diddler1944's Avatar
diddler1944 Member Since October 19, 2009
My Secret Love
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 6 + This was a good story in terms of emotional content and character feeling. Your imagination and creativity is there, you just need to work on your basic grammar and sentencing formats. In one paragraph you said nipples like 7 times, try and vary up your w
My Georgia Peaches - Chapter 1
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + I believe you have a real, workable story here. Although this is technically the first chapter, you did a great job balancing story with sex. Neither took dominance over the other.

Your technical skills are well done. No obvious spelling errors or gramma
Shaving Christy: Revised
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 6 + I remember reading this story when it was originally posted and I do believe you have made some positive revisions. I think you just need to work on your believability (12 yr old girl with 32C breasts?) and sentencing. I would encourage you to read some o
My Georgia Peaches - Prologue
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + I have to say that this looks like a very promising beginning to your story. I look forward to upcoming segments.

Congrats and keep up the good work.

My First Time Part III - The Scent of a Woman
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + Hey, I have to say that this was a very good series...it took me a little while to find out this last entry was here but it was very good. I hope you keep writing, this site needs more authors like you...congrats. Mike.

PS: Great self-rating...why not do
Harper Valley - Another Perspective
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + I have to say you did a good job with the story. I hope you continue with this. Good use of characters and continuity (had me laughing a bit at some points, in a good way). Watch to make sure that you don't write yourself into a corner in terms of what ha
She Was Perfect
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + I have to say that this was an amazingly well written story. Your formatting, sentence structure, and vocabulary was perfect. The detail you put into the story really pays off by creating an image of what is going on, which is what we all want here.
my girlfreind and her freind
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 4 + Some critical advice for a first time writer:

1: Proof read - get or use a word processor (like Wordperfect or MS Word)

2: Write your story, put it aside for a day or a week and re-read it, look for errors.

3: Keep writing, but read other people's stor
Noc 6
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + Very well done, one of the best series on the site in several years. I look forward to more writing from you. Everything in these stories is realistic enough and sexy while maintaining a sweet, caring side. Very well done indeed.

Camryn: C05
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 6 + While I've enjoyed the series so far, I was pretty confused by this chapter. Not for the lack of sex, which is fine, but with the very strange premise of this chapter. Not sure how this worked with the previous chapter. I'll still be waiting for part 6, I
More of My 14th Summer
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + Definitely a wonderful story as usual. Kind of wondering what happened to some of the people from the first set of stories (Jamie, Gina, etc.)? I know it isn't important to this year, unless they show up again. You have a very well rounded writing style.
Noc 2
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- 10 + Two of the best stories I've read in a long time. Very well done. I hope there are more chapters planned.

Summer sleepover
diddler1944 5448 days ago
- -1 + Nothing I hate more than plagerism. So unless you are the original author re-posting under a different name, that's not cool. Learn to write your own material. Originally posted in the Taboo section on 11.11.2006, "Summer sleepover" by Jo.