no tongues, not even a snog just a nice kiss on the lips.


The phone began to ring and jokingly she said “Saved by the bell.” With a begrudging nod I got off the bed and went to flannel off my cum before collecting Lisa. As I walked out the door I looked at her at the top of the stairs and said “Thanks for that” she smiled and said “No thank you, I thought I was inhibited but now I know it’s just about being relaxed” I smiled and walked out to the car.

The Hide Ch2 Pt3

dilligat on Taboo Stories

By now I was well and truly hard and I was rubbing my cock through my trousers. “Are you still fucking her?” I asked as I tried not to sound too excited. “Yes once she let me fuck her there was no escape for me”


A couple of days after the bathroom episode I had just got in from the night shift and into bed. It was about 7 in the morning. Even though Lisa’s mum left years ago I still have the double bed and still sleep on the left side. The mattress seems moulded to me nowadays.

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As I was lying on my back, about to doze off I heard the door open and someone climbed into bed behind me. Then a soft, warm body pressed against my right side and a slim arm draped across my chest. I decided not to move and felt the hand run down my belly to my cock which was getting very good at getting hard quickly. Her hand wrapped itself around it and she began to stroke me. I let out a quiet moan and she said “Do you like that?” I opened an eye and looked at her. “You know I do” Jem smiled and said “Enjoy it then” and carried on stroking my cock.


Then she shifted and moved to kneel to my right. She took hold of my right hand and put it between her legs and she leaned forward and began to suck me. I twiddled my fingers and brushed her pussy. She didn’t flinch. It was my chance to explore her as she was still closed tight but her slit had a wet line.


I cupped her mound in my hand like a tennis ball and felt its firm softness. Then using my middle finger I followed the wet line and felt her lips slowly part. I then ran my finger up and down to thoroughly lubricate her and was able to hold my hand flat and run my fingertips up and down her slot, my middle finger just slightly probing her hole. Her clit was hard and I rubbed it for a while holding the cover back and flicking the little finger which made her buck and squirm.


I began to introduce my fingers into her. First one into the tightness then, as she relaxed, another. I felt her strawberry build inside her and flicking it brought her to the edge.


She shifted again and moved so that she lay on top of me with her pussy pressed against my face. I propped her up and buried my face into the wet sweet tasting freshness. My tongue flicked her clit and probed her hole. I sucked on her lips and then holding them apart sucked her clit into my mouth. I sucked up and down on it in time with her cock sucking. She speeded up and so did I. she slowed down and so did I. then I began to finger her again and she soon sat upright and climaxed, soaking me with her juices which I did my best to lap up.


Without warning she slid down my body and sat on my stomach. She took hold of me and rubbed my tip against her slit and then she lifted herself up and hovered above it. For a few seconds I just wanted to thrust upwards into her but knew better and waited. She lowered herself until we touched and she adjusted me to line up exactly and then slowly let some meat in. she stopped and moved about as if getting used to it. Stage by stage she introduced me fully to her insides. Once sat firmly down on me she stopped and then leaning forward began to ride me. Her pace was as perfect as her blow jobs and I concentrated hard on things like changing the oil in the car and doing the laundry to try to last longer but all too soon I said “I’m going to cum” and as my first shot came she lifted off and sat back o my belly and rubbed my cock making me cum and cum. Then she wiped it into her stomach as I subsided. She tried to squeeze every drop out.


Again she just said “Nice?” and I smiled and she said “Time for a shower I’ll be late for school” and ran out of my room. Her slim taught body making me want to get hard again.

The Hide Ch2 Pt3

dilligat on Taboo Stories

I sat beside him, I had my cock and balls pulled out through the open flies of my trousers and I was stroking one of the best hard-ons I’d had in years as I listened. “You lucky bastard, I started early but you’re getting your fair share nowadays” I commented. “Enough and even more” he laughed “I’m on it all the time and working nights only helps”. I looked at him in the faint light “No wonder you don’t try to get off this shit and work in the light, how does it suit you?”

“Working at night means I’m at home during the day. It’s ea

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sy for them to visit me through the day rather than the night.”

“What do you mean, THEM, don’t tell me you’re doing more than one teenager” I said enviously

“Fucking right I’ve got a small harem on the go”



Once Jem let me fuck her and she saw that I wouldn’t hurt her or make her do things she didn’t want she went mad for it. She’d come round at any excuse and seemed to almost move in. I did wonder if Lisa suspected or knew or even noticed how much more she was at our house.


Jem explained she liked the way I let her experiment and try things out without pressure and that she could ask me to do whatever without feeling awkward, shy or dirty.


She especially loves going in the car to wooded areas and doing it on the back seat or even on a picnic blanket. She loves it in the shower or anywhere in the house. She likes to secretly rub my dick when we’re out in lifts or shops where others might see. All in all she’s randy as fuck and keeping me well serviced.


Anyway the harem began one evening when the gang of girls were at mine getting ready to go out. They were all in Lisa’s room dressing, talking and playing loud music. I was in the lounge watching TV with the door into the hallway open as usual when Ricky came down the stairs. I’d known her since she and Lisa had been in junior school. She started as a slim, tall blonde and then fattened out into a round blonde before growing curves and developing into a very shapely, tall blonde. She gave the impression of being a dirty girl but I was assured by their revelations about who were still virgins that she was untouched except for the odd kiss and careless grope.


She had a towel wrapped around her hair and a towel wrapped around her very full breasts that reached just above her knees. I tried to look up her smooth legs as far as I could as she came down the stairs. She looked through the open door at me and winked her eye and had a smirk on her face. “What’s that look for?” I asked thinking she’d seen me trying to look under her towel.


She stepped into the doorway stood with her feet apart hands on hips. The lights from the table lamp beside her lit her up beautifully. She really was gorgeous and full figured. She leaned forward and said “I’ve heard all about you” I felt the blood rush to my face “What have you heard?” I was trying to give the impression there was nothing to hear. “Jem’s told me all about it” “BUSTED” I thought “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked still trying to keep cool. “I think it’s great” she smiled. She lowered her hand down the front of her towel and pulled the cloth up. It slowly rose and I watched the hem climb further and further up her legs. I watched as the gap between her legs tapered and then her blond haired fanny came into sight. The towel stopped and lingered there for a second or so as I savoured the sight. Then she dropped it. I looked up at her and gave her my best hurt look. “You liked that?” she asked teasingly. “You know it” I replied. She just turned away and said “You are a naughty boy” as she walked off. “You should try it” I called after her. I then heard her get the glasses from the kitchen and as she walked past the door again she looked in and said “Maybe I will”. She then started up the stairs and slowed, pulled the back of  her towel up to show me her round smooth arse and said “Can you see now?” and carried on up.


I was rock hard and decided I needed some relief but the bathroom upstairs was occupied as were the bedrooms as they all fought over available mirrors. I decided to use the downstairs loo for a quick blast and went in. I dropped my trousers and took hold of my self and began to imagine Ricky naked. I had only been there a minute or so when there was a knock on the door and before I could get covered the door opened and Ricky burst in saying “Where’s the loo roll?” She froze and looked at me standing against the wall, cock in hand and trousers round my ankles. Not the most glamorous or sexy of postures. She stared at me “Fuck, I see what Jem means, I though I’d catch you pissing and have to try for a peek not get the full menu at once” she said. I just stood there and she whispered “Show me it all”. I let go of my cock and it sprang up. She looked at it then again whispering said “Let me see you rub it”


Thinking this could be the start of great things I began to run my hand up and down it. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She looked for the lock but saw there wasn’t one and then shook her head as she realised she knew that all along or wouldn’t have tried for a sneak peek in the first place. I was slowly stroking it and doing my best to look like it was the best pleasure I’d ever had. She watched and then pulled open the towel and dropped it to the floor.


Her body wasn’t slim like Jem’s but smooth and rounded. Her breasts were big but firm and stayed where they were, nipples pointing upwards. Her belly was taught but not quite flat but she didn’t have an overlap like so many teenage girls nowadays. The hair on her pussy was a tidy triangle of blonde hair, not thick, just a nice covering. There was a gap at the top of her legs where you could place the flat of your hand and her lips were curved in creating a lovely groove. He legs were strong and showed that she still did a lot of running. I savoured every inch as I looked at her. She looked into my eyes and watched them as I followed her hand to her pussy. She began to run her finger along her slit and said “Cum for me, but be quick or they’ll wonder where I am.”


I carried on stroking but took a firm hold and watched as she fingered herself as she watched my wanking. I set up a good rhythm and knowing we didn’t have long was soon about to cum. “Here it comes” I grunted. “Let me see you shoot” she said and I began to pump shot after shot of spunk out. It flew forward and landed in strings on the linoleum floor. I bucked my arse and tried to get each shot to go as far as possible as if to prove my virility. She rubbed herself vigorously and moaned with each blast.


As I slowed to a crawl she moaned and shuddered and looked at me with pure lust in her eyes. “That was nice to watch” she purred. She stepped up to me and grabbed my wilting cock. “I can’t wait to have some more” she said and turned to pick up her towel. As she bent down she gave me a great view of her swollen lips between her legs. “Neither can I” I replied full of myself “I always knew you were a dirty girl.” She turned, tucking the top of the towel in on itself and said “I’m going to be with your help” and walked out. “Ricky” I called after her. She turned and I threw a spare loo roll at her “Don’t forget to wipe up properly and wash your hands.” She caught the roll and blew me a kiss. I set about cleaning the mess.

Jen Bob and I

dilligat on Incest Stories

Since she was 10 and I was 11 my sister and I had played with each other.

We grew up in a small 2 bedroom flat with our parents who didn’t have much money and so we shared a room. When our cousins visited we would share a bed and so when I began to get stirrings and discovered sex it seemed natural for me to experiment on her and she did the same to me. We’d tried most things and every time one of us learned about something new we’d tell each other and try it out. Generally she took the lead when the mood took her and I was always willing.

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ont face="Times New Roman"> 

On this particular night I was 16 and she was 15. Our Aunt Vicky was visiting with her young son and he was asleep upstairs. Jen and I were babysitting and Aunt Vicky’s chocolate Labrador Bob was on a mat in the kitchen. Mum and dad and Vicky had gone out for a drink and would then go on to the casino until the early hours as the dance hall was free to get in and there was a free buffet to keep the gamblers there.


Jen and I sat on the sofa watching one of dad’s porn videos. I had discovered a long time ago that dad had an ever changing supply of porn and Jen and I would often watch them together.


This evening it was a compilation of John Holmes shorts and the first showed John teaching a classroom of girls about sex. The girls wore white blouses and short skirts and sat legs open displaying white knickers as John called them up one by one to draw what they thought a penis looked like on the board. After several poor efforts he became annoyed and produced his own monster for them to closely examine and gradually they began to suck him. Within minutes they were all sucking and fucking each other. Jen had stretched out beside me and as John shot his load she opened her dressing gown allowing me to see her naked body. I followed suit and she glanced over at my hard cock pointing skyward.


The next film had John arriving in a rear garden where a young naked girl was sunbathing. She explained her dad was out and John began to stroke her tits, she soon had his huge cock in her mouth and he stood astride the sun lounger looking to the patio doors at the rear of the house. Then the camera cut to inside the house looking out and standing at the window watching was a naked teenager clearly masturbating. The camera then went back outside and looking from John’s view point he could be seen through the semi reflective glass stroking himself. Then John called out “Stop watching and come and help me fuck your sister” Jen and I both sat up at that point. The patio door opened and out walked the boy, about 18 years old. He was almost identical to the girl. No doubt they were brother and sister. Jen gasped as he stood next to his sister and she took hold of his handsome cock. “So it’s not just us” she commented. “I didn’t think so” I said. Jen’s hand went to her pussy as she settled back to watch John and the boy fuck his sister. I followed her lead and took hold of my cock and began to stroke it. This incest film really got us going and Jen took my hand and put it on her wet fanny and she took hold of my cock. We both lay back wanking each other and watching. Then in the film John lay on the sun lounger, the sister impaled herself on his monster cock and the brother slipped into her arse. Neither I nor Jen had seen this before. Jen groaned and had a heavy orgasm as the brother sank himself into his sister’s arse. “That looks great” Jen breathed as she stopped shaking. “Bet it hurts” I said. “Not if I relax” she replied.


As the men pulled out and emptied themselves onto the girl’s face Jen got up and said she would get a drink. She let her gown fall to the floor and I watched her slim naked body walk away from me towards the kitchen. She left the room and suddenly called out “Quick look at this” I got up and let my gown fall near hers. In the kitchen on his towel Bob the Labrador was licking his cock. The tip was exposed and Jen was staring at it. “Look how big he is, he must be the same size as you but without the knob on the end” she commented.


Bob was aware of us and stopped licking. “I wonder what it feels like” she added and walked over to him. She knelt down and talked quietly to him and then ran her hand down his stomach and brushed his cock. I could see her yoyo like pussy open as she crouched. The dog didn’t react so she rubbed his cock with her palm a bit and then took hold of it. “It’s lovely and hot” she said. She began to stroke it and his sheath slid back revealing his thick shiny shaft.


“He likes it” she grinned taking hold of his raw meat and stroking it. “Come and stand here and let me compare you two” she ordered. I moved to stand beside her and she took hold of my cock in one hand as she held Bob’s in the other. “They feel the same” she said trying to act like a scientist doing an experiment. “If you get on your hands and knees next to him I can compare you properly.” She beckoned the dog to stand and holding him still using his joystick she directed me to knee down beside him on all fours then looking across underneath us she directed me back and forth a little at a time until we were lined up and announced that we were indeed the same length.


Without warning she rolled onto her back and slid under the dog. Looking below me I saw her lift her head and suck his cock into her mouth and began to stroke me. She mumbled approving noises as she sucked the dog and he began to curl his back down to thrust at her. I was getting more excited by the minute.


Suddenly she came out from underneath and said “Get him to fuck me.” She got on her knees in front of Bob. He didn’t need any encouragement and leapt onto her back. I took hold of his cock and guided it to her hole, it did feel like mine. A quick probe and he found the mark and clambering up her back he drove himself home. She grunted as he filled her and began to thrust into her.


No longer needing permission I stood in front of her and she took my cock into her mouth as Bob drove himself onward. His thrusts shoving her forward. Then she pulled off him and said “Lie down” I did so and she sat astride me. Sahe took my cock into her pussy in one smooth lunge and sank down onto my chest. Bob saw an opening and seizing it got onto her back again. She reached round to direct him and tensed as she guided his cock to her anus. I could feel his cock enter her arse against the underside of my cock through the thin wall that separated her passages. The dog mounted her and she grunted and became tense. We all froze and as she relaxed the dog read the signal and began to fuck her hard. He gripped her sides with his paws and hammered home. I think he was worried she would stop him again.


I felt the base of my cock get crushed and realised his knot had built up and he was now locked into her “OH FUCK THAT HURTS” she shouted. “Don’t move or you’ll hurt yourself “I warned “His knot is inside you and he’ll tear you open if you try to pull off, you’ll have to relax and let him finish.” She looked panicked and then we both felt his cock pulse in long slow waves as he began to pour his cum into her arse. It was like being wanked and soon the waves had me cumming. Each wave pulled a small amount of cum out of me and kept me on the plateau of orgasm. This went on for several minutes before he finished and throughout I was in constant orgasm it was incredible.


Eventually Bob dismounted and I pulled out leaving Jen on her knees. She sat back and I watched streams of fluid pour our of both her gaping holes. She just knelt there quivering and said that she too had been floating on an orgasm for what seemed like eternity.


Needless to say Bob is now a regular part of our fun and I have enjoyed the pleasure of him knotting inside me and streaming hot cum into my arse.

The Hide Ch2 Pt1

dilligat on Taboo Stories


The next night we met at the point as usual and made our way to the hide. There was a strange, quiet distance between us and I suspected some guilt from last night. I decided to leave it be and see how the land lay.


We sat in the ditch watching for an hour or so before he cleared his throat as if ready to talk. I waited quietly. “That was quite a story last night, is there more?” he asked. “Yes I’ve

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had quite a time of it” I replied “but it’s your turn to tell if you want to”. He became silent and I left the silent pause hang in the air. In my mind I decided to count slowly to ten and as always the other person began to speak before I reached eight. The silence just has to be filled. “It’s a bit awkward because I feel bad but good at the same time” he started “I blame the impulses.” “Just say it as it is” I encouraged.


OK, he began. My daughter is 16 and just legal, her friend Jem is nearly 17. For ages I’ve always thought of Jem as being advanced in her ways about boys and the like. She’s always dressed sexily with micro skirts and tight blouses, she’s tall for her age at nearly 5’8” and slim. Her hair is long brown and always immaculate. She strikes me as a bit of an airhead but reliable and solid at the same time. She and Lisa, my daughter, have been good friends for years and I often wonder and worry what they get up to.


Once when all the girls were at mine they admitted that they were still virgins but Jem wasn’t. She was there when they told me and didn’t seem at all embarrassed that I knew. Often boys would stay over and they would all crash together in various parts of the house but they explained that they were just friends and I believe that they were only that, unlike when I was 16, I would have been trying to fuck one of them all night, not this lot they just talk and then sleep. Quite boring actually.


Jem’s skirts left little to the imagination and one night when they returned after a party and were walking upstairs I called up after them just to ask how the party was. Jem stood above me with her arse clearly visible under her short skirt as she turned to answer. I tried to avert my eyes but she just turned round to face me and stood with her legs slightly apart so that I could see her tiny thong  and told me that they’d had a great time before turning round and carrying on up the stairs with arse on full view.


Then she would sit at the computer with Lisa and her skirt would be above her pussy and she wouldn’t have any underwear on and when I’d come to speak to them she’d make no effort t cover up giving me an eyeful of fresh pussy.


Quite often I would pick up Lisa and the girls and Jem would make a point of sliding across the back seat, legs apart, flashing pussy in thong or just bare pussy for me to see. She knew I looked, all men do!


As they neared the end of the school year and their final exams rolled by Jem stayed at mine quite a bit. It was easier for her to travel to school from mine for half a day than from her house miles away. It became the norm for her to be around and I didn’t notice whether or not she was there.


One day I got up about 3 in the afternoon having been on watch all night and went into the kitchen diner in my dressing gown to make a dink. As I stood there at the sink Jem came in and sat on the sofa at the far end of the long, narrow room. She sat there in white school blouse and regulation grey skirt with her right foot hooked up over her left knee and she was rubbing her toes. I looked and got an eyeful of white cotton covered pussy. I began to imagine what lay under the thin cloth and what it would taste like when she brought me back to reality with her words “Teri stood on my foot with her new heeled shoes and I’m sure I’ve got a broken toe, what do you think?” I looked at her and tried not to look at her pussy but at the foot she massaged. “Is it swollen?” I asked “A little I think.” She replied “What do you think” I was still staring at her pussy and felt my cock twitch beneath my gown “Concentrate” I thought to myself. “Can you have a look at it for me?” she asked “I’m having a good look” I thought and then trying to shake that thought walked over to her. She stuck her leg out in front of her and planted the sole of her foot directly in my lap, on my semi hard cock which twitched with the pressure and which I desperately tried to make flaccid. She looked up at me with a slight smile and said “Is it swollen?” I nearly asked “What, your foot or my cock” but held back.  She quickly added “It feels swollen to me” looking directly into my eye with a wry smile.


 I just stood still as she began to move her foot around slowly, pressing the sole into my cock as if trying to describe it to herself by touch. I began to harden more as she did so. To break the spell I blurted out “Let’s have a look at your foot then” and reached down and took hold of her ankle. I then pretended to examine it. She sat back on the sofa and moved her free leg to reveal even more pussy under stretched fabric. I could now clearly see the groove of her lips. My cock twitched and without the constraint of her foot began to tent my gown. “I can see some bruising but I can’t see any swelling” I said trying to sound medically qualified. “I can” she replied and when I looked into her face she nodded towards my cock.


This was when the impulses took over. You know how sometimes as you speak to someone you have this incredible urge to just lean forward and kiss them or reach out and touch them, well they are the impulses.


Before I could stop myself I said “Maybe you better check it out to see if it’s bruised as well” and letting go of her leg I stepped towards her. She hesitated and looked at the front of my gown and then taking a breath she reached forward and pulled the flaps apart revealing my cock which sprang forward to meet her. She stared at it for a few seconds and I saw the tip of her tongue absent mindedly lick her lips. I didn’t move. “Nice” she said. “I knew it would be” she just looked at my cock which twitched to be touched. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Oh just something Lisa said” she replied still staring. “What did she say?” I asked “She said she often saw you naked as she was growing up and thought you had a big cock but she wasn’t sure having never seen another one” I looked at her and tried to tense myself to encourage her to reach out and take hold of it.


Again the impulses took over. “Try feeling for a tender spot” I said. She slowly reached out and took hold of it wrapping her cool fingers around the heat of my hardness. I didn’t move and slowly she adjusted her grip to fully grip it. Then she began to move it around and leaned forward to look at it closely. I froze, not wanting to put her off in any way. I stood there for a few minutes as she became comfortable handling it and looking at it.


“What do you think?”  I asked “It’s nice, much better than Tony’s” she said quite openly “In what way” I asked as if this was a perfectly natural conversation to be having with my daughter’s best friend. “Tony’s is about the same size but seems to be hyperactive and not relaxed like yours. I couldn’t just play with his without him trying to get me to do stuff.” Feeling confident I said “You can play with it for as long as you like, it’s up to you what you do” she looked up and smiled and said “Will you sit down and let me get used to it?” I sat down next to her.


My gown fully open and my cock sticking up like a tent pole. She turned to face me and took hold of it then gradually she began to run her fingers up and down the length, I pulsed in response, “You like that” she commented “Oh yes” I replied. “What else do you like?” she asked “All sorts” was all I could say. She seemed to be settling in to stroking me and I leaned back. “Shut your eyes and let me enjoy myself” she said I complied and leaning back in the sofa I put my hands behind my head and shut my eyes.


She continued to stroke me and I knew not to move. She tried fast strokes and slow strokes and I concentrated on not letting my cum build up. Some precum oozed out and she rubbed it into the tip. Then I felt her move position and a tongue flicked my tip. I nearly jumped and let out a groan. I tensed waiting for the next attack and suddenly felt the red hot wet warmth of her mouth close over my cock. I struggled not to move and she began to lick and suck and savour my cock. This continued for a few minutes and the she set up a rhythm with her mouth. I couldn’t hold back the waves anymore and said “You’ll make me cum if you carry on” she just mumbled “MMMMM” and continued so I let the waves build and as I went over the top I moaned, she lifted her mouth off my cock and continuing the same pace with her hands finished me off. I shot gallons and it went on my stomach, on her hand and on my legs. I looked at her as she smiled and examined he handy work. “Nice?” she asked “Fucking right” I replied.


I sat still and she said “Can I do that again?” “You can do it whenever you like” I said. She smiled and got up and skipped out of the room, no sign of any limp. I heard her run up the stairs as I sat there covered in cum, my mind spinning. What had I just done, would she tell and all the other worries flooded over me.

The hide pt4

dilligat on Taboo Stories



“I’m not far off cumming” he told me through gritted teeth as we stroked our cocks in the dark, damp, cold ditch. “Relax, we’ve got all night” I said calmly. “there’s no rush, I’m only half way through my story and I want to hear yours before I cum” He stopped moving and I could tell he was gently squeezing his cock. I wondered how big he was but knew that I ha

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d to wait to be invited.


We sat staring at Tony. “Andrea, how would you like to be teacher for a while?” he asked. “OK” she said. “Good, I want you to show him how to finger a girl to make her cum then guide him to make you cum. I’m going to sit and watch” he wasn’t demanding or giving orders just setting out ideas we both wanted to do.

Andrea looked at him and asked “Shall I strip or just get naked?”

“Whatever you feel best” he relied. “Ok I’ll just get naked I don’t want him finishing too soon” she said kindly. “Oh! Don’t worry about that he’s still a dry cock, you and I can have hi all day and night and he’ll never cum and never go soft, but yes, just take your jeans off and sit back and show him how it’s done” I watched as she stood up, undid her jeans and pulled them off with her shoes and sat beside me on the sofa naked from the waist down. “Have a look at me” she said and put her hand on my arm and pushed signalling for me to turn to face her. I sat beside her and looked down. Her legs were open and I could see a slightly hairy slit in her smooth mound where my cock would have been. The slit was open abut ½ an inch. “See how my lips meet to make a slit?” she said. I nodded. ”when I’m not feeling sexy they are closed tight but now they are slightly apart and with a bit of touching they will open like a flower and get wet. Watch” She placed her hand over her pussy and folded her middle finger into the slit. It partially disappeared between the lips. She slowly began to move it up and down the length of her slit and with time added one then two fingers. “See how my slit has opened up?” she asked. I nodded. “It’s getting wet and stroking it is just like Tony’s cock, nice and steady” I looked over to Tony who was stroking his cock in time with her movements. “Now I’m going to play with my button” she said. Her left hand moved down and the fingers held her lips apart as her fingers on her right hands began to strum at the swollen lump at the top of her slit. “That’s my button or clit” she explained. “Like Tony’s cock, f you rub it enough I will cum”. She then began to push a finger into the hole I could now clearly see. “This is where your cock will go” she promised and if you fuck me long enough I will cum that way as well” she began to thrust he fingers in and out, they glistened with her juices. “Now watch as I stroke myself, work my clit and finger myself a bit at a time until I cum. I know what to do and when but when it’s your turn I’ll tell you” with that she lay back, her head on the back of the sofa and I watched as she worked at herself with increasing sighs and groans until shuddering, she let out a cry and her hand became noticeably wetter. She clenched her thighs and smiled with dewy eyes as she looked at me.

”Now it’s your turn”  I trembled as I placed my hand on her wetness. The soft hair was wet and the skin below it soft and warm. Put your finger in the slit and run it up and down it” she directed. I complied. “Speed up a bit, .MMM that’s nice” she murmured. I sat facing her, my right hand between her legs and my middle finger sliding up and down her wet channel. “Can you feel my hard clit at the top?” she asked. “Yes” I replied. “Good give it some rubbing, light and fast not long and slow like my slit” I knelt between her legs to get better access and imitated her actions b pulling her lips apart with my left hand and strumming her clit with the fingers of my right hand. A few minutes later she said “Push some fingers slowly into me, enough to fill me without stretching me too much” I slid two then three fingers into the warm depths of her pussy. I could feel the ridges inside her. “Now finger me” she said as I began to slide them in and out. Imagine your fingers in my pussy are Tony’s cock in your mouth and make him cum” I knew what she meant and adopting the steady rate I began to fuck her with my fingers. I incorporated some clit rubbing with my thumb, but the steady piston action seem to have the best effect and she began to buck against my fingers “Keep going” she called and I drove my fingers home harder and harder as her whole pussy clenched and crushed my fingers like an over tight handshake as she tensed and warm liquid ran down my wrist “OH MY GOD YOU ARE GOOD” she shouted for all to hear and collapsed on the chair my fingers still deep inside her.



We both looked over at Tony with satisfaction in our eyes. “Well done” he said “Now I want you both to make me cum and we’ll do some more tomorrow. Come over here and kneel down you can take it in turns to suck me,” we both went over and knelt beside his legs. Andrea reached up and took hold of his cock and leaned forward to take it I he mouth. Her tongue protruding she took most of it in and began to ride it. He shut his eyes and sat back. I moved my face close t hers and she pulled it from her mouth and pointed it to me. I opened my mouth and sank down on it. We took it in turns and then I was given complete control. I began my practised moves of hand and mouth. He groaned, she moved back and then i felt her reach under me and grab my cock through my trousers. I tensed at the first touch of a woman. Se then moved her hand up and undid the waistband. I lifted off his cock and she just looked at me and down at Tony’s cock as if to say,  ”Don’t stop”. I returned to my sucking and she pulled down my zip. I felt my jeans and pants get pulled down off my arse and down to my knees. Then after what seemed an age she took hold of my cock. “Nice size” she said “I could take all this and enjoy it rather than struggle to cope like I do with Tony’s” Tony, dreamily said “Don’t worry, that cock and others will be yours for the taking this week and what ever else you fancy.” She yanked hard at it a few times and said “You better be right” then as I sucked Tony to orgasm she worked my cock building up the waves and sensing when to increase and decrease pace. She made me peak on a wave which made my whole body shake and head swim but nothing came out. “Yes he’s still dry” she commented and carried on stroking my ever hard cock. Gradually Tony began to get ready to cum. “okay girl get up here and share the wealth” he called. She moved to kneel beside me and still stroking my cock put her face by mine. As his first punch erupted I swallowed and gave her mouth his cock, she swallowed the next wave and I took it back in time to get the next shot and then back to her until he had softened and we calmly sucked and licked it clean. She was still holding my cock. “Stand up and let me see you properly” she said and I stood in front of her. She pulled my cock in her hand and slid her mouth over it, the warm wetness making my legs buckle. “MMMM just the right size to suck as well. You better come back tomorrow” she demanded “I will” I said meekly. “Good we have to go out now but we’ll see you tomorrow for more lessons?” I nodded and pulling up my jeans walked out through the kitchen.


The Hide Ch2 Pt5

dilligat on Taboo Stories

The hide ch2 pt5


He continued


I lay back, cock in hand, stroking. The cold air around my hot cock felt nice. He talked calmly and almost without emotion as he explained every detail of his sex life.

“So are you getting to let her have more?â€Â

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 He turned towards me and in the dim moonlight I could see the glint in his eye. “Yeah, loads of helpings”


A few days after the toilet wank I was at home when the doorbell rang. I answered it to see Ricky there. She pushed past me as always and said “Where’s Lisa?” She made to go up the stairs. “She’s out” I replied. She turned and looked me up and down. “I hoped so” she smiled. She stepped towards me and put her hand on my crotch. “So is it true you’ll let me play with you without any hassle?” I took a breath, “What do you mean”. She grabbed my cock tighter and said “Jem told me you let her play with your dick without trying to fuck her and only did what she wanted you to do. Even when she let you fuck her you let her stay in charge.” I smiled back and said “I couldn’t possibly say” she nodded and said “I would hope not, gossip is for girls”


She then began to rub my cock through my trousers, I had been semi hard and quickly became fully hard. She grunted and said “Starting to feel nice?” I just nodded. She pulled down my zip and began to undo the button of my trousers. I stood still. She opened the front of my trousers and pulled forward the waistband of my shorts. Unceremoniously she looked into my shorts as my cock sprang up and said “Lovely cock”


I pushed the front door closed and looked at her “What would you like?” I asked. She had a hint of a blush and said “I want to experiment, I’ve spent hours thinking about dicks and sex and all those things and I just want to find out without pressure” I smiled and said “OK lead on” she walked into the lounge and said “Can I undress you?” I nodded. She undid my shirt and pulled it off. She pulled down my ready opened trousers. She then slowly pulled down my shorts and avoided looking at my cock. She pulled off my socks and stood back. I stood naked in front of her, my cock hard and pointing at her. She nodded approvingly.


“I want you to lie on the sofa and let me play” she said. I lay down and she knelt beside me to my right. She placed her hands on my chest and slowly ran them down my body to my groin. She circled round my cock and ran her hands down my legs. Then she did an about turn and ran her hands back up, this time more towards my inner thigh. As she neared my lap she said “Open your legs” I did so. She then wrapped her left hand around my cock and cupped my balls in her right hand. She rolled my balls between her fingers as if examining me for lumps. “They’re nice and even” she commented as she rolled them back and forth. She began to stroke my cock and tried to coordinate her ball rolling and cock stroking like trying to tap your head and rub your stomach at the same time. Her efforts were a bit stilted but she continued.


After a few minutes she decided my balls were ok and left them to hang. This meant she was now stroking my cock smoothly. She swapped hands and looked at me “It’s easier this way” Then she tried run her hand up and twist it at the same time. I looked at her “I saw this on a sex advice programme” she explained. “I think you have to be sucking it at the same time” I pointed out. She nodded as if remembering. Then she leaned forward and without any hesitation sank her mouth over it. Her teeth rubbed against it and I flinched. She pulled off and said “I can’t get open my mouth much more.” “Take your time and relax” I said as she went down for another go. This time it slipped in beautifully and she began to relax and move up and down as she tried to do the hand twist in time. Despite being a first effort it felt really nice, perhaps the amateur aspect made it all the more pleasant. I began to look her up ad down. She had a t-shirt on which had ridden up revealing her lower back, I could also see into the waistband of her jeans and her pink knickers beneath. Her hair was tied up and the fine blonde hairs on the back of her neck caught the sun. I closed my eyes and lay back.


After a few minutes of great head she stopped. “Will you have sex with me like you would with a girlfriend but stop if I ask you too?” she asked almost demurely. “Sure, you want me to seduce you and make love to you” She nodded. I stood up and pulled my jeans back on, she looked saddened. “Don’t worry I never start naked” she laughed and realised what I meant. I took her hand and helped her to her feet. She stood in front of me. I reached out and put my hand behind her head and gently pulled her to me. I began to kiss her and her tongue jabbed at my mouth like a snake’s. I put my other hand around her waist and began to stroke her back. She wrapped her arm around me and I felt her noticeably relax as we kissed. My hand moved from her head to her back and I felt the shape of her body through the t-shirt.


She had a strong firm back and tapered waist despite her full figure. Her arse was a smooth flowing series of curves like well set jelly. I ran my hands up her sides and brushed the sides of her breasts, pushing them together. Then I rubbed her shoulders and neck. She moaned as I ran my hands down her front and scooped up her large breasts. They didn’t move very far at all and as I suspected having seen them in the toilet, they were solid. Her nipples poked through the cloth and I rubbed them with the palms of my hand making them harden even more, she twitched as if a spark of static had travelled through her.


She began to imitate me, running her hands down my back and over my arse. She grabbed my buttocks firmly and cooed. “Nice firm arse and cock, Ambassador you are spoiling me” she joked. I continued to explore her breasts and I could sense she was tingling inside. I ran my hands down her front over her belly and took hold of the bottom of her top and slowly began to lift it. I pulled the hem out and over her breast and she lifted her arms as I pulled it off her. She stood in a pink bra which I suspected matched her knickers. Lacy and sexy not a day to day bra. She had dressed for the occasion. “Nice bra” I mentioned, she smiled, grateful of the approval.


I reached behind her head and pulled the pin out of her hair. This allowed her long blonde hair to fall freely and cascade down her back and pour over her shoulders onto her chest. “You fuckin’ beauty” I said in my best Aussie accent. She giggled self consciously. I then placed my hand on her waistband and undid the button of her jeans. She tensed as I slowly pulled the zipper down. I opened the flaps like a book and saw the matching knickers “A full set” I said. I ran my hands around her waist inside the trousers and when they met at the back I pulled them out from her buttocks. Slowly and carefully I peeled them down like peeling a banana. They fell to her ankles and she stepped out of them.


I stepped back and took in her whole body in one look. The lace underwear was a perfect fit. Her breasts, although big, didn’t overflow and weren’t trapped. Her knickers were high sided and shaped to exactly cover her blonde pubic triangle. This set had been bought with patience.  I took her hand and twirled her slowly around admiring the smooth flowing lines of her body and whistled quietly. She beamed a smile at me and I realised for the first time how white and perfectly aligned her teeth were. They stood out against the redness of her lips and the paleness of her skin.


I pulled her to me and began to kiss her with more urgency. She responded and we began to snog strongly. She ran her hands down to my trousers and undid the button and pulled them down. I kicked them off. She wrapped her hand around my cock and grabbed me tightly. I reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra with one hand. She stopped kissing me and moved away slightly to look into my eyes and said “You’ve done that before, most boys would be there for ages” he bra fell down her lowered arms to the floor. “Years of practice” I replied.


She moved back in and her bare breast pressed against my chest. She took hold of my cock again and began to rub it. I ran my hands over her arse and under her cheeks. Then I slipped my fingers into the leg holes of her pants and pulled them down. They slid to the floor. I grasped her wonderful arse again and reached under her. My fingers me in the wet channel of her pussy. She was very wet. I lifted her slightly and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. My cock sprang free and bounced against my fingers.


She took her weight with her arms around my neck allowing me to finger her as I held her up. I quickly found the walnut inside her and it was fully swollen. With four fingers flicking it she began to groan loudly and tensing, she released a warm gush of fluid over my hands and cock as she came. “I really am a wet cummer” she said proudly. “I had hoped so” I replied “I love loads of juice” and kept flicking her walnut. She developed a rhythm and began to cum non stop. She grunted with each wave and flood wave after flood wave soaked me. I shifted my feet to keep my balance and they squelched in the wetness of the floor. I was determined to keep her cumming until she was drained. She really was squirter and I began to wonder if she’d ever stop when she said “Stop I can’t take any more” in the voice of someone who’d just finished a marathon. Her face was red and sweaty and her hair was damp with sweat. I lowered her onto the sofa and she sank back onto it. Se lay back with her eyes half closed in pleasure and said “Eat me”


I dropped to my knees between her open legs and dived straight in. Everything was wet and hot and puffed up. There was loads to eat and I feasted on every fold and flap. She had fully unwrapped and her walnut was at the edge and easy to reach by tongue. I lapped at it hoping for more juice and she quivered with each lick. I brought my hands up and placed them on her inner thighs to give me more purchase so that I could really plant my mouth onto her.


She grabbed my hair and pulled me up and said “I want your cock” I knelt in front of her and pulled her down till her arse was off the edge of the sofa. My cock poised at her opening. “Sure?” I checked. She nodded “Give it to me”. I took hold of my prick and rubbed the tip up and down her slit. Her hole almost sucked it in. then I leaned forward and slowly introduced the length. She was so wet and open there was little resistance. At about half way I stopped and said “Definite?” she replied “After making me cum like that you deserve to take my virginity, no one else has done it like that before.” I was about to move when she shifted forward and sank herself onto me. I felt the thin wall of resistance collapse and she sighed as her pubes ground against mine. I looked into her eyes. She stayed still and then after a few seconds later nodded and said “Fuck me” I pushed her back onto the sofa and began to piston my cock slowly in and out of her like the rams on an old steam train, slowly building up speed as the inertia was overcome. She grabbed my waist and dug her nails in and began to pull and push me, drawing me into her with a jolt as our pelvises met. “Harder” she commanded. I began to drive home as hard as I could and the wet slapping of our loins became deafening. She grunted and moaned as I pounded at her. My sap began to rise and I drove home harder. “I’m going to cum” I shouted. “Cover me in it” she said and as the first wave hit I pulled out and blasted it onto her chest and belly, then each pump gave her skin a thicker and thicker coating. As I came she began to rub it into her skin like baby oil. Then she began to lick her fingers clean. “Jem said your spunk was tasty” she said through a mouthful of fingers. “Did she now” I said and leaned forward to kiss her. I had tasted my cum before and its taste on her mouth was unbeatable.


As we kissed and stroked each other in the afterglow she said “I’d better have a shower and go, Lisa said she’d be home in the next hour or so” she got up. “You knew she was out all along” I said “Of Course, I know exactly when she’s planning on getting in and by my watch I’ve got 50 minutes to clean up and get out before she comes home. I’ll be back in an hour and a half to visit her” she got up and bending over to give me a fantastic view, scooped up her clothes, and ran upstairs.

The Hide pt1

dilligat on Taboo Stories


The Hide



Sitting in the cold and wet each night for months in the middle of nowhere waiting for it to happen we had chatted about pretty much everything. We were told it would happen and to keep watch until it did and thatâ

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€™s what we were going to do. Our profession drew a mixture of people who all had a common thread. Their lives had wandered from the main stream for various reasons and they tended to watch in on normal society.


One night our conversation moved on to sex but this time there was a lot more honesty and a lot less male ego involved and we both recognised this and spoke openly and truthfully.


He asked how was it that I was bisexual and that’s where it started. An honest question openly asked. I then went on to tell him.


At the age of about 10, Tony, a 16year old boy who lived across the lane from me would sit in his father’s car in their garage at the rear of the house in the evenings while his parents worked at their restaurant in town. I first noticed this when I saw the glow from the interior light one spring evening through the glass panes at the top of the wooden  concertina garage doors. I heard the car radio and assumed he sat there listening to pop songs as they didn’t have a radio in the house. This was in the early 70’s when TV was limited and privacy rare. One evening the door was ajar and I went in to have a look. He was sprawled across the back seat, eyes closed, his knees in the air and when I looked down into the car I saw he was rubbing his cock slowly. Compared to mine it seemed huge and I was mesmerised. I just stood and stared at it as his hand mechanically ran up and down it. I had experienced hard ons but they didn’t amount to much. As I watched I looked up to see his eyes were open and staring at me. I was about to turn and run when he gave a slight smile which told me in that instant it was ok to watch. I stood there watching, my eyes switching from his hard cock to his eyes which stared fixedly at me as he rubbed away. He pulled his shirt up and then slowly, and in what I now recognise as a very controlled manner, he began to cum and spurt shot after shot of spunk up in the air which landed on his bare stomach. I watched as he milked himself dry and ran his thumb over his glistening head. A few minutes passed and he came to rest, totally relaxed. “Did you like that?” he asked smiling and in no way threatening. “I did. How did you find out you could do that?” I asked. He laughed and explained that as boys got older we all did it. This simple answer told me all I needed to know. I figured this was sex and what had been discussed in the school yard by boys who clearly said more than they knew. “If you don’t tell anyone I do it here you can watch whenever you want” he told me and I said I’d keep quiet.


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As we sat side by side in the cold pitch blackness of our dig out I could hear him slowly shift position as if to privately adjust himself as he listened to my introduction to sex.


Over the next few weeks whenever I timed it right I would stand and watch as Tony stroked himself. In the words of the song the spring became summer. I left junior school and during the summer holidays my 11th birthday came and went. I found I’d get hard watching and enjoyed the sensations I began to experience. I tried to make my cock spurt like his did but nothing ever came out although I did begin to get waves of sensations build up and then suddenly dissipate.


With time I got to sit in the car and watch and one night he asked if I had tried to do it to myself. I told him I had but nothing happened. He asked if I wanted to do it to him and he could show me how to do it so that I could get him to shoot and maybe I’d have a better idea on how to do it to myself. I jumped at the chance and soon was sat astride his legs stroking his hot hard cock in my small hands making the monster seem huger than ever before. I felt the pulses travel through it as the loose external skin slid over the hard inner core. As he began to slowly move his hips in his accustomed precum moments I recognised this and prepared for the gushes. His first pulse of cum was so strong I struggled to keep my fingers closed around his cock, such was the swell, and then in perfect timing, copied from the numerous times I’d watched open mouthed, I pulled shot after shot of cum out of him. It ran down my hand, hot and wet, and landed all over his belly. There seemed more than usual and I felt that this was as a direct result of my doing. I grinned like a Cheshire cat as the last drops oozed out of his tip and began to run my fingers over his head.

I was about to wipe some of the goo off my hand when he said “Taste it.” Comfortable in his company I lifted the back of my hand to my mouth and licked some off. It was the usual thick slightly salty egg white affair but to me it tasted superb. I licked my hand clean. “Want some more?” he asked. I nodded. He took my hand and slowly drew it through the mass on his stomach. I didn’t need any more help and scooped a load up and put four sticky, loaded fingers into my mouth and sucked them dry. The taste is one I have always enjoyed ever since. I scooped and scraped until his belly just had thin trails of cum left that I couldn’t collect with wet fingers. I was disappointed there was none left. “Nice?” he asked. “Lovely” I replied. “I thought you were going to lick the bowl clean for a minute” he joked. “Can I?” I asked before catching myself. He looked surprised and then after a second or so of thought said ”Sure” I leaned forward and ran my tongue over his slim belly. He twitched under my touch I tasted more spunk and began to quickly lick him clean. I became aware of a pressing on my chest and lifted up to see his cock spring erect into the air. I must have looked like a boy possessed as I stared at yet another source of sauce. “Look what you’ve done now” he mocked “you’d better clean that as well” I hesitated, this was his Willy after all. But I’d just been stroking it and licking his belly so I shuffled down his legs and put my tongue on it. The heat on my tongue was intense and so I started to lick clean what felt like a red hot poker which twitched and pulsed against my eager tongue. He lay back and moaned as I did so. Too soon it was clean and no longer tasted of cum. I sat up and wiped my lips. “You’ve got me started again” he smiled as he wrapped his hand around it again. I was about to settle back to see if he could squirt again when I heard my mother calling and sheepishly got off him and out of the car without a word. As I ran back t my house I realised my cock was rock hard and seemed bigger than usual, I had to slow to a walk to let it go soft.  


Forbidden Fruit

dilligat on Taboo Stories

Forbidden Fruit


It was a mid week night and all the cells were full, no-one was going anywhere until the morning so I knew I had a quiet night ahead without the usual turn around of prisoners. Being the detention officer this was a rare break in such a busy station. The sergeant said he wanted to make the most of it and asked me to do the regular checks whilst he found an office to do some reports on the computer.


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It was all going well until just after one in the morning when the phone rang. The sergeant said he’d just remembered that the man in cell 3 should have sobered up by now and needed to have his fingerprints and picture done.  I went to check and he was sat on the bench. I opened the door and told him  what we needed to do. He agreed and smiled openly.


He followed me to the fingerprint machine, he was about the same height as me, 5’6” and slim. Being African he had short black hair and quite a friendly face. “What time is it?” he asked in a broad accent “About quarter past one” I replied. “Oh my gosh! I have been here for a long time” I glanced at the main board where the detainees' details are written. “Yes since four in the afternoon” He laughed “I was very drunk” I chuckled and said “You must have been to take so long to sober up.” He just laughed the usual loud African way and shook his head “Too much whisky” and held his hand to his mouth as if drinking from a glass.


As I began to take his finger prints I noticed that his fingers were very thick and their ends were unusually wide with big flat broad nails. They were so wide that often I couldn’t roll them and get the prints completely in the box. It took several goes on his middle fingers. He laughed “Thick fingers tell the girls I have a big dick” I laughed with him and eventually got his set done. Then after his picture I put him back in his cell. As I closed the door he asked “What will happen to me now?” I checked the board and said “you will be spoken to in the morning and then we will decide” he nodded and went to lie on his bed.


Within minutes he rang his buzzer. I opened the hatch in his door and he said “If I am to be here until the morning can I have a wash or maybe a bath?” It was a quiet night and so I said "There is a shower but I will have to check with the sergeant." I then went to the phone and called the sergeant and he agreed but told me to take him to the shower and get the large paper towels for him to dry off with.


I took him out of the cell and down the corridor. At the end was the small shower room which was in fact a shower cubicle with a fixed shelf in it. I gave him the sachets of shampoo and soap and told him I would bring the towels. He thanked me and began to get undressed. I went to the store cupboard and got a pile of large square paper towels. Like giant hankies, for him.


I returned to the cubicle door and called through it “The towels are outside for you” The door swung open and he pointed to the shelf and said “Please put them there” I looked at him. He was naked. His clothes on a pile on the floor outside the shower tray.


In a split second I had looked him all over. The water ran over his taught black skin which was stretched over small but defined muscles. His shoulders were rounded and his stomach flat. He had strong almost hairless legs and then I registered his cock. It hanged there limp and about 6 inches long. He was circumcised and his purple/brown helmet was large. The phrase “Baby’s arm holding an orange” sprang to mind.


I tried to make it appear as if I hadn’t noticed when he said “See what I mean about having  thick fingers?” he joked. I took this as an invite to look again and momentarily stared at his cock. “Yes I do” I replied jokingly. “The girls love it, I am a very lucky man” I nodded “Yes, you certainly are”


I looked again and saw it was starting to harden and raise its ugly head. “It is quick to react which is also good” he said standing unashamedly in front of me as his cock rose, getting harder and harder. I felt frozen to the spot as I watched it grow. It ended up at a 45degree angle to his stomach and pointing directly at me. At a guess it was a good 10 inches long and thick. He was huge.


“See how quick I am to be ready?” he asked. “It is like blowing up a balloon” I just nodded. His bell end was taught and seemed darker. It shone and his whole length pulsed. “You like looking at it” he said “It’s hard not to” I stuttered. “Everyone says that” he replied proudly.


“Perhaps you want to touch it.” It gave a mighty pulse and bobbed upwards. I could feel my face flush and I felt like I was overheating. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears and thought they must be burning red. The sight of this perfect cock on such a slim fit man was turning me on in a way I’d never felt before. “Go ahead if you want” he said and I felt myself move towards him.


I reached out and wrapped my hand around it. I couldn’t close my fingers it was that thick. He groaned as I took hold. “You have a strong grip” he smiled. I held onto it and squeezed slightly feeling the hardness within and the strong throb which opened my fingers slightly. Absent mindedly I began to stroke him and felt the skin slide up and down the ribbed bone inside. He looked into my eyes and said “Good isn’t it” I gulped “Fantastic”


As he stood there I began to stroke the whole length and listened as his breathing increased. “ You are good at this” he grunted. “I’ve been practising” I replied beginning to relax and savour the experience. I moved in closer to him as he stepped out of the shower and turned my grip so that my palm ran along the underside and began to stroke him firmly. “Oh yes that is good” he acknowledged.


After a few minutes I stepped back and looked down at it. It seemed bigger and an overwhelming urge dropped me to my knees. Then without thinking I sank my mouth over the end and tried to take as much in as possible. When it hit the back of my throat I still had 7 inches spare to rub with my hand. “Now you will make me cum” he said and I just nodded. I set about sucking and stroking him and he placed his hands on the back of my head to help me time my stokes.


His cock slid in and out of my mouth, my saliva poured out onto the floor as I fought to suck as much as I could into my hungry mouth his shaft hardened in my fingers and I felt the hot saltiness erupt in my mouth. “Oh yes” he grunted as he filled and overfilled my mouth, I tried to swallow but the tide was too strong. I yanked at him and pulled every drop out before letting it go. Then wiping my mouth I stood up. My legs were shaking and felt weak. The floor was awash with saliva, spunk and hot water off his body. “That was one of the best ever” he applauded. I smiled meekly. He stepped back into the water and I stepped out of the cubicle without a word.


He soon finished his shower and I put him back in his cell without saying anything. I walked back into the main custody room to see the sergeant sat at the desk looking down beneath the wooden surface. Panic flooded over me. “Impressive show” he said “CCTV is a wonderful thing” As soon as I’d seen him I remembered the whole place except one or two areas was covered by CCTV and displayed on a bank of monitors beneath the desk.


I wanted the ground to swallow me up, no escape, total humiliation, the gossips would have a field day, and my career was over. He stood up and walked over to me “I think we need to have a chat, follow me”


He led me to the doctor’s room, one of the few places not covered by the cameras and where the most severe telling offs were done. I stepped in, he closed the door behind me. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he demanded “Giving a prisoner a blow job in the shower in the fucking nick, on CCTV with it all recorded, are you out of your fucking mind? Where the fuck do you think that puts me?” I waited quietly for him to finis, head down. Then I noticed it. He had a hard on. I could clearly see the diagonal outline of a hard cock under his dark trousers. I looked up at him. He paused mid flow “WHAT?” he shouted. I just looked at his groin. “Oh you want some more do you, you really take the biscuit.” He paused as if I had an answer. Then he reached for his zip “Go on then do your best” and pulled his flies down. He reached inside and scooped his cock out. It was average to say the least. I looked at it and thought of the big black monster I had just tamed and looked him in the eye. “I’m not sucking that” I said defiantly. I pulled down my zip, undid my trousers and pushed them to the floor. “You can fuck me instead.” Turning away from him I reached around and pulled my knickers to one side . Bending over the examination bench I gave him a full view of my wet, inflamed pussy and said “Come on do it” He moved behind me and grabbed my waist. With one hand directed his cock to my eager cunt. Within a flash he was inside me and I felt the filling of his cock. He began to thrust at me driving himself home as hard as he could as I pushed back. Within seconds he started to cum, the hot blasts hitting my inner walls. I reached below me and rubbed frantically at my clit trying to get off before he pulled out and only just managing to achieve a small trembler of an orgasm.


He pulled out and I turned to see him pull the wetness of his cock with his hand as if ringing out a flannel. He looked me in the eye and said “Don’t you ever cheat on me again, now get that CCTV tape or we’re both fucked” I complied, he was my fiancé after all.