angel261515's Avatar
angel261515 Member Since October 19, 2009
A Dog's Tale
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 7 + Very good story. Keep up the good work!
I seduce the aunt of my choice
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 5 + Wow - write more about this! I enjoyed your story very much!
Chapter 2: Bull's Return
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 8 + Keep us up to date on Bull & his new bitch's escapades! You are doing a very good job!
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 8 + Very good story, I am looking forward to any new chapters you decide to write! Keep up the good work!
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 6 + That was great - hope you write more on your encounters with Jojo!
angel261515 5449 days ago
- 10 + The rating was supposed to be a 5, not a 3.

Sorry about that!