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angel261515 Member Since October 19, 2009

Bruno and I get Mom

sugaray on Animal Stories

This episode happened a few years ago when I was 15.  I was seated in the living room, on a Saturday morning, watching cartoons.  My mom yelled from the bathroom upstairs, telling me that she was going to take a bath; and since Dad wasn't home (he was out playing golf all day) she could take all the time that she liked.  You see, Dad didn't like for us to use alot of water.  He thought it was a big waste, and he thought that we needed to conserve the water that we had.  I guess it was just his way of being anal about something.  So, with Dad gone, Mom could use as much water as she wanted without someone yelling for her to turn the water off.

I could hear Mom running water from time to time, and I know that she felt like she was in heaven.  After Mom h

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ad been in the bathtub for about 30 minutes, our dog, Bruno (who was a rather large german shepherd) came plodding into the living room with his tail wagging.

I spoke to him, "What are you up to, boy?"  He just wagged his tail and gave me a little bark.  Suddenly, Bruno's ears perked up as he heard mom splashing upstairs.  I guess he decided that he was going to see what was going on up there, as he ran up the stairs.  About one minute later I heard mom yelling at Bruno.  I just sat there in the living room and paying them both no mind.  But, Mom's voice got louder and louder, so I thought I had better go and see what was causing all the fuss.

As I got to the entrance to the bathroom door, the site before me was one to behold.  There was my mom laying on the bathroom floor with her legs sprawled out in front of her.  I had never thought of my mother in a sexual manner- until that moment.  As I stood there, I took in her entire body, which had some remarkable dimensions.  I had never really noticed her breasts before, but they were huge; both tits were hanging down, and almost laying on her upper stomach.  Her pussy was gaped open and wet from the bath water- and then there was her butt, which was really big, just as I liked them.  As I stood and took in her entire body, my cock began to awaken from its dormant stage.

As I began to ccome out of my daze, I realized that she was yelling at me.  "Ray(that's me), what are we going to do?  RAY!!!" 

"Oh, what Mom?"

"I said, what are we going to do?  Bruno won't let me get up from here.  Each time that I try to get up, he growls and acts like he is going to bite me."

"What happened, anyway?" I asked her.

"I was finishing up my bath and I was getting out of the tub, when I slipped and fell on my butt on the floor.  Immediately, Bruno came over to me and began sniffing my crotch and tried to lick my private area.  Of course, I yelled at him to go away, but he wouldn't.  He was determined to continue his assault.  I must have made him angry, because he will not let me get up."

"Here, let me help you up", I responded.  As I reached down to try to help Mom get up, Bruno lunged at me as if he was going to eat me up.  In fact, he scraped his sharp teeth on my arm..

I stood there and tried to think of some  way out, and finally something that my biology teacher told me came to my mind.  He said that many times if a male animal thinks that his female counterpart is tempting him with sex and then changes her mind, he will not give up until she gives in.  I knew that this was not what my mom wanted to hear, but I knew I had to tell her.

"Well, what are we going to do"? she asked again.

I then proceeded to tell her what I had remembered.

"There ain't no way in hell that I am going to let that dog fuck me.  No way in hell!!!  That's disgusting!!!

"Well, it's your choice", I answered.  "You can just lay there until dad comes home and listen to him yell at you about using too much water- and tell you that if you had taken a shorter bath, Bruno would not have been up here."

"Shit!!  I don't guess I have much choice, do I?  I sure don't want to listen to his mouth all night.  How is this done?  I just need this to go by very quickly, and never tell anyone what happens here next.  I can't believe that I'm going through with this."

"I think you have to roll over very slowly and get on your hands and knees, so he can take you from behind."

"I can't believe this!!!!  SHIT!!", mom said.

Mom slowly rolled over and got on all fours, as bruno got on her back and wrapped his front paws around her stomach.  He then started humping like there was no tomorrow.  I could tell that, at first, bruno was having trouble hitting the honey pot, but when he did hit her pussy just right, he humped even faster.

Mom started yelling, "Damn!!! he's too big for me- he is going to rip me apart.  GOD!! he's hurting me.  OOHHH NNOO!!"

But, slowly, you could tell that mom was starting to get into this act.  She stopped yelling that it was hurting her, and she began moaning with pleasure.

"OH YEAH!!!  MMMMM  YEAH!! OH, you feel so good.  OOHHHHHHH I'm going to cum.  OH Bruno!!!!!"  You could tell that bruno was shooting his cum up into mom"s soaked pussy, by the fact that his sperm was running out of mom's cunt.

When bruno had finished fucking my mom, he got off her and ran downstairs, wagging his tail.  "Please, don't ever tell anyone what just happened here", mom asked.

I stood there in front of her, as I helped her up, and began stroking my erect 8 incher.

"What do you think you are going to do with that thing," mom asked me.

"I'm going to fuck you with it."

"Oh no, you're not.  You are my son, and I'm not going to commit incest with you.  That is just plain wrong. Move out of my way way so I can get cleaned up," mom spoke up.

I grabbed mom by the arm and pulled her into her bedroom.  I threw her down on the bed and I immediately got on top of her and started sucking on her big tits.  Mom tried, at first, to pull away, but that didn't last very long as I moved my mouth down to her dog-soaked cunt.  I kept flicking my tongue against her swollen clit, as she began to moan.  I knew that I had her, then.  She began pushing her pussy up to my face as I kept licking her cunt.

"OH, Baby- please fuck me!!  You have gotten me so hot that I can't stand it any longer.  I want your big fat cock inside my willing pussy.  I want you to shoot off inside me, and make me cum."

As mom was saying this, I began pumping my dick inside her as far as I could get.  I kept pounding her ass with my cock, until I heard her scream- "DAMN Baby FFUUUUCCKKK MMYY FFATT Pussy.  FFUUCKK my cunt.  God, you are driving me crazy!!!!  Here I go.  Shit!!!"

Mom's entire body began to shake and tremble as she orgasmed against my pounding member.  As we both climaxed, mom said, "I have to have more of that- I never knew what I was missing all these years.

Needless to say, both me and bruno fucked mom many times after that.


The Making of a Slut-Chapter One

hawthorne on Incest Stories

            Years later, I look back, having become the queen of sluts, willing to be degraded for a good orgasm, willing to fuck and suck any cock. Like last night when I bent over a urinal in the men’s room at my local pub and let two well-hung black guys fuck me silly and a third cum in my mouth, after which they gave me a nice golden shower while I frigged my raw pussy. But how did it start? With Dad really.
            Thirty-five years ago, sex wasn’t quite so available or easy to find out about, but I’d seen a few maga

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zines hidden in my father’s dresser drawer, mostly naked women and few men. So I laid in my bed at night and fondled my private parts, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted exactly until I turned 14. My breasts had suddenly grown, and I was wearing a B-cup bra. And boys had definitely attracted my attention.
            My first real date didn’t turn out as I’d planned, except for the part where I finally got kissed and felt up a little bit. I’d been dreaming of dating Craig, who was a two years ahead of me, and he actually asked me out. I was in seventh heaven. My father was really pissed off about it, but my mom said it was perfectly normal for a girl my age to have a date, even if the boy was 16 and driving. He was actually closer to 18, having been held back in school, but they didn’t know that.
            We had dinner at a pizza place where a lot of Craig’s friends hung out. They kept coming over to the table and asking him weird questions I didn’t totally understand, like were the cherries getting picked tonight. And Craig, beside me in the booth, would grin and drape his arm around my shoulder so that his hand just grazed the side of my breast. I sort of shoved it away, being embarrassed, and the guys would laugh and stare at my chest. Another boy said something about muff diving, but I didn’t get that either.
            I was supposed to be home by ten, so we parked just out of sight of my house and Craig didn’t waste any time. He slid over on the bench seat and started kissing me, his tongue in my mouth. And his hand was squeezing my breast, kneading it, pinching t the nipple which was getting kind of hard. I didn’t know what to do but kiss him back and before I knew it, his hand was under my blouse and inside my bra. It felt good, but kind of scary. I’d had the lectures from my mom about what boys wanted, but at the moment I didn’t care. So I only half-heartedly tried to push his hand away. He quickly unbuttoned my blouse and I tried to stop him, but he kept going, yanking my bra up over my breasts.

            “Hey,” he said, taking a breath, “You’ve got some nice tits, babe, it’s what guys like…and this,” he added, shoving a hand up my skirt. This time I grabbed his wrist, but he was a fullback on the high school team and outweighed me by 100 pounds or so. “What are you?” he said. “Little cocktease? I know what you want. Bet your sweet little cherry cunt is already creaming.”
            “Cherry?” I stammered.
            He laughed. “You are naïve. Means you’ve never been fucked. Never had a man’s cock in your hot little box. I bet the guys you were a cherry pussy, and it’s all mine.”
Now I was getting scared, but he started kissing me again and I felt him take my hand and put it on his crotch. “Feel that? Now that’s a cock, sweetheart. A real cock. Rub it up and down. . . . or do you want me to tell everyone at school what a baby you are.”
            I started rubbing, and he squeezed me between my legs, and pulled the crotch of my panties aside. His cock was getting harder and harder . . . and suddenly the door of the car swung open, and there was my stepfather, looking furious. He yanked me out of the car and told Craig to get the hell out of there or he’d have him arrested.
Craig screeched away and left me standing there, half naked. My stepfather spun me around to face him, and he had the strangest look on his face. “I knew what you were from day one,” he said. “A slut. Now march.”
            I tried to button my blouse but he slapped my hand away. “Might as well let the world see what you’ve got, you little slut.”
            In the house he shoved me ahead of him up the stairs. I was hoping my mother would rescue me from whatever punishment he had in mind, but their bedroom door was closed tight. I looked longingly toward it, and he shoved me again. “I sent your mother to bed, and told her to stay there. I knew something like this would happen.”

            What followed was only the beginning of four years of humiliation, servitude, and training or is it brainwashing? Yet it was all so pleasurable. My stepfather was a psychologist and hypnotherapist, so I often wonder if that had something to do with him turning me into a virtual nymphomaniac. More than 20 years later, I obediently drop to my knees and suck his cock when he ‘cums” to visit me. But in the beginning, I was terrified of him.

            That night he took me into my room and sat down on a chair, pulling his belt from the belt loops and wrapping it around his hand. “Take off your clothes, what’s left of them,” he snarled. “Let’s see what’s got your boyfriend so hot and bothered.”
            My eyes glued to the leather strap, I obeyed. In seconds I was completely naked. I tried to cover my crotch, but he snapped at me. “Put your hands behind your head, and push out your chest.” I did so.
            “Hmm, not bad for young and untouched . . . until tonight that is. Or have you been letting the other boys at school handle you? Maybe you’ve already got a reputation, and that’s why Craig thought he could do whatever he wanted.”
            “No, I haven’t, I swear. That was the first time.”
            “And the last without my permission” he said firmly. “I have a feeling about you, Linda. I think you’re very submissive, and I’m going to teach you how to do it properly.”
            “I don’t understand, Daddy.”
            “You will. Your mother does. But we’ll talk about that another time. First a little punishment is in order for your wanton sluttishness with that boy.” He stood up and before I knew what was happening, the belt slapped across my bare ass. I yelped and tried to cover   it.
            “Do that again,” he warned and I’ll whip those pretty little tits next.” He gave me ten more good ones, until tears ran down my face. Then he sat down again.
            “Come over here.”
            I walked within reach and he pulled me closer. “Is your pussy wet?” he asked. “along with your ass being nice and hot.”
            I blushed with shame. “I don’t know,” I said.
            He roughly spread my labia and fingered me. He smiled. “Dripping. So you liked that brat feeling you up, mauling your tits.”
            He yanked the tiny hairs and I yelped. “Don’t lie to me, bitch. Don’t ever let me catch you lying to me. Now, you liked his hands on you, didn’t you?”
            “Yes . . sir,” he corrected. “Or ‘Daddy’ if I tell you to. Now let me explain the facts of life, little girl.” He laid the belt in his lap and used both hands to squeeze my breasts hard. “Some females are just born submissive, born to serve, to be used, and they end up getting a great deal of pleasure from it. But their pleasure is not the primary goal. It is the man using them who calls the shots, who decides what they can and cannot do. For now I will be lenient in letting you have your immature little pleasure, but later, you will learn more obedience.” He switched to my crotch again and started rubbing the hard little nub I had discovered in my own explorations. He smiled at the look on my face and slid a finger inside my wet hole.

            Lesson number one,” he said “is that this hole is for a man’s cock, or anything else he chooses to put in it, purely for his amusement.” He wiggled the finger around and watched me squirm. “Good, it’s better if you like it, though I wouldn’t particularly care if you didn’t. Now get on your knees between my legs.”
            I obeyed once more.
            “Unzip my pants. It’s time you saw a real cock, because that’s going to be your focus, little girl. You’re going to learn to worship this dick of mine, and service it in every hole you’ve got. Your cunt, your mouth, your ass . . . all mine, all the time. I catch you so much as letting some young punk touch you without my permission, you’ll be sorry. Now take out my big fat dick.” Tonight you’re going to learn how to be a good little cocksucker. And then you’re going to learn how to service a man in every way.”
            Dad was right. His manhood was long and as thick as my wrist. I didn’t see how I could even get the enormous purple head in my mouth, but he pinched the sides of my jaw to make me open wide and taught me cocksucking the hard way --- suck or choke on it. He fucked my mouth and fondled my breasts, which he said I could only call tits from then on. As a matter of fact, no more health class words like vagina and penis and anus. No, the acceptable vocabulary in his presence was cunt, pussy, fuckhole, dick cock, asshole. In private he would only refer me to as slut, bitch, or whore, his little piece of fuckmeat. And every time he said it, I got wet.
            That night, I learned about the cherry picking. He made me lie on the bed and pull my knees back to my chest and spread my legs. At first he diddled my wet pussy and sucked on my hard nipples. He even licked me between the legs, driving his tongue inside me. I began to squirm, as much from the tingle it gave me as from the fear of what he was going to with that monster pole dangling hard between his legs. He straddled for a bit and rubbed it all over my face and made me lick it some more. “You’ll service this, little Linda, every time I want it, every time I tell you. You belong to me, my personal sex toy. Your mother bores me, you know, even when she grovels the way I like. But now I can see more interesting entertainment in the future.”
            He slid back down and rubbed the head of his cock in my slit. “Feel it, you hot little bitch . . . feel that big pole, that’s going inside you, all the way up your tight twat. You’re going to get fucked tonight, and fucked good and proper.” He began to push, and I cringed. He slapped my face. “Don’t even try to pull away. As a matter of fact, say ‘Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my pussy.’” When I didn’t answer fast enough, he yanked a nipple hard. “Say it!”
I swallowed hard and whispered, “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my pussy.”
            “Louder,” he demanded, pushing again.
            “But Mum will hear.”

            “Of course she’ll hear. I told her I was going to have your cherry cunt tonight. All the better if she hears it loud and clear. She knows what’s what. She’s a slut, just like you. Hell, she sucks of your brother’s cock almost every day. Now say it out loud,”
I was shocked, but did as I was told. My brother?
            “Fuck me Daddy. Fuck my pussy!”
            He pushed into my tight hole relentlessly. I cried out.
            “Relax, bitch girl,” he said, leering at me. “You’ll get used to all 9 inches of fat cock in you.”
            The pain was searing, but he thumbed my little nub, my clit, he called it, and shocks of pleasure kept bouncing around in between the spasms of pain.
            “That’s it,” he said, chuckling. “Keep squirming around on my cock, I like it that way. Push back, that’s good.”
            Deeper and deeper until I thought I couldn’t take any more, until I thought it was coming out my throat.
            And over and over he made me say the variations on a theme, “fuck me, daddy, fuck my hole, shove it in me, harder, harder daddy…..fuck your little whore.”
            He did fuck me, hard and for a long time. I was ashamed and humiliated, yet also squirming inside with sensations I didn’t even understand, building up inside me until I felt like I didn’t want him to stop . . . I did, but I didn’t.
            Suddenly he pulled out his cock and pointed it at my mouth. “Open up, little slut, and swallow Daddy’s nice big load of cum. Every drop or it’s the belt for you, and I’ll whip your pussy besides.”
            I opened and hot creamy salty sperm jetted onto my tits, my face and then into my mouth. “Swallow!” he said.
            Gagging, I choked it down. He rubbed his slimy cock all over my face.
            “Now lick me clean. That’s part of your job. Lick off your pussy juice and all that lovely cum.  Rub it into your tits, too. Hmm, that’s nice.” he got off the bed and said, “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.” Moments later he returned with his camera. “A new photo series,” he laughed. “Cherry busted, freshly fucked. Now spread your legs wide and show me the pussy.” He took several shots and close-ups of my crotch and my cum-covered face and tits. “Tomorrow we’ll do some video,” he said.

            Then he went to the dresser and took out some scarves. “I want your legs wide open all night, just in case I want to come back for a little more pussy. And besides, this will keep your mind on your new job. He tied my hands and feet to the bed posts of my twin bed so I was spread open. Then he ran his hand over my belly, down into my cunt, and the contact made me jump. “Sensitive little clit…that’s good. Tight pussy, perky little tits that are getting bigger every day. I’m going to enjoy your services quite often.”
            He didn’t bother to cover me with the sheet, but went to the door. “Of course your brother Derek will, too, but not quite yet. I think I’ll keep you to myself for a while. By the way, you won’t be in school tomorrow. You’ll be staying home for some more training.” He walked out and left the door wide open.
            Hours later I was awaked by the head of his cock being shoved against my lips. It was dark in the room. “Suck it, bitch” was all I heard, and I sucked Daddy’s rod until he was so hard he had to shove it into my cunt. He deposited his cum on my chest and face and left again.
            Light was filtering into the room when I awoke to see my brother standing over me, leering at my nakedness. “Well, looks like the little princess got herself fucked good and proper. Dad told me he’d had you.” He rubbed the front of his pants. “And I’ll have you too, you stuckup little bitch, once Dad’s had enough of your tight little fuckhole. Then you’ll be on your knees every minute you’re home. I like it doggie style. And Dad says you’ll end up a bitch in heat, just like Mom.”
            I was released only twice that day to empty my aching bladder, but never allowed to clean up. Later, Daddy came in an put some sort of electric dildo in my pussy and turned it on, sending shivers through me. “Once you’ve come a few dozen times, my sweet little slut, you’ll be begging for more.”
            Well, Daddy was right in the long run, though at first the idea of being his sex toy was mortifying at first. But he gave me tranquilizers sometimes that made me relaxed and happy. And now that everything was out in the open, he’d make all sorts of crude jokes about my sluttiness, even at the dinner table. He delighted in humiliation, for he was a master of the art. If there were raw carrots to be served, he’d put one on my plate, then tell me to stand up, pull down my panties and insert it into my cunt until dinner was over. Then I’d have to lick it and eat it. He’d sometimes make me come to the table naked, so that he and Derek could leer at me and fondle me. He’d make me stick bits of beef or cheese into my pussy and let the dog in, a friendly Labrador, who’d go under the table hunting food and end up sniffing and licking between my legs trying to extract the food. I was forbidden to do anything about it, except spread my legs wider.

            When I came home from school, a dildo firmly strapped into my pussy to have it ready for his daily usage, I had to kneel and kiss the front of his trousers and beg to suck him. If he wasn’t home, I was to suck off my brother first. I began to live my role, and loved the feel of the thickness between my legs whilst I was at school. I’d squirm a little in my chair and feel tiny waves of orgasm course through me. I was ordered to wear very tight blouses with low cut cleave and short skirts. The boys all leered and seemed to know I was a slut. And despite my father’s warnings to stay away from them, one day I had no choice for a conspiracy had been formed, led by Craig and one of his mates, a muscular black teenager, to have some fun with this 14 year old hot piece of ass. They planned it well, and thus I got my first taste of a double rape bent over the bench in the boy’s locker room. But that’s for another chapter.
            And the humiliation only got worse. Daddy had lots of interesting and profitable plans, and years later I still cream at the thought of being so thoroughly used


Rex the Wonder Dog

hfisk10056 on Animal Stories

                        REX THE WONDER DOG

Jane felt that when Susan moved in that she would be the roommate for her. She could tell by talking to her that she was real open, as she would have to be, as Susan would soon find out.

Jane had a big male rottweiller named Rex that lived in the house with her and Susan noticed that Jane treated Rex like a human. She saw that Rex was very well trained and devoted to Jane, they seemed inseparable.

As time went on Susan noticed that Jane never went out on dates or anything, which she found strange but didn’t give it another thought. Jane and Susan grew closer as time went on.

One night Susan came home late one night and heard noises coming fro

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m Jane’s bedroom, it sounded like animal noises mixed with human moans. Susan knocked on the door and asked Jane if she was all right but there was no answer so she opened the door to check and saw a sight that stunned her. On the bed was Jane on her hands and knees with Rex on top with his long hard cock driven into Jane’s sopping pussy and was pounding away with animalistic fury unaware that Susan had come into the room. Susan could not take her eyes off of the sight that she was seeing.

Jane was moaning heavily every time Rex plunged his massive cock into her pussy and for some reason Susan could not stop watching even though she wanted to, something deep inside her was

Holding her there taking in the scene and somewhere deep in her mind she knew that she had fantasized about just a scene but had ignored these because she knew they were wrong but still stood there and watched as this massive animal continued to pound his long re dick into her roommate.

Rex appeared to be on the verge of coming as his thrusts got quicker and he was whimpering more.

He seemed to be stuck into Jane’s pussy but knew from training that he needed to stay still until his knot that was embedded deep inside Jane subsided and was able to pull out of her well fucked pussy.

Rexs come drained out of Jane’s pussy and Rex made sure that his master was cleaned hourly before stopping.

This scene that Susan had witnessed really had Susan excited and her pussy was beginning to get damp and had her mesmerized until Jane recovered enough to look over to her and ask her if she was alright .I guess so said Susan.

Come over here and sit down said Jane and let me tell you about Rex and I now that you have seen this, I got Rex as a puppy with the intentions of training him to do just what you saw. He’s more dedicated then any man would ever be and as you can see he is much more endowed than any man I have ever known. He does everything on command and never on his own. So what do you think asked Jane, Susan was speechless not sure how to respond.

Jane looked deep into Susan’s eyes and could see an attraction there and leaned over to kiss Susan who didn’t move away when Jane started to kiss her slowly at first and then more passionately feeling that Susan was liking what she was doing.

Jane began to feel her body slowly and feeling that Susan’s inhibitions was melting began to remove her clothing and Susan allowed her to do it as she was willing to try something new but Jane had other thoughts in mind as she seduced Susan. Soon Jane had all her clothes off and Susan was lying on the bed. Rex was sitting patiently waiting like he knew what was going to happen. Jane then took both of Susan’s legs and pushed them up to lick her sweet pussy which was now dripping with juices from Jane’s attention Jane gave Rex a signal and he leapt onto the bed before Susan could do anything about it and started to lap at her pussy. Susan could do nothing to stop it as Jane had a grip on her legs.

Jane told her that she would give into Rex whether she liked it or not as Susan struggled in Jane’s grip but Jane was much stronger than her. Rex continued licking until Jane signaled him off so that she could turn Susan over which she did with ease all the time telling her not to resist because this was going to happen no matter what she said or did Susan began to get scared as she was about to to be taken against her will by a dog. When Jane had Susan turned over and on her hands and knees she signaled Rex to take and Rex leapt up on her back and began to pump his loins forward until his massive penis found its mark. Susan cried out in pain as this massive animal cock drove into her with fury it was the biggest thing she had ever felt as it drove up into her pussy all the time Jane was at Susan’s head holding her by the arms .Rex continued his assault of this new bitch with all his might as he had been trained to all the time getting deeper and deeper until Susan felt her pussy being stretched to its limit until Rexs knot finally went past and into her insides locking the two together while all the time pounding in and out .Soon the fear and loathing began to subside and pleasure took over as this animal continued his constant fucking of this new bitch soon she was thrusting back to meet Rexs thrusts and soon Rex started to whimper   and his thrusts were getting deeper until he went as far as he could and unloaded a torrent of hot dog come into Susan’s well fucked pussy   as Susan moaned heavily and began to come at the same time .It was a few minutes until Rex’s knot would subside enough to remove it from Susan’s pussy at which time a flood of dog come flowed out of her and as if by command Rex went down and licked Susan clean.

After a few minutes when Susan was able to regain her thoughts Jane looked to her and knew that Rex had another bitch to take care of by the look on Susan’s face